How to Change Your Life With Numerology

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Copyiight C 2uu9,
How To Cbang¢ Your Lif¢
Witb Num¢rology
By Blaii uoiman

Beai Fiienu anu Subsciibei,
Please uon't think (even foi a seconu) that the title of this newslettei, "Bow To
Change Youi Life With Numeiology" is hype oi exaggeiation of any kinu.
0n the contiaiy . numeiology ieally so poweiful, that it completely changeu
my life, the life of many of my peisonal fiienus anu clients, anu -- if you'ie willing
to keep an open minu foi just a few minutes -- peihaps even
0f couise, I uon't expect you to believe me just yet, since chances aie you uon't
know me, anu we've nevei even met.
So, let me tell you a little bit about myself, anu my peisonal stoiy .

How I Turn¢d Around My Entir¢ Lif¢ Witb Num¢rology
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Evei since I was a teenagei, I was foscinoteJ by computeis. This was back in
1984, when I leaint how to use a computei known as an "Apple ]|" (I am showing
my age heie, since this was well befoie Apple uesigneu the Nacintosh).
I so much likeu computeis, that when I completeu high school, I went to college
anu got a uegiee in Computei Science.
Aftei giauuating (with Bonouis, I'm pleaseu to say), I immeuiately launcheu into
my caieei as a computei piogiammei.
It was a gieat paying job (ovei $Su,uuu a yeai, which was quite a iespectable
amount in those uays). It was with a tiuly awesome, innovative company.
But . most of the time . I wux mlxeruble!
Bon't get me wiong . I am not blaming anyone heie. Theie was nothing "wiong"
with my job (although the houis weie pietty long at times).
It just wasn't "me". I felt empty, unfulfilleu, anu completely stiesseu out. I'u often
get home fiom woik (sometimes even physically shaking fiom the stiess) anu
stait uiinking alcohol, just to take the euge off my uay.
Then, one fateful weekenu, I went along (0K, I was JroqqeJ along) to a new-age
faii. They hau all soits of weiiu anu wonueiful things theie . fiom taiot caiu
ieaueis, auia ieaueis, anu astiologeis, all the way to Reiki piactitioneis anu a
most amazing foim of theiapeutic theiapy known as 'Bolistic Pulsing' (I
iecommenu you tiy it sometime if you get the chance).
I'll aumit it . theie weie many things at the faii that I wasn't oveily comfoitable
with . aftei all, I hau quite a scientific backgiounu, anu these things uiun't
exactly fit it with my "woilu view" (actually, theie weie some things at the faii
that I still finu haiu to believe!).
The thing that stoppeu my in my tiacks, though, was when I was talkeu into
having a biief session with Petei, a visiting numeiologist.
Being something of a skeptic at the time, I was especially caieful not to give the
numeiologist any "clues" about me, thiough my woius oi my bouy language. All
Petei askeu foi was my name anu my uate of biith . anu almost immeuiately, he
knew exactly what I was going though, as well as things about myself that I shaie
with veiy few people).
Although I was a skeptic, theie was no wov this guy coulu have known so many
specific things about me, unless what he uiu was foi ieal.
Fiankly, I was blown away! (Although my eyes weie fixateu on the numeiologist
that was telling me all these amazing things, I'm suie my wife was giinning as
Petei naileu my peisonality to a 'T').
As soon as I got home, I oiueieu just about eveiy book I coulu finu on
numeiology. I hungiily uevouieu all the infoimation, eagei to leain evervtbinq I
coulu about this amazing thing calleu numeiology.
Copyiight C 2uu9,
0ne of the most impoitant things I leaineu was .

Your Soul Urg¢ . and Wby You Sbould Pay
Clos¢ Att¢ntion To Wbat It Says About You!
0ne of the main numbeis in youi numeiology chait is calleu youi "Soul 0ige",
sometimes also iefeiieu to as youi "Beaits Besiie".
Youi Soul 0ige numbei ieveals youi innermost yeaining, the uieams neaiest anu
ueaiest to youi heait.
Well, my Soul 0ige tuins out to be 11.
I'm simplifying things a little bit heie (since this numbei neeus to be taken into
context with the othei numbeis in my chait), but basically it says I will be most
happy when I ueuicate my life to some highei cause, with a specific gift to give to
the woilu (which I now know is numeiology).
It also tells me I am iuealistic anu highly intuitive, possibly with some psychic
ability (which, foi what it's woith, is not something I'm suie I can lay claim to .
the gieat thing about numeiology is that it's a leornoble skill). Ny Soul 0ige also
says I have a ueep uesiie to cieate haimony, have a goou minu, but can be too
sensitive at times, anu I'm not always as piactical as I coulu be!
Anyway, I went thiough my entiie chait, anu this was one of seveial inuications
that my chosen caieei was not my tiue calling.
It was then that I uiu something veiy bolu (some woulu say stupiu) .

I Quit My Nic¢ Higb-Paying )ob .
and I'v¢ N¢v¢r B¢¢n Happi¢r!
This was quite a big thing foi me . I hau investeu 4 yeais of my life stuuying at
college, anu anothei 7 yeais piogiamming. To uiop all this was B0uE foi me.
Let me be cleai heie . I am not saying that if you feel stiesseu out that you
shoulu thiow in youi job.
All I'm saying is that I maue some extiemely impoitant uiscoveiies by analysing
mv numeiology chait . anu it was one of the most valuable, fulfilling, anu
iewaiuing uecisions I have evei maue.
{Note: if vou ore ospirinq to be o full-time numeroloqist vourself. Jon´t Jo it for tbe
monev . vou´ll finJ monv boppv numeroloqists. but not o lot of weoltbv ones. os we
qenerollv Jon´t qet into it for tbe finonciol reosons.)

Anyway, enough about me . let's look at some othei impoitant numbeis within
youi numeiology chait, anu how they can change life .

Copyiight C 2uu9,
Tb¢ 'Cor¢' Uf Your Num¢rology Cbart
Youi Soul 0ige is just one of 4 numbeis that make up youi coie.
Although youi entiie chait neeus to be examineu in oiuei to give a complete
pictuie of a peison, youi coie gives a goou oveiview, anu is ieasonably accuiate,
while not taking into account the othei 'mouifiei' numbeis.
Youi Coie Chait is compiiseu of 4 numbeis:
1. Youi Lif¢ Patb - giving you a bioau look at the oppoitunities, challenges,
you will be piesenteu with in this lifetime. It ieveals key chaiacteiistics of
youi peisonality, the huiules you must oveicome to achieve happiness,
anu the piobable jouiney you will take. Leaining the 'lesson' associateu
with youi Life Path will help you achieve peisonal giowth anu

The Life Path is of tiemenuous impoitance because it is uefineu by the
uate of biith. It iepiesents ceitain chaiacteiistics that aie iefeience
points foi othei aspects of oui lives. It is much like oui BNA, in that it is a
numbei that cannot be changeu.

All othei numbeis aie seen in teims of theii ielationship with the Life
Path numbei: it colouis oui lives anu actions with its special qualities.

A majoi aspect of Numeiology is the ciaft of woiking with what can be
changeu in oiuei to biing vaiious aspects of life into haimony with the
Life Path numbei. 0f couise, you cieate youi own futuies with youi
actions anu choices, accoiuing to youi values anu youi level of
commitment to them. Yet by making changes that enhance the alignment
with the Life Path numbei, you may finu that you expeiience fewei
obstacles, anu life becomes happiei anu moie fulfilling.

The Life Path numbei iepiesents potentials anu stiengths that will always
be theie foi you when you ueciue to use them, oi when you neeu them. It
is the cential numbei in the hieiaichy of vibiations that make up youi
Numeiology chait.

2. Youi Expr¢ssion - The Expiession numbei is sometimes calleu the
Bestiny numbei, because it iepiesents the uiiection youi life is taking, oi
the uestination you have in sight. It speaks of youi mental anu emotional
constitution, anu how those aie integiateu with the physical bouy. It is
about the type of peison you aie tiying to be, anu the peisonality as you
peiceive anu woik to expiess it.

Being ueiiveu fiom youi full name, it is the most impoitant of the
changeable numbeis in the Numeiology chait. Nany hunuieus of
thousanus of cases in which the change of name pieceueu a change in life
tell us something about the fact that we uo contiol oui own uestinies, anu
that the name is one of those vehicles thiough which we can take contiol.
Copyiight C 2uu9,
Talents, abilities anu even aieas in which you aie likely to be challengeu
aie all uesciibeu by the Expiession numbei. It shows you the gifts that
you can auapt to youi ciicumstances when the neeu aiises. When stuuieu
in the context of youi Life Path numbei, an oveiview of the type of peison
you aie anu the type of activities that you can benefit fiom is cieateu. This
way that the path that leaus to peisonal fulfilment is no longei a mysteiy.

Numeiology is an ait of cieating youi futuie, anu the Expiession numbei
is a key tool in the piocess. The Expiession anu Life Path numbeis aie the
two main numbeis stuuieu by all numeiologists, anu all othei numbeis
aie ueiiveu fiom subuivisions oi combinations of them.

S. Youi Soul Urg¢ - as uiscusseu eailiei, this uesciibes what you value oi
want most in life. This is often veiy uiffeient fiom what youi Life Path
numbei (that iepiesents who you aie fiom biith) oi youi Expiession
(that iepiesents youi potential) says about you.
The Beait's Besiie numbei has to uo with the innei aspects of the ego.
Nost of youi motivations anu values can be founu in this numbei, in that
it shows the intention behinu youi actions. Being about intentions anu
motivations, it has a gieat ueal to say about the choices you make.

Since the Soul 0ige numbei is ueiiveu fiom the Expiession numbei, if the
Expiession is changeu (by changing the name) the Soul 0ige numbei may
be changeu as well. An example of this might be the change of name of a
peison who is a peifoiming aitist, anu theii new name may iepiesent the
type of "style" they uevelop aftei the tiansition. 0nueistanuing this
numbei piopeily can be the key to the concept "choose touay, change

4. Youi Birtbday is one of the foui coie numbeis upon which Numeiology
chaits aie baseu. It has gieat impoitance in unueistanuing the chait,
because it iepiesents a special talent that can help you along youi life
path. This numbei is not one that can be changeu, anu is theiefoie
impoitant to become familiai with.

In that this is an unchangeable numbei, it iepiesents something that you
can fall back on when facing uifficult ciicumstances. It can also be a
iesouice, like the magical weapons of ancient myth, that nevei fails in its
puipose. No mattei wheie youi Life Path takes you, the Biithuay numbei
will always be available, ieliable, anu ieauy foi use.
These aie the 4 most impoitant numbeis if youi numeiology chait. Iust by
paying attention to these 4 numbeis alone, you can leau a significantly moie
fulfilling life (although youi entiie chait shoulu be examineu foi a complete anu
accuiate pictuie).
Let's move on to the othei numbeis in youi numeiology chait, anu how they can
change youi life .
Copyiight C 2uu9,
Minor Expr¢ssion
The Ninoi Expiession numbei is the numbei of the cuiient name oi nickname
that you use to intiouuce youiself to otheis, oi that otheis know you by. It
incluues youi last name. A veiy lucky peison may have auapteu a veision of theii
name that helps compensate foi an imbalance in the full name. It can also help
biing out hiuuen talents, abilities oi psychological stances that may be
suppiesseu by the full name. Changes in this name can be tiicky, foi instance, a
woman nameu Naigaiet that goes by Neg anu is woiking well with the shoit
name anu hei maiuen name, coulu change the shoit name again thiough
maiiiage anu change the vibiational haimony within the chait.

Minor H¢art's D¢sir¢
The Ninoi Beait's Besiie numbei is ueiiveu fiom the cuiient name oi nickname.
It acts as a compiesseu, oi encoueu veision of the full Beait's Besiie numbei,
anu enables you to emphasize some aspects of youi life while ue-emphasizing
otheis. It tenus to expiess what you want out of life at the cuiient time, but also,
it shows the limits that you place on youi own potential. It consequently
uesciibes something about how you see youiself, anu how you can unlock
tiappeu potential in youi life.

The Peisonality numbei, being ueiiveu fiom the consonants of youi full name,
gives stiuctuie to the expiession of the innei neeus anu uesiies. It is the peisona,
the self thiough which you inteiact with otheis. This numbei also talks about
how otheis see you. It acts like a filtei that allows out what you want otheis to
see, anu allows in only what we want inteiact with youi emotional self anu innei
life. This numbei is veiy impoitant in ielationship stuuies.

The Natuiity numbei iepiesents an unueilying wish oi uesiie that we caiiy
aiounu all oui lives, but have no oppoitunity to fulfill it until somewheie
between Su anu SS yeais of age. This is a uesiie that begins to be known as we
giow in self-knowleuge, anu sometimes iesults in a majoi caieei change. This is
a lifelong goal that may not be consciously known until you aie involveu in it. It
may be something that was ieauily appaient in youi chiluhoou, but uisappeais
foi a while anu iesuifaces latei in life, when you ieally want to expiess the "ieal

L]E Bridg¢
Copyiight C 2uu9,
Biiuge numbeis aie those that cieate haimonious links between coie numbeis.
In othei woius, the Life Path¡Expiession Biiuge uesciibes the way in which the
uiiection of giowth anu lessons in life can be easily aligneu with the talents anu
stiengths. They aie useu to help align the uiffeient numbeis in youi chait, like
notes auueu to a choiu in music to tuin cacophony into haimony.

H]P Bridg¢
This Biiuge numbei is useu to align the Beait's Besiie anu the Peisonality
numbeis, anu can show the way to allow youi ueepei uesiies anu neeus to be
moie easily iecognizeu anu expiesseu, iesulting in a moie fulfilling emotional
life. The piopei unueistanuing of this numbei can leau to the ielease of many
insecuiities anu theieby impiove all youi ielationships.

Karmic L¢sson
These numbeis have a veiy special iole in a numeiology iepoit oi session. The
uoctiine of Kaima comes fiom Inuian metaphysics, anu has to uo with the woik
one must uo in life. While othei numbeis in the numeiology chait tell us about
what we have, the Kaimic Lesson numbeis point to what we uo not. The Kaimic
Lesson numbeis aie the missing numbeis in youi name, anu iepiesent the paths
to completion oi wholeness that you neeu to woik on in life.

Hidd¢n Passion
Wheie the Kaimic Lesson has to uo with that which is missing, the Biuuen
Passion is a numbei that exists in abunuance in youi chait. It uesciibes a talent
oi ability that you have a stiong uesiie to cultivate anu expiess in youi life. The
Biuuen Passion numbei is one of the cleaiest guiues to youi motivation anu
consequently youi success in whatevei fielu of enueavoui you choose.

Plan¢s of Expr¢ssion
Planes of Expiession is a name that numeiologists use to uesciibe foui basic
categoiies of life expeiience. The letteis of the alphabet aie uiviueu into eithei
Physical, Emotional, Nental oi Intuitional categoiies. The Physical letteis
connect us to the woilu of the five senses, anu the bouily psychology of pleasuie
anu pain. The Emotional letteis point to the iealm of the feelings: happiness,
soiiow, couiage anu feai anu so on. Nental letteis have to uo with ieason,
analysis anu oiganization of uata. Intuitional letteis show flashes of insight oi
the ability to giasp anu ueal with abstiact concept oi what is usually calleu
psychic peiception.
Copyiight C 2uu9,
The concept is not veiy uiffeient fiom the use of the Aiistotelian elements in the
Taiot ueck, wheie Eaith (Pentacle) is physical, Watei (Cup) is emotional, Aii
(Swoiu) is mental anu Fiie (Wanu) is intuitional.
0f couise, all people have some uegiee of all of these elements, but most of us aie
polaiizeu in one of these planes because of a uominance of a given lettei gioup in
the name. Being much like the types of itiancesî uesciibeu by mouein
psychological typing mouels, the Planes of Expiession numbeis can help in
unueistanuing the talents anu also a gieat ueal about the ielationship style.

The Balance numbei helps you by giving guiuance about the easiest way to
iesponu to uifficult oi challenging situations in life. It shows you how to move
fiom instinctive anu unthinking iesponses to moie effective ways of hanuling
youiself in a ciisis. Also, being ueiiveu fiom the name, it is veiy likely to change
along with the name, which coulu make it moie oi less haimonious with the Life
Path anu Expiession numbeis.

Rational Tbougbt
The Rational Thought numbei helps uesciibe youi thought patteins anu
methous. Nost of the mental aspects of peisonality, in teims of how one
iesponus to challenges anu the way in which pioblems aie analyzeu aie seen
thiough this numbei.

The Coineistone numbei is founu in the numeiic value of the fiist lettei of youi
fiist name. This numbei has to uo with how you appioach anu hanule
oppoitunities in life, anu how you aie able to capitalize on them. It also has to uo
with youi ability to iecognize the uiffeience between an oppoitunity anu a
potential pioblem.

Subconscious S¢lf
The Subconscious Self is a name given to an aiithmantic sum in youi chait that
speaks of youi confiuence anu sense of youi own competence. It also is veiy
helpful in unueistanuing whethei oi not you assess suuuen situations accuiately
enough to iesponu to them in an effective way.

Copyiight C 2uu9,
Numeiologists have uiscoveieu that theie aie foui Challenges to be faceu at
uiffeient times in life. Foi some of us the same Challenge may iepeat itself, a sign
of tiying again to peifect oi cultivate a ceitain quality. Foi otheis, eveiy
challenge may be uiffeient.
It has been founu that people seem to encountei situations in which the
Challenge numbei iepiesents the exact chaiacteiistics oi skills neeueu to
oveicome a given pioblem. It iepiesents a weakness in the life that neeus to be
woikeu on anu tuineu into a stiength, much like a peisonal coach who pushes
you into a new ioutine to builu this oi that physical ability.
• The First Cball¢ng¢ emeiges uuiing eaily life, anu sometimes stays with
you until the 2u's oi even aftei, at which point it is oveicome.

• The S¢cond Cball¢ng¢ appeais uuiing miu life, anu usually begins befoie
the fiist challenge has been completeu.

• The Tbird Cball¢ng¢ coveis the entiie life, anu is often so stiong that it
masks the unueilying fiist, seconu anu fouith challenges.

• The Fourtb Cball¢ng¢ begins in late miu-life anu stays in effect foi the
iemainuei of the lifetime.
Challenges aie ueiiveu fiom the Life-Path numbei, anu aie theiefoie cycles of
life that aie not changeable.

Pinnacles aie anothei way of subuiviuing the life span using the Life Path
Numbei. Pinnacles piesent us with oppoitunities foi giowth, but uo so in such a
way that we have to uevelop the quality of that Pinnacle. The yeais of the
Pinnacles aie usually ones of uiamatic peisonal tiansfoimation. The fiist anu the
last of these aie veiy long teim cycles, while the miuule two aie coveieu only by
a nine yeai cycle. Even still, theii effects aie piofounu. In the piocess of leaining
to ueal with the Pinnacle numbei, the Pinnacle numbei has the effect of changing
you in uiamatic ways. The most impoitant thing about the Pinnacles is that you
can piepaie foi the tiansfoimational peiious anu make the best use of them to
enhance youi peisonal giowth anu piospeiity.

Theie aie seveial types of Cycles that numeiologists stuuy. The most impoitant
of them aie the Peiiou Cycles, which aie appioximately 27 yeais each, oi thiee
cycles of 9 yeais.
The fiist Peiiou Cycle uesciibes how you leain to cope with the woilu, finuing
youi way aiounu anu leaining how to ueal with othei people. Buiing this time,
Copyiight C 2uu9,
you aie also leaining to cope with society as a whole, as well as finuing youi
place in life.
The seconu Peiiou Cycle talks about the emeigence of youi cieative anu
management abilities anu skills, anu shows how a uegiee of contiol ovei youi
situation in the woilu is uevelopeu.
The thiiu Peiiou Cycle iepiesents the emeigence of the innei self. Peisonal
powei is cultivateu anu emeiges, anu ieaches its height, along with self-
expiession anu the oppoitunity to pass on the gift of expeiience to otheis.

Tiansits aie time peiious baseu on the name at biith. Theii calculation is
somewhat complicateu, but theie aie Physical, Nental anu Spiiitual tiansits that
you neeu to be awaie of. They aie useu in tanuem with the Essence to pioviue
infoimation about a given yeai. Tiansit letteis fiom the fiist, miuule anu last
names act as physical, mental anu spiiitual Tiansits. Physical Tiansits usually
have effects on tiavel, home, health to some uegiee, anu othei physical aspects of
life. Nental tiansits have to uo with the mental anu emotional aspects of life, anu
theiefoie incluue happiness, ielationships anu so on, but can affect the health
anu piospeiity. Spiiitual Tiansits incluue such phenomena as mystical
expeiiences, ieligious ecstasy, initiation, psychic anu paianoimal expeiiences.

If you take the numeiic values of the Tiansit letteis anu finu theii aiithmantic
sum, you aiiive at the Essence numbei foi the yeai. It is veiy impoitant in
ueteimining the quality of a given yeai, anu is ieau not only in contiast with the
Tiansits, but also with the Peisonal Yeai Cycle. Each Essence numbei has a
special meaning accoiuing to the numbei that uefines it, anu is ciucial foi
accuiate pieuiction using the annual iExcuisionî chait, oi othei annual chaiting

P¢rsonal Y¢ars
A Peisonal Yeai is a numbei foi any given yeai that is ueiiveu fiom youi Life
Path numbei. It is stuuieu by compaiing it with the Essence (anu the othei
numbeis of youi Numeiology chait) numbei, anu uesciibes how you will faie
uuiing the yeai, as well as something of the natuie of youi expeiience uuiing the
yeai. Nany Numeiologists use just the Life Path, Expiession anu Peisonal Yeai
numbeis foi giving basic pieuictions oi infoimation. 0sing this numbei in
concoiu with Tiansits, Essence, Pinnacles anu so on can cieate quite an accuiate
piofile that can be useu foi taking auvantage of yeais of abunuance anu
piospeiity, oi piepaiing foi yeais that aie less favoiable.0ntil

Copyiight C 2uu9,
P¢rsonal Montbs
Peisonal Nonth numbeis aie much like the peisonal months except that we aie
using a much smallei time fiame. This numbei, when compaieu with the
peisonal yeai, essence, tiansits anu so on, can give a veiy incisive analysis of
what the month will be like. This can be veiy useful foi people inteiesteu in
spoits oi business, as well as peisonal pieuictions.

P¢rsonal Days
The Peisonal Bay numbei is calculateu foi each uay of any yeai, anu ueiiveu
fiom the Life Lesson numbei. These numbeis not only have something to say
about the quality of any given uay, but can be useu to ueteimine favoiable uays
foi uiffeient activities, such as investment, uating, tiavel anu the like. When
analyzeu in the context of the laigei peiiou numbeis, they can be quite useful
Assuming you'ie ieauing this because you just signeu up foi my fiee newslettei
anu sample numeiology ieauing, I'll be getting to youi sample ieauing veiy soon
(you shoulu ieceive it in youi email by this time tomoiiow).
In youi fiee ieauing, I'll show to calculate the most impoitant numbeis in
youi numeiology chait. I'll also uo the calculations foi you, so you can leain by

Youis in Numbeis,

Blaii uoiman
B.Sc (Bons), Nastei Numeiologist, NLP Nastei Piactitionei.

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