A Novel Algorithm For Speech Based Authentication Of Digital Images Using DWT.

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Security of important data has always been an important necessity of human being. Traditionally important used to be stored in form of papers. Development of digital computers and computing technologies has enabled data to be secured digitally. Many algorithms have been developed for securing text data. Many secure data transmission applications has been developed. Authentication is used for securing content for authentication. Authentication can be done in special domain, spectral domain and in hybrid domain. In this paper we have proposed a novel algorithm to embed an audio signal into an image using discrete wavelet transform and a fragmenting scheme. This algorithm provides a better and faster encoding and decoding process as compared to traditional methods.



International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

)" * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,
A %ovel Al,orithm For $peech /ased Authentication 0f
1i,ital Ima,es 2sin, 134.
Atul Dwivedi
, Raghvendra Bhushan
National Institute Of Technology Raiur, National Institute Of Technology Raiur
atul.!oin"g#ail.co#, raghvendra2$%&"g#ail.co#,

A / $ 4 R A C 4
$ecurity of important data has al-ays 5een an important necessity of human 5ein,# 4raditionally
important used to 5e stored in form of papers# 1evelopment of di,ital computers and computin,
technolo,ies has ena5led data to 5e secured di,itally# 6any al,orithms have 5een developed for
securin, te7t data# 6any secure data transmission applications has 5een developed#
Authentication is used for securin, content for authentication# Authentication can 5e done in
special domain, spectral domain and in hy5rid domain# In this paper -e have proposed a novel
al,orithm to em5ed an audio si,nal into an ima,e usin, discrete -avelet transform and a
fra,mentin, scheme# 4his al,orithm provides a 5etter and faster encodin, and decodin, process
as compared to traditional methods#

Inde7 4erms8 Authentication9 -avelet transform9 speech authentication9 di,it place partitionin,9
:$%R, 6$;

I# I%4R012C4I0%

Digital co##unication and storage technology is i#roving very raidly. It has #ade conversion and
reroduction of intellectual roerty very easy '1(. Authentication is the way to rotect this roerty.
Authentication can )e used to authenticate the owners, license infor#ation, or other infor#ation related
to the digital o)!ect carrying the water#ar*. +ater#ar* can )e used to chec* the irated coy of the data
'2(. I#age Authentication is a very secure Authentication. The Authentication caacity of an i#age is
calculated )y entroy of the i#age.

, - . / log2/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 112

+here / is histogra# counts. 3istogra# reresents fre4uency of articular i5el in an i#age. ,ntroy
can )e used to chec* which i#age 16over i#age2 is #ost suita)le for hiding i#ortant infor#ation. It is
erfor#ed on two i#age shown. In ca#era#an i#age entroy is 7.%% and in circuit i#age entroy is
8.$&, therefore first i#age is )est suita)le for i#age Authentication.

In Authentication, a controlled distortion introduced into an i#age with a roer algorith#. This
algorith# is called encoding algorith# whereas for authentication of the i#age a decoding algorith# is
used. I#age is large data)ase of i5els. In this data)ase, encoding algorith#s usually identify redundant
data. This redundant data is relaced with the water#ar* data. 9everal algorith#s have )een roosed in
this field in satial do#ain, fre4uency do#ain and in hy)rid do#ain. In satial do#ain encrytion is on
i5el values, in sectral do#ain in transfor# coefficients and hy)rid do#ain, encrytion are )ased on
certain sche#es. In this aer, we shall first discuss different traditional #ethods for digital i#age
Authentication then roosed sche#e of authentication. At last we have resented resulted o)tained
after i#le#entation of roosed sche#e.
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

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II# $:A4IA< 106AI% A24=;%4ICA4I0%

In satial do#ain digital i#age Authentication is done )y #odifying the i5el values of the host i#age
':(. It was started with #odifying least significant )it lane of an i#age. To level authentication is done
)y #odifying ;9B lane and 2nd lane near to the ;9B lane. This is done )y considering the fact that
;9B lane has very less significance in the i#age. A R<B color i#age consist of three grayscale i#ages
and an A greyscale i#age 1generally stored as unsigned = )it integer2 is collection of = )inary i#ages.
Bit lanes of a greyscale i#age can )e searated into )it lane. This concet can )e #ore efficient if two
near)y )it lanes are #odified in encrytion. The #a!or disadvantage of ;9B techni4ue is its oor
i##unity to #aniulations. >ig1 reresents ;9B coding techni4ue. It can )e o)served fro# the i#age of
;9B and 2
lane that they do not contain i#ortant infor#ation. I#ortant infor#ation is stored in
and =
lane which are near to ?9B. It can )e concluded that ;9B and )it lanes near to ;9B can )e
used for encoding. >ig 11i2 reresents all the )it lanes co#)ined. Then fig 1 1*2 reresents all )it
lanes co#)ined with ;9B lane relaced )y fig1 1!2.

1a2 1)2 1c2 1d2

1e2 1f2 1g2 1h2

1i2 1!2 1*2

Fi,ure 18 $eparation of 5it planes for <$/ Codin, (a) <$/ 5it plane (5)
5it plane (c) &
5it plane (d)
5it plane (e) )
5it plane (f) >
5it plane (,) 7
5it plane (h) '
5it plane (6$/) (i) All 5it planes
com5ined (.) -atermar?(?) 3atermar?ed ima,e

III# $:;C4RA< 106AI% A24=;%4ICA4I0%

?any ti#es Authentication is also done in sectral do#ain, li*e in discrete >ourier transfor# 1D>T2
do#ain '&(, co#lete i#age discrete cosine transfor# 1D6T2 do#ain '@( and )loc*Awise D6T do#ain '8(.
In D6T do#ain Authentication the coefficients are #odified as follows

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

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xiB-xiC#a5'xiom ,sign1xi2Ðik( 00000000. 122

xi is selected coefficient and om is noise sensitivity inde5,
Di is the 4uantiDation ste and the value of * is in )etween @ and 8. By this Authentication #a5i#u#
acco##odated /9NR for rando# noise is 22.1 dB..
In literature, it is said that in transfor# do#ain it is )etter than secial do#ain. These are found to )etter
in ter#s of visi)ility and security of the water#ar*. In satial do#ain, D6T has )een )etter than the D>T
in ter#s of security. 9o#e author has clai#ed that Authentication should )e done at low fre4uencies '2(
'&(, so#e of the# say that Authentication should )e done at higher fre4uencies '@(, '7(. In fact in so#e of
the literatures it has )een roved that ro)ust water#ar* can )e o)tained using adatively so#e sectral
co#onents in so#e evolutionary #anner.
IV# =@/RI1 A24=;%4ICA4I0%

In transfor#ing to the fre4uency do#ain, ti#e infor#ation is lost. +hen loo*ing at a >ourier transfor# of
a signal, it is i#ossi)le to tell when a articular event too* lace. Ti#ing infor#ation is very i#ortant
in various i#ortant signal li*e )eginning of the signal, end of the signal, a)rut changes etc. In an effort
to correct this ro)le#, Dannis <a)or 11$&82 had ta*en >ourier transfor# to analyDe a very s#all
fraction of the signal at a ti#e, this techni4ue is called windowing techni4ue. This transfor# is called
9T>T. The 9T>T reresents a sort of co#ro#ise )etween the ti#eA and fre4uencyA)ased views of a

+avelet analysis reresents the ne5t logical steE a windowing techni4ue with varia)leAsiDed regions.
+avelet analysis allows the use of long ti#e intervals where we want #ore recise low fre4uency
infor#ation, and shorter regions where we want high fre4uency infor#ation '=(. >or #any signals, the
lowAfre4uency content is the #ost i#ortant art. It is what gives the signal its identity. The highA
fre4uency content, on the other hand, is not very i#ortant. 6onsider a hu#an voice If you re#ove the
highAfre4uency co#onents, the voice sounds different, )ut you can still tell whatFs )eing said. 3owever,
if you re#ove enough of the lowAfre4uency co#onents, you hear gi))erish. In our authentication syste#
we have ta*en these advantages into account for e#)edding seech into facial i#ages using digit lace
artitioning.>ig. 2 reresents difference )etween satial do#ain aroaches and sectral do#ain
aroaches, It can )e easily seen that wavelet analysis also have scaling infor#ation that is i#ortant for
identifying i#ortant art of a signal or i#age.

Fi,ure 8 1ifference 5et-een different spectral and hy5rid analysis techniAues
International Journal of
)7 * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved
+avelet transfor# has )een roved to )e #ore efficient in ter#s of security and ro)ustness of
authentication syste#s.
V# :R0:0$;1 $C=;6;

In general a seudo rando# se4uences are used as a *ey for e#)edding
i#rove#ent a recogniDed signature can )e water#ar*ed invisi)ly. But still )ecause these are not
encoded they are vulnera)le to attac*s. 3ere we roose an algorith# to encode seech signal of a
ersonFs na#e as encoding *ey which can rovide #ore security and ro)ustness in the security of
authentication syste#.

Fi,ure&8 :rocess of Authentication of ima,es usin, speech si,nal
>ig. : reresents a flowchart of authentication using wavelet analysis. 9eech of
i#ages are to )e authenticated are stored in a data)ase then loaded to generate a te#late using novel
algorith# resented in the co#ing section. Then : level D+T is erfor#ed over the te#late generated.
In the arallel rocess an i#age of sa#e erson is ta*en and rocessed using D+T and then e#)edding
of water#ar* is done using e4uations

Authentication involves e4uation 1:2. ;et us say i#age I to )e authenticated using water#ar* + then
authenticated i#age I+ is given )y

3ere Ii and +i can )e low fre4uency 1;;2 or low high 1;32 fre4uency co#onent and *G %.
VI# $:;;C= 4;6:<A4; B;%;RA4I0%
Recorded digital seech signal are store in for# of an
for#ation of an i#age, here we ta*e first @@12@ ele#ents of sound in an array and then convert it into a
#atri5 of 2&@H22@ele#ents. The ele#ents of array are ta*en and their digit laces are searated.
the #agnitude is a five digit nu#)er and so searating the nu#)er into its digit lace gives five nu#)ers.
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"#

+ !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved
+avelet transfor# has )een roved to )e #ore efficient in ter#s of security and ro)ustness of
In general a seudo rando# se4uences are used as a *ey for e#)edding water#ar* into an i#age, as an
i#rove#ent a recogniDed signature can )e water#ar*ed invisi)ly. But still )ecause these are not
encoded they are vulnera)le to attac*s. 3ere we roose an algorith# to encode seech signal of a
which can rovide #ore security and ro)ustness in the security of
Fi,ure&8 :rocess of Authentication of ima,es usin, speech si,nal
>ig. : reresents a flowchart of authentication using wavelet analysis. 9eech of
i#ages are to )e authenticated are stored in a data)ase then loaded to generate a te#late using novel
algorith# resented in the co#ing section. Then : level D+T is erfor#ed over the te#late generated.
of sa#e erson is ta*en and rocessed using D+T and then e#)edding
of water#ar* is done using e4uations
Authentication involves e4uation 1:2. ;et us say i#age I to )e authenticated using water#ar* + then
authenticated i#age I+ is given )y,
- C 000000000000000001:2
3ere Ii and +i can )e low fre4uency 1;;2 or low high 1;32 fre4uency co#onent and *G %.
$:;;C= 4;6:<A4; B;%;RA4I0%
Recorded digital seech signal are store in for# of an array. It has to )e converted into a #atri5 for the
for#ation of an i#age, here we ta*e first @@12@ ele#ents of sound in an array and then convert it into a
22@ele#ents. The ele#ents of array are ta*en and their digit laces are searated.
the #agnitude is a five digit nu#)er and so searating the nu#)er into its digit lace gives five nu#)ers.
Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&
+avelet transfor# has )een roved to )e #ore efficient in ter#s of security and ro)ustness of
water#ar* into an i#age, as an
i#rove#ent a recogniDed signature can )e water#ar*ed invisi)ly. But still )ecause these are not
encoded they are vulnera)le to attac*s. 3ere we roose an algorith# to encode seech signal of a
which can rovide #ore security and ro)ustness in the security of
Fi,ure&8 :rocess of Authentication of ima,es usin, speech si,nal
>ig. : reresents a flowchart of authentication using wavelet analysis. 9eech of the ersons whose
i#ages are to )e authenticated are stored in a data)ase then loaded to generate a te#late using novel
algorith# resented in the co#ing section. Then : level D+T is erfor#ed over the te#late generated.
of sa#e erson is ta*en and rocessed using D+T and then e#)edding
Authentication involves e4uation 1:2. ;et us say i#age I to )e authenticated using water#ar* + then
3ere Ii and +i can )e low fre4uency 1;;2 or low high 1;32 fre4uency co#onent and *G %.
array. It has to )e converted into a #atri5 for the
for#ation of an i#age, here we ta*e first @@12@ ele#ents of sound in an array and then convert it into a
22@ele#ents. The ele#ents of array are ta*en and their digit laces are searated. 3ence
the #agnitude is a five digit nu#)er and so searating the nu#)er into its digit lace gives five nu#)ers.
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

)' * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,
Two nu#)ers of the a#ong the searated digits of array ele#ent are used to for# a nu#)er which is
allotted to one of the three #atrices 1say B2 corresondingly the other two nu#)er 1searated fro# the
array ele#ents digits2 are used to for# another nu#)er which is allotted to the corresonding ele#ent
of the other #atri5 1say <2. Now only one digit is left, )ut we need one #ore digit to indicate whether the
sound ele#ent is ositive or negative for that either 1 or Dero can )e used to for# tenth digit of a nu#)er
with the left out nu#)er 1@
digit of array ele#ent2 at ones lace and this is allotted to a #atri5 1say B2.
3ence : ele#ents of three #atrices 1R<B2 are o)tained corresondingly ne5t nu#)er of sound array can
)e used to for# other ele#ents of 1R<B2 #atrices corresondingly. If the data is a four digit nu#)er then
Deroes can )e aended in R<B #atri5 values to for# three two digit nu#)ers. 3ere the IRF #atri5 also
shows weather the ele#ent of sound array is ositive or negative. A si#le rogra# can )e #ade in
which R #atri5 can reresent the ositive or negative ele#ents of sound array, if the ele#ent is negative
then tens lace of corresonding R #atri5 ele#ent will )e 1 else %. The ones lace of r #atri5 ele#ent
will )e engendered )y )ra*ing the sound array ele#ent into digit laces and fro# the ten thousand lace
of the corresonding sound array ele#ent the ones lace will )e for#ed. < and B constitute of nu#)er
for#ed )y thousands, hundreds and tens, ones lace of the ele#ent of sound array to for# 2 two digit
nu#)ers. But in conversion of i#age to sound data tyes #ust )e *et in #ind, as an i#age is dou)le,
uint= etc. data tyes which is different fro# that of a sound array 1int182. 9o the data should )e
converted first into suita)le for# )efore the conversion starts.

;et sound array ele#ent )e 18@:2. >or trans#ission, ele#ent are first )ro*en into digit laces )y ta*ing
)y dividing the# )y the 1%%%% for 1%%%%
lace 1%%% for 1%%%
lace and so. Their corresonding #od
is ta*en and then the lower value of integer is selected and stored in a :J2 #atri5 say 6,

CC D! 19 > )9 & E

Then RC 1!FC11GC1, BC1!FC1GC, /C1!FC&1GC&

The first ele#ent of 6 is Dero reresenting the ositive nu#)er. 3ad )een the ele#ent A18@:2, 6 would

CC D1 19 > )9 & E
The sound array ele#ent )e 12:&.
CC D! !9 1 9 & "E

Then, RC 1!FC11GC1, BC1!FC1GC, /C1!FC&1GC&

>or decoding inverse oeration is done. The digit laces of R, <, B are again searated and stored in a D
#atri5 of order:J2

>or e5a#leE RC! 1, BC)>, /C&" (i#e# data)

Then in decoding sche#e D- '% 1K @ 8K : &(
And the array ele#ent would )e
If 111C !, then
@ (I) CG (1!!!! H 11 G 1!!! H 11 G 1!! H 1 G 1!H1&1G1H1&)
If 111C1, then
@ (I) C ( (1!!!! H 11 G 1!!! H 11 G 1!! H 1 G 1!H1&1G1H1&)

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

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Fi,ure "8 Flo- 1ia,ram for ;ncryption Fi,ure )8 Flo- 1ia,ram for 1ecryption
>igure & deicts the co#lete rocess of encrytion. Any ele#ent L1i2 is )ro*en down to its digit laces
an then those digits are used to for# three nu#)ers for red, green and )lue fra#es which are #erged
together to for# a R<B i#age.
>igure @ deicts the rocess of decrytion of sound fro# the encryted i#age. In this the i#age is again
searated into its R, <, B fra#es and the corresonding ele#ents of fra#e are #erged together and signs
are attached to the# fro# d #atri5 to for# a single nu#)er which is the corresonding nu#)er of sound
array, After that #atri5 is converted into array.
VII# R;$2<4$ A%1 A%A<@$I$
The algorith# e5ecuted in ?AT;AB 7.1%.% software, in a core i@ 4uad core rocessor and windows =
oerating syste#. 9ound was recorded and i#age te#late was generated according to a)ove stated
algorith#. This te#late was encoded into an i#age using D+T and was decoded successfully.
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

>! * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,

Fi,ure > 8 0ri,inal $ound Fi,ure 78 Ima,e 4emplate Benerated From $ound

Fi,ure '8 Ima,e /efore ;ncryption Fi,ure I8 Ima,e After ;ncryption

Fi,ure 1!8 1ecoded 4emplate Fi,ure 118 $ound 1ecoded From 4emplate
A)ove figures, show the all the i#ages generated at various stes of rocess fro# te#late generation,
encrytion to decrytion and o)taining the original sound.
>or analyDing this sche#e we have ta*en facial i#ages of 1% different ersons as shown in ta)le1 and
alied this algorith# to these i#ages. 9eech signals of every erson has )een recorded as shown in
$#%0 0ri,inal ima,es Correspondin, voices 4emplates ;ncrypted ima,es

International Journal of
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"#

+ !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved

Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

International Journal of
> * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved

4a5le 18 Represents ori,inal ima,es and correspondin, voices of people, the ,enerated templet and the
ima,e in -hich the template -as encrypted usin,
Authenticated i#ages with te#lates have
i#age has )een generated as shown in a)ove ta)le1
The e5eri#ents were carried out on a)ove ten i#ages for hiding in an audio signal. /erfor#ance
evaluation factors li*e /9NR and ?9, values were calculated )y adding various noises 1such asE salt M
eer, <aussian, oison, sec*le2 to the encryted i#age with original i#ages of corresonding erson
as reference and grahs were lotted.

Fi,ure 18 :snr Analysis 0f 1! Ima,es 4a?en For ;7perimentation

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"#

+ !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved

Represents ori,inal ima,es and correspondin, voices of people, the ,enerated templet and the
ima,e in -hich the template -as encrypted usin, 134
Authenticated i#ages with te#lates have )een done using wavelet transfor# and
n generated as shown in a)ove ta)le1.
re carried out on a)ove ten i#ages for hiding in an audio signal. /erfor#ance
evaluation factors li*e /9NR and ?9, values were calculated )y adding various noises 1such asE salt M
eer, <aussian, oison, sec*le2 to the encryted i#age with original i#ages of corresonding erson
as reference and grahs were lotted.
Fi,ure 18 :snr Analysis 0f 1! Ima,es 4a?en For ;7perimentation
Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

Represents ori,inal ima,es and correspondin, voices of people, the ,enerated templet and the
)een done using wavelet transfor# and an authenticated
re carried out on a)ove ten i#ages for hiding in an audio signal. /erfor#ance
evaluation factors li*e /9NR and ?9, values were calculated )y adding various noises 1such asE salt M
eer, <aussian, oison, sec*le2 to the encryted i#age with original i#ages of corresonding erson

Fi,ure 18 :snr Analysis 0f 1! Ima,es 4a?en For ;7perimentation
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

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Fi,ure 1&8 6ean $Auare ;rror Analysis 0f 1! Ima,es 4a?en For ;7perimentation

VIII# C0%C<2$I0%

<rah for ?9, analysis of water#ar*ed i#age and noisy i#age which indicates that the ?9, of salt and
eer noise has #ini#u# value it give conclusion that it affects the water#ar*ed i#age hardly. The
/9NR of salt and eer noisy i#age is high. /9NR is the ea* signal to noise ratio, in deci)els, )etween
two i#ages. This ratio is used as a 4uality #easure#ent )etween two i#ages. If /9NR ratio is high then
i#ages are )etter of 4uality. It shows that the effect of this noise is less on water#ar*ed i#age.

IJ# R;F;R;%C;$

'1( ?in +u, Bede ;iu ,N ?ulti#edia data 3idingN 9ringer, I9BNE $7=A1A&&1$A2$$&A@, . 11$A1:8,
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

>" * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,
'8( R.<nana!eyara#an, Q./rasadh, Dr.Ra#ar, RAudio encrytion using higher di#ensional chaotic
#aS International Oournal of Recent Trends in ,ngineering, Pol. 1, No. 2, ?ay 2%%$..
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