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Kenneth Saldua

Maternal-Newborn Abbreviations

WCU Ontario


Maternal-Newborn Nursing Abbreviations/T Abbreviations/Terminology erminology ist

!" A#$ %Amnioti %Amnioti&& #luid $nde'( $nde'( ) is a rough rough estimate estimate o* the the amount o* amnioti& amnioti& *luid *luid and is an inde' *or the *etal well-being" $t is a +art o* the bio+hysi&al +ro*ile" ," AA % Average verage *or estationa estationall Age( - des&ribes des&ribes a *etus or newborn newborn in*ant in*ant whose si.e is within the normal range *or his or her gestational g estational age" The measurement is &al&ulated  based on the estimated gestational age %how many wees the mother was +regnant( in &om+arison to what is &onsidered normal height0 weight0 head si.e0 and develo+mental level *or a &hild o* the same sa me gestational age and gender" 1" AMA % Advan&ed Advan&ed Maternal Maternal Age( Age( ) Usually Usually de*ined de*ined as age 12 or more *or the mother mother at the time o* delivery o* her baby" bab y" Advan&ed maternal age +redis+oses to 3own Syndrome %trisomy ,!(" The ris o* having a 3own syndrome baby ba by rises with maternal age" 4" AMN$O % Amnio&ent Amnio&entesis( esis( ) Amnio&entes Amnio&entesis is is a +ro&edure +ro&edure in whi&h amnioti& amnioti& *luid *luid is removed *rom the uterus *or testing or treatment" The amnioti& *luid &ontains *etal &ells and various &hemi&als +rodu&ed by the baby and having it evaluated will hel+ identi*y &ertain +roblems with the baby" 2" A5OM % Ar Arti*i ti*i&ial &ial 5u+ture 5u+ture o* Membran Membranes( es( ) also also nown as an amniotom amniotomy0 y0 may be  +er*ormed by a midwi*e or obstetri&ian to indu&e or a&&elerate labor" The absen&e o* a *luid bu**er between the *etus and uterus stimulates uterine &ontra&tions0 whi&h are also  +romoted by the rush o* +rostaglandins *rom the amnioti& *luid" 6" 788 % 7io+hysi 7io+hysi&al &al 8ro*ile( 8ro*ile( ) measures measures the health health o* your baby during during +re +regnan&y gnan&y"" The 788 measures your baby9s heart rate0 mus&le tone0 movement0 breathing0 and the amount o* amnioti& *luid around your baby" bab y" 788 is done in the 1 rd trimester" :" CST % Contra&tion Contra&tion Stress Stress Test Test(( ) A &ontra&t &ontra&tion ion stress stress test &he&s &he&s to see i* your unborn  baby will stay healthy during the redu&ed o'ygen levels that normally o&&ur during &ontra&tions when you are in labor" labo r" The test is done when you are 14 or more wees"


;" C<S % Chorioni& Chorioni& <il <illus lus Sam+ling( Sam+ling( ) is a test done done during early early +regnan&y +regnan&y that &an *ind *ind &ertain +roblems with your baby" $t is generally done when either you or the *ather has a disease that runs in the *amily0 or i* the mother is at the advan&ed maternal age" =" 3<T % 3ee+ <e <ein Thrombosis Thrombosis(( ) 3uring +regnan&y +regnan&y maes maes the woman more more liely to have a blood &lot" This is due to the &hanges that are said to redu&e bleeding out during  birth" 7ut also when you are &arrying a baby there is a redu&tion o* the s+eed o* blood *low going to your veins whi&h send blood to your legs and ba& to your heart" !>" ?3C or ?33 % ?'+e&ted 3ate o* Con*inement( ) $s an estimation estimation o* when your due date or delivery date will be" This is not a de*inite d e*inite date that the baby will &ome ou outt is more o* an estimation" !!" ?#W % ?stimated #etal Weight( Weight( ) $s an estimation estimation *or the weight o* the *etus0 this is done in an ultrasound where they measure the abdominal &ir&um*eren&e %AC( and the  bi+arietal diameter %783(" !," #AS #AS % #etal Al&ohol Al&ohol Syndrome( ) #etal al&ohol syndrome is growth0 mental0 and +hysi&al  +roblems that may o&&ur in a baby when a mother drins al&ohol during +regnan&y" !1" ##N % #etal #ibrone&tin( - is a s+e&ial +rotein +rotein that literally holds your baby in +la&e in the womb" A*ter the 12th wee o* o * +regnan&y0 it begins to brea down naturally0 and is dete&table" $* your body is getting ready to give birth +rematurely0 ##N may be dete&ted  be*ore wee 12" !4" #@T % #etal @eart Tones( Tones( ) *etal heart tones %#@T(0 %#@T(0 is very ra+id0 mu&h *aster than an adult9s" $n *a&t it starts out near !;> beats +er minute %78M( and around !, wees gestation settles into the normal range o* !,>-!6> 78M *or the remainder o* the  +regnan&y" !2" #M %#etal Movement( ) is the motion o* a *etus &aused by its own mus&le a&tivity" a&tivity" $t is im+ortant to ee+ tra& o* how mu&h the baby moves ust in &ase there is something wrong" Women Women should start *eeling the baby move around wees !;-,>"


!6" #S? % #etal S&al+ ?le&trode( ) A *etal s&al+ 9&li+90 or ele&trode0 is a small0 &ir&ular &ir&ular00 &ors&rew-sha+ed needle atta&hed to a &oated wire" The &li+ is &overed with a long0  +rote&tive0 *le'ible0 +lasti& &overing and guided u+ through the mother9s vagina by the &aregiver doing an internal e'amination" e'a mination" $s only used to monitor the baby9s heart rate during labour0 usually i* e'ternal monitoring is not being reliable" !:" Bs and 8Bs % ravida ravida and 8ara( ) ravida is the number o* +regnan&ies that the woman has and 8ara indi&ates the number o* ,> ws births" !;" 7S % grou+ 7 stre+to&o&&us( stre+to&o&&us( ) s a ty+e o* ba&terial ba&terial in*e&tion that &an be **ound ound in a  +regnant womanBs vagina or re&tum" re&tum" A mother &an +ass 7S to her baby during delivery" !=" 3M % estational 3iabetes 3iabetes Mellitus( ) is any degree o* glu&ose intoleran&e wi with th onset or *irst re&ognition during +regnan&y" +regnan &y" ,>" hC % @uman Chorioni& onadotro+hin( ) is +rodu&ed during +regnan&y +regnan&y"" $t is made by &ells that *orm the +la&enta0 whi&h nourishes the egg a*ter it has been *ertili.ed and  be&omes atta&hed to the uterine wall" ow h&g &an be a +ossible mis&arriage or an e&to+i&  +regnan&y and high hC &an be multi+le +regnan&ies and molar +regnan&ies" ,!" @?8 % @emolysis0 @emolysis0 ?levated iver ?n.ymes and ow 8latelets( ) @?8 syndrome is a grou+ o* sym+toms that o&&ur in +regnant women who haveD @ ) hemolysis %the  breadown o* red blood &ells(" ? -- elevated liver en.ymes" 8 ) low +latelet &ount" ,," $33M % $nsulin 3e+endent 3iabetes Mellitus( )is )is a *orm o* diabetes in whi&h +atients have little or no ability to +rodu&e insulin and are there*ore entirely de+endent on insulin ine&tions" ,1" $U5 %$ntrauterine rowth rowth 5estri&tion( ) re*ers re*ers to the +oor growth growth o* a baby while in the mother9s womb during +regnan&y" +regnan &y" S+e&i*i&ally0 S+e&i*i&ally0 it means the develo+ing d evelo+ing baby weights less than =>E o* other babies at the same gestational age" ,4" $U8C % $ntrauterine 8ressure Catheter( ) is o*ten used in labor indu&tion tto o hel+ measure the e'a&t *or&e o* the &ontra&tions during labor" This &an hel+ your do&tor or midwi*e determine the amount o* +ito&in to use"


,2" A % arge arge *or estitional Age( ) arge *or gestational gestational age %A( means that a *etus or  in*ant is larger or more develo+ed than normal *or the baby9s gestational age" A re*ers to a *etus or in*ant who is larger than e'+e&ted e'+e& ted *or the age and gender or with a birth weight above the =>th +er&entile" ,6" M8 % ast Menstrual Menstrual 8eriod( ) is the noted last menstrual +eriod that the mother had" This is used to &al&ulate the estimated delivery date" d ate" ,:" N$CU % Neonatal $ntensive $ntensive Care Unit( ) is an intensive &are unit s+e& s+e& in the &are o* ill or +remature newborn in*ants" Their &om+eten&ies in&lude the administration o* high-ris medi&ations0 management o* high-a&uity +atients reFuiring ventilator su++ort0 surgi&al &are0 resus&itation0 and advan&ed interventions0 as well as &hroni&-&are management or lower a&uity &ares asso&iated with +remature +re mature in*ants su&h as *eeding intoleran&e0 +hotothera+y0 or administering antibioti&s" an tibioti&s" ,;" NST % Non-Stess Test( Test( ) is a sim+le0 sim+le0 non-invasive test +er*ormed in +regnan&ies over ,; wees gestation" The test is named Gnon-stressH be&ause no stress is +la&ed on the *etus during the test" Movement0 heart rate and Grea&tivityH o* heart rate to movement is measured *or ,>-1> minutes" $* the baby does not move0 it does not ne&essarily indi&ate that there is a +roblemI the baby &ould ust be aslee+" ,=" 8$3 % 8elvi& $n*lammatory $n*lammatory 3isease( ) re*ers to in*e&tion o* the uterus %womb(0 *allo+ian tubes %tubes that &arry eggs *rom the ovaries to the uterus( and other re+rodu&tive organs that &auses sym+toms su&h as lower abdominal +ain" 8$3 &an damage the *allo+ian tubes and tissues in and near the uterus and ovaries" 8$3 &an lead to serious &onseFuen&es in&luding in*ertility0 e&to+i& +regnan&y %a +regnan&y in the *allo+ian tube or elsewhere outside o* the womb(0 abs&ess *ormation0 and &hroni& +elvi& +ain" 1>" 885OM % 8rolonged 8remature 5u+ture o* Membranes( ) a &ondition in whi&h the membrane ru+ture o&&urs be*ore b e*ore 1: wees o* +regnan&y" Jou Jou are most at ris i* you smoe during +regnan&y0 have had a +revious early membrane ru+ture0 or had vaginal


 bleeding during your +regnan&y" The sym+toms sym+toms o* both &onditions are leaing or gushing o* *luid *rom the vagina" The way to tell whether you9re leaing amnioti& *luid and not urine is by taing the sni** testD $* it smells lie ammonia0 it9s +robably urine" $* it has a somewhat sweet smell0 it9s +robably amnioti& *luid" 1!" 8ree&lam+sia ) 8ree&lam+sia 8ree&lam+sia is when a +regnant woman develo+s high high blood +ressure and +rotein in the urine a*ter the ,>th wee %late ,nd or 1rd trimester( o* +regnan&y" 1," 8T % 8reterm abor( ) 8reterm labor o&&urs be*ore be*ore 1: wees o* +regnan&y" Signs o*  +reterm labor  su&h as &ontra&tions or &ram+s 11" 53S % 5es+iratory 3istress 3istress syndrome( ) 5es+iratory distress syndrome %53S( is a  breathing disorder that a**e&ts newborns" 53S rarely rarely o&&urs in *ull-term in*ants" The disorder is more &ommon in +remature in*ants born about 6 wees or more be*ore their due dates" 14" SA % Small Small *or estational Age( Age( ) means a develo+ing baby in the womb or an in*ant is smaller in si.e than normal *or the baby9s bab y9s gender and gestational age" The most widely used de*inition o* SA is birth weight below the !>th +er&entile" 12" S$3S % Sudden $n*ant 3eath Syndrome( Syndrome( ) is the une'+e&ted0 sudden death o* a &hild under age ! in whi&h an auto+sy does not show an e'+lainable &ause o* death" Almost all S$3S deaths o&&ur without any warning or sym+toms when the in*ant is thought to be slee+ing" 16" S5OM % S+ontaneous 5u+ture o* Membranes( Membranes( ) usually o&&urs during normal labor ) but membranes &an ru+ture be*ore labor also and an d this &an a**e&t +rogress o* labor" 1:" ST$ % Se'ually Transmitted Transmitted $n*e&tions( ) A Are re in*e&tions a +erson &an get by having se' %genital0 oral or anal( with someone who has h as one o* these in*e&tions" Many in*e&ted individuals do not now they have an ST$ be&ause some ST$s &ause no sym+toms" ST$s +ose s+e&ial riss *or +regnant women and their babies" 1;" TTN % Transient Transient Ta&hy+nea Ta&hy+nea o* Newborn( ) is a sel*-limited disease &ommon in in*ants throughout the world and is en&ountered en&ou ntered by all +hysi&ians who &are *or newborn in*ants"


$n*ants with transient ta&hy+nea o* the newborn +resent + resent within the *irst *ew hours o* li*e with ta&hy+nea0 in&reased o'ygen reFuirement0 and A7s that do not re*le&t &arbon dio'ide retention" 1=" UC % Uterine Contra&tion( Contra&tion( ) a rhythmi& tightening in in labor o* the u++er uterine mus&ulature that &ontra&ts the si.e o* the uterus and +ushes the *etus toward the birth &anal" 4>" <7AC % <aginal <aginal 7irth A*ter A*ter Cesarean( ) A*ter having a &-se&tion on your ne't delivery you have a &hoi&e &h oi&e o* getting a &-se&tion again or try giving birth vaginally" 4!" <? %<aginal %<aginal ?'am( ) is an e'am o* the vagina" The @C8 &an see more i* they +la&e there *ingers in there to see where the labor is at"

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