American Psychological Association (APA)

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American Psychological Association (APA)



Th e W ritin g C en ter P University of W isconsin-M adison

American Psychological Association (APA) Documentation
Th is h an d o u t b egins w ith ge n era l gu idelin es ab o u t th e parts of a p ap er yo u need to do cu m en t, an d th en presen ts a brief th overview of the APA docum entation system as described in the 6 edition of the Publication M anual of the Am erican Psychological Association (2009). Th e section s th at fo llo w describe an d illu strate (I) th e referen ce list an d (II) text citatio n s. The hand ou t ends w ith a list of add ition al resou rces on AP A style.

What to Document
Be sure to docum ent all the sources you ’ ve used in writing your paper. You ’ ll need to cite sources for P P P P direct quotations parap h rases an d sum m aries o f id ea s an d in fo rm atio n fro m sou rces, inform ation and ideas that are not comm on knowledge or are not available in a standard reference work, and any other borrowed material that might appear to be your own if there were no citation.

Fo r m o re in fo rm atio n on w h at nee d s to be d o cu m en ted , ask yo u r cou rse in structo r, an d co n su lt the W ritin g C en ter’s h an d o u t on qu o tin g, parap h rasin g, an d ackn o w led ging so u rces.

Overview of APA Documentation
Th e APA do cu m en ta tion system is co m m o n ly u sed in th e social scien ce s an d ed u ca tion , as w ell as in fields su ch as n u rsin g. It is a paren th etical do cu men tatio n system. Th at mean s yo u will place citatio n s to so u rces in paren th eses with in yo u r own sentences (usually the author ’ s last nam e and the year of publication) to indicate you have used ideas, inform ation, and quotations from sources at that particular spot in your paper. The parenthetical inform ation points to specific sources in an alphabetized list of references (titled References, n o t Bibliography) at the en d of yo u r pap er.

I. Creating the Reference List for Your Paper
Begin the reference list on a new page, and title that page References (do not use italics). List only sources you have cited, and list all of these except for person al com m un ication s (e.g., interview s, letters, e-m ails, m essages from una rchived d iscu ssion gro u p s, or an y oth er m aterial n o t accessible to yo u r read ers). D o u b le -spa ce all text (not as spaced in the exam ples in this han do ut) unless your instructor advises otherw ise. In gen era l, o rd er th e referen ce list alp h ab etically by au th o rs ’ surn am es, b ut fo llo w these gu id elines fo r sp ecial cases: # Sa m e a u th o r(s), d ifferen t years: ord er b y year of pu b lica tio n , ea rliest to latest. A lib ali, M . W . (1999). H o w ch ild ren . . . . A lib ali, M . W . (2005). M ech an ism s of ch an ge . . . . # Sam e autho r(s), sam e year: order alph abetically by first w ord of the title (exclud ing a , an , o r the), an d ad d a lo w erca se a, b , etc., to the yea r. W eist, M . D ., & Christo d u lu, K. V . (2000a). Bette r m en ta l h ealth ca re. . . . W eist, M . D ., & Christo d u lu, K. V . (2000b ). E xp an d ed sch o o l m en ta l h ealth pro gra m s. . . . # Sa m e in itial nam e(s) in m u ltip le-au th o r en tries: alp h ab etize acco rd in g to the first su rn am e th at differs. H arper, G. F., M allette, B., M ahead y, L., Bentley, A., & M oo re, J. (1995) H arper, G. F., M allette, B., M ahead y, L., Parkes, V., & M oo re, J. (1993)

The UW -M adison W riting Center A PA D o cu m en ta tion --2

General Principles About References for Electronic Sources
The general principle in APA style is to include the sam e inform ation as you would for a print source, in the sam e order, and ad d ju st en o u gh in form ation ab o u t fin d ing th e sou rce electro n ically to help th e read er o f yo u r p ap er fin d th at referen ce . If an on lin e so u rce h as a d igital ob ject id en tifier (DO I), a p erm an en t id en tifier fo r an electron ic p u b lica tio n , yo u sho u ld use tha t in stead of a U RL.

if . . .
if a pub lication includ es a digital ob ject id en tifier (D O I), a perm anent identifier for an electronic publication

you should . . .
u se th e D O I inste a d of a U R L

here are examples . . .
A lib ali, M . W ., Ph illip s, K. M . O ., & Fisch er, A. D . (2009). Learn in g n ew pro b lem -solvin g strategies lea d s to ch an ges in pro b lem rep resen ta tion . Cogn itive D evelop m ent, 24, 89-101. doi:10.1016 G aud io , J. L., & Sn o w d o n , C. T. (2008). Sp atial cu es m o re salient than color cues in cotton-top tam arins (Saguinus oedipus) reversa l lea rn ing. Journal of Com pa rative Psycholog y, 122, 441-444. do i: 10.1037/0735-7036.122.4.441

if you retrieved a journal o r n ew sp ap er a rticle o n line b u t it does not have a DOI

u se “ R etrieve d from http :// . . . , ” using the URL for the jo u rn al or new sp ap er ’ s ho me page

Barrin ger, F. (2009, Sep t. 14). H aw aii tries gre en to o ls in rem aking po w er grid. The N ew York Tim es. Retrieved from http://w w w .nytim Park, A. (2009, Sep t. 14). A sh o t at ca n ce r. Tim e 174(10), 3239. Retrieved fro m w w w m/

if yo u fo u n d a so u rce through an online d atab ase

do not list th e da tab ase (such as PsycAR TICLE S, Scien ceDirect, EBSCO, LexisN exis, ProQ uest) you u sed to fin d an article; u se “ R etrieve d from http :// . . .” using the URL for the m agazine, journal, or new spap er ’s hom e page do not list a retrieva l date u n less the so u rce is likely to ch an ge over time (a ho me page, a wiki, or a discussion bo ard, for exam ple)

A lib ali, M . W ., Ph illip s, K. M . O ., & Fisch er, A. D . (2009). Learn in g n ew pro b lem -solvin g strategies lea d s to ch an ges in pro b lem rep resen ta tion . Cogn itive D evelop m ent, 24, 89-101. do i:10.1016/j.cogdev.2008.12.005

Park, A. (2009, Sep t. 14). A sh o t at ca n ce r. Tim e 174(10), 3239. Retrieved fro m w w w m/ R esearch Initiatives. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2007, from M IT, Com parative M edia Stud ies w ebsite, http://cm s.m

you ’re wondering w hether to includ e a retrieva l date

See m o re exam p les o f electron ic sou rces in the sam p le referen ce list o n the follo w in g p age s.

The UW -M adison W riting Center A PA D o cu m en ta tion --3

Sample References, by Type
The sam ple reference list below illustrates the m ost com m on types of references. PLEASE NO TE: In your paper, the list of references should be in alphabetical order according to the first author ’s last nam e. Here, to m ake it easier for you to find p articu lar exa m p les, th e item s are a rran ge d by typ e o f referen ce, startin g w ith bo o k-len gth pu b lica tio n s an d m o vin g to ch ap ters an d articles an d then co n feren ce pap ers an d po sters an d then m u ltim ed ia an d in fo rm al on lin e p u b lica tio n s. In yo u r referen ce list, yo u sh o u ld in clu d e every reco ve ra b le (p u b lish ed ) sou rce th at yo u actu ally refer to in yo u r p ap er. If yo u do no t refer to a so u rce in yo u r pap er, it do es n o t belon g o n yo u r referen ce list. Non-recoverable sources or personal comm unications – that is material that is not published and not available on the web, m aterial such as conversations, em ails, interview s, unarchived discussions – should be acknowledged in parenthetical citation within the body of your paper (see the section below on citing sources in your paper for an exam ple), but personal co m m u n ica tio n s sh o u ld N O T b e listed in yo u r referen ce list.

Type of Reference 1. Book: basic form ; first edition, single author, read in print 2. Book: basic form , later edition, two authors, read in print 3. Book: ed itors in place of au th o rs

References (Be sure to double-space within and between items in your actual reference list.) Baxter, C. (1997). Race equality in health care and education. Ph ilad elph ia: Ba llière Tin d all. H yd e, J. S., & D elam ater, J. (20 08). H u m a n Se xu a lity (10 ed .). New Yo rk: M cGrawH ill. Castellan o s, J., G loria, A. M ., & Kam im u ra , M . (Ed s.). (20 06). The Latina/o pathway to the Ph.D.: Abriendo cam inos. Sterlin g, VA : Stylu s. G ra b ill, C. M ., & Kaslow , N . J. (19 99). A n ou n ce of preve n tion : Im p ro vin g ch ild ren ’s st m ental health for the 21 century [Review of the bo ok Handbook of p reven tio n an d trea tm en t w ith ch ild ren an d ad o lesce n ts]. Journal of Clinical Child Psycholog y, 28, 115-116. In sid e these do o rs: A gu id eb o o k of Elfreth ’ s Alley h o m es [Bro ch u re]. (n.d). Philadelphia: Elfreth ’s Alley Association. A libali, M . W . (2005). M echanism s of change in the developm ent of m athem atical reaso n ing. In R. V . Kail (Ed .), Advances in child developm ent and behavior (pp . 79 -123). N ew Yo rk: A ca d em ic Press. Curtin, J. J., & Lang, A. R. (2007). Alcohol and em otion: Insights and directives from affective scien ce . In J. R o tte n b erg & S. L. Joh n so n (Ed s.), Em otion and nd psychop atholog y: Bridg ing affective and clinical science (2 ed., pp. 191213). W ashington, DC: Am erican Psychological Association.

4. Book review : basic form ; 2 authors; read in print

5. B ro ch u re [pam p h let]: no da te; no author; print 6. Ch ap ter in ed ited w o rk: print

7. Ch ap ter in ed ited w o rk: second or later edition; print

8. Dissertation : unp ub lished dissertation, obtained from d atab ase

Hostetter, A. B. (2008). M ind in m otion: The gesture as sim ulated action fram ew o rk (Do cto ra l d isserta tion , Un iversity of W isco n sin-M ad ison ). Available from ProQ uest Dissertations and Thesis database. (UM I No. 3327832)

9. G o vern m en t rep o rt, co rp o rate author; read online

N ation al Institu te of M en ta l H ealth . (2009). A n xiety disorders (N IH Publication No. 09-3879). Retrieved from N ation al Institute of M ental Health w ebsite: http://w w w .nim han xiety.pdf

The UW -M adison W riting Center A PA D o cu m en ta tion --4 10. Jo u rn al article: basic fo rm; two authors; read online, with doi G au d io, J. L., & Sn o w d o n , C. T. (2008). Sp atial cu es m o re sa lien t th an co lor cu es in co tton -to p tam arins (Saguinus oedipus) reversa l lea rn ing. Journal of Com pa rative Psycholog y, 122, 441-444. doi: 10.1037/07357036.122.4.441 Alibali, M . W . (1999). How children change their minds: Strategy change can be gra d u al o r ab ru p t. D evelop m ental Psycholog y, 35, 127-145. M u rra y, M . E . (2001). O u tco m es of co n cu rre n t u tilization review . N ursing Econ om ics, 19, 17 -23. 12. Jo u rn al article, basic fo rm, two authors; read online, with doi Ham ilton , R. J., & Bowers, B. (2007). The theory of genetic vulnerability: A Roy m o d el exem p lar. N ursing Science Q ua rterly, 20, 254-264. do i: 10.1177/0894318407303127 Carter, S., & Dunbar-Odom, D. (2009). The converging literacies center: An integra ted m o d el for w riting pro gra m s. Kairos: A Jou rna l of Rhetoric, Tech n o log y, an d Ped a g o g y, 14 .1. Retrieved from h ttp ://kairo n o rh eto

11. Jo u rn al article, basic fo rm; single author; print

13. Jo u rn al article; tw o au th o rs; re ad on line fro m jou rn al w eb site; a w ebtext; no page num bers; no doi

14. Jo u rn al article: journal p aginated by issue; 3-6 au tho rs; read online, with doi 15. Jo u rn al article: 7 o r m o re authors; print

A lib ali, M . W., Ph illip s, K. M. O ., & Fisch er, A. D . (2009). Learn in g new pro b lemso lvin g stra tegies lea d s to ch an ges in pro b lem rep resen ta tion . Cogn itive D evelop m ent, 24, 89-101. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2008.12.005 Yawn, B. P., Algatt-Bergstrom, P. J., Yawn, R. A., W ollan, P., Greco, M ., Gleason, M., et al. (2000). An in -sch o o l CD -R O M asth ma ed u catio n pro gram. Jou rna l of Schoo l He alth, 70, 153-159. Greenberg, M . T., Dom itrovich, C., & Bum barger, B. (2000, M arch 30). Prevention of mental disorders in school-aged children: Current state of the field. Preven tion an d Tre a tm en t, 4, Article 1. Retrieved from h ttp ://jou rn als.ap a.o rg/p reven tio n /vo lu m e4 /p re0 040001a.h tm Park, A. (2009, Sep t. 14). A sh o t at ca n ce r. Tim e 174(10), 32-39. Park, A. (2009, Sep t. 14). A sh o t at ca n ce r. Tim e 174(10), 32-39. Retrieved from w w w m/

16. Jo u rn al article: in In tern et-o n ly jo u rna l; seco n d ary reference

17. M agazin e article: p rint 18. M agazin e article: read on line, fo u n d thro u gh a d atab ase (EBSCO) – do not list the database; list the hom e page for the m agazine; this article has no doi 19. Video or DVD

A rled ge, E . (Pro d u ce r & D irecto r). (2009). Autism genes [DVD]. Available from h ttp ://www.p b s.o rg/wgb h /n o va/scien cen o w/ Barrin ger, F. (2009, Sep t. 14). H aw aii tries green to o ls in rem aking po w er grid. The N ew York Tim es. Retrieved from http://w w w .nytim Lind b erg, S. M ., & H yd e, J. S. (2007, M arch ). M other-child interactions during m a the m a tics ho m ew o rk: So cia lizatio n of g en d er d ifferen tia tio n ? Poster presented at the biennial m eeting of the Society for Research on A d o lescen ce, Ch icago , IL.

20, N ew sp ap er article: read online, no doi 21. Pap er o r p o ste r p re se n ted at a m eeting; fo r a p ap er, su b stitu te pap er title for po ster title, italicized; use the word paper instead of poster 22. Paper presented at a m eeting or conference, abstract retrieved online; no doi

Seibel, R., & Saffran, J. (2006, June). Tune or text: The effect of text on melody recognition. Paper presented at the annual m eeting of XVth Biennial In tern atio n al Co n ference o n In fan t Stud ies, Kyo to, Jap an . Ab stract retrieved fro m h ttp ://w w w .allacad m/meta/p 94581_in d ex.h tml

The UW -M adison W riting Center A PA D o cu m en ta tion --5 23. W eb site: no au th o r, no date of publication. If there is no au th o r, title m o ves to the first sp o t. U se retrieval date on ly because the content at that ad d ress likely ch an ge s. 24. O n lin e d iscu ssio n list Research In itia tive s. (n .d .). Retrieved Jan u ary 11 , 200 7, from M IT, Co m p arative M edia Studies website, http://cm s.m

Kah n , S. (2009, Sep tem b er 5 ). Re: Co m p o sition -rh eto ric lab o r cau cu s [electro n ic m ailing list m essa ge]. Retrieve d from h-rh eto r m ailing list, http://h-net.m & list=h-rhetor Lopez-Du ran, N. (2009, August 27). Re: Gender and age differences in the sym ptom atology of child depression [W eb log m essage]. Retrieved from Child Psychology Research Blog, http://w w w Personal comm unications should not be included in your reference list. See the exp lan atio n ab o ve, nea r the to p of p. 3 o f this han d o u t. Fo r an exa m p le o f ho w to cite an em ail (o r oth er p erso n al co m m u n ica tio n ) w ith in senten ces in yo u r pap er, see the exa m p le # 10 below , o n p. 7 o f this han d o u t.

25. B lo g po stin g

26. Em ail (falls under the APA category of personal co m m u n ica tio n s)

The UW -M adison W riting Center A PA D o cu m en ta tion --6

II. Citing Sources in Your Paper
Text citatio n s are b asica lly the sam e for p rin t an d electron ic sou rces. Th e m ain co n sid era tio n s in usin g tex t citatio n s are placem ent and content of sou rce m aterial.

Placement of citations
Yo u have th ree op tion s for p lacing citation s in relation to yo u r text. 1.Place the author(s) and date(s) w ithin pa rentheses at an app rop riate place w ithin or at the end of a sentence: Exam ple: R esearch ers h ave stu d ied ho w ch ild ren rep resen t m ath em atica l pro b lem s (A lib ali, Ph illip s, & Fisch er, 2009; Siegler, 1976). 2. Place on ly the d ate w ith in paren th eses: Exam ple: A lib ali, Ph illip s, an d Fisch er (2009) asked , “ D id th e particip an ts ad o p t th e tau gh t stra tegies? ” (p. 96).
[Note that you need to provide (a) page number(s) in parentheses for direct quotations. You do not need to provide a page number if you are summarizing or paraphrasing a source, rather than quoting.]

3. Integrate both the author and date into your sentence: Exam ple: In 2009 Alibali, Ph illip s, an d Fisch er rep o rted th at th ird - an d fou rth -gra d e stu d en ts im p ro ved th eir p ro b lem rep re se n tation w h en th ey w ere ta u gh t th e eq u alize stra tegy bu t did no t im p ro ve th eir problem representation when they were taught the add-subtract strategy.

Content of citations
Composing parenthetical citations can seem like a balancing act between two contradictory requirem ents. On the one han d, you n eed to give eno ugh inform ation for you r reader to find the correspo nd ing reference list item . O n the other hand, you need to avoid distracting your reader with unnecessary citations or with long lists of m ultiple authors. The APA gu id elin es ad d ress bo th of th ese req u iremen ts, as illu strated in th e examples belo w. N o te: (a) Th e term a u th o r(s) as u sed below in clu d es ed ito r(s) that ap p ea r in the referen ce list en try in place of au th o rs. (b) Use an am persand (& ) before the final nam e in m ultiple-author citation s inside parentheses; use and outside. (1 ) Year: W ithin a paragraph , om it the year in citations after the first one if no co n fu sio n w ith oth er stud ies w ill resu lt. A lib ali, Ph illip s, an d Fisch er (2009) ad m inistered a po sttest. . . . A lib ali et al.’ s resu lts in d icated . . . . . [new paragraph ] The po sttest adm inistered by Alibali et al. (2009) w as u sed by. . . . (Carter & Du nb ar-O do m , 2009) Carter and Du nb ar-O do m (2009)


1 or 2 authors: Cite nam e(s) in first and all sub seq u en t citatio n s. 3-5 au th o rs: Cite all au th o rs in yo u r first citation. In all citations after the first, use the first autho r ’ s nam e follow ed by et al.[n o italics; period after al] 6 or m o re au th o rs: U se th e first au th o r’s nam e follow ed by et al. in all citatio n s. Group authors: Abbreviate the nam e of an organization in references after the first if the a b b reviatio n is fam iliar to rea d ers. No author: Use the first few words of the title — in quotation m arks for article or ch ap ter, in italics fo r self-co n tain ed item.


First citation : (A lib ali, Ph illip s, & Fisch er, 2009) Subsequ ent citation s: (Alibali et al., 2009)


7 autho rs: (Yaw n et al., 2000)


First reference: (N ation al Institute of M ental Health [N IM H ], 2009) Su b seq u en t referen ce : (N IM H , 20 09)


(Research initiatives, n.d.)

The UW -M adison W riting Center A PA D o cu m en ta tion --7 (7) 2 or m o re w o rks w ith in paren th eses: A rran ge by ord er o f the referen ce list; u se a sem ico lo n betw ee n w o rks. 2 or m o re w o rks b y sam e au th o r(s): D o n ’ t rep ea t nam e(s); ea rliest ye ar first. Secondary reference (only the secondary referen ce go es in referen ce list) (A lib ali, Ph illip s, & Fisch er, 2009; Siegler, 1976).


(Alibali, 1999, 2005)


R acial in ju stice is on e of th e eco logical risk facto rs for ch ild psycho pathology, according to Coie et al. (as cited in G reenberg, D o m itro vich , & Bu m b arger, 2000). (R. Rod riguez, person al com m un ication , Septem ber 21, 2009) R. Rod riguez (person al com m un ication , Septem ber 21, 2009) explained th at . . . .

(10) Personal comm unication (any nonrecoverable data, such as an em ail, an in terview , a co n versation ): Cite w ith in your paper as illustrated on the right, but do not pu t on yo u r referen ce list. (11) Entire website: Do no t p u t o n reference list.

The University of W isconsin-M adison ’ s W riting Center website is an excellent source of inform ation on writing (h ttp ://w w w .w riting.w isc.ed u /). Reflecting on their results, Alibali, Phillips, and Fischer (2009) explain, “ Th is stu d y has sh o w n that lea rn in g a new strategy can lea d to im provem ents in problem representation . Ho w ever, learning a new strategy is certainly not the on ly sou rce of im proved problem rep resen ta tion ” (p. 99). . . . your sentence introducing the quotation: asd fgh jk ad fjl asd fgh jkl asd fgh jk ad fjl asd fgh jkl asd fgh jk ad fjl asd fgh jkl asd fgh jk ad fjl asd fgh jkl asd fgh jk ad fjl asd fgh jkl asd fgh jk adfjl asdfghjkl asdfghjk adfjl asdfghjkl asdfghjk adfjl asdfghjkl asd fgh jk ad fjl asd fgh jkl asd fgh jk ad fjl asd fgh jkl asd fgh jk ad fjl asd fgh jkl asd fgh jk ad fjl asd fgh jkl asd fgh jk ad fjl asd fgh jkl asd fgh jk adfjl asdfghjkl asdfghjk adfjl asdfghjkl asdfghjk adfjl asdfghjkl asdfghjk adfjl asdfghjkl. (Au tho r, 2010, p. 234)

(12) D irect q u o tatio n of few er th an 40 w o rd s: integrate the quotation into your sen ten ce, u se q u o tatio n m arks, an d cite p age(s).

(1 3) D irect qu o tation of 40 w o rd s o r m o re : u se an in d en ted b lo ck qu o tatio n , w h ich b egin s o n a ne w lin e; th e en tire b lo ck quotation should be indented half an inch; double-space the block quotation; do not use quota tion marks; put the citation in parentheses after the final pu nctuation of the qu ote. Do not place a p e riod a fter the closing p a ren the sis.

Additional Resources on APA Documentation and Style
• • • • See the Publication M anual, available for consultation at the W riting Center and in m any cam pus libraries. You can pu rchase the M anual on lin e from th e APA organ ization w eb site (w w w .ap A tten d the W ritin g C en ter class “ Th e B asics of APA D o cu m en tatio n . ” G o to the W ritin g C en ter’ s w eb site (w ritin g.w isc.ed u /) an d click on C la sse s fo r dates an d times, an d fo r an on lin e registratio n fo rm. Co n su lt th e W ritin g Cen ter’ s h an d o u ts “ A PA H ead in gs a n d Page Fo rm attin g ” an d “ A PA Gu id elines fo r Style,” availab le at th e W riting Cen ter o r o n th e Cen ter W eb site (http ://w riting.w isc.ed u /). Check the APA style W eb site (http://w w w, w here you w ill find links to the follow ing: › FA Q s a b o u t APA style › a blog ab o u t APA style › an on line tutorial, “ The Basics of APA style”

Rev. 1/20/10

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