Asking Forgiveness

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Asking Forgiveness



AskIng FnrgIvcncss
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ln the |lght of the G|orlous Ourûn and the (
) Sunnah
·. · <´ .¯ ... ·
Sheikh-uI-IsIan iln Tavnivvah iahinahuIIaah
Majmnn a!-Fataawaa 10/88-90
Is!amic Prnpagatinn OIIicc in Rabwah, Riyadh
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Is!am at Ynur Fingcrtips

A!-IstIghfaar (AskIng FnrgIvcncss)
Sheikh-uI-IsIan iln Tavnivvah iahinahuIIaah
Majmnn a!-Fataawaa 10/88-90
The Messengei of AIIah, saIIaIIahu `aIaihi va saIIan, said:
ííTnc nas|cr cf intcca|icns fcr fcrgitcncss is |na| |nc scrtan| saus.
O' mµ 'l|ûh You are mµ Lord. there ls no 'l|ûh but You. You created me. and l
am µour bondsertant. and l ul|| stlck to mµ cotenant and µromlse |of falth
and slncere obedlenceI to You. as to mµ abl|ltµ. l seek refuge ln You from the
etl| of uhat l hate done. l acknou|edge. to You. µour bountles uµon me. and l
acknou|edge. to You. mµ sln. Thus forglte me. for none forgltes slns exceµt
lncctcr saus |nis as nc cn|crs upcn ctcning. |ncn. dics |na| nign|. nc ucu|d cn|cr
Paradisc. and if cnc saus |nis as nc cn|crs upcn ncrning. |ncn. dics |na| dau. nc
ucu|d cn|cr Paradisc.II (AI-ßukhaii)
The seivanl is aIvavs in lhe lIessings of AIIah, vhich necessilale
lhankfuIness, and in sinfuIness, vhich iequiies seeking foigiveness. ßolh of
lhese nalleis aie iequiied and essenliaI foi lhe seivanl al aII lines, as lhe
seivanl does nol cease lo aIleinale lelveen AIIah's (vaiious) favouis and
lIessings, and does nol cease lo le in need of iepenlance and seeking
This is vhv lhe Maslei of lhe ChiIdien of Adan, and lhe Leadei of lhe Iious,
Muhannad, (saIIaIIahu aIaihi va saIIan) soughl foigiveness in aII
ciicunslances. He said in an aulhenlic Hadilh iepoiled lv aI-ßukhaii:
ííO pccp|c rcpcn| |c ucur |crd. fcr tcri|u | scc| fcrgitcncss frcn A||an and rcpcn| |c
nin ncrc |nan sctcn|u |incs in a dau.II (ßukhaii)
Il is iepoiled in Saheeh MusIin lhal he said: íí| scc| fcrgitcncss cnc nundrcd
|incs in a dau.II (MusIin)
`AlduIIah iln `Unai said: We counled in a singIe silling lhe Messengei of
AIIah, (saIIaIIahu `aIaihi va saIIan), saving one hundied lines:

ííMu |crd. fcrgitc nc and acccp| nu rcpcn|ancc. tcri|u ucu arc Acccp|cr cf
Rcpcn|ancc. Of|-|crgiting.II (Ahnad, Alu Davood, Iln Maajah)
This is vhv seeking foigiveness vas IegisIaled al lhe end of aclions. AIIah lhe
LxaIled said:
¦¦Those vho seek foigiveness lefoie davn (al Iale nighl).¦¦ (Ouian, 3:17)
Sone of lhen said: 'Gitc |ifc |c ucur nign|s ou pcrfcrning Praucr. and uncn |nc
|inc cf |a|c nign| ccncs. ccnccrn ucursc|f ui|n scc|ing fcrgitcncss.'
Il is ieIaled in lhe Saheeh lhal lhe Iiophel Muhannad (saIIaIIahu `aIaihi va
saIIan), vhen he finished his Iiavei, he vouId seek foigiveness lhiee lines
and sav:
ííO' nu 'i|an Ycu arc 'As-Sa|an [Onc frcc frcn f|aus]. and frcn Ycu ccncs Sa|an
[pcacc. cr safc|u]. o|csscd arc Tncc O' natcr cf g|cru and |indncss.II (MusIin)
AIIah savs:
¦¦And seek foigiveness of AIIah. Indeed, AIIah is Ioigiving and MeicifuI.¦¦
(Ouian, 73:2O)
(Lven) Aflei lhe Iiophel conveved lhe Message, foughl in lhe palh of AIIah
vilh liue jihad, and peifoined vhal AIIah oideied noie lhan anvone eIse,
AIIah connanded his Iiophel (lo peifoin Islighfaai), as He lhe LxaIled said:
¦¦When lhe vicloiv of AIIah has cone and lhe conquesl, and vou see lhe
peopIe enleiing inlo lhe ieIigion of AIIah in nuIliludes, lhen exaIl |Hin! vilh
piaise of voui Loid and ask foigiveness of Hin. Indeed, He is evei Accepling
of iepenlance.¦¦ (Ouian, 11O:1-3)
This is vhv lhe ieIigion (Deen) is eslalIished vilh Tavheed and Islighfaai, as
AIIah lhe LxaIled said:
¦¦AIif Lan Ra. |This is! a ßook vhose veises aie peifecled and lhen piesenled
in delaiI fion |one vho is! Wise and Acquainled. |Thiough a nessengei,
saving!, "Do nol voiship excepl AIIah. Indeed, I an lo vou fion Hin a
vainei and a liingei of good lidings," and |saving!, "Seek foigiveness of voui
Loid and iepenl lo Hin, |and! He viII Iel vou enjov a good piovision.¦¦
(Ouian, 11:1-3)
And AIIah savs:
¦¦So lake a sliaighl couise lo Hin and seek His foigiveness.¦¦ (Ouian, 41:6)

And He savs:
¦¦So knov |O Muhannad!, lhal lheie is no deilv excepl AIIah and ask
foigiveness foi voui sin and foi lhe leIieving nen and leIieving vonen.¦¦
(Ouian, 47:19)
This is vhv il vas il cane in a naiialion: ííTnc Snau|an said. Pccp|c arc dcs|rcucd
ui|n sins. and |ncu dcs|rcu nc ui|n '|aa i|ana i|| A||an' and scc|ing fcrgitcncss.II
(Repoiled lv Iln Ali Asin and Alu Ya`Ia, lul ils chain is a faliicalion).
Yonus, `aIavhis saIan, said:
¦¦Theie is no deilv excepl You: exaIled aie You. Indeed, I have leen of lhe
viongdoeis.¦¦ (Ouian, 21:87)
The Iiophel (saIIaIIahu `aIaihi va saIIan), vhen he vouId iide his nounl, he
vouId piaise AIIah, lhen sav AIIahu Aklai lhiee lines, lhen sav:
¦¦| |cs|ifu |na| |ncrc is nc 'i|an cxccp| Ycu. G|crificd arc Ycu. | natc |ransgrcsscd
upcn nusc|f. sc fcrgitc nc¦¦ (Alu Davood and al-Tiinidhi, vho said il is
Hasan Sahih)
Lxpialion of a galheiing vilh vhich lhe galheiing is conpIeled is (lhe
¦¦G|crificd arc Ycu O' nu 'i|an and | an in Ycur praisc. | |cs|ifu |na| |ncrc is nc 'i|an
cxccp| Ycu. | as| Ycur fcrgitcncss and rcpcn| un|c Ycu.¦¦ (Alu Davood and Al-
Tiinidhi, vho said il is Hasan Sahih)
AIIah knovs lesl, and nav His lIessings and peace le upon |lhe Iiophel!

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