Bible Esther

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CHAPTER 1 1 In the days of Ahasu-e'rus, the Ahasu-e'rus who re !ned fro" Ind a to Eth o# a o$er one hundred and twenty-se$en #ro$ n%es, 2 n those days when K n! Ahasu-e'rus sat on h s roya& throne n Susa the %a# ta&, 3 n the th rd year of h s re !n he !a$e a 'an(uet for a&& h s #r n%es and ser$ants, the ar"y %h efs of Pers a and )ed a and the no'&es and !o$ernors of the #ro$ n%es 'e n! 'efore h ", 4 wh &e he showed the r %hes of h s roya& !&ory and the s#&endor and #o"# of h s "a*esty for "any days, a hundred and e !hty days+ 5 And when these days were %o"#&eted, the , n! !a$e for a&& the #eo#&e #resent n Susa the %a# ta&, 'oth !reat and s"a&&, a 'an(uet &ast n! for se$en days, n the %ourt of the !arden of the , n!'s #a&a%e+ 6 There were wh te %otton %urta ns and '&ue han! n!s %au!ht u# w th %ords of f ne & nen and #ur#&e to s &$er r n!s and "ar'&e # &&ars, and a&so %ou%hes of !o&d and s &$er on a "osa % #a$e"ent of #or#hyry, "ar'&e, "other-of-#ear& and #re% ous stones+ 7 -r n,s were ser$ed n !o&den !o'&ets, !o'&ets of d fferent , nds, and the roya& w ne was &a$ shed a%%ord n! to the

'ounty of the , n!+ 8 And dr n, n! was a%%ord n! to the &aw, no one was %o"#e&&ed. for the , n! had ! $en orders to a&& the off % a&s of h s #a&a%e to do as e$ery "an des red+ 9 /ueen 0asht a&so !a$e a 'an(uet for the wo"en n the #a&a%e wh %h 'e&on!ed to K n! Ahasu-e'rus+ 10 On the se$enth day, when the heart of the , n! was "erry w th w ne, he %o""anded )ehu'"an, B 1tha, Har'o'na, B !tha and A'a!'tha, 2ethar and Car,as, the se$en eunu%hs who ser$ed K n! Ahasue'rus as %ha"'er&a ns, 11 to 'r n! /ueen 0asht 'efore the , n! w th her roya& %rown, n order to show the #eo#&es and the #r n%es her 'eauty. for she was fa r to 'eho&d+ 12 But /ueen 0asht refused to %o"e at the , n!'s %o""and %on$eyed 'y the eunu%hs+ At th s the , n! was enra!ed, and h s an!er 'urned w th n h "+ 13 Then the , n! sa d to the w se "en who ,new the t "es 3 for th s was the , n!'s #ro%edure toward a&& who were $ersed n &aw and *ud!"ent, 14 the "en ne4t to h " 'e n! Carshe'na, Shethar, Ad"a'tha, Tarsh sh, )eres, )arse'na, and )e"u'%an, the se$en #r n%es of Pers a and )ed a, who saw


the , n!'s fa%e, and sat f rst n the , n!do" 3 5 15 6A%%ord n! to the &aw, what s to 'e done to /ueen 0asht , 'e%ause she has not #erfor"ed the %o""and of K n! Ahasu-e'rus %on$eyed 'y the eunu%hs76 16 Then )e"u'%an sa d n #resen%e of the , n! and the #r n%es, 68ot on&y to the , n! has /ueen 0asht done wron!, 'ut a&so to a&& the #r n%es and a&& the #eo#&es who are n a&& the #ro$ n%es of K n! Ahasue'rus+ 17 For th s deed of the (ueen w && 'e "ade ,nown to a&& wo"en, %aus n! the" to &oo, w th %onte"#t u#on the r hus'ands, s n%e they w && say, 9K n! Ahasu-e'rus %o""anded /ueen 0asht to 'e 'rou!ht 'efore h ", and she d d not %o"e+' 18 Th s $ery day the &ad es of Pers a and )ed a who ha$e heard of the (ueen's 'eha$ or w && 'e te&& n! t to a&& the , n!'s #r n%es, and there w && 'e %onte"#t and wrath n #&enty+ 19 If t #&ease the , n!, &et a roya& order !o forth fro" h ", and &et t 'e wr tten a"on! the &aws of the Pers ans and the )edes so that t "ay not 'e a&tered, that 0asht s to %o"e no "ore 'efore K n! Ahasu-e'rus. and &et the , n! ! $e her roya& #os t on to another who s 'etter than she+ 20 So when the de%ree "ade 'y the , n! s #ro%&a "ed throu!hout a&& h s , n!do", $ast as t s, a&& wo"en w &&

! $e honor to the r hus'ands, h !h and &ow+6 21 Th s ad$ %e #&eased the , n! and the #r n%es, and the , n! d d as )e"u'%an #ro#osed. 22 he sent &etters to a&& the roya& #ro$ n%es, to e$ery #ro$n%e n ts own s%r #t and to e$ery #eo#&e n ts own &an!ua!e, that e$ery "an 'e &ord n h s own house and s#ea, a%%ord n! to the &an!ua!e of h s #eo#&e+ CHAPTER : 1 After these th n!s, when the an!er of K n! Ahasu-e'rus had a'ated, he re"e"'ered 0asht and what she had done and what had 'een de%reed a!a nst her+ 2 Then the , n!'s ser$ants who attended h " sa d, 6;et 'eaut fu& youn! $ r! ns 'e sou!ht out for the , n!+ 3 And &et the , n! a##o nt off %ers n a&& the #ro$ n%es of h s , n!do" to !ather a&& the 'eaut fu& youn! $ r! ns to the hare" n Susa the %a# ta&, under %ustody of He!a the , n!'s eunu%h who s n %har!e of the wo"en. &et the r o nt"ents 'e ! $en the"+ 4 And &et the "a den who #&eases the , n! 'e (ueen nstead of 0asht +6 Th s #&eased the , n!, and he d d so+ 5 8ow there was a <ew n Susa the %a# ta& whose na"e was )or'de%a , the son of <a' r, son of Sh "'e- , son of K sh, a Ben*a" n te, 6 who had 'een %arr ed away


fro" <erusa&e" a"on! the %a#t $es %arr ed away w th <e%on 'ah , n! of <udah, who" 8e'u%hadne1'1ar , n! of Ba'y&on had %arr ed away+ 7 He had 'rou!ht u# Hadas'sah, that s Esther, the dau!hter of h s un%&e, for she had ne ther father nor "other. the "a den was 'eaut fu& and &o$e&y, and when her father and her "other d ed, )or'de%a ado#ted her as h s own dau!hter+ 8 So when the , n!'s order and h s ed %t were #ro%&a "ed, and when "any "a dens were !athered n Susa the %a# ta& n %ustody of He!a , Esther a&so was ta,en nto the , n!'s #a&a%e and #ut n %ustody of He!a who had %har!e of the wo"en+ 9 And the "a den #&eased h " and won h s fa$or. and he (u %,&y #ro$ ded her w th her o nt"ents and her #ort on of food, and w th se$en %hosen "a ds fro" the , n!'s #a&a%e, and ad$an%ed her and her "a ds to the 'est #&a%e n the hare"+ 10 Esther had not "ade ,nown her #eo#&e or , ndred, for )or'de%a had %har!ed her not to "a,e t ,nown+ 11 And e$ery day )or'de%a wa&,ed n front of the %ourt of the hare", to &earn how Esther was and how she fared+ 12 8ow when the turn %a"e for ea%h "a den to !o n to K n! Ahasu-e'rus, after 'e n! twe&$e "onths under the re!u&at ons for the wo"en, s n%e th s was the re!u&ar #er od of

the r 'eaut fy n!, s 4 "onths w th o & of "yrrh and s 4 "onths w th s# %es and o nt"ents for wo"en 3 13 when the "a den went n to the , n! n th s way she was ! $en whate$er she des red to ta,e w th her fro" the hare" to the , n!'s #a&a%e+ 14 In the e$en n! she went, and n the "orn n! she %a"e 'a%, to the se%ond hare" n %ustody of Sha-ash'!a1 the , n!'s eunu%h who was n %har!e of the %on%u' nes. she d d not !o n to the , n! a!a n, un&ess the , n! de& !hted n her and she was su""oned 'y na"e+ 15 =hen the turn %a"e for Esther the dau!hter of A'' ha & the un%&e of )or'de%a , who had ado#ted her as h s own dau!hter, to !o n to the , n!, she as,ed for noth n! e4%e#t what He!a the , n!'s eunu%h, who had %har!e of the wo"en, ad$ sed+ 8ow Esther found fa$or n the eyes of a&& who saw her+ 16 And when Esther was ta,en to K n! Ahasu-e'rus nto h s roya& #a&a%e n the tenth "onth, wh %h s the "onth of Te'eth, n the se$enth year of h s re !n, 17 the , n! &o$ed Esther "ore than a&& the wo"en, and she found !ra%e and fa$or n h s s !ht "ore than a&& the $ r! ns, so that he set the roya& %rown on her head and "ade her (ueen nstead of 0asht + 18 Then the , n! !a$e a !reat 'an(uet to a&& h s #r n%es and ser$ants. t was Esther's 'an-


(uet+ He a&so !ranted a re" ss on of ta4es to the #ro$ n%es, and !a$e ! fts w th roya& & 'era& ty+ 19 =hen the $ r! ns were !athered to!ether the se%ond t "e, )or'de%a was s tt n! at the , n!'s !ate+ 20 8ow Esther had not "ade ,nown her , ndred or her #eo#&e, as )or'de%a had %har!ed her. for Esther o'eyed )or'de%a *ust as when she was 'rou!ht u# 'y h "+ 21 And n those days, as )or'de%a was s tt n! at the , n!'s !ate, B !than and Teresh, two of the , n!'s eunu%hs, who !uarded the thresho&d, 'e%a"e an!ry and sou!ht to &ay hands on K n! Ahasu-e'rus+ 22 And th s %a"e to the ,now&ed!e of )or'de%a , and he to&d t to /ueen Esther, and Esther to&d the , n! n the na"e of )or'de%a + 23 =hen the affa r was n$est !ated and found to 'e so, the "en were 'oth han!ed on the !a&&ows+ And t was re%orded n the Boo, of the Chron %&es n the #resen%e of the , n!+ CHAPTER > 1 After these th n!s K n! Ahasu-e'rus #ro"oted Ha"an the A!'a! te, the son of Ha""eda'tha, and ad$an%ed h " and set h s seat a'o$e a&& the #r n%es who were w th h "+ 2 And a&& the , n!'s ser$ants who were at the , n!'s !ate 'owed down and d d o'e 4

san%e to Ha"an. for the , n! had so %o""anded %on%ern n! h "+ But )or'de%a d d not 'ow down or do o'e san%e+ 3 Then the , n!'s ser$ants who were at the , n!'s !ate sa d to )or'de%a , 6=hy do you trans!ress the , n!'s %o""and76 4 And when they s#o,e to h " day after day and he wou&d not & sten to the", they to&d Ha"an, n order to see whether )or'de%a 's words wou&d a$a &. for he had to&d the" that he was a <ew+ 5 And when Ha"an saw that )or'de%a d d not 'ow down or do o'e san%e to h ", Ha"an was f &&ed w th fury+ 6 But he d sda ned to &ay hands on )or'de%a a&one+ So, as they had "ade ,nown to h " the #eo#&e of )or'de%a , Ha"an sou!ht to destroy a&& the <ews, the #eo#&e of )or'de%a , throu!hout the who&e , n!do" of Ahasu-e'rus+ 7 In the f rst "onth, wh %h s the "onth of 8 san, n the twe&fth year of K n! Ahasue'rus, they %ast Pur, that s the &ot, 'efore Ha"an day after day. and they %ast t "onth after "onth t && the twe&fth "onth, wh %h s the "onth of Adar+ 8 Then Ha"an sa d to K n! Ahasu-e'rus, 6There s a %erta n #eo#&e s%attered a'road and d s#ersed a"on! the #eo#&es n a&& the #ro$ n%es of your , n!do". the r &aws are d fferent fro" those of e$ery other #eo#&e, and they do not ,ee# the , n!'s &aws, so that t


s not for the , n!'s #rof t to to&erate the"+ 9 If t #&ease the , n!, &et t 'e de%reed that they 'e destroyed, and I w && #ay ten thousand ta&ents of s &$er nto the hands of those who ha$e %har!e of the , n!'s 'us ness, that they "ay #ut t nto the , n!'s treasur es+6 10 So the , n! too, h s s !net r n! fro" h s hand and !a$e t to Ha"an the A!'a! te, the son of Ha""eda'tha, the ene"y of the <ews+ 11 And the , n! sa d to Ha"an, 6The "oney s ! $en to you, the #eo#&e a&so, to do w th the" as t see"s !ood to you+6 12 Then the , n!'s se%retar es were su""oned on the th rteenth day of the f rst "onth, and an ed %t, a%%ordn! to a&& that Ha"an %o""anded, was wr tten to the , n!'s satra#s and to the !o$ernors o$er a&& the #ro$ n%es and to the #r n%es of a&& the #eo#&es, to e$ery #ro$ n%e n ts own s%r #t and e$ery #eo#&e n ts own &an!ua!e. t was wr tten n the na"e of K n! Ahasu-e'rus and sea&ed w th the , n!'s r n!+ 13 ;etters were sent 'y %our ers to a&& the , n!'s #ro$ n%es, to destroy, to s&ay, and to ann h &ate a&& <ews, youn! and o&d, wo"en and %h &dren, n one day, the th rteenth day of the twe&fth "onth, wh %h s the "onth of Adar, and to #&under the r !oods+ 14 A %o#y of the do%u"ent was to 'e ssued as a de%ree

n e$ery #ro$ n%e 'y #ro%&a"at on to a&& the #eo#&es to 'e ready for that day+ 15 The %our ers went n haste 'y order of the , n!, and the de%ree was ssued n Susa the %a# ta&+ And the , n! and Ha"an sat down to dr n,. 'ut the % ty of Susa was #er#&e4ed+ CHAPTER ? 1 =hen )or'de%a &earned a&& that had 'een done, )or'de%a rent h s %&othes and #ut on sa%,%&oth and ashes, and went out nto the " dst of the % ty, wa & n! w th a &oud and ' tter %ry. 2 he went u# to the entran%e of the , n!'s !ate, for no one " !ht enter the , n!'s !ate %&othed w th sa%,%&oth+ 3 And n e$ery #ro$ n%e, where$er the , n!'s %o""and and h s de%ree %a"e, there was !reat "ourn n! a"on! the <ews, w th fast n! and wee# n! and &a"ent n!, and "ost of the" &ay n sa%,%&oth and ashes+ 4 =hen Esther's "a ds and her eunu%hs %a"e and to&d her, the (ueen was dee#&y d stressed. she sent !ar"ents to %&othe )or'de%a , so that he " !ht ta,e off h s sa%,%&oth, 'ut he wou&d not a%%e#t the"+ 5 Then Esther %a&&ed for Hatha%h, one of the , n!'s eunu%hs, who had 'een a##o nted to attend her, and ordered h " to !o to )or'de%a to &earn what th s was and why t was+ 6 Hatha%h went out to )or'de%a n the o#en s(uare


of the % ty n front of the , n!'s !ate, 7 and )or'de%a to&d h " a&& that had ha##ened to h ", and the e4a%t su" of "oney that Ha"an had #ro" sed to #ay nto the , n!'s treasur es for the destru%t on of the <ews+ 8 )or'de%a a&so !a$e h " a %o#y of the wr tten de%ree ssued n Susa for the r destru%t on, that he " !ht show t to Esther and e4#&a n t to her and %har!e her to !o to the , n! to "a,e su##& %at on to h " and entreat h " for her #eo#&e+ 9 And Hatha%h went and to&d Esther what )or'de%a had sa d+ 10 Then Esther s#o,e to Hatha%h and !a$e h " a "essa!e for )or'de%a , say n!, 11 6A&& the , n!'s ser$ants and the #eo#&e of the , n!'s #ro$ n%es ,now that f any "an or wo"an !oes to the , n! ns de the nner %ourt w thout 'e n! %a&&ed, there s 'ut one &aw. a&& a& ,e are to 'e #ut to death, e4%e#t the one to who" the , n! ho&ds out the !o&den s%e#ter that he "ay & $e+ And I ha$e not 'een %a&&ed to %o"e n to the , n! these th rty days+6 12 And they to&d )or'de%a what Esther had sa d+ 13 Then )or'de%a to&d the" to return answer to Esther, 6Th n, not that n the , n!'s #a&a%e you w && es%a#e any "ore than a&& the other <ews+ 14 For f you ,ee# s &en%e at su%h a t "e as th s, re& ef and de& $eran%e w && r se for the

<ews fro" another (uarter, 'ut you and your father's house w && #er sh+ And who ,nows whether you ha$e not %o"e to the , n!do" for su%h a t "e as th s76 15 Then Esther to&d the" to re#&y to )or'de%a , 16 6@o, !ather a&& the <ews to 'e found n Susa, and ho&d a fast on "y 'eha&f, and ne ther eat nor dr n, for three days, n !ht or day+ I and "y "a ds w && a&so fast as you do+ Then I w && !o to the , n!, thou!h t s a!a nst the &aw. and f I #ersh, I #er sh+6 17 )or'de%a then went away and d d e$eryth n! as Esther had ordered h "+ CHAPTER A 1 On the th rd day Esther #ut on her roya& ro'es and stood n the nner %ourt of the , n!'s #a&a%e, o##os te the , n!'s ha&&+ The , n! was s tt n! on h s roya& throne ns de the #a&a%e o##os te the entran%e to the #a&a%e. 2 and when the , n! saw /ueen Esther stand n! n the %ourt, she found fa$or n h s s !ht and he he&d out to Esther the !o&den s%e#ter that was n h s hand+ Then Esther a##roa%hed and tou%hed the to# of the s%e#ter+ 3 And the , n! sa d to her, 6=hat s t, /ueen Esther7 =hat s your re(uest7 It sha&& 'e ! $en you, e$en to the ha&f of "y , n!do"+6 4 And Esther sa d, 6If t #&ease the , n!, &et the , n! and Ha"an %o"e th s day to a


d nner that I ha$e #re#ared for the , n!+6 5 Then sa d the , n!, 6Br n! Ha"an (u %,&y, that we "ay do as Esther des res+6 So the , n! and Ha"an %a"e to the d nner that Esther had #re#ared+ 6 And as they were dr n, n! w ne, the , n! sa d to Esther, 6=hat s your #et t on7 It sha&& 'e !ranted you+ And what s your re(uest7 E$en to the ha&f of "y , n!do", t sha&& 'e fu&f &&ed+6 7 But Esther sa d, 6)y #et t on and "y re(uest s5 8 If I ha$e found fa$or n the s !ht of the , n!, and f t #&ease the , n! to !rant "y #et t on and fu&f & "y re(uest, &et the , n! and Ha"an %o"e to"orrow to the d nner wh %h I w && #re#are for the", and to"orrow I w && do as the , n! has sa d+6 9 And Ha"an went out that day *oyfu& and !&ad of heart+ But when Ha"an saw )or'de%a n the , n!'s !ate, that he ne ther rose nor tre"'&ed 'efore h ", he was f &&ed w th wrath a!a nst )or'de%a + 10 8e$erthe&ess Ha"an restra ned h "se&f, and went ho"e. and he sent and fet%hed h s fr ends and h s w fe 2eresh+ 11 And Ha"an re%ounted to the" the s#&endor of h s r %hes, the nu"'er of h s sons, a&& the #ro"ot ons w th wh %h the , n! had honored h ", and how he had ad$an%ed h " a'o$e the #r n%es and the ser$ants of the , n!+

12 And Ha"an added, 6E$en /ueen Esther &et no one %o"e w th the , n! to the 'an(uet she #re#ared 'ut "yse&f+ And to"orrow a&so I a" n$ ted 'y her to!ether w th the , n!+ 13 Bet a&& th s does "e no !ood, so &on! as I see )or'de%a the <ew s tt n! at the , n!'s !ate+6 14 Then h s w fe 2eresh and a&& h s fr ends sa d to h ", 6;et a !a&&ows f fty %u' ts h !h 'e "ade, and n the "orn n! te&& the , n! to ha$e )or'de%a han!ed u#on t. then !o "err &y w th the , n! to the d nner+6 Th s %ounse& #&eased Ha"an, and he had the !a&&ows "ade+ CHAPTER C 1 On that n !ht the , n! %ou&d not s&ee#. and he !a$e orders to 'r n! the 'oo, of "e"ora'&e deeds, the %hron %&es, and they were read 'efore the , n!+ 2 And t was found wr tten how )or'de%a had to&d a'out B !thana and Teresh, two of the , n!'s eunu%hs, who !uarded the thresho&d, and who had sou!ht to &ay hands u#on K n! Ahasu-e'rus+ 3 And the , n! sa d, 6=hat honor or d !n ty has 'een 'estowed on )or'de%a for th s76 The , n!'s ser$ants who attended h " sa d, 68oth n! has 'een done for h "+6 4 And the , n! sa d, 6=ho s n the %ourt76 8ow Ha"an had *ust entered the outer %ourt of the , n!'s #a&a%e to s#ea, to the , n! a'out ha$ n! )or'de%a han!ed on the !a&&ows that


he had #re#ared for h "+ 5 So the , n!'s ser$ants to&d h ", 6Ha"an s there, standn! n the %ourt+6 And the , n! sa d, 6;et h " %o"e n+6 6 So Ha"an %a"e n, and the , n! sa d to h ", 6=hat sha&& 'e done to the "an who" the , n! de& !hts to honor76 And Ha"an sa d to h "se&f, 6=ho" wou&d the , n! de& !ht to honor "ore than "e76 7 and Ha"an sa d to the , n!, 6For the "an who" the , n! de& !hts to honor, 8 &et roya& ro'es 'e 'rou!ht, wh %h the , n! has worn, and the horse wh %h the , n! has r dden, and on whose head a roya& %rown s set. 9 and &et the ro'es and the horse 'e handed o$er to one of the , n!'s "ost no'&e #r n%es. &et h " array the "an who" the , n! de& !hts to honor, and &et h " %ondu%t the "an on horse'a%, throu!h the o#en s(uare of the % ty, #ro%&a " n! 'efore h "5 9Thus sha&& t 'e done to the "an who" the , n! de& !hts to honor+'6 10 Then the , n! sa d to Ha"an, 6)a,e haste, ta,e the ro'es and the horse, as you ha$e sa d, and do so to )or'de%a the <ew who s ts at the , n!'s !ate+ ;ea$e out noth n! that you ha$e "ent oned+6 11 So Ha"an too, the ro'es and the horse, and he arrayed )or'de%a and "ade h " r de throu!h the o#en s(uare of the % ty, #ro%&a " n!, 6Thus sha&& t 'e done to the "an

who" the , n! de& !hts to honor+6 12 Then )or'de%a returned to the , n!'s !ate+ But Ha"an hurr ed to h s house, "ourn n! and w th h s head %o$ered+ 13 And Ha"an to&d h s w fe 2eresh and a&& h s fr ends e$eryth n! that had 'efa&&en h "+ Then h s w se "en and h s w fe 2eresh sa d to h ", 6If )or'de%a , 'efore who" you ha$e 'e!un to fa&&, s of the <ew sh #eo#&e, you w && not #re$a & a!a nst h " 'ut w && sure&y fa&& 'efore h "+6 14 =h &e they were yet ta&,n! w th h ", the , n!'s eunu%hs arr $ed and 'rou!ht Ha"an n haste to the 'an(uet that Esther had #re#ared+ CHAPTER D 1 So the , n! and Ha"an went n to feast w th /ueen Esther+ 2 And on the se%ond day, as they were dr n, n! w ne, the , n! a!a n sa d to Esther, 6=hat s your #et t on, /ueen Esther7 It sha&& 'e !ranted you+ And what s your re(uest7 E$en to the ha&f of "y , n!do", t sha&& 'e fu&f &&ed+6 3 Then /ueen Esther answered, 6If I ha$e found fa$or n your s !ht, O , n!, and f t #&ease the , n!, &et "y & fe 'e ! $en "e at "y #et t on, and "y #eo#&e at "y re(uest+ 4 For we are so&d, I and "y #eo#&e, to 'e destroyed, to 'e s&a n, and to 'e ann h &ated+ If we had 'een so&d "ere&y as s&a$es, "en and wo"en, I wou&d ha$e he&d "y #ea%e. for


our aff& %t on s not to 'e %o"#ared w th the &oss to the , n!+6 5 Then K n! Ahasu-e'rus sa d to /ueen Esther, 6=ho s he, and where s he, that wou&d #resu"e to do th s76 6 And Esther sa d, 6A foe and ene"yE Th s w %,ed Ha"anE6 Then Ha"an was n terror 'efore the , n! and the (ueen+ 7 And the , n! rose fro" the feast n wrath and went nto the #a&a%e !arden. 'ut Ha"an stayed to 'e! h s & fe fro" /ueen Esther, for he saw that e$ & was deter" ned a!a nst h " 'y the , n!+ 8 And the , n! returned fro" the #a&a%e !arden to the #&a%e where they were dr n, n! w ne, as Ha"an was fa&& n! on the %ou%h where Esther was. and the , n! sa d, 6= && he e$en assau&t the (ueen n "y #resen%e, n "y own house76 As the words &eft the "outh of the , n!, they %o$ered Ha"an's fa%e+ 9 Then sa d Har'o'na, one of the eunu%hs n attendan%e on the , n!, 6)oreo$er, the !a&&ows wh %h Ha"an has #re#ared for )or'de%a , whose word sa$ed the , n!, s standn! n Ha"an's house, f fty %u' ts h !h+6 10 And the , n! sa d, 6Han! h " on that+6 So they han!ed Ha"an on the !a&&ows wh %h he had #re#ared for )or'de%a + Then the an!er of the , n! a'ated+ CHAPTER F 1 On that day K n! Ahasu9

e'rus !a$e to /ueen Esther the house of Ha"an, the ene"y of the <ews+ And )or'de%a %a"e 'efore the , n!, for Esther had to&d what he was to her. 2 and the , n! too, off h s s !net r n!, wh %h he had ta,en fro" Ha"an, and !a$e t to )or'de%a + And Esther set )or'de%a o$er the house of Ha"an+ 3 Then Esther s#o,e a!a n to the , n!. she fe&& at h s feet and 'esou!ht h " w th tears to a$ert the e$ & des !n of Ha"an the A!'a! te and the #&ot wh %h he had de$ sed a!a nst the <ews+ 4 And the , n! he&d out the !o&den s%e#ter to Esther, 5 and Esther rose and stood 'efore the , n!+ And she sa d, 6If t #&ease the , n!, and f I ha$e found fa$or n h s s !ht, and f the th n! see" r !ht 'efore the , n!, and I 'e #&easn! n h s eyes, &et an order 'e wr tten to re$o,e the &etters de$ sed 'y Ha"an the A!'a! te, the son of Ha""eda'tha, wh %h he wrote to destroy the <ews who are n a&& the #ro$ n%es of the , n!+ 6 For how %an I endure to see the %a&a" ty that s %o" n! to "y #eo#&e7 Or how %an I endure to see the destru%t on of "y , ndred76 7 Then K n! Ahasu-e'rus sa d to /ueen Esther and to )or'de%a the <ew, 6Beho&d, I ha$e ! $en Esther the house of Ha"an, and they ha$e han!ed h " on the !a&&ows, 'e%ause he wou&d &ay hands


on the <ews+ 8 And you "ay wr te as you #&ease w th re!ard to the <ews, n the na"e of the , n!, and sea& t w th the , n!'s r n!. for an ed %t wr tten n the na"e of the , n! and sea&ed w th the , n!'s r n! %annot 'e re$o,ed+6 9 The , n!'s se%retar es were su""oned at that t "e, n the th rd "onth, wh %h s the "onth of S $an, on the twentyth rd day. and an ed %t was wr tten a%%ord n! to a&& that )or'de%a %o""anded %on%ern n! the <ews to the satra#s and the !o$ernors and the #r n%es of the #ro$ n%es fro" Ind a to Eth o# a, a hundred and twenty-se$en #ro$n%es, to e$ery #ro$ n%e n ts own s%r #t and to e$ery #eo#&e n ts own &an!ua!e, and a&so to the <ews n the r s%r #t and the r &an!ua!e+ 10 The wr t n! was n the na"e of K n! Ahasu-e'rus and sea&ed w th the , n!'s r n!, and &etters were sent 'y "ounted %our ers r d n! on sw ft horses that were used n the , n!'s ser$ %e, 'red fro" the roya& stud+ 11 By these the , n! a&&owed the <ews who were n e$ery % ty to !ather and defend the r & $es, to destroy, to s&ay, and to ann h &ate any ar"ed for%e of any #eo#&e or #ro$ n%e that " !ht atta%, the", w th the r %h &dren and wo"en, and to #&under the r !oods, 12 u#on one day throu!hout a&& the #ro$ n%es of K n! Ahasu-e'rus, on the th rteenth day

of the twe&fth "onth, wh %h s the "onth of Adar+ 13 A %o#y of what was wr tten was to 'e ssued as a de%ree n e$ery #ro$ n%e, and 'y #ro%&a"at on to a&& #eo#&es, and the <ews were to 'e ready on that day to a$en!e the"se&$es u#on the r ene" es+ 14 So the %our ers, "ounted on the r sw ft horses that were used n the , n!'s ser$ %e, rode out n haste, ur!ed 'y the , n!'s %o""and. and the de%ree was ssued n Susa the %a# ta&+ 15 Then )or'de%a went out fro" the #resen%e of the , n! n roya& ro'es of '&ue and wh te, w th a !reat !o&den %rown and a "ant&e of f ne & nen and #ur#&e, wh &e the % ty of Susa shouted and re*o %ed+ 16 The <ews had & !ht and !&adness and *oy and honor+ 17 And n e$ery #ro$ n%e and n e$ery % ty, where$er the , n!'s %o""and and h s ed %t %a"e, there was !&adness and *oy a"on! the <ews, a feast and a ho& day+ And "any fro" the #eo#&es of the %ountry de%&ared the"se&$es <ews, for the fear of the <ews had fa&&en u#on the"+ CHAPTER G 1 8ow n the twe&fth "onth, wh %h s the "onth of Adar, on the th rteenth day of the sa"e, when the , n!'s %o""and and ed %t were a'out to 'e e4e%uted, on the $ery day when the ene" es of the <ews ho#ed to !et the "astery o$er


the", 'ut wh %h had 'een %han!ed to a day when the <ews shou&d !et the "astery o$er the r foes, 2 the <ews !athered n the r % t es throu!hout a&& the #ro$n%es of K n! Ahasu-e'rus to &ay hands on su%h as sou!ht the r hurt+ And no one %ou&d "a,e a stand a!a nst the", for the fear of the" had fa&&en u#on a&& #eo#&es+ 3 A&& the #r n%es of the #ro$n%es and the satra#s and the !o$ernors and the roya& off % a&s a&so he&#ed the <ews, for the fear of )or'de%a had fa&&en u#on the"+ 4 For )or'de%a was !reat n the , n!'s house, and h s fa"e s#read throu!hout a&& the #ro$ n%es. for the "an )or'de%a !rew "ore and "ore #owerfu&+ 5 So the <ews s"ote a&& the r ene" es w th the sword, s&au!hter n!, and destroy n! the", and d d as they #&eased to those who hated the"+ 6 In Susa the %a# ta& tse&f the <ews s&ew and destroyed f $e hundred "en, 7 and a&so s&ew Par-shanda'tha and -a&#hon and As#a'tha 8 and Pora'tha and Ada'& a and Ar da'tha 9 and Par"ash'ta and Ar' sa and Ar' da and 0a 1a'tha, 10 the ten sons of Ha"an the son of Ha""eda'tha, the ene"y of the <ews. 'ut they &a d no hand on the #&under+ 11 That $ery day the nu"'er of those s&a n n Susa the %a# ta& was re#orted to the , n!+

12 And the , n! sa d to /ueen Esther, 6In Susa the %a# ta& the <ews ha$e s&a n f $e hundred "en and a&so the ten sons of Ha"an+ =hat then ha$e they done n the rest of the , n!'s #ro$ n%esE 8ow what s your #et t on7 It sha&& 'e !ranted you+ And what further s your re(uest7 It sha&& 'e fu&f &&ed+6 13 And Esther sa d, 6If t #&ease the , n!, &et the <ews who are n Susa 'e a&&owed to"orrow a&so to do a%%ord n! to th s day's ed %t+ And &et the ten sons of Ha"an 'e han!ed on the !a&&ows+6 14 So the , n! %o""anded th s to 'e done. a de%ree was ssued n Susa, and the ten sons of Ha"an were han!ed+ 15 The <ews who were n Susa !athered a&so on the fourteenth day of the "onth of Adar and they s&ew three hundred "en n Susa. 'ut they &a d no hands on the #&under+ 16 8ow the other <ews who were n the , n!'s #ro$ n%es a&so !athered to defend the r & $es, and !ot re& ef fro" the r ene" es, and s&ew se$entyf $e thousand of those who hated the". 'ut they &a d no hands on the #&under+ 17 Th s was on the th rteenth day of the "onth of Adar, and on the fourteenth day they rested and "ade that a day of feast n! and !&adness+ 18 But the <ews who were n Susa !athered on the th rteenth day and on the fourteenth, and rested on the f fteenth day, "a, n! that a day


of feast n! and !&adness+ 19 Therefore the <ews of the $ &&a!es, who & $e n the o#en towns, ho&d the fourteenth day of the "onth of Adar as a day for !&adness and feast n! and ho& day-"a, n!, and a day on wh %h they send %ho %e #ort ons to one another+ 20 And )or'de%a re%orded these th n!s, and sent &etters to a&& the <ews who were n a&& the #ro$ n%es of K n! Ahasue'rus, 'oth near and far, 21 en*o n n! the" that they shou&d ,ee# the fourteenth day of the "onth Adar and a&so the f fteenth day of the sa"e, year 'y year, 22 as the days on wh %h the <ews !ot re& ef fro" the r ene" es, and as the "onth that had 'een turned for the" fro" sorrow nto !&adness and fro" "ourn n! nto a ho& day. that they shou&d "a,e the" days of feast n! and !&adness, days for send n! %ho %e #ort ons to one another and ! fts to the #oor+ 23 So the <ews undertoo, to do as they had 'e!un, and as )or'de%a had wr tten to the"+ 24 For Ha"an the A!'a! te, the son of Ha""eda'tha, the ene"y of a&& the <ews, had #&otted a!a nst the <ews to destroy the", and had %ast Pur, that s the &ot, to %rush and destroy the". 25 'ut when Esther %a"e 'efore the , n!, he !a$e orders n wr t n! that h s w %,ed #&ot wh %h he had de$ sed a!a nst the <ews shou&d %o"e u#on h s own head, and that he and h s

sons shou&d 'e han!ed on the !a&&ows+ 26 Therefore they %a&&ed these days Pur ", after the ter" Pur+ And therefore, 'e%ause of a&& that was wr tten n th s &etter, and of what they had fa%ed n th s "atter, and of what had 'efa&&en the", 27 the <ews orda ned and too, t u#on the"se&$es and the r des%endants and a&& who *o ned the", that w thout fa & they wou&d ,ee# these two days a%%ord n! to what was wr tten and at the t "e a##o nted e$ery year, 28 that these days shou&d 'e re"e"'ered and ,e#t throu!hout e$ery !enerat on, n e$ery fa" &y, #ro$ n%e, and % ty, and that these days of Pur " shou&d ne$er fa&& nto d suse a"on! the <ews, nor shou&d the %o""e"orat on of these days %ease a"on! the r des%endants+ 29 Then /ueen Esther, the dau!hter of A'' ha &, and )or'de%a the <ew !a$e fu&& wr tten author ty, %onf r" n! th s se%ond &etter a'out Pur "+ 30 ;etters were sent to a&& the <ews, to the hundred and twenty-se$en #ro$ n%es of the , n!do" of Ahasu-e'rus, n words of #ea%e and truth, 31 that these days of Pur " shou&d 'e o'ser$ed at the r a##o nted seasons, as )or'de%a the <ew and /ueen Esther en*o ned u#on the <ews, and as they had &a d down for the"se&$es and for the r des%endants, w th re!ard to the r fasts and the r &a"ent n!+


32 The %o""and of /ueen Esther f 4ed these #ra%t %es of Pur ", and t was re%orded n wr t n!+ CHAPTER 1H 1 K n! Ahasu-e'rus &a d tr 'ute on the &and and on the %oast&ands of the sea+ 2 And a&& the a%ts of h s #ower and " !ht, and the fu&& a%%ount of the h !h honor of )or'de%a , to wh %h the , n! ad$an%ed h ", are they not wr tten n the Boo, of the Chron %&es of the , n!s of )ed a and Pers a7 3 For )or'de%a the <ew was ne4t n ran, to K n! Ahasue'rus, and he was !reat a"on! the <ews and #o#u&ar w th the "u&t tude of h s 'rethren, for he sou!ht the we&fare of h s #eo#&e and s#o,e #ea%e to a&& h s #eo#&e+


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