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College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

1. CoEP established ͙ 3
2. Notable alumni ͙5
3. Landmarks in CoEP ͙6
4. Library ͙8
5. Boat Club ͙9
6. Mindspark ͙12
7. Annual Social Gathering ͙13
8. Zest ͙14
9. Special Events ͙15
10. HAM club ͙15
11. E-cell ͙16
12. SACC ͙16

College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

13. Astronomy Club ͙17
14. Satellite group ͙17
15. Robot Study Circle ͙18
16. SAE collegiate Club ͙18
17. Cultural Group ͙19
18. Arts and Crafts Team ͙19
19. Debating Club ͙20
20. BCQC ͙20
21. Abhiyanta-College magazine ͙21
22. Spandan-An NGO ͙22
23. The Philomistics ͙23
24. Kanad Quality Circle ͙23
25. History Club ͙24

College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

COEP established:
C0EP̵s piecuisoiǡ The Poona Engineeiing
Class anu Nechanical School was openeu in Iuly
ͳͺͷͶ situateu in Bhawani Pethǡ PoonaǤ The
founuation stone of the new builuing was laiu by
Bis Excellency the uoveinoiǡ Sii Baitle Fieieǡ on
the ͷth August locateu on the iuins of the ͳͻ

centuiy Biitish iesiuencyǯs staff quaiteisǤ
In ͳͺ͸ͺ the College moveu to the New
BuiluingsǤ Two new classesǡ an Agiicultuial class
anu a Foiest classǡ weie auueu to the collegeǡ anu
the name of the college was changeu fiom DzThe
Poona Civil Engineeiing College Dzto DzThe College
of SciencedzǤ In ͳͻͳͳ all nonǦEngineeiing couises
closeuǡ anu the college ienameu as DzCollege of
Engineeiingǡ PoonaDzሺC0EPሻǤ Fiom then onǡ the
college has gone on expanuing auuing new
uepaitments anu new wings by the yeaiǤ In ʹͲͲͶ
the institute ieceiveu the autonomy fiom the state
goveinmentǤ The institute is placeu among the top
twenty institutes by vaiious national level
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

suiveys conuucteu by ienowneu institutes such as
Inuia Touayǡ BNA etcǤ
How The Names Changed:
ͳͺͷͶȂͳͺ͹Ͳǣ Poona Engineeiing Class anu
Nechanical School
ͳͺ͹ͳȂͳͻͳʹǣ uoveinment Science College
ሺAgiicultuie anu Botany Classesሻ
ͳͻͳʹȂʹͲͲʹǣ uoveinment College of
Engineeiingǡ Poona
ʹͲͲʹȂʹͲͲ͸ǣ Pune Institute of Engineeiing anu
ʹͲͲ͸ onwaiusǣ PIETǯs College of Engineeiingǡ
Pune ሺbecause of uemanu fiom the alumni anu
otheis which weie conceineu about the bianu
value associateu with the name CoEP in inuustiy
anu ieseaich uomainsሻ
The main hall of the institute is one of the
most ienowneu histoiical lanumaiks of the cityǤ
The main hall was uesigneu in EnglanuǤ
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

Notable Alumni:
1. Mahadev Vinayak Ranade:
Mahadev Vinayak Ranade was actively
involved in assassination of tyrant british officer
Rand to take revenge of the atrocities during the
plague epidemic in Pune during 1894-97 along with
Chapekar brothers. He manufactured bullets which
were used to kill Rand secretly in the workshop of
college. He was also involved in killing traitor Dravid
brothers. He was hanged till death in Yerawada
Central Jail.
2. Bharat Ratna M. Visveshwaraya:
Bhaiat Ratna Sii Nokshagunuam
visveswaiaya is the biilliant stai of the CoEPǡ
became a stuuent of C0EP foi civil engineeiing in
ͳͺͺͳǤ Thiough his countless woiksǡ he thus
became synonymous with civil engineeiing anu
won accolaues such as Bhaiat RatnaǤ Be was the
piesiuent on centenaiy celebiations in ͳͻͷͶǤ
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

Some othei notable alumni aie
y 0osha Besaiǣ The fiist lauy engineei of
the nation
y PǤ SǤ Beouhaiǣ Pioneei of SmaitCaiu
y CǤKǤNǤ Patelǣ inventoi of C0ʹ LaseiǤ
y Baiesh Shahǣ Awaiueu as ǮTop Seismic
Engineei of ʹͲ
y Thomas Kailathǣ Fiist Inuian to obtain
PhB fiom Nassachusetts Institute of
y Leela Poonawalaǣ Fiist lauy mechanical
engineei in InuiaǤ CNB at Alfa LavalǤ
y Nauhav Chitaleǣ Receiveu piestigious
Stockholm Piize foi woik in Watei
y BiǤ BǤuǤShiikeǣ Chaiipeison of Shiike
uioupǦa famous constiuction fiimǤ
Recently ieceiveu Paumashiee awaiuǤ
y Ibiahim Namuaniǣ Well known foi his
contiibution in Fuzzy LogicǦan emeiging
bianch of mathematics
y Ravinuia Nankaniǣ Famous actoi in
movies anu uaily sops

College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

Landmarks in CoEP:
The piouuction woikshop was set up in
ͳͺ͹ʹǤ The bullets which killeu the tyiant Ranu
weie maue in the woikshop of C0EPǤ The
iesouices of the woikshop have been useu foi
wai effoit uuiing ͳ
Woilu WaiǤ In the Seconu
Woilu Wai was useu as the woikshop foi
manufactuiing ammunition haiuwaieǤ Room NoǤͷ
neai Piouuction BeptǤ was useu as an aiiciaft
MIG 21 engine
Like its vaiious othei featuiesǡ CoEP has
one moie thing which othei engineeiing colleges
envy us foi a NIu engineǤ The NIu ʹͳ engine
which is kept in the heat engines laboiatoiy of
Nechanical Engineeiing BepaitmentǢ is being a
iaiity amongst iaiitiesǡ as fai as acauemic
institutions aie conceineuǤ This engine was
uonateu by Inuian Aii Foiceǡ at the behest of RetuǤ
Aii Naishal SǤSǤ Ramuasǡ alumnus of C0EPǤ
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

CoEP has well equippeu Libiaiy with an
integiateu automation installeuǤ Libiaiy has
vaiieu collection compiising of ǣ
i. Textbooksǡ iefeience books anu othei
booksǣ ͹ͲͷͺͶ
iiǤ CBǯs anu cassettsǣ ͳ͵ʹʹ
iiiǤ IouinalsሺInteinationalǡ nationalǡ nonǦ
technicalሻǣ ͳ͹͵
ivǤ 0nǦline Access ሺIouinalsǡ Inuian
stanuaiusǡ etcሻǣ Ͳ͹

Stuuents can issue two books at a time foi
the uuiation of seven uaysሺif not ietuineu in timeǡ
stuuents aie fineuሻǤ Libiaiy benefit the stuuents
by pioviuing BookǦbank schemeǡ in which books
aie available at ʹͲΨ NRP piice on ietuin basisǡ in
each semesteiǤ
N0TEǣ Immeuiately aftei aumission to collegeǡ
Iuentity caiu shoulu be iegisteieu to libiaiyǡ
otheiwise stuuents canǯt issue the booksǤ
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

Boat Club:
No uoubt C0EP is always abuzz with
numeious activitiesǡ but the Boat Club has always
iemaineu the heaitǦthiob of the collegeǤ veiy few
colleges can boast of such a unique facilityǤ Eveiy
CoEPian cheiishes the memoiies of the time spent
Establisheu in ͳͻʹͺǡ the boat club has
oveiwhelmingly iich histoiy anu ieplete with
many memoiable momentsǤ The fleet is ͳͲͲ boats
stiong in which theie aie boats of many typesǦbe
it swift anu slenuei Kayaks anu Biamonus oi the
stuiuy puntsǡ Bingeesǡ the club has it allǤ
The annual event at the boat club is calleu
RegattaǤ Nany CoEPians have uistinguisheu
themselves in vaiious iowing competitions in
Inuia anu staff like NiǤBhaiucha hau noticeable
contiibutionǤ The iegatta is the most fascinating
event of all helu at boat club anu ieceives
auuience fiom all ovei PuneǤ The boat Club
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

membeis helpeu the iescue opeiations in floou of
Panshet in ͳͻ͸ͳ anu in floous at Sangli in ʹͲͲͷǤ
The club has ties with othei boat clubsǤ
Swim tests aie consiueieu as essential
pieiequisite foi some boatsǤ 0thei boats uo not
iequiie such swim testsǤ The coxing is pioviueu
foi each canuiuateǤ
The swim tests aie conuucteu in 0ctobeiǤ
The tiaining anu othei activities begin at the same
The festival which showcases following
spellbinuing events is helu in Naich enu anu its
piepaiations stait fiom Ianuaiy enuǤ
Arrow Formation:
A pait of Regatta since its inception this
event has boats foim shape of an aiiow anu gives
a tiauitional welcome to chief guestsǤ
Diamond Formation:
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

It is an event caiiieu on seven uiamonu
sculls which aie veiy uifficult to manoeuvie anu
pleasing to eye uue to its sleeknessǤ
Punt Formation:
An event exclusively foi fiesheis
peifoimeu with ʹͲ lighteu punts foiming vaiious
shapes woven in ceitain themeǤ
A theme baseu event uisplaying thiilling
stunts of fiie in wateiǤ It is a uazzling show of
Kayak Ballet:
Beginning in ͳͻͻ͹ the event has become
favouiite among the ciowu uue to its pace anu its
bieathtaking manoeuviesǤ
Mashal Dance:
A mesmeiizing peifoimance by ͶͲ people
holuing ͺͲ mashals foiming vaiious shapes with
amazing synchionisation anu showcasing
splenuiu ieflection in wateiǤ
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

The annual technical event NinuSpaikǡ
initiateu in ʹͲͲ͹ǡ is one of the most famous anu
piestigious technical events nationwiueǤ Foimeu
by unifying the vaiious technical events helu on
uepaitmental basisǡ the NinuSpaik pioviues stage
foi vaiious emeiging fielus of mouein technologyǤ
Becoiateu with events such as quizzesǡ
piogiamming competitionsǡ electionic ciicuit
uebugging anu uesigningǡ papei piesentationǡ
iobot competitionsǡ the event showcases the
talent in all the fielus of engineeiingǤ Piepaiations
foi the event begin in month of augustǤ Theie aie
seveial uistinct aieas of woik such as
infiastiuctuieǡ iefieshmentǡ publicityǡ
sponsoishipǤ The fiist yeai stuuents can volunteei
in one of these eventsǡ as well as paiticipate in the
competitions oiganiseuǤ
The iegistiation foi volunteeis is uone in augustǤ

College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

Annual Social Gathering:
The annual social gatheiing showcases the
vaiious aitistic facets founu in CoEPiansǤ The
vaiious events at the gatheiing incluue Biamaǡ
vaiiety ሺuanceǡ singing anu mauǦausሻǡ stieet playǡ
an exhibition oiganiseu by Aits anu Ciafts Teamǡ
gatheiing spoitsǡ funǦfaiiǡ BI nightǡ Tiauitional
uayǡ an expeit speech oiganiseu by uebating
gioup etcǤ The BI nightǡ tiauitional uay aie some
of the most attiactive events of allǤ
uatheiing spoits incluue Box Ciicketǡ Nix
Ciicketǡ athleticsǡ caiomǡ chess anu seveial othei
funǦgamesǤ It also incluues a bouybuiluing
competition titleu CoEP Shiee anu a tugǦofǦwai
competitionǤ InteiǦuivisional ciicket matches aie
oiganiseu as wellǤ
The auuitions foi uiamaǡ vaiietyǡ aie helu
sepaiately in month of Ianuaiy oi FebiuaiyǤ

College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

est is the annual spoits competitionǡ one
of the most awaiting events oiganiseu at CoEPǤ
Paiticipation fiom vaiious IITs anu ͹ʹ institutes
fiom states like uujiatǡ Punjabǡ Kainatakaǡ Keialaǡ
makes the event NationwiueǤ
Symbolising the buuuing enthusiasm anu
paiǦexcellence achieveu in oiganization of eventǡ
the zest is consiueieu as one of the piestigious
competitionǤ The competition incluues games like
Bockeyǡ Ciicketǡ Footballǡ KhoǦKhoǡ Kabauuiǡ
Baseballǡ Basketballǡ CoEPǦShieeǡ etcǤ Some
inuooi games like Caiomǡ Chessǡ anu Watei polo
aie also oiganiseuǤ
In oiuei to make a successful eventǡ
stuuents woik togethei in attiacting the
sponsoishipsǡ publicity anu setting the huge
infiastiuctuie neeueuǤ The stuuents can eithei
paiticipate in est as a playei oi as a volunteeiǤ

College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

Special Events held at CoEP:
ͳǤ The centenaiy yeai celebiations of the
Inuian Nathematical Society ሺINSሻ weie
helu at the institute piemises in piesence
of piominent mathematiciansǤ Seveial
Nathematicians ueliveieu piesentations
anu speechesǤ
ʹǤ Nobel Lauieate ueoige FǤ Shmoot visiteu
the institute uuiing ʹͲͲ͸ unuei the
Boneywell Nobel InitiativeǤ

HAM Club:
Amateui iauio club was establisheu in the
college campus in ͳͻͺ͸Ǥ The Club coaches people
foi license of BAN opeiatoiǤ Aftei getting the
license each peison is given his own call signǤ The
college has its own antennaǤ The club has helpeu
police uuiing occasions like uaneshotsavǡ when
communication lines become congesteuǤ The club
also helps to set up a walkieǦtalkie
communication in ʹ km iange foi vaiious college
events like Ninuspaikǡ RegattaǤ
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

Entrerpreneur Cell (E-Cell):
The DzAge of Kingsdz has long passeu anu
now has uawneu DzThe Age of the EntiepieneuidzǤ
The Entiepieneui Cell commonly known as
Empiessaiio has staiteu functioning at the
CollegeǤ It piomotes leaining skills like maiketingǡ
bianu selling anu ievenue geneiating etcǤ thiough
expeiienceǤ Empiessaiio has conuucteu many
national events as well as lectuie seiies anu
Nembeiship is open foi allǤ No auuitionsǤ
SACC: Passing On The Baton:
SACC ሺStuuent Alumni CoǦopeiation Cellሻ
uiiectly offeis benefits to cuiient stuuents by
connecting them to successful alumni of C0EPǤ
ǮWebguiuǯ lectuie seiiesǡ in which successful
entiepieneuis anu inuustiialists uelivei lectuiesǡ
a mentoiship piogiam foi oneǦtoǦone guiuance
aie some of the piogiams caiiieu out by SACCǤ
Nembeiship is open foi allǤ No auuitionsǤ
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

Astronomy Club:
The Astionomy club was staiteu in August
ʹͲͲͷ with an initiative to biing the astionomy
buffs togetheiǤ The club oiganizes lectuies
piepaieu by membeis anu uiscussions on topics
fiom space scienceǦtechnology to astiophysicsǤ
Regulai stai paities aie oiganiseu as a pait of
gioup activityǤ The club has finisheu the
constiuction of ͳʹ̵̵ telescope ʹ
laigest in PuneǤ
Nembeiship is open foi allǤ No auuitionsǤ
Satellite Group:
As a iesponse to the call by ISR0 in oiuei
to uevelop micioǦsatellitesǡ CoEP stuuents
gatheieu anu foimeu satellite gioup in
BecembeiǯͲͺǤ The pioposeu satellite is intenueu
to be a uemonstiatoi foi peimanent
communication system consisting of
constellations of picoǦsatellitesǤ
uioup membeis aie selecteu by online
test anu inteiviews helu at the beginning of
acauemic yeaiǤ
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

Robot Study Circle:
Robot Stuuy Ciicle ሺRSCሻǦEstablisheu in
Septembei ʹͲͲͶǦis an inteiǦinstitutionalǡ
oiganization at institute to cieate awaieness
about ioboticsǤ It has an aii conuitioneu lab with
auvanceu iobotsǡ upuateu computeis anu vaiious
tiainei iobotsǤ The membeis get hanusǦon
expeiience on vaiious iobotsǤ
Registiation foi the membeiship can be uone in
fiist semesteiǤ
SAE Collegiate Club:
SAE Colligate Club was established to
participate in BAIA SAE Ȃa national level
Competition of technical excellenceǤ The
competition aims to biing out the best mechanical
engineeiing skills out of stuuents by making them
uesign anu iace theii vehicles on a tough test
tiackǤ By beating many teams all ovei Inuiaǡ
incluuing IITs anu NITsǡ the C0EP team claimeu
the championshipǤ
AuuitionsȀ Inteiview helu uuiing ʹ
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

Cultural Group:
The cultuial gioup paiticipates in vaiious
competitions such as Fiiouiya anu Puiushttam
Kaianuak the famous uiama competitionsǤ The
gioup consists of Biama teamǡ Bance teamǡ stieetǦ
play anu mau aus teamǤ The uance team anu mauǦ
aus team paiticipate sepaiately in vaiious
competitions such as Baimonyǡ veive anu have
won seveial piizesǤ The cultuial team won the
Puiushottam anu Fiiouiya Kaianuak in last yeaiǤ
The auuitions foi each of these teams aie helu
sepaiately in fiist as well as seconu semesteiǤ
Arts and Crafts Team:
The aits anu ciaft team iepiesents the
cieative facets of engineeis in fielus such as
paintingǡ sketching etcǤ anu oiganise an exhibition
of the same in annual gatheiingǤ It iepiesents
college in vaiious piestigious competitions like
NoouǦinuigoǡ veuanta etcǤ The club set a uuinness
Woilu Recoiu foi longest paintingǤ
Auuitions aie taken uuiing fiist semesteiǤ
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

Debating Club:
0nly C0EP uebateis can iightfully claim
DzStill Wanna Aigueǫdzǡ because in eveiy nook anu
coinei of Nahaiashtiaǡ each uebating competition
has oui names anu college insignia piouuly
insciibeu upon tiophiesǤ ǮSii visveshwaiaya
Nemoiial Bebateǡ Elocution Contestǯ in Naiathi
anu Englishǡ being helu since ʹͲͲͲǡ is haileu as
one of the best in NahaiashtiaǤ Not limiting
themselves to Naiathi onlyǡ the gioup has an
English uebating bianch since ʹͲͲ͸Ǥ
Auuitions aie helu uuiing Septembei monthǤ
Boat Club Quiz Club (BCQC):
Initiateu in ͳͻͻʹǦͻ͵ as an infoimal
quizzing session at the boat club on Satuiuay was
by the stuuents the BC0C club is not limiteu to
college stuuents anu outsiue people also come to
give theii biain a bit of exeiciseǤ The quizzeis of
the college have maue theii piesence felt at eveiy
piestigious competition anu have maue the
college piouuǤ No auditions are needed.
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

Abhiyanta- College Magazine:
The stuuents of CoEP gathei appieciation
foi theii annual social magazineǤ Abhiyanta the
annual magazine of the institute has been a
fiequent ieceivei of applause fiom all ovei the
state since its fiist piint in ͳͻͳͷǤ
The magazine is one of the most beloveu
enteipiises in the institute ieceiving
contiibutions fiom all the clubs mainly incluuing
Bistoiy ClubǤ Consisting of sections such as
Naiathiǡ Binuiǡ English as the language sectionsǡ
the magazine incluues CoEP section ueuicateu to
spiiit of the piouu CoEPiansǤ The technical section
is an inevitable pait of itǤ The content of the
magazine is euiteu by the Nagazine Euiting teamǤ
Nagazine also pioviues stage foi aits such as
illustiationǡ photogiaphyǤ
The magazine has giabbeu vaiious awaius
fiom 0nivǤ of Puneǡ Nahaishtia Sahitya PaiishauǤ
Auuitions foi each section aie taken in
August enuǤ
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

C0EPians have come togethei to the
welfaie of the less piivilegeu anu SPANBAN was
establisheu in ʹͲͲ͵ appealing DzAiise anu Shine in
seivice to mankinudzǡ fiom its inception has
contiibuteu immensely to the societyǤ The gioup
has caiiieu out activities like 0iigami woikshop
foi oiphansǡ bloou uonation campsǡ cleanliness
uiives uuiing uanesh visaijanǡ eain whileǦ leain
schemeǡ helping foi acauemics foi uaikwau
Schoolǡ etcǤ Noticing the pollution in the iivei
mutha on whose shoie the college campus
iesiuesǡ Spanuan ueciueu to stait the cleaning
campaign foi Nutha RiveiǤ As a pait of this
campaignǡ it conuucteu a coast cleaning piogiam
unuei Inteinational Coastal Cleanup at Baba
Bhiue BiiugeǤ Spanuan also cieates awaieness
about enviionmental pioblems among people by
vaiious meansǤ
No auuitions aie iequiieuǤ
Websiteǣ wwwǤspanuanonlineǤoig
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

The Philomystics:
In oiuei to quench the thiist of fellow
stuuents about vaiious philosophies anu ancient
mysticsǡ the philomystics was establisheuǤ The
gioup caiiies out lectuies in oiuei to put vaiious
aspects of philosophy in fiont of peopleǤ Fiequent
gioup uiscussions aie also caiiieu out on vaiious
No auuitions aie neeueuǤ
Kanad Quality Circle:
Nameu aftei Nahaishi Kanauǡ 0uality
Ciicle inspiies stuuents to analyse the piocess of
manufactuiing employeu in the inuustiy anu to
suggest mouifications in it which can be
implementeu theieǤ The mouifications suggesteu
by the stuuents compete each othei in state level
competitions anu latei in national levelǤ CoEP
team iecently giabbeu the best uebut as well as
pai excellence awaius at state anu national level
iespectivelyǤ Registiation is neeueuǤ
College Of Engineering, Pune
(An Autonomus Institute Of Govt. Of Maharashtra)
Shivajinagar, Pune-05.

History Club:
The CoEP History Club which has ties with
Bharat Itihaas Sanshodhan Mandal and Itihaas
Premi Mandal, is a social activity pursued by the
students of CoEP vigorously over last three years
out of their passion about history. The club holds
regular sessions on various topics such as Troy,
Mahabharata, Maratha History, Historic love
stories and many others.
Club organizes many site visits and treks
on places of historical significance. These tours
are guided ones and different field expertise or
prominent historians are taken along.
History Week:
This annual event comprises of a week-
long series of lectures which is attended by
people all around Pune. Many well-known
personalities in the field of history are invited
who enlighten the audience on diverse topics.
Students having keen interest in any
aspect of history can join the club.

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