Can we afford not to ask Ford?

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Can we afford not to ask Ford? What caused him to go crackers? Would Ford be crackers to divulge what induced his crackers and perhaps more important Would Polly want a cracker? !"#$$%&%/'nly(the()ccentric(*now(the(+ightmare ,ias 'smosis -morgasbord of kaleidoscopic ricochet ./,0)..ruths antithesis ,eliefs 0i1uid )2ponential .ranscendental$&"k456'F+78feature3related 9n the name of :od and forgive it;s <ust politics P=)-->=)Political =eligious )galitarian -egregated -olidarity >bi1uitous =ighteous )2plosive -anctimonious ?.hy kingdom come? 4c Pig 4usical Chairs Puppets in glomming Puppets in :overnance 4edia )lusives

P9: 4)
.he re1uest for :od@s kingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the beliefA common at the timeA that a 4essiah figure would bring about a *ingdom of :od. .raditionally the coming of :od@s *ingdom is seen as a divine gift to be prayed forA

not a human achievement.
.his idea is fre1uently challenged by groups who believe that the *ingdom will come by the hands of those faithful to work for a better world. 9t is believed by these individuals that Besus@ commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the *ingdom to which he was referring.

P9: 4)'W
Puppets in :overnance 4edia )lusives 'pposition Web 9n the name of :od ofA for with the People W.F

C%D .ithe Political =eligious 9mplicit Complicit )2plicit P=9C) Political =eligious 9nsidious Capitalist )mperors 0ike other financial empires in historyA -mith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to develop and control wealthA as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperial(centers(of( capital.E F ,elloc estimated thatA during the ,ritish )nclosuresA ?perhaps half of the whole population was proletarian?A while roughly the other ?half? owned and controlled the means of production. +owA under modern CapitalismA B.W. -mith claims fewer than #%% people possess more wealth than half of the earth;s populationA as the wealth of /! of (percent of the >nited -tates population roughly e1ual that of the lower C%( percent.>9t(=p"y"*s

new ?<esuit pope? francis. controlled by black pope'GP t-t&G/g

-9+ ,/G -ane 9nsanity +ormalcy ,eliefs /ggressed Gemocratically


Facts must have root ! take root :od coherency ?Catch !!? must have semblance ! catch do: chase tail

9 know 9 will never see a poem as lovely as a tree nor a brighter life form

.hey wail banging heads against wall and we get the )2cedrin headaches 5a gotta know ,$ 0est we Forget taking on different animal &

Budaism .H9=G .)4P0) ,)9+: ,>90. demolish 49 I 4uslim 9slam

WW 999 ? H>H? Holy unorthodo2 Holocaust +)W+ever )nding War -tory

'nward Christian -oldiers$"Ja%%5%u$

>nited +ations /lien Kionist 9nsidious Puppets .he -tar of Gavid in the 0eningrad Code2A %%6 C) >pon independence in C$6A the new Bewish state was formally named Medinat YisraelA or the -tate of 9sraelA after other proposed historical and religious names including Eretz Israel L?the 0and of 9srael?MA KionA and BudeaA were considered and re<ected.E!#F 9n the early weeks of independenceA the government chose the term ?9sraeli? to denote a citiNen of 9sraelA with the formal announcement made by 4inister of Foreign /ffairs 4oshe -harett.E!"F .he name 9srael has historically been usedA in common and religious usageA to refer to the biblical *ingdom of 9srael or the entire Bewish nation.E!OF /ccording to the Hebrew ,ible the name ?9srael? was given to the patriarch Bacob L-tandard YisraʾelA IsrāʾīlP -eptuagint :reek: ἸQRSTUIsraēlP

?struggle with :od?



after he successfu y wrest e! with the an"e of the #or!.
Bacob@s twelve sons became the ancestors of the 9sraelitesA also known as the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel. Bacob and his sons had lived in Canaan but were forced by famine to go into )gypt for four generations until 4osesA a great(great grandson of BacobAE&%F led the 9sraelites back into Canaan during the ?)2odus?. .he earliest archaeological artifact to mention the word ?9srael? is the 4erneptah -tele of ancient )gypt Ldated to the late &th century ,C)M.E& F

$he area is a so %nown as the

&o y #an!'

bein" ho y for a

Abrahamic re i"ions inc u!in"
an! the *ah+,- .aith.

(u!aism' Christianity' )s am
Holy /be ,atman harped =obin yep no C looks like a <ob $ H././.=.P$w)Ny!kN=#48feature3related >- caused Bapan 6.C )arth1uake V /lter weather .esla mad science alive and well HomerA /laska

# annotationJid3annotationJ #&! C8feature3iv8srcJvid3s>#&Of$bnF48v3 4W <41,FG5 Gepopulate to ,illion 9nteractive =eciprocity and then there were none finally P') Peace on )arth O come /n e2asperating shot in anti1uity an e2acerbating peacekeeping volley then all hell broke loose
/ cry a lie a defy husha husha 8 we all paid the Price from dusk ! dust we r a changing blowing in the wind

0est we forget .errorist makers '* if you are the good guy 'r is it if you are perceived as the good guy the other a :od damn terrorists

"> C++ 9t;s '* Wikileaks evil

.ruth /ll Pay Price<sF-r-+O(k >-. war crimes in 9ra1 EPart F'mo4uy%vK<c >-. war crimes in 9ra1 EPart !F"4!/9maC6k >-. war crimes in 9ra1 EPart &F!i%d&+dt9e4 >-. war crimes in 9ra1 EPart $F!ngHl$ .he whole truth about the 9ra1 war
The War on Iraq, filmmaker Robert Greenwald chronicles the Bush Administration's determined quest to invade Iraq following the events of e!tember "", #$$"% The film deconstructs the administration's case for war through interviews with &% intelligence and defense officials, foreign service e'!erts, and &%(% wea!ons ins!ectors )) including a former *IA director, a former ambassador to audi Arabia and even +resident Bush's ecretar, of the Arm,% Their anal,ses and conclusions are sobering, and often disturbing, regardless of one's !olitical affiliations%

www.' 'bstruct Bustice truth and source kill .ruth kills truth saves -ave yourself and the world Xideo :one O&&6! &$&C!C!$C%Y Xideo =eplaced$ns
In this lecture b, -ichel *hossudovsk,, he blows awa, the smokescreen !ut u! b, the mainstream media, that ./"" was an attack on America b, 0Islamic terrorists0% Through meticulous research, he has uncovered a militar,) intelligence !lo, behind the e!tember "" attacks, and the cover)u! and com!licit, of ke, members of the Bush Administration% According to *hossudovsk,, the 0war on terrorism0 is a com!lete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, 1sama bin 2aden, outwitted the 34$ billion)a),ear American intelligence a!!aratus% The 0war on terrorism0 is a war of conquest% Globalisation is the final march to the 0(ew World 1rder0, dominated b, Wall treet and the &% % militar,)industrial com!le'% e!tember "", #$$" !rovides a 5ustification for waging a war without


borders% Washington's agenda consists in e'tending the frontiers of the American 6m!ire to facilitate com!lete &% % cor!orate control, while installing within America the institutions of the 7omeland ecurit, tate%!6lKiH> .ruth *ills>) /fter overcoming the willing suspension of disbelief High =anking >- 4a<or :eneral )2poses -eptember"60>HaJ('l/ C9/ Whistleblower -usan 0indauer )WP'-)- )verythingZ ?)2treme Pre<udice?
4ilitary corruption >-/ ,illions if not trillions /!C/%! 9ra1 War *hut62bW*68feature3related *ush bro%e every ru e in the boo%s of U/ Constitution an! U0 Charter part an! parce*Cdg1*mB#%8feature Fema Getention Camps 4arshall 0aw 68tid3#! C% F,9 guy flees stating all insane and died'W:mtro 9t;s always the enemy premeditated instilled within self once the Posen -peech takes caught in crossfire

% 5ears if you think :overnment corrupt >-/

Posen speech
Main article: Posen speeches
?Die Ausrottung des j dis!hen "ol#es?

/n e2cerpt from the Posen speeches where Himmler discusses the on(going e2termination of the Bews.

$roble%s listening to this file& 'ee %edia hel()


'n $ 'ctober C$&A Himmler referred e2plicitly to the e2termination of the Bewish people during a secret -meeting in the city of PoNna[LPosenM. .he following is a translation of an e2cerpt from a transcription of an audio recordingEOOF that e2ists of the speech: 9 also want to refer here very frankly to a very difficult matter. We can now very openly talk about this among ourselvesA and yet we will never discuss this publicly. Bust as we did not hesitate on &% Bune C&$A to perform our duty as ordered and put comrades who had failed up against the wall and e2ecute themA we also never spoke about itA nor will we ever speak about it.

#et us than% Go!
that we had within us enough self(evident fortitude never to discuss it among usA and we never talked about it. )very one of us was horrifiedA and yet every one clearly understood that we would do it ne2t timeA when the order is given and when it becomes necessary. 9 am now referring to the evacuation of the BewsA to the e2termination of the Bewish People. .his is something that is easily said: @.he Bewish People will be e2terminated@A says every Party memberA @this is very obviousA it is in our program \ elimination of the BewsA e2terminationA a small matter.@ /nd then they turn upA the upstanding 6% million :ermansA and each one has his decent Bew. .hey say the others are all swineA but this particular one is a splendid Bew. ,ut none has observed itA endured it. 4ost of you here know what it means when %% corpses lie ne2t to each otherA when there are #%% or when there are A%%%. .o have endured this and at the same time to have remained a decent person \ with e2ceptions due to human weaknesses \ has made us toughA and is a glorious chapter that has not and will not be spoken of. ,ecause we know how difficult it would be for us if we still had Bews as secret saboteursA agitators and rabble rousers in every cityA what with the bombingsA with the burden and with the hardships of the war. 9f the Bews were still part of the :erman nationA we would most likely arrive now at the state we were at in C " and @ O . . . . \Heinrich HimmlerA $ 'ctober C$&> Pope Francis and the Girty War ( 4ichel Chossudovsky on :=.X /rrest warrants for the Pope and 7ueen e2pire 4arch ! !% & oops !% $ with innumerable riled up now without legal paper purpose 4arch !! !% & oops !% $ 4arshall 0aw wipe out Fema camps the whole shebang V all she wrote as Besuit planned. 4akes one wonder why only a year provided to arrest such deadly criminals eh? Warrant includes Harper too eh? Perhaps that e2plains his senator actions. Harper appoints the senators and it was a senator that threatened me. Perhaps a prorogue in order to get settled into an underground sabbatical? /ppears 9 <ust woke up or the 4arch !! !% & 4arshall 0aw delayed due to =ev *evin actions or V. +ever mind go back to sleep V 9;m gonna try Go you suppose they have sped up the agenda maybe ). go home for Wmas V ever wonder 5 V W for Chris!% &/%&/my(entry.html :etting with the 9talian Crusade of the essence 6%%&"!6"/9talian(politicians(agree(to(aid(against(last(=atN(Pope C

Well 9 cant believe that says them that know and the ='0'G)W ( =ealist 'smosis 0earned 'ppressed Gimwit )nslaved 4ark Will the =C4P determine sufficient evidence to make charges We will have to wait for their consultation with the /ttorney :eneral through to the Prime 4inisterA through the :overnor :eneral through to the Crown through Francis to the ,lack Pope and inevitably and invariably we will pay the Price Clearly a conflict of interestA but who@s gonna sayA as the matter before the highest material court>9t(=p"y"*s

new ?<esuit pope? francis. controlled by black pope'GP t-t&G/g!34 $)56 )/ U7888--9::= 5A;C& :: :<=9--- >67?7U#A$)?0--5A;$)A# #A@--GU0 G;A*-C)A)# @A; +)W+ever )nding War -tory

0ove of War ,usiness Political =eligious 9mplicit Complicit )2plicit P=9C) Political =eligious 9nsidious Capitalist )mperors 0ike other financial empires in historyA -mith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to develop and control wealthA as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperial(centers(of( capital.E F ,elloc estimated thatA during the ,ritish )nclosuresA ?perhaps half of the whole population was proletarian?A while roughly the other ?half? owned and controlled the means of production. +owA under modern CapitalismA B.W. -mith claims fewer than #%% people possess more wealth than half of the earth;s populationA as the wealth of /! of (percent of the >nited -tates population roughly e1ual that of the lower C%( percent. %

WW 999 inevitable if the .ruth does not viral eating away at the virus eating away our minds .rue peacekeepers barrage the world with truths www.) 9;m thinking && billion something to do with && degree mason &&rd parallel When they say spent && ,illion for climate control .hey mean in effort to prevent being run over by the Home =ace rising &.com +ow e2periencing '=,9. ='P ( 'utside =outine ,o2 9ntrinsic .ruths =everse 'smosis Psychosis humanity rises on their hot air 4'0)-./.9'+ 4useum of 0iars )lusivity -ubstantive .hick /lteration .ruth 9ncinerators oppressed +ews W9. What is .ruth? -9+ -ane 9nsanity +ormalcy OO!6###C/Frank(,est(,et(However(-uperfluous(to(,et('n 9f ya gonna stand froNen staring into the headlights .ry your damnest to make it coherently through to the last page 9n the C9=C/ = whatever they say Circular logistics bites ass -)) -elf )vident )2posing >p the down river of no returns C9=C/ = ? Coherent 9rate =esponsibly Complicit /ccountable =ecompense .ruth;s 9nterest worth one;s weight in :old -ticks 9 dunnoA but stones and glass houses V mind shattering eh? Facts must have root ! take root :od coherency ?Catch !!? must have semblance ! catch do: chase tail

Free medical for senators alleged and the incarcerated ,ut what of me s1ueaks the ta2 paying silent ma<ority V no oil for you V someone must pay for indiscretions at our discretions. -ome say a medical conspiracy theory transparency 9n your face for your 9nformation Hate to harp Harper where;s the cash? Perhaps opposition care to weigh in V maybe the media V anybody? 4ulroney? 9n the name of :od ofA for with the People W.F

http://www.scrib!.com/!oc/=4<B<<:==/5a%in"-/wiss-cheese-of-7ope-s-/wiss-Guar!-by-C?;-of-C .hin air confetti invisible trickle down Can you believe them on CP/C do not suspect they are watched 'h they know of Gemocracy Watch but aware one of them V time $ a break got the time? Whoooos watching whooooo don@t give a hoot hooting their epitaph videos to be vetoed <ust a wee bit too late PPP Purely Political Purposes Humanity Goublethink 9 PPP PX '* 9mpure PPP Partial Xacuum 'kay *leptocratically &&&&O /Who(Would(,e(Foolish()nough(to(0eave(a(Paper(.rail

].here were no dates in this historyA but scrawled this way and that across every page were the words ,enevolence =ighteousness and 4orality V finally 9 began to make out what was written between the lines. .he whole volume was but a single phraseA )at People^


?9t is only the wisest and the stupidest that cannot change? ].hey must often change who would be constant in happiness or wisdom^

.hought my pants would never dry pretty much use to the stink Criminal lawyers need criminals for sustainable growth Criminal lawyers need sustainable impoverished growth =espects glad hand premier step to /)9'> /ppropriation )2ponential 9mpoverishment 'rienting > Gon;t let them fool you as if $u when promoting <obs promote self in H) Human )nslavement +ever 5 ask

0ike a thief in the knight =emember when in trouble Go not wait for =emembrance Gay 0est they allow their sanity to override their bias !, respected Who selects the independent senate conundrum state? .he /bominable snowman and the 9ceman cometh We all pay the P= 9 ce I Christian )ra as the =ule of 0aw melts before our eyes Crystal meth and Critical thinking myth

Giscarding the ,iblical ,abble on $ thy kingdom come
Gust ! Gust Guff >sury -nuff .ransitive logic describes a given relation between terms such that if it e2ists between ?a? and ?b? and between ?b? and ?cA? then it also e2ists between ?a? and ?c.? .ypical transitive relationships include ?is greater thanA? ?is e1ual toA? and ?is similar to.? Guffy;s criticiNing of teaching Critical thinking found his way to Harper;s heart /nti anti(war activist too eh? &

Clear case of P=9C* Political =eligious 9nsidious Charlatan *leptocracy self e2posure
'n Gecember !!A !%%6A Guffy was named a Prince )dward 9sland representative to the -enate of Canada on the advice of Prime 4inister -tephen HarperA sitting as a Conservative.E6FECF He subse1uently retired as a .X <ournalist at the end of !%%6. 9n 4arch !% %A Guffy criticiNed the >niversity of *ing@s College and other <ournalism schools in Canada for teaching +oam Chomsky and critical thinking. He went on to say that <ournalism schools in Canada were churning out leftists who thought private enterprise was bad. .he head of *ing@s -chool of Bournalism reacted with surprise to Guffy@s criticismA saying that 4anufacturing Consent was not part of the curriculum. -he also said she would not apologiNe for teaching critical thinking to <ournalism students.E %F / number of editorial comments were written in response to Guffy@s criticism.E FE !FE &F Critical thinking is a way of deciding whether a claim is trueA partially trueA or false. Critical thinking is a process that leads to skills that can be learnedA mastered and used. Critical thinking is a tool by which one can come about reasoned conclusions based on a reasoned process. .his process incorporates passion and creativityA but guides it with disciplineA practicality and common sense. 9t can be traced in the West to ancient :reece with its -ocratic method and in the )ast to ancient 9ndia with the ,uddhist kalama sutta and abhidharma literature. Critical thinking is an important component of many fields such as educationA politicsA businessA and science.

www.' 'bstruct Bustice truth and source kill www.-olar:host &.com Constitution de <ure vs =omans & de facto &66!COO/-pirit(9ntent(Precedence(de(Bure(Constitution(or(=omans( &( :aming(the(-ystem(de(Facto

$ Facts must have root ! take root :od coherency ?Catch !!? must have semblance ! catch do: chase tail +o complaints from within e2cept from them e2communicated from the Ps Political science ,s bastard science ,s ,s ,ull shitter ,ack stabbers .oga Party

-uspended with 4edical coverage approved by the 4edical conspirators


.he /ttorney :eneral is the chief law officer of the )2ecutive Council. .he responsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other Cabinet member. .he role has been referred to as DEu!icia - i%eD and as the ?guardian

of the public interest?.

/s chief law officerA the /ttorney :eneral has

a specia responsibi ity
to be the guardian of

that most elusive concept
( the rule of law. ( .he rule of law is a well established legal principleA

but har! to easi y !efine.
9t is the rule of law

that protects
individualsA and society as a wholeA from arbitrary measures and safeguards personal liberties.

Has the /ttorney :eneral been briefed? or would that be meaningless in a partial vacuum .he /ttorney :eneral does notA howeverA direct or cause charges to be laid. While the /ttorney :eneral and the /ttorney :eneral@s agents may provide legal advice to the policeA

the u timate !ecision
whether or not to lay charges is for the police. 'nce the charge is laid

the !ecision
as to whether the prosecution should proceedA and in what mannerA

for the /ttorney :eneral and the Crown /ttorney. 9t is now an accepted and important constitutional principle that the /ttorney :eneral must carry out the 4inister@s criminal prosecution responsibilities

in!epen!ent of Cabinet an! of any partisan po itica pressures.
.he /ttorney :eneral@s responsibility for individual criminal prosecutions must be undertaken (

an! seen to be un!erta%en on strictly ob<ective and legal criteriaA free of any political considerations. Whether to initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an issue of government policy. .his responsibility has been characteriNed as

a matter of the Attorney Genera
acting as the 7ueen@s /ttorney ( not as a 4inister of the government of the day. .his is not to suggest that decisions regarding criminal prosecutions are made in a comp ete vacuum.
/ wide range of policy considerations may be weighed in e2ecuting this responsibilityA and the /ttorney :eneral


may choose to consult the Cabinet on some of these considerations. However any decisions relating to the conduct of individual prosecutions must be the /ttorney :eneral@s alone and independent of the traditional Cabinet decision making process. 9n practiceA in the vast ma<ority of casesA these decisions are made by the /ttorney :eneral@s agentsA the Crown /ttorneys. >ltimately the /ttorney :eneral is accountable to the people of the provinceA through the 0egislatureA for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions. -uch accountability can only occurA of courseA once the prosecution is completed or when a final decision has been made not to prosecute. .he sub <udicae rule bars any comment on a matter before the courts that is likely to influence the matter. .he sub <udicae rule strictly prohibits the /ttorney :eneral from commenting on prosecutions that are before the courts. :iven the stature of the /ttorney :eneral@s positionA any public comment coming from the office

wou ! be seen as an attempt to inf uence the case.
/lthough the /ttorney general can become involved in decision(making in relation to individual criminal casesA

such a practice wou ! eave the 5inister vu nerab e to accusations of po itica interference.
/ccordinglyA it is traditional to leave the day(to(day decision(making in the hands of the /ttorney :eneral@s agentsA the Crown /ttorneysA e2cept in cases of e2ceptional importance where the public would e2pect the /ttorney :eneral to be briefed -oon maybe on CP/C will observe the wrap up of :' P') due process 4eaningless 0egal Certainty =ule of 0aw .he =ule of law in its most basic form is no one is above the law. Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately e2ercised only in accordance withA pub ic y !isc ose! awsA adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps that are referred to as

!ue process.
.he rule of law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy. /ccording to modern /nglo(/merican thinkingA hallmarks of adherence to the rule of law commonly include a clear separation of powersA

e"a certainty'
the principle of legitimate e2pectation and e1uality of all before the law. .he concept is not without controversyA and it has been said that ?the phrase the ru e of aw has become

meanin" ess
thanks to ideological abuse and general over( use? :' P') O

:eneral 'ver(use Proclamations 'nly )lusivity

pub ic y !isc ose! aws
#!. L M .he Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of CanadaA and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution isA to the e2tent of the inconsistencyA

of no force or effect.
& . +othing in this Charter e2tends the legislative powers of any body or authority &!. L M .his Charter applies LaM to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the 5ukon .erritory and +orthwest .erritoriesP and LbM to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each province.

=esurrection only with reciprocity in lieu WW 999 purgatory

+either political nor religious be but believe 9 understand perhaps because neither political nor religious be. 6%%&"!6"/9talian(politicians(agree(to(aid(against(last(=atN(Pope =everend *evin /nnett e2communicated from the church indicative of understanding within 9n the name of :od ofA for with the People W.F

.esla Free )nergy a no no searchJ1uery3tesla_free_energy8o13tesla8gsJl3youtube. .%.&#i&Cl!<%l$<%i&<%<%i&<%. .%.%.%.%.!#6.$O .&<%< .$.%...%.%... ac. . .youtube.mP2rPhn5aXg

. $&#.%.$C#!.$.$ 6><$y/45 Cancer cured in Canada but won;t produce it Political =eligious 9mplicit Complicit )2plicit P= 9C) Political =eligious 9nsidious Capitalist )mperors
0ike other financial empires in historyA -mith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to develop and control wealthA as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperial(centers(of(capital.E F ,elloc estimated thatA during the ,ritish )nclosuresA ?perhaps half of the whole population was proletarian?A while roughly the other ?half? owned and controlled the means of production. +owA under modern CapitalismA B.W. -mith claims fewer than #%% people possess more wealth than half of the earth;s populationA as the wealth of /! of (percent of the >nited -tates population roughly e1ual that of the lower C%(percent. www.Home=ace &.com .ime for the Human =ace to Party P'W)= Possible 'nly When )galitarian =eciprocity Humpty Gumpty sat on a wallA Humpty Gumpty had a great fall. /ll the king@s horses and all the king@s men Couldn@t put Humpty together again.E F Humpty appears in 0ewis Carroll@s .hrough the 0ooking(:lass L 6O!MA where he discusses semantics and pragmatics with /lice. ]9 don;t know what you mean by `gloryA; ^ /lice said. Humpty Gumpty smiled contemptuously. ]'f course you don;t\till 9 tell you. 9 meant `there;s a nice knock(down argument for youZ; ^ ],ut `glory; doesn;t mean `a nice knock(down argument;A^ /lice ob<ected. ]When 9 use a wordA^ Humpty Gumpty saidA in rather a scornful toneA ]it means <ust what 9 choose it to mean\neither more nor less.^ ].he 1uestion isA^ said /liceA ]whether you can make words mean so many different things.^ ].he 1uestion isA^ said Humpty GumptyA ]which is to be master that;s all.^ /lice was too much puNNled to say anythingA so after a minute Humpty Gumpty began again. ].hey;ve a temperA some of them\particularly verbsA they;re the proudest\ad<ectives you can do anything withA but not verbs\howeverA 9 can manage the whole lotZ 9mpenetrabilityZ .hat;s what 9 sayZ^E #F .his passage was used in ,ritain by 0ord /tkin and in his dissenting <udgement in the seminal case 0iversidge v. /nderson L C$!MA where he protested about the distortion of a statute by the ma<ority of the House of 0ords.E "F 9t also became a popular citation in >nited -tates legal opinionsA appearing in !#% <udicial decisions in the Westlaw database as of /pril CA !%%6A including two -upreme Court cases L.X/ v. Hill and Kschernig v. 4illerM.E OF
0ordy 0ordy

C O!%#!&& /Gear(0ord(Which(0ife(Forms(,elief(is(the(:reater( -anctimonious

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Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General
.he /ttorney :eneral has a uni1ue role to play as a 4inister. 'ne part of the /ttorney :eneral@s role is that of a Cabinet 4inister. 9n this capacity the 4inister is responsible for representing the interests and perspectives of the 4inistry at CabinetA while simultaneously representing the interests and perspectives of Cabinet and conse1uently the :overnment to the 4inistry and the 4inistry@s communities of interest. .he /ttorney :eneral is the chief law officer of the )2ecutive Council. .he responsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other Cabinet member. .he role has been referred to as ?<udicial( like? and as the ?guardian of the public interest?. 4uch has been written on the sub<ect of ministerial responsibilities and the uni1ue role of the /ttorney :eneral. .here are various components of the /ttorney :eneral@s role. .he /ttorney :eneral has uni1ue responsibilities to the CrownA the courtsA the 0egislature and the e2ecutive branch of government. While there are different emphases and nuances attached to these there is a general theme throughout all the various aspects of the /ttorney :eneral@s responsibilities that the office has a constitutional and traditional responsibility beyond that of a political minister. .he statutory responsibilities of the office are found in section # of the Ministr* of the Attorne* +eneral A!t. -ection # states: .he /ttorney :eneralA LaM is the 0aw 'fficer of the )2ecutive CouncilP LbM shall see that the administration of public affairs is in accordance with the lawP LcM shall superintend all matters connected with the administration of <ustice in 'ntarioP LdM shall perform the duties and have the powers that belong to the /ttorney :eneral and -olicitor :eneral of )ngland by law and usageA so far as those powers and duties are applicable to 'ntarioA and also shall perform the duties and powers thatA until the Constitution A!t, -./0 came into effectA belonged to the offices of the /ttorney :eneral and -olicitor :eneral in the provinces of Canada and >pper Canada and whichA under the provisions of that /ctA are within the scope of the powers of the 0egislatureP LeM shall advise the :overnment upon all matters of law connected with legislative enactments and upon all matters of law referred to him or her by the :overnmentP LfM shall advise the :overnment upon all matters of a legislative nature and superintend all :overnment measures of a legislative natureP LgM shall advise the heads of ministries and agencies of :overnment upon all matters of law connected with such ministries and agencyP LhM shall conduct and regulate all litigation for and against the Crown or any ministry or agency of !!

government in respect of any sub<ect within the authority or <urisdiction of the 0egislatureP LiM shall superintend all matters connected with <udicial officesP L<M shall perform such other functions as are assigned to him or her by the 0egislature or by the 0ieutenant :overnor in Council. ? What follows is an overview of the various components of the /ttorney :eneral@s roles and responsibilitiesA primarily as outlined in the /ct.

Chief Law Officer of the Executive Council (s. 5(a))
.he role of chief law officer might be referred to as the /ttorney :eneral@s overall responsibility as the independent legal advisor to the Cabinet ( and some have even suggested that the role possibly e2tends to the 0egislature as well. .he importance of the independence of the role is fundamental to the position and well established in common lawA statutes and tradition. /s chief law officerA the /ttorney :eneral has a special responsibility to be the guardian of that most elusive concept ( the rule of law. .he rule of law is a well established legal principleA but hard to easily define. 9t is the rule of law that protects individualsA and society as a wholeA from arbitrary measures and safeguards personal liberties. .he /ttorney :eneral has a special role to play in advising Cabinet to ensure the rule of law is maintained and that Cabinet actions are legally and constitutionally valid. 9n providing such advice it is important to keep in mind the distinction between the /ttorney :eneral@s policy advice and preference and the legal advice being presented to Cabinet. .he /ttorney :eneral@s legal advice or constitutional advice should not be lightly disregarded. .he /ttorney :eneral@s policy advice has the same weight as that of other ministers.

Criminal prosecutions (s.5(d))
'ne of the most publicly scrutiniNed aspects of the /ttorney :eneral@s role is the responsibility for criminal prosecutions encompassed in section # LdM and s. C! of the Constitution /ctA 6"O. -ection C! gives the provinces authority to legislate in matters related to the administration of criminal <ustice and thereby gives the provincial /ttorney :eneral authority to prosecute offences under the Criminal Code. .he /ttorney :eneral does notA howeverA direct or cause charges to be laid. While the /ttorney :eneral and the /ttorney :eneral@s agents may provide legal advice to the policeA the ultimate decision whether or not to lay charges is for the police. 'nce the charge is laid the decision as to whether the prosecution should proceedA and in what mannerA is for the /ttorney :eneral and the Crown /ttorney. 9t is now an accepted and important constitutional principle that the /ttorney :eneral must carry out the 4inister@s criminal prosecution responsibilities independent of Cabinet and of any partisan political pressures. .he /ttorney :eneral@s responsibility for individual criminal prosecutions must be undertaken ( and seen to be undertaken ( on strictly ob<ective and legal criteriaA free of any political considerations. Whether to initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an issue of government policy. .his responsibility has been characteriNed as a matter of the /ttorney :eneral acting as the 7ueen@s /ttorney ( not as a 4inister of the government of the day. .his is not to suggest that decisions regarding criminal prosecutions are made in a complete vacuum. / wide range of policy considerations may be weighed in e2ecuting this responsibilityA and the /ttorney :eneral may choose to consult the Cabinet on some of these considerations. However any decisions relating to the conduct of individual prosecutions must be the /ttorney :eneral@s alone and independent !&

of the traditional Cabinet decision making process. 9n practiceA in the vast ma<ority of casesA these decisions are made by the /ttorney :eneral@s agentsA the Crown /ttorneys. /n important part of the Crown@s ( and thus the /ttorney :eneral@s ( responsibility in conducting criminal prosecutions is associated with the responsibility to represent the public interest ( which includes not only the community as a whole and the victimA but also the accused. .he Crown has a distinct responsibility to the court to present all the credible evidence available.

.he responsibility is to present the case fairly ( not necessarily to convict. .his is a fundamental precept of criminal lawA even if it is not a particularly well(understood concept among the general public. 'ne of the /ttorney :eneral@s responsibilities in fostering public respect for the rule of lawA is to assist the public in understanding the nature and limits of the prosecutorial function. >ltimately the /ttorney :eneral is accountable to the people of the provinceA through the 0egislatureA for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions. -uch accountability can only occurA of courseA once the prosecution is completed or when a final decision has been made not to prosecute. .he sub <udicae rule bars any comment on a matter before the courts that is likely to influence the matter. .he sub <udicae rule strictly prohibits the /ttorney :eneral from commenting on prosecutions that are before the courts. :iven the stature of the /ttorney :eneral@s positionA any public comment coming from the office would be seen as an attempt to influence the case. /lthough the /ttorney general can become involved in decision(making in relation to individual criminal casesA such a practice would leave the 4inister vulnerable to accusations of political interference. /ccordinglyA it is traditional to leave the day(to(day decision(making in the hands of the /ttorney :eneral@s agentsA the Crown /ttorneysA e2cept in cases of e2ceptional importance where the public would e2pect the /ttorney :eneral to be briefed.

Legislative Responsibilities (s. 5(e) and (f))
.he /ttorney :eneral has broad responsibilities associated with :overnment legislation. .hese responsibilities have been described as twofold. 'ne is to oversee that all legislative enactments are in accordance with principles of natural <ustice and civil rights Lsee also s. #LbM aboveM. .his is obviously an important and broad area of responsibility. .he second aspect of this responsibility is to advise on the constitutionality and legality of legislation. .he /ttorney :eneral@s legislative responsibilities are played out in a variety roles. .he 'ffice of 0egislative Counsel reports to the /ttorney :eneral. 0egislative Counsel plays a key role in ensuring the legal integrity of :overnment legislation. /lthough the 0egislative Counsel@s reporting relationship to the /ttorney :eneral does allow the /ttorney :eneral to provide guidance and set standardsA individual pieces of legislation are drafted on instructions from client ministries and are not within the sole control of 0egislative Counsel or the /ttorney :eneral. 9t should also be noted that 0egislative Counsel also has a direct responsibility to the 0egislature as the 'ffice also drafts all private member@s bills.


.he /ttorney :eneral has a further role to play as part of whatever Cabinet Committee is formed to review legislation and regulations. Here the 4inister has an opportunity to comment on the technical issues related to legislation and regulations prior to Cabinet consideration. .he /ttorney :eneral@s role on legislative matters is as an adviser to the Cabinet. /lthough unlikelyA Cabinet couldA in theoryA receive the /ttorney :eneral@s legal opinion on legislation and choose to disregard it. .he /ttorney :eneral@s role is not independent of Cabinet decision making as in the area of criminal prosecutions. /s was noted earlierA the /ttorney :eneral must make careful distinctions about the legal opinions and policy or political preferences being offered about legislation.

Civil Litigation (s.5(h) and (d))
9n addition to the specific responsibilities to conduct civil litigation on behalf of the :overnment and its agencies Ls. #LhMMA the /ttorney :eneral has broader litigation responsibilities flowing from the historical powers of the /ttorney :eneral referred to in s. #LdM of the /ct. .hese powers are based on the Crown@s parens patriae LparentalM authority. .he /ttorney :eneral@s authorityA thereforeA is not only to conduct litigation in cases directly affecting the government or its agencies but also to litigate cases where there is a clear matter of public interest or public rights at stake. .his has been characteriNed as a constitutional responsibility to ensure that the public interest is well and independently represented. 9t may involve interventions in private litigation or Charter challenges to legislationA even if the arguments conclude that the legislation does contravene constitutionally protected rights.

Responsibilit for Court !dministration (s. 5(c))
/ key component of the /ttorney :eneral@s responsibilities to ensure the administration of <ustice in the province is the administration of the courts and as a result the responsibility for maintaining liaison with the <udiciary. :iven the fundamental importance of the independence of the <udiciaryA the responsibility for courts administration is often a very sensitive and delicate issue. :reat care and respect for the principles of <udicial independence must be e2ercised in this area.

.he /ttorney :eneral is the chief law officer of the )2ecutive Council. .he responsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other Cabinet member. .he role has been referred to as ?<udicial( like? and as the ?guardian of the public interest?.



4arch !CA !%%O 'n several occasions 9 have re1uested ,ruce Herridge inform me as to what efforts he has made to this promise with no response.

!O # &" "!"/0awyer(File( # &" O!%/0awyer(File(! # &" 6 %/0awyer(File(& # &" 6O /0awyer(File($ # &" C& /0awyer(File(# # &" C##/0awyer(File(" # &"!%%O/0awyer(File(O # &"!%O$/0awyer(File(6 # &"!%C$/0awyer(File(C # &"! &%/0awyer(File( % # &"!!%6/0awyer(File( ! # &"!!&"/0awyer(File( & # &"!&!O/0awyer(File( &/ # &"!&O6/0awyer(File( $ 0awyer File,#i+c-X"X:/P.NkNW)5 cC 9'X)/edit -cribd would not publish due the frauds re1uest due copy right issues Gocument contains his prospectus that has been proven fraudulent 0awyer File Y '=H.(=ick Hennessey 0awyer File Y ! 9)> ( Gave :rech 0awyer File Y & 4inister 4unicipal /ffairs and Housing ((ohn Gerretsen 0awyer File Y $ 'mbudsman(:erry Carlino 0awyer File Y # 45 4PP Bulia 4unro 0awyer File Y" Premier Galton 4cguinty 0awyer File Y O /ttorney :eneral 4ichael ,ryant 0awyer File Y 6 'PP ( Get -gt. =andy Craig 0awyer File Y C 5=P ( Geputy Chief ,ruce Herridge 0awyer File Y % 'ntario Civilian Commission on Police services 0awyer File Y 'ffice 'ntario /ttorney :eneral 0awyer File Y ! 5=P ( Phil 4oreau(-tandards 0awyer File Y & Crown /ttorney(=obert 4cCreary(+ew 4arket 0awyer File Y &/ Crown /ttorney ( Paul Culver(.oronto 0awyer File Y $ =C4P ( -gt. 4ichael .hompson

www.cdf<i &.ca

!6 O&# !"6%/,eing(4arried(Happy(and(:ay(is(as(+atural(as(.a2ing(and( Gying .he Pope and his merry men hate the common gay as they do not produce slaves 6%%&"!6"/9talian(politicians(agree(to(aid(against(last(=atN(Pope =everend *evin /nnett e2communicated from the church indicative of understanding within -ane 9nsanity +ormalcy -9+ -uicide 9llegal +uances www.' 'bstruct Bustice truth and source kill /ny more help from them and 9 will be dead making the -enator that threatened me a prophet maintaining their e2ploited profit e2ponentially secure -enator;s <udged by their peers ensures the last nail in my coffin www.-ap,oat &.com -anity a popular ,elief of artificial truths 9n your face for your 9nformation

Forgive me 0ord for 9 knew what they would do


Forgive me Lord Blessed be the ignorant folk On splendored grass I toke When not on black go green Now a socialite headlite A firebug ... a flash Where the fuck's my stash What is what is not of no relevance For happiness among the irrelevance Some say all things relative Never heard from you, but now assuredly blessed Now Dear Lord Where the fuck is the cash Now I lay me down to rest Yes of course a hood wink Giving ignorance shot my best Without a blink A cheat I know Awaiting search beneath pillow Sure Tooth Fairy BS but paid well for the times Swing low sweet chariot and all that rhymes A song a dance on yonder swing From a chandelier I sing 1 ding a ling 2 of 3rd kind Nuff encountered to see night through Blessed insanity arms in air once threw Tomorrow promises more in lieu of sheep Now in night's tranquility sleep No more stomach churn oft blew Blaming on the rain the acid stew Caring for fools ... I get it Lord Who knew ... what's new with you Taking leave artistic license The one that pays without taxation Dearly departed before awarded Catch me not ... catch as catch can Deer and the antelope also ran None as fast as uncle Sam PR-Political Religious front A PRICK a screw a c Sorry bub ... It's OK I'm gay I repeat sorry meaning I'm not Two way street where's thought police Doublethink solstice A taste of think bodes not well A stone an epitaph others fell A priest a political behind sell


Up the ass ... some grass A fast attempting to yell a blast A coherence flash but don't tell Blessed be the Lord Alive today and tomorrow Found He lost sorrow Tranquility in persistent quarrel Survival despite absent morals The way of nuts and squirrels The winter of life Once believed a strife A gun a sword and a knife To head heart and throat A frog a prince a kiss and a miss Glory part and parcel ancient storey Feet on ground heads above 12th perhaps 14th floor A see a hear a speak not May be floor of the first 13th a verse a curse a hearst Say again whose on first Diary of a sad man glad man mad man A point of view a point of order A smorgasbord of perspectives 1st 2nd 3rd class Plane boat or terrain A suit a smirk a shirt a quirk land lubber eat dirt Peaceful disarray month of May or manta ray A thought chanced, but what ... a "difference" ... the hell you say When in thereof all is without Do not allow the science breed utter you nonsense A quill a pen most anything can kill A pill a still enhances the swill In go ahead backup excel reach happy medium No gas no oil needed in neutral vehicle RPM - Religious Political Media all a buzz about nothing Someone shit in their grass A Catholic a Protestant a Moron ... omitted an M? ok Am Catholic am Protestant am Moron A gun a sword a knife..... a circle of life

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& RPM Religious Political Media

Monkey Business .he three wise monkeys LBapanese: 三三A san@en or sanNaruA or 三三三三A sanbiki no saruA literally ?three monkeys?MA sometimes called the three

mystic apes'E

F are a pictorial ma2im.

4iN *ik 9 WaN -hiN 9f a -hiN bares truth of the forest no mind to see hear to speak of the -hiN killing How much would a wood chuck get for their minds ... presumably why the wood chuck chucks wood .ogether they embody the proverbial principle to ?see no evilA hear no evilA speak no evil?. .he three monkeys are 4iNaruA covering his eyesA who sees no evilP *ikaNaruA covering his earsA who hears no evilP and 9waNaruA covering his mouthA who speaks no evil. -ometimes there is a fourth monkey depicted with the three othersP the last oneA -hiNaruA symboliNes the principle of ?do no evil?. He may be shown crossing his arms. '=9 H/G 'r =aising in Hopelessness and Gespair Humans are one of only nine species known to pass the

mirror test
\which tests whether an animal recogniNes its reflection as an image of itself\along with all the great apes LgorillasAchimpanNeesA orangutansA bonobosMA &!

,ottlenose dolphinsA /sian elephantsA )uropean 4agpiesA and 'rcas.E %%F 4ost human children will pass the mirror test at 6 months old.E % F HoweverA the usefulness of this test as a true test of consciousness

has been !ispute!'
and this may be a matter of degree rather than a sharp divide.

5on%eys have been traine! to app y abstract ru es in tas%s.F=<:G
htt!8//en%wiki!edia%org/wiki/7uman9rights Human rights are 0commonl, understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a !erson is inherentl, entitled sim!l, because she or he is a human being%0:"; 7uman rights are thus conceived as universal <a!!licable ever,where= and egalitarian <the same for ever,one=% These rights ma, e'ist as natural rights or as legal rights, in both national and international law%:#; The doctrine of human rights in international !ractice, within international law, global and regional institutions, in the !olicies of states and in the activities of non)governmental organi>ations, has been a cornerstone of !ublic !olic, around the world% In The idea of human rights:?; it sa,s8 0if the !ublic discourse of !eacetime global societ, can be said to have a common moral language, it is that of human rights% (6AR *7A1 (o 6vidence Achieved Realit, *oherence Artificial 1rientation atanic 0 @es!ite this, the strong claims made b, the doctrine of human rights

continue to provoke considerable skepticism and debates about the content,
nature and 5ustifications of human rights to this da,% Indeed, the question of what is meant b, a 0right0 is itself controversial and the sub5ect of continued !hiloso!hical debate%:4; htt!8//en%wiki!edia%org/wiki/-onke,9see,9monke,9do -onke, see, monke, do is a sa,ing that originated in Aamaica in the earl, "Bth centur, and !o!!ed u! in American culture in the earl, ".#$s%

The sa,ing refers to the learning of a !rocess without an understanding of wh, it works%
Another definition im!lies the act of mimicr,, usuall, with limited knowledge of the consequences%:";

.he gradualA often unconsciousA absorption of knowledge or ideas through continual e2posure

rather than !e iberate earnin"
Confucius HH= *C - IBJ *C

D$he peop e 5on%ey may be ma!e to fo ow a course of action' but may not be ma!e to un!erstan! D)$D

'smosis set in like rigger mortise making self useless for self some what 1uadraplegic -ome organiNationsA for e2ample Helping Hands: 4onkey Helpers for the GisabledAECF train capuchin monkeys as monkey helpers to assist 1uadriplegics and other people with severe spinal cord in<uries or mobility impairments. /fter being socialiNed in a human home as infantsA the monkeys undergo e2tensive training before being placed with a 1uadriplegic. /round the houseA the monkeys help out by doing tasks including microwaving foodA washing the 1uadriplegic@s face and

openin" !rin% bott es.
"A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deeply and taste not the Pierian spring; There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain; And drinking largely sobers us again."
Alexander Pope 1688-1744

]Confucius thought that the way to reform society was to cultivate ethical behaviour in individualsA

especia y in ru ers an! their ministers
because leaders serve as important role models for their people^ )CC)+.=9C )1uality Conscious Conscience )2trapolate +aivety .ruths =elativity 9nalienable Coherence W'.'*WiNard of the outhouse knows shit www.Frank &.com Fiduciary =esponsibly /ccountable +efarious *ink .ruths Holistic 9nteractive =etrospect .ranscendental )lectromagnetism )nslavers +emesis


-' -eek 'ut .hese pros that have a way with monkeys to see if 9. is possible to convert the >+ >ltimate +eanderthal 4) $ H) 4onkey )volve $ Humanity )levation 6O%# /.o(>nited(+ations
We endeavor to have 9

5ystic Apes /H ( /pe Humanity $
!, or +ot !,

H/ Human /chievement

'ne way or the other !% & will be recorded as the &#

*#?$ ,right 0ight 'f .ruth
Trans is a 2atin noun or !refi', meaning 0across0, 0be,ond0 or 0on the o!!osite side0% Transcendental "% (ot e'!erienced but knowable +hiloso!h, inde!endent of human e'!erience of !henomena but within the range of knowledge #% -,stical Relating to m,stical or su!ernatural e'!erience and therefore be,ond the material world

=emaining blotto is !, ,' ( ,lotted 'ut

Ford wants to be crystal clear

4eth or 4yth
? -anctimonious ad(hoc demonstrable -ad -ac ( -orry as caught

.hey say Ford needs to get help O!%#!&& /Gear(0ord(Which(0ife(Forms(,elief(is(the(:reater( -anctimonious '* then O66 &6CC/Gear(0ord(who(should(be(fired ,less em /ll =/C) =eality /lmighty Consecrated )lement )2ists with or without 4) 4other )arth &"

www.Home=ace &.com Humanity one mother earth =eality almighty consecrated element 6%%&"!6"/9talian(politicians(agree(to(aid(against(last(=atN(Pope :ood 0ord stop them in the name of the -anctity of the +)W+ever )nding War -tory For inevitably traditionally we must all pay the Political =eligious 9mplicit Complicit )2plicit P=9C) Political =eligious 9nsidious Capitalist )mperors 0ike other financial empires in historyA -mith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to develop and control wealthA as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperial(centers(of( capital.E F ,elloc estimated thatA during the ,ritish )nclosuresA ?perhaps half of the whole population was proletarian?A while roughly the other ?half? owned and controlled the means of production. +owA under modern CapitalismA B.W. -mith claims fewer than #%% people possess more wealth than half of the earth;s populationA as the wealth of /! of (percent of the >nited -tates population roughly e1ual that of the lower C%( percent. www./men &.com

!. )veryone has the following fundamental freedoms: LaM freedom of conscience and religionP LbM freedom of thoughtA beliefA opinion and e2pressionA including freedom of the press and other media of communicationP LcM freedom of peaceful assemblyP and LdM freedom of association.

War is 4oney -anctity of -ustainable :rowth eh?

"atanism is a broad term referring to a grou! of Western religions com!rising diverse ideological and !hiloso!hical

Their shared features include s,mbolic association with, or admiration for the character of, atan, or similar rebellious, !romethean, and, in their view, liberating figures% There were an estimated C$,$$$ members in "..$% There ma, be as few as a few thousand in the world%:"; feature3iv8annotationJid3annotationJ #&! C8v3 4W <41,FG58srcJvid3s>#&Of$bnF4 &6

=educe population to


,reak out the ! $ ehZZ $ the sanctity of L!M !$. L M /nyone whose rights or freedomsA as guaranteed by this CharterA have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent <urisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and <ust in the circumstances. L!M WhereA in proceedings under subsection L MA a court concludes that evidence was obtained in a manner that infringed or denied any rights or freedoms guaranteed by this CharterA the evidence shall be e2cluded if it is established thatA having regard to all the circumstancesA the admission of it in the proceedings would bring the administration of <ustice into disrepute. Creatures of habit ,abble on through the night before Wmas not a creature was discerned stirring $9= Permit me to <udge lest 9 be <udged

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