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Digital Marketing: The importance of email marketing to consumers of training Marcos Raul de Olivei ra - RA 404101903 Supervisor: Dra. Marcia Mestre Sampaio Michelotti Presentation of the monograph for Completion of course as a requirement for obta ining a bachelor's degree in Business Administration with emphasis in Marketing - The 8th Class of 2007 Night Time Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Goal Define the environment the importance of digital marketing such as direct market ing tool, the use of email marketing among consumers of training and their perce ption and efficiency in the following parameterized problem: "How is the perception of the customer to receive in your inbox an email from a company on training and their response to that communication?" Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Background Move this study the knowledge that the Internet today is a great and powerful al ly of companies committed efforts to settle before his public digital or analog. (ALCALDE, 2007 online) "There are times when you will have analog and digital resources. For example: I am a consumer analog because I was consuming at the point of sale? No . Can I have searched before the Internet, online and purchased offline. The cus tomer arrives at the dealership knowing more about cars than the seller, because they searched for before. " Sales manager of Google Brazil. Marketing Show 2007 panel "Digital Marketing - c onsumer analog. Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Background A survey at eMarketer, a site about research related to electronic marketing, sh ows that part of online searches, to purchase a product in the U.S., starts in o ther marketing channels, but indicates that about two categories of marketing by e-mail have about 29% of influence on them. Together, they hit 57.4% of impact, more than the top of list. INFLUENCE OF MEDIA IN AMERICAN CONSUMERS TO START SEARCHING FOR SHOPPING ON-LINE IN NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2006 (% of respondents) Source: BIGresearch and Advertisin Retail and Marketing Association (RAMA) cited in the press release, March 7 of 200 Serving: E-Marketer - Online Product Searc hes Begin Offline MARCH 14, 200 http://www.emarketer.com/Article. aspx? id = 100 468 Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Background Another survey, conducted by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee in Brazil shows that in 2006, Brazilians have used 82.84% of their time working with the Internet e-mail, research also confirmed by IBOPE, which identified that 78% of respondents used the largest most of his time on the Internet the same way. PROFILE OF ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT AND Internauta People aged 16 or older with access from any location * Source: GNETT - IBOPE / / NetRatings - http://www.cetic.br/usuarios/ibope/tab02-05.htm

Year Quarter Chat Instant Messaging Email Content audiovisual heard radio Web 2 nd Quarter. 73% 32% 42% 3rd Quarter 2005. 73% 32% 43% 4th Quarter. 73% 33% 47% 1st Tri. 73% 33% 48% 2006 2 nd Quarter. 75% 35% 53% 3rd Quarter. 76% 35% 56% 4th Quarter. 78% 36% 59% 2007 1 st Quarter. 79% 36% 61% 2 nd Quarter. 80% 35% 62% 30% 33% 30% 33% 31% 36% 32% 36% 36% 38% 38% 40% 40% 41% 43% 43% 44% 44% Base: Total population 16 years and older living in households with landline pho nes Base: Total population 16 years and older living in households with landline telephones, and having used the Internet in the past 6 months Note: Percentages related to penetration in each stratum of the population, whereas each cell of the table totals 100% Example: Of all men 16 years or more, with access from any location, 58% used the Internet in the second quarter of 2005. Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Background Trainings "The ease of information technology gives students access to an immeasurable amo unt of information (...). Students how Internet users can access information ava ilable on the network. The databases, specialized systems, educational programs and resources provide information and multimedia experiences that can complement , enrich, instigate learning processes. The need for between - help and collabor ative manner can develop independence, critical thinking and attitude of collect ive work. "(Apud BEHRENS. VARELLA, et al. 2002:4) "It presents itself as a valuable and indispensable resource for human resource management (...) taking into account the increase in quality and productivity at work and was also a factor of self-satisfaction of the employee." (Carvalho, 19 99:102 ) McGehee and Thayer, organizational psychologists characterize training as "(...) A sum of activities ranging from the acquisition of driving s kill to the development of a complex technical knowledge, new attitudes to assim ilation and the evolution of administrative performance against the University C enter Nove - Unit Vergueiro of complex social problems. "( apud. CARVALHO, 1999)

Search • Definition of the axis of the sample - 1st Axis: Literature review • Books, online material, articles, bills, and surveys. - First item of theoretical explanation for the concept of Marketing for Digital Marketing tapering to the object of study email marketing, advantages and disad vantages, embarking for the conceptualization of SPAM settings and parameters of the study. - It addresses training formats and Brazilian practices based on res earch and training commonly used and their relationship to the world "eletronic" Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Search • Definition of Axis Sample - 2nd Priority: Online search • Conclusive Quantitative Description Questionnaire - Site hosted on particular domain on the Internet using a questionnaire designe d to obtain information from Internet users seeking to reach a sample of infinit e population with suggestion of error of 5% and standard deviation of 68%, ie, m inimum sample of 300 completed questionnaires. Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Search • Definition of Axis Sample - 3rd Axis: Trigger email marketing / spam • Development and trigger e-mail - He was shot an e-mail campaign with an ambiguously defined by the subject: "I need your help ..." by merging the concepts of e-mail marketing and spam as an i nvitation to clickthrough for an action list is not targeted for 2316 addresses e-mail seeking the impaction, perception and validation of the tool under study: e-mail marketing. • Monitoring and rolling back the campaign - By inícioCentro Universitárioe emails July - Unity of the firing of the nine r emained Vergueiro Search • Results • 1st Priority: Literature review We obtained information base to link the object researched the relationship from the technology, marketing and consumer and used tools. Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Search • Results • 2nd Axis: Online search - - - - - Goal: 300 questionnaires answered Retrieved: 172 questionnaires answer ed Percentage of success: 57.33% margin of error under 5% margin of error obtain ed: 8% Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Search • Results • 2nd Axis: Online search - Results on the issue of respondents who attended training in the last six mont hs. »102 respondents did not participate in any training in the last six months' 67 held

Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Search • Results • 2nd Axis: Online search - Of the respondents who underwent training, the type of training most commonly identified: Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Search • Results • 2nd Axis: Online search - The real difference is that email marketing is spam and what to claim to know the difference Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Search • Results • 2nd Axis: Online search - The relevance of e-mail communication to the decision to acquire training Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Search • Results • 2nd Axis: Online search - The habit of forwarding e-mails Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Search • Results • 3rd Axis: Trigger email marketing / spam • Development and trigger e-mail Days 06/11 08/11 09/11 10/11 11/11 12/11 13/11 15/11 List of emails Emails sent on Returned Mail Leads to Development Answers 1,300 2,100 800 350 48 20 737 395 66 4 2316 20 14 126 22 0 2316 1152 13 2316 0 19 156 0 0 2316 0167 3 0 2316 0171 0 0 2316 0172 0 Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Search • Results • 3rd Axis: Trigger email marketing / spam • Monitoring and rolling back the cam paign

Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Concluding Remarks • Evidence of the fine line between spam and email marketing on public knowledge and differentiation, albeit with flaws, that one is communicating by e-mail you want (email marketing) and other unwanted (SPAM). He made sure that the part of the vision email marketing even questioned as being a useful tool for the compa ny, in view of the customer is no longer considered SPAM.€Contradicting the init ial hypothesis that both have the same effect of impaction on the client. We mea sured the use of email marketing clients before the training and its scope, with low return, but higher than that of traditional direct mail on paper, guarantee d accuracy the main forces of the tool (cost and speed), confirmed in the resear ch and in parallel with the literature used as reference. It was found that the decisive factor is low for the use of training through e-mail marketing, but dem onstrated that the e-mail grows as a method of disclosure and that however, stil l can not reach 50% of consumers of this type of product, suggesting that anothe r form of communication to better use than the tool or object of this study that one should use the integrated communication channels to reinforce the ultimate goal of consuming training, and e-mail marketing as a complementary tool for an entire campaign integrated disclosure. • • • Centro Universitario Nove de Julho - Unit Vergueiro Bibliography ABTD - Brazilian Association of Training and Development. 2007. The Portrait of Training in Brazil 2006/2007. São Paulo: s.n., 2007. Albrecht, Karl. 2000. Revol ution services: how businesses can revolutionize the way you treat your customer s. New York: Thomson Learning Latin, 2000. ISBN 8522101361. ALCALDE, Tatiana. 20 07. Digital and Analog. Modern Consumer magazine. [Online] Standard Editorial, A pril 5, 2007. [Quoted in: April 7, 2007.] <www.consumidormoderno.com.br/web/inte rna.asp?id_canais=4&id_subcanais=5&id_noticia=11780&coluni Sta=1>. Batista, Adri ano Augusto Vallado. 2007. METHODOLOGY Experiential LIFE SCIENCE ORGANIZATION. M onograph presented as partial requirement for obtaining title in MBA course in B usiness Management from the University Anhembi Morumbi. São Paulo: s.n., 2007. B ECHARA, Marco. 2001. Caution: e-Marketing XE "e-Marketing" is not only Webmarket ing. WideBiz Relations and Business. [Online] July 26, 2001. [Quoted in: April 1 0, 2007.] <http://www.widebiz.com.br/gente/bechara/cuidado.html>. CARVALHO, Antô nio Vieira de. 1999. Organizational learning in changing times. New York: Thomso n Learning Latin, 1999. ISBN 8522101949. CASTELLS, Manuel. 2000. La Era de la in formacion: economy, sociedad y cultura. Madrid: Alianza, 2000. ISBN: 8420644943. CELESTINO, Silvio. 2005. Personal Marketing and Customer Experience. ISAE / FGV - Fundação Getúlio Vargas. [Online] ISAE / FVG, March 16, 2005. [Quoted in: 05 October 2007.] <http://empresario.com.br/artigos/artigos_html/artigo_a_160305.ht ml>. CHAVES, Carolina Albuquerque Valentine. 2006. The many faces of spam. Jus N avigant. [Online] Jus Navigandi Ltda? June 2006. [Quoted in: March 23, 2007.] <H ttp://jus2.uol.com.br/doutrina/texto.asp?id=4451. ISSN 1518-4862>. CHIAVENATO, I dalberto. 2003. Human resource management - basics. São Paulo: Atlas, 2003. Chle ba, Márcio. 1999. Digital Marketing: novs new technologies and business models. São Paulo: Futura, 1999. 85-7413-015-x. CIA. 2007. The online Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency website. [Online] Central Intelligence Agency, August 16, 20 07. [Quoted in: August 24, 2007.] Https: / / www.cia.gov / library / publication s / the-worldCentro Universitário Nove - Unit Vergueiro factbook/rankorder/2153r ank.html. ISSN 1553-8133. Bibliography -. 2006. E-mail marketing to those who are coming now. Webinsider. [Online] Marc

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