Cerulean Fleet Concordat on Fleet Protocol

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His Imperial Majesty's Cerulean Fleet Concordat on Fleet Protocol  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following is a collection of procedure and protocol for the members of his Imperial Majesty's Cerulean Fleet. It is advised  that the following is to be read and understood before a member of the Fleet is to be dispatched to the field, but the following information may be referenced at anytime, an ytime, should the need arise. As with any Imperial law-enforcement agency, protocol cannot cover all aspects of the job, and the Fleet encourages all members to employ their own discretion in any unexpected situation. Any suggestions for further additions to this compendium are welcome.

I. The Enforcement of His Imperial Majesty's Law

1. Interpreting the Notable the Notable Laws of the Empire. a. Articl Articlee I. Imper Imperial ial Law. Law. b. Arti Articl clee II. II. City City Law Law.. c. Arti Articl clee III. III. Div Divin inee Law Law. d. Articl Articlee IV IV. Civil Civil Law. Law. 2. Approaching a Client. a. Befor Beforee the the Appr Approac oach. h. b. Iden Identi tify fyin ing g the the Cli Clien ent. t. 3. Situation: More than One Client. a. Prepa Preparin ring g for for such such a Situa Situatio tion. n. b. Behav Behavio iour ur and and Pos Postu turi ring ng.. 4. Situation: Disrespectful or Non-Compliant Client. a.  If the Client is Suspicious or Offensive. b. If the the Cli Clien entt is is Peace Peacefu ful. l. 5. Attending an Incident. a. Iden Identi tify fyin ing g the the Clie Client nts. s. b. Iden Identi tify fyin ing g the Prob Proble lem. m.

c. Taking aking a Stat Statem emen ent. t. d. Rende Renderi ring ng a Dec Decis isio ion. n. e. Takin aking g Acti Action on..  f.

OOC Procedure. Procedure.

 g. Writing a Report.

II. The Traditions Traditions and Conventions of His Imperial Majesty's Fleet 1. Standa Standards rds of His Imperial Imperia l Majesty's Public Pu blic Servants Serv ants a. Genera Generall Behav Behaviou iourr and and Demeano Demeanour  ur  b. Addr Addres essi sing ng the the Publ Public ic c. Extra Extracu curr rricu icula larr Acti Activi viti ties es d. Use Use of of For Force ce Cont Contin inuum uum 2. The Command Comm and Hierarchy Hie rarchy of o f the Fleet Flee t a. Comm Comman and d Hiera Hierarrchy chy Overv Overvie iew w b. Comm Comman and d Grou Group ps c. Offi Office cerr Rank Rankss d. Enli Enlissted ted Ran Ranks ks e. Posi Positi tion onss and and Title itless 3. Address Addressing ing a Fellow Fello w Fleet-member Fleet -member a. Greeti Greetings ngs,, Salutes Salutes,, and Gestur Gestures es of Respect  Respect  b. Addressi Addressing ng Enliste Enlisted d and and Non-Comm Non-Commissi issioned oned Offic Officers ers c. Addr Addres essi sing ng an Offi Office cer  r  4. Dealin Dealing g with other o ther Imperial Imp erial Agencies Agencie s a. Dealin Dealing g with with the the Talo Talon n and the Claw Claw b. Deal Dealin ing g wit with h the the Cle Clerrgy c. Deal Dealin ing g with with the the Gov Gover ernm nmen ent  t  d. Dealin Dealing g with with the the Impe Imperia riall Fami Family ly 5. Provid Providing ing Testimony to an Imperial Imper ial Adjudicator Adjudica tor a. Addre Address ssing ing an an Imper Imperial ial Adjudic Adjudicato ator  r  b. Deli Delive veri ring ng Tes Testi timo mony ny

I. The Enforcement of His Imperial Majesty's Law 1. Interpreting the Notable the Notable Laws of the Empire. Every officer of the Fleet, commissioned or enlisted, is responsible for knowing and understanding every article, section, paragraph and subparagraph under the Notable the Notable Laws of the Empire. Empire. It is the body of law that governs the City of Cear, and indeed, most regions in the Empire. Every member of the Fleet should carry a copy on his or her person. Every section will be briefly explained below, particularly on how it is to be enforced here in the Empire  by members of His Imperial Majesty's Cerulean Cerulean Fleet.  Nomenclature: The following section will contain contain abbreviations for the pertinent articles, articles, sections,  paragraphs and subparagraph's contained in the Notable Laws of the Empire. They will be abbreviated abbreviated

using their respective numeral or numbers separated with periods. I.E. Article II, Section 9, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 5 becomes Article II, Section 9.1.5. Article I. Imperial Law Article I, Section 1.1. wrote:

Strictly prohibits anyone who offends with his words or in writing or in any other way disrespects the Emperor or his Governors will be punished swiftly and accordingly. This section refers to any offensive literature or spoken words uttered by any citizen that target the Emperor, or any Governors that serve under him. This can be applied to other high-ranking officials of the government  as well. Note that this law does not involve the Church, the Military, or any other Imperial agency that is not bureaucratic in nature. The offender should be warned sternly for his or h er words. If the client continues with his slander, he forfeits his freedom and an arrest may take place . Article I, Section 1.1.2. wrote:

Let it be known that any form of denigration towards the Emperor ’s Consort is an act of Sedition. Those found guilty will be dealt with accordingly. Much like the aforementioned law, this one instead deals with the Emperor's Consort, Nelina. It is to be enforced the same as Article I, Section 1.1. Article I, Section 1.2. wrote:

 No part of these laws shall be constructed or construed as contrary to the decrees of the Emperor, or of his appointed governors. The above clearly states that any law listed in the Notable Laws of the Empire shall not be interpreted contrary to their intended affect. Any client disputing their meaning should be informed as such. If the client continues to question the law publicly, a warning may be issued, and if appropriate, an arrest may take place. Article I, Section 3.5.1. wrote:

It is forbidden to impersonate any Imperial family member, governmental official, those of the clergy, and those of Imperial forces. Those wilfully impersonating any of the above should be commanded to stop forthwith. If they are slow to obey, or should they refuse in any direct or indirect manner, they are to be incarcerated without delay. Article I, Section 3.7.2. wrote:

It is a criminal offense to conduct the forgery of Imperial currency or any official documents. The forgery of trade and entertainment permits and licenses a lso are included in this section. Any citizen entertaining this notion should be ordered to stop, and the forged documents or items in que stion should  be seized in entirety. Further transgressions should be met with an arrest. Article I, Section 5.2.2. wrote:

The tampering or destruction of governmental buildings, be they Imperial, Official, or Council, is  prohibited.

The vandalizing or damaging of any government building is against the law. Offenders should be warned immediately. The extent of the damage or harm should match the sentence. Incarceration may be used if necessary. Article I, Section 5.2.2. wrote:

The unlawful entry to any governmental buildings, be they Imperial, Official, or Council, is a criminal offense. This includes secured government buildings, not public buildings. The Ministry of Trade and Commerce, the public areas of the barracks (this does not include the interrogation room), and the Guardhouse are all public areas, and this law does not apply. Below deck the E.M.S. Resolute is one example where this law would apply. The offender should be escorted off the property, and warned. Further transgressions should result in an arrest. Article I, Section 9.1.3. wrote:

The wilful disobedience of all Imperial laws, edicts, and decrees is an act of lawlessness and will not be tolerated. This law is often not enforced on duty, as any charges accumulated would be more than enough to warrant an arrest or some kind of disciplinary action. This Law is often employed in an Adjudicator's Court when a list of charges are read. Article I, Section 11.3.1. wrote:

Any act of defiance or disorderly behaviour towards the Empire's military forces will not be tolerated. This refers to disrespectful, defiant or non-compliant clients. If a citizen becomes disorderly when a Fleet-member is issuing a warning for another  crime, then an arrest may take place. If disorderly  behaviour occurs without a prior crime, a warning may be issued. If that behaviour continues, an arrest may take place. Article I, Section 12.1.1. wrote:

Any disloyal or traitorous act directed towards the Empire o r its people is a punishable act. This Law is intentionally broad, and discretion is recommended. If the client is speaking in a ny disloyal or traitorous manner, a warning should be issued. Action should be taken that will appropriately match the disloyal or traitorous act, including but not limited to lethal force. Article I, Section 14.3.1. wrote:

It is forbidden to cause any act that will cause civil unrest and anarchy in the attempts to bring about the downfall of the Emperor and the Empire. This law is very similar to the above, but carries a much stricter sentence. Those charged would be guilty of a heinous act that would be considered treason on a grand scale. Active, organized resistance to the Emperor and His Laws, or the established authority, would be an example of a crime fitting this charge. Article II. City Law

Article II, Section 2.6.11. wrote:

The felonious act of poisoning of wells, fountains, sewers and other water sources is a punishable offense. The City's reservoir is usually under guard, but the aqueducts are open to the public due to a recent infestation of water anomalies. As such, any Fleet-member should be keen to the fact that the poisoning of the aqueducts is a possibility, as well as the fountain in the centre of the Trades and Commons. The poisoning of any water source should be met with immediate incarceration. Article II, Section 6.3.2. wrote:

It is unlawful to enter the city by any means other than the city gates and/or harbour. Those entering the city through any other means should be incarcerated on sight, and questioned. This shouldn't be a problem at this juncture, as the City is quite secure following the Talon's inspection. Be on your guard nonetheless, though. Article II, Section 8.3.8. wrote:

 No public notices are to either be removed or posted, without the express permission of the respective District Governmental Office. Defacement of said notices will also be treated as a breach of said notice, and penalties shall be extracted in a manner that is befitting of the nature of the crime. Any member of the citizenry posting notices within City Limits should be informed of this Law, and the offending notice should be removed forthwith. If the citizen in question wishes to receive permission for its public posting, he may forward it to the local Ministry of Trade and Commerce. He may expect to  pay a small fee. Continual and wilful posting of such forms should be met with an arrest. Article II, Section 9.1.5. wrote:

The brandishing of weapons is prohibited within all city limits. All weapons must be sheathed or holstered at all times. Only in the act of defense may weapons be used. This includes any weapon, even quarterstaves. The offending citizen should be warned first, and if he refuses to put the weapon away, he should be placed under arrest. OOC Note: Please be patient with players when this law is concerned. Article II, Section 9.1.6. wrote:

The use of magic may be only used for defense. The use of magic for offensive means is strictly forbidden. This law has some required explaining. According to the letter of the law, no magic may be employed in town, unless it is for defensive means. Logistically speaking, this is difficult for us to enforce. Onl y when the use of magic contributes to disturbing the peace would we step up to put a stop to it. A good example is invisibility. It is a defensive spell. In one case a citizen cast invisibility on another as he took offense to his presence. The affected citizen was offended, and a fight was imminent. The citizen who had cast the invisibility was warned, unde r this law, that his actions were unlawful.

 Attending an Incident. The majority of one's official duties will be the attendance of the various incidents and reports that will  be filed with the men and women of the Cerulean Fleet. An "Incident " is any situation where the Law is concerned, where a violation or disturbance of said Law has occurred. In this case, a Fleet-member might receive a report of said violation, or might even witness it in its commission. In any case, it is important that when a Fleet-member attends an Incident he or she employs the proper  protocol to ensure that all the necessary steps are covered. Identifying the Clients

As per the article on approaching a client , be sure that you make an effort to take down the physical description of all clients, and to determine which clients are offensive, which are suspicious, and which are peaceful. Introduce yourself, including your rank, first name and last name. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of His Imperial Majesty's Cerulean Fleet, and are the Law in these parts. Get the full  names of all present . If there are more than one client, please refer to the article on multiple clients for additional information on dealing with such a situation. Once you have finished identifying all of the clients, and introducing yourself, you must commence with the inquiry  stage of your response. Identifying the Problem

If you were tipped off that a problem was occurring, it is best to begin questioning the individual who sent for you. If it is possible to do so, collect your information from this person out of earshot of any other assembled party. This will help in maintaining the integrity of the information to be collected. If you are with another Fleet-member, instruct them to look after whoever e lse is in attendance that is part of the complaint. When identifying the problem, immediately attempt to justify your presence: is this something the Cerulean Fleet can correct, or act upon? Is this within our jurisdiction? Have an y laws been broken? If there is nothing that we can act upon, inform them of such and depart. Be sure that you have indeed ascertained that the Fleet cannot assist them. If you believe the Fleet has business with these individuals, then continue your investigation. Attempt to refer to any Laws that might have been broken, recalling the appropriate sentences or actions that are listed under the article for interpreting the Laws. Once you have clearly established what the problem is, you can continue with your investigation in the form of taking a statement. Taking a Statement

This is not always necessary, but encouraged if the alleged crime or offence is particularly complex or complicated. This is easily accomplished if you have multiple Fleet-members on hand, as each Fleetmember can take a witness or suspect to take a statement. Simply allow the client to explain, in his or her own words, what happened. Be sure this is done in a private manner, to maintain the integrity of the information collected.  It is fair if you take the client aside, and speak in whispers.

You should have your notebook (journal) on hand, and you can take down any pertinent information there. OOC Note: I run the game in windowed mode for this purpose. If an offence occurs, and I need to take a statement, I can easily hit MS Word on my quick launch bar, and re-size it so it's wide and short, so I can still read my client's statement in the chat bar, and keep an eye on any nearby suspects or witnesses. Makes it easy to CTRL+C it into a report as well, as you cannot do this with your  journal.

Be sure that pertinent client's statements have all been taken down, and with them in hand you can  properly render a decision. Rendering a Decision

This is all officer discretion. You should have collected enough information to ascertain if a.) has a law been broken?  and b.) can I take any action at the present time? If the Law has been violated, make sure you've established which ones they are. Do not be conservative when it comes to applying His Imperial Majesty's Laws to any present witnesses or accused, be it the disturbance of his peace, the disorderly behaviour directed towards a Guardsman, or any action deemed unlawful. Above all, see to it that Justice is served, and that through it all, the Laws are respected, as they are due. Taking Action

Your actions are all based on the decision you've rendered. If you've decided that only Imperial Warnings need be issued, do so and include whatever individual you see fit. Do this in a stern manner, and be sure to include it in your report. If you have decided an arrest needs to take place, prepare yourself, as many clients may take offence to such a notion. If you feel that you may not survive the encounter, do not be afraid to call upon the assistance of your fellow City Watchmen. Explain to the accused why they are being arrested, what their sentence will be, and whatever information you see fit to provide them. Above all, be sure the y serve their sentence. If they run, pursue until the suspect has been apprehended. OOC Procedure

There is a bit of OOC procedure when it comes to using the gaol keys. 1) Once you have determined that an arrest must take place, and you are ready to escort them to gaol, target your accused and tag them ONCE with your gaol key. At this point the accused has exactly 10 minutes to enter a gaol cell. If they are compliant, then the second they enter the cell the door will close, and they will serve out their sentence. Their record is cleared upon entry of said cell, which means the tag you gave them will disappear, as if they never had it. When their sentence is complete, the gaol door will automatically open.  Now, should the suspect be non-compliant, then things will get interesting. If they run, killing them, or them dying by any means, will cause them to respawn in an available gaol cell. So be sure to return to gaol to finish interrogating them, informing them of their charges and their sentence. If 10 minutes pass between when you tagged them, and when they ran, then they will become hostile to

the entire City garrison. That means that any Cear Town Guard, or Thrall's Gate Warlord will attack them on sight. Again, if they die, they will respawn in a gaol cell. 2) If you are attacked b y a citizen wilfully, or if you for any reason feel that a citizen needs to be apprehended quickly, and without delay, tag them with your gaol key TWICE. The first one will give them their 10 minutes, and the second tagging will automatically set the client to h ostile with the City garrison. This means nearby guards, OnPerceive, will attack the client. Be advised that any nearby guards in perceive range will have to "re-perceive" the client. This usually happens when p atrolling guards re-enter a client's perceive range. This usually isn't an issue when clients bolt. As always, the client will respawn in a gaol cell on death. 3) If you feel that at any time the client needs to be cleared of his charges, tag them THREE times. First will give them their 10 minutes, second will send the guards on them, and third will clear them of all charges. This is tricky, as once a second tag has been issued, they will most likely be dead (unless they are far enough away from the guards to get a third tag on them). A third tag is usually done when you accidentally tag someone, or if you believe the suspect needn’t be arrested. Important: use the second tagging sparingly; it is not fun to have the guards ALWAYS sent on a client should they break the law. It is reasonable when their 10 minutes exp ire, and they're "hunted" by the regional authorities, but the guards jumping on them all the time isn't exactly fair. It is fun, for both  parties, to play some "cat and mouse" sometimes. If, however, you are being attacked directly, or if you feel overwhelmed, do not hesitate in using that second tag. You are the Law. This ends the OOC section of this article.

Writing a Report

When you are completely finished with your duties involving that incident, it is important  that you file a report detailing the incident itself, the suspect(s) involved, the witnesses, physical descriptions of all witnesses and suspects, and the actions you took. Please leave your report in the Incident and Arrest File. If you have any additional questions, please contact Commodore Torquil Lamond for clarification.

II. The Traditions and Conventions of His Imperial Majesty's Fleet 1. Standards of His Imperial Majesty's Public Servants As a member of His Imperial Majesty's Cerulean Fleet, one must be held accountable to the standards, traditions and conventions that the Emperor de mands from all of his public servants. The Cerulean Fleet is not alone in this requirement; every Imperial agenc y within His Imperial Majesty's Empire must adhere to a core set of principles. The following is an example of this, albeit tailored specifically to the Cerulean Fleet's mandate. Wanton violation of the following will be met with the appropriate level of disciplinary action. General Behaviour and Demeanour

As members of His Imperial Majesty's Cerulean Fleet, all Fleet-members upon their engagement summarily represent not only the Empire, but the Emperor as well. Fleet-members represent His Imperial Majesty's wishes, intentions, and his will. As Fleet-members work and operate within their

Dealing the Clergy

Members of His Imperial Majesty's Clergy, be it in the Church of Lochwar, Tharon, Farallis or any other member of the pantheon, shall be respected and credited the proper respect as due their station and reputation. As the political structure and make-up of each clerical agency differs, the Fleet-member is instructed to exercise discretion when dealing with a member of the clergy. If the clergyman or clergywoman's title is "Sir" or "Lady", then the Fleet-member shall emplo y that in his or her address. If they are known as "Father" (such as our regional representative of the Church of Lochwar, Father Piotus), the member is to address him as such. Any member or members of the clergy are not law enforcement personnel . They are not invested with the authority to enforce His Imperial Majesty's Notable Laws of the Empire. Any such member attempting to do so may be charged, if deemed appropriate, and indeed, necessary, under Article I, Section 3.5.1. of the Notable Laws of the Empire. Members of the Fleet are encouraged to deal with this situation in a delicate, sensitive manner.

At times, members of the Cerulean Fleet may be called upon to co-operate with members of the clergy in a joint-task environment. In these situations, the members of the clergy involved exist to submit advise and to suggest a course of action to take. It is the prerogative of the Fleet-member to initiate and enforce the subsequent action. Clergy-members are to be involved only when matters of the divine, specifically Article III, come into play. Dealing with the Government

The regional government of Cear, specifically His Excellency the Governor, may instruct and convey orders to the Cerulean Fleet as he or she wishes. It is the responsibility of His Imperial Majesty's Cerulean Fleet to accept and obey any and all of these conveyances with efficiency and speed. Members of His Imperial Majesty's Government are to be afforded the proper respect and courtesy as their station and title is due. Be advised that only members of the government that represent the Emperor's interests and will  have the privilege of issuing orders to the members of the Cerulean Fleet. Agencies such as the Ministry of Trades and Commons  do not have this privilege. Agencies such as the Governor's Office  do. Dealing with the Imperial Family

The Imperial Family's word is law. By disobeying, or neglecting to respect such a member as they are due, is not only stupid, but may result in your immediate execution. When addressing a member of the Imperial Family every member  of the Fleet is expected to bow, and to descend on one knee. Never display your back to a member of the Imperial Family unless otherwise instructed. Dealing with the Imperial Family is a simple task. If the y make a request of the Cerulean Fleet, it is seen to immediately . If you have further questions please contact Commodore Torquil Lamond for clarification.

II. The Traditions and Conventions of His Imperial Majesty's Fleet 5. Providing Testimony to an Imperial Adjudicator  When a particularly important or significant file proceeds to trial, members of His Imperial Majesty's Cerulean Fleet may be called on to provide testimony. Tribunals of the Imperial Government are generally chaired by Imperial Adjudicators, selected from the Order of the Scales, a b ranch of the Church of Etoth. Imperial Adjudicators dedicate their lives to the preservation of law and justice, a nd are completely and indeed, divinely impartial in every respect. Imperial Adjudicators, are a member of the

 judiciary in the Imperial Government, have an immense amount of reputation and political influence. Subsequently, they are to be rendered the appropriate amount of respect. Addressing an Imperial Adjudicator

In any capacity, an Imperial Adjudicator shall be address as "Right Honourable Adjudicator". As an example, if a member is giving evidence in trial, they shall end their statement, or statements, with "Right Honourable Adjudicator", just as they would when replying to a superior officer with "sir" or "ma'am". They may also refer to an Imperial Adjudicator as "Your Honoured Excellency", or "Your Honoured Lordship". Imperial Adjudicators are to be bowed to, instead of the customary hand salute. Delivering Testimony

If a member is called upon to deliver testimony or evidence, that member shou ld be prepared. If the evidence is centred around a file they handled two months ago, they may not remember the facts of the incident. This is why the Incident and Arrest File is vitally important to the judiciary process . The member's notes, and his or her report, will be vital evidence. In essence, the member is not delivering his or her testimony, they are delivering the facts of the notes and report they filed following the incident. Members of His Imperial Majesty's Cerulean Fleet should not be supplementing any facts not already given in evidence (the filed report or the member's notes). Members are permitted to carry and present a copy of their report or their notes pertaining to the incident. Lastly, and most importantly, members of His Imperial Majesty's Cerulean Fleet are required to behave and act in a manner that properly represents the Emperor. Answers and evidence are to be given with integrity and honesty. Improper or inaccurate testimony at an Adjudicator's Court may result in your permanent dismissal from the Fleet, or even a punishment including, but not limited to incarceration or death. If you have further questions please contact Commodore Torquil Lamond for clarification.

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