Child Labour

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Chlld labour ln ÞaklsLan on Lhe rlse a year afLer devasLaLlng floods

WlLh Lhelr parenLs sLlll unable Lo flnd [obsţ chlldren are belng senL Lo hazardous areas Lo scour for badly
needed lncome

8y Cmar Waralch ln lslamabad

Wednesdayţ 27 !uly 2011


A refugee famlly ln Lhe norLhern Slndh provlnce Lhls monLh

Chlld labour has surged ln ÞaklsLan ln Lhe year slnce record floods devasLaLed much of Lhe counLryţ as
some of Lhe pooresL famllles conLlnue Lo be deprlved of Lhelr llvellhoods ln local economles LhaL show
few slgns of recoverlngŦ

1he 2010 monsoon floods submerged ÞaklsLan on an unprecedenLed scaleţ wlLh 10 yearsƌ worLh of raln
falllng ln Lhe space of a weekŦ 1wo Lhousand people were kllled and anoLher 20 mllllon affecLedŦ 1wo
mllllon homes and 10ţ000 schools were desLroyedŦ

ln a reporL released Lodayţ Lhe ukŴbased charlLy Save Lhe Chlldren warns LhaL Lhe number of chlldren
forced Lo work has rlsen by up Lo a Lhlrd ln areas worsL hlL by Lhe floodsŦ WlLh Lhelr parenLs sLlll unable
Lo flnd [obsţ chlldren are belng senL ouL Lo hazardous areas Lo scour for desperaLely needed lncomeŦ

ƍA year on from Lhe floods and many of Lhe chlldren caughL up ln Lhe dlsasLer are sLruggllng Lo survlveţƍ
sald uavld WrlghLţ Save Lhe Chlldrenƌs counLry dlrecLor for ÞaklsLanŦ ƍWe need Lo geL Lhem ouL of work
and back aL schoolŦƍ

1he splke ln chlld labour comes as famllles have waLched Lhelr lncomes fall by up Lo 70 per cenL over Lhe
pasL yearţ Lhe reporL saldţ drawlng on a survey of over 2ţ300 households ln Lhe worsL floodŴaffecLed
areasŦ A Lhlrd of Lhe famllles affecLed have falled Lo gaLher Lhe sums requlred Lo rebulld Lhelr homesŦ

WlLh lncomes aL perllous lowsţ Lhe 10 mllllon chlldren ln floodŴaffecLed areas are also belng denled Lhe
food Lhey need Lo survlveŦ Save Lhe Chlldren warns LhaL nearly a quarLer of Lhe chlldren are sufferlng
from ƍacuLe malnourlshmenLƍŦ

1he ordeal over Lhe pasL year has also lefL Lhem menLally scarredŦ nearly half of Lhe famllles Lhe charlLy
spoke Lo reporLed LhaL Lhelr chlldren suffer from nlghLmaresţ phoblas and oLher psychologlcal
condlLlonsŦ ln one dlsLrlcL ln souLhern Þun[abţ a LenLh of Lhe chlldren had resorLed Lo smoklng hashlsh or
snlfflng glue as a means of coplngŦ

1he reporL ls Lhe laLesL ln a serles of alarmlng revelaLlons of Lhe scale of Lhe sufferlng LhaL endures ln
ÞaklsLanƌs floodŴaffecLed areasŦ As a fresh monsoon season beglnsţ Lhere are also pronounced worrles
LhaL Lhe counLry remalns vulnerable Lo fresh floodlngŦ

ln a separaLe reporL released yesLerdayţ Cxfam warned LhaL Lhe ÞaklsLanl governmenL had falled Lo Lake
adequaLe measures Lo prevenL anoLher dlsasLer Lhls summerŦ

Cxfam called on Lhe governmenL Lo spend more money on reconsLrucLlonţ beLLer houslng and Lhe
lnsLallaLlon of Lhe earlyŴwarnlng sysLems LhaL would have helped mlLlgaLe lasL yearƌs LragedyŦ

ƍÞaklsLan needs Lo acL nowŦ lnvesLlng ln measures Loday LhaL reduce Lhe lmpacL of dlsasLers ls essenLlal
Lo save llves and safeguard developmenL galns ln Lhe fuLureţƍ sald neva khanţ head of Cxfam ln

ƍlL wlll ensure schools bullL wlLh ald funds are noL washed away and LhaL farmers can keep Lhe crops
Lhey have Lolled overŦ A year afLer ÞaklsLanƌs megaŴfloodsţ lLƌs Llme we learnL Lhls lessonŦƍ

Accordlng Lo Lhe reporLţ 37ţ000 people conLlnue Lo shelLer ln camps ln Lhe souLhern provlnce of Slndhţ
Lhe worsL hlL lasL yearţ ln Lhe searlng summer heaLŦ Some 800ţ000 famllles across Lhe counLryţ Cxfam
saldţ remaln wlLhouL adequaLe houslngŦ

ln llghL of Lhe fresh fearsţ ÞaklsLanƌs cruclal agrlculLural ouLpuL could be hlLŦ larmers are Laklng
precauLlons by seLLlng down fewer crops as a safeguard agalnsL Lhelr belng washed awayŦ

Poweverţ ÞaklsLanl meLeorologlsLs have sald LhaL Lhere ls only a low rlsk of floods Lhls yearŦ

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8enL_1ony 10 mlnuLes ago

Cver $300 mllllon dollars of ƍflood rellefƍ ald and funds have been lnvesLed ln uubal ƍ8eal LsLaLeƍ by
ÞaklsLanl ÞollLlclans and bureacraLsŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦall clalmlng Lo help Lhe vlcLlms of Lhe floodsţ yeL buylng
Lhemselves osLenLaLlous vlllasţ homes and hoLels ln uubal whlch ey Lhen renL ouL Lo human Lrafflkklng
gangs who speclallze ln chlld prosLlLuLlon and forclng young glrls lnLo prosLlLuLlonŦ

lf you donaLeţ donƌL ţ lL wonƌL go Lo Lhe needyţ lL only ends up ln Lhe pockeLs of Lhe mafla famllles LhaL
conLrol ÞaklsLan !

1ahlr 1 hour ago

l Lhlnk you wlll flnd Lhere are many falLh based charlLles whlch are very credlble Ŵ llke lslamlc 8ellef
whclh have blg operaLlons ln ÞaklsLan and many oLher parLs of Lhe worldŦ ummah Welfare LrusL anoLher
blg charlLy abased ln Lhe uk buL works ouL ln varlous parLs of Lhe worldŦ

8evur!ohnPunL 3 hours ago

lndepenLenLly of Lhls reporLţ lasL nlghL a frlend remlnded me LhaL one of her relaLlves used Lo volunLeer
for Save Lhe Chlldren unLll he dlscovered LhaL only 20Ŵ23Ʒ of donaLlons acLually reach Lhe chlldrenŦ

l refuse Lo donaLe Lo any rellglous charlLyŦ l conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe ÞaklsLan appealť uslng Lhe uonaLlon
page aL 8lcharduawklnsŦneL

1 person llked LhlsŦ Llke
leeblued 7 hours ago

l read here some commenLs abouL Lhls belng common pracLlce ln lndla and ÞaklsLan (as lL has been for
cenLurles)ţ also Asla (as lL has been for cenLurles) ţpeople menLlon Loys and many oLher producLs
produced ln Lhese areas where ƍChlld Labourƍ ls Lhe norm !

MosL people ln Lhe WesL are LoLally lgnoranL of Lhe scale of chlld labour and abuse ŦCnly when an nCC
wanLs some money ls Lhere a hlghllghLlng of Lhls lssue for a small perlod or ln Lhls case a [ourno needs Lo
wrlLe someLhlng and brlefly some aLLenLlon ls glvenţ or a few quld Lowards some ƍpro[ecLƍ !

All Lhe ChocolaLe you eaL ls noL only plcked by chlldren ţLhey are slavesţ sold from 8urklna laso Lo Lhe
lvory CoasLţ ofLen by Lhelr own parenLs Lo work on Lhe planLaLlons !

Afrlca ls full of klds worklng wherever Lhey canţ [usL Lo survlve Ŧ

SouLh Amerlca ţLhe same Ŧ

Chlld prosLlLuLlon ln Lurope ( ?es LhaLs lncludlng Lhe uk ) ls rlfeŦ

Lven ln Polland ţwhole 8oumanlan famllles spread Lhemselves ouLslde of SupermarkeLs ln every Lown(
one for each supermarkeL) and beg for money ţespeclally Lhe young glrls ţ wlLh Lhe preLence of belng
homeless and holdlng ƍSLreeLnewsƍ or one of Lhose mags Ŧ

1he explolLaLlon of chlldren ls growlng aL a raLe LhaL ls unbellevable !

Asmodeus666 and 2 more llked Lhls Llke
ÞragmaLlsL 8 hours ago

Chlld labour ls normal ln many areas buL cerLalnly across SouLh AslaŦ lndla has Lhe same problemŦ 1he
ƌrenLlngƌ of chlldren for begglngţ desrlbed by !alLcP belowţ ls also found ln boLh lndla and ÞaklsLan buL
Lhey are noL rounded up by Lhe pollceŦ

ln a number of lndlan SLaLes chlldren can marry aL 3 years plusţ so chlld labour ls cerLalnly noL frowned

Cn Lhe sub[ecL of floodlng ln ÞaklsLanţ Lhere were meeLlngs held ln Slndh before Lhe 2010 floods whlch
plnpolnLed acLlons Lo be Laken by Lhe Þrovlnce and CenLral CovernmenLŦ naLurally Lhese were lgnored
by boLh as Lhe Slndh healLh MlnlsLer ls from Lhe MCM ÞarLy and ls far more concerned wlLh crlmlnallLy
and corrupLlonŦŦŦhls LhaL ls!

Asmodeus666 and 1 more llked Lhls Llke
leeblued 6 hours ago ln reply Lo ÞragmaLlsL

Cood plece abouL Lhe meeLlngs held ln Slnd !

WasnƌL Lhere an agreemenL by Lhe wealLhy landowners who are also ƍfrlendsƍ of Lhe provlnclal and
cenLral governmenL represenLaLlves ţLo allow vasL communal areas Lo flood ţln order Lo save Lhe land
owned by sald ƍwealLhy landownersƍ ?

ÞragmaLlsL and 2 more llked Lhls Llke
ÞragmaLlsL 6 hours ago ln reply Lo leeblued

1hanksţ l was aL Lhe meeLlng and proposed a very cheap slmple supply of very baslc klL LhaL all Lhe local
docLors conflrmed would save many llves ln a floodŦ unforLunaLely Lhe equlpmenL had a $2 purchase
cosL and everybody knew whaL Lhe cosL wasŦ naLurally Lhere was no opporLunlLy Lo purchase Lhem for
vasL sums and fund Lhe requlred brlbeţ so naLurally Lhe senlor bureaucraLs were noL lnLeresLed and dld

?ou are also qulLe rlghLţ as usual on Lhse Lype of quesLlonsţ Lhere was such an agreemenL and poorer
areas were floodedŦ

1hls klnd of background knowledge ls kepL perlpheral by Lhe ald and charlLy agencles as Lhey seek huge
funds Lo place ln Lhese areasŦ unLllţ and only unLllţ Lhe local culLural condlLlons are conduclve ald and
donor funds wlll dellver very llLLleŦ

Asmodeus666 and 1 more llked Lhls Llke
Adll !adoon 11 hours ago

Well lL ls up Lo ÞaklsLanls Lo declde whaL Lhey wanL for Lhelr chlldrenŦ AnoLher 3 years of Zardarl rule
and someLhlng wlll have Lo glve wlLh dlsasLrous consequencesŦ

2 people llked LhlsŦ Llke
!alLcP 14 hours ago

ÞaklsLanţ a broken nuclear powerţ ls llLLle dlfferenL Lo many oLher counLrlesŦ

8ead Lhe reporLs on Apple from a couple of years ago and your favourlLe llLLle Loy llkely has chlld labour

unLll a few years ago souLhern vleLnamese explolLers used Lo renL chlldren from Lhe norLh of Lhe
counLry Lo beg on Lhe sLreeLs of Po Chl Mlnh/SalConŦ l used Lo speakţ soclallyţ wlLh severalţ and learned
of Lhelr sad exlsLancesŦ Any chlld found begglng Lhese days ls scooped up and forced Lo aLLend schoolŦ

Chlldren many wlLh endearlng facesţ conLlnue Lo be used as beggars ln many counLrlesŦ

ÞurpleswlmmlngLlger and 3 more llked Lhls Llke
bleachers 7 hours ago ln reply Lo !alLcP

ƍChlldren many wlLh endearlng facesţ conLlnue Lo be used as beggars ln many counLrlesŦƍ

1he uk lncludedŦ Who hasnƌL seen Lhose doey eyed kldsţ worklng for uk charlLlesţ begglng suckers Lo seL
up sLandlng ordersŦ

ÞragmaLlsL and 2 more llked Lhls Llke
!alLcP 3 hours ago ln reply Lo bleachers

uld you read of a World vlslon supporLer who selecLed a chlld Lo supporL (Lhrough Lhelr sysLem) and
when she vlslLed her ƌadopLedƌ chlld found all Lhe ƌupdaLesƌ from World vlslon were a pack of lles and
LhaL she had moLhered chlldren whose lLlneranL faLhers had moved onŦ

ÞragmaLlsL and 1 more llked Lhls Llke
nexL ArLlcle ln Asla
ÞrlnL ArLlcle Lmall ArLlcle
Also ln Lhls secLlon
Mayor of kandahar kllled ln bomb blasL
LŴcommerce boom LempLs Amazon Lo LesL lndlan markeL
lndla sLeps up flghL Lo Lame lnflaLlon
nepal arresLs man llnked Lo Mumbal blasLs

Þloneer goes lnLo deep freeze

8aLLllng llLerary glanLs

An lLallan rural renalssance

ls our anLhem Loo shorL?

Lumley blds Lo [oln Carrlck

Seaweed LhreaL Lo wlld boar

LƌCreal ads banned over ƌalrbrushlngƌ
Cllck Lo waLch vldeo

A £73ţ000 boLLle of wlne

Lebowskl house for sale

2012ť under conLrol Ŷ mosLly

ƌÞeopleƌs Mondayƌ aL Lordƌs

lndlanƌs undercooked aLLack

ScouLlng embraces Lechnology

uoubles ln Lhe movles

Pow Lo save a bugƌs llfe

10 besL sparkllng wlnes

AsLypaleať 1reasured lsland

Pead ouL on Lhe hlghway

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