consti law 2 case digests

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ICHONG VS. HERNANDEZ FACTS: Lao Ichong is a Chinese businessman ho en!e"e# !he coun!"$ !o !a%e a#&an!age o' business o((o"!uni!ies he"ein aboun# )!hen* + (a"!icu,a",$ in !he "e!ai, business. Fo" some !ime he an# his 'e,,o Chinese businessmen en-o$e# a .mono(o,$/ in !he ,oca, ma"%e! in 0asa$. 1n!i, in 2une 3456 hen Cong"ess (asse# !he RA 3378 o" !he Re!ai, T"a#e Na!iona,i9a!ion Ac! !he (u"(ose o' hich is !o "ese"&e !o Fi,i(inos !he "igh! !o engage in !he "e!ai, business. Ichong !hen (e!i!ione# 'o" !he nu,,i'ica!ion o' !he sai# Ac! on !he g"oun# !ha! i! con!"a&ene# se&e"a, !"ea!ies conc,u#e# b$ !he R0 hich: acco"#ing !o him: &io,a!es !he e;ua, ("o!ec!ion c,ause )(ac!a sun# se"&an#a*. He sai# !ha! as a Chinese businessman engage# in !he business he"e in !he coun!"$ ho he,(s in !he income gene"a!ion o' !he coun!"$ he shou,# be gi&en e;ua, o((o"!uni!$. ISS1E: <he!he" o" no! a ,a ("inci(,es. ma$ in&a,i#a!e o" su(e"se#e !"ea!ies o" gene"a,,$ acce(!e#

HELD: =es: a ,a ma$ su(e"se#e a !"ea!$ o" a gene"a,,$ acce(!e# ("inci(,e. In !his case: !he"e is no con',ic! a! a,, be! een !he "aise# gene"a,,$ acce(!e# ("inci(,e an# i!h RA 3378. The e;ua, ("o!ec!ion o' !he ,a c,ause .#oes no! #eman# abso,u!e e;ua,i!$ amongs! "esi#en!s> i! me"e,$ "e;ui"es !ha! a,, (e"sons sha,, be !"ea!e# a,i%e: un#e" ,i%e ci"cums!ances an# con#i!ions bo!h as !o ("i&i,eges con'e""e# an# ,iabi,i!ies en'o"ce#/> an#: !ha! !he e;ua, ("o!ec!ion c,ause .is no! in'"inge# b$ ,egis,a!ion hich a((,ies on,$ !o !hose (e"sons 'a,,ing i!hin a s(eci'ie# c,ass: i' i! a((,ies a,i%e !o a,, (e"sons i!hin such c,ass: an# "easonab,e g"oun#s e?is! 'o" ma%ing a #is!inc!ion be! een !hose ho 'a,, i!hin such c,ass an# !hose ho #o no!./ Fo" !he sa%e o' a"gumen!: e&en i' i! ou,# be assume# !ha! a !"ea!$ ou,# be in ASSOCIATION OF S@ALL LAND O<NERS VS. SECRETAR= OF AGRARIAN REFOR@ FACTS: These a"e A cases conso,i#a!e# ;ues!ioning !he cons!i!u!iona,i!$ o' !he Ag"a"ian Re'o"m Ac!. A"!ic,e BIII on Socia, 2us!ice an# Human Righ!s inc,u#es a ca,, 'o" !he a#o(!ion b$ !he S!a!e o' an ag"a"ian "e'o"m ("og"am. The S!a!e sha,,: b$ ,a : un#e"!a%e an ag"a"ian "e'o"m ("og"am 'oun#e# on !he "igh! o' 'a"me"s an# "egu,a" 'a"m o"%e"s: ho a"e ,an#,ess: !o o n #i"ec!,$ o" co,,ec!i&e,$ !he ,an#s !he$ !i,, o": in !he case o' o!he" 'a"m o"%e"s: !o "ecei&e a -us! sha"e o' !he '"ui!s !he"eo'. RA A766: Ag"icu,!u"a, Lan# Re'o"m Co#e: ha# a,"ea#$ been enac!e# b$ Cong"ess on Augus! 7: 34CA. This as subs!an!ia,,$ su(e"se#e# a,mos! a #eca#e ,a!e" b$ 0D DE: hich as ("omu,ga!e# on Oc! D3: 34ED: a,ong i!h ma"!ia, ,a : !o ("o&i#e 'o" !he com(u,so"$ ac;uisi!ion o' ("i&a!e ,an#s 'o" #is!"ibu!ion among !enan!F'a"me"s an# !o s(eci'$ ma?imum "e!en!ion ,imi!s 'o" ,an#o ne"s. On 2u,$ 3E: 347E: Co"$ issue# EO DD7: #ec,a"ing 'u,, ,an# o ne"shi( in 'a&o" o' !he bene'icia"ies o' 0D DE an# ("o&i#ing 'o" !he &a,ua!ion o' s!i,, un&a,ue# ,an#s co&e"e# b$ !he #ec"ee as e,, as !he manne" o' !hei" (a$men!. This as 'o,,o e# on 2u,$ DD: 347E b$ 00 3A3: ins!i!u!ing a com("ehensi&e ag"a"ian "e'o"m ("og"am )CAR0*: an# EO DD4: ("o&i#ing !he mechanics 'o" i!s im(,emen!a!ion. A'!e" hich is !he enac!men! o' RA CC5E: Com("ehensi&e Ag"a"ian Re'o"m La o' 3477: hich Co"$ signe# on 2une 38. This ,a : hi,e consi#e"ab,$ changing !he ea",ie" men!ione# enac!men!s: ne&e"!he,ess gi&es !hem su((,e!o"$ e''ec! inso'a" as !he$ a"e no! inconsis!en! i!h i!s ("o&isions. In consi#e"ing !he "en!a,s as a#&ance (a$men! on !he ,an#: !he e?ecu!i&e o"#e" a,so #e("i&es !he (e!i!ione"s o' !hei" ("o(e"!$ "igh!s as ("o!ec!e# b$ #ue ("ocess. The e;ua, ("o!ec!ion c,ause is a,so &io,a!e# because !he o"#e" (,aces !he bu"#en o' so,&ing !he ag"a"ian ("ob,ems on !he o ne"s on,$ o' ag"icu,!u"a, ,an#s. No simi,a" ob,iga!ion is im(ose# on !he o ne"s o' o!he" ("o(e"!ies.

The (e!i!ione"s main!ain !ha! in #ec,a"ing !he bene'icia"ies un#e" 0D DE !o be !he o ne"s o' !he ,an#s occu(ie# b$ !hem: EO DD7 igno"e# -u#icia, ("e"oga!i&es an# so &io,a!e# #ue ("ocess. <o"se: !he measu"e ou,# no! so,&e !he ag"a"ian ("ob,em because e&en !he sma,, 'a"me"s a"e #e("i&e# o' !hei" ,an#s an# !he "e!en!ion "igh!s gua"an!ee# b$ !he Cons!i!u!ion. In his commen! !he So,FGen asse"!e# !ha! !he a,,ege# &io,a!ion o' !he e;ua, ("o!ec!ion c,ause: !he suga" (,an!e"s ha&e 'ai,e# !o sho !ha! !he$ be,ong !o a #i''e"en! c,ass an# shou,# be #i''e"en!,$ !"ea!e#. The Commen! a,so sugges!s !he (ossibi,i!$ o' Cong"ess 'i"s! #is!"ibu!ing (ub,ic ag"icu,!u"a, ,an#s an# sche#u,ing !he e?("o("ia!ion o' ("i&a!e ag"icu,!u"a, ,an#s ,a!e". F"om !his &ie (oin!: !he (e!i!ion 'o" ("ohibi!ion ou,# be ("ema!u"e. ISS1E: <he!he" o" no! !he"e as a &io,a!ion o' !he e;ua, ("o!ec!ion c,ause.

HELD: The SC "u,e# a''i"ming !he So,FGen. The a"gumen! o' !he sma,, 'a"me"s !ha! !he$ ha&e been #enie# e;ua, ("o!ec!ion because o' !he absence o' "e!en!ion ,imi!s has a,so become aca#emic un#e" Sec C o' RA CC5E. Signi'ican!,$: !he$ !oo ha&e no! ;ues!ione# !he a"ea o' such ,imi!s. The"e is a,so !he com(,ain! !ha! !he$ shou,# no! be ma#e !o sha"e !he bu"#en o' ag"a"ian "e'o"m: an ob-ec!ion a,so ma#e b$ !he suga" (,an!e"s on !he g"oun# !ha! !he$ be,ong !o a (a"!icu,a" c,ass i!h (a"!icu,a" in!e"es!s o' !hei" o n. Ho e&e": no e&i#ence has been submi!!e# !o !he Cou"! !ha! !he "e;uisi!es o' a &a,i# c,assi'ica!ion ha&e been &io,a!e#. C,assi'ica!ion has been #e'ine# as !he g"ou(ing o' (e"sons o" !hings simi,a" !o each o!he" in ce"!ain (a"!icu,a"s an# #i''e"en! '"om each o!he" in !hese same (a"!icu,a"s. To be &a,i#: i! mus! con'o"m !o !he 'o,,o ing "e;ui"emen!s: )3* i! mus! be base# on subs!an!ia, #is!inc!ions> )D* i! mus! be ge"mane !o !he (u"(oses o' !he ,a > )A* i! mus! no! be ,imi!e# !o e?is!ing con#i!ions on,$> an# )6* i! mus! a((,$ e;ua,,$ !o a,, !he membe"s o' !he c,ass. The Cou"! 'in#s !ha! a,, !hese "e;uisi!es ha&e been me! b$ !he measu"es he"e cha,,enge# as a"bi!"a"$ an# #isc"imina!o"$. E;ua, ("o!ec!ion sim(,$ means !ha! a,, (e"sons o" !hings simi,a",$ si!ua!e# mus! be !"ea!e# a,i%e bo!h as !o !he "igh!s con'e""e# an# !he ,iabi,i!ies im(ose#. The (e!i!ione"s ha&e no! sho n !ha! !he$ be,ong !o a #i''e"en! c,ass an# en!i!,e# !o a #i''e"en! !"ea!men!. The a"gumen! !ha! no! on,$ ,an#o ne"s bu! a,so o ne"s o' o!he" ("o(e"!ies mus! be ma#e !o sha"e !he bu"#en o' im(,emen!ing ,an# "e'o"m mus! be "e-ec!e#. The"e is a subs!an!ia, #is!inc!ion be! een !hese ! o c,asses o' o ne"s !ha! is c,ea",$ &isib,e e?ce(! !o !hose ho i,, no! see. The"e is no nee# !o e,abo"a!e on !his ma!!e". In an$ e&en!: !he Cong"ess is a,,o e# a i#e ,ee a$ in ("o&i#ing 'o" a &a,i# c,assi'ica!ion. I!s #ecision is acco"#e# "ecogni!ion an# "es(ec! b$ !he cou"!s o' -us!ice e?ce(! on,$ he"e i!s #isc"e!ion is abuse# !o !he #e!"imen! o' !he Gi,, o' Righ!s. L1TZ VS. ARANETA FACTS: This case as ini!ia!e# in !he Cou"! o' Fi"s! Ins!ance o' Neg"os Occi#en!a, !o !es! !he ,ega,i!$ o' !he !a?es im(ose# b$ Common ea,!h Ac! No. 5CE: o!he" ise %no n as !he Suga" A#-us!men! Ac!.

0"omu,ga!e# in 3468: !he #ue !o !he !h"ea! !o ou" in#us!"$ b$ !he imminen! im(osi!ion o' e?(o"! !a?es u(on suga" as ("o&i#e# in !he T$#ingsF@cDu''e Ac!: an# !he He&en!ua, ,oss o' i!s ("e'e"en!ia, (osi!ion in !he 1ni!e# S!a!es ma"%e!H> he"e'o"e: !he na!iona, (o,ic$ as e?("esse# H!o ob!ain a "ea#-us!men! o' !he bene'i!s #e"i&e# '"om !he suga" in#us!"$ b$ !he com(onen! e,emen!s !he"eo'H an# H!o s!abi,i9e !he suga" in#us!"$ so as !o ("e(a"e i! 'o" !he e&en!ua,i!$ o' !he ,oss o' i!s ("e'e"en!ia, (osi!ion in !he 1ni!e# S!a!es ma"%e! an# !he im(osi!ion o' !he e?(o"! !a?es.H In sec!ion D: Common ea,!h Ac! 5CE ("o&i#es 'o" an inc"ease o' !he e?is!ing !a? on !he manu'ac!u"e o' suga": on a g"a#ua!e# basis: on each (icu, o' suga" manu'ac!u"e#> hi,e sec!ion A ,e&ies on o ne"s o" (e"sons in con!"o, o' ,an#s #e&o!e# !o !he cu,!i&a!ion o' suga" cane an# ce#e# !o o!he"s 'o" a consi#e"a!ion: on ,ease o" o!he" ise a !a? e;ui&a,en! !o !he #i''e"ence be! een !he mone$ &a,ue o' !he "en!a, o" consi#e"a!ion co,,ec!e# an# !he amoun! "e("esen!ing 3D (e" cen!um o' !he assesse# &a,ue o' such ,an#. 0,ain!i'': <a,!e" Lu!9: in his ca(aci!$ as 2u#icia, A#minis!"a!o" o' !he In!es!a!e Es!a!e o' An!onio 2a$me Le#esma: see%s !o "eco&e" '"om !he Co,,ec!o" o' In!e"na, Re&enue !he sum o' 036:CCC.68 (ai# b$ !he es!a!e as !a?es: un#e" sec!ion A o' !he Ac!: 'o" !he c"o( $ea"s 3467F3464 an# 3464F3458> a,,eging !ha! such !a? is uncons!i!u!iona, an# &oi#: being ,e&ie# 'o" !he ai# an# su((o"! o' !he suga" in#us!"$ e?c,usi&e,$: hich in (,ain!i''Is o(inion is no! a (ub,ic (u"(ose 'o" hich a !a? ma$ be cons!i!u!iona,,$ ,e&ie#. The ac!ion ha&ing been #ismisse# b$ !he Cou"! o' Fi"s! Ins!ance: !he (,ain!i''s a((ea,e# !he case #i"ec!,$ !o !his Cou"! )2u#icia"$ Ac!: sec!ion 3E*. ISS1E: <he!he" o" no! !he CA No. 5CE o" Suga" A#-us!men! Ac! is cons!i!u!iona, an# 'o" (ub,ic (u"(ose. HELD: The basic #e'ec! in !he (,ain!i''Is (osi!ion is his assum(!ion !ha! !he !a? ("o&i#e# 'o" in Common ea,!h Ac! No. 5CE is a (u"e e?e"cise o' !he !a?ing (o e". Ana,$sis o' !he Ac!: an# (a"!icu,a",$ o' sec!ion C: i,, sho !ha! !he !a? is ,e&ie# i!h a "egu,a!o"$ (u"(ose: !o ("o&i#e means 'o" !he "ehabi,i!a!ion an# s!abi,i9a!ion o' !he !h"ea!ene# suga" in#us!"$. In o!he" o"#s: !he ac! is ("ima"i,$ an e?e"cise o' !he (o,ice (o e". This Cou"! can !a%e -u#icia, no!ice o' !he 'ac! !ha! suga" ("o#uc!ion is one o' !he g"ea! in#us!"ies o' ou" na!ion: suga" occu($ing a ,ea#ing (osi!ion among i!s e?(o"! ("o#uc!s> !ha! i! gi&es em(,o$men! !o !housan#s o' ,abo"e"s in 'ie,#s an# 'ac!o"ies> !ha! i! is a g"ea! sou"ce o' !he s!a!eIs ea,!h: is one o' !he im(o"!an! sou"ces o' 'o"eign e?change nee#e# b$ ou" go&e"nmen!: an# is !hus (i&o!a, in !he (,ans o' a "egime commi!!e# !o a (o,ic$ o' cu""enc$ s!abi,i!$. I!s ("omo!ion: ("o!ec!ion an# a#&ancemen!: !he"e'o"e "e#oun#s g"ea!,$ !o !he gene"a, e,'a"e. Hence i! as com(e!en! 'o" !he ,egis,a!u"e !o 'in# !ha! !he gene"a, e,'a"e #eman#e# !ha! !he suga" in#us!"$ shou,# be s!abi,i9e# in !u"n> an# in !he i#e 'ie,# o' i!s (o,ice (o e": !he ,a ma%ing bo#$ cou,# ("o&i#e !ha! !he #is!"ibu!ion o' bene'i!s !he"e'"om be "ea#-us!e# among i!s com(onen!s !o enab,e i! !o "esis! !he a##e# s!"ain o' !he inc"ease in !a?es !ha! i! ha# !o sus!ain. Once i! is conce#e#: as i! mus!: !ha! !he ("o!ec!ion an# ("omo!ion o' !he suga" in#us!"$ is a ma!!e" o' (ub,ic conce"n: i! 'o,,o s !ha! !he Legis,a!u"e ma$ #e!e"mine i!hin "easonab,e boun#s ha! is necessa"$ 'o" i!s ("o!ec!ion an# e?(e#ien! 'o" i!s ("omo!ion. He"e: !he ,egis,a!i&e #isc"e!ion mus! be a,,o e# 'u,,$ (,a$: sub-ec! on,$ !o !he !es! o' "easonab,eness> an# i! is no! con!en#e# !ha! !he means ("o&i#e# in sec!ion C o' !he ,a bea" no "e,a!ion !o !he ob-ec!i&e (u"sue# o" a"e o(("essi&e in cha"ac!e". I' ob-ec!i&e an# me!ho#s a"e a,i%e cons!i!u!iona,,$ &a,i#: no "eason is seen h$ !he s!a!e ma$ no! ,e&$ !a?es !o "aise 'un#s 'o" !hei" ("osecu!ion an# a!!ainmen!. Ta?a!ion ma$ be ma#e !he im(,emen! o' !he s!a!eIs (o,ice (o e".

Tha! !he !a? !o be ,e&ie# shou,# bu"#en !he suga" ("o#uce"s !hemse,&es can ha"#,$ be a g"oun# o' com(,ain!> in#ee#: i! a((ea"s "a!iona, !ha! !he !a? be ob!aine# ("ecise,$ '"om !hose ho a"e !o be bene'i!e# '"om !he e?(en#i!u"e o' !he 'un#s #e"i&e# '"om i!. A! an$ "a!e: i! is inhe"en! in !he (o e" !o !a? !ha! a s!a!e be '"ee !o se,ec! !he sub-ec!s o' !a?a!ion: an# i! has been "e(ea!e#,$ he,# !ha! Hine;ua,i!ies hich "esu,! '"om a sing,ing ou! o' one (a"!icu,a" c,ass 'o" !a?a!ion: o" e?em(!ion in'"inge no cons!i!u!iona, ,imi!a!ionH. F"om !he (oin! o' &ie e ha&e !a%en i! a((ea"s o' no momen! !ha! !he 'un#s "aise# un#e" !he Suga" S!abi,i9a!ion Ac!: no in ;ues!ion: shou,# be e?c,usi&e,$ s(en! in ai# o' !he suga" in#us!"$: since i! is !ha! &e"$ en!e"("ise !ha! is being ("o!ec!e#. I! ma$ be !ha! o!he" in#us!"ies a"e a,so in nee# o' simi,a" ("o!ec!ion> !ha! !he ,egis,a!u"e is no! "e;ui"e# b$ !he Cons!i!u!ion !o a#he"e !o a (o,ic$ o' Ha,, o" none.H As "u,e# in @inneso!a e? "e,. 0ea"son &s. 0"oba!e Cou"!: A84 1. S. DE8: 76 L. E#. E66: Hi' !he ,a ("esumab,$ hi!s !he e&i, he"e i! is mos! 'e,!: i! is no! !o be o&e"!h"o n because !he"e a"e o!he" ins!ances !o hich i! migh! ha&e been a((,ie#>H an# !ha! H!he ,egis,a!i&e au!ho"i!$: e?e"!e# i!hin i!s ("o(e" 'ie,#: nee# no! emb"ace a,, !he e&i,s i!hin i!s "eachH. LOZANO VS. @ARTINEZ FACTS: A mo!ion !o ;uash !he cha"ge agains! !he (e!i!ione"s 'o" &io,a!ion o' !he G0 DD as ma#e: con!en#ing !ha! no o''ense as commi!!e#: as !he s!a!u!e is uncons!i!u!iona,. Such mo!ion as #enie# b$ !he RTC. The (e!i!ione"s !hus e,e&a!e !he case !o !he Su("eme Cou"! 'o" "e,ie'. The So,ici!o" Gene"a,: commen!e# !ha! i! as ("ema!u"e 'o" !he accuse# !o e,e&a!e !o !he Su("eme Cou"! !he o"#e"s #en$ing !hei" mo!ions !o ;uash. Ho e&e": !he Su("eme Cou"! 'in#s i! -us!i'iab,e !o in!e"&ene 'o" !he "e&ie o' ,o e" cou"!Is #enia, o' a mo!ion !o ;uash. ISS1E: <he!he" o" no! G0 DD is cons!i!u!iona, as i! is a ("o(e" e?e"cise o' (o,ice (o e" o' !he S!a!e. ISS1E: The enac!men! o' G0 DD a &a,i# e?e"cise o' !he (o,ice (o e" an# is no! "e(ugnan! !o !he cons!i!u!iona, inhibi!ion agains! im("isonmen! 'o" #eb!. The o''ense (unishe# b$ G0 DD is !he ac! o' ma%ing an# issuing a o"!h,ess chec% o" a chec% !ha! is #ishono"e# u(on i!s ("esen!a!ion 'o" (a$men!. I! is no! !he nonF(a$men! o' an ob,iga!ion hich !he ,a (unishes. The ,a is no! in!en#e# o" #esigne# !o coe"ce a #eb!o" !o (a$ his #eb!. The ,a (unishes !he ac! no! as an o''ense agains! ("o(e"!$: bu! an o''ense agains! (ub,ic o"#e". The !h"us! o' !he ,a is !o ("ohibi!: un#e" (ain o' (ena, sanc!ions: !he ma%ing o' o"!h,ess chec%s an# (u!!ing !hem in ci"cu,a!ion. An ac! ma$ no! be consi#e"e# b$ socie!$ as inhe"en!,$ "ong: hence: no! ma,um in se bu! because o' !he ha"m !ha! i! in',ic!s on !he communi!$: i! can be ou!,a e# an# c"imina,,$ (unishe# as ma,um ("ohibi!um. The s!a!e can #o !his in !he e?e"cise o' i!s (o,ice (o e". TABICAG O0ERATORS OF @ETRO @ANILA VS. GOT On 38 Oc! 34EE: GOT issue# Ci"c EEF6D hich has 'o" i!s (u"(ose !he (hasing ou! o' o,# an# #i,a(i#a!e# !a?is hich a"e C $ea"s o,#e". The ,a is se! !o be imme#ia!e,$ im(,emen!e# in @e!"o @ani,a 'i"s! be'o"e i! ou,# be im(,emen!e# e,se he"e. 0u"suan! !o !his: !he Di"ec!o" o' !he Gu"eau o' Lan# T"ans(o"!a!ion issue# Ci"c 5D hich is !he IRR o' !he ,a in !he NCR. TO@@I assai,e# !he cons!i!u!iona,i!$ o' !he ,a . I! a&e"s: among o!he" !hings: !ha! !he Ci"cu,a" in ;ues!ion &io,a!es !hei" "igh! !o e;ua, ("o!ec!ion o' !he ,a because !he same is being en'o"ce# in @e!"o @ani,a on,$ an# is #i"ec!e# so,e,$ !o a"#s !he !a?i in#us!"$. A! !he ou!se! i! shou,# be (oin!e# ou! !ha! im(,emen!a!ion ou!si#e @e!"o @ani,a is a,so en&isione# in @emo"an#um Ci"cu,a" No. EEF6D.

ISS1E: <he!he" o" no! !he"e is a &io,a!ion o' !he e;ua, ("o!ec!ion c,ause b$ !he im(,emen!a!ion o' !he sai# ci"cu,a". HELD: The SC he,# !ha! Ci"c EEF6D is &a,i#. GOTJs "eason 'o" en'o"cing !he Ci"cu,a" ini!ia,,$ in @e!"o @ani,a is !ha! !a?icabs in !his ci!$: com(a"e# !o !hose o' o!he" (,aces: a"e sub-ec!e# !o hea&ie" !"a''ic ("essu"e an# mo"e cons!an! use. Thus is o' common %no ,e#ge. Consi#e"ing !ha! !"a''ic con#i!ions a"e no! !he same in e&e"$ ci!$: a subs!an!ia, #is!inc!ion e?is!s so !ha! in'"ingemen! o' !he e;ua, ("o!ec!ion c,ause can ha"#,$ be success'u,,$ c,aime#. In so 'a" as !he nonFa((,ica!ion o' !he assai,e# Ci"cu,a"s !o o!he" !"ans(o"!a!ion se"&ices is conce"ne#: i! nee# on,$ be "eca,,e# !ha! !he e;ua, ("o!ec!ion c,ause #oes no! im(,$ !ha! !he same !"ea!men! be acco"#e# a,, an# sun#"$. I! a((,ies !o !hings o" (e"sons i#en!ica,,$ o" simi,a",$ si!ua!e#. I! (e"mi!s o' c,assi'ica!ion o' !he ob-ec! o" sub-ec! o' !he ,a ("o&i#e# c,assi'ica!ion is "easonab,e o" base# on subs!an!ia, #is!inc!ion: hich ma%e 'o" "ea, #i''e"ences: an# !ha! i! mus! a((,$ e;ua,,$ !o each membe" o' !he c,ass. <ha! is "e;ui"e# un#e" !he e;ua, ("o!ec!ion c,ause is !he uni'o"m o(e"a!ion b$ ,ega, means so !ha! a,, (e"sons un#e" i#en!ica, o" simi,a" ci"cums!ance ou,# be acco"#e# !he same !"ea!men! bo!h in ("i&i,ege con'e""e# an# !he ,iabi,i!ies im(ose#. The cha,,enge# Ci"cu,a"s sa!is'$ !he 'o"egoing c"i!e"ia DE0T OF ED1CATION VS. SAN DIEGO FACTS: The issue be'o"e us is me#ioc"i!$. The ;ues!ion is he!he" a (e"son ho has !h"ice 'ai,e# !he Na!iona, @e#ica, A#mission Tes! )N@AT* is en!i!,e# !o !a%e i! again. The (e!i!ione" con!en#s he ma$ no!: un#e" i!s "u,e !ha!F h* A s!u#en! sha,, be a,,o e# on,$ !h"ee )A* chances !o !a%e !he N@AT. A'!e" !h"ee )A* successi&e 'ai,u"es: a s!u#en! sha,, no! be a,,o e# !o !a%e !he N@AT 'o" !he 'ou"!h !ime. The ("i&a!e "es(on#en! insis!s he can: on cons!i!u!iona, g"oun#s. The ("i&a!e "es(on#en! is a g"a#ua!e o' !he 1ni&e"si!$ o' !he Eas! i!h a #eg"ee o' Gache,o" o' Science in Zoo,og$. The (e!i!ione" c,aims !ha! he !oo% !he N@AT !h"ee !imes an# ',un%e# i! as man$ !imes. 3 <hen he a((,ie# !o !a%e i! again: !he (e!i!ione" "e-ec!e# his a((,ica!ion on !he basis o' !he a'o"esai# "u,e. He !hen en! !o !he Regiona, T"ia, Cou"! o' Va,en9ue,a: @e!"o @ani,a: !o com(e, his a#mission !o !he !es!. In his o"igina, (e!i!ion 'o" man#amus: he 'i"s! in&o%e# his cons!i!u!iona, "igh!s !o aca#emic '"ee#om an# ;ua,i!$ e#uca!ion. In an amen#e# (e!i!ion 'i,e# i!h ,ea&e o' cou"!: he s;ua"e,$ cha,,enge# !he cons!i!u!iona,i!$ o' @ECS O"#e" No. 3D: Se"ies o' 34ED: con!aining !he abo&eFci!e# "u,e. The a##i!iona, g"oun#s "aise# e"e #ue ("ocess an# e;ua, ("o!ec!ion. ISS1E: <he!he" o" no! @ECS O"#e" No. 3D: Se"ies o' 34ED is uncons!i!u!iona, an# &io,a!i&e o' !he cons!i!u!ion "igh!s !o aca#emic '"ee#om an# ;ua,i!$ e#uca!ion: #ue ("ocess an# e;ua, ("o!ec!ionK HELD: In "e&e"sing !he #ecision o' !he RTC 2u#ge an# a''i"ming !he cons!i!u!iona,i!$ o' !he @ECS O"#e" No. 3D: !he cou"! ci!e# !ha! !he (o e" is &a,i#,$ e?e"cise# i' )a* !he in!e"es!s o' !he (ub,ic gene"a,,$: as #is!inguishe# '"om !hose o' a (a"!icu,a" c,ass: "e;ui"e !he in!e"'e"ence o' !he S!a!e: an# )b* !he means em(,o$e# a"e "easonab,$ necessa"$ !o !he a!!ainmen! o' !he ob-ec! sough! !o be accom(,ishe# an# no! un#u,$ o(("essi&e u(on in#i&i#ua,s.

In o!he" o"#s: !he ("o(e" e?e"cise o' !he (o,ice (o e" "e;ui"es !he concu""ence o' a ,a 'u, sub-ec! an# a ,a 'u, me!ho#. The sub-ec! o' !he cha,,enge# "egu,a!ion is ce"!ain,$ i!hin !he ambi! o' !he (o,ice (o e". I! is !he "igh! an# in#ee# !he "es(onsibi,i!$ o' !he S!a!e !o insu"e !ha! !he me#ica, ("o'ession is no! in'i,!"a!e# b$ incom(e!en!s !o hom (a!ien!s ma$ un a"i,$ en!"us! !hei" ,i&es an# hea,!h. The me!ho# em(,o$e# b$ !he cha,,enge# "egu,a!ion is no! i""e,e&an! !o !he (u"(ose o' !he ,a no" is i! a"bi!"a"$ o" o(("essi&e. The !h"eeF',un% "u,e is in!en#e# !o insu,a!e !he me#ica, schoo,s an# u,!ima!e,$ !he me#ica, ("o'ession '"om !he in!"usion o' !hose no! ;ua,i'ie# !o be #oc!o"s. The S!a!e has !he "es(onsibi,i!$ !o ha"ness i!s human "esou"ces an# !o see !o i! !ha! !he$ a"e no! #issi(a!e# o": no ,ess o"se: no! use# a! a,,. These "esou"ces mus! be a((,ie# in a manne" !ha! i,, bes! ("omo!e !he common goo# hi,e a,so gi&ing !he in#i&i#ua, a sense o' sa!is'ac!ion. The "igh! !o ;ua,i!$ e#uca!ion in&o%e# b$ !he ("i&a!e "es(on#en! is no! abso,u!e. The Cons!i!u!ion a,so ("o&i#es !ha! He&e"$ ci!i9en has !he "igh! !o choose a ("o'ession o" cou"se o' s!u#$: sub-ec! !o 'ai": "easonab,e an# e;ui!ab,e a#mission an# aca#emic "e;ui"emen!s./ The ("i&a!e "es(on#en! mus! $ie,# !o !he cha,,enge# "u,e an# gi&e ("e(a"e#. a$ !o !hose be!!e"

The con!en!ion !ha! !he cha,,enge# "u,e &io,a!es !he e;ua, ("o!ec!ion c,ause is no! e,,F !a%en. The"e ou,# be une;ua, ("o!ec!ion i' some a((,ican!s ho ha&e (asse# !he !es!s a"e a#mi!!e# an# o!he"s ho ha&e a,so ;ua,i'ie# a"e #enie# en!"ance. In o!he" o"#s: ha! !he e;ua, ("o!ec!ion "e;ui"es is e;ua,i!$ among e;ua,s

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