Dr. Nelson Kraucak, Certified Physician

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Dr. Nelson Kraucak is a traditionally trained physician who specializes in the application of holistic medicine in Central Florida. Nelson Kraucak is a fellow of the American Academy of Family Practice and was board certified in 1993 in Family Practice.



Dr. Nelson Kraucak Dr. Nelson Kraucak
Holds Advanced Holds Advanced
Certificates from Highly Certificates from Highly
Regarded Medical Regarded Medical
Organizations Organizations
Dr. NeIson Kraucak ¡s a trad¡t¡onaIIy tra¡ned
phys¡c¡an who spec¡aI¡zes ¡n the appI¡cat¡on of
hoI¡st¡c med¡c¡ne ¡n CentraI 1Ior¡da. NeIson
Kraucak ¡s a feIIow of the Amer¡can Academy of
1am¡Iy Pract¡ce and was board cert¡f¡ed ¡n 1993 ¡n
1am¡Iy Pract¡ce. Dr. NeIson Kraucak ¡s fuIIy
comm¡tted to h¡s work and hoIds advanced
cert¡f¡cates from many weII-regarded profess¡onaI
med¡caI organ¡zat¡ons ¡ncIud¡ng the Amer¡can
Board of HoI¡st¡c Med¡c¡ne, 1nternat¡onaI Board of
Ant¡-Ag¡ng and 1ongev¡ty Med¡c¡ne, Heavy MetaI
Detox¡f¡cat¡on, and 1mmuno ModuIat¡on.
Dr. Kraucak d¡d h¡s ¡nternsh¡p ¡n 1nternaI
Med¡c¡ne and Bes¡dency ¡n 1am¡Iy Pract¡ce at
AIbert E¡nste¡n Bronx-1ebanon Hosp¡taI Center ¡n
New York C¡ty and, ¡n 1995, Dr. NeIson Kraucak
founded 1¡fe 1am¡Iy Pract¡ce Center, the ڔf¡rst
comb¡ned ant¡-age¡ng hoI¡st¡c and fam¡Iy pract¡ce
cI¡n¡c ¡n centraI 1Ior¡da.ڕ The Center has attracted
a team of exper¡enced, ded¡cated and sk¡IIed
doctors ¡ncIud¡ng james 1. Coy, MD, and Aaron
Perry, DOM.
Pat¡ents seek¡ng the benef¡ts of aIternat¡ve,
hoI¡st¡c and naturaI heaI¡ng frequentIy consuIt
w¡th Dr. Kraucak for the¡r treatment. He uses
aIternat¡ve med¡c¡ne pract¡ces and a more
trad¡t¡onaI approach to heIp h¡s pat¡ents w¡th the¡r
med¡caI concerns. Known as Dr. K among h¡s
pat¡ents, Dr. NeIson Kraucak works cIoseIy w¡th
h¡s pat¡ents to understand the¡r heaIth concerns
thoroughIy and treats them w¡th utmost care and
About Life Family Practice Center About Life Family Practice Center
1¡fe 1am¡Iy Pract¡ce Center was founded ¡n 1995
and s¡nce then has been treat¡ng peopIe seek¡ng
the benef¡ts of aIternat¡ve, hoI¡st¡c, naturaI heaI¡ng
and trad¡t¡onaI med¡caI pract¡ces. 1¡fe 1am¡Iy
Pract¡ce Center ¡s Iocated ¡n the heart of The
V¡IIages ¡n sunny 1Ior¡da, mak¡ng the Center
conven¡ent and access¡bIe to pat¡ents, from across
the cont¡nentaI 1S and many fore¡gn countr¡es.
1¡fe 1am¡Iy Pract¡ce Center ¡s comm¡tted to a¡d
and promote the bodyڑs ¡nnate mechan¡sms to heaI
and ach¡eve homeostas¡s for opt¡mum heaIth by
¡ntroduc¡ng and us¡ng naturaI approaches w¡th
¡nnovat¡ve and cutt¡ng-edge technoIogy. 1or more
¡nformat¡on on the serv¡ces of Dr. NeIson Kraucak,
pIease v¡s¡t http http: ://www //www. .lifefamilypractice lifefamilypractice. .com com

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