Enahncement Finder

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*Author:* Pete Atkin *Submitted: 16 January 2010* * www.pjas.com *+Description:+* *Got fed-up trying all the other programs which unsucessfully try to find user-e xits etc.* Here is my attempt... Note: it does things that the other programs don't. It includes: BADIs, BTEs, pr ogram-exits like in MV45AFZZ. It also searches the first-level function modules and submits. I'm a PM/CS consultant and I would really would like feedback on this program fr om the experts. I'm certain it could be improved..\\  /* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Report: Z_USEREXIT (V10) &* *& Last updated: 15 Aug 2008 &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Selection Texts: *& P_ALV ALV format *& P_AUTH Include authority-check search *& P_BADI Display BADIs *& P_CUSB Customer BADIs only *& P_BTE Display business trans events *& P_DEVC Show development class exits *& P_EXIT Display user exits *& P_FUNC Show function modules *& P_LIMIT Limit no. of submits to search *& P_LST Standard list format *& P_PNAME Program name *& P_PROG Display program exits *& P_SUBM Show submits *& P_TCODE Transaction code *& P_TEXT Search for text *& P_WFLOW Display workflow links *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Text symbols: *& M01 Enter TCode or program *& M02 Enter at least one scope criteria *& S01 Selection data (TCode takes precedence over program name) *& S02 Scope criteria *& S03 Display criteria *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* report z_userexit no standard page heading line-size 201. tables: sxs_attr, tobjt, tstct, trdirt, sxc_exit. type-pools: slis.

"TCode texts "Program texts "BADI exits "Globale Typen für generische Listbausteine

data: tabix w_linnum w_off w_index w_include w_prog w_incl w_area w_level, w_str(50) w_cnt(2) w_funcname w_fsel w_gridtxt(70)

like type type like like like like like type type like like type

sy-tabix, i, i, sy-tabix, trdir-name, trdir-name, trdir-name, rs38l-area, c, c, tfdir-funcname, sy-ucomm, " Determination of screen field c. "ALV grid title

constants: c_fmod(40) c_subm(40) c_devc(60) ion modules', c_col1(12) c_col2(40) c_col3(30) c_col4(20) c_col5(40) c_col6(8) c_col7(1) c_col8(12) c_col9(10) c_x

type c value 'Function modules searched: ', type c value 'Submit programs searched: ', type c value 'User-exits from development classes in funct type type type type type type type type type type c c c c c c c c c c value value value value value value value value value value 'Enhanmt Type', 'Enhancement', 'Program/Include', 'Enhancement Name', 'Enhancement Description', 'Project', 'S', 'ChangeName', 'ChangeDate', 'X'.

* Work Areas: ABAP Workbench data: begin of wa_d010inc. data: master type d010inc-master. data: end of wa_d010inc. data: begin of wa_tfdir. data: funcname type tfdir-funcname, pname type tfdir-pname, include type tfdir-include. data: end of wa_tfdir. data: begin of wa_tadir. data: devclass type tadir-devclass. data: end of wa_tadir. data: begin of wa_tstc. data: pgmna type tstc-pgmna. data: end of wa_tstc. data: begin of wa_tstcp. data: param type tstcp-param. data: end of wa_tstcp. data: begin of wa_enlfdir. data: area type enlfdir-area. data: end of wa_enlfdir. * Work Areas: BADIs data: begin of wa_sxs_attr. data: exit_name type sxs_attr-exit_name.

data: end of wa_sxs_attr. data: begin of wa_sxs_attrt. data: text type sxs_attrt-text. data: end of wa_sxs_attrt. * Work Areas: Enhancements data: begin of wa_modsap. data: member type modsap-member. data: end of wa_modsap. data: begin of wa_modsapa. data: name type modsapa-name. data: end of wa_modsapa. data: begin of wa_modsapt. data: modtext type modsapt-modtext. data: end of wa_modsapt. * Work Areas: Business Transaction Events data: begin of wa_tbe01t. data: text1 type tbe01t-text1. data: end of wa_tbe01t. data: begin of wa_tps01t. data: text1 type tps01t-text1. data: end of wa_tps01t. * user-exits types: begin of ty_mod, member like modact-member, name like modact-name, status like modattr-status, anam like modattr-anam, adat like modattr-adat, end of ty_mod. data: w_mod type ty_mod. types: begin of t_userexit, type(12) type c, pname like trdir-name, txt(300), level type c, modname(30) type c, modtext(60) type c, modattr type ty_mod, colour(4) type c, end of t_userexit. data: i_userexit type standard table of t_userexit with header line. * Function module developmnet classes types: begin of t_devclass, clas like trdir-clas, end of t_devclass. data: i_devclass type standard table of t_devclass with header line. * Submit programs types: begin of t_submit, pname like trdir-name, level,

done, end of t_submit. data: i_submit type standard table of t_submit with header line. * Source code types: begin of t_sourcetab, line(200), end of t_sourcetab. data: sourcetab type standard table of t_sourcetab data c_overflow(30000) type c. "#EC "#EC "#EC with * (SLIN lügt!) * (SLIN lügt!) * (SLIN lügt!) header line.

* Description of an ABAP/4 source analysis token data: i_stoken type standard table of stokex with header line. data wa_stoken like i_stoken. * Description of an ABAP/4 source analysis statement data: i_sstmnt type standard table of sstmnt with header line. "#EC NEEDED * keywords for searching ABAP code types: begin of t_keywords, word(30), end of t_keywords. data: keywords type standard table of t_keywords with header line. * function modules within program types: begin of t_fmodule, name like rs38l-name, pname like trdir-name, pname2 like trdir-name, level, bapi, done, end of t_fmodule. data: i_fmodule type standard table of t_fmodule with header line. * ALV definitions data i_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line. data i_layout type slis_layout_alv. data i_sort type slis_t_sortinfo_alv with header line. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Selection Options &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* selection-screen begin of block selscr1 with frame title text-s01. parameter: p_pname like trdir-name, p_tcode like syst-tcode, p_limit(4) type n default 500. selection-screen skip. selection-screen end of block selscr1. selection-screen begin of block selscr2 with frame title text-s02. parameter: p_badi as checkbox default c_x, p_cusb as checkbox default c_x, p_bte as checkbox default c_x, p_exit as checkbox default c_x, p_prog as checkbox default c_x, p_wflow as checkbox, p_auth as checkbox. selection-screen skip. parameter: p_text(40) type c.

selection-screen end of block selscr2. selection-screen begin of block selscr3 with frame title text-s03. parameter: p_alv radiobutton group rad1 default 'X', p_lst radiobutton group rad1. selection-screen skip. parameter: p_devc like rihea-dy_ofn default ' ' modif id a01, p_func like rihea-dy_ofn default ' ' modif id a01, p_subm like rihea-dy_ofn default ' ' modif id a01. selection-screen end of block selscr3. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& START-OF-SELECTION &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* start-of-selection. if p_pname is initial and p_tcode is initial. message i000(g01) with text-m01. stop. endif. if p_badi is initial and p_exit is initial and p_bte is initial and p_wflow is initial and p_auth is initial and p_prog is initial. message i000(g01) with text-m02. stop. endif. * ensure P_LIMIT is not zero. if p_limit = 0. p_limit = 1. endif. perform perform perform perform perform data_select. get_submit_data. get_fm_data. get_additional_data. data_display.

*&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Form DATA_SELECT &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* form data_select. * data selection message to sap gui call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR' destination 'SAPGUI' keeping logical unit of work exporting text = 'Get programs/includes' exceptions system_failure communication_failure .


"#EC *

* get TCode name for ALV grid title clear w_gridtxt. if not p_tcode is initial. select single * from tstct where tcode = p_tcode and sprsl = sy-langu. concatenate 'TCode:' p_tcode tstct-ttext into w_gridtxt separated by space. endif. * get program name for ALV grid title if not p_pname is initial. select single * from trdirt where name = p_pname and sprsl = sy-langu. concatenate 'Program:' p_pname tstct-ttext into w_gridtxt separated by space. endif. * determine search words keywords-word = 'CALL'. append keywords. keywords-word = 'FORM'. append keywords. keywords-word = 'PERFORM'. append keywords. keywords-word = 'SUBMIT'. append keywords. keywords-word = 'INCLUDE'. append keywords. keywords-word = 'AUTHORITY-CHECK'. append keywords. if not p_tcode is initial. * get program name from TCode select single pgmna from tstc into wa_tstc-pgmna where tcode eq p_tcode. if not wa_tstc-pgmna is initial. p_pname = wa_tstc-pgmna. * TCode does not include program name, but does have reference TCode else. select single param from tstcp into wa_tstcp-param where tcode eq p_tcode. if sy-subrc = 0. check wa_tstcp-param(1) = '/'. check wa_tstcp-param+1(1) = '*'. if wa_tstcp-param ca ' '. endif. w_off = sy-fdpos + 1. subtract 2 from sy-fdpos. if sy-fdpos gt 0. p_tcode = wa_tstcp-param+2(sy-fdpos). endif. select single pgmna from tstc into wa_tstc-pgmna where tcode eq p_tcode. p_pname = wa_tstc-pgmna. if sy-subrc <> 0. message s110(/saptrx/asc) with 'No program found for: ' p_tcode. "#EC NOTEXT stop. endif. else. message s110(/saptrx/asc) with 'No program found for: ' p_tcode. "#EC NO

TEXT stop. endif. endif. endif. * Call customer-function aus Program coding read report p_pname into sourcetab. if sy-subrc > 0. message e017(enhancement) with p_pname raising no_program. "#EC * endif. scan abap-source sourcetab tokens into i_stoken statements into i_sstmnt keywords from keywords overflow into c_overflow with includes with analysis. "#EC if sy-subrc > 0. "keine/syntakt. falsche Ablauflog./Fehler im Skanner message e130(enhancement) raising syntax_error. "#EC endif. * check I_STOKEN for entries clear w_linnum. describe table i_stoken lines w_linnum. if w_linnum gt 0. w_level = '0'. w_prog = ''. w_incl = ''. perform data_search tables i_stoken using w_level w_prog w_incl. endif. endform. "DATA_SELECT

*&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* &* *& Form GET_FM_DATA *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* form get_fm_data. * data selection message to sap gui call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR' destination 'SAPGUI' keeping logical unit of work exporting text = 'Get function module data' exceptions system_failure communication_failure . * Function module data sort i_fmodule by name. delete adjacent duplicates from i_fmodule comparing name. loop at i_fmodule where done ne c_x. clear: i_stoken, i_sstmnt, sourcetab, wa_tfdir, w_include . refresh: i_stoken, i_sstmnt, sourcetab.


"#EC *

clear wa_tfdir. select single funcname pname include from tfdir into wa_tfdir where funcname = i_fmodule-name. check sy-subrc = 0. call function 'FUNCTION_INCLUDE_SPLIT' exporting program = wa_tfdir-pname importing group = w_area. concatenate 'L' w_area 'U' wa_tfdir-include into w_include. i_fmodule-pname = w_include. i_fmodule-pname2 = wa_tfdir-pname. modify i_fmodule. read report i_fmodule-pname into sourcetab. if sy-subrc = 0. scan abap-source sourcetab tokens into i_stoken statements into i_sstmnt keywords from keywords with includes with analysis. if sy-subrc > 0. message e130(enhancement) raising syntax_error. endif. * check i_stoken for entries clear w_linnum. describe table i_stoken lines w_linnum. if w_linnum gt 0. w_level = '1'. w_prog = i_fmodule-pname2. w_incl = i_fmodule-pname. perform data_search tables i_stoken using w_level w_prog w_incl. endif. endif. endloop. * store development classes if p_devc = c_x. loop at i_fmodule. clear: wa_tadir, wa_enlfdir. select single area from enlfdir into wa_enlfdir-area where funcname = i_fmodule-name. check not wa_enlfdir-area is initial. select single devclass into wa_tadir-devclass from tadir where pgmid = 'R3TR' and object = 'FUGR' and obj_name = wa_enlfdir-area. check not wa_tadir-devclass is initial. move wa_tadir-devclass to i_devclass-clas. append i_devclass. i_fmodule-done = c_x. modify i_fmodule.

endloop. sort i_devclass. delete adjacent duplicates from i_devclass. endif. endform. "GET_FM_DATA

*&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Form GET_SUBMIT_DATA &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* form get_submit_data. * data selection message to sap gui call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR' destination 'SAPGUI' keeping logical unit of work exporting text = 'Get submit data' exceptions system_failure communication_failure . sort i_submit. delete adjacent duplicates from i_submit comparing pname. w_level = '0'. loop at i_submit where done ne c_x. clear: i_stoken, i_sstmnt, sourcetab. refresh: i_stoken, i_sstmnt, sourcetab. read report i_submit-pname into sourcetab. if sy-subrc = 0. scan abap-source sourcetab tokens into i_stoken statements into i_sstmnt keywords from keywords with includes with analysis. if sy-subrc > 0. message e130(enhancement) raising syntax_error. continue. endif.


"#EC *


* check i_stoken for entries clear w_linnum. describe table i_stoken lines w_linnum. if w_linnum gt 0. w_prog = i_submit-pname. w_incl = ''. perform data_search tables i_stoken using w_level w_prog w_incl. endif. endif. * restrict number of submit program selected for processing describe table i_submit lines w_linnum.

if w_linnum ge p_limit. w_level = '1'. endif. i_submit-done = c_x. modify i_submit. endloop. endform. "GET_SUBMIT_DATA

*&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Form DATA_SEARCH &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* form data_search tables p_stoken structure stoken using p_level l_prog l_incl. loop at p_stoken. clear i_userexit. * Workflow if p_wflow = c_x. if p_level eq '1'. " do not perform for function modules (2nd pass) if p_stoken-str+1(16) cs 'SWE_EVENT_CREATE'. replace all occurrences of '''' in p_stoken-str with ''. i_userexit-type = 'WorkFlow'. i_userexit-txt = p_stoken-str. concatenate l_prog '/' l_incl into i_userexit-pname. append i_userexit. endif. endif. endif. tabix = sy-tabix + 1. i_userexit-level = p_level. if i_userexit-level = '0'. if l_incl is initial. i_userexit-pname = p_pname. else. concatenate p_pname '-' l_incl into i_userexit-pname. endif. else. if l_incl is initial. i_userexit-pname = l_prog. else. concatenate l_prog '-' l_incl into i_userexit-pname. endif. endif. * AUTHORITY-CHECKS if p_auth = c_x. if p_stoken-str eq 'AUTHORITY-CHECK'. check p_level eq '0'. " do not perform for function modules (2nd pass ) w_index = sy-tabix + 2. read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken. check not wa_stoken-str cs 'STRUCTURE'. check not wa_stoken-str cs 'SYMBOL'. read table i_submit with key pname = wa_stoken-str.

if sy-subrc <> 0. i_userexit-pname = i_submit-pname. i_userexit-type = 'AuthCheck'. i_userexit-txt = wa_stoken-str. replace all occurrences of '''' in i_userexit-txt with space. clear tobjt. select single * from tobjt where object = i_userexit-txt and langu = sy-langu. i_userexit-modname = 'AUTHORITY-CHECK'. i_userexit-modtext = tobjt-ttext. append i_userexit. endif. endif. endif. * Text searches if not p_text is initial. if p_stoken-str cs p_text. i_userexit-pname = i_submit-pname. i_userexit-type = 'TextSearch'. i_userexit-txt = wa_stoken-str. i_userexit-modname = 'Text Search'. i_userexit-modtext = p_stoken-str. append i_userexit. endif. endif. * Include (SE38) if p_stoken-str eq 'INCLUDE'. check p_level eq '0'. " do not perform for function modules (2nd pass) w_index = sy-tabix + 1. read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken. check not wa_stoken-str cs 'STRUCTURE'. check not wa_stoken-str cs 'SYMBOL'. read table i_submit with key pname = wa_stoken-str. if sy-subrc <> 0. i_submit-pname = wa_stoken-str. i_submit-level = p_level. append i_submit. endif. endif. * Enhancements (SMOD) if p_exit = c_x. if p_stoken-str eq 'CUSTOMER-FUNCTION'. clear w_funcname. read table p_stoken index tabix. translate p_stoken-str using ''' '. condense p_stoken-str. if l_prog is initial. concatenate 'EXIT' p_pname p_stoken-str into w_funcname separated by '_'. else. concatenate 'EXIT' l_prog p_stoken-str into w_funcname separated by '_'. endif. select single member from modsap into wa_modsap-member where member = w_funcname. if sy-subrc = 0. " check for valid enhancement i_userexit-type = 'Enhancement'.

i_userexit-txt = w_funcname. append i_userexit. else. clear wa_d010inc. select single master into wa_d010inc-master from d010inc where include = l_prog. concatenate 'EXIT' wa_d010inc-master p_stoken-str into w_funcname separated by '_'. i_userexit-type = 'Enhancement'. i_userexit-txt = w_funcname. endif. endif. endif. * BADIs (SE18) if p_badi = c_x. if p_stoken-str cs 'cl_exithandler='. w_index = sy-tabix + 4. read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken. i_userexit-txt = wa_stoken-str. replace all occurrences of '''' in i_userexit-txt i_userexit-type = 'BADI'. clear sxs_attr. " ensure a real BADI if p_cusb = c_x. "customer BADIs only select single * from sxs_attr where exit_name = and INTERNAL <> else. select single * from sxs_attr where exit_name = endif. if sy-subrc = 0. append i_userexit. endif. endif. endif.

with space.

i_userexit-txt c_x. i_userexit-txt.

* Business transaction events (FIBF) if p_bte = c_x. if p_stoken-str cs 'OPEN_FI_PERFORM'. i_userexit-type = 'BusTrEvent'. i_userexit-txt = p_stoken-str. replace all occurrences of '''' in i_userexit-txt with space. i_userexit-modname = i_userexit-txt+16(8). case i_userexit-txt+25(1). when 'E'. clear wa_tbe01t. select single text1 into wa_tbe01t-text1 from tbe01t where event = i_userexit-txt+16(8) and spras = sy-langu. if wa_tbe01t-text1 is initial. i_userexit-modtext = '<Not active>'. "#EC NOTEXT else. i_userexit-modtext = wa_tbe01t-text1. endif. i_userexit-modname+8 = '/P&S'. "#EC NOTEXT when 'P'. clear wa_tps01t. select single text1 into wa_tps01t-text1 from tps01t where procs = i_userexit-txt+16(8) and spras = sy-langu.

i_userexit-modtext = wa_tps01t-text1. i_userexit-modname+8 = '/Process'. endcase. append i_userexit. endif. endif. * Program exits (SE38) if p_prog = c_x. if p_stoken-str cs 'USEREXIT_'. check not p_stoken-str cs '-'. " ensure not USEREXIT_XX-XXX check not p_stoken-str cs '('. " ensure not SUBMIT_XX(X) i_userexit-type = 'Program Exit'. i_userexit-txt = p_stoken-str. replace all occurrences of '''' in i_userexit-txt with space. append i_userexit. endif. endif. * Submit programs (SE38) if p_stoken-str cs 'SUBMIT'. check p_level eq '0'. " do not perform for function modules (2nd pass) check not p_stoken-str cs '_'. " ensure not SUBMIT_XXX w_index = sy-tabix + 1. read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken. check not wa_stoken-str cs '_'. " ensure not SUBMIT_XXX replace all occurrences of '''' in wa_stoken-str with space. read table i_submit with key pname = wa_stoken-str. if sy-subrc <> 0. i_submit-pname = wa_stoken-str. i_submit-level = p_level. append i_submit. endif. endif. * Perform routines (which reference external programs) if p_stoken-str cs 'PERFORM'. check p_level eq '0'. " do not perform for function modules (2nd pass) w_index = sy-tabix + 1. read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken. if not wa_stoken-ovfl is initial. w_off = wa_stoken-off1 + 10. w_str = c_overflow+w_off(30). find ')' in w_str match offset w_off. if sy-subrc = 0. w_off = w_off + 1. wa_stoken-str = w_str(w_off). endif. endif. check wa_stoken-str cs '('. w_off = 0. while sy-subrc = 0. if wa_stoken-str+w_off(1) eq '('. replace section offset w_off length 1 of wa_stoken-str with ''. replace all occurrences of ')' in wa_stoken-str with space. read table i_submit with key pname = wa_stoken-str. if sy-subrc <> 0. i_submit-pname = wa_stoken-str.

append i_submit. endif. exit. else. replace section offset w_off length 1 of wa_stoken-str with ''. shift wa_stoken-str left deleting leading space. endif. endwhile. endif. * Function modules (SE37) if p_stoken-str cs 'FUNCTION'. clear i_fmodule. if p_level eq '0'. " do not perform for function modules (2nd pass) w_index = sy-tabix + 1. read table p_stoken index w_index into wa_stoken. if wa_stoken-str cs 'BAPI'. i_fmodule-bapi = c_x. endif. replace first occurrence of '''' in wa_stoken-str with space. replace first occurrence of '''' in wa_stoken-str with space. if sy-subrc = 4. " didn't find 2nd quote (ie name truncated) clear wa_tfdir. concatenate wa_stoken-str '%' into wa_stoken-str. select single funcname into wa_tfdir-funcname from tfdir where funcname like wa_stoken-str. if sy-subrc = 0. i_fmodule-name = wa_tfdir-funcname. else. continue. endif. else. i_fmodule-name = wa_stoken-str. endif. i_fmodule-level = p_level. append i_fmodule. endif. endif. endloop. endform. "DATA_SEARCH

*&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Form GET_ADDITIONAL_DATA &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* form get_additional_data. * data selection message to sap gui call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR' destination 'SAPGUI' keeping logical unit of work exporting text = 'Get additional data' exceptions


system_failure communication_failure . loop at i_userexit. * Workflow if i_userexit-type eq 'WorkFlow'. continue. endif. "#EC *

* Enhancement data if i_userexit-type cs 'Enh'. clear: wa_modsapa. select single name into wa_modsapa-name from modsap where member = i_userexit-txt. check sy-subrc = 0. i_userexit-modname = wa_modsapa-name. clear wa_modsapt. select single modtext into wa_modsapt-modtext from modsapt where name = wa_modsapa-name and sprsl = sy-langu. i_userexit-modtext = wa_modsapt-modtext. * Get the CMOD project name clear w_mod. select single modact~member modact~name modattr~status modattr~anam modattr~adat into w_mod from modact inner join modattr on modattr~name = modact~name where modact~member = wa_modsapa-name and modact~typ = space. if sy-subrc = 0. i_userexit-modattr = w_mod. endif. endif. * BADI data if i_userexit-type eq 'BADI'. clear wa_sxs_attr. select single exit_name into wa_sxs_attr-exit_name from sxs_attr where exit_name = i_userexit-txt. if sy-subrc = 0. i_userexit-modname = i_userexit-txt. else. i_userexit-modname = 'Dynamic call'. "#EC NOTEXT endif. clear wa_sxs_attrt. select single text into wa_sxs_attrt-text from sxs_attrt where exit_name = wa_sxs_attr-exit_name and sprsl = sy-langu. i_userexit-modtext = wa_sxs_attrt-text. endif.

* BADI Implementation if i_userexit-type eq 'BADI'. clear sxc_exit. select count( * ) from sxc_exit where exit_name = i_userexit-txt. w_cnt = sy-dbcnt. * determine id BADI is for interal or external use clear sxs_attr. select single * from sxs_attr where exit_name = i_userexit-txt. if sxs_attr-internal = 'X'. wa_sxs_attrt-text = 'SAP '. else. wa_sxs_attrt-text = 'CUST'. endif. * concatenate wa_sxs_attrt-text w_cnt into i_userexit-modattr-name * separated by space. write wa_sxs_attrt-text to i_userexit-modattr-name. write w_cnt to i_userexit-modattr-name+5. endif. modify i_userexit. endloop. * get enhancements via program package clear wa_tadir. select single devclass into wa_tadir-devclass from tadir where pgmid = 'R3TR' and object = 'PROG' and obj_name = p_pname. if sy-subrc = 0. clear: wa_modsapa, wa_modsapt. select name from modsapa into wa_modsapa-name where devclass = wa_tadir-devclass. select single modtext from modsapt into wa_modsapt-modtext where name = wa_modsapa-name and sprsl = sy-langu. clear i_userexit. read table i_userexit with key modname = wa_modsapa-name. if sy-subrc <> 0. i_userexit-modtext = wa_modsapt-modtext. i_userexit-type = 'Enhancement'. "#EC NOTEXT i_userexit-modname = wa_modsapa-name. i_userexit-txt = 'Determined from program DevClass'. "#EC NOTEXT i_userexit-pname = 'Unknown'. "#EC NOTEXT append i_userexit. endif. endselect. endif. * set row colour. loop at i_userexit. case i_userexit-type. when 'BADI'. i_userexit-colour = when 'Enhancement'. i_userexit-colour = when 'Program Exit'. i_userexit-colour = when 'WorkFlow'. i_userexit-colour =

'C601'. 'C501'. 'C401'. 'C301'.

when 'BusTrEvent'. i_userexit-colour = 'C201'. endcase. modify i_userexit. endloop. endform. "GET_ADDITIONAL_DATA

*&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Form DATA_DISPLAY &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* form data_display. * data selection message to sap gui call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR' destination 'SAPGUI' keeping logical unit of work exporting text = 'Prepare screen for display' "#EC NOTEXT exceptions system_failure communication_failure . "#EC * sort i_userexit by type txt modname. delete adjacent duplicates from i_userexit comparing txt pname modname. * ensure records selected. describe table i_userexit lines w_linnum. if w_linnum = 0. message s003(g00). "No data records were selected exit. endif. if p_alv = ' '. * format headings write: 'Enhancements from main program: ', p_pname. write: 'Enhancements from TCode: ', p_tcode. write: 201''. uline. format color col_heading. write: / sy-vline, (12) c_col1, "Enhanmt Type sy-vline, (40) c_col2, "Enhancement sy-vline, (30) c_col3, "Program/Include sy-vline, (20) c_col4, "Enhancement name sy-vline, (40) c_col5, "Enhancement description sy-vline, (8) c_col6, "Project sy-vline, (1) c_col7, "S sy-vline, (12) c_col8, "ChangeName

sy-vline, (10) c_col9, sy-vline. format reset. uline. * format lines loop at i_userexit. * set line colour case i_userexit-type. when 'Enhancement'. format color 3 intensified off. when 'BADI'. format color 4 intensified off. when 'BusTrEvent'. format color 5 intensified off. when 'Program Exit'. format color 6 intensified off. when others. format reset. endcase. write: / sy-vline, i_userexit-type, sy-vline, i_userexit-txt(40), sy-vline, i_userexit-pname(30), sy-vline, i_userexit-modname(20), sy-vline, i_userexit-modtext(40), sy-vline.


write: i_userexit-modattr-name, sy-vline, i_userexit-modattr-status, sy-vline, i_userexit-modattr-anam, sy-vline, i_userexit-modattr-adat no-zero, sy-vline. hide: i_userexit-modname, i_userexit-type, i_userexit-modattr-name. endloop. format reset. uline. * user-exits from development class of function modules if p_devc = c_x. write: /. write: / c_devc. write: 201''. uline (90). write: 201''. loop at i_devclass. clear wa_modsapa. select name from modsapa into wa_modsapa where devclass = i_devclass-clas. select single name modtext into corresponding fields of wa_modsapt

from modsapt where name = wa_modsapa-name and sprsl = sy-langu. format color 3 intensified off. write: / sy-vline, (12) 'Enhancement', sy-vline, wa_modsapa-name, sy-vline, wa_modsapt-modtext, sy-vline. endselect. endloop. write: 201''. uline (90). format reset. endif. * display fuction modules used in program write /. describe table i_fmodule lines w_linnum. write: / c_fmod , at 35 w_linnum. write: 201''. if p_func = c_x. uline (38). write: 201''. loop at i_fmodule. write: sy-vline, i_fmodule-name, sy-vline, i_fmodule-bapi, sy-vline. write: 201''. endloop. write: 201''. uline (38). endif. * display submit programs used in program write /. describe table i_submit lines w_linnum. write: / c_subm , at 35 w_linnum. write: 201''. if p_subm = c_x. uline (44). write: 201''. loop at i_submit. write: sy-vline, i_submit-pname, sy-vline. write: 201''. endloop. write: 201''. uline (44). endif. * issue message with number of user-exits displayed describe table i_userexit lines w_linnum. message s697(56) with w_linnum.




" Show in alv format

* issue message with number of user-exits displayed describe table i_userexit lines w_linnum. message s697(56) with w_linnum. * Create field catalog perform create_field_catalog perform create_field_catalog name'. perform create_field_catalog ement'. perform create_field_catalog . perform create_field_catalog ement name'. perform create_field_catalog ement text'. perform create_field_catalog '. perform create_field_catalog t'. perform create_field_catalog '. perform create_field_catalog d by'. perform create_field_catalog date'. using 'TYPE' using 'PNAME' using 'TXT' using 'LEVEL' using 'MODNAME' using 'MODTEXT' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Type'. 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Prog am 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Enhanc 'T_USEREXIT' c_x 'Level' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Enhanc 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Enhanc

using 'MODATTR-MEMBER' 'T_USEREXIT' c_x 'Member using 'MODATTR-NAME' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Projec

using 'MODATTR-STATUS' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Status using 'MODATTR-ANAM' using 'MODATTR-ADAT' 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Change 'T_USEREXIT' ' ' 'Change

* Layout clear i_layout. i_layout-colwidth_optimize = c_x. i_layout-info_fieldname = 'COLOUR'. * Sort clear i_sort. i_sort-fieldname = 'TYPE'. i_sort-tabname = 'T_USEREXIT'. i_sort-up = c_x. append i_sort. call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' exporting i_callback_program = sy-cprog i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND' is_layout = i_layout it_fieldcat = i_fieldcat[] it_sort = i_sort[] i_default = c_x i_save = 'A' i_grid_title = w_gridtxt tables t_outtab = i_userexit. endif. * issue message with number of user-exits displayed describe table i_userexit lines w_linnum. message s697(56) with w_linnum.



*&---------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Form CREATE_FIELD_CATALOG &* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------&* form create_field_catalog using p_fieldname p_tabname p_hide p_text. i_fieldcat-fieldname i_fieldcat-tabname i_fieldcat-no_out i_fieldcat-seltext_l append i_fieldcat. endform. " CREATE_FIELD_CATALOG = = = = p_fieldname. p_tabname. p_hide. p_text.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Form CREATE_FIELD_CATALOG &* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------&* form user_command using r_ucomm like sy-ucomm rs_selfield type slis_selfield. read table i_userexit index rs_selfield-tabindex. check sy-subrc = 0. case r_ucomm. when '&IC1'. case rs_selfield-sel_tab_field. when 'T_USEREXIT-MODNAME'. read table i_userexit index rs_selfield-tabindex. case i_userexit-type. when 'Enhancement'. set parameter id 'MON' field i_userexit-modname. call transaction 'SMOD'. when 'BADI'. set parameter id 'EXN' field i_userexit-modname. call transaction 'SE18' and skip first screen. when 'BusTrEvent'. submit rfopfi00 with event = i_userexit-modname(8) and return. when others. message s030(cj). "Navigation not possible endcase. when 'T_USEREXIT-MODATTR-NAME'. if not i_userexit-modattr-name is initial. set parameter id 'MON_KUN' field i_userexit-modattr-name. call transaction 'CMOD'. else. message s030(cj)."Navigation not possible endif. when others. message s030(cj)."Navigation not possible endcase. endcase. endform. "user_command

*&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* * *& AT LINE-SELECTION

*&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* at line-selection. get cursor field w_fsel. case w_fsel. when 'I_USEREXIT-MODNAME'. case i_userexit-type. when 'Enhancement'. set parameter id 'MON' field i_userexit-modname. call transaction 'SMOD'. when 'BADI'. set parameter id 'EXN' field i_userexit-modname. call transaction 'SE18' and skip first screen. when 'BusTrEvent'. submit rfopfi00 with event = i_userexit-modname(8) and return. when others. message s030(cj)."Navigation not possible endcase. when 'I_USEREXIT-MODATTR-NAME'. if not i_userexit-modattr-name is initial. set parameter id 'MON_KUN' field i_userexit-modattr-name. call transaction 'CMOD'. else. message s030(cj)."Navigation not possible endif. when others. message s030(cj)."Navigation not possible endcase. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& AT SELECTION-SCREEN &* *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* at selection-screen on radiobutton group rad1. * grey-out checkboxes if ALV selected at selection-screen output. loop at screen. if p_alv = c_x. if screen-group1 = 'A01'. screen-input = '0'. modify screen. endif. else. if screen-group1 = 'A01'. screen-input = '1'. modify screen. endif. endif. endloop.

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