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Luropean !ournal of Soclal Sclences Ŷ volume 7ţ number 1 (2008)
LapLop use and lLs AnLecedenLs Among LducaLorsť A
8evlew of Lhe LlLeraLure
Þrlscllla Moses
laculLy of LducaLlonal SLudlesţ unlverslLl ÞuLra Malaysla
Selangorţ Malaysla
Mas nlda MdŦ khambarl
laculLy of LducaLlonal SLudlesţ unlverslLl ÞuLra Malaysla
Selangorţ Malaysla
Wong Su Luan
laculLy of LducaLlonal SLudlesţ unlverslLl ÞuLra Malayslaţ Selangorţ Malaysla
LŴmallť wsuluan[gmallŦcom
1he rapld growLh of lnformaLlon and CommunlcaLlon 1echnology (lC1) has enabled Lhe
creaLlon of moblle Lechnology LhaL can be used Lo enhance Lhe lnsLrucLlonal processŦ Cne of
Lhe recenL moblle devlces lnLroduced ln classroom lnsLrucLlon ls Lhe lapLopŦ lndeedţ schools
around Lhe globe are uslng lapLops for educaLlonal purposes wlLh lncreaslng frequencyŦ
8ased on a revlew of Lhe llLeraLureţ Lhls paper explores how educaLors use Lhe lapLopŦ lL
Lhen explores Lhe anLecedenLs of lapLop use among Lhe educaLorsŦ
1Ŧ 8ackground
1he lasL Lwo decades have wlLnessed a global spread of lnformaLlon and CommunlcaLlon 1echnologles
(lC1) lnLo Lhe educaLlon sysLem (Alblrlnlţ 2006)Ŧ ln Lhe global perspecLlveţ lC1 ls recognlzed as a Lool
Lo boosL Lhe LeachlngŴlearnlng processŦ Accordlng Lo Shellyţ Cashmanţ CunLerţ and CunLer (2004)ţ Lhe
use of Lechnologles ln Lhe classroom can moLlvaLe Lhe learnersţ encourage Lhem Lo be problem solversţ
and also creaLe new ways Lo explore lnformaLlonŦ 1echnologles LhaL offer lnLeracLlvlLyţ learner conLrolţ
and learner engagemenL such as sofLware appllcaLlonsţ mulLlmedla sofLwareţ reference guldesţ LuLorlalsţ
anlmaLlonsţ slmulaLlons and Lhe Web are a naLural cholce for lmprovlng LeachlngŴlearnlng process as
Lhey allow learners Lo ldenLlfy Lhe flow of lnformaLlonţ revlew concepLsţ pracLlce sklllsţ do lnŴdepLh
researchţ and more (Shelly eL alŦţ 2004)Ŧ 1husţ educaLors have found LhaL vla Lechnologyţ Lhey can
capLure and hold learners' aLLenLlon ln Lhe LeachlngŴlearnlng processŦ
ln mosL developlng counLrlesţ governmenLs have responded Lo Lhe lC1 challenge Lo lmprove
LeachlngŴlearnlng lnLeracLlons Lhrough moblle LechnologyŦ ln Lhe quesL Lo lnLegraLe lC1 lnLo Lhe
educaLlon sysLemţ many lapLop lnlLlaLlves have been lnLroducedŦ LducaLlonal auLhorlLles ln Lhe unlLed
klngdomţ new Zealand and unlLed SLaLes have moved Lo provlde lapLops Lo Leachers (Cunnlnghamţ
kerrţ McLuneţ SmlLhţ and Parrlsţ 2004Ť Cowle and !onesţ 2003Ť 8uLledgeţ uuranţ and CarrollMlrandaţ
2007)Ŧ 1he lapLop lnlLlaLlve ls a scheme or programme lnLroduced by Lhe governmenL Lo
enhance sLudenL's learnlng envlronmenL by provldlng lapLops Lo schoolsŦ lL has been lmplemenLed ln
learnlng lnsLlLuLlons as an approach Lo enhance Lhe LeachlngŴlearnlng processŦ
1he lapLop scheme ls a slgnlflcanL move Lo Lake full advanLage of moblle Lechnology ln Lhe
LeachlngŴlearnlng process as Lhe lapLop provldes moblllLy Lo Lhe LeachersŦ Schools are provldlng Lhelr
Leachers progresslvely wlLh lapLopsţ so LhaL Lhe Leachers wlll have unllmlLed access Lo such Lechnology
(WlLkowsklţ nŦ dŦ)Ŧ LapLops are provlded wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon LhaL educaLors can Lake lL and use lL
Luropean !ournal of Soclal Sclences Ŷ volume 7ţ number 1 (2008)
anywhere and aL any anyLlme Lhey wanL Lo enhance Lhelr worklng condlLlons and producLlvlLy (lalrfax
CounLy Þubllc Schoolsţ 2003)Ŧ
2Ŧ 8esearch Þroblem and Þurpose
1he aforemenLloned sLudles have shown clearly LhaL exLenslve educaLlon Lralnlng programmes have
been provlded Lo Leachers Lo lnLegraLe effecLlvely and efflclenLly moblle Lechnology such as lapLops lnLo
Lhe educaLlon sysLemŦ Powever Lhe alms and ob[ecLlves of such programmes have been demandlng and
complexŦ lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL before lapLops can be lnLegraLed successfully lnLo Lhe learnlng
envlronmenLsţ lL ls perLlnenL Lo undersLand how Lhey are belng used by educaLorsŦ AparL from LhaLţ lL ls
also lmporLanL Lo undersLand Lhe anLecedenLs of lapLop use among Lhese educaLorsŦ Pence based on
revlew of Lhe llLeraLureţ Lhls paper explores how educaLors uLlllze Lhe lapLop and Lhen furLher explores
Lhe anLecedenLs of lapLop useŦ
3Ŧ MeLhod
A comprehenslve search of Lhe llLeraLure was done by Lhe researchers for 11 monLhs Lo collecL Lhe
relaLed lnformaLlon and daLaŦ All arLlcles were selecLed from refereed prlnLsţ onllne [ournals and
conference papersŦ 1he maln focus of Lhese arLlcles was on Lhe lapLop use among educaLors and and
posslble facLors of lapLop useŦ
4Ŧ ulscusslon
4Ŧ1Ŧ LapLop use among LducaLors
Accordlng Lo Wong (2001)ţ Lhe mosL lmporLanL ºLeachlng Lools" ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe laLesL
Lechnology are Lhe LeachersŦ ln oLher wordsţ Leachers play Lhe maln role of lnLegraLlng Lhe lapLop
Lechnology lnLo Lhe LeachlngŴlearnlng processŦ lrom Lhe analysls of case sLudy conducLed by Zhaoţ
Þughţ Sheldonţ and 8yers (2002)ţ Lhey found LhaL one of Lhe lmporLanL facLors Lo lnLegraLe lnnovaLlve
uses of Lechnology successfully ln school ls Lhe lnnovaLorţ who ls usually Lhe Leacher ln Lhe classroomŦ
Accordlng Lo noralnl ldrlsţ Lohţ nor[oharuddeen MohdŦ norţ Ahmad Zabldl Abdul 8azakţ and 8ahlml
MdŦ Saad (2007ţ pŦ 102)ţ ºno maLLer how good Lhe currlculumţ lnfrasLrucLure or Leachlng aldsŤ aL Lhe
end of Lhe day lL ls Lhe Leachers who make a dlfference" ln Lhe educaLlon sysLemŦ Moreoverţ 8esLa
(2002) sLaLed LhaL a new generaLlon of Leachers who effecLlvely use Lhe new Lools for learnlng can only
be posslble lf Lhe Leachers Lhemselves creaLe effecLlve use of Lechnology ln Lhelr lessonsŦ 1husţ lL ls
essenLlal for Lhe educaLors Lo use Lhe lapLops ln Lhelr LeachlngŴlearnlng envlronmenLŦ
Accordlng Lo lalbaţ Croveţ Anderson and ÞuLney (2001ţ pŦ 2)ţ ºlapLops are powerful
lnsLrucLlonal Lools for sLudenL learnlng"Ŧ 1hls sLaLemenL ls afflrmed by Mouza (2006) who sLaLed LhaL
Lhe resulLs obLalned from her observaLlons and lnLervlews wlLh Leachers showed LhaL Lhey lnLegraLed
Lechnology uslng lapLops ln Lhelr classrooms malnly for lnsLrucLlonal LasksŦ AparL from LhaLţ educaLors
also use lapLops for lesson developmenL and Leachlng purpose (Mouzaţ 2006)Ŧ Accordlng Lo Sllvernall
and Lane (2004)ţ educaLors use porLable compuLers ln a varleLy of waysţ and mosL frequenLly ln
developlng lnsLrucLlonal maLerlalsŤ conducLlng sLudy whlch are relaLed Lo lnsLrucLlonŤ and
communlcaLlng wlLh colleaguesŦ 1hey found LhaL Lhe Leachers use Lhe lapLop ln a varleLy of ways Lo
supporL Lhelr lnsLrucLlon and Lhusţ Lhe lapLop use among Lhe Leachers has lncreased due Lo Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe lapLop lnlLlaLlveŦ
ln Lhe unlLed klngdomţ 1he LapLop for 1eachers lnlLlaLlve (Lf1)ţ launched by Lhe ueparLmenL
for LducaLlon and Skllls ln Sprlng 2002ţ almed aL Leachers and head Leachers' access Lo compuLersŦ ln
Lhe flrsL Lwo yearsţ Lhe governmenL allocaLed 120 mllllon pounds Lo Local LducaLlon AuLhorlLles for Lhe
purchase of lapLops (Cunnlnghamţ kerrţ McLuneţ SmlLh Ǝ Parrlsţ 2003)Ŧ AfLer Lhe flrsL yearţ Lhe
Luropean !ournal of Soclal Sclences Ŷ volume 7ţ number 1 (2008)
lnlLlaLlve was evaluaLedŦ Cne of Lhe mosL clLed beneflLs of havlng a lapLop ls Lhe lmproved access Lo Lhe
lnLerneL whlch led Lo Lhe ablllLy Lo produce beLLer quallLy resource LhemselvesŦ 1hey also used Lhe
lapLop Lo faclllLaLe Lhe Leachlng of speclflc sklllsţ ln parLlcular as a demonsLraLlonal Lool Lo develop
sLudenL llLeracy sklllsŦ 8espondenLs also wldely reporLedţ slnce recelvlng Lhelr lapLopsţ Lhey had
become more confldenL and compeLenL ln Lhelr lC1 useŦ 1hey also clalmed LhaL Lhey had become more
moLlvaLed Lo use lC1 ln Lhelr LeachlngŦ llnallyţ Leachers felL LhaL Lhey were galnlng maxlmum lmpacL
when used ln con[uncLlon wlLh perlpherals such as lnLeracLlve whlLeboardsŦ Cn Lhe lmpacL on
admlnlsLraLlon Lo supporL LeachlngŴlearnlngţ Leachers commenLed LhaL personal access Lo a lapLop had
an exLenslve lmpacL on Lhelr plannlng and preparaLlon of resourcesŦ 1hey ofLen prepared lesson
resources uslng presenLaLlon sofLware packages on Lhelr lapLopsŦ
Accordlng Lo Cunnlngham eL alŦ (2004)ţ Lhe evaluaLlon of Lhe flrsL year of Lhe lnlLlaLlve lapLops
for Leachersţ have been dlvlded lnLo Lhree dlfferenL aspecLs of lapLop use among Leachers whlch are on
LeachlngŴlearnlngŤ managemenL and admlnlsLraLlon Lo supporL LeachlngŴlearnlngŤ and whole school
lmpacLŦ 1he flrsL feaLure covers access Lo Leachlng maLerlalsţ use as Leachlng aldţ developmenL of
Leachers' and puplls' lC1 sklllsţ sLudenL and Leacher moLlvaLlon and developmenL ln use of lapLopsŦ 1he
second aspecL covers lesson preparaLlon and plannlngţ assessmenLţ reporLlng and pupll Lracklngţ class
and school managemenL and managlng admlnlsLraLlve LasksŦ Whereasţ Lhe Lhlrd feaLure lncludes
allocaLlon of lapLopsŤ use of lapLops Lo enhance communlcaLlon wlLhln and ouLslde schoolsŤ use of
lapLops Lo lmprove lnLernal proceduresŤ lapLops and professlonal developmenLŤ school ownershlp
modelŤ and opLlmal use of lapLops (healLh and safeLyţ lnsurance and securlLy)Ŧ
lurLhermoreţ slnce 2002ţ Lhe new Zealand MlnlsLry of LducaLlon has provlded secondary
schools wlLh access Lo subsldlzed lapLops Lhrough a programme called Lhe ulglLal Porlzonť LapLops for
1eachers (1LLA) (Cowle and !onesţ 2003)Ŧ 1he maln ob[ecLlves of Lhls scheme are Lo lncrease Leacher
confldence and compeLence ln Lhe use of lapLop for LeachlngŴlearnlng and admlnlsLraLlve purposes and
Lhe managemenL of classroomsŦ AfLer Lwo yearsţ a sLudy was made Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe lmpacL of Lhe
1LLA pro[ecL on Lhe secondary school professlonal pracLlcesŦ 1he flndlngs of Lhe evaluaLlon carrled
ouL by Cowle and !ones (2003) suggesL LhaL Leachers see such moblle Lechnology as an addlLlon Lo Lhelr
professlonal llvesţ and aL Lhe same Llme Lhe Lechnology has developed confldence and experLlse ln Lhelr
use of lC1Ŧ 1hey also feel LhaL havlng a lapLop allowed Lhem Lo become more professlonal and skllful
as a resulL of havlng access Lo a lapLopŦ
Accordlng Lo Cowle and !ones (2003)ţ Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe Leachers ln Lhelr sLudy used lapLop for
each of Lhe followlng Lasksť wrlLlng reporLs for parenLsŤ preparlng sLudenL handouLsŤ recordlng sLudenL
gradesŤ accesslng Lhe lnLerneL for currlculum or assesslng relaLed documenLsŤ accesslng speclflc
webslLe and Lhe lnLerneL for lesson plannlngŤ checklng sLudenL llsLs or sLudenL recordsŤ and for rouLlne
communlcaLlon wlLhln Lhe schoolŦ 1hese have been caLegorlzed by Cowle and !ones lnLo Lhree dlfferenL
Lasks namely admlnlsLraLlve Lasks relaLed wlLh educaLorsƌ responslblllLles Lo monlLor and reporL on
sLudenL advancemenL (wrlLlng reporLs for parenLsŤ recordlng sLudenL gradesŤ and checklng sLudenL llsLs
or sLudenL records)Ť use of Lhe lapLops ln class plannlng and preparaLlon (educaLor preparaLlon of
sLudenL handouLsŤ accesslng Lhe lnLerneL for currlculum or assessmenL relaLed documenLsŤ accesslng
speclflc webslLe and lnLerneL for lesson plannlng)Ť and admlnlsLraLlon and Lhe sharlng of lnsLrucLlon
maLerlals or casual chaL ln Lhe school (rouLlne communlcaLlon wlLhln a school lnvolves)Ŧ
1he flndlngs of a sLudy by 8uLledgeţ uuran and CarrollŴMlranda (2007) Lo evaluaLe Lhe
ouLcome of an lnlLlaLlve (new Mexlco LapLop Learnlng lnlLlaLlve) Lo equlp sLudenLs/Leachers wlLh
lapLops lndlcaLed an lncreased lnLenslLy of sLudenL parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe learnlng envlronmenLŦ 1he
presence of lapLops made Lhe learnlng envlronmenL more ublqulLous and flexlbleŦ 1he flndlngs of Lhe
sLudy also supporLed Lhe role of Lhe Leacher as a faclllLaLorŦ Speclflcallyţ Lhe sLudy found LhaL Lhe
lnlLlaLlve helped Leachers focus on Lhe process of guldlng Lhelr sLudenLs ln learnlng how Lo learnţ whlch
allows sLudenLs Lo lmmerse Lhemselves ln Lhe acL of learnlngŦ
1he revlew of Lhe aforemenLloned sLudlesţ lL ls clear LhaL educaLors use Lhe lapLop for more Lhan
one purposeŦ 1helr purpose of uslng such Lechnology are malnly for Lhelr professlonal use whlch can
Luropean !ournal of Soclal Sclences Ŷ volume 7ţ number 1 (2008)
be caLegorlsed lnLo Lhe LeachlngŴlearnlng processŤ lesson preparaLlon and plannlng (lesson
developmenL)Ť admlnlsLraLlon and managemenL LasksŤ and lasLly communlcaLlonŦ Clven LhaL educaLors'
use of such moblle Lechnology ls noL someLhlng LhaL happens auLomaLlcallyţ researchers have ln Lhe
pasL lnvesLlgaLed posslble reasons as Lo why educaLors use or do noL use Lhe lapLopsŦ 1he nexL secLlon
descrlbes some of Lhe pasL and recenL flndlngs relaLed Lo Lhls presslng lssueŦ
4Ŧ2Ŧ AnLecedenLs of LapLop use among LducaLors
1he analysls of pasL and recenL research flndlngs suggesL LhaL Lhe anLecedenLs of lapLop use may be due
Lo one or more of Lhe followlng facLorsť a) genderŤ b) lack of LlmeŤ c) Lechnology compeLenceŤ d)
aLLlLude Lowards LechnologyŤ e) admlnlsLraLor supporLŤ and f) Lechnology supporLŦ
4Ŧ2Ŧ1Ŧ Cender
uemographlc characLerlsLlcs such as gender have caughL Lhe aLLenLlon of many researchers and have
been Lhe sub[ecL of numerous sLudles ln relaLlon Lo Lechnology use (Wong eL alŦţ 2003Ť lan and Llţ
2003Ť kayţ 2006Ť Wong and Panafl ALanţ 2007Ť MegaL Aman Zahlrl MegaL Zakarlaţ 8aharudln Arlsţ
and !amalludln Parunţ 2007)Ŧ 1he lssue of gender gap exlsLs ln mosL dlsclpllnesţ lncludlng ln compuLer
useŦ A research done by Sabarlah Sharlf and khazlyaLl Csman (2003) Lo ldenLlfy Lhe lC1 llLeracy
compeLency among Leachers deplcLed LhaL dlfferences exlsL beLween Lhe male and female Leachers ln
Lerms of Lhelr level of lC1 compeLencyŦ Moreoverţ a survey conducLed by Llaw (2002) lnvolvlng 260
respondenLs lndlcaLed LhaL Lhe males have more poslLlve percepLlons Loward compuLer and Web
Lechnologles Lhan do femalesŦ Accordlng Lo uurndell and 1homson (1997)ţ males have slgnlflcanLly
beLLer baslc compuLer experlence and are more poslLlve abouL Lhe compuLers Lhan do femalesŦ
has also found LhaL males use compuLer more ofLen Lhan Lhe female counLerparLs (kayţ 1992)Ŧ ln
addlLlonţ a sLudy conducLed by 1homas (2004) provldes evldence LhaL males are more consclous of Lhe
new lnsLrucLlonal Lechnologles Lhan do femalesŦ
AparL from LhaLţ a prellmlnary descrlpLlve sLudy was done by Wong eL alŦ (2003) Lo assess Lhe
gender dlfferences ln lC1 compeLencles among Lhe academlc sLaffŦ lL was conducLed among 109
academlc sLaff Lo explore lf dlfferences exlsL beLween Lhe male and female sLaff ln Lerms of elghL
componenLs of compeLencles LhaL are lnLerrelaLed Lo lC1Ŧ 1he elghL componenLs are word processlngţ
spreadsheeLţ daLabaseţ presenLaLlonţ elecLronlc mallţ World Wlde Webţ mulLlmedlaţ and vlrLual classŦ
1he resulLs found LhaL Lhe gender dlfference beLween males and females was marglnalŦ lL also lndlcaLed
LhaL female academlclans percelved Lhemselves Lo be beLLer ln cerLaln appllcaLlons Lhan malesŦ
1hereforeţ Lhe sLudy shows LhaL academlclans do noL regard lC1 use as a male domlnaLed areaţ as boLh
Lhe genders raLed Lhemselves Lo be lC1 compeLenLŦ CongruenL wlLh Wong's (2003) sLudyţ MegaL Aman
Zahlrl MegaL Zakarla eL alŦ (2007) remarked LhaL Lhere are no slgnlflcanL dlfferences beLween Lhe mean
scores of lC1 skllls among Lhe males and femalesŦ
kay (2006) carrled ouL a survey among 32 preŴservlce Leachers from dlfferenL culLural
backgroundsŦ 1he sample conslsLed of 22 male and 30 female preŴservlce LeachersŦ Cne of Lhe alms of
Lhe sLudy was Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe lmpacL of an lnLegraLed lapLop programme on gender dlfferences ln
compuLer useŦ 1he lapLop programme was an elghLŴmonLh consecuLlve programme focuslng on
CompuLer Sclenceţ MaLhemaLlcs and SclenceŦ lL was found LhaL Lhere are no slgnlflcanL dlfferences
beLween Lhe males and females on Lhe overall use of compuLers before Lhe lapLop programmeŦ
AddlLlonallyţ Lhe dlfferences beLween males and females concernlng Lhe use of compuLers are also
nonslgnlflcanL afLer compleLlon of Lhe lapLop programmeŦ 1hereforeţ Lhe resulLs showed LhaL males and
females dld noL vary before or afLer Lhe elghLŴmonLh lapLop programme regardlng Lhe use of compuLers
ln all consLrucLs accessedŦ
ln summaryţ Lhe revlew of llLeraLure has shown LhaL Lhe gender gap lssue ls confllcLlng and
lnconslsLenLŦ 1he emergence of lC1 ln earller sLudles showed LhaL gender had an lnfluence on Lhe use
of Lechnology (kayţ 1992Ť uurndell and 1homsonţ 1997Ť Llawţ 2002Ť 1homasţ 2004Ť Sabarlah Sharlf
and khazlyaLl Csmanţ 2003)Ŧ Poweverţ recenL sLudles have found LhaL Lhe dlglLal dlvlde beLween males
Luropean !ournal of Soclal Sclences Ŷ volume 7ţ number 1 (2008)
and females ls almosL negllglble (Wong eL alŦţ 2003Ť kayţ 2006Ť MegaL Aman Zahlrl MegaL Zakarla eL
alŦţ 2007)Ŧ
4Ŧ2Ŧ2Ŧ Lack of 1lme
Cenerallyţ many of Lhe Lechnology professlonal developmenL programmes have been unsuccessful
because Lhe educaLors do noL have sufflclenL Llme Lo become more skllledŦ 1hey also clalmed Lhey were
noL glven enough opporLunlLlesţ supporL and encouragemenL Lo become comforLable wlLh compuLers
(Slegelţ 1993Ť Sllvernall and Laneţ 2004)Ŧ Workshops and conferences seemed Lo be wasLed when Lhe
educaLors reLurned Lo Lhelr classroom wlLh no slgnlflcanL LransformaLlon ln pracLlceŦ
A sLudy conducLed aL Malne's mlddle schools reporLed LhaL Lhe Leachers experlenced challenges
ln flndlng Lhe Llme Lo work wlLh Lhe lapLop Lhemselves (Sllvernall and Laneţ 2004)Ŧ AlLhough Lhe
moblle devlce was seen as usefulţ buL Lhe Leachers dld noL have Llme Lo fully explore Lhe lapLop's
posslblllLles Lo Lhe fullesLŦ As a resulLţ Lhe Leachers used Lhe Lechnologles far less ln Lhe classroom Lhan
whaL was expecLedţ and Leachers who used compuLers for lnsLrucLlonal process dld so lnfrequenLly and
unlmaglnaLlvely (Cubanţ 2001)Ŧ
Llkewlseţ a recenL sLudy by urwln (2007) lndlcaLed LhaL educaLors do noL have enough Llme Lo
learn from experlence and have dlfflculLy keeplng up Lo daLeŦ 1hls resulLs ln educaLors feellng relucLanL
Lo lnvesL Llme and efforL wlLh Lhe laLesL LechnologlesŦ
ln a nuLshellţ Lhe aforemenLloned sLudles suggesL LhaL Lhe educaLors do noL have adequaLe Llme
Lo lnLegraLe moblle Lechnologles lnLo Lhe learnlng envlronmenLs even afLer acqulrlng Lhe necessary
skllls Lhrough lC1 professlonal developmenL Lralnlng programmesŦ uue Lo Lhe lack of Llmeţ Lhe
lnLegraLlon of moblle Lools lnLo Lhe educaLlon sysLem ls hlnderedŦ 1hereforeţ Lhe educaLors need
sufflclenL Llme Lo lnLegraLe moblle Lechnology frequenLly and effecLlvely lnLo Lhe learnlng
4Ŧ2Ŧ3Ŧ 1echnology CompeLence
CompeLence can be deflned ln varlous waysŦ 8aslcallyţ compuLer compeLence ls ºbelng able Lo handle
a wlde range of varylng compuLer appllcaLlons for varlous purposes" (van 8raakţ 2004ţ pŦ 300)Ŧ
Accordlng Lo Alblrlnl (2004)ţ compuLer compeLence refers Lo educaLors' bellefs abouL Lhelr compuLer
knowledge and sklllsŦ llowers and Algozzlne (2000) furLher deflned compuLer compeLence Lo lnclude
baslc compuLer operaLlon Lo undersLandlng of soclalţ legal and eLhlcal lssuesŦ LapLop compeLenceţ
Lhereforeţ can be observed ln Lerms of Leacher's bellefs concernlng Lhelr knowledgeţ baslc sklllţ and
capablllLy of performlng essenLlal funcLlons uslng Lhe lapLopŦ
Accordlng Lo van 8raak (2004)ţ a hlgh exLenL of ºŧcompuLer compeLence among Leachers ls a
ma[or condlLlon for lnsLrucLlonal compuLer use" (pŦ 300)Ŧ Marclnklewlcz's (1994) commlssloned a
survey ln 1993 Lo 1994Ŧ ln Lhe surveyţ lL was found LhaL Lhe level of selfŴpercelved compeLence ls one
of Lhe mosL lmporLanL deLermlnanLs of compuLer use besldes Lhe degree of lnnovaLlvenessŦ Accordlng Lo
Slme and ÞrlesLley (2003)ţ lC1 use could be ldenLlfled Lhrough Lhe lndlvldual needs such as Lhelr
compeLence wlLh lC1ţ home accessţ and lnLeresL ln uslng lC1Ŧ lL was proven ln Lhelr research LhaL one
of Lhe human facLors LhaL can lnfluence Lhe successful use of lC1 ln Lhe classroom ls Lhe Leachers' lC1
lurLhermoreţ Mool[ and SmeeLs (2001) carrled ouL a case sLudy ln 10 secondary schools ln
PollandŦ 1hey sLudy almed Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of lC1 and lLs supporL wlLhln Lhe
secondary schoolsŦ 1he sLudy found LhaL Lhe Leachers' compeLence and confldence ln Lhelr skllls were
one of Lhe maln facLors Lo lnfluence Leachers' wllllngness Lo lnLegraLe Lechnology ln Lhelr
Leachlnglearnlng processŦ Mool[ and SmeeLs clalmed LhaL Lhe educaLor's lack of knowledge ls a serlous
hlndrance Lo lnLegraLe lC1 lnLo secondary schoolsŦ
Accordlng Lo 8aylor and 8lLchle (ln press)ţ educaLors musL aLLaln and malnLaln an assured
degree of Lechnologlcal compeLence Lo make lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles more effecLlveŦ ConsequenLlyţ lL
allows Lhem Lo become more efflclenL ln deallng wlLh Lhelr dally LasksŦ Penceţ educaLors need Lo be
Luropean !ournal of Soclal Sclences Ŷ volume 7ţ number 1 (2008)
equlpped wlLh Lhe laLesL lapLop knowledge and skllls ln all aspecLs of Lhe lnsLrucLlonal processŦ 1hls ls
supporLed by Alblrlnl (2004) who sLaLed LhaL LhaL Lechnology compeLence comprlses noL only
Lechnology knowledge buL also Lhe skllls and experlence essenLlal Lo puL Lhem lnLo useŦ LducaLors have
Lo be compeLenL ln uslng lapLop Lechnology ln order Lo play an effecLlve role as faclllLaLorsŦ 1echnology
compeLency allows Lhe Leachers Lo Lurn lnLo a more efflclenL lndlvldual ln deallng wlLh dally Lasks such
as Lo communlcaLe wlLh Lhe sLudenL's parenLsŤ Lo keep recordsŤ Lo do research ln Lhelr opLlon domalnŤ
and Lo prepare presenLaLlons (8aylor and 8lLchleţ ln press)Ŧ
Sufflce Lo sayţ Lhe lnLegraLlon of moblle Lechnologles ln Lhe learnlng envlronmenL ls consldered
as a new phenomenon ln schoolsŦ 1echnology compeLence ls one of Lhe maln facLors Lo conslder ln
order Lo ensure Lhe success of Lechnology lnLegraLlon ln Lhe LeachlngŴlearnlng processŦ 1husţ Leachers
should Lake Lhe lnlLlaLlve Lo be knowledgeable and skllful ln uslng moblle Lools ln order Lo enhance Lhe
classroom learnlng envlronmenLsŦ
4Ŧ2Ŧ4Ŧ ALLlLude Lowards 1echnology
ALLlLude ls deflned as an lndlvldualƌs degree Lo respond ln a favourable or unfavourable manner wlLh
respecL Lo a psychologlcal ob[ecL (A[zen and llsherbelnţ 2000)Ŧ Accordlng Lo 8rownţ Manogue and
8ohlln (2002)ţ currenL descrlpLlon of aLLlLude ls a comblnaLlon of bellefsţ LhoughLs and feellngs LhaL
lnfluence an lndlvldual Lo respond ln a poslLlve or negaLlve way Lo ob[ecLsţ peopleţ processes or
lnsLlLuLlonsŦ ALLlLude ln Lhls sLudy refers Lo Lhe mlxLure of bellefţ LhoughLs and feellng of Leachers Lo use
lapLop ln a favourable or unfavourable wayŦ
8ecenL sLudles have shown LhaL Leachersƌ aLLlLude Lowards Lechnology ls one of Lhe facLors LhaL
deLermlne Lhe use of lC1 among LeachersŦ Accordlng Lo 1eoţ Leeţ and Chal (2007)ţ Lhe success of any
lnlLlaLlves Lo lnLegraLe Lechnology ln an educaLlonal sysLem depends sLrongly upon Lhe supporL and
aLLlLudes of Lhe educaLors' lnvolvedŦ Lnhanclng educaLors' aLLlLude Loward compuLers ls one of Lhe
greaLesL challenges Lo successfully uLlllze Lhe Lechnology (8aylor and 8lLchleţ ln press)Ŧ
Cuban (1986) found LhaL Leachers re[ecL or aL leasL reslsL change because of Lhe fallure Lo
recognlze Lhe need for lmprovemenLţ fear of experlmenLaLlonţ unwllllngness Lo glve Llme and
dlsllluslon or frusLraLlon wlLh pasL experlencesŦ ln addlLlonţ Leachers LradlLlonally Lend Lo be
conservaLlve and usually wlll noL be lmpressed by Lhe resulLs of lnvesLlgaLlons and research or new
Lheorles of educaLlonŦ llnallyţ he added LhaL Leachers are seen as lnLranslgenL and fearfulţ and Lhese
affecL Lhe use of LechnologyŦ Many adulLs feel uncomforLable wlLh Lechnology and are fearful of
looklng foollsh (Schrumţ 1999)Ŧ
AnoLher sLudy by Cuban (2001) lndlcaLed LhaL Leachers' commlLmenL Lo uslng Lechnology ln Lhe
classrooms ofLen grew from Lhe Leachers' deepŴseaLed bellef ln Lhe lmporLance of Lechnology ln Lhe
sLudenLs' fuLureŦ SLudles have also shown LhaL compuLers can poLenLlally make classroom a
collaboraLlve envlronmenL buL only when Lhe Leachers have already adopLed a consLrucLlvlsL framework
Lowards lnsLrucLlon or are wllllng Lo adopL Lhls perspecLlve lnLo Lhelr own pracLlces (WlndschllL Ǝ Sahlţ
AparL from LhaLţ Llaw (2002) asserLed LhaL no maLLer how capable Lhe Lechnology lsţ Lhe
effecLlve lmplemenLaLlon of Lechnology depends upon users poslLlve aLLlLudes Lowards Lhe LechnologyŦ
Accordlng Lo noralnl ldrls eL alŦ (2007)ţ lndlvlduals wlLh poslLlve aLLlLudes wlll have poslLlve feellngs
abouL people and slLuaLlonsŤ have a sense of purposeţ exclLemenLţ and passlonŤ approach problems ln a
creaLlve mannerŤ have a resourcefulţ poslLlveţ and enLhuslasLlc alr abouL LhemŤ make Lhe besL ouL of
every slLuaLlonŤ reallze LhaL aLLlLude ls a cholceŤ feel LhaL Lhey have conLrol of Lhelr LhoughLsŤ and feel
LhaL Lhey are maklng a conLrlbuLlon Lhrough Lhelr workŦ kersalnLţ PorLonţ SLohlţ and Carofalo (2003)
asserLed LhaL educaLors who boasL poslLlve aLLlLudes Loward lC1 feel more conLenLed uslng lL and
regularly lncorporaLe lL lnLo Lhelr LeachlngŴlearnlng processŦ
ÞasL research sLudles have shown LhaL aLLlLude Lowards Lechnology lnfluences Lhe success of
Lechnology lnLegraLlon ln Lhe learnlng envlronmenLsŦ 1eachers wlLh poslLlve aLLlLude feel comforLable
and are aL ease wlLh LechnologyŦ Cn Lhe conLraryţ Leachers wlLh negaLlve aLLlLude heslLaLe Lo lnLegraLe
Luropean !ournal of Soclal Sclences Ŷ volume 7ţ number 1 (2008)
Lechnology lnLo Lhelr lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces due Lo Lhelr fear of Lechnology or frusLraLlons wlLh pasL
experlencesŦ lndeedţ negaLlve aLLlLudes Loward Lechnology can acL as a ºsLumbllng block" ln Lhe
successful uLlllzaLlon of lC1 resources ln Lhelr LeachlngŴlearnlng process (Samuel and ZalLun Abu
8akarţ 2006)Ŧ
4Ŧ2Ŧ3Ŧ AdmlnlsLraLor SupporL
AdmlnlsLraLlve supporL ls Lhe presence of encouraglng LechnologyŴuslng role modelsţ such as Lhe
prlnclpalţ and Lhe presence of lncenLlves for Leachers Lo use Lechnology (8aylor and 8lLchleţ ln press)Ŧ
1he presence of Lhe school prlnclpal or admlnlsLraLor can encourage and promoLe Leachers' wllllngness
Lo use Lhe lapLop as a medlum Lo dellver lnsLrucLlonŦ 1he reporL of Lhe 1LLA scheme showed LhaL Lhe
Leachers [olned Lhe programme due Lo Lhe encouragemenL of Lhe prlnclpal and also oLher sLaff (Cowle
and !onesţ 2003)Ŧ Cowle and !ones (2003) sLaLed LhaL guldance from a head of deparLmenL ls very
lmporLanL ln encouraglng Lhe sharlng and developmenL of elecLronlc lesson maLerlals Lo encourage
lapLop use for Lhe speclflc sub[ecL ln Lhe LeachlngŴlearnlng envlronmenLŦ 1husţ Lhe role of Lhe school
admlnlsLraLor ls cruclal ln provldlng Lhe forceţ encouragemenL and condlLlons Lo enhance Lhe use of
lapLop ln Lhe Leachlng professlonŦ
1he resulLs of a sLudy conducLed by Samuel and ZalLun Abu 8akar (2006) suggesLed LhaL Lhe
success of lnLegraLlng lC1 lnLo Lhe LeachlngŴlearnlng lnLeracLlon among school Leachers depends on Lhe
supporL provlded by Lhe prlnclpal of Lhe schoolŦ 1eachers use Lhe lapLops more ofLen for Lhelr
Leachlnglearnlng process lf Lhey percelved a 'poslLlve welcomlng aLmosphere' ln Lhe school (karluklţ
karlukl (2004) reporLed LhaL Lhe aLLlLudes of Lhe schools admlnlsLraLors and Leachers acL as Lhe ma[or
deLermlnanL of sLudenL Leachers' lapLop use ln Lhe LeachlngŴlearnlng acLlvlLles durlng Lhelr pracLlcumŦ
ln essenceţ educaLors who recelve consLrucLlve supporL from Lhe admlnlsLraLors are more llkely
Lo use Lechnologles ln Lhelr Leachlng pracLlce whlle Lhose who recelve poor supporL or encouragemenL
from Lhe hlgher auLhorlLles ln school are less enLhuslasLlc ln uslng lapLop or do noL lnLegraLe Lechnology
aL allŦ Accordlng Lo 8aylor and 8lLchle (ln press)ţ admlnlsLraLors' supporL plays an essenLlal role ln
lmprovlng Lhe educaLors' wllllngness Lo use LechnologyŦ AdmlnlsLraLors ln schoolţ such as Lhe prlnclpal
acLs as a medlaLor Lo lnLegraLe Lechnology lnLo Lhe educaLlonal sysLem by playlng a key role ln
encouraglngţ supporLlngţ and helplng Lhe Leachers Lo use lapLops ln Lhelr LeachlngŴlearnlng processŦ
4Ŧ2Ŧ6Ŧ 1echnology SupporL
Accordlng Lo uexLerţ Anderson and 8onnkvlsL (2002)ţ Lechnology supporL ls Lhe access Lo personnel
guldance and helpţ and resources Lo Lhe exLenL educaLors have more opporLunlLles (face fewer
obsLacles) Lo pracLlce uslng lnsLrucLlonal LechnologyŦ 1echnology supporL ls sLaLed by lulLonţ Clenn
and valdez (2003) as Lhe supporL provlded Lo llnk beLween Lechnology and Leachlng needsŦ 1echnology
supporL refers Lo Lhe response asslsLance and guldance provlded by Lhe Lechnlcal supporL personnel ln
Lhe schools Lo Lhe Leachers who encounLer problems uslng Lhe hardware and sofLware and Lhusţ
Lhe Leachers Lo face fewer obsLacles ln uslng Lhe Lechnology ln Lhelr LeachlngŴlearnlng lnLeracLlonŦ
Shlue (2007) reporLed LhaL schools have moderaLely llLLle conLrol by elLher esLabllshlng soclal
pressure or by provldlng lncreased Lechnlcal supporL Lo lncrease Lhe Leachers' use of lnsLrucLlonal
LechnologyŦ Cn Lhe oLher handţ some sLudles have proven LhaL Lechnology supporL has an lmpacL ln
enhanclng Lhe use of lapLop among Leachers (uexLerţ Seashore Ǝ Andersonţ 2003Ť Cowle Ǝ !onesţ
2003)Ŧ 1echnology supporL has a poslLlve lmpacL on educaLors' own uses of Lechnologyţ and Lhelr
lnLegraLlon of Lechnology lnLo Lhe LeachlngŴlearnlng process (uexLer eL alŦţ 2003)Ŧ Accordlng Lo Cowle
and !ones (2003)ţ wlLh Lhe Lechnology supporLţ Lhe Leachers are able Lo access school neLworkţ Lhe
lnLerneL and lapLop accessorles (prlnLerţ dlglLal cameraţ daLa pro[ecLorţ large 1v screenţ scanner and
vldeo camera)Ŧ 1hey also reporLed LhaL as beglnners of lapLop useţ Lhe Leachers need Lechnlcal supporL
Lo asslsL Lhem ln LeachlngŴlearnlng process when Lhey face consLralnLs whereas for Lhe compeLenL
Leachersţ Lhey are eager Lo share Lhelr experLlse and provlde Lechnology supporL Lo Lhelr colleaguesŦ
Luropean !ournal of Soclal Sclences Ŷ volume 7ţ number 1 (2008)
ln Lhe unlLed SLaLesţ Lhe new Mexlco lapLop learnlng lnlLlaLlve (nMLLl) whlch was launched
ln 2004ţ almed aL Leachers' and sLudenLs' access Lo lapLopsŦ LvaluaLlon of Lhe flrsL Lwo years of Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon found LhaL Leachers encounLered some frusLraLlons regardlng Lhe Lechnlcal aspecLs of
managlng Lhe sysLemŦ 1he flndlngs lndlcaLe LhaL Leachers are frusLraLed Lo have Lhelr lesson plans
changedŦ 1he lack of Lechnlcal knowledge of malnLalnlng Lhe funcLlonallLy of lapLops confounded
Leachers Lo lnLegraLe Lechnology ln Lhe classroom (8uLledge eL alŦţ 2007)Ŧ numerous problems relaLed Lo
Lechnology lnfuslon occur among Lhe Leachers due Lhe ºlack of Lechnlcal knowledge of malnLalnlng Lhe
funcLlonallLy of Lhe lapLops" (8uLledge eL alŦţ 2007ţ pŦ 337)Ŧ ln Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe LhreeŴyear lapLop
lnlLlaLlveţ 8uLledge eL alŦ found LhaL Lhe educaLors were ofLen confused by Lhe Lechnlcal feaLures of
uslng Lhe lapLops for LeachlngŴlearnlng processŦ
Moreoverţ Lhe evaluaLlon carrled ouL for Lhe lullerLon School ulsLrlcL LapLop Þrogram found
LhaL Lechnlcal supporL hlnders Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe lapLop programme (Warschauer Ǝ Crlmesţ
2003)Ŧ lL was also reporLed LhaL problems such as Lhe breakdown of lC1 devlces and noL havlng enough
qulck supporL lead Lo lnsufflclenL class LlmeŦ Poweverţ Lhey suggesLed ºas Leachers become more
famlllar wlLh Lhe lapLopsţ lL ls expecLed LhaL Lhey wlll be able Lo solve more problems dlrecLly ln Lhe
classroom and Lhus requlre less Lechnlcal supporL" (Warschauer Ǝ Crlmesţ 2003ţ pŦ 26)Ŧ
8rleflyţ Lechnology supporL ls lmporLanL Lo LeachersŦ 1eachers who do noL have qulck supporL or
lack ln Lechnlcal knowledge encounLer problems and frusLraLlons concernlng Lhe Lechnlcal managemenL
of Lechnology LoolsŦ ln addlLlonţ Lechnlcal supporL ls essenLlal for beglnners of Lechnology use because
lL helps faclllLaLe and solve Lechnlcal problems ln Lhe classroomŦ Poweverţ aL Lhe same Llme educaLors
are expecLed Lo be selfŴrellanL and should have lnlLlaLlves Lo enhance Lhelr own capablllLy Lo solve
Lechnlcal dlfflculLlesŦ 1echnology supporL has greaL lmpacL on educaLors' use of Lechnology as lL can
help boosL Lhe use of lapLops among educaLors and Lhls ln Lurn can lncrease Lhe llkellhood of lC1
lnLegraLlon ln Lhe LeachlngŴlearnlng lnLeracLlonŦ Penceţ Lechnology supporL ls requlred ln schools Lo
faclllLaLe educaLors Lo use lapLops effecLlvely ln Lhelr Leachlng pracLlcesŦ
3Ŧ Concluslon
1hls paper offered a revlew of prevlous sLudles examlnlng Lhe use of lapLop as a moblle LoolŦ AL Lhe
same Llme lL dlscussed several perLlnenL facLors LhaL could posslbly lnfluence Lhe use of lapLops among
educaLorsŦ 8ased on Lhe revlew of llLeraLureţ Lhls paper found LhaL educaLors uLlllsed Lhe lapLop mosLly
for Lhelr professlonal developmenLŦ LducaLors use lapLops Lo faclllLaLe Lhelr LeachlngŴlearnlng processţ
lesson preparaLlon and plannlngţ admlnlsLraLlon and managemenL Lasks and communlcaLlonŦ key
facLors such as Lhe lack of Llmeţ Lechnology compeLenceţ aLLlLude Lowards Lechnologyţ admlnlsLraLor
supporL and Lechnology supporL play a perLlnenL role ln Lhe lnLegraLlon of moblle Lechnology ln Lhe
LeachlngŴlearnlng processŦ 8esearch on lapLop use assoclaLed wlLh gender ls lnconcluslve as evldenced
by Lhe aforemenLloned sLudlesŦ 1o concludeţ educaLors use moblle Lechnology for many professlonal
acLlvlLles and Lhe success of such use and lnLegraLlon depends on more Lhan one facLorŦ Luropean
!ournal of Soclal Sclences Ŷ volume 7ţ number 1 (2008)
ż1Ž Alblrlnlţ AŦ (2004)Ŧ An exploraLlon of Lhe facLors assoclaLed wlLh Lhe aLLlLudes of hlgh school
LlL Leachers ln Syrla Loward lnformaLlon and communlcaLlon LechnologyŦ uocLoral
dlsserLaLlonţ Chlo SLaLe unlverslLyŦ
ż2Ž Alblrlnlţ AŦ (2006)Ŧ 1eachers' aLLlLudes Loward lnformaLlon and communlcaLlon LechnologlesŦ
!ournal of CompuLer Ǝ LducaLlonţ 47ţ 373Ŵ398Ŧ
ż3Ž A[zenţ lŦţ Ǝ llshbeln MŦ (2000)Ŧ ALLlLude and Lhe aLLlLudeŴbehavlor relaLlonť 8easoned and
auLomaLlc processesŦ ln WŦ SLoebe Ǝ MŦ PewsLone (LdsŦ)Ŧ Luropean 8evlew of Soclal
Þsychologyţ vol 11ţ ppŦ 1Ŵ33Ŧ ChlchesLerţ Lnglandť WlleyŦ
ż4Ž 8aylorţ AŦ LŦţ Ǝ 8lLchleţ uŦ (ln press)Ŧ WhaL facLors faclllLaLe Leacher sklllţ Leacher moralţ and
percelved sLudenL learnlng ln Lechnology uslng classroomŦ CompuLers and LducaLlonţ 39(2)ţ
ż3Ž 8rownţ CŦţ Manogueţ MŦţ Ǝ 8ohllnţ MŦ (2002)Ŧ Assesslng aLLlLudes ln denLal educaLlonť ls lL
worLhwhlle?Ŧ 8rlLlsh uenLal !ournalţ 193ť703Ŵ707Ŧ
ż6Ž Cowleţ 8Ŧţ Ǝ !onesţ AŦ (2003)Ŧ ulglLal horlzonsť lapLop for Leachers evaluaLlon sLudy updaLe on
secondary Leacher's experlencesŦ 8eLrleved CcLober 30ţ 2007 from
hLLpť//wwwŦmlneduŦgovLŦnz/web/downloadable/ dl8368_v1/lapLopŴleadersŴreporLŴ12Ŵ9ŴwlLhedlLsŴ
dsŦdocŦ unlverslLy of WalkaLoŦ
ż7Ž Cubanţ LŦ (1986)Ŧ 1eachers and machlnesť 1he classroom use of Lechnology slnce 1920Ŧ new
?ork Ǝ Londonť 1eachers College ÞressŦ
ż8Ž Cubanţ LŦ (2001)Ŧ Cversold and underusedť CompuLers ln Lhe classroomŦ Londonť Parvard
unlverslLy ÞressŦ
ż9Ž Cunnlnghamţ MŦţ kerrţ kŦţ McLuneţ 8Ŧţ SmlLhţ ÞŦţ Ǝ Parrlsţ SŦ (2004)Ŧ LapLops for Leachersť
An evaluaLlon of Lhe flrsL year of Lhe lnlLlaLlveŦ lC1 ln School 8esearch and LvaluaLlon Serles
no 19Ŧ 8ecLa/ufLSŦ
ż10Ž uexLerţ SŦţ Seashoreţ kŦ 8Ŧţ Ǝ Andersonţ 8Ŧ LŦ (2003)Ŧ Leadlng Lhe learnlngť LxperLlse and
Lechnology lnLegraLlon supporL sLaffŦ Þaper prepared for Lhe 84Lh Annual MeeLlng of Lhe
Amerlcan LducaLlonal 8esearch AssoclaLlonţ Chlcagoţ lLŦ
ż11Ž uexLerţ SŦ LŦţ Andersonţ 8Ŧ LŦţ Ǝ 8onnkvlsLţ AŦ MŦ (2002)Ŧ CuallLy Lechnology supporLť WhaL
ls lL? Who ls lL? And whaL dlfferences does lL make?Ŧ !ournal of LducaLlonal CompuLlng
8esearchţ 26(3)ţ 263Ŵ283Ŧ
ż12Ž uurndellţ AŦţ Ǝ 1homsonţ kŦ (1997)Ŧ Cender and compuLlngť A decade of change? ALuS
!ournalţ 19(2Ŵ3)ţ 216Ŵ223Ŧ
ż13Ž lalrfax CounLy Þubllc SchoolsŦ (2003)Ŧ LapLop compuLer plloL lnLerlm reporL 2002Ŵ2003Ŧ
ueparLmenL of LducaLlonal AccounLablllLyţ Cfflce of Þrogram LvaluaLlonŦ
ż14Ž lalbaţ CŦţ Croveţ kŦţ Andersonţ uŦţ Ǝ ÞuLneyţ LŦ (2001)Ŧ 8eneflLs of lapLop compuLers for
elemenLary LeachersŦ !ournal of 8esearch on 1echnology ln LducaLlonţ 33 (3)Ŧ 8eLrleved
SepLember 19ţ 2007 from hLLpť//wwwŦlsLeŦorg/ConLenL/navlgaLlonMenu/ÞubllcaLlons/!81L/
ż13Ž lanţ 1Ŧ SŦţ Ǝ Llţ ?Ŧ CŦ (2003)Ŧ Cender lssues and compuLersť College compuLer sclence
educaLlon ln 1alwanŦ CompuLers Ǝ LducaLlonţ 44ţ 283Ŵ300Ŧ
ż16Ž llowersţ CŦ ÞŦţ Ǝ Algozzlneţ 8Ŧ lŦ (2000)Ŧ uevelopmenL and valldaLlon of scores on Lhe baslc
Lechnology compeLencles for educaLors lnvenLoryŦ LducaLlonal and Þsychologlcal
MeasuremenLţ volŦ 60 noŦ 3ţ 411Ŵ418Ŧ
ż17Ž lulLonţ kŦţ Clennţ AŦ uŦţ Ǝ valdezţ CŦ (2003)Ŧ 1hree preservlce programs preparlng
Lomorrow's Leachers Lo use Lechnologyť A sLudy ln parLnershlpsŦ Learnlng ÞolnL AssoclaLesţ ppŦ
ż18Ž karluklţ MŦ (2004)Ŧ lacLors lnfluenclng preservlce Leachers' use of lapLops for
Leachlng/learnlng purposes durlng pracLlcumŦ 8eLrleved CcLober 3ţ 2007 from Luropean !ournal of
Soclal Sclences Ŷ volume 7ţ number 1 (2008)
ż19Ž kayţ 8Ŧ PŦ (1992)Ŧ An analysls of meLhods used Lo examlne gender dlfferences ln compuLerrelaLed
behavlorŦ !ournal of LducaLlonal CompuLlng 8esearchţ 8(3)ţ 323Ŵ336Ŧ
ż20Ž kayţ 8Ŧ (2006)Ŧ Adresslng gender dlfferences ln compuLer ablllLyţ aLLlLudes and useť 1he lapLop
effecLŦ !ournal of LducaLlonal CompuLlng 8esearchţ volŦ 32(2)ţ 187Ŵ211Ŧ
ż21Ž kersalnLţ CŦţ PorLonţ 8Ŧţ SLohlţ PŦţ Ǝ Carofaloţ !Ŧ (2003)Ŧ 1echnology bellefs and pracLlces of
maLhemaLlcs educaLlon faculLyŦ !ournal of 1echnology and 1eacher LducaLlonţ 11(4)ţ 349Ŷ377Ŧ
ż22Ž Llawţ SŦ (2002)Ŧ An lnLerneL survey for percepLlons of compuLers and Lhe World Wlde Webť
8elaLlonshlpţ predlcLlonţ and dlfferenceŦ CompuLers ln Puman 8ehavlorţ 18 (1)ţ 17Ŵ33Ŧ
ż23Ž Marclnklewlczţ PŦ 8Ŧ (1994)Ŧ CompuLers and Leachersť lacLors lnfluenclng compuLer use ln Lhe
classroomŦ !ournal of 8esearch on CompuLlng ln LducaLlonţ 26(2)ţ 220Ŷ237Ŧ
ż24Ž MegaL Aman Zahlrl MegaL Zakarlaţ 8aharudln Arlsţ Ǝ !amalludln ParunŦ (2007)Ŧ kemahlran
lC1 dl kalangan CuruŴCuru ÞelaLlh u1Mť SaLu 1ln[auanŦ SmarL 1eachlng Ǝ Learnlngť 8eenglneerlng luţ
uLlllzaLlon and lnnovaLlon of 1echnologyţ 1sL lnLernaLlonal Malayslan
LducaLlonal 1echnology ConvenLlon (ppŦ 997Ŵ1002)Ŧ !ohor 8ahruť Malayslan LducaLlonal
1echnology AssoclaLlon (ML1A)Ŧ
ż23Ž Mool[ţ 1Ŧţ Ǝ SmeeLs LŦ (2001)Ŧ Modelllng and supporLlng lC1 lmplemenLaLlon ln secondary
schoolsŦ CompuLers and LducaLlonţ 36ţ 263Ŷ281Ŧ
ż26Ž Mouzaţ CŦ (2006)Ŧ Learnlng wlLh lapLopsť 1he lmpacL of oneŴLoŴone compuLlng on sLudenL
aLLlLudes and classroom percepLlonsŦ unlverslLy of uelawareţ 132 L Wlllard Pallţ newarkţ uL
ż27Ž noralnl ldrlsţ Lohţ SŦ CŦţ nor[oharuddeen MohdŦ norţ Ahmad Zabldl Abdul 8azakţ Ǝ 8ahlml
MdŦ SaadŦ (2007)Ŧ 1he professlonal preparaLlon of Malayslan Leachers ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of
Leachlng and learnlng of MaLhemaLlcs and Sclence ln LngllshŦ Lurasla !ournal of MaLhemaLlcsţ
Sclence Ǝ 1echnology LducaLlonţ 3(2)ţ 101Ŵ110Ŧ
ż28Ž 8esLaţ ÞŦ (2002)Ŧ lnformaLlon and communlcaLlon Lechnologles ln Leacher educaLlonť A
plannlng guldeŦ unlLed naLlons LducaLlonal SclenLlflc and CulLural CrganlzaLlonţ ulvlslon of
Plgher LducaLlonţ ÞarlsŦ
ż29Ž 8uLledgeţ uŦţ uuranţ !Ŧţ Ǝ CarrollŴMlrandaţ !Ŧ (2007)Ŧ 1hree years of Lhe new Mexlco lapLop
learnlng lnlLlaLlve (nMLLl)ť SLumbllng Loward lnnovaLlonŦ AssoclaLlon for Lhe AdvancemenL of
CompuLlng ln LducaLlon !ournalţ 13(4)ţ 339Ŵ366Ŧ
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ż34Ž Shlueţ ?Ŧ MŦ (2007)Ŧ lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe sources of Leachers' lnsLrucLlonal Lechnology use Lhrough
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ż36Ž Sllvernallţ uŦ LŦţ Ǝ Laneţ uŦ MŦ MŦ (2004)Ŧ 1he lmpacL of Malne's oneŴLoŴone lapLop program
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