Forensic Accounting

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integration of accounting, auditing and investigative si!!s "ie!ds the s#ecia!t" no$n as Forensic Accounting% &Forensic& 'eans &suita(!e for use in a court of !a$&% Foren orensi sic c ac acco coun unti ting ng is the s#ec s#ecia ia!t !t" " #r #rac acti tice ce area area of  accountanc" that descri(es engage'ents that resu!t fro' actua! or antici#ated dis#utes or !itigation% Foren orensic sic ac acco count unting ing is the the a# a##!i #!ica cati tion on of a s#eci s# ecia!i a!i)e )ed d n no$ o$!ed !edge ge an and d s# s#eci eci*c *c si! si!!s !s to act act u#on u#on th the e evidence of fraudu!ent econo'ic transactions% Foren orensi sic c Acc ccou ount ntin ing g uti! uti!i) i)es es acco accoun unti ting ng,, audi auditi ting ng,, and and inve in vest stig igat ativ ive e s si! i!!s !s to co cond nduc uctt an e+a' +a'in inat atio ion n into into a co'#an #an"s *nanc nciia! state'e e'ents% Thus it #r #ro ovide des s an accounting ana!"sis that is suita(!e for court%

OT-ER TER.INO/OG0: FORENSIC IN1ESTIGA IN1ESTIGATION: TION:  The uti!i)ation uti!i )ation of s#ecia!i)ed investigative si! si!!s !s in carr"ing out an in2uir" conducted in such a 'anner that the outco'e $i!! have a##!ication to a court of !a$% A Forensic Investigation 'a" (e ground gr ounded ed in acc account ounting, ing, 'ed 'edicin icine, e, engineer engineering ing or so' so'e e oth other er disci#!ine% FORENSIC AU3IT An e+a'ination of evidence regarding an assertion to deter'ine its corres#ondence to esta(!ish criteria carried out in a 'anner suita(!e to the court% An e+a'#!e $ou!d (e a Forensic Audit of  sa!es records to deter'ine the 2uantu' of rent o$ing under a !ease agree'ent, $hich is the su(4ect of !itigation%



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A For orens ensic ic Acco Account untan antt is of ofte ten n ret etain ained ed to an ana!" a!"se se,, inte inter# r#rret et,, su''ari)e and #resent co'#!e+ *nancia! and (usiness re!ated issues in a 'anner $hich is (oth understanda(!e and #ro#er!" su##orted% Foren orensi sic c Accou ccount ntan ants ts can can (e en enga gage ged d in #u(! #u(!ic ic #r #rac acti tice ce or e'#!o #!o"ed (" insur ura ance co'#anie ies s, (an (ans, #o!ice ice forces ces, govern'ent agencies and other organi)ations% Investigative Accounting : 5I6 Investigating and ana!"sing *nancia! evide ev idence nce%% 5II6 5II6 Rev evie$ ie$ of the the fa fact ctua ua!! situa situatio tion n and #rov #rovis isio ion n of  suggestions regarding #ossi(!e courses of action% 5III6 Assistance $ith the #rotection and recover" of assets% 5I16Co7ordination of  other e+#erts, inc!uding: Private investigators, Forensic docu'ent e+a'iners, Consu!ting engineers% 516 Assistance $ith the recover" of assets (" $a" of civi! action or cri'ina! #rosecution% /i /ittigat igatio ion n Su## Su##o ort : Ass ssis ista tanc nce e in o(tai (taini ning ng docu docu' 'en enta tati tion on necessar" to su##ort or refute a c!ai'% Revie$ of the re!e !ev vant docu cu' 'entation to for' an initia! ia! assess'ent of the case and identif" areas of !oss% Assis isttance $it ith h E+a'ina ination for for 3isc iscover" er" inc! nc!udi din ng the for' fo r'u!a u!ati tion on of 2ue 2uest stio ions ns to (e as as ed regard egardin ing g the the *n *nan ancia cia!! evidence% Atten ttenda danc nce e at the the E+ E+a' a'in inat atio ion n fo forr 3isc 3iscov over er,, to rev evie ie$ $ th the e testi'on", assist $ith understanding the *nancia! issues and to for'u!ate additiona! 2uestions to (e ased% Revie$ of the o##osing e+#erts da'ages re#ort and re#orting on (oth the strengths and $eanesses of the #ositions taen% Assistance $ith sett!e'ent discussions and negotiations% Attendance at tria! to hear the testi'on" of the o##osing e+#ert and to #rovide assistance $ith cross7e+a'ination%


Basic Accounting Principles and Guidelines Si n ceGAAPi sf o un de do nt h eb as i cac c ou nt i n gp r i n ci p l e sa ndgu i d el i n es ,wec anb et t e ru nd er s t a nd GAAP i fwe u nd er s t a nd t h os ea c c ou nt i n gp r i n c i p l e s .Th ef o l l o wi n gi sa l i s to ft h et e n ma i n ac c ount i ngpr i nc i pl esandgui del i nest oge t herwi t hah i gh l yc onden sede xpl anat i onofeac h. 1.Economi cEnt i t yAssumpt i on

2.Monet ar yUni tAssumpt i on

3.Ti mePer i odAssumpt i on

4.CostPr i nci pl e

5.Ful lDi scl osur ePr i nci pl e

6 .Goi ngConc e r nPr i nc i pl e

7 .Ma t c hi ngPr i nc i pl e

8 .Re v enueRe cogni t i onPr i nc i pl e

9.Mat er i al i t y

1 0.Cons er v at i s m


8hat is fraud : Fraud 'eans di9er ere ent things to di9 i9e erent #eo#!e under di9 i9e erent circu'stances% circu'st ances% For instance, fraud can (e #erceived as dece#tion% One 'ight sa" sa " that that fr frau aud d in th the e fo for' r' of inte intent ntio iona na!! de dece ce#t #tio ion n 5i 5inc nc!u !udi ding ng !" !"in ing g an and d cheating6% Fraud can a!so (e associated $ith in4ur"% One #erson can in4ure another either (" force or through fraud% The use of force to cause (odi!" in4ur" is fro$ned on (" 'ost organi)ed societies using fraud to cause *nancia! in4ur" to another does not a!$a"s carr" the sa'e degree of stig'a or #unish'ent% Fraud is a $ord that has 'an" de*nitions% So'e of the 'ore nota(!e ones are: Fraud as a cri'e% Fraud is a generic ter', and e'(races a!! the 'u!tifarious 'ean 'e ans s that that hu hu'a 'an n inge ingenu nuit it" " ca can n de devi vise se,, $h $hic ich h ar are e res esor orte ted d to (" on one e indi indivi vidu dua! a!,, to ge gett an ad adva vant ntag age e (" fa fa!s !se e 'e 'ean ans s or re# e#rres esen enta tati tion ons% s% No de*nite and invaria(!e ru!e can (e !aid do$n as a genera! #ro#osition in de*ning fraud, as it inc!udes sur#rise, tric, cunning, and unfair $a"s (" $hich another is cheated% Cor#orate fraud : Cor#orate fraud is an" fraud #er#etrated (", for, or against a (usiness cor#oration% .anage'ent fraud% .anage'ent fraud is the intentiona! 'isre#resentation of cor#orate or unit #erfor'ance !eve!s #er#etrated (" e'#!o"ees serving in 'an 'a nag age' e'en entt ro!es o!es $h $ho o se see e to (e (ene ne*t *t fr fro' o' su such ch fr frau auds ds in te terr's of  #ro'otions, #ro'o tions, (onuses or other econo'ic incentives, and status s"'(o!s% /a"#erson;s de*nition of fraud% Fraud : as it is co''on!" understood toda", 'ean 'e ans s di dish shon ones est" t" in th the e for for' of an in inte tent ntio iona na!! de dece ce#t #tio ion n or a $i $i!f !fu! u! 'isre#resentation of a 'ateria! fact% /"ing, the $i!!fu! te!!ing of an untruth, and cheating, the gaining of an unfair or un4ust advantage over another, cou!d cou !d (e use used d to fur furthe therr de* de*ne ne the $ord fra fraud ud (ec (ecaus ause e the these se t$o $or $ords ds denote intention or $i!!ingness to deceive% ACFE;s ACFE; s de* de*nit nition ion of fra fraud ud : The As Assoc sociat iation ion of Cer Certi* ti*ed ed Frau raud d E+ E+a'i a'iner ners s 5ACFE6 de*nes <<occu#ationa! fraud and a(use;; 5e'#!o"ee frauds6 as: <<the use of one;s occu#ation for #ersona! gain through the de!i(erate 'isuse or theft of the e'#!o"ing organi)ation;s resou resources rces or assets%;; The ACFE de*nes *nanc *n ancia! ia! st state ate'en 'entt fra fraud ud as: <<the <<the de! de!i(er i(erate ate 'is 'isre re#r #rese esenta ntatio tion n of the *nancia! *nan cia! condi condition tion of an ente enter#ris r#rise e acco acco'#!is '#!ished hed thr through ough the inten intentiona tiona!!


'issta 'iss tate te'e 'ent nt or o' o'is issi sion on of a' a'ou ount nts s or di disc sc!o !osu surres in th the e *n *nan anci cia! a! state'ents in order to deceive *nancia! state'ent users%;


In orde orderr to #r #ro# o#er er!" !" #r #rev even ent, t, de dete tect ct,, an and d res es#o #ond nd to fr frau aud, d, an anti tifr frau aud d staeho!ders need to understand $h" fraudsters co''it a fraud% No 'ode! or fra'e$or has (een 'ore usefu! than Cresse";s Triang!e Triang!e in #roviding that understanding% <<Fraud Triang!e;; : In the =>?@s, 3ona!d Cresse" $as encouraged (" Ed$in Suther!and, $ho $as serving on his dissertation co''ittee, to use a thesis of $h" a #erson in a #osition of trust $ou!d (eco'e a vio!ator of that trust% Suther!and and Cresse" decided to intervie$ fraudsters $ho $ere convicted of e'(e))!e'ent% Cresse" intervie$ed a(out @@ e'(e))!ers in #rison% One of the 'a4or conc!usions of his e9orts $as that ever" fraud had three things in co''on: 5=6 #ressur #ressure e 5so'eti'es referred to as 'otivation, and usua!!" a <<non7 <<n on7sha share rea(! a(!e e nee need;; d;;6 6 56 rat ration iona!i a!i)at )ation ion 5of #er #erson sona! a! eth ethics ics6 6 and 5B6 no$!edge and o##ortunit" to co''it the cri'e% These three #oints are the corners of the fraud triang!e% OPPORTUNIT0




motivation)  refers to so'ething Pr Pres essu surre : Pressure (or incentive, or motivation)  that has ha##ened in the fraudster;s #ersona! !ife that creates a stressfu! need that 'otivates hi' to stea!% motivation centers Usua!!" that motivation  centers on so'e *nancia! strain, (ut it cou!d (e the drug ug ha habi bitt or s"'# s" '#to to' ' of othe otherr t" t"#e #es s of #r #res essu surres es%% For e+ e+a' a'#! #!e, e, a dr gambling habit  habit  cou!d create great *nancia! need in order to sustain the ha(it and thus create the #ressure associated $ith this as#ect of the fraud incentive% triang!e% So'eti'es a fraudster *nds 'otivation in so'e other incentive% For instance, a!'ost a!! *nancia! state'ent frauds $ere 'otivated (" so'e


incentive incent ive,, usu usua!! a!!" " re!at re!ated ed to stock prices or performance bonuses or both%% So'eti'es an insatia(!e greed causes re!ative!" $ea!th" #eo#!e to both co''it frauds% competiti titive ve and econo economic mic surviv survival al,, $hat other e"ond e"o nd th the e rea ea!' !' of compe polit litica ical, l, su surv rviv ival al pr prov ovide ide 'otives #reci#itate fraudD Socia! and po incentives,, too, in the for' of egoce incentives egocentric ntric and ideolo ideological gical motiv motives es,, es#ecia!!" in *nancia! state'ent frauds% So'eti'es #eo#!e co''it fraud to aggrandi)e their egos, #ut on airs, or assu'e fa!se status% So'eti'es the" survive vive pol politi itical cally ly,, or hav have e a bur burnin ning g des desire ire for pow power er.. dece de ceiv ive e to sur  The" !ie a(out their #ersona! vie$s or # #retend retend to (e!ieve $hen the" do not% Or the" the" si si'# '#!" !" ch chea eatt or !ie !ie to th thei eirr #o #o!i !iti tica ca!! o# o##o #one nent nts s or in inte tent ntio iona na!! !!" " 'isstate their o##onents; #ositions on issues% .otives .otive s to co' co''it 'it fraud in (us (usine iness ss usu usua!!" a!!" are rat ration iona!i a!i)ed )ed (" the o!d business , $hich is a'ora!, sa"ing that all is fair in love and war—and in business, an"$a"% There is one further categor" of 'otivation, ho$ever% It 'ight (e ca!! ca !!ed ed #s #s"c "cho hoti tic, c, (e (eca caus use e it ca cann nnot ot (e e+ e+#! #!ai aine ned d in ter ter's of rati ration ona! a! (ehavior%

Rationa!i)ation : .ost fraudsters do not have a cri'ina! record% In the ACFE Re#ort to the Nation 5RTTN6 @@,=@ >B #ercent of the re#orted fraudsters had no #rior cri'ina! convictions% In fact, $hite7co!!ar cri'ina!s usua!!" have a #ersona! code of ethics% It is not unco''on for a fraudster to (e re!igious% So ho$ do fraudsters 4ustif" actions that are o(4ective!" cri'ina!D  The" si'#!" 4ustif" 4ustif" their cri'e under their cir circu'stances% cu'stances% F For or instance, 'an" $i!! stea! fro' e'#!o"ers (ut 'enta!!" convince the'se!ves that they will repay it 5i%e%, <<I a' 4ust (orro$ing the 'one";;6% Others (e!ieve it hurts no one so that 'aes the theft (enign% Sti!! others (e!ieve the" are entit!ed to the (ene*ts of the fraud and are si'#!" taing 'atters into their o$n hands to ad'inister fair treat'ent 5e%g%, the" deserve a raise or (etter treat'ent6% .an" .a n" ot othe herr e+ e+cu cuse ses s co cou! u!d d se serv rve e as a rati ration ona!i a!i)a )ati tion on,, in inc!u c!udi ding ng so so'e 'e (enevo!ent ones $here the fraudster does not actually keep the stolen funds or ass funds assets ets but use uses s the them m for soci social al pur purpos poses es 5e%g%, to fund an ani'a! c!inic for stra" ani'a!s6% O##ortuni O##ort unit" t" : Ac Accor cordin ding g to Cr Cress esse"; e";s s resea researc rch h 5i% 5i%e%, e%, the Frau raud d Tria riang! ng!e6, e6, opportunity  to co''it the fraudsters a!$a"s have the  the  knowledge and opportunity  fraud% The for'er is reected in no$n frauds, and in research studies such as the ACFE;s RTTNs that sho$ e'#!o"ees and 'anagers tend to have a !ong !ong te tenu nurre $i $ith th a co co'# '#an an" " $h $hen en th the" e" co co'' ''it it th the e fr frau aud% d% A si si'# '#!e !e e+#!anation is that e'#!o"ees and 'anagers $ho have (een around for "ears no$ 2uite $e!! $here the weaknesses are in the internal controls and an d ha have ve gaine ained d su su cien cientt no no$! $!ed edge ge of ho$ to co co' ''it th the e cr cri' i'e e successfu!!"%


A #rere2uisite to opportunity is that the perpetrator be in a position of trust% trust% Re'e'(er Cresse";s thesis $as a(out trust vio!ators% And it is dicu!t to co''it a fraud $ithout (eing in a trusted #osition over assets% ut the 'ain factor in o##ortunit" is interna! contro!s% A $eaness in or a(senc a(s ence e of int inter erna! na! con contr tro!s o!s #r #rovi ovides des the o## o##or ortun tunit" it" for fra frauds udster ters s to co''it their cri'es% It is note$orth" that the Tread$a" Co''ission 5!ater no$n as the Co''ittee of S#onsoring Organi)ations, or COSO6 $as for'ed to res#ond to the savings and !oan frauds and scanda!s of the ear!" =>@s%  The co''ittee;s conc!usion $as that the best prevention was strong internal controls, controls, and the resu!t $as the COSO 'ode! of interna! contro!s, $hich $as incor#orated into *nancia! auditing technica! !iterature as SAS H, Consideration of Interna! Contro! in a Financia! State'ent Audit% Then the Sar(anes7O+!e" Act 5SO6 focused on an annua! eva!uation of the interna! contro!s (" 'anage'ent $ith an inde#endent o#inion of that eva!uation (" the *nancia! auditorsJSection K@K of the act% Again, if the #ur#ose of SO $as to 'ini'i)e fraud, interna! contro! is the e9ective $a" to acco'#!ish that goa!% In fact, it cou!d (e argued that this as#ect of the triang!e is the on!" one that auditors can easi!" o(serve or contro!%  The o##ortunities to co''it fraud are ra'#ant in the #resence of loose or lax man manage agemen mentt  and 5co 5conco nco'i 'itan tant6 t6 ina inade2 de2uat uate e att attent ention ion to int inter erna! na! contro!s% 8hen 'otivation is cou#!ed $ith such o##ortunities, the #otentia! for fraud is increased%


Fraud L Triang!e Lfraud e+a'ination 'ethodo!og" Intro to *nancia! state'ents *nancia! state'ents frauds frauds in FIs res#onsi(i!it" of 'anage'ent M auditors intro to M #reva!ence of fraud #er#etrators M fraud triang!e theor" of fraud #er#etrators



Financia! state'ents frauds : Timing i!erences ("mproper T Treatment reatment of #ales) : There are a variet" of $a"s to #er#etrate a ti'ing di9erences sche'e to e+aggerate revenues excess ess inv invent entory ory to for for the the cu curr rren entt *s *sca ca!! #e #eri riod od%% On One e $a $a" " is to #ush exc salespeople sales people or consi consignment gnment   $hereu#on the inventor" is treated as a sa!e, no$ing fu!! $e!! that 'uch of it $i!! (e returnedJ(ut in a su(se2uent channel el stu$ stu$ng ng%% Sa #eri #e riod od%% Th This is 'et etho hod d is n no$ o$n n as chann Sa!e !es s a!so a!so ca can n (e (oo (oo ed in oth other er vio vio!at !ation ions s of gen gener era!!" a!!" acc acce#t e#ted ed acc accoun ountin ting g #ri #rinci nci#!e #!es s 5GAA 5G AAP6 P6 5e 5e%g %g%, %, ea ear! r!" " rev even enue ue rec ecog ogni niti tion on6% 6% For in inst stan ance ce,, a three%year contract   to #r contract #rov ovid ide e se serv rvic ices es ac acrros oss s th the e #e #eri riod od ca can n a!! a!! (e (o (oo oed ed as revenue in the current year to year  to inate #ro*ts for the ne+t set of *nancia!s, at the e+#ense of future *nancia!s, and o(vious!" not in co'#!iance $ith GAAP and the 'atching #rinci#!e% (#P&s)  to Enron Enro n us used ed a si'i si'i!a !arr 'e 'eth thod od in its its special purpose entities (#P&s)  account for a!! of the revenue fro' !ong7ter' agree'ents in the current "ear% In another fraud, the CFO for a (anru#t co'#an" 5as a resu!t of a *nancia! state'ent fraud6 ad'itted in his de#osition that 'an" sa!es $ere (ooed (efore the" $ere actua!!" consu''ated% -is reason: <<If "ou ne$ in "our heart it $as a sa!e, then $e (ooed it%;; 'ictitious evenues : Fictitious revenues are created si'#!" (" recor recording ding sa!es that never occurred% The" can invo!ve rea! or fae custo'ers% The end resu!t is an increase in re reven venues ues and #r #ro* o*ts, ts, and us usua! ua!!" !" ass assets ets 5th 5the e oth other er sid side e of the *ct *ctitio itious us accounting entr"6% For e+a'#!e, the infa'ous E2uit" Funding scanda! used a *ctitious revenues sche'e to inate (oth revenues and accounts receiva(!e% E2uit" Funding $as an insurance co'#an", to (e s#eci*c, a reinsurer% To create *ctitious re reven venues ues,, the CE CEO O si' si'#!" #!" cr creat eated ed #ho #hon" n" ins insur uranc ance e #o! #o!ici icies% es% After fter sev seven en "ear "e ars, s, th the e fr frau aud d $a $as s *n *na! a!!" !" e+# +#os osed ed in => =>HB HB (" a rec ecen ent! t!" " *r *red ed an and d disgrunt!ed $as #hon"% e'#!o"ee% At that ti'e,  (i!!ion of the B (i!!ion in receiva(!es oncealed *iabilities ("mproper ecording of *iabilities) : *iabilities)  : One $a" to #er#etrate this fraud sche'e is to si'#!" #ost#one the recording of !ia(i!ities in the t$e!fth 'onth of the *sca! "ear so that the current "ear $i!! have !ess e+#enses, and record that !ia(i!it" in the *rst 'onth of the ne+t *sca! "ear "ear%% It is #r #rec ecis ise! e!" " (e (eca caus use e of th this is #o #oss ssi(i i(i!i !it" t" that that *n *nan anci cia! a! au audi dito tors rs #e #erf rfor or' ' su(se2uent7#eriod su(stantive testsJ!ooing for invoices that are dated the "ear under audit (ut #osted in the *rst 'onth of the su(se2uent "ear% Another $a" to co''it this fraud is to 'ove those !ia(i!ities so'e$here e!se% If the co'#an" is !arge and has su(sidiaries, this o(4ective can (e acco ac co'# '#!i !ish shed ed (" 'o 'ovi ving ng th the e !ia( !ia(i!i i!it" t" to a su su(s (sidi idiar ar", ", es es#e #eci cia! a!!" !" if that that co'# co '#an an" " is eith either er no nott au audi dite ted d or au audi dite ted d (" a di di9e 9erren entt au audi ditt *r *r' ' 5a 5an n intentiona! decision to hide the fraud6% This sche'e #ro(a(!" is used often ("


co'#anies% Our assu'#tion is (ased on the fact that the shifting of !ia(i!ities is dicu!t to detect in audits% -o$ever, if it is occurring, there shou!d (e changes in certain ratios: earnings #er share 5EPS6, de(te2uit", and so on%  The fraudsters at Par'a!at Par'a!at used th this is 'ethod to hide !ia(i!ities and #er# #er#etrate etrate a *nancia! state'ent fraud of 'ore than =%B (i!!ion, 'oving !ia(i!ities to su(sidiaries in the Cari((ean, far fro' cor#orate head2uarters in Ita!", and to co'#anies audited (" a di9erent *nancia! audit *r'% The e+ecutives at Par'a!at a!so invented assets and forged docu'ents to (ac u# entries for the', $hich i!!ustrates the co'#!e+it" of 'an" frauds: The fraudster (egins #erha# #er ha#s s $it $ith h a sin sing!e g!e fra fraud ud sch sche' e'e e (ut so' so'eti eti'e 'es s e+ e+#an #ands ds to 'u 'u!ti !ti#!e #!e sche sc he'e 'es% s% Ade de!# !#hi hia a us used ed th the e sa sa'e 'e fr frau aud d 'e 'eth thod od,, 'o 'ovi ving ng !i !ia( a(i!i i!iti ties es to o9(a!ance7 sheet a!iates% Fina!!", a si'#!e fai!ure to record !ia(i!ities acco'#!ishes the sa'e #ur#ose% 8ithout the !ia(i!it", there is no additiona! e+#ense, no reduction in assets, or no decrease in e2uit" that nor'a!!" occurs% I'#ro#er 3isc!osures : One #rinci#!e of fraud is that it is a!$a"s c!andestine%  The fraudster $i!! atte'#t to cover u# for frauds in the (oos% 5This is not necessar" for o97the7(oo sche'es%6 This cover7u# e+tends to disc!osures% 8hi!e 8hi! e En Enrron $a $as s te tech chni nica ca!! !!" " GAA GAAP P co co'# '#!ia !iant nt in di disc sc!o !osi sing ng SP SPEs Es in the the *nancia! state'ents and annua! re#ort, it $as fraudu!ent in hand!ing the associated revenues, and it $as c!andestine in its disc!osures% Enron did 'a 'a e di disc sc!o !osu surres reg egar ardi ding ng th the e SP SPEs Es,, as re2 e2ui uirred ed,, (u (utt th the" e" $e $erre so o(fuscated that even *nancia! e+#erts cou!d not read the' and understand e+act!" the *nancia! ra'i*cations of those SPEs, $hich is $hat $as intended% A!so, Andre$ Fasto$, CFO, re#orted!" hid his association $ith the SPEs fro' the (oa (oard rd to fur furthe therr o(f o(fusc uscate ate the their ir dis disc!o c!osur sure% e% Oth Other er 'e 'etho thods ds inc inc!ud !ude e o'iss o' ission ion in dis disc!o c!osur sures es of !ia !ia(i! (i!it" it",, sig signi* ni*can cantt eve events nts,, an and d 'an 'anage age'en 'entt fraud% An inade2uate disc!osure can (e a $a" to hide evidence of a fraud% I'#ro#er Asset 1a!uation : " inating the a'ounts of assets 5co''on!" receiva(!es, inventor", and !ong !ong7! 7!iv ived ed as asse sets ts6, 6, ca ca#i #ita ta!i !i)i )ing ng e+ e+#e #ens nses es,, or de dea ati ting ng co cont ntra ra ac acco coun unts ts 5a!!o$ 5a! !o$anc ance e for dou dou(tf (tfu! u! acc accoun ounts, ts, de# de#re recat cation ion,, a' a'ort orti)a i)atio tion, n, etc etc%6, %6, the *nancia!s $i!! sho$ a higher than truthfu! e2uit" and #ro*t% -ea!thSouth e+aggerated assets (a!ances to cover insucient #ro*ts over a #eriod of  "ears% A transaction that de(its an asset and credits an e2uit" or revenue account <<'agica!!";;creates #ro*ts% In the case of the 8or!dCo' *nancia! state'ent fraud, !eases of te!e#hone !ines $ere c!ear!" an e+#ense% 0et 8or!dCo';s CEO convinced accountants interna!!" and *nancia! auditors e+terna!!" to treat the' as assets% Thus (" 'oving 'i!!ions of do!!ars of e+#enses to the (a!ance sheet, the inco'e state'ent sudden!" !ooed 'uch (etter%


asic Accounting Princi#!es and Guide!ines Since GAAP is founded on the (asic accounting #rinci#!es and guide! gui de!in ines, es, $e ca can n (et (ette terr un under derst stan and d GAA GAAP P if $e und under erst stan and d those accounting accounting #rinci#!es% The fo!!o$ing is a !ist of the ten 'ain acco ac coun unti ting ng #r #rin inci ci#! #!es es an and d gu guid ide! e!in ines es to toge geth ther er $i $ith th a hi high gh!" !" condensed e+#!anation of each%

+. &conomic &ntity ssumption  The accountant ee#s a!! of the business business transactions  transactions of a so!e #ro#rietorshi# se#arate fro' the (usiness o$ners personal o$ners  personal  tra rans nsac acttio ions ns%% For legal legal  #ur#oses, a so!e #ro#rietorshi# and its o$ner are considered to (e one entit", (ut for accounting #ur#oses the" are considered to (e t$o se#arate entities%

-. onetary /nit ssumption Econo'ic activit" is 'easured in U%S% do!!ars, and on!" transactions that can (e e+#ressed in U%S% do!!ars are recorded% ecause of this (asic accounting #rinci#!e, it is assu'ed that the do!!ars #urchasing #o$er has not changed over ti'e% As a resu!t accountants ignore the e9ect of ination on recorded a'ounts% For e+a'#!e, do!!ars fro' a =>@ transaction are co'(ined 5or sho$n6 $ith do!!ars fro' a @=K transaction%

0. Time Period ssumption  This accounting #rinci#!e assu'es that it is #ossi(!e to re#ort the co'#!e+ and ongoing activities of a (usiness in re!ative!" short, distinct ti'e interva!s such as the *ve 'onths ended .a" B=, @=K, or the ? $ees ended .a" =, @=K% The shorter the ti'e interva!, the 'ore !ie!" the need for the accountant to esti'ate a'ounts re!evant to that #eriod% For e+a'#!e, the #ro#ert" ta+ (i!! is received on 3ece'(er =? of each e ach "ear% "ear% On the inco'e state'ent for the "ear ended 3ece'(er B=, @=B, the a'ount is no$n (ut for the inco'e state'ent for the three 'onths ended .arch B=, @=K, the a'ount $as not no$n and an esti'ate had to (e used%


It is imperative imperative that  that the ti'e interva! 5or #eriod of ti'e6 (e sho$n in the heading of each inco'e state'ent, state'ent of stocho!ders e2uit", and state'ent of cash o$s% /a(e!ing one of  these *nancia! state'ents $ith state'ents $ith &3ece'(er B=& is not good enoughLthe reader needs to no$ if the state'ent covers the one week  ended  ended 3ece'(er B=, @=K the month month ended  ended 3ece'(er @=K the threeB=, months months ended or the year B=, ended ended 3ece'(er  3ece'(er @=K% ended 3ece'(er B=, @=K 1. ost Principle Fro' an accountants #oint of vie$, vi e$, the ter' &cost& refers to the a'ount s#ent 5cash or the cash e2uiva!ent6 $hen an ite' $as originally  o(tained,  o(tained, $hether that #urchase ha##ened !ast "ear or thirt" "ears ago% For this reason, the a'ounts sho$n on *nancia! state'ents are referred to as historical historical cost  cost a'ounts% ecause of this accounting #rinci#!e asset a'ounts are not  ad4usted  ad4usted u#$ard for ination% In fact, as a genera! ru!e, asset a'ounts are not ad4usted to reect any  t"#e  t"#e of increase in va!ue% -ence, an asset a'ount does not reect the a'ount of 'one" a co'#an" $ou!d receive if it $ere to se!! the asset at toda"s 'aret va!ue% 5An e+ce#tion is certain invest'ents in stocs and (onds that are active!" traded on a stoc e+change%6 If  "ou $ant to no$ the current va!ue of a co'#an"s !ong7ter' !ong7 ter' assets, "ou $i!! not get this infor'ation fro' a co'#an"s *nancia! state'entsL"ou need to !oo e!se$here, #erha#s to a third7#art" a##raiser% 2. 'ull isclosure Principle If certain infor'ation is i'#ortant to an investor or !ender using the *nancia! state'ents, that infor'ation shou!d (e disc!osed $ithin the state'ent or in the notes to the state'ent% It is (ecause of this (asic accounting #rinci#!e that nu'erous #ages of  &footnotes& are often attached to *nancia! state'ents% As an e+a'#!e, !ets sa" a co'#an" is na'ed in a !a$suit that de'ands a signi*cant signi*can t a'ount of 'one"% 'one"% 8hen the *nancia! *n ancia! state'ents are #re#ared it is not c!ear $hether the co'#an" $i!! (e a(!e to defend itse!f or $hether it 'ight !ose the !a$suit% As a resu!t of these conditions and (ecause of the fu!! disc!osure #rinci#!e the !a$suit $i!! (e descri(ed in the notes to the *nancia! state'ents%


A co'#an" usua!!" !ists its signi*cant accounting #o!icies as the *rst note to its *nancia! state'ents%

3. 4oing oncern Principle  This accounting #rinci#!e assu'es that a co'#an" $i!! continue to e+ist !ong enough to carr" out its o(4ectives and co''it'ents and $i!! not !i2uidate in the foreseea(!e future% If the co'#an"s *nancia! situation is such that the accountant (e!ieves the co'#an" $i!! not  (e  (e a(!e to continue on, the accountant is re2uired to disc!ose this assess'ent%  The going concern #rinci#!e a!!o$s the co'#an" to defer so'e of its #re#aid e+#enses unti! future accounting #eriods%

5. atching Principle  This accounting #rinci#!e re2uires co'#anies to use the accrua! (asis of accounting% accounting% The 'atching #rinci#!e re2uires that e+#enses (e 'atched $ith revenues% For e+a'#!e, ein +a'#!e, sa!es co''issions e+#ense shou!d (e re#orted the #eriod $hen the sa!es $ere 'ade 5and not re#orted in the #eriod $hen the co''issions $ere #aid6% 8ages to e'#!o"ees are re#orted as an e+#ense in the $ee $hen the e'#!o"ees $ored and not in the $ee $hen the e'#!o"ees are #aid% If a co'#an" agrees to give its e'#!o"ees =Q of its @=K revenues as a (onus on anuar" =?, @=?, the co'#an" shou!d re#ort the (onus as an e+#ense in @=K and the a'ount un#aid at 3ece'(er B=, @=K as a !ia(i!it" ! ia(i!it"%% 5The e+#ense is occurring as the sa!es are occurring%6 ecause $e cannot 'easure the future econo'ic (ene*t of things such as advertise'ents 5and there(" $e cannot 'atch the ad e+#ense $ith re!ated future revenues6, the accountant charges the ad a'ount to e+#ense in the #eriod that the ad is run% 5To !earn 'ore a(out ad4usting entries go to &xplanation of d6usting &ntries and 7ui8 for d6usting &ntries.6 9. evenue ecognition Principle Under the accrua! (asis of accounting 5as o##osed to the cash (asis of accounting6, accounting6, revenues revenues are  are recogni)ed as soon as a #roduct has (een so!d or a service has (een #erfor'ed, regard!ess of $hen the 'one" is actua!!" received% Under this (asic accounting #rinci#!e, a co'#an" cou!d earn and re#ort


@,@@@ of revenue in its *rst 'onth of o#eration (ut receive @ in actua! cash in that 'onth% For e+a'#!e, if AC Consu!ting co'#!etes its service se rvice at an agreed #rice of =,@@@, AC shou!d recogni)e =,@@@ of revenue as a s soon as its $or is doneJit does not 'atter $hether the c!ient #a"s the =,@@@ i''ediate!" or in B@ da"s% 3o not confuse revenue $ith revenue  $ith a cash recei#t% recei#t% :. ateriality ecause of this (asic accounting #rinci#!e or guide!ine, an accountant 'ight (e a!!o$ed to vio!ate another accounting #rinci#!e if an a'ount is insigni*cant% Professiona! 4udge'ent is needed to decide $hether an a'ount is insigni*cant or i''ateria!% An e+a'#!e of an o(vious!" i''ateria! ite' is the #urchase of a =?@ #rinter (" a high!" #ro*ta(!e 'u!ti7'i!!ion do!!ar do! !ar co'#an"% co'#an"% ecause the #rinter $i!! (e used for *ve "ears, the matching matching #rinci#!e  #rinci#!e directs the accountant to e+#ense the cost over the *ve7"ear #eriod% The materiality guide!ine a!!o$s this co'#an" to vio!ate the 'atching #rinci#!e and to e+#ense the entire cost of =?@ in the "ear it is #urchased% The 4usti*cation is that no one $ou!d consider it 'is!eading if =?@ is e+#ensed in the *rst "ear instead of B@ (eing e+#ensed in each of the *ve "ears that it is used% ecause of 'ateria!it", *nancia! state'ents usua!!" sho$ a'ounts rounded to the nearest do!!ar, to the nearest thousand, or to the nearest 'i!!ion do!!ars de#ending on the si)e of the co'#an"%

+;. onservatism If a situation arises $here there are t$o acce#ta(!e a!ternatives for re#orting an ite', conservatis' directs the accountant to choose the a!ternative that $i!! resu!t in !ess net inco'e andor !ess asset a'ount% Conservatis' he!#s the accountant to &(rea a tie%& It does not direct accountants to (e conservative% Accountants are e+#ected to (e un(iased and o(4ective%  The (asic accounting #rinci#!e of conservatis' !eads accountants to antici#ate or disc!ose !osses, (ut it does not a!!o$ a si'i!ar action for gains% For*nancia! e+a'#!e, e+a'#!e, potential  potential !osses  !osses fro' !a$suits $i!! (e re#orted on the state'ents or in the notes,


(ut potential  potential gains  gains $i!! not (e re#orted% A!so, an accountant 'a" (ut $rite inventor" down downto to an a'ount that is !o$er than the origina! cost, (ut $i!! not $rite inventor" up up to  to an a'ount higher than the origina! cost%

.otives for Financia! State'ent Fraud a% To 'ae a co'#an"s earnings !oo (etter on #a#er% ( To covers u# the e'(e))!e'ent of co'#an" funds%  To  To encourage invest'ent through through the sa!e of stoc stoc  To  To de'onstrate increase increase earnings #er share share thus a!!o$ing increased increased dividenddistri(ution #a"outs  To  To cover ina(i!it" to generate cash cash o$ To dis#e! negative 'aret 'aret #erce#tions  To  To o(tain *nancing, or to o(tain o(tain 'ore favoura(!e ter's ter's on e+isting *nancing *nancing h% To receive higher #urchase #rices for ac2uisitions  To  To de'onstrate co'#!iance co'#!iance $ith *nancing covenants  To  To 'eet co'#an" goa!s and and o(4ectives  To  To receive #erfor'ance7re!ated #erfor'ance7re!ated (onus (onus

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