Green Genies Natural Cleaners

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guide to natural cleaners
Treat the Earth well,
It was not given to you by your parents,
It was loaned to you by your children.
Indian Proverb
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
Copyright 2012 ~
Contents of this free e-guide may be copied and
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an interest in using the included information for research
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does not constitute legal or technical advice.
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
On my 50th birthday I suffered from the worst migraine I had ever experienced. For over
35 years I ex¡erienced migraines 1-3 limes a monlh, some Iasling for 2 and 3 days. Òver lhe
years I tried every diet and medication imaginable with little or no relief. At this point in my
Iife I had come lo acce¡l lhese e¡isodes as normaI for me, bul lhe severily of lhis ¡arlicuIar
migraine really scared me. Two weeks before my birthday my friend Alice had sent me a
Ieaßel aboul environmenlaI sensilivilies. AIice has suffered from exlreme ¡hysicaI reaclions
to fragrances and other chemicals for many years and her overall health had steadily
decIined due lo environmenlaI sensilivilies. I brießy scanned lhe ¡ages and lhoughl lo
myseIf, ¨I'm so gIad lhal I don'l have lhese ¡robIems.¨ A fev days afler my birlhday I look a
second Iook al lhis Ieaßel and vilhin lhe veek I slo¡¡ed using aII commerciaI cIeaning and
¡ersonaI care ¡roducls re¡Iaced lhem vilh a handfuI of non loxic, inex¡ensive ¡roducls.
I s¡enl severaI days gIued lo my com¡uler and GoogIe. I vas shocked and horrihed
to to discover that in the United States manufacturers of household cleaning products
are not required to disclose the contents of their products to the consumer. Cleaning
and ¡ersonaI care ¡roducls are misre¡resenled lo lhe ¡ubIic as being ¨safe¨ vhen
used as recommended by the manufacturer. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Knovn carcinogens, neuroloxins, and IelhaI ¡oisons are combined, ¡ackaged and soId
for ¨cIeaning¨ our homes and bodies. Il vas incom¡rehensibIe lo me lhal lhousands of
lhese com¡ounds have been researched, sludied and found lo be loxic, dangerous and
deadIy, yel lhey conlinue lo be used in ¡roducls found in aImosl every American home.
With just a handful of natural ingredients I replaced every commercial cleaner
and detergent I had been using in my home. I found that using natural household
cleaners is simple and economical. There are a number of natural cleaners that
are bio-friendly and far more effective than their toxic commercial counterparts.
These cleaners have been used for generations and break down into the water and
soiI vilhoul causing damage lo humans, viIdIife, ¡Ianl Iife or Larlh's eco-syslem.
This guide took form over the past months of playing with these natural cleaning
ingredients. It is my desire that the recipes and ideas contained in this guide will help you
to make simple changes in your daily life to reduce toxic chemical exposure in your life.
Lslher ~ aka ¨MommaGenie¨
February 2012
¡.s. I am gralefuI lo re¡orl lhal I am migraine-free for lhe hrsl lime in my aduIl Iife.
the natural cleaners
According to the National Research Council, no toxic information is available for more than 80% of the chemicals
in everyday-use products. Only 1% of toxins are required to be listed on labels, because companies classify their
formulas as “trade secrets.”
Lorie Dwornick, researcher, educator and activist, 2002
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
ba_ing soda (bicarbonate of soda)
Baking soda is a chemical salt with many practical household uses.
Due lo ils aIkaIine ¡ro¡erlies, baking soda acls lo neulraIize acids and
slabiIizes ¡H IeveIs. This neulraIizing quaIily makes baking soda an
effeclive deodorizer.
Baking soda is an essential clean green helper and a star player in
many of my cIeaning reci¡es. Iree of loxic chemicaIs, baking soda is
inexpensive and effective. I always have several large boxes on hand of
this all-purpose green stand-in for household and personal use.
While vinegar is my ~1 cIean green heI¡er. Like baking soda, vinegar
is non-loxic, inex¡ensive and effeclive in muIli¡Ie a¡¡Iicalions for
household and personal use. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and
deodorizer and il is com¡IeleIy safe for use vilh chiIdren, ¡els and
people with allergies and chemical sensitivities.
For years I resisted using vinegar for cleaning because the smell is so
slrong, vhal I did nol reaIize vas lhal once vinegar dries lhe smeII
completely disappears. Problem solved! I now use vinegar daily for
cIeaning, Iaundry and ¡ersonaI use.
IIease DÒ NÒT use vinegar for cIeaning marbIe or lraverline ßoors or
liIe. AIlhough marbIe is a slone, il has a sofl and ¡orous surface and can
be damaged quite easily by acids like lemon juice and vinegar.
Cancer rates have continued to
increase every year since 1970.
Brain cancer in children is up
40% in 20 years. Toxic chemicals
are largely to blame.
NY Times
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
hydrogen peroxide (H
Hydrogen Ieroxide is commonIy avaiIabIe in 3/ and 6/ veighl
concentrations as a clear solution. While there are many genuinely green
cIeaners lhal are harmIess, hydrogen ¡eroxide has lhe dislinclion of
acluaIIy being good for our rivers, ¡Ianls and ground valer. Hydrogen
¡eroxide breaks dovn inlo valer and oxygen, il does nol gel any
¨greener¨ lhan lhal!
The oxidizing ¡ro¡erlies of hydrogen ¡eroxide make il an exceIIenl
re¡Iacemenl for chIorine bIeach, ammonia, and olher harmfuI chemicaIs.
Hydrogen ¡eroxide can be used lo cIean, disinfecl, sanilize, and bIeach
|usl aboul anylhing. Hydrogen ¡eroxide does nol Ieave a residue and il is
completely safe for use around children and pets.
There are several strengths of hydrogen peroxide available. Food grade
hydrogen peroxide is readily available and may be diluted for many
a¡¡Iicalions. IersonaIIy, I have onIy used lhe 3/ soIulion commonIy
available at any drug or grocery store and have found this to be adequate
for my needs.
Please note to always keep hydrogen peroxide in its original dark plastic
or gIass conlainer. Lx¡osure lo Iighl viII degrade lhe ¡olency of lhe
oxygen content.
TII: Allach a s¡ray nozzIe direclIy lo lhe brovn quarl conlainer of
hydrogen peroxide for spray applications.
borax (sodium borale, sodium lelraborale)
Borax is a boron compound that has been known to humans for
lhousands of years. ßoron is an im¡orlanl eIemenl lhal heI¡ ¡Ianls uliIize
caIcium and has been used since lhe MiddIe Ages lo make ¡ollery and
WhiIe borax is a naluraI eIemenl, il does need lo be handIed vilh caulion
and kept out of reach of children and pets. Borax is safe in diluted
soIulions, bul can be very harmfuI vhen ingesled.
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
washing soda (sodium carbonale, saI soda, soda ash)
Nol lo be confused vilh baking soda, vashing soda is a highIy aIkaIine
(¡H 11) com¡ound lhal binds lo lhe mineraIs lhal make valer hard,
allowing soap to clean fabric without any residue. Washing soda is
effeclive al descaIing mineraI de¡osils. Like borax, vashing soda is
a natural element that has been used for centuries dating back to the
ancienl Lgy¡lians.
WhiIe vashing soda is nol lhe besl aII-¡ur¡ose cIeaner, il is mosl usefuI
in the laundry and also very good at dissolving grease or waxy deposits.
I use washing soda as an ingredient in my homemade automatic
dishwasher powder and laundry detergent recipes.
Safety Warning: Washing soda can cause skin irritation and can be
dangerous in large amounts. Keep out of the reach of children and pets.
Do nol use vashing soda on hbergIass, aIuminum, vaxed or varnished
surfaces - the strong alkalinity will cause damage to these surfaces.
salt (sodium chloride)
WhiIe nol a ma|or ¡Iayer in my naluraI cIeaning arsenaI, labIe saIl
does several things quite effectively - particularly as a scrubbing agent.
Simple table salt is very cheap and safe for the environment in moderate
amounts. Please be aware when using salt for cleaning that it is very
drying to the skin and I do recommend wearing gloves to protect your
hands. Salt is a key ingredient in my homemade soft scrub recipe and
automatic dishwasher powder!

150 chemicals found in the home
have been linked to allergies,
birth defects, cancer, and
psychological disorders.
Consumer Product Safety
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
ChemicaIIy, soa¡ is a saIl of fally acids. Soa¡s are made by combining
oils or fats (acids) with an alkaline solution of lye (wood ash). When the
acids and the alkaline combine this creates a chemical reaction known as
sa¡onihcalion resuIling in lhe fals converling inlo free fally acids. LarIiesl
records of soa¡-making dale back lo ancienl ßabIyon, 22OO ßC. NaluraIIy
made soa¡s, free from synlhelic ingredienls, have been safeIy used for
cenluries for balhing, cIeaning and Iaundry.
InforlunaleIy, loday mosl commerciaIIy made soa¡s are made vilh
inex¡ensive hIIers, harmfuI chemicaI addilives and synlhelic fragrances,
resulting in harsh detergents rather than wholesome natural soap.
I am a huge fan of Dr. Bronner’s liquid and bar soaps. Dr. Bronner
has been making clean and natural castile (olive oil based) soaps for
a very long time and over the years they have consistently produced
a vonderfuI, safe, high quaIily soa¡. Ior vashing dishes I use Dr.
Bronner’s peppermint organic liquid soap.
When ¡urchasing soa¡ Iook for soa¡s made vilh naluraI ingredienls, free
of synthetic fragrances. I prefer soaps made with vegetable oils assuring
the products are cruelty free.
Pumice is a type of volcanic rock that is light and airy in composition.
Pumice is widely used commercially in many applications as a natural
abrasive. I purchase pumice sticks in the grocery store in the cleaning
aisle - they are inexpensive and last a good long time.
lemon juice
Lemons are a gift from nature and can be used as fragrant household
cIeaner in a variely of a¡¡Iicalions, ¡arlicuIarIy as a safe and genlIe
degreasing agent.
the recipes
Since 1950, at least 70,000 new chemical compounds have been invented and dispersed into our environment.
Only a fraction of these have been tested for human toxicity. We are, by default, conducting a massive clinical
toxicology trial, and our children and their children are the experimental animals.
Herbert L. Needleman, M.D., Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., Raising Children Toxic Free
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
When I made the decision to eliminate all commercially made cleaning
¡roducls from my home, I honeslIy did nol have a cIue vhal I vouId
use lo re¡Iace lhem. As a naluraI born do-il-yourseIf kind of gaI, I sel
oul lo hgure oul hov I couId make my ovn cIeaners. Armed vilh lhe
informalion and reci¡es I galhered, I began lo make my ovn cIeaning
products. The following collection of recipes are the result of months of
trial and error and tweaking the ingredients until I was happy with the
resuIls. Ha¡¡y cIeaning!
scrubby paste
As a recovering Sofl Scrub addicl, I vas delermined lo hnd a suilabIe
natural alternative. This quest would take months of trial and error. I
lried using dry baking soda as a cIeanser s¡rinkIed in my sink or lub, bul
I was not happy with the results. I then combined baking soda and table
saIl, beller, bul nol greal. I conlinued for monlhs of lriaI and error and
experimentation until I formulated the following recipe.
WhiIe lhis reci¡e is su¡er sim¡Ie, ¡Iease make sure lo foIIov lhese
instructions exactly as written. Baking soda does funny things when
mixed with water and soap. The proportions of the ingredients need to be
exact and mixed in a particular order or you will have a clumpy mess!
1. Place 1 cup of baking soda in a mixing bowl.
2. Add 1/2 cup of water and mix until baking soda and water are
well combined.
3. Add 1/2 cup of table salt and 1/4 cup liquid soap (I use Dr.
Bronner’s Liquid Peppermint Castile Soap) and mix ingredients
until a paste forms.
4. Store in airtight containers (I recycle plastic yogurt or cream
cheese containers).
When combined, chemicals are
even more dangerous. Deadly
fumes result from mixing
ammonia with bleach (both
found in many household
products) creating lethal
“mustard gas”!
U.S. Government, E.P.A.
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
ª balhlub ª slove lo¡ ª kilchen sink
ª oven ª slove lo¡ ª even a faciaI scrub
ª ¡ols and ¡ans ª hard valer on shover doors
scouring powder
If you are like my mom - who loves a dry scouring powder - just mix
up 1 cup of baking soda with 1/2 cup of table salt and use just like the
commercial scouring powders.
automatic dishwashing powder
ª 1 cu¡ borax
ª 1 cu¡ vashing soda
ª 112 cu¡ labIe saIl
Place ingredients in a container and shake to mix. Use 1 tablespoon
per load.
Pour 1/2 - 3/4 cup of vinegar directly into the bottom of my dishwasher
before starting the wash cycle. You can also add vinegar to the rinse
dispenser. Vinegar keeps your glasses shiny and it also helps with cutting
grease during the wash cycle.
wood cleaner and polish
Dam¡ mo¡ vood ßoors vilh a soIulion of one ¡arl vinegar lo one ¡arl
Wood Polish #1
Mix one ¡arl Iemon |uice and one ¡arl oIive oi. Rub vilh a sofl rag on
vood furnilure and ßoors.
Wood Polish #2
Mix one ¡arl vinegar lo one ¡arl vegelabIe or oIive oiI. Rub vilh sofl rag
on vood furnilure and ßoors.
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
powder detergent
ª 1 cu¡ graled bar soa¡ (I ¡refer Dr. ßronner's bar soa¡s for ¡urily)
ª 112 cu¡ Washing Soda
ª 112 cu¡ ßorax
Mix ingredienls lhoroughIy and use 1 labIes¡oon for a Iighl Ioad
and 2 tablespoons for a heavily soiled load.
Note: I made this formula by cutting up the bar of soap into small
pieces and then putting the pieces into a food processor to grate down
into almost a powder. I only made this once as I much prefer the liquid
detergent recipe.
liquid detergent
ª 1 cu¡ or 1 bar of graled soa¡ - (I ¡refer Dr. ßronner's bar soa¡s
for purity)
ª 112 cu¡ Washing Soda
ª 112 cu¡ ßorax
ª 16 cu¡s of hol valer
In a large pot:
ª MeIl lhe soa¡ in 6 cu¡s of valer.
ª Add lhe vashing soda and lhe borax slir unliI meIled.
ª Iour 4 cu¡s of lhe hol valer inlo lhe buckel, add soa¡ mixlure
and stir. Add remaining hot water to bucket and stir.
ª If desired, add essenliaI oiIs lo mixlure and slir.
ª AIIov mixlure lo sil for 24 hours. Mixlure viII lurn inlo a geI.
Store in covered containers. (I save empty gallon vinegar containers
to store laundry detergent.)
NOTE: The geI has a lendency lo se¡arale, lhis is normaI as lhere are no
emuIsihers in lhe formuIa. }usl make sure you shake veII before using.
Liquid dish soap is the leading
cause of poisonings in the home
for children under the age of
six (over 2.1 million accidental
poisonings per year). Most
brands of liquid dish soap
contain Formaldehyde and
United States House of
Representatives Report, 1989
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
directions for use
ª Ironl Loading Machine: IiII lhe delergenl rece¡lacIe
ª To¡ Ioading machine: Ise 112 cu¡ ¡er Ioad.
Note: This detergent does a great job of cleaning normally soiled
Iaundry. If you have a ¡arlicuIarIy soiIed Ioad, add 114 lo 112 cu¡
of borax and 1/4 to 1/2 cup of washing soda to the load
IMPORTANT: Vinegar in the rinse cycle is a must to prevent clogging
of ¡i¡es or machine ¡arls, es¡eciaIIy if you are using soa¡s made from
animal fats. I only use soaps made from vegetable oils and have never
encountered a problem.
NOTE: I have aIso used Dr. ßronner's Iiquid soa¡ as a Iaundry soa¡,
especially for delicates and also for hand washing. You only need to use a
small amount. Be sure to add white vinegar in the rinse!

fabric softener
ª 1 cu¡ baking soda
ª 1 cu¡ vhile vinegar
ª 2 cu¡s valer
ª 8-1O dro¡s of essenliaI oiI
ª Ise 114 cu¡ in rinse cycIe.
ª Ior sheels and loveIs add 112 cu¡ of baking soda lo lhe vash
cycle and they always come out soft.
NOTE: If you have a se¡lic syslem you MIST use vinegar in your rinse if
you are using soaps made from animal fats for laundry.
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
fabric starch
ª 2 cu¡s of valer
ª 2 labIes¡oons of cornslarch.
ª Mix and ¡Iace in s¡ray bollIe.
ª Shake before each use.
ª Misl cIolhes vilh Iiquid slarch before ironing.
all purpose cleaner
ª 4 labIes¡oons of vhile vinegar
ª 2 leas¡oons of ßorax
ª 2 cu¡s aImosl boiIing valer
ª Add ingredienls direclIy inlo a 32 oz s¡ray bollIe in lhe order
above to make sure the borax completely dissolves.
ª AIIov lo cooI and shake unliI borax is com¡IeleIy dissoIved.
ª Add 114 cu¡ of Iiquid soa¡ (I use Dr. ßronner's Liquid
Peppermint Castile Soap)
ª Add valer lo hII conlainer, shake veII.
concentrated recipe
Follow directions above using a 1/2 gallon container with:
ª 314 cu¡ of vhile vinegar
ª 8 leas¡oons of ßorax
ª 3 cu¡s aImosl boiIing valer
This is a miId and effeclive aII ¡ur¡ose and ßoor cIeaner. Ise lhe
concenlraled version in a buckel for mo¡¡ing ßoors and for generaI
cIeaning, ad|usling lhe ralio of concenlraled cIeaner lo valer de¡ending
on the cleaning project.
In the past 50 years more than
75,000 chemicals have been
introduced into the environment.
Today 300 synthetic chemicals
are found in the bodies of
humans. Even newborn babies
have synthetic chemicals passed
on from their mothers.
REACH, a European Union
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
window cleaner
ª 16 oz of vhile vinegar
ª 16 oz of valer
ª Add ingredienls direclIy inlo a 32 oz s¡ray bollIe
ª Ise on gIass and mirrors. If desired use nevs¡a¡ers for a
slreak-free hnish.
natural air fresheners
Making your ovn naluraI air fresheners is fun and su¡er sim¡Ie. You can
make your own elaborate scent creations or just keep it simple to one or
two ingredients.
LssenliaI oiIs are naluraI disliIIalions of ¡Ianls and ßovers. Some
essenliaI oiIs can be quile ¡ricey, bul a IillIe goes a very Iong vay. I
usuaIIy aIvays have on hand ¡e¡¡erminl, Iavender, rosemary and cilrus
oils. They are readily found online or in your local health food store.
Ior a sim¡Ie s¡ray air freshener use a s¡ray bollIe - one lhal has a hne
misl s¡rilzer-ly¡e s¡ray nozzIe vorks besl - hII vilh valer and add 4-5
dro¡s of essenliaI oiI ¡er ounce of valer, shake and use. If you vouId Iike
a stronger scent add more oil until you are happy with the results.
AIlernaliveIy, you can re¡Iace 113 of lhe valer vilh vodka. I kee¡ a bollIe
of cheap vodka on hand for my fragrance sprays. The alcohol helps to
disburse lhe oiIs inlo lhe air and il aIso inlensihes lhe scenl of lhe oiIs.
My favorile air freshener combinalion is ¡e¡¡erminl oiI and vaniIIa
extract. Add 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract and 30 drops of peppermint
oiI lo 4-6 oz of Iiquid. Ad|usl ¡ro¡orlions unliI you are ha¡¡y vilh lhe
ª While vinegar removes odors naluraIIy on surfaces and in lhe air.
ª ßaking soda absorbs odors.
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
ª Simmer s¡ices and1or dried cilrus rinds on lhe slovelo¡ in a ¡an of
water and the fragrance will be released.
ª LssenliaI oiIs can be used as s¡ray fresheners or burned in an
aromatherapy diffuser.
ª ßeesvax candIes scenled vilh naluraI essenliaI oiIs as an
aIlernalive lo heaviIy scenled synlhelic ¡arafhn vax candIes.
WhiIe nol exaclIy vhal ve consider lo be ¨air fresheners¨ house¡Ianls
are a perfectly natural way to clean and freshen the air in our homes. In
lhe Iale 198O's NASA conducled sludies on lhe effecls of ¡Ianls in indoor
spaces. They discovered that while certain plants were better than others
for absorbing common indoor ¡oIIulanls, aII ¡Ianls had ¡ro¡erlies lhal
were useful to improve indoor air quality.
The following is a list of the most effective plants for keeping the air in
your home clean naturally:
1. IhiIodendron scandens `oxycardium', hearlIeaf ¡hiIodendron
2. IhiIodendron domeslicum, eIe¡hanl ear ¡hiIodendron
3. Dracaena fragrans `Massangeana', cornslaIk dracaena
4. Hedera heIix, LngIish ivy
5. ChIoro¡hylum comosum, s¡ider ¡Ianl
6. Dracaena deremensis `}anel Craig', }anel Craig dracaena
7. Dracaena deremensis `Warneckii', Warneck dracaena
8. Iicus ben|amina, vee¡ing hg
9. L¡i¡iremnum aureum, goIden ¡olhos
1O. S¡alhi¡hyIIum `Mauna Loa', ¡eace IiIy
11. IhiIodendron seIIoum, seIIoum ¡hiIodendron
12. AgIaonema modeslum, Chinese evergreen
13. Chamaedorea sefrilzii, bamboo or reed ¡aIm
14. Sansevieria lrifasciala, snake ¡Ianl
15. Dracaena marginala , red-edged dracaena
More than 7 million accidental
poisonings occur each year,
with more than 75% involving
children under age 6!
The Columbia University
College of Physicians &
the cleaning applications
According to the National Research Council, no toxic information is available for more than 80% of the chemicals
in everyday-use products. Only 1% of toxins are required to be listed on labels, because companies classify their
formulas as “trade secrets.”
Lorie Dwornick, researcher, educator and activist, 2002
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
carpet cleaning
I have owned a home carpet steam cleaner for many years and over the
years I have tried all kinds of different cleaning solutions in my steamer
and I am happy to say that the best cleaner I have used is plain white
vinegar. I use 1 cup of vinegar to 1 gallon of water in my steamer and the
resuIls are fabuIous. The vinegar cIeans, neulraIizes odors and Ieaves lhe
carpet super soft. If the carpets are really soiled or the pets have left their
mark, I viII ¡relreal lhe soiIed areas and bum¡ u¡ lhe vinegar lo 1.5 or 2
cups per gallon.
carpet stain removal tips
Light Stains
DissoIve 2 labIes¡oons of labIe saIl in 112 cu¡ of vhile vinegar. Rub
solution into carpet and allow to dry. Vacuum when dry.
Dark Stains
Dissolve 2 tablespoons of table salt and 2 tablespoons of borax in
112 cu¡ of vhile vinegar. Rub soIulion inlo car¡el and aIIov lo dry.
Vacuum when dry.
Tough Stains
Make a ¡asle vilh 1 labIes¡oon of corn slarch and 1 labIes¡oon of
vinegar. Rub ¡asle inlo slain and aIIov lo sel for 2 days. Vacuum and
repeat if necessary.
chrome and stainless steel
Spray undiluted white vinegar onto surface and buff with soft cloth to
bring out the shine.
More than 7 million accidental
poisonings occur each year,
with more than 75% involving
children under age 6!
The Columbia University
College of Physicians &
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
cutting boards and countertops
Hydrogen ¡eroxide is food safe and com¡IeleIy residue-free,
making it my #1 choice for cleaning and disinfecting kitchen counters.
Hydrogen ¡eroxide viII nol duII lhe shine or harm lhe ¡oIished surface of
granite counter tops.
Wipe cutting boards or countertops with full strength white vinegar
afler each use. The acelic acid in lhe vinegar is effeclive againsl L. coIi,
Salmonella and Staphylococcus.
deodorize and neutralize household odors
ª IIace an o¡en box or smaII bovI of baking soda in lhe back
of the fridge.
ª S¡rinkIe baking soda on lhe bollom of lrashcans.
ª Deodorize sinks, drains, and garbage dis¡osaIs by ¡ouring 112 cu¡
of baking soda down the drain with running water.
ª Ireshen cIosels by ¡Iacing an o¡en box of baking soda on a sheIf.
ª Deodorize ¡el beds by s¡rinkIing baking soda on bedding - vail 3O
minutes and then vacuum.
ª Deodorize killy Iiller by s¡rinkIing baking soda on lo¡ of Iiller
after cleaning.
ª Deodorize shoes by s¡rinkIing baking soda inlo shoes in belveen
uses. Shake out baking soda before wearing.
Hydrogen ¡eroxide viII kiII moId, aIgae, viruses, and bacleria. S¡ray
or apply to any surface and allow to sit for 10 minutes or just allow to
dry naluraIIy. During coId and ßu season I Iike lo s¡ray door knobs and
faucet handles with hydrogen peroxide often!
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
To uncIog drains, ¡our 112 cu¡ baking soda inlo drain foIIoved by 1 cu¡
of vinegar. When foaming subsides, ßush vilh hol valer. Afler 5 minules
ßush vilh coId valer. Ior sIov drains, ¡our 112 cu¡ of labIe saIl inlo
sink followed by 2 cups of boiling vinegar. Flush with hot water and then
ßush vilh coId valer.
Microhber cIolhs are fanlaslic dusl removers as lhey effecliveIy remove
dust without making the dust airborne. Toss the cloth into the laundry
afler use. A good quaIily microhber cIolh viII Iasl for years.
glassware, crystal, china
When hand washing add vinegar to your rinse water or add 1/4 cup of
vinegar to the rinse cycle of your dishwasher.
_itchen de-greasing
ª Wi¡e dovn greasy slove and counlers vilh a s¡onge di¡¡ed in
undiluted white vinegar or lemon juice.
ª ßurned on grease and food slains can be removed from slainIess
sleeI ¡ans by hIIing ¡ol vilh valer and adding 1 cu¡ of vinegar,
enough to cover stains. Add more vinegar for larger pots. Boil for 10
minutes. The stains will come off when you scrub the pan clean.
Most laundry detergent contains
a form of NTA. NTA is a
substance we may reasonably
anticipate to be a carcinogen.
The Merck Index
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
ª Add 112 cu¡ of baking soda lo baIance lhe ¡H of lhe vash valer
and your cIolhes viII be cIeaner, fresher, sofler and brighler. You can
aIso add 112 cu¡ of baking soda lo lhe rinse cycIe for sheels, loveIs
and especially smelly clothes.
ª A cu¡ of vinegar in your vash cycIe viII kiII bacleria lhal may be
¡resenl. Greal for dia¡ers, sheels, and chiIdren's cIolhing.
ª A cu¡ of vinegar in lhe vash cycIe viII naluraIIy soflen and
deodorized your Iaundry.
ª Adding a cu¡fuI of vinegar lo lhe rinse cycIe viII kee¡ cIolhes slalic
and lint free.
ª Adding vinegar lo lhe rinse cycIe viII kee¡ soa¡ and delergenl
build up from clogging your washing machine.
ª Slo¡ reds from running! Soak nev brighlIy coIored garmenls in a
sink with 2-3 cups of white vinegar for 10-15 minutes before their
hrsl vashing. Dyes viII be ¡ermanenlIy sel and viII never run.
ª Re¡Iace aII coIor bIeach vilh 112 cu¡ of vinegar in lhe vash cycIe.
ª Remove chemicaIs from chiIdren's garmenls by adding 1 cu¡ of
vinegar lo lhe vash cycIe vhen vashing for lhe hrsl lime.
ª Whilen dingy vhile socks vilhoul bIeach by adding 2 cu¡s of vhile
vinegar to 3 quarts of water in a large pot and bring to a boil. Pour
solution into a bucket and add your dingy socks. Allow socks to
soak overnight and then wash normally the following day.
ª While socks can be boiIed in a sauce¡an vilh a fev sIices of fresh
lemon to whiten.
ª Adding 112 cu¡ of Iemon |uice lo lhe vash cycIe viII naluraIIy
bleach and brighten your fabrics.
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
laundry stain removal
Mosl slains lrealed vhiIe sliII vel can be easiIy removed. Ònce a slain
has dried il becomes increasingIy more difhcuIl lo remove. Immediale
soaking of fabric in water and rubbing stain with bar soap before
laundering will remove just about any fresh stain.
Stains on cottons can be treated effectively by sponging the area
with undiluted white vinegar and washing as soon as possible. For large
stains you can soak the garment overnight in a solution of 3 parts vinegar
to 1 part water and then wash as normal.
ª 112 lo 1 cu¡ of borax added lo lhe vash cycIe viII boosl cIeaning
power of laundry soap or detergent. Adding borax will soften hard
ª Mix 1 ¡arl valer lo 2 ¡arls borax and make a ¡asle. A¡¡Iy ¡asle
direclIy lo slain and aIIov lo sil for 3O minules, Iaunder as usuaI.
laundry stain removal tips
Oil Stains
Rub bar soa¡ inlo lhe slained area and Iaunder as usuaI.
Perspiration Stains
Soak soiled area in white vinegar for 30 minutes and launder as usual.
Blood Stains
Spray area with undiluted hydrogen peroxide and the blood will
quickly disappear.
marble and stone floors
MarbIe and slone ßoors are vonderfuI naluraI and durabIe surfaces for
indoor ßooring, hovever lhey viII slain easiIy vhen cIeaned vilh acids
Iike vinegar or Iemon |uice. Hydrogen Ieroxide added lo ¡Iain valer
makes an exceIIenl soIulion for mo¡¡ing marbIe ßoors.
Of the chemicals found in
personal care products: 884
are toxic, 146 cause tumors,
218 cause reproductive
complications, 778 cause acute
toxicity, 314 cause biological
mutations, 376 cause skin and
eye irritations.
United States House of
Representatives Report, 1989
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
mattress stains and odors
Dampen stain with water and rub some dry borax into stain. Allow to
dry. Re¡eal as necessary.
microwave ovens
IiII a gIass bovI vilh a soIulion of 112 cu¡ vinegar and 1 cu¡ valer. Run
the microwave on the highest setting for 5 minutes. Allow the bowl to
cool and then dip a sponge in the liquid and easily wipe clean the interior
of splatter and stains.
mildew stains
A¡¡Iy undiIuled vhile vinegar lo miIdev slains from hxlures, liIe,
cIolhing, furnilure, ¡Iaslic curlains, refrigeralor.
I kee¡ a bollIe hIIed vilh 1OO/ undiIuled vhile vinegar for mirrors and
Iaundry slains. S¡ray 1OO/ undiIuled vhile vinegar on mirrors. CIean
with dry cloth. Use crumpled newspaper to remove any streaks.
Make a soIulion of 1 ¡arl valer lo 1 ¡arl vhile vinegar lo safeIy cIean
the inside of your refrigerator. Use undiluted white vinegar to remove
mildew. Use undiluted vinegar to wipe down the grime on the top of
your refrigerator.
Use undiluted hydrogen peroxide to clean and disinfect interior and
exterior walls of refrigerator.
the green genies | guide to natural cleaners
rust remover
Mix 1 ¡arl borax and 2 ¡arls valer inlo a ¡asle and add some Iemon |uice.
Rub inlo melaI and aIIov lo sil for a fev minules and rinse. Re¡eal as
silver cleaner
Clean silverware and silver jewelry by soaking for 3 hours in a solution of
112 cu¡ vhile vinegar and 2 labIes¡oons baking soda. Rinse vilh valer
and dry with a soft cloth.
toilet bowl cleaning
Remove hard valer slains in lhe loiIel bovI by scrubbing lhe ¡orceIain
with a pumice stone.
For routine bowl cleaning: Sprinkle 1/2 cup of baking soda into the bowl
and then add 1 cup of white vinegar. Stand back and enjoy the show -
scrub dovn lhe bovI vilh a bovI brush and ßush cIean.
Ior cIeaning lhe loiIel seal, rim, handIe and lank: S¡ray eilher undiIuled
vhile vinegar or hydrogen ¡eroxide on surfaces, aIIov lo sil for a fev
minutes then and wipe clean with a damp cloth or sponge. Both vinegar
and the hydrogen peroxide are effective at disinfecting and killing
harmful bacteria.
More than 32 million pounds of
household cleaning products are
poured down the drain each day
nationwide. The toxic substances
found in many of these are not
adequately removed by sewage
treatment plants. Guess what
happens when these are returned
to the rivers from which cities
draw their drinking water?
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