Harmony on Earth. English

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At the beginning of the 1990s, scientists were working on one of the world’s greatest ecological  projects, Biosphere-2. The project took its nae fro a giant str!ct!re constr!cted in the Ari"ona #esert in the $%A. &t was a habitat totall' closed off to the o!tside world, b!ilt ainl' o!t of glass and concrete o(er  an area of 1),000 s*!are eters in the Ari"ona #esert. &t resebled a giant greenho!se in appearance. The plan was for a f!nctioning ecos'ste to be established in this giant str!ct!re closed off to the o!tside world in which bio-echaniss were aintained b' the water, o+'gen and nitrogen e+changes that ser(e as the basis for life on arth. This ecos'ste, which wo!ld f!nction despite being isolated fro the world o!tside, wo!ld also  pro(ide life s!pport for  h!an beings o(er the 2 'ears of the project’s project’s planned d!ration. B!t when the e+perient ended and the doors were opened, scientists saw that atters in this artificial habitat had not gone at all according to plan. The o+'gen le(el had fallen to 1/, that of ,)00 eters abo(e sea le(el. There had been s!dden rises in carbon dio+ide le(els, while nitrogen le(els had becoe high eno!gh to daage the h!an brain. The s'ste that pro(ided clean water had becoe poll!ted, and 19 of the 2 species of (ertebrate li(ing in Biosphere-2 had died. All the insects that pollinated the plants had died, the algae in the ponds had grown enoro!sl', and the food plants were sothered b' weeds and died. These were b' no eans all the catastrophes in Biosphere-2 the whole facilit' had becoe infested b' ants, grasshoppers and cockroaches  &n short, despite all these efforts, it pro(ed to be ipossible to create in this closed s'ste known 1

as Biosphere-2 the balances that ha(e been f!nctioning perfectl' on arth for illions of 'ears and it was therefore ipossible to prod!ce an en(ironent that was habitable for h!an beings,  plants and anials. &n the wake of the fail!re of the Biosphere-2 research, 3rofessor of 3op!lation 4oel 5ohen and 3rofessor of colog' #a(id Tilan s!ari"ed the lesson to be drawn fro the st!d' in these words6 78o one 'et knows how to engineer engineer s'stes s'stes that pro(id pro(idee h!ans h!ans with the life s!ppor s!pporti ting ng ser(ices that nat!ral ecos'stes prod!ce for free. 4oel . 5ohen, #a(id Tilan, :Biosphere 2 and Biodi(ersit';The <essons %o =ar:, %cience, >ol. 2?, 8o. 290, 1 8o(eber 199@, p. 111 &n the wake wake of that adiss adission ion,, one single single *!esti *!estion on will will be eno!gh eno!gh to free onesel oneselff fro fro a  perspecti(e res!lting fro la"' thinking and failiarit'6 failiarit'6 hat wo!ld happen if all the life fors that perfor the ser(ices in *!estion on o!r behalf were to disappearC The answer is ob(io!s6 we co!ld ne(er s!r(i(e. The haron' between the agnificent wealth of life on arth and li(ing things is the res!lt of a special creation. And that creation belongs to Alight' and Dniscient Allah, which is described in the following (erse6  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan Among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and earthand all the creatures He has spread about in them...  %!rat ash-%h!ra, 29



A terrif'ing treor, a clo!d of soke and ash that totall' blocks o!t the %!n, poisono!s gases that kill li(ing things, teperat!res high eno!gh to elt iron and olten rock raining down fro the sk'  3eople ha(e alwa's been terrified of (olcanoes beca!se these iracles of creation are at the sae tie deadl' threats. <ike e(er'thing in the world, Allah has created (olcanoes on the basis of great knowledge and wisdo. <et !s now e+aine soe of the delicate ecological balances created b' (olcanoes !nder a n!ber of different circ!stances.

The& ermit the Emergence of #ertile Soil

The aga thrown !p b' (olcanoes is in a (er' hot, dense and (isco!s for as it lea(es the depths of the arth. As it reaches the s!rface it cools down and begins to solidif'. As a res!lt of  this solidification, its str!ct!re changes and gi(es rise to the forations known as (olcanic rock. This is grad!all' broken down b' wind, rain, free"ing and erosion and t!rns into soil. &n addition, (olcanic acti(it' is one of the ain reasons for the foration of an' inerals and  precio!s stones. "opp are j!st j!st a few few of thes thesee ipo iport rtan antt "opper er'' diamon diamond' d' iron iron and grani granite te are s!bstances.

Thermal Springs

Ther Theral al spring springss are water water so!rce so!rcess with with healing healing proper properti ties es that that appear appear along along fa!lt fa!lt lines lines in (olcani (olcanicc region regions, s, and are higher than 200 E5elsi E5elsi!s !s in tepera teperat!r t!re. e. Thanks Thanks to co!rses co!rses of  treatent !sing theral spring water and hot !d, diseases s!ch as rhe!atisFsciatica, bone  breaks and fract!res, skin disorders, ph'sical and an d ental fatig!e, stress and an d ner(o!s tension can all be treated.

(ere There No $olcanic $olcanic Activit& on Earth )


hat wo!ld happen if there were no (olcanic acti(it' on arthC ell, ell, an' of the s!bstances we rel' on in o!r dail' li(es and in ind!str' wo!ld not coe into being. The' ight perhaps be obtained artificiall', or other alternati(e s!bstances ight be fo!nd. B!t that wo!ld in(ol(e a great deal of effort, brain power and financial e+pendit!re. &n the sae wa', the hot waters and theral springs that contain (ario!s inerals wo!ld not ha(e fored. The earth wo!ld be poor in inerals and it wo!ld be ipossible for !s to benefit s!fficientl' fro the plants that represent o!r ain food so!rce. D!r D!r art arth h igh ightt well well ha(e ha(e rea reain ined ed a dead, dead, barr barren en plan planet et with with no s!rf s!rfac acee feat feat!r !res es or  atosphere, j!st like other planets.

(hat %f There (ere "onstant $olcanic Activit& on Earth*

 8ow iagine a world in which there was constant (olcanic acti(it'. acti(it'. hat wo!ld s!ch a planet be likeC The answer is (er' short and clear6 7<ife on s!ch a planet wo!ld be ipossible.G (er'where wo!ld be co(ered in red hot la(a, and all li(ing things wo!ld be b!rned to ashes. The poisono!s gases gi(en off b' (olcanoes wo!ld red!ce the o+'gen le(el, and the atosphere wo!ld no longer be able to s!stain life, and we wo!ld be poisoned and die with the first breath we took. >olcanic acti(ities wo!ld ca!se constant earth*!akes and the arth wo!ld no longer be a safe  place for an' li(ing thing. Allah has created (olcanoes, like e(er'thing else, on the basis of a s!blie order and delicate  balance, !nder 7the ost appropriate conditions.G H!an beings’ d!t' is to reflect on this s!blie 5reation of Allah’s and to see o!t <ord’s ight and t!rn to Hi6


 I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan %n the creation of the heavens and the earth' and the alternation of night and da&' there are Signs for people +ith intelligence, Those +ho remember Allah' standing' sitting and l&ing on their sides' and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth, -Our !ord' You have not created this for nothing. lor& be to You/ So safeguard us from the punishment of the #ire. 0Surah Al 1%mran' 2345 2326


<ightning hitting the arth, intense rains, snow, howling winds and clo!dless dro!ght... These are all cliatic phenoena we witness on the planet we inhabit. The shape of the arth, its orbit, the o!ntains, the distrib!tion of land and sea, pro+iit' to and distance fro the sea, the winds and the oceanic c!rrents are the ain factors behind cliatic di(ersit'. Dne of these, the c!rrents of the oceans, is defined as 7the o(eent in a specific direction of a liited ass of water.G water.G There is no do!bt that Alight' Allah created war and cold water c!rrents for a p!rpose. He has s!rro!nded !s with !ch knowledge and wisdo to reflect on. <et !s now look at one of  these iracles and see the e+aples we pro(ide.

The& roduce "limatic "l imatic $ariet& $ariet&

ar a r c!rrents transit heat b' tra(eling fro war regions to cooler ones. %oe war c!rrents c!rrents consist of water fro cold regions or else cool water fro the sea botto, botto, and despite the water teperat!re being 1E 5elsi!s, the' are still considered as cool c!rrents in war latit!des. The' therefore red!ce heat and decrease the oppressi(e effects of the air.


The "oast la& a Role in 8esert #ormation

The reason wh' coastal deserts appear on the western edge of continents is cool ocean c!rrents. Howe(er, this desert desert t'pe is (er' different to (er' dr' deserts deserts with high teperat!re (ariations  beca!se the air is (er' h!id in deserts of this t'pe and teperat!re (ariations are !niportant. This akes it possible for a weak grass co(er to for, and for anials to gra"e on it. The& %ncrease 9iological 8iversit&

5!rrents carr' food and o+'gen in the seas and th!s increase feeding potential and fish di(ersit'. The' also increase the n!ber of sea birds, and the species thereof, that feed on these fish. %pores and (ario!s plant seeds are carried b' the c!rrents tho!sands of kiloeters to different  parts of the world. &n the sae wa', plant seeds that adhere to icebergs are also carried to distant parts in the sae wa'. The& rovide #ood for Human 9eings

Alight' Allah anifests His title of Rezzak  of  Rezzak  thro!gh   thro!gh the di(ersification of econoic acti(it' b' wa' of these c!rrents. =or e+aple, c!rrents a' directl' affect cities’ re(en!es. Dne of two cities on the sae latit!de a' ha(e a harsh cliate, while the other has a oderate cliate beca!se of war water  c!rrents. This then has an ipact on acti(ities s!ch as ag ric!lt!re and to!ris.  8o rain is seen on the shores of (ario!s cities in %o!th Aerica !nder the infl!ence o f cool water  c!rrents, b!t in winter the' perit the foration of a grass co(er known as 7<oa.G And that (egetation co(er ade the de(elopent of anial h!sbandr' possible. &n addition, sea birds birds li(ing on the islands near these coasts depend on the food chain set !p b' cold water c!rrents. The nat!ral fertili"er known as g!ano these birds deposit on the islands is rich in nitrogen, phosphor!s, and potassi! and has been e+tracted in blocks since the 19th 5ent!r', representing representing a significant so!rce of incoe for the c o!ntries aro!nd the islands. %f Ocean "urrents (ere to 8eviate from the 8elicate E:uilibrium on Earth.....


I Teperat!re changes in the sea wo!ld happen (er' fast, o+'gen and salt le(els wo!ld change, and that wo!ld lead to the death of fish and other arine organiss. I 5liatic abnoralities wo!ld appear. #ense fogs and floods ca!sed b' se(ere rain co!ld ha(e lethal res!lts. I 5liatic obstacles wo!ld arise. Teperate region plants co!ld not spread to colder areas, or  tropical plants to other regions, as !ch as the' do toda', and the frontiers that wo!ld be established in agric!lt!ral regions wo!ld ean that h!an habitats wo!ld not be as broad as the' are now. As we ha(e seen, war and cold water c!rrents heat or cool the air to j!st the right e+tent. These characteristics e+pand the possible areas of h!an habitats on arth, aking it possible to obtain food and increase the (ariet' of other species. &t is, of co!rse, ipossible for s!ch an order to ha(e coe abo!t b' chance. This sensiti(e e*!ilibri! was established b' Allah, <ord of the earth and sk'6  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan %n the creation of the heavens and the earth' and the alternation of night and da&' there are Signs for people +ith intelligence, those +ho remember Allah' standing' sitting and l&ing on their sides' and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth, -Our !ord' You have not created this for nothing. lor& be to You/ So safeguard us from the punishment of the #ire. 0Surat al5-%mran' 2345 2326


Jost people think that the soil is part of the arth’s cr!st, j!st a few centieters thick, largel' !sed in agric!lt!re. <ooked at ore closel', closel', howe(er, soil has a (er' cople+ str!ct!re indeed. A wide (ariet' of ph'sical, cheical and biological acti(ities take place in this la'er, which ranges fro 20 to )0 centieters, to a few eters at ost in thickness.



Dne of the ost cople+ and interesting things abo!t soil is that it fors b' itself. This begins with the ph'sical breakdown of rocks into saller fragents. B!t that is not eno!gh for soil to for. Aong other factors, cliate cliate has a direct and indirect indirect iportance Beca!se it is is cliate which deterines breakdown, dissol!tion, plant co(er and icro- and other organis acti(ities. <ater on, !nder the effects of water, cheical cheical breakdown takes place and the inerals inside the rock eerge. B!t these inerals are not soil in the tr!e sense of the word. This aterial, that we can refer to as broken down rock, is inaniate. To p!t it another wa', it is 7dead.G Algae and grasses begin growing on this inorganic aterial that contains (ario!s inerals. The roots of these plants accelerate the breakdown of the ain s!bstance, while falling lea(es and branches initiate the acti(ities of the icro-organiss that break the down. As plants lose their lea(es and branches, branches, and these i+ in with the soil and are broken down b' icro-organiss, the organic aterial of the soil coes into being. >ario!s t'pes of plant can now grow on it. This process, process, which which has taken abo!t a in!te in!te and a half to describe, act!all' act!all' happens happens o(er  illions of 'ears in nat!re. The iracle of the foration of soil, with its sensiti(e and detailed e*!ilibri!, once again shows !s the perfection of the creati(e artistr' of Allah, the s!blie 5reator. Alight' Allah re(eals this in another (erse fro the K!r’an6  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan A Sign for them is the dead land +hich (e bring to life and from +hich (e bring forth grain of +hich the& eat. 0Surah Ya Sin' ;;6

5ertainl', had Allah so wished, He co!ld ha(e created the soil at once, witho!t going thro!gh all


these transitional transitional stages, in a for read' for agric!lt!re. B!t D!r <ord creates e(er'thing e(er'thing within a specific chain of ca!se and effect in this world, a place of testing, and has created the soil in the sae wa'. Alight' Alight' Allah Allah clarifies this with an e+aple in another (erse6  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan 8o &ou not see ho+ &our !ord stretches out shado+s* %f He had +ished He could have made them stationar&. Then (e appoint the sun to be the pointer to them. 0Surat al5 #ur:an' <=6


There is a (er' closel' designed and delicate relationship between the soil and life fors of  (ario!s si"es. 3lant, b!sh and tree seeds carried fro elsewhere b' the wind grad!all' i+ in with the soil and allow plant species to di(ersif'. B!t this growth of plant life does not happen b' chance. (er' stage takes place !nder the s!per(ision of Alight' Allah, who re(eals this in a (erse of  the K!r’an6  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan The >e&s of the 7nseen are in His possession. No one >no+s them but Him. He >no+s ever&thing in the land and sea. No leaf falls +ithout His >no+ing it. There is no seed in the dar>ness of the earth' and nothing moist or dr& +hich is not in a "lear 9oo>. 0Surat al5 An1am' =36


As 'o! watch this fil, illions of c!bic eters of water are being carried fro the oceans to the atosphere, and fro there to the land. e,, and all the other life fors on arth, can onl' s!r(i(e thanks to this giant water c'cle and e  p!rification s'ste. &f we tried tried to organi"e s!ch a s'ste we co!ld ne(er do so, not e(en if we


were to !se all the world’s technolog'. technolog'. Let Let water, the prie necessit' for o!r s!r(i(al, is pro(ided for !s free and easil', thanks to nat!ral e(aporation and condensation. Main is one of the ost essential eleents for life on arth. #!ring rain foration, water circ!lates between the oceans an d seas, the atosphere and the land. ater a ter (apor that reaches the atosphere in (ario!s wa's condenses !nder appropriate con ditions and ret!rns to the earth as rain, snow and hail. Alight' Allah Allah re(eals this abo!t the foration of rain, which we ha(e described onl' (er'  briefl'6  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan %t is Allah (ho sends the +inds +hich stir up clouds +hich He spreads about the s>& ho+ever He +ills. He forms them into dar> clumps and &ou see the rain come pouring out from the middle of them. (hen He ma>es it fall on those of His slaves He +ills' the& re@oice' 0Surat ar5Rum' <6

B!t not all the rain that falls goes to for abo(e-gro!nd water soe pereates below gro!nd when the conditions are right, and gi(es rise to s!bterranean water. Dne of the irac!lo!s feat!res of s!bterranean waters is that the' eerge copletel' clean and read' to drink fro aong different !dd' la'ers of soil. This is ost definitel' one of Alight' Alight' Allah’s Allah’s co!ntless blessings !pon !s. Dne e+aple that o!r <ord pro(ides on this s!bject in the K!r’an reads6  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan 8o &ou &ou not not see see that that Allah llah send sendss do+n do+n +ate +aterr from from the the s>& s>&

and and thre thread adss it thro throug ugh h the the

earth earth to emer emerge ge as spri springs ngs and then then b& it bring bringss fort forth h cro crops ps of var&i var&ing ng color colors' s'

+hich +hich

then +ither and &ou see them turning &ello+ and then He ma>es them into bro>en stubble* There is a reminder in that for people of intelligence. 0Surat aB5Cumar' D26 THE (%S8OM 9EH%N8 THE "REAT%ON O# 7N8ERRO7N8 (ATERS


=or reasons we ha(e j!st seen, water that seeps !nder the gro!nd does not iediatel' acc!!late !nder the soil. There is a region abo(e !ndergro!nd water known as the 7aeration region.G The water collects here witho!t being absorbed b' the soil or rock fragents, and witho!t  percolating e(en f!rther down, as the res!lt of capillar' forations. forations. The wa' that this la'er holds onto these water particles allows plants whose roots cannot e+tend down as far as s!bterranean regions to ake !se of this water. B!t what if there were no water particles s!spended in the aeration region how co!ld plants eet their basic water needs in ties of dro!ght when there is no rainC The' wo!ld all fade and die in ties of dro!ght, and there wo!ld be no brightl' colored flowers and different fr!its and (egetables on arth s!ch as there are now.

Subterranean +aters are shaped b& the la& of the surface

The The wa' that that s!bt s!bter erra ranea nean n wate waters rs are are shap shaped ed b' the the la' la' of the the s!rf s!rfac acee pre( pre(en ents ts poss possib ible le o(erflows. &f the waters in a low-l'ing s!rface feat!re, s!ch as a (alle' or plain, e+tended as !ch as areas with forations s!ch as the tops of hills, then the infrastr!ct!re in these areas wo!ld be ipaired and the res!lt wo!ld be swaps. &f !ndergro!nd waters did not reflect the o(erl'ing s!rface feat!res, then it wo!ld be ipossible to ake !se of these waters beca!se the' wo!ld be lower down than where the' needed to be. Alight' Allah refers to this sit!ation in se(eral (erses of the K!r’an6  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan ...or morning finds its +ater drained into the earth so that &ou cannot get at it. 0Surat al5 ahf' <26 Sa&, -(hat do &ou thin>* %f' one morning' &our +ater disappears into the earth +ho +ill bring &ou running +ater*1 0Surat al5Mul:' ;46



ind A nat!ral phenoenon created b' Allah with !ch wisdo ... Allah re(eals in one (erse that He has created the wind, like all the other signs of 5reation, in order for people to grasp and reflect on His e(ident e+istence and ight6  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan %n the creation of the heavens and earth' and the alternation of the night and da&' and the ships +hich sail the seas to people1s benefit' and the +ater +hich Allah sends do+n from the s>& F b& +hich He brings the earth to life +hen it +as dead and scatters about in it creatures of ever& >ind F and the var&ing direction of the +inds' and the clouds subservient bet+een heaven and earth' there are Signs for people +ho use their intellect. 0Surat al5 9a:ara' 2G<6

Ho+ 8o (inds #orm*

The waring of the air and o(eent in large asses gi(es rise to (ario!s press!re centers on the arth. The press!re created b' the atosphere is not e*!al e(er'where in the world. Air o(es fro high press!re areas to low press!re ones, like water r!nning down a slope, and gi(es rise to winds. Alight' Allah Allah describes winds as 7bearing good newsG in a n!ber of (erses6  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan Among His Signs is that He sends the +inds bearing good ne+s' to give &ou a taste of His merc&' and to ma>e the ships run b& His command' and to enable &ou to see> His bount& so that hopefull& &ou +ill be than>ful. 0Surat ar5Rum' <G6


(inds That 8etermine Air Temperature Temperature

Dff-shore bree"es are winds that blow fro the sea and cool the air in war seasons. %oe winds are warer warer than the places the' originate fro. fro. The best known of these are those called the =oehn. These winds ser(e to oderate harsh cliatic conditions that doinate in cool and o!ntaino!s  parts of the world. (ind and Rain

%e(eral (erses of the Hol' K!r’an describe in detail the effect of the winds on rain foration and the echanis b' which rain fors. ater a ter droplets, the raw aterial of rain, are fored b' the process of e(aporation, are carried into the air thro!gh winds called called theral !pdrafts, and afterward gi(e rise to clo!ds. &n one (erse Alight' Allah re(eals how oist!re-laden clo!ds p!sh the winds before the6  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan %t is Allah (ho sends the +inds +hich raise the clouds +hich (e then drive to a dead land and b& them bring the earth to life after it +as dead. That is ho+ the Resurrection +ill be. 0Surat al5#atir' 36 (inds Are a Source of Energ&

Nlobal energ' deands are rising / to / e(er' 'ear. Meso!rces s!ch as fossil f!els coonl' !sed in the prod!ction of electricit' are decreasing all the tie. &n addition, the !se of fossil f!els se(erel' daages the atosphere. This enco!rages the search for alternati(e energ' so!rces. Dne s!ch alternati(e, wind energ', energ', is the ost ad(anced of renewable energ' reso!rces, and the ost efficient in coercial ters. inds of co!rse pla'ed a ajor role in the age of sailing ships. That is the reason wh' the' are


often known as 7trade winds.G %hips still ake !se of the prop!lsi(e power of wind toda'. Dne (erse of the K!r’an re(eals how ships are able to sail across the sea with the h elp of the wind  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan %t is He (ho conve&s &ou on both land and sea so that +hen some of &ou are on a boat' running before a fair +ind' re@oicing at it' and then a violent s:uall comes upon them and the +aves come at them from ever& side and the& realiBe there is no +a& of escape' the& call on Allah' Allah' ma>ing their religion sincerel& His, -%f You You rescue rescue us from this' +e +ill trul& be among the than>ful.1 tha n>ful.1 0Surah Yunus' Yunus' DD6

The Seeding Effect of the (ind

The wind also pollinates plants b' carr'ing seeds and the clo!ds that carr' cr'stals that will t!rn into rain drops. This feat!re of the wind is described as follows in a (erse of the K!r’an  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan (e send forth the pollinating +inds and send do+n +ater from the s>& and give it to &ou to drin>. And it is not &ou +ho >eep its stores. 0Surat al5Hi@r' DD6

&f the wind did not ha(e a specific eas!re appointed b' Alight' Allah, then shortages co!ld arise with a decline in rains in onsoon co!ntries, where rain onl' occ!rs thanks to the winds.  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan %t is He (ho sends out the +inds' bringing advance ne+s of His merc&. And (e send do+n from heaven pure +aterso that b& it (e can bring a dead land to life and give drin> to man& of the animals and people (e created. 0Surat al5#ur:an' <5<36

4!st like the co!ntless other iracles on arth, the wind has been created as a great blessing for  h!an beings. hat we !st do is gi(e proper thanks to Allah for this blessing and properl' appreciate His ight6  I take refuge in Allah Allah from the accursed Satan


%f He +ills He ma>es the +ind stop blo+ing and then the& lie motionless on its bac>. There are certainl& Signs in that for ever&one +ho is steadfast and than>ful. 0Surat ash5Shura' ;;6


(e have +itnessed man& miracles of "reation during the course of this film. An&one +ho loo>s carefull& +ill see man& miraculous events' from his o+n bod& to the s>ies. 9ut the important thing is to have the character to grasp and understand these miracles' because no matter ho+ great or small a miracle ma& be' onl& believers can understand the eistence and infinite might of Allah from it. (hat someone +ho sees and understands these miracles all around us must do is to give constant than>s to Allah for ever& blessing and pleasure. #or people +ho are capable of using their conscience and comprehending the harmon& on Earth' the +hole universe is full of reasons to increase one1s love and fear of Allah. #or that reason' people must at once turn to Allah' give than>s for all the& have' and bind themselves to Him +ith an intense love


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