Huawei Tech

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It could be as simple as negotiating an elaborate deal with a businessman - even when you
are sitting in an office on the other side of the world. Or it could be as complex as a
hospital`s chief cardiologist making final checks before surgery - for a patient lying in an
isolated village 500 miles away. Or it could be as personal as making sure you see your
children when they get home from school - even though you are in a different time zone.
Huawei's strategy Iocuses on close cooperation and integration with partners to deliver a range oI
customer-centric ICT solutions and services that are based on an understanding oI customer
needs. We oIIer a portIolio oI ICT solutions that cater to global vertical industry and enterprise
customers across government and public sector, Iinance, transportation, energy, large enterprises
and SMEs.
¡n Lhe nexL Iew yeurs, u LechnoIogIcuI Ieup In vIdeo communIcuLIon Is ubouL Lo chunge
Lhe wuy we InLerucL, work und IIve our IIves.
SoILwure such us Skype - whIch bousLed zqq mIIIIon users In June zo1¸ - und AppIe`s
FuceTIme huve uIreudy LrunsIormed personuI reIuLIonshIps, meunIng LhuL IumIIIes und
IrIends cun sLuy In Louch Irom unywhere In Lhe worId.
BuL now LeIeconIerencIng - und ILs modern uppeIIuLIon, LeIepresence - Is begInnIng Lo
chunge our proIessIonuI IIves, Loo.
Working remotely
The IusL Iew yeurs huve uIreudy seen u shurp rIse In ¨remoLe workIng¨ - empIoyees
workIng Irom home. AccordIng Lo u zo1z ¡psosJReuLers poII, uround one In IIve peopIe
In Lhe worId IrequenLIy ¨LeIecommuLe¨ Lo work, und neurIy 1o% work remoLeIy Irom
home every duy.
MeunwhIIe, compunIes expundIng uround Lhe gIobe Iuce pressure Irom shurehoIders
und reguIuLors Lo mInImIse sLuII LruveI beLween oIIIces Ior meeLIngs, enubIIng more
energy-eIIIcIenL choIces und reducIng expenses.
A proIIIeruLIon oI beLLer-quuIILy, cosL-eIIecLIve LechnoIogy uddresses LhIs need.
The TP¸zoo vIdeo conIerencIng sysLem Ior exumpIe, wus recenLIy Iuunched by
communIcuLIons LechnoIogy provIder HuuweI EnLerprIse. ¡L Is desIgned especIuIIy Ior
group meeLIngs und uses u specIuIIsed Imuge-processIng devIce - u so-cuIIed co-opLIcuI
cenLre cumeru - Lo provIde Lhe worId`s IIrsL punorumIc LeIepresence sysLem.
¨HD (hIgh-deIInILIon)-resoIuLIon cumerus und reIIubIe broudbund connecLIvILy huve
vusLIy Improved Lhe LeIeconIerencIng experIence,¨ suys Juck He LIung, vIdeo
conIerencIng dIrecLor uL Lhe IIrm. ¨More peopIe, und more empIoyers, ure begInnIng Lo
see Lhe beneIILs oI vIdeo communIcuLIon.
¨NoL onIy cun IL reduce cosLs, Improve eIIIcIency und suve on humun resources, buL
vIdeo conIerencIng uIso mukes IL eusIer Lo convey your Ideu. When you cun communIcuLe
wILh your eyes und Iuce, boLh sIdes |oI Lhe meeLIng| IeeI more conIIdenL.¨
TeIeconIerencIng no Ionger requIres purLIcIpunLs Lo submIL Lo u IIxed sysLem oI LechnIcuI
sLundurds. ¡nsLeud, muny sysLems now uLIIIse whuL Is cuIIed BYOD.
¨¡L`s shorL Ior 'BrIng Your Own DevIce,`¨ suys He LIung. ¨The sysLem recognIses LhuL
muny workers uIreudy own LubIeLs, smurLphones und IupLops wILh cumerus - und
InLegruLes Lhem.¨
The resuIL Is u sLep chunge In how we see, und curry ouL, our jobs.
So IL Is IILLIe surprIse LhuL gIobuI busInesses ure expecLed Lo spend $¸.;¸bn (£z.¸bn) on
vIdeoconIerencIng LechnoIogy by zo16. SmurL zozo, u sLudy commIssIoned by Lhe
GIobuI e-SusLuInubIIILy ¡nILIuLIve, (u progrumme Iuunched In zoo1 Lo promoLe
susLuInubIe deveIopmenL In Lhe ¡CT secLor), Iound LhuL US und UK busInesses cun suve
uImosL $1qbn (£11.;bn) us u resuIL oI depIoyIng 1o,ooo LeIepresence unILs by zozo.
By cunceIIIng Lhe need Ior Iong- und shorL-huuI execuLIve IIIghLs beLween oIIIces, Lhe
sume sLudy suggesLed LhuL LeIeconIerencIng LechnoIogy und oLher vIrLuuI LooIs couId
reduce gIobuI unnuuI greenhouse gus emIssIons by 1¸% by Lhe yeur zozo.
BuL LhuL Is jusL Lhe sLurL. The nexL generuLIon oI vIdeo LeIepresence sysLems uIms Lo IIL
even more seumIessIy InLo our IIves - by uddIng reuIIsLIc ¸D cupubIIILIes.
The third dimension
The LechnoIogy, known us hoIogruphIc LeIepresence, Is more SLur Trek Lhun sLuII
meeLIng. ¡nsLeud oI u IIuL screen, u Lhree-dImensIonuI movIng Imuge oI u user Is
reproduced uL euch meeLIng IocuLIon.
CurrenLIy Lhe eIIecL Is noL u Lrue hoIogrum. The LechnoIogy compunyMusIon, bused In
Lhe UK, udupLs un IIIusIon commonIy used In LheuLres und Lheme purks known us Lhe
Pepper's ghosL eIIecL. An HD projecLor IIIumInuLes u LhIn, eIIecLIveIy InvIsIbIe, sheeL-IIke
¨IoII¨ Irom u q¸-degree ungIe, creuLIng u ¸D Imuge uImosL IndIsLInguIshubIe Irom un
ucLuuI person. The MusIon TeIePresence sysLem cun now LrunsmIL IuII-sIzed peopIe und
objecLs In reuI-LIme ¨wILhouL uny sIgnIIIcunL deIuy In communIcuLIon¨, Lhe compuny
The sysLem uchIeved u GuInness WorId Record In zo1z by heIpIng ¡ndIun poIILIcIun
Nurendru ModI deIIver u ¸¸-mInuLe cumpuIgnspeech Lo uudIences In ¸¸ dIIIerenL
IocuLIons sImuILuneousIy. And In Lhe enLerLuInmenL worId, MusIon wus one oI Lhree
compunIes credILed Ior dIgILuIIy resurrecLIng rupper Tupuc Shukur onsLuge uL Lhe zo1z
CoucheIIu IesLIvuI.
BuL Lrue hoIogrums mIghL noL be Iur uwuy. LeIu DIspIuy SysLem Is currenLIy workIng on
un uILernuLIve LechnoIogy. The PoIIsh compuny hus buIIL u hoIogruphIc room, meusurIng
¸m (1oIL) by z.¸m (8IL), whIch uses Iuser projecLors Lo beum ¸D Imuges onLo u LhIn cIoud
oI wuLer vupour - provIdIng noL onIy u gIunL ¸D muILI-Louch screen, buL uIso Lhe ubIIILy
Lo wuIk Lhrough Lhe Imuges und see Lhem Irom uny poInL oI vIew.
HoIogruphIc LeIepresence IIke LhIs hus obvIous poLenLIuI beyond Irom Lhe busIness
worId. HeuILhcure Is uIreudy beIng revoIuLIonIsed by LeIemedIcIne, uIIowIng puLIenLs Lo
be LreuLed remoLeIy, wheLher In IsoIuLed ureus or on u dIsLunL buLLIeIIeId.
HoIogrum LechnoIogy couId uIso see udvunces In ureus IIke educuLIon, enhunced movIes,
LeIevIsIon progrummIng, udverLIsIng, gumIng, ¸D muppIng, uerospuce nuvIguLIon und
roboL conLroI.
SLIII oLher ImprovemenLs couId be ImmInenL. The MussuchuseLLs ¡nsLILuLe oI TechnoIogy
(M¡T) In Lhe US Is exumInIng how physIcuI surIuces cun be munIpuIuLed by gesLures,
wILh objecLs beIng resIzed, reshuped or moved remoLeIy by peopIe Lhousunds oI mIIes
uwuy. ThIs oIIers Lhe poLenLIuI Ior vIrLuuI oIIIces, where hundreds or even Lhousunds oI
peopIe couId coIIuboruLe on u producL wILhouL ever LouchIng IL.
Reseurchers uL Lhe UnIversILy oI Tokyo ure uIso workIng on uddIng hupLIc Ieedbuck
(vIbruLIons, Ior exumpIe) Lo hoIogruphIc projecLIons by usIng uILrusound wuves. A user
cun Louch und InLerucL wILh u hoIogrum und receIve LucLIIe responses us II Lhe
hoIogruphIc objecL were reuI.
¡n un ¡BM survey oI ¸,ooo reseurchers, respondenLs numedhoIogruphIc vIdeo cuIIs us
one oI Lhe IIve LechnoIogIes Lhey expecL Lo see In pIuce by zo1¸.
There ure obsLucIes Lo usIng Lhese LechnoIogIes, oI course. NoL IeusL Is Lhe cosL oI
hoIogruphIc LechnoIogy: MusIon currenLIy renLs ILs sysLem Ior uround $6¸,ooo
(£qo,ooo). LIve LeIepresence uIso needs u IusL, dIrecL connecLIon oI 1o-zo megubyLes per
second (Mbps), us Lhe recordIngs ure oI hIgher quuIILy.
¨BuL Lhunks Lo qG und LTE neLworks - und ¸G comIng soon - bundwIdLh Is no Ionger u
probIem,¨ suys HuuweI EnLerprIse`s He LIung.
¨|TeIepresence| wIII meun LhuL we don`L huve Lo work In un oIIIce,¨ he expIuIns. ¨ThuL we
don`L huve Lo LruveI mIIes Lo be LreuLed by u docLor. ThuL we cun InLerucL wILh our
IumIIIes Irom u dIIIerenL counLry. ¡L wIII begIn Lo chunge Lhe worId we IIve In.¨
Hucuei relecseJ the inJustrç's jirst pcnorcmic telepresence sçstem(TPS). This TPS
cJopts Hucuei's pctenteJ co-opticcl center ccmerc uith pcnorcmic çcpless imcçinç
cnJ imcçe stitchinç technoloçies, çitinç users c trulç immersite experience.
Hucuei's pcnorcmic TPS protiJes open interjcces to interconnect uith the sçstems oj
other tenJors, therebç protectinç the customer's intestment.

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