Instant Fines Enforcement

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Tra rans ns port port Comm ommit ittt ee ee   7 No ve vem be ber 2 12 Agenda Agend a

Item 9


E G 

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NZTA funding for Hobsonville and Beachaven f er er ry ry services has now been confirmed impl im plem emetl etlta taUo Uon n of this this se serv rvic ice e is ta tarrge gete ted d fo forr Fe Febr brua uarry I Mar Marc ch 2013 .


A jo j oint projec ectt wi with th Au Auck ckllan and d Cou ounc nciil fo forr th the e de deve vellop opme men nt of a mas master ter--pl plan an fo forr Oe Oevo vonp npor ortt Wh Wha arf has commen com menced ced wit with h the app appoin ointme tment nt of Ja JasM sMa ax arc rch hit itec ectu tura rall an and d sp spac ace e pl plan anni ning ng consultants.

Location of ferry integrated ticket cketiing equipment on wha harrve ves s has been finalilised sed,, with in installa stallatition on target targ eted ed fo forr comp comple lettion by 8 November vember,, fo forr an en end d-No Nov vemb embe er fe ferr rry y i nte nteg gra rate ted d tic icket ketiing la laun unch ch..

2 6 Par ki ki ng ng an d En fo fo rc rc em em en en t C itit y C en en tr t r e P ar ar ki k i n g Z o ne n e C CP CP Z •

Auckland Transport provided a media pr es ess release 19 Sep Septem tember ber ann announ ouncin cing g the int nten enti tion on to impllement the new CCPZ. Med imp Mediia reac actition on w as relat lative ively ly qui quie et.

Detaile led d pl plan ann ning ha has s be been en und nder erta take ken n du durring the latter half of September September.. Th The e pl plan anne ned d dat ate e to commence commen ce mar market ketiing an and d co comm mmun uniica cati tion ons s ha has s been de dela laye yed d for app approx roxiimately one mont h t o avoid a clash with signifi fica cant nt ma mark rke eting for HOP. Marketi eting ng commun ommuniications is now planned for 12 Novemb vembe er, with on-stre stree et and off-stre stree et implement mplementati ation on com commen menc cing a we w eek later. Some re re-engin engi neeri eerin ng of the methodology for implementat mplementatiion now means a three week (as oppose osed d to six week) rol olll out out..




B u s in in es e s s P la la nn n n in in g





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Parking an and d Enf or orceme cemen nt are un unde dert rtak akiing a bus busiine ness ss pl plan ann ning process ocess,, Th The e team aim to deliver a busiiness plan with a 3 year nonzon by ea bus earrly No Nov vembe emberr 2012 2012.. The plan will ta take ke co cogn gniz izan ance ce of the integ ntegrrat io ion with other modes of t ra ranspo port rt,, na name melly public t ra ransport and the r oa oadway. The plan will also al so co con nsi side derr (a (amo mong ng ot othe herr lh lhin ings gs)) the develop elopm ment of comprehens omprehensiive parkin ing g ma mana nage geme ment nt pl plan ans s (CPMPs (CPMP s), ne new w pa paiid pa park rkin ing g zones ones,, pa park rk an and d ri ride de st strrate teg gy, and the rev eviiew of in infri fring ngem emen entt fee fees s. Th Thiis work will be part of t he he ITP.

B a y c o r p Trial The Auc uckl klan and d Tra rans nspo port rt Fi na nanc nce e Tea eam, m, in consultation with Parking and Enforcemen forcementt, re rece cent ntlly inst nstiigat gate ed a debt collec ecti tio on tr triial wi th th Ba Bay ycor orp p NZ Ltd td.. Instead of sendin ending g unpa unpaiid inf nfri ring nge eme ment nts s to the Mini nist stry ry of Ju Just stic ice e, fi filles ar are e se sen nt to Bay ayco corp rp fo forr col ol/e /ec ctio ion n ac acHo Hon n in the fir irs st instance ance.. The trial has ha s bee been n ope operat ratiing si sinc nce e 17 Ju Jully and ha has s ac ach hieve ved d so some me ou outs tsttan andi ding ng re resu sullts, i nthe nthe two and a half mont mo nths hs up to en end d Se Sept pte ember 2Q12, as follows llows:: The Th e nu numb mber er of pa paym ymen ents ts re rece ceiv ived ed pr prio iorr to be beiing sent to debt collect ctiion have ri rise sen n to approx proxiimately 6,300 pe perr we week ek (f (fro rom m ab abou outt 4,300 prev previious ouslly). simp mplly with th the e ad addi diti tion on of th the e words  De Debt bt Co Coll llec ecti tion on Ag Agen encl cl on 28 da day y re remi mind nder er le lett tter ers s. o 8ay 8ayc corp hav ave e coUected $1.1 milillilion on in de deb bt pay aym ments, and hav ave e en ente tere red d in intto debt ar arrrange angem ments with cu cus stomers of a fur furthe therr $250,000, for matt matters ers lodg odge ed wi th th th the em ov ove er th that at pe peri riod od.. Alth tho ough earrly days ea days   th the e po pos siti tive ve ca cash shll llow ow im impa pact ct of th the e tr tria iall look looks s likely to be in ex exc ces ess s of $2 $2m. m. o Auckl Auckland and Trans Transport port ha s saved a net   235,000 in Mi Min nist stry ry of Ju Just stic ice e co cour urtt lo lodg dgem emen entt fe fees es,, af afte terr deduc de ducti ting ng Ba Baye yee erp lod odge geme ment nt fe fee es. in the fir firs st tw two o mo month nths. s. o

 arrking  a •



Parrki Pa king ng an and d En Enfo forc rcem emen entt ha have ve co comp mple lete ted d a fu full ll re rev view of aDp aDpen ennn nns s issu issued ed fo forr pa park rkiing on t he he road. A numbe berr of di diff ffe erent organizat izatiions is iss sue a variet ety y of pe penn nniits, some paid and some free of cha charge rge.. 10 infonT infonTll

The te tea has propos seve ever rs, al ea kecyhppe rinrmit cipl iples sui uittre abl ab leewed pol po y df or orre tcomm hemmen issenda uedati otion fons pesr mits mma its de in future future. . am Agai Ag ains nstt pro tho th oposed se ed priinc pr ncip iple les, eac perm itestype ha has s be been en revi view edlican and reco made abo bout ut whe heth the er to co cont ntii nu nue, am amen end, d, or ab abol oliish th the e pe perm rmiit ty type pe or to cre rea ate a ne new w pe perrmit ty typ pe. The cr ititeria for each permit ha have ve bee een n proposed. A policy will now be drafted an and d submitted for consiidera cons derattion late 2012 or ear arly ly 20 2013 13..

Tran Tr ansp spor ortt Up Upda date te

Page 36



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of Justice,

New Zealand

Min inis istr try y of Justic ice e

New Zeala lan nd

Introduction This doc ocu ument sets out Cabi bin net's expec ecttat atiion for the design and operation of new inf nfrringement sch chem emes es.. Ca Cabi bine nett ap appr prov oved ed th thes esee gu guid idel eliine ness in Ma Marrch 2008. Th Thee gu guid idel elin inee on ad admi mini nist stra rati tive ve prov pr ovis isio ions ns ap appl plie iess to al alll in infr frin inge geme ment nt sc sche heme mes. s. 2. The Gove verrnment see eek ks to ens nsu ure that infringement schemes are fair, equ quiitable, consistent and a proportionate means of encouraging compliance with the law. By imposing a monetary pena nallty, an infringement of offfen encce sch cheeme can be a propor orttionat atee respons nsee for a rel elaatively minor breach of the law. 3. These guidel eliines prov oviide a fram amew ewo ork for the development of infring ngeement sch cheemes to ensure cro cr oss-gov oveernment con onssisten enccy and to manage the fut utu ure grow owtth of the infring ngeement system. 1.

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ionsl gl glob obal al-p -pu u bl blic ic at atii on ons s/il ilin inff

ring rin g em em e nt nt -g -gu u id id eli elin n esl eslin intr tro o du du ct ct

ion io n

1 /1



is an infringement




of Justice,

New Zealand

Min inis isttry of Just stic ice e

New Zeala lan nd

What is an infrin ing gement scheme? 4. The purpose of an infringement scheme is to: • Achieve compliance with the law and to reduce the harm caused by minor offending; • Hold people accountable for their actions and to promote a sense of responsibility; and • Educate people about unacceptable conduct and its inherent social harm. 5. An in infr frin inge gem men entt sch chem emee prov provid ides es an admi admini nisstr trat ativ ivel ely y ef efffic icie ient nt met etho hod d of en enco cour urag agin ing g co com mpl plia ianc ncee with the law by imposing a set financial penalty following relatively minor breaches ofthe law. 6. An inf nfrring ngeemen entt of offfence not otiice is a prop opo ortiona natte res esp pon onsse to offen end ding, which avo voiids the for orm mality of cou ourrt proc oceeed ediings and doe oess not impos osee a full criminal penal altty. 7. The system involves both benefits and trade-offs for the prosecuting agency, the defendant and the just ju stic icee sy syst stem em.. a. The prosecuting agency does not have the cost of bringing court proceedings or of proving the elements of the offence. However, by using an infringement notice, it reduces the penalty level imposed and, through being unable to obtain a criminal conviction, lower erss the deterren entt ef efffect and ot oth her impa paccts such as moral con ond dem emn nation on.. b. The defenda dan nt ha hass the ben eneefit of a discou oun nted pe pen nal altty, no possibility of con onv viction and nd,, despite the diminution of their legal rights, avoids the time and cost involved in a court hearing. c. The jus usttice system do doees no nott need to dev evo ote jud udiici cial al and cour urtt res eso our urce cess to de dettermining whether ea eacch offence ha hass oc occcurred ed.. The Cour urtt system does es,, howev eveer, beco com me inv nvo olved where the unpaid infringement fee is filed for enforcement or the infringement notice is chal ch alllen enge ged d by th thee de deffen enda dant nt.. 8. As the imposition and enforcement of a penalty through an infringement offence notice involves a transfer of a traditional judicial function to the executive branch of government, it is important that any individual can request that the Court review or reduce the penalty.

j uslic uslice. e. gO gOYI. YI. nz l pu publ blic ical al io ions ns  global-publications

 il ilin inff

ring ri ngem em en enll -guid -guidel elii ne nes/ s/wh what at -i -is-an-infring s-an-infringem em en enll -s -sch cher ern n e



The legal framework

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of Justice,

New Zealand

Min inis istr try y of Justic ice e

New Zealand Ne

The le leg gal fr fra amework 9. The legal framework for an infringement offence scheme is provided in three parts. a. Pr Prim imar ary y le legi gissla lati tion on spe peci ciffic to th thee su subj bjec ectt ma matt tter er;; b. Regu gullation onss, rul ules es and by by--laws, mad adee und ndeer the provisions of the pr priimary leg egiislation; and c. The Sum umm mar ary y Proc oceeed ediings Act 1957 57.. These gu guiideline ness ad add dress the standa darrd features for inf nfrring ngeement schem emees. Exce cep ption onss may be requ quiired to meet the spec eciific ci cirrcumstan ancces of a par artticu cullar inf nfrring ngeement schem eme, e, e. e.g g. a shortened timefram amee for paymen entt for certai ain n inf nfrring ngeement ntss und ndeer the Biosecur uriity Act 19 199 93, or the Civi vilAv lAviiat atiion Act 1990 90;; or the limit on the Court's ability to reduce the penalty for an overloading infringement under the Lan and d Tran ansspo porrt Act 1998. Prim Pr imar aryy le legi gisl slat atio ion n

10. Primar ary y legislation is spec eciific to the subject mat attter (e.g .g.. sect ctiions 13-14A of the Litter Act 197 979 9), and provides the authority to establish an infringement offence scheme, sets the maximum penalty leve vell, ide den ntifies who can issue infringemen entt no nottice cess and who is ent ntiitled to the infringemen entt fee eess collected. Regu Re gula lati tion onss

rule ru less an and d by la laws ws

11. Regul ulaations, rules and by-law awss made under the prov oviisions of the primar ary y legislation pr prov oviide the det etai aills of the spe peccific inf nfrring ngeement scheme. These incl clu ude the form of the infring ngeemen entt no nottice and reminder not otiice to be issued, the spe peccific ac acttion or omission con onsstitut utiing an infringem emeent offen encce an and d the spe peci ciffic pe pena nallty le leve vells for ea each ch inf nfrrin inge geme ment nt of offfen ence ce.. Sum Su mmary Proc oceeed ediings Act 19 1957 57 - ke keyy po poin ints ts

12. The Summary Procee eed dings Act 195 957 7 and the Summary Procee eed dings Regul ulat atiions 195 958 8 provide a common framework when the District Court is requested to review or enforce an infringement offe of fenc ncee no noti tice ce.. Timeframes

13. The recipient of an infringement notice usually has 28 days from the date of service to: • pay the fee in full; • apply to pay it over a longer period including by instalments; or • req eque uesst a he hear arin ing g before the prosecuting agency may serve a reminder notice in the prescribed form on the defendant. 14· If the defendant does not do any of these things within 28 days of the reminder notice being served, the prosecuting agency may, within 6 months of the date when the infringement offence is alllege al ged d to ha hav ve been co com mmitted, el elec ecttroni nica callly file de dettails of the reminder no nottice with the District www. ww w.ju jus s ice. ice.go gov v .nz .nzlp lpu u

blica bli ca ionsl gl glob obal al-p -pu u bl blica ica io ions nsli lili li

nf rin ringe gem m en -gui -guide deli line nesl slth thee-Ie Iega gall-ff

ram ra m ew ewor ork k



11   3 1 2

Th e le leg g al al fr fra a me me wo wo rk rk


Minist ry ry

of Justice,

New Zealand

Court. This period is extended to 12 months after the date of the offence where a time to pay arrangement has been entered into and has subsequently been breached. This time may also be longer than 6 mon ontths if the pr priimary legi gisslation establishing the infringe gem men entt sch cheeme allow owss for longer periods between the original of offfen encce and the filing of the no nottice with the District Court. Commencing a proceeding in a Court

15. Section 21 of the Summary Proceed ediings Act 19 195 57 contains the requ quiiremen entts for co com mmenci cin ng proce ceeedings in respec ectt of an inf nfrringement offence. Proceedings can be com omm menced in two way ayss: • With the leave of a District Court Judge or Registrar, by laying an information, or by filing a notice of pros oseecut utiion und ndeer section 20A (minor offenc ncee procedur uree); or • Where an infringement notice has been issued, by filing the notice of hearing in court or by elec el ectr tron onic ical allly fi fili ling ng th thee de deta tail ilss of the re remi mind nder er no noti tice ce.. No conviction or cr crim imin inal al re reco cord rd 16. No conviction or criminal record may result from an infringement offence. This is regardless of whether an infringement offence is proceeded with by way of information, a section 20A notice of prosecution (minor offence procedure), or an infringement notice. If a defendant is found guilty of, or pleads guilty to, the offence, the Court cannot convict them, but may order that they pay such fine and costs, or make any such order (such as driver licence demerit points), as they would if convicting the defendant of the offence (section 78A Summary Proceedi din ngs Act). a deefleiab ndialintyt oser naddsmth hns eariab ngouth eittyheorr c1h7a. lIlfeng nge abi ite liparboislietcyutfionrgthaegeonffceyncae naontdicemraekqeuessutbinmgisasio abo t etyhempaeynal alt otherwise that they wish the court to consider. However, a defendant cannot request a hearing if they have entered a time to pay arrangement. Cou ourrt con onssideration of outstanding pay aym ment of infringement penal altties

18. Enforcement measures that can be employed by the Registrar and Court Bailiff to enforce paym ymeent of an infringe gem men entt notice inc ncllude de:: • A warrant to seize and sell property to pay fines; • An attachment order, to deduct payment of the outstanding infringement fine over a set period from the def efeenda dan nt's payor bene neffit; and/or • A deduction notice, to deduct payment of the outstanding infringement fine from the defendant's bank account in a lump sum, or by regular instalments. 19. If the matter is referred to the Court by a Registrar because enforcement action has been unsucc cceessful or the fine ness are un affordab ablle, a District Cou ourrt Judg dgee or Community Magistrate may decide to: • refer the matter to the Registrar with a direction that one or more of the enforcement proc pr oced edur ures es av avai aillab ablle to Re Regi gisstr trar arss be inv nvok oked ed;; • direct that a warrant of commitment be issued; • sentence the defendant to home detention; • sentence the defendant to community detention; • sentence the defendant to community work; • direct that one of the following enforcement actions - attachment order, warrant to seize, deduction notice or warrant of commitment - be taken in respect of a lesser amount than the WoMN..justice.govt.nzipublications/global-publications/ilinfringement-guide WoMN guidelilines/the nes/the--Iegal-framework



The legal framework

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of Justice,

New Zealand

fine du fine due; e; • if the amount that the defendant owes in respect of one unpaid fine, or in total in respect of more than one unpaid fine, is  5 000 or more, refer the matter to the Registrar with a direction that action be taken under section 96A of the District Courts Act 1947 (to place a charging order on land or other property owned by the defendant) in relation to one or all of the fines making up the total owing by the defendant as if the fine or fines were an order for the payment of money and as if the Registrar had obtained the order; • direct that a greater time for payment of the fine be allowed subject to such conditions as may be directe ted d by the Judge or Community Magistr traate; • direct that no further enforcement proceedings be taken in respect of the fine for such period or subject to such conditions as may be directed by the Judge or Community Magistrate; or • remit the fine or a part of the fine. This process may involve the defendant being summoned to appear before a Registrar, a Judge or a Community Magistrate. If necessary, a warrant to arrest can be issued to secure the defendant's atte ten ndance at th thee heari rin ng. 20. www.justice govt.nzllpublications publications//global-publications global-publications//i/inf

ringem ent -g -guidelines/th the e -Ie -Ieg g alal-ff

rame ra mewo work rk

3  3


G\J G\ JmI\t1es

for New Infringement




of Justice,

New Zealand

Min inis istr try y of Justi tic ce

New Zeala lan nd

Guidelines for New Infringement 21. Infringement

• • • • • • • •


guidelines should centre on the following eight elements:

Appropriate use Legi Le gisl slat ativ ivee au auth thor orit ity y Penalties Oper Op erat atio iona nall gu guid idel elin ines es Rights of the recipient of an infringement offence notice Payment options (including offering time-payment) Enforcement Administrative provisions.

Guid idel elin ine e

Appro rop pri riat ate e us use e

An infringement

offence scheme should:

• Address misconduct that is generally regarded as being of comparatively minor concern to the general public, but may address more serious matters provided the following considerations also al so ap appl ply. y. • Involve actions or omissions that involve straightforward issues of fact. • Only apply to strict or absolute liability offences. • Be an appropriate mechanism or part of an appropriate mechanism to encourage compliance with the law. Explanation

This guideline is designed to ensure that the proposed infringement scheme is the appropriate instrument to meet the policy objectives, or whether alternative or supporting mechanisms are appro app ropr pria ia te te.. 22.. 22

23. Infringement offence schemes are suitable for addressing comparatively minor breaches of the law, which warrant more than a warning, but less that the full sanctions ofthe criminal law. 24. A central principle of the criminal justice system is that the prosecution must prove the alleged offender committed the offence. This includes both the physical actions and the state of mind (called mens rea) in relation to the offence (i.e. negligence, recklessness or intention to commit the offence). 25. In contrast, infringement offence schemes involve strict and absolute liability offences, and there is no requirement for the prosecution to prove the mens rea. For some infringement offences, e.g. a speed camera ticket, the recipient of the infringement notice is required to inform the prosecuting agency of the actual offender, in order to escape liability. Gui uide deli line ne

Leg egis isla lati tiv ve au auth thor orit ity y

Primary legislation (i.e. an Act of Parliament)

is required to:

• Establish an infringement offence scheme. • Establish the maximum penalty provisions. just ju stic ice. e. gO gOYt Yt.. nz nz/p /pub ubli lica cati tion onsl sl

glob gl obal al-p -pub ubli lica cati tion ons/ s/ii

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or-n or -new ew-i -inf nf ri ring ngem emen entt -s -sch chem em es



GtiiliMl Gt liMlIIll3s

for New Infringement




of Justice,

New Ne w Ze Zeal alan and d

• Establish who can issue infringement notices. • Identify the entitlements to revenue that prosecuting agencies receive from infringement fees. For central government agencies, these receipts should be paid to the Crown bank account, while territorial and local authorities may be entitled to retain all or some of the revenue. • Enable detailed provisions such as infringement offences, fees and forms to be established in regulations or by-laws.

Explanation 26. The power to specify an offence as an infringement

offence needs to be established in primary

liengfriisnlagteio taebliBsh isciton1993 s of oarny rtiivciul laArviation mne.nt In sN cheewmeZeianlan thde, stuhbejesctta-n spdeacrd ific prasctatitcuete is(et.og.esth iosekceuyrip tyrovA thepaC Act 1990). 27. Most statutes which establish infringement offence schemes include three or four relevant sectiions. These sections adapt the common provisions and any special conditions associated with the sect regu re gula late ted d be beha havi viou our. r. Guide delline

Pena Pe naltie lties s

Penalties should involve the following features: • The maximum penalty for any infringement infringement notice or subject to prosecution

offence, whether the offender is served with an by summary proceedings, should be established

in pri rima mary ry leg egis isla lattio ion n. • The actual penalty for any offence subject to an infringement notice may be established as a fixed fee, in regulations or by-laws. • As a general rule, every offence which is subject to an infringement notice should not normally exceed a fee of   1,000, unless in the particular circumstances of the case a high level of deterrence is required. The fee should generally be considerably less than the statutory maximum available to the court following a successful summary prosecution. • Where the proposed penalty is intended to exceed   1,000, it is preferable that this amount be fixed in primary legislation, although in certain circumstances it may be appropriate to specify the fee in regulations, with a maximum fixed in primary legislation. • In setting infringement fees consideration must be given to the level of harm involved in the offending, the affordability and appropriateness of the penalty for the target group, and the proportionality of the proposed fee with the infringement fees for other comparable infr in frin ing gem emen entt off ffen ence ces. s. • The penalty must not include a criminal conviction, even when liability is contested in court or the person is found guilty in a summary prosecution, although other appropriate orders such as deemed convictions and driver licence demerit points may be made. • No term of imprisonment should result from an infringement offence.

Explanation 28. Infringement offence schemes are generally designed to address comparatively minor breaches of the law. For this reason, the penalty should be proportionate and generally less than   1,000, alt alth hough higher maximum penalties may be appropriate where high levels of deterrence are necessary. 29· As the imposition of a penalty for a breach involves a transfer of the judicial function to the executive, it is very important that the penalty should not result in:

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...igui ...ig uide deli line ness-ff

or-n or -new ew-i -inf nf ri ring ngem emen entt-sc sche heme mes s

2  6


Gtiiill 1l Gt 1lJles

for New Infringement




of Justice,

New Zealand

• a criminal conviction, even when liability is contested in a Court; or • a term of imprisonment. Where an offence may warrant a more serious penalty, or different treatment e.g. Court proceedings, then a separate offence provision should be established in the primary legislation. 30. Infringement offence notices impose a monetary fee as a penalty (although the penalty for some transport offences may also include the imposition of a deemed conviction and driver li lice cen nce demerit points). The monetary penalty should be set at a level considerably lower than the maximum fine which can be imposed for the same offence by the Court following a successful summary prosecution. 31. Higher maximum infringement fees are often necessary to deter offending where a significant economic benefit can result for the offender. Exam ples of offending with significant economic benefit include the avoidance or evasion of Road User Charges, the overloading of heavy vehicles and the breaching of marine protection zones. Guidelin Gu ideline e

Operat Op erationa ionall guid guideline elines s

• Prosecuting agencies need to develop formal operational guidelines about the issuance of infringement notices to ensure that authorised officials act in a consistent manner. • These can advise issuing officers of the circumstances in which they may: • give an oral or written warning • give the offender the opportunity to rectify the offending, e.g., by obtaining a Warrant of Fitness certificate for an unwarranted car • record only one offence on one particular on the same infringement notice.

occasion rather than multiple related offences

Explanation 32. Operational guidelines can ensure authorised officers act in a consistent manner when issuing infringement notices and considering whether an alternative action such as an oral or written warning is more appropriate. 33. In certain circumstances, it may be appropriate for the agency to cancel an infringement notice when the matter in dispute is rectified, e.g. warrant of fitness certificate obtained within one month of expiry. Similarly, issuing multiple infringement penalties for related offences on the one particular occasion may be a disproportionate response. Gui uide deli line ne

Rig igh hts of th the e re reci cip pie ient nt of an in infr frin inge gem men entt no noti tice ce

Any recipient of an infringement

notice must be advised:

• They have the right to seek the cancellation or transfer of the notice if they consider they are not responsible for the offence. They may be obliged to identify the actual offender, if known, e.g. for certain traffic and vehicle-related offences. • They may contest liability in the District Court but, if unsuccessful, may face additional Court costs.. costs • They may face prosecution or enforcement action if the infringement fee is not paid. • Payment of an infringement fee is not a personal admission of guilt, and no criminal record is established.


j U r ice.9ov t. nznzll public publicat at io ions ns 1gl glob obal al-p -pu u bl blicat icat io ions nsli li

...Iguidelines ...Iguideline s -f or-n or-new ew-i -inf nf ri ring ngem em en entt -s -sch chem em es

31 6


11 3 12

34. Recipients of an infringement offence notice should be properly informed of their rights at the beginning of the process, to ensure consistency within prosecuting agencies and to increase the likelihood of compliance with the penalty. 35. Given the fact that this is a penalty administered by the Executive branch of Government, it is important for the credibility of the infringement system that notice recipients understand the process, their liability, potential consequences of not complying, and any review mechanisms available to them. Guideli lin ne

To encourage

Payment opti tio ons



each prosecuting


• Should offer a number of payment options such as payment by cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card and payment in person, by phone or over the internet. • Should offer a time to pay option for cases where the recipient of the infringement notice does not have the means to pay in full and where the amount payable under the infringement notice exceeds $100. • Should require time to pay arrangements to be completed within 10 months of the alleged offending. • Should promptly issue another reminder notice where there is a failure to comply with any time to pay agreement. • Should promptly file the infringement reminder notice with the District Court for enforcement where:  




• The unpaid portion of the infringement fee is not paid, or • Another time to pay arrangement has not been entered into following a breach. within 28 days after service of the reminder


Explanation 36. The purpose of an infringement penalty is to encourage compliance and to hold people accountable. These purposes are not achieved if the infringement fee is not paid. bffering time to pay arrangements and a wide range of payment options makes it easier for people to comply and thus, increases the likelihood of the penalty achieving its goals. 37· Set monetary penalties do not discriminate between the financial situations of infringemen infringementt offenders. Allowing the option of instalment payments helps resolve the difficul~ that some people may have in paying the penalty in full within a short period. This encourages stage and avoids the additional costs involved with Court enforcement. Guidellin Guide ine e


at an earlier

Enf nfor orce cem men entt

• The principal enforcement procedure for infringement offences is provided by the Summary Proceedings Act 1957. • Any notice filed at the District Court for enforcement must be filed electro~ically within six months of the date of the offence or where a time to pay payment was entered into by the offender and the prosecuting agency, and the offender has breached the pa~ment arrangement, within 12 months of the date of the offence. (The specific primary legislation may I?r~vid~ fo for longer ti times) .. • Unpaid mfrmgement remmder notices should be filed WIth the Court as soon as possible after  

the expiry of the 28-day reminder justice.. gOYt. nz/publications  justice ons 

global-publications global-publicat ions i

.. ./gu guid idel elin ines es-f -f

notice period.

or-n or -new ew-i -inf nf ri ring ngem em en entt-sc sche hem m


  4 6


G\1 G\ 1/ll 1lnes for New Infringement




of Justice,

New Ne w Ze Zeal alan and d

• All All id iden enti tify fyin ing g an and d co cont ntac actt information held about the defendant should be provided to the Court at the time of filing or as soon as possible after being later received. Explanation

38. Pr 38. Pros osec ecut utin ing g au auth thor oriiti ties es sho houl uld d pr prom ompt ptlly el elec ectr tron oniica call lly y fi fille de deta tail ilss of un unpa paid id in inffri ring ngem emen entt rem emin inde derr notice cess (inc nclluding tho hosse for breach cheed time to pa pay y ar arrrange gem ment ntss), as this max axiimises the de detterrent effe ef fect ct of in infr frin inge geme ment nt of offe fenc nces es.. To be ef effe fect ctiv ive, e, pe pena nalt ltiies ne need ed to be sw swif ift, t, ce cert rtai ain n an and d pr prop opor orti tion onat ate. e. Prom Pr ompt pt fil iliing al also so in incr crea easses th thee lik ikel elih ihoo ood d of swi wifft an and d ef effe fect ctiv ivee en enfo forc rcem emen entt be beca caus usee th thee de defe fend ndan ant' t'ss con co ntact de dettails are more likely to still be ac acccur uraate. 39. It is also very important that pros osec ecut utiing au auttho hori riti ties es fi file le al alll id iden enti tify fyin ing g an and d co cont ntac actt in info forrma mattio ion n held about the defendant. This increases the likelihood that the court will be able to accurately identify and quickly locate the defendant. The full name and date of birth of individual defendants is essential for enforcemen entt action. The pr pro ovi vission of the defend ndaant's gende derr, occ ccu upa pattion, em empl ploy oyeer, phon onee numbers and alternative or updated addresses at the time of filing or subsequently greatly assists the fine fi ne en enfo forc rcem emen entt pr proc oces esss. Guidellin Guide ine e

Admin inis istr tra ati tiv ve

pro rov vis isio ion ns

Each Ea ch pr pros osec ecut utiing ag agen ency cy sho houl uld: d: • Maintain a set of key statistics on the infringement notices issued each year. • File an annual set of statistics on their use of infringement notices, as required by the Secretary forr Ju fo Just stic icee. Explanation

Thee ad admi mini nisstr trat ativ ivee pr prov ovis isio ions ns re requ quiire reme ment ntss sho houl uld d he help lp to en enssur uree reg egul ular ar an and d co comp mpre rehe hens nsiive 40.. Th 40

accou acc oun ntability for the ope perration of an inf nfrring ngeement of offfence sch cheeme. The Se Seccretary for Jus usttice will spec eciify the inf nfo ormation requ quiiremen entts. The col olllation of thi hiss inf nfo ormation is similar to the pract ctiice of the Pollice for repo Po porrted offen encces es,, and the Ministry of Justice for ann nnu ual co con nvi vicction and sen enttenci cin ng statistics. 41. Having access to this information is important for monitoring the growth of the infringement system and additional pressure that is put on the community, prosecuting agencies and the Court system. This data is important for the Courts who may be trying to enforce infringement fines. 42. It also helps to inform changes in the rate of compliance by specific and general infringement


Guidelline   Consu Guide sult lta ati tio on re req quiremen uirementt

Any agency, seeking to establish a new infringement scheme or to review an existing one in pr priimary legi gisslat atiion or regul ulat atiions must co con nsult the Ministry of Justice on the provisions and penalties for the prop pr opos osed ed in infr frin inge geme ment nt of offe fenc nces es.. Explanation

43. The Ministry has a strong interest in the use of infringement offences, from both a crirninallaw perspective, (given the trade-offs that are at stake for a recipient of an infringement notice), and the pressure that is put on Court resources in enforcing the payment of infringement fines. justic jus tice. e. gov t. nz/ nz/pub public licati ations ons//

global glo bal-pu -publi blicat cation ions s/i

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or-n or -new ew-i -inf nf ri ring ngem emen entt -s -sch chem emes es




f or or New Inf ri ringe ngem ment Schemes -

Min iniistr stry y of Justice Justice,, Ne New w Zealand

44. Consultation with the Ministry of Justice helps to ensure consistency in the development of infr in frin inge geme men nt sc sch hem emes es,, an and d ef effe fect ctiv ivee ov over ersi sigh ghtt of th thee in infr frin inge geme ment nt sy syst stem em.. 45. The Ministr 45. try y should be consulted on all Cabin ineet papers, draft Billsan lsand d draft Regulatio ion ns rela lati tin ng to in infr frin inge geme men nt sc sche heme mes. s.

just ustic ice e. gov I. nzlpublica publicattions ns//glob global al-publicat -publicatio ions ns//i/ .. .Igui guid deline elines s-f or-ne r-new w-inf ring ringem eme entnt-s schemes



11/3 11 /3//12

Contac Conta ct



of Justice,

New Ne w Ze Zeal alan and d

Min inis isttry of Justic ice e

New Zeala Ne lan nd

Contact 46. For further information please contact the Policy Manager, Colle lecctio ion ns Unit it,, Ministr try y of Justice, PO Box 180, Wel Wellin lingto gton. n. Tel Teleph ephone one (0 (04) 4) 918 91888 8800 00..


jus tic tice e. gov t. nzl publicat ions onsll gl glob obal al-p -pu u blicati icatio onsli in inf

ringem ent-guidelines




1lAa;;IISfr 1lAa;; fry y of Jus usti tice ce - Tah ahO O


te Tur ure e -

Min inist istrry of Justice, New Zea Zealan land d


Ministry of Justice

te Ture


The Ministry of Justice delivers court and tribunal services including collection of fi fin nes and an d re repar parati ation on,, provides policy advice and negotiates Treaty of Waitangi claims on behalf of the Government. The Ministry is the lead justice sector agency and also supp su ppor orts ts th the e ju judi dici ciar ary. y.

How we can help

Legal aid


(/services services//legal-aid)

Attending a court or tribunal (/services/attending-acourt-ortribunal//attending-atribunal court-or-tribunal)

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help (/s (/se~~ e~~o on)


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Information Informatio n about legal aid for clients and legal aid provide provid ers

Pay your fines online (/fines) Sep Se par arat atio ion n an and d divorce (/courts//fa (/courts fam m ililyycourt/wha court /what-fa t-fam m ilycourt-

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Access Acces s Ministry of Justice serv se rvic ices es an and d in info form rmat atio ion. n.


Getti Get ting ng le lega gall ai aid d (/servicesllegalaid/getting-Iegal-aid) Comm Co mmun unit ity y le lega gall services (Iservices/legalaid/cornmunity-Iegal-

o Mo More re ~i ~i5l 5l::eE eEtt)e )ega gall ai aid d (/service~fu1<km rmation _ L _   L L _

What you need to know about courts and tribunals in New Zealand.. Zealand Attendino iurv '-' ~   o More ~eAttending a cou co urt ... ..  «(~~~ «(~~~.. ..aacourt-or-$~~~~-~_court-or-yjp'unattr J _ •• court-or-yjp'una  

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Pollicy in progress Po

media//in In focus  /media

About the Ministry



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Devel Dev elo opi ping ng po poli lic cy an and d legi le gisl slat atio ion n to su supp ppor ortt ju just stic ice e priorities. Supp Su ppor orti ting ng vi vict ctim ims s (/polilic cy/supportingvictiims) vict

Inf nfor orma mattio ion n on is iss sue ues s an and d topics of interest across the just ju stic ice e se sect ctor or.. Cha hang nges es to cr crim imin ina al procedure (/med mediia/in-

The Ministry of Justice works across a wide range of areas. What we do (/aboutthe--m ini the nis stry/what-we try/what-we-do)

www..justice www justice..go gov



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Who we are  /about

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