Mafia in the United States

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Liceul Technologic Technologic “Domokos Kázmér” Sovata Filiera: Teoretică Proil: !eal S"ecializare: #atematică$%normatică %ntensiv &ngleză

Atestat la limba Engleză

Profesor îndrumător: Sikó Emőke

Autor: XII.B.



Table of contents:


 Introduction…………………………  Introduction……………… …………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………… 4 Chapter I. Origins of the Mafia………………………………………. 1.1 The Mafia's Sicilian Roots……………………………………… Roots…………………………………………5 …5 1.2. The Mafia in the 20th Century and Beyond……………….……6 

Chapter II. Mafia in the !nited ……………………………………… "  2.1. Ii!ration I i!ration and "rohi#it "rohi#ition………………………………………… ion…………………………………………$  $  2.2. The %erican Mafia &ets r!ani(ed………………………………) 2.*. The +.S. Mafia, -ierarchy and Rituals……………………………

Chapter III. The Mafia#s 20th$Centur% &o'inance……… &o'inance………………( ………(

Chapter I). *lphonse Capone +*l Capone, ………………………10 /.1.Caone's arly ears in 3e4 or…………………………………11 /.2.Caone Meets ohnny To Torrio……………………………………… rrio………………………………………12 12 /.*.Caone in Chica!o………………………… Chica!o……………………………………………………12 …………………………12 /./. Caone's Reutation……………………… Reutation…………………………………………………12 …………………………12 /.5. St. 7alentine's 8ay Massacre………………………………………1* /.6."rison Tie…………………………………………… Tie……………………………………………………………1* ………………1* /.6. 9inal 8ays…………………………………… 8ays……………………………………………………………1/ ………………………1/



In m !"ild"ood I #at!"ed a lot of films based on t"e life of t"e mafia families in t"e $.S. %"an I did little kne# t"at t"ose films #ere based on true stories& alt"oug" I realized #"en I raised u'& I started to find it interesting t"is is t"e reason #" I !"oose t"is as to'i! for m t"esis (rom all t"e films& and stories I "a)e "eard one 'erson and "is 'ersonalit& ta!ti!s !aug"t m attention and I started to dig dee'er in "is life. *e is Al +a'one& t"e most famous gangster in Ameri!as "istor. It is )er interesting t"at during "is life& during t"e "eig"t of Pro"ibition& +a'one,s multimillion dollar +"i!ago o'eration in bootlegging& 'rostitution and gambling dominated t"e organized !rime s!ene& and furt"ermore +a'one #as res'onsible for man brutal a!ts of  )iolen!e& mainl against ot"er gangsters& and still "e #as !aug"t and senten!ed for ta e)asion. Alt"oug" t"at t"e "istor of mafia !ontains more bla!k s'ots t"an #"ite ones& I find it )er interesting t"e fa!t "o# t"e t"e  realized to !ontrol e)ert"ing net to t"em. (rom m t"esis t"e reader !an find out t"e origins of mafia and t"eir life& state& fa!ts in t"e $.S.A.


Chapter I. Origins of the Mafia %"e /afia& a net#ork of organized-!rime grou's based in Ital and Ameri!a& e)ol)ed o)er !enturies in Si!il& an island ruled until t"e mid-01t" !entur b a long line of  foreign in)aders. Si!ilians banded toget"er in grou's to 'rote!t t"emsel)es and !arr out t"eir o#n 2usti!e. In Si!il& t"e term 3mafioso&4 or /afia member& initiall "ad no !riminal !onnotations and #as used to refer to a 'erson #"o #as sus'i!ious of !entral aut"orit. B t"e 01t" !entur& some of t"ese grou's emerged as 'ri)ate armies& or  3mafie&4 #"o etorted 'rote!tion mone from lando#ners and e)entuall be!ame t"e )iolent !riminal organization kno#n toda as t"e Si!ilian /afia. %"e Ameri!an /afia& #"i!" rose to 'o#er in t"e 0156s& is a se'arate entit from t"e /afia in Ital& alt"oug" t"e s"are su!" traditions as omerta& a !ode of !ondu!t and loalt.

1. 1.1. 1.

Th Thee M Maf afia ia's 's Sici Sicili lian an Ro Root otss

(or !enturies& Si!il& an island in t"e /editerranean Sea bet#een 7ort" Afri!a Afri!a and t"e Italian mainland& #as ruled b a long line of foreign in)aders& in!luding t"e P"oeni!ians& 8omans& Arabs& (ren!" and S'anis". %"e residents of t"is island& #"i!" measures almost 06&666 s9uare feet& formed grou's to 'rote!t t"emsel)es from t"e often-"ostile o!!u'ing for!es& as #ell as from ot"er regional grou's of Si!ilians. %"ese grou's& #"i!" later   be!ame kno#n as !lans or families& de)elo'ed t"eir o#n sstem for 2usti!e and retribution& !arring out t"eir a!tions in se!ret. B t"e 01t" !entur& small 'ri)ate armies kno#n as 3mafie4 3mafie4 took ad)antage of t"e fre9uentl )iolent& )iolent& !"aoti! !"aoti! !onditions !onditions in Si!il and etorted 'rote!tion mone from lando#ners. (rom t"is "istor& t"e Si!ilian /afia emerged as a !olle!tion of !riminal !lans or families. Alt"oug" its 're!ise origins are unkno#n& t"e term /afia !ame from a Si!ilianArabi! slang e'ression t"at means 3a!ting as a 'rote!tor against t"e arrogan!e of t"e  'o#erful&4 a!!ording to Sel#n 8aab& aut"or of 3(i)e (amilies: %"e 8ise& e!line& and 8esurgen!e 8esur gen!e of Ameri!a; Ameri!a;ss /ost Po#erful Po#erful /afia Em'ires. Em'ires. 8aab notes t"at until t"e 01t"


!entur& t"e #ord 3mafioso4 did not refer to someone #"o #as a !riminal& but rat"er a  'erson #"o #as sus'i!ious of !entral aut"orit. In t"e 0<=6s& a 'la !alled 3I /afiusi della >i!aria4 >i!aria4 ?3*eroes of t"e Penitentiar4@& Pen itentiar4@& about a grou' of inmates at a Si!ilian 'rison #"o maintained t"eir o#n "ierar!" and rituals& toured Ital and "el'ed 'o'ularize t"e term /afia in t"e Italian language.

1.2. The Mafia in the 20th Century and Beyond  %"e /afia;s influen!e in Si!il gre# until t"e 0156s& #"en Prime /inister Benito /ussolini !ame to 'o#er and laun!"ed a brutal !ra!kdo#n on mobsters& #"o "e )ie#ed as a t"reat to "is (as!ist regime. *o#e)er& in t"e 016s& t"e /afia rose again #"en mob ba!ked !onstru!tion !om'anies dominated t"e 'ost-orld ar ar II building boom in Si!il. Si!il. C)er t"e net fe# de!ades& t"e Si!ilian /afia flouris"ed& e'anding its !riminal em'ire and be!oming& b t"e 01D6s& a ma2or 'laer in international in ternational nar!oti!s traffi!king.

%"e Ameri!an /afia& a se'arate entit from t"e /afia in Si!il& !ame to 'o#er in t"e 0156s Pro"ibition era after t"e su!!ess of Italian-Ameri!an neig"bor"ood gangs in t"e  booming bootleg li9uor business. B B  t"e 016s& t"e /afia ?also kno#n as +osa 7ostra& Italian for 3Cur %"ing4@ "ad be!ome t"e 'reeminent organized-!rime net#ork in t"e $nited States and #as in)ol)ed in a range of under#orld a!ti)ities& from loan-s"arking to  'rostitution& #"ile also infiltrating labor unions and legitimate industries su!" as !onstru!tion and 7e# ork;s garment industr. Fike t"e Si!ilian /afia& Ameri!an /afia families #ere able to maintain t"eir se!re! and su!!ess be!ause of t"eir !ode of omerta& as #ell as t"eir abilit to bribe and intimidate 'ubli! offi!ials& business leaders& #itnesses and 2uries 2uries.. (or t"ese t"ese reason reasons& s& la#-en la#-enfor for!em !ement ent agen!ie agen!iess #ere #ere largel largel  ineff ineffe!t e!ti)e i)e at sto''ing t"e /afia during t"e first 'art of t"e 56t" !entur. *o#e)er& during t"e 01<6s and 0116s& 'rose!utors in Ameri!a and Ital began su!!essfull em'loing toug" antira!keteering la#s to !on)i!t to'-ranking mobsters. Additionall& some /afiosi& in order  to a)oid long 'rison terms& began breaking t"e on!e-sa!re on!e-sa!red d !ode of omerta omerta and testified testified against fello# mob members. B t"e start of t"e 50st !entur& after "undreds of "ig"-


 'rofile arrests o)er t"e !ourse of se)eral de!ades& t"e /afia a''eared to be #eakened in  bot" !ountriesG "o#e)er& it #as not eliminated eliminated !om'letel and remains in business toda.

Chapter II. Mafia in the !nited %"ee Amer %" Ameri! i!an an /afi /afia& a& an It Ital alia iann-Am Amer eri! i!an an orga organi nize zedd-!r !rim imee net# net#or ork k #i #it" t" o'erations in !ities a!ross t"e $nited States& 'arti!ularl 7e# ork and +"i!ago& rose to  'o#er t"roug" its su!!ess in t"e illi!it li9uor trade during t"e 0156s Pro"ibition era. After  Pro"ibition& t"e /afia mo)ed into ot"er o t"er !riminal )entures& from drug traffi!king to illegal gambl gam blin ing& g& #"il #"ilee also also in infi filt ltra rati ting ng labo laborr unio unions ns and legi legiti tima mate te busin busines esse sess su su!" !" as !onstru!tion and 7e# ork;s garment industr. %"e /afia;s )iolent !rimes& se!ret rituals and notorious !"ara!ters su!" as Al +a'one and Ho"n otti "a)e fas!inated t"e 'ubli! and  be!ome a 'art of 'o'ular !ulture. uring t"e latter 'art of t"e 56t" !entur& t"e go)ernment used anti-ra!keteering la#s to !on)i!t "ig"-ranking mobsters and #eaken t"e /afia. *o#e)er& it remains in business toda. toda . /afia boss Ho"n otti ?01J6-5665@ #as dubbed dubb ed t"e 3%eflon on4 for "is abilit to e)ade e)a de 'ros 'rose!u e!uti tion. on. *o#e *o#e)er )er&& afte afterr mobs mobste terr Samm Samm r ra) a)ano ano turn turned ed go)er go)ernm nmen entt informant and testified against otti& otti #as !on)i!ted on murder and ra!keteering !"arges in 0115 and sent to 'rison& #"ere "e died of !an!er. !an !er.

2.1. Ii!ration and "rohi#i "rohi#ition tion

uring t"e late 01t" !entur and earl 56t" !entur& #a)es of Italians& mostl farmer far mers& s& !rafts !raftsmen men and unskil unskilled led labore laborers& rs& flo!ked flo!ked to Ameri Ameri!a !a in sear!" sear!" of better  better  e!onomi! o''ortunities. In 7e# ork +it alone& t"e number of Italians soared from 56&666 to 56&666 bet#een 0<<6 and 0<16& and b 0106& t"at number "ad 2um'ed to 66&666 immigrants and first-generation Italian Ameri!ans& or one-tent" of t"e !it;s  'o'ulation& a!!ording to "istorian %"omas 8e'etto. %"e ma2orit of t"ese immigrants #ere la#-abiding& but& as #it" most large grou's of 'eo'le& some #ere !riminals #"o formed neig"bor"ood gangs& often 'reing on t"ose in t"eir o#n !ommunities.


uri u ring ng t" t"ee 0156s 0156s Pro"i Pro"ibi biti tion on era& era& #"en #"en t"e t"e 0< 0<t" t" Amendm mendment ent to t"e t"e $. $.S. S. +onstitution banned t"e sale& manufa!ture and trans'ortation of al!o"oli! be)erages& Italian-Ameri!an gangs ?along #it" ot"er et"ni! gangs@ entered t"e booming bootleg li9uor li9 uor busine business ss and transf transform ormed ed t"emse t"emsel)e l)ess into into so'"is so'"isti ti!ate !ated d !rimin !riminal al ent enter' er'ris rises& es& skilled at smuggling& mone laundering and bribing 'oli!e and ot"er 'ubli! offi!ials. uring t"is time& t"e Si!ilian /afia in Ital& #"i!" "ad flouris"ed sin!e at least t"e mid01t" !entur& #as under atta!k from t"e (as!ist regime of Benito /ussolini ?0<<K-01J@. Somee Si Som Si!i !ili lian an /afi /afios osii es es!a !a'ed 'ed to t" t"ee $nit $nited ed St Stat ates es&& #"er #"eree t"e t"e got in)o in)ol)e l)ed d in  bootlegging and be!ame 'art of t"e burgeoning Ameri!an /afia. %"e /afia in t"e $.S. and Si!il #ere se'arate entities& alt"oug" t"e Ameri!ans ado'ted some Italian traditions& in in!l !lud udin ing g omer omerta ta&& an allall-im im'o 'ort rtan antt !ode !ode of !ondu !ondu!t !t and and se se!r !re! e! t"at t"at forb forbid id an !oo'eration #it" go)ernment aut"orities.

2.2. The %erican Mafia &ets r!ani(ed  In t"e late 0156s& a blood 'o#er struggle kno#n as t"e +astellammarese ar   broke out bet#een 7e# ork +it;s t#o biggest Italian-Ameri!an !riminal gangs. In 01K0& after t"e fa!tion led b Si!ilian-born !rime boss Sal)atore /aranzano ?0<<=-01K0@ !ame out on to'& "e !ro#ned "imself t"e 3!a'o di tutti !a'i&4 or boss of all bosses& in  7e# ork. $n"a'' #it" /aranzano;s 'o#er grab& a rising mobster named Fu!k Fu!iano ?0<1D-01=5@ "ad "im murdered t"at same ear. Fu!iano t"en masterminded t"e formation of a !entral organization !alled t"e +ommission to ser)e as a sort of national  board of dire!tors for t"e Ameri!an /afia& #"i!" b t"en !onsisted of at least 56 !rime families a!ross t"e !ountr. 7e# ork& #"i!" "ad be!ome Ameri!a;s organized-!rime !a'ital& "ad been di)ided into fi)e main /afia familiesG e)er#"ere else t"e /afia o'erated& t"ere #as 2ust one !rime famil 'er !it. %"e +ommission;s role #as to set  'oli!ies and mediate disagreements among t"e families. Ea!" of t"e fi)e 7e# ork  families famil ies re!ei)ed a )ote on t"e +ommission +ommission #"en it #as establ establis"ed& is"ed& #"ile t"e "eads of  t"e families in +"i!ago and Buffalo also got one )ote ea!".


2.*. The +.S. Mafia, -ierarchy and Rituals %'i!all& ea!" Ameri!an /afia !rime famil #as organized around a "ierar!" "eaded b a boss& #"o ruled #it" un9uestioned aut"orit and re!ei)ed a !ut of e)er mone-making o'eration taken on b an member of "is famil. Se!ond-in-!ommand #as t"e underboss and belo# "im #ere t"e !a'os& or !a'tains& #"o ea!" !ontrolled a !re# of 06 or so soldiers ?men #"o "ad been 3made&4 or indu!ted into t"e famil@. Ea!" famil also "ad a !onsigliere& #"o a!ted as an ad)isor and ombudsman. At t"e bottom of  t"e !"ain #ere asso!iates& 'eo'le #"o #orked for or did business #it" t"e famil but #eren;t full-fledged members.

Be!om Be !omin ing g an offi offi!i !ial al member member of a /afi /afiaa famil famil  tradi traditi tiona onall ll  in)ol in)ol)e )ed d an initiation !eremon in #"i!" a 'erson 'erformed su!" rituals as 'ri!king "is finger to dra# blood and "olding a burning 'i!ture of a 'atron saint #"ile taking an oat" of  loalt. Italian "eritage #as a 'rere9uisite for e)er indu!tee ?alt"oug" some !rime families re9uired su!" lineage onl from t"e fat"er;s side@ and men often& t"oug" not al#as& al#a s& "ad to !ommit a murder before t"e !ould be made. Be!oming Be!oming a member of t"e /afia #as meant to be a lifetime !ommitment and ea!" /afiosi s#ore to obe omerta& t"e all-im'ortant !ode of loalt and silen!e. /afiosi #ere also e'e!ted to follo# ot"er  rules& in!luding ne)er assaulting one anot"er and ne)er !"eating #it" anot"er member;s girlfriend or #ife.

Chapter III. The Mafia#s 20th$Centur% &o'inance it" t"e re'eal of Pro"ibition in 01KK& t"e /afia mo)ed beond bootlegging and in into to a ra range nge of under under#o #orl rld d a!ti) a!ti)it itie ies& s& fr from om ille illegal gal gambl gamblin ing g to loan loan-s -s"a "ark rkin ing g to  'rostitution rings. %"e /afia also sunk its tenta!les into labor unions and legitimate


 businesses& in!luding !onstru!tion& garbage !olle!tion& tru!king& restaurants and nig"t!lubs and t"e 7e# ork garment industr& and raked in enormous 'rofits t"roug" ki!kba!ks and 'rote!tion s"akedo#ns. Instrumental to t"e /afia;s su!!ess #as its abilit to bribe !orru't 'ubli! offi!ials and business leaders& along #it" #itnesses and 2uries in !ourt !ases. B t"e mid-56t" !entur& t"ere #ere 5J kno#n !rime families in Ameri!a& !om'rised of an estimated &666 full-fledged members and t"ousands of asso!iates a!ross t"e !ountr. Prior to t"e 01=6s& some go)ernment leaders& in!luding (BI ire!tor H. Edgar *oo)er& )oi!ed ske'ti!ism about t"e eisten!e of a national Italian-Ameri!an organized !rime net#ork and suggested instead t"at !rime gangs o'erated stri!tl on a lo!al le)el. As a result& la# enfor!ement agen!ies made fe# inroads in sto''ing t"e /afia;s rise during t"is 'eriod.

Chapter I). *lphonse Capone +*l Capone, Born in 0<11 in Brookln& 7e# ork& ork& to 'oor immigrant 'arents& Al +a'one #ent on to be!ome t"e most infamous gangster in Ameri!an "istor. In 0156 during t"e "eig"t of Pr Pro"i o"ibi biti tion on&& +a'o +a'one ne,s ,s mult multii-mi mill llio ion n doll dollar ar +"i! +"i!ag ago o o'er o'erat atio ion n in boot bootle legg ggin ing& g&  'rostitution and gambling dominated t"e organized !rime s!ene. +a'one #as res'onsible for man brutal a!ts of )iolen!e& mainl against ot"er gangsters. %"e most famous of  t"ese #as t"e St. >alentine,s >alentine,s a /assa!re in 0151& in #"i!" "e ordered t"e assassination of se)en ri)als. +a'one #as ne)er indi!ted for "is ra!keteering but #as finall broug"t to  2usti!e for in!ome-ta e)asion in 01K0.

/.1.Caone's arly ears in 3e4 or  Al'"onse +a'one ?0<11L01JD@ #as born in Brookln& 7e# ork& t"e son of  re!ent Italian immigrants abriele and %eresina +a'one. A 'oor famil t"at !ame to Ameri! Ame ri!aa seekin seeking g a better better life& t"e +a'ones +a'ones and t"eir t"eir eig eig"t "t !"ildr !"ildren en li)ed li)ed a t'i!al t'i!al immigrant lifestle in a 7e# ork tenement. +a'one,s fat"er #as as a barber& and "is mot"er #as a seamstress. %"ere #as not"ing in +a'one,s !"ild"ood or famil life t"at !ould "a)e 'redi!ted "is rise to infam as Ameri!a;s Ameri!a;s most notorious gangster.


+a'one #as a good student in "is Brookln elementar s!"ool& but began falling  be"ind and "ad to re'eat t"e sit" grade. It #as around aroun d t"at time t"at "e started 'laing "ook and "anging out at t"e Brookln do!ks. Cne da& +a'one,s tea!"er "it "im for  insolen!e and "e stru!k ba!k. %"e 'rin!i'al ga)e "im a beating& and +a'one ne)er again returned to s!"ool. B t"is time& t"e +a'ones "ad mo)ed out of t"e tenement to a better  "ome in t"e outskirts of t"e Park Slo'e neig"bor"ood of Brookln. It #as "ere t"at +a'one #ould meet bot" "is future #ife& /ar ?/ae@ +oug"lin& and "is mob mentor& numbers ra!keteer Ho"nn %orrio. %orrio.

/.2.Caone Meets ohnny Torrio %orrio #as running a numbers and gambling o'eration near +a'one,s "ome #"en +a'one began running small errands for "im. Alt"oug" %orrio left Brookln for +"i!ago in 0161& t"e t#o remained !lose. Earl on& +a'one stu!k to legitimate em'loment& #orking in a munitions fa!tor and as a 'a'er !utter. *e did s'end some time among t"e street gangs in Brookln& but aside from o!!asional s!ra'es& "is gang a!ti)ities #ere mostl une)entful.

In 010D& %orrio introdu!ed +a'one to t"e gangster (rankie ale& #"o em'loed +a'one as bartender and boun!er at t"e *ar)ard Inn in +one Island. It #as t"ere t"at +a'one earned "is ni!kname MS!arfa!e.M Cne nig"t& "e made an inde!ent remark to a #oman at t"e bar. *er brot"er 'un!"ed +a'one& t"en slas"ed "im a!ross t"e fa!e& lea)ing t"ree indelible s!ars t"at ins'ired "is enduring ni!kname.

/.*.Caone in Chica!o "en +a'one #as 01& "e married /ae +oug"lin 2ust #eeks after t"e birt" of t"eir  !"ild& Albert (ran!is. *is former boss and friend Ho"nn %orrio #as t"e bo,s godfat"er.  7o# a "usband and a fat"er& +a'one #anted to do rig"t b "is famil& so "e mo)ed to Baltimore #"ere "e took an "onest 2ob as a bookkee'er for a !onstru!tion !om'an. But #"en +a'one,s fat"er died of a "eart atta!k in 0156& %orrio in)ited "im to !ome to +"i!ago. +a'one 2um'ed at t"e o''ortunit.


In +"i!ago +"i!ago&& %orri %orrio o #as 'resid 'residing ing o)er a boomin booming g busine business ss in gambli gambling ng and  'rostitution& but #it" t"e ena!tment in 0156 of t"e 0<t" Amendment 'ro"ibiting t"e sale and !onsum'tion of al!o"ol& %orrio fo!used on a ne#& more lu!rati)e field: bootlegging. As a former 'ett t"ug and bookkee'er& +a'one broug"t bot" "is street smarts and "is e'ertise #it" numbers to %orrio;s +"i!ago o'erations. %orrio re!ognized +a'one,s skills and 9ui!kl 'romoted "im to 'artner. But unlike t"e lo#-'rofile %orrio& +a'one began to de)elo' a re'utation as a drinker and rabble-rouser. After "itting a 'arked tai!ab #"ile dri)ing drunk& "e #as arrested for t"e first time. %orrio 9ui!kl used "is !it go)ernment !onne!tions to get "im off. +a'one !leaned u' "is a!t #"en "is famil arri)ed from Brookln. *is #ife and son& along #it" "is mot"er& ounger brot"ers and sister all mo)ed to +"i!ago& and +a'one boug"t a modest "ouse in t"e middle-!lass Sout" Side. In 015K& #"en +"i!ago ele!ted a reformist maor #"o announ!ed t"at "e 'lanned to rid t"e !it of !orru'tion& %orrio %orrio and +a'one mo)ed t"eir base beond t"e !it limits to suburban +i!ero. But a 015J maoral ele!tion in +i!ero t"reatened t"eir o'erations. %o ensure t"e !ould !ontinue doing business& %orrio and +a'one initiated an intimidation effort on t"e da of t"e ele!tion& /ar!" K0& 015J& to guarantee t"eir !andidate #ould get ele!ted. Some )oters #ere e)en s"ot and killed. +"i!ago sent in 'oli!e to res'ond& and t"e brutall gunned do#n +a'one,s brot"er (rank in t"e street.

/./. Caone's Reutation After an attem't on "is life in 015 b ri)al mobsters& %orrio de!ided to lea)e t"e  business and return to Ital& turning o)er t"e entire o'eration to +a'one. S!arfa!e again ignored "is mentor,s ad)i!e to maintain a lo# 'rofile and instead& mo)ed "is "ead9uarters to a 'lus" suite in t"e /etro'ole *otel in do#nto#n +"i!ago. (rom t"ere& "e began li)ing a luurious and 'ubli! lifestle& s'ending mone la)is"l& alt"oug" al#as in !as" to a)oid a trail. 7e#s'a'ers of t"e time estimated +a'one,s o'erations generated N066 million in re)enue annuall. %"e 'ress follo#ed +a'one,s e)er mo)e a)idl& and "e #as able to gain 'ubli! sm'at" #it" "is gregarious and generous 'ersonalit. Some e)en !onsidered "im a kind of 8obin *ood figure& or as anti-Pro"ibition resentment gre#& a dissident #"o


#orked on t"e side of t"e 'eo'le. *o#e)er& in later ears& as +a'one,s name in!reasingl  be!ame !onne!ted #it" brutal )iolen!e& "is 'o'ularit #aned.

/.5. St. 7alentine's 8ay Massacre B earl 0151 +a'one dominated t"e illegal li9uor trade in +"i!ago. But ot"er  ra!keteers )ied for a 'ie!e of t"e 'rofitable bootlegging business& and among t"em #as +a'one,ss long-time +a'one, long-time ri)al MBugsM /oran. /oran "ad 're)iousl 're)iousl tried to assassinate assassinate bot" %orrio and +a'one& and no# "e #as after +a'one,s to' "it man& M/a!"ine unM Ha!k  /!urn. +a'one and /!urn de!ided to kill /oran. Cn (ebruar 0J& 0151& 'osing as  'oli!e& /!urn,s gunmen assassinated se)en of /oran,s men in !old blood in a 7ort" Side garage. Alerted to t"e danger as "e a''roa!"ed t"e garage& Bugs /oran es!a'ed t"e slaug"ter. Alt"oug" +a'one #as staing at "is /iami "ome at t"e time& t"e 'ubli! and t"e media immediatel blamed "im for t"e massa!re. *e #as dubbed MPubli! Enem 7u 7umber  mber  Cne.M

/.6."rison Tie In res'onse to t"e 'ubli! out!r o)er t"e St. >alentine;s a /assa!re& President *erbert *oo)er ordered t"e federal go)ernment to ste' u' its efforts to get +a'one on in!ome-ta e)asion. %"e Su'reme +ourt "ad ruled in 015D t"at in!ome gained on illegal a!ti)ities #as taable& #"i!" ga)e t"e go)ernment a strong !ase for 'rose!uting +a'one. Cn Hune & 01K0 t"e $.S. go)ernment finall indi!ted +a'one on 55 !ounts of in!ome-ta e)asion.

Alt"oug Alt "oug" " t"e go)ernm go)ernment ent "ad solid solid e)iden! e)iden!ee against against "im& "im& +a'one +a'one remaine remained d !onfident t"at "e #ould get off #it" a minimal senten!e and stru!k a 'lea bargain in return for a t#o-and-a-"alf ear senten!e. "en t"e 2udge in t"e !ase de!lared t"at "e


#ould not "onor t"e agreement& +a'one 9ui!kl #it"dre# "is guilt 'lea& and t"e !ase #ent to trial. uring t"e trial +a'one used t"e best #ea'on in "is arsenal: briber and intimidation. But at t"e last moment& t"e 2udge s#it!"ed to an entirel ne# 2ur. +a'one #as found guilt and sent to 'rison for 00 ears.


%"e e)olution& or 'er"a's #e s"ould sa& t"is regression& !alls into 9uestion not onl t"e e'lana e'lanati tion on based based on t"e notion of so!ioe so!ioe!on !onomi omi!! ar!"ai ar!"aism& sm& but also also its so!io! so! io!ult ultural ural !ounter !ounter'ar 'art& t& #"i!" #"i!" makes makes /afia /afia be"a)io be"a)iorr a dire!t dire!t !onse9 !onse9uen! uen!ee of t"e ant"ro'olog of t"e Si!ilians or& in general& of sout"ern Italians. %"is !ulture is said to be !"ara!terized b a mistrust of t"e state and t"erefore b a "abit of taking 2usti!e into one;s o#n "ands& b a sense of "onor& b !lientelism& b a familism t"at eem'ts t"e indi)idual from a 'er!e'tion of "is o#n res'onsibilities in t"e fa!e of a larger !olle!ti)e t"an "is immedia imm ediate te surrou surroundi ndings ngs.. %"ese %"ese !"ara! !"ara!ter terist isti!s i!s oug"t oug"t to be rel relati ati)el )el "omoge "omogeneou neouss t"roug" t"r oug"out out all of sout"e sout"ern rn Ital Ital.. It is t"eref t"erefore ore im'os im'ossib sible le to e'lai e'lain n t"e une)en une)en distr dis tribut ibution ion of t"e '"enomeno '"enomenon n in t"e 'ast. 'ast. 7or is it !lear !lear "o# t"is t"is '"enome '"enomenon non&& ostensibl a 'rodu!t of a traditional !ulture& "as been able to etend and be!ome diffused #ell outside its original territor& in 'arallel #it" t"e modernization of t"e !ountr& e)en t"oug" a so!io!ultur so!io!ultural al "bridization "bridization #as in fa!t a !ru!ial and !onstituent !onstituent element of t"e "istori!al transformation. %oda& in t"e #ake of t"e in)estigations of t"e last t"irt ears in Ital and Amer Am eri! i!a& a& near nearl l e)er e)eron onee is #i #ill llin ing g to re!og re!ogni nize ze t"at t"at /afi /afiaa orga organi niza zati tions ons are are


!"ara!terized b a le)el of !ontinuit etending beond t"e life s'ans of t"e indi)idual members& b a "ierar!"i!al stru!ture& and b a members"i' t"at is !arefull filtered& in a!!ordan!e #it" t"e definition offered b offi!ial Ameri!an institutions.


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