Mayport Storm 1885

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Mayport Storm 1885



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[The GAZETTB Is the only paper in the city which publishes, ia full, the telegraphic report of the Western Associated Pres).] and will return to La Granja to-morrow. Hostile demonstrations were made at Vigo to-day against the Gorman ambassy.

The Knlxhti Aver Ther Art Tightening; the Colli Around the (Joiupany



Storting Uji the Guillotine. »y Telegraph to the GAZKM-E. ST. Louis, Aug. 25.--A rumor pro- One-Fourth of the Buildings in JVASHINGTOK, August 2S.—The aot"ig postmaster-general to-day apCharleston, 6 O , Unroofed BERLIN, August 25.—It is reported vails that there was a meeting being pointed tho following named fourththat Germany has asked a power held in the city by Knights of Labor by a Cyclone. class postmasters in Kenlucky: Springfriendly to both herself and Spain, to committee-men, and that an official The Parnellites Organizing for a field, E. v. Mayesj Paint Lick, L. C. act as an arbitrator in the Carolines announcement was to bo made that the Storms, Cl otid-Bursts and Hurri- Rice; Austerlitz, Chas. Henaker; MillVigorous Campaign at the dispute. Wabash railroad strike was a failure ersburg, joh Mmer I n O h i o : £™ canes Throughout the but diligent inquiry failed to verify the Coming: Election. MONACO. Center, Andrew Demorest; Kingston, report. On the contrary, leadin" comCountry. 62 and 64 Oalhoun Street, MONACO, August 25.—Signor Cleri- mittoomon asserted that the lines are M«tin T r y iInii r" y ' s Milla - Robflr' TK p r n n ? ' p ^ . "»>i: Kerchervale, Oorxier Berry St. A Great Out-Pouring oflmperial co, the Italian consul here, has been more closely drawn around tho Wabash road and that tho situation is de- Tho Knights of Labor Continu Ernest Egbert; Lawder, E. L. Stookl arrested on a charge of having emand Eoyal Guuh at dale In&ichigan: Westerville, Mrl cicedly more favorable to the Knights bezzled $70,000. Their Fight With the Kremsier. 01.Labor than at any previous time. During tho Soldiers1 Reunion we offer oSSlto"1^* Arf°I',"' E' WwlImlay (JMsviile B. B. I). Alexander; *» A liberal Discount on Iho executive committee say thoyhave ARAI1IA. Wabash. Cltv' J -J- Landers. In Iowa: MaceADEN, August 25—A native craft, kilograms from all over the Gould roads donia, Marion Aahloy; Colmar, W. L. A Buggolow Qoee Down in the to the facts that the assemblies called a biiggalow, loaded with pil- everywhere heartily endorse the Sudden Death of Bx-Croverno Uass. Bed Sea With One HunTOE UTES TO BE FED. grims, was wrecked in the gulf of Aden order of the national committee to reFenton, at His Home at • dred Pilgrims. The report of General Miles, upon to-day, and one hundred of its passen- fuse to handle Wabash freight or rollng stock, and that they approve the the condition of the southern Utes in Jamestown, N. Y. gers wore drowned. Colorado was received at the interior "ovement. The Wabash engineers The Friendly Arabs Help the department this morning, and the comwho belooged to Ihe Knights of Labor A NBAT SWINDLE. withdrew from that order to-day, not Another Passenger Rate Wa missioner of Indian affairs immediateEnglish to a Little VicIt will pay all buyers to give us » call ly instructed the agent to secure snpbeing willing to obey tho order of the before purchasing for we not "Shoving" Bogaf Railroad Tickets. Imminent on the Eastern tory in Egypt. executive committee. phes for the Indians. The bureau only aim to undersoil comBOSTON, August 25.—It has been dis- The Wabash committee held an exofficers say tie trouble was caused bv Trunk Lines. petion we likewise show deficient appropriations for the purcovered by detectives that the various ocutive session here to-day, at which the Late PrevailThe .Italian Consul at Monaco chase of food suppH,s. The departrailroads leading out of Boston, and rasmeis of great importance is said to ; ing Novelhave been transacted. The commitCHARLESTON'S WOE. ment has endeavored to distrbute the Embezzles a Cool $70,000 tles in many of their western connections, tee refuse to divulge its nafnre, examount of the appropriations throughand ia Arrested. have been extensively swindled by cepting to say that progress is being A CycloneUnroof. One-fourth ofthe Home out the fiscal year, but to avert starvaand Damages the City to tbe ExPatrick Fitzgerald. The work of print- rapidly made toward carryin»oat their tion, it is found necessary to eipend ing railroad tickets in this vicinity is original plan to boycott the Wabash ByTelograph tent orGazette. more than the limited amount set FOREIGN. to the apart for each and rely on controlled by one firm. Tickets found road." V CHARLESTON, S. C., August 25.- congress to make good the deficiency defective m some particular after ST. Louis, August 25—The Vabash GREAT HBITAIJi. printing and those thrown aside for gave notice to-day of withdrawal from Charleston was struck by a cyclon REMAINS OF EX-MINISTER PHELPS. By Bennett-Mactay Cable to the Giziirt sold as waxte tne St. Louis east-bound DCBLIH, August 25.—The Parnellito various reasons, ware in the employpa- agreement of July 2, and passenger this morning and one-fourth of th The remains of Hon. Seth L. Phelps per. Fitzgerald was of there is a managers held a secret meeting here the paper making firm to which the prospect of a lively passenror rate houses in the city are unroofed, part ate minister to Peru, which arrived at Jew York yesterday by the steamer to-day to select candidates for the com- tickets were sold. The railroad tickets war between trunk lines. The with- of the spires of St. Michael's and St City of Para, reached Washington this ing campaign, and to discuss the fu- only slightly defective, were abstracted drawal is based upon alleged irregu- Mathew's churches were blown down morning. They were received by Mr by him ture policy of the Home rule party. others and sold to pawn brokers and larities and cutting on the part of tho ind the spire of the citadel squan berell Brown, the son-in-law of the deand then through various Boo Line and Vandaila railroads, Baptist church is demolished Mr. Parnell himself presided over the channels were disposed of to travellers liekets to New York are said to have Wharves and warehouses are badlv eased, and Mr. A. A. Adee, third-asWe have for sale a large quantity of meeting, and it was resolved to advise who -would not notice slight defects as been sold to-day at $17, and the rate damaged. At Sullivans Island istaut secretary of state, and conveyed steamers are aground **~, Hill cemetery, Georgetown, 3ilks in Short Lengths, ranging from all the Home rule constituencies to neither would the railroad officials. is expected to drop to $14 tu-morrow. two and tho new Ashby church, under nd deposited m the receiving vault two to fifteen yards respectively. The elect no candidates withoutfirstconFitzgerald decamped. The extent ofthe DOtl)6 finally int<imd swindle is not known, but is thought to THE RAILWAYS. construction, has been swept away remnants are marked at half value. You The telegraph wires nre down and may find a dross for yourself or child at sulting with Mr. Parnell, and to vote have been carried "on for a longtime »verysmall price, but a prompt call is for none who would not give pledges and that large quantities of "bogus NEW YORK, August 15.-Droxol there are no cars running. The loss is 'OOK JOHN M'OULLOTTGH. Morgan & Co., issued a circular to tho estimated at $1,030,000. necessary to obtain a good selection as to act with the party as a unit in par- tickets have been disposed of. irst mortgage bondholders of the SULLIVAN'S ISLAND, S C., August 25. the goods are selling rapidly. liament. It was also resolved that West Shore road, to-day stating that —ine hurricane last night and this HI» Mind Hopele*ily Wrecked. Keystone PrehlblttonlstB. the candidates should each sign a By Teleurapti to the GAZE^X. holders of $4,700,000 of bonds had as- morning was terrific. A number of y TelFgraph to the Gazette. pledge to voto and act with the Par- UAKiusnuita, August 25.—The state sonted to plan a reorganization and houses on Sullivan's Island were blown PHILADELPHIA, August 25.--Mr. Itemember we are nellites, and to resign if a majority of prohibitionists assembled in eonvon leaso to tho Now York; Central, as pro- jway- The new Brighton had over oorge W. Arundel, who was the composed by Drexol Morgan & Co., in 100 guests, and great fears wore entheir colleagues so ordered. lion here this morning. There are tliair circular of tho llth, and that tertained for their safety. About 9 missioner on lunacy appointed by the The LTrsolene convent at Bally over 300 delegates present. A. A. other bondholders will be permitted to p clock this morning tho storm reached ourt to inquire into the mental eondiAs we devote one entire store room for . that special department. The popular Truckle, county Waterford, burned Barber, state chairman, called .the partake of benefits to accrue by de- its greatest velocity. At that" hour" on of the actor, John McCnllough, 'brands of Corsets, Gloves, Ribbons, to-day. All inmates escaped. convention to order and A. A. Stevens positing their bouda and paying $20 while the hotel people were at break- as just returned from a visit to tho' fast, tho Casino foil with a great crash Hosiery, the finest line of laces and em- The Nationalists, of Cork and Water- of Tyrone, Blair county, was elected por SI, 000. loonnngdalo asylum, where McCulATLANTA. Gi., August 25. -Tho as- iortunatoly, all of the rooms in that broideries displayed in the city. Our ford, assembled at Krockamoro to-day permanent chairman. After a recess placed under treatment sociation of gcinornt southern passen- building were vacated. There were JUgh 1ms been tho unfortunate actor's • cloak department is handsomely re- and interred a coflin containing a doc- ex-Governor St. John was brought in puakmg of ger agents adopted resolutions withfitted and our line of Fall Wraps arrivamid much applause and made a brief drawing from the sale of emigrant grave fears that tho dining room and ondition.Mr.Arundol said to-day "Mr ument representing the crimes act. main entrance would succumb to tho IcCulIough's condition is that of a ing daily. speech on the work of tho cause. . After a temperance platform was tickets from all pu i n ts within the ju- fury of tho storm. The main building eerepit old man. 1 tried-hard to - """*.""««"« pmiiionn was risdiction of the association to points of the hotel is intact, having stood the AUSTHrA. waken his recollect ion of mysi'lf Ho of Marietta KUEMSIEB, Auguit 26. —The czar and adopted, Barr Spangier, treasurer al- west of tho Mississippi and north of storm without very serious damage. bored in his endeavor to place me, was nominated for state At one o'clock it was entirely over. ut gave no evidence of recognition, M. FRANK & CO., party arrived this morning. They most unanimously. After appointing the Ohio rivors. ——«• "*f»( Jiuguaii avoided the town and were driven state committees and elnctiug old oih- ney General Cassidy to-day to. —AljiQr- Ihe loss to the hotel will be $30,000. s i was leaving, the doctor and McPROPRIETORS. filed a bill ulough accompanied me to the door through the vast park that surrounds cers, the convention adjourned. in equity in the Dauphin county court NEW YORK REPUBLICANS ae latter clasped the doctor's hand the place. of common pleasjrestraining the PennMr. Conkllng Denlei the Duel story d bade him good-bye, as if ho was sylvania from purchasing or acquiring A grand soiree was given at the By Tali-graph to the Gazette. Tendering the Olive Branch Jing to leave him. The doctor tells control of either the South Pennsyl- Bv Telegrnph to tne GAZITTC. e his condition is hopeless, and that 62 and 64 Calhoun Street, Schloss last evening. It was a brilliant BAR HABBOB, Me., August 25 Al- vania or Beach Creek roads SASATOOA, Angust25.— At a meeting s death is only a question of * few and animated*assemblage. Among fred R. Conkling scouts tho idea pro- GALVBSTON, August 25.-A special Cor Berry, onths." those present besides Count Kalnoky mulgated last night of his having to the News from Tyler says:, Tho of the republican central committe RfttdiDjc Redflkhu. MJuuesota's Growth. and Count Taafe, were forty promi- challenged any one to fight a duel. Knights of Labor in the employ of the a resolution was adopted, inviting « By Telegraph to the Gazette. ByTelecraph to theGazette. Texas & St. Louis railroad in this city NOGALES, A. T., August 25.—Tho nent European press correspondents. Ho acknowledges, however, thai the struck to-day at one o'clock. They who adhere to tho principles of the r ST. PADL, August 25.—The official It is officially announced that Ger- remarks of a lieutenant in reference to issued a circular asking all the em- publican party, and whose general i 'murder of three Americans and eighty census of Minnesota was received at tention act with General Grant, alluded Mexicans at Basachnca, by Apaches, many will send no delegate to Kerm- ports, angered him very to in the re- ployes of the road to aid them in their promoteis tosuccess bv the party an tho secretary of state's oflioii fo-day, its their votes an much, and a has been confirmed by Agpilo Franco, sier to attend any conferences between slight altercation of words occurred eftort by refusing to work until the influence at the next general election showing tho population to be 1,118,payment of all wages due them. Nonwho arrived here yesterday from the the courts of St. Petersburg and Vi All efforts to ascertain the name of the payment of several months' wages is to take part in the coming primar 486, a gain of over the United States "nna. meetings without regard to any so ;ensus, in 1880, of 337,713, or an inoffending officer have so far proved tho cause of the strike. scene of the crime. called "fundamental test." It wa The meeting of the Russian and TOMBSTONE, A. T., August 25 explained that this was to invite thos :rease of 43 25-100 per cent Fire. Sixty Apaches made a raid Friday last Austrian imperial families to-day, took He»Tj sturia In Florida. republicans who did not suppor By Telegraph to tho GAZETTE. on the ranches near SanPeriro, Mexico, place at tho railway station, and the By Telc-Braph to the Gazette. Hymnnlal. r By Telegraph to the Gazttte. forty miles south of this eitv, and carST. IGNACE, Mich., August 25.— Blame. ried off a number of horses." The raid monarehs embraced. The czar and JACKSONVILLE, Fla., August 25.—At About 10 o'clock last night fire was NEWPORT, R. I., August 25. -Mr. After Her D*wer. was witnessed by a squad of Mexican emperor then entered the same car- Mayport, yesterday, thero was a vioBy Telegraph to the Gizettc. Theodore Frelinglmy.son, son of thasoldiers, bnt no interference was at- riage and went to Schloss. Tho empe- lent storm. The Atlantic house was discovered in Al. Brown's billiard hall, CHICAGO, August 25.—Mrs. Lucreti !ato secretary of stato, was married over which was a roller skating rink. tempted. ror and empress indulged in much blown down and Mrs. Gilbert Hunter The building was totally destroyed. W. Davis, claiming to bo the widow o this morning to Miss Alice Coates embracing and kissing. The czar knelt severely injured. Tho guests of the Also Brown's . .. Canada's Ntacara Falls Park. " . dwelling and va- the confederate General Davis, who daughter of James Coates, of the firm By Telegraph to tuo UAZEITI. of J. & P. Coatos, of Scotland. and kissed the hand of tho Austrian house, thirty womou and children, cant store, were nxposert for hours to tho furious and residence. McUouald's saloon once owned Davis' addition to Chi NIAGARA FALLS, August 25.—The empress. Ilullett ISiff driving wind and ruin. News from drug and grocery store, tho& Miner's cago, has commenced suit against By Telegraph toWlow In Maryland. Niagara Falls Canadian park commislargo hard- large number o! property owners 01 tlie QAZRTTK. FKANUK. lornandma, show great damage done sion are holding a meeting bore to ac- MARSEILLES, Aug. 25.—Sixty-seven to villages, boats and shipping and ware store of S. Farroll & Co. and the blocks lying betwoon Lako and FREDERICK, Md., August 25.— For quaint themselves thoroughly with tho deaths from cholera occurred hero yes- tho guests at the Slratbmore house on Jameson's moat market. Tho second Fulton streets aud Western avenue he third time this summer a heavy ward school house the beach were driven into town for slightly damaged. was saved, but was and Seymour street, for her right of torm swept over Frederick county to. ' land required for the park and to take Loss, about $20,- dower. action on their surveyor's report pre- terday. Deaths from cholera have oc- refugo. No lives were lost there. day, doing great damage to farm 000. Brown had 810,000 insurance, vious to making their report to the On- curred in many of the villages in (lie and Fan-oil A Co- were fully insured. louses and crops. Sidney Swuinped. Alleged Embezzlement. tario government. If tho report is re- department of tho Rhone. In Lanion lly Telegraph to the Gazette. The origin of tho firo is not known, but By Telegraph to ths GAZKTTK. ceived favorably the next step of the eight fatal cases of cholera have been Mexico Will Honor it is presumed it wns caused by a spark PITTSBURG, August 25.— A Beaver Jy Telegraph to the GAZKTTK. Grunt. commission will bo to appraise the repotted, in Grans throe and in St. SIDNEZ, O., August 25.- The rain from a passing engino. Falls, Pa., special says: S. Y. Caloin last night and this morning was tho necessary property to bo appropriated. CITV OF MKXICO, August 25.—SpeChamas two. Besides those several heaviest ever known hore. About Obituary, secretary of Boaver Falls building an ial services by tho city government in cases of cholera exist in Istres, Mari- daylight seventy-five lineal feet of the By Telesrar* to thn GAZITITI. Boating tho Bert Bicycle Becord. loan association, and one of the mos' By Telenrapb to TUe Gazette. grane, Aix and Aries. It is also re- twenty-five foot embankment of the JAMESTOWN. ST. Y., Aug. 25.—Ei- prominent citizens of the town, has memory of Gonoral Grant, will be held o-morrow in tho hall of congress. WASHINGTON, August'2o.-In the ported that four persons have died charge went out, leaving the Governor Rouhon E. Teuton died sud- been bicycle race hero last night between from cholera in Sistorn, at the basis of waterworks water for motive power denly this afternoon about 3 o'clock zling arrestedofon a funds of of embezSturm-Mwept. $10,cOO tho the asso- y Telejraph to the HAZXTTX. town without John Brooks, tho champion, of Penn- the Alps. or extinguishing fires. while at his desk in tho First National ciation. The accused claims he will BOSTON, August 25.-A very hewy bo able to prove his innocence. sylvania, and W. U. Woodside, the TOUI.ON, Aug. 25.—There have been bank, of which he was president. Postponed Hinder storm accompanied by a gale, Irish champion, the American records 26 deaths from cholera "hero the past By Teleuraph Action GAZIITI. Cashier Morgan stopped into his ~ "»le Hull. to the room to consult him and saw the oxrevailed throughout New England were broke. The twenty mile race 24 hours. PITTSBDRG, Aug. 25.—At the con- governor with his head leaning upon a ast meht. It was exceedingly sevora was won by Brooks by five feet in one JSUYPT. vontion of tho river coal minors at chair and breathing himvily. H0 • Boston. hour, two minutes and forty-one PITTSBURG, seconds, beating tho best American [, Aujrust 25.—Two hundred Monongahela city to-day, final Motion hurried to him and tho clerks called a 1 ittsburg baseAugust 25.-Loni3villeball game postponed— Ex-Senator McDonald, of Indiana, r physician, but death resulted soon rain. record five minutes and two seconds. and forty friendly Arabs, in ono of their on tho question of establishing.a uniinter. Ho was discovered in an unad a largo audience the' other day own steamboats, accompanied an En- form mining rate in river pit's was conscious condition and it is thought CINCINNATI, August 25.— To-day's •hen ho made an elaborate argument Thai Ought to ha Scalped. ByTelesraphtotlid GAzirmi. glish steamer 140 miles north of hero postponed until Sopt 15th, on account that death resulted from heart disease. St. Louis-Cincinnati game was post- n somo contested land cases before Interment will bo mado in the Lnk'e- poned until to-morrow on account of eevotary Lamar. Many prominent BRAINARD, Minn., August 25—Hole- on tho UedSea, to the village of Siiinat of tho small attondanco. rain. werd iwyers nro engaged on both sides, in-tho-Day, a noted Chippewa chief, which was attacked and destroyed. Hey. Vewinau r.ectures on Uenen.1 Omnt in his cometery at this place. He waj 67th Tho vluw I'roKident Uolng Homo. iiu Senator McDonald created groat on route to St. Paul, was last night The British and their allies in tho fight By TstaKRlpli to the UazettB. By TclPKrapli to the Gazette. rausoiuont among them whim ho road A l>*d Itrcuk. taken from a Northern Pacific train killed a large number of hostile Arabs CllATAlTQUA, N. Y., August 2.5.-CHICAGO, August 25.— Vice Prosi- om tho Congressional Itiword to at a way station, dragged into the who inhabited Shiiuit and captured Uev. J. P. Newman lectured u,is a f tor - By Telejrniph to t.he (U'/RTTK. io\v t h a t Mr. Lamar, when a sii.mtor, DAYTON-, August 25.—R. A. Rogers riont Hi'mlricka mid W jf 0 nro ),, u10 oinmitlpd himself 10 McDonald's side woods and so brutally boaton that ho enough graiu and cloth to make a noon to an midienco of 3.000 on Gencity. They will return to Indianapolis f the case by voiing in tho xonatoin is not expected to recover. It is sun. largo cargo. eral Grant, comparing him to Wash- & Co., wore «ln.Hoiijlo-daymi a cognovit to-mowow. vor of McDonald's clients when the posed tho deed was done by the whisky ing!™, and declaring ho possessed ono note for *2,900 held by Goorgo Friend SPAIN. attnr was buforo the body last men, against whom he was going to &Son. Tlioy will mnke an assignNot .Murh ofu LYoGze. inter. testify in the federal courts. • MADRID, August 2«.—There were ment to-day. Dayton creditors hold By Telitronn totlin (lAZic.Tit. *8,50i) secured and unsecured paper 4,701 new cases of cholera and 1,433 I'huro are women in tl»o world,'1 Mo.STltEAL, August 25.—Reports of I>™tructl»e Claud Bunt, That Front I.lne. Cincinnati anil eastern firms hold destruction of crops in tho northwest, ays Env. Sam Junes, "wl.o haven't deaths throughout Spain yesterday. "Mih to tho GAZKTTK. By Telegraph to the Gazette. more than 840.000. Liabilities arc ruck a lick of work with tl.oir own King Alfonso will visit tho cholera BUKO, August 25.—A freshet in estimated at S7i,000; assets invoiced by frost, are greatly exaggerated. mils for years. They board and lay ST. PAUL, Minn., August 28.—Tho P.'imago wns very light. Girty's Run hut night, caused by a at $10,000. will riwch about $20,000. ilgnal service hero shows tho frost lino hospitals to-morrow. 3und about; all thoy ilo is shop, nhop, MADRID. August 25.-In tho past cloud burst near Evergreen, Pa., lop. Hell is full of such women as Tin, WuiUlter. lost night extended to Moorohead, Our K»|i,.rt Trade." at. That sort I'Dunot go tohcnven." By TelCKTftph to tho GAZKrrTR. Whore the mercury fell to thirty-two twelve hours thero have boon reported flooded ttvnnty-threo houses, washed liy Titlrgrunli In tin* ciuuitti!. in Madrid twonty-ono new cusos of awny .thirteen railway and township NKW YOIIK, August 25 Tho totni WASHINGTON-, August 20.—1 5. ni.— io Kuv. Sum would make a poor a n o . .n'"I* w sp dogroos-a killing frost point. Tho o . i . l ,!».,... i _ , walker lur-porii'iiu. cholera and cloven ilonths. King A]- bridges, and drowned a largo lot of exports of produce from this port, For thti lower Inko region: Generally oorremarks in a, dry goods |,,. . t - i* is vculd ] >ur t triu oold wnvo hero is broken. IVft S t l l f t f v . Tllrt .In.,, ____ ...HI . fonso vi,,tcd tho hospitals hero to-day, during tho p M t wmik, amounted to 86,- fnir wenther, vari.ihlo wind and nearly Moody .mi'. Sankoy are wanted in stationary tumponiture. 0 south next winter.



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