Monarch 1960

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Monarch 1960 Yearbook



Papillion, Nebraska
Mary Jo Clark, Editor
We, the Seniors of 1960, respectively dedicate our yearbook
to Mrs . Lillian Sutter, who has taught the students of Papillion
with patience and kindness for the past twenty years .
Mary Jo Clark
Nick Schulte
  ~ t c h Oliver, Dean Rotherrn und
Sherry Cash
Annual Staff
Mr. Weber
Dorothy Petersen
Barb Nutt
Joan Williams
Don McClure
David Woodward, Landis Stutheit
Ann Chapman, Ann Tex, Ann Weiss
Leslie George
Don Lehr, James Hubbard
Elton Semke, Art Denker
Sam Hoke.
Stanley Wilcox
John Kleffner
B.S. in Education
Peru State
B.S. in Education
Nebraska Wesleyan
B. S. in Education
Soutbe r n State
B. S. in Education
Master in Music
Nebraska University
B.S. in Agriculture
Oklahoma State
B.S. in Education
Kearney State
B.A. in Education
Wayne State
B.A. in Education
Omaha University
B. A. in Education
Wayne State
B. of Education
Southern Illinois
B.S. in Education
Midland College
B.S. in Education
Omaha University
B. S. in Education
Omaha University
Marvin Utecht
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Boys' Glee 1,2,3,4; Quartet 2,3,4; Sex-
tet 4; Music Letter 2,3; County Govern-
ment Day 3; Band 1,2; Dramatic Club
1; Class Play 3,4; Class Secretary 3,
4; Student Manager 2; Annual Staff 4;
Safe Teens 3.4.
With a scholastic average of
92.20, Don McClure achieved the honor
of Valedictorian for the 1960 graduating
class of Papillion High School. Besides
his scholastic achievements, Don will
be remembered for his participation in
music, dramatics, and class activities.
His keen sense of humor and quick
wit made Don one of the best-liked
students throughout his school years.
Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Class Play 3; Annual
Staff 4; Monarch Sentinel Staff 4; Safe
Teens 2,3,4.
Basketball 2,3,4; Track 2,3,4; Student
Manager Football 3; Football 4; Safe
Teens 3,4.
Tom Buccholz was honored as Sal-
utatorian by carrying a four-year aver-
age of 90.10. Tom won the State Teach-
ers College Scholarship. He entered
Papillion High his sophomore year and
soon proved to be a worthy addition
to the student body.
Sherry Lynn Cash, winner of the
Nebraska University Regents Scholar-
ship, graduated with a 90.01 average.
She enrolled in Papillion High School
her junior year and was quite active
in class activities and Pep Club.
Football 2; Basketball 2,3; Boys' Glee
3,4; F. F.A. 1,2,3,4; F. F.A. Officer 3,
4; F.F. A. Award 2,4; Class Treasurer
2,3; Safe Teens 4; Safe Teens Vice-
President 4.
Gtrls' Glee 1,2,3; Mixed Chorus 1,2,3;
Band 1,2,3,4; Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Cheer-
leader 1,2,3,4; Music Letter 2,3; Safe
Teens 3,4; Junior Red Cross 4.
Volleyball 1,2,4; Girls' Glee 2,4; Mixed
Chorus 4; Pep Club 1,2,3,4; County
Government Day 3; Annual Editor 4;
Monarch Sentinel Staff 4; Safe Teens 3;
Junior Red Cross 4; Class Play 3,4;
Dramatics Club 1.
Girls' Glee 1,2,3,4; Mixed Chorus 1,
2,3,4; Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Pep Club Vice-
President 3; Dramatic Club 1; Class
Play 3,4; County Government Day 3;
Annual Staff 4; Monarch Sentinel Staff
4; Safe Teens 3,4; Safe Teens Secretary
4; Junior Red Cross 4; Senior Snow
Carnival Princess 4.
Football 1,2,3,4; Co-Captain 4; Basket-
ball 1,2,3,4; Track 2,3,4; Baseball 2,
3,4; P. H.S. Letterman's Club 1,2,3,4;
F.F.A. 1; F. F. A. Award 1; Band 1;
Class Play 3,4; Safe Teens 3,4.
Football1,4; "P. H. S. " Letterman's Club
4; Music Letter 3; County Government
Day 3; Band 1,2,3; Safe Teens 3,4;
Junior Red Cross 4; Junior Red Cross
Representative 4.
Football 4; Track 1,2,3,4; "P. H.S. "
Letterman's Club 2,3,4; County Govern-
ment Day 3; Band 1; Dramatic Club
1; Class Play 3; Class President 3,4;
Safe Teens 2,3,4; Student Council 3,4;
Student Council President 4; Junior Red
Cross 4; Junior Red Cross Represent-
ative 4; Most Representative Student
3,4; All-around Student 4; Boys' State
3; Sports Royality 4.
Volleyball 1,2,4; Girls' Glee 1,2,4; Mix-
ed Chorus 1,4; Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Pep
Club Representative 1; County Govern-
ment Day 3; Safe Teens 3.
Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Girls' Glee 1,2,3,4;
Mixed Chorus 1,2,3,4; Triple Trio 3,4;
Sextet 3; Quartet 3; Band 1,2,3; Pep
Club 1,2,3,4; Cheerleader and Captain
4; Dramatics Club 1; Class Play 3;
County Government Day 3; Sports Royal-
ty 3,4; Class Officer 2; Junior Sweet-
heart Queen 3; Senior Snow Queen 4;
Safe Teens 3,4; Homecoming Queen 3;
Homecoming Royalty 4.
Girls' Glee 1,2,3; Mixed Chorus 1,2,
3; Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Pep Club Secre-
tary 4; County Government Day 3; Red
Cross Representative 4.
Football 3,4; Co-Captain 4; Basketball
3,4; Baseball 3,4; P,H,S, Letterman's
Club 4; Mixed Chorus 3; Safe Teens
4; Safe Teens President 4; Senior Snow
Carnival King 4; Sports Royalty 4.
Football 1,3,4; Co-Captain 4; Basket-
ball 1,2,3,4; Track 1; Baseball 1,2,3,4;
P,H,S, Letterman's Club 1,2,3,4; Boys'
Glee 1; Monarch Sentinel Staff 3,4; An-
nual Staff 3,4; Class Secretary 1; Junior
Sweetheart King 3; Safe Teens 3,4; All
Conference Football 4; All Conference
Basketball 4; Basketball Co-Captain 4;
Sports King 4.
~ ~ ~ ~
Volleyball 2,3; Girls' Glee 1,2,3; Mixed
Chorus 1,2,3; Band 1; Pep Club 1,2,3,
4; Dramatic Club 1; Class Play 3,4;
Annual Staff 4; Monarch Sentinel Staff
4; Safe Teens 4.
- - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
Girls' Glee 1,2,3; Mixed Chorus 1,2,3;
Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Music Letter 3; Safe
Teens 3,4.
Volleyball1,2,3,4; Girls' Glee 2,4; Mixed
Chorus 2,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Pep Club 1,
2,3,4; Pep Club President 4; Pep Club
Secretary 3; Dramatic Club 1; County
Government Day 3; Annual Staff 4; Mon-
arch Sentinel Editor 4; F,F,A. Sweet-
heart Attendant 3;, F .F .A. Sweetheart
4; Safe Teens 3,4; Homecoming Royalty
4; Student Council 3,4; Student Council
Secretary 4; Junior Red Cross Repre-
sentative 4; Junior Red Cross President
4; Most Representative Girl 3,4; All
Around Student 3,4; Sports Queen 4;
Girls' Triple Trio 4; Junior Sweetheart
Attendant 3; Class Play 4.
Girls' Glee 1,2; Mixed Chorus 1,2;
Pep Club 1,2,3,4: Pep Club Repre-
sentative 1,2; Safe Teens 3.
Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Pep Club Representa-
tive 3; Clnss Vice-Pr sident 1; nior
Class Treasurer 4: Girl ' Gle 1,2,3,
4; Mix d Chorus 1,2,3,4; Girls' Sextet
3,4; Girls' Trio 3; Mixed Octet 1,2,
3,4; Candidate for F. F. A. Sweetheart
3,4; Cornhusker Girls' state 3; Volley-
ball 3,4; Class Plny 3; Safe-Te ns 2,
Football 4; Boys' Glee 3,4; Mixed Cho-
rus 3,4; Sextet 4; Quartet 4; Monarch
Sentinel Staff 4; Annual staff 4; Class
Play 3,4; Safe Teens 3,4.
Basketball 2,3; Track 1,2,3,4; Baseball
2,3,4; P.H.S. Letterman's Club 3,4; Mon-
'lrch Sentinel staff 4; Annual staff 4;
Class Play 4.
Track 1,2,3,4; Baseball 2,3; P.H.S. Let-
terman's Club 3,4; Boys' Glee 4; F.F.A.
1,2,3,4; F.F.A, Officer 4; Safe Teens.
Football 1,2,3,4; Football Co-Captain 2,
3; Basketball 2: Track 1,2,3,4; P. H. S.
Letterman's Club 1,2,3,4; All Confer-
ence Football 4; All Conference Track
3; Boys' Glee 1; County Government
Day 3; Class President 1; Class Vice-
President 3,4; Sports Royalty2,4;Junior
Sweetheart Dance Attendant 3; Safe Teens
Volleyball 2,3,4; Girls' Glee 3,4; Mixed
Chorus 4; Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Pep Club
Representative 3,4; Dramatic Club 1,
Annual Staff 4; Monarch Sentinel Staff
4; Safe Teens 3; Class Play 4; Sports
Royalty 4.
Football 3,4; Basketball 2; P. H.S. Let-
terman's Club 4; Music Letter 2,3,4;
Monarch Sentinel Staff 4; Annual Staff
4; Band 1,2,3,4; Safe Teens 3,4.
Football 4.
Football 4; Football Co-Captain 4; Bas-
ketball 3,4; Track 3,4; P.H.S. Letter-
man's Club 4; Sports Royalty 4; Senior
Snow Carnival Prince 4.
Girls' Glee 2,4; Mixed Chorus 2,4;
Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Pep Club Representa-
tive 4; Dramatic Club 1; Class Play
3,4; Annual Staff 4; Monarch Sentinel
Staff 4.
Track 2; Boys' Glee 3; Mixed Chorus
3; F. F.A. 3; County Government Day
3; Monarch Sentinel Staff 4; Dramatic
Club 1; Safe Teens 4; Class Play 4.
Volleyball 2,3,4; Girls' Glee 3,4; Mixed
Chorus 4; Pep Club 1,2,3,4; County
Government Day 3; Annual Staff 4; Mon-
arch Sentinel Staff 4; Safe Teens 3,4;
Class Play 3,4; Dramatics Club 1; Class
Officer 1; Class President 2.
Boys' Glee 3,4; Mixed Chorus 2,3; F.
F . A. 1,2,3,4; F.F .A. Officer 3,4; F. F . A.
Awards 3; County Government Day 3.
Girls' Glee 1,2,3; Mixed Chorus 1,2,3;
Sextet 3; Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Music Letter
3; Safe Teens 2,3,4; Class Play 4.
Class His tory
On May 23, 1956, fourteen of the members of our senior class were about to leave behind the days
of grade school and begin the following September as high school students. Feeling very grown up, they
wrote a will ....... .
We, the eighth grade of 1956, being   ~ sound mind and body, make this our last will and testament.
We, the eighth grade, leave to the seveneth grade:
1. Water in the water fountains for anyone who gets thirsty.
2. Our very nice teacher.
3. Our old desks, broken chalk and pencils, and chewed-up erasers.
4. Our wads of chewing gum.
I, Dennis Errett, will my seat in front of Mrs. Croissant to Geraldine Glasson.
I, Mary Jo Clark, will my ability to dream about a certain mysterious high school boy, whoever it
it may be, to Patti Mesner.
I, Ann Chapman, will my ability to flirt with boys to Sandy Johansen. Don't use it too much, Sandy.
I, Don McClure, will girl friend, Bonnie (Thurston), to Don Bartels.
I, Jim Jochim, will my Rock Hudson profile and interest in a certain fifth grade girl to Terry Abels.
I, Margaret Zugmier, wlll my ability to deep my gum from falling out of my mouth to Karen Gierman.
I, Barbara Nutt, will my ability to talk in school and get away with it to Janet Thompson. May you
be as lucky as I was.
I, Butch Oliver, will my ability to stay out of the office to Jim Runge and Lyle Jorgensen. May you
both have better luck than I did.
Thus ended our days in grade school, and the next fall we began our four years of high school. Much
to our surprise, we found that high school was not all hard work. We made new friends, attended pep
rallies and sports events, joined new organizations, decided on money-making projects, and, best of
all, we were initiated. '
We were the first freshmen to be initiated in several years, so it was quite a thrill. We can still
remember cooking breakfast for the seniors, washing their cars with a toothbrush, polishing their shoes,
and, of course, the little speeches we had to say. Whenever a senior requested it, the freshmen, on hand,
had to kneel in front of them and say ... "Oh, most mighty and illustrious senior; humbly I bow before
you in supplication and irreconcilably happy to bask in your regal shadow. Speak, oh mighty sage, speak
and command me to do your bidding, for I miserably exist when I am not serving you."
Gradually we became more acquainted with the routine of the high school ways, aided by our capable
teachers and, of course, our Superintendent, Mr. C. E. Clark, and our principal, Mr. Robert A. Bathke.
February 19, 1957, was a big day for the entire high school, but especially for our class, because
they would be the first freshman class to go completely through their high school years in the new school.
This memorable day had long been awaited.
During our sophomore year, we had a complete turn-over in the faculty, with Mr. Leslie George as
our new Superintendent, and Mr. Stanley Wilcox as our new Principal. · Our sponsor this year was Mr .
John Kleffner.
The year we spent as juniors was one of the most fun-filled of all our high school days. The first
in line of many money-making projects was the junior class play. Ann Chapman, Don McClure, Sherry
Cash, Nick Schulte, Barbara Nutt, Joan Williams, Jim Jochim, Mary Jo Clark, Tom Buchholz, Ann Weiss,
Sharon Goff, Dennis Errett, and Becky Seibold made up the cast of the play entitled "Off the Tracks."
Another big event to take place that year that had been anxiously awaited was County Government
Day--when the juniors from our school and from schools of neighboring towns held an election and each
member of the class ran for the office of their choice. The students that were elected went to the Court
House and watched their particular office function.
The money making projects paid off in a big way because on May 10, 1959, we put .on the Junior-
Senior Prom. The "Hawaiian" theme was very effective and the evening was enjoyed by all .
On September 8, 1959, we seniors began our last year of high school. On September 26, we sponsored
a Pre-Season Hunting Dance. We didn't make much money, but it was surely a lot of fun for all. On
January 14, we held the Senior Snow Carnival. Sharon Goff was Queen; George Landgren, King; Ann
Chapman, Princess; and Jim Villwock, Prince. We made several attempts at picking up corn to raise
money for our sneak trip. We held bake sales and collected fines. Our most important money-making
projects were the Senior Pancake Feed and the Class Play.
The Pancake Feed was held the evening of February 22, and a big crowd attended in spite of the
weather and the fact that the boys did the cooking.
The Class Play for our senior year was entitled "Aunt Cathie's Cat" and Mary Jo Clark, Butch Oliver,
Ann Chapman, Joan Williams, Dorothy Petersen, Don McClure, Barbara Nutt, Nick Schnulte, Ann Tex,
Dennis Errett, Ann Weiss, Dean Rothermund, and David Woodward starred in it.
We finally reached our goal and headed for Denver, Colorado on May 5, 1960, at 3:00A.M. We
reached Holiday Manor at 5 P.M. The next morning we boarded the bus fo,: the zoo, Denver Museum of
Natural History, and the Mile-High Building. We were given two hours to shop. Most of us had to budget
our money carefully after that spree of souvenir buying. After that, we took a trip out to the Red Rocks
Theater. Several of the kids went climbing. On Saturday, we went to Central City and Idaho Springs to
do some sight-seeing and souvenir buying. We started the drive to Loveland Pass but the altitude was
just too high. We got back to the motel early and several went swimming in the heated pool. At 7:00
P.M. the girls picked up their dates and escorted them to a smorgasborg in a private dining room. Mr.
Wilcox and Mrs. Welker passed out gag cards to the senior class members. We had a very enjoyable
evening. Sunday morning we put our bags on the bus and started for home. At 10:45 we stepped off the
bus in front of dear old Papio High.
On May 14, the seniors attended a very wonderful banquet and prom. After the prom, there W!lb a
record session, bingo, two movies, and breakfast. Everyone was very tired, but happy.
On May 19, many seniors attended "honor night" where it was announced that Don McClure was
Valedictorian and Tom Buchholz was Salutatorian.
Sunday evening, May 22, 1960, the senior calss gathered at the new auditorium for Baccalaureate.
The sermon was delivered by Rev. C. R. Goldenstein. Graduation was held the following Wednesday
evjlning, May 25. The Commencement address was delivered by Dr. W. C. Meirhenry and the diplomas
were presented by Mr. Don Lehr. With this, the first senior class to graduate from the new auditorium
left Papillion High School, taking with them many fond memories.
Class Will
I, Walt Brunken, will my Ford eater-Chevy to Paul Jochim. At least there will be one good car
in the family, Paul.
I, Tom Buchholz, will my motor scooter to anyone who can ride it.
I, Sherry Cash, will my ability to get my term papers in on time to Jim Runge.
I, Ann Chapman, will all of our slumber parties and their "after-effects" to Sandy Johansen.
Remember Sue's, Di's, and Jody's????
I, Mary Jo Clark, will my position on the Monarch Sentinel staff to Carla Johnson, as she knows
more "news" than I do.
I, Jill DeVoil, will all my tardies to Marge Roberts, but I really don't think she needs any help.
I, Dennis Errett, will my high English grade to Bob (Poopsie) Ochs. It looks like he needs it.
I, Orin Godsey, will my white Mere. to anyone who can keep it running. Good luck--you'll need it.
I, Sharon Goff, will my slick six stick car to Mike Whitney. You never can tell when that extra
six will come in handy, huh, Mike?
I, Mary Jepsen, will my ability to keep gossip under my hat to Nancy Christensen. Sounds like
she needs it.
I, Jim Jochim, will my '55 Ford convertible to a certain sophomore Ford fan. Don't ever let a
chevy beat you, Mary Lee.
I, Joan Kazor, will my sticks of spearmint gum from George Oxley to Carol Villwock. Keep her
well supplied, George!
I, George Landgren, will my God-Given speed in athletics to Dave Lundgren, hope you make
the best of it, Dave.
I, Kathryn Leaders, will my safe driving to my brother, Marvin. I think pe needs it!
I, Donald Allan McClure, leave my fabulous little Rambler to anyone who wants to win drags
and is good at starting "go carts."
I, Barbara Nutt, will the red and black Mercury I ride in to Janet Thompson because the one she
rides around in seems to always get stalled on lonely country roads.
I, Butch Oliver, will my good grades and my fine ability to get along with the teachers to Jim
Runge. He already has a good start.
I, Dorothy Petersen, will my driving ability to Sharel Duckworth. Take it easy with the gas pedal,
kid--those country roads are the best for learning.
I, Donna Roth, will my night life to Glendyne Grunke. Be sure and watch those late hours though.
I, Dean Rothermund, will my noisy Ford to Jim Runge so that he may give Jody H. and Marge
R. that much-needed ride to school every morning.
I, Nick Schulte, will my well-polished ability to wash dishes to Mike Whitney, even though he has
a dishwasher.
I, Becky Seibold, will my blue Ford to E. .. Denker. You'll have a lot of fun in it!
I, Don Skinner, will my white Ford to anyone who can make it go faster than Brunken's blue chevy
in the quarter.
I, Darrel Smith, will my running ability to Don Bartels. May you put it to speedy use.
I, George Stock, will my nickname "Slewfoot" to Jack Percifield, I think it will fit him in a couple
of years.
I, Landis Stutheit, will my ability to run the mimeograph machine to any Junior who can master
the "trying" thing.
I, Ann Tex, will my job as candy chairman to anyone who is foolish enough to take it.
I, James Edward Diego Edwardo Aloyious Flycatcher Dumbo Stretch Scarface Villwock, will my
name to Russ "Capone" Haggerty who may need some aliases some day.
I, Ann Weiss, will my ability to keep out of trouble in study hall to Theresa Kazor. It seems she
needs a little help once in a while.
I, Russell Weiss, will my ability to resist chewing gum in sixth period study hall to Janet Nagler
and Pat Peterse: .. Try it sometime, girls .
I, Joan Williams, will my natural blonde hair to Lyta Gay Bellinger. Seems like she wants it
pretty bad.
I, David Woodward, will all the trouble and expenses I've had with my car to Bill Eichner whose
trouble has just begun.
I, Margaret Zugmier, will my ability to get to school on time to Bonnie Thurston. Better luck
luck next year, Bonnie.
Class Prophecy
Tom Buchholz awakens after twenty long years of dreaming of his harem which consisted of Donna
Roth, Ann Weiss, and Joan Williams. He was amazed to find that his little whiskers were no longer so
little, but a very long beard. Tom sleeplessly wanders along the Papio Creek and sees Dean Rothermund
and who is that middle-aged lady with him? ow, let me see, what is her name? Oh yes, now I rem mber-
-it is herry. Ummmmmm, herry Cash. It seems that they must have gotten over their bitter quarreling
after twenty years for a Honeymoon of fishing and relaxing along the Papio Creek. As Tom continues
on his way he comes to the outskirts of the City where he stumbles upon Dennis Errett who is now pro-
prietor of the City Dump. His able assistant, Rebecca Jane Seibold, is working steadily at his side finding
old pop bottles, or is it another kind of bottle, Dennis? Anyway they want the two cents return. What
is that Tom hears now? It sounds like a campaign speech---and the candidate is------oh, no, it couldn't
be. Yes, it is, Hubbert Oliver, running for the office of Mayor. It seems that Hubbey always did have the
gift for gab. He then invites his old classmate, Tom for dinner. After the deliciously prepared dinner by
his Man-Friday, George lewfoot tock, they turn on the TV and they are amazed to find Margaret Zugmier
who has recently taken the place of Frank Field on his program "Over the Garden Fence." As they change
channels they see Dorothy Petersen, who is chairman of many worthless; oh, no, it's worthwhile organi-
zations. They decide to journey down to the Wrestling Arena where they see Sharon Mert Gooof warming
up for her bout with the Champ, Tiger Louie• Jepsen. Tiger has been waiting for this bout for sometime
so she can show her manager, Ann Tex, how her training has paid off. The referee, Landis Watermelon
Borrower Stutheit, steps into the ring and gives the instructions to the wrestlers in his loud becoming
voice. s the fight progresses, we hear the Papillion Times Ace R'eporter, Don Skinner, trying to get
some info from the manager to see if it is the truth that the fight is fixed. He finds out that the gangster,
Orin Fishsticks Godsey, has paid off Tiger Louie to throw the fight . Don notifies the police and Chief
Butch Punkin Brunken is on the scene. Seems like he always did get along well with the police. It is now
timr: for Ilubbey to go home and help his Mother so Tom journeys further into the big city alone. As he
advances he hears an old-time favorite of his---Woman-Love done by the ever famous Jim Villwock.
When he talks to Jim he finds that he invests his earnings in a pickle farm to supply his mother with
pickles for her wagon.
In the business district Tom finds the large medical building. On the first floor he finds Doc Lily
Landgren who is trying to succeed as a dentist. His only patients have been Francis the Mule, Lassie,
and Trigger. Looks like he is making fast progress? On the second floor he sees a sign on a door saying-
---"You Have Your Problems--We Have Ours--Let ' s Incorporate. " This strikes Tom rather oddly so
he enters. Much to his surprise Darrel Smith and Kathryn Leaders have a joint partnership. They figured
that after a patient has received·Chiropractictreatment from Smith they will need psychiatric treatment
from Leaders . That ' s enough for that building. Just too many DOC 'S for Tom ! ! !
He then drops in to have his picture painted by the great artist , George Nicholas Rockwell Schulte,
but finds that ick is already painting a portrait of the famed comedian of the stage, Anna-Bananna
Chopman. Right outside the door there is a billboard advertising the "Drags" at Lincoln. The star driver
is none other than Donnie McClure. It seems that Don still drags those souped-up Ramblers.
As Tom mozzies on he accidentally falls over a broom owned by the Street Cleaner, Jim Yoggie
Jochim. It seems that inflation has caused his expensive life insurance to be worth only a plug nickel.
After recovering from this shock, Tom is very hungry and decides to drop in at the local Greasy
Spoon. He sees the manager, Joan Kazor, arguing with David Woodward and Russell Weiss who are truck
farmers . He hears the same old routine about "farmers never getting paid enough" that he heard in
Modern Problems class 20 years ago.
Oh! And who ' s this he sees? Well, for goodness sakes- --it's old hash- slinger Jill DeVoll. Wasn't
she going to Kansas? Well, better luck next time.
Tom hails down a cab, hops in, and drives past the residential district. He notices a monstrocity
of a duplex---10 stories high and is so amazed he just has to get a closer look at it. Lo and Behold,
he discovers that only two families live in this duplex. "My," he thinks, "those two families must have
quite a few children." Mis curiosity really roused now- -he peeks at the names on the mail boxes. Mrs .
Tim Tom Cornell and Mrs. Gilly Loeffler!! My, how time flies!!!!
When Tom turns bMk to pay the cab- driver he suddenly realizes there is something very familiar
about the cab- drivers face . No, it couldn' t be his old----aw, no, by golly, it is Tom's former Physics
teacher- -Willy-Wump-Wump Wilcox!!
It's getting dark so Tom stops at a motel to brush his beard and get his beauty rest . When he walks
through the door he notices the maid cleaning the room. As she turns to face him, he is amazed beyond
belief! It is none other than 1"\i.s old class sponsor, Mrs . Welker.
The day, shock upon shick, has just been too much for poor ole ' Tom so he d cides to return back
to his sleep---to dream of his harem for another 20 years .
KING George Landgren
QUEEN Sharon Goff
Delores Kava
Snow Carnival
ROYALTY: Prince, Jim Villwock; King, George
Landgren; Queen, Sharon Goff; Princess, Ann
The Annual :,'taif would
like to express their thanks
and appreciation for the
time and effort put forth
by Charles Sedlacek, pho-
tographer, who has made
so many pictures of Mon-
arch activities possible.
Senior Baby Pictures
Landis Stutheit
Mary Jo Clark
David Woodward
Jill DeVoll
George Stock
Dorothy Peterson
Ann Chapman
Russel Weiss
Jim Jochim
Mary Jepsen
Don McClure
Ann Tex Butch Oliver
Jim Villwock
Joan Williams
George Landgren
Dennis Errett
Darrel Smith
Donna Roth
Marge Zugmier
Barb Nutt
Ann Weiss
Don Skinner
Sherry Cash
Orin Godsey
Joan Kazor
Nick Schulte
Sharon Goff
Tom Buchholz
Kathryn Leaders Becky Seibold
Steak   n ~ d Beans Supper
"You Just Swish It Around
Like This ........ "
"I Agree ......•
It Looks Like •.•. "
"Hard At Work???"
"The Crew"
"Is This How They
Do It????"
"Mean While ••..••.
Back At The Ranch ...•. "
"Now Boys!!"
When the underclassmen came to school last Thurs-
day, May 6th, something was missing. There was peace
and quiet and a vacant look in the halls. The seniors
were gonel They had left that morning at 3 o'clock for
Denver, Colorado, via a chartered of Capitol Stages.
After riding the bus for 13 hours, with stops only
for breakfast and lunch, we arrived at Max Mosco's
Holiday Manor, Denver, Colorado. Holiday Manor is the
correct name for the motel. The rooms were fabulous;
wall to wall carpeting, TV, radio and all the conviences
of home plus more.
Thursday night we stayed at the motel and just got
situated but at 6:30 A.M. the next morning we arose,
ate breakfast, and started for the Denver Zoo and the
Denver Museum of Natural History. After a morning of
lions, elephants, monkeys and dinosaurs we left for lunch
at the Mile High building in downtown Denver.
After lunch we visited the Capitol building in Denver
we left for the Red Rocks Theater in the mountains near
Denver. The Red Rocks is a theater which seats about
10,000 people and uses only natural acoustics for the
area--no microphones.
We returned to the motel at about 5:00p.m. and spent
the evening swimming in a swimming pool that was heated,
eating dinner, and visiting each other's rooms.
The next morning, which was Saturday, we got up
at 6:30, ate and left for a mountain tour. The first stop
was Central City where we saw the Face on the Bar-
Room Floor, bought souvenirs , and climbed more mount-
ains. Next we visited Idaho Springs and spent the after-
noon viewing the lovely mountains and scenery from our
That evening upon returning to the motel we had a
class party at the restaurant, The smorgasbord dinner
was wonderful . Various awards In the form of crazy
sayings on post cards were handed out by Mr. Wilcox
and Mrs . Welker as remembrances of our trip.
The next morning we left Denver at 6 a.m. and rode
to Yuma, Colorado, where we attended church and had
a combination breakfast and dinner.
The rest of the day was spent on the bus as we re-
turned home. We got back to Papillion at 10:45 p.m.
with a closer knit class and numbers of priceless mem-
Aunt Cathie's Cat
Curtain Call
Bill Pryor
Miss Jane Trimble
Miss Cathie Trimble
Margaret Trimble
Dorothy Trimble
Maria Garcia
Butch Oliver
. . . . . Mary Jo Clark
. . . . . . Ann Chapman
Dorothy Peterson
Joan Williams
. . . . . . . . Barbara Nutt
. . . . . . . . . Nick Schulte Jose Garcia
A Gas Man
An Officer
Mr. David Brent
. . . . . . . Dean Rothermund
. . . . . . . . Dennis Errett
. . . . . . . . Don McClure
Elizabeth Pryor ..... . Ann Tex
Ann Weiss
Margaret Zugmier
David Woodward
:     J ~ 1tts
Miss Walker
Unconscious Man
Director .•. .• .•• Mrs . Hughes
3 0
Processional . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . Mrs . Earl Lieber
Invocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. C. R. Goldenstein
Lead Me Lord (Wesley-Martin) . . . . . Girls' Chorus
Baccalaureate Address . . . . • • . . . Rev. C. R. Goldenstein
Just For Today (Ades) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Girls' Chorus
Benediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. C. R. Goldenstein
Recessional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Earl Lieber
Processional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs . Earl Lieber
Invocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Donald Marsh
The Halls of Ivy (Russell) . . . . . . . . . . . . Chorus
Scholarships . . . . . . . . . . . Superintendent Leslie George
Commencement Address . . . . . Dr . W. C. Meierhenry
Evening Prayer (Humperdinck) . . . . . . . . . . . Chorus
Presentation of Class ....... Superintendent Leslie George
Presentation of Diplomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Don Lehr
President of Board of Education
Benediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Donald Marsh
Recessional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs . Earl Lieber

Sweetheart Dance
3 4
Terry Abels Don Bartels Judy Berryman Patra Busch Ellen Denker Share! Duckworth
Bill Eichner Karen Gierman Geraldine Glasson Glendyne Grunke Russell Haggerty Kathryn Hanes
Darlene Hansen Sandy Johansen Lyle Jorgensen Delores Kava Theresa Kazor Ervin Kersten
Bill Klabunde Patti Mesner Judy Overholser Bob Ochs Chris Provenzano Jim Runge
Dan Schram Judy Smith Jan Thompsen Bonnie Thurston Carol Villwock Joanne Weiss
Mike Whitney Bob Wittmuss
Grandma's Best Years
Mrs. Abbott . . . . . . J!:llen Denker
Sadie . . . . . . . . . . . Judy Smith
Joyce Abbott . . . . . Glendyne Grunke
Marion Abbott . . . . Sandy Johansen
Dottie Morgan . . . . . . Delores Kava
Willie Abbott . . . . . . . Terry Abels
Shorty . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Runge
Jim Myerson . . . . Lyle Jorgensen
Gram ......... JudyOverholser
Patch ........ Russell Haggerty
Mabel .......... JudyBerryman
Bubbles . . . . . . . . Patti Mesner
Mrs. Carlson . . . . . . Patra Busch
Miss Quelch Carol Villwock
Edwin Carlson ...... Bill Eichner
Cousin Oscar . . . . . . . Don Bartels
Director ......•.. Mrs. Hughes
Betty Bailey Ronita Bell Lyta Bellinger Joyce Berryman Rosemary Bohac Judy Christensen Mary Alyce
George Frederick Judy Glesmann Bill Goff Gary Hamilton
Jerry Hamilton Jody Hegenberger Cheryl Hinds
Mary Lee Jepsen Carla Johnson David Keefer Betty Koke Jerry Kritenbrink Mike Malone Sue Landgren
Marvin Leaders Kathy Lienemann Cindy Morrison Marilyn Nagler
Doug Olson Mike 0 'Brien Genne Peterson
Leslie Petersen
Ronny Schram Nancy Schulte Pam Scott Susie Shy Larry Smith Connie Tomlin Carol Tomlin
Conrad Wildhagen Terre Willard
Pauline Young
The Cool Ones
The coolest blast of the year was held on March 1 , and all
the cats and kittens were rippin' it up like wow, man. It goes
by the handle of the Sophomore Beatnik Dance. All those cool
daddies who attended were dazzled by contour pads and way-
out libation, which was mingled with hi-fi in orbit. At about the
middle of the brawl, the esteemed faculty donned shades, thongs,
and like all that "Beat" Jazz, and chose the coolest cat and
wildest kitten. Butch "Beat" Oliver was chosen as "big daddie"
with Judy "way out" Berryman as coolest kitten. Man, it was a
wild, wild time.
Farewell Seniors
Bob Bookout Jack Borman Margie Busch Nancy Christensen Owen Dierks Barb Errett
Erik Foged Carol Gamerl Betty Giermann Mike Greene Roger Hansen Amy Jo Hart
Walter Kazor Butch Krautkremer Kenny Mass Tom! Mesner Dwight Moore Tom Morrison
Carolyn Okeson Jack Percifield Franklin Peters Joan Pollard Charles Peterson Cheryl Reiter
Kathleen Schobert Nancy Seibold Kathleen Seivers Susan Stock Melvin Strawn Barb Thurston
Judy Trumble Janet Williams Kathy Williams Donna Willms Bobby Woodward
Hey Freshies
4 3
Eighth Grade
Barry Alley
Dianne Bartels Eugene Block Don Borman Ronald Buesing Gary Chapman Linda Christiansen
Marilyn Corn Diana Denker Sharon Dierks Sue Ehlers Elaine Farr Ken Fredericks
Judy Godsey Mike Goldensttlln Shirley Grube Sondra Hinds Charles Horner Donald Jacot
Cheryl Johnson Harold Jones Dennis Kelly Larry Kerstens Bonnie Koke Anita McCart
Steven Mclntoch Russell Montgomery Patty Moss Janet Nagler
Anne O'Brien
Linda Perez
Kerel Peters
Patty Pettersen Sally Schmidt Joan Schobert
Susan Okeson
Ivan teinke
Larry Gloe
Paul Jochim
Jan McDonald
Tony Perez
Don Stille
~ e e  
"Take Me To Your Leader"
"A wright,
Out From
Who Pulled The Rug
Under ........ ?"
''Well, Coach . .. ?"
"Sit Down, You!!!!"
"Chorus Line ... ?"
"Hee Hee Hee"
"Peep Club"
Seventh Grade
Susan Alfons Jack Buffington Geoffrey Burdge Myrna Cash Steve Colpitts Suzy Engberg Janice Evans
Ada Farr Bill George Dean Gosch Dennis Hasselquist Mike Hauschild Mike Hauschild,
Robert Hawn
Van Hyde Ronald Ingram Danny Iske Jim Johnson Dennis Karlik Nancy Koke Kathleen Krause
Keith Low David McClure Janice Meisinger Jim Morrison Don Moss Judy Okeson Marsha Ochs
Janet Parkhurst Phillip Reichel Darrell Reynolds Larry Ross Otto Rudolph
Blaine Ruffcorn Ann Schmidt
Judy Shy Larry Stark   ~ r v i n Steinke Dorothy Stock Charles Sturm Judy Thompson Francis Thurston
Ronald Turtscher James Vance Sam Williams Robert Wittmuss
. . ~ ,
  ' ~ 3 .

. J
Mixed Chorus
TOP ROW: Left to Right, Bill Klabunde, Don Skinner, Dan Schram, Ervin Karstens, Walt Brunken, Nick
Schlute, Russel Weiss, Don McClure. SECOND ROW: Ann Chapman, Glendyne Grunke, Sandy Johansen,
Janet Thompson, Judy Overholser, Mary Jepsen, Carol VIllwock, Ellen Denker, Share! Duckworth, Ann
Weiss, Ronlta Bell. THIRD ROW: Judy Smith, Judy Berryman, Patra Busch, Bonnie Thurston, Cindy
Morrison, Lyta Gay Bellinger, Betty Bailey, Mary Lee Jepsen, Mary Alyce Christiansen, Dorothy
Petersen. FOURTH ROW: Joan Williams, Kathy Lienemann, Pauline Young, Becky Seibold, Marge
Roberts, Sharon Goff, Jody Hegenberger, Mary Jo Clark, Ann Tex. Director, Mr. Hinds.
Girls' Glee
TOP ROW: Left to Right, Mary Jo Clark, Ann Tex, Ellen Denker, Carol Villwock, Mary Jepsen, Mary
Lee Jepsen. SECOND ROW: Ann Chapman, Glendynne Grunke, Pauline Young, Bonnie Thurston, Dorothy
Petersen, Ronita Bell. THIRD ROW: Sandy Johansen, Janet Thompson, Judy Overholser, Share!
Duckworth, Ann Weiss, Mary Alyce Christiansen. FOURTH ROW: Judy Berryman, Patra Busch, Cindy
Morrison, Lyta Gay Bellinger, Betty Bailey. FIFTH ROW: Joan Williams, Kathy Lienemann, Becky Seibold,
Marge Roberts, Sharon Goff, Jody Hegenberger. Director, Mr. Hinds.
Band and Operetta
TOP ROW: Ivan Steinke, David McClure, Sharon
Dierks, Carla Johnson, Don Bartels, Pauline Young,
Landis Stutheit, Dale Sutton. SECO D ROW: Amy
Jo Hart, Marvin Steinke, Geoffrey Burdge, Judy
Trumble, Judy Overholser, Dorothy Petersen, Cheryl
Hinds, Don Jacot, Cole Weidenbuch. THIRD ROW:
Sandra Hinds, Joan Pollard, Charlie Horner, Dennis
Kelly, Linda Christiansen, Mike Hauschild, Donna
Willms, Kerel Peters, Genny Petersen. BOTTOM
ROW: Shirley Grube, Jill DeVoll, Cindy Morrison,
Jerry Hamilton, Mr. Hinds, Director, Gary Hamilton,
Marylee Jepsen, Lyta Gay Bellinger, Betty Koke.
Chonita Mary Alyce Christiansen
Stefan . . . . . Don McClure
Murdo . . . . . . . . Nick Schulte
Daya . . . . . . . Ellen Denker
Baron . . . . . . . Jack Percifield
Baroness Sue Landgren
Konrad . . . . . . Tom Morrison
Emil . . . . . . . . Tom Mesner
Gypsy dancers Marge Roberts
Sharon Goff, J ody Hegenberger, Lyta
Gay Bellinger, Pauline Young, Mary
Lee Jepsen
Pep Clubs
TOP ROW: Left to Right, Mary Jo Clark, Ann Tex,
Marilyn Negler, Pauline Young, Carol Tomlin, Judy
Christiansen, Carol Vlllwock, Mary Jepsen, Kathryn
Leaders, Margaret Zugmler, Amy Jo Hart, Patti
Mesner, Mary Lee Jepsen. SECOND ROW: Donna
Roth, Sherry Cash, Ann Weiss, Delores Kava, Judy
Berryman, Suzl Stock, M a r ~ ~   l e Busch, Nancy Siebold,
Judy Trumble, Donna Wllllms, Kathy Schobert, Kathy
Wllllams. THIRD ROW: Dorothy Petersen, Judy Smith,
Judy Overholser, Joanne Weiss, Barbara Nutt, Betty
Bailey, Glendyne Grunke, Sandy Johansen, Patra
Busch, Darlene Hansen, Susie Shy, Becky Seibold,
TOP ROW: Earlene Thorpe, Judy Thompson, Anita
McCart, Bonnie Koke, Suzy Engberg, Nancy Seibold,
Margie Busch, Judy Trumble, Amy Jo Hart, Elaine
Farr. SECOND ROW: Diana Denker, Sharon Whitten,
Kathy Wllliams, Susie Stock, Cheryl Johnson, Anne
O'Brien, Linda Christiansen, Marilyn Corn, Janice
Evans, Barb Thurston, Janet Nagler. THIRD ROW:
Patty Peterson, Kerel Peters, Kathy Selvers, Cheryl
Reiter, Joan Pollard, Kathy Schobert, Carol
Gameral, Donna Wlllms, Shirley Grube, Sue Ehlers.
Ann Chapman. FOURTH ROW: Ronita Bell, Geraldine
Glasson, Kathy Lleneman, Sheryl Hinds, Genny
Petersen, Mary Alyce Christiansen, Betty Koke,
Cindy Morrison, Joan Wllllams, Barb Thurston, Cheri
Reitter, Joan Pollard. FIFTH ROW: Janet Wllllams,
Lyta Gay Belllnger, Connie Tomlin, Betty Gierman,
Nancy Christiansen, Barb Errett, Judy Glesmann,
Kathy Seivers, Karen Gierman, Pam Scot, Miss
Wlttlck. CHEERLEADERS: Sharon Goff, Jlll DeVoll,
Ellen Denker, Marge Roberts, Jody Hegenberger,
Carolyn Okeson.
FOURTH ROW: Mrs. Hughes, Pam Williams, Joan
Schobert, Myrna Sue Cash, Marsha Ochs, Diane
Bartels, Betty Glermann, Nancy Christiansen, Sondra
Hinds, Judy Godsey, Sharon Dierks, Judy Okeson.
FIFTH ROW: Barb Errett, Janet Parkhurst, Nancy
Koke, Kathy Krause, Janet Williams, Patty Moss,
Carolyn Okeson, Janet Vlllwock, Judy Shy, Ann
Schmidt, Susan Okeson, Sue Alfons, Dorothy Stock,
Sally Schmidt.
Prayer . . . . . . . . Dorothy Petersen
Toastmistress . . . . . . . . . Dorothy Petersen
Jill Devoll, Sharon Goff
Speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . Don Leahy
"The Importance of High School Athletics"
Responses Darrel Smith, Butch Oliver
Dennis Errett, Jim Villwock, George Landgren
Presentation of Letters . . Mr. Keller, Mr. Paap
Recognition of Volleyball Girls . . Miss Wittick
Crowning of Sports Royalty by King and Queen
of "59" Sharon Johansen, Doug Cornwall
Pages Kimberly and Kevin Doll Dancing
Queen . . . . . . . . . . . Dorothy Petersen
King . . . . . . . . . . . Butch Oliver
Princess . . . . . . . . . Sharon Goff
Prince . . . . . . . . . . . . Ji'11 Villwock
Duchess . . . . . . . . . . Ellen Denker
Duke . . . . . . . . . . . . Darrel Smith
Countess . . . . . . . . . Mary Jepsen
Count . . . . . . . . . . George Landgren
Lady . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Tex
Lord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Jochim
oup Dishes
Pep Club
El Matador
tuff 'em Sull
(. t/1
(\ Q
BACK ROW: Left to Right, Hallard Randall, Vice Presi-
dent; Dan Schram, Treasurer; Walt Brumken. FRONT
ROW: News Reporter, Don Skinner; President, Russell
Weiss; Secretary, Jerry Kritenbrink; Sentinel Reporter,
Ronnie Schram.
BACK ROW: Left to Right, David Keefer, Dwight Moore, Roger
Hansen, Walter Kazor, Melvin Strawn, Marvin Leaders, Conrad
Wildhagen, Kenny Mass, Franklin Peters. FRO T ROW: Hallard
Randall, Don Skinner, Dan Schram, Russell Weiss, Jerry
Kritenbrink, Walt Brunken, Ron Schram.
Walter Brunken
Dan Schram
Ervin Kersten
"What Else Did You Get For
Christmas . .. "
Ervin Kersten
Blue Ribbon Winner
"Take Me To Your Leader . . "
"One For The Blackbird,
One For The Crow . •. "
Shop Class
Dan Schram
5 9
Advisor Mr. Kleffner, Larry Smith, Mike Green,
Vice President and Treasurer Patra Busch, Secre-
tary Dorothy Petersen, Marge Roberts, Joan Weiss,
Diana Denker, President Jim Jochim, Janet Williams,
Ann Schmit.
Safe Teens
TOP ROW: Landis Stutheit, Bob Wittmuss, Bill
Eichner, Lyle Jorgensen, Jim Villwock, George
Landgren, Walt Brunken, Nick Schulte, Orin Godsey,
David Woodward. SECOND ROW: Don Skinner, Jim
Jochim, Dennis Errett, Bob Ochs, Darrel Smith,
Tom Buchholz, Dan Schram, Don McClure, Terry
Abels, Russel Haggerty. THIRD ROW: Sherry Cash,
Glendyne Grunke, Ellen Denker, Carol VIllwock,
Jody Christensen, Marge Roberts, Mary Lee Jepsen,
Kathryn Leaders, Margaret Zugmier, Dorothy
Petersen. FOURTH ROW: Bill Goff, Jim Runge, Mike
O'Brien, Jerry Kritenbrink, Chris Provenzano, Bill
Klabunde, Mr. Hinds, Betty Bailey, Cindy Morrison,
Becky Seibold, Joan Williams, Ann Chapman, Sandy
Johansen, Barb Nutt, Jody Hegenberger, Jill DeVoll,
Sharon Goff.
Most Representative Girl
Dorothy Petersen
... ;
BACK ROW: Left to Right, Janet Villwock, Mike
Green, Mary Alyce Christiansen, Larry Smith, Mike
Whitney, Dorothy Peterson, Jim Jochim. FRONT
ROW: Charles Horner, Carolyn Okeson, Ann Schmidt,
Patra Busch, Sam Williams.
Most Representative Boy
Jim Jochim
Letterman's Club
TOP ROW: Mike O'Brien, Jerry Kritenbrink, Orin
Godsey, Jim Runge, Jim Vlllwock, George Landgren,
Dennis Errett, Dean Rothermund, Don Skinner. SE-
COND ROW: Mr. Paap, Landis Stutheit, Butch
Oliver, Lyle Jorgensen, Darrel Smith, Bob Ochs,
Jim Jochim, Tom Buchholz, Mr. Keller.
Monarch Sentinel Staff
TOP ROW: Nick Schulte, Dean Rothermund, David
Woodward, Butch Oliver, Sherry Cash, Ann Tex,
Ann Weiss, Mary J o Clark, Landis Stutheit, Mr.
Weber. SECOND ROW: Ann Chapman, Barb Nutt,
Joan Williams, Dorothy Petersen.
P. H. S. Club Dance and Kangaroo Court
Red Cross
President Vice President
Dorothy Petersen Glendyne Grunke
FRONT ROW: Left to Right, Ann SchmIdt, Glendyne Grunke, Linda Christiansen, Ronita Bell, Janet
WI 11 I a ms. SECOND ROW: David McClure, Charles Horner, Mike Greene, Dorothy Petersen, Judy
Overholser . BACK ROW: Sponsor, Mr. Totilas, Orin Godsey, Jim Jochiln, Chris Provenzano, Larry
Judy Overholser
Larry Smith
...,_.,.. __
FIRST ROW: Left to Right, Jim VUlwock, Jim Jochim, Lyle Jorgensen, George Landgren, Tom Buchholz,
Landis Stutheit, Bob Ochs. SECO D ROW: Jim Runge, Dennis Errett, Butch Oliver, Darrel Smith.
FIRST ROW: Left to Right, Orin Godsey, George Stock, Conrad Wlldhagen, Jack Percifield, Mike O'Brien,
lck Schulte, Dan Schram. SECO D ROW: Mike Whitney, Kenny Mass, Owen Dierks, Jerry Krltenbrink.
BACK ROW: Left to Right, Tom Morrison, Owen
Dierks, Bob Bookout, Jack Percifield, Kenny Mass,
Ronnie Buesing, Don Jacot, Tony. Perez, Ivan
Steinke, Russel Montgomery, Don Tex, JimMorrlson,
Larry Gloe, Coach, Mr. Johnson. SECOND ROW:
Manager, Ron Turtcher, Don StUle, Dwight Moore,
Joe Stoupa, Harold Jones, Barry Alley, Tom Regan,
Dennis Karlik, Larry Stark, Gary Chapman, Marvin
Steinke, Van Hyde, Russell Whithelm, Manager, Mike
Hauschild. FIRST ROW: Larry Kerstons, Don Moss,
Gene Block, Steve Mcintosh, Gary McDonald, Sam
Williams, Kenny Fredricks, Jack Buffington, Larry
Ross, Jim Vance, Bill George, Mike Goldenstein,
Geoffrey Burdge.
Dennis Errett
George tock
6 8
Senior Lettermen
George Landgren
14-- 6
Weeping Water
Tom Bucholz
Queen Sandy Johansen and
Escort George Landgren
Exciting Moment
Queen and Attendants
The Candidates In Waiting
Don't they look pretty?
LEFT TO RIGHT: Jim Runge, Kenny Mass, Owen Dierks, Larry Smith, Dennis
Errett, Torn Morrison, Butch Oliver, Lyle Jorgensen, George Landgren, Bob Ochs,
Jim Villwock, Coach Paap.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Ervin Karstens, Ron Schram, Terry Abels, Jack Percifield, Mike
O'Bien, Mike Green, Torn Mesner, Chris Provenzano, Bill Goff, Coach Keller.
BACK ROW: Left to Right, Bob Woodward, Butch Krautkrerner, Tony Perez, Russell
Montgomery, Ronald Buesing, Robert Bookout, Ivan Steinke, Larry Gloe, Barry Alley,
Coach Mr. Johnson. FRONT ROW: Sam Williams, Darrel Reynolds, Paul Jochim,
Jim Johnson, Gary McDonald, David McClure.
Papillion 65
Papillion 54
Papillion 57
Gretna 42
Ralston 56
Arlington 52
Senior Lettermen
3rd Place
Southeast Six
Papillion 52
Papillion 55
Papillion 48
Louisville 44
Syracuse 71
Waverly 47
St. Joe
Weeping Water
Papillion 59
Papillion 61
Papillion 40
St. Joe
The first place S.E. 8 trophy won by the
880 yd. relay team. Darrel Smith, Bob
Ochs, Dave Lundgren, Mlke Whitney.
Dave Lundgren sets a new record In the
Broad Jump
100 yd. dash :10.3
Don Whitted
200 yd. dash :22.8
Darrel Smith
440 yd. dash :51.6
Darrel Smith
880 yd. run 2:07.9 Darrel Smith
Mile 4:37.6 Don Peterson
880 Relay 1:37.6
McKernan, Kritenbrink
Snyder, Smith
Mile Relay 3:54.6
Skinner, Jochim
Chapman, Rothermund
High Hurdles :18.7 Jim Villwock
Discus 140' 6" Ed Gates
Shot Put 39 '41/ 4"
Ed Gates
Broad Jump 20 '21/ 2"
Dave Lundgren
High Jump 5 '11"
Jim Snyder
Pole Vault 8 '6"
Elmer Young
Darrel Smlth--Paplo track star--holder
of three school records.
Terry Abels--RF
Owen Dierks--3B
Dennis E rrett--SS
Mike Greene--2B
George Landgren--P & 1B
Bob Ochs--LF
Butch Oliver--1B & P
Dean Rothermund--CF
Jim Runge--C
Bill Mansfield
Mike 0 'Brion
Eddie Saner
Larry Smith
Coach Paap
Papillion 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adams 1
Seward Concordia 4 ........ St. Ludger 2
Seward Concordia 8 ......... Papillion 0
apillion clipped Adams,
in the ina gural. Pitcher· George
Landgren had Adams eating out of his han
after the second inning, as Papillion ro ed.
Seward Concordia made it two Ne aska
High School bas1ball titles in a row whipping
Papie in the finals of the state Clas C Tourna-
ment. It was the econd straight y r that Concord
ia trimmed the M narchs in the fin l showdown. The
margin a year a o was 4-1 in the lass B play-off.
For Pitche Hugh (Butch) Oli er, it was his
second finals oss to the champio s. A brace of
errors got im in trouble in the rst frame.
Singles Oliver, Mike Greene, nd Dean
Ro ermund were all the Mona hs could col-
Senior squad members we
Errett, Dean Rothermund, Geo
Landgren, and Butch Oliver.
Senior l ettermen
1\tary Jo Clark
BA K ROW: Left to Right, Joan Williams, Jody Hegenberger, Susie Shy, Becky
Seibold, Cindy Morrison, Judy Christensen, Carol VIllwock, Mary Lee Jepsen,
Kathy Schobert, Nancy Seibold, Kathy Wllliams, Carolyn Okeson, Judy Overholser,
Coach Miss Wittick. FRONT ROW: Mary Jo Clark, Ann Tex, Ellen Denker, Mary
Jepsen, Dorothy Petersen, Sharon Goff.
Becky Seibold
Joan Wll!iams
haron Goff
Ann Tex
What's so interesting Mary's???
"Are you kiddin' ?"
"The Kid" Scout Godsey
Cold, Dort ??
Sweater Girl
"Shotgun Anne"
"to! • • ~ r   • Mo. U I A
"The Hood"
Smile Pretty
BOTTOM ROW: Left to Right, Steve Okeson, Robert Thorpe, Dennis Smucker, Dean Borman,
Douglas Nelson, R. Wayne Cash, Tom Buffington, TomRahn. SECO D ROW: Nancy Glesmann,
Donna Leienemann, Vicki Eymann, Linda Chapman, Linda Daharsh, Sherry Lehr, Nancy
Elder, Susan Beckley, Pam Hubbard. THIRD ROW: Mr. Moritz, Linda Petersen, Beth
Landgren, Sally Stock, Kathy Corn, Betty Ruff, Cheryl Eby, Pamela Ward, Kathy Knapp,
Jane Mickelson, Miss Sexton, FOURTH ROW: Randy Horner, Tom Mcintosh, Debby Jones,
Lorraine Petersen, Barbara Arp, Marla Olson, Carol Kersten, Roger Brochman, Ricky
Horner. BACK ROW: Nlls Sandell, Eugene Handley, Steve Christensen, Bret Coleman,
Eugene Parsons, Blll Christensen, Kenneth ickolai, Dennis White, Richard Ellls, Dick
BOTTOM ROW: Left to Right, Kathleen Jordon, Janet Vance, Gale Weldenbusch, Alana
Cash, Patty Hauschlld, David Franks, Danny Parker, Tommy Denker, Wayne Mount, Jack
Vance. SECOND ROW: Diane Zavodny, Roger Abels, Nancy Christensen, Diana Hutchison,
Eugene Kock, Kathleen Wittmuss, Sara Petersen, Linda Knight, Jim Johnson, Diane Seibold,
THIRD ROW: David Brown, Linda McClure, Pam Godsey, JoAnn Stark, Glenda Gosch, Debbie
Semke, Linda Spethman, Gerry Grunke, Judy Ruff, Joyce Block, Judy Gruner, Hugo Paez.
TOP ROW: Randy Reiter, Steven Carmen, Jack Luts, James Foged, Mike Wllcox, Ellet
Hoke, Kent Schulte, Craig Halvorsen.
BOTTOM ROW: Left to Right, Harold Clary, Jerry
Berryman, Tirruny Koch, David Weinmann, Leon Fricke.
SECOND ROW: Elizabeth Amick, Brenda Arp, Mary
Block, Janice Oseka, Janice Iske, Elaine Ruffcorn,
Cathy Corbin, Anna Hegenberger, Barbara Cornell.
THffiD ROW: Mrs. Sutter, Linda Kelly, Lois Spethman,
Peggy Christianson, Terri Elder, Mary Alice Morton,
Rexanna Kirchner, Emella Allen, Teresa Handley,
Adrienne Robson, Yvonne Frederick, Jonelen Luts, Miss
Isbrands. FOURTH ROW: Clark Mount , Jerry Light,
Tommy Hyde, Linda Sue Mesner, Di ane Parker, Bonnie
Jo Ward, Linda Sue Mcintosh, Linda White, Ronald
Hubbard, Tommy Greenlee , Billy Hawk. TOP ROW:
Patrick Malone, Ronald Whitten, Donald Ingram, Robert
Leopold, Larry Hansen, Kenneth Lienemann, Steve Lehr,
Gary Hejl, John Smith, Jirruny Petersen, Rich a rd
BACK ROW: Torruny Hewett, Roland Godsey, Vicki
Kuhns, Norma Prososki, Gail Swafford, Lorene Spethmen,
Patricia Corby, Jackie Kerchner, Roberta Vosika, Mary
Christiansen, David Clary, Tom Henn. FOURTH ROW:
Jackie Smith, Michelle Rogers, Carolyn Hasselquist,
Jean Jordan, Joanie Hubbard, Suzy Koch, Joan Paez,
Deborah Hostetter, Peggy Hauschild, Chris Alfons,
Pam Neil. THffiD ROW: Doug Brigance, Jirrunie
Bookwalter , Dick McFarland, Howard   Kevin
Low, Dale Hutchison, James Kellett, Jim Berryman,
Terry Jepsen, David Hauri, Jerry Daharsh, Richard
Wittmuss. SECOND ROW: Karin Sandell, Patti Wilcox,
Susan Lastovica, Linda Tindell, Mary Jolmson, Kathy
Morton, Cheryl Stille, Linda Parsons, Debra Satterfield,
Patty Ruff, Susy Schulte. FIRST ROW: Gerry Beckley,
Mike Moss, Bob Mass, Dale Hamilton, Eugene O'Brien,
Kevin Gerner. Teddy Knapp, Herbie Foged, Craig
McDonald, Skipper Burdge. Miss Carlson,
Mrs. Anderson.
BACK ROW: Left to Right, Scott Plllner, David Olson,
Jimmie Christainsen, Stephen Roberts, Ricky Hostetter,
Steven Jepsen, Johnny Provenzano, Karey Low, Gary
Luenenborg, Jimmie Bonsall, Larry Burke, •Greg
Eymann. THIRD ROW: Doug Eby, Stuart Lehr, David
Obrien, David Goodbrod, Gary Carman, Dan Henn, Dick
Henn, Mike Neal, Bobby Bostrom, Mike Gamerl, Alan
Hansen, David Reichel, Quentin Bennett, Kevin Parkhurst,
Steve Semke. SECOND ROW: Miss Wenk, Susie Martin,
Erma Hamilton, Carol Knapp, Cherie Jacobsen, Debra
Brunken, Joy Hehjl, Dianne Hemry, Bernita Arp, Jane
Felthauser, Kathleen Allen, Carolyn Weinmann, JoDeen
Leopold, Mrs. Hinds. FIRST ROW: Mary Carman,
Ingrid Okeson, Dianne Fricke, Mary Duckworth, Donna
Hanes, Jolene Glasshoff, Connie Corbin, Cathy Kellett,
Tina Stock, Marcia Oseka.
BACK ROW: Left to Right, Bobby Glesman, Jerry
Bowsman, Rogen Fredrick, JoAnn Ward, Patty Wehling,
Betsy Martin, Susan Denker, Brenda Holland, Patty
Smith, Jane Saner, Patty Vosika, Lorie Hansen, Kathy
Low, R us s e 11 Bon sa 11, Jimmie Hauschild, Edward
Prososki, THIRD ROW: Miss Kostal, Kenny Ritter,
Dovglas Kelly, Richard Johnson, Lou Ann Wittmuss,
Doris Cash, Lori Satterfield, Dixie Blum, Carla Howell,
Steven Zaloudek, Connie Stahl, Bobbie Bauerkemper,
Robin Handley, Larry Madsen, Mrs. Griffith. SECOND
ROW: Donald Kennedy, Jimmy Davison, Verna Winfrey,
Debra Brigance, Sheryl Hutchison, Debbie Sandman,
Debra Pllter, Patty Limpach, Myra Prososki, Patty
Buffington, Amy Schmidt, JoEllen George, Deborah
Clary, Richard Borman, Larry Mesner. FRONT ROW:
Randy Weidenbush, Calvin Dierks, Nelson Garrison,
Frank Lastovica, Douglas Hemry, Ricky Petersen, Larry
Reiter, Gary VanGilder, Danny Evers, Gary Barrett,
Steven Jones.
Morning Kindergarten
FRONT ROW: Linda Lutz, Debra Mohr, Jimmy
Bellinger, Charles Corbin, Jon Clark, Kenny Amick,
Jane W!ttmuss, Bobble Moss, Vickie Minnick. MIDDLE
ROW: Stephen L!mpach, Tommy Smith, Michael
Timmerman, Debra Stringer, Pamela Felthauser, Marcia
Schram, John Hedrick, Earl Rudolph, Steven Engberg.
BACK ROW: Warren W h 1 t e, Neal Siebold, Wendy
Zaloudek, Sandra Prososk!, Susan Elder, Nancy Martin,
Cheryl Pl!ler, Frances Frederick, Bruce P!etzyk. Mrs.
Marjorie Johnson.
Afternoon Kindergarten
FRONT ROW: Kathlyn Halverson, Denise Okeson, Denny
Sandman, Douglas Nichola!, Patricia Hancock, Jean
L!eneman, Keven Doll, Ray Meyers, Kathy Higgens,
Key Meyers . MIDDLE ROW: Rebecca Randel, Karen
Van Winkle, Gloria Schumacker, Debra Mundt, Melanie
Parkhurst, Cindy Walsh, Elaine Zugme!r, Kim Doll,
Susan Hecker, Mrs. Marjorie Johnson. BACK ROW:
Diane Okeson, Stephen Horner, Gale Luenenborg, Jerry
Thurman, Bryan Roer!ng, Jeff Robbins, Jim Goodbread,
Nancy Kuhn.
8 1

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