National Bank

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internship report on national bank



Management Information Systems
Final Project
Submitted to
Ms. Mahwash Manzoor
Submitted by
Anum Razi
Hajra Shah
Iqra Mazhar Iqbal
Moeeza Ahmad
Iqra Shahid
BBA Semester 6
Section A
The word Gourmet is from the Frenh term! defined as "refined and unontrolled lo#e of $ood
food". Gourmet is an industry lassifiation for hi$h%quality &remium foods in the 'nited States.
Gourmet may desribe a lass of restaurant! uisine! meal or in$redient of hi$h quality! of s&eial
&resentation! or hi$h so&histiation. Gourmet food is haraterized by hi$h quality! aurate
&re&aration! and artisti &resentation. This name (Gourmet) was su$$ested by his dau$hter who
is li#in$ in Ameria.
(Gourmet *a+ers and Sweets) is the lar$est food retail hain of ,ahore. It is based in ,ahore!
the seond lar$est ity of -a+istan +nown for its traditional foods and &assion for eatin$. It was
started with a sin$le outlet in Ichra in ./01 by Mr Muhammad !a"a# $hathha! in the
be$$in$ they did not $et $ood res&onse whih resulted in shut down. He a$ain started in .//2 at
different &lae at Muslim town! and Gourmet did not loo+ ba+ sine then. 3ow with its 4
&rodution units! 2 restaurants and 00 sales outlets! Gourmet outreahes to a hu$e &o&ulation for
their food needs.
Mr. 5hathha the founder of Gourmet stared his business with 26 million ru&ees. He is holdin$
the &osition of Mana$in$ 7iretor of the om&any. He was ser#in$ in Shezan *a+ers as a
General Mana$er and later on he deided to ma+e his own ba+ery. He started his business
throu$h $ettin$ em&loyees from Shehzan ba+ers in the be$innin$.
Gourmet &rodues a wide #ariety of ba+ery items! sweets and dairy &roduts and offers hi$h
quality ser#ies in their restaurants. Gourmet has introdued many new items in ba+ery &roduts
ate$ories whih were &re#iously not in the mar+et of ,ahore. Gourmet stresses hard on quality
and taste of their &roduts and ma+in$ them affordable for their ustomers at the best &ries in
the mar+et. The om&any has shown an e8&losi#e annual $rowth of more than 249 till 266: in
its business sine this unique business was started in .//2. Reently Gourmet shows :49 of
annual $rowth in its business from 266: to 266/. ;ith his ommitment and strenuous effort to
&ro#ide the onsumers with best quality food &roduts in a on#enient and unmathed dis&layin$
manner! Gourmet has beome a suess story of business $rowth in -a+istan. At the moment
Gourmet has more than <466 em&loyees wor+in$ in the or$anization.
Mission statement:%

(=ur mission is to &ro#ide quality &roduts at lowest &ries)
(,eader of quality juie &ro#iders in the re$ion by offerin$ &roduts enjoyed in e#ery home. This
will be ahie#ed from the dediation of eah em&loyee in onjuntion with su&&orti#e
&artii&ation from mana$ement at all le#els.)

S'() Analysis:
S;=T stands for Stren$ths! ;ea+nesses! =&&ortunities and Threats. Internal fators! the
stren$ths and wea+nesses and e8ternal fators! the o&&ortunities and threats.
The analysis shows Gourmet *a+er -a+istan>s Stren$ths! ;ea+nesses! =&&ortunities and Threats.
The S;=T analysis will $i#e you a lear &iture of the business en#ironment Gourmet *a+er
-a+istan is o&eratin$ in at the &resent time.
S'() Analysis of Gourmet
*esearch and +e,elo-ment $enter:
*y ha#in$ a stron$ R?7 enter Gourmet is offerin$ a quality &rodut to their ustomers.
Gourmet is offerin$ a &rodut to their ustomer in different &a+in$ and aordin$ to different
'ell (rgani#ed Structure@
Gourmet has a well or$anized struture. All the de&artments &erform their wor+ aordin$ to the
or$anizational struture. .669 of &rodution at Gourmet is arried out at automated &lants.
$om-uteri#ed +ata.ase System@
Gourmet has an or$anized databaseA all the ati#ities are reorded in the database. 5om&uterized
database &ro#ides error free enter. It is u&dated on the re$ular basis.
)eam 'or/@
All the de&artments are wor+in$ as a team suh as Buality assurane! Mar+etin$! MIS! HR and
Administration et. ;or+in$ as a team inreases the effiieny of the Gourmet.
0o" cost:
Cee&in$ osts lower than their om&etitors and +ee&in$ the ost ad#anta$es hel&s Gourmet
*a+er -a+istan &ass on some of the benefits to onsumers.
Su--lier relationshi-:
Su&&lier relationshi&s are stron$ at Gourmet *a+er -a+istan! whih an only be seen as stren$th
in their o#erall &erformane.
*y a&&lyin$ the #arious stren$ths Gourmet offers the &rodut to the ustomer. Gourmet ne#er
om&romise on quality that is why they are able to a&ture a hu$e mar+et share. Sweet and other
ba+ery &roduts are &re&ared with immense are usin$ traditional and authenti rei&es to $i#e
unfor$ettable taste.
$ustomer *etention@
As Gourmet is offerin$ om&lete ran$e of sweets! dairy! and ba+ery &roduts to their ustomers
with the best quality and taste. Gourmet is able to retain the ustomers beause of its brand name
and worth of the brand. As retainin$ the ustomer is better rather than swithin$ towards the new
0ess Financial resources for ad,ertisement@
Gourmet is usin$ less finanial resoures for ad#ertisement. *y usin$ the a&&ro&riate resoures
they an ad#ertise their &rodut by different tools of ad#ertisement.
0atest Machinery re2uired increasing the Production *ate:
,atest mahinery is the +ey stren$th of any or$anization! but Gourmet la+s in this &oint. *y
usin$ the latest mahinery Gourmet an inrease the &rodution rate.
!o .roadcast media is used@
The term broadast media o#ers a wide s&etrum of different ommuniation methods suh as
TD! radio! news&a&er! ma$azines and many other materials su&&lied by the media and &ress! so
more fous should be on broadast media.
• Gourmet *a+er -a+istan ould benefit from e8&andin$ their online &resene and ma+in$
more money from online sho&&ersEinternet users.
• The han$es in the way onsumers s&end and what they buy &ro#ides a bi$ o&&ortunity
for Gourmet *a+er -a+istan to e8&lore.
• Gourmet *a+er -a+istan is in $ood finanial &osition! whih is an o&&ortunity for them to
e8&lore in terms of in#estment in new &rojets.
• Gras&in$ the o&&ortunity to e8&and the ustomer base is somethin$ Gourmet *a+er
-a+istan an aim for! either $eo$ra&hially or throu$h new &roduts.
• F8&andin$ the &rodutEser#ie lines by Gourmet *a+er -a+istan ould hel& them raise
sales and inrease their &rodut &ortfolio.
• Gourmet *a+er -a+istan has a number of hi$hly s+illed staff! whih is an o&&ortunity for
them to e8&lore as e8&ertise of their staff an hel& Gourmet *a+er -a+istan to brin$ the
business forward.
• 5onsumer lifestyle han$es ould lead to less of a demand for Gourmet *a+er -a+istan
• Ta8 inreases &lain$ additional finanial burdens on Gourmet *a+er -a+istan ould be a
• 5han$e in demo$ra&his ould threaten Gourmet *a+er -a+istan.
• The finanial burden of inreasin$ interest rates ould be a threat to Gourmet *a+er
• Inreased om&etition from o#erseas is another threat to Gourmet *a+er -a+istan as it
ould lead to la+ of interest in their &rodutsEser#ies.
• F8tra om&etition and new om&etitors enterin$ the mar+et ould unsteady Gourmet
*a+er -a+istan and be a threat.
• The ations of a om&etitor ould be a major threat a$ainst Gourmet *a+er -a+istan! for
instane! if they brin$ in new tehnolo$y or inrease their wor+fore to meet demand.
• -rie wars between om&etitors! &rie uts and so on ould dama$e &rofits for Gourmet
*a+er -a+istan.
• A slow eonomy or finanial slowdown ould ha#e a major im&at on Gourmet *a+er
-a+istan business and &rofits.
• The rise andEor fall of the forei$n e8han$e rate ould threaten Gourmet *a+er -a+istan
with re$ard to im&ortin$ and e8&ortin$.
• Risin$ osts ould be a major downfall for Gourmet *a+er -a+istan as it would eat into
• Gourmet *a+er -a+istan ould be threatened by the $rowin$ &ower ustomers ha#e to set
the &rie of their &rodutsEser#ies.
• Gourmet *a+er -a+istan ould be threatened by the $rowin$ &ower their su&&liers ha#e
to set their &ries.
Gourmet ould be a bi$ threat beause it is also offerin$ a sweet 3iralaGs taste and quality ould
be the restriti#e fore for other to &enetrate.
$hange in the consumer -reference@
5han$in$ of onsumer &referenes is a major threat of any or$anization. As if we tal+ about
Gourmet now &eo&le &refer international brand o#er loal brand whih ha#e beome a major
G='RMFT &roduts are now on lon$ lists. ;e are quite onfident that no. of &roduts we ha#e
introdued in -a+istan are mathless. =ur R?7 de&artment +ee&s its%sel#es u& dated with new
rei&es! new &roduts for the e#er han$in$ ustomer needs.
Bon &i,ant

Gourmet Foods launhed *on Di#ant H*o Di%#anI. This is a &remium quality &rodut
ran$e.Initially #ariety inludes 5a+es H7eath *y 5hoolate! Cit Cat 5hoolate! Malt 5hoolate!
Swiss Hazelnut! -eah ? =ran$e! Strawberry 5heese! *lueberry 5heese and more.-astries
Strawberry 7eli$ht! *lueberry 7eli$ht! Cit Cat 5hoolate! Mississi&&i Mud and more.Muffins
*lueberry Muffin! Strawberry Muffin and more5oo+ies 5hoolate 5hi&s 5oo+ies! =ats ? Raisin
5oo+ies and more-ies A&&le -ie! ;alnut -ie! Mississi&&iJ

Sim-le Ba/ery
G='RMFT first started its ba+ery where only &roduts of brea+fast were &ro#ided in the
be$innin$.*ut G='RMFT is &resentin$ now more than four hundred #arieties in ba+ery
After the suess of ba+ery &roduts in .//6 Gourmet deided to fill Sweetness in your ,ife.
G='RMFT &rodued Mitha is with fresh and &ure in$redients. G='RMFT has its own hu$e
&lant for ma+in$ fresh +hoya for all #arieties of mithai. That is why G='RMFTGs unique and
inno#ated taste in Mitha are always a&&reiated.
Pasteuri#ed Mil/
Mil+ is a om&lete nutrition for all a$es +ee&in$ this nutrition for <%4 days without usin$ any
hemial is a new idea! whih G='RMFT has introdued. G='RMFT has introdued
-asteurized Mil+ that is &roessed under hi$h tem&erature system to +ill the $erms and to +ee&
its nutrition. G='RMFT mil+ is su&&lied under F8&iry 7ates.,ahore as bi$ as it is ity aterin$
fresh mil+ and other dairy &roduts was a hu$e hallen$e! olletin$ fresh mil+ from 1 zones of
-unjab was a bi$ job.Gourmet made it &ossible to ollet fresh mil+ e#eryday &erfetly! with the
hel& of bi$ hillers.
Po"der Mil/
G='RMFT is also &ro#idin$ 'lteamate tea whitener! S+imy Mil+ for dieters! Mil+y ;ay is full
of ream and is ener$y mil+.
Ice $ream
G='RMFT Ie 5ream KA summerGs sweet $iftG for its ustomers is a#ailable in .2 deliious
fla#ors. . Instead of artifiial fla#ors G='RMFT use real &ul& of fruits for its unique taste and
freeze on international le#el of %20 de$ree
G='RMFT has introdued &lain mil+y as well as multi $rained and hi$h fiber breads in
different fla#ors and te8tured loo+s. ;hih &romotes healthy di$estion! wei$ht loss and also
stabilizes holesterol and su$ar le#el in blood.
G='RMFT jams are made from farm fresh fruits and im&orted in$redients. =ur food e8&erts
test them! under the Buality 5ontrol ,aboratories. That is why G='RMFT has been ertified by
-a+istanGs *est Lam -roduers.
$andies and )offees
Cee&in$ the health of +ids in our mind! whih is our &riority. ;e are usin$ quality in$redients in
andies and toffees that inlude #itamins! $luose and alium.
G='RMFT has launhed its e8itin$ +ethu&! made of fresh tomatoes with no hemials and
artifiial olor added. It has unique fla#or due to the added in$redients of Mae! 5innamon and
lo#e. HLaloteri! 7arhini and ,on$.I
G='RMFT too+ the hallen$e of ma+in$ -a+istanGs bi$$est in%house *e#era$es Industry and
built under the su&er#ision of International Team.The thirst%quenhin$ drin+s of G='RMFT are
a#ailable in 5ola! Malta! ,emon u&! A&&le and Ie%ream Soda! in si8 different sizes from M66ml
to 2.24 liter.
Cee&in$ our uniqueness in fla#ors and habit of inno#ation! we introdue different traditional
halwas with the quality you really lo#eN
I!+6S)*7 A!+ MA*48) +8S$*IP)I(!
Sweets are in our ulture for enturies. It is our ultural herita$eA &eo&le of our re$ion ha#e
different taste in sweets as om&ared to west. The western &eo&le eat hoolate as sweets but in
our re$ion sweets are mithai. So in e#ery town e#ery ity of -a+istan these sweets sho&s are
seen. ,ahore and the &eo&le of ,ahore are +nown for their tastes and eatin$ habits so there are
many small sale sweet sho&s in almost e#ery area. Gourmet has also started as a small sho& in
,ahore but with han$in$ mar+et onditions with inrease in &urhasin$ &ower of ustomer and
their e#ery day han$in$ taste buds Gourmet has also im&ro#ed. Althou$h the tastes of
ustomers in many other dishes are han$in$ &eo&le now a days are eatin$ fast foods and li+in$
5hinese and western dishes rather than our ty&ial eastern or -a+istani dishes! li+e we ha#e seen
many western dishes in our weddin$ oasions whih shows the han$in$ onsumer needs. *ut
this trend is not in sweets industry the habit of eatin$ sweets is #ery muh in li+e enturies
before. It is the most essential om&onent of weddin$ no weddin$! no eremony or other
oasion of elebration is om&lete without sweets. ;ith the e#er inreasin$ &urhasin$ &ower
&eo&le are &urhasin$ sweets in bul+ form. Althou$h the industry of sweets is entury old but it
is not fadin$ with the time it is $ettin$ rih day by day.
S8GM8!)A)I(! A!+ )A*G8)I!G
There &ries of Gourmet &roduts are hi$her as om&ared to their main om&etitors and seondly
their sho&s and stores are mainly loated ostly areas of ities. Cee&in$ these fators in #iew we
an say that there tar$et mar+et is u&&er middle to u&&er lass.
$ontinuous 0earning a.out the Mar/et:
Gourmet is different from others beause they ha#e been ontinuously u&$radin$ themsel#es
o#er the years. They started their business from the inner ity on$ested
,oality as traditional sweet sho& mostly found in ities doin$ small sale business and sellin$
only mithai related &roduts or dairy &roduts.
*ut Gourmet has learned a lot from the han$in$ tastes of their ustomers and their &referenes.
They han$ed their stores outloo+ made them more modern and u&dated and introdued more
u&dated funtions in stores o&eration. They ha#e been suessfully able to shift their small sale
business to a om&any le#el business. Their initial area of business was their hometown ,ahore!
but they suessfully e8&anded their business to other bi$ ities of -a+istan.
Seondly they ontinuously +ee& wor+in$ on their &roduts and for o#er the years been able to
launh different suessful &roduts in mar+et. Their major fous is on quality of their &roduts
so to maintain strit laws of quality they ha#e se&arate quality ontrol de&artment.
The other e8am&le of their ontinuous learnin$ about the mar+et is their suessful launh of
sna+s &rodut ate$ory and their dairy &roduts. They launhed Gourmet mil+ in the mar+et a
few years ba+ althou$h their mil+ was not the bi$ suess as it has to om&ete industry $iants
li+e nestle! haleeb et. but their sna+s ate$ory is suessful and been able to a&ture a lar$e
&ortion of the mar+et. These sna+s and be#era$es are not only a#ailable at Gourmet stores but at
some other stores also.
Idea Generation
=ur idea is to $enerate an online order boo+in$ system so that we ould &lae our
orders online throu$h the GourmetGs website. This online order &lain$ will hel& a
lot in mana$in$ lar$e orders of sweetsHusually used for marria$esI and for the
boo+in$ of a+es ba+ed on s&eial orders. Ri$ht now Gourmet ta+es orders
manually whih is not a reliable method of order &lain$.

Pro.lem Statement9Project Plan
Ri$ht now while orderin$ we need to $o to the outlet whih is time onsumin$ and
beome more ostly. It is quite inon#enient beause it an beome a reason of
delay of the deli#ery of the &rodut. Moreo#er it also ou&ies a &erson in order to
aom&lish this duty.
It is also not a reliable way of &lain$ an order! the ustomer is always in doubt of
weather the order would be deli#ered on time or not.
As e#eryone is quite familiar with the taste and ser#ie of Gourmet so it is not
im&ortant to #isit the &lae e#ery time before orderin$ es&eially if the ustomer is
bein$ atered often.
=n other hand the &ries and menus are a#ailable on their sites so it will be more
on#enient if the ustomer will $et an o&&ortunity to order online with@
 Their time will be sa#ed
 They would ha#e to &ut less effort
 '&dates an be sent on their emails
 5ustomer an also $et onfirmed about the urrent &roess of the order
 Many &eo&le who ha#e less time will &refer Gourmet as it is offerin$ a fast
&ision Statement
=ur #ision is to automate the entire boo+in$ &roess in order to im&ro#e its o&eration and to
&ro#ide on#eniene to the ustomers.
Mission Statement
Im&ro#in$ the &roedures by the hel& of information system inreasin$ the effiieny of the
business and attratin$ ustomers by failitatin$ them throu$h the feature of online boo+in$ of
0iterature re,ie"
=ur idea $eneration is on Gourmet ba+ery. ;e identified the &roblem statement that there is no
online order system. ;e selet Gourmet ba+ery for our &rojet beause to ma+e an online
re$istration of mathai orders and of s&eial a+es ba+ed on orders. ;hen on weddin$s &eo&le
ome to Gourmet ba+ery for mathai and they order it manually but now we want to on#ert that
system online. ;e will wor+ on han$e mana$ement of the ba+ery.
;e will ma+e a data base software for this online re$istration of the orders of mathai and a+es
to ma+e it more easier for ustomers and to sa#e their time and trans&ort.
3ow further we will disuss about Gourmet introdution! industry analysis! Gourmet &roduts!
and we ma+e our mission and #ision for Gourmet ba+ery. Then we disuss the S;=T analysis
stren$th and wea+ness and searh on mar+etin$ researh and fous $rou& disussion. ;e also set
AS%IS M=7F,! T=%*F M=7F,.
;e ma+e FR7 entity relationshi& dia$ram that shows the relationshi& of the entity. Further we
wor+ on Gantt hart. =ur main &ur&ose is to ma+e an online order re$istration.
The word Gourmet is from the Frenh term! defined as "refined and unontrolled lo#e of $ood
food". Gourmet is an industry lassifiation for hi$h%quality &remium foods in the 'nited States.
Gourmet may desribe a lass of restaurant! uisine! meal or in$redient of hi$h quality! of s&eial
&resentation! or hi$h so&histiation. Gourmet food is haraterized by hi$h quality! aurate
&re&aration! and artisti &resentation.
(Gourmet *a+ers and Sweets) is the lar$est food retail hain of ,ahore.
It is based in ,ahore! the seond lar$est ity of -a+istan +nown for its traditional foods and
&assion for eatin$.
Gourmet &rodues a wide #ariety of ba+ery items! sweets and dairy &roduts and offers hi$h
quality ser#ies in their restaurants. Gourmet has introdued many new items in ba+ery &roduts
ate$ories whih were &re#iously not in the mar+et of ,ahore. Gourmet stresses hard on quality
and taste of their &roduts and ma+in$ them affordable for their ustomers at the best &ries in
the mar+et.

Industry Analysis:
The food items industry has been risin$ onstantly at a onsiderable rate and the eatin$ habits of
&eo&le are han$in$ o#er time with the han$in$ life styles.
;ith the $rowin$ trend of ha#in$ li$ht sna+s with tea in the afternoon and other readymade
sna+s for a meal instead of the traditional meals of urry n bread! the demand and onsum&tion
for the &roduts of this industry is $rowin$ ra&idly.
A&art from that as more &eo&le and youn$sters are wor+in$ es&eially the women! their daily
li#es are beomin$ #ery fast and they donGt ha#e time to oo+ at home. Althou$h &eo&le are
beomin$ more aware and more health onsious thus they demand hi$h standards of quality and
hy$iene alon$ with a balaned nutrition.
Alon$ with that the trend of elebratin$ e#ents and ha#in$ a $et%to$ether in the ;est is now
swee&in$ our ulture as well and more &eo&le are now elebratin$ many different e#ents suh as
birthdays! eremonies! anni#ersaries! 3ew Oear! DalentineGs 7ay! MotherGs 7ay et as om&ared
to the few e#ents elebrated earlier suh as Fid%ul%Adha! Ramadan! Fid%ul%Fitr! weddin$s!
birthdays and $et to$ether. These e#ents boost the sales of this industry as &eo&le o&t to buy
thin$s from outside instead of oo+in$ themsel#es.
The trends of dinin$ out ha#e also $rown ra&idly o#er the &ast few years and thatGs the reason
why many new om&anies li+e Gourmet are enterin$ the Restaurants mar+et.
The ae&tane and need for suh &roduts are $rowin$ e#ery &assin$ day and it
is e8&eted to $row at a hi$her rate in the future as well whih is a #ery healthy si$n for
om&anies li+e Gourmet to in#est smartly and be in front.
Sweets are in our ulture for enturies. It is our ultural herita$eA &eo&le of our re$ion ha#e
different taste in sweets as om&ared to west. The western &eo&le eat hoolate as sweets but in
our re$ion sweets are mithai. So in e#ery town e#ery ity of -a+istan these sweets sho&s are
seen. ,ahore and the &eo&le of ,ahore are +nown for their tastes and eatin$ habits so there are
many small sale sweet sho&s in almost e#ery area.
G='RMFT &roduts are now on lon$ lists. ;e are quite onfident that no. of &roduts we ha#e
introdued in -a+istan are mathless. =ur R?7 de&artment +ee&s its%sel#es u& dated with new
rei&es! new &roduts for the e#er han$in$ ustomer needs.
Bon &i,ant! Ba/ery! Mithai! Pasteuri#ed Mil/! Po"der Mil/! Ie $ream! *reads
3ams :$andies and )offees: 4etchu-: Be,erages: 5al"as
The whole re&ort shows that the Gourmet ba+ers and sweets are stri#in$ to $et a om&etiti#e
ad#anta$e a$ainst its ustomers but there are some &roblems to on whih the om&any should
onentrate ! beause they ser#e many other fators res&eti#ely
.. Gourmet should offers inenti#es and benefits to its old em&loyees to redue its turno#er rate.
2. The Gourmet hasnGt ad#ertised themsel#es throu$h mediaA they should ha#e ado&ted some
other soure of ad#ertisement to ater the mar+et. ;ell they are well +nown in the mar+et but
they should use TD media for their ad#ertisement! they ould also ad#ertise themsel#es on the
able in the areas in whih they are ha#in$ their hains.
M. The Gourmet should &lan for the loyalty of its ustomers. They should $i#e disounts to its
re$ular ustomers in this way the ustomerGs sinerity with the om&any will $row.
<. The Gourmet should ta+e feedba+ from the ustomers by &ersonally sur#ey and should
onentrate on the requirement of the ustomers.
4. Sales &romotions li+e &rizes! lu+y draw shemes should be introdued to attrat more
ustomers and in#ol#e +ids and hildren to inrease sales.
Soft"are using:
As "e "ant to -ro,ide the online .oo/ing facility to the customers: the " should .e
changed for this -ur-ose In order to sa,e the orders and manage the information of the
customers Gourmet "ill .e in need of a data.ase )o manage the data.ase "e need a
+BMS ;+ata.ase Management Soft"are< and to im-lement the changes in the " "e
need to use a "e. de,elo-ment soft"are
Mar/eting *esearch
A!A07SIS (F 168S)I(!AI*8 A!+ I)S
.. 7o you thin+ Gourmet needs to im&ro#e their mana$ement &roessesP
aI OFS bI 3=
78S !(
.< :

=ut of twenty ustomers fourteen answered (OFS) and si8 answered (3=).
2 . Is the ser#ie of Gourmet satisfatoryP
aI OFS bI 3=
78S !(
0 .2

=ut of twenty ustomers twel#e answered (no) and ei$ht answered (yes).
M.7o you thin+ Gourmet mana$ement needs to ha#e better ontrol on their outletsP
aI OFS bI 3=
78S !(
.4 4

=ut of twenty res&ondents fifteen answered (OFS) and fi#e answered (3=).
<. Has the e8&ansion of Gourmet affeted its business ne$ati#elyP
aI OFS bI 3o
78S !(
.M 1

=ut of twenty res&ondents thirteen answered (OFS) and se#en answered (3=)
4.Should Gourmet ha#e faility of online boo+in$P
bI OFS bI 3o
78S !(
.: <

=ut of twenty res&ondents si8teen answered (OFS) and four answered (3=).
:.7o you thin+ more automation in their business units is requiredP
aI OFS bI 3=
OFS 3=
.M 1

=ut of twenty res&ondents thirteen answered (OFS) and se#en answered (3=).
1.Aordin$ to you whether Gourmet in#ol#ement in other businesses a&art from food industry
will effet effiieny or not
2. OFS bI 3=
78S !(
.4 4

=ut of twenty res&ondents fifteen answered (OFS) and fi#e answered (3=).
In%de-th Inter,ie"
In%de&th inter#iew is a one%on%one inter#iew between a &rofessional researher and a researh

*esearcher: 7o you li+e the quality of Gourmet &rodutsP
*es-ondent@ ;ell! Gourmet &roduts in the &ast were more better! their quality is
$ettin$ low day by day. Althou$h I li+e their dairy &roduts.
*esearcher: So! How muh do you &refer Gourmet itemsP
*es-ondent@ I donGt &refer them muh! as I &referred them in the &ast. As I am not
satisfied with their quality li+e I was before.
*esearcher: =hh so did you find any inno#ation at Gourmet sine &ast 4 yearsP And why
you donGt &refer Gourmet li+e beforeP
*es-ondent: ;ell! I ha#eGnt seen any inno#ation till now and their &ries are $ettin$
hi$her day by day and quality is beomin$ low! thatGs why I donGt &refer it muh now.
*esearcher: HmmmJ So you donGt e#en li+e their ba+ery &rodutsP
*es-ondent: 'mm! no I li+e their ba+ery items.
*esearcher: =+N 7o you want Gourmet to &ro#ide u with the faility of online boo+in$P
*es-ondent@ Oes why notN
*esearcher: How it will benefit youP
*es-ondent: It will sa#e my time.
Focus grou-s inter,ie"
A fous $rou& inter#iew is an un%strutured! free%flowin$ inter#iew with a small $rou& of &eo&le!
usually between si8 and ten. Fous $rou&s are led by a trained moderator who follows a fle8ible
format enoura$in$ dialo$ue amon$ res&ondents. 5ommon fous $rou& to&is inlude em&loyee
&ro$rams! em&loyee satisfation! brand meanin$s! &roblems with &roduts! ad#ertisin$ themes!
or new &rodut one&ts.
= 'hat is your -erce-tion a.out the Gourmet .a/ery>
Maira@ ;ell! Gourmet ba+ery is a $ood ba+ery! but its quality is $ettin$ low and &ries are
$ettin$ hi$h.
Malieha@ IGm not $oin$ to Gourmet sine 2 years! beause of its low quality.
Qara@ ;ell! I li+e it #ery muh! they ha#e low &ries and most of our daily use items li+e mil+!
bread and jam ome from Gourmet
(/ So: do you thin/ that they should focus on 2uality> As -eo-le are no" not -referring
Gourmet .a/ery items .eacuase of their lo" 2uality
Maira@ OeahN They must should do.
Malieha@ Oes.. they should s&eially im&ro#e their quality of a+es li+e bon%#i#ant a+es
?ara@ They should im&ro#e their ba+ery items also.
@ 5mmA do you li/e the idea of their ne" and different .usinesses under the same
name: li/e Gourmet Grill: Gourmet Pharmacy: Gourmet furniture: Gourmet
catering: Gourmet restaurant: Gourmet mar2uee and much more>
Maira@ instead of ba+ery I li+e their other &laes more s&eially the Gourmet $rill and
Gourmet marquee.
Malieha@ I li+e their idea of &roduin$ more different thin$s.
?ara@ their idea is $ood and unique.
B (/: so "hat is your o-inion a.out their catering as many -eo-le are ta/ing their
catering ser,ices>
Maira@ they ha#e best food quality for aterin$. ItGs awesomeN
Malieha: I lo#e their food.
?ara: they ha#e awesome taste of food. They aterin$ ser#ies are e8ellent and their
food is #ery tem&tin$.
C 'ell: coming .ac/ to their .a/ery -roducts: ho" often you -refer their s"eets on
your "eddings and different occasions> And "ill you -refer online .oo/ing of ca/es
and s"eets>
Maira: ;e do &refer their sweets on normally e#ery oasion but they should
onentrate on their quality firstly as e#ery ustomerGs first demand is quality. Oes! it is a
$ood idea of online boo+in$ beause it will hel& a lot in the orderin$ &roess.
Malieha: They ha#e $ood quality sweets but they should wide their ran$e of sweets and
should add new ty&es of sweets so the &eo&le an $et attrated to them.
?ara: I a$ree with both Maira and Malieha. They should im&ro#e the quality and should
failitate their ustomer by ta+in$ their order on a sin$le li+.
As%Is Model
As Is Model %%%% Gourmet *etail Sho--ing System
)o%Be Model
Gantt $hart
*e-orts ;Financial: Mar/eting: (-erations<
Financial: The system that we ha#e &ro&osed will be of immense benefits to the Gourmet
ustomers! it will be not muh ostly. Anyone an easily $et re$ister to Gourmet site and they
an easily &lae their order online.
;e ha#e de#elo&ed a website for our ustomers so that they an &lae their sweets orders sittin$
home. They donGt ha#e to $o $o to the ba+ery to &lae their orders.
The ad#anta$es of a database mana$ement system mean that ustomer data an be ombined
with tar$eted mar+etin$ ati#ities suh as email! text messaging and direct mail.
The main ad#anta$es of a database mana$ement system are@
• 8asy Access )o +ata
• $ustomer Segmentation
• +ata Filters
• $entrali#ed *ecord 4ee-ing
It will ut down the e8&enses to some e8tend and is of $reat im&ortane. It will brin$ most of the
manual wor+ to automation! reduin$ salary osts et.
Mar/eting *e-ort@ To ma+e e#eryone aware of our &ro$ram we will ha#e to arry out &ro&er
mar+etin$ &ro$rams. ;e ha#e to aware all the ustoms of the Gourmet ba+ery of our new
system! so that they an &lae their orders easily.
;e ha#e to ma+e sure that the system we are offerin$ doesnGt fail so for that we should $o to all
hei$hts of mar+etin$. ;e an e#en hire ad#ertisin$ e8&erts so they an ad#ise us on how we
should ma+e e#eryone aware of our system.
;ith all this we should also +ee& in mind that we need to +ee& a he+ on our e8&enses too. ;e
an do mar+etin$ of it on soial websites also suh as faeboo+! twitter and $oo$le.
=&erational database mana$ement systems Halso referred to as =,T- =n ,ine Transation
-roessin$ databasesI! are used to mana$e dynami data in real%time. These ty&es of databases
allow you to do more than sim&ly #iew arhi#ed data. =&erational databases allow you to modify
that data Hadd! han$e or delete dataI! doin$ it in real%time.
=&erations mana$ement is an area of mana$ement onerned with o#erseein$! desi$nin$! and
ontrollin$ the &roess of &rodution and redesi$nin$ business o&erations in the &rodution
of $oods or ser#ies. It in#ol#es the res&onsibility of ensurin$ that business o&erations
are effiient in terms of usin$ as few resoures as needed! and effeti#e in terms of meetin$
ustomer requirements.
7atabase o&erations are either sim&le or om&osite. A sim-le data.ase o-eration is a sin$le
SB, statement or -,ESB, &roedure or funtion. A composite database operation is ati#ity between
two &oints in time in a database session! with eah session definin$ its own be$innin$ and end
&oints. A session an &artii&ate in at most one om&osite database o&eration at a time.
It will be #ery im&ortant for the em&loyees to mana$e the T-S HtransationI &roessin$ systemI.
The day to day in&ut of the information et. The em&loyees or the instrutors will ha#e to ma+e
sure that the &roessin$ is fast and there are no time delays.
+ata.ase change management
7atabase han$e mana$ement is the &roess of determinin$ what han$es need to be made to a
database! s&eifyin$ those han$es! e#aluatin$ the effets of those han$es! and then de&loyin$
them. 5HA3GF MA3AGFMF3T under this &rojet refers that how we an brin$ han$e and
maintain it with the &assa$e of time whih brin$ more automation and rationalization in e8istin$
business &roess mana$ement of G(6*M8).
5han$es to database shemas an be required for a number of reasons! inludin$ new business
requirements! mer$ers! le$islati#e han$es! and a&&liation en#ironment han$es. Shema
han$es an in#ol#e han$es to both lo$ial database objets Hfor e8am&le! tables! olumns!
&rimary +eys! and onstraintsI and to&hysial database objets Hfor e8am&le! databases! table
s&aes! buffer &ools! and inde8esI. 5han$in$ database objets! re$ardless of their ty&e! is often
not a tri#ial o&eration. 5han$es often im&at de&endent objets and sometimes e#en underlyin$
data. The &roess of analyzin$ and maintainin$ these de&endenies is traditionally time%
onsumin$ and &rone to error.
Managing +ata.ase $hange
If you de#elo& and maintain databases of G(6*M8) at the enter&rise le#el! your
res&onsibilities &robably inlude oordinatin$ shedules and han$es with software%de#elo&ment
teams to reate unified database a&&liations. Oou an si$nifiantly redue the effort that this
oordination requires by ado&tin$ tools and &roesses that are as similar as &ossible to those of
the software de#elo&ers who are in your or$anization.
As many teams mo#e to more iterati#e! ra&id%de#elo&ment &aradi$ms for writin$ ode Hsuh as
the A$ile methodI! both software and database de#elo&ers ha#e an e#en $reater need for tools
suh as #ersion ontrol. These tools an redue the ris+s that are assoiated with team%based
de#elo&ment. *y usin$ similar tools and &roesses! you an $ain si$nifiant benefits not only for
the databases that you mana$e but also for the inte$ration &oints between those databases and the
software that interats with them.
There are three ore a&abilities of 5han$e Mana$ement that allow de#elo&ers of Gourmet and
database administrators to mana$e han$es in database en#ironments@
• *aseline % A &oint in time of the definition of the database and its assoiated database
• 5om&arison % A om&lete list of differenes between a baseline or a database and another
baseline or a database.
• Synhronization % The &roess of &romotin$ han$es from a database definition a&ture
in a baseline or from a database to a tar$et database.
*is/ Management
+ata.ase *is/ Management assessments and -lanning
Threats to database =F G(6*M8) an ome from any diretion and in any form!
whether Human error! 3atural 7isasters! Hardware failures or e#en sim&le
misunderstandin$s. Ris+ miti$ation needs to o#er all &ossible threats! inludin$
information theft! by either &re#entin$ it or ha#in$ a reation &lan in &lae if it ours
thereby restritin$ the loss. ,i#in$ in the Information A$e means the #ery sur#i#al of a
business is de&endent on the information they ha#e and the a#ailability of that information.
7*MS will assess your database en#ironment and im&lement &roedures and &raties that
will miti$ate #irtually any database ris+. 7*MS ma+es use of its own in%house de#elo&ed
&roedures as well as features built into the database software suh as Flashba+
Tehnolo$y! ! ,o$ial and -hysial 7ataGuard! Auditin$ as well as fool&roof ba+u& and
reo#ery strate$ies.
The follow areas are o#ered by G(6*M8) database ris+ mana$ement@
= Bac/u- and *eco,ery strategies
@ +ata.ase *esource Manager set%u-: im-lementation
B 6ser configuring and im-lementation
C 6ser security management ;-ass"ords: roles: -rofile<
D +ata.ase security management
6 security consulting
E Fine grained access control
F triggers for auditing and re-orting
G +BMauditing and re-orting
=H reco,ery and 2uery -rotection -rocedures
== $hange control -rocedures
=@ )est en,ironment management
=B )est security
=C Archi,ing strategies
=D Performance )uning
+ata.ase security management system
+ata.ase security onerns the use of a broad ran$e of information seurity ontrols to &rotet
databases H&otentially inludin$ the data! the database a&&liations or stored funtions! the
database systems! the database ser#ers and the assoiated networ+ lin+sI a$ainst om&romises of
their onfidentiality! inte$rity and a#ailability. 7atabase seurity mana$ement refers that how we
an seure our information.
'nder this &rojet seurity refers that how we an seure the information of Gourmet ustomers
in the form of database and Gourmet &re#ious reords from ha+ers. It in#ol#es #arious ty&es or
ate$ories of ontrols! suh as tehnial! &roeduralEadministrati#e and &hysial. 7atabase
seurity is a s&eialist to&i within the broader realms of computer security! information security and risk
Seurity ris+s to Gourmet database systems inlude! for e8am&le@
• 'nauthorized or unintended ati#ity or misuse by authorized database users! database
administrators! or networ+Esystems mana$ers! or by unauthorized users or ha+ers He.$.
ina&&ro&riate aess to sensiti#e data! metadata or funtions within databases! or
ina&&ro&riate han$es to the database &ro$rams! strutures or seurity onfi$urationsIA
• Malware infetions ausin$ inidents suh as unauthorized aess! lea+a$e or dislosure
of &ersonal or &ro&rietary data! deletion of or dama$e to the data or &ro$rams! interru&tion or
denial of authorized aess to the database! atta+s on other systems and the unantii&ated
failure of database ser#iesA
• =#erloads! &erformane onstraints and a&aity issues resultin$ in the inability of
authorized users to use databases as intendedA
• -hysial dama$e to database ser#ers aused by om&uter room fires or floods!
o#erheatin$! li$htnin$! aidental liquid s&ills! stati dishar$e! eletroni
brea+downsEequi&ment failures and obsoleseneA
• 7esi$n flaws and &ro$rammin$ bu$s in databases and the assoiated &ro$rams and
systems! reatin$ #arious seurity #ulnerabilities He.$. unauthorized privilege escalationI! data
lossEorru&tion! &erformane de$radation et.A
• 7ata orru&tion andEor loss aused by the entry of in#alid data or ommands! mista+es in
database or system administration &roesses! sabota$eEriminal dama$e et.
Many layers and ty&es of information security ontrol are a&&ro&riate to databases! inludin$@
• Access control
• Auditing
• Authentication
• Encryption
• Integrity ontrols
• Backups
+isaster Management in +BM Information System
+isaster Management in +BM Information System is a om&uter database for disaster
res&onse that &ro#ides $ra&hial! real%time information to res&onders.
+isaster emergency -re-aredness and reco,ery -lan
Four &hases of an emer$eny are -re&aredness! Ris+ Miti$ation! Res&onse and Reo#ery. An
7*M shall enable emer$eny mana$ers or any emer$eny sta+eholder Haffeted i#ilians! &olie!
fireman! 3on Go#ernment =r$anizations H3G=I! et.I ma+e their required ati#ities in any &hase
of an emer$eny in an easy and s&eedy way.
• -re&aration of ontin$eny &lans for different ty&es emer$enies
• 5reatin$ he+lists that an be easily reahed by any related emer$eny mana$ement
• Resoure mana$ement
• F8eutin$ and tra+in$ the ontin$eny &lan
• 5ost alulation of the emer$eny
• Darious +ind of re&orts Hsu&&orted by tables! $ra&hs! et.I
An 7*MS interats with many other early alert systems and ommuniates with many le$ay
Gourmet should han$e its order &lain$ style and should &ro#ide the ustomers with the faility
of online order boo+in$. It will hel& the onsumers to sa#e time and will hel& the om&any to
+ee& the reord of the ustomer throu$h the database. This system will also hel& to tra+ the
order. It will also inrease the effiieny of the om&any and the ustomers will $et the &roduts
just by a sin$le li+. This will ma+e the system of order &lain$ muh more reliable. The
ustomers would ma+e their I7Gs to &lae an order! one they are lo$$ed in they ould easily
&lae an order and also $et itGs &ayment in#oie. This inno#ation will brin$ han$e in GourmetGs
business &roesses and the order boo+in$ will be done online instead of boo+in$ manually.
• htt-:99gourmet-a/istancom9
• http://en.'i('i(i/)perational_database
• http://'''.small*b+siness*database*mar(*o,*
• htt-:99gourmet-a/istancom9cor-orate%achie,ements

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