Opportunity Miner

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Term Terms s and Condit nditio ions ns LEGA LE GAL L NO NOTI TICE CE

The Publisher has strived to be as aurate and om"lete as "ossible in the reation o# this re"ort$ not%ithstandin& the #at that he does not %arrant or re"resent at an' time that the ontents %ithin are aurate due to the ra"idl' han&in& nature o# the Internet(  )hile all attem"ts have been made to veri#' in#ormation "rovided in this "ubliation$ the Publisher assumes no res"onsibilit' #or errors$ omissi omissions ons$$ or ontra ontrar' r' inter" inter"ret retati ation on o# the sub*e sub*ett matter matter herein herein((  An' "ereived sli&hts o# s"ei#i "ersons$ "eo"les$ or or&ani+ations are unintentional( In "ra "rati tia all advi adviee boo, boo,s$ s$ li,e li,e an't an'thi hin& n& else else in li#e li#e$$ ther theree are are no &uarantees o# inome made( eaders are autioned to re"l' on their o%n




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aordin&l'( This This boo, boo, is not not inte intend nded ed #or #or use use as a sour soure e o# le&a le&al$ l$ busi busine ness ss$$ aountin& or #inanial advie( All readers are advised to see, servies o# om"etent "ro#essionals in le&al$ business$ aountin& and #inane #ields(  .ou are enoura&ed to "rint this boo, #or eas' readin&(

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Tab Ta ble O# Cont nte ents 0ore%ord Cha"ter 1 O""ortuni O""ortunities ties 2asis 2asis Cha"ter 2 Che Che, , Out Out The The 3to 3to, , 4ar, 4ar,et  et  Cha"ter /  Identi#' .our Goals Cha"ter 5 Ta,e Ta,e Adva Advant nta& a&e e O# The The 6ous 6ousin in& & Cris Crisis is Cha"ter 7 Gett 3eri Ge 3eriou ous s Ab Abou outt Inte Intern rnet et 4ar, 4ar,et etin in& & Cha"ter 8 The The 9o%n 9o%n 3ide 3ide To Not Not Cash Cashin in& & In On O""o O""ort rtun unit itie ies s  )ra""in& :"

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Cli Cli, , 6ere 6ere11   htt"1;;&uideri&ht&rou"(om;3ale6oo-0or-e2a'-3ellers

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0ore%ord There are several %a's to be suess#ul toda' but the most "o"ular one one is almo almost st al%a al%a's 's a,n a,no% o%le led& d&ed ed as vent ventur urin in& & into into a %orl %orld d o#  a"itali+in& on o""ortunities( Peo"le %ho are able to do this easil'  usuall' rea" in the "ositive bene#its man' #olds( Learn ho% here(

The The O""o O""ort rtun unit it' ' 4ine 4iner  r   )a's To 9isover Lurative O""ortunities

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Cha Cha"ter ter 1 O""ortuni O""ortunities ties 2asis 2asis

3'no"sis 6o%ever identi#'in& the o""ortunities that %ill eventuall' 'ield the desired "ro#its or revenue$ ma' ta,e talent and ,no%led&e that should  be are#ull' onsidered as suh o""ortunities "ose some level o# ris,s(

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The Th e asi asis s

The bases o# most o""ortunities arise #or several ommon #ators that an be easil' identi#iable( These ma' inlude the need$ the means to #ul#ill the need$ the method %hih ould be a""lied in order to #ul#ill the identi#ied need and the bene#its that are ho"ed to be arued( asi asia all ll' ' the the more more uni uniue ue an' an' o# thes thesee elem elemen ents ts are are the the more more interestin& and "erha"s more lurative the o""ortunit' beomes( 6o%ever this ma' onl' be viable i# there is a ertain level o# ontrol that an be eBerised over the di##erent as"ets o# the o""ortunit'  eBerise( This ontrol enables those involved to be better "ositioned to eB"loit  %hatever o""ortunit' that beomes available %ith the abilit' to reate a res"eted "osition %ithin a nihe mar,et( Lar&e om"anies are al%a's on the loo, out to bu' into or bu' out smaller om"anies( usiness savv' individuals are also al%a's on the loo,out #or business o""ortunities that %ill brin& them more mone'( Thou&h bein& in the ri&ht "lae at the ri&ht time is o#ten the basis o#  suh o""ortunit' &rabbin& #ora's$ there is also the needed to be savv'  and "rudent %hen a"itali+in& on suh o""ortunities( 3ta'in&







t he


deve develo lo"m "men ents ts hel" hel"ss to ensu ensure re an indi indivi vidu dual al is "riv' "riv' to the the late latest st in#orm in#ormati ation on on o""ort o""ortuni unitie tiess availa available ble(( eside esidess this this net%or net%or,in ,in& & is

-@ -

also another ver' e##etive %a' o# soutin& around to o""ortunities( These o#ten ome in the #orm o# business o""ortunities throu&h the  %ho ,no%s %ho one"t$ there#ore ,ee"in& a %ide and varied base o#  "ersonalities %ithin the net%or,in& irle is vital(

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Cha Cha"ter 2 Che Che, , Out The The 3to, to, 4ar,e ar,et  t 

3'no"sis 0or the braver individual loo,in& to the sto, mar,et #or o""ortunities to ma,e mone' is another viable o"tion ho%ever it is also a sometimes ver' ris,' o"tion to hoose( There#ore one should al%a's be %ell eui""ed %ith the relevant ,no%led&e to ensure the  best hoies and o""ortunities are s"otted(

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Investin& ein& an entit' that "rovides a varied "lat#orm o# servies #rom sto,   bro,in& to tradin& in other seurities the sto, mar,et an be and usuall' is ver' volatile in its dealin&s( Ther Theree are are se seve vera rall %a's %a's indi indivi vidu dual al an an sou soutt and and a"i a"ita tali li+e +e on o""ortunities available throu&h the sto, mar,et( The #ollo%in& are some ti"s on ho% the sho, mar,et an be an o""ortunit' "rovidin& "lat#orm

Fee" the #ous on ui, and small &ains rather than tr'in& to &et rih rih over overni ni&h &ht( t( 4ost 4ost "eo" "eo"le le ma,e ma,e the the mist mista, a,ee o# not not ,no% ,no%in in& &  %hen to bu' and %hen to sell( Thou&h bu'in& is &enerall' based on the sentiments o# the time and some ,no%led&e$ sellin& is mostl'   based on individual "ere"tion(  )hen the sto, "rie seems to be limbin& there is al%a's the tem"tation to see it limb hi&her be#ore deidin& to sell( This is a  ver' destrutive line o# thou&ht as the sto, "rie an #all *ust as easil' as it %ent u"$ ausin& inredible ne&ative onseuenes( There#ore a limit should be set ver' earl' on in the bu'in& sta&e so that %hen this "re set limit is met the sto, an be sold %ithout hesitation thus minimi+in& an' "ossible losses(

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Inve Invest st ons onser erva vati tive vel' l' and and ensu ensure re one one is %ell %ell in#o in#orm rmed ed o# the the om"an's ba,&round be#ore ma,in& the deision to invest( Avoid hasin& a seemin&l' u"%ard trend %ithout the relevant ba,in& ,no%led&e o# the om"an'( In ever' ase the bi&&er investors %ill start ashin& in #irst and as their investments are instrumental in the limbin& sto, "rie$ it  %ill also be instrumental in its deline(

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Cha Cha"ter ter /  Identi#' .our Goals

3'no"sis Purs Pursui uin& n& o""o o""ort rtun unit itie iess %ith %ith the the inte intent ntio ion n o# ma,i ma,in& n& a "ro# "ro#it it or &ainin& a res"etable amount o# revenue should al%a's be done %ith some "erenta&e o# aution( 0ailin& %hih the onseuenes an be atastro"hi( 6avin& some &oals in mind %ill de#initel' hel" in the  venture to seure o""ortunities #or mone' ma,in& ventures(

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 )hat Is The Plan ein& able to identi#' identi#' to ertain ertain eBtent the ,inds o# o""ortunit o""ortunities ies that  %ould "rodue the desired revenue %ithin the desired time #rame is somethin& that should be are#ull' onsidered( This This is to ensu ensure re the the inte intere rest st leve levels ls are are ,e"t ,e"t ons onsta tant nt and and thus thus reatin& the neessar' bu++H to ,ee" the individual #oused on the &oal till the desired results are ahieved( Fno%in& the eB"etation %ill also hel" the individual to be able to "i, the o""ortunities that %ould  be %ell suited to%ards ahievin& the set &oals( These &oals ma' var' #rom "erson to "erson as most "eo"le have their o%n "ersonal ideas on %hat the' deem to be a suess( 0or some this ma' be havin& more time to s"end %ith love ones$ %hile #or others it ma' be to have more mone'$ then there are those %ho "ereive bein& able to travel eBtensivel' as a %orth%hile &oal( 3ome "eo"le desire to retire in om#ort and as suh ma,e %or,in& to%ards this their &oal( There#ore %hatever the need is$ bein& able to identi#' it learl' is the #irst ste" in &ettin& the &oal settin& eBerise done orretl'( O""ortunities an be better deteted or sensed %hen the individual has the lear &oal in #ous and is "re"ared to %or, to%ards ahievin& it( 3ometimes the sim"le at o# listin& do%n on "a"er all the various - 17 -

 %ants and needs and then ta,in& the time to researh o""ortunities that ould #ul#ill some o# the items listed an hel" the individual ma,e some head%a' to ahievin& the &oal set(

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Cha Cha"ter 5 Ta,e Ta,e Adva Advant nta& a&e e O# The The 6ous 6ousin in& & Cris Crisis is

3'no"sis Ta,in& advanta&e o# almost an'thin& is one %a' o# sta'in& ahead o#  the mone' &ame( Ta,in& advanta&e o# the housin& risis should be no di##erent and %ith a little ,no%led&e one should be able to suess#ull' ta" into this o""ortunit' %ith "ositive results(

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6ousin& Gene Ge nera rall ll' ' %hen %hen ther theree is a hous housin in& & ris risis is most most "eo" "eo"le le %ill %ill #ind #ind themselves in a ver' di##iult "osition( 3ome %ill have to &ive u" their homes as the' %ill no lon&er be able to meet the mort&a&es %hile other ma'be more interested in leasin& "ro"erties #or lon&er terms until the situation ri&hts itsel#( In suh irumstanes &ettin& into the leasin& "ro"ert' business as an o""ortunit' to a"itali+e and ma,e a tid' sum o# mone' %ould be advised( 6o%ever beause it is no% a renters mar,et a"itali+in& on this does have its disadvanta&es as no% the renter %ill have a %ider arra' o# hoie "ro"erties to hoose #rom( There#ore there %ould be a need to ensure the "ro"ert' available #or leasin& is o# a om"atible standard and a""ealin& both in loo,s as  %ell as "rie( There is also the avenue o# ma,in& mone' durin& the housin& risis  b' bu'in& u" "ro"erties and ro, bottom "ries( This is o# ourse onl'  "oss "ossib ible le i# one one has has a heal health th' ' ash ash #lo% #lo% #or #or lon& lon& term term inve invest stme ment nt o""ortunities(  er' &ood "ro#its an be made %hen the housin& mar,et &oes ba, to a more ae"table state %hereb' the said "ro"erties an then be sold #or a handsome "ro#it( There are also other advanta&es that an be en*o'ed %hen there is a

- 1? -

hous housin in& & ris risis is(( Thes Thesee ma' ma' inl inlud udee a lot lot o# #ree #reebi bies es that that %oul %ould d other%ise not be available( Thes Thesee #ree #reebi bies es an an ran& ran&ee #rom #rom +e +ero ro movin movin& & ost ostss to be bett tter er rent rental al rates( I# the individual is loo,in& to ma,e a "urhase on a "ro"ert'  the housin& risis an brin& about the "ossibilit "ossibilit' ' o# bu'in& a "ro"ert'  "ro"ert'  that %ould have ori&inall' been out o# his or her reah(

Cha"te "ter 7 - 1@ -

Gett 3eri Ge 3eriou ous s Ab Abou outt Inte Intern rnet et 4ar, 4ar,et etin in& &

3'no"sis Internet mar,etin& is the most "o"ular "lat#orm #or toda's business entre"reneur( In most ases it onl' ta,es a little time and e##ort and om"arativel' a ver' small monetar' investment$ and #or this one is able to reah all orners o# the %orld and its "otential ustomers(

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Net Net 4ar, 4ar,et etin in& &

The The #oll #ollo% o%in in& & are are some some reas reason onss as to %h' %h' one one shou should ld ons onsid ider er internet mar,etin& #or this "ur"ose J

0or an individual individual onsiderin onsiderin& & a business business venture venture but has a ver'  limi limite ted d #ina #inan nia iall a"i a"ita tal$ l$ the the inte intern rnet et mar, mar,et etin in& & is an idea ideall "lat#orm to eB"loit #or the "ur"ose o# &ettin& the "rodut or serv servi iee reo reo&n &ni+ i+ed ed(( EB"o EB"osi sin& n& the the indi indivi vidu dual als s ende endeav avor or to a hu&e audiene base is "rieless$ and this is done ui,l' and easil' %hen om"ared %ith more onventional methods(


The lo% start u" ost and the lo% o"eratin& o"eratin& ost ost %ill also allo%  #or &reat taB relie# i# there is an' at all( )hen a business ta,es o## the last thin& one %ants to %orr' about is ho% muh o# the inome is taBable( 4ost &overnin& bodies enoura&e these t'"es o# ende endeav avor orss over over the the inte intern rnet et and and this this in turn turn hel" hel"ss the the individual en*o' &ood taB brea,s(


The hi&h "ro#it mar&in mar&in is also another attrativ attrative e #eature o##ered o##ered to thos thosee usin usin& & the the inte intern rnet et #or #or mar, mar,et etin in& & o"ti o"timi mi+a +ati tion on(( Not Not havin& to hire a lar&e team o# "eo"le and all the details that ome %ith it is a %elome %elome relie# in terms o# eB"enses eB"enses ,e"t lo% or minimal(


Then Then ther theree is the the time time #at #ator or %hih %hih some some #ind #ind ver' ver' "lea "leasi sin& n& indeed( The #reedom o# havin& the hoie to %or, at ones o%n

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"ae and time shedule an be a &ood riterion #or those not interested in bein& stressed out(


There is also the interest interestin& in& element element o# not havin& to mar,et or invent 'our o%n "rodut( As there is a %onder#ull' hu&e list o#  items available to be mar,eted on the internet$ hoosin& to sell throu&h a##iliates is bene#iial(

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Cha Cha"ter ter 8 The The 9o% 9o%n 3ide ide To Not Not Cash ashin in& & In On O""o O""ort rtun uniitie ties

3'no"sis EB"lorin& o""ortunities is not somethin& that an be done in the  blin, o# an e'e$ thou&h #or the &i#ted #e% it is not an im"ossible #eat( 6o%ever %ith a little bit o# in de"th ,no%led&e$ "atiene and some ,no% ho% abilities$ it is not im"ossible to sueed in hoosin& the ri&ht o""ortunities( 3ittin& on the side lines and ho"in& or %aitin& #or some o""ortunit'  to ome ome b' on a silv silver er "lat "latte terr is o#te o#ten n not not onl' onl' sill sill' ' but but rath rather er unrealisti( I# individuals ado"t this ,ind o# attitude$ o""ortunities ma' never ome their %a' and even i# it does it %ould be unli,el' that the'   %ould be able to reo&ni+e it and ma,e the best o# the o""ortunit'   bein& "resented(

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3ome 3o me Ti Ti"s "s

ein& more o"en minded and alert allo%s an individual to be more a%ar a%aree o# an' o""o o""orrtuni tuniti ties es that that ma' ma' aris arisee( 4os 4ost "eo"l eo"lee mis miss o""ortunities beause the' are too #oused on the smaller "iture and thus thus miss miss the the imme immeas asur urab able le "oss "ossib ibil ilit itie iess the the o""o o""ort rtun unit itie iess ma'  ma'  "resent( 4issed 4issed o""ort o""ortuni unitie tiess not onl' onl' dont dont bene#i bene#it$ t$ it an also also ause ause the indi indivi vidu dual al to be beo ome me rese resent nt#u #ull and and bitt bitter er es"e es"ei ial all' l' %hen %hen thos thosee around are bus' ma,in& it bi&H( This ne&ative e##et %ill eventuall' #ester into ma,in& the individual thin, o# himsel# or hersel# unlu,'$ re&ret#ul and thus more losed o##  as the the un"l un"lea easa sant ntne ness ss o# al%a al%a's 's miss missin in& & the the o""o o""ort rtun unit it' ' boat boat  beomes a norm( is, ta,ers are more li,el' to ta,e on an' o""ortunit' and ma,e the  best o# it even i# the o""ortunit' does not turn out as eB"eted(

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 )ra""in& :" 0or those %ho have the element o# adventure and some de&ree o#   braver' ta,in& the hallen&e to *um" on the band %a&on o#  o""ortunit' at the sli&htest hane &ive not onl' &reat re%ards but is some%hat eBhilaratin& and eBitin&( )hile #or others %ho are more aut autio iou us$ miss missin in& & the the o""o o""orrtuni tunit' t' or has hasin in& & it %hen %hen its its not not onduive to do so$ an beome a re&rettable #oll'(

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-eommended -eommended -esoures

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