Performance Monitoring Reporting Standard

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PWGSC Performance Monitoring and Reporting
EDRM # 1129286
National Proect Management S!"tem
#a$le of Content"
1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................
2. Project Performance Performance Monitoring and Reporting Standard.........................................
2.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................................
2.2 Context............................................................................................................................................
2.3 Purpose of This Document..............................................................................................................
2.4 Audience.........................................................................................................................................
2.5 Mode..............................................................................................................................................
2.! Process............................................................................................................................................
2." #t$nd$rd Components.....................................................................................................................
Annex A - Performance Management Tools............................................................................................
1. D$sh%o$rd.........................................................................................................................................
2. #t$tus &eports...................................................................................................................................
3. 'ndependent &eview ( Month) Process Deiver) M$n$*ement........................................................
5. Perform$nce M$n$*ement Toos Output...........................................................................................
!. Definitions of +e) Perform$nce 'ndic$tors.......................................................................................
!.1 M$nd$tor) Perform$nce Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd +P'
Definitions ,Tier-1.............................................................................................................
!.2 /x$mpes of #eected Addition$ Pro0ect M$n$*ement #t$nd$rd +P' Definitions
!.3 1otes on #u%-+P's $nd Definitions........................................................................................
Annex B Status Reports to TBS Standardi!ed "ontent#$oo% and &eel..........................................
Annex " Monitoring and "ontrol &unction.......................................................................................
1PM# 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed 1
P34#C Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd
1% &ntrod'ction
A Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd is used to 5u$ntif) the efficienc) $nd effectiveness of
$n or*$ni6$tion7s $ctions. An effective #t$nd$rd $c5uires8 sorts8 $n$)6es8 interprets $nd dissemin$tes
si*nific$nt d$t$ to en$%e m$n$*ement to m$9e informed decisions $nd to t$9e necess$r) $ctions. A
#t$nd$rd incudes sufficient processes8 me$sures $nd infr$structure to en$%e $ pro0ect to produce the ri*ht
d$t$ $nd dissemin$te it to those with $ need to 9now.
A pro0ect or $n or*$ni6$tion with $ :v$ue; mindset st$rts %) definin* the +e) Perform$nce 'ndic$tors
which the) re5uire. +e) Perform$nce 'ndic$tors ,+P's. represent $ set of me$sures focusin* on those
$spects of pro0ect perform$nce th$t $re the most critic$ for the current $nd future success. +P's
encomp$ss the v$rious drivers th$t in9 the pro0ect %usiness c$se o%0ectives to $ccount$%iities within the
pro0ect $nd to the outcomes th$t $re expected.
The v$ue of $n effective Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd is th$t it en$%es the pro0ect to
o%t$in #enior M$n$*ement 2u)-'n $s the pro0ect competes for the fin$nci$ $nd hum$n resources re5uired
for executin* the or*$ni6$tion7s m$nd$te. +P's in9 the ori*in$ pro0ect 2usiness C$se o%0ectives to
Me$sur$%e $nd On*oin* Pro0ect <$ue.
The st$rtin* point is to focus on $ soid %usiness c$se 0ustific$tion th$t ce$r) $rticu$tes $ p$n for
deiverin* pro0ect success $nd therefore pro0ect %usiness v$ue. A successfu %usiness c$se wi %e the
determinin* f$ctor for *ettin* the pro0ect $pproved $nd o%t$inin* the re5uired fundin*8 resources8 $nd
time commitment from the $ppropri$te *overn$nce %od). The pro0ect needs to identif) $nd execute
$*$inst %usiness v$ue drivers to show which fin$nci$ drivers8 %usiness processes8 $nd oper$tion$
metrics wi %e used to drive the pro0ect resuts. =rom the point of identif)in* the pro0ect v$ue drivers8
9e) pro0ect perform$nce metrics $re est$%ished $s $ found$tion for me$surin* pro0ect resuts.
1PM# 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed 2
P34#C Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd
2% Proect Performance Monitoring and Reporting Standard
2%1 ()er)ie*
Outcome M$n$*ement is Tre$sur) 2o$rd7s ,T2. recommended str$te*ic $ppro$ch to perform$nce
m$n$*ement. /ffective Outcome M$n$*ement ensures th$t :initi$tives $re desi*ned $round dep$rtment$
$nd *overnment outcomes $nd th$t the intended outcomes $re $chieved. As Pro0ect M$n$*ement de$s
with the processes necess$r) to deiver $ c$p$%iit) $nd(or product within $ pre-est$%ished time fr$me
$nd %ud*et8 Outcome M$n$*ement focuses on the processes needed to re$i6e the %enefits of e$ch
The Pro0ect Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd is intended to sp$n the pro0ect ifec)ce in
order to c$pture the pro0ect perform$nce components consistent). The #t$nd$rd de$s with perform$nce
from the e$r) identific$tion st$*e ,%usiness c$se.8 throu*h the deiver) st$*e $nd concudes with pro0ect
coseout. 4overn$nce $nd #t$9ehoder M$n$*ement $re $so essenti$ components to the effectiveness
$nd success of the #t$nd$rd. The outputs of the #t$nd$rd provide m$n$*ement with the me$ns to monitor8
me$sure $nd contro pro*ress tow$rds $chievin* the pro0ects intended outcomes. These outputs $re
provided throu*h the *overn$nce structure defined in 1PM# $nd the Pro0ect Ch$rter $nd to the
st$9ehoders defined in the Communic$tions Action P$n.
The five 9e) components of the proposed 1PM# Pro0ect Perform$nce M$n$*ement Mode $re $s foows>
• The 'ntended Outcomes ,derived from the 2usiness C$se.
• +P's
• Perform$nce Tr$c9in*
• 4overn$nce
• #t$9ehoder M$n$*ement
2%2 Conte+t
The most effective Pro0ect Perform$nce modes view e$ch pro0ect $s p$rt of $r*er or*$ni6$tion$8 pro0ect
portfoio $nd investment str$te*) fr$mewor9s. An effective perform$nce too provides more *r$nu$r $nd
ess *r$nu$r views or enses8 dependin* on the needs of the $udience.
2%, P'rpo"e of #-i" Doc'ment
The intended purpose of this document is to provide $ hi*h-eve #t$nd$rd for perform$nce m$n$*ement
$nd reportin* in P34#C.
't is intended to form the %$sis of $ more det$ied future document. The current document identifies
components $nd st$nd$rd +P's to %e used %) pro0ects $cross the Dep$rtment $nd to extern$ $*encies for
reportin* purposes. #ee Annex 2 ? Tre$sur) 2o$rd #t$tus &eports.
2%. /'dience
This document is desi*ned to %e used %) m$n$*ers responsi%e for impementin* pro0ect m$n$*ement
poicies8 procedures8 ro$dm$ps8 toos $nd temp$tes within Pu%ic 3or9s 2r$nches $s we $s %)
individu$s providin* oversi*ht $t the Dep$rtment$ eve.
1PM# 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed 3
P34#C Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd
2%0 Model
2%6 Proce""
The perform$nce m$n$*ement process %e*ins %) determinin* the pro0ect7s intended outcomes ( resuts.
The te$m then defines specific outputs th$t wi deiver the intended outcomes ( resuts of the pro0ect.
<$ue drivers8 extr$cted from the %$seine8 $re used $s inputs to deveop 9e) perform$nce indic$tors.
These me$sure pro*ress tow$rds t$r*ets which $re $i*ned with the defined outputs $nd conse5uent) the
$chievement of the intended outcomes ( resuts.
<$ue Drivers incude fin$nci$ drivers8 %usiness processes8 $nd oper$tion$ metrics. =orm$tive $nd /nd
#t$te improvements to these v$ue drivers $re wh$t 0ustifies the 2usiness C$se $nd wh$t is used to drive
the pro0ect resuts.
,1ote> some of the intended outcomes wi not %e me$sure$%e unti the pro0ect is in fu8 ste$d)-st$te
'n P34#C8 four 9e) pro0ect perform$nce indic$tors $re st$nd$rd> on time8 on %ud*et8 on scope $nd
over$ pro0ect st$tus. Addition$ seected +P's m$) %e reported on $s determined %) 2r$nch pr$ctice or
%$sed on the pro0ect7s compexit)8 ris9 $nd purpose ,see Annex A..
The pro0ect te$m uses reportin* toos to produce inform$tion th$t ce$r) iustr$tes the current $nd
forec$st st$tus of the +P's. The te$m $so provides $ddition$ inform$tion with respect to miestones $nd
deiver$%es. The pro0ect communic$tes this inform$tion to the pro0ect *overn$nce structure throu*h the
ch$nnes descri%ed in the communic$tions p$n $nd pro0ect *overn$nce to 9e) st$9ehoders $nd to
decision m$9ers. 'n return8 throu*h the communic$tions $nd reportin* ch$nnes8 the +P's *ener$te
feed%$c9 th$t the pro0ect te$m uses to refine the str$te*ies8 p$ns $nd the $ctions re5uired to deiver the
pro0ect $nd the intended resuts. The process is refined $nd upd$ted in $n iter$tive f$shion $s re5uired
durin* the pro0ect ifec)ce.
2%1 Standard Component"
The 9e) components $re descri%ed in more det$i $s foows>
2.!.1 'ntended Outcomes ,from the 2usiness C$se.
The 2usiness C$se is $ description of the re$sons for the pro0ect $nd the 0ustific$tions for undert$9in* the
pro0ect %$sed on $n $n$)sis of the costs8 ris9s $nd intended outcomes.The 2usiness C$se identifies the
%enefits the intended soution is expected to %rin* to the or*$ni6$tion. These %enefits c$n %e short-term or
on*-term8 direct or str$te*ic. The 2usiness C$se outines $nd often 5u$ntifies these %enefits to %e tr$c9ed
$nd m$n$*ed durin* the pro0ect effort8 once $pproved.
1PM# 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed 4
P34#C Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd
The 2usiness C$se represents wh$t w$s promised $t the outset. Ch$n*es to this %$seine must %e $pproved
in $ccord$nce with the 1PM# *overn$nce8 $nd with the det$ied pro0ect *overn$nce $nd ch$n*e
m$n$*ement processes defined in the Pro0ect Ch$rter $nd Pro0ect M$n$*ement P$n.
2.'.2 (PMS )e* Performance Indicators
'n reportin* to #enior #tr$te*ic M$n$*ement re*$rdin* the 1PM# s)stem8 the foowin* +e)
Perform$nce 'ndic$tors wi %e used>
1PM Desi*n ? 's the 1PM# Desi*n $de5u$te $nd does it meet the st$nd$rd for the Tre$sur) Poic) on the
M$n$*ement of Pro0ects
1PM# Appic$tion ? @ow m$n) pro0ects $re foowin* 1PM#A
Pro0ect Perform$nce ? 3h$t percent$*e of pro0ects foowin* 1PM# $re on tr$c9A And wh$t percent$*e
of pro0ects not foowin* 1PM# $re on tr$c9A
2.'.+ Project )e* Performance Indicators ,)PIs-
Pro0ects foow $ defined process to identif) which +P's $re re5uired in $ddition to those th$t $re
m$nd$tor). +P's $re cre$ted usin*>
• 'nput from> <$ue Drivers
• +P's $re %$sed on Pro0ect M$n$*ement +nowed*e Are$s
• Cover short $nd on* term8 direct $nd str$te*ic %enefits
There is $ #t$nd$rd #et of +P's common to $ pro0ects $cross the Dep$rtment. These $re referred to $s
tier-1 core indic$tors ,e.*. #cope8 Cost8 #chedue8 Over$ #t$tus.. Addition$ indic$tors m$) %e provided
$s Tier 2 indic$tors dependin* on 2r$nch pr$ctice or the intended purpose of the product or resut of the
Mandator* 1PM# Pro0ect +P's ? Coour-coded
Me$sure Pro0ect Perform$nce
• Time
• 2ud*et
• #cope ,with re$tion to time $nd %ud*et.
• Over$ #t$tus
Selected Additional Project Management )PIs
,Tier 2-
Provided dependin* on Pro0ect Compexit)8 &is9
$nd Purpose
1orm$) reported in textB not $s coour-coded
M$turit) me$sures
• Cient #$tisf$ction
• Other +nowed*e Are$s such Procurement8
&is9 etc
1PM# 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed 5
P34#C Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd
Pe$se see Annex A ? Perform$nce M$n$*ement Toos for s$mpe +P's $nd indic$tor definitions
2.'.. Performance Trac%ing
2r$nches provide +P' d$t$ to decision m$9ers $nd st$9ehoders. This occurs $t the 1PM# contro points
$nd vi$ pro0ect specific *overn$nce processes.
&eports $re provided to st$9ehoders with indic$tors th$t me$sure perform$nce $*$inst the common
m$nd$tor) +P's $s we $s $*$inst the specific $ddition$ indic$tors defined for the pro0ect %$sed on its
Outcomes M$n$*ement needs. Current)8 e$ch 2r$nch uses its own reportin* tooB in future8 $ common
on-ine too m$) %e $dopted. This wi re5uire further $n$)sis $nd deveopment. PMAC m$) %e $ forum
for initi$ re5uirements *$therin*.
2.'./ 0o1ernance
The Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd 4overn$nce $i*ns to the $pproved 1PM# contro
points. The #t$nd$rd is in turn>
• 'nte*r$ted with the specific pro0ect *overn$nce structure8 roes $nd responsi%iities defined in the
Pro0ect P$n $nd Pro0ect Ch$rter or the O4D A*reement.
• The det$ied *overn$nce process defines how the pro0ect reports perform$nce to *overn$nce %odies8
incudin* too8 form$t8 $nd fre5uenc).
• Pro0ect *overn$nce incudes $n identified esc$$tion mode
2.'.' Sta%e2older Management
Pro0ects need to m$int$in $ continuous connection with the st$9ehoders in order to inform them $s to
how the pro0ect is doin*. The 9e) is to reco*ni6e th$t different st$9ehoders m$) h$ve different
perspectives $nd different interests. #t$9ehoder M$n$*ement inte*r$tes( $i*n these perspectives $nd
interests with the effort to $chieve the intended outcomes $nd %enefits.
Details Developed in Appropriate Knowledge Areas
3etails regarding performance management processes and tools 4ill 5e incorporated into rele1ant
(PMS Business Projects-IT-6na5led %no4ledge areas7 including t2e 8ualit* management7 ris%
management7 and communications management areas.
1PM# 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed 6
P34#C Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd
/nne+ / 2 Performance Management #ool"
The foowin* $re su**ested options for Perform$nce M$n$*ement Toos>
1% Da"-$oard
• #t$nd$rd /nterprise too ? common fee $nd oo9 for $ %r$nches(sector> f$ciit$tes $ consistent view
of pro0ects8 their pro*ress $nd perform$nceB inform$tion c$n %e e$si) roed up to *et $ hi*her eve
view ,%r$nch-eve8 dep$rtment$-eve..
• Pro0ect-st)e d$sh%o$rd> $ st$tus report with pre-defined eementsB hi*her eve inform$tion8 focusin*
on specific +P's8 $nd h$s coour coded st$tus for the indic$tors to report perform$nce8 hi*hi*ht
ch$en*es8 $nd see9 $ssist$nce.
• Defined =re5uenc)
• Defined Access Contros
2% Stat'" Report"
• #t$nd$rd set of indic$tors $nd items
• Defined recipient ist $nd fre5uenc)
,% &ndependent Re)ie* 3 Mont-l! Proce"" Deli)er! Management
The 1PM# Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd incudes independent review components.
'ntern$)8 in the &e$ Propert) 2r$nch8 independent pro0ect review is provided %) the Pro0ect &eview
Advisor) Committee ,P&AC. $nd %) the 1$tion$ Pro0ect &eview Advisor) Committee ,1P&AC.B in
'T#28 independent review is provided throu*h the Month) Process Deiver) M$n$*ement Process8
which in turn is in9ed to the 'T#2 Pro0ect Oversi*ht Committee. /xtern$)8 'ndependent &eview is $so
$ 9e) component of Tre$sur) 2o$rd7s pro0ect review $nd oversi*ht process. T2# wi provide oversi*ht to
pro0ects exceedin* the Dep$rtment7s dee*$ted $uthorit) $nd to other pro0ects $s $nd when re5uired %)
T2#. 'n support of T27s review process8 Dep$rtment$ Pro0ects wi %e reviewed %) independent $n$)sts
certified %) T2. These reviews m$) occur $t $n) of the seven *$tes defined %) T2#8 dependin* on the
proven pro0ect m$n$*ement c$p$cit) of the 1PM# stre$m>
• #tr$te*ic $nd Concept
• Appro$ch
• 2usiness C$se $nd &e$diness
• Pro0ect Ch$rter $nd PMP
• Det$ied P$n
• Construction(Depo)ment
• Post-'mpement$tion
A fu 'ndependent &eview ( Month) Process Deiver) M$n$*ement process is resource intensive8 $s it
needs to %e done $t re*u$r chec9points. Conse5uent)8 third-p$rt) review is not price 0ustified for $
:Cite; 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed.
The 9e) points on Month) Process Deiver) M$n$*ement>
• 'nvesti*$tive Perform$nce Monitorin* function8 %$sed on %est pr$ctices
• M$) compement other perform$nce reportin* toos(mech$nisms %) performin* $
v$id$tion(verific$tion roe
1PM# 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed 7
P34#C Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd
• Performed %) $n independent p$rt) ? m$) foow the *ener$ *uideines for the Tre$sur) 2o$rd7s
'ndependent &eview Pro*r$m
• Cever$*es +e) Perform$nce 'ndic$tors to *$u*e pro0ect pro*ress $nd $ssess its perform$nce
• Considered $ Prevent$tive function ? performed on $ month) %$sis to identif) potenti$ $re$s for
improvement $nd record the correspondin* $ction p$ns
• Continuous) monitors pro0ect Cessons Ce$rned
• @epfu for the or*$ni6$tion to identif) pro0ect inter-dependencies $nd *ettin* $ portfoio view of
str$te*ic$) $i*ned pro0ects
• Positioned $s $ constructive too to hep the pro0ects overcome their ch$en*es $nd meet their *o$s
vs. %ein* seen $s $n $ddition$ $dministr$tive %urden
• &e5uires compi$nce to ensure consistent impement$tion of pro0ect m$n$*ement pr$ctices
• Produces $ report th$t is presented to $n executive-eve *overn$nce committee8 so $ppropri$te $ction
m$) %e t$9en to hep the pro0ect resove its ch$en*es
0% Performance Management #ool" ('tp't
Outputs from the pro0ect m$n$*ement #t$nd$rd wi incude $s $ minimum>
• A comprehensive picture of the st$tus of the pro0ects in the portfoio
• &ecommended courses of $ction
• /sc$$tion of issues
• Cessons Ce$rned
• 'nput into the Continuous 'mprovement process
• Ac9nowed*ement %) senior m$n$*ement
6% Definition" of 4e! Performance &ndicator"
Pro0ects $re $ssessed $*$inst sever$ +e) Perform$nce 'ndic$tors ,+P's. representin* 9e) pro0ect
m$n$*ement 9nowed*e $re$s8 used to est$%ish the fin$ %enchm$r9s for me$surement $nd reportin*.
'.1 Mandator* Performance Monitoring and Reporting Standard )PI 3efinitions ,Tier-1-
'.1.1 9n Time
This refers to the time) competion of pro0ect %$sed on 1PM# ph$ses $nd contro point deiver$%es.
The %$seine schedue is $s defined in the Pro0ect P$n $nd is the schedue $st $pproved ,ex> PPA(/PA
O4D A*reement.. Perform$nce is %$sed on $n) v$ri$nces from the $st $pproved schedue in terms of the
Critic$ P$th.
 4reen> 3ithin %$seine $st $pproved schedue
 Deow> 2ehind %$seine schedue ? 1o m$0or 'mp$ct on pro0ect
 ,Does not $ffect pro0ect Critic$ P$th.
 &ed> 2ehind %$seine schedue ? M$0or 'mp$ct on pro0ect
1PM# 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed 8
P34#C Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd
 ,Does $ffect $n) of the critic$ p$th8 scope o%0ectives8 %ud*et o%0ectives8 or oper$tion$
'.1.2 9n Budget
The ev$u$tion is %$sed on the over$ pro0ect %ud*et. A pro0ect is considered to %e :On 2ud*et; if the
fin$ expenditure is within the $pproved contin*enc) $t the identified ph$se contro point. =or O4D
pro0ects the over$ %ud*et is the tot$ $mount in the si*ned A*reement ,MOE8 CO'8 #A etc..
 4reen> On 2ud*et ,=orec$sted expenditure foows the %ud*et $s p$nned..
 Deow> =orec$sted tot$ pro0ect expenditure is not exceedin* the $pproved fundin* %ut re5uires the
use of &is9 $ow$nce.
 &ed> =orec$sted tot$ pro0ect expenditure exceed $pproved 2ud*et
1.2. =or O4D Pro0ect>
PPA F Amount for pro0ect initi$tion in A*reement with O4D ,MOE8 CO'8 #A etc..
/PA F Amount for pro0ect impement$tion in A*reement with O4D ,MOE8 CO'8 #A etc..
'.1.+ 9n Scope
/v$u$tion is %$sed on the over$ pro0ect scope $s est$%ished $t the most recent $pprov$. Devi$tion
from scope refects $pproved ch$n*es $s we $s f$iure to meet the re5uirement meet the %$seined scope
,scope st$tement in the Pro0ect Ch$rter..
 4reen> 1o ch$n*e or imp$ct on pro0ect. ,Ch$n*e within the %ud*et G %$seine schedue..
 Deow> Minor ch$n*e - itte imp$ct on the pro0ect. ,Ch$n*e imp$cts %ud*et or schedue %ut is sti
within contin*enc) fund $nd does not $ffect the Critic$ P$th #chedue.
 &ed> 'mport$nt ch$n*e - si*nific$nt imp$ct on the pro0ect. ,M$0or effect on %ud*et G Contin*enc)
=und $nd(or the Critic$ P$th #chedue is $t &is9..
'.1.. 91erall Project Status
The over$ pro0ect st$tus is r$ted $s either 4reen8 Deow8 or &ed8 %$sed upon the ev$u$tions of the
pro0ect indic$tors8 of :On time( On 2ud*et $nd On #cope; $s foows>
 4reen> Pro0ect $ssessed $s %ein* :4reen; for e$ch of the On Time8 On 2ud*et $nd On #cope
 Deow> Pro0ect $ssessed $s %ein* :Deow; if $t e$st one of the On Time8 On 2ud*et $nd On
#cope indic$tors $re )eow8 $nd rem$inin* indic$tors $re either *reen or )eow.
 &ed> Pro0ect $ssessed $s %ein* :&ed; if $t e$st one of the On Time8 On 2ud*et $nd On #cope
indic$tors is &ed.
'.2 6xamples of Selected Additional Project Management Standard )PI 3efinitions ,Tier-2-
'.2.1 Ris%:
&is9 is uncert$int). A ris9 perform$nce indic$tor me$sures the current $%iit) of the pro0ect to m$n$*e
ris9s $nd issues th$t m$) prevent it from re$chin* its o%0ectives. This m$) cover ris9s not re$ted to Time8
2ud*et8 or #copeB in other words8 dependenc) ris9sB fundin* ris9sB poitic$ ris9sB technic$ ris9s $nd so
&is9 $s $ 9e) perform$nce indic$tor refects the foowin* consider$tions>
• The effectiveness of deveopin* $nd impementin* the ris9 m$n$*ement p$n $nd ris9 response
• The %$seine PC&A findin*s $nd ch$n*es to these
1PM# 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed 9
P34#C Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd
• 3hether $ pro0ect is under stress.
6%2%2 Client Sati"faction5
Me$surin* the cient7s over$ s$tisf$ction.
6%2%, Comm'nication"5
Me$surin* how we(effective the pro0ect is communic$tin* with its st$9ehoder
6%2%. 6'man Re"o'rce"5
Me$surin* the pro0ect7s current $%iit) to $oc$te the re5uired resources to compete the p$nned wor98 in
$ time) f$shion
6%2%0 Proc'rement5
,'f $ppic$%e. me$surin* the pro0ect7s current $%iit) to pro*ress throu*h the procurement process
6%, Note" on S'$24P&" and Definition"
'f on) the Tier-1 +P's $re used8 the Tier-2 +P's m$) %e co$psed under the $ppropri$te Tier-1 +P'
dependin* on the direct imp$ct. =or ex$mpe if the needed hum$n resources $re un$v$i$%e to $ pro0ect8
the :On Time; or :On 2ud*et; indic$tors m$) %e imp$cted.
+P's m$) cont$in su%-+P's or metrics to o%0ective) hep record its proper st$tus. =or ex$mpe8 the :On
Time; indic$tor m$) h$ve su%-indic$tors such $s> M$0or Deiver$%es $nd Critic$ P$th.
't is expected th$t pro0ects m$) encounter de$)s to deiver$%es due to m$n) f$ctors. A de$) does not
necess$ri) me$n the :On Time; indic$tor is f$**ed $s Deow or &edB however8 if $ t$s9 on the Critic$
P$th f$s %ehind schedue8 it m$) c$use the indic$tor to ch$n*e st$tus.
3efinition (ote
Contin*enc) ( &eserve> ,=rom PM2O+. A provision in the Pro0ect M$n$*ement P$n to miti*$te cost
$nd(or schedue ris9. Often used with $ modifier ,e.*. m$n$*ement reserve8 contin*enc) reserve. to
provide further det$i on wh$t t)pes of ris9s $re to %e miti*$ted. The specific me$nin* of the modified
term v$ries %) $ppic$tion $re$ ,'.e. &e$ Propert) or 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed.
1PM# 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed 10
P34#C Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd
/nne+ 7 8Stat'" Report" to #7S 8 Standardi9ed Content3:oo; and <eel
The &e$ Propert) 2r$nch reports to Tre$sur) 2o$rd on $r*e pro0ects v$ued $t *re$ter th$n H3IM8 usin*
three M# /xce %$sed st$tus reports t$iored to pro0ect t)pe. The three v$ri$nts $re cont$ined in $ sin*e
/xce found $t the foowin* in9>
P>J&P#JPro0ect M$n$*ement Advisor) CounciJPro0ectKPro0ect M*mt Pr$ctices &eview $nd 1PM#
Ai*nment of the 'T /n$%ed #tre$mJPerform$nce M$n$*ement =r$mewor9
The v$ri$tion on the st$tus report $re $s foows>
• Ce$se ,&P2.
• O4D ,&P2.
• Crown Pro0ect ,&P2.
A %usiness pro0ect wi report throu*h the 'T#2 D$sh%o$rd process $t the foowin* in9>
P34#C 2usiness Pro0ect-'T-/n$%ed
O4D 2usiness Pro0ect ? 'T-/n$%ed
1PM# 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed 11
P34#C Perform$nce Monitorin* $nd &eportin* #t$nd$rd
/nne+ C 8 Monitoring and Control <'nction
Reference: PMBOK® Guide Fourth Edition
The Monitorin* $nd Contro function consists of the processes re5uired to tr$c98 review8 $nd re*u$te the
pro*ress $nd perform$nce of the pro0ectB identif) $n) $re$s in which ch$n*es to the p$n $re re5uiredB $nd
initi$te the correspondin* ch$n*es. The 9e) %enefit of Monitorin* $nd Contro is th$t pro0ect perform$nce
is o%served $nd me$sured re*u$r) $nd consistent) to identif) v$ri$nces from the pro0ect %usiness c$se8
pro0ect ch$rter8 $nd pro0ect m$n$*ement p$n.
Continuous monitorin* *ives the pro0ect m$n$*ement te$m insi*ht into the he$th of the pro0ect8 $nd
identifies $n) $re$s th$t m$) re5uire speci$ $ttention. Contro incudes determinin* corrective or
preventive $ctions or re-p$nnin* $nd foowin* up on $ction p$ns to determine if the $ctions t$9en
resoved the perform$nce issue.
The Monitorin* $nd Contro function incudes the foowin*>
• Comp$rin* $ctu$ pro0ect perform$nce $*$inst the %usiness c$se8 pro0ect ch$rter8 $nd pro0ect
m$n$*ement p$n
• Assessin* perform$nce to determine whether $n) corrective or preventive $ctions $re indic$ted8 $nd
then recommendin* those $ctions $s necess$r)
• 'dentif)in* new ris9s $nd $n$)6in*8 tr$c9in*8 $nd monitorin* existin* pro0ect ris9s to ensure the
ris9s $re identified8 their st$tus is reported8 $nd ris9 p$ns $re executed
• Providin* inform$tion to support st$tus reportin*8 pro*ress me$surement8 $nd forec$stin*.
Perform$nce reports shoud det$i $ctivities8 $ccompishments8 miestones8 identified issues8 $nd
• Providin* forec$sts to upd$te current cost $nd current schedue inform$tion
• Monitorin* impement$tion of $pproved ch$n*es $s the) occur
1PM# 2usiness Pro0ects-'T-/n$%ed 12

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