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South-Westphalia University of Applied Sciences
Campus Soest
Prof. B. Bitzer
„Innovation Management“ in Industry
Innovation Studio
Exemplary Developments
Product Service Engineering
Version 1.4
INNPS! " Innovation studio and !#emplary $evelopments for Product Service
!n%ineerin% is an RTD project in the R!"T# programme supported $y the European
INNPS! o&'ectives( In genera& '(ervice Engineering) is not a part o* conventiona&
engineering education% This shortcoming in the academic curricu&um *urther e+tends to the
education in postgraduate ,ua&i*ication courses and training in companies% !n&y &arge
organisations have the resources to introduce a systematic deve&opment process *or
service innovations% The e+perience ac,uired in service innovation -or&d -ide. especia&&y
*rom $igger companies shou&d $e made avai&a$&e and suita$&e *or the needs o* (ME)s%
This is the aim o* the I//!P(E project%
Purpose of this )uestionnaire is to gather the in*ormation and e+periences o* companies
-ho have success*u&&y rea&ised the innovation management% The in*ormation gathered $y
-ay o* this ,uestionnaire sha&& serve as the research $asis *or eva&uating -hether the
success*u& innovation management techni,ues adopted in &arge companies is trans*era$&e
as a -ho&e or trans*era$&e -ith needed changes 0 adoptions o* to sca&e o* operations to
sma&& and medium si1e enterprises% In this ,uestionnaire the main *ocus is to ana&yse
organisation. industry and -or2 p&ace &ayout in the innovation management% 3urther *ocus
is to identi*y the too&s and methods adopted in the *rame-or2 o* innovation management
$y the success*u&&y innovating companies%
Althou%h this )uestionnaire re)uests your company name and other specific
information this is only for our purposes and *ill not &e passed on to third parties
or attri&uted directly in any pu&lic *ay.
Company $ata(
4ompany name and address5 4ontact person 6inc&% emai& or phone75
Type o* industry5
3inancia& services 8utomotive industry 4onstruction
IT-Techno&ogy E&ectrica& industry Manu*acturing
(ervice genera&&y Te&ecommunication 4hemica& industry
Mechanica& engineering Pharmacy industry !ther
/um$er o* emp&oyees5 9:;; :;;-<=; <=;-=;; =;;-:;;; :;;;-:=;; :=;;->;;; ?>;;;
Patent registrations5 /ever Rare&y Regu&ar&y
"hat are the aims o* innovation management in your company@ 6see organigram7
Process eva&uation
Product eva&uation
Product service engineering
/o innovation management insta&&ed
"hich e+pectations do you put into an innovation management@
(Please also answer this question, if you not perform innovation management.)
At *hich ran%e from innovations does this )uestionin% aim+
In the *o&&o-ing organi1ation chart the structure is represented. on -hich -e a&igned this
,uestionnaire% Under innovations -e understand process innovations and product
Product innovations Process innovations
Research and deve&opment 6RAD7
6product management7
mar2et research. ana&ysis etc%
uidance circ&es 0 -or2ing groups
Idea identi*ication
64reativity techni,ues7
6suggestions *or improvement7
Intranet 0
ne- product 0 system
0 product service
Idea and 2no-&edge
process innovations
product innovations
• Innovation is the management procedure. -hich &eads to the conversion o* a ne-. use*u& idea *rom its emergence to
success*u& practica& app&ication%
• Innovation can ta2e p&ace at products. manu*acturing processes. services. in mar2eting. in the distri$ution. in the *inancia&
area. in the management. as -e&& as in the structure and cu&ture o* an enterprise%
6(ource5 8rthur D% Bitt&e 6#rsg%75 Management der eschC*te von Morgen. "ies$aden :DEF7
suita$&e suggestions are given to the
/e- product -i&& $e
Production process -i&& $e
Product deve&opment
support $y methods
6e%g% "!I(0TRIG7
patent registration
, Basic )uestions
,., Why *as -Innovation mana%ement. introduced in your company+
,./ State appro#imately the percenta%e of your innovation mana%ement *or01
relatin% to technical aspects of product services1 from the follo*in% vie*points
• *u&&y automated system 6e%g% computerised interrogation *or *au&ts and repair7
• personne& $ased 6support stu**. technicians or engineers7
"hat are the important issues in designing and providing the product service *or
these t-o types@
• *u&&y automated systems5
• personne& $ased5
,.2 Which re)uirements and needs 3e.%. methodolo%ies1 tools1 mana%ement
structure and or%anisation4 are necessary for a future innovation mana%ement
*ith special reference to S5!6s+
,.7 Which restraints 3limitations4 e#ist for a future innovation mana%ement *ith
special reference to S5!6s+
/ Participation details *ith reference to innovati on mana%ement in
your company+

/., $epartments
#o- &arge is the division in -hich innovation management is imp&emented@
9 >; >;-:;; :;;->;; >;;-:;;; ?:;;;

#o- many departments are invo&ved@
"hich departments@
/./ !mployee participation
#o- many emp&oyees do ta2e part@ (manhours)
8verage percentage o* their jo$ !
/.2 !#ternal mana%ement consultants
"ere management consu&tants invo&ved in the innovation management@
Ies 9:;H :;->;H ?>;H
o* the tota& process
2 5oti vation 8 Achievement 3re*ards 8 employee incenti ve4

2., Incentives in the area of process innovation
success*u&&y unsuccess*u&&y never
imp&emented imp&emented imp&emented
2./ Incentive in the area of product mana%ement
success*u&&y unsuccess*u&&y never
imp&emented imp&emented imp&emented
Premium pay
(a&ary increase
4oupons 6e%g% mea&.
trave&. etc% 7
E+tension o* promotion
Pu$&ic a-ards
(a&ary increase
7 What staff development pro%rams have &een adopted in your
company to enhance the innovation mana%ement process+
9 What measures have &een adopted *ithin your company to create a
&etter *or0-environment to encoura%e innovation mana%ement+
: ;uality Assurance
:., What 0ind of ;uality Assurance process has &een adopted in your company to
support Innovation 5ana%ement implementation+
:./ <o* are staff errors 8 mista0es handled+
6Mu&tip&e se&ections may $e made7

emp&oyees *oremen
Training *or *uture avoidance
(earch *or error-resu&ting processes
6-ith their -or2ing-group7
:.2 <o* are errors found+
Reported $y erring emp&oyee vo&untari&y
3ound other-ise
:.7 What are the differences &et*een critical- and insi%nificant-error handlin%+
= r%anisation 8 System 8 >ealization of the innovati on mana%ement
=., <o* are the ideas implemented+ (Multiple selection may be made)
/ever Rare&y enera&&y !*ten 8&-ays
Jy management
Jy emp&oyees
3rom customers *eed$ac2
Jy co-operation partners
Jy se&ective research and deve&opment
=./ $oes a fi#ed structure e#ist for the innovation mana%ement+
Ies (Please furnish the innovation management line "hart # stru"ture # tas$s.)
Pro"ess innovations Pro%u"t innovations

(e.g. &'() (e.g.. )mplementation *roup +
tas$, )%ea evaluation)
P&ease re*er to the 'Innovation' &ine diagram at page /o% K
P&ease dra- on&y the most important *unctions
3urther -e re,uest *or a short pro$&em description 62ey-ords7
=.2 $o you have any re%ular meetin%s of certain *or0in% %roups+
("on"erns e.g. wor$ or gui%an"e "ir"les as referre% in line %iagram on page -o.4)
Ies. every days
=.7 5ethods in the development
6P4I-emphasis on process innovationL PTI-emphasis on product innovation7
4reativity techni,ues (.ultiple sele"tion may /e ma%e)
success*u&&y 2no-n. $ut not
used unsuccess*u& not used 2no-n P4I PTI
Method M>=
(ma&& card
Morpho&ogica& $o+
8ttraction -ord ana&ysis
Use o* moderators
!ther method6s75
Idea identi*ication
5ethods for innovation development *ithin the area of product innovations
success*u&&y 2no-n. $ut not
used unsuccess*u& not used 2no-n
=.9 Is soft*are used as support for innovation development+
6e%g% Tech!ptimi1er N $ased TRIG-method7
!riented Idea
!ther method6s75
O TRIG - TRIG is an a&gorithmic approach $ased on a set o* practica& too&s *or inventing and so&ving technica& pro$&ems%
!ther so*t-are5
=.: <o* are the ideas evaluated+ (Multiple nomination possible)
6P4I-emphasis in process innovationL PTI-emphasis in product innovation7
success*u&&y 2no-n. $ut not
used unsuccess*u& not used 2no-n P4I PTI
=.= Is soft*are used in idea analysis+
Ies E+amp&e6s75
=.? Which methods and tools do you thin0 are particularly suita&le for S5!6s+
4hance ris2 ana&ysis
Possi$i&ity o* error and
In*&uence ana&ysis 63ME8-
german shortcut7
4ost $ene*it ana&ysis
4ompetition ana&ysis
Economic ana&ysis
Jusiness p&an
=.@ In *hich phase of your product life cycle does the development of ne*
products start+

P&ease mar2 in the chart or $e&o- times sca&e and speci*y the portion in percent%
!ther5 (e.g. 0-ew pro%u"t intro%u"tion %epen%s on progress whi"h was "al"ulate% /efore.1)
? Servi ces
?., Are services offered+
"hich services $ecome o**ered@
“Product P (ervices ProductsQ
6e%g% prognoses. *orecasts. so*t-are production. support7
"e o**er service products in our enterprise%
Portion o* the entire “productQ so&d5
9:;H :;->;H >;-=;H =;-F;H F;-:;;H
into the
saturation End o* &i*e
?./ <o* important is innovation mana%ement for developin% services+
/ot important
Bitt&e important
(ometimes important
!*ten important
Rita& important
?.2 Which methods and tools do you thin0 are particularly suita&le for developin%
product services+
@ Contacts 8 Ano*led%e transfer
never : < > K = a&-ays
,B ;uality outcome from innovation mana%ement
never : < > K = a&-ays

Universities 0 Research
To other companies 6e%g%
2no-&edge trans*er
$et-een $usiness
mar2et position improved
raised turnover $ecause o* ne- innovations
saved costs
,, What do you thin0 are the differences in innovati on mana%ement for
devel opi n% C
• Draditional products and separate support services+
• Inte%rated Eproduct F services productsG+
,/ Ano*led%e mana%ement
,/., $o you use soft*are for 0no*led%e mana%ement +
(e.g. internet /ase% solutions)
Ies. an e+isting so*t-are $ecame adapted *or the innovation management%
Ies. commercia& so&utions are used%
,/./ EDhe utilisation of soft*are for 0no*led%e mana%ement is CG
/ot use*u& : < > K = 8$so&ute&y necessary
,2 Communication
,2., EDhe Intranet is an important component of communication in the innovation
thatSs right : < > K = thatSs -rong
,2./ Beside the re%ular communication *e have further means of communication in
our or%anisation.
Ies 4ompany /e-s&etter
,7 Hiterature 8 >eports 8 Presentations 8 Interestin% lin0s on
innovati on mana%ement.
,9 ther companies 8 institutions 8 universities en%a%ed in innovation
2ttra"tion wor% analysis 4atch the attraction -ords. per*orm a short $rainstorming.
then conduct a detai&ed ana&ysis o* -hat you
$rainstormed% Princip&e5 Determine ne- so&ution $y
coincidenta& attraction -ords%
3ioni"s The $ionics $ecome a&so named as Tana&ysis o* natura&
systemsT% This method ana&yses the poo& o* constructions
and nature procedures regarding suggestions *or
independent - technica& shapes% It sights and trans*ers the
mode&s o* nature. $ut it does not copy them%
3rainstorming 8 method used to encourage the generation o* ne-
interpretations or vie- points% During $rainstorming. one
may try to come up -ith unconventiona& and divergent
3rainwriting Re&ated to Jrainstorming% #ere -ords are -ritten do-n to
ena$&e *urther deve&opment o* the ideas $y other
3usiness plan The Jusiness p&an o* an enterprise contains the
entrepreneuria& concept. the mar2et potentia&. the
strategy. as -e&& as capita& re,uirements% Moreover it is o*
utmost importance. especia&&y *or investors. that the p&an
provides convincing in*ormation in terms o* the pro*it
deve&opment in coming years%
4han"es ris$ analysis 8 method o* determining the chances and ris2s
concerning a *i+ed environment% There$y g&o$a& or
speci*ic surrounding *ie&ds can $e the su$ject o* the
assessment% The term 4hance- ris2 ana&ysis is *re,uent&y
used in the &iterature as a synonym *or the environmenta&
4ost/enefit analysis Method o* measuring the $ene*its e+pected *rom a
decision. ca&cu&ating the cost o* the decision. then
determining -hether the $ene*its out-eigh the costs%
4orporations use this method in deciding -hether to
invest or not%
4reativity te"hniques 8 generic term *or methods in order to create ne- ideas
or procedures. e%g% $rainstorming. method M>=%
5"onomi" analysis The study and understanding o* trends. phenomena. and
in*ormation that are economic in nature%
5mployee in"entive #igh&y innovative companies construct a re-ard system
-hich *osters creative $ehaviour. inc&uding the Tdua&
&adderT system 6$oth manageria& and technica&
promotions7. pu$&ic recognition and *inancia& $onuses%
6.52 (6ailure .o%es an% 5ffe"ts 2nalysis) 3ai&ure Modes and E**ects 8na&ysis is a method o*
predicting the conse,uences o* *ai&ures in comp&e+
systems% 8 num$er o* support too&s have $een deve&oped
to aid in the time-consuming process o* per*orming
3ME8Us% The procedure o* identi*ying the *ai&ure
characteristics o* individua& components and determining
the e**ects o* those *ai&ures as they propagate across the
systems in -hich they are em$edded has $een main&y a
manua& and e+pensive process% Po-er*u& -or2stations
and modern mathematica& techni,ues are no- ma2ing it
possi$&e to automate 3ME8 and ma2e it a routine and
a**orda$&e part o* the engineering design process% This
a&&o-s higher ,ua&ity products to $e produced *aster.
cheaper and more competitive&y%
.etho% 789 The method is $ased on $rain-riting and is conceived *or
M persons% Each participant deve&ops > ideas on a sheet
o* paper% These ideas are passed onto the neigh$our
sitting on the right% (u$se,uent&y. each participant
deve&ops > ne- ideas. $ased on the approaches o* his
neigh$our% The procedure repeats itse&* = times%
.in%.apping 8 Mind Map is a graphic techni,ue *or representing ideas.
using -ords. images. sym$o&s and co&our% The method is
$ased on patterns *ound in nature and research on ho-
humans thin2 and use their minds% The concept can &ead
to an increase in the e**iciency o* human thin2ing and a
reduction o* the comp&e+ity o* pro$&em%%
.orphologi" /o: The morpho&ogic $o+ is an order pattern. -ith -hich the
pro$&em is divided into its components% The ana&ysis
continues -ith the generation o* diverse proposa&s
regarding the imp&ementation possi$i&ities o* each
component% Jy com$ining the di**erent imp&ementation
possi$i&ities ne- so&utions to the pro$&em may arise%
Pro%u"t innovation These innovations are deve&oped main&y in the area o*
research and deve&opment% That can $e ne- products.
services. or other%
Pro%u"t ; <ervi"es Pro%u"ts Product P (ervices Products is a system. -here the
physica& product is in c&ose interaction -ith the service
provided% (ervice can $e5
- product accompanying strategies 6e%g% repair
- product su$stituting activities 6e%g% renting. poo&ing.
providing data. providing com*ort7
- resu&t oriented activities 6e%g% contracting. advising.
consu&ting. training7
8 P(P (ystem shou&d $e the optima& -ay o* ans-ering
user needs%
Pro"ess innovation Process innovations are improvements *or the
optimisation o* the process cyc&es -ithin the production%
There$y ,ua&ity improvements. cost savings or a -or2
surrounding *ie&d improvement can $e achieved%
<mall "ar% questioning The map in,uiry can $e used *or in*ormation co&&ection in
groups -ith more than = participants% 8 ,uestion is
*ormu&ated and visua&i1ed at a pin $oard% 8&& participants
ans-er at the same time either a&one. or in t-o party
groups. $y -riting the ans-ers on sma&& cards% Then the
maps are co&&ected and processed together%
=e"h>ptimi?er Tech!ptimi1er is a so*t-are. -hich is $ased on the TRIG
method% It contains or accesses data $ases and supports
the product deve&opment%
=ri<olver Tri(o&ver is a &o-er-priced a&ternative so*t-are to the
Tech!ptimi1er% It is $ased on the TRIG method%
=&)@.etho% The TRIG-Method -as deve&oped $y enrich 8&tshu&&er
*rom Russia and means Ttheory o* inventive pro$&em
so&vingT% The concept rests upon K; princip&es *or
optimising the decision ma2ing% TRIG is an a&gorithmic
approach *or so&ving technica&&y comp&e+ pro$&ems $ased
on inventive princip&es derived *rom the study o* more
than :%= mi&&ion patents and inventions%
A>)< The 4ontradiction-!riented Innovation (trategy 6"!I(7 is
a creativity and innovation strategy. origina&&y deve&oped
*or technica& pro$&em de*initions. -ith -hich ne- products
or processes are provo2ed% The e&ements o* "!I( serve
the strategic oriented direction *inding in am$iguous
situations. the contradiction oriented decision ma2ing *or
mu&tidimensiona& pro$&ems and the parado+ oriented
innovation *inding *or contradicting demands% The
purpose*u& use o* strategic means o* orientation may
a&&o- *or $ene*iting *rom under-uti&ised deve&opment

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