Rev Info Graduate 2

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GRADUATE INFORMATION, please go to OUR website:

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Gener"l Inform"t on for Gr"du"te Appl c"nts

#ou m"$ "lso em" l the colle%es offer n% the pro%r"m of $our cho ce. &le"se see 'elo( the r em" l "ddresses: )olle%e of Arch tecture*********..t"h"n"n.n%.d ("+%m" As "n )enter***************.%"rden.l"$d"+$"hoo.c om Arch"eolo% c"l ,tud es &ro%r"m -A,&.***** " )olle%e of Arts / 0etters************.!" )olle%e of 1us ness Adm n str"t on******.c'" )olle%e of F ne Arts***************.sp"r! )olle%e of 2ome Econom cs********** )olle%e of 2um"n 3 net cs*********.m"r4 n5s"'"do+$" )olle%e of M"ss )ommun c"t ons******* )olle%e of ,c ence***************..csec+sc ence.upd.e )olle%e of ,oc "l ,c ences / &h losoph$***..mttp4 cente+$" )olle%e of ,oc "l 6or! / )ommun t$ De4elopment******************. cs( ,chool of Econom cs************..consuelo."urel o+up.ed )olle%e of Educ"t on*************** .ph
Gen-Info-Grad Didith / as of 2/16/2014

)olle%e of En% neer n%********. *.Terence5tumol4"+$" Inst tute of Isl"m c ,tud es************ m"mor" )olle%e of 0"(******************* ocs.upl"(+$" )olle%e of Mus c*****************..%tm"l cdem+%m" l .com N"t on"l )olle%e of &u'l c Adm n str"t on / Go4ern"nce -N)&AG. *************.cp"%e.ncp" ,chool of 0 'r"r$ Inform"t on ,c ence*****. l ,chool of 0"'or / Industr "l Rel"t ons***** n"ts7men+$" ,chool of ,t"t st cs***************..8c4"lmed"+$"hoo.c om ,chool of Ur'"n &l"nn n%*********.(epl"n5" Technolo%$ M"n"%ement )enter******* NOTE: FOR A&&0I)ANT, 62O,E MEDIUM OF IN,TRU)TION IN T2EIR &RE9IOU, ,)2OO0/UNI9ER,IT# I, NOT ENG0I,2, 2A, TO ,U1MIT 2I,/2ER TOEF0 RE,U0T 6IT2 A MINIMUM ,)ORE OF :;; IF &A&ER 1A,ED, <=> IF )OM&UTER 1A,ED, OR ?< IF INTERNET 1A,ED

UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES DILIMAN Office of the University Registr r Di!i" n# $%e&on 'ity (()( Phi!i**ines General Information for Graduate Applicants


ADMISSION RE$UIREMENTS A+ M ster,s Degree Progr " Admission into a Master’s program shall require 1 a !a"helor’s degree from a re"ogni#ed institution of higher learning$ 2 intelle"tual "apa"it% & aptitude for ad'an"ed studies & resear"h$ ( language profi"ien"%$ 4 satisfa"tion of additional )ni'ersit% requirements su"h as a health "learan"e and other spe"ial admission requirements that ma% !e imposed !% the head of the unit "on"erned and/or appropriate Graduate *ommittee/ +ffi"e, through "hannels -+ Doctor ! Degree Progr " -or admission to a do"toral program, an appli"ant must satisf% the minimum requirements for admission/ 1 possession of a !a"helor’s degree, in the "ase of a dire"t do"toral program, or a master’s degree or its equi'alent from a re"ogni#ed institution of higher learning$ 2 intelle"tual "apa"it% & aptitude for ad'an"ed studies & resear"h$ ( language profi"ien"%$ and 4 a health "ertifi"ate and other additional and spe"ial admission requirements that ma% !e imposed !% the )ni'ersit% and the head of the *ollege/unit or Graduate +ffi"e/*ommittee "on"erned, through "hannels '+ Di*!o" Degree Progr " Admission into a Diploma Degree 0rogram shall require 1 a 1a"helor’s degree from a re"ogni#ed institution of higher learning$ 2 high intelle"tual "apa"it%$ ( language profi"ien"%$ and 4 satisfa"tion of additional )ni'ersit% requirements su"h as a health "learan"e and other spe"ial admission requirements that ma% !e imposed !% the head of the *ollege/unit, through "hannels A student in a Diploma program ma% opt to pro"eed to a Master’s program upon appro'al of the Dean/Dire"tor, through "hannels

LAN.UA.E PROFI'IEN'Y 0roof of 2nglish and/or -ilipino profi"ien"% shall !e required of students .hose nati'e language is not 2nglish or -ilipino, e3"ept those .ho graduated from institutions .here the medium of instru"tion is 2nglish or -ilipino -or 2nglish profi"ien"%, a s"ore of at least 400 if paper-!ased or 15( if "omputer !ased or 61 Internet !ased 6est, in the 6est of 2nglish as a -oreign 7anguage 86+2-79 shall !e required Information a!out this test ma% !e o!tained from 2du"ational 6esting :er'i"e, 0rin"eton, ;e. <erse% 0=440, ):A -or -ilipino profi"ien"%, a "ertifi"ation shall !e required from a dul% authori#ed unit of the )ni'ersit% RE$UIREMENTS TO -E SU-MITTED In order that appli"ation for admission ma% !e pro"essed, the do"uments should !e su!mitted dire"tl% to the respe"ti'e "ollege offering the intended program 1 offi"ial trans"ript of a"ademi" re"ord of undergraduate .or> 8and graduate .or>, if an%9 ? one original and t.o photo"opies$ -or e'aluation purposes, photo"opies of re"ords ma% !e a""epted pro'ided the% are properl% authenti"ated 8in the "ase of foreign appli"ants, !% the Department of 2du"ation or !% dul% designated authorities in the "ountr% of the appli"ant9 -inal admission .ill !e su!@e"t to 'erifi"ation of do"uments su!mitted against the original "opies of "redentials Certified English translations should also be submitted, where necessary. A**!ic tions cco"* nie/ 0y *hotoco*ies of c /e"ic recor/s not *ro*er!y %thentic te/ 1i!! not 0e *rocesse/+ 2 ( 4 4 6 t.o .ritten re"ommendations from former professors or e3perts in the field$ dul% a""omplished appli"ation for admission form, in"luding t.o 829 passport-si#e photographs$ marriage "ontra"t 8for married .omen appli"ants9$ "ertifi"ation of 2nglish/-ilipino language profi"ien"%$ a non-refunda!le appli"ation fee 8minimum of 0100 00 for -ilipino "iti#ens, 0200 00 for resident aliens, and ):A24 00 for non-resident aliens, depending on the "ollege9

Credentials filed in support of the application become the property of the University of the Philippines and will not be returned to the applicant. All appli"ations must !e re"ei'ed on or !efore -e!ruar% 14 for those enrolling in the first semester and on or !efore <ul% (0 for those enrolling in the se"ond semester :ome "olleges ma% set a different deadline for filing


IMMI.RATION RE$UIREMENTS FOR FOREI.N STUDENTS A foreign student ma% !e allo.ed to enroll if he has an% of the t%pes of 'isa/ 1 2 ( 4 4 6 5 = B B8f9 ? student 'isa B8e9, B8e-19 or B8e-29 ? foreign go'ernment offi"ial or dependent 458a9 829 ? e3"hange fello. or s"holar sponsored !% an international organi#ation B8g9 ? pre-arranged 'isa/missionar%9 0D 21= ? foreign in'estor B8d9 ? treat% trader 1(, 1(8a9 to 1( 8g9 ? permanent resident :CCD ? :pe"ial Cesident Cetiree Disa :ICD ? :pe"ial In'estor Cesident Disa ( emplo%ment 8.or>ing

! "

Disa appli"ation form 8-A -orm ;o 29$ 0oli"e *learan"e issued !% the national poli"e authorities in the student’s "ountr% of origin or legal residen"e dul% authenti"ated !% the 0hilippine -oreign :er'i"e 0ost ha'ing "onsular @urisdi"tion o'er the pla"e$ and medi"al "ertifi"ate 8-A -orm ;o 119 in tripli"ate dul% a""omplished !% the ph%si"ian designated !% the 0hilippine *onsulate to perform the e3amination together .ith life-si#e "hest F-ra% film and la!orator% reports$ and 0oli"e *learan"e issued !% the national poli"e authorities in the student’s "ountr% of origin or legal residen"e dul% authenti"ated !% the 0hilippine -oreign :er'i"e 0ost ha'ing "onsular @urisdi"tion o'er the pla"e$ and poli"e "learan"e from .here %ou ha'e !een permanentl% residing


)pon arri'al in the 0hilippines, report to the +:A for %our stud% permit

DEADLINES set 0y the De* rt"ent of Foreign Aff irs for the st%/ent vis **!ic tions5 For First Se"ester A**!ic nts 6 April 15 For Secon/ Se"ester A**!ic nts 6 September 30 -+ A**!ying for 'onversion of Vis st t%s to th t of St%/ent An alien admitted into the 0hilippines under an% 'isa "ategor% ma% appl% at the 1ureau of Immigration for the "hange/"on'ersion of his admission status to that of a student Re7%ire"ents to 0e s%0"itte/ to the -%re % of I""igr tion thro%gh ISP+ 1 2 ( Gritten indorsement from the s"hool for the "hange/"on'ersion of the admission status of the alien to that of a student$ +riginal "op% of the ;oti"e of A""eptan"e 8;+A9 "ontaining a "lear impression of the s"hool’s offi"ial dr% seal$ 0roof of adequate finan"ial support to "o'er e3penses for the student’s a""ommodation and su!sisten"e, as .ell as s"hool dues and other in"idental e3penses$ :"holasti" re"ords dul% authenti"ated !% the 0hilippine -oreign :er'i"e 0ost lo"ated in the student’s "ountr% of origin or legal residen"e$ 0oli"e *learan"e *ertifi"ate issued !% the ;ational 0oli"e Authorities in the student’s "ountr% of origin or residen"e dul% authenti"ated !% the 0hilippine -oreign :er'i"e 0ost ha'ing "onsular @urisdi"tion o'er the pla"e for a student .ho resided in the 0hilippines for less than 4B da%s Ho.e'er, for a student .ho resided in the 0hilippines for more than 4B da%s at the time he applies for the said "hange/"on'ersion of his admission status to that of a student, he shall also !e required to su!mit the ;ational 1ureau of In'estigation 8;1I9 "learan"e 6 5 Euarantine Medi"al 23amination !% the ;ational Euarantine +ffi"e$ *op% of the student’s 0ersonal Histor% :tatement signed !% the student .ith a 2 3 2-in"h photograph re"entl% ta>en$ and

Disas other than student 'isa ma% !e applied for at the 0hilippine *onsulate/2m!ass% in the student’s home "ountr% A**!ying for 1 St%/ent Vis A+ Foreign st%/ents 1ho re sti!! 0ro / )pon re"eipt of the offi"ial letter of admission from the )ni'ersit% of the 0hilippines, appl% for a student 'isa !% su!mitting the in three 8(9 sets 8original "op% and 2 photo"opies9 to the International :tudents 0rogram 8I:09, +ffi"e of :tudent A"ti'ities 8+:A9, )ni'ersit% of the 0hilippines Diliman, Eue#on *it%, 1101 0hilippines at least three 8(9 months !efore the start of the semester a 6rans"ript of Ce"ords/:"holasti" Ce"ords 8original & t.o photo"opies9, duly authenticated !% the 0hilippine -oreign :er'i"e 0ost lo"ated in the appli"ant’s "ountr% of origin or legal residen"e$ A notari#ed Affida'it of :upport in"luding !an> statements or notari#ed noti"e of grant for institutional s"holars to "o'er e3penses for the students a""ommodation and su!sisten"e, as .ell as s"hool dues and other in"idental e3penses$ +riginal & 2 photo"opies of Notice of Acce*t nce 8;+A9/A/"ission Letter from the )ni'ersit% "ontaining a "lear impression of the )ni'ersit%’s dr% seal$ :i3 869 "opies of the Origin ! Person ! History St te"ent 2PHS3# dul% a""omplished and signed !% the appli"ant in 2nglish and in national alpha!et, a""ompanied !% personal seal, if an%, !eft n/ right th%"0 " r4 prints on PHS and original 232 photos on plain .hite !a">ground ta>en not more than si3 months prior to su!mission$ 0assport pages .here name, photo, !irth date and !irthpla"e appear 0hoto"op% of data page of the student’s passport date and pla"e of !irth, and !irth "ertifi"ate or its equi'alent dul% authenti"ated !% the 0hilippine -oreign :er'i"e 0ost








Ceport to the designated 0hilippine em!ass%/"onsulate upon appropriate noti"e and su!mit the a +riginal "op% of the s"hool’s ;oti"e of A""eptan"e 8;+A9 "ontaining a "lear impression of the s"hool’s dr% seal$



0hoto"op% of the photo, data and stamp of the latest arri'al pages of the passport of the student 6he passport itself shall !e presented to this +ffi"e for 'erifi"ation

6his does not in"lude tra'el, "lothing, and other in"idental e3penses 23penses might go higher depending on the pre'ailing e"onomi" "onditions and on the lifest%le of the students Fin nci ! Assist nce USV Educational ssistance Program. 6he )ni'ersit% of the 0hilippines is a ):DA-appro'ed institution 2nrolled ): 'eterans or their "hildren entitled under *hapter (4 or (4, 6itle (=, )nited :tates *ode re"ei'e edu"ational assistan"e"e from the ): go'ernment, the amount to !e determined !% the ):DA, pro'ided the% "arr% at least 14 units a semester !oans. :tudent loans are granted !% the )ni'ersit% for tuition fees or part thereof Appli"ation must !e made .ith the :tudent 7oan 1oard, +ffi"e of :"holarships & :tudent :er'i"es, )ni'ersit% of the 0hilippines Diliman, Eue#on *it% "raduate ssistantships. +pen to graduate students .ith good grades in the )ni'ersit%, this position pa%s 042 00 an hour, not to e3"eed 100 hours a month OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION St%/y Lo / 6he normal stud% load of a full-time student shall !e nine 8B9 to t.el'e 8129 units per semester of formal graduate "ourses and eight 8=9 to ten 8109 units per trimester .r /e Re7%ire"ent 6he *umulati'e Geighted A'erage Grade 8*GAG9 shall !e !ased on all "ourses ta>en !% the student in his/her appro'ed 0rogram of :tud%, in"luding those ta>en in "omplian"e .ith the Cesiden"e Cules 6o remain in good standing, a student must maintain the required *GAG in his/her "ourse .or> at the end of ea"h a"ademi" %ear until the "ompletion of the 0rogram of :tud% DO'TORAL5 (+;< MASTER,S5 DIPLOMA5 =+) =+)

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS PRO.RAM 6he +ffi"e of International :tudents 0rogram assists foreign students in o!taining their stud% permits and student 'isa, and in their a""ommodations and arri'al, as .ell as a"ademi" and so"ial ad@ustments in the )ni'ersit% All "ommuni"ations regarding foreign students aside from admission matters should !e addressed to the Dire"tor, International :tudents 0rogram FINAN'IAL INFORMATION Fees8 Graduate appli"ants pa% a non-refunda!le appli"ation fee of a minimum of 0100 00 for -ilipinos, 0200 00 for resident aliens, and ):A24 or its equi'alent in 0hilippine pesos for non-resident aliens, depending on the "ollege 6he matri"ulation fees 8i e , tuition, mis"ellaneous, and student fund9 range from 04,661 40 to 0(1,4B0 40 for a ma3imum of 12 units 6o this amount should !e added 0100 deposit and 0(0 entran"e fee 7a!orator% fees range from 0140 to 01=00 per la!orator% su!@e"t, depending on the "ollege A!! fees re s%09ect to ch nge %*on **rov ! of the -o r/ of Regents+ E/%c tion Deve!o*"ent Fee All foreign graduate students are required to pa% the 2du"ation De'elopment -ee 82D-9 as follo.s/ Per Se"ester Cesident Aliens ;on-Cesident Aliens ):A240 ):A400 Per S%""er ):A100 ):A200

Esti" te/ Person ! E:*enses of Foreign St%/ent 8 su!@e"t to "hange9

+ne Iear
86.o :emesters9 7odgingJJ 810 months9 International *enter 8=00-1400/mo 9 K 2le"tri" Applian"es 8400/mo 9 1oard 8012000/mo for 10 months9 :"hool Celated Materials & 2quipment Cental 8010000/mo for 10 months9 0ersonal"es 804000/mo for 10 months9 7aundr% 801400/mo for 10 months9 Total LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
J)nder go'ernment regulations, the )ni'ersit% "an a""ept for the pa%ment of fees onl% "ash, postal mone% orders, "a!legrams or telegraphi" transfers, "ertified "ashier’s "he">s, and manager’s "he">s 0ersonal "he">s are not a""epta!le JJ0ri'ate !oarding houses ma% "harge 0(,000 to 05,000 a month

0 20,000 Resi/ence R%!es 120,000 100,000 40,000 14,000 0 (04,000 6he student must !e offi"iall% enrolled in residen"e at least one 819 a"ademi" %ear prior to the "onferment of the degree 6he "ounting of the period of residen"e shall start from the student’s first enrollment in a graduate "ourse after admission into the graduate program and shall in"lude all lea'es of a!sen"e from the program Ti"e !i"it for the co"*!etion DO'TORAL5 6 %ears for a student .ho enters the do"toral program .ith a Master’s degree or its equi'alent in the same dis"ipline and eight 8=9 %ears for one .ho enters the do"toral program .ith a 1a"helor’s degree or a Master’s degree in an unrelated dis"ipline MASTER,S5 4 %ears DIPLOMA5 2 %ears


A-OUT THE PHILIPPINES '!i" te 6he "limate in the 0hilippines is tropi"al and generall% pleasant 6here are t.o seasons/ the rain% season from <une to +"to!er and the dr% season from ;o'em!er to Ma% '%rrency 6he monetar% unit is the peso 6he "on'ersion rate of a ): dollar depends upon the "on'ersion rate of the *entral 1an> at the time of enrollment J ADMISSION OF NON>RE.ULAR STUDENTS Non>Degree St%/ents A degree holder .ho is not "urrentl% enrolled in an% other institution of higher learning ma% !e allo.ed to ta>e "redit "ourses on the graduate le'el .ithout a formal degree program pro'ided that he satisfies the appropriate requirements for admission to the )ni'ersit% He shall not !e allo.ed to enroll for more than one semester, e3"ept !% permission of the Dean of the *ollege "on"erned and the )ni'ersit% Cegistrar

S*eci ! St%/ents A mature student, e'en if he does not full% satisf% the entran"e requirements, ma% !e admitted as a spe"ial student and ma% enroll for su"h su!@e"ts .hi"h, in the opinion of the instru"tor and the Dean, he has the ne"essar% information and a!ilit% to pursue profita!l% He shall not !e allo.ed to enroll for more than B units a semester or to register for more than t.o %ears, e3"ept !% spe"ial permission of the Dean :u!@e"ts ta>en shall !e non-"redit although his .or> ma% !e reported at the end of ea"h semester as Msatisfa"tor%N or Munsatisfa"tor%N 'ross>Registr tion A student registered in another "ollegiate institution and .ho .ishes to "ross-register in ) 0 must present a .ritten permit from his Dean, Dire"tor, or Cegistrar 6he permit shall state the total num!er of units for .hi"h the student ma% !e registered and the su!@e"ts that he is authori#ed to ta>e in the )ni'ersit% His photograph .ith his signature at the !a"> and signed a"ross !% his Dean, Dire"tor, or Cegistrar must !e atta"hed to the permit

LIST OF .RADUATE PRO.RAMS 'o!!ege of Architect%re Master of Ar"hite"ture Master of 6ropi"al 7ands"ape Ar"hite"ture *ertifi"ate in 1uilding 6e"hnolog% 'o!!ege of Arts ? Letters Schoo! of Econo"ics Master in De'elopment 2"onomi"s Master of Arts 82"onomi"s9 Do"tor of 0hilosoph% 82"onomi"s9 'o!!ege of E/%c tion

Master of Arts 8Araling 0ilipino$ Art :tudies$ Master of Arts in 2du"ation *omparati'e 7iterature$ *reati'e Griting$ Do"tor of 0hilosoph% in 2du"ation/ 2nglish :tudies$ -ilipino$ :panish$ :pee"h *ommuni"ation$ 6heatre Arts$ German$ -ren"h 'o!!ege of Engineering 7anguage9 Diploma in Industrial 2ngineering Do"tor of 0hilosoph% 8*omparati'e 7iterature$ Diploma in Cemote :ensing *reati'e Griting$ 2nglish :tudies$ -ilipino@ Master of 2ngineering in 2le"tri"al 2ngineering Hispani" 7iterature$ 0hilippine :tudies9 Master of :"ien"e 8Materials :"ien"e & 2ngineering$ Cemote Asi n 'enter :ensing9 Master in 0hilippine :tudies Master of :"ien"e in *hemi"al 2ngineering Master of Arts in Asian :tudies Master of :"ien"e in *i'il 2ngineering Master in Asian :tudies Master of :"ien"e in *omputer :"ien"e Master of Arts in 0hilippine :tudies Master of :"ien"e in 2le"tri"al 2ngineering Do"tor of 0hilosoph% 80hilippine :tudies9 Master of :"ien"e in 2nerg% 2ngineering 'o!!ege of -%siness A/"inistr tion Master of :"ien"e in 2n'ironmental 2ngineering Master of 1usiness Administration Master of :"ien"e in Industrial 2ngineering Master of :"ien"e in -inan"e Master of :"ien"e in Me"hani"al 2ngineering M: Management Master of :"ien"e in Metallurgi"al 2ngineering Do"tor of 0hilosoph% 81usiness Administration9 Do"tor of 2ngineering 8*hemi"al 2ngineering$ 2le"tri"al & ########### 2le"troni"s 2ngineering9 JDue to pre'ailing e"onomi" "onditions, the e3"hange rate is floating 6

Do"tor of 0hilosoph% 8*hemi"al 2ngineering$ 2le"tri"al & N tion ! 'o!!ege of P%0!ic A/"inistr tion ? 2le"troni"s 2ngineering$ 2nerg% 2ngineering$ Materials .overn nce :"ien"e & 2ngineering9 Diploma in 0u!li" Management Do"tor of 0hilosoph% in *omputer :"ien"e Diploma in Doluntar% :e"tor Management Do"tor of 0hilosoph% in *i'il 2ngineering Do"tor of 0hilosoph% in 2n'ironmental 2ngineering Do"tor of 0hilosoph% in *omputer :"ien"e 'o!!ege of Fine Arts Master of -ine Arts 'o!!ege of Ho"e Econo"ics Diploma in 2arl% *hildhood De'elopment Master of -amil% 7ife & *hild De'elopment Master of Hotel Cestaurant & Institution Management Master of Home 2"onomi"s Master of Interior Design Master of :"ien"e 8-ood :"ien"e$ ;utrition9 Do"tor of 0hilosoph% 8-ood :"ien"e$ Home 2"onomi"s$ ;utrition9 'o!!ege of H%" n Ainetics Diploma in 23er"ise & :ports :"ien"es Master of :"ien"e in Human Mo'ement :"ien"e Instit%te of Is! "ic St%/ies Master of Arts 8Islami" :tudies9 Schoo! of L 0or ? In/%stri ! Re! tions Diploma in Industrial Celations Master of Industrial Celations 'o!!ege of L 1 <uris Do"tor Schoo! of Li0r ry ? Infor" tion Science Diploma in 7i!rarianship Master of 7i!rar% & Information :"ien"e 'o!!ege of M ss 'o""%nic tion MA 8*ommuni"ation/ *ommuni"ation Cesear"h9 MA Media :tudies 81road"asting$ <ournalism$ -ilm9 Do"tor of 0hilosoph% 8*ommuni"ation9 'o!!ege of M%sic Diploma in 2thnomusi"olog% Master of Musi" 0h D in Musi" 5 'o!!ege of Science Diploma in 1iolog% Diploma in *hemistr% Diploma in 2n'ironmental :"ien"e Diploma in Mathemati"s Diploma in Meteorolog% Diploma in 0h%si"s Master of Arts 8Mathemati"s$ 0h%si"s9 Master of :"ien"e 8Applied Mathemati"s$ 1iolog%$ *hemi"al 2du"ation$ *hemistr%$ 2n'ironmental :"ien"e$ Geolog%$ Marine :"ien"e$ Materials :"ien"e & 2ngineering$ Mathemati"s$ Meteorolog%$ Mi"ro!iolog%$ Mole"ular 1iolog% & 1iote"hnolog%$ 0h%si"s$ 0rofessional Masters in Applied Math9 Do"tor of 0hilosoph% 81iolog%$ *hemistr%$ 2n'ironmental :"ien"e$ Geolog%$ Marine :"ien"e$ Materials :"ien"e & 2ngineering$ Mathemati"s$ Meteorolog%$ Mole"ular 1iolog% & 1iote"hnolog%$ 0h%si"s9 'o!!ege of Soci ! Sciences ? Phi!oso*hy Diploma in 1ioethi"s Master in International :tudies Master in 0opulation :tudies Master of Arts 8Anthropolog%$ Demograph%$ Histor%$ 7inguisti"s$ 0hilosoph%$ 0oliti"al :"ien"e$ 0s%"holog%$ :o"iolog%9 Master of Arts Honors 80oliti"al :"ien"e9 Master of :"ien"e Geograph% Master of :"ien"e in 1ioethi"s Do"tor of 0hilosoph% 8Anthropolog%$ Histor%$ 7inguisti"s$ 0hilippine :tudies$ 0hilosoph%$ 0oliti"al :"ien"e$ 0s%"holog%$ :o"iolog%9 'o!!ege of Soci ! Bor4 ? 'o""%nity Deve!o*"ent Diploma in *ommunit% De'elopment Master of 0u!li" Administration Do"tor of 0u!li" Administration

Diploma in *ommunit% +rgani#ing Diploma in :o"ial Gor> Diploma in Gomen & De'elopment Master of *ommunit% De'elopment Master of :o"ial Gor> Master of Arts 8Gomen & De'elopment9 Do"tor in :o"ial De'elopment Schoo! of St tistics Master of :tatisti"s Master of :"ien"e 8:tatisti"s9 Do"tor of 0hilosoph% 8:tatisti"s9 Schoo! of Ur0 n ? Region ! P! nning Diploma in )r!an & Cegional 0lanning Master of Arts 8)r!an & Cegional 0lanning9 Master of :"ien"e in Cegional De'elopment 0lanning Do"tor of 0hilosoph% in )r!an & Cegional 0lanning Arch eo!ogic ! St%/ies Progr " Diploma in Ar"haeolog% Master of Arts 8Ar"haeolog%9 Master of :"ien"e 8Ar"haeolog%9 0h D Ar"haeolog% Techno!ogy M n ge"ent 'enter Diploma in 6e"hnolog% Management Master of 6e"hnolog% Management U+P+ E:tension Progr " in P "* ng Master of Management U+P+ E:tension Progr " in O!ong *o Master of Management


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