Rwapnewsletter.nov 14

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Save The Date! We are invited... to join other chapters in the area for an evening of food and fellowship at the annual Multi-Chapter Christmas Banquet Yoder ! !s  Family Restaurant December 6, 5:00 PM-?? $22.25/person "   #

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November is Elections Month!

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And not just the “mid-terms”... Something really important-OUR CHAPTER OFFICERS! Be sure to be at the November Meeting to prayerfully cast your ballot! Nominees: President-Kent Brusstar Vice President-Lynne Griest Treasurer-Karen Stillman Secretary-Mary Brusstar Road Captain-Neil Howett Chaplain-Neil Uniacke

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Save The Date! Memorial Day Weekend, 2015 Chapter Retreat $Bud ! s Cabin in Williamsport, Pa With a ride to Ithaca, New York Enjoy a dip in the % 9th most perfect  place for swimming in the US &  Browse the gardens of Cornell Univ .

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 President’s Corner~  As I am typing this—it’s snowing! Can you believe it? Well, we are from the northeast, so, of course you can. Perhaps the snow signals the end of the riding season for us. What does  that mean? We are Riders  With  A Purpose-a chapter of the Christian Motorcyclists  Assoc. OK, so maybe we won’t Ride. Maybe we’ll go to events in cars instead of Motorcycles for a time.  But, let’s not forget the rest of our name--...With A Purpose. Our purpose   is to “go out and spread  the Gospel” and we can do that on a bike, from a car, or on our feet. God has truly blessed us this past year. There is no doubt that he  placed us here for a Purpose. So let’s be undaunted by the snow, or sleet, or blizzards, or cold, or  whatever the northeast can blow at us. Whenever we gather let’s remember that where two or more are gathered in His name, Christ -KAB is with us!

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