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search for a frequency, click on" Edit" in the top left hand corner of your browser, then click on "Find", enter your ailment and hit "find next', this will show you a number of frequencies, write them down or cut and paste to your note pad, then click on "find next' do this until the "finished searching the document" sign pops up..

Royal Raymond Rife

Imagine, for a moment, that you have spent more than two decades in painfully laborious research-- that you have discovered an incredibly simple, electronic approach to curing literally every disease on the planet caused by viruses and bacteria . Indeed, it is a discovery that would end the pain and suffering of countless millions and change life on Earth forever. Certainly, the medical world would rush to embrace you with every imaginable accolade and financial reward imaginable. You would think so, wouldn't you !nfortunately, arguably the greatest medical genius in all recorded history suffered a fate literally the opposite of the foregoing logical scenario. In fact, the history of medicine is replete with stories of genius betrayed by backward thought and "ealously, but most pathetically, by greed and money.

In the nineteenth century, #emmelweiss struggled mightily to convince surgeons that it was a good idea to sterili$e their instruments and use sterile surgical procedures. %asteur was ridiculed for years for his theory that germs could cause disease. #cores of other medical visionaries went through hell for simply challenging the medical status &uo of day, including such legends as 'oentgen and his (-rays, )orton for promoting the

'absurd' idea of anesthesia, *arvey for his theory of the circulation of blood, and many others in recent decades including+ ,.-. .och, 'evici, /ur$ynski, 0aessens, %riore, 1ivingston-,heeler, and *o2sey. 3rthodo2 big-money medicine resents and seeks to neutrali$e and4or destroy those who challenge its beliefs. 3ften, the visionary who challenges it pays a heavy price for his 'heresy.' #o, you have "ust discovered a new therapy which can eradicate any microbial disease but, so far, you and your ama$ing cure aren't very popular. ,hat do you do ne2t ,ell, certainly the research foundations and teaching institutions would welcome news of your astounding discovery. ,on't they be thrilled to learn you have a cure for the very same diseases they are receiving hundreds of millions of dollars per year to investigate )aybe not, if it means the end of the gravy train. 5hese people have mortgages to pay and families to support. 3n second thought, forget the research foundations.

%erhaps you should take your discovery to the pharmaceutical industry6 certainly it would be of great interest to those protectors of humanity, right /ut remember, you have developed a universal cure which makes drugs obsolete, so the pharmaceutical industry "ust might be less than thrilled to hear about your work. In fact, the big shots might even make it certain that your human disease-ending technology never sees the light of day, by preventing it from becoming licensed by the regulatory agencies. 0ow, assuming your ama$ing cure is an electronic instrument, the only cost of using it is electricity. 7nd it is absolutely harmless to patients, who can recover without losing their hair, the family home, and their life savings. #o, with your technology, there is no longer any reason for people with cancer to pay over 89::,::: per patient -- to become deathly ill from chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and the mutilation of surgery. It sounds like you won't find many friends and support among practicing oncologists, radiologists, and surgeons, doesn't it

You might try the hospitals and big clinics. /ut how thrilled are they going to be about a therapy administered in any doctor's office6 which reverses illness before the patient has to be hospitali$ed 5hanks to you, the staffs of these institutions will essentially be out of work. ,ell then, how about the insurance companies #urely, they would be delighted to save the e2pense of hospitali$ation - at least the companies which haven't invested in hospitals, where the staff is now sitting around waiting for someone to break a leg or be in a car accident...and the ones who don't lose policyholders as a result of your invention...and the companies which aren't trying to divest their pharmaceutical stock. 3h well, forget the insurance companies, too.

It looks like you "ust might have a little problem with the medical establishment, no %robably the only friends you'll have will be the patients and those progressive doctors who see change as an opportunity, rather than a threat to their established money-making monopoly. 5hose people will love you. /ut they don't call the shots. ,hat follows, now, is the story of e2actly such a sensational therapy and what happened to it. In one of the blackest episodes in recorded history, this remarkable electronic therapy was sabotaged and buried by a ruthless group of men. It has re-emerged in the underground medical4alternative health world only since the mid-;:'s. 5his is the story of 'oyal 'aymond 'ife and his fabulous discoveries and electronic instruments.

If you have never heard of 'ife before, prepare to be angered and incredulous at what this great man achieved for all of us only to have it practically driven from the face of the planet. /ut, reserve your final "udgment and decision until after you have read this. 3f course, some may regard this as "ust an amusing piece of fiction. *owever, for those who are willing to do some investigating on their own, there will be mentioned several highlyrespected doctors and medical authorities who worked with 'ife as well as some of the remarkable technical aspects of his creation. *owever, in the final analysis, the only real way to determine if such a revolutionary therapy e2ists is to e2perience it yourself. 5he medical literature is full of rigged 'double-blind' clinical research tests, the results of which are often determined in advance by the vested corporate interests involved.

If -<7 and other regulatory and licensing procedures and guidelines are observed, it is your privilege to e2periment with this harmless therapy. #o let's now turn to the story of the most ama$ing medical pioneer of our century. 'oyal 'aymond 'ife was a brilliant scientist born in =;;; and died in =>?=. 7fter studying at @ohns *opkins, 'ife developed technology which is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation. It is a fair statement that 'ife practically developed bioelectric medicine himself. *e received =A ma"or awards and honors and was given an honorary <octorate by the !niversity of *eidelberg for his work. <uring the BB years that 'ife spent designing and building medical instruments, he worked for Ceiss 3ptics, the !.#. Dovernment, and several private benefactors. )ost notable was millionaire *enry 5imkin, of 5imkin roller bearing fame. /ecause 'ife was self-educated in so many different fields, he intuitively looked for his answers in areas beyond the rigid scientific structure of his day. *e had mastered so many different disciplines that he literally had, at his intellectual disposal, the skills and knowledge of an entire team of scientists and technicians from a number of different scientific fields. #o, whenever new technology was needed to perform a new task, 'ife simply invented and then built it himself.

'ife's inventions include a heterodyning ultraviolet microscope, a microdissector, and a micromanipulator. ,hen you thoroughly understand 'ife's achievements, you may well decide that he has the most gifted, versatile, scientific mind in human history. /y =>E:, 'ife had finished building the world's first virus microscope. /y =>99, he had perfected that technology and had constructed the incredibly comple2 !niversal )icroscope, which had nearly B,::: different parts and was capable of magnifying ob"ects B:,::: times their normal si$e. ,ith this incredible microscope, 'ife became the first human being to actually see a live virus, and until &uite recently, the !niversal )icroscope was the only one which was able view live viruses. )odern electron microscopes instantly kill everything beneath them, viewing only the mummified remains and debris. ,hat the 'ife microscope can see is the bustling activity of living viruses as they change form to accommodate changes in environment, replicate rapidly in response to carcinogens, and transform normal cells into tumor cells. /ut how was 'ife able to accomplish this, in an age when electronics and medicine were still "ust evolving *ere are a few technical details to placate the skeptics... 'ife painstakingly identified the individual spectroscopic signature of each microbe, using a slit spectroscope attachment. 5hen, he slowly rotated block &uart$ prisms to focus light of a single wavelength upon the microorganism he was e2amining. 5his wavelength was selected because it resonated with the spectroscopic signature fre&uency of the microbe based on the now-established fact that every molecule oscillates at its own distinct fre&uency. 5he atoms that come together to form a molecule are held together in that molecular configuration with a covalent energy bond which both emits and absorbs its own specific electromagnetic fre&uency. 0o two species of molecule have the same electromagnetic oscillations or energetic signature. 'esonance amplifies light in the same way two ocean waves intensify each other when they merge together. 5he result of using a resonant wavelength is that micro-organisms which are invisible in white light suddenly become visible in a brilliant flash of light when they are e2posed to the color fre&uency that resonates with their own distinct spectroscopic signature. 'ife was thus able to see these otherwise invisible organisms and watch them actively invading tissues cultures. 'ife's discovery enabled him to view organisms that no one

else could see with ordinary microscopes.

3ne was Firginia 1ivingston. #he eventually moved from 0ew @ersey to 'ife's %oint 1oma G#an <iegoH neighborhood and became a fre&uent visitor to his lab. Firginia 1ivingston is now often given the credit for identifying the organism which causes human cancer, beginning with research papers she began publishing in =>A;. In reality, 'oyal 'ife had identified the human cancer virus =>E:I 'ife then made over E:,::: unsuccessful attempts to transform normal cells into tumor cells. *e finally succeeded when he irradiated the cancer virus, passed it through a cell-catching ultra-fine porcelain filter, and in"ected it into lab animals. 0ot content to prove this virus would cause one tumor, 'ife then created A:: tumors in succession from the same culture. *e documented everything with film, photographs, and meticulous records. *e named the cancer virus 'Cryptocides primordiales.' Firginia 1ivingston, in her papers, renamed it %rogenitor Cryptocides. 'oyal 'ife was never even mentioned in her papers. In fact, 'ife seldom got credit for his monumental discoveries. *e was a &uiet, unassuming scientist, dedicated to e2panding his discoveries rather than to ambition, fame, and glory. *is distaste for medical politics Gwhich he could afford to ignore thanks to generous trusts set up by private benefactorsH left him at a disadvantage later, when powerful forces attacked him. Coupled with the influence of the pharmaceutical industry in purging his papers from medical "ournals, it is hardly surprising that few heave heard of 'ife today. )eanwhile, debate raged between those who had seen viruses changing into different forms beneath 'ife's microscopes, and those who had not. 5hose who condemned without investigation, such as the influential <r. 5homas 'ivers, claimed these forms didn't e2ist. /ecause his microscope did not reveal them, 'ivers argued that there was

Jno logical basis for belief in this theory.J 5he same argument is used today in evaluating many other 'alternative' medical treatments6 if there is no precedent, then it must not be valid. 0othing can convince a closed mind. )ost had never actually looked though the #an <iego microscopes...air travel in the =>9:'s was uncomfortable, primitive, and rather risky. #o, the debate about the life cycle of viruses was resolved in favor of those who never saw it Geven modern electron microscopes show fro$en images, not the life cycle of viruses in processH. 0evertheless, many scientists and doctors have since confirmed 'ife's discovery of the cancer virus and its pleomorphic nature, using darkfield techni&ues, the 0aessens microscope, and laboratory e2periments. 'ife also worked with the top scientists and doctors of his day who also confirmed or endorsed various areas of his work. 5hey included+ E.C. 'osenow, #r. Glongtime Chief of /acteriology, )ayo ClinicH6 7rthur .endall G<irector, 0orthwestern )edical #choolH6 <r. Deorge <ock GinternationallyrenownedH6 7lvin -oord Gfamous pathologistH6 'ufus .lein-#chmidt G%resident of !#CH6 '.5. *amer G#uperintendent, %aradise Falley #anitarium6 <r. )ilbank @ohnson G<irector of the #outhern California 7)7H6 ,halen )orrison GChief #urgeon, #anta -e 'ailwayH6 Deorge -ischer GChildrens *ospital, 0.Y.H6 Edward .opps G)etabolic Clinic, 1a @ollaH6 .arl )eyer G*ooper -oundation, #.-.H6 ). Cite GChicago !niversityH6 and many others. 'ife ignored the debate, preferring to concentrate on refining his method of destroying these tiny killer viruses. *e used the same principle to kill them, which made them visible+ resonance. /y increasing the intensity of a fre&uency which resonated naturally with these microbes, 'ife increased their natural oscillations until they distorted and disintegrated from structural stresses. 'ife called this fre&uency 'the mortal oscillatory rate,' or ')3'', and it did no harm whatsoever to the surrounding tissues. 5oday's 'ife instruments use harmonics of the fre&uencies shown on the display screen. 5he wavelength of the actual fre&uency shown G??:h$, ;;:h$, etc.H is too long to do the "ob. 5his principle can be illustrated by using an intense musical note to shatter a wine glass+ the molecules of the glass are already oscillating at some harmonic GmultipleH of that musical note6 they are in resonance with it. /ecause everything else has a different resonant fre&uency, nothing but the glass is destroyed. 5here are literally hundreds of trillions of different resonant fre&uencies, and every species and molecule has its very own. It took 'ife many years, working A; hours at a time, until he discovered the fre&uencies which specifically destroyed herpes, polio, spinal meningitis, tetanus, influen$a, and an immense number of other dangerous disease organisms. In =>9A, the !niversity of #outhern California appointed a #pecial )edical 'esearch Committee to bring terminal cancer patients from %asadena County *ospital to 'ife's #an <iego 1aboratory and clinic for treatment. 5he team included doctors and pathologists assigned to e2amine the patients - if still alive - in >: days.

7fter the >: days of treatment, the Committee concluded that ;B.KL of the patients had been completely cured. 5he treatment was then ad"usted and the remaining =9.KL of the patients also responded within the ne2t four weeks. 5he total recovery rate using 'ife's technology was =::L. 3n 0ovember E:, =>9=, forty-four of the nation's most respected medical authorities honored 'oyal 'ife with a ban&uet billed as 5he End 5o 7ll <iseases at the %asadena estate of <r. )ilbank @ohnson. /ut by =>9>, almost all of these distinguished doctors and scientists were denying that they had ever met 'ife. ,hat happened to make so many brilliant men have complete memory lapses It seems that news of 'ife's miracles with terminal patients had reached other ears. 'emember our hypothetical &uestion at the beginning of this report+ ,hat would happen if you discovered a cure for everything You are now about to find out.... 7t first, a token attempt was made to buy out 'ife. )orris -ishbein, who had ac&uired the entire stock of the 7merican )edical 7ssociation by =>9A, sent an attorney to 'ife with 'an offer you can't refuse.' 'ife refused. ,e many never know the e2act terms of this offer. /ut we do know the terms of the offer -ishbein made to *arry *o2sey for control of his herbal cancer remedy. -ishbein's associates would receive all profits for nine years and *o2ey would receive nothing. 5hen, if they were satisfied that it worked, *o2sey would begin to receive =:L of the profits. *o2sey decided that he would rather continue to make all the profits himself. ,hen *o2sey turned -ishbein down, -ishbein used his immensely powerful political connections to have *o2sey arrested =EK times in a period of =B months. 5he charges Gbased on practice without a licenseH were always thrown out of court, but the harassment drove *o2sey insane. /ut -ishbein must have reali$ed that this strategy would backfire with 'ife. -irst, 'ife could not be arrested like *o2sey for practising without a license. 7 trial on trumped-up charges would mean that testimony supporting 'ife would be introduced by prominent medical authorities working with 'ife. 7nd the defense would undoubtedly take the opportunity to introduce evidence such as the =>9A medical study done with !#C. 5he last thing in the world that the pharmaceutical industry wanted was a public trial about a painless therapy that cured =::L of the terminal cancer patients and cost nothing to use but a little electricity. It might give people the idea that they didn't need drugs. 7nd finally, 'ife had spent decades accumulating meticulous evidence of his work, including film and stop-motion photographs. 0o, different tactics were needed... 5he first incident was the gradual pilfering of components, photographs, film, and written records from 'ife's lab. 5he culprit was never caught. 5hen, while 'ife struggled to reproduce his missing data Gin a day when photocopies and computers were not availableH, someone vandali$ed his precious virus microscopes. %ieces of the K,B;E piece !niversal microscope were stolen. Earlier, an arson fire had destroyed the multi-million dollar /urnett 1ab in 0ew @ersey, "ust as the scientists there

were preparing to announce confirmation of 'ife's work. /ut the final blow came later, when police illegally confiscated the remainder of 'ife's K: years of research. 5hen in =>9>, agents of a family which controlled the drug industry assisted %hilip *oyland in a frivolous lawsuit against his own partners in the /eam 'ay Corporation. 5his was the only company manufacturing 'ife's fre&uency instruments G'ife was not a partnerH. *oyland lost, but his assisted legal assault had the desired effect+ the company was bankrupted by legal e2penses. 7nd during the Dreat <epression, this meant that commercial production of 'ife's fre&uency instruments ceased completely. 7nd remember what a universal cure meant to hospitals and research foundations <octors who tried to defend 'ife lost their foundations grants and hospital privileges. 3n the other hand, big money was spent ensuring that doctors who had seen 'ife's therapy would forget what they saw. 7lmost no price was too much to suppress it. 'emember that, today, treatment of a single cancer patient averages over 89::,:::. It's /ID business. 5hus, 7rthur .endall, the <irector of the 0orthwestern #chool of )edicine who worked with 'ife on the cancer virus, accepted almost a &uarter of a million dollars to suddenly 'retire' in )e2ico. 5hat was an e2orbitant amount of money in the <epression. <r. Deorge <ock, another prominent figure who collaborated with 'ife, was silenced with an enormous grant, along with the highest honors the 7)7 could bestow. /etween the carrots and the sticks, everyone e2cept <r. Couche and <r. )ilbank @ohnson gave up 'ife's work and went back to prescribing drugs. 5o finish the "ob, the medical "ournals, support almost entirely by drug company revenues and controlled by the 7)7, refused to publish any paper by anyone on 'ife's therapy. 5herefore, an entire generation of medical students graduated into practice without ever once hearing of 'ife's breakthroughs in medicine. 5he magnitude of such an insane crime eclipses every mass murder in history. Cancer picks us off &uietly...but by =>B: the casualties from this tiny virus e2ceeded the carnage of all the wars 7merica ever fought. In =>;>, it was estimated that A:L of us will e2perience cancer at some time in our lives. In 'ife's lifetime, he had witnessed the progress of civili$ation from horse-and-buggy travel to "et planes. In that same time, he saw the epidemic of cancer increase from = in EA 7mericans in =>:K to = in 9 in =>?= when 'ife died. *e also witnessed the phenomenal growth of the 7merican Cancer #ociety, the #alk -oundation, and many others collecting hundreds of millions of dollars for diseases that were cured long before in his own #an <iego laboratories. In one period, =?B,K:: cancer drugs were submitted for approval. 7ny that showed 'favorable' results in only one-si2th of one percent of the cases being studied could be licensed. #ome of these drugs had a mortality rate of =A-=?L. ,hen death came from the drug, not the cancer, the case was recorded as a 'complete' or 'partial remission' because the patient didn't actually die from the cancer. In reality, it was a race to see which would kill the patient first+ the drug or the

disease. 5he inevitable conclusion reached by 'ife was that his life-long labor and discoveries had not only been ignored but probably would be buried with him. 7t that point, he ceased to produce much of anything and spent the last third of his life seeking oblivion in alcohol. It dulled the pain and his acute awareness of half a century of wasted effort - ignored - while the unnecessary suffering of millions continued so that a vested few might profit. 7nd profit they did, and profit they do.

In =>?=, 'oyal 'ife died from a combination of valium and alcohol at the age of ;9. %erhaps his continual e2posure to his own 'ife fre&uencies helped his body endure abuse for so many years. -ortunately, his death was not the end of his electronic therapy. 7 few humanitarian doctors and engineers reconstructed his fre&uency instruments and kept his genius alive. 'ife technology became public knowledge again in =>;B with the publication of 5he Cancer Cure 5hat ,orked, by /arry 1ynes, and other material about 'oyal 'ife and his monumental work. 5here is wide variation in the cost, design, and &uality of the modern portable 'ife fre&uency research instruments available. Costs vary from about 8=E:: to 89B:: with price being no legitimate indicator of the technical competence in the design of the instrument or performance of the instrument. #ome of the most e2pensive units have serious technical limitations and are essentially a waste of money. 7t the other e2treme, some researchers do get crude results from ine2pensive simple, unmodified fre&uency generators, but this is "ust as misguided as spending too much money. ,ithout the proper modifications, the basic fre&uency generator gives only minimal and inconsistent results. %lease recall that the actual destruction of the viruses and bacteria, etc. is not accomplished by the fre&uency displayed on these cheap generators, but by certain shorter harmonics of that particular fre&uency which are often blocked by the crudity of a cheap and rudimentary instrument itself. 5his very problem led 'ife to ultimately abandon the 'ray tube' design in favor of today's version. 5he newer technology applies the fre&uencies and their harmonics to the body through the use of hand-held, footplate, or stick-on electrodes. %roper fre&uency e2posure and flushing of the body with large amounts of clean, pure water is critical to achieve the kind of results 'ife got. 5hese procedures are fully e2plained in the manuals of the best units on the market. #o, unless you would be satisfied with sporadic results for minor conditions, it is suggested you use only the highest &uality e&uipment and only the proper, proven

procedures in your personal research. If you do, you may discover that nothing can approach what can be achieved through the application of these safe, time-tested fre&uencies Gmany for over BK yearsH- and all without drugs, surgery, or radiation. 3ne day, the name of 'oyal 'aymond 'ife may ascend to its rightful place as the giant of modern medical science. !ntil that time, his fabulous technology remains available only to the people who have the interest to seek it out. ,hile perfectly legal for veterinarians to use to save the lives of animals, 'ife's brilliant fre&uency therapy remains taboo to orthodo2 mainstream medicine because of the continuing threat it poses to the international pharmaceutical medical monopoly that controls the lives - and deaths - of the vast ma"ority of the people on this planet. 5his is a compilation of fre&uencies from many sources. )any are based on anecdotes and are not well tested or widely used. #ome are based on @ohn Darvy Gfounder of #on'idge *ealth CentersH fre&uencies many of which are above audio range and converted by dividing by BA and rounding, which may significantly affect response. <itto for *ulda Clark fre&uencies a few of which are included and divided by K=E. #ee their works to view more, and unconverted, fre&uencies, especially if a specific pathogen is known. 5his list is also annotated but, of course, not completely. 'esearch will still be necessary to ascertain causative pathogens for certain conditions. )any of the comments and annotations are from other fre&uency lists and many are from my own research. #ome fre&uency sets have JsecondariesJ which are e2tra fre&uencies to run if there is no response to the first set, or run along with the initial set to more assure response. #ome contain numbered sets like G=H, GEH, and G9H which usually indicate single anecdotes but these may represent what worked when all other fre&uency sets failed. 3nes marked with Ge2pH are e2perimental, which is &uite the misnomer since all the fre&uencies should be considered e2perimental anyway. )ost people use the base fre&uencies G?E?4?E;, ?;A4?;B4?;?, ;;:, ABA4ABKH in every session since they address a number of common pathogens which can be easily reinfected. )any typically use cleansing, rela2ing, and general fre&uencies such as 9:A, K:::, =::::, and 9=?B to finish sessions. )any fre&uency sets state to JseeJ or JuseJ other fre&uencies. 3nes to JseeJ may be causative agents and should be used if there is no response to the initial set, like the JsecondaryJ ones e2plained above. 3nes to JuseJ are highly probable factors and should be used as part of the initial set. -urther research and use yields a constant supply of new fre&uencies and this list is updated often. 5'E75)E05 !5I1ICI0D -'EM!E0CIE# ,e have searched the net, and found many lists that many

practitioners have put together and others have added through their e2periences

*ow to use the list
<o you want to check to see if others have used or discovered fre&uencies for similar ailments click onJ EditJ in the top left hand corner of your browser, then click on J-indJ, enter your ailment and hit Jfind ne2t', this will show you a number of fre&uencies, write them down or cut and paste to your note pad, then click on Jfind ne2t' do this until the Jfinished searching the documentJ sign pops up... Do 7head stry it pop in diabetes or sleep, pain or cancer to see a unit that will utili$e these fre&uencies go here http+44altered-states.net4rife4inde2.htm If you have our 'ife

Crane system

5here are possibly four ways that rife fre&uencies can be of use to you <irect destruction If you have a micro-organism, and you know the fre&uency, you can destroy it. If a client has a terrible case of #hingles, we know that that is caused by *erpes. #imply set the 'ife )achine to the *erpes fre&uency =KKE, and let it run for =4E an hour. In most cases, it will be gone in less than 9 days. %lagues and epidemics

1ooking through this chart you may be wondering, what use is a fre&uency to destroy the /ubonic %lague today. 7side from the morbid reality of Derm ,arfare, hasn't the /ubonic %lague been wiped off the face of the Earth 7ctually no, there are several reported cases every year. 3f course, the odds of being one of the =: or so people who get it every year are &uite slim. *owever, almost everyone alive today who is of European decent is a descendant of a survivor of the /lack G/ubonicH plague. 5hat means that you can probably trace a direct blood line through the placenta along the female side, or the sperm and prostatic fluid on your fathers side of your family to a person who was infected with the %lague centuries ago. *omeopaths call this a miasm. <on't be surprised if you, or one of your clients feels a slight tingling in the armpits Gthe %lague caused the lymph nodes to swell upH on this fre&uency. <oes that mean you have an active form of the /ubonic %lague 0o, but a watered down version of it may have been passing through your family blood line for the last A:: years, which may have been causing some health problems. Immuni$ations *ow about <iphtheria, or 'ubella Everyone in the !.#.7. gets a <%5 shot when they are children. <%5 stands for <iphtheria, %ertussis and 5etanus. 5hat means that some part of these micro-organism, were in"ected into the body, past the defenses of the intestinal tracts and the skin. <id part of the virus survive 5he unfortunate reactions that some children have to these immuni$ations Gdeath, mental retardation, immune dysfunction et. al.H every year tells us that these immuni$ations are not always deactivated before they are in"ected. -amilies of micro-organisms Donorrhea is not a problem in developed countries, but the fre&uency for Donorrhea is the most useful fre&uency when it comes to the common cold. Either the common cold is a respiratory version of Donorrhea, or shares enough of the same structure as to be destroyed by the same fre&uency as Donorrhea. 5hus, although the 'ife )achine is set for E: fre&uencies, each fre&uency may be capable of destroying =::'s different but similarly structured micro-organisms. 3ne session may destroy E::: different types of unwanted life-forms. 'ife himself believed that there were at most =: families of disease producing organisms. %arasites ?E #taphylococci ?E? %arasites >K <iphtheria ??B %arasites =E: 'ubella ?;? 1yme <isease A9E 5uberculosis ;:: Candida ABK E. Coli ;:E /ubonic %lague K:: #treptococci ;;: 1eprosy B:: *erpes =KKE #yphilis BK: 5yphoid =;BK

Donorrhea BB: #arcoma E::; *. %ylori B?B Carcinoma E=E;

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 7bdominal inflammation - 9;:, =.E, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =AB, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AK:, AA:, AE;, BB: 7bdominal pain - =::::, 9, 9:::, >K 7bscesses Galso use #taphylococcus aureus and see 1isterioseH - E?E:, E=?:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =>:, K:: 7bscesses secondary - =KK:, ;:E, ?B:, ABK, AAA, AK:, AE;, BB: 7cidosis GhyperacidityH - =::::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, E:, =AB 7cne - E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, =KKE, =K::, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, KBA, ??; 7cne secondary - ?B:, ABK, AAA, AK:, AE;, BB: 7cne vulgaris - KBA 7conite Gused to stimulate lymphocyte productionH - 99A?, KB==, E?>= 7ctinobacillus Ga potentially pathogenic bacteria normally found in mammalsH - ??9 , ??B, ??;, ;EE 7ctinomyces israelii Ga bacterium normally found in the bowel and throat that can cause deep, pus-filled holes in tissueH - EEE, EBE, E=KA, ABK, A;;, KB?, ?;;:, =::::, ?;?, ?E?, E: 7cupuncture disturbance field Gscar focusH - K.> 7cute pain - 9:::, >K, =::::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB 7denoids - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, AAA, E:, AE;, BB:, E?E:, E=?: 7denoma, cervical Gepithelial tumor of the cervi2 that can be either benign or malignant. 7lso see Cancer.H - A99 7denovirus Ga virus that causes infections in the lungs, stomach, and intestinesH - 999, KE9, ?;B, ?B; 7dhesions - E?E:, E=?:, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?B:, ?E?, =>: 7dnamia, geriatric Gfatigue of ageH - B:, E?.K 7dne2itis Gswelling of the ovaries or -allopian tubesH - AA:, AA=, KEE, K?E, 99A9, 9;99, K9=E 7drenal stimulant - =:, E:, EEK: 7flato2in Ga liver-damaging to2in produced by certain food moldsH - 9AA, K=:, >A9, A?A, A?B, KB; 7frican trypanosomuasis - BKB, >;;, ?;: 7I<# Gnot for use in !.#. see *IFH - EA;>, ABK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KK:, =K::, =.E, 9=:::, 9=?K:, 9A?K: 7I<# secondary - ===9 for =E min, E=E; for =B min, B=E= for E= min, 99 for = min 7I<# G=H - =.AA, =KK:, =K::, EA>, A=;, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, EA;>, 9=::, 9=?K, 9A?K 7I<#, .aposi's sarcoma - EA>, A=;

7lcoholism - =:::: 7llergy - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, 9, 99:, K::: 7lopecia Gloss of hairH - E:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, =AB, ;::, =KKE 71# G7myotropic lateral sclerosis. 7lso use )# and see 1yme fre&sH - ;BA, ?>:, B>:, B=:, A;A, >;B, BAA, EKA 7lternaria tenuis Ga fungus associated with lung ailmentsH - ;K9, 9:A 7menorrhea Gabsence of menstruationH - =::::, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?B:, ?E?, ABK, E: 7moeba Ga single-celled, sometimes-infectious microorganismH - 9=:, 999, K9E, ?9E, ?B>, ;E?, =KEE 7moeba hepar abcess Gliver abcess caused by amoebic infectionH - 9AA, B:K 7moebic dysentery Gsee Entamoeba histolyicaH 7myotropic lateral sclerosis Gsee 71#H 7nal itching Galso use %arasites enterobiasis and see %arasites general setH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?B:, ?E?, ABK, =EK, =E:, >K, ?E, AAA, =;BK, E:, ??9, ;EB, ;E?, ;9K, A=KE 7naphia2is - =:::: 7neurysm - ;;:, ?;?, ?B:, ?E?, ABK, =EK, >K, ?E, AAA, =;BK, E:, ?E? 7ngina G&uinsy in swatH - ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AE;, BB: 7ngina pectoris - 9, E9:, E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, BB:, ?.;9 7nkylosing spondylitis - 9:::, >K, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, E;, =:, 9K, E;, ?.B>, =.E, ==:, =::, B:, AE;, B;: 7nosmia Gloss of smellH - E:, =:::: 7nthra2 - K::, B99, =9BK, =9?:, ?B;, A=A 7ntiseptic Gsee Deneral antisepticH 7pople2y, stroke paralysis - A:, =;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, =;BK, KEE, AE; 7ppendicitis GIf microperforation has occurred, infection must be eliminated before drinking any water. Even a few drops of water may be fatalH - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, 9;:, =>:, =:, BK:, AAA, KEE, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, KEE, =AB, AA:, AK: 7ppetite, lack of - ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7renas tennus - BB? 7rnica Ga topical healing herbH - =:AE, =:9E 7rsenic alb. Ghomeopathic cell saltH - KBE 7rteriosclerosis Ghardening of the arteries6 regeneration takes time. 7lso try chlamydia pneumonia and C)F fre&sH - =::::, E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, E: 7rthritis - =E: for E: min, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, =BBA, ;:, B:, A:, 9:, EK, EB, E:, =:, K:::, =::::, ?.B>, 9, =.E, E; for 9 min, =.K for =: min. 7rthritis, arthralgia due to gout - >.9> 7rthritis, arthrosis, and parathyroid disturbances affecting calcium metabolism - >.B 7rthritis, focal origin gastrogenic, tonsiltogenic, and paresis - >.9> 7rthritis, rheumatoid Gmuscles and tendons. Cause could be bacteria like

chlamydia pneumonia which must be addressed too. 5ry general antiseptic and parasites general if no response.H - EK:, =.E, BK:, BEK, B::, ?;?, ?E?, EBE, ??B 7rthritis, secondary - E?E:, =:::, =K::, ??: 7sian grippe 7 - K=B, BKB, A9A 7spergillus flavus Gmold found on corn, peanuts, and grain that produces aflato2inH - =;E9, EA?, =>?E 7spergillus glaucus Gblue mold occurring in some human infectious processesH - KEA, ?K; 7spergillus niger Gcommon mold that may produce severe and persistent infectionH - 9?A, B>? 7spergillus terreus Gmold occasionally associated with infection of the bronchi and lungsH - ?A9, 99> 7sthma Galso see /reathing, deep and 1iver support, and use %arasites roundworms, ascaris, and to2ocara to determine which sets work bestH - E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =K::, =E;9, =E99, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, :.K, KEE, =AB, =EK, >K, ?E, AAA, E: 7sthma G=H - =E;9, =E99, A.? 7sthma GEH - =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AB, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =::::, A?, =E: for K min 7strocytoma Gsee Cancer, astrocytomaH 7ta2ia Gincoordination of muscles. #low results in some casesH - E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E: 7ta2ia, spastic - >.=>, ;.EK, ?.B> 7thlete's foot Galso see Epidermophyton floccinum and 5inea fre&sH - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, BAA, ?BB, ABA, ;:E, =KKE, >>>>, 9=?B, 9:A for K minutes 7tmenic 7ib. - KBE 7ttention <eficit <isorder G%robably important to avoid preservatives, aspertame, dyes, and other potential to2ins. 5ry #higella, Chlamydia pneum, and Deneral antisepticH 7utointo2ication - KEE, =AB, =KK:, =::::, ;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: 7 7cute Inflammatory %olyneuropathy+ Gsee Duillain-/arre #yndromeH 7ddison <isease+ :.=>, :.?K, :.>:, ?.K:, E?.K:, EEE.?:, AEK.?=, KB9.=>, BAE.>=, >?;.:K 7ddison's 7nemia+ Gsee 7nemia, %erniciousH 7denitis+ Gsee 1ymphadenitisH 7denohypophyseal <iseases+ Gsee %ituitary <iseasesH 7denohypophyseal *yposecretion+ Gsee *ypopituitarismH 7denoma+ :.:A, K.;=, EE.K:, KE.K:, >E.K:, EEA.9?, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?E=.::, >;?.E9 7denoma, /asal Cell+ Gsee 7denomaH 7denoma, beta-Cell+ Gsee InsulinomaH 7denoma, -ollicular+ Gsee 7denomaH 7denoma, )icrocystic+ Gsee 7denomaH 7denoma, )onomorphic+ Gsee 7denomaH

7denoma, %apillary+ Gsee 7denomaH 7denoma, 5rabecular+ Gsee 7denomaH 7denomatous %olyposis Coli+ :.:A, :.EK, :.K:, E.K:, 9EE.:B, AEE.K9, KB=.>9, ?:>.;9, ;AE.K:, >;K.>: 7denomyosis+ Gsee Endometriosis+ G7denomyosisH 7denoviridae Infections+ :.=;, :.KE, :.;:, 9?.K:, >9.E:, =K:.::, E?K.::, K:>.9K, ?KK.::, ;BB.=K 7denovirus Infections+ Gsee 7denoviridae InfectionsH 7dhesions, %elvic+ :.:E, E.K:, 9K.=B, B?.K:, >:.::, 9KK.:;, A=>.9A, KB?.?:, ?:?.EB, >9:.=E 7dhesive Capsulitis+ Gsee /ursitisH 7diadochokinesis+ Gsee Cerebellar 7ta2iaH 7die #yndrome+ :.=?, :.AB, =:.;K, KK.=B, >B.K:, 9K:.::, KB?.::, B>E.99, ;=:.E:, >;E.== 7diposis <olorosa+ :.=B, :.>?, E?.K:, ==:.EK, 9EK.::, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BBK.9A, ?A>.::, >;K.B? 7dne2itis+ Gsee %elvic Inflammatory <iseaseH 7drenal Dland <iseases+ :.:?, K.K:, ?9.9:, =9A.EK, 9K?.9:, AKA.9?, K=>.B;, B;>.A=, ?=E.E9, >>9.A=, 7drenal *yperplasia+ Congenital, :.EE, :.>?, KE.K:, >9.K:, E9B.AE, 9?B.E>, AEB.>:, K?=.::, ;=9.::, >9E.::, 7drenoleukodystrophy+ :.=>, :.?K, :.>:, K.=B, 9:.::, EE>.9E, A9A.EK, KBA.E;, ?=A.;E, >?;.:K 7drenoleukodystrophy, 0eonatal +Gsee %ero2isomal <isordersH 7drenomyeloneuropathy+ Gsee 7drenoleukodystrophyH 7dverse <rug 'eaction+ Gsee <rug 5o2icityH 7ffective %sychosis+ /ipolar+ Gsee /ipolar <isorderH 7fferent %upillary <efect+ Gsee %!%I1 <I#3'<E'#H 7fibrinogenemia+ :.=K, :.=;, E.K:, 9EE.:B, AK;.K:, K=K.:K, B;A.;=, ?=E.AE, >>K.9;, 7frican 1ymphoma+ Gsee /urkitt 1ymphomaH 7frican #leeping #ickness+ Gsee 5rypanosomiasis, 7fricanH 7gammaglobulinemia+ :.=E, :.;:, EE.K:, >:.::, =?K.::, AK=.=?, K=?.K:, B;9.::, ?=E.E9, >>E.::, 7ganglionosis, Colonic+ Gsee *irschsprung <iseaseH 7ge-'elated 3steoporosis+ Gsee 3steoporosisH 7gnosia+ :.=E, K.BE, B?.K:, >9.K:, EEE.?:, AEK.::, KEE.K9, B;>.>9, ?KE.B9, >E9.?:, 7gyria+ Gsee 1issencephalyH 7icardi #yndrome+ :.?;, ;.::, >E.K:, =EK.::, 9KK.:;, AKE.K>, K=K.=B, B;?.BE, ?=E.;=, >>?.;?, 7I<%+ Gsee Duillain-/arre #yndromeH 7I<#+ Gsee 7c&uired Immunodeficiency #yndromeH 7irflow 3bstruction, Chronic+ Gsee %ulmonary <isease, Chronic 3bstructiveH 7irsickness+ Gsee )otion #icknessH 7lagille #yndrome+ :.:;, :.;:, :.>K, EE.K:, K?.K:, =?K.::, A=>.9A, KB9.=>, ;=9.>B, >;9.=? 7lastrim+ Gsee #mallpo2H 7lbers-#choenberg <isease+ Gsee 3steopetrosisH

7lbright's #yndrome+ Gsee -ibrous <ysplasia, %olyostoticH 7ldosteronism+ Gsee *yperaldosteronismH 7ldrich #yndrome+ Gsee ,iskott-7ldrich #yndromeH 7le2ander <isease+ :.=A, :.?;, E.K:, >?.K:, 9K?.??, A?K.:K, KE?.::, BK?.==, ?A>.::, >;?.E9 7lgodystrophy+ Gsee 'efle2 #ympathetic <ystrophy+ G5ype I Comple2 'egional %ain #yndromeHH 7lkalosis+ :.:K, :.?K, E.EK, ?E.K:, ==:.EK, 9?>.>9, AEA.9?, KB=.>9, BAE.:B, >?;.:K 7lkaptonuria+ :.:?, :.A:, ?.K:, KK.::, >B.K:, 9?B.E>, AEB.>:, K?=.::, ;EE.::, >9?.A=, 7llergic 7ngiitis+ Gsee Churg-#trauss #yndrome+ G7llergic DranulomatosisHH 7llergic Dranulomatous 7ngiitis+ Gsee Churg-#trauss #yndrome+ G7llergic DranulomatosisHH 7llergic %urpura+ Gsee %urpura, #choenlein-*enochH 7llergy+ Gsee *Y%E'#E0#I5IFI5YH 7lobar *oloprosencephaly+ Gsee *oloprosencephalyH 7lopecia+ :.:B, K.:?, >K.::, E?K.:K, AKK.;E, K=K.=B, B;A.;=, ?=E.E9, >>9.A=, 7lpers #yndrome+ Gsee <iffuse Cerebral #clerosis of #childerH alpha =-7ntitrypsin <eficiency+ :.:A, :.=E, ?.K:, A:.::, =9E.A=, 9AE.:B, A=>.9A, KB:.::, BAE.>=, >9:.=E alpha-)annosidosis+ :.?K, ?.K:, K?.K:, =EE.K9, EB>.?=, A?>.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?AE.::, >;B.EE 7lphavirus Infections+ :.=E, :.?;, =E.?=, KK.::, >:.::, =?K.:K, AEK.::, K?=.::, ;EE.::, >9E.::, 7lport's #yndrome+ Gsee 0ephritis, *ereditary+ G7lport's #yndromeHH 71#+ Gsee 7myotrophic 1ateral #clerosisH 7lstrom #yndrome+ Gsee 0ystagmus, %athologicH 7lveolitis, -ibrosing+ Gsee %ulmonary -ibrosisH 7l$heimer <isease+ :.==, ?.K:, B?.K:, >E.K:, 9??.>=, AK9.?E, K=K.=B, B;;.E>, ?=E.::, >>K.9;, 7maurosis -uga2+ :.=;, :.?;, E.K:, ;K.::, 9?.K:, ==:.EK, =?K.::, 9KE.>9, A>K.:: 7mblyopia+ :.:K, :.?:, E.K:, B?.K:, =EK.:K, 9EE.:B, K9B.AE, BKK.E:, ?KE.B9, >EA.9? 7mbulation <isorders, 0eurologic+ Gsee Dait <isorders, 0eurologicH 7mebiasis+ :.KE, E.K:, A:.::, >K.::, 9?B.E>, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BBK.9A, ?KE.?:, >;?.E9 7meboma+ Gsee 7mebiasisH 7metropia+ Gsee 'E-'7C5IFE E''3'#H 7mino 7cid )etabolism+ :.=?, E.K:, E:.::, >E.K:, 9=:.EK, AK:.::, K=?.K:, B;?.BE, ?=E.E9, >>9.A=, 7mino 7cid 5ransport <isorder, 0eutral+ Gsee *artnup <iseaseH 7mino 7cidopathies, Congenital+ Gsee 7mino 7cid )etabolism, Inborn ErrorsH 7mnesia+ :.:?, E.EK, ;?.K:, >E.K:, E?K.::, A9E.A=, KBA.E;, BA:.::, >?;.:K 7mniotic /and #yndrome+ :.:?, :.=;, K.BE, 9?.K:, =::.::, E?K.=B, KEK.?=, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >EB.?:, 7mniotic /ands+ Gsee 7mniotic /and #yndromeH 7moebiasis+ Gsee 7mebiasisH 7mphibian <iseases+ :.:?, =:.;9, K.;=, K?.K:, =EK.:K, 9?B.E>, A=>.9A, KB:.::, BAE.>=, >9:.=E

7mputation, Intrauterine+ Gsee 7mniotic /and #yndromeH 7myloidosis+ :.:B, =:.;9, ?.K:, 9EE.K9, AKE.K>, K=>.B;, B;>.A=, ?=E.::, ;99.E=, >>K.9;, 7myoplasia Congenita+ Gsee 7rthrogryposisH 7myotonia Congenita+ Gsee 0euromuscular <iseasesH 7myotrophic 1ateral #clerosis+ :.:E, E.K:, B:.::, >K.::, EEK.99, A?>.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?AE.::, >;K.B? 7myotrophy, 0euralgic+ Gsee /rachial %le2us 0euritis+ G%arsonage-5urner #yndromeHH 7nalgesia+ :.:A, :.K?, =:.K9, >K.:K, E=:.EK, AEA.9?, KB9.=>, ?:?.EB, >;K.>:, 7nalphalipoproteinemia+ Gsee 5angier <iseaseH 7nankastic %ersonality+ Gsee 3bsessive-Compulsive <isorderH 7naphylactic 'eaction+ Gsee 7naphyla2isH 7naphylactoid %urpura+ Gsee %urpura, #choenlein-*enochH 7naphyla2is+ :.=A, :.?K, E.K:, BK.::, ;?.9:, E9B.AE, A::.::, KB=.>9, ?=A.;E, >?;.:K 7naplasmosis+ :.=:, :.EA, :.;:, =K.E:, 9E.K:, >?.K:, 9EE.:B, 9??.>=, A>E.K:, ?E9.:: 7nderson--abry <isease+ Gsee -abry <iseaseH 7ndrogen-Insensitivity #yndrome+ :.:B, ?.K:, B?.K:, >K.::, 9?B.E>, A?K.:K, KE?.::, BBK.9A, ?B=.;K, >;?.E9 7nemia+ :.:;, :.KK, K.>?, E9.::, K:.K:, ;:.K:, >?.K9, E=:.K:, K99.E=, >:>.EB 7nemia, 7ddison's+ Gsee 7nemia, %erniciousH 7nemia, 7plastic+ :.BK, ?.K:, E.K:, BE.K:, =K:.::, 9=>.9A, AEK.99, K?=.::, ;E9.::, >9?.A=, 7nemia, -anconi+ Gsee -anconi 7nemiaH 7nemia, *emolytic+ :.:E, :.=E, K.=B, BE.K:, ==:.EK, 99E.A=, K=?.K:, B;A.;=, ?=E.E9, >>E.:: 7nemia, *emolytic, 7c&uired+ Gsee 7nemia, *emolyticH 7nemia, *emolytic, Congenital 0onspherocytic 7nemia, *ypoplastic+ Gsee 7nemia, 7plasticH 7nemia, Iron-<eficiency+ :.=:, :.9E, E.K:, K?.E:, =EK.::, =?K.::, KEK.?=, B;E.:E, ?K>.;9, >9E.A= 7nemia, )egaloblastic+ :.==, :.9:, :.9?, >9.K:, EEA.9?, 9?B.E>, A?K.:K, KE?.::, BK?.==, ?K9.E9 7nemia, )icroangiopathic+ Gsee 7nemia, *emolyticH 7nemia, %ernicious+ Gsee 7nemia, *emolyticH 7nemia, #ickle Cell+ Gsee 7nemia, *emolyticH 7nencephaly+ :.==, :.A>, =.::, E.EK, 9:.::, >?.K:, 9EK.?=, 9AE.:B, ?K:.::, >9A.EK 7neurysm+ :.=K, :.?;, E.K:, B?.K:, EEE.K9, AK;.K:, K=;.>E, B;;.E>, ?=E.;=, >>?.;?, 7neurysm, Cerebal+ Gsee Intracranial 7neurysmH 7neurysm, Intracranial+ Gsee Intracranial 7neurysmH 7ngelman #yndrome+ :.E:, ?.K:, E?.K:, >K.99, 9?K.=B, A=>.9A, KB?.?:, BAE.:B, >;:.:: 7ngiitis+ Gsee FasculitisH 7ngiitis, 7llergic Dranulomatous+ Gsee Churg-#trauss #yndrome+ G7llergic DranulomatosisHH 7ngina %ectoris+ :.=:, :.B;, :.;9, AE.E:, >E.K:, EEK.::, K9A.E:, ??>.::, ;;E.=:, >==.:> 7ngina %ectoris with 0ormal Coronary 7rteriogram+ Gsee )icrovascular 7nginaH 7ngina, )icrovascular+ Gsee )icrovascular 7nginaH 7ngioedema+ :.=E, :.KE, :.;:, K.:?, =K.::, >:.::, 9?K.:K, A=:.EK, KBA.E;, ;EA.>B,

7ngiofibroma+ :.=B, :.BE, ?.K:, BK.99, =?K.::, A9A.EK, KB9.=>, BAE.>=, >9:.=E 7ngiofollicular 1ymphoid *yperplasia+ Gsee Diant 1ymph 0ode *yperplasiaH 7ngiohemophilia+ Gsee von ,illebrand <iseaseH 7ngiokeratoma Corporis <iffusum+ Gsee -abry <iseaseH 7ngiolymphoid *yperplasia with Eosinophilia+ :.=:, =.::, =E.99, K.K:, AK.::, E9A.K=, A?K.=B, KE?.::, ?KE.?:, >;?.E9 7ngioma+ Gsee *emangiomaH 7ngioma, Cavernous+ Gsee *emangioma, CavernousH 7ngiomy2oma+ Gsee )y2omaH 7ngiospasm, Intracranial+ Gsee Fasospasm, IntracranialH 7ngor %ectoris+ Gsee 7ngina %ectorisH 7nguilluliasis+ Gsee #trongyloidiasisH 7nhidrosis+ Gsee *ypohidrosisH 7nhidrotic Ectodermal <ysplasia+ Gsee Ectodermal <ysplasiaH 7nimal <iseases+ :.:K, :.K?, :.;?, E.K:, K.;=, >E.K:, AEA.9?, KB=.>9, ?:>.;9, >;K.>: 7niridia+ :.:?, :.EA, :.B;, :.;9, E.K:, =K?.::, 9K?.9:, AK=.=?, K=?.K:, B;?.BE, 7nisakiasis+ :.:A, :.E9, :.?;, K.BE, =K.:K, 9K.99, B?.K:, =EK.::, EEK.::, ?99.:: 7nisocoria+ :.=E, :.K?, :.;9, E.K:, K.99, BK.::, >9.K:, 9EK.=B, K=K.:K, ;;A.;=, 7nisocoria, %hysiologic+ Gsee 7nisocoriaH 7nisometropic 7mblyopia+ Gsee 7mblyopiaH 7nkyloglossia+ :.:;, :.?;, K.;=, B?.K:, 9K:.::, A?K.::, KE?.::, BBK.9A, ?AE.::, >;K.B? 7nkylosing #pondylitis+ Gsee #pondylitis, 7nkylosingH 7nnular Drooves+ Gsee 7mniotic /and #yndromeH 7nomia+ :.KE, :.;:, ?.K:, 9?.K:, =?K.99, E?K.::, 9?>.>9, AK:.::, K=>.B;, ;;9.::, 7nophthalmos+ :.=E, :.>?, K.:K, ?.::, A:.::, EEE.?:, AEK.=B, K?=.::, ;EA.::, >9E.::, 7nosmia+ Gsee 3lfaction <isordersH 7no2ia+ :.:;, :.;K, E.K: , A9.::, >?.E9, =?K.::, 9;;.::, ?>=.::, ;K9.::, >?E.=: 7no2ia, /rain+ Gsee *ypo2ia, /rainH 7no2ic Encephalopathy+ Gsee *ypo2ia, /rainH 7nterior *orn Cell <isease+ Gsee )otor 0euron <iseaseH 7nterior Ischemic 3ptic 0europathy+ Gsee 3ptic 0europathy, IschemicH 7nterior %ituitary *yposecretion #yndrome+ Gsee *ypopituitarismH 7nthra2+ :.:?, :.B;, :.>9, K.K:, ==.:>, ==>.9A, =K:.::, =?K.99, KAK.::, ?:K.:: 7ntibiotic-7ssociated Colitis+ Gsee Enterocolitis, %seudomembranousH 7ntibody <eficiency #yndrome+ Gsee I))!0313DIC <E-ICIE0CY #Y0<'3)E#H 7nti-Dlomerular /asement )embrane <isease+ :.=?, :.>K, =:.K9, E.K:, =EK.:>, 9?K.=B, KEK.?=, BK:.::, ?KE.B9, >E9.?:, 7ntiphospholipid #yndrome+ :.:K, :.?9, =.KK, =9.9>, EE.K:, EA?.::, 9>=.::, K?=.::, ;E?.::, >9?.A=, 7ntithrombin III <eficiency+ :.:K, :.BK, =.::, K.BE, ?.::, 9??.>=, A::.::, KB9.=>, BAE.:B, >;K.>:, 7nus <iseases+ :.:K, :.B:, E.EK, ?.K:, >?.K:, A?K.::, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?KE.?:, >;B.EE 7nus %rolapse+ Gsee 'ectal %rolapseH 7n2iety <isorders+ :.:;, :.BE, :.;?, K.;=, EEK.::. AE9.:?, K?E.::, ?E?.99, ;A=.=E, >:9.>= 7n2iety 0euroses+ Gsee 70(IE5Y <I#3'<E'#H 7n2iety #tates, 0eurotic+ Gsee 70(IE5Y <I#3'<E'#H

7ortic 7rteritis, Diant Cell+ Gsee Diant Cell 7rteritisH 7ortic #tenosis+ Gsee 7ortic Falve #tenosisH 7ortic Falve #tenosis+ :.:9, :.EK, :.>:, =9.KE, =K:.::, E?K.99, K=:.EK, BKK.E:, ?K>.;9, >EB.?:, 7ortitis #yndrome+ Gsee 5akayasu 7rteritisH 7ortitis, Diant Cell+ Gsee Diant Cell 7rteritisH 7pert #yndrome+ Gsee 7crocephalosyndactyliaH 7phasia+ :.=A, :.BE, :.;K, =E.;K, K.:?, AK9.?E, K=K.:>, B;A.;=, ?=E.;=, >>9.A=, 7phasia, 7c&uired+ Gsee 7phasiaH 7phasia, 7c&uired Epileptic+ Gsee 1andau-.leffner #yndromeH 7phasia, 7mnesic+ Gsee 7nomiaH 7phasia, 7nomic+ Gsee 7nomiaH 7phasia, 0ominal+ Gsee 7nomiaH 7phthae+ Gsee #tomatitis, 7phthousH 7plasia Cutis Congenita+ Gsee Ectodermal <ysplasiaH 7pnea+ :.:B, :.;9, :.>?, K.=B, E:.::, BK.::, A?B.K:, KE?.::, ?AE.::, >;?.E9 7pnea, #leep, Central+ Gsee #leep 7pnea, CentralH 7pople2y+ Gsee #trokeH 7ppendicitis+ :.=A, :.AB, ?.K:, K:.::, >9.K:, 9?B.E>, KEA.9?, BKE.A9, ?KE.B9, >EE.K9 G,ater fast for A; hoursH 7pra2ias+ :.B:, =.::, K.::, EA?.;;, 9BK.;:, AKA.9?, K=K.=B, B;>.A=, ?=E.::, >>?.;?, 7prosencephaly+ Gsee 7nencephalyH 7prosodia+ Gsee #peech <isordersH 7rachnoid Cysts+ :.=B, :.B:, :.>:, E.K:, 9.::, =EK.:>, EEK.99, 9AA.K:, A>:,KB, ;:?.EE 7rachnoid <iverticula+ Gsee 7rachnoid CystsH 7rachnoidal Cerebellar #arcoma, Circumscribed+ Gsee )edulloblastomaH 7rachnoiditis+ :.=B, :.B:, :.;K, E.K:, ?.K:, 9K.::, ;?.K:, A?>.K:, KE?.::, BBK.9A, 7rbovirus Infections+ :.:?, :.B;, E.99, 9K.::, ;?.K:, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?K9.E9, >;?.E9 7rgentaffinoma+ Gsee Carcinoid 5umorH 7rhinencephaly+ Gsee *oloprosencephalyH 7rm In"uries+ :.=;, :.>:, K.K:, =9.>9, KK.=B, EK:.::, AEK.:>, K?=.::, ;E?.::, >9E.::, 7rnold-Chiari )alformation+ :.:B, :.;9, E.K:, E:.::, BK.::, E:?.AB, A?>.>9, KE?.::, ?A>.::, >;B.EE 7rrhythmias, Cardiac+ :.:>, :.?;, :.;9, ?.K:, ;.::, EEK.99, K=:.EK, B;>.>9, ?K:.::, >9B.AE 7rrhythmogenic 'ight Fentricular Cardiomyopathy+ Gsee 7rrhythmogenic 'ight Fentricular <ysplasiaH 7rrhythmogenic 'ight Fentricular <ysplasia+ :.:K, :.A:, :.;K, E.?K, K.::, KK.=B, EB>.?=, KKK.9:, ?:?.::, ;EK.K: 7rsenic %oisoning+ :.=:, :.;9, K.K:, KE.K:, 9AE.:B, AK;.K:, K=K.:>, B;?.BE, ?=E.E9, >>K.9;, 7rson+ Gsee -iresetting /ehaviorH 7rteriohepatic <ysplasia+ Gsee 7lagille #yndromeH 7rteriosclerosis+ :.:?, :.?9, K.::, ?.EK, >E.K:, 9KE.>9, AK=.=?, K=>.B;, B;A.;=, ?=E.;=, 7rteriosclerotic <ementia+ Gsee <ementia, FascularH

7rteriovenous )alformations+ :.=:, :.;9, =E.99, K.:?, =E.?=, EEK.::, K=>.9A, BKK.E:, ?KE.B9, >E9.?:, 7rteritis, 5akayasu's+ Gsee 5akayasu 7rteritisH 7rteritis, 5emporal+ Gsee Diant Cell 7rteritisH 7rthritis+ :.:K, :.?K, :.>:, >.::, ==.:>, KK.99, 9EK.=B, AEK.?=, BAE.>=, >;:.:: 7rthritis, <egenerative+ Gsee 3steoarthritisH 7rthritis, @uvenile Chronic+ Gsee 7rthritis, @uvenile 'heumatoidH 7rthritis, @uvenile Idiopathic+ Gsee 7rthritis, @uvenile 'heumatoidH 7rthritis, @uvenile 'heumatoid+ :.:B, :.?;, ?.K:, A:.::, E?K.:>, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BBK.9A, ?B=.;K, >;?.E9 7rthritis, %ostinfectious+ Gsee 7rthritis, 'eactiveH 7rthritis, 'eactive+ :.:B, :.BK, :.;:, K.;=, AE.K:, E?K.::, A=:.::, K?=.::, ;E;.::, >9?.A=, 7rthritis, 'heumatic, 7cute+ Gsee 'heumatic -everH 7rthritis, 'heumatoid+ :.=>, =.::, E.;:, =?.K:, AK.::, EEK.::, K=:.EK, B;E.:E, ?K>.;9, >9E.A= 7rthrogryposis+ :.=>, :.K?, :.;9, E.EK, K.:>, B?.K:, >B.K:, 9EK.=B, AEA.9?, KBB.A=, 7rthromyodysplasia, Congenital+ Gsee 7rthrogryposisH 7rthropathy, 0eurogenic+ :.==, K.99, ?.::, =K.::, =EK.::, 9K:.::, AEK.::, K?=.::, ;E;.::, >9E.::, 7rthropod <iseases+ :.:B, :.;K, ?.;:, EK.::, KE.K:, E?K.:>, AEB.>:, K?=.::, ;E>.::, >9?.A=, 7rthropod-/orne Encephalitis+ Gsee Encephalitis, 7rbovirusH 7rylsulfatase 7 <eficiency <isease+ Gsee 1eukodystrophy, )etachromaticH 7sbestosis+ :.:A, :.>?, ?.K:, ;?.K:, =?K.99, A?K.=B, KE?.::, BK?.==, ?AE.::, >;K.B? 7scariasis+ :.:B, =.99, K.E?, =:.;>, >:.::, 9?>.>9, AEK.::, K?=.::, ;E>.::, >9E.::, 7scites+ :.:?, :.KE, B.E9, 9?.K:, 9KK.:;, A?K.:>, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?;>.::, >;?.E9 7scites, Delatinous+ Gsee %seudomy2oma %eritoneiH 7scorbic 7cid <eficiency+ :.:K, :.?9, E.>K, A?.K:, EEE.K9, AKE.K>, K=?.K:, B;9.::, ?=E.::, >>9.A=, 7septic 0ecrosis of /one+ Gsee 3steonecrosisH 7sialia+ Gsee (erostomiaH+ 7strocytoma+ :.:E, :.K?, >.::, =E.;K, AK.::, >E.K:, =?K.?K, AK:.::, K=K.=B, B;>.A= 7strocytoma, Drade IF+ Gsee DlioblastomaH 7sperger #yndrome+ :.:A, :.A:, E.K:, =:.K9, A?.K:, E=:.EK, K=;.>E, B;;.E>, ?=E.E9, >=B.:: 7spergillosis+ :.=E, :.;9, K.::, ?.EK, 9?.K:, 9K?.9:, A9A.EK, KB9.=>, ?:>.;9, >?;.:K 7sphy2ia+ :.:9, :.?:, E.K:, K.:?, A:.::, ?E.K:, =EK.::, E?K.=B, ;E>.::, >9?.A=, 7sthma+ :.K?, :.>:, E.K:, 9.::, E?.K:, >K.?K, =EK.::, =K:.::, K9A.E:, ;?=.:: 7sthma, /ronchial+ Gsee 7sthmaH 7stigmatism+ :.B:, :.>:, =E.99, ?.K:, =E.?=, KK.::, E9A.K=, 9EK.?=, A>=.::, BB?.>: 7strocytoma, #ubependymal Diant Cell+ Gsee 7strocytomaH 7symmetric #eptal *ypertrophy+ Gsee Cardiomyopathy, *ypertrophicH 7ta2ia 5elangiectasia+ :.=9, :.BK, =>.>:, AE.K:, 9?B.E>, AKE.K>, KEE.9>, B;?.BE, ?=E.AE, >>K.9;, 7ta2ia, Cerebellar+ Gsee Cerebellar 7ta2iaH 7telectasis G%ulmonaryH+ :.:K, :.?9, :.>K, K.::, =?.K:, 9?.K:, 9EE.:B, KB9.=>, ?=A.;E,

>9:.=E 7telectasis, Congestive+ Gsee 7telectasisH 7theroembolism+ Gsee Embolism, CholesterolH 7thlet's -oot+ Gsee <ermatomycosesH 7topic *ypersensitivity+ Gsee *ypersensitivity, ImmediateH 7tresia, /iliary+ Gsee /iliary 7tresiaH 7tresia, Esophageal+ Gsee Esophageal 7tresiaH 7tresia, %ulmonary+ Gsee %ulmonary 7tresiaH 7tresia, 5ricuspid+ Gsee 5ricuspid 7tresiaH 7trial -ibrillation+ :.:;, :.?9, :.>?, K.?K, 9?.K:, ;K.:>, >B.K:, =EK.=B, 9EK.::, 9??.>= 7trophy, )uscular, %eroneal+ Gsee Charcot-)arie-5ooth <isease+ G*)#0 I, IIHH 7ttention <eficit <isorder+ Gsee 7ttention <eficit <isorder with *yperactivityH 7ttention <eficit <isorder with *yperactivity+ :.:=, :.EK, :.AB, :.9E, :.KE, :.?K, AE.K:, ;?.K:, =9E.A=, 9?B.E> 7ttention <eficit *yperactivity <isorder+ Gsee 7ttention <eficit <isorder with *yperactivityH 7uditory 7gnosia+ Gsee 7gnosiaH 7uditory *yperesthesia+ Gsee *yperacusisH 7ura+ Gsee EpilepsyH 7uricular Cancer+ Gsee C70CE'+ EarH 7uricular -ibrillation+ Gsee 7trial -ibrillationH 7uriculo-Fentricular <issociation+ Gsee *eart /lockH 7utism, Infantile+ Gsee 7utistic <isorderH 7utism-<ementia-7ta2ia-1oss of %urposeful *and !se #yndrome+ Gsee 'ett #yndromeH 7utistic <isorder+ :.:9, :.EK, :.BK, :.>9, =9.KE, ?.K:, >K.::, 9EE.K9, AKA.9?, K=?.K:, 7utoimmune <iseases+ :.EA, K.:>, 9E.K:, ?K.;K, >K.?K, =?K.::, EK:.::, AKB.::, ?;A.::, >E?.:: 7utoimmune %olyendocrinopathy-Candidiasis-Ectodermal-<ystrophy+ Gsee %olyendocrinopathies, 7utoimmuneH 7utoimmune #yndrome 5ype I, %olyglandular+ Gsee %olyendocrinopathies, 7utoimmuneH 7utoimmune #yndrome 5ype II, %olyglandular+ Gsee %olyendocrinopathies, 7utoimmuneH 7utoimmune 5hyroiditis+ Gsee 5hyroiditis, 7utoimmuneH 7utonomic -ailure, %rogressive+ Gsee #hy-<rager #yndromeH 7utonomic 0ervous #ystem <iseases+ :.:K, :.9?, :.;9, E.?K, 9.::, ?:.::, >K.:>, =?K.=B, E?K.::, 9K?.9: 7utosomal Chromosome <isorders+ Gsee Chromosome <isordersH 7wakening Epilepsy+ Gsee EpilepsyH 7vascular 0ecrosis of /one+ Gsee 3steonecrosisH 7vian -lu+ Gsee Influen$a in /irdsH 7vian Influen$a+ Gsee Influen$a in /irdsH 7vian Influen$a+ :.=?, :.EA, :.?K, :.>?, K.BE, 9:.::, BE.K:, >9.K:, =K:.::, ;?E.:: 7vitaminosis+ :.:A, :.EB, :.AB, ?.K:, 9?.K:, K?.K:, =::.::, E=:.EK, A9B.AE, KB=.>9, 7yer$a's #yndrome+ Gsee *ypertension, %ulmonaryH 7$orean <isease+ Gsee )achado-@oseph <iseaseH

/acillinum Ghomeopathic nosodeH - =9E, AE9, A9E, ?;K, ;K9, ;KA, >E=, =:E?, =:AE, =>9E /acillus Coli 'od -orm - ;:: /acillus Coli Firus - =KKE, E;?E /acillus infections G/. coli, /. coli rodH - ?;?, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, =KKE, ;:: /acillus subtilis Gcan cause con"unctivitisH - A9E, ?EE, ;EE, =EAB /acillus thuriniensis - KE:, EKK=, >:E, =A:K /ackache Gif no relief from these, use kidney stimulation fre&s and drink plenty of waterH - ?B:, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, l::::, A=.E for 9 min, E=E, 9:K for Bmin, 99 for Kmin. /ackache and spasms G=H - =E:, E=E, EA:, AEA, ABK, KE;, ?B:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KK:, E==E, K., =:. /ack pain G=H - >.9, >.A, >.B, ?.B, ?.?, 9, :.K, A9E, ABK, ?E?, ?E;, ??B, ?;A, ?;? /acteria 1actis 0osode - K=E, KEB, KA=E /acterial infections Gif bacterial infection is chronic and the type is accurately diagnosed and neither fre&uencies nor antibiotics are effective long term, also use %arasites general and roundworms sets. 7lso see Deneral antiseptic and specific types.H - E:, ABK, ;BB, BBA, B>:, ?E?, ?;?, ;9E, ;::, ;;:, =KK:, ?;A /acterium coli Ga type of E. coli normally found in the intestines, water, milk, and soil that is the most fre&uent cause of urinary-tract infections and a common cause of wound infectionH - BAE, 9K;, K9> /acterium coli commune GE. coliH combination - E;E, 999, A=9, >K?, =9E:, =?EE /acterium lactis nosode - K=E, KEB, ?>;, >K=, KA=E /acteroides fragilis Guse with %arasites ascaris setH - B99 to B9? /ad breath Gsee *alitosisH /aker's Yeast allergy Ghomeopathy preparationH - ??K, ;A9 /anti's syndrome G7ilment in which blood vessels between the intestines and the liver become blocked, leading to congestion of the veins, an enlarged spleen, bleeding of the stomach and intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, and blood cell destruction.H - =??; /arley smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH - 9??, EEA, =AA? /asidiomycetes - ?K= /C D Faccine - E??, ?B;, ;9E, ?EK /ackache >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k /ad /reath >B: Dreen :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ad Cormple2ion >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ad 5eeth >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ed ,ettin >B: tur&uoise etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /ent /ack >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /iliousness >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k

/ites GinsectsH >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /lood Cleanser GcancerH4E::;, E=E? ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /lood <iseases >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /lood %ressure *igh >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /lood %ressure 1ow >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: /oils >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ones Gcut or brokenH>B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /reast 5rouble >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /reast 5umor4E::;, E=E? >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /reathing >B: lemon etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /right's #yndromeG0ephritisH>B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ronchitis >B: colors ?E? ;;: /ronco %neumonia >B: colors ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ruises >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k /ubonic%lagueGEH4OK:: >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /union %ain >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /urns >B: O %olari$ers ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k /urns, radium >B: O %olari$ers ?E? ?;? ;;: /ursitis >B: colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: /utterfly 1upusG9H ??B4=;K: ?E? ?;? ;;: /ed wetting Genuresis. #ee also %arasite general, pinworm, and ascaris fre&sH - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK /edsores - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E:, =.E, ?9 /ermuda smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH - AEE, ?B?, ;A?, >?=, BAA, ?;: /iliary cirrhosis Gan inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructedH - 9;=, K=A, B??, EE?=, =EK:, =?:, ?=K, ??A, ??B /iliary headache - ;.K, 9.K /iliousness - =KK:, ;:E, =::::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK /ilirubin Ga bile pigment that may result in "aundice in high concentrations. #ee also 1iver supportH - ?=?, ?EB, ?9=, ;B9, >9:K, BA>, ?9A /iting of insects - ;;:, ?E? /lack widow - 9?B, ?E; /ladder and prostate complaints - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E:, >.9> /ladder 5/C - BAE, ??=, 9B:, ?EB, ?EA /lastocystis hominus - 9BK, K>KP, ;AA, ;A;, =E:=, =EA9, K???, ==AEK, ==;A=, ==>B?, =9=AK, =9AB>P, E=??B /lepharisma - 9=E: /lood diseases - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? /lood pressure, high - 9:A, ?E;, ;;:, =:::: /lood pressure, hypertension - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, >.=> /lood pressure, low - E: /lue cohosh Ga healing herbH - 9BA /oils Gsee -urunkulosisH /one disease, periodontal disease Gsee osteoH - A?.K, =;::, =B::, BK:, BEK, B::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?

/one regeneration - E?E:, =:::: /one spurs - =.E, EK: /one trauma Gcuts, fracturesH - 9;:, =KK:, ;:E, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E?E: /orrelia4borreliosis Gsee 1yme diseaseH /otrytis - =KAK /otrytis cinereas - ==9E, E=E /otulinum Ga bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food poisoningH K=;, K99, B9>, =?E, =9?E, B>=, B;9 /rachial neuralgia - :.K /rain tumor Gsee Cancer, droglioma, astrocytoma, gliomaH /ranhamella G)ora2ellaH catarrhalis - E:=9, K?>, K;=, B;?, ??:, ??E, ??K, ??;, E:=9 /reast, fibroid cysts - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, EB?, =9;A /reathing, deep - =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA /right's syndrome Gsee 0ephritisH /ronchial asthma Gsee 7sthmaH /ronchial pneumonia Gsee %neumonia, bronchialH /ronchiectasis Gchronic dilatation of the bronchiH - 9AE, K=:, ??; /ronchitis - ;;:, ?E?, >.9>, >.9K, =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA, ?A9, E:, ?E, 999, AKE, ABA, B;9 /ronchopneumonia borinum Gsee %neumonia, bronchialH /rown recluse - ?EA /rucella abortus Gundulent fever or /ang's bacillus, found in cattleH - =AE9 /rucella melitensis Gform of /rucella found in goats and sheepH - ?A;, BA9, B>K /ruises - >.=, ==:, =:::: /ubonic plague GFersenia pestis6 spread primarily by ratsH - K::, 999, E=:, E=B /ubonic plague secondary infections - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: /union pain - E: /urns - =>:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E:: /ursitis G)ay be caused by any number of organisms and viruses6 e2periment with arthritis fre&uencies as well.H - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Q /( Firus - E=E;, 9?=9 / /abesiasis+ Gsee /abesiosisH /abesiosis+ :.:A, :.=;, :.?:, :.>:, ?.K:, AK.?K, ?=.K:, >K.::, E=>.9A, 9?>.>9 /ack %ain+ :.=A, :.A:, ?.K:, KK.::, >B.K:, 9?B.E>, AEK.:>, K?=.::, ;99.::, >9E.::, /ackache+ Gsee /ack %ainH /acteremia+ :.9K, :.;?, E.K:, ==.:>, A:.::, >:.::, E?K.=B, AEK.?=, KBA.E;, BA:.::, /acterial Infections and )ycoses+ :.:K, :.9?, :.;9, E.K:, 9.::, ?9.9:, >K.?K, =?K.::, EB>.?=, 9KK.:; /acterial Infections, Dram-0egative+ Gsee D'7)-0ED75IFE /7C5E'I71 I0-EC5I30#H /acterial Infections, Dram-%ositive+ Gsee D'7)-%3#I5IFE /7C5E'I71

I0-EC5I30#H /acterial )eningitis+ Gsee )eningitis, /acterialH /aker's Cyst+ Gsee %opliteal CystH /alanitis+ :.:9, :.EK, :.>9, =9.B=, ?.K:, >K.::, 9=:.EK, AK=.=?, K=>.B;, B;;.E> /aldness+ Gsee 7lopeciaH /alo Concentric #clerosis+ Gsee <iffuse Cerebral #clerosis of #childerH /annayan-'iley-'uvalcaba #yndrome+ Gsee *amartoma #yndrome, )ultiple+ GCowden's <iseaseHH /annayan-Conana #yndrome+ :.EA, :.?:, ?.K:, =E.99, 9?.K:, ?E.K:, =EA.9?, 9EK.=B, A>B.:=, ;;;.B: /ardet-/iedel #yndrome+ Gsee 1aurence-)oon #yndromeH /are 1ymphocyte #yndrome+ Gsee #evere Combined ImmunodeficiencyH /arotrauma+ :.=;, :.E9, :.;K, K.;=, E:.::, BE.K:, =K:.::, 9K:.::, K=:.EK, BK9.B>, /arrett Esophagus+ :.:K, :.AB, :.;:, ?.K:, 9?.K:, ;K.?K, =K:.::, EE>.9E, KEE.K9, BKK.E:, /arrett #yndrome+ Gsee /arrett EsophagusH /arth #yndrome+ :.:K, :.=;, =?.K:, AK.::, ?:.::, =EK.?K, 9??.>=, A?K.=B, KE?.::, ?K9.E9 /artonella Infections+ :.:?, :.=E, =.B9, E:.::, A:.::, =9A.EK, 9K?.??, K=:.EK, ?KE.B9, >E9.?:, /artonellosis+ Gsee /artonella InfectionsH /asal Cell 0evus #yndrome+ :.=:, :.K?, :.;:, ?.K:, =K.::, KE.K:, >K.==, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >E9.?:, /asedow's <isease+ Gsee Draves <iseaseH /asilar 7rtery 7neurysm+ Gsee Intracranial 7neurysmH /atten <isease+ Gsee 0euronal Ceroid-1ipofuscinosesH /-Cell 1ymphoma+ Gsee 1ymphoma, /-cellH /eaver -ever+ Gsee DiardiasisH /echterew <isease+ Gsee #pondylitis, 7nkylosingH /eckwith-,iedemann #yndrome+ :.==, :.KK, A?.K:, >E.K:, 9?K.?K, A?K.=B, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?KE.?:, >;?.E9 /edsore+ Gsee %ressure !lcerH /ehcet <isease+ Gsee /ehcet #yndrome+ G#ilk-'oad <iseaseHH /ehcet #yndrome+ :.==, :.KK, :.;K, =B.E:, A?.K:, 9?B.E>, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?AE.:: /ehcet's #yndrome+ Gsee /ehcet #yndrome+ G#ilk-'oad <iseaseHH /ell %alsy+ :.=E, =?.;K, E?.K:, A?.K:, =K:.::, EEK.::, AKE.K>, B;9.::, ?=E.::, >>9.A=, /ell's %alsy+ Gsee /ell %alsyH /enign Essential 5remor+ Gsee Essential 5remorH /enign Intracranial *ypertension+ Gsee %seudotumor CerebriH /enign )eningioma+ Gsee )eningiomaH /erger's <isease+ Gsee DlomerulonephritisH /eriberi+ :.=E, :.EE, K.;=, K.K:, A:.::, B?.K:, =K:.::, EB>.?=, ?A>.::, >;?.E9 /eriberi, Cerebral+ Gsee ,ernicke EncephalopathyH /ernard #yndrome+ Gsee *orner #yndromeH /ernard-#oulier #yndrome+ /erry 7neurysm+ Gsee Intracranial 7neurysmH /ertielliasis+ Gsee Cestode InfectionsH /erylliosis+ :.=A, :.EB, K.BE, AE.K:, BK.==, >:.::, K=?.K:, B;;.E>, ?=E.E9, >>?.;?,

/eryllium <isease+ Gsee /erylliosisH /esnier-/oeck <isease+ Gsee #arcoidosisH /est <isease+ Gsee )acular <egenerationH beta-Cell 5umor+ Gsee InsulinomaH /ilhar$iasis+ Gsee #chistosomiasisH /iliary 7tresia+ :.=B, E.K:, =:.K9, AK.=B, BE.K:, E>9.;=, AEK.::, K?=.::, ;99.::, >9E.::, /iliary 5ract <iseases+ :.=?, :.A>, E.K:, 9E.K:, ?E.K:, 9=E.99, A::.::, KB:.::, ?:>.;9, >;K.>: /ilirubin Encephalopathy+ Gsee .ernicterusH /inswanger <isease+ Gsee <ementia, FascularH /iotinidase <eficiency+ :.=>, :.9K, =9.KE, >:.::, 9KK.:;, A?K.=B, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?;>.::, >;B.EE /ipolar <isorder+ :.=B, :.;:, ?.K:, 9:.::, B?.K:, =EK.::, 9KE.>9, KB9.=>, BAE.>=, >9:.=E /ird <iseases+ :.=?, :.;9, EK.?K, ;?.K:, EEK.==, AK:.::, K=>.B;, B;?.BE, ?=E.;=, >>E.::, /irt-*ogg-<ube #yndrome+ :.=;, :.E9, :.>?, ?.K:, 9E.K:, =?K.::, AK9.?E, K=K.==, B;A.;=, ?=E.AE, /ites and #tings+ :.:9, :.KK, :.?;, ?.EK, K:.::, ;K.=B, >?.K:, E=:.K:, ?KE.B9, >EK.?= /lackwater -ever+ Gsee )alariaH /ladder <iseases+ Gsee !rinary /ladder <iseasesH /ladder E2strophy+ :.:E, :.>:, E.EK, K.::, =9E.A=, 9EE.K9, A=E.99, KB=.>9, ?=A.;E, >?;.:K /lastocystis hominis infections+ :.:=, :.AB, :.?K, E.?K, ?.K:, A?.K:, >B.K:, 9K?.9:, ;9A.::, >9?.A=, /lepharitis+ :.=:, :.;9, K.::, AK.==, >9.K:, A?K.=B, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?KE.?:, >;?.E9 /lepharoptosis+ :.:?, :.EK, EE.K:, AE.K:, =EK.::, 9??.>=, KEA.9?, BK:.::, ?K>.;9, >EB.?:, /lepharospasm+ :.=E, :.E9, :.?9, :.;9, K.BE, ?.EK, 9E.K:, AE.K:, >:.::, =?K.==, /lepharospasm-3romandibular <ystonia+ Gsee )eige #yndromeH /loch-#ul$berger #yndrome+ Gsee Incontinentia %igmentiH /lood Coagulation <isorders+ :.:?, :.KE, 9:.::, A?.K:, =K:.::, EEK.=B, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BB9.?=, ?AE.::, /lood <iseases+ Gsee *E)75313DIC <I#E7#E#H /lood %latelet <isorders+ :.:=, :.KE, ==.:>, KK.?K, B:.::, =EK.::, E?K.=B, K?=.::, ;9A.::, >9E.::, /lood %ressure, *igh+ Gsee *ypertensionH /lood %ressure, 1ow+ Gsee *ypotensionH /loom #yndrome+ :.:?, :.A>, 9E.K:, =EK.?K, E?K.::, AEK.::, K?=.::, ?E=,::, ;9K.?K, >9?.A=, /loom-5orre-)achacek #yndrome+ Gsee /loom #yndromeH /lount's <isease+ Gsee 3steochondritisH /lue 'ubber /leb 0evus #yndrome+ :.:;, :.EA, A.EE, =E.?=, >E.K:, 9EK.=B, A::.::, KB:.::, BAE.:B, >;?.E9 /oeck's #arcoid+ Gsee #arcoidosisH /oils+ Gsee -urunculosisH /one <iseases+ :.E9, :.B:, =E.::, KK.::, >B.K:, 9?K.==, K=E.99, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >E?.=:, /one <iseases, )etabolic+ + :.E9, :.B:, =E.::, KK.::, >B.K:, 9?K.==, K=E.99, BKK.E:,

?K:.::, >E?.=:, /one -ractures+ Gsee -ractures, /oneH /one *ypertrophy+ Gsee *yperostosisH /one 1oss, 7ge-'elated+ Gsee 3steoporosisH /one 0eoplasms+ :.K?, :.;9, E.;K, 9E.K:, >?.K:, 9EE.K9, A9B.AE, KBB.A=, ;9K.>B, >?;.;K /onnevie-!llrich #yndrome+ Gsee 5urner #yndromeH /33%+ Gsee /ronchiolitis 3bliterans 3rgani$ing %neumoniaH /3' #yndrome+ Gsee /ranchio-3to-'enal #yndromeH /orna <isease+ :.:A, :.9K, E.K:, 9K.=B, >9.K:, AK;.K:, K=?.K:, B;>.A=, ?=E.::, >>9.A=, /otulism+ :.:E, :.9E, =B.KK, ;K.::, E9E.A=, AK;.K:, K=>.B;, B;?.BE, ?=E.AE, >>E.::, /otulism, Infantile+ Gsee /otulismH /ouchard's 0ode+ Gsee 3steoarthritisH /ourneville <isease+ Gsee 5uberous #clerosis+ G/ourneville's <iseaseHH /owen's <isease+ :.:=, :.=E, =?.99, K?.K:, EK:.::, AK=.=?, K=K.==, B;>.A=, ?=E.::, >>K.9;, /rachial %le2opathy+ Gsee /rachial %le2us 0europathies+ GErb's %alsyHH /rachial %le2us 0euritis+ :.=K, :.K?, =K.=B, KE.K:, ==>.9A, 9K?.9:, AEA.9?, KB=.>9, BAE.>=, >9:.=E /rachial %le2us 0europathies+ + :.=K, :.K?, =K.=B, KE.K:, ==>.9A, 9K?.9:, AEA.9?, KB=.>9, BAE.>=, >9:.=E /rachmann-<e 1ange #yndrome+ Gsee de 1ange #yndromeH /radyarrhythmia+ Gsee /radycardiaH /radycardia+ :.EA, :.?:, E.?K, =?.K:, K?.K:, >E.K:, 9EE.:B, KB?.?:, BA:.::, >;:.:: /rain 7bscess+ :.:=, :.:K, ?.K:, EK.?K, ;?.K:, 9EK.==, 9?K.::, K=>.9A, B;E.:E, ?K>.;9, /rain 7neurysm+ Gsee Intracranial 7neurysmH /rain Concussion+ :.:=, :.E:, :.BK, ;K.?K, >:.::, 9EK.::, 9?K.==, A>?.B=, B;>.>9, ?K9.:? /rain <iseases+ :.:=, :.E:, :.BK, ;K.?K, >:.::, 9?K.==, A>?.B=, B;>.>9, ?K9.:? >;9.EE /rain <ysfunction, )inimal+ Gsee 7ttention <eficit <isorder with *yperactivityH /rain *emorrhage, Cerebral+ Gsee Cerebral *emorrhageH /rain *ypo2ia+ Gsee *ypo2ia, /rainH /rain Ischemia+ :.:=, :.:E, :.BK, ;K.?K, >:.::, 9?K.==, A>B.::, B;E.::, ?K:.:: >==.E: /rain #tem Ischemia, 5ransient+ Gsee Ischemic 7ttack, 5ransientH /rain Fascular <isorders+ Gsee Cerebrovascular <isordersH /ranched-Chain .etoaciduria+ Gsee )aple #yrup !rine <iseaseH /ranchio-3culo--acial #yndrome+ Gsee /ranchio-3to-'enal #yndromeH /ranchio-3torenal <ysplasia+ Gsee /ranchio-3to-'enal #yndromeH /ranchio-3to-'enal #yndrome+ :.=K, :.A>, :.BE, :.;:, K.==, =EK.::, AEB.>:, K?=.::, ;9;.::, >9E.::, /reast Cancer+ Gsee /reast 0eoplasmsH /reast Cyst+ :.:;, :.EA, =E.?=, 9K.=B, >E.K:, 9KK.?E, A=E.99, KB9.=>, ?:>.;9, >?;.;K /reast Cysts+ Gsee /reast CystH /reast <iseases+ :.:;, :.EA, =9.>9, 9K.=B, >E.K:, 9KK.?E, A=E.99, KB9.=>, ?:>.;9, >?;.;K /reast <ysplasia+ Gsee -ibrocystic /reast <iseaseH /reast 0eoplasms+ :.:E, :.;:, K.B>, 9E.K:, ;K.::, >K.?K, =K:.::, E=:.K:, ?K>.;9, >E?.=:,

/reast 0eoplasms, )ale+ :.:E, :.;K, K.B>, 9E.::, ;K.::, >K.?K, =K:.::, E=:.::, ?EA.K:, >:E.9: /reast 5umors+ Gsee /reast 0eoplasmsH /right <isease+ Gsee DlomerulonephritisH /rill's <isease+ Gsee 5yphus, Epidemic 1ouse-/orneH /rill-Cinsser <isease+ Gsee 5yphus, Epidemic 1ouse-/orneH /ri&uet #yndrome+ Gsee #3)753-3') <I#3'<E'#H /road 5humb-*allu2 #yndrome+ Gsee 'ubinstein-5aybi #yndromeH /ronchial 7sthma+ Gsee 7sthmaH /ronchial <iseases+ :.:=, :.9?, :.;9, E.K:, 9.::, ?K.;K, >K.=B, =?K.:9, EB>.?=, 9K:.:: /ronchiectasis+ :.:9, :.A:, :.;9, ?=.K:, >K.?K, =?K.=K, E?K.=K, 9K?.9:, ?A>.::, >;?.E9 /ronchiolitis+ :.:K, :.A:, :.;9, E.K:, 9.::, ?9.9:, >K.:9, =?K.::, E?K.?K, 9K;.K? Cryptogenic 3rgani$ing %neumonia+ :.:9, :.EK, =:.K9, ?.K:, >K.=K, 9=E.99, AKK.;E, K=?.K:, B;;.E>, ;A9.K: /ronchitis+ :.:=, :.9?, :.;9, E.K:, ?:.::, >K.:9, =?K.::, EB>.?=, 9KK.?E, ?KK.:: /ronchopulmonary <ysplasia+ :.:A, :.E9, :.>K, ?.K:, =:.;>, KK.=K, 9?B.E>, K9A.EK, BKK.E:, >:A.=:, /rown 5endon #heath #yndrome+ Gsee 3C!17' )35I1I5Y <I#3'<E'#H /rown-#e&uard #yndrome+ :.K:, :.B;, ;?.K:, >K.:9, E9A.K=, AKE.K>, K=;.>E, B;A.;=, ?=E.E9, >>?.;?, /rucellosis+ :.:K, 9K.?K, B:.::, >9.K:, EEK.=K, AKA.9?, K=?.K:, B;?.BE, ?=E.::, >>E.::, /rueghel #yndrome+ Gsee )eige #yndromeH /ru2ism+ :.:;, :.9E, E:.::, ;K.:9, =K:.::, EEK.::, E=>.9A, AK9.?E, K=K.=K, B;9.::, /ubonic %lague+ Gsee %lagueH /udd-Chiari #yndrome+ :.:K, :.EA, ?E.K:, =EE.K9, 9AE.:B, K=E.99, B;E.AK, ?K9.:?, >EB.?:, /uerger <isease+ Gsee 5hromboangiitis 3bliteransH /ulbar %alsy, %rogressive+ :.:?, :.EE, :.BE, E.K:, K.K:, A:.::, A?K.:9, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?AE.:: /ulbospinal 0euronopathy+ Gsee )uscular 7trophy, #pinalH /ulla+ Gsee /listerH /ullying+ Gsee #ocial /ehaviorH /union+ Gsee *allu2 FalgusH /unostomiasis+ Gsee *ookworm InfectionsH /unyaviridae Infections+ :.EB, :.BK, K.=E, ?.::, AE.K:, E::.::, AK;.K:, K=K.=K, B;9.::, ?=E.AE /unyavirus Infections+ Gsee /unyaviridae InfectionsH /urkholderia Infections+ :.:?, :.=E, :.?K, :.>9, =E.99, EE.K:, K?.K:, >E.K:, 9EA.9?, EEK.::, /urkitt Cell 1eukemia+ Gsee /urkitt 1ymphomaH /urkitt 1ymphoma+ :.:K, :.K?, :.;K, KE.K:, ==>.9A, 9?K.:9, AEK.?=, KB;.A9, BAE.>=, >;K.>:, /urkitt 5umor+ Gsee /urkitt 1ymphomaH /urning )outh #yndrome+ :.:A, :.A=, 9:.::, B?.K:, KK.=K, =EK.::, 9K:.::, A=E.99, KB9.=>, ?=A.;E /urns+ :.:B, :.EK, K.::, ?.::, EK.?K, ;?.K:, EEK.::, AK:.::, K=K.=K, B;?.BE,

/ursitis+ :.:B, :.E9, E:.::, BE.K:, =EK.?K, =K:.::, 9K?.9:, K9E.A=, BK9.B>, ?K>.;9, /uruli !lcer+ Gsee )ycobacterium InfectionsH /acillus Coli 'od -orm ;:: /acillus Coli Firus =KKE

Caeliacia - B?A Calming - B::: Campylobacter Gbacteria causing sudden infectious diarrhea in newbornsH ?9E, ?99, =B99, =;9A, EEEE, 999, 9?; Cancer G/7#IC #E5. 7lso see rotation of Deneral sets =, E, and 9 as /asic sets. 7ll others below are #EC30<7'Y but may provide useful additional fre&uencies depending on type. 7lso add ones determined from scans. #ee Electroherbalism Cancer 'egimen for more information.H - E=E;, E::;, E=;A, E:;A, E:A;, E?E:, EAKE, B:BA, =E:, KEA, ;KA, ;::, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, BBB, ABA, K:::, 9=?B, =::::, 9:A: Cancer Ge2perimental additional fre&uencies to basic setsH - KK.KB, B.;, AA:, ??;, =:K:, =KK:, E=;:, BB9, 9B?E Cancer cells, conidium head - ?E; Cancer maintenance secondary - =E:, EK:, AE;, ABK, B::, BEB, BK:, BB=, BBA, BB?, B>:, ?E;, ??B, ?;A, ;::, ;:E, ;9E, ;;:, =A;>, =KK:, =B::, =;BK, E:::, E:=E, E=::, E=?:, EA>:, E?9: for = min. Cancer not killed by E::;4E=E; - E=;:, E=;E, E=;A Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophogeal - A?, E=;E, EE=>, ;9E, E:;A, E=E?, E=B:, EAKE, E;?B Cancer, adenoma - A99 Cancer, astrocytoma Gcommon tumor of brain and central nervous systemH ;K?, >.=>, ;.EK, ?.B>, E=?:, KA9, BA=, E=E?, ;;:, B>:, BBB Cancer, bladder secondary Gsee %arasites, schistosomaH Cancer, breast G=H - E=::, E=:A, E==B, E=E:, ;BB, E=E;, B?B, E=KE, =BB, E=;E, ?9E, 9:?E, E=K:, =KK:, E=;>, E==E, 9:?E, E::;, =E: Cancer, breast G=H secondary - AEE, >AE, AA=E, =;BE, ;:;, =KKE, ?E;, E?E:, =E9A, B>:, E=B:, E=9B, A??, E;, 9=?, >B, 9=?B, >B, 9=?B, 9:A:, E=AK, E:A;, =;9:, E==E Cancer, breast GEH - 9B?E, E::;, E:B9, E=:9, E=E;, E=AB, E=99, E=BE, E=?9, E=;:, E=;>, EE:;, EEB9, EE;>, E999, =;BK, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, A; Cancer, breast G9H - BKB, =E?, =K;E, A?;, >;E, E=9A, E=E:, >:::, >>>>, 9:A Cancer, breast GAH - E=E; for KB mins, 99, ==9= for = min Cancer, /( virus - E=E;, 9?=9, E;?B, ==?;:::: Cancer, /Y virus - E::;, 9KEA Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin - E==B for 9: min, ?B:, EE;: for K min Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial - ABE, ??B, ;KE, =K;E, E=:A, E=AA, E=;A, 9B?E Cancer, carcinoma, colon - BKB Cancer, carcinoma, laryn2 - 9E?, KEA, ?9=, ==99

Cancer, carcinoma, liver G=H - 9>9, A?>, KE:, ?9A, 9=9: Cancer, carcinoma, liver secondary Gsee *epatitis / and %arasites, fluke, liverH Cancer, carcinoma, liver, fermentative - E=A Cancer, carcinoma, scan - ?E;, B>:, E::;, E=:A, E==E, E=E:, E=E;, E=9B, E=AA, E=KE, E=B:, E=B;, E=?B, E=;A, E=>E, EE::, EE=?, K:::, >>>>, 9:A Cancer, carcinoma, uterine, fermentative - =E? Cancer, cervical secondary Gsee %appiloma virusH Cancer, droglioma Gsee also Cancer, glioma, astrocytomaH - ;K9 Cancer, fibrosarcoma Gmalignancy containing connective tissue and developing rapidly from small bumps on the skinH - =?AA Cancer, fibrous tumor secondary - =9A: Cancer, gastric, adenocarcinoma - B?B Cancer, general, set = - ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA, BBB, E?E:, ;::, =E:, E:;A, E=;A, E:K:, KEA, EAKE, ;KA, E::;, E=E;, K:::, 9=?B, >>>>, 9:A Cancer, general, set E - ?E?, ?;B, ;;:, ABK, =KKE, ;:E, =;BE, E=;E, E:, BA, ?E, >B, =EK, EAK:, EA;>, E:A;, E::;, E=E?, 9=?B, 9:A:, =::::, 9=?B, 9:A Cancer, general, set 9 - ?E;, >A9, A=A, ;BB, ;;B, ?9E, B?B, B>:, ??B, EA:, BK:, AAE, E=;:, EAKA, =;BK, KE9, =E;, E=E;, E::;, E:A>, =::::, 9=?B, 9:A Cancer, glioblastoma - ?E:, E::;, E=E;, E=;:, E=;E, ?E;, ;9E, ;::, BBA, E:, ;KK, KA9, BA=, ;K? Cancer, glioblastoma tremor - AB9, ABB Cancer, gliomas Glargest group of brain cancersH - KA9, BA=, ;K? Cancer, *odgkin's disease Ga form of malignancy characteri$ed by enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen, and lymph tissue and often includes weight loss, fever, night sweats, and anemia. 7lso called lymphogranuloma. 7lso see Chlamydia pneumoniae.H - KKE, =KEE Cancer, .aposi's sarcoma - EA>, A=;, BA? Cancer, leukemia - E=E?, E::;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, EE=? Cancer, leukemia Jhairy cellJ Gtypified by abnormal blood cells R shortage of othersH - =EE, BEE, >9E, K=EE, A;;, ?;= Cancer, leukemia mycloid Gcharacteri$ed by rapid growth of incompletely-formed white blood cellsH - AEE, ;EE Cancer, leukemia, feline GcatH - AEA, ;9:, >:=, >=; Cancer, leukemia, lymphatic - A?;, ;99 Cancer, leukemia, 5-cell - EEE, EBE, ;EE, 9:AE, 9?9A Cancer, liver Gsee Cancer, carcinoma, liverH Cancer, liver secondary Gsee *epatitis / and %arasites, fluke, liverH Cancer, lung Gsee Cancer, carcinoma, bronchialH Cancer, lymphogranuloma, lymphoma Gsee *odgkin's diseaseH Cancer, lymphogranuloma venereum secondary Gsee Chlamydia trachomatisH Cancer, lymphosarcoma - A;E Cancer, melanoma metastasis - >?> Cancer, multiple myeloma secondary Gsee Cancer, .aposi's sarcomaH Cancer, mycosis fungoides Ga form of skin cancer resembling ec$emaH - ;KE Cancer, nasopharyngeal secondary Gsee E/FH

Cancer, pain - 9:::, >K, E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB Cancer, plasmacytoma Gplasma-cell tumorH - A?K Cancer, prostate Galso see %rostate adenominum and %rostate hyperplasiaH E:, B:, ?E, >K, =EK, BBB, ?E?, ?;?, ?>:, ?BB, ;::, >E:, =>>;, =;?K, AAE, E::;, E=E?, E=E;, EE=?, E?E:, E:K:, EEK:, K:::, E=9:, E=E:, B>:, 9:A Cancer, prostate G=H - E=E;, E=EK, E=9=, E=A: for 9 to B min, E=AK, BBB, 9B?E for 9 to A min Cancer, prostate GFega result =H - ;KA, =;A:, E=AK, EE;; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma G=H - E:::, E::K, E::;, E:=B, E:A;, E:;A, E:>9, B:EA, E=::, E=E;, E=E?, E=;A, EE=?, B9;A, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal GFega result =H - EK;B, KA?B, AAAK Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal - E::A, E::;, E:=B, E:9E, E:A:, E:B:, EK;B, B:EA Cancer, sarcoma general - E::;, 9KEA Cancer, skin Gsee Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin and specific formsH Cancer, stomach secondary Gsee *eliobacter pyloriH Cancer, tertiary - E:, AE=, >BK, K:, 9;9 Cancrum oris Grapidly growing oral or nasal ulcerH - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;:E, ;;: Candida Guse %arasite general, roundworm, and ascaris if these don't work long termH - A=A, ABA, ;??, ;BB, ;;B, EKA.E, 9;=, BB=, ?BE, ?AE, ==K=, AK: Candida carcinomas - E=B?, E=;E, ABK Candida secondary Galso use other parasite sets Gesp roundworm fre&sH if necessaryH - ?E, AEE, K;E, ?E?, ?;?, ;:E, =:=B, ==9A, ==K9, =KK:, EEEE, A=E, KA9 Candida tertiary Gsome causal factorsH - ;;:, >K, =EK, E:, B:, EEK, AE?, EA:, BK:, B;;, =KE, AAE, ;=AB, ?K=, ==AB Candida tropicalis - =A:9, B?K, ?:> Canine parvovirus - =;K, =;;, 9E9, AE;, A99, KBE, B=9, BEE, =:::, A:E? Canine parvovirus, mutant strain - 9E9, K=A Canine parvovirus, type / - 9E9, K9K, B=9, ?KK, ?B=, ?BA, ?BB, ?B; Canker Gsee #tomatitis aphthousH Carbo animalis Ghomeopathic remedy from animal-bone charcoalH - AAA Carbuncles Gsee #taphylococcus aureusH Cardiacedema - >.=> Carpal tunnel secondary - E::;, BBB Carvularia spiratera - ;?> Cat virus G=H - 9BA, 9?>, BAK, BKA, ?;B, ;A:-;A>, ;K?, >B?, B;?; Cataract Galso use eye formula antio2idant supplement for all macular degenerationH - =;9:, ?E;, ?;A, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: Cataract, brunescent Gbrown opacity in later lifeH - E:=:, =99K, =;9: Cataract, complicated Gsecondary type caused by disease, degeneration, or surgeryH - =;9:, A>B, 9EK, ??A Catarrh - =KK:, ;:E, ;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, E: Causticum - KA:, =:=9 Celiac <isease+ :.=E, :.KK, :.;K, E.K:, E:.::, A?.K:, ?E.K:, =EK.=?, 9?>.>9, A?K.=> Cells of 1eudig GcolonH tonic - EK::

Cephaloshorium Gfungi that are the source of some broad-spectrum antibioticsH - A;=, 9>BB, KAA Cephalothecium - 9?=, K?A, B>99 Cerebral palsy - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, KEE, =AB Cerebrospinal troubles - =:::: Cerumen Gear wa2H - 9==, 9E:, ?K:, >;A, ?E: Cervical polyp - E??, E;;, ;B?, B;?, ?AA Cervicitis, womb neck inflammations - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Cervi2 adenoma Gepithelial tumor of the cervi2H - A99 Chaetomiumglobosum - EE=, ;B?, =:E Chakra base root - E:, pulsed at A*$. Chancre Gsee #yphillusH Chelidonium - =BE Chemical sensitivity Gsee also 1iver supportH - ?E? Chemtrail deto2 - BBA, ?9AA, E;AE, ==A?, B;B.B, B;A.=, ===9, ??>.>, ;E>.9, B?>.E, ;BK, >B>.>, =:B?, ?;9.B, ;::.A, =:AK, =:BE, B?9.>, B>:.? for K min. Chest infection secondary - ?E, 999, AKE, B;9 Chicken po2 Gsee herpes $osterH Chillbains Gsee %erniosisH Chlamydia trachomatis Ga usually se2ually-transmitted bacterial infection causing trachoma, inclusion con"unctivitis, lymphogranuloma venereum, urethitis, and proctitis.H - A9:, BE:, BEA, ;A:, EE=9, ;BB Chlamydia pneumoniae Ge2pH - A?=.K, >AE.>, =;;K.>, 9??=.?P, ?KA9.A Chlamydia pneumoniae Ge2p, secondaryH - A?:, >A:.=, =;;:.=, 9?B:.9, ?KE:.K Cholecystitis, acute Ge2cruciating gallstone attackH - A;=, ?A9, ;BK, >E; Cholecystitis, chronic Glong-term inflammation of the gallbladderH - A9E, =KK=, ;:= Cholera Gan e2tremely contagious and serious bacterial infection of the small intestinesH - 99:, ;A9, ;AA, KKB, =:9K, >B;, K>=, B>= Cholera secondary - ;;:, ;:E, AK:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Cholesteatoma Gbenign tumor usually found in middle ear R mastoid regionH AK9, B=;, ?>9, K:K; Cholesterinum - =9;B, =?9, BE:, B9K, ?;: Chronic fatigue syndrome Guse with Deneral parasite, roundworm, and fluke sets if necessary. 7lso see E/F and -atigue general sets. If no response to these, try Cancer leukemia Jhairy cellJ setH - =::::, BB:, E=E?, ?;?, ABK, AEA, BBA, =E:, ;;:, =KK: Cimicifuga Gplant family including black snakeroot and black cohoshH - 99A, K>A Circulation disturbances - A:, >.9> Circulatory stasis Gstimulates blood circulation. #ee also Circulation disturbancesH - A:, E==E, E=AK, E?E:, EA;> Cirrhosis, biliary Gan inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructedH - 9;=, K=A, B??, EE?= Cirrhosis hepatitis - E>= Cladosporium fulvum Ga pathogenic fungusH - A9;, E99, ??B, K=:

Clostridium difficile Gcan cause diarrhea following treatment with antibioticsH - 9;?, B9K, B?9 C)F Gcytomegalovirus known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type KH =EB, K>?, BE>, B;E, =:AK, E=AK, ;;A;, ;;KB Coelicia - =KA, K>A, BKB, K;B, BB;, ?;?, ?>K;, BBK, B?A Cold in head, chest G)utates constantly6 too many strains to include complete list of fre&uencies. #ee also 7denovirus, 'hinitis, #inusitis, %neumonia, Chest infection, and 'hinopneumonitis sets. !se lots of echinacea at onset to prevent cell damage that prolongs healing, even if correct fre&s are found.H - =::::, ?9AA, 999, AA=E, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?BB, ?E?, AAA, E: Cold and -lu Gfall, >;H - EK:, ABK, ;E=: for Kmin, ;?::, ??B: for =Kmin Cold G=H - KK::, AA::, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ?E:, KKE, AA:, A::, =EK, ?E for K min, ;::, ;;: for =: min Cold GEH - BKE, ?EK, ?AB, ?K=, ?B;, ===:, 999, BBB, KAE, KEE Cold G9H Gfall, >>H - E:, =E:, =AB, AA:, AAA, ABK, ?E?, ??B, ?;?, ;;:, =K::, =KK:, K:::, =::: for K min. Cold Gand fluH GAH - 9=?B, EA;> for 9 min, ;;:, ;:: for =: min, ?E; for K min. Cold sores Gsee *erpes #imple2 IH Colic - =KK:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E: Colitis Ginflammation of colonH - =::::, =KK:, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, AA: Collectotrichum - =A;E Colon problems, general - E:, AA:, ;;:, =KKE, ;:E, ;9E Comedones GblackheadH - ??; Condylomata Gusually venereal warts, caused by papilloma virus. 3ccur near intersection of mucous membranes and skin. #ee also %apilloma.H - ABB Con"unctivitis Galso use Chlamydia trachomatisH - A;>, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E:, ;:, A9E, ?EE, ;EE, =EAB, =;9: Constipation Galso see %arasites general and roundworm sets if necessaryH =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, AEE, ?E?, E: Contusion GbruiseH - >.=, ==:, E?E: Convoforce - ??A Convulsions G=H - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Convulsions, spasticity - >.=>, ;.EK, ?.B> Coraforce - ??A Corallinus - K99 Corn smut - KAB, =BAE, E;> Corynebacterium diptheriae Gsee <iptheriaH Costalgia Grib painH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Coughing - KEE, KEA, KEK, =AB, =K::, =KK:, :.K, K=A, K9:, A9E, AA:, AAA, ?E:, =E9A, 9?:E, E:, =EK, ?E, >K, ?.? Co2sackie Gsee also )umpsH - =9B, =AA, E9E, 9;:, AEE, AEA, A9K, >E=, >E9, ?B>, ==;>, K>K, B?B Co2sackie /= - 9K9, 9;A, ;9A, K;?, ?E9 Co2sackie /E - ?:K, K9A, ;B?

Co2sackie /9 - A;?, ;B;, BK9, BKA Co2sackie /A - AE=, 9K9, KA:, ;B9E Co2sackie /K - ABE, =:A9, =:;9, KB>, BA?, ?:;, ??A Co2sackie /B - A;;, ?9B, ;=A, 9A9, KK=, BK?, BB;, BB> Cramping and nausea - ?E, >K, =>:, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E?, E:, A.> Cramps - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, EB Cramps, menstrual - EB Crinis humansis - BAB Critter = - =:99 Critter E - AE=, =:9K, ==== Crocus sotillus - ?=: Crohn's disease Galso use colitis, colon, and parasite fre&sH - ?E? Cryptococcus neoformans Gyeast which causes respiratory infection than can turn into meningitis. 7lso known as torulosis.H - 9B?, AE;, AAA, A?B, A?;, KEE, K?>, K>A, ?;K, ?>E, ;?E, E=E=, K;;:, K;;A, K>?, B=9, BEA Cryptosporidium Gparasitic proto$oa sometimes causing diarrhea in humansH EE:, A;E, K?K, A=EE, B>;, ?==, ;>9, ;>K, =E?B, KB>: Cunninghamella - 9==, 9E9 Curva spic - A9K Cuts - E: Cyclospora - KA9, 9=B, >>E, ?K=, EB;, E=AA Cysts, hydatid Gsee %arasites tapewormH Cyst, ovarian - >;E Cyst, solitary - ?K, ?B, KA9 Cystic fibrosis G7lso called mucoviscidosis, a disorder of the e2ocrine glands that causes them to release very thick mucus. #ee also %arasites general and roundworm fre&sH - KE9, KK?, A?;, ??B, BB:, ?E?, ??;, ?;?, ;:E, ;;: Cystitis, chronic Glong-term inflammation of the urinary bladder and uretersH - EAB, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E: C Cafe-au-1ait #pots+ :.KE, :.B:, E.EK, =E.;K, AK.:9, EEE.?:, AEK.::, K?=.::, ;9>.::, >9?.A=, Caffey-<e 5oni-#ilvermann #yndrome+ Gsee *yperostosis, Cortical, CongenitalH Caliciviridae Infections+ :.:B, :.A>, :.K?, ?.K:, E.K:, 9:.::, ?E.K:, EEK.?K, A=>.9A, KB=.>9, Calicivirus Infections+ Gsee Caliciviridae Infections+ G',inter Fomiting <isease'HH Campylobacter Infections+ :.=9, :.9K, A?.K:, =K>.9:, 9KE.>9, A?K.=K, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?AE.::, >;;.>: Canavan <isease+ :.:E, :.>?, K.B>, 9E.K:, =?K.:9, AK=.=?, K=?.K:, B;9.::, ?=E.AE, >>K.9;, Canavan-van /ogaert-/ertrand <isease+ Gsee Canavan <iseaseH Cancer+ 7drenocortical Carcinoma Cancer+ /ladder Cancer+ :.:;, K.?K, ?.EK, K:.::, >?.K:, E=:.K:, KEA.9?, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >E?.=:,

Cancer+ /rain 5umor+ :.:=, :.:E, :.:9, K.:9, ==>.9A, 9K:.::, K=E.99, B>=.E?, ?K>.;9, >E?.=: Cancer+ /rain 5umor, /rain #tem Dlioma G'efer+ Cancer+ /rain 5umorH Cancer+ /rain 5umor, Cerebellar 7strocytoma G'efer+ Cancer+ /rain 5umorH Cancer+ /rain 5umor, Cerebral 7strocytoma G'efer+ Cancer+ /rain 5umorH Cancer+ /rain 5umor, Ependymoma G'efer+ Cancer+ /rain 5umorH Cancer+ /rain 5umor, )edulloblastoma G'efer+ Cancer+ /rain 5umorH Cancer+ /rain 5umor, #.%.0. and %ineal 5umors G'efer+ Cancer+ /rain 5umorH Cancer+ /rain 5umor, Fisual %athway and *ypothalamic Dlioma G'efer+ Cancer+ /rain 5umorH Cancer+ /reast+ :.:E, :.AB, K.=E, E?.K:, ;K.::, >K.?K, =K:.::, KEK.?=, B;E.AK, ?K9.:? Cancer+ /one+ :.K?, :.;9, E.;K, 9E.K:, >?.K:, 9EE.K9, A9B.AE, KBB.A=, ;9K.>B, >?;.;K Cancer+ Carcinoid 5umor, Dastrointestinal+ :.:K, :.KE, :.B:, :.>9, =E.B>, =EK.::, EB>.?=, AEK.:9, K?=.::, ;9>.:: Cancer+ Cervical+ :.:=, :.A:, :.?;, K.E>, ?.K:, 9?.::, >K.K:, =;K.::, ?>E.::, >;K.B? Cancer+ Colon+ + :.:K, :.KE, :.B:, :.>9, =E.B>, =EK.::, EB>.?=, AEK.:9, K?=.::, ;9>.::, Cancer+ <igestive #ystem+ :.:9, :.=;, :.>9, E.K:, =K.B>, ==K.>:, A==.K:, KA:.:, B?:.::, ?>:.:: Cancer+ Ear+ :.:;, :.=E, :.;K, ;K.:9, ==>.9A, 9K:.::, K=E.99, B>=.E?, ?K>.;9, >E?.=: Cancer+ Endocrine Dland+ :.=A, :.AB, :.?K, :.;K, >B.K:, 9KK.?E, AEK.=K, K?=.::, ;9>.::, >9E.::, Cancer+ Endometrium+ :.:?, :.=;, K.B>, E:.::, >9.K:, =?K.?K, A??.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ;?9.E> Cancer+ Esophageal+ :.:K, :.KE, :.B:, :.>9, =E.B>, =EK.::, EB:.?=, A=;.:9, 9:=.::, ;=E.E:, Cancer+ E2trahepatic /ile <uct+ :.:=, :.9?, :.;9, E.K:, ?:.::, >K.:9, =?K.::, EB>.?=, 9KK.?E, ?KK.:: Cancer+ Ewings -amily of 5umors G%0E5H+ :.EA, :.?:, E.?K, =?.K:, K?.K:, >E.K:, 9EE.:B, KB?.?:, BA:.::, >;:.:: Cancer+ E2tracranial Derm Cell 5umor+ :.=A, :.?K, E.K:, BK.::, ;?.9:, E9B.AE, A::.::, KB=.>9, ?=A.;E, >?;.:K Cancer+ Eye Cancer, Intraocular )elanoma+ :.:B, :.E9, :.?9, 9E.K:, >:.::, =?K.::, 9AA.K=, BK9.B>, ?K9.:?, >EE.K9 Cancer+ Dallbladder+ :.:;, :.;K, E.K: , A9.::, >?.E9, =?K.::, 9;;.::, ?>=.::, ;K9.::, >?E.=: Cancer+ Dastric G#tomachH+ :.:K, :.KE, :.B:, :.>9, =E.B>, =EK.::, EB>.?=, AEK.:9, K?=.::, ;9>.:: Cancer+ Denital 0eoplasms, -emale+ :.:9, :.AB, E?.K:, =?.K:, A:.::, ;K.=B, >K.::, =K:.::, E=:.K:, AK=.=? Cancer+ Denital 0eoplasms, )ale+ :.:=, :.KK, :.?;, K:.::, >?.K:, EE>.9E, AKA.9?, K=>.B;, B;A.;=, ?=E.:: Cancer+ Derm Cell 5umor, E2tragonadal+ :.=B, :.KK, :.;K, ?.K:, E:.::, A?.K:, >K.9=, E=:.K:, A?K.>K, KE?.:: Cancer+ Destational 5rophoblastic 5umor+ :.EK, :.?;, :.>9, =:.;>, ?.K:, >K.>:, 9EE.K9, A=K.?:, KBE.>=, ?AE.:B, Cancer+ *ead and 0eck+ :.=:, :.KE, ?.K:, 9:.::, EEK.:9, A?K.=K, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?A>.::,

>;B.EE Cancer+ *ypopharyngeal+ :.==, =.A>, 9E.K?, =:E.EK, E=E.K:, A9E.K:, B?E.K:, ?9K.9A, ;>9.K:, >9:.=: Cancer+ Intestinal+ :.:K, :.KE, :.B:, :.>9, =E.B>, =EK.::, EB>.?=, AEK.:9, K?=.::, ;9>.::, Cancer+ Islet Cell Carcinoma+ :.=9, :.K?, :.?;, =E.E?, B;.E>, =9K.EK, E?E.?E, AEK.K9, ?99.>=, ;9B.AE Cancer+ .idney Cancer Grenal cell cancerH+ :.=9, :.K?, :.?;, =E.E?, B;.E>, =9K.EK, E?E.?E, AEK.K9, ?99.>=, ;9B.AE Cancer+ 1aryn2+ :.:9, :.;?, E.K:, =?.K:, 9K.=K, >?.K:, E>9.B=, KB:.::, ;A:.>B, >;K.>: Cancer+ 1eukemia+ :.:?, :.=E, :.B:, :.;:, E.K:, EE.K:, ?E.K:, AE=.9>, ?9>.=:, >:K.9= Cancer+ 1eukemia, 7cute 1ymphoblastic, G'efer+ Cancer+ 1eukemiaH Cancer+ 1eukemia, 7cute )yeloid, G'efer+ Cancer+ 1eukemiaH Cancer+ 1eukemia, Chronic 1ymphocytic, G'efer+ Cancer+ 1eukemiaH Cancer+ 1eukemia, Chronic )yelogenous, G'efer+ Cancer+ 1eukemiaH Cancer+ 1eukemia, *airy Cell, G'efer+ Cancer+ 1eukemiaH Cancer+ 1ip and 3ral Cavity+ :.:;, :.K?, =K.?K, KE.K:, BE.K:, >K.::, EK:.::, KEA.9?, B;E.:E, ?K9.:?. Cancer+ 1iver Cancer+ :.==, :.KE, ;=.9:, =9K.?=, EE=.K:, 99?.K:, K?:.K=, B>=.K=, ??K.A;, >?=.KK Cancer+ 1ung Cancer, #mall Cell + :.:K, :.A=, :.BE, =K.?K, ;?.K:, 9EK.::, K=E.99, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >E?.=: Cancer+ 1ung Cancer 0on-#mall Cell+ :.:K, :.A=, :.BE, =K.?K, ;?.K:, 9EK.::, K=E.99, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >E?.=: Cancer+ 1ymphoma+ :.=E, :.9K, :.>9, ?.K:, =?.K:, KE.K:, ?:.::, >9.K:, E=K.?:, KE9.:= Cancer+ 1ymphoma, /-Cell+ :.=E, :.A=, :.>9, E.?K, =?.K:, 9K.B?, ;?.K:, >9.K:, E9B.AE, K=>.9A, Cancer+ 1ymphoma, 1ymphoplasmacytoid+ Gsee ,aldenstrom )acroglobulinemiaH Cancer+ 1ymphoma, )alignant+ Gsee Cancer+ 1Y)%*3)7H Cancer+ 1ymphoma, 0on-*odgkin+ :.=E, :.9K, :.>9, =E.99, EK.E9, 9K.B;, ;?.K:, >9.K:, E99.B9, K=>.9A Cancer+ 1ymphoma, 5-Cell, Cutaneous+ :.=E, :.9K, :.>9, =E.99, EK.E9, 9K.B;, ;?.K:, >9.K:, E99.B9, K=>.9A Cancer+ )alignant )esothelioma+ :.:A, :.A>, :.?;, ?.K:, ;.::, =K.A9, BE.K:, 9EK.::, K=K.?:, BKK.E: Cancer+ )elanoma+ :.:?, :.A>, :.?:, 9E.;:, =:E.EK, E=E.?K, 9E=.E:, KAK.B;, ?>K.B=, ;K?.?? Cancer+ )erkel Cell Carcinoma+ :.=>, :.KE, :.B;, :.;:, E.K:, K.=?, =K.::, AE.K:, >E.K:, 9EK.A9 Cancer+ )etasatic #&uamous 0eck+ :.=:, :.KE, ?.K:, 9:.::, EEK.:9, A?K.=K, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?A>.::, >;B.EE Cancer+ )outh+ :.:;, :.K?, =K.?K, KE.K:, BE.K:, >K.::, EK:.::, KEA.9?, B;E.:E, ?K9.:?. Cancer+ )ultiple )yeloma 4 %lasma Cell 0eoplasms+ :.:B, :.9K, :.BE, :.>?, =E.K:, E?.K:, =AE.K:, 9EK.;?, BE9.:=, ;=K.K; Cancer+ )ycosis -ungoides+ :.=?, :.EE, :.>9, E.?K, E?.K:, =9E.K:, EKK.K;, A?K.;K, ?EA.>A, ;EK.;? Cancer+ )yelodysplastic #yndrome+ :.=>, :.9:, :.;:, ?.K:, E?.K:, AK.K;, >B.K:, 9=K.?:,

A=>.9A, KBE.>B Cancer+ )yeloproliferative <isorders+ :.:K, :.A=, :.B:, :.>K, K.?;, 9:.::, K?.K:, >?.K:, 9EK.;?, B?K.>B Cancer+ 0asopharyngeal+ :.:?, :.9E, :.BE, :.;K, K.::, EE.K:, B:.::, 9KE.>9, AEE.K9, KB9.=> Cancer+ 0euroblastoma+ :.:A, :.=;, :.?;, E.K:, ?.K:, KK.>=, ;?.K:, >B.K:, 9EK.;?, KE9.:= Cancer+ 0ervous #ystem 0eoplasms+ :.:A, :.EK, :.BK, :.>9, E.K:, ?.K:, >B.K:, 99A.EK, A?K.;?, KE?.:: Cancer+ 3ral Cancer+ :.:;, :.K?, =K.?K, KE.K:, BE.K:, >K.::, EK:.::, KEA.9?, B;E.:E, ?K9.:?. Cancer+ 3ropharyngeal+ :.=:, :.;9, =:.;>, E.K:, KE.K:, ;?.K:, >K.=>, E:A.9K, K=E.K>, ?:>.B; Cancer+ 3steosarcoma+ :.=A, :.9:, :.;9, ?.K:, =E;.::, E:E.A9, 9A:.::, AK:.::, K?K.9?, ?=>.9A Cancer+ 3torhinolaryngologic 0eoplasms+ :.:K, :.A=, :.>:, ?.K:, =:;.E:, E=?.K:, 9;?.K:, A9K.E9, K>K.A?, ?:=.>>, Cancer+ 3varian+ :.:?, :.KK, :.;K, EE.K:, A?.K:, A?K.:9, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?KE.?:, >;;.>: Cancer+ 3varian Epithelial G'efer+ Cancer+ 3varianH Cancer+ 3varian Derm Cell 5umor G'efer+ Cancer+ 3varianH Cancer+ 3varian 1ow )alignant %otential 5umor G'efer+ Cancer+ 3varianH Cancer+ %ancreatic, E2ocrine R Islet Cell+ :.:B, :.K:, A?.K:, =K:.::, E=>.9A, EEK.=K, E=:.K:, AKA.K:, K=K.=B, B;;.E>, Cancer+ %aranasal #inus and 0asal Cavity+ :.:;, :.K?, =K.?K, KE.K:, BE.K:, >K.::, EK:.::, KEA.9?, B;E.:E, ?K9.:? Cancer+ %arathyroid+ :.:9, :.KE, :.A;, E.?K, ?.K:, KK.>=, 9:A.9?, K=>.9A, B=9.B>, ?:B.K9 Cancer+ %enile G%enisH :.:=, :.KK, :.?;, K:.::, >?.K:, EE>.9E, AKA.9?, K=>.B;, B;A.;=, ?=E.:: Cancer+ %heochromocytoma+ :.:B, :.A>, :.?9, 9.E=, 9:.;>, ==K.;9, 9EE.K:, AKE.K:, B>?.K:, ;?K.9K Cancer+ %ituitary+ :.=:, :.KE, ?.K:, 9:.::, EEK.:9, A?K.=K, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?A>.::, >;B.EE Cancer+ %lasma Cell 0eoplasm+ :.:?, :.=E, :.B:, :.;:, E.K:, EE.K:, ?E.K:, AE=.9>, ?9>.=:, >:K.9= Cancer+ %rostate+ :.=9, :.K?, :.;9, E.EK, >?.K:, 9EK.?=, A?K.=B, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?AE.::, Cancer+ 'habdomyosarcoma, :.=E, :.E?, >.99, 9A.E=, E:K.B>, 9=?.EK, A=E.K:, B>E.K:, ??B.>K, ;9;.EK, Cancer+ 'ectal G'ectumH+ :.:E, :.AB, E?.K:, =?.K:, 9?.K:, ;K.::, >K.?K, =K:.::, K?=.::, ;A:.::, Cancer+ 'enal Cell GkidneyH+ :.=9, :.K?, :.?;, =E.E?, B;.E>, =9K.EK, E?E.?E, AEK.K9, ?99.>=, ;9B.AE Cancer+ 'espiratory 5ract 0eoplasms+ :.=:, :.KK, :.?9, :.;?, B?.E:, =?E.;K, E9:.::, A;9.E:, K9K.E9, B:;.E= Cancer+ #alivary Dland+ :.:;, :.K?, =K.?K, KE.K:, BE.K:, >K.::, EK:.::, KEA.9?, B;E.:E, ?K9.:?. Cancer+ #e$ary #yndrome+ :.=;, :.9:, E.99, =?.K:, AK.?K, 9?K.=?, A?K.::, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?E9.:=, Cancer+ #kin+ :.=K, :.=;, E:.::, AK.=K, ?9.9:, >B.K:, =EK.::, 9?K.?K, A=E.99, KB9.=>,

Cancer+ #kin, Cutaneous 5-Cell 1ymphoma, G'efer+ Cancer+ #kinH Cancer+ #kin, .aposi's #arcoma G'efer+ Cancer+ #kinH Cancer+ #kin, )elanoma G'efer+ Cancer+ #kinH Cancer+ #mall Intestine+ :.:K, :.KE, :.B:, :.>9, =E.B>, =EK.::, EB>.?=, AEK.:9, K?=.::, ;9>.::, Cancer+ #oft 5issue #arcoma, :.=K, :.=;, E:.::, AK.=K, ?9.9:, >B.K:, =EK.::, 9?K.?K, A=E.99, KB9.=>, Cancer+ #tomach+ :.:9, :.=;, E.K:, =K.:9, >B.K:, =EK.=K, 9??.>=, BA?.::, ?;>.::, >;K.B? Cancer+ 5esticular G5estisH+ :.:=, :.KK, ?.EK, K:.::, >?.K:, EEE.?:, AKE.K>, K=?.K:, B;?.BE, ?=E.:: Cancer+ 5horacic 0eoplasms+ :.:=, :.A:, :.B:, ?.EK, KK.::, >E.K:, =?K.?K, A?K.=B, KE?.::, BB?.:: Cancer+ 5hymoma, )alignant+ :.:E, :.EE, EK.::, KK.?K, =:K.::, EE>.9E, A=:.::, K=K.=B, ?;E.;=, >>9.A= Cancer+ 5hyroid+ :.=9, :.K?, 9E.K:, >?.K:, 9EE.K9, A?K.=B, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?A>.::, >;;.>: Cancer+ 5onsil+ :.:;, :.=E, A:.::, ;K.::, =9B.AE, 9K?.9:, AEK.?K, K?=.::, ;A:.::, >9?.A=, Cancer+ 5rophoblastic 0eoplasms+ :.=9, ?.K:, 9K.=B, B?.K:, >B.K:, E?K.=B, A?K.=B, KE?.::, BB9.?=, ?KE.?:, Cancer+ !rethral G!rinary 5ractH + :.:9, E.?K, ?.K:, =?.K:, >B.K:, 9K;.K?, AKK.;E, K=;.>E, B;9.::, ?=E.E9 Cancer+ !rinary /ladder 0eoplasms+ :.:;, K.?K, ?.EK, K:.::, >?.K:, E=:.K:, KEA.9?, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >E?.=: Cancer+ !rologic 0eoplasms+ :.:9, :.AB, :.?K, :.;K, E.K:, ?.K:, =?.K:, >B.K:, 9KE.>9, AK=.=?, Cancer+ !terine , #arcoma, :.:=, :.A:, :.?;, K.E>, ?.K:, 9?.::, >K.K:, =;K.::, ?>E.::, >;K.B? Cancer+ !terine Cervical 0eoplasms+ + :.:=, :.A:, :.?;, K.E>, ?.K:, 9?.::, >K.K:, =;K.::, ?>E.::, >;K.B? Cancer+ Faginal+ :.:9, :.AB, E?.K:, =?.K:, A:.::, ;K.=B, >K.::, =K:.::, E=:.K:, AK=.=?, Cancer+ Fulvar+ :.:9, :.AB, E?.K:, =?.K:, A:.::, ;K.=B, >K.::, =K:.::, E=:.K:, AK=.=?, Cancer+ ,ilms' 5umor Candidiasis+ :.=K, :.=;, :.>9, E.K:, AE.K:, ?=.K:, >B.K:, =EK.?K, BAE.>=, >;9.=? Candidiasis, Fulvovaginal+ :.=K, :.=;, :.>9, 9.?;, AE.K:, ?=.K:, >B.K:, =EK.?K, BAE.>=, >;9.=? Canker #ore+ Gsee #tomatitis, 7phthousH Cannulation+ Gsee Catheteri$ationH Capgras #yndrome+ :.:;, :.=E, :.;K, E:.::, A:.::, 9KE.>9, AK9.?E, K=?.K:, B;A.;=, ?=E.AE, Capsulitis, 7dhesive+ Gsee /ursitisH Carbohydrate-<eficient Dlycoprotein #yndrome+ :.:9, :.=;, :.B:, E:.::, >9.K:, =?K.=B, K=>.9A, B;E.AK, ?K>.;9, >::.:: Carbo2ylase <eficiency, )ultiple, 1ate-3nset+ Gsee /iotinidase <eficiencyH Carcinoid+ Gsee Carcinoid 5umorH Carcinoid 5umor+ :.=E, :.?9, =9.9>, ?.K:, K.K:, =EK.::, 9?K.=K, AEB.>:, K?=.::, ;AE.::, Carcinoid, Doblet Cell+ Gsee Carcinoid 5umorH

Carcinoma+ :.=9, :.E9, :.?9, :.;9, K.=E, ?.EK, 9E.K:, >:.::, =?K.?K, AEE.K9, Carcinoma, 7naplastic+ Gsee CarcinomaH Carcinoma, /asal Cell+ :.:;, :.=E, :.;K, K.=B, E:.::, A:.::, ;K.::, >?.K:, 9KK.?E, AKA.K:, K=K Carcinoma, /asal Cell, %igmented+ Gsee Carcinoma, /asal CellH Carcinoma, )erkel Cell+ Carcinoma, 0on-#mall-Cell 1ung+ Carcinoma, 3at Cell+ Gsee Carcinoma, #mall Cell+ GCarcinoma, 3at CellHH Carcinoma, #mall Cell+ :.:9, :.AB, :.?K, :.;K, E.K:, ?.K:, =?.K:, >B.K:, 9K:.::, AK:.::, Carcinoma, #pindle-Cell+ Gsee CarcinomaH Carcinoma, 5hymic+ Gsee 5hymomaH Carcinoma, !ndifferentiated+ Gsee CarcinomaH Carcinomatosis+ Gsee CarcinomaH Cardiac -ailure+ Gsee *eart -ailureH Cardiac *ypertrophy+ Gsee CardiomegalyH Cardiac #yndrome (+ Gsee )icrovascular 7nginaH Cardiac 5amponade+ :.:9, :.=;, K.K:, E:.::, >9.K:, =?K.?K, A?>.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?A>.:: Cardiomyopathy, Congestive+ Gsee Cardiomyopathy, <ilatedH Cardiomyopathy, <ilated+ :.=E, :.EK, E:.::, =EK.=B, 9??.>=, AK=.=?, K=K.=?, B;9.::, ?=E.::, >>9.A=, Cardiomyopathy, *ypertrophic+ :.=9, :.EB, E:.::, =EK.::, 9?B.E>, AKA.9?, K=K.=B, B;?.BE, ?=E.;=, >>E.::, Cardiomyopathy, *ypertrophic 3bstructive+ Gsee Cardiomyopathy, *ypertrophicH Cardiomyopathy, 'estrictive+ :.=E, :.EB, E:.::, =EK.?K, 9?K.=?, A?>.>9, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?AE.::, >;K.B? Cardiospasm+ Gsee Esophageal 7chalasiaH Cardiovascular <iseases+ :.=9, K.B>, ?.EK, 9E.K:, >:.::, =?K.::, A=E.99, KB=.>9, BAE.>=, >?;.;K Carditis+ Gsee )yocarditisH Carnitine <isorders+ :.:9, :.KE, :?.K:, 9:.::, EEK.=B, A?K.=>, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?;>.::, >;;.>: Caroli <isease+ :.:B, :.KE, =:.K9, E?.K:, KK.=?, =EK.?K, E=:.K:, AEK.::, K?=.::, ;A9.::, Caroli's <isease+ Gsee Caroli <iseaseH Carotid 7rtery 0arrowing+ Gsee Carotid #tenosisH Carotid #tenosis+ :.:E, :.EA, E.?K, =?.K:, 9K.=>, >?.K:, EB>.?=, AEA.9?, KB9.=>, ;?K.>B Carotid !lcer+ Gsee Carotid #tenosisH Carpal 5unnel #yndrome+ :.:9, :.BK, =E.99, 9:.::, =;E.E9, EEK.=?, A??.K:, BB?.::, ?AE.::, >;B.EE Carrion's <isease+ Gsee /artonella InfectionsH Cartilage <iseases+ :.:B, :.KE, E?.K:, KK.?K, =EK.=>, EK:.::, AK9.?E, K=?.K:, B;9.::, ?=E.AE, Castleman <isease+ Gsee Diant 1ymph 0ode *yperplasiaH Castleman's 5umor+ Gsee Diant 1ymph 0ode *yperplasiaH Cat <iseases+ :.:9, :.EA, :.?:, =?.K:, 9K.=?, >?.K:, EEE.?:, A=E.99, KB:.::, ?:?.EB, Cat Eye #yndrome+ :.:K, :.A=, :.BE, ?.K:, =?.K:, ;?.K:, A?>.K:, BBE.?=, ?A>.::, >;;.>:

Cataract+ :.:9, :.A=, =K.=>, ;?.K:, =EE.:B, 9=E.99, K9E.A=, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >E?.=:, Cataract, )embranous+ Gsee CataractH Catheteri$ation+ :.==, :.K?, :.;:, K.=?, =K.::, EE>.9E, K=E.99, BK9.B>, ?K9.:?, >=>.9A Catheteri$ation, Cardiac+ Gsee *eart Catheteri$ationH Catheteri$ation, *eart+ Gsee *eart Catheteri$ationH Cattle <iseases+ :.=E, :.KK, :.;K, ?E.K:, =EK.?K, 9?K.=>, A??.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?KE.?:, Cauda E&uina #yndrome+ Gsee %olyradiculopathyH Causalgia+ :.==, :.K?, :.;:, BE.K:, >B.K:, E=:.K:, A?K.::, BB?.::, ?AE.::, >;;.>: Cavernitis, -ibrous+ Gsee %enile IndurationH Cavus <eformity+ Gsee -335 <E-3')I5IE#H Celiac <isease+ :.=E, :.KK, :.;K, E.K:, E:.::, A?.K:, ?E.K:, =EK.=?, 9?>.>9, A?K.=>, Celioscopy+ Gsee 1aparoscopyH Cellulitis+ :.:9, :.K:, :.;K, K.=E, ?.EK, =9.>9, =A?.K:, EK:.::, AEK.?K, BEK.::, Cellulitis, 3rbital+ Gsee 3rbital CellulitisH Cementoma+ :.=K, :.E9, ?.K:, ==.:>, KK.?K, >B.K:, =?K.=>, A??.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, Central 7utonomic 0ervous #ystem <iseases+ Gsee 7utonomic 0ervous #ystem <iseasesH Central Cord #yndrome+ :.=:, :.K:, ;?.K:, >K.::, EEK.=?, AK:.::, KEE.9>, B;;.E>, ?=E.E9, >>9.A=, Central Core <isease+ Gsee )yopathies, #tructural, CongenitalH Central 0ervous #ystem Cysticercosis+ Gsee 0eurocysticercosisH Central 0ervous #ystem <iseases+ :.:9, :.K:, A?.K:, =K:.::, E=A.9K, 9EK.=>, AK=.=?, K=?.K:, B;?.BE, >>E.::, Central 0ervous #ystem Infections+ :.:9, :.K:, A?.K:, =K:.::, E=A.9K, 9EK.=>, AK=.=?, K=?.K:, B;?.BE, ;BE.::, Central %ain #yndrome+ Gsee 5halamic <iseasesH Central #leep 7pnea+ Gsee #leep 7pnea, CentralH Centronuclear )yopathy+ Gsee )yopathies, #tructural, CongenitalH Centronuclear )yopathy+ Gsee )yopathies, #tructural, CongenitalH Cenuriasis+ Gsee Cestode InfectionsH Cephalgia+ Gsee *eadacheH Cerclage of Cervi2+ Gsee Cerclage, CervicalH Cerclage of !terine Cervi2+ Gsee Cerclage, CervicalH Cerclage, Cervical+ :.=K, :.E9, ?.K:, =9.B=, >B.K:, =?K.::, K::.::, B;E.AK, ?K9.:?, >E?.=:, Cerebellar 7ta2ia+ :.=:, :.;9, =:.;>, E.K:, KE.K:, ;?.K:, >K.=>, E=A.9K, KKE.K>, ?=>.B;, Cerebellar <ysmetria+ Gsee Cerebellar 7ta2iaH Cerebelloretinal 7ngiomatosis, -amilial+ Gsee von *ippel-1indau <iseaseH Cerebral 7neurysm+ Gsee Intracranial 7neurysmH Cerebral 7no2ia+ Gsee *ypo2ia, /rainH Cerebral Concussion+ Gsee /rain ConcussionH Cerebral Digantism+ :.:;, :.9K, E.K:, >9.K:, E9A.EK, AKK.;E, K=K.=?, B;A.;=, ?=E.;=, >>?.;?, Cerebral *emorrhage + :.:A, :.KK, :.?;, >9.K:, E=:.K:, AK9.?E, K=K.=>, B;9.::, ?=E.E9, >>9.A=, Cerebral Ischemia+ Gsee /rain IschemiaH

Cerebral Ischemia, 5ransient+ Gsee Ischemic 7ttack, 5ransientH Cerebral %alsy+ :.:B, :.9E, E:.::, ;K.?K, =K:.::, EEK.::, EEE.?:, AKA.K:, K=K.=?, B;?.BE Cerebral %arenchymal *emorrhage+ Gsee Cerebral *emorrhageH Cerebral %seudosclerosis+ Gsee *epatolenticular <egenerationH Cerebral #clerosis, <iffuse+ Gsee <iffuse Cerebral #clerosis of #childerH Cerebrovascular 7ccident+ Gsee #trokeH Cerebral #troke+ Gsee #trokeH Cerebral Fasospasm+ Gsee Fasospasm, IntracranialH Cerebroatrophic *yperammonemia+ Gsee 'ett #yndromeH Cerebrohepatorenal #yndrome+ Gsee Cellweger #yndromeH Cerebrooculorenal #yndrome+ Gsee 3culocerebrorenal #yndrome+ G1owe #yndromeHH Cerebroside 1ipidosis #yndrome+ Gsee Daucher <iseaseH Cerebroside #ulphatase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee 1eukodystrophy, )etachromaticH Cerebrovascular 7pople2y+ Gsee #trokeH Cerebrovascular <isorders+ :.:;, :.EK, :.?:, :.;K, ?.K:, =?.K:, =;K.?K, 9K:.::, AEK.=?, K=:.K:, Cerebrovascular )oyamoya <isease+ Gsee )oyamoya <iseaseH Ceroid-1ipofuscinosis, 0euronal+ Gsee 0euronal Ceroid-1ipofuscinosesH Cervical <ystonia+ Gsee 5orticollisH Cervical %ain+ Gsee 0eck %ainH Cervico-/rachial 0euralgia+ Gsee /rachial %le2us 0euritis+ G%arsonage-5urner #yndromeHH Cervi2 <ysplasia+ Gsee !terine Cervical <ysplasiaH Cervi2 Incompetence+ Gsee !terine Cervical IncompetenceH Cestode Infections+ :.EA, :.?:, A:.::, ?E.K:, >?.K:, 99B.AE, A?K.=>, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?KE.?: Chagas <isease+ :.:9, :.EE, E.>E, A:.::, EEE.?:, A??.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?E=.::, >;;.>: Chala$ion+ :.:B, :.9E, :.;9, =E.99, EEK.=?, AKE.K>, K=;.>E, B;9.::, ?=E.E9, >>9.A=, Chancroid+ :.EA, :.?:, ?.K:, ?E.K:, ==>.9A, 9EA.9?, K=K.?:, B;E.:E, ?KA.=>, >A=.:: Charcot-)arie-5ooth <isease+ :.:E, :.EE, :.BE, E.K:, K.K:, A:.::, E?K.=>, KEE.K9, B;E.AK, ?K>.;9 Charcot's @oint+ Gsee 7rthropathy, 0eurogenicH C*7'DE #yndrome+ :.=:, :.BK, K.=E, AE.K:, EEK.=?, A?>.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?A>.::, >;B.EE Charles /onnet #yndrome+ Gsee *allucinationsH Chediak-*igashi #yndrome+ :.:A, :.=E, E:.::, K?.K:, >K.=>, 9EK.?=, EEK.?K, AK:.::, K=K.=>, B;?.BE, Cheilitis+ :.;K, ?.K:, E.?K, =E.?=, KE.K:, >?.K:, A=>.9A, KBB.A=, BAE.>=, >9:.=E Cheilitis Dranulomatosa, -acial 0europathy, 3rofacial Edema+ Gsee )elkersson'osenthal #yndrome+ GCheilitis DranulomatosaH Cherry 'ed #pot )yoclonus #yndrome+ Gsee )ucolipidosesH Cherubism+ :.;:, =.E?, ?.K:, BK.::, =EK.?K, EE>.9E, A=K.?:, KB9.=>, ?:>.;9, >?;.;K Chest %ain+ :.=:, :.EB, :.BK, K.;=, ?.::, AE.K:, E9A.EK, A?K.=>, BE?.::, ?BE.?= Chiari's #yndrome+ Gsee /udd-Chiari #yndromeH Chickenpo2+ :.:A, :.=E, K?.K:, >E.K:, 99E.A=, EEK.=?, AKA.K:, K=?.K:, B;>.A=, ?=E.;= Chilblains+ :.=B, :.K?, :.;K, ?.K:, KE.K:, =EE.K9, 9?K.=>, A::.::, KBA.E;, ;AB.>B,

Chlamydia Infections+ :.:K, :.A=, :.;:, ?.K:, ?E.K:, =9:.::, 9B?.K:, KKK.::, BEK.=>, ;?K.=?, Chlamydiaceae Infections+ :.:K, :.A=, :.;:, ?.K:, =EK.=>, E?K.::, AEA.9?, KB:.::, BAE.>=, >;K.>: Chloasma+ Gsee )elanosisH Choked <isk+ Gsee %apilledemaH Choking+ Gsee 7irway 3bstructionH Cholangitis+ :.:B, :.EA, K.B>, ?.EK, EK.=>, ;?.K:, ?9.::, =>B.K:, A?K.=?, ;K9.?E, Cholecystitis+ :.:;, :.KE, :.BE, >.::, =9.9>, AE.K:, E=:.K:, A?K.=>, KE?.::, BB=.?=, Choledochal Cyst+ :.:A, :.E9, :.;K, K.?K, E:.::, =EK.=>, 9K:.::, AK:.::, ??K.=?, >E?.::, Choledochal Cyst, 5ype I+ Gsee Choledochal CystH Cholelithiasis+ :.:B, :.A>, :.K?, ?E.K:, EEK.::, A??.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?A>.::, >;B.EE Cholera+ :.=9, :.9K, :.>K, =K>.EE, EA9.:K, AK=.=?, K=K.=>, B;;.E>, ?=E.E9, >>9.A=, Cholera Infantum+ Gsee D7#5'3I05E#5I071 <I#E7#E#H Cholesteatoma, )iddle Ear+ :.=E, :.E9, :.>?, K.EK, 9E.K:, A?K.=>, KE?.::, BB=.?=, ?AE.::, >;;.>: Cholesterol Embolism+ Gsee Embolism, CholesterolH Chondritis, Costal+ Gsee 5iet$e's #yndromeH Chondroectodermal <ysplasia+ Gsee Ellis-van Creveld #yndromeH Chondroma+ :.:B, :.EK, :.;9, >B.K:, 9?K.=>, AK:.::, K=?.K:, B;?.BE, ?=E.::, >>E.::, Chondromalacia+ Gsee Cartilage <iseasesH Chondromalacia %atellae+ :.:A, :.E9, EE.K:, AE.K:, BE.K:, =EK.=>, =K:.::, 9K;.K?, KEK.?=, BKK.E: Chondrosarcoma+ :.:;, :.KE, :.B:, E.EK, ==.:>, AK.?K, EEE.?:, KEE.K9, B>=.E?, ?K:.:: Chordoma+ :.:B, :.A>, :.K?, =E.::, ?E.K:, EEK.::, A?K.=>, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?KE.?: Chorea+ :.:;, :.KK, K:.::, ;K.?K, >K.::, EE>.9E, A?K.?K, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?E=.::, Choreatic <isorders+ Gsee ChoreaH Choreiform )ovement+ Gsee ChoreaH Choreoathetosis #elf-)utilation *yperuricemia #yndrome+ Gsee 1esch-0yhan #yndromeH Chorioangioma+ Gsee *emangiomaH Chorioretinitis+ :.=9, :.K?, :.;?, =:.;>, >K.=>, 9::.::, A9B.AE, KB9.=>, ?:?.EB, >?;.;K Choroideremia+ :.E:, :.AB, =?.K:, A?.K:, >K.=>, 9K?.9:, AKE.K>, K=K.E?, B;9.::, >>K.9;, Christmas <isease+ Gsee *emophilia /+ G-actor I( <eficiency, Christmas <iseaseHH Chromosome =B 7bnormalities+ :.=>, :.=;, :.BE, AE.K:, >?.K:, =?K.::, A?K.=>, KE?.::, BB=.?=, ?AE.::, Chromosome =? 7bnormalities+ :.=9, :.EK, :.?9, AE.K:, >?.K:, 9??.>=, A?K.E?, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?A>.::, Chromosome =; 7bnormalities+ :.=9, :.9K, :.>K, K.K:, E?.K:, A?.K:, 9KE.>9, AEB.>:, K?=.::, ;AB.:: Chromosome E: 7bnormalities+ :.=E, :.E9, :.>?, =K.=>, B9.??, =9E.;:, 9:E.9:, AKE.K:, ;EK.::, >?K.?K, Chromosome EE 7bnormalities+ :.=E, :.E9, :.>?, =K.=>, B9.??, ;B.AA, =9E.;:, 9:E.9:, AKE.K:, ;EK.::, , Chromosome Kp- #yndrome+ Gsee Cri-du-Chat #yndromeH Chromosome 7bnormality <isorders+ Gsee Chromosome <isordersH Chromosome <isorders+ :.=>, :.E9, :.>?, =K.=>, B9.??, EK;.E9, 9:E.9:, AKE.K:, ;99.::,

>?K.?K, Chronic 7irflow 3bstruction+ Gsee %ulmonary <isease, Chronic 3bstructiveH Chronic <isease+ :.:=, :.E9, :.?9, :.;K, K.;?, ?9.EK, =9E.K:, 9AE.K:, K>B.K:, ;?K.E? Chronic -atigue #yndrome+ Gsee -atigue #yndrome, ChronicH Chronic *epatitis+ Gsee *epatitis, ChronicH Chronic Illness+ Gsee Chronic <iseaseH Chronic 3bstructive 7irway <isease+ Gsee %ulmonary <isease, Chronic 3bstructiveH Chronic 3bstructive 1ung <isease+ Gsee %ulmonary <isease, Chronic 3bstructiveH Chronic 3bstructive %ulmonary <isease+ Gsee %ulmonary <isease, Chronic 3bstructiveH Churg-#trauss #yndrome+ :.=>, :.KE, :.BK, =.::, =9.>9, ==:.K9, 9;:.::, AA?.K:, ?E;.>;, ;EK.E? Chylopericardium+ Gsee %ericardial EffusionH Ciliary <yskinesia, %rimary+ Gsee .artagener #yndromeH Circulatory Collapse+ Gsee #hockH Cirrhosis+ Gsee -ibrosisH Cirrhosis, 1iver+ Gsee 1iver CirrhosisH C@< Fariant+ GF-C@<H+ Gsee Creut$feldt-@akob #yndromeH Clasp-.nife #pasticity+ Gsee )uscle #pasticityH Claustrophobia+ Gsee %hobic <isordersH Cleidocranial <ysostosis+ Gsee Cleidocranial <ysplasiaH Cleidocranial <ysplasia+ :.=?, :.KE, :.BE, :.;K, E:.9:, >?.K:, =KK.E?, KBE.K:, ?K9.E:, ;K:.::, Clostridium Enterocolitis+ Gsee Enterocolitis, %seudomembranousH Clostridium Infections+ :.=B, :.A>, :.BE, :.;K, ?.K:, K.K:, =9E.K:, 9EK.?K, A;:.K:, ;K=.=? Clouston's #yndrome+ Gsee Ectodermal <ysplasiaH C37<+ Gsee %ulmonary <isease, Chronic 3bstructiveH Coccidioidomycosis+ :.:A, :.EA, :.BK, :.;K, E.K:, =9.:B, ==>.K:, B>K.::, ?EE.?:, >9E.A=, Coenuriasis+ Gsee Cestode InfectionsH Cold #ore+ Gsee *erpes 1abialisH Cold, Common+ Gsee Common ColdH Colic+ :.=9, :.E9, :.BE, =.::, ?.K:, =KK.>;, 9>B.K:, A=K.?:, K?K.E?, >E?.::, Colitis, Dranulomatous+ Gsee Crohn <iseaseH Colitis, )ucous+ Gsee Irritable /owel #yndromeH Colitis, %seudomembranous+ Gsee Enterocolitis, %seudomembranousH Colitis, !lcerative+ :.=9, :.EK, :.?9, K.?K, ?.K:, KK.K:, =EE.K:, AAE.K:, BEK.?=, ;?K.E?, Coloboma+ :.=>, :.=;, :.B:, =E.=>, EK.=K, ==?.::, 9>K.K:, BE:.::, ?AK.>;, >>?.K:, Colon, Irritable+ Gsee Irritable /owel #yndromeH Colonic 7ganglionosis+ Gsee *irschsprung <iseaseH Color 7nomia+ Gsee 7nomiaH Color /lindness+ Gsee Color Fision <efectsH Color Fision <efects+ :.E:, :.AB, :.?K, ;.;>, =E.?=, K?.K:, 9:=.E:, B=?.K:, ?A?.K:, ;>=.9K, Coma+ Gsee !nconsciousnessH Coma, *yperglycemic *yperosmolar 0onketotic+ Gsee *yperglycemic *yperosmolar 0onketotic ComaH Combat <isorders+ :.==, :.EA, :.?:, :.>?, ==E.?K, E=?.K:, A9K.E?, BK?.K:, ;>K.::,

>EK.E?, Common /ile <uct Cyst+ Gsee Choledochal CystH Common Cold+ :.=E, :.KK, :.;K, ?.K:, =E:.::, EA?.K:, A?E.K:, ?EK.?K, ;K:.::, >?K.>; Common Fariable Immunodeficiency+ :.:9, :.K:, :.;K, =A.AE, K9.E?, =A?.EK, EB?.E9, 9=E.K:, ?A?.K:, >K;.:: Communicating *ydrocephalus+ Gsee *ydrocephalusH Communication <isorders+ :.=K, :.E9, :.BE, :.>K, ?.K:, E=E.;K, AKK.>;, KK?.K:, ?>B.K:, ;>=.K:, Comple2 'egional %ain #yndrome 5ype II+ Gsee CausalgiaH Comple2 'egional %ain #yndrome, 5ype I+ Gsee 'efle2 #ympathetic <ystrophy+ G5ype I Comple2 'egional %ain #yndromeHH Compression 0europathy, Carpal 5unnel+ Gsee Carpal 5unnel #yndromeH Condylomata 7cuminata+ Gsee ,artsH Confusional #tate+ Gsee ConfusionH Congenital 7bnormalities+ :.:=, :.E9, :.?9, :.;9, E=K.B>, 9A?.EK, K9E.K:, ?AE.K:, ;>B.K:, >?K.>; Congenital Central *ypoventilation #yndrome+ Gsee #leep 7pnea, CentralH Congenital <efects+ Gsee Congenital 7bnormalitiesH Congenital <isorders+ Gsee Congenital, *ereditary, and 0eonatal <iseases and 7bnormalitiesH Congenital <isorders+ Gsee Congenital, *ereditary, and 0eonatal <iseases and 7bnormalitiesH Congenital -iber 5ype <isproportion+ Gsee )yopathies, #tructural, CongenitalH Congenital -iber 5ype <isproportion+ Gsee )yopathies, #tructural, CongenitalH Congenital *ydrocephalus+ Gsee *ydrocephalusH Congenital *ypothyroidism+ :.=>, :.KE, :.B;, >.:;, ==E.;9, E=?.K:, 99K.::, KA?.K:, ?EK.E;, >EK.:: Congestive Cardiomyopathy+ Gsee Cardiomyopathy, <ilatedH Con"unctival <iseases+ :.=?, :.KE, :.B:, :.;K, ==;.E:, EE?.K:, AKK.>K, KB:.::, ?K:.::, >?K.?K, Con"unctivitis+ :.=?, :.KE, :.B:, :.;K, EEK.K9, 9E?.K:, AKK.>K, ?B:.::, ;K:.::, >B>.?= Connective 5issue <isease, )i2ed+ Gsee )i2ed Connective 5issue <iseaseH Connective 5issue <iseases+ :.=B, :.A>, :.BE, :.;K, =K.?9, =:K.EK, 99K.K:, A9E.K:, ?EK.::, >99.>= Consumption Coagulopathy+ Gsee <isseminated Intravascular CoagulationH Contagious %ustular <ermatitis+ Gsee Ecthyma, Contagious+ G3rfHH Contiguous Dene #yndrome, ,illiams+ Gsee ,illiams #yndromeH Contractural 7rachnodactyly, Congenital+ G/eal's #yndromeH+ Convergence Insufficiency+ Gsee 3C!17' )35I1I5Y <I#3'<E'#H Convergence 0ystagmus+ Gsee 0ystagmus, %athologicH Convulsions+ Gsee #ei$uresH Convulsive #ei$ures+ Gsee #ei$uresH Cooley's 7nemia+ Gsee 5halassemiaH C3%<+ Gsee %ulmonary <isease, Chronic 3bstructiveH Corneal <iseases+ :.:A, :.EA, >.B;, AE.;K, =?E.K:, E:9.::, A=E.K:, K>E.K:, ??K.E>, ;=>.9A,

Corneal <ystrophies+ *ereditary Corneal Edema+ :.:9, :.EA, B.B;, 9:.;K, >K.B>, E>E.K:, A=E.K:, B>E.K:, ??9.:E, >EK.>K, Corneal !lcer+ :.:A, :.EA, >.B;, AE.;K, =?E.K:, E:9.::, A=E.K:, K>E.K:, ??K.E>, ;=>.9A, Cornelia <e 1ange #yndrome+ Gsee de 1ange #yndromeH Coronaviridae Infections+ :.:;, :.9K, K.?K, =E.>9, B9.A?, =;E.K:, A9K.E>, KBE.K:, ?>9.K:, >>K.?K, Corpus 1uteum Cyst+ Gsee 3varian CystsH Cortical *yperostosis, Congenital+ Gsee *yperostosis, Cortical, CongenitalH Corticobasal Danglionic <egeneration+ GC/D<H+ Cory$a, 7cute+ Gsee Common ColdH Cosmetic 'econstructive #urgical %rocedures+ Gsee 'econstructive #urgical %roceduresH Costal Chondritis+ Gsee 5iet$e's #yndromeH Costello #yndrome+ :.:B, :.9E, :.?9, :.;K, =:.;>, BB.9:, =;K.E>, EK9.:A, ?9K.9:, >K?.K:, Costochondritis+ Gsee 5iet$e's #yndromeH Costoclavicular #yndrome+ Gsee 5horacic 3utlet #yndromeH Cough+ :.:?, :.EA, :.>=, ?.K:, =E.:;, =AK.K:, AAE.::, K?A.K:, ?>?.K:, >;9.K: Cowden <isease+ Gsee *amartoma #yndrome, )ultiple+ GCowden's <iseaseHH Co2a %lana+ Gsee 1egg-%erthes <iseaseH Co2sackievirus Infections+ :.:?, :.EE, :.BE, E.K:, K.K:, A:.::, >?.K:, A?K.E>, KE?.::, BB?.::, Cramp+ Gsee )uscle CrampH Cranial 7rteritis+ Gsee Diant Cell 7rteritisH Cranial Epidural *ematoma+ Gsee *ematoma, Epidural, CranialH Cranial 0erve <iseases+ :.:B, :.EB, :.>K, K.=K, E?.EK, AE.K:, >K.>K, AE?.K:, B:?.::, ;BE.:E, Cranial 0erve II <iseases+ Gsee 3%5IC 0E'FE <I#E7#E#H Cranial 0erve III <iseases+ Gsee 3culomotor 0erve <iseasesH Cranial 0erve I( <iseases+ Gsee Dlossopharyngeal 0erve <iseasesH Cranial 0erve FII <iseases+ Gsee -acial 0erve <iseasesH Cranial 0europathies+ Gsee Cranial 0erve <iseasesH Cranial 0europathies, )ultiple+ Gsee Cranial 0erve <iseasesH Craniocerebral 5rauma+ :.=9, :.E9, =.B:, ;.K9, =?.K:, ?E.K9, =KK.E>, 9>B.K:, A9?.A;, ;E;.K?, Craniofacial <ysostosis+ :.:>, 9.K:, =E.B;, K=.;>, ==:.9:, E>E.K:, AKE.K:, B>K.?K, ;EK.E>, >K9.?E, Craniopharyngioma+ :.=K, =.9K, =B.?K, ;=.>9, ==;.;K, E;E.K:, 9=K.>K, KE9.K:, ??K.E>, >KA.K:, Craniopharyngioma, 7damantinous+ Gsee CraniopharyngiomaH Craniopharyngioma, %apillary+ Gsee CraniopharyngiomaH Craniorachischisis+ Gsee 0eural 5ube <efectsH Craniosynostoses+ :.:9, :.9E, :.?9, :.>K, =:.9:, E=.;:, ;K.E>, E9A.K=, A;E.K:, ?=?.KE Creeping Eruption+ Gsee 1arva )igransH Crescendo 5ransient Ischemic 7ttacks+ Gsee Ischemic 7ttack, 5ransientH Cretinism+ Gsee Congenital *ypothyroidismH Creut$feldt-@akob #yndrome+ :.:?, :.=E, :.?K, :.>9, =K.:>, EA.A:, A=?.K:, K:K.::, ?>=.K:, >>K.=K, ,

Crib <eath+ Gsee #udden Infant <eathH Cri-du-Chat #yndrome+ :.=B, :.KK, >.;K, ;?.K:, =BE.K:, E=E.K:, AKE.K:, K>?.K:, BK:.::, ?EB.:? Crohn <isease+ :.:9, :.A=, :.BE, :.>K, ?.K:, EK.?K, ;?.K:, A;:.::, KEK.E>, ;EK.:: Cross Infection+ :.:B, :.E9, :.?9, :.;9, E.?K, =?.K:, BE.K:, =>K.>K, A>=.::, ?B>.?= Cross-5ransfusion, Intrauterine+ Gsee -etofetal 5ransfusionH Croup+ :.:A, :.A>, :.;E, >.;:, B?.K:, E=K.K:, 99E.K:, AA=.=E, BEK.E>, ;=:.K:, Crou$on's <isease+ Gsee Craniofacial <ysostosisH Crow--ukase #yndrome+ Gsee %3E)# #yndromeH Cruveilhier-/aumgarten #yndrome+ Gsee *ypertension, %ortalH Cryoablation+ Gsee CryosurgeryH Cryoglobulinemia+ :.=K, :.EA, :.BK, :.>?, =E.?=, E?.9:, E=E.K:, A9K.E>, B>K.?K, ;?K.>K, Cryptococcosis+ :.>?, =.=E, =?.?K, K=.E:, =9=.:E, E=?.K:, K=?.K:, BK9.::, ??E.E>, >KB.:9, Cryptogenic Chronic *epatitis+ Gsee *epatitis, ChronicH Cryptogenic Infantile #pasms+ Gsee #pasms, InfantileH Cryptorchidism+ :.:?, :.K?, :.;K, =:.;>, E.K:, EK.E>, =KE.K:, 9EA.9?, AKK.?E, ;?>.>9, Cryptosporidiosis+ :.==, :.;A, =.?=, =E.;=, ;E.K:, ==E.K:, E9K.>K, BK?.K:, ;:E.K:, >EK.E>, Cuada E&uina #yndrome+ Gsee %olyradiculopathyH Cubital 5unnel #yndrome+ :.=E, :.KK, :.;K, E.K:, EE.K:, =A?.K:, A?E.K:, ?EK.::, ;K=.:9, >?K.E>, Curling's !lcer+ Gsee <uodenal !lcerH Currarino #yndrome+ :.:?, :.9?, :.;K, E.K:, 9.::, BE.K:, >K.?K, 9?K.E>, B99.>=, ;?K.:: Cushing #yndrome+ :.EK, :.?;, :.>9, =:.K9, ?.K:, >K.>K, 9EE.K9, A=>.9A, KBA.E;, BAE.:B, Cutaneous 1arva )igrans+ Gsee 1arva )igransH Cutis Elastica+ Gsee Ehlers-<anlos #yndromeH Cutis 1a2a+ :.:=, :.9?, :.;K, E.?K, 9.::, BK.?K, >K.E>, A?K.::, BK:.::, ;EK.?K Cyanosis+ :.E:, :.EK, :.?;, E.K:, =E.;K, ==?.K:, E>K.E>, A9E.A=, ?K=.=?, >=?.K:, Cyclosporiasis+ :.:9, :.EA, :.?:, ?.K:, =E.99, 9EK.K:, AA:.::, B?E.K:, ?>?.K:, >EK.>K, Cyclothymic <isorder+ :.=K, :.E9, :.B:, :.>K, ?.K:, =;.9:, =KK.:9, K=?.K:, B>B.K:, ;>9.::, Cyclothymic %ersonality+ Gsee Cyclothymic <isorderH Cystathionine beta-#ynthase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee *omocystinuriaH Cystic -ibrosis+ :.=:, :.K:, :.B;, :.;9, =>:.;>, 9=E.K:, AKE.K:, B;?.K:, ?>K.B>, ;>E.K:, Cysticercosis+ :.:;, :.9K, :.?K, =?.>9, ==>.::, E=?.K:, 9;K.>K, BE:.::, ?;=.99, >:9.K:, Cysticercosis, /rain+ Gsee 0eurocysticercosisH Cysticercosis, Central 0ervous #ystem+ Gsee 0eurocysticercosisH Cystinosis+ :.:B, :.9E, :.?9, :.;9, =E.99, E:.::, ;K.::, =K:.::, >K.9=, =EE.K9 Cystinuria+ :.E9, :.;K, =:.K9, E;.E=, =?.K:, A=.>:, BE.K:, =K:.::, 9EB.:?, >?K.9= Cystitis, Chronic Interstitial+ Gsee Cystitis, InterstitialH Cystitis, Interstitial+ :.:A, :.AB, :.;:, E.EK, ==9.>K, E9E.K:, 99K.B>, K;?.K:, ;E=.::, >?K.9=, Cysts+ :.=?, :.=;, :.>9, >.K:, =K?.K:, E;=.:E, 9AE.K:, K?=.:;, ?EK.::, ;EK.9=, Cysts, *ydatid+ Gsee EchinococcosisH Cytomegalic Inclusion <isease+ Gsee Cytomegalovirus InfectionsH

Cytomegalovirus Infections+ :.:?, :.=E, :.;K, >.K:, ;;.::, =A=.E:, E>?.K:, AEK.>K, B?K.9=, ;E?.:: Cystopyelo nephritis Ginflammation from bladder to kidneyH - =9;K Cytomegalovirus GC)F, known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type KH - =EB, K>?, B;E, =:AK, E=AK

<eafness Gpartial to completeH - =::::, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E: <eer tick G=H - ?>;>, E;>, ?9?, ?9;, E?=, B?=, ??9 <ematium nigrum Gsoil fungi found in human lesionsH - EA9, ?9; <ental - B9K, BA:, =:9B, =:A9, =:>A, B;K, B:, A;, ABK <ental foci G0eglecting this can prevent recovery from 70Y illnessH 9:::, >K, =>:, A?.K, E?E:, EA;>, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BBB, BK:, B::, ABK, K=?:, BAB <epression Gdue to drugs or to2insH - =.=, ?9 <epression Gdue to outside circumstancesH - 9K, ?;? <epression, an2iety, trembling, weakness - 9.K, ;:: <eto2 assist - =::::, 9=?B <iabetes G,arning6 can cause large drop in blood sugar levelH - E:, 9K, ABK, B.;, AA:, A;A, BB:, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;:9, ;;:, =;K:, E::;, E=E?, E:::, E::9, E:=9, E:K:, E:;: for 9 min, K::: for =K min. <iabetes secondary - =::::, E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, ABK, E: <iabetes tertiary - =;K:, 9E:::, A:::, K:: <iabetes G=H - AE::, E=E;, =;BK, =;K:, =KK:, ?;?, ABK, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, A;, 9:E <iabetes associated infection G=H - E:E:, ;::, ?E?, =>:, ;:, E: <iabetic loading - 9K, ?:: <iabetic toe ulcer G=H Guse #taph aureus fre&s and see #taph general, Deneral antiseptic, and Circulation stimulation as neededH - ?;B, =:K:, =.E, K:::, ;9E, E: <iarrhea Gsee also Clostridium difficile, E. coli, and for chronic problems, giardia and I/# fre&s. 7lso see %arasite general set if no relief.H - =KK:, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;B, ?E?, ABK <iphtheria Gbacterial infection causing sore throat, fever, rapid heartbeat, nausea, chills, headache and may progress to damage heart and nerves from bacterial to2ins. 'are in !#.H - =K=, BEA, ??B, 9A:, >EK, A9E, K>:, ?;; <irofilaria immitis Gsee %arasites heartwormH <isc, herniated - ?E?, ?;?, E?E:, =:::: <istemper - EAE, EK9, EKA, EKK, 9=E, AAE, KK=, K?9, BEA, B?=, ?=E, ?B:, >A:, >K:, =EB>, =>K:, ;KB?, BB:, ?B: <istorsion Gtwisting of muscles, spineH - >.=, ==: <iverticulosis Gcharacteri$ed by tiny hernias of intestinal tissue protruding through the muscular wall of the colonH - =KA, >9A

<i$$iness Gsee FertigoH <og and cat hostility - 9.B <own's syndrome palliative - E: <roglioma Gsee Cancer, drogliomaH <rug addiction - E: <uodenal ulcer Gsee !lcer, duodenalH <uodenitis - EE9 <upuytren's contracture GAth and Kth finger curling into hand, unable to straightenH - =.E , EK: <ysentery Gacute diarrhea with blood and mucus. 7lso use Entamoeba histolyica, #almonella, and #higellaH - =KKE, ;:E, ;9E <ysmenorrhea Gpainful menstruationH use with pure water douche - EB, A.>, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK <yspepsia GindigestionH - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E? E. coli GEscherichia coli6 can cause infections in wounds and the urinary

< <andy-,alker )alformation+ Gsee <andy-,alker #yndromeH <andy-,alker #yndrome+ :.=:, :.K?, :.;:, ?.K:, =?.K:, KE.K:, =>>.9:, AAK.E=, B?K.BE, ;E=.A9 <arier-,hite <isease+ Gsee .eratosis -ollicularisH <e 1ange #yndrome+ :.:?, :.EA, :.?:, ?.K:, =9.KE, AK.K9, =9?.K:, K?E.K:, ?=K.?:, >:9.K: <e Muervain 5hyroiditis+ Gsee 5hyroiditis, #ubacuteH de Muervain's 5endinitis+ Gsee 5enosynovitisH <ecubitus !lcer+ Gsee %ressure !lcerH <eep Fein 5hrombosis+ Gsee 5hrombosisH <eformities+ Gsee Congenital 7bnormalitiesH <eglutition <isorders+ :.:?, :.EE, :.BE, E.?K, K.K:, A:.::, =::.::, KEE.K9, B;E.AK, ?KA.=> <e"erine-'oussy #yndrome+ Gsee 5halamic <iseasesH <e"erine-#ottas <isease+ Gsee *ereditary )otor and #ensory 0europathiesH <e"erine-5homas #yndrome+ Gsee 3livopontocerebellar 7trophiesH <elivery, 7bdominal+ Gsee Cesarean #ectionH

<elusionary %arasitosis+ Gsee #.I0 <I#E7#E#, %7'7#I5ICH <ementia+ :.:B, :.EB, :.BK, K.=K, ?.::, AE.K:, >E.K:, A?K.>K, KE?.::, BB=.?=, <ementia %raeco2+ Gsee #chi$ophreniaH <ementia, 7l$heimer 5ype+ Gsee 7l$heimer <iseaseH <ementia, 1ewy /ody+ Gsee 1ewy /ody <iseaseH <ementia, #enile+ Gsee 7l$heimer <iseaseH <ementia, Fascular+ :.:B, :.EB, :.BK, K.?=, ?.::, AE.K:, >E.K:, A?;.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, <ementias, 5ransmissible+ Gsee %rion <iseasesH <emyelinating <iseases+ :.:?, :.=E, :.?K, :.>9, =E.;K, EE.K:, K?.K:, B?E.K:, ;:9.K:, >9K.9=, <engue+ :.=B, :.KK, =.;K, =?.K:, ;E.K:, =>E.K:, 9KE.K:, K=>.9A, ?K:.::, ;EA.9?, <engue -ever+ Gsee <engue+ G'/reakbone -ever'HH <ental <iseases+ Gsee #tomatognathic <iseasesH <entigerous Cyst+ :.=B, :.KK, :.;K, ?.K:, E:.::, A?.K:, >K.9=, E=:.K:, A?K.>K, KE?.::, <ependent %ersonality <isorder+ <epression, /ipolar+ Gsee /ipolar <isorderH <epression, Endogenous+ Gsee <epressive <isorderH <epression, 0eurotic+ Gsee <epressive <isorderH <epression, %ostpartum+ :.:;, :.K:, :.;K, =>.:9, K.>9, 99=.:K, AA?.K:, KK:.::, BEK.::, ;99.>=, <epression, !nipolar+ Gsee <epressive <isorderH <epressive <isorder+ :.=A, :.EE, :.BE, ?.K:, =K.K:, A=.:>, ABK.B>, K>?.K:, ?EE.?:, ;?K.>9 <epressive #yndrome+ Gsee <epressive <isorderH <ercum's <isease+ Gsee 7diposis <olorosaH <ermal #inus+ Gsee #pina /ifida 3ccultaH <ermatitis+ :.:9, :.A=, :.BE, :.>K, ?.K:, =EK.9=, 9;?.K:, B;E.=:, ;EE.:B, >EK.>9, <ermatitis *erpetiformis+ :.:9, :.A=, :.BE, >.9K, E?.K:, EE>.9=, A;?.K:, K>:.::, ?EK.::, >EK.9= <ermatitis, 7ctinic+ Gsee %hotosensitivity <isordersH <ermatitis, Contagious %ustular+ Gsee Ecthyma, Contagious+ G3rfHH <ermatitis, Ec$ematous+ Gsee Ec$emaH <ermatitis, E2foliative+ :.:9, :.A=, =.BE, ;.>K, =:>.K:, EKE.>9, 9;?.K:, B>=.:E, ;EE.:B, >E;.99 <ermatofibroma+ Gsee *istiocytoma, /enign -ibrousH <ermatolysis+ Gsee Cutis 1a2aH <ermatomegaly+ Gsee Cutis 1a2aH <ermatomycoses+ :.:E, :.?K, E.BE, K.>K, ;.K:, =EK.B>, EBE.K:, K>E.K:, ?K;.K?, ;E9.AA <ermatomyositis+ :.:E, :.?K, E.AE, K.9K, ;.KE, =EK.B>, EBE.K:, KB=.K:, ?E;.K?, ;:E.AA <ermatophytoses+ Gsee <ermatomycosesH <ermatoses+ Gsee #.I0 <I#E7#E#H <ermatosis, 0eutrophilic, -ebrile, 7cute+ Gsee #weet's #yndromeH <ermoid+ Gsee <ermoid CystH <ermoid Cyst+ :.:K, :.A>, =.KE, >.;K, ;K.EK, A:K.K:, K9E.K:, B9?.K:, ?E=.BE, ;KE.:>, <esmoid+ Gsee -ibromatosis, 7ggressiveH <evelopmental <efects, 0eural 5ube+ Gsee 0eural 5ube <efectsH <evic <isease+ Gsee 0euromyelitis 3pticaH

<iabetes Insipidus+ :.=B, :.EA, :.B;, ==:.>?, E:E.K:, 9B?.::, AE9.E>, B9E.>=, ?>E.>:, >9K.9=, <iabetes Insipidus, 0ephrogenic <iabetes )ellitus, 7dult-3nset+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype EH <iabetes )ellitus, /rittle+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype =H <iabetes )ellitus+ :.=K, :.;>, =.?:, B.>?, =E.;>, BE.9:, K=E.K:, B9?.K:, ;>K.::, >K=.9: <iabetes )ellitus, Destational+ Gsee <iabetes, DestationalH <iabetes )ellitus, Insulin-<ependent+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype =H <iabetes )ellitus, @uvenile-3nset+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype =H <iabetes )ellitus, .etosis-%rone+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype =H <iabetes )ellitus, .etosis-'esistant+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype EH <iabetes )ellitus, )aturity-3nset+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype EH <iabetes )ellitus, 0on-Insulin-<ependent+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype EH <iabetes )ellitus, #low-3nset+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype EH <iabetes )ellitus, #table+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype EH <iabetes )ellitus, #udden-3nset+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype =H <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype = <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype E <iabetes, 7utoimmune+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype =H <iabetes, /ron$e+ Gsee *emochromatosis+ G<iabetes, /ron$eHH <iabetes, Destational+ :.=K, :.;>, =E.?:, ??.::, =9A.E:, E9K.;?, 9=E.K:, AK9.KE, B>=.KE, ;?E.>:, <iabetes, %regnancy-Induced+ Gsee <iabetes, DestationalH <iabetic 7cidosis+ Gsee <iabetic .etoacidosisH <iabetic 7myotrophy+ Gsee <iabetic 0europathiesH <iabetic 7utonomic 0europathy+ Gsee <iabetic 0europathiesH <iabetic .etoacidosis+ :.=B, :.A=, :.??, ;.>9, 9E.EK, ==E.KE, E=E.K:, BA?.K:, ;EE.K:, >E=.BE, <iabetic .etosis+ Gsee <iabetic .etoacidosisH <iabetic 0euralgia+ Gsee <iabetic 0europathiesH <iabetic 0europathies+ :.=B, :.A=, :.??, ;.>9, 9E.EK, A9.:=, ==E.KE, E=E.K:, BA?.K:, ;:E.K>, <iabetic %olyneuropathy+ Gsee <iabetic 0europathiesH <iabetic 'etinopathy+ :.=K, :.EA, :.B;, :.>?, 9E.EK, A9.:=, ==E.KE, E=E.K:, BA?.K:, ?9E.::, <ialysis, E2tracorporeal+ Gsee 'enal <ialysisH <ialysis, 'enal+ Gsee 'enal <ialysisH <iaper 'ash+ Gsee <ermatitisH <iaphragmatic *ernia+ Gsee *ernia, <iaphragmaticH <iastematomyelia+ Gsee 0eural 5ube <efectsH <I<)37<+ Gsee ,olfram #yndromeH <ientamoebiasis+ :.:?, :.9?, :.;9, E.K:, 9.::, BE.K:, =>K.9=, 9?K.::, K?K.9=, ;?K.B> <iffuse Cerebral #clerosis of #childer+ :.EK, :.?;, :.>9, =:.;>, ?.K:, >K.>:, 9EE.K9, A=K.?:, KBE.>=, ?AE.:B, <iffuse Dloboid /ody #clerosis+ Gsee 1eukodystrophy, Dloboid CellH <iffuse 1ewy /ody <isease+ Gsee 1ewy /ody <iseaseH

<iffuse )yofascial %ain #yndrome+ Gsee -ibromyalgiaH <iffuse %arenchymal 1ung <iseases+ Gsee 1ung <iseases, InterstitialH <iDeorge #yndrome+ :.:=, :.9?, :.;9, E.K:, 9:.::, B?.KE, =>E.E:, A?K.9=, B?K.B>, ;=>.9A <igestive #ystem <iseases+ :.?9, 9.E9, KK.>9, >E.K:, ==K.>:, A=?.K:, KAK.9=, B?9.9:, ?>B.K:, ;EK.:: <igestive #ystem #urgical %rocedures+ :.:9, :.K:, :.>9, E.K:, ==>.::, A=?.K:, KAK.9=, B?9.9:, ?>B.K:, ;EK.:: <ihydropteridine 'eductase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee %henylketonuriasH <ilated Cardiomyopathy+ Gsee Cardiomyopathy, <ilatedH <iphtheria+ :.:>, :.EK, :.?;, E.?K, =E.B>, ?.K:, >K.;9, 99A.EK, AK9.?E, K=K.9=, <iphyllobothriasis+ :.:E, :.EA, :.?:, ?.K:, =;.E=, =AK.K:, A:?.K:, ?=E.K:, ;E?.K:, >E=.:B <iplegic Infantile Cerebral %alsy+ Gsee Cerebral %alsyH <iplopia+ :.EB, :.BK, =:.K9, K.=K, AE.K:, BK.9=, >K.>:, EEK.;9, AKK.;E, ;:K.9=, <ipylidiasis+ Gsee Cestode InfectionsH <isk, *erniated+ Gsee Intervertebral <isk <isplacementH <isorders of the 7utonomic 0ervous #ystem+ Gsee 7utonomic 0ervous #ystem <iseasesH <isseminated Intravascular Coagulation+ :.=9, :.?E, :.>E, >.K:, =E;.::, 9:E.K:, A9E.K:, K>?.K:, ??9.>=, >:=.=?, <issociation+ Gsee <I##3CI75IFE <I#3'<E'#H <issociative <isorders+ :.==, :.A>, :.>?, =?.9:, E>.K:, AEE.K:, B:E.K:, ?=K.9=, ;:9.K:, >EA.9?, <issociative Identity <isorder+ Gsee )ultiple %ersonality <isorderH <istal 5risomy + :.=E, :.9K, 9.>K, A?.K:, ;?.K:, =E?.K:, 9EK.>:, KEB.K:, ?:;.K?, ;?E.>9 <istichiasis+ :.:;, :.A=, :.;:, ?.K:, E.K:, 9:.::, BK.9=, =EK.::, 9KK.?E, AEE.K9, <iverticulitis+ :.=>, :.E9, :.;K, E.EK, E:.::, =?.K:, A=.:E, BBE.K:, ;9A.::, >=9.?:, <onovanosis+ Gsee Dranuloma Inguinale+ G<onovanosisHH <racunculiasis+ :.=:, :.K?, :.;:, KA.?=, =>K.9=, 9KE.K:, K>K.>:, B=>.9A, ?>?.B=, ;>=.E? <racunculosis+ Gsee <racunculiasisH <ressing 7pra2ia+ Gsee 7pra2iasH <uane 'etraction #yndrome+ :.:A, >.AB, AA.9:, =>A.?=, E:?.K:, 99:.::, K9?.K:, B:K.;9, ?KA.:9, ;EK.9= <uane #yndrome+ Gsee <uane 'etraction #yndromeH <ubin-@ohnson #yndrome+ Gsee @aundice, Chronic IdiopathicH <uhring's <isease+ Gsee <ermatitis *erpetiformisH <uncan's #yndrome+ Gsee 1Y)%*3%'31I-E'75IFE <I#3'<E'#H <uodenal !lcer+ :.=?, :.=;, :.>9, E.K:, =K.::, E:.::, AK.9=, B?:.::, ?EK.>:, ;EK.;9 <upuytren's Contracture+ :.:?, :.;E, K.;K, =E.?=, EK.A:, 9A=.::, A=K.?:, ?9A.K=, ;=>.9A, >;E.:E <ysautonomia, -amilial+ :.=A, :.EK, :.;K, K.EK, ?.EK, 9EK.::, K;?.K:, ?AK.9=, ;=K.>:, >E?.::, <yscalculia+ Gsee Communication <isordersH <ysembryoma+ Gsee 5eratomaH <ysentery+ :.E9, :.>?, K.;9, ?.EK, =?.K:, B?.K:, E9A.EK, KEE.K9, BKK.E:, ?K=.;?, <yshidrosis+ Gsee Ec$emaH <yskinesia #yndromes+ Gsee )3FE)E05 <I#3'<E'#H <yslipidemias+ :.:?, :.E9, :.>?, =A.:9, 9E.K:, ?E.>=, =9K.9A, A>?.K:, B?K.::, >KA.9?

<yslipoproteinemias+ Gsee <yslipidemiasH <ysmetria+ Gsee Cerebellar 7ta2iaH <ysmorphophobia+ Gsee #3)753-3') <I#3'<E'#H <ysmyelopoietic #yndromes+ Gsee )yelodysplastic #yndromesH <ysnomia+ Gsee 7nomiaH <ysostosis, Cleidocranial+ Gsee Cleidocranial <ysplasiaH <ysostosis, Craniofacial+ Gsee Craniofacial <ysostosisH <yspareunia+ :.=K, :.=;, :.>9, E.?K, =9?.K9, EB9.:E, A:E.K:, K?=.=K, ?>B.K9, ;EK.9A, <yspepsia+ :.:;, :.=E, =?.;K, K?.?=, =EE.:E, EA=.A:, A;K.;9, K>?.KA, ?EK.9;, ;K=.=? <ysphagia+ Gsee <eglutition <isordersH <ysphasia+ Gsee 7phasiaH <ysplasia, 7rteriohepatic+ Gsee 7lagille #yndromeH <yspra2ia+ Gsee 7pra2iasH <ysthymic <isorder+ :.=B, :.KK, =.;K, ;.K:, E?.9:, K?.K:, ?E.K:, E:?.K:, A=E.9A, B:?.::, <ystonia+ :.:;, :.K:, :.;9, ==.?:, K;.;?, 99:.E=, A=?.9E, BK9.:E, ;EE.:=, >?=.9E <ystrophia /revicollis Congenita+ Gsee .lippel--eil #yndromeH tract. If using these leads to cold symptoms, follow with 7denovirus fre&sH - E;E, E;>, ?;A>, 9E?, KA;, 999, A=9, BAE, ?>>, ;:E, ;:A, ;9E, >K?, =9E:, =KK:, =?EE E. coli mutant strain - KKB, >9A, =EAE, =EAA, =?:9, B9E, B9A, ??B Ear conditions, various Gdischarges, tinnitus, itching, hearing loss. 7lso see 3titis.H - >.=>, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, A=:, =K;, E:=, 9A:, AA:, K9K, KAE, BAK, BKE, B;9 Ear fungus G=H - ;KA Ear wa2 - 9==, 9E:, ?K:, >;A E/F Gsee Epstein-/arr FirusH Echinococcinum Gtapeworms found in dogs, wolves, cats, R rodents that can infect manH - =BA, AK9, KAE, BE9 Echo Firus GEndometriosis 5uberylosa, causes a type of meningitisH - BE:, BEK, ?EE, ?BK, >EE, K=A, ?;;, AB= Ec$ema - >.=>, ?:?, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, =::::, K:::, E?E:, E=;:, E=E;, BBA, =E:, E: Ec$ema in vascular and lung functional disturbances - >.9> Ec$ema G=H - ??:, >=B, A=K Edema and swelling - KEE, =AB, B.9, =A;, AAA, AA:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E:, K:::, =:::: Electrolyte levels Gwater, sodium, potassiumH to improve - ;.=, E:, =:::: Elephantiasis Guse with parasite, esp roundworm and nematode fre&sH - BE9, ;EA, ;BK, ?=: Emotional ties to diseases - ?BA, BBA Emphysema Guse with parasite, esp roundworm fre&sH - =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =E:, E:, ;: Encephalitis Ginflammation of the tissues of the brain and spinal cordH ;A= Endocarditis Gsee 1isterioseH

Endometriosis, chronic Ggrowth of uterine tissue outside the uterus that may cause pain, infertility, R abnormal uterine bleeding. !se with general parasite, liver and pancreatic fluke setsH - EAB, ;::, =KK: Endometriosis tuberylosa Gsee Echo virusH Energy and vitality - >>>> Entamoeba histolytica Ghighly damaging proto$oa causing dysentery and liver infectionH - =A;, =BB, 9:;, 9>9, B9=, ??; Enterobiasis - Gpinworms - see %arasites, enterobiasisH Enterococcinum Ghomeopathic nosode for #trep-family organisms found in the digestive and urinary tractsH - B;B, A:> Enterohepatitis Ginflammation of bowel R liverH - KKE, >9E, >K9 Enuresis Gbed wetting. !se with parasite setsH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Epicoccum - ?9A, ??; Epicondylitis Gtennis elbowH lateral or vertical - =.E, EK:, ?E;, ?BB, ??B, ;;: Epidermophyton floccinum Gfungus that attacks skin R nails, including some athlete's foot and J"ock itchJ ringworms. 7lso see )icrosporum fre&s and -ungal general if necessary.H - ABK, ?;A, BAA, ?BB, 9AK GEE=:?H Epididymitis Ginflammation of testicle area, ducts. #ee also 3rchitis.H =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Epilepsy - =::::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ?::, BK:, B::, E=:, B99, =EK, E: Epstein-/arr virus Gthe herpes virus causing mononucleosisH - =:K, =?E, EK9, E?A, BB:, BB9, BB?, BB>, ?9;, ;EK, ;?B;, =:=9, =>E:, BB=; Epstein-/arr virus secondary Galso try Deneral parasite and roundworm fre&sH - ?AA, ??B, ??;, ABK, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =:9E, =>E: Eriterocoucinum - B;B Erysipelas Gbacterial infection manifesting in skin inflammation caused by strep pyogenes or other pathogens and possibly related to the swine form of the diseaseH - B=B, ??B, ?9K, ;AK, BB:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E: Erythema nosodum - >.9> Escherichia coli - Gsee E. coliH Esophagus Gconstriction. 7lso see Deneral antiseptic and dental fre&sH ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Euglena - A9E, 9E=K, 9EEK, 99EK, BAA; Eustachian tube inflammation - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK Eye disorders Gblurred vision, cataracts, crossed eyes, diplopia, infections, etc.H - =;9:, =B::, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, =KKE, =B:, 9K:, 9B:, E:=:, =99K, A>B, A:: Eye inflammation Galso see Deneral antisepticH - =.E, ;: Eyelid droop Gsee %losisH Eyes GglaucomaH - =B::, =;9:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Eyesight Gto sharpenH - 9K:, 9B:, =;9: E

Ear <iseases+ :.KK, :.>:, K.=K, KK.9A, =K=.:>, 9;?.K:, AKE.K:, BE=.;=, ;?:.K9, >E=.:E, Eardrum %erforation+ Gsee 5ympanic )embrane %erforationH Eating <isorders+ :.=A, :.EE, :.BE, K;.EK, E=K.K:, AAE.:=, K9?.K:, B=?.K:, ;B>.?=, >?K.9A, Eaton-1ambert #yndrome+ Gsee 1ambert-Eaton )yasthenic #yndromeH Ebola Firus Infections+ Gsee *emorrhagic -evers, FiralH Ebstein 7nomaly+ :.EB, :.BK, ==.:>, K.?=, AE.K:, BK.;9, >E.K:, E9A.EK, AKE.K>, ;=K.;?, E/F Infections+ Gsee Epstein-/arr Firus InfectionsH Ecchymosis+ :.==, :.KK, :.;:, E9.K:, ==?.K:, EKE.K:, ABE.K:, K>B.K:, ?>?.K:, >?K.9A Echinococcosis+ :.=E, :.KK, K.;K, ;=.K:, =E?.KK, EA=.KE, A?=.K:, BEK.9:, ;K9.::, >=K.:> Eclampsia+ :.:9, :.K:, :.;K, K.?=, ?.EK, =9.>;, EA?.K:, AK:.::, B>K.;9, ;>K.;?, Ecthyma, Contagious+ :.=K, :.;9, ?.BE, B?.>E, =>?.K:, E=E.;K, A:K.::, KE?.K:, ?=B.K:, ;?=.E: Ectodermal <efect, Congenital+ Gsee Ectodermal <ysplasiaH Ectodermal <ysplasia+ :.=9, :.KE, :.;9, ;.K:, =E.K9, =AK.;9, EBE.K:, 9>?.K:, B99.>=, ;EK.=? Ectoparasitic Infestations+ :.==, =.A>, 9E.K?, =:E.EK, E=E.K:, A9E.K:, B?E.K:, ?9K.9A, ;>9.K:, >9:.=: Ectropion+ :.=E, :.9K, :.>K, ?.K:, =E?.K:, EA?.K:, ABK.::, K>B.K:, BKK.?E, ;?K.9A Ec$ema+ :.:;, :.A=, >.;:, ;?.K:, E:E.K:, 9AK.::, B:?.K:, ?EK.;9, ;K:.::, >EA.9? Edema+ :.:?, :.E9, ;.>?, ??.K:, =9E.K:, E9E.K:, A9=.;?, B:E.K9, ??K.9:, ;KE.?E Efferent %upillary <efect+ Gsee %!%I1 <I#3'<E'#H Egyptian 3phthalmia+ Gsee 5rachomaH Ehlers-<anlos #yndrome+ :.=K, :.=;, :.>9, E.?K, =EK.9A, EAB.E:, A:K.::, ?9=.K:, ;EB.K:, >E=.9A Ehrlichiosis+ :.:;, :.=E, :.;K, K;.;?, EEA.:9, A=:.E:, K;K.;9, BEB.:?, ?EK.9A, ;EB.>:, Eisenmenger Comple2+ :.:E, :.EA, :.?:, :.;?, E.K:, =?.K:, ?K.9A, =>?.K:, 9=K.?:, A=>.9A Eisenmenger #yndrome+ Gsee Eisenmenger Comple2H Ekbom #yndrome+ Gsee 'estless 1egs #yndromeH Elaeophoriasis+ Gsee -ilariasisH Electron 5ransport Chain <eficiencies, )itochondrial+ Gsee )itochondrial <iseasesH Elfin -acies #yndrome+ Gsee ,illiams #yndromeH Ellis-Fan Creveld #yndrome+ Embolism, Cholesterol+ :.:K, :.K?, :.>E, E.K9, =E.9A, K9.:E, ?;.9:, =K;.9:, EK?.:E, A=:.:: Embryopathies+ Gsee -E571 <I#E7#E#H Embryotomy+ Gsee 7bortion, InducedH Emesis+ Gsee FomitingH Emetophobia+ Gsee 70(IE5Y <I#3'<E'#H Emphysema, %ulmonary+ Gsee %ulmonary EmphysemaH Empty #ella #yndrome+ :.=E, >.KK, KK.;K, =:E.K:, =>E.K:, EA?.K:, A?E.K:, KEK.9?, BK:.::, >?A.K: Empty #ella #yndrome, %rimary+ Gsee Empty #ella #yndromeH Empty #ella #yndrome, #econdary+ Gsee Empty #ella #yndromeH Empyema, Dallbladder+ Gsee CholecystitisH Empyema, %leural+ :.==, :.KK, :.;:, K.=K, =K=.9A, EKE.K:, KBE.K:, B>B.K:, ?>?.K:,

;EE.K9, Empyema, 5horacic+ Gsee Empyema, %leuralH Encephalitis+ :.:9, :.K:, :.;9, K.?=, ?>.9:, =>E.K:, AB?.K:, BKE.E:, ;:E.K=, >=E.KE, Encephalitis %eria2ialis+ Gsee <iffuse Cerebral #clerosis of #childerH Encephalitis, 7rbovirus+ :.=K, :.E9, :.B:, :.>K, ?.K:, =K:.;>, AKK.9A, KE?.K:, ;>B.K:, >=?.E: Encephalitis, Epidemic+ Gsee Encephalitis, 7rbovirusH Encephalitis, *erpes #imple2+ :.:K, :.>?, K.;9, ?.K:, =E.99, ==9.E9, AEK.::, K?=.::, ;BK.;9, >9?.A=, Encephalitis, @apanese+ Gsee Encephalitis, 7rbovirusH Encephalitis, #t. 1ouis+ Gsee Encephalitis, 7rbovirusH Encephalocele+ :.=9, :.K?, :.?;, :.>?, E.K:, ;?.K:, 9E9.>;, BBK.?:, ;EE.?:, >:B.:? Encephalomyelitis+ :.:;, :.AB, 9.E>, ?.K:, ==?.K:, 9E?.K:, AKE.K:, BBE.:E, ;>B.K:, >;=.::, Encephalomyelitis, )yalgic+ Gsee -atigue #yndrome, ChronicH Encephalomyelitis, #ubacute 0ecroti$ing+ Gsee 1eigh <isease+ G#ubacute 0ecroti$ing EncephalomyelopathyHH Encephalopathy, /inswanger+ Gsee <ementia, FascularH Encephalopathy, *ypo2ic+ Gsee *ypo2ia, /rainH Encephalopathy, #ubacute 0ecroti$ing+ Gsee 1eigh <isease+ G#ubacute 0ecroti$ing EncephalomyelopathyHH Encephalopathy, ,ernicke+ Gsee ,ernicke EncephalopathyH Enchondroma+ Gsee ChondromaH Enchondroma, )ultiple+ Gsee EnchondromatosisH Enchondromatosis+ :.=K, :.=;, :.;?, =K.;9, E9.E=, E=E.K9, EA?.K;, ABK.9A, B>K.:E, ?>E.K= Enchondrosis, )ultiple+ Gsee EnchondromatosisH Encopresis+ :.KK, :.K?, :.;9, ?.K:, =:.;>, A:.::, ==>.9A, E?K.9A, AEK.;9, K?=.::, ;B;.::, >9E.::, Endocarditis, /acterial+ :.=9, :.K?, :.?;, =E.E?, B;.E>, =9K.EK, E?E.?E, AEK.K9, ?99.>=, ;9B.AE, Endocrine Cancer+ :.=A, :.AB, :.?K, E.:>, 9E.K:, A?.K:, ==?.K:, 9>B.K:, BKK.?E, ;EK.KA Endocrine <iseases+ Gsee Endocrine #ystem <iseasesH Endocrine <iseases+ Gsee Endocrine #ystem <iseasesH Endodontics+ :.:E, :.=E, :.>K, =9.9>, EE.K:, K=.9:, EB=.:E, A>=.K=, B=>.9A, ;?K.9K, Endometrial Cancer+ :.:?, :.=;, :.B:, =A.>?, =9K.?=, EKK.K:, AE=.:E, B>9.K:, ??K.KA, ;?;.K:, Endometrioma+ Gsee Endometriosis+ G7denomyosisHH Endometriosis+ :.:9, :.EK, :.?9, =E.;K, ?.K:, 9K.K=, BE.K;, =EK.9K, B?E.>=, >EA.9?, Endophthalmitis+ :.:?, :.AB, :.B:, :.>K, =:.K9, 9E.K:, 9;?.K:, K>K.KA, ?9E.A=, >EK.9K, Endoscopic #urgical %rocedures+ Gsee EndoscopyH Endoscopy+ :.:?, :.AB, 9.E=, K.=?, =?.K:, =E?.K:, 9K=.E=, B==.::, ?:B.K:, >E=.E:, End-#tage 'enal <isease+ Gsee .idney -ailure, Chronic+ GEnd #tage 'enal <iseaseHH Enlarged *eart+ Gsee CardiomegalyH Enlarged 1iver+ Gsee *epatomegalyH Enteric -ever+ Gsee 5yphoid -everH Enteritis, Dranulomatous+ Gsee Crohn <iseaseH

Enteritis, %seudomembranous+ Gsee Enterocolitis, %seudomembranousH Enteritis, 'egional+ Gsee Crohn <iseaseH Enterocele+ Gsee *erniaH Enterocolitis, %seudomembranous Enthesopathy+ Gsee '*E!)75IC <I#E7#E#H Entomophthoramycosis+ Gsee CygomycosisH Entrapment 0europathies+ Gsee 0erve Compression #yndromesH Entrapment 0europathy, Carpal 5unnel+ Gsee Carpal 5unnel #yndromeH Entropion+ :.=K, :.=;, :.;?, K.?=, E?.K:, EE9.KA, EAK.KA, EBE.:E, B>E.99, ;>E.K: Enuresis+ Gsee !rination <isordersH Eosinophilia+ :.:E, :.=E, :.>K, =E.99, ;E.K:, =KE.::, 9BE.:E, B:A.::, ?=9.9A, ;E9.K;, >K?.9= Eosinophilia, 5ropical+ Gsee EosinophiliaH Eosinophilia-)yalgia #yndrome Ependymoma+ :.:?, :.=;, B.?K, A:.;?, =?E.B>, E:=.EK, AE=.K:, K>?.K:, ;9K.9K, >E9.:?, Ependymoma, )y2opapillary+ Gsee EpendymomaH Ependymoma, %apillary+ Gsee EpendymomaH Eperythro$oonosis+ Gsee )ycoplasma InfectionsH Epicondylitis, 1ateral *umeral+ Gsee 5E00I# E1/3,H Epidemic 0eurolabyrinthitis+ Gsee Festibular 0euronitisH Epidermal Cyst+ :.=E, :.EK, ;.BE, =?.EK, ;E.K:, ==K.;?, 9EK.::, A>=.K=, B?9.9K, ;?A.KA, Epidermoid Cyst+ Gsee Epidermal CystH Epidermolysis /ullosa+ :.=9, :.E9, :.BE, A;.>=, =9?.K:, E>K.K:, A=9.>9, BK9.:E, ;?B.E>, >EA.9? Epidermophytosis+ Gsee 5ineaH Epididymitis+ :.:E, :.=E, :.>K, =9.B=, KE.K:, =K:.::, AB9.:A, B99.EK, ?E9.K9, ;KK.9K, , Epiglottitis+ :.:?, :.AB, :.B:, :.>K, ==.:>, 9E.K:, =E?.K:, 9>K.;9, B=>.9A, ?EK.KA, Epilepsy+ :.:?, :.=;, :.?9, :.;?, K.?=, ?.EK, EE.K:, >?.K:, 9?K.9K, K::.::, BKK.E:, ?K=.;?, >9E.A= Epileptic #ei$ures+ Gsee EpilepsyH Epiloia+ Gsee 5uberous #clerosis+ G/ourneville's <iseaseHH Epiphora+ Gsee 17C'I)71 7%%7'75!# <I#E7#E#H Episcleritis+ Gsee #cleritisH Episiotomy+ :.=E, :.EK, K=.BE, ?E.EK, =:K.=?, E9?.9E, AE=.K=, B:E.K:, ?EK.::, ;EE.9K, Epista2is+ :.=9, :.E9, :.BE, B.>K, E?.K:, ;K.KA, =EE.?=, AK9.:E, ?A9.KA, ;9B.AE, Epithelial 0eoplasms, )alignant+ Gsee CarcinomaH Epithelioma+ Gsee CarcinomaH Epithelioma, /asal Cell+ Gsee Carcinoma, /asal CellH Epstein-/arr Firus Infections+ :.:?, :.KE, :.?:, :.>9, E.K:, =K.;9, =EB.:=, 9EK.9K, K=>.9A, ?>=.E; E&uinovarus+ Gsee ClubfootH Erb %aralysis+ Gsee /rachial %le2us 0europathies+ GErb's %alsyHH Erdheim-Chester <isease+ :.:A, =.KE, =A.?K, ?=.;?, =KE.EK, E=?.K:, 99K.::, A>E.K:, B?K.KA, ??K.9K Erectile <ysfunction+ :.:;, :.EA, :.BK, :.>:, E.K:, E?.K:, KK.9B, ==K.?:, 9EB.:?, K9A.EK, Ergot %oisoning+ Gsee ErgotismH

Ergotism+ :.:?, :.KE, :.B;, :.>:, E.?K, K.::, =K.9B, :.:=, 9EK.KA, K99.B9 Erysipelas+ :.:A, :.KE, :.?9, :.;?, E.EK, =?.K:, 9K.;9, =>E.K:, B?K.9B, ;EB.>:, Erythema+ :.:?, :.EA, :.BK, :.>:, E.K:, E?.K:, KK.KA, =EA.9?, A?K.9B, ??;.K:, Erythema Infectiosum+ :.:?, :.EA, :.BK, :.>:, E.K:, E?.K:, =KK.9B, E=K.?:, 9?K.KA, KEE.K9, Erythremia+ Gsee %olycythemia FeraH Erythroderma+ Gsee <ermatitis, E2foliative+ GErythrodermaHH Erythroderma, )aculopapular+ Gsee %arapsoriasisH Erythroderma, #e$ary+ Gsee #e$ary #yndromeH Erythropoietic %orphyria+ Gsee %orphyria, ErythropoieticH Escherichia coli Infections+ :.=B, :.A=, :.?9, :.;9, ?.K:, E?.K:, =K?.K:, AEK.::, B=:.K:, ;EB.:? Esophageal 7chalasia+ :.EE, :.BK, :.;9, ?.K:, =E:.::, 9K?.K:, AEK.9B, BK=.::, ?KA.9?, ;=>.B; Esophageal 7tresia+ :.EE, :.?K, :.;K, =:.;>, 9E.K:, BE.:9, EEK.KA, A=:.K:, ?=>.9A, ;BK.9B, Esophageal <iseases+ :.EE, :.BK, :.;9, ?.K:, 9:.::, K?.K:, EEK.KA, A=:.K:, ?=>.9A, ;BK.9B, Esophageal 'eflu2+ Gsee Dastroesophageal 'eflu2H Esophagitis+ :.==, :.K?, =.:>, ?.K:, 9:.::, 9?.K:, EEK.KA, A=:.K:, ?=>.9A, ;BK.9B, Esophagopharyngeal <iverticulum+ Gsee Cenker <iverticulumH Esophagotracheal -istula+ Gsee 5racheoesophageal -istulaH Esophagus, /arrett+ Gsee /arrett EsophagusH Esophoria+ Gsee EsotropiaH Esotropia+ :.=E, :.KK, :.>K, K.EK, EK.K=, AE.K:, =BE.KE, A>E.K?, B?K.K=, ;E;.K9 E#'<+ Gsee .idney -ailure, Chronic+ GEnd #tage 'enal <iseaseHH Essential %olyarteritis+ Gsee %olyarteritis 0odosaH Essential 5remor+ :.==, :.K?, ;=.9:, =:K.?=, EE=.K:, 99?.K:, K?:.K=, B>=.K=, ??K.A;, >?=.KK Etat )arbre+ Gsee )3FE)E05 <I#3'<E'#H Ethnomedicine+ Gsee )edicine, 5raditionalH Evans #yndrome+ :.=E, :.KK, :.>K, K.=?, EE.K:, =AE.K:, 9BE.K:, KBE.K:, ??K.9B, >EA.9? Ewing's 5umor+ Gsee #arcoma, Ewing'sH E2anthema #ubitum+ :.:?, :.K:, :.>K, ?.K:, =:.K9, =9E.K:, EAE.K:, 9>E.:=, BE>.EB, >=K.A; E2encephaly+ Gsee 0eural 5ube <efectsH E2foliation #yndrome+ :.=K, :.E9, :.?9, :.;K, K.9B, =A?.EK, 99K.A;, A;?.K:, B>K.;9, ;?K.9B E2ocrine %ancreatic Insufficiency+ :.=:, :.K:, :.B;, K.>K, 9K.?=, ;?.K:, =9?.K:, 9K?.K:, K>B.K:, ?AE.:B E2odontics+ Gsee #urgery, 3ralH E2omphalos+ Gsee *ernia, !mbilical+ G3mphaloceleHH E2omphalos-)acroglossia-Digantism #yndrome+ Gsee /eckwith-,iedemann #yndromeH E2ophoria+ Gsee E2otropiaH E2ophthalmic Doiter+ Gsee Draves <iseaseH E2ostoses+ :.:?, :.K:, :.>?, >.::, ==.:>, 9E.K:, AE.K:, =>:.::, AK:.::, ;KB.?E

E2otropia+ :.=K, :.E9, =E.?K, 9;.;K, =:K.EK, E=?.EK, A9K.9B, B=?.KE, ?>=.A;, ;??.>= E2perimental 1ung Inflammation+ Gsee %neumoniaH E2tracorporeal <ialysis+ Gsee 'enal <ialysisH Eye 7bnormalities+ :.=:, :.K:, :.?:, E.>?, =K.;?, 9?.K:, ??.K:, =K?.K:, 9EB.K:, ?EE.:= Eye Cancer+ Gsee C70CE'+ EYEH Eye *emorrhage+ :.:9, :.E9, :.?9, :.;:, =E.B>, K.=?, 9E.K:, >9.K:, =?K.::, KEB.:? Eye Infections+ :.==, :.9K, :.?:, :.>K, ?.K:, ;.::, 9:.::, >:.::, 9EE.K9, K9A.EK, Eye )ovement <isorders+ Gsee 3C!17' )35I1I5Y <I#3'<E'#H -acial cramps - =::::, B:::, 9:A, ==9 =, 99 -acial paralysis - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? -acial toning - =.E -ainting - E: -ascia Gfibrous tissue under the skin. 7lso see -ibroid fre&sH - E: -atigue, general - AE;, AEA, BBA, BB:, ABA, =EK, =E:, >K, ?E, E:, AAA, =;BK, =::::, K::: -ebris wolhynia Ga 'ickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapseH - KA?, 9KB -el tauri Ghomeopathic preparation of o2 bileH - B?E -eli - A9K -eline GcatH leukemia - EK;, 99E, A=A, AEA, KAA, ;9:, >:=, >=;, >>?, ?A=, ?A9 -eli - A9K, ?AE -elis - A9:, ;9A, EE9E, 9E99 -elon Gpus, infection of finger tipsH - BK?, BK>, ?9;, ?K= -elon II - BB9, BBK, ?E:, ?EE -eloris ,olyhnica - KA? -ever Gvarious causesH - ;;:, ;::, ;9E, AEE, E==E, ?;?, ?E?, E: -ever, sunstroke - E:, AA:, ;;: -ibroadenoma mamanae Gnon-cancerous, fibrous nodules in the breastsH - =9;A -ibroma - E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB, =KK:, ;:E, ABK -ibromyalgia - 9E;, ;;:, ;::, ?E;, K:::, E?E:, E=;:, E=E;, BBA, ABA, 9:A, =E:, E: -ibromyalgia G=H - =E:, =A:, 9:A, ABA, ?E;, ;::, ;;:, EA;>, 9=?B, K:::, B:::, >::: for K min -ibrosarcoma - =?AA -ibrosis of @ung - E?.K, EE:, A=: -ibropendulum - BB=, ?ABK, E==, E99, ?BB -ischpyrogen - ;9E -issures - ?;?, E:, =:::: -istula <entalis - KK:, ?E?, ;AA, ;?;, ==EE -istula, ulcer Gsee also #taph fre&sH - ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E? -IF - EBE, 9E9, 9?E, A:A, KB?, ?=E, ?AE, ?B:, ??9, >=B, ==:9, ==9E, 9?:= -latulence - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK -lea - E9?A -lu Gsee Influen$aH

-lukes Gsee %arasites, flukesH -luor 7lb Ghomeopathic cell saltH - ==:, 9AE, AE:, AE9, B;;, ?K? -ollicular mange Gcontagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair folliclesH EK9, B>9, ?:=, ??A -olliculitis, hot-tub Gtiny pimplesH - =?A, A;E, K9== -ood poisoning Gsome classes. 7lso use #almonella typhimurium and see Deneral antiseptic, 7bdominal pain, and 7bdominal inflammation.H - =KKE, ;:E, ;9E -oot R mouth syndrome Ga mild viral infection found in young childrenH E9E, E9?, =E=A, =EA9, =EAA, =E?=, KA== -oot-blisters - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK -ractures - EE:, E9:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? -re&uency fatigue Gtiredness Gthat is not deto2H from using fre&uency generator too longH - =:.KK, ?.;9 -rigidity, female - =::::, E: -rostbite - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? -ro$en shoulder - =::::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E? -ruitfly - E=B? -ungus E, range - ;E9 to ;E> -ungus flora G=H - 99=, 99B, KKK, K;?, B9E, B;;, ?K?, ;;E, ;;A, ;;? -ungus, general Galso see candida, yeast, and other specific typesH - ?E, EKA, AEE, K;E, ?;?, =:=B, ==9A, ==K9, EEEE, ABK, =KK:, ?;A, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, E: -ungus and mold, general -;, ;;:, ?;A, ABA, ;;B, ;BB, A=A, EKA, 9AA, EA==, 9E=, KKK, >AE, 99?, ?BB, =;E9, KEA, 9?A, ?A9, =9E, ;BB -urunkulosis Gboils on skin. 7lso use #taph aureus fre&sH - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, BB:, E:, ==B, ??: -urunkulosis herpes Galso see *erpes general and -urunkulosisH- E::, =:::, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E? -usarium general- ?B;, BEK, ?AB -usarium o2ysporum Ga fungus causing inflammation of the cornea of the eyeH - =:E, 99E, ?:K, ?>K, ?;: -abry <isease+ :.:?, :.EE, :.?9, E.K:, K.EK, K:.::, E?K.9B, K9B.AE, BKK.E:, ?KK.A> -acial *emiatrophy+ :.=:, :.K:, :.?:, :.>?, K.;9, =?.K:, ;?.K:, =K?.K:, K>B.K:, ;K?.?? -acial )yokymia+ Gsee -acial 0erve <iseasesH -acial 0erve <iseases+ :.:;, :.9E, :.B=:, E.E?, AA.EK, ==K.?=, EKK.A;, A;K.::, B>?.K:, ;KB.?E -acial 0euralgia+ :.B:, :.;?, E.EK, K.=?, KK.;9, ==K.?=, EKK.A;, A;K.::, B>?.K:, ;KB.?E -acial 0europathy+ Gsee -acial 0erve <iseasesH -acial 0europathy, Inflammatory, 7cute+ Gsee /ell %alsyH -acial %ain #yndromes+ Gsee -acial 0euralgiaH -acial %alsy+ Gsee -acial %aralysisH

-acial %aralysis+ :.:;, :.9E, :.B=:, E.E?, AA.EK, ==K.?=, EKK.A;, A;K.::, B>?.K:, ;KB.?E -acial %aralysis, Idiopathic+ Gsee /ell %alsyH -acial 'ecognition 7gnosia+ Gsee %rosopagnosiaH -actor I( <eficiency+ Gsee *emophilia /+ G-actor I( <eficiency, Christmas <iseaseHH -actor F <eficiency+ :.:A, :.9E, :.BE, :.>?, K.::, EE.K:, B:.::, >:.::, 9EK.9B, ;B9.BK, -actor F 1eiden+ Gsee /lood Coagulation <isordersH -actor FII <eficiency+ :.:;, :.EE, :.?9, E.K:, K.?=, K:.::, 9EE.K9, A=K.?:, KBB.A=, ?:?.EB, -actor FIII <eficiency+ Gsee *emophilia 7+ G-actor FIII <eficiencyHH -actor ( <eficiency+ :.:=, :.EA, :.BK, K.A;, B?.EK, =??.E:, EKE.K:, KBE.K:, ?>9.K:, ;=A.K: -actor (I <eficiency+ :.=:, :.EB, :.B;, ?.K:, ==.:>, AK.::, 9EK.A9, K=K.?:, B;E.AK, ?KK.A> -actor (II <eficiency+ :.:K, :.=E, :.B:, :.;?, E.EK, AK.::, 9EK.A9, K=K.?:, B;E.AK, ?KK.A> -amilial /enign Chronic %emphigus+ Gsee %emphigus, /enign -amilialH -amilial @uvenile %arkinsonism+ Gsee %arkinsonian <isordersH -amilial )editerranean -ever+ :.=B, :.K?, :.>K, K.EK, 9?.EK, =9E.K:, E9?.K:, KEE.K9, B?K.A9, ;=>.9A, -amilial )otor 0euron <isease+ Gsee )otor 0euron <iseaseH -amilial 5remor+ Gsee Essential 5remorH -anconi 7nemia+ :.:K, :.A=, =.E>, K.A9, ?.EK, =EK.AA, AB?.K:, B:K.>=, ?:E.K:, ;=K.A9, -asciculation+ :.=:, :.EB, :.B;, >.?:, =9.KE, AK.::, 9KE.>9, A>B.:=, B;E.AK, ?KK.A>, -asciitis+ :.:K, :.=E, :.B:, 9.;?, ?E.EK, =EK.A9, 9;?.K:, KEK.>=, ?=E.K:, ;EK.AA, -asciitis, 0ecroti$ing+ :.=B, :.K?, :.>K, 9.;?, ?E.EK, =EK.A9, 9;?.K:, KEK.>=, ?=E.K:, ;EK.AA -ascioliasis+ :.:K, :.A=, =.::, K.?K, ?.EK, =K.>=, =?9.9:, A9K.AA, ?>E.K:, >=K.?:, -atal -amilial Insomnia+ Gsee Insomnia, -atal -amilialH -atigue+ :.:A, :.EK, :.>K, ?.K:, =E.;K, E>.:9, =K?.K:, 9;=.:E, K>K.AE, ;?K.::, -atigue #yndrome, Chronic+ :.:K, :.E9, :.>K, =E.99, EE.K:, AK.>=, ?E.K:, >E.K:, 9A?.K=, ;E=.::, -atty 7cid 32idation <isorders+ :.:E, :.KE, :.?9, E.EK, K.A9, AK.AA, EB>.?=, K9A.EK, B;E.AK, ?K=.;?, -atty 1iver+ :.:A, :.A>, :.?;, ?.K:, ;.::, =K.A9, BE.K:, 9EK.::, K=K.?:, BKK.E: -atty 5umor+ Gsee 1ipomaH -avism+ Gsee Dlucosephosphate <ehydrogenase <eficiencyH -a$io-1onde #yndrome+ Gsee /ulbar %alsy, %rogressiveH -ecal Incontinence+ :.=9, :.9K, :.;K, K.?K, =?.K:, AE.K:, EE=.:E, AEK.A9, ??=.::, ;=K.>= -elty #yndrome+ Gsee 7rthritis, 'heumatoidH -emini$ation+ -ever+ :.=E, :.E9, :.;9, K.K:, =9.>9, =E.?=, >E.K:, 9?B.E>, K=>.9A, BKE.A9 -ever /lister+ Gsee *erpes 1abialisH -ibrinogen <eficiency+ Gsee 7fibrinogenemia+ G-actor I <eficiency, -ibrinogen <eficiencyHH -ibrocystic /reast <isease+ :.:A, :.EK, :.>?, >.::, ?9.;>, =E9.E:, EK?.K=, 9:E.K;, K>E.A>, ;?K.A9 -ibrocystic )astopathy+ Gsee -ibrocystic /reast <iseaseH

-ibrodysplasia 3ssificans %rogressiva+ Gsee )yositis 3ssificansH -ibroid+ Gsee 1eiomyoma+ G-ibroid 5umorHH -ibroid 5umor+ Gsee 1eiomyoma+ G-ibroid 5umorHH -ibroid !terus+ Gsee 1eiomyoma+ G-ibroid 5umorHH -ibroids, !terine+ Gsee 1eiomyoma+ G-ibroid 5umorHH -ibroma, #hope+ Gsee 5!)3' FI'!# I0-EC5I30#H -ibroma, !terine+ Gsee 1eiomyoma+ G-ibroid 5umorHH -ibromatosis, 7ggressive+ :.:K, :.E9, :.>K, =9.9>, =E=.K>, E;K.A9, 9=K.>=, A?E.K:, B=E.K:, >9:.:: -ibromatosis, @uvenile *yaline+ :.:K, :.E9, :.>K, =:.K9, 9E.K=, BE.A;, =AK.AA, 9?E.K:, KEE.K:, ?>E.9: -ibromuscular <ysplasia+ :.:E, :.KE, :.?K, E.?K, K.EK, A?.K:, E?K.::, AEA.9?, KB:.::, ;=K.>B -ibromyalgia+ :.:A, :.A>, :.?;, ?.K:, ==;.::, E=K.A9, 9BE.K=, AEE.:B, B:;.A=, ?K=.E: -ibromyoma+ Gsee 1eiomyoma+ G-ibroid 5umorHH -ibrosis+ :.:;, :.KK, :.K?, ?.K:, ;.::, =E.B>, =A:.::, 9B9.:E, A>E.K9, >=E.A;, -ibrosis, 1iver+ Gsee 1iver CirrhosisH -ibrositis+ Gsee -ibromyalgiaH -ibrous <ysplasia of /one+ :.=9, :.K?, :.?;, :.>:, E.EK, =AA.>:, 9E9.?E, B:E.K9, >=;.E; -ibrous <ysplasia, %olyostotic+ :.E:, :.AB, :.B:, E.EK, =E.;K, =AA.>:, 9E9.?E, B:E.K9, >=;.E; -ifth <isease+ Gsee Erythema InfectiosumH -ilariasis+ :.=>, :.=;, :.?9, ?.K:, B;.::, ==K.AA, 9EE.K:, KAK.A9, B=E.9?, ??>.>9, -ilarioidea Infections+ Gsee -ilariasisH -inger 7gnosia+ Gsee 7gnosiaH -isher #yndrome+ Gsee )iller -isher #yndromeH -issure in 7no+ Gsee 7nus <iseasesH -istula+ :.=9, :.EK, :.BE, K.?K, =?.EK, 9?.9:, =E>.KB, 9AK.A9, A=K.?:, B;E.:E -loaters+ :.=9, :.9K, :.;K, K.A9, =?.K:, AE.K:, E9B.AE, A?;.K:, KE?.::, BB?.:: -loppy )itral Falve+ Gsee )itral Falve %rolapseH -ollicle #timulating *ormone, Inappropriate #ecretion+ Gsee *yperpituitarismH -ood %oisoning+ :.=E, :.E9, :.;9, K.K:, =E.?=, ;9.>9, =>E.K:, A?K.AA, BEA.9?, ;;E.AK -oot and )outh <isease+ Gsee Cattle <iseasesH -oot and )outh <isease+ Gsee #wine <iseasesH -orestier-Certonciny #yndrome+ Gsee %olymyalgia 'heumaticaH -oster-.ennedy #yndrome+ Gsee 3%5IC 0E'FE <I#E7#E#H -ournier <isease+ Gsee -ournier DangreneH -ournier Dangrene+ :.:;, :.KK, :.K?, ?.K:, =;.::, =E=.:>, EAE.>:, 9B:.::, K>B.K:, >?K.A9 -ournier's Dangrene+ Gsee -ournier DangreneH -owl %lague+ Gsee Influen$a in /irdsH -ractures, /one+ :.=9, :.K?, :.?;, :.>9, 9E.K:, E=?.K:, KKE.?=, ?A9.:=, ;=K.>=, >=9.KE -ragile ( #yndrome+ :.E9, :.BE, :.>K, ?.K:, K.K:, 99.>;, =AK.A9, E>K.9:, 9?K.A9, KEE.K9 -ragilitas 3ssium+ Gsee 3steogenesis ImperfectaH -rambesia+ Gsee YawsH -'7(7 #yndrome+ Gsee -ragile ( #yndrome+ G)artin-/ell syndromeHH -'7(E #yndrome+ Gsee -ragile ( #yndrome+ G)artin-/ell syndromeHH

-reckle, )elanotic+ Gsee *utchinson's )elanotic -reckleH -reckles+ Gsee )elanosisH -reeman-#heldon #yndrome+ :.=>, :.KE, :.B;, :.;:, E.K:, K.=?, =K.::, AE.K:, >E.K:, 9EK.A9, -reiberg's <isease+ :.=?, :.KE, :.?9, :.>K, E.EK, =?.K:, 9K.>=, ?E.K:, >:.::, E?K.9?, -riedreich 7ta2ia+ :.=B, :.A>, :.?9, :.>K, K.EB, ?.EK, =E.?=, >E.K:, E?K.::, AEK.A9, -riedreich <isease+ Gsee -riedreich 7ta2iaH -rigidity+ Gsee #e2ual <ysfunctions, %sychologicalH -rontal Encephalocele+ Gsee EncephaloceleH -rontal 'egion 5rauma+ Gsee Craniocerebral 5raumaH -rontotemporal 1obar <egeneration+ Gsee <ementiaH -ucosidase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee -ucosidosisH -ucosidosis+ :.:K, :.EA, :.B;, :.>K, E.K:, ?.K:, 9E.K:, >B.K:, E?K.A?, KEE.K9 -ugue+ Gsee <I##3CI75IFE <I#3'<E'#H -umarylacetoacetase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee 5yrosinemiasH -ungus <iseases+ Gsee )YC3#E#H -unnel Chest+ :.=9, :.E9, :.?9, :.;:, K.EK, ?.EK, 9K.9?, >K.>=, E=K.K:, K=:.:: -urunculosis+ :.E:, :.AB, :.B:, E.EK, =E.;K, E?.K:, AE.K:, >B.K:, E9B.AE, AKK.E= -usobacterium Infections+ :.=>, :.=;, :.?K, >.::, ==.:>, EE.K:, A?.K:, ==K.?:, 9??.>=, A?:.=E Daetner - K=>, K??, ?B?, B>9 Dall bladder dystonia with osteitis - E.BK, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Dallbladder inflammation Gsee Cholecystitis, chronicH Dallbladder pain - =KK:, ;:: Dallstone attack Gsee Cholecystitis, acuteH Dallstones - E.BK, 9.K, 9:::, =KKE, ;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, B:::, =::::, AAA Dangrene, general Gsee also Clostridium, Circulatory stasis, Infection general, and /acterium coliH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, ?9 Dardinerella Gbacteria that can infect and inflame the vaginal mucosaH 9E:, B>K, ?;E, >>K, 9E>, A;K Dasoden - ;?; Dastritis and flatus - ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, B?B, AEE, E: Deneral antiseptic - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?B:, ?E?, ABK, AAA, AK:, AE;, BB:, =::::, K::: Deneral balancing - ==9:, ==9=, 99 Deneral malady - A::::, =::::, K::: Deneral prophyla2is - E:, BA, >K, =EK, EEK, AE?, AA:, BBA, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ;:E, ;9E, B;:, ?B:, =KK:, ABA, =::::, B?B, =A;; Deneral demo Ggreatest hitsH - ?E;, =E:, ?;B, =E;, ;;:, AEE, ABA, BAA, B?B, B;;, ?=E, ?9E, ;::, =KK:, =;BE, E==E, E=E;, AA=E, 9:A: Deneral comprehensive, complete /lasterK program - ;:, =E:, A::, K::, B::, BEE, BBB, B>:, ?E?, ?A:, ??B, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =K::, =KK:, =KB:, =K?:, =B::, =;::, =;A:, =>>;, E:::, E::;, E=E;, EA;> Deneral program, E)E) )ain -re&s - ?E:, =KK:, E:, AE:: for K min Deotrichum candidum Gfungus found in feces and dairy products whose

manifestations resemble those of candidaH - 9K:, 9KK, 9;A, 9;B, A:9, A:A, A:?, A:>, A=:, A=E, A=K, A=;, KA9, KAA, B;?, >;?, >;;, ?9?, ?:: Derman measles GrubellaH - K=:, K=?, ?>B, >B?, 9B;, ?9A, ??E Derman measles secondary - ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Diardia Gsee %arasites, giardiaH Dingivitis Ginflammation of gums. #ee also <ental, <ental foci, #tomatitis. 5ake calcium and magnesium internally and brush with myrrh or goldenseal and CoM=:H - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E;, ?EB, ABK, E:, =KKB, ??B, ABK Dlanders Gsee %seudomonas malleiH Dlandular fever - =::::, E: Dlandular fever, thyroid e2p - =::::, E:, =B::: Dliocladium Gbrain fungusH - ;KK, AB>, B99 Doiter Gsee #trumaH Donads, inflammation of Gsee 3rchitisH Donorrhea - BB:, B::, ?=E Dout Gsee also .idney fre&sH - >.9>, 9:::, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Dranuloma dent - AA= Dravel in urine - E.BK, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Drave's disease I goiter - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Dreatest *its Gsee Deneral demoH Dreen <ye - KB9, E999 Drippe Gsee Influen$a, grippeH Dum disease Gsee Dingivitis, %yorrheaH D DG)EH Dangliosidosis, 5ype I+ Gsee 5ay-#achs <iseaseH DG)EH Dangliosidosis, 5ype II+ Gsee #andhoff <iseaseH Dait <isorders, 0eurologic+ :.=9, :.EK, :.BE, =:.;>, E.?K, EK.EB, =EK.9?, EAK.A?, 9>9.K:, K:K.=:, Dalactokinase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee DalactosemiasH Dalactorrhea+ Gsee 1actation <isordersH Dalactose-=-%hosphate !ridyl-5ransferase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee DalactosemiasH Dalactosemias+ :.==, :.EA, :.BK, :.;9, E.K:, =E?.K:, EKK.A?, 9;?.K:, B>B.K:, ;EK.>= Dalactosylceramidase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee 1eukodystrophy, Dloboid CellH Dallbladder <iseases+ :.=E, :.KK, :.>K, K.9?, EE.K:, AE.K:, =BE.K:, E>E.K:, AAE.E:, KEA.9? Dallbladder Inflammation+ Gsee CholecystitisH Dammapathy, )onoclonal+ Gsee %araproteinemiasH Dammopathy, )onoclonal+ Gsee %araproteinemiasH Danglioside #ialidase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee )ucolipidosesH Dangliosidosis DG)EH, 5ype I+ Gsee 5ay-#achs <iseaseH Dangliosidosis DG)EH, 5ype II+ Gsee #andhoff <iseaseH Dangliosidosis, / Fariant+ Gsee 5ay-#achs <iseaseH Dangrene+ :.:?, :.K:, :.>K, ?.K:, =9.KE, =9E.K:, 9AE.K:, A>:.::, B>B.K:, ?>B.K:, Dardner #yndrome+ Gsee Intestinal %olypsH

Dasser's #yndrome+ Gsee *emolytic-!remic #yndromeH Dastric #tasis+ Gsee DastroparesisH Dastritis+ :.=K, :.E9, :.?9, :.;K, K.EB, =E?.EK, 99K.>=, A;?.K:, B>E.A?, ?KE.:=, Dastritis, *ypertrophic+ Dastroduodenal !lcer+ Gsee %eptic !lcerH Dastroenteritis+ :.=:, :.K:, :.B;, :.>K, K.?K, =?.K:, E9?.K:, K=?.K:, B>B.K:, ;=B.K:, Dastroesophageal 'eflu2+ :.E9, :.BE, :.>?, ?.K:, K.K:, =9.>9, AK.9?, >K.A?, 9?B.E>, AEE.K9 Dastrointestinal Cancer+ Gsee Cancer <igestive systemH Dastrointestinal <isease+ :.:E, :.KE, :.?:, :.>:, E.K:, K.EK, =K.A?, =AE.K:, E>E.K:, ;E=.:B Dastrointestinal *emorrhage+ :.:K, :.KE, :.?=, :.>9, E.KB, 99.=;, E=K.A?, A:E.K9, K>E.K:, ?9EK.9? Dastrointestinal #tromal 5umors+ :.:?, :.KE, :.?:, :.>K, E.K:, 9.::, =EK.>=, 9A?.K:, A>E.K:, B?K.A? Dastrointestinal #urgical %rocedures+ Gsee <igestive #ystem #urgical %roceduresH Dastroparesis+ :.=?, :.KE, :.?K, :.>K, E.EK, =?.K:, =9K.9?, 9;K.>=, K>=.::, ?EE.K9, Dastroschisis+ :.=B, :.A>, :.?9, :.>K, =E.B>, K.EB, =E.?=, >E.K:, EB>.?=, A?K.A? Daucher <isease+ :.:K, :.EA, :.?:, :.>K, E.K:, ?.K:, 9E.K:, =EK.9?, 9=>.9A, K=>.9A Delineau #yndrome+ Gsee 0arcolepsyH Deneral -ibrosis #yndrome+ Deniculate Danglionitis+ Gsee -acial 0erve <iseasesH Deniculate *erpes Coster+ Gsee *erpes Coster 3ticusH Denital <iseases, -emale+ :.:;, :.9K, :.B:, :.;?, E.EK, K.::, KK.A?, =?E.K:, 9>?.K:, ?>B.K: Denital <iseases, )ale+ :.:;, :.9K, :.B:, :.;?, E.EK, K.::, KK.A?, 9E>.;;, A:=.EE, ?E=.K: Deographic 5ongue+ Gsee Dlossitis, /enign )igratoryH Derman )easles+ Gsee 'ubellaH Derminoblastoma+ Gsee 1Y)%*3)7H Derstmann-#traussler #yndrome+ Gsee Derstmann-#traussler-#cheinker <iseaseH Derstmann-#traussler-#cheinker <isease+ :.:B, :.EB, :.B;, ?.K:, =:.K9, AK.9?, >B.K:, K9B.AE, BKK.E:, ?K=.;? Destational <iabetes+ Gsee <iabetes, DestationalH Diant Cell 7rteritis+ :.=9, :.E9, :.?K, :.;:, K.EK, ?.EK, 9K.::, >K.A?, EEB.9E, AEE.K9 Diant Cell Dlioblastoma+ Gsee DlioblastomaH Diant Intracranial 7neurysm+ Gsee Intracranial 7neurysmH Diant 1ymph 0ode *yperplasia+ :.:A, :.K:, :.?:, :.>?, K.?K, ?.K:, 9?.K:, >B.K:, EEK.>=, AEK.9? Diant %latelet #yndrome+ Gsee /ernard-#oulier #yndrome+ GDiant %latelet #yndromeHH Diardiasis+ :.:K, :.9K, :.B:, :.;?, E.EK, K.E>, KK.A?, >?.K:, 9EA.9?, AEK.KE Diedion-1anger #yndrome+ Gsee 1anger-Diedion #yndromeH Dilbert <isease+ :.:?, :.9E, :.BE, :.;K, K.::, EE.K:, B:.::, 9KE.>9, AEE.K9, KB9.=>, Dilles de la 5ourette's <isease+ Gsee 5ourette #yndromeH Dingivitis+ :.:?, :.=E, :.B:, :.;?, E.EK, EE.K:, =;?.K:, 9>B.K:, K;?.K:, B>B.K: DI#5+ Gsee Cancer+ <igestive #ystemH Dlanders+ Gsee /urkholderia InfectionsH Dlandular -ever+ Gsee Infectious )ononucleosisH

Dlan$mann 5hrombasthenia+ Gsee 5hrombastheniaH Dlaucoma+ :.=B, :.KK, :.>K, K.E>, ?.EK, 9E.K:, =9?.K:, 9EB.:?, A>:.::, K=K.?: Dlaucoma Capsulare+ Gsee E2foliation #yndromeH Dlial Cell 5umors+ Gsee DliomaH Dlioblastoma+ :.:?, :.A=, :.?9, :.;K, ?.K:, E:.::, K?.K:, =K:.::, EEK.9?, 9AE.:B, Dlioblastoma )ultiforme+ Gsee DlioblastomaH Dlioblastoma, 'etinal+ Gsee 'etinoblastomaH Dlioma+ :.:K, :.A>, >.?9, ;;.::, =:K.?K, E9?.EK, A=9.>9, BK=.E:, ?9E.K>, >?9.KE Dlioma, 7strocytic+ Gsee 7strocytomaH Dlioma, 'etinal+ Gsee 'etinoblastomaH D10*+ Gsee Diant 1ymph 0ode *yperplasiaH Dlomerulonephritis+ :.=K, :.EA, :.B;, :.;9, 9E.K:, =>?.K:, 99E.K:, KKK.9?, B>B.K:, ;?K.KE, Dlossitis 7reata E2foliativa+ Gsee Dlossitis, /enign )igratoryH Dlossitis, /enign )igratory+ :.:9, :.=E, :.B:, :.>9, E.EK, E=?.K:, 9;?.K:, A?K.::, K?K.KE, ?EB.>: Dlossopharyngeal 0erve <iseases+ :.:?, :.K?, :.>K, E.EK, =EK.EK, 9E:.::, A9?.K:, K>9.K:, B=K.?:, ;EA.9? Dlossopharyngeal 0euralgia+ Gsee Dlossopharyngeal 0erve <iseasesH Dlucocerebrosidase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee Daucher <iseaseH Dlucosephosphate <ehydrogenase <eficiency+ :.==, :.EA, :.BK, :.;9, E.K:, E?.K:, KK.9?, ;?.K:, =EK.KE, 9EE.:B, K=>.9A, BKE.A9, ?K=.;?, >EB.=B Dlucosylceramide /eta-Dlucosidase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee Daucher <iseaseH Dlutaric 7cidemia+ :.=E, :.KK, :.>K, K.E>, >K.KE, =AE.K:, 9BE.K:, A:E.K:, K>:.::, ;EE.K9 Dluten Enteropathy+ Gsee Celiac <iseaseH Dlycogen #torage <isease+ :.:9, :.9?, :.>K, E.K:, ?.K:, ?E.K:, >B.K:, 9?K.9?, EB>.?=, 9??.>= Dlycogenosis+ Gsee Dlycogen #torage <iseaseH Dlycoprotein #yndrome, Carbohydrate-<eficient+ Gsee Carbohydrate-<eficient Dlycoprotein #yndromeH Doiter, E2ophthalmic+ Gsee Draves <iseaseH Doldenhar #yndrome+ :.:=, :.EK, :.K?, :.;?, E.EK, E.K:, >B.K:, EEB.9E, K=K.?:, B;E.:E Donadal <isorders+ :.9?, :.>K, E.K:, ?.K:, B?.K:, >B.K:, 9?K.KE, A?K.>=, KEK.>=, ;:=.E> Donadal <ysgenesis, AK,(+ Gsee 5urner #yndromeH Donadal <ysgenesis, (3+ Gsee 5urner #yndromeH Donorrhea+ :.E:, :.EK, :.K?, =9.B=, E9.EK, EE=.?K, 9>B.K:, BA9.?A, ?EK.9?, >?=.:: Doodpasture #yndrome+ Gsee 7nti-Dlomerular /asement )embrane <iseaseH Dorlin #yndrome+ Gsee /asal Cell 0evus #yndrome+ GDorlin4Dolt$ #yndromeHH Dout+ :.:?, :.EA, 9:.BK, ?;.KE, =>?.EK, EB?.::, K=E.9K, B:E.E=, ?99.B9, >EK.::, Draft vs *ost <isease+ :.:?, :.K:, :.>?, >.::, =E.;K, 9E.K:, AE.K:, =>:.::, 9EK.9?, AEK.KE, Dram-0egative /acterial Infections+ :.=K, >.E9, AE.?K, =;9.;K, E?K.E>, 9:?.EK, A9K.9?, K;?.K:, ?>K.KE, >:=.:9 Dram-%ositive /acterial Infections+ :.=K, :.>E, E.?K, =9.EE, =B9.::, E?K.E>, 9:?.EK, A9K.9?, K;?.K:, ?>K.KE G3ptional >:=.:9H Dranular <ystrophy, Corneal+ Gsee Corneal <ystrophies, *ereditaryH

Dranuloma+ :.=:, :.K:, :.?:, :.>?, K.?K, 9>.K:, =9E.;=, 9;?.E=, K:B.K9, >EK.9?, Dranuloma 7nnulare+ :.K:, :.?:, :.>?, ?.K:, ;;.::, 9?:.K:, KA?.K:, BKB.K:, ?EK.9?, ;EK.KE Dranuloma Inguinale+ :.:9, :.K:, :.?:, :.>?, ;;.::, 9?:.K:, KA?.K:, BKB.K:, ?EK.9?, ;EK.KE Dranuloma Fenereum+ Gsee Dranuloma Inguinale+ G<onovanosisHH Dranuloma, *odgkin+ Gsee *odgkin <iseaseH Dranuloma, )alignant+ Gsee *odgkin <iseaseH Dranuloma, %seudopyogenic+ Gsee 7ngiolymphoid *yperplasia with EosinophiliaH Dranulomatosis, 1ipid+ Gsee Erdheim-Chester <iseaseH Dranulomatosis, ,egener's+ Gsee ,egener DranulomatosisH Dranulomatous Cheilitis+ Gsee )elkersson-'osenthal #yndrome+ GCheilitis DranulomatosaHH Dranulomatous <isease, Chronic+ Dranulomatous #lack #kin+ Gsee 1ymphoma, 5-cell, CutaneousH Draves <isease+ :.:;, :.9K, KK.B=, ==>.;?,E9E.EK, 9:;.E>, AKK.KE, K;K.9?, B>?.K:, ;EK.>= Dreat %o2+ Gsee #yphilis+ G1uesHH Drippe+ Gsee Influen$a, *umanH Droenouw's <ystrophies+ Gsee Corneal <ystrophies, *ereditaryH Dronblad-#trandberg #yndrome+ Gsee %seudo2anthoma ElasticumH Drowth 'etardation, Intrauterine+ Gsee -etal Drowth 'etardationH Duerin-#tern #yndrome+ Gsee 7rthrogryposisH Duillain /arre #yndrome, )iller -isher Fariant+ Gsee )iller -isher #yndromeH Duillain-/arre #yndrome+ :.:A, :.9E, :.BE, K.>?, 9K.EK, ==E.?9, E>B.::, 9>E.>?, ?:=.BB, >99.K:, Duinea ,orm Infection+ Gsee <racunculiasisH Dunther's <isease+ Gsee %orphyria, ErythropoieticH Duyon #yndrome+ Gsee !lnar 0erve Compression #yndromesH Dynecologic <iseases+ Gsee DE0I571 <I#E7#E#, -E)71EH Dynecologic 0eoplasms+ Gsee Cancer+ Denital 0eoplasms, -emaleH Dynecomastia+ :.=>, :.E9, :.>K, E.EK, ==E.K:, EE?.K:, EKE.E:, 9EE.K:, AE=.::, ;EB.9E, Dyrate 7trophy+ :.:K, :.BB, =.9E, ?.K:, =?.K:, =K.>=, =K=.E:, E9=.E:, 9A=.::, KEK.E> *S= - ?EK, EA9E, EA9, B9K9, ?9E, ;AA, BAB *SE - ?EK, =E9:, EAK, 9=A, >BK *S9 - B99, =EE:, BE9:, ;EEK, ===, 9>E, ??B, ;9?, =B?K, EBBA, 9;:B, ?=A *SA - AAA, E9E9 *SK - ;9, E9K, BAK, E9E9, 9A9E, A:>9, KK9E *SB - ?:E, ?A?, EEAK, =;9 *aemophilia tonic Ghereditary bleeding disorders in which the blood does not readily clotH - ??;, ;AK, ?K= *air, human - BAB *alitosis Gbad breath. #ee also %haryngitis, <ental, %arasite general, and Deneral antiseptic setsH - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *allucinations - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *and, foot, R mouth syndrome Ga mild viral infection found in young

childrenH - E9E, E9?, =E=A, =EA9, =EAA, =E?=, KA== *angover Gsee also .idney and 1iver support fre&sH - =::::, KEE, =AB *astoiditis - E;? *ay fever Gonly some typesH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *ead in"ury followup G#eek immediate medical attentionIH - >.B, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, KEE, ?E, K.;, A.> *eadaches - 9:A, =AA, =.E, KE: *eadaches caused by vertebral misalignment G0ot a substitute for ad"ustmentH - >.B, 9::: *eadaches due to parasites Gsee also %arasites, strongyloidesH - =EK, >K, ?9, E:, ?E?, 9::: *eadaches due to to2icity - KEE, =AB, A.>, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *eadaches unknown cause - =:, A, K.;, B.9, ?.;9, 9:::, BK:, BEK, B:: *eadaches urogenitally caused - >.9>, 9::: *ealing and regeneration - E?E: *eart tonic Glab animals only. #ee also #taph infection, Circulatory stasis, and .idney fre& sets H - ;:, =B:, E:, ?9, 9.>, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, =EK, >K, E:, =.E *eartburn, chronic Gsee also #taph and #trep general setsH - ;9E, E?E:, E=?:, E=E?, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B;K, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E: *eartworm Gsee %arasites, heartwormH *eliobacterium pylori GulcerH - B?B *eliobacterium pylori G=H - E=B?, ?E;, ;;:, E>K: *elminthosporium Gthe reproductive element of parasitic wormsH - ?>9, >B> *emobartinella felis - B:9, >K? *emophilia - B:9 *emorrage - =KK:, ;:E *emorrhoids - AA?A, B==?, ??A, =KK:, AA?, ;;:, ;:E, ?E? *epatitis 7 - 9E=, 9AB, A=A, AE9, A;?, KK;, K?;, B>9, ?;B, ;?;, 9EE:, ?=? *epatitis / - 99A, A99, ?B?, ;B>, ;?B, A??, K?A, ?KE, ??> *epatitis C Galso try %arasites, schistosoma mansoni fre&sH - =BB, EEA, 9=?, 9E>, KE;, B99, >E>, >9:, >9=, >9E, >99, =9?=, E=;> *epatitis, general - E;, =KK:, =9K=, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, EEA, 9=?, 9E>, A??, >EE *epatitis, general secondary - E;A, AK;, A??, K9A, ?;;, >EE, >B?:, ?B;, ???, =:A= *ernia - =::::, ?;?, ?E?, E?E:, K::: *erpes, general - =K??, =KK:, =A;>, ABA, =>::, 9:A for 9 min, =A;;, E>K: for =K min. *erpes general secondary - 9?::: *erpes progenetalis Ggenital - also use *erpes simple2 IIH - =A=, ;?;, ;>;, K9=:, AA:, =?=, BB:, K>:, ==?K *erpes simple2 I Gcold sores - primarily non-genital, first try *erpes, generalH - 9EE, A?B, K;>, BBA, ?;K, ;EE, ;>K, >AA, =:A9, =B=A, E:BE, E>K: *erpes simple2 I Ge2pH - AB?.;, >9K.K, =;?=, 9?AE, ?A;A *erpes simple2 I G=H - 99>, 9A9, A;:, K>=, ??;, ?;E, ;A9, =B=A, BK?, B>>,

?::, ?9A *erpes simple2 I GEH - EA;>, =;::, ABK, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =;K:, AE; *erpes simple2 = G9H - A?:, BA?, BA;, BK:-BK>, ;A?, KBA=, ;BK: *erpes simple2 = GAH - E>K: for E: min *erpes simple2 II - KKB, ;9E *erpes simple2 I!.E - ;:; *erpes type E7 - K9E, ;A; *erpes type E7 secondary - 9B:s, 9?9, KE;, B;K, ;AB, ;;:, ;;;, ;??;, KA:, BBK, ?=B, ?=?, ?=;, ?9=, ?9E, ?99, ??B, =A:E *erpes type K GcytomegalovirusH - =EB, K>?, =:AK, E=AK *erpes type B Ge2pH - EE;, =;E:, 9BA:4=, ?E;= *erpes type C - 9>K, AEA, AB:, K99, KKA, ?:=, ?AK, EAK: *erpes $oster Gchicken po2, shinglesH - 99A9, >=A, E=?:, =B::, =K::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, BBA *erpes $oster secondary - =KK:, ;:E, =;::, =;BK, ?E;, E?E:, E=E;, K:::, ABA, ;::, K?A, =KK?, 9:A, E: *iccups - E:, =:::: *ip pain Gsee also 7rthritisH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *irudo medicinalis Ga homeopathic remedy prepared from a leech used for therapeutic purposesH - =E; *istoplasma - AEA, B=B, ?A> *IF Gsee also 7I<#H - B;9, ?=A, 9KKA, ;9:, AK: *ives GurticariaH - =;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, KEE, =AB, A.> *oarseness - ;;:, ?B:, ?E? *odgkin's disease Gsee Cancer, *odgkin's diseaseH *ookworm Gsee %arasites hookwormH *ordeolum Gsee #tyeH *ormodendrum Ga genus of fungi that includes human pathogensH - BB9, B?;, B>K, K9E, BE? *ormonal imbalances - K.K *ot flashes GcomplicationsH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? *ot tub folliculitis Gsee %seudomonas fre&sH *ousehold Insect )i2 - ?E9 *ydrocele Gfluid in testicle, etc.H - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? *yperacidity of stomach - ?.;E, E:, E9: *yperosmia Goveracute smell and tasteH - E:, =::::, KEE, =AB *ypertension - E:, >K, >.=>, ?.;9, B, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? *ypertension Grenin-induced, red high, diastolic high pressureH - >.=>, B *ypertension, spastic - >K *yperthyroid - 9, :.K *ypochondrium, upper abdomen - E:, =:::: *ypophyseal GpituitaryH disturbances - A *ypotension Glow blood pressureH - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: *ypothyroid - =E, 9K, =B:::, =::::, =B:, ;:, E: *ypo2ia Glow o2ygen, see also Circulatory stasisH - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =::::

Icterus, haemolytic Ga chronic form of "aundice involving anemiaH - EA9, ?B; Ileocolitis, colon inflammation Gsee also %arasite general setH - ;:E, ;9E Immune system stimulation - ;, =;BE, E::;, E=E;, E=;:, 99A?, KB==, E?>=, 9AA;, E>E>, A3=A, KB==, E;B?, E;KK, A9E * *=0=- #wine -lu+ :.:E, :.AK, :.BK, E.E=, B.=K, =:.E9, =K.>=, 9:.E;, ??.K:, 9E?.== *K0=- /ird -lu+ :.:E, :.AK, :.BK, E.?A, ;.9E, ==.B>, EK.=E, ??.:=, 9K=.E>, K:=.?= *abilitation+ Gsee 'ehabilitationH *ageman 5rait+ Gsee -actor (II <eficiency+ G*ageman -actor <eficiencyHH *ailey-*ailey <isease+ Gsee %emphigus, /enign -amilialH *air <iseases+ :.=?, :.=;, :.;?, E.K:, E?.K:, ;E.K:, ;K.KE, =BK.::, B>E.K:, ;EK.KE, *akim #yndrome+ Gsee *ydrocephalus, 0ormal %ressureH *alitosis+ :.:9, :.=E, :.>K, E.K:, EE.K:, K:.::, =EB.=B, 9EK.E>, K=>.9A, B;E.AK *allucinations+ :.=:, :.K?, =.::, ?.K:, E?.K:, 9?.K:, >B.K:, 9AE.:B, K=K.?:, B>=.E?, ?KB.K9, >>:.K:, *allu2 7bductovalgus+ Gsee *allu2 FalgusH *allu2 Falgus+ :.:?, :.EA, :.BK, K.?K, ?E.EK, =E9.::, K:E.K:, BEE.;;, ?=9.E9, ;:?.?9 *amartoma+ :.:?, :.EE, :.?9, E.K:, K.KE, K:.::, >9.K:, AE9.:=, KB;.A9, BAE.>= *amartoma #yndrome, )ultiple+ :.:B, :.EB, :.B;, >.::, =:.;>, AK.>=, =EK.E>, KEB.=B, BKE.A9, ?K:.:: *amman-'ich #yndrome+ Gsee %ulmonary -ibrosisH *ammertoes+ Gsee -335 <E-3')I5IE#H *and-#chuller-Christian #yndrome+ Gsee *istiocytosis, 1angerhans-CellH *ansen's <isease+ Gsee 1eprosy+ G*ansen's <iseaseHH *antavirus Infections+ :.:?, :.=E, :.B:, :.;?, E.EK, =EK.KE, 9;?.K:, KEK.::, ?:?.K:, ;=B.K:, *artnup <isease+ :.=B, :.KK, :.>K, K.?K, B?.EK, =9E.K:, E9?.K:, 9>=.K:, AE=.EE, K=K.?: *ead and 0eck Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ *ead and 0eckH *ead Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ *ead and 0eckH *ead In"uries+ Gsee Craniocerebral 5raumaH *ead 1ice+ Gsee 1ice InfestationsH *ead 5rauma+ Gsee Craniocerebral 5raumaH *eadache+ :.=B, :.KK, :.>K, ?.K:, EE.K:, AE.K:, >B.K:, E?K.KE, K=K.?:, BK:.:: *eadache, )igraine+ Gsee )igraine <isordersH *earing <isorders+ :.:=, :.K:, :.>9, E.EK, K.E>, 9:.::, =AE.K:, 9K:.::, AEE.:B, ??K.E> *earing 1oss, #udden+ :.:A, :.K:, :.>K, E.EK, =:.K9, =:K.>=, EAE.K:, 9>=.E;, AEK.KE, ;=K.E> *eart 7bnormalities+ Gsee *eart <efects, CongenitalH *eart /lock+ *eart Catheteri$ation+ :.==, :.K?, :.;:, =.KE, =K.E>, KE.K:, BE.K:, =>B.K:, A=E.K:, B?9.== *eart <ecompensation+ Gsee *eart -ailureH *eart <efects, Congenital+ :.=A, :.EE, :.?9, K.EK, ?.EK, KE.K=, =B?.K9, 9EB.=B, KB>.?=, ?=>.9A,

*eart <isease, Ischemic+ Gsee )yocardial IschemiaH *eart <iseases+ :.:?, :.EE, :.?:, E.?K, ?.EK, K:.::, B?.K:, ==K.?:, 9KB.?E, A?K.KE *eart -ailure+ :.=A, :.EE, :.?K, K.E>, ?.EK, K:.::, =B?.K:, 99A.EK, AEK.::, ;:K.E>, *eart *ypertrophy+ Gsee CardiomegalyH *eart #eptal <efects+ :.=A, :.EE, :.BK, K.E>, ?.;K, K=.:E, =B?.K:, 9EA.9?, KK=.:9, ?EK.KE *eart Falve <iseases+ :.==, :.EE, :.?9, 9.?K, ?.:K, K=.E?, =9?.K:, E9B.AE, A?E.E>, ;K=.=? *eat Cramps+ Gsee *eat #tress <isordersH *eat #tress <isorders+ :.:?, :.A=, :.?9, :.;K, ?.K:, E:.::, K?.K:, =K:.::, EEK.KE, 9EE.:B *eat #tress #yndromes+ Gsee *eat #tress <isordersH *eberden's 0ode+ Gsee 3steoarthritisH *E11% #yndrome+ Gsee EclampsiaH *elminthiasis+ :.:B, :.A>, :.?9, =.E?, =E.99, K.;?, ==E.?=, EKE.K:, A>E.K:, B?K.E> *emangioma+ :.=K, :.EA, :.?:, :.;9, E.K:, =?.K:, A9E.K:, KKK.>=, BEK.E>, ??K.KE *emangioma, Cavernous+ :.:9, :.9?, :.>?, E.?K, ;=.K:, =?E.K:, 9>B.K:, A?K.E>, K99.B9, ;?B.E> *emangioma, *istiocytoid+ Gsee *emangiomaH *emangioma, Intramuscular+ Gsee *emangiomaH *emangioma, #clerosing+ Gsee *istiocytoma, /enign -ibrousH *ematoche$ia+ Gsee Dastrointestinal *emorrhageH *ematologic <iseases+ :.:?, :.EK, :.K?, :.;?, E.EK, ?E.K:, >B.K:, EEB.9E, KEB.=B, B;E.:E *ematoma, Epidural, Cranial+ :.9?, :.>?, E.K:, =?.K:, ?=.K:, >B.K:, =?>.>9, EEA.9?, AK=.EE, KB?.E= *ematoma, #ubdural+ :.E=, :.EK, A.K?, AE.B>, ==E.EK, A=E.K:, K>B.K:, BA9.?A, ;EK.KE, >?=.:: *ematospermia+ :.:;, :.EA, :.BK, K.EK, ?9.EK, =A?.=;, 9K=.KE, A=E.K;, K9>.E=, ?EK.E> *ematuria+ :.:=, :.EB, :.B;, E.E;, =E.;K, AK.E9, =B?.K:, 9>B.K:, AEK.KE, BEK.E> *emeralopia+ Gsee FI#I30 <I#3'<E'#H *emianopsia+ :.=9, :.K;, :.?9, E.K;, K.?;, =AK.>=, 9?E.KE, AE;.:=, K==.=>, B:K.K> *emianopsia, /inasal+ Gsee *emianopsiaH *emianopsia, /itemporal+ Gsee *emianopsiaH *emianopsia, *omonymous+ Gsee *emianopsiaH *emicrania+ Gsee *eadacheH *emifacial 7trophy+ Gsee -acial *emiatrophy+ G'omberg <iseaseHH *emifacial )icrosomia+ Gsee -acial 7symmetryH *emifacial %aralysis+ Gsee -acial %aralysisH *emiplegia+ :.==, :.A>, :.?;, E.EK, ??.K:, =:E.?=, EBE.K:, AKK.>=, ;9?.K:, >=:.K: *emispinal Cord #yndrome+ Gsee /rown-#e&uard #yndromeH *emochromatosis+ :.=E, :.9K, :.;K, =;>.K>, E;?.K;, 9AE.KE, AB?.K:, K>=.E>, B=>.9A, ;>?.:= *emodialysis+ Gsee 'enal <ialysisH *emoglobin # <isease+ Gsee 7nemia, #ickle CellH *emoglobinopathies+ :.:;, :.A=, =.;>, =AK.KB, E>?.EK, 9=K.E>, A:?.K:, KBE.K9, ?9K.B;, ;KA.9; *emoglobinuria, %aro2ysmal+ :.=>, :.E9, 9.>K, BE.K:, =BE.K:, E=>.==, 9E:.=:, A?E.K9, ;;;.:9, >9?.9>, *emolytic 7nemia+ Gsee 7nemia, *emolyticH

*emolytic-!remic #yndrome+ *emopericardium+ Gsee %ericardial EffusionH *emophilia+ Gsee *emophilia 7+ G-actor FIII <eficiencyHH *emophilia 7+ :.:K, :.AB, 9.;:, =;.;>, =?K.E:, E=E.>?, 9E=.K=, A?=.E=, BA?.:?, ;=K.KB, *emophilia /+ :.:B, :.E9, :.>?, ?.K:, , =?K.E:, E=E.>?, 9E=.K=, A?=.E=, BA?.:?, ;=K.KB, *emophilia C+ Gsee -actor (I <eficiency+ G'osenthal #yndromeHH *emophilia, Fascular+ Gsee von ,illebrand <iseaseH *emophthalmos+ Gsee EYE *E)3''*7DEH *emoptysis+ :.=?, :.=;, :.;?, E.?K, EE.:=, A=.K;, =;?.KE, EBK.E>, B>E.K:, ?AE.:B, *emorrhage, Cerebral+ Gsee Cerebral *emorrhageH *emorrhage, Cranial Epidural+ Gsee *ematoma, Epidural, CranialH *emorrhage, Eye+ Gsee EYE *E)3''*7DEH *emorrhage, Dastrointestinal+ Gsee Dastrointestinal *emorrhageH *emorrhage, %ostpartum+ Gsee %ostpartum *emorrhageH *emorrhage, #ubdural+ Gsee *ematoma, #ubduralH *emorrhagic -evers, Firal+ :.:9, :.=E, :.>K, E.K:, EE.K:, K=.99, =>9.K:, 9KB.?E, AEB.=B, KB?.?: *emorrhagic #hock+ Gsee #hock, *emorrhagicH *emorrhoids+ :.=:, :.K?, E.;9, =E.99, 9:.::, ;?.K9, =>B.K:, KK=.:9, ???.9:, ;BB.A= *emosiderosis+ :.=A, :.EK, :.>K, ?.K:, =:.K9, E:.::, K?.K:, 9EK.KB, A>?.B=, BB:.A= *endra Firus <isease+ Gsee %aramy2oviridae InfectionsH *enoch %urpura+ Gsee %urpura, #choenlein-*enochH *enoch-#choenlein %urpura+ Gsee %urpura, #choenlein-*enochH *epatic Cirrhosis+ Gsee 1iver CirrhosisH *epatic Fenous 3utflow 3bstruction+ Gsee /udd-Chiari #yndromeH *epatitis+ :.=K, :.=;, :.;?, K.E>, E?.K:, AK.KB, BK.E>, >K.EE, =;E.K:, E99.AK *epatitis, Chronic+ :.=K, :.=;, :.;?, K.E>, E?.K:, AK.KB, BK.E>, >K.EE, =;E.K:, E99.AK *epatitis, Chronic, Cryptogenic+ Gsee *epatitis, ChronicH *epatitis, Firal, *uman+ :.=K, :.=;, :.;?, K.E>, E?.K:, AK.KB, BK.E>, >K.EE, =;E.K:, E99.AK, *epatolenticular <egeneration+ :.=B, :.KK, :.>K, ?.K:, EE.K:, AE.K:, =EK.EE, E?K.KB, K99.B9, BKE.A9, *epatomegaly+ :.:E, :.K:, :.>?, E.EK, =E.;K, =K.EE, AE.K:, >:.::, 9EE.:B, 9EB.=B, *eredopathia 7tactica %olyneuritiformis+ Gsee 'efsum <iseaseH *ermanski-%udlak #yndrome+ *ernia+ :.=A, :.EE, :.?9, =9.9>, K.K;, =K:.::, A?K.;K, ?9B.AE, ;=>.9A, >=K.?: *ernia, Cerebral+ Gsee EncephaloceleH *ernia, <iaphragmatic+ :.:=, :.EB, :.B;, E.EK, =:.;>, =AK.EE, EB?.K:, AEK.>=, BK?.??, ;EK.EE, *ernia, Esophageal+ Gsee *ernia, *iatalH *ernia, *iatal+ :.:=, :.9:, :.BE, K=.EK, ==?.EK, EAK.KB, 9B?.K:, BEK.EE, ;=B.?E, >:K.:: *ernia, %araesophageal+ Gsee *ernia, *iatalH *ernia, !mbilical+ :.:=, :.9:, :.B:, E.K:, ==?.EK, EAK.KB, 9B?.K:, BEK.EE, ;=B.?E, >:K.:: *erpes Denitalis+ Gsee *erpes #imple2H *erpes 1abialis+ :.==, :.KK, =.E9, K.K;, E?.K:, =9?.K:, 9?E.K:, A>K.EE, ?9A.EK, ;EA.9? *erpes #imple2+ :.=E, :.KK, :.>K, K.K;, EE.K:, =9?.K:, 9?E.K:, A>K.EE, ?9A.EK, ;EA.9?

*erpes #imple2 Encephalitis+ Gsee Encephalitis, *erpes #imple2H *erpes #imple2, 1abial+ Gsee *erpes 1abialisH *erpes Coster+ :.=E, :.AK, :.>:, K.>=, =9?.K:, 9?E.K:, A>K.EE, ?9A.EK, ;EA.9? *erpes Coster 3ticus+ :.=E, :.AK, :.>K, K.?;, =9?.K:, 9?E.K:, A>K.EE, ?9A.EK, ;EA.9? *erpesviridae Infections+ :.=E, :.K>, :.>K, K.K;, =9?.K:, 9?E.K:, A>K.EE, ?9A.EK, ;EA.9? *erpesvirus Infections+ Gsee *erpesviridae InfectionsH *erpetic 7cute 0ecroti$ing Encephalitis+ Gsee Encephalitis, *erpes #imple2H *erpetic -acial %aralysis+ Gsee /ell %alsyH *e2osaminidase 7 and / <eficiency <isease+ Gsee #andhoff <iseaseH *e2osaminidase 7 <eficiency <isease+ Gsee 5ay-#achs <iseaseH *iatal *ernia+ Gsee *ernia, *iatalH *ibernoma+ Gsee 1ipomaH *idradenitis #uppurativa+ :.=K, >.E9, BB.?9, =;K.BA, E=K.EK, K9?.==, B9E.EE, ?;=.K:, ;>9.::, >KE.:: *idrotic Ectodermal <ysplasia+ Gsee Ectodermal <ysplasiaH *irschsprung <isease+ :.=9, :.KE, :.?K, K.KE, ;.EE, A?.K:, ?E.K=, =EB.99, E?K.KB, A?K.EE, *irsutism+ :.==, :.A>, :.?;, E.KE, ?.K9, =E9.AE, EB9.:E, K=K.?;, B;E.:E, ?KE.:K *istidinemia+ :.=E, :.9K, :.;K, ?.K:, ==?.K:, =AE.K:, EB?.K:, 9>K.>=, BEK.?:, ?>B.:= *istiocytoma, /enign -ibrous+ :.:E, :.A=, :.>:, E.?K, K.;?, =K.KB, ?9.9:, =>E.K:, K99.B9, ?9A.EK *istiocytoma, Cutaneous+ Gsee *istiocytoma, /enign -ibrousH *istiocytoma, -ibrous+ Gsee *istiocytoma, /enign -ibrousH *istiocytoma, )alignant -ibrous+ :.:;, :.A=, =.::, K.?;, ?.EK, =K.;?, ?:.::, >E.K:, E=K.?:, K=>.9A *istiocytosis+ :.=A, :.=E, :.>?, ?.K:, =E.B>, E:.::, K?.K:, EEA.>A, AEB.=B, KB9.=> *istiocytosis (+ Gsee *istiocytosis, 1angerhans-CellH *istiocytosis, 1angerhans-Cell+ :.=A, :.9E, :.>?, E.K:, ==.:>, E:.::, K?.K:, EEK.::, AE9.:=, KBK.9B *istiocytosis, 0on-1angerhans-Cell+ :.=A, :.A=, :.>?, ?.K:, =:.?E, E:.::, K?.K:, =?K.;?, A=K.?:, KB;.A9 *istomoniasis+ Gsee %'353C370 I0-EC5I30#H *istoplasmosis+ :.:?, :.E9, :.;9, E.K:, =9.>9, =E.?=, KK.KB, >9.K:, 9?K.;?, AEB.>: *IF Infections+ :.=K, :.=;, :.;?, K.K;, EE.::, 9:.::, A?.K:, =BE.;E, 9;;.>:, AKB.== *ives+ Gsee !rticaria+ G*ivesHH *)0 %ro2imal 5ype I+ Gsee #pinal )uscular 7trophies of ChildhoodH *)#0+ Gsee *ereditary )otor and #ensory 0europathiesH *)#0 5ype I+ Gsee Charcot-)arie-5ooth <isease+ G*)#0 I, IIHH *)#0 5ype II+ Gsee Charcot-)arie-5ooth <isease+ G*)#0 I, IIHH *)#0 5ype III+ Gsee *ereditary )otor and #ensory 0europathiesH *)#0 5ype IF+ Gsee 'efsum <iseaseH *)#0 5ype FII+ Gsee *ereditary )otor and #ensory 0europathiesH *odgkin <isease+ :.:E, :.=E, :.>K, =9.9>, EE.K:, K:.::, B:.::, >9.K:, E9A.==, A?K.;? *odgkin 1ymphoma+ Gsee *odgkin <iseaseH *olmes-7die #yndrome+ Gsee 7die #yndromeH *oloprosencephaly+ :.:;, :.EA, :.BK, :.>:, E.K:, E?.K:, KK.>=, ==>.9A, 9>9.K:, K9B.AE *olt-3ram #yndrome+ Gsee *eart <efects, CongenitalH

*ome 'emedies+ Gsee )edicine, 5raditionalH *omocystinuria+ :.EA, :.?9, :.;9, ?.K:, 9:.::, K?.K:, >K.;?, >?.K:, AEA.>A, KBE.>= *omologous ,asting <isease+ Gsee D'7-5 F# *3#5 <I#E7#EH *ookworm Infections+ :.==, :.KK, =.E:, ?.K:, 9:.::, K?.K:, ?E.K:, >K.KB, =99.B9, A=>.9= *ordeolum+ :.=E, :.KK, :.>K, K.;?, EK.::, AE.K:, BE.K:, >E.K:, >:.::, K=K.?: *ori$ontal 0ystagmus+ Gsee 0ystagmus, %athologicH *orner #yndrome+ :.:?, :.K:, :.>?, >.::, =E.99, 9E.K:, =AE.K:, 9E:.::, AEK.;?, KEK.KB *orner's #yndrome+ Gsee *orner #yndromeH *orton <isease+ Gsee Diant Cell 7rteritisH *orton Diant Cell 7rteritis+ Gsee Diant Cell 7rteritisH *#70+ Gsee *ereditary #ensory and 7utonomic 0europathiesH *#70 5ype I+ Gsee *ereditary #ensory and 7utonomic 0europathiesH *#70 5ype II+ Gsee *ereditary #ensory and 7utonomic 0europathiesH *#70 5ype III+ Gsee <ysautonomia, -amilialH *#70 5ype IF+ Gsee *ereditary #ensory and 7utonomic 0europathiesH *#70 5ype F+ Gsee *ereditary #ensory and 7utonomic 0europathiesH *#0 5ype I+ Gsee *ereditary #ensory and 7utonomic 0europathiesH *#0 5ype II+ Gsee *ereditary #ensory and 7utonomic 0europathiesH *51F-III Infections+ Gsee *IF InfectionsH *51F-III-17F Infections+ Gsee *IF InfectionsH *ughe's #yndrome+ Gsee 7ntiphospholipid #yndromeH *uman -lu+ Gsee Influen$a, *umanH *uman Influen$a+ Gsee Influen$a, *umanH *uman 'etrovirus+ Gsee '07 FI'!# I0-EC5I30#H *untington Chorea+ Gsee *untington <iseaseH *untington <isease+ :.=K, :.E9, :.?K, 9.;K, KE.EK, =??.EK, A::.::, KB9.=>, BAE.>=, >?B.>: *urler's #yndrome+ Gsee )ucopolysaccharidosesH *utchinson-Dilford #yndrome+ Gsee %rogeriaH *utchinson's )elanotic -reckle+ :.:B, :.9?, :.;?, ?.K:, ;.::, BE.K:, >K.KB, 9EK.;?, A?9.::, ?AE.:B *utchinson's 5eeth+ Gsee #yphilis, CongenitalH *ydatid Cyst+ Gsee EchinococcosisH *ydatidiform )ole+ :.:;, :.EK, :.?K, :.;:, E.K:, K.?;, >K.;?, =?K.KB, KEA.>A, B>=.E? *ydatidosis+ Gsee EchinococcosisH *ydramnios+ Gsee %olyhydramniosH *ydrocephalus+ :.:?, :.9?, :.;?, ?.K:, ;.::, B?.K:, =>K.;?, AE?.:E, K?9.;E, ;KA.:: *ydrocephalus, 0ormal %ressure+ :.:K, :.9?, :.>:, =E.;K, B?.K:, EB?.K:, KKK.KB, B>K.;?, ;?K.K;, >A9.E: *ydronephrosis+ :.E:, :.EK, :.?K, E.K9, 9.A:, K.K;, >K.;?, =?K.>=, AEK.;?, K?=.A: *ydrophobia+ Gsee 'abiesH *ydrops+ Gsee EdemaH *ydrosyringomyelia+ Gsee #yringomyeliaH *yperacusis+ :.:A, :.EA, :.K?, =?.K:, ;B.K9, =9E.?K, 9AE.K=, ?E=.E:, ;E9.=:, >=>.9A *yperaldosteronism+ :.:;, :.EB, :.?;, E.K:, =?.K:, EKK.;?, 9;?.K:, A:K.::, BAK.;?, ?E9.K; *yperbilirubinemia, *ereditary+ :.=9, :.KE, :.BE, >.::, =9.B=, =KK.;?, 9BE.KE, AK9.:E,

??K.>=, >EK.K; *yperbilirubinemic Encephalopathy+ Gsee .ernicterusH *ypercalcemia+ :.==, :.A>, =A.?9, ;E.K:, E=?.K:, 9AA.:=, B?=.KE, ?K9.E=, ;?=.:E, >?K.;? *ypercapnia+ :.=E, :.9K, :.>9, ?.K:, EK.::, 9K.;?, ;?.K:, >9.K:, E9A.K=, KE9.:= *ypercholesteremia+ Gsee *ypercholesterolemiaH *ypercholesterolemia+ :.:;, :.A=, :.>K, E.K:, K.K:, =K.K;, =;?.K:, E>E.K:, B=>.9A, ;=K.?: *yperemesis Dravidarum+ :.=>, :.E9, :.;K, E.EK, ?A.99, =A?.>=, 99>.:A, KBE.K=, ?EK.;?, ;?K.K; *yperemia+ :.AB, :.>K, ==.:>, BK.E9, ==K.?>, 9AE.K:, A9=.EE, K9K.K;, B:9.=B, ;:K.?> *yperglycemic *yperosmolar 0onketotic Coma+ :.=?, :.=;, :.;A, ?.K>, ;?.9E, =9E.K=, 9AK.:9, BK?.K:, ?>E.K:, >EK.?>, *yperhidrosis+ :.:B, :.=E, :.;K, ?.K:, 9E.K:, A:.::, =99.B9, EEB.9E, A?K.K;, KE?.:: *yperimmunoglobulin E-'ecurrent Infection #yndrome+ Gsee @ob's #yndromeH *yperinsulinism+ :.=A, :.EK, :.;K, ?.K:, ;.::, =9.>9, =;K.?>, 9EK.E9, ?A=.9A, >B:.A= *yperkalemia+ :.=:, :.K?, :.>K, =E.;K, E:.::, 9?.K:, >K.?>, EK:.::, A?K.K;, KE?.:: *yperkinetic #yndrome+ Gsee 7ttention <eficit <isorder with *yperactivityH *yperlipidemia, -amilial Combined+ :.:?, :.E9, :.;9, =E.99, 9:.::, =9=.::, EK9.:E, 9K:.::, AEK.?>, ;EB.>: *yperlipidemia, )ultiple 1ipoprotein-5ype+ Gsee *yperlipidemia, -amilial CombinedH *ypermetropia+ Gsee *yperopiaH *yperopia+ :.:9, :.AB, :.B:, ;.;K, ?E.K:, ==K.?;, E=?.K:, A>9.K:, ?E9.:=, ;EK.?> *yperostosis+ :.=E, :.EK, :.?:, E.K:, =:.K9, E.?K, 9E.K:, >E.K:, 9KB.?E, AEK.K;, *yperostosis, Cortical, Congenital *ypero2aluria+ :.:9, :.9E, :.BE, :.;:, ?.K:, E.K:, 9E.K:, >:.::, 9EE.:B, KEA.>A *yperphenylalaninemia, 0on-%henylketonuric+ Gsee %henylketonuriasH *yperpipecolic 7cidemia+ Gsee %ero2isomal <isordersH *yperpituitarism+ :.=9, :.9K, :.?:, :.;K, K.?>, ??.EK, =9:.::, E>B.K:, BEK.K;, >=K.?: *yperplasia, Diant 1ymph 0ode+ Gsee Diant 1ymph 0ode *yperplasiaH *yperpotassemia+ Gsee *yperkalemiaH *yperprolactinemia+ :.:9, :.KE, :.B;, :.>:, ?.K:, ;;.K:, =K=.?>, E;K.::, 9EK.?>, ;=>.9A *yperpyre2ia, )alignant+ Gsee )alignant *yperthermiaH *ypersalivation+ Gsee #ialorrheaH *ypersensitivity+ :.:=, :.9?, :.BK, :.;:, E.K:, EK.K;, KE.K:, =>E.K:, 9?K.?>, >EB.:B, *ypersensitivity, 7topic+ Gsee *ypersensitivity, ImmediateH *ypersensitivity, Immediate+ :.:A, :.EA, :.K?, =.>E, 9:.?E, K?.K:, =KE.:=, 9E=.EB, BB>.?=, ;E9.:= *ypersensitivity, 1ate2+ Gsee 1ate2 *ypersensitivityH *ypersensitivity, 'espiratory+ Gsee 'E#%I'753'Y *Y%E'#E0#I5IFI5YH *ypersensitivity, 5ype I+ Gsee *ypersensitivity, ImmediateH *ypersensitivity, 5ype III+ Gsee Immune Comple2 <iseasesH *ypersomnia, %eriodic+ Gsee .leine-1evin #yndromeH *ypertension+ :.:9, :.A:, :.?;, =.::, E.K:, 99.9>, ?K.?>, =;K.K;, AEK.?>, ?=>.9A *ypertension, )alignant+ :.:?, :.A=, :.?;, 9.E=, ;;.KE, =:>.B>, E=K.E9, K:K.?>, B=K.K;, ?EK.?> *ypertension, %ortal+ :.:A, :.A:, :.?;, =.E=, KE.?;, =EE.;K, 9=K.::, A;?.K:, ?EK.?>,

>=K.?:, *ypertension, %ulmonary+ :.=A, :.A:, :.?;, =.::, E.K:, =E.99, =K.K;, KE.K:, EEK.?>, AEA.>A *yperthermia+ Gsee -everH *yperthermia, )alignant+ Gsee )alignant *yperthermiaH *yperthyroidism+ :.:?, :.AB, :.BE, :.;9, ?.K:, E:.::, ;K.E9, 9=9.B9, A:K.?>, K9K.K>, *ypertrophy, 1eft Fentricular+ :.==, :.K?, :.>K, K.EK, E:.::, 9?.K:, EBE.K:, K>9.K:, ??K.?>, ;:;.K: *ypertrophy, 'ight Fentricular+ :.=E, :.K?, :.>K, K.K;, E:.::, =AK.?>, EBE.K:, 9>9.K:, ?9A.K=, >=>.9A *ypertropia+ Gsee #trabismus+ G#&uintHH *yperventilation+ :.=E, :.E9, :.;K, K.K:, EE.K:, 9K.K;, ?9.9:, >E.K:, 9KE.>9, KE9.:=, *ypervitaminosis 7+ :.==, :.K?, :.>K, K.K:, =?.K:, =9?.K:, EBE.K:, 9>9.K:, ??K.?>, ;=K.?: *yphema+ :.==, :.K?, :.>K, K.K:, E=?.K:, ==?.K:, =BE.K:, 9>9.K:, B??.>=, ?>?.B= *ypocalcemia+ :.=E, :.K:, :.;K, K.K:, 9E.K:, =EK.?>, E?:.::, A>E.K:, BK;.K?, ;EA.>A *ypochondriasis+ :.:9, :.K:, :.;K, ?.K:, ;.::, =E?.K:, E9K.K;, KEK.?>, ?EK.::, ;EK.?> *ypocupremia, Congenital+ Gsee )enkes .inky *air #yndromeH *ypogalactia+ Gsee 1actation <isordersH *ypogammaglobulinemia+ Gsee 7gammaglobulinemiaH *ypoglycemia+ :.=K, :.9K, :.BE, :.>9, ?.K:, ==K.:>, EKE.K:, A?E.K:, B>9.K=:, ;EK.?> *ypogonadism+ :.=:, :.K:, :.?;, :.;K, K.K;, B?.K:, =9?.K:, E;K.?>, A>K.;:, ?EB.:: *ypohidrosis+ :.:9, :.KK, :.;?, =:.?E,E?.K:, =E?.K:, 99K.K;, KEK.B=, ;EB.9E, >=>.KK *ypokalemia+ :.:?, :.=E, :.?K, :.;9, 9E.?K, =:?.K:, EA?.K:, 9K:.::, A?B.E>, B:K.B; *ypomenorrhea+ Gsee )enstruation <isturbancesH *yponatremia+ :.=9, :.EA, :.?9, :.;?, E.EK, K.?;, 9:.::, =K:.::, =?K.B=, K9A.EK, *ypophosphatasia+ :.:A, :.EE, :.>K, K.K;, EK.B;, =?.K:, AE.K:, B:.::, >K.E9, =EK.B;, *ypophyseal <isorders+ Gsee %ituitary <iseasesH *ypopituitarism+ :.=K, :.EB, :.;:, K.K:, E:.::, 9E.K:, AK.B;, K?.K:, >9.K:, >E.K:, 9KB.?E, *ypoplastic 1eft *eart #yndrome+ :.:?, :.=;, :.?K, :.;9, E.K:, ?.K:, =K:.::, 9?>.>9, AEK.B;, >9E.::, *ypopotassemia+ Gsee *ypokalemiaH *ypoproconvertinemia+ Gsee -actor FII <eficiencyH *yposalivation+ Gsee (erostomiaH *ypospadias+ :.=9, :.K?, :.?9, :.;K, =9.>9, AK.KE, =9E.:E, EKK.=:, ??K.B=, ;=9.B9 *ypotension+ :.:E, :.EA, :.;K, 9?.K:, =:=.9E, EE=.=:, A=>.9A, KBE.>=, ?:>.;9, >?B.>: *ypothermia+ :.:9, :.AB, :.B:, :.;K, E.K:, K.EK, =?.K:, >9.K:, EEA.>A, AEK.B=, *ypothyroidism+ :.:?, :.AB, :.BE, :.;9, ?.K:, E:.::, ;K.E9, 9=9.B9, A:K.?>, K9>.::, *ypoventilation, Central 7lveolar+ Gsee #leep 7pnea, CentralH *ypovolemic #hock+ Gsee #hockH *ypo2anthine-%hosphoribosyl-5ransferase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee 1esch-0yhan #yndromeH *ypo2ia+ Gsee 7no2iaH *ypo2ia, /rain+ :.=K, :.=;, :.;:, K.K:, =?.K:, 9E.K:, =K=.E?, EK?.AB, A=9.>=, B>E.E? *ypo2ic Encephalopathy+ Gsee *ypo2ia, /rainH

*ypsarrhythmia+ Gsee #pasms, InfantileH *ysteria, <issociative+ Gsee <I##3CI75IFE <I#3'<E'#H Impotence Gmany classes. 7lso use Circulatory stasisH - >.9>, E=E?, E::;, ABK, =::::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, =EK, >K, ?9, ?E, E:, BK:, BEK, B:: Indigestion - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, AAA, E:, =EK, >K, ?E, A.> Infantile paralysis GpolioH - =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ??B, =:::: Infections general - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;B, ?E;, ABK, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, A;, E:, 9:A, =.E, KK::, B?B, AEE, ?BB Infections general secondary - K:::, =B::, =K::, ;9E, ??B, ?B:, ?::, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, =;BK, K::, AK:, AA:, AE;, BB:, E==E Infections general tertiary - =;::, E?E:, EA;>, ;9E, 9:A:, E::;, =;K:, B=:, ?9E, ?K=, A:::: Infertility Gsee also ImpotenceH - E=E?, E::;, ABK, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, >.9> Inflammation, general Galso see Infection general setsH - =.K, 9.B Influencinum /erlin 'KK - A9:, ?E:, ?99, ?;? Influencinum vesica GblistersH general - E:9, E>E, K;;, B=E, >?K, A:?, B;E Influencinum vesic 0, - 99E, 9BA, K=>, K;;, K>:, E9;, E9>, ?=K Influencinum vesic #, - A99, BAK, BK;, ;EA Influen$a Gmutates to new strains constantly but these may be helpful. #ee also Influen$a, Drippe and Influen$a FirusH - ABA, AA:, 9B?E, ??BB, ??B:, ?9AA, =E9A, K:::, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;?K, ;;:, ;;K, ?E;, =KK:, =K::, E::;, E:, 9:A for K min Influen$a Gaches and respiratoryH - AA:, K=E, B;9, ?E;, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;?K, ;;:, ;;K, E:K:, E?E:, K::: for K min, ??B:, ??BB for =: min, 9:A for 9 min Influen$a general G=H Gwinter >;->>H - scan from B>;A to ?:=B by E or A*$. Influen$a GEH Gwinter >>-::H - =::::, ;;:, ?E?, 99:, ?E; Influen$a G9H Gwinter >>-::H - AA:, ABK, B=9, BBB, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, =:::, K:::, =:::: Influen$a with respiratory component G=H Gwinter >>-::H - A?, ==>=, E9>;, EKAA, KB:;, ??B:, ??BB, B?E-B?>, B?B, BA?-BKE, =E=K, ?EA-?9E, ?AB, ?B;, B;? Influen$a =>K? J7J 7sian - ?B;, K?A Influen$a =>?; - ;AA, ;=A, B=: Influen$a =>?> - =E9, K=9, KEE, KBK, ?;;, B:= Influen$a =>;9 - AEA, ?9:, ?9A, AE; Influen$a =>;> - E=B, 9EE, BE?, ?:9, ?A; Influen$a =>>9 - KEE, B=K, ??;, ;K:, >K> Influen$a =>>9 secondary - E:?, EKA, K;:s, ;A;, >A?, ?>B?, ;>=:, ?9>, ?A=, ?B:, ?BK, ??9, >=K Influen$a =>>A - B;>, B>?, B>>, ?>; Influen$a =>>A secondary - 99?, B>:, ;B;, ;B>, ?:E, ?E?, ?E>, ??B, ??> Influen$a =>>? to =>>; - E::;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, 9K, E:, ABK Influen$a 7sian grippe 7 - K=B, BKB, A9A Influen$a autumn =>>; - EK:, ABK for 9min, ;E=: for Kmin, ;?::, ??B: for =Kmin

Influen$a /ach %oly - =EE, 9K:, A;?, K?E, B9A, ?B;, ;E9, =:A9, =E?E, ?BA, ??= Influen$a, grippe general - 9A9, K::, K=E, KA=, ;BE, =:::, ==>E, 9:=E, 9AE9, =:EE9 Influen$a, grippe, vapch - =K9, 9A9 Influen$a, grippe =>;B tri - K9E, K;;, BB:s, >>A, ABE, ?=E Influen$a, grippe =>;? - =A:, 99E, K;=, >K9, A;B;, ?9: Influen$a, grippe =>;; - EB?, K9B, KB;, E:K:, ?KE, ?;= Influen$a, grippe =>;> - 9K9, K9B, ;?A Influen$a, grippe =>>: - KA=, KB:, BKB Influen$a haemophilus - KAE, KKE, ;;K, >K>, ?9A Influen$a haemophilus type / - BKE, >AE, A;9, ?9=, ?AB Influen$a spanish - ABE, ?;? Influen$um to2icum - ;KA Influen$a triple nosode - AE=, B9E, =EAE, =AEE, =>EE, 9=EE Influen$a F grippe - ;B= Influen$a F-E grippe - 9EA, BKE, BK9 Influen$a F-9 grippe - KK:, KK9 Influen$a F-A grippe - E9E, 9KE, EKK; Influen$a F-K grippe - >AK, K=; Influen$a F-?K Fictoria - 9A9, 9=B, =:E: Influen$a F7-E grippe - 99A, A?E, A>B, ;99, ;9B, >EE, ?E; Influen$a F7-E1 grippe - AA? Influen$a virus, general - ?E;, ;::, ;;:, ??B:, ;:::, ;EK: Influen$a virus =>>= to =>>E - =K9, 9AK, 9;?, ?K;, >;A, >;K Influen$a virus =>>= to =>>E secondary - 99:s, 9K:s, KEK, B9E, ?A:, ?B=, ?BE, ??B, ???, ?;: Influen$a virus =>>E to =>>9 - K9K, >AB Influen$a virus =>>E to =>>9 secondary - E?E, K9A, KBB, BB;, B?A, ??B, ?;E, >A?, B9E, BA:, ?=9, ?=K, ?AE, ??9, ??? Influen$a virus =>>9 to =>>A - ?K?, ;;K, ;>K, >B> Influen$a virus =>>9 to =>>A secondary - AA?, AK?, K>?, ?KB, ?BA, ??B, ?>;, ;?;, >B?, >:>:, BB9, ?E:, ?E;, ?E>, ?AK, ?BE, ?BA, ??:, ??9, ??> Influen$a virus J7J - 9EE, 99E, ??B Influen$a virus J7J =>?A - AAE Influen$a virus J7J %ort Chalmers - BEE, ;B9 Influen$a virus J/J - AB;, K9:, K9E, K9B, K9?, KB;, ?EE, ?A:s, ==;B, B?> Influen$a virus J/J *ong .ong - KKK Influen$a virus JswineJ - A=9, A9E, BB9, ;9>, >>K Influen$a virus /ritish - KK;, >9E In"ection, allergic reaction to - =:::: Insomnia Gsee also %arasite general setH - 9.K>, 9, ?.;9, =:, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ;:E, B:::, 9:A Intelligence, clarity of thought - E:, =:::: Intercostal neuralgia Gpain in rib musculatureH - 9:::, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, =EK, E:, =;BK, AAA

Interleukin Gused to stimulate lymphocyte productionH - 9AA;, E>E>, A3=A, KB==, E;B?, E;KK, E?>= Intermittent claudication - AK, A; Intestinal problems, colon - =:, AA:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Intestinal problems, general Galso try %arasite general setH - ;:E Intestines, inflammation - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:K, ?>= Irritable bowel syndrome Guse with %arasites giardia and %arasites general setH - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;:E, ;9E, ;;:, ABK, AEE, B?BB, =KK: Itching Gpruritis. 5ake hot bath with a cup of apple cider vinegar I I-Cell <isease+ Gsee )ucolipidosesH Ichthyosis+ :.:9, :.=;, :.BK, :.;:, 99.KE, ?E.K:, E?:.>B, 9E=.;:, K:K.B?, ?=K.E; Icterus+ Gsee @aundiceH I<<)+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype =H Ideational 7pra2ia+ Gsee 7pra2iasH Idiopathic Environmental Intolerances+ Gsee )ultiple Chemical #ensitivityH Idiopathic *ypertrophic #ubaortic #tenosis+ Gsee Cardiomyopathy, *ypertrophicH Idiopathic *ypertrophic #ubvalvular #tenosis+ Gsee Cardiomyopathy, *ypertrophicH Idiopathic Intracranial *ypertension+ Gsee %seudotumor CerebriH Idiopathic 3rofacial <yskinesia+ Gsee )eige #yndromeH Idiopathic 3rthostatic *ypotension, #hy-<rager 5ype+ Gsee #hy-<rager #yndromeH Idiopathic %arkinson <isease+ Gsee %arkinson <iseaseH Idiopathic #crotal Calcinosis+ :.=E, :.EB, :.?:, E.K:, 9=.::, ?E.?K, =EE.K:, E;E.;=, 9K?.??, AEB.=B Ig7 <eficiency+ :.=9, :.E9, :.?:, :.;?, K.?;, ?.EK, 9:.::, >B.K:, 9EE.:B, K=>.9A Ig7 0europathy+ Gsee DlomerulonephritisH IgE-)ediated *ypersensitivity+ Gsee *ypersensitivity, ImmediateH Ileitis, 'egional+ Gsee Crohn <iseaseH Ileitis, 5erminal+ Gsee Crohn <iseaseH Ileocolitis+ Gsee Crohn <iseaseH Immune Comple2 <iseases+ :.:E, :.9:, :.;K, ?.K:, 9E.K:, EA:.E;, 9AB.::, BE;.::, ;99.?:, >EK.B; Immune #ystem <iseases+ :.:E, :.9:, :.;K, ?.K:, =E.K:, A:.::, =BE.>:, 9K:.::, A99.B9, >:>.E= Immunodeficiency #yndrome, 7c&uired+ Gsee 7c&uired Immunodeficiency #yndromeH Immunodeficiency, Common Fariable+ Gsee Common Fariable ImmunodeficiencyH Immunodeficiency, #evere Combined+ Gsee #evere Combined ImmunodeficiencyH Immunologic <eficiency #yndrome, 7c&uired+ Gsee 7c&uired Immunodeficiency #yndromeH Immunologic <eficiency #yndromes+ :.:E, :.9:, :.;K, 9E.;;, E9A.K=, AEK.B;, K?=.::, ;?>.::, >9;.::, Impetigo+ :.=K, :.E9, :.BK, :.>9, 9?.K:, =9:.?E, 9KE.K:, ?=E.K:, B>9.K: Impetigo Contagiosa+ Gsee ImpetigoH Inappropriate -ollicle #timulating *ormone #ecretion+ Gsee *yperpituitarismH Inappropriate -#* #ecretion #yndrome+ Gsee *yperpituitarismH

Inappropriate Drowth *ormone #ecretion #yndrome+ G7cromegalyH+ Gsee 7cromegalyH Inappropriate 1* #ecretion #yndrome+ Gsee *yperpituitarismH Inappropriate 1uteini$ing *ormone #ecretion+ Gsee *yperpituitarismH Inappropriate 5hyroid #timulating *ormone #ecretion+ Gsee *yperpituitarismH Inappropriate 5#* #ecretion #yndrome+ Gsee *yperpituitarismH Inborn Errors of )etabolism+ Gsee )etabolism, Inborn ErrorsH Inclusion <isease+ Gsee Cytomegalovirus InfectionsH Incontinentia %igmenti+ :.=:, :.K?, :.B;, :.;?, 9K.K;, =E?.K:, 99?.K:, B9;.B=, ?=K.E9, >:9.?A, Incontinentia %igmenti 7chromians+ Gsee %igmentation <isordersH Infectious )ononucleosis+ :.:;, :.9K, :.B:, :.;:, E=E.:9, 9:K.E=, AK=.E?, KBK.B=, B>:.::, ;EB.9E Infectious )ononucleosis-1ike #yndrome, Chronic+ Gsee -atigue #yndrome, ChronicH Inflammation+ :.:;, :.=E, :.B:, :.;:, E.K:, 9:.>;, =:9.::, 9BE.K:, B>E.:=, ;EK.:: Inflammation, /rain+ Gsee EncephalitisH Inflammatory /owel <iseases+ :.:=, :.9E, :.?:, :.;K, K.B=, 9E.K:, B:.::, =EK.E9, EEK.B;, 9?K.B=, Inflammatory )yopathy+ Gsee )yositisH Inflammatory 'esponse #yndrome, #ystemic+ Gsee #ystemic Inflammatory 'esponse #yndromeH Influen$a G/irdH *K0=+ :.:;, :.EK, :.K?, ?.K:, =:.K9, =E.K:, A:.::, =?9.9:, 9E>.9?, B?K.::, Influen$a in *umans+ Gsee Influen$a, *umanH Influen$a, 7vian+ Gsee Influen$a *K0=H Influen$a, *uman+ :.:;, :.EK, :.K?, ?.K:, =:.K9, =E.K:, A:.::, =?:.::, 9E:.::, B=K.::, In"uries+ Gsee ,3!0<# 70< I0@!'IE#H Inner Ear <isease+ Gsee 1abyrinth <iseasesH Inoculation 1ymphoreticulosis+ Gsee Cat-scratch <iseaseH Insensitivity to %ain with 7nhidrosis, Congenital+ Gsee *ereditary #ensory and 7utonomic 0europathiesH Insulinoma+ :.:=, :.9E, :.?:, :.;?, K.EK, 9E.K:, B:.::, =EK.B;, EEK.BK, E?K.B; Insuloma+ Gsee InsulinomaH Intention 5remor+ Gsee 5remorH Intermittent Claudication+ :.:;, :.EA, :.K?, ?.K:, =E.:K, E.K:, AE.K:, E?=.K:, A=K.?:, B?K.B;, Internuclear 3phthalmoplegia+ Gsee 3C!17' )35I1I5Y <I#3'<E'#H Interstitial Cystitis+ Gsee Cystitis, InterstitialH Interstitial 1ung <iseases+ Gsee 1ung <iseases, InterstitialH Intervertebral <isk <isplacement+ :.:A, :.A=, :.BE, ?.K:, E.?K, A:.::, E?K.BK, A?K.B;, KE?.::, BB?.:: Intestinal Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ IntestinalH Intestinal <iseases+ :.:K, :.KE, :.?;, ?.K:, ;.::, KK.B;, EEK.E9, K99.B9, BKE.A9, ?;=.::, Intestinal 0euronal <ysplasia+ :.:K, :.KE, :.?;, ?.K:, ;.::, 9E.K:, BE.K:, =EK.B;, EK:.::, 9?B.E> Intestinal 3bstruction+ :.:K, :.KE, :.?;, ?.K:, ;.::, 9:.::, BE.K:, =EK.BK, E=:.K:, K?K.B;, Intestinal %olyps+ :.:K, :.KE, :.?;, =:.A?, K.K;, 9E.K:, BK.B;, =A>.E=, E?K.B?, 9?K.B;,

Intracerebral *emorrhage+ Gsee Cerebral *emorrhageH Intracranial 7neurysm+ :.:;, :.EA, :.K?, ?.K:, =:.?E, 9B.E=, =AE.K:, 9E=.::, A=K.?:, ??K.B; Intracranial Central 0ervous #ystem <isorders+ Gsee /'7I0 <I#E7#E#H Intracranial Fascular <isorders+ Gsee Cerebrovascular <isordersH Intracranial Fasospasm+ Gsee Fasospasm, IntracranialH Iodamoebiasis+ Gsee 7mebiasisH Iritis+ :.:=, :.EK, :.;?, ==.:>, ?.K:, =E.?=, ;K.B;, =9E.K:, 9K9.K:, ;KK.:; Iron-<eficiency 7nemia+ Gsee 7nemia, Iron-<eficiencyH Irritable /owel #yndrome+ :.E9, :.;K, ?.K:, 9E.K:, EE.K:, =K=.B;, 9=E.K:, A9E.K:, ?:K.B?, ;B>.9A, Isaac's #yndrome+ Gsee -asciculationH Ischemia, )yocardial+ Gsee )yocardial IschemiaH Ischemic 7ttack, 5ransient+ :.=?, :.A:, :.BE, :.;K, E.K:, EK.::, =:>.9E, 9BE.K?, BE=.B;, ??K.B? Ischemic Encephalopathy+ Gsee /rain IschemiaH Ischemic *eart <isease+ Gsee )yocardial IschemiaH Ischemic 3ptic 0europathy+ Gsee 3ptic 0europathy, IschemicH Isoimmuni$ation, 'hesus+ Gsee 'h Isoimmuni$ationH Itching+ Gsee %ruritusH Ito #yndrome+ Gsee %igmentation <isordersH Ivemark #yndrome+ :.=B, :.A>, :.BE, :.;K, ?.K:, =BE.K:, E;=.E:, A>E.KE, B?K.BE, ;EK.E9 afterwards. If chronic and no long term relief, use %arasite sets including

%arasites general and %arasites blood flukes.H - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AAA, =;BK, 9=?B @ade )achine color decode - /lue BEA, 1t. blue E=KK, Dreen E:KK, 1t. green >B:, Yellow A?:, 3range >E:, 'ed ;=K, #ienna ;K;, )agenta ;::, %urple ?AK, 1avender B??, Indigo BA: @aundice Gsee also 1iver support, gallbladder, 1eptospirosis, and %arasites fluke and general fre&uency setsH - =B::, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ;:E, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =AB, EK:, =EK, >K, ?E, E: @ock itch Gsee Epidermophyton floccinumH @oint inflammation Galso see arthritis setsH - =:::: @ @ackknife #ei$ures+ Gsee #pasms, InfantileH @acksonian #ei$ure+ Gsee #ei$uresH @acobsen #yndrome+ :.=;, :.?;, :.;K, =9.B=, ?.K:, E?.K:, >K.BE, 9?K.B?, KE9.:=, B;E.:E @ansky-/ielschowsky <isease+ Gsee 0euronal Ceroid-1ipofuscinosesH @aundice+ :.=9, :.E9, :.BE, :.>?, ?.K:, =E.:K, =KE.K:, E>9.K:, 9=K.BE, A>B.:= @aundice, Chronic Idiopathic+ :.E:, :.AB, :.B:, E.K:, =9.::, 9K.?;, =;?.K:, E9K.::,

9>K.BE, ;:K.?: @aundice, *emolytic+ Gsee 7nemia, *emolyticH @aw <iseases+ :.=>, :.=;, :.BK, >.::, 9E.9>, ==>.K:, E9E.K:, ?E=.B?, ;9=.::, >EK.BE @erk 0ystagmus+ Gsee 0ystagmus, %athologicH @ob's #yndrome+ :.=9, :.E9, :.?:, 99.A?, E;;.?K, 9K=.::, A9E.K:, B:=.E9, ?=>.:=, ;K=.>= @ock Itch+ Gsee <ermatomycosesH @oint <iseases+ :.==, :.EA, :.K?, 9;.;9, EEE.?E, 9=?.K:, A9=.E:, K?E.K:, B>K.B?, >:K.BE @oseph <isease+ Gsee )achado-@oseph <iseaseH @uvenile *untington <isease+ Gsee *untington <iseaseH @uvenile #pinal )uscular 7trophy+ Gsee #pinal )uscular 7trophies of ChildhoodH @uvenile 5emporal 7rteritis+ Gsee Diant Cell 7rteritisH .aposi's sarcoma - EA>, A=;, BA? .idney insufficiency - >.E, =:, A:, AA:, =B::, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ;:E, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =AB, EK:, =EK, >K, ?E, E: .idney papilloma Gsmall, usually benign growth on a kidneyH - ==:, =A;, EBA, B9A, ?B?, ;A;, >=?, ?B:, ?BE, ==:E .idney stones Guse with vitamin, mineral, and herb supplementationH - AAA, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =::::, B:::, 9:::, 9.K, =KKE .idney tonic, general - AA:, EA;, ;, ;;:, E:, =::::, ;::, K:::, 9::: .ieferosteitis Ga type of bone inflammation marked by enlargement and painH - A9E, K=B, 9;A .lebsiella pneumoniae Gsee %neumoniae klebsiellaH . .allmann #yndrome+ :.=E, :.K:, :.;K, K.K:, 9E.K:, 9K.::, ?K.;K, >E.K:, =EK.BE, K=>.9A .anner's #yndrome+ Gsee 7utistic <isorderH .aposi <isease+ Gsee (eroderma %igmentosumH .artagener #yndrome+ :.:9, :.K:, :.;K, ?.K:, =;.::, E?.K:, =9K.B?,EEK.BE, B9K.E9, >=?.:E .artagener 5riad+ Gsee .artagener #yndromeH .awasaki <isease+ Gsee )ucocutaneous 1ymph 0ode #yndromeH .earns #yndrome+ Gsee .earns-#ayer #yndromeH .earns-#ayer #yndrome+ :.=K, :.9K, :.BE, :.>9, ?.K:, =9.KE, KE.K:, ?E.K:, >9.K:, >B.K:, .eloid+ :.=:, :.K:, :.?;, :.;K, K.BE, 9?.K:, =9=.>;, E;K.::, BEA.==, ;;=.=> .eratitis+ :.:?, :.KK, :.?:, :.;?, K.EK, ?.EK, 9:.::, KK.E9, >9.K:, 9EK.BE .eratitis, !lcerative+ Gsee Corneal !lcerH .eratoconus+ :.=>, :.KE, :.B;, :.>?, K?.K:, ==>.K9, 9EK.BE, B9A.E:, ?:=.K:, ;;=.BE .eratosis, 7ctinic+ :.=B, :.A>, :.BE, :.;K, =9.9>, ?=.K:, =AE.E=, 9>E.K:, B??.>=, ?=K.?: .eratosis, #eborrheic+ :.=E, :.B;, :.;K, =E.:K, ?.K:, E?.K:, >?.K:, E?K.BE, KE9.:=, B;?.AK .ernicterus+ :.:;, :.9K, :.B:, :.;:, E.?K, K.K:, K:.::, BE.K:, >:.::, >K.B? .etoacidosis, <iabetic+ Gsee <iabetic .etoacidosisH .etosis, <iabetic+ Gsee <iabetic .etoacidosisH .idney Calculi+ :.:=, :.=;, :.?:, :.;K, K.?;, 9E.K:, B:.::, =EK.E9, >K.B?, =K:.::, .idney <iseases+ :.:?, :.=;, :.K?, ?.K:, =9.B=, =EE.K:, E==.::, 9:K.;K, AKE.E:, K>=.A9 .idney <iseases, Cystic+ :.:?, :.=;, :.BE, ?.K:, =E.==, A:.::, =K:.::, KEA.>A, B;>.>9,

?KE.:K .idney -ailure, 7cute+ :.=9, :.=;, :.BK, :.>?, ?.K:, ==.>K, A:.::, =K:.::, KEA.>A, B;>.>9, ?KE.:K .idney -ailure, Chronic+ :.=9, :.=;, :.BK, :.>?, ?.K:, ==.>K, A:.::, =K:.::, KEA.>A, B;>.>9, ?KE.:K .idney #tones+ Gsee .idney CalculiH .idney 5ubular 0ecrosis, 7cute+ :.=9, :.=;, :.BK, :.>?, ?.K:, ==.>K, A:.::, =K:.::, KEA.>A, B;>.>9, ?KE.:K .ienbock <isease+ Gsee 3steonecrosisH .imura <isease+ Gsee 7ngiolymphoid *yperplasia with EosinophiliaH .inky *air #yndrome+ Gsee )enkes .inky *air #yndromeH .issing <isease+ Gsee Infectious )ononucleosisH .lebsiella Infections+ :.=9, :.A=, :.BK, :.>?, ?.K:, =:.A?, =KE.K:, A>9.K:, 9?K.B>, A?K.KA .leine-1evin #yndrome+ :.:=, :.K:, :.B;, :.;?, K.K;, ?.K:, 9?.K:, >K.KA, 9E9.:=, AEB.>:, .lein-,aardenburg #yndrome+ Gsee ,aardenburg's #yndromeH .linefelter #yndrome+ :.=B, :.KK, :.;K, E.K:, K.K:, E?.K:, 9?.K:, =K:.::, =EK.B>, K=K.?: .lippel--eil #yndrome+ :.:9, :.KE, :.BE, :.>9, ?.K:, =E.?=, ;K.::, >B.K:, 9::.::, EEK.KA .lippel-5renaunay <isease+ Gsee .lippel-5renaunay-,eber #yndromeH .lippel-5renaunay-,eber #yndrome+ :.:B, :.=E, :.B:, :.>:, E.?K, =?.K:, ?E.K:, 9?K.B>, 9K?.??, AEK.E9 .lumpke %aralysis+ Gsee /rachial %le2us 0europathies+ GErb's %alsyHH .on$o+ Gsee %lant %oisoningH .rabbe <isease+ Gsee 1eukodystrophy, Dloboid CellH .rukenberg 5umor+ :.:?, :.A>, :.B:, :.;:, 9E.=:, EK=.K:, 9;E.K:, K:=.B>, B=;.::, ?=9.KA, .ufs <isease+ Gsee 0euronal Ceroid-1ipofuscinosesH .ugelberg-,elander <isease+ Gsee #pinal )uscular 7trophies of ChildhoodH .uru+ :.:?, :.K?, :.;K, E.K:, 9K.=E, E=9.>;, 9:?.K:, AEB.AE, B=9.:=, ?=>.9A .uru Encephalopathy+ Gsee .uruH .nee, "oint pain - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E;, E:, ?.B>, 9, =.E, EK:, >.B, >.9>

1ac <eflorat - E9:, 9?=, E9E, E=E= 1amblia Gsee %arasites, DiardiaH 1arge intestine tonic - ;, AA:, ;;: 1aryngeal polyp - ?BK, E:E 1aryn2 - =:, AA:, ABK, AAA, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E;, ?.B>, 9, =.E, EK:, >.B, >.9> 1ateral sclerose Gdegeneration of spinal cord leading to spastic paraplegia. #ee also 71#.H - EKA 1a2ative, mild - ;:E 1egionella G1egionnaires' disease, caused by a gram-negative bacteria associated with condensed or treated water that migrate to lung tissue and

stimulate severe respiratory manifestations, fever, headache, abdominal pain, and may affect kidneys and liver.H - ?E9, ?EA, ;>?, >?K, ;=E:, ;;KB, B>:, B>9 1eishman <onovan bodies Gsee %arasites, 1eishmaniaH 1eprosy - B:: 1eprosy secondary infection - =B::, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?B:, ?E?, ?::, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, E:, K::, AK:, AA:, AE;, BB: 1eptospirosis Ga spirochete bacterial disease that is spread to humans through animal urine that can cause meningitis, "aundice, anemia, miscarriage, and deathH - B=E, BB9 1eukocytogenesis, stimulates Gsee also Immune system stimulationH - E:, ?E? 1eukoderma, ac&uired Gsee FitiligoH 1eukoencephalitis Ginflammation of brain's white matter, usually in infants and children, but also found in horses as a result of forage poisoningH 9EA, K?E, ??B, >9A, =:?>, ====, =999 1eukoencephalitis secondary - 99;, ?;9, >9E, =:9K, ==B:, =B9:, ?=E, ?=9, ?=K, =EAA 1eukoplakia Gwhite patches on mucous membranes, also see E/F, %appilloma, and Cancer, carcinoma fre&sH - ABK, E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB 1eukose Gproliferation of tissues that form white blood cells6 considered to be foundational stage of leukemia. #ee also %arasite general and %arasite fluke setsH - B=E, B99, BK9, 9?EE, BAA 1ipoma Gbenign, soft tumor of fatty tissueH - A?, B:B, ?:> 1isteriose Ga serious disease causing miscarriage, meningitis, and endocarditis in humans6 known as Jcircling diseaseJ in ruminants and causes liver necrosis in animals with single stomachs. 7lso see #trep general and Deneral infectionH - 9??, A?=, BEB, BE;, B9A, ??A, E=BE, ?;B?, ?=A, ?EA 1iver fluke G#ee parasites, flukesH 1iver necrosis Gsee 1isteriose, 1iver support, %arasites schistosoma mansoniH 1iver stores, bile, cholesterol - E=.9A 1iver support Galso try %arasite general and fluke fre&sH - 99.=9, =KKE, ;:E 1iver, enlargement - ?E?, ?;?, ;;: 1ock"aw Gsee 5etanusH 1ocomotor dysfunction incoordination Gslow results. #ee also #chumann responseH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E: 1ow blood pressure Gsee hypotensionH 1uesinum4#yphilinum Gsee #yphillisH 1umbago - =::::, ;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =EK, >K, ?E, AAA, =;BK, >.=>, ;.EK, ?.B>, 9:: 1ung sinus bacteria - EAA, =ABB, K>?, =9== 1ung abscess Gsee 0ocardia asteroidesH 1upus, general Glocali$ed degeneration of skin by various diseases6 vulgaris is a common form of this ailment that is actually a rare form of

tuberculosis that manifests with disfigurement and destruction of the skin and cartilage of the face. 7lso use %arasite fluke sets for any typeH B99 for K min, E=EK for A min, E::; for ; min, 9B=E for A min, ;:E for ; min, EA;>, ?:E, EA9, 9;B, AAE, >AE for 9 min 1upus general secondary - E:K, EAA, 9KE, B99, ;A?, >E=, >>9, =999, =ABA, ?;BK, ??= 1upus #1E secondary - E=;:, E=E;, E::;, =KKE, ;;:, ?;A, BBA, 9:A, 9;B, B?;, A;= 1u2ation Gdislocation of organs or "ointsH - >.=, ==: 1yme disease Galso known as borreliosis6 relapsing fever in humans and animals caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticksH - A9E,;::,AE::, 99;, 9AA, 9AK, B:K, B?9, ?K;, ?>?, ;;A, =AKK, B;B9, B;?:, K99, K9A, ?9E 1yme hatchlings4eggs - BA:, ;KKA, E:9, A=E, A=A, K;>, BB?, ;A:, =:::, =:?E, =:;?, ==:K 1yme secondary - EKA, KEK, K>?, BAA, ;;K, B>> 1yme tertiary - 9:B, A9E, A;A, B=:, BEK, B>:, ;BA, E:=B, ?>: 1yme G=H always run BE: after ;BA - ;BA, A>K, A;K to K:K, BE:, B=: to B9:, B>:, ?>:, ?;K to ?>K. 1yme GEH - E:K:, =KE:, B=K for K min, E:=B, BEK for =: min. 1ymph pla&ue - K>B, 9AB 1ymph stasis - 9=?B 1ymph stasis secondary Galso see 1ymphangitisH - B.9, =A;, KEE, =AB, AAA, AA:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =::::, E.K, ABK, =: 1ymph support - =K.:K, =:.9B, 9=?B 1ymphangitis Glymphatic vessel inflammation of humans and horses most commonly caused by strep but also by other bacteria, yeast fungus, and cancerH - K?A, ??;, ==E:, =:?;, 9=?B 1 1abhart-,illi #yndrome+ Gsee %rader-,illi #yndromeH 1abyrinth <iseases+ :.==, :.EA, :.K?, E;=.;9, 9:=.:>, 9>E.A=, A9=.=>, B?E.K9, ?:9.KA, ;E=.B> 1abyrinthitis+ :.==, :.EA, :.BE, :.;K, ==;.99, E:>.=;, 9E=.::, KAA.=:, B9=.=?, ?:K.:: 1acrimal 7pparatus <iseases+ :.=E, :.KK, :.;K, K.K:, EE.K:, 9K.B>, ?9.9:, >E.K:, =EK.E9, KE?.;= 1acrimal <uct 3bstruction+ :.E:, :.AB, :.B:, E.?K, =EE.::, E?K.B>, 9E?.K:, BA>.KA, ?9K.::, ;99.B> 1actation <isorders+ :.=>, :.9:, :.BE, ?.K:, ;.::, E.K:, 9E.K:, KK.E9, =K:.::, 9EK.KA 1actose Intolerance+ :.=9, :.EK, :.?:, ?.K:, =E.99, 9E.=9, E9E.K:, 9KK.B>, A9:.::, ;KK.:;, 1actose )alabsorption+ Gsee 1actose IntoleranceH 1ambert-Eaton )yasthenic #yndrome+ :.=9, :.9E, :.>9, E.AA, ;=.E?, =9=.B=, 99A.EK, A=K.?:, KB;.A9, ;=9.>B 1ambliasis+ Gsee DiardiasisH 1andau-.leffner #yndrome+ :.=E, :.E9, :.;9, K.EK, >?.::, =E;.E=, =BE.K:, 99;.:B, K==.>A, B9=.A= 1andry-Duillain-/arre #yndrome+ Gsee Duillain-/arre #yndromeH

1anger-Diedion #yndrome+ :.:;, :.9K, :.?K, ?.K:, 9E.K;, =?A.K:, A:?.K:, B9E.::, ?E9.KA, ;;K.KA 1angerhans-Cell Dranulomatosis+ Gsee *istiocytosis, 1angerhans-CellH 1angerhans-Cell *istiocytosis+ Gsee *istiocytosis, 1angerhans-CellH 1arsen #yndrome+ :.=9, :.K?, :.?9, :.>:, E.EK, 9K.?;, =9?.:>, A>:.E=, ;EE.K:, >9K.EE, 1arva )igrans+ :.:?, :.9?, :.?:, :.;K, K.B>, ?.EK, 9:.::, KK.KA, >9.K:, 9EE.:B, K=K.?:, B;>.>9, ?KE.:K, >?:.K:, 1arva )igrans, Cutaneous+ Gsee 1arva )igransH 1arva )igrans, 3cular+ Gsee 1arva )igransH 1aryngeal Cancer+ Gsee cancer+ 1aryn2 4 1aryngealH 1aryngeal <iseases+ :.:9, :.EA, :.BE, :.;9, =;9.9>, 9=K.BE, A9E.9>, B>=.K:, ;EE.KA, >E9.:= 1aryngeal 0erve %alsy, 'ecurrent+ Gsee Focal Cord %aralysisH 1aryngeal %aralysis+ Gsee Focal Cord %aralysisH 1aryngeal %erichondritis+ Gsee 17'Y0DE71 <I#E7#E#H 1aryngeal #tenosis+ Gsee 1aryngostenosisH 1aryngitis+ :.:9, :.EA, :.B:, :.;:, ==.>K, KE.?=, K:.::, =>?.K:, 9:K.B=, A9E.A= 1aryngomalacia+ :.=>, :.KE, :.?;, :.>?, ?.K:, ==B.?E, E:K.KA, 9EK.::, AEE.K:, >EK.B> 1aryngostenosis+ :.E:, :.EK, :.?K, E.K:, 9.::, K.K;, >K.E9, =?K.KA, AEK.B>, K?=.:: 1aryn2 0eoplasms+ Gsee cancer+ 1aryn2 4 1aryngealH 1assa -ever+ :.:9, :.EA, A.K?, K?.K:, ==:.A?, 9E=.;E, A>=.9=, B;=.E;, ?E=.BB, ;9>.9A 1assitude+ Gsee -atigueH 1ateral /ulbar #yndrome+ Gsee 1ateral )edullary #yndrome+ G,allenberg #yndromeHH 1ateral )edullary #yndrome+ :.:9, :.K:, :.;?, =9.KE, ?.K:, E?.K:, 9K.::, =EK.B>, E>?.K:, A9?.K: 1ateral #clerosis+ Gsee )otor 0euron <iseaseH 1ate2 7llergy+ Gsee 1ate2 *ypersensitivityH 1ate2 *ypersensitivity+ :.=K, :.E9, :.BK, :.>9, ?.K:, ==.:>, KE.K:, =?E.K=, 9;9.K:, K=B.KE 1aurence-)oon #yndrome+ :.=:, :.K:, :.B;, :.;?, 9K.EK, =BA.E?, E:A.=>, 9EK.B>, KE=.E>, BBE.KE 1aurence-)oon-/iedl #yndrome+ Gsee 1aurence-)oon #yndromeH 1eber's Congenital 7maurosis+ Gsee /lindnessH 1eft *eart #yndrome, *ypoplastic+ Gsee *ypoplastic 1eft *eart #yndromeH 1eft Fentricular *ypertrophy+ Gsee *ypertrophy, 1eft FentricularH 1eg !lcer+ :.:;, :.9K, :.B:, 9=.;:, =>=.K:, EE;.K:, 9E=.::, KE9.B>, B>=.::, ?>?.K: 1egg-%erthes <isease+ :.:=, :.9E, :.?:, :.;?, K.?;, 9E.K:, =;=.>9, BE=.B>, ?:K.KA, ;=K.?: 1egionellosis+ :.=>, :.E9, :.;K, E.K:, 9E.K:, =>E.E;, 9>=.E;, KBE.K:, ?EK.B>, >?K.E9 1eigh <isease+ :.AB, :.>K, ?.K:, EK.KA, =K.B>, A:.::, B:.::, =EK.::, 9::.::, KE?.;= 1eiomyoma+ :.;K, :.>;, =.;:, =?.K9, E=9.E9, 9E=.E>, AE9.B>, K>?.K:, ;BE.K:, >=K.KA 1eiomyosarcoma+ :.=?, :.=;, :.;:, ?.K:, A?.E=, =9E.K;:, 9KK.E9, A;B.>:, K9:.EE, ;A=.B> 1eiomyosarcoma, Epithelioid+ Gsee 1eiomyosarcomaH 1eiomyosarcoma, )y2oid+ Gsee 1eiomyosarcomaH 1eishmaniasis+ :.:B, :.=E, :.;K, ?.K=, 9E.KE, A9.:B, =K=.=;, EEK.K9, K=K.?B, BK>.:E, 1enno2-Dastaut #yndrome+ Gsee EpilepsyH 1ens 3pacities+ Gsee CataractH 1entiginosis+ Gsee 1entigoH

1entiginosis, %erioral+ Gsee %eut$-@eghers #yndromeH 1entigo+ :.=:, :.K?, :.>K, ?.K:, =?.K:, 9?.K:, >K.KA, EEK.B>, K9B.AE, B;>.>9 1entigo, )alignant+ Gsee *utchinson's )elanotic -reckleH 1eptomeningeal Cysts+ Gsee 7rachnoid CystsH 1eptospirosis+ :.:?, :.EA, =:.K?, 9?.E>, =9E.;=, 9=9.?K, A9?.K:, KE:.K:, B9=.>A, ??=.:: 1esch-0yhan #yndrome+ :.:?, :.EE, :.BE, ?.K:, E.K:, A=.:=, ==>.9A, A?K.B>, KE?.::, BB?.:: 1eucine )etabolism <isorders+ :.:9, :.EB, :.?;, ==.>K, ?.K:, KK.KA, >?.K:, K=K.?:, BKE.A9, ?K;.?;, 1eukemia+ :.:?, :.=E, :.B:, :.;:, E.K:, EE.K:, ?E.K:, AE=.9>, ?9>.=:, >:K.9= 1eukocytopenia+ Gsee 1eukopeniaH 1eukodystrophy, Dloboid Cell+ :.=B, :.KK, :.;K, E.K:, K.K:, E?.K:, 9?.K:, =E9.:=, 9E?.E9, K99.B> 1eukodystrophy, )etachromatic+ :.=B, :.KK, :.;K, ?.K:, 9E.K:, 9K.KA, >K.B>, 9?B.E>, K=K.?:, B;>.>9 1eukodystrophy, #pongiform+ Gsee Canavan <iseaseH 1eukoencephalitis, #ubacute #clerosing+ Gsee #ubacute #clerosing %anencephalitisH 1eukoencephalopathy, #ubcortical+ Gsee <ementia, FascularH 1eukopenia+ :.:E, :.K:, :.;K, E.K:, ?.K:, =K.B>, 9K.KA, =EK.::, EEK.B>, 9??.>= 1ewy /ody <isease+ :.=A, :.EE, :.BE, ?.K:, E.K:, A:.::, ;?.K:, =K:.::, 9?K.B>, K=>.9A, 1ewy /ody %arkinson <isease+ Gsee %arkinson <iseaseH 1hermitte-<uclos <isease+ Gsee *amartoma #yndrome, )ultiple+ GCowden's <iseaseHH 1ibman-#acks <isease+ Gsee 1upus Erythematosus, #ystemicH 1ice Infestations+ :.:9, :.A=, :.BE, :.>9, ?.K:, =9.>9, ;K.KA, >B.K:, 9E?.;=, A:K.E9 1ichen %lanus+ :.:K, :.A>, :.BE, :.>K, =:.A?,9E.?=, 99:.EE, A:E.;:, B>E.=:, ??K.:> 1ichen 'uber %lanus+ Gsee 1ichen %lanusH 1ichen #clerosus+ Gsee 1ichen #clerosus et 7trophicus+ G,hite #pot <iseaseHH 1ichen #clerosus et 7trophicus+ :.=K, :.=;, :.;:, K.K:, =:?.K:, 9?E.K:, K=K.KA, B9=.;K, ?==.=E, >:?.K: 1ight #ensitivity+ Gsee %hotophobiaH 1ightheadedness+ Gsee <i$$inessH 1imb Cramp+ Gsee )uscle CrampH 1indau <isease+ Gsee von *ippel-1indau <iseaseH 1ingual--acial-/uccal <yskinesia+ Gsee )3FE)E05 <I#3'<E'#H 1ipodystrophy+ :.:E, :.=E, :.;K, ?.K:, 9E.K:, A:.::, B:.::, =K:.::, >E.K:, AEB.>:, 1ipodystrophy, Intestinal+ Gsee ,hipple <iseaseH 1ipoma+ :.=B, :.KK, :.;K, ?.K:, 9E.K:, 9K.B?, >?.K:, 9?K.KA, K=K.?:, BB:.A= 1ipoma, %leomorphic+ Gsee 1ipomaH 1ipomatosis+ :.:E, :.K:, :.;?, =?E.K:, E:?.K:, 9=K.E9, AEK.BE, B>=.EE, ?9K.KA, >BE.:?, 1ipomucopolysaccharidosis+ Gsee )ucolipidosesH 1issencephaly+ :.=A, :.EE, :.BE, =:.?E, E.K:, =EA.::, 9E?.K:, AE=.E:, K:K.KE, B9E.:=, 1isteria Infections+ :.:;, :.EB, :.?;, E.K:, ?.K:, KK.B?, ;?.K:, =E9.KE, KA9.9E, BBE.KA, 1ittle <isease+ Gsee Cerebral %alsyH 1ivedo 'eticularis, #ystemic Involvement+ Gsee #neddon #yndromeH 1iver Cirrhosis+ :.==, :.KK, :.>K, K.K:, =?.K:, 9?.K:, =BE.K:, 9;9.K:, AE=.::, BAK.EK, 1iver <iseases+ :.==, :.KK, :.>?, =E.99, =?.K:, 9:.::, =B:.=:, 9;9.K:, AE=.::, BAK.EK,

1iver -ibrosis+ Gsee 1iver CirrhosisH 1oaiasis+ Gsee 1oiasis+ G7frican Eye ,ormHH 1obar *oloprosencephaly+ Gsee *oloprosencephalyH 1obar %neumonia+ Gsee %neumoniaH 1obstein <isease+ Gsee 3steogenesis ImperfectaH 1ocked-In #yndrome+ Gsee MuadriplegiaH 1oiasis+ :.=E, :.KK, :.;K, K.K:, 9E.K:, 9K.KA, ?=.K:, >E.K:, =EK.B?, K=K.?:, 1ong M5 #yndrome+ :.:9, :.K:, :.;K, ?.K:, ;.::, E?.K:, 9K.KA, =EK.B>, >K.B>, >K.:: 1ordosis+ :.=K, :.E9, :.BE, :.>9, ?.K:, =E.B>, KE.K:, ?E.K:, >9.K:, >B.K:, K=>.9A, BB:.A=, ?K:.::, >?:.K:, 1ou Dehrig <isease+ Gsee 7myotrophic 1ateral #clerosisH 1oudness 'ecruitment+ Gsee *yperacusisH 1ouis-/ar #yndrome+ Gsee 7ta2ia 5elangiectasia+ G1ouis-/ar #yndromeHH 1owe #yndrome+ Gsee 3culocerebrorenal #yndrome+ G1owe #yndromeHH 1ower 0ephron 0ephrosis+ Gsee .idney 5ubular 0ecrosis, 7cuteH 1udwig's 7ngina+ :.=9, :.KE, :.BK, >.::, ==.:>, AK.::, BE.K:, =B;.9:, 99K.BE, AA9.=B, 1ung 7bscess+ :.:A, :.EA, :.B:, :.;9, E.K:, 9>.>;, E:9.K:, ?A=.B?, ;9K.BE, >=?.;=, 1ung Collapse+ Gsee 7telectasisH 1ung <iseases+ :.:9, :.A=, :.BE, :.>9, ?.K:, =E.?=, ;K.::, E:B.K:, 9EA.>A, ?9K.BE, 1ung <iseases, Interstitial+ :.:K, :.EA, :.B:, :.>?, ?.K:, 9K.BE, ==?.KE, A:E.:B, B?K.BE, ;E9.:= 1ung Inflammation+ Gsee %neumoniaH 1upus Erythematosus <isseminatus+ Gsee 1upus Erythematosus, #ystemicH 1upus Erythematosus, Cutaneous+ :.==, :.A>, :.?9, E.EK, ?.K:, 9:.::, E?:.E;, 999.>=, ?>=.:9, >:K.:? 1upus Erythematosus, Cutaneous, #ubacute+ Gsee 1upus Erythematosus, CutaneousH 1upus Erythematosus, #ubacute Cutaneous+ Gsee 1upus Erythematosus, CutaneousH 1upus Erythematosus, #ystemic+ :.==, :.A>, :.?9, E.EK, ?.K:, 9:.::, E?:.E;, 999.>=, ?>=.:9, >:K.:? 1uteini$ing *ormone, Inappropriate #ecretion+ Gsee *yperpituitarismH 1yme /orreliosis+ Gsee 1yme <iseaseH 1yme <isease+ :.BK, E.K:, ?.K:, EK.E9, ?:.::, AE.K:, >K.B?, =?K.::, KE9.:=, B;E.:E 1ymph 0ode *yperplasia, Diant+ Gsee Diant 1ymph 0ode *yperplasiaH 1ymph 0ode #yndrome, )ucocutaneous+ Gsee )ucocutaneous 1ymph 0ode #yndromeH 1ymphadenitis+ :.=E, :.EA, :.>9, ?.K:, EK.KA, 9K.B?, ;?.K:, >9.K:, E=K.?:, K99.B>, 1ymphadenopathy+ Gsee 1Y)%*75IC <I#E7#E#H 1ymphangioendothelioma+ Gsee 1ymphangiomaH 1ymphangioleiomyomatosis+ :.=E, :.=;, :.>9, ?.K:, 9:.::, 9K.E9, ;?.K:, >9.K:, E=>.9A, A>B.:= 1ymphangioma+ :.=E, :.9K, :.>9, ?.K:, E?.K:, 9K.B?, ;?.K:, >9.K:, EE9.:=, K=K.?: 1ymphangioma, Cavernous+ Gsee 1ymphangiomaH 1ymphatic <iseases+ :.=A, :.9K, :.>9, ==.>K, EK.KA, 9K.B?, ;?.K:, >9.K:, E9A.EK, KE?.;= 1ymphatism+ Gsee 1Y)%*75IC <I#E7#E#H 1ymphedema+ :.=E, :.9K, :.>9, ?.K:, =?.K:, 9K.::, ;?.K:, >9.K:, EEA.>A, A>?.B=, 1ymphogranuloma Inguinale+ Gsee 1ymphogranuloma FenereumH 1ymphogranuloma Fenereum+

1ymphogranuloma, )alignant+ Gsee *odgkin <iseaseH 1ymphoproliferative <isorders+ :.=E, :.9K, :.;?, ?.K:, EK.::, 9K.B;, ;?.K:, >9.K:, E9A.K=, K=>.9A 1ysosomal En$yme <isorders+ Gsee 1ysosomal #torage <iseasesH 1ysosomal #torage <iseases+ :.:;, :.A=, :.>K, E.?K, K.K:, =K.BK, B?.K:, =>E.>9, E9B.AE, K;K.?: 1ymphogranuloma Gsee Cancer, *odgkin's diseaseH 1-lysine GstimulatesH - =>K.K, 9>=, ?;E, =KBA.=, 9=E;.E, BEKB.A 1yssinum Gsee 'abiesH

)acular degeneration Gsee CataractsH )agnesium - A;: )alabsorption syndrome Guse with %arasites, Deneral setH - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, ;::, =KKE, 9::: )alaria Gan infectious disease, originating in tropical areas, that is transmitted by a mos&uito bite and characteri$ed by fever, anemia, and spleen enlargementH - E:, EEE, KK:, ?=9, >9:, =:9E, =A99, AKK, ?A9 )alaria G=H - E:, KKK )alaria GEH - E:, E;, ?;?, ;;: )alasse$ia furfur Gcauses tinea versicolor. #ee also -ungus generalH - EEE, EEK, A>=, B=B, ?:: )amma fibromatosis Gsee /reast, fibroid cystsH )ange, follicular G#cabies - contagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair folliclesH - >E:, =A9B, E;?=, K?AE, for 9 min, >: to ==:h$ scan, EK9, B>9 for =: min )annan - >B=, BB= )arsh elder - A?A )astitis Gan inflamed breast usually caused by bacterial infectionH - BKA, B>; )astoiditis Ginflammation of the bony structure of the head in the region of the ears below the eyesH - E;? )easles - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, 9AE, AAE, AA9, AB?, KE:, KE=, KKE, =A;>, ?AK, ?K?, ?B9, ?=E )easles, rubella GDerman or 9 day measlesH - A9=, AK>, K=:, K=?, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: )easles, rubeola G> day measlesH - 9AE, AB?, KE:, ?;A, ?;?, >BE, =A;> )easles, rubella vaccine - AE>, AK>, ;9E, >EB, K:K )easles vaccine - E=A, ?EK, ?A?, ?;9, >BE )edorrhinum Ghomeopathic nosode for urethral discharge. #ee also Faginosis.H - E9:, AAE, KKA, ;A9, ;KA, =?::, =;;:, EEEE, B:E )eniere's disease Gauditory vertigo associated with deafness and tinnitusH =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, AE; for 9 min, 99, 9E> for ? min, K::: for =B min, ==9: for = min, ?;E for EB min

)eningcoccus Firus - ?E: )eningioma Ga benign, slow-growing tumor of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cordH - AAB, K9K, K9? )eningitis Ginflammation of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord. 7lso see #treptococcus pneumoniae, 1isteriose, and 1eptospirosisH 9EE, K=?, ?E:, ?99, ?BA, ;EE, =:AA, =AEE, AE9 )eningitis secondary - =9:, B?B, B??, K:? )eningitis tertiary - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AE;, BB: )enstrual problems Gdouche with plain water firstH - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E: )ental concentration - =::::, ?.;E )ental disorders Ggeneral aid6 especially if to2ins are the causeH - KEE, =AB, =::::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, A.>, AE;, KK:, ;:E )ethotre2ate - K;A )icrosporum audouini Ga fungus which commonly causes ringworm of the scalp and other areasH - AEE, ;9=, =EEE, E;K )icrosporum canis Ga fungus causing ringworm in cats, dogs, and childrenH 9A?, >?:, =BAA, A:E, BK: )igraine Galso use %arasites strongyloides and general setsH - =: )old Gsee also specific typesH - EEE, EAE, KE9, KBK, K>E, BE9, ?AK, >99, ==9:, ==KK, =999, =;99, AAAE )old and fungus, general Gsee also specific typesH - ?E;, ;;:, ?;A, ABA, ;;B, A=A, EKA, 9AA, EA==, 9E=, KKK, >AE, 99?, ?BB, =;E9, KEA, 9?A, ?A9, =9E, ;BB )oles - E:, =E:, =??, B::, BEK, BEB, BK:, BK>, BB:, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA )olesG=H - ?B=.? for =K min, BK:, BEK, B::, ?B.E for =: min )ononucleosis Gsee Epstein-/arr virusH )onotospora languinosa Ghomeopathic remedy for fungal allergenH - ?;; )orbillinum - AB?, KE:, =A;> )orbus %arkinson Gsee %arkinson's diseaseH )organ GbactH - ??;, ?;A, ?;?, ?;;, >;;, ?EB )otion sickness Galso see nauseaH - =::::, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AA:, BA;, AAA, =;BK, KEE, =AB, =EK, >K, ?E, E: )outh eruptions, herpes sores Gsee *erpes and )orgellonsTdiseaseT5' - K;K;.EK, K;KB.9?K, AE?=.EK, AEBA, 99:, =::::, ?9AA, K:::, =KK:, =E9A, ?A:, ;;:, ;9K, ?;?, ?E?, =B:, K::, =B::, KB==, A:=A, 9AA;, 99A?, 9=?B, E>E>, E;B?, E;KK, E?>=, E?E:, EA;>, E=;:, =;BE, =A;;, ;;:, ;::, ?;?, ?E;, BBK, ABA, A9E, 9:A, =E:, 9:, E:, ;, >E:, E:=B, BEK *erpes #imple2 IH )outh eruptions, white patches Gsee leukoplakiaH )ucocutan perniciosis - ;99, BB?, ?KB )ucor mucedo Gcauses rot in fruit and baked goods R sometimes found on feet and skinH - B=E, =:::, A;;, ?BB, >?;;, ?9K )ucor plumbeus - 9B=, K?;, ?;K, ;?? )ucor racemosis Ggrows on decaying vegetation and bread and can cause ear infectionH - 9=:, A?A, ;?K

)ucor racemosis secondary - A?9, B;B, ;?=, ;?9, ;?B, ;?;, ;;?, ??B;, ?>?B, ;?;;, ?=9, ?E>, ?9=, ?K=, ?B:, ??;, =E:: )ucormycosis Gsee CygomycosisH )ucous membrane inflammation general - 9;: )ucoviscidosis Gsee Cystic fibrosisH )ultiple sclerosis Gaspertame, mercury, ben$ene, lead, and toluene can cause same symptoms. 7lso see chlamydia pneumonia, blastocystis hominus, %arasites flukes, #higella, 0ocardia, *erpes general, *erpes virus B, and *erpes $osterH - K::: for 9: min on one day, ?E;, =BB, EEA, 9=?, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, E=; for AK sec the ne2t day. 7lternate days. )ultiple sclerosis G=H - EEK9, EAB?, E9K?4;, EAE, 9:K, E:;>, 9:K?, ;=, K., =KK: O ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E; O B>: O BB:, E: )ultiple sclerosis tremor or twitch - A?: )ultiple sclerosis secondary - E:, =A9, E?K, A9:, A?:, KEA, BE:, BEA, ;:E, ;A:, ;KA, =KK:, EE=9, K:::, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA )umps Gacute viral inflammation of the saliva glands. #ee also Co2sackieH =KE, EAE, BAE, B?A, >EE )umps secondary - =>:, E9K, K=B, =EA9, =BB:, EB9:, 9=AE, >BB?, ?E>, ?A=, ?K>, ?B=, ==?: )umps tertiary - =::::, ?E?, E?E:, EA;>, E=E?, E::;, AE;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: )umps vaccine - E?9, KK=, ?==, ?9:, =A=> )uscles, to rela2 - >BK, E:, =E:, EA:, ?B:, B.;, B:::, 9:A )uscle, tonic - E:, =E:, EA:, 9::, 9:A, 9E;, ?E;, ;;:, K:::, =:::: )uscular dystrophy Gdisorder characteri$ed by weakness and progressive wasting of skeletal muscles despite no concommitant wasting of nerve tissue. 7spertame, mercury, ben$ene, lead, and toluene can cause same symptoms. 7lso use %arasites flukes and see %arasites general and )# setsH - =K9, KEE, =AB, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? )uscular pain, in"ury Galso see %ain and Deneral antisepticH - E?E:, B:::, 9E:, EK:, EA:, =B:, =EK, ;:, A:, E:, =:, K.;, E.K, =.K, =.E, =, :.K )ycobacterium avium Ge2pH - BAE.E, ?::.>, ?B>.B, ;:9.A, ;=;.K, =::=.E, ;K;.E, ?;B.?, BEK.>, B?A.9, >K9.B, ==;:, ==A;.9, ??9.9, B=K.?, B:;.A, ??:.B, ;>B.>, B>A.=, B;:.;, B9E.E, B=>.?, B;:.A, ;K?.B, ;B:.E, K>:, ;EK.?, ;EA.K ;9: sweep, >9?.A, KE>.9, =:K;.B, E==?.=, B=?.;, =E9K.?, EA?=.9, =:9?.K, E:?K )ycogone spp Ghomeopathic allergenic preparation based on fungusH - 9?=, AAB, ==E9, ?A; )ycogone fungoides - A;;, K9E, BBE, ?BA, ;KE, =AAA )ycogone fungoides secondary - 9E;, 9B?, A>:, A>=, A>K, A>B, BE;, B?;, ?B=, ?BB, ?B;, =:KK, =:?A, >>?>, ?:>, ?=A, ?E>, ?AB, ?K? )ycoplasma pneumonia Gsee %neumonia, mycoplasmaH )ycosis fungoides Ga form of skin cancer resembling ec$emaH - K9E, BBE, B?;, ;KE, =AAA )yocarditis narbe - E?>, ?B= )yocarditis necrose Ghomeopathic remedy from heart cells that died as a result of inade&uate blood flow to them. #ee also Circulatory stasisH ?:B, ?;>

)yoma Ga benign tumor on the uterusH - EK9, AE:, AK9, ;9E )yositis Ginvolves progressive muscle weaknessH - =E:, =EE, =EK, =E>, ==EA, ==B>, ?BE

) )achado-@oseph <isease+ :.=A, :.EK, :.;?, ?.K:, ;.::, =9.>9, ;K.B;, EEK.E9, A?K.B;, KE?.:: )acroglobulinemia+ Gsee ,aldenstrom )acroglobulinemiaH )acroglossia+ :.:?, :.E9, :.;9, E.?K, 9:.::, 9:.::, K:.::, =9A.EK, 9EK.BK, AEK.B; )acropsia+ Gsee FI#I30 <I#3'<E'#H )acular <egeneration+ :.=K, :.=;, :.;:, K.K:, 99.E:, =?E.9:, A?=.E:, KK?.;E, B:9.AA, >E=.;;, )acular <ystrophy, Corneal+ Gsee Corneal <ystrophies, *ereditaryH )aculopathy, 7ge-'elated+ Gsee )acular <egenerationH )adura -oot+ Gsee )aduromycosis+ G)ycetomaHH )aduromycosis+ Gsee )aduromycosis+ G)ycetomaHH )affucci #yndrome+ Gsee EnchondromatosisH )aggot Infestations+ Gsee )yiasisH )al de <ebar&uement+ Gsee )otion #icknessH )alaria+ :.:A, :.EA, :.K?, =.::, =E.:K, =??.?=, E9A.::, K>=.::, B;9.=B, ;A>.9A, )ale !rogenital <iseases+ :.=>, :.EE, :.BE, :.;9, ?.K:, 9E.K:, ;K.BK, =A9.K:, 9:A.AE, K;=.E;, )alignant -ibrous *istiocytoma+ Gsee *istiocytoma, )alignant -ibrousH )alignant *yperpyre2ia+ Gsee )alignant *yperthermiaH )alignant *yperthermia+ :.==, :.KK, :.>K, K.EK, E:.::, 9?.K:, BE.K:, >9.K:, =K:.::, A?;.K: )alignant )elanoma+ Gsee )elanomaH )alignant )eningioma+ Gsee )eningiomaH )alta -ever+ Gsee /rucellosisH )ammary <ysplasia+ Gsee -ibrocystic /reast <iseaseH )andibulofacial <ysostosis+ :.=E, :.KK, :.;K, K.K:, EE.K:, 9K.B;, ?:.::, EB=.==, 9;K.BK, ?:K.?: )anic-<epressive %sychosis+ Gsee /ipolar <isorderH

)annosidosis, alpha /, 1ysosomal+ Gsee alpha-)annosidosisH )aple #yrup !rine <isease+ :.:9, :.K:, :.;?, =:.A?, 9?.==, ;?.K:, =9K.E9, EEK.B;, 9>?.K:, K>?.K: )arble /one <isease+ Gsee 3steopetrosisH )arcus-Dunn %upil+ Gsee %!%I1 <I#3'<E'#H )arfan #yndrome+ :.=K, :.E9, :.BK, :.>9, 9B.E>, E==.:>, A?K.B;, KE?.::, BBK.9A, ?A>.:: )arginal !lcer+ Gsee %eptic !lcerH )arie-#truempell <isease+ Gsee #pondylitis, 7nkylosingH )arsh -ever+ Gsee )alariaH )artin-/ell #yndrome+ Gsee -ragile ( #yndrome+ G)artin-/ell syndromeHH )asseter )uscle #pasm+ Gsee 5rismusH )astalgia+ Gsee /reast <iseasesH )ast-Cell <isease+ Gsee )astocytosisH )astocytosis+ :.:?, :.EA, :.?;, =E.K:, K?.K:, ==E.:K, EA=.E=, 9B=.E;, K>B.K:, ;;;.E: )astoiditis+ :.:?, :.EE, :.?:, E.K:, 9>.::, 9::.K:, A==.K=, B:K.BK, ?A?.::, >:?.==, )aturity-3nset <iabetes )ellitus+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype EH )a2illofacial %rocedures+ Gsee 3ral #urgical %roceduresH )c7rdle <isease+ Gsee Dlycogen #torage <iseaseH )cCune-7lbright #yndrome+ Gsee -ibrous <ysplasia, %olyostoticH )C1#+ Gsee )ucocutaneous 1ymph 0ode #yndromeH )easles+ :.:B, :.EB, :.?K, E.EK, ?.K:, KE.K:, =EA.>A, AKE.K>, K=K.B;, B;?.BE )easles Inclusion /ody Encephalitis+ Gsee #ubacute #clerosing %anencephalitisH )easles, Derman+ Gsee 'ubellaH )eckel <iverticulum+ :.:?, :.=E, :.BE, 9.?;, =E.B>, E?.K:, K?.K:, =EB.=B, =K:.::, A:9.;B, )econium 7spiration #yndrome+ :.=B, :.9K, :.>9, 9K.?;, ==E.K:, E=E.?=, 99=.?>, 9>B.K:, K>?.K:, ?K=.=?, )ediastinal Cyst+ :.=B, :.9K, :.>9, EE.K:, =9:.::, EK=.E9, A>9.K:, KKK.:;, ?KA.9?, ;=K.B;, )editerranean -ever, -amilial+ Gsee -amilial )editerranean -ever+ GYerevanian <iseaseHH )edullary #ponge .idney+ :.:9, :.K:, :.>9, =:.?E, 9;.=:, A?.K:, =KK.BK, E>?.K:, 99A.EK, ?K?.?? )edulloblastoma+ :.=A, :.EE, :.?E, E.K;, =>9.==, EA?.K>, 9;K.E=, KE=.B;, BK?.9:, ?E>.9A )edulloblastoma, <esmoplastic+ Gsee )edulloblastomaH )edullomyoblastoma+ Gsee )edulloblastomaH )egacolon, Congenital+ Gsee *irschsprung <iseaseH )egaesophagus+ Gsee Esophageal 7chalasiaH )eibomian Cyst+ Gsee Chala$ionH )eige #yndrome+ :.:B, :.A=, :.?:, :.;9, E.K:, 9E.K:, 9:K.:K, A9=.E:, B9E.K>, ?E9.:= )eigs #yndrome+ Gsee Cancer+ 3varianH )elancholia+ Gsee <epressive <isorderH )elanoma+ :.:?, :.A>, :.?:, 9E.;:, =:E.EK, E=E.?K, 9E=.E:, KAK.B;, ?>K.B=, ;K?.?? )elanoma, 7melanotic+ :.=K, :.=;, =.9E, E.K=, EK.B;, E=E.?K, 9E=.E:, KAK.B;, ?>K.B=, ;K?.?? )elanosis+ :.:9, :.=E, :.>9, ?.K:, 9:.::, =A?.K:, EBE.K:, 9=K.B=, K:K.B;, ?KB.K:,

)elanotic -reckle+ Gsee *utchinson's )elanotic -reckleH )E17# #yndrome+ :.=B, :.9K, :.>9, E.K:, =9:.::, 9KK.B;, A=>.9A, BK=.=:, ?E9.:9, ;B;.A9 )elasma+ Gsee )elanosisH )elena+ Gsee Dastrointestinal *emorrhageH )elioidosis+ :.:9, :.K:, :.>:, =9.B=, 9?.K:, ==?.K:, EKK.B=, A>?.K:, ?=K.?:, ;AE.:B )elkersson-'osenthal #yndrome+ :.=A, :.EE, :.?:, B.E=, =:E.K:, EA?.K:, 9?E.K:, K:K.B=, BEK.B;, >KB.=B )elorheostosis+ :.:A, :.EB, :.?K, =E.:K, =??.K:, EKE.K:, 9;K.::, A:A.>E, BEK.B=, ;K9.?E )enetrier <isease+ Gsee Dastritis, *ypertrophicH )eniere <isease+ :.==, :.9K, =E.;:, ;;.K:, =EK.B;, EA:.::, A?:.::, K>E.K:, BEK.E9, ?E9.:= )eniere's <isease+ Gsee )eniere <iseaseH )eniere's #yndrome+ Gsee )eniere <iseaseH )eningeal %lague+ Gsee %lagueH )eningioma+ :.=:, :.A=, :.;?, K.K:, =9:.::, EKK.B=, 9BE.::, A>E.B;, K>?.K:, BKA.9? )eningiomas, )ultiple+ Gsee )eningiomaH )eningiomatosis+ Gsee )eningiomaH )eningitis, /acterial+ :.=E, :.E9, :.>9, E.K:, 9:.::, =KK.B;, EBE.=:, 9=K.B=, KE?.K:, ?EK.9? )eningitis, Firal+ :.=E, :.EK, :.>9, E.?K, 9:.::, =KK.B;, EBE.=:, 9=K.B=, KE?.K:, ?EK.9? )eningoencephalitis, *erpes #imple2 Firus+ Gsee Encephalitis, *erpes #imple2H )enkes #yndrome+ Gsee )enkes .inky *air #yndromeH )enstruation <isorders+ Gsee )enstruation <isturbancesH )enstruation <isturbances+ :.:B, :.K9, A>.>9, =?E.K:, E;?.K:, 9=9.>;, AKK.E9, B:?.K:, ;==.KE, >:9.KA )enstruation, 'etrograde+ Gsee )enstruation <isturbancesH )erkel Cell 5umor+ Gsee Carcinoma, )erkel CellH )esothelioma+ :.=K, :.E9, :.?E, =.;9, ;E.K9, =9?.K=, EAE.=:, A:?.K:, K>E.KE, B>9.E:, )etabolic <iseases+ :.=9, :.KE, E.B=, ==:.9>, E==.==, 9K=.:E, A:K.;K, BEE.E;, ?K9.:;, ;9E.B9 )etabolic #tress+ Gsee #tressH )etabolic #yndrome (+ :.==, :.A>, :.K?, ?.K:, =E.99, =>:.;=, A9=.99, K:=.E:, BK9.;:, ;EK.B= )etastasis+ Gsee Cancer+ )etastasisH )etatarsal <eformity+ Gsee -335 <E-3')I5IE#H )etatarsus %rimus Farus+ Gsee *allu2 FalgusH )ethemoglobinemia+ :.=E, :.9K, :.;9, E.K:, =K.E9, KK.B;, ;K.B=, >E.K:, EEK.B;, AK=.=? )icrocephaly+ :.:;, :.A=, :.;:, K.EK, AE.K:, ==?.K:, E?E.K:, 9>K.B;, ?EK.::, >KB.K: )icrolissencephaly+ Gsee )icrocephalyH )icrophthalmos+ :.=A, :.EK, :.>:, E.K:, K?.K:, =9E.K:, 9BK.B=, AEB.=B, B?K.B;, ;>?.::, )icropsia+ Gsee FI#I30 <I#3'<E'#H )icropunctures+ Gsee %uncturesH )icrovascular 7ngina+ :.:?, :.E9, :.;K, 9K.E9, B9.:E, =EK.:9, E9K.B;, 9>B.K:, K?K.B=, ?K=.?? )iddle Ear Cholesteatoma+ Gsee Cholesteatoma, )iddle EarH

)igraine <isorders+ :.=K, :.=;, E.9E, B9.?K, ?E.9:, =9E.E:, EE:.9:, K;?.9:, ?EE.KE, >=K.E: )iliaria+ Gsee #weat Dland <iseasesH )ilk-7lkali #yndrome+ Gsee *ypercalcemiaH )iller -isher #yndrome+ :.:9, :.=E, :.>9, ?.K:, =9E.9=, EA?.KE, 9BE.KA, K>B.KE, B>K.B=, ;=>.9A )ilroy's <isease+ Gsee 1ymphedemaH )inimal 7ccess #urgical %rocedures+ Gsee #urgical %rocedures, )inimally InvasiveH )inimal /rain <ysfunction+ Gsee 7ttention <eficit <isorder with *yperactivityH )inimal Change <isease+ Gsee 0ephrosisH )inimal 'esidual <isease+ Gsee Cancer+ 'esidualH )iosis, Innervational <efect+ Gsee *orner #yndromeH )ite Infestations+ :.:K, B.EA, 9:.?;, =E>.>?, 9E=.K9, KBK.B;, B=K.EE, ?:K.B;, ;>E.K:, >KE.=? )itochondrial )yopathy, 1actic 7cidosis, #troke-1ike Episode+ Gsee )elas #yndromeH )itral Click-)urmur #yndrome+ Gsee )itral Falve %rolapseH )itral #tenosis+ Gsee )itral Falve #tenosisH )itral Falve %rolapse+ :.:=, :.EA, A>.?=, =9E.;K, E9K.K=, 9E=.K=, A:K.BE, K>E.KE, BKA.9E, ??>.K:, )itral Falve #tenosis+ )i2ed Connective 5issue <isease+ )3<Y+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype EH )oebius #yndrome+ Gsee %aralysisH )oersch-,oltmann #yndrome+ Gsee #tiff-%erson #yndrome+ G#tiff )an #yndromeHH )olluscum Contagiosum+ :.==, :.9K, :.;:, 9K.EK, ?E.K:, =AE.9?, E?=.K:, K>E.K:, ?EK.B;, ;9B.AE, )ongolism+ Gsee <own #yndromeH )oniliasis+ Gsee CandidiasisH )oniliasis, Fulvovaginal+ Gsee Candidiasis, FulvovaginalH )onkeypo2+ :.=E, :.9K, :.>9, EE.K:, ??.K:, =K:.B=, EB:.::, 9>K.::, K>?.K:, >?K.B;, )onochromatopsia+ Gsee Color Fision <efectsH )onoclonal Dammopathies+ Gsee %araproteinemiasH )onocular /lindness, 5ransient+ Gsee 7maurosis -uga2H )onoplegia+ Gsee *emiplegiaH )onoplegic Cerebral %alsy+ Gsee Cerebral %alsyH )onosomy+ :.:B, :.K:, :.>:, E.EK, ?.K:, 9E.?=, =KK.B=, 9>?.K:, BEA.>A, ;=K.?: )orton's 0euroma+ Gsee -335 <E-3')I5IE#H )orvan <isease+ Gsee #yringomyeliaH )oschkowit$ <isease+ Gsee %urpura, 5hrombotic 5hrombocytopenicH )os&uito-/orne Encephalitis+ Gsee Encephalitis, 7rbovirusH )otion #ickness+ :.=K, :.E9, :.B;, :.;9, ?E.KE, =9?.K?, E>E.B=, K9?.9:, ;EE.K>, >E=.:K )otor 0euron <isease+ :.=?, :.9E, :.>K, K.K=, 9E.AK, A?.K=, =BE.E=, E=K.?:, 9>?.K:, A?K.;? )otor 0euron <isease, 7myotrophic 1ateral #clerosis+ Gsee 7myotrophic 1ateral #clerosisH )otor 0euron <isease, 1ower+ Gsee )otor 0euron <iseaseH

)otor 0euron <isease, !pper+ Gsee )otor 0euron <iseaseH )ountain #ickness+ Gsee 7ltitude #icknessH )outh Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ )outh H )outh <ryness+ Gsee (erostomiaH )ovement <isorder+ :.:E, :.EA, :.>K, E.K:, EK.?;, =?E.K:, E>B.K:, A?K.K;, K?B.E>, ??E.E: )oyamoya <isease+ :.:A, :.EK, :.BK, :.>9, E.K:, ?.K:, >B.K:, 9EA.>A, A?K.;?, KE?.:: )#+ Gsee )ultiple #clerosisH+ )uscle <ystonia+ Gsee <ystoniaH )uscle #pasm+ Gsee #pasmH )uscle #pasticity+ :.=9, :.A:, :.BE, :.>:, K.K;, ==?.EK, AAE.KE, BK?.K=, ?EE.K>, ;BK.;? )uscular 7trophy, %eroneal+ Gsee Charcot-)arie-5ooth <isease+ G*)#0 I, IIHH )uscular 7trophy, %ostpoliomyelitis+ Gsee %ostpoliomyelitis #yndromeH )uscular 7trophy, #pinal+ )uscular 7trophy, #pinal, Infantile+ Gsee #pinal )uscular 7trophies of ChildhoodH )uscular <iseases+ :.=9, :.A:, K.?;, BB.;9, =9E.K:, E:K.?;, A?E.K:, K:?.K:, ?;E.E:, >9E.=: )uscular <ystrophies+ :.=9, :.A:, :.B:, :.;9, K.;?, A?.EK, =AE.K:, 9K?.KE, ?:E.K=, ;;E.== )uscular <ystrophy+ Gsee )uscular <ystrophiesH )utism+ :.=>, :.9?, :.?K, :.;K, E.EK, K;.K;, =E>.K;, AA;.;?, KK9.K:, B>K.>= )ucocutaneous 1ymph 0ode #yndrome+ :.:=, :.EA, :.>K, E.?K, K.;?, =?;.K:, 9EB.K:, K?=.KE, ?:K.;?, ;E?.E9 )ucolipidoses+ :.E:, :.EK, :.BK, E.K:, 9.::, ?.K:, >B.K:, 9EB.=B, K9A.EK, BKE.A9, )ucolipidosis+ Gsee )ucolipidosesH )ucopolysaccharidoses+ :.:?, :.9K, :.?:, K.K;, =?.EK, EE.K:, =K:.::, A=9.:E, KK:.::, ?=>.9A )ucoviscidosis+ Gsee Cystic -ibrosisH )ulticystic <ysplastic .idney+ :.:?, :.9?, 9.;K, B?.K:, =:;.E:, A:E.?=, KA?.K:, BB?.K:, ?:K.;?, ;>K.K; )ultiple Carbo2ylase <eficiency, 1ate-3nset+ Gsee /iotinidase <eficiencyH )ultiple Chemical #ensitivity+ :.:;, :.9?, :.?;, ;.;K, AK.K:, ==9.KE, EA=.:=, 9>E.K:, B?K.;?, ;=E.:E )ultiple *amartoma #yndrome+ Gsee *amartoma #yndrome, )ultiple+ GCowden's <iseaseHH )ultiple )yeloma+ :.:B, :.9K, :.BE, :.>?, =E.K:, E?.K:, =AE.K:, 9EK.;?, BE9.:=, ;=K.K; )ultiple #clerosis+ :.:K, :.9E, :.?9, 9.>K, =?.K=, =EK.E=, =BE.KE, E?K.;?, KE9.KE, B?=.EE, )ultiple #clerosis, 7cute -ulminating+ Gsee )ultiple #clerosisH )ultiple #ystem 7trophy+ :.:A, :.AB, :.BE, =.::, E.?K, =K.;?, BK.::, 9EA.>A, E=>.9A, AEK.;? )umps+ :.=9, :.9:, :.;9, E.K:, ?.K:, EE.K:, =AE.:E, EK=.:E, 9EK.K;, A?=.;? )unchausen #yndrome+ :.:=, :.EA, :.?K, A.;K, =;E.K=, E=>.E>, A=E.==, K:K.E>, ;;=.::, >:K.:> )unchausen #yndrome, by %ro2y+ Gsee 7ggressionH )uscle Cramp+ :.=9, :.A:, :.BE, 9.;9, 9K.EK, =9E.EK, E;E.K:, 9E?.K:, KEE.K:, ?A;.:: )uscle <isorders+ Gsee )!#C!17' <I#E7#E#H )yasthenia Dravis+ :.:;, :.9K, :.B;, :.>9, E.K:, K.K:, =9K.K;, 999.K?, B=9.KA, ?:K.K?

)yasthenic #yndrome, 1ambert-Eaton+ Gsee 1ambert-Eaton )yasthenic #yndromeH )ycetoma+ :.:E, :.=E, :.;K, ?.K:, 9E.K:, A:.::, B:.::, ==K.?:, >E.K:, AE9.:=, KB9.=>, BA:.::, >;K.>: )ycobacterium Infections+ :.:B, :.9E, :.B:, E.;K, ;.EK, 9>.KK, =E>.K:, 9A=.K:, ?::.K?, ;EK.:: )ycoplasma Infections+ :.=>, :.A:, :.>K, E.K:, 9E.K:, >?.K:, =B:.:9, K9E.K:, ;=?.KA, >E9.:= )ycoses+ :.=?, :.EE, :.>9, E.?K, E?.K:, =9E.K:, EKK.K;, A?K.;K, ?EA.>A, ;EK.;? )ycotic 7neurysm, Intracranial+ Gsee Intracranial 7neurysmH )yelinoclastic <iffuse #clerosis+ Gsee <iffuse Cerebral #clerosis of #childerH )yelitis+ :.:E, :.AB, :.>K, E.K:, 9E.K:, K:.::, =K:.::, 9K:.::, A?K.;?, KE?.:: )yelodysplastic #yndromes+ :.=>, :.9:, :.;:, ?.K:, E?.K:, AK.K;, >B.K:, 9=K.?:, A=>.9A, KBE.>B )yeloencephalitis+ Gsee E0CE%*713)YE1I5I#H )yeloma, %lasma-Cell+ Gsee )ultiple )yelomaH )yelopathy+ Gsee #%I071 C3'< <I#E7#E#H )yelopathy, Inflammatory+ Gsee )yelitisH )yelopathy, 5raumatic+ Gsee #pinal Cord In"uriesH )yeloproliferative <isorders+ :.:K, :.A=, :.B:, :.>K, K.?;, 9:.::, K?.K:, >?.K:, 9EK.;?, B?K.>B )yiasis+ :.=9, :.A>, :.B:, :.;?, E.EK, K.EK, ==9.>;, KAK.;?, ?9K.::, ;:K.:? )yocardial Infarction+ :.=>, :.9?, :.?;, :.>:, ?.K:, =E=.?E, 9A:.::, AK?.K:, K>E.K:, ??K.K; )yocardial Ischemia+ :.:;, :.9K, :.BE, :.>?, =E.K:, ==?.K:, 9AK.E9, KB?.K:, BEK.;?, ??K.K; )yocarditis+ :.:;, :.9E, =.?9, 9E.>:, B?.K:, =EK.E9, 9EE.K:, K9>.::, ;9E.K>, >=K.K; )yoclonus+ :.:?, :.9K, :.?:, AK.::, ??.EK, ==A.B>, 9E:.::, B9?.:;, ;:K.;?, >?9.K: )yoclonus Cherry 'ed #pot #yndrome+ Gsee )ucolipidosesH )yoclonus, 7ction+ Gsee )yoclonusH )yoclonus, 0octurnal+ Gsee )yoclonusH 0asal infection Gsee #inusitis and 'hinitisH 0asal polyp Gbenign growth inside the nasal passageH - KAE, =A9B 0asturtium Ga healing herbH - =A9 0ausea and cramping - ?E, >K, =>:, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E?, E:, A.> 0ematodes G#ee %arasites, nematodesH 0eoplasms G#ee cancerH 0ephritis Gkidney inflammatory disease. 7lso treat for stones and crystals supplementallyH, nephrosis Gnon-inflammatory kidney diseaseH - =KK:, E?A, AE9, B9B, B;;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =:, E:, =::::, A:, ?9, ABK, 9::: 0erve disorders - =::::, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AA:, BB: 0ervousness, %ro$ac agitation Gakathsia. #ee also 'ela2ationH - 9, ?.;9 0euralgia Ga painful disorder of the nervous systemH - ;99, 9.>, =:::: 0euralgia, intercostal - ;:E 0euralgia, trigeminal - ;;:

0eurosis - E; 0eurospora sitophila - ?:K, ;?; 0igrospora spp - 9:E, 9K:, ?BA 0ocardia asteroides Gthe microorganism causing 0ocardiosis, an infectious pulmonary disease characteri$ed by abscesses in the lungsH - EE;, E9=, E9?, B>A, ?=>, ;;?, E;>: 0ose, infection or congestion Gsee #inusitis and 'hinitisH 0umbness Galso see Circulatory stasisH - =::::, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AA:, BB:

0 0agana+ Gsee 5rypanosomiasis, 7fricanH 0ail <isease+ :.:K, :.9?, :.>K, E.?K, ?.K:, EE.K:, A?.K:, B:?.K:, ;9A.KB, >==.;? 0ail -ungus+ Gsee 3nychomycosisH 0ail-%atella #yndrome+ 0arcolepsy+ :.=A, :.K?, :.?9, ?.K:, E.K:, K:.::, =;?.K:, AKK.9:, B?E.E9, ??K.;?, 0arcolepsy-Cataple2y #yndrome+ Gsee 0arcolepsyH 0asal Catarrh+ Gsee 'hinitisH 0asal <iseases+ Gsee 03#E <I#E7#E#H 0ausea+ :.:?, :.A=, :.?9, A.;9, B?.K=, EE:.K9, 9EK.;?, AK=.E9, ?:A.>A, ;=K.:; 0eck Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ *ead and 0eckH 0eck 0eoplasms+ Gsee Cancer+ *ead and 0eckH 0eck %ain+ :.:;, :.A>, :.?9, :.;:, ?.K:, =AE.K9, E;K.:E, A=E.:9, KE;.E9, ??K.KB 0eckache+ Gsee 0eck %ainH 0ecrobacillosis+ Gsee -usobacterium InfectionsH 0ecrosis, 7septic, of /one+ Gsee 3steonecrosisH 0ecrosis, 7vascular, of /one+ Gsee 3steonecrosisH 0ecroti$ing 7rteritis+ Gsee %olyarteritis 0odosaH 0elson #yndrome+ :.:9, :.EA, E.?;, ?;.;K, E99.KB, A?K.;?, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?KE.?:, >>:.BE 0ematomorpha Infections+ Gsee *E1)I05*I7#I#H 0eoplasms G7ll individual listings for 0eoplasms are under C70CE'H 0ephritis, -amilial+ Gsee 0ephritis, *ereditary+ G7lport's #yndromeHH 0ephritis, *ereditary+ :.:9, :.9?, :.?;, :.>:, ?.K:, =:.?E, A:.::, =K?.K:, 9>E.K:, K?K.KB 0ephroblastoma+ Gsee ,ilms 5umorH 0ephrosis+ :.=9, :.EA, :.?K, :.>:, E=9.KE, 99K.K;, A=9.>;, B9K.::, ?>K.EE, ;EB.9E 0ephrotic #yndrome+ :.=9, :.EA, :.?;, :.>9, E.EK, ==E.99, E=?.K:, 99K.KB, K>K.;?, ;=9.K: 0erve Compression #yndromes+ :.:E, :.EA, :.;K, E.K:, K.EK, ?E.K:, =>B.K:, 9?K.>=, AKB.?E, ;;:.:: 0erve Entrapments+ Gsee 0erve Compression #yndromesH 0erve %ain+ Gsee 0euralgiaH 0ervous #ystem <iseases+ :.:A, :.EK, :.BK, :.>9, E.?K, ?.K:, >B.K:, 9EB.=B, A?K.KB, KE?.::

0ervous #ystem <iseases, Gsee 7utonomic 0ervous #ystem <iseasesH 0etherton #yndrome+ Gsee IchthyosisH 0eural 5ube <efects+ :.:9, :.EA, :.;K, E.K:, K.;?, ;K.::, >B.K:, =?K.;?, 9K?.??, AKE.K> 0euralgia+ :.:;, :.EK, :.BK, E.K:, ;.::, ??.K:, =>B.K:, 9=K.?:, KEA.>A, BB:.A=, 0euralgia, 7myotrophic+ Gsee /rachial %le2us 0euritis+ G%arsonage-5urner #yndromeHH 0euralgia, <iabetic+ Gsee <iabetic 0europathiesH 0euralgia, Deniculate+ Gsee *erpes Coster 3ticusH 0euralgia, #ciatic+ Gsee #ciaticaH 0euralgic 7myotrophy+ Gsee /rachial %le2us 0euritis+ G%arsonage-5urner #yndromeHH 0eurenteric Cyst+ Gsee 0eural 5ube <efectsH 0eurilemmoma+ :.:9, :.9K, :.?:, E.?;, ?.EK, =E.K:, AE.:E, =?K.;?, KE?.::, BK;.;= 0eurilemmosarcoma+ Gsee 0eurilemmoma+ G0eurinomaHH 0eurinoma+ Gsee 0eurilemmoma+ G0eurinomaHH 0euritis, /rachial %le2us+ Gsee /rachial %le2us 0euritis+ G%arsonage-5urner #yndromeHH 0euritis, Festibular+ Gsee Festibular 0euronitisH 0euroblastoma+ :.:A, :.=;, :.?;, E.K:, ?.K:, KK.>=, ;?.K:, >B.K:, 9EK.;?, KE9.:= 0euroblastoma, 'etinal+ Gsee 'etinoblastomaH 0eurocysticercosis+ :.=9, :.KE, :.?9, =9.B=, =EK.E>, EKK.KB, 9?E.K;, KK=.E9, B?9.E>, ?=9.?E 0eurodynia+ Gsee 0euralgiaH 0euroendocrine 5umors+ :.==, :.A>, K.K?, BE.?K, =AK.=;, EAB.?=, 9B=.:9, A9K.E>, B>9.K:, ?;?.:: 0eurofibromatoses+ :.=?, :.9K, :.;9, ?.K:, ==K.E>, 9A?.K:, A;?.K:, K>E.K:, B?K.>=, ??K.KB 0eurofibromatosis+ Gsee 0eurofibromatosesH 0eurohepatic <egeneration+ Gsee *epatolenticular <egenerationH 0eurohypophyseal <iseases+ Gsee %ituitary <iseasesH 0euroleptic )alignant #yndrome+ :.:;, :.A=, :.;:, K.?K, K.K:, =EE.K:, E;?.K:, 9=>.9A, A?E.E>, B?;.K= 0euroleptic-Induced 0euroleptic )alignant #yndrome+ Gsee 0euroleptic )alignant #yndromeH 0euroleptic-)alignant #yndrome, 0euroleptic Induced+ Gsee 0euroleptic )alignant #yndromeH 0eurologic <isorders+ Gsee 0ervous #ystem <iseasesH 0euroma, 7coustic+ :.:K, :.9K, :.BE, :.>?, E.K:, ?.K:, =EE.K:, 9:?.K:, AEK.KE, BEA.9? 0euromuscular <iseases+ :.:=, :.9K, B.?>, KE.EK, ==K.?;, E9A.EK, 9AE.=E, A?E.K:, KK=.EE, BK?.?= 0euromyelitis 3ptica+ :.:K, :.K?, :.B:, E.EK, K.E>, 9?.K:, 9?K.KB, A?K.E>, KE?.::, ;9=.>:, 0euronal Ceroid-1ipofuscinoses+ :.=>, :.=;, :.?:, E.EK, K.?;, A?.K:, EB>.?=, AK:.::, K=K.KB, B;B.E= 0euronitis, Festibular+ Gsee Festibular 0euronitisH 0euronopathic Daucher <isease+ Gsee Daucher <iseaseH 0europapillitis+ Gsee 3ptic 0euritisH 0europathies, Cranial+ Gsee Cranial 0erve <iseasesH 0europathies, *ereditary )otor and #ensory+ Gsee *ereditary )otor and #ensory 0europathiesH

0europathies, *ereditary #ensory and 7utonomic+ Gsee *ereditary #ensory and 7utonomic 0europathiesH 0europathy, *ereditary and 7utonomic, 5ype III+ Gsee <ysautonomia, -amilialH 0europathy, *ereditary )otor and #ensory, 5ype IF+ Gsee 'efsum <iseaseH 0euroretinoangiomatosis+ Gsee #turge-,eber #yndromeH 0euroses, 7n2iety+ Gsee 70(IE5Y <I#3'<E'#H 0euroses, %hobic+ Gsee %hobic <isordersH 0euroses, %ost-5raumatic+ Gsee #tress <isorders, %ost-5raumaticH 0euroses, ,ar+ Gsee Combat <isordersH 0eurosis, <epressive+ Gsee <epressive <isorderH 0eurosis, *ypochondriacal+ Gsee *ypochondriasisH 0eurosis, 3bsessive-Compulsive+ Gsee 3bsessive-Compulsive <isorderH 0euroto2icity #yndrome, )anganese+ Gsee )anganese %oisoning+ H 0eurovascular #yndrome, 5horacic 3utlet+ Gsee 5horacic 3utlet #yndromeH 0eutral 7mino 7cid 5ransport <isorder+ Gsee *artnup <iseaseH 0eutropenia+ :.:B, :.AB, :.BE, :.>?, E.K:, EE.B;, =B?.K=, A9B.AE, KK;.K?, ?EB.=B 0eutrophilic <ermatosis, 7cute -ebrile+ Gsee #weet's #yndromeH 0ew Fariant Creut$feldt-@akob <isease+ Gsee Creut$feldt-@akob #yndromeH 0evoid /asal Cell Carcinoma #yndrome+ Gsee /asal Cell 0evus #yndrome+ GDorlin4Dolt$ #yndromeHH 0evus+ :.:9, :.9E, :.?9, :.>=, ?.KE, EK.B?, =BE.K;, 9>E.==, B=E.9A, ;=K.E> 0evus -lammeus+ Gsee %ort-,ine #tainH 0evus #yndrome, /asal Cell+ Gsee /asal Cell 0evus #yndrome+ GDorlin4Dolt$ #yndromeHH 0I<<)+ Gsee <iabetes )ellitus, 5ype EH 0iemann-%ick <isease+ Gsee 0iemann-%ick <iseasesH 0iemann-%ick <iseases+ :.:K, :.AB, :.>K, ?.K:, 9E.K:, =KA.9=, EB?.K:, 9KE.K?, A==.=E, B9A.EK 0ight 5error+ Gsee #1EE% <I#3'<E'#H 0inth Cranial 0erve <iseases+ Gsee Dlossopharyngeal 0erve <iseasesH 0ipah Firus Encephalitis+ Gsee %aramy2oviridae InfectionsH 0ocardia Infections+ :.=B, :.9E, :.>K, ?.K:, 9E.K:, A?.K:, >K.E>, 9?B.E>, B?K.E>, ?E?.:: 0octuria+ :.:K, :.9?, :.;K, E.K:, ?.K:, =EE.K9, AA=.=K, B==.E=, ?=K.EE, ;KE.>9 0odding #pasm+ Gsee #pasms, InfantileH 0on-*odgkin 1ymphoma+ Gsee 1ymphoma, 0on-*odgkinH 0onreassuring -etal #tatus+ Gsee -etal <istressH 0on-#mall-Cell 1ung Carcinoma+ Gsee Carcinoma, 0on-#mall-Cell 1ungH 0onverbal 1earning <isorder+ :.=A, :.K?, :.?9, ?.K:, =A.K:, 9E?.:9, KKK.>=, BBK.:E, ?KB.?E, ;?K.E> 0oonan #yndrome+ :.:A, :.=;, :.?;, E.K:, ?.K:, KK.E>, ;?.K:, >K.KE, EEK.E>, K=>.9A, 0ormal %ressure *ydrocephalus+ Gsee *ydrocephalus, 0ormal %ressureH 0ormokalemic %eriodic %aralysis+ Gsee %aralyses, -amilial %eriodicH 0ose <iseases+ :.=;, :.9E, :.;:, K.K:, E?.K:, AK.KB, =?E.K:, 9>E.K:, KK9.E:, B?K.E>, 0osebleed+ Gsee Epista2isH 0osocomial Infections+ Gsee Cross InfectionH 0ycturia+ Gsee 0octuriaH

0ystagmus, %athologic+ :.:?, :.9?, :.>K, ?.K:, ;E.::, =>9.>9, E9?.K:, A;?.K:, ?:B.E=, >AB.K: 3at smut - ;:B 3ligodena - ;K9 3ospora - >K>>, K9AB 3ral lesions Gchronic cases will always return until metal dentalwork is replaced with uranium free porcelain. #ee also herpes simple2 I and use #tomatitisH - E?E:, EA;>, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, AAA, KEE, =AB 3rchitis Ginflammation of testes due to 5/, mumps, gonorrhea, cancer, bacteria, etc. #ee also causative condition if knownH - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, > 3rchitis secondary - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: 3rnithosis Gor %sittacosis or %arrot -ever6 an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birdsH - E99, 99=, 99E, K;9, ;K>, =E=? 3steitis Gbone inflammationH - ??: 3steoarthritis Galso see 7rthritisH - =K::, ??: 3steoitis - E.BK 3steomyelitis - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB 3steomyelosclerosis Gmarrow replacement by bone in response to low-grade infectionH - ?>, 99: 3steosinusitis ma2. - EA9, 9E? 3stitis - ??:, ?A9, ?9B, ?EA 3titis e2terna Gouter ear infection. 7lso see %seudomonas aeruginosaH ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =?A, A;E, K9== 3titis medinum Gmiddle ear swelling and4or infection and fever. #ee also #trep pneumoniaeH - 9=B, ?;A, ?;B, =EK, ;:E, ?E, KEE, AA: for K min, ;;:, ?E:, =KK: for =: min 3tosclerosis - >.=> 3varian cyst - KB?, >;E, ?== 3varian disorders, general - BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, EB, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, E: 3varian elimination, to stimulate - E: 3vum - ?KE 32 bile Gthe homeopathic remedy derived from itH - B?E 3$aena - =;A, EEE, A9>

%ain G7lso look under name of condition causing painH - 9:::, >K, BBB, ;: %ain of cancer - 9:::, >K, E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB %ain of infection - 9:::, >K, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, A.>

%ain relief - 9:A, B:::, 9:::, BBB, ;: 3 3bstructive *ydrocephalus+ Gsee *ydrocephalusH 3ccipital Encephalocele+ Gsee EncephaloceleH 3ccipital 'egion 5rauma+ Gsee Craniocerebral 5raumaH 3choa #yndrome+ G!rofacial #yndrome, *ydronephrosis with %eculiar -acial E2pression6 not on )e#*H 3cular Infections+ Gsee EYE I0-EC5I30#H 3cular 1arva )igrans+ Gsee 1arva )igransH 3cular )otility <isorders+ :.=?, :.9E, :.>K, K.K:, 9E.K:, A?.K:, =BE.=E, E9E.:9, 9>?.K:, B?>.>9 3cular 'etraction #yndrome+ Gsee <uane 'etraction #yndromeH 3cular 5orticollis+ Gsee 3C!17' )35I1I5Y <I#3'<E'#H 3culoauriculovertebral #yndrome+ Gsee Doldenhar #yndromeH 3culocerebrorenal #yndrome+ :.:?, :.9?, :.>K, ?.KE, E;.=:, =E9.>;, A:?.>=, BE?.E;, ?9B.EE, ;=B.B= 3culomotor 0erve <iseases+ :.=9, :.A:, :.?9, :.;9, K.?K, ?.EK, =AE.K:, KK?.K:, ?>E.K:, ;>=.:: 3culomotor %aralysis+ Gsee 3phthalmoplegiaH 3culopharyngeal #pinal )uscular 7trophy+ Gsee )uscular 7trophy, #pinalH 3culosympathetic #yndrome+ Gsee *orner #yndromeH 3dontogenic 5umors+ :.=9, :.KE, :.BE, =9.KE, K.;?, KE.K:, ?E.K:, =K9.B?, 9?K.E>, AK9.?E 3lfaction <isorders+ :.==, :.A>, :.K?, =9.9>, K.EK, E:.::, B:.::, 9K.KE, >9.K:, 9=K.?:, 3ligoastrocytoma, )i2ed+ Gsee 7strocytomaH 3liguria+ :.=?, :.9K, :.;9, ?.K:, =K.>=, A?.K:, ;?.K:, 9>E.K:, A?K.KE, K?K.E>, 3livopontocerebellar 7trophies+ :.:;, :.A=, :.;:, K?.=>, =:K.K:, E=E.K:, 9;K.::, AEB.=B, B?K.KE, ;?K.E> 3livopontocerebellar 7trophy, Idiopathic+ Gsee 3livopontocerebellar 7trophiesH 3llier's <isease+ Gsee EnchondromatosisH 3menn #yndrome+ Gsee #evere Combined ImmunodeficiencyH 3mphalocele+ Gsee *ernia, !mbilical+ G3mphaloceleHH 3nchocerciasis+ :.=K, :.EK, :.;K, ?.K:, ;.::, =EK.>=, ABK.KE, BEE.:B, ;?K.E>, >E?.:: 3ndine Curse+ Gsee #leep 7pnea, CentralH 3ndine #yndrome+ Gsee #leep 7pnea, CentralH 3nychomycosis+ :.:?, :.A:, :.>:, =E.;K, E:.=A, B?.==, =9K.KE, 9EK.::, A?K.KE, B=E.K9 3phthalmia+ Gsee EndophthalmitisH 3phthalmologic #urgical %rocedures 3phthalmoplegia+ :.9K, :.?K, =.?K, =K.E>, ==9.EK, EAK.>=, 9?E.K:, AKE.::, KEK.KE, ??>.K:, 3phthalmoplegia, 7ta2ia and 7refle2ia #yndrome+ Gsee )iller -isher #yndromeH 3phthalmoplegia, %rogressive #upranuclear+ Gsee #upranuclear %alsy, %rogressiveH 3ppenheim <isease+ Gsee 0euromuscular <iseasesH 3psoclonus+ Gsee 3C!17' )35I1I5Y <I#3'<E'#H 3ptic 7trophies, *ereditary+ :.:?, :.K?, :.B:, ==.:>, ?K.E>, =9?.K:, 9?K.KE, AKB.K:, K=?.K:, B;?.BE

3ptic <isk <isorders+ Gsee 3%5IC 0E'FE <I#E7#E#H 3ptic <isk Edema+ Gsee %apilledemaH 3ptic 0erve <iseases+ :.:=, :.=;, :.?:, E.EK, K.E>, A?.K:, E?K.KE, AEK.E>, K?=.::, ;=9.:: 3ptic 0erve Ischemia+ Gsee 3ptic 0europathy, IschemicH 3ptic 0euritis+ :.:?, :.AB, :.BE, :.>?, E.?K, =9E.E;, EBK.::, K99.B9, BK?.??, ;9A.EK, 3ptic 0europathy+ Gsee 3%5IC 0E'FE <I#E7#E#H 3ptic 0europathy, Ischemic 3ptic %apilla Edema+ Gsee %apilledemaH 3ral Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ )outhH 3ral E2amination+ Gsee <iagnosis, 3ralH 3ral 0eoplasms+ Gsee Cancer+ )outhH 3ral #urgical %rocedures+ 3rbital Cellulitis+ :.:9, :.K:, :.;K, K.EK, ??.EK, ==E.?;, A:?.K:, K==.;;, ?EK.9?, ;EK.:: 3rmond <isease+ Gsee 'etroperitoneal -ibrosisH 3rnithine Carbamoyltransferase <eficiency <isease 3rnithine 5ranscarbamylase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee 3rnithine Carbamoyltransferase <eficiency <iseaseH 3rnithosis+ Gsee %sittacosisH 3rofacial <yskinesia+ Gsee )3FE)E05 <I#3'<E'#H 3roya -ever+ Gsee /artonella InfectionsH 3rthostasis+ Gsee <i$$inessH 3rthostatic *ypotension, <ysautonomic+ Gsee #hy-<rager #yndromeH 3sler-'endu <isease+ Gsee 5elangiectasia, *ereditary *emorrhagicH 3sler-Fa&ue$ <isease+ Gsee %olycythemia FeraH 3steitis <eformans+ :.9:, :.;9, ?.K:, ;.::, EE.K:, A:.::, EEK.9?, A?K.KE, KE?.::, BB?.:: 3steitis -ibrosa <isseminata+ Gsee -ibrous <ysplasia of /oneH 3steoarthritis+ :.:B, :.A=, :.;?, ?.K:, ;.::, ??.K:, =;?.K:, 9K;.;=, ?E=.::, >;B.EE 3steoarthrosis+ Gsee 3steoarthritisH 3steoarthrosis <eformans+ Gsee 3steoarthritisH 3steochondritis+ :.=A, :.9:, :.;9, ?.K:, =E;.::, E:E.A9, 9A:.::, AK:.::, K?K.9?, ?=>.9A 3steogenesis Imperfecta+ :.E:, :.=E, :.BE, ==E.K:, E9:.;>, A=E.K:, B=K.::, ?KE.K:, ;:E.K:, >EK.KE 3steomalacia+ :.=:, :.EE, :.B;, ?.EK, 9>.EK, =EK.9?, EE:.>=, A:K.9?, K>9.K:, ;?K.KE, 3steomyelitis+ :.=B, :.E9, ?.?9, ?E.EK, =:K.E>, E:?.::, 99E.K:, KA?.K:, ?K:.::, ;?K.:: 3steonecrosis+ :.=9, :.EE, :.>9, K.K:, =?.K:, 9E.K:, ?E.K:, =E?.::, 9KB.K:, BEA.9? 3steo-3nychodysplasia, *ereditary+ Gsee 0ail-%atella #yndromeH+ 3steopenia+ Gsee /one <iseases, )etabolicH+ 3steopetrosis+ :.:K, :.AB, :.>K, ?.K:, 9E.K:, K:.::, B?.K:, =EK.>=, 9=>.9A, ;KK.;E, 3steophytosis, #pinal+ Gsee #pinal 3steophytosisH 3steoporosis+ :.:9, :.EA, :.?:, =.??, =E.99, E?.K:, =9K.KE, KK:.::, ?EK.E>, ;?K.::, 3steoporosis, 7ge-'elated+ Gsee 3steoporosisH+ 3steoporosis, %ost-5raumatic+ Gsee 3steoporosisH+ 3steoporosis, #enile+ Gsee 3steoporosisH+ 3steosarcoma+ :.:=, :.EA, :.?9, ?.>:, B?.EE, =E?.K:, 9=?.K:, BBK.KE, ;9=.99, >=9.K:, 3steosclerosis -ragilis+ Gsee 3steopetrosisH 3sterreicher #yndrome+ Gsee 0ail-%atella #yndromeH+

3stomy+ :.:K, :.A:, :.?9, :.>:, K.>=, E?.::, E=:.?=, 9A=.K:, KAB.K:, ;?K.A?, 3titis+ :.=:, :.KE, :.?;, :.;:, E.EK, K.EB, =B?.K:, 9KE.KE, ;AK.A?, >EE.K9 3titis Interna+ Gsee 1abyrinthitisH+ 3tolaryngologic <iseases+ Gsee 3torhinolaryngologic <iseasesH 3tologic <iseases+ Gsee E7' <I#E7#E#H 3torhinolaryngologic <isease+ :.=?, :.KE, :.B;, :.;9, E.K:, =E?.K:, E9K.9?, KB?.K:, ?>E.E:, ;?K.A? 3tosclerosis+ :.:;, :.EK, :.>:, E.EK, K.?K, 9:.::, =K?.K:, 9:K.A?, KK9.K:, ;K:.9E 3tospongiosis+ Gsee 3tosclerosisH 3varian Cancer+ Gsee 3varian 0eoplasmsH 3varian Cysts+ :.:B, :.A:, :.;9, K.EK, ;K.A?, =9E.E:, EA?.K:, K9:.E:, B=;.E:, ;;:.9: 3wren <isease+ Gsee -actor F <eficiency+ G3wren's <isease, %arahemophiliaHH 32aluria+ Gsee *ypero2aluriaH 32idative %hosphorylation <eficiencies+ Gsee )itochondrial <iseasesH 32ycephaly+ Gsee CraniosynostosesH %ain, acute - 9:::, >K, =::::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB %ancreas - AA:, ABA, B::, BEA, BA;, =KKE, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: %ancreatic insufficiency - E:, EK:, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, EB, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, E: %apilloma virus Gcauses warts and benign tumors having a branch or stalk and in some cases white patches GleukoplakiaHH - AK, A;>, ;?AP, >:?P, =B>?: GEBK, KBK?H, BA?9A G=:==, >EK;H, B?EBK G=:K=, >B:>H, ABB, ==:, ?B?, A:A %apilloma kidney Gsmall, usually benign growth on a kidneyH - ==:, =A;, EBA, B9A, ?B?, ;A;, >=?, ?B:, ?BE, ==:E %araceli - E9E %aradontose - AEA, =KKE %aralysis, nonspastic - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, >.=>, ;.EK %aralysis, spastic - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, ?.B> %aramecium caudatum - AK::, ==K:, EE>; %arasites, ascaris - =KE, AAE, ;=AB, ?K=, ==AB, ?>? %arasites, enterobiasis Gpinworms6 intestinal worms fre&uently found in childrenH - E:, =E:, ??9, ;EB, ;E?, ;9K, A=KE %arasites, filariose Gworms in blood and organs of mammals, larvae passed from biting insectsH - ==E, =E:, 99E, ?K9 %arasites, flukes, blood - ;A?, ;B?, 9E>, A=>, B9K, ?9>=, KK=B, >;;> %arasites, flukes, general - =A9, E?K, A9K, B?B, ?B9, KEA, ;KA, >AK, BK=, BBA, B?BB, A9K, =KEAA %arasites, flukes, general Gshort setH - KEA, ;KA, BK= %arasites, flukes, intestinal Ge2pH - BK=, B?B, ;AA, ;A;, ;KA, E=E;, E:;A, E=K:, B?BB %arasites, flukes, liver - =A9, E?K, B?B, ?B9, E9;, BBA=, BB?E %arasites, flukes, lymph - =::K:, =K?

%arasites, flukes, pancreatic Ge2pH - =;K:, E:::, E::9, E::;, E:=9, E:K:, E:;:, BK?; %arasites, flukes, sheep liver - ;EB, ;9:, ;9A %arasites, follicular mange - EK9, B>9 %arasites, general G=H Gcleanup with ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABKH - E:, BA, ?E, >B, ==E, =E:, =EK, =E;, =KE, EA:, 99A, AEE, AAE, KEA, BK=, B;;, ?9E, ?K=, ;::, ;KA, =;BA %arasites, general GEH - =E:, =E;, AEE, BAA4BAE, B?B, B;;4B>:, ?=E, ?E;, ?9E, ;::4;:E, =KK:4=KKE, =;BE4=;BA, E==E, AA=E %arasites general G9H - A?, ?E, ;:, >K, =E:, =EK, AA:, AAA, ABK, BB:, BBK, B>:, ?E?, ?E;, ?A:, ??:, ?;:, ;::, ;;:, =;A:, =;BK, =>>;, 9=?B, =:::: %arasites, general, short set - E:, BA, ?E, >B, ==E, =E:, =KE, BK=, ?9E %arasites, giardia - 99A, A99A, KAE>, ;E>, ;=E, E:=;, A:? %arasites, heartworms - KA9, E9EE, E::, K9K, =:??, ?>> %arasites, helminthsporium Gworm eggsH - ?>9, >B>, =BA, KEA9 %arasites, hookworm - B.;, AA:, E::;, BA9B, K;B; %arasites, leishmania donovan - KEK, ?;= %arasites, leishmania bra$iliensis - ?;? %arasites, leishmania tropica - ?>= %arasites, pinworm - see %arasites, enterobiasis %arasites, roundworms, general - E:, =:A, =E:, =E;, EA:, BK:, B;;, 99E, AEE, ==E, ?E=, >AE, 9E=E, ?9E, AA=E, KA9, ??E, ;E?, ;9K, A=KE, K;>?, ?=K> %arasites, roundworms, general Gshort setH - =E;, EA:, AEE, BK:, B;; %arasites, schistosoma haematobium Gblood flukesH - ;A?, ;B?, B9K %arasites, schistosoma mansoni Gblood fluke which can cause symptoms identical to hepatitis CH - 9E>, >;;> %arasites, strongyloides Gthreadworm, genus of roundwormsH - 99E, AEE, ?E=, ?9E, ?A>, >AE, 9E=E, AA=E %arasites, strongyloides secondary - 9;:, B>;, ?KE, ??B, ?EE, ?9;, ?AB, ===9 %arasites, taenia - see %arasites, tapeworms %arasites, tapeworms Gdo not use unless familiar with tapeworm protocolH =BA, =;?, AK9, KE9, KAE, BE9, ;A9, ;KA, =EE9, ;:9, 9:9E, KKEE %arasites, tapeworms secondary - =AE, =;?, BEA, BBE %arasites, threadworms - see %arasites, strongyloides %arasites, trichinosis - =:=, KA=, ;EE, =:KA, =9?E %arasites, turbatri2 - =:A %aresis - >.A %aresthesia - K.K %arkinson tremor, temporary relief - B::: for =: min, =9:, =B> %arkinson's disease Ga slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic disorder, also use Chlamydia pneumoniae and see 0ocardia asteroides fre&sH B>9, ;=9, =.=, K:::, ==9= for 9 min, 99 for 9: min %arrot -ever Gsee 3rnithosisH %arvovirus, canine - B9?, =;K, 9E9, KBE, B=9, BEE, =:::, A:E? %arvovirus, canine mutant strain - 9E9, K=A %arvovirus, canine type / - 9E9, K9K, B=9, ?KK

%arvovirus, new strain - EEK?, A;;, A;; %asteurella combination Gbacterial diseases spread by animal bitesH - 9E9, >=9, B>A %elvic inflammatory disease - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, KEE, >K, ?E, AK:, AE; %emniciosis - E9E, BEE, ;EE, AE== %emphigus Grare, autoimmune skin disorders characteri$ed by blisters in the outer layer of skin and mucous membranesH - B>A, ;>9, BBK %enicillium chyrosogenium - =E>, EA>, 9AA, >B? %enicillium chyrosogenium secondary - 9AK, B;;, ;B;, =:?:, EA==, ?E;, ?BA, ?BK %enicillium notatum - 99A, BE> %enicillium notatum secondary - 9E=, KK:, KKK, KKB, KK;, KB:, KBE, KBB, K?E, BAA, ;EK, >EE, >AE, A;?:, ??;:, A=E, ?=K %enicillium rubrum - 99E, AK?, AB:, ABE, ?BB, =:=K, =:=; %ennyroyal Gan herbH - ??E %en&ueculum - ?AB, ?KK, =9?K, B>BK, BEB, >A; %epto streptococcus - E:=, BE> %ericarditis G035E, Cardiac conditions are inherently unstable. 5herefore, we cannot recommend the use of fre&uencies on humans, even outside !.#. "urisdiction. 5hese fre&uencies are for animal research only.H - E?E:, E=?:, =B::, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, BEK, =EK, >K, ?E, E: %eriodontal disease Galso see %yorhhea, <ental fociH - ?E?, ?;? %eritonitis - ?E?, ?;?, ;;: %erniosis Gchillbains + a disorder of the blood vessels caused by prolonged e2posure to cold and characteri$ed by skin lesions on the lower legs, hands, toes, feet, ears and faceH - E:, E9E, BEE, ;EE, AE==, E==E %ertussis Gwhooping coughH - KEB, ?BK, AB, E;A, >=:=, B>?, >:B %ertussis secondary - ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, =E9A, ?9AA %esticide deto2 Gsee also 1iver and .idney support, Circulatory and 1ymph stasis fre&sH - ?9, EB, B, = %ha&ocyross, stimulates - E:, =EK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: %haryngitis Ginflammation of pharyn2, can cause chronic sore throat, halitosis, and pharyngeal ulcers. 7lso see #ore throat, *alitosisH - AA:, 9;:, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ??B, ?;A, ;;:, ?E?, E:, KEE, =AB %hlebitis Gvein inflammationH - =K::, ??B %homa <estructiva GhomeopathicH - =B9, ;=K, BE= %ineal gland Gto stimulateH - E: %lague Gsee /ubonic plagueH %lantaris - E::; %lasmacytoma Ga tumor with plasma cells that occurs in the bone marrow, as in multiple myeloma, or outside of the bone marrow, as in tumors of the inner organs and lining of the nose, mouth, and throatH - A?K %leurisy GInflammation of the lung membrane and abdominal liningH - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AAA, =;BK, AK:

%losis Geyelid droop. 7lso use %arasite general, ascaris, and roundwormH =:::: %neumococcus Gsee #treptococcus pneumoniaeH %neumocystis carnii Gfungus which causes pneumonia usually developing in the immuno-suppressed or in infantsH - E:A, 9A:, ?AE %neumonia Gsee also %neumonia klebsiella, %neumonia mycoplasma, %neumonia bronchial, %neumonocystis carnii, #treptococcus pneumoniaeH - =E9;, =KK:, =;BE, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, E:, AK:, A=E, ?BB, B;;, B;9, >?K, EB;;, BB: %neumonia, bronchial Ginflammation of bronchii and lungsH - KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, AKE, =A?A, K?; %neumoniae klebsiella Gcauses an acute, bacterial pneumoniaH - A=E, ?BB, ??B, A=9, ;A:, ?AB, ?BK, ??>, ?;9, ;=; %neumonia mycoplasma Ga contagious pneumonia of children and young adultsH B;;, >?K, ???, EB;;, BB: %neumonia, walking Gsee %neumonia mycoplasmaH %neumovirus Gcauses bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants, see 'espiratory syncitial virusH %olio Galso known as poliomyelitisH - =9K, E;9, ?AE, ??B, =K::, EB9E, =;K: %olio secondary complications - =KK:, ;:E, AE;, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? %olyarthritis - K=E %olyp, nasal - KAE, =A9B %olyp, uterine - B;> %olyp, general - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, E:, KEE, =AB %orphyria Gseveral rare disorders of the nervous system and skinH - B>;, ?;: %ostsurgery deto2ification of anaesthesia Galso re&uires post-recovery saunas with electrolyte replacementH - KEE, =AB %roctitis Gsee Chlamydia trachomatisH %rostate, enlarged Gsee %rostatitis and other prostate setsH - EEK:, E=E;, E:K:, B>:, BBB. %rostatitis Gbenign prostate tumor or infectionH - =::, A=:, KEE, =AB, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, ABK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AAA, KEE, >.= %rostatitis Ginfection, secondaryH - E:K:, EEK: for =K min %rostate adenominum - AAE, B;;, =;?K, ?A;, ?BB %rostate hyperplasia - >E: %rostate problems, general - E=E;, E::;, E?E:, BBA, ?E;, A:;, >.9>, E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB, ABK, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, =EK, >K, ?9, ?E, E:, >, >.=> %roteus - AEA, A9A, ;9A %roto$oa - A9E, ?K9, K??B %seudomonas aeruginosa Gbacteria causing blue pus infections found in wounds, burns, and the urinary tract, et alH - =?A, A;E, ?;K, ==9E, K9==, 9>BK, A:K, B99, =>=, =?;, ?9=, BBAB, =?; %seudomonas mallei Galso called glanders bacillus. Causes glanders, a blue pus infection of the respiratory system and mouth, and transmitted occasionally to man by e&uine.H - B;?, ;K?, ;?K, =E?9, K:=, ?A9, ??A

%seudomonas pyocyanea - A9? %sittacosis Gsee 3rnithosisH %soriasis Galso use *ypothyroid set and see Deneral %arasite, ascaris, and other roundworm fre&sH - E=;:, E=E;, E::;, EA;>, =KKE, ;;:, ;::, ?;B, ?E;, BBA, 9:A, >B, ==E, =::, B:, =:A, BA, =KE, E=?:, E?E: %soriasis, ankylosing spondylitis - 9:::, >K, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, E;, =.E, =:, 9K, E;, ?.B>, ==:, =::, B:, AE;, B;: %sorinum - ?;B, ?B? %ullularia pullulans Gallergey remedyH - A9E, ;?9, =9BA, B;A, ?9>, ?K: %yelitis, proteus Gbacteria commonly found in hospital-borne conditionsH A9A, K>A, ??B %yocyaneus Ghomeopathic nosode for %seudomonas pyocyaneaH - A9? %yoderma Gor %yoderma Dangrenosum6 a rare skin disorder of unknown cause. #mall pustules develop into large ulcers at various sites on the body. 7lso see %arasites general and Deneral antisepticH - =E9, =9E, >B?, >?A, =KKB, =A;>, BB9 %yorrhea GInfection of periodontium causing inflammation of gums and bone loss. 7lthough pyorrhea may be controlled or eliminated with treatment, infection will always return whenever sub"ect e2periences stress or poor diet, until mercury inlays Gso-called 'silver' fillingsH and nickel alloy G'stainless steel'H dental appliances are replaced with porcelain that does not contain uranium and infected root canals and sockets are treated. #ee also <ental, <ental foci, #tomatitis, Dingivitis, 5oothacheH - E?E:, EA;>, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AAA, KEE, =AB %yrogenium BE Ggeneral homeopathic remedy for pusH - =K=, AE>, K>A, BEE, ;?E, A>?, A>; %yrogenium e2 ovo - E9=, =EAA, =E=:, =E=B %yrogenium fish - E;?, 9:A %yrogenium mayo - B;;, ?K>, =BEK, ?E?, ??: %yrogenium suis - 9A=, 9KB, B?9 % %achygyria+ Gsee 1issencephalyH %aget's <isease of /one+ Gsee 3steitis <eformans+ G%aget's <iseaseHH %aget's <isease of /reast+ Gsee %aget's <isease, )ammaryH %aget's <isease, )ammary+ :.:;, :.A>, :.B;, ?.K:, ==.:>, =?.K:, ?E.K:, E=K.?:, AKB.K:, K=?.K: %ain+ :.=B, :.9K, :.>K, K.EB, E?.K:, KE.K:, EEK.A?, KEE.K9, B;E.:E, ?K:.:: %ain <isorder+ Gsee #3)753-3') <I#3'<E'#H %ain Insensitivity with 7nhidrosis, Congenital+ Gsee *ereditary #ensory and 7utonomic 0europathiesH %ain #yndrome 5ype I, 'egional, Comple2+ Gsee 'efle2 #ympathetic <ystrophy+ G5ype I Comple2 'egional %ain #yndromeHH %allister-.illian #yndrome+ :.:;, :.EK, :.>:, E.EK, K.E>, 9:.::, K?.K:, AK.9?, >B.K:, E99.B9 %almoplantaris %ustulosis+ Gsee %soriasisH

%alsy+ Gsee %aralysisH %ancreatic Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ %ancreaticH %ancreatic <iseases+ :.:;, :.A:, :.;9, K.A?, =:K.::, E=K.A?, A=?.K:, B9=.::, ;:=.>=, >9=.EE %ancreatic Insufficiency+ Gsee E2ocrine %ancreatic InsufficiencyH %ancreatitis+ :.:9, :.KE, :.B;, E.?K, ?.K:, KK.>=, 9EA.9?, K=>.9A, BK9.B>, ?KB.K9 %anencephalitis, #ubacute #clerosing+ Gsee #ubacute #clerosing %anencephalitisH %anhypopituitarism+ Gsee *ypopituitarismH %anniculitis+ :.:;, :.A>, :.BK, ?.K:, =E.;K, =?.K:, ?E.K:, EEB.:?, A?K.A?, KE?.:: %anniculitis, #ubacute 0odular )igratory+ Gsee %anniculitisH %antothenate .inase-7ssociated 0eurodegeneration+ :.=B, :.9K, :.>K, K.;?, E?.K:, KE.K:, EEK.9?, AK=.=?, K=?.K:, B;?.BE %apilledema+ :.:K, :.A:, :.;K, E.K:, =9.>;, =E.?=, >K.A?, E99.>=, AEB.>:, K?=.::, %apillitis, 3ptic+ Gsee %apilledemaH %apilloma+ :.:A, :.9E, :.K?, :.;K, K.EK, ?.EK, K:.::, >9.K:, 9::.::, A?K.A? %apilloma, #hope+ Gsee 5!)3' FI'!# I0-EC5I30#H %apilloma, #&uamous Cell+ Gsee %apillomaH %apillomatosis+ Gsee %apillomaH %apillomavirus Infections+ :.:K, :.9E, :.B:, :.;K, =E.99, K?.EB, =KE.::, >9.K:, 9=K.?:, AEK.9? %appataci -ever+ Gsee %hlebotomus -ever+ G#andfly -ever, %appataci -everHH %araganglioma+ :.:=, :.9:, :.BK, :.>:, E.K:, K?.EE, ==9.>9, E>9.K:, 9K;.K?, A?>.K:, %araganglioma, Dangliocytic+ Gsee %aragangliomaH %arahemophilia+ Gsee -actor F <eficiency+ G3wren's <isease, %arahemophiliaHH %araimmunoglobulinemias+ Gsee %araproteinemiasH %arainfluen$a+ Gsee %aramy2oviridae InfectionsH %arainfluen$a Firus Infections+ Gsee %aramy2oviridae InfectionsH %arakeratosis Fariegata+ Gsee %arapsoriasisH %aralyses, -amilial %eriodic+ :.:K, :.=E, :.;?, 9.E=, E?.K:, BE.?=, =AK.A?, EBE.K:, 9>E.K:, K>=.:: %aralysis+ :.:E, :.EE, :.>?, ?.K:, EE.K:, ;K.9?, =KK.A?, E;K.::, A=B.K:, B:K.A= %aralysis 7gitans+ Gsee %arkinson <iseaseH %aralysis, /ulbar+ Gsee /ulbar %alsy, %rogressiveH %aramy2oviridae Infections+ %araneoplastic 7utonomic <ysfunction+ Gsee %araneoplastic #yndromes, 0ervous #ystemH %araneoplastic Encephalomyelitis+ Gsee %araneoplastic #yndromes, 0ervous #ystemH %araneoplastic #yndromes, 0ervous #ystem+ :.=A, :.A>, :.B:, :.;9, E.EK, =?.?K, ;=.:;, >K.A?, 9=>.9A, K99.B9 %araosmia+ Gsee 3lfaction <isordersH %araphilias+ :.:B, :.EA, :.?;, :.;9, E.K:, =:.;>, EE.K:, =EA.9?, 9?K.::, K=K.?: %araplegia+ Gsee %aralysisH %araproteinemias+ :.=9, :.A:, :.B;, :.;:, K.EB, ?E.K:, =9K.A?, E>B.K:, KKB.?E, ;?>.>9, %arapsoriasis+ :.:;, :.9?, :.?;, :.>:, ?.KE, =:.9E, =A:.::, E9E.K:, ?EK.A?, >EK.9? %arapsoriasis en %la&ues+ Gsee %arapsoriasisH

%arasites fasciola hepatica eggs+ :.:E, :.9E, :.B;, :.>K, ?.K:, EK.>=, BE.K:, E?K.A=, AKA.9?, K=K.A9 %arasites fasciola hepatica miracidia+ :.:E, :.9E, :.BK, :.>K, =9.B=, EK.::, BE.K:, E?K.A9, AK=.=?, K=>.B; %arasites fasciola hepatica rediae+ :.:E, :.9E, :.?9, :.>K, E.K:, EK.A=, BE.K:, E?K.A9, AKE.K>, K=?.K: %arasites fasciolopsis buskii adult+ :.:9, :.E9, :.;9, K.=?, EK.A9, 9?.K:, BE.K:, =K:.::, EEK.>=, A?K.A= %arasites fasciolopsis buskil eggs+ :.:9, :.EK, :.;9, K.A9, EK.::, 9?.K:, BE.K:, =K:.::, EEK.A9, A?>.K: %arasites fasciolopsis cercariae+ :.:9, :.9:, :.;9, K.EK, EK.A=, 9?.K:, BE.K:, =K:.::, EEK.A9, A?;.K: %arasites fasciolopsis miracidia+ :.:9, :.9?, :.;9, K.=?, EK.A9, 9?.K:, BE.K:, =K:.::, EEK.>=, A?K.A= %arasites fasciolopsis rediae+ :.:9, :.AB, :.;?, K.EK, EK.A9, 9?.K:, BE.K:, =K:.::, EEK.::, A?K.A9 %arasites filariose Gworms in blood and organs of mammals, larvae passed from biting insectsH %arasites fischoedrius elongatus+ :.=>, :.KE, :.?;, =.EE, =9.9>, K.E:, =?.K:, ?E.K:, E9A.EK, AEK.A9 %arasites flatworms+ :.:9, :.EA, :.?:, =.E>, =E.99, E?.K:, 9K.A=, =AE.::, 9K?.??, A?K.>= %arasites flukes blood+ :.=A, :.9E, :.;?, E.K;, =?.K:, AA.A9, ?E.K:, >E.K:, =K=.::, AK9.?E %arasites flukes general+ :.==, :.9E, :.>:, E.K9, =?.K:, A?.A9, ?;.=:, >:.::, =K?.::, AEK.A= %arasites flukes intestinal+ :.:?, :.9E, :.>?, E.9;, =K.99, AB.9?, ?9.E:, ;?.KE, =K9.::, A=K.?: %arasites flukes liver+ :.=;, :.A:, :.;:, K.K:, E?.K:, AK.9?, ?E.K:, >E.K:, =9E.::, A?;.K: %arasites flukes lymph+ :.=;, :.9?, :.;:, K.EK, =9.>;, AK.A9, ?E.K:, >E.K:, 9K=.::, K=>.9A %arasites flukes pancreatic+ :.=?, :.9E, :.;K, E.?K, =?.K:, A?.9:, ?K.K:, >?.K:, =K=.:?, AK=.:A %arasites flukes sheep liver+ :.=K, :.9;, :.>9, E.KE, 9=.E:, A9.A9, B;.K:, >;.K:, =A>.E;, A>B.:= %arasites follicular mange+ :.KE, :.B;, :.>?, E.K:, E?.K:, 9K.>=, >K.A9, 9?K.9?, K99.B9, BK9.B> %arasites gastrothyla2 elongatus+ :.:E, :.EA, :.?K, :.>9, E.K:, =K.AA, AE.K:, >9.K:, 9AE.:B, A?K.A9 %arasites general+ :.A=, :.B:, :.;K, K.=?, EE.K:, K?.K:, 9EE.:B, A?K.A9, K?K.AA, BE?.:: %arasites general comprehensive+ :.=B, :.9:, :.B;, :.>:, E.K:, K.K:, =9.>9, >9.K:, 9KB.?E, AK=.=? %arasites giardia+ :.:K, :.=E, :.>:, K.K:, E?.K:, =K.A=, AK.::, BE.K:, >E.K:, A>=.E9, %arasites giardia lamblia+ :.:=, :.9E, :.BK, :.>:, K.;?, ?.K:, 9?.K:, =K:.::, 9?K.A9, K=>.9A %arasites gyrodactylus+ :.=B, :.9:, :.K?, :.;K, =E.99, E.?K, E:.::, =K:.::, 9EB.:?, A?>.K: %arasites haemonchus contortus+ :.:9, :.=E, :.;:, E.K:, =K.A=, E?.K:, A:.::, B?.K:, =:A.K:, A>?.K:, %arasites heartworms+ :.=9, :.EE, :.>9, K.K:, =?.K:, 9E.K:, KE.K:, ?:.::, >E.K:, =EE.K9 %arasites helminthsporium Gworm eggsH+ :.:=, :.9E, :.BK, :.>:, K.?K, ?.K:, 9?.K:, =K:.::, 9?K.A=, A>B.:=

%arasites hookworm+ :.=B, :.9:, :.K?, :.>K, E.K:, K.K:, E:.::, =K:.::, 9=>.9A, A?;.K: %arasites leishmania bra$iliensis+ :.:K, :.AB, :.>K, ?.K:, 9E.K:, K:.::, B?.K:, =EK.A9, E?K.>=, AK9.?E %arasites leishmania donovani+ :.:K, :.E9, :.>:, ?.K:, 9E.K:, K:.::, B?.K:, =K:.::, E?K.A9, KEA.9?, %arasites leishmania me2icana+ :.:K, :.KK, :.>K, ?.K:, 9E.K:, K:.::, B?.K:, =K:.::, EB>.?=, K9B.AE, %arasites leishmania tropica+ :.:K, :.=E, =.::, ?.K:, 9E.K:, K:.::, B?.K:, =K:.::, E?K.A9, A?K.A= %arasites leishmania tropica+ :.:K, :.=E, :.;:, ?.K:, 9E.K:, K:.::, B?.K:, =K:.::, E?K.::, K=>.9A, %arasites macracanthorhynchus+ :.=E, :.E9, :.B:, E.K:, =:.;>, E.?K, 9:.::, =EE.K9, E=:.K:, AKK.;E, %arasites metagonimus Yokogawai+ :.:?, :.=E, :.B;, :.>K, E.K:, ?.K:, E?.K:, >E.K:, E?K.A9, KEB.:? %arasites nematode+ :.:?, :.=E, :.B;, :.>K, E.K:, ?.K:, E?.K:, >E.K:, EB>.?=, A>?.B=, %arasites onchocerca volvulus *C GtumorH+ :.:?, :.EE, :.?9, :.>9, ?.K:, E.K:, 9E.K:, >9.K:, =?K.A9, A?;.K: %arasites paragonimus ,estermanil+ :.=E, :.E9, :.B:, E.?K, K.A9, E.K:, 9E.K:, =EB.:?, E=:.K:, K=>.9A %arasites passalurus ambiguus+ :.=9, :.A:, :.B:, :.>K, K.=?, ?.EK, E:.::, >:.::, =?K.AA, A?;.K: %arasites pinworm+ :.:?, :.KE, :.?K, :.>?, E.K:, =E.99, EE.K:, BK.A9, 9EE.:B, A?K.A9 %arasites roundworms+ :.:B, :.KE, :.BE, :.>9, E.K:, =K.AA, AE.K:, =::.::, 9?B.E>, AK:.::, %arasites scabies+ :.:?, :.=E, :.;:, K.K:, =K.::, E?.K:, K=:.E:, BB?.K:, ;>:.KE, >:?.K:, %arasites schistosoma haematobium Gblood flukesH+ :.=;, :.EA, :.B:, :.;?, E.EK, E?.K:, KK.AA, =;=.E=, 9EK.;9, BEK.A9, %arasites schistosoma haematobium+ :.=?, :.KK, :.>K, K.EK, EK.::, 9?.K:, =BE.K:, 9>?.K:, K9B.AE, ?:E.K9 %arasites schistosoma mansoni+ Gblood fluke which can cause symptoms identical to hepatitis CH + :.9?, :.>K, E.?K, 9.::, ?E.K:, >B.K:, 9?K.A9, =?K.AA, 9?K.>=, K>;.EE %arasites stephanurus dentalus+ GovaH + :.EK, :.B;, :.;9, E.K:, ?.K:, >B.K:, E=>.9A, A::.::, KB9.=>, ;:>.>B %arasites strongyloides+ Gthreadworm, genus of roundwormsH + :.9?, :.>K, E.K:, 9.::, K?.K:, >B.K:, =?B.E>, A?K.A9, BAE.:B, ;?=.E> %arasites strongyloides+ Gfilariform larvaH + :.9?, :.>K, E.K:, 99.::, B?.K:, =:E.K:, A?E.>=, B?K.A9, ;EE.:B, >:E.=: %arasites taenia+ Guse %arasites, tapewormsH %arasites tapeworms+ :.=:, :.EK, :.B;, K.?K, E.?K, ?.K:, >B.K:, EEB.:?, A?K.AA, KE?.:: %arasites tapeworms echinococcinum+ Gtapeworms found in dogs, wolves, cats, R rodents that can infect man, H :.=:, :.EK, :.B;, K.;?, E.K:, ?.K:, >B.K:, E=K.?:, A?K.::, KE?.:: %arasites threadworms+ Guse %arasites, strongyloidesH + :.9?, :.>K, E.K:, 9.::, K?.K:, >B.K:, =?B.E>, A?K.A9, BAE.:B, ;?=.E> %arasites trichinella spiralis+ Gfound in muscleH+ :.K:, :.K?, :.>?, =:.;>, E.K:, KE.K:, >K.::, EEE.?:, AKA.K:, K=K.A9, B;=.EE %arasites trichinosis+ :.:E, :.9K, :.?K, :.>9, K.?K, ?.K:, AK.AA, >9.K:, EEK.>=, AK9.?E,

%arasites trichomonas vaginalis+ :.:A, :.9E, :.?9, :.>?, =:.K9, =K.::, ;K.A9, E=:.K:, AK=.=?, K=K.AA %arasites trichuris+ :.:K, :.=E, :.?K, :.;:, K.=?, =?.K:, B?.K:, EEE.K9, EEK.>=, AKA.9? %arasites trypanosoma brucel+ :.=9, :.K?, :.;K, KK.EK, B?.K:, =EE.E>, =;E.K:, E>=.9E, 9K:.::, K=>.9A %arasites trypanosoma cru$i+ Gbrain tissueH :.:B, :.K?, :.;:, K.::, ?.K:, E:.::, KE.K:, >:.::, 9KB.?E, AKE.K>, %arasites trypanosoma e&uiperdum+ :.=9, :.K?, :.;K, K.?K, ?.K:, E:.::, KE.K:, >:.::, 9K;.K?, A?K.AA %arasites trypanosoma gambiense+ :.=9, :.K?, :.;K, =9.B=, ?.K:, =K.>=, KE.K:, >:.::, 9K?.??, K9A.EK, %arasites trypanosoma lewisi+ Gblood smearH :.:B, :.K?, :.;K, K.EK, ?.::, E:.::, KE.K:, >:.::, 9KB.?E, AEK.A9 %arasites trypanosoma lewisi+ :.=K, :.=E, :.BE, :.;9, =:.K9, E.?K, =K.>=, >B.K:, EEK.A=, KEA.9? %arasites trypanosoma rhodesiense+ :.:?, :.EE, :.B;, :.>?, E.EK, K.?K, EK.A9, =EK.::, EEB.9E, AKB.K: %arasites turbatri2+ :.:E, :.E9, :.?9, E.K:, K.EK, ?.::, 9E.K:, >K.>=, =?K.A=, A?K.A9, %arasites urocleidus+ :.:;, :.A:, :.?9, :.>:, K.=?, E.K:, =E.?=, >?.K:, EK:.::, AEE.K9, %arasites trypanosoma rhodesiense+ :.=9, :.K?, :.;K, K.=?, 9?.=:, =:E.?>, 9KE.K:, K>=.:E, BKE.>9, >KE.K> %arasites turbatri2+ :.EA, :.?:, :.>?, E.K:, E?.K:, AK.;9, B?.K:, >?.K:, 9EK.9B, AK=.=? %arasites urocleidus+ :.=9, :.E9, :.?K, :.;K, K.EK, ?.EK, AK.::, ;?.K:, >K.9B, =K:.:: %arasympathetic 0ervous #ystem <iseases+ Gsee 7utonomic 0ervous #ystem <iseasesH %arathyroid <iseases+ :.=>, :.K:, :.?:, :.>?, =9.9>, =:E.?K, 9AE.K:, AB?.K:, B>B.K:, ;EK.A9, %arietal 'egion 5rauma+ Gsee Craniocerebral 5raumaH %arinaud #yndrome+ Gsee 3C!17' )35I1I5Y <I#3'<E'#H %arkinson <isease+ :.:;, :.9K, :.BK, :.;9, >.K:, ==K.?=, EKK.;9, A;K.A9, B>E.K:, ;EK.:: %arkinsonian <isorders+ :.K?, :.?;, :.>:, K.EK, ?.::, ==K.?=, EKK.;9, A;K.A9, B>E.K:, ;EK.:: %arkinsonian #yndrome+ Gsee %arkinsonian <isordersH %arkinsonism+ Gsee %arkinsonian <isordersH %arkinsonism, E2perimental+ Gsee %arkinsonian <isordersH %arkinsonism, @uvenile+ Gsee %arkinsonian <isordersH %arodontosis+ Gsee %eriodontal <iseasesH %aronychia+ :.:E, :.9E, :.BE, :.>?, ==E.;K, E=9.>9, 9EK.E;, K=B.:?, B=B.KE, ??9.K: %arotitis, Epidemic+ Gsee )umps+ GInfectious %arotitisHH %aro2ysmal Cold *emoglobinuria+ Gsee *emoglobinuria, %aro2ysmalH %aro2ysmal 0erve %ain+ Gsee 0euralgiaH %aro2ysmal 0octurnal *emoglobinuria+ Gsee *emoglobinuria, %aro2ysmalH %aro2ysmal #leep+ Gsee 0arcolepsyH %arsonage-5urner #yndrome+ Gsee /rachial %le2us 0euritis+ G%arsonage-5urner #yndromeHH %assive-<ependent %ersonality+ Gsee <ependent %ersonality <isorderH

%earson's #yndrome+ Gsee %70C'E75IC <I#E7#E#H %ectus E2cavatum+ Gsee -unnel ChestH %ediculosis+ Gsee 1ice InfestationsH %ellagra+ :.=>, :.E9, :.>K, ;E.K:, =>E.?=, EE?.K:, AKE.:E, K>E.K:, ?9=.9=, ;=K.?E, %elvic *orn #yndrome+ Gsee 0ail-%atella #yndromeH %elvic Inflammatory <isease+ :.:=, :.AB, 99.:=, ?E.K:, ==?.K>, E9=.>:, K:>.:E, BAK.AA, ;=>.9A, >=K.:: %emphigoid+ Gsee %emphigoid, /ullousH %emphigoid, /ullous+ :.=?, :.=;, :.;9, E.K:, E?.K:, ?9.>;, =9K.A9, 9B?.:E, A>?.K:, BEK.;9, %emphigus+ :.:9, :.=E, :.>K, E.?K, =E.?=, K:.::, >:.::, 9EK.AA, A99.B9, KB:.:: %emphigus Fulgaris+ Gsee %emphigusH %emphigus, /enign -amilial+ :.=>, :.K?, =.=E, ?.K:, E?.K:, AE.K:, >B.K:, 9EK.A9, A=K.?:, KBE.>= %endular 0ystagmus+ Gsee 0ystagmus, %athologicH %enile <iseases+ :.:=, :.KE, ;9.BE, =:K.>K, =?>.K:, E>K.KA, A;?.K:, B:K.?E, ?E9.;E, >9K.AE, %enile Induration+ :.:=, :.K?, :.BE, :.>K, ?.K:, E>K.KA, A;?.K:, B:K.?E, ?E9.;E, >9K.AE, %eptic !lcer+ :.=9, :.A>, :.BE, >.>9, A9.9>, =:K.B?, E9E.K:, 9AE.KE, BEK.9K, >?K.KA, %eriadenitis )ucosa 0ecrotica 'ecurrens+ Gsee #tomatitis, 7phthousH %erianeurysmal -ibrosis, Inflammatory+ Gsee 'etroperitoneal -ibrosisH %eriaortitis, Chronic+ Gsee 'etroperitoneal -ibrosisH %eriarteritis 0odosa+ Gsee %olyarteritis 0odosaH %ericardial Cyst+ Gsee )ediastinal CystH %ericardial Effusion+ :.=>, :.K:, :.K?, =.A?, =>.KE, =EE.K:, 9KE.K:, A;?.K:, B>K.9K, ;99.>= %ericardial 5amponade+ Gsee Cardiac 5amponadeH %ericarditis+ :.:;, :.9K, :.?K, =E.>9, K:.K>, =>?.K:, A;E.E=, ?BE.E:, ;>=.K=, >E9.?> %erineurial Cysts+ Gsee 5arlov CystsH %eriodic 7lternating 0ystagmus+ Gsee 0ystagmus, %athologicH %eriodic <isease+ Gsee -amilial )editerranean -ever+ GYerevanian <iseaseHH %eriodic %aralysis, -amilial+ Gsee %aralyses, -amilial %eriodicH %eriodontal <iseases+ :.:B, :.9E, :.?9, :.;?, =E.99, =K.::, ;K.KA, =K:.::, EEK.9B, K?K.;9 %eripheral 7ngiopathies+ Gsee %eripheral Fascular <iseasesH %eripheral 7utonomic 0ervous #ystem <iseases+ Gsee 7utonomic 0ervous #ystem <iseasesH %eripheral 0erve <iseases+ Gsee %eripheral 0ervous #ystem <iseasesH %eripheral 0ervous #ystem <iseases+ :.:?, :.EA, ;.B:, ?K.EK, ==?.EE, E9?.:E, AK=.>:, KB=.K=, B>;.=:, ;=E.?? %eripheral 0europathies+ Gsee %eripheral 0ervous #ystem <iseasesH %eripheral Fascular <iseases+ :.:?, :.EE, :.?9, ?K.EK, ==?.EE, E9?.:E, AK=.>:, KB=.K=, B>;.=:, ;=E.?? %eriphlebitis+ Gsee %hlebitisH %eritoneoscopy+ Gsee 1aparoscopyH %eroneal )uscular 7trophy+ Gsee Charcot-)arie-5ooth <isease+ G*)#0 I, IIHH %ero2isomal <isorders+ :.:B, :.EB, :.K?, >.::, =E.;K, 9K.KA, =EK.::, AEA.9?, ?B:.::,

;=E.>= %ersonality <isorder, /orderline+ Gsee /orderline %ersonality <isorderH %ersonality <isorder, <ependent+ Gsee <ependent %ersonality <isorderH %erthes <isease+ Gsee 1egg-%erthes <iseaseH %ertussis+ Gsee ,hooping CoughH %es Cavus+ Gsee -335 <E-3')I5IE#H %es %lanus+ Gsee -latfootH %etechiae+ Gsee %urpuraH %eter's 7nomaly+ :.:?, :.=E, :.BK, ==;.;9, E:E.K:, 9=K.9E, A;=.K=, KEK.;9, BEE.K:, ?>=.KE, %eut$-@eghers #yndrome+ :.=A, :.KK, :.>K, 9K.?=, ?=.EK, ;E.K:, =AE.K:, 9>9.K:, B9E.A=, ?=>.9A %eyronie's <isease+ Gsee %enile IndurationH %feiffer #yndrome+ Gsee 7crocephalosyndactyliaH %hakomatosis, /ourneville+ Gsee 5uberous #clerosis+ G/ourneville's <iseaseHH %hakomatosis, #turge-,eber+ Gsee #turge-,eber #yndromeH %hantom 1imb+ :.=B, :.KK, :.>K, =?.K:, >9.>;, =9?.K:, 9>B.K:, K?K.;9, ;EA.9?, >B9.=>, %haryngeal <iseases+ :.:A, :.K:, :.>K, E.?K, ;E.;K, =EE.:=, E9?.K:, AEE.K9, B9K.9K, ;?9.K9 %haryngeal <iverticulum+ Gsee Cenker <iverticulumH %haryngitis+ :.=A, :.EE, :.?9, K.EK, ?.EK, KE.:9, =K?.K=, E>:.E:, B?K.9K, ;E=.9? %haryngoesophageal <iverticulum+ Gsee Cenker <iverticulumH %henylalanine *ydro2ylase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee %henylketonuriasH %henylketonurias+ :.:?, :.A=, :.?9, K.;K, ?E.K:, =9K.::, 9B?.K:, KK:.9:, ?EK.9A, >E:.9E, %heochromocytoma+ :.:B, :.A>, :.?9, 9.E=, 9:.;>, ==K.;9, 9EE.K:, AKE.K:, B>?.K:, ;?K.9K %heochromocytoma, E2tra-7drenal+ Gsee %heochromocytomaH %himosis+ :.:;, :.EA, :.K?, :.>?, E.K:, =:9.::, EEE.K:, 9AK.::, A>?.K:, ?EK.9K %hlebitis+ :.:K, :.9?, :.;?, E.EK, 99.K:, ?K.;K, =:K.;9, E?K.KA, A?K.9K, ;K?.?? %hlebotomus -ever+ :.:9, :.EK, E.?;, 9K.>9, ==K.?=, E9?.K:, A>K.::, ?9A.EK, ;KE.K>, >=K.9K, %hlegmasia 7lba <olens+ Gsee 5hrombophlebitisH %hlegmon+ Gsee CellulitisH %hobia, #chool+ Gsee %hobic <isordersH %hobia, #ocial+ Gsee %hobic <isordersH %hobias+ Gsee %hobic <isordersH %hobic <isorders+ :.:E, :.E9, :.BK, =B.>K, ?9.K:, =E:.K9, 9KK.KA, B:?.K>, ;=B.K=, >?>.>9 %hobic 0euroses+ Gsee %hobic <isordersH %horias+ Gsee #trabismus+ G#&uintHH %hotodermatitis+ Gsee %hotosensitivity <isordersH %hotophobia+ :.K:, :.K?, :.;?, =E.99, AE.K:, =KE.K:, E;?.K:, 9>E.9=, ;=:.K:, >:=.:A, %hotosensitivity <isorders+ :.=9, :.EA, =.?:, 9A.;?, BE.EK, =:E.?K, E9E.K:, AEK.KA, ?EK.9K, ;B>.?= %hycomycosis+ Gsee CygomycosisH %hysiological #tress+ Gsee #tressH %hytanic 7cid #torage <isease+ Gsee 'efsum <iseaseH

%ica #yndrome+ Gsee E75I0D <I#3'<E'#H %ick's <isease+ Gsee <ementiaH %ilonidal Cyst+ Gsee %ilonidal #inusH %ilonidal #inus+ %in ,orms+ :.:?, :.KE, :.?K, 9.>?, ;.K:, =9.B=, EE.K:, EBK.;9, AEK.9A, ;?>.K:, %iriformin #yndrome+ Gsee 0erve Compression #yndromesH %iroplasmosis+ Gsee /abesiosisH %ituitary <iseases+ :.9?, :.>?, E.?K, =K.:9, ?=.K:, =>B.K:, E?K.;?, A=>.9A, B=E.?A, ;K;.K? %ityriasis+ :.E:, :.9E, E.;;, K.EK, =9E.K:, E9?.K:, A>B.K:, BEB.:?, ;?K.9A, >E?.:: %ityriasis Fersicolor+ Gsee 5inea FersicolorH %lagiocephaly, 0onsynostotic+ :.:;, :.EA, :.B?, K.=?, =?.EK, K?.::, =KE.K:, 9BE.K:, K>9.E=, ;?9.9: %lague+ :.:K, :.EB, :.K?, E.K:, =E.;K, 9K.9A, K?.K:, >B.K:, 9EE.:B, A?K.;? %lant %oisoning+ :.=9, :.KE, =.?9, ?.EK, =K.?=, 9K.9A, E?E.K=, K=E.>=, ??K.;9, ;=K.9; %lasma Cell <yscrasias+ Gsee %araproteinemiasH %lasmodium Infections+ Gsee )alariaH %latelet #torage %ool <eficiency+ :.==, :.A>, :.?;, =E.K:, B9.::, =:E.K:, A:E.K:, BK=.E:, ;E=.KE, >EA.9? %legia+ Gsee %aralysisH %leural <iseases+ :.=9, :.9K, K.;K, =?.K:, ;?.K:, =9?.K:, AK?.K:, B>K.;?, ;K:.::, >=>.9A %leural Effusion+ :.=?, :.9=, :.;E, ?.K:, ==?.KE, E9?.K;, 9K?.K9, A>K.9A, K99.>=, BB=.E:, %leurisy+ :.:;, :.A=, =.A?, K.EK, A?.K9, =E=.E=, 9K?.K:, A>?.K:, B=E.K:, ;E=.:E, %neumococcal Infections+ :.:K, :.9K, E.?K, 9:.>9, ?K.;=, =;?.K:, A:K.9E, ?=K.::, ;:9.K=, >:K.9E, %neumonia+ :.:K, :.9K, :.?K, :.>9, K.?=, ?.K:, 9AK.;9, ABK.9A, K>9.K:, ?EK.::, %neumonia, Interstitial+ Gsee 1ung <iseases, InterstitialH %neumonia, 1obar+ Gsee %neumoniaH %neumonic %lague+ Gsee %lagueH %neumonitis+ Gsee %neumoniaH %neumonitis, Interstitial+ Gsee 1ung <iseases, InterstitialH %neumothora2+ :.EA, :.?:, ?.K:, =E.99, K.K:, AE.K:, =?E.K:, A>9.:E, BEE.K9, ;=>.9A, %3E)# #yndrome+ :.:A, :.EE, :.BE, =9.KE, K.K:, A:.::, =?K.;9, A9E.A=, KBK.9B, ?:>.;9 %oikiloderma of Civatte+ :.==, :.A>, :.?;, =E.K:, A9.::, =EE.K:, E?E.K:, KAK.9A, B=E.K:, ;E>.9A, %oland #yndrome+ :.=>, :.EB, :.B:, ==.:>, 9?.K:, EK:.::, AEK.9A, K?=.::, ;B;.::, >9;.::, %olio+ Gsee %oliomyelitisH %oliodystrophia Cerebri+ Gsee <iffuse Cerebral #clerosis of #childerH %oliomyelitis+ :.:E, :.=E, :.?K, 9?.>9, =:K.=?, E=9.?=, ABK.::, K>?.K:, ?EA.9?, ;EK.9A %oliomyelitis, 0onpoliovirus+ Gsee %oliomyelitisH %oliomyelitis, %reparalytic+ Gsee %oliomyelitisH %olyarteritis 0odosa+ :.:;, :.9E, :.?9, 9.;?, =>.=E, =K>.9E, E;K.::, BKA.:9, ?EA.9A, >99.>= %olyarthritis+ Gsee 7rthritisH %olychondritis, Chronic 7trophic+ Gsee %olychondritis, 'elapsingH %olychondritis, 'elapsing+ :.:A, :.=E, :.>K, =>.9:, =E=.AA, E:=.99, A;K.;9, BK9.:E, ;:?.K:, >?9.9A

%olycystic .idney <iseases+ :.=B, :.KK, :.>K, ?.K:, =E.?=, 9?.K:, =EK.::, =?K.9A, A9A.EK, KB?.?: %olycystic 3vary #yndrome+ :.:A, :.K:, :.>?, E.?K, =E.;K, E:.::, 9?.K:, =EE.K9, 9EK.;?, ;A:.:E %olycythemia Fera+ :.=A, :.EE, :.?9, =9.:E, KK.9?, =E=.E:, E?=.:=, B>A.::, ?=K.?:, ;EA.9?, %olyendocrinopathies, 7utoimmune+ :.:K, :.EB, :.K?, E.K:, =9.9>, ;K.9A, =K?.K:, KEK.;9, ?K?.??, >?K.9A, %olyglandular 5ype I 7utoimmune #yndrome+ Gsee %olyendocrinopathies, 7utoimmuneH %olyglandular 5ype II 7utoimmune #yndrome+ Gsee %olyendocrinopathies, 7utoimmuneH %olyhydramnios+ :.=;, :.KK, =.::, K.EK, E?.K:, AE.K:, ?E.K:, =>K.;?, AE:.:E, ?=>.9A %olymenorrhea+ Gsee )enstruation <isturbancesH %olymyalgia 'heumatica+ :.=?, :.KK, :.>K, K.?=, =9.>9, =9?.K:, EBE.K:, A>?.K:, BEB.:?, ;EE.K9, %olymyoclonus+ Gsee )yoclonusH %olymyositis+ :.:?, :.>9, E.>K, =?.K:, ?;.;>, =;E.9>, 99E.K:, K9?.K:, ?9E.:=, ;>B.KE, %olymyositis-<ermatomyositis+ Gsee <ermatomyositisH %olyneuropathies+ :.=9, :.;9, 9.?9, =?.;K, =:K.9A, E=?.EK, AAK.::, K;?.K:, ?>K.9A, >K9.::, %olyneuropathy, 7c&uired+ Gsee %olyneuropathiesH %olyomavirus Infections+ :.=9, :.KE, B.?K, ?=.EK, =:K.=K, 9A?.K:, K?E.K:, B>:.::, ??K.;?, ;EB.>: %olyopsia+ Gsee <iplopiaH %olyposis Coli, -amilial+ Gsee 7denomatous %olyposis ColiH %olyposis #yndrome, -amilial+ Gsee 7denomatous %olyposis ColiH %olyradiculitis+ Gsee %olyradiculopathyH %olyradiculoneuropathy, 7cute Inflammatory+ Gsee Duillain-/arre #yndromeH %olyradiculopathy+ :.==, :.A>, :.?;, =E.K:, A9.::, =EE.K:, EBE.K:, KKK.9A, B>E.K:, ;=>.9A, %olyradiculopathy, 7bdominal+ Gsee %olyradiculopathyH %ompe's <isease+ Gsee Dlycogen #torage <iseaseH %opliteal Cyst+ :.=?, :.9K, ;.;K, K?.K:, ==?.K:, E9?.KE, 9K?.K:, B>=.:E, ;=:.K:, >=K.?:, %orphyria, Erythropoietic+ :.:;, :.A=, E.;9, =K.EK, B?.EK, EE=.:=, A?=.:E, K>?.KE, ?EE.9:, ;EE.K?, %orphyria, Erythropoietic, Congenital+ Gsee %orphyria, ErythropoieticH %orphyrias+ :.=K, :.EK, 9.>?, E?.K:, ==:.K9, E=K.;?,AB?.K:, ?=K.9A, ;:E.A=, >KE.E: %ostcommissurotomy #yndrome+ Gsee %ostpericardiotomy #yndromeH %roctosigmoiditis+ Gsee %roctocolitisH %rogeria+ :.:A, :.=E, :.>K, =E.;K, 9E.K:, K:.::, E9K.9=, B:9.K:, ?A?.K:, ;E9.9:, %rogeria, 7dult+ Gsee ,erner #yndromeH %rognathism+ :.:;, :.EA, :.>E, =.;:, E.EK, =E?.K:, EKK.9=, B>9.E:, ;>9.K:, >EB.:?, %rogressive Intracranial 3cclusive 7rteropathy+ G)oyamoyaH+ Gsee )oyamoya <iseaseH %rogressive )uscular 7trophy+ Gsee )uscular 7trophy, #pinalH %rogressive #upranuclear 3phthalmoplegia+ Gsee #upranuclear %alsy, %rogressiveH %rolactin *ypersecretion #yndrome+ Gsee *yperprolactinemiaH %rolactin, Inappropriate #ecretion+ Gsee *yperprolactinemiaH

%rolapsed <isk+ Gsee Intervertebral <isk <isplacementH %rosopagnosia+ :.EA, :.?9, :.;?, ?.K:, 9:.::, B?.K:, >K.>:, >E.K:, KEA.9?, BK:.:: %rostate Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ %rostaticH %rostatic <iseases+ :.=9, :.K?, :.;9, E.EK, K.?=, 9E.K:, >?.K:, 99E.A=, 9?E.::, KE:.::, %rosthesis Implantation+ :.=:, :.KE, :.;?, 9.E:, =K.;>, 9E.?K, =9E.::, A9?.K:, KEK.;9, ?EK.9= %rosthodontics+ :.=?, :.?E, =.BK, =B.;K, KK.EK, =E?.K:, AKK.;?, KBK.::, ?KE.::, >?K.9= %roteinuria+ :.:K, :.A=, :.;?, K?.K:, ?;.::, =9E.9:, 9K=.K:, BKE.9=, ;EK.;?, >=K.;9 %roteus #yndrome+ :.:B, :.EK, :.;?, =E.9:, KK.?=, ;K.::, =;?.K:, AAE.K:, B>B.K:, ;?K.9= %roto$oan Infections+ :.:E, :.E9, :.;K, K.?=, KK.;9, =?E.K:, 9=?.K:, BB9.K:, ?EK.9=, ;K9.:E %rune /elly #yndrome+ :.:;, :.KE, 9:.BK, EA.K:, ==?.9:, 99K.::, K9B.AE, B==.::, ;:A.E;, >A=.:E, %ruritus+ :.:B, :.A>, >.BK, K?.K:, E=>.K=, 9?:.A:, A?E.K:, BEK.9=, ?EK.;?, ;?=.::, %ruritus Fulvae+ :.=B, :.9K, :.>K, K.K:, E?.K:, A?.K:, 9K?.9:, A?;.K:, KE?.::, ?=?.:: %seudoaphakia+ Gsee CataractH %seudoe2foliation #yndrome+ Gsee E2foliation #yndromeH %seudofolliculitis /arbae+ Gsee *air <iseasesH %seudo-Daucher <isease+ :.:B, :.EK, :.;?, =E.99, K.9=, =EK.;9, E;?.K:, AAE.K:, B>B.K:, ;EK.9= %seudo-*urler %olydystrophy+ Gsee )ucolipidosesH %seudomelia+ Gsee %hantom 1imbH %seudomonas Infections+ :.:B, :.E9, ;.;K, AK.EK, ==K.9:, E=K.9=, A9?.K:, BBE.K:, ;EK.9A, >=?.:9 %seudomy2oma %eritonei+ :.:;, :.KE, :.BK, E.K:, =:.K9, 9K.;9, EEA.9?, B?K.;?, ?E?.::, ;B?.::, %seudopelade+ Gsee 7lopeciaH %seudopolyarthritis, 'hi$omelic+ Gsee %olymyalgia 'heumaticaH %seudosclerosis+ Gsee *epatolenticular <egenerationH %seudotumor Cerebri+ :.:B, :.A>, :.B;, ?.K:, =:E.K:, E9=.?:, A?E.K:, BEK.B>, ?:K.?:, ;K?.E: %seudo2anthoma Elasticum+ :.=B, :.9K, :.>K, K.K:, E?.K:, A?.K:, 9K:.::, AEK.9=, K?=.::, ;K>.:: %sittacosis+ :.:A, :.E9, =.>?, EK.?=, =9E.K:, 99E.K:, A=K.:E, B?K.E9, ;K;.K>, >=K.9; %soriasis+ :.:K, :.KK, =.?;, K.>?, ;K.=K, ==?.=K, AK9.E:, B>E.E9, ;EA.9?, >K=.:: %sudogout+ Gsee DoutH %sychoses+ Gsee %sychotic <isordersH %sychosis, /rief 'eactive+ Gsee %sychotic <isordersH %sychosis, )anic-<epressive+ Gsee /ipolar <isorderH %sychotic <isorders+ :.K?, :.B;, :.;?, E.K:, K.?=, 9E.K:, >E.K:, 9EE.K9, K=>.9A, BK9.B> %57 <eficiency+ Gsee -actor (I <eficiency+ G'osenthal #yndromeHH %5E0 *amartoma 5umor #yndrome+ Gsee *amartoma #yndrome, )ultiple+ GCowden's <iseaseHH %terygium+ :.:;, E.=;, =?.>9, ?=.K:, =E=.;:, E=?.K:, A9=.B>, B=K.;K, ?>=.KE, >E9.9=, %tosis, Eyelid+ Gsee /lepharoptosisH %5#<+ Gsee #tress <isorders, %ost-5raumaticH

%uerperal <isorders+ :.=A, :.;>, =.>E, K.;K, B?.=:, =9K.K:, A9E.K:, KEK.9=, ?9A.EK, ;?;.K:, %uerperal Infection+ %ulmonary 7lveolar %roteinosis+ :.:K, :.A=, :.>E, =.>?, E:?.K:, 9=K.>9, K;?.K:, BEK.9=, ??B.E>, ;EB.:? %ulmonary 7tresia+ :.=K, :.A=, :.B;, :.>;, ?.KE, ==.;=, ;>.K=, A=?.A9, B?=.>;, >:K.?: %ulmonary Cancer+ :.E9, :.A=, :.?E, :.;?, K.K:, =9.:=, ;=.K9, A=:.A=, KE?.E=, >=K.>= %ulmonary <isease, Chronic 3bstructive+ :.9?, :.A=, :.BE, :.>?, ?.K:, =K.9=, ;?.K:, A=>.A9, ??9.>;, ;AK.?: %ulmonary <iseases+ :.=B, :.E=, :.AE, :.>?, ?.KA, ==.;=, B?.K;, A=K.A9, B?=.>;, >:K.?:, %ulmonary Edema+ :.?K, :.A=, :.;E, :.>?, ?.K:, =>.;>, 9?.K9, =EK.9=, 9?K.>9, K=>.9A, B;E.:E, ?K:.::, ;>;.:: %ulmonary Embolism+ :.9K, :.A=, :.>E, :.>?, ?.K:, =9.AE, ?=.K:, E:K.A=, A?B.E>, K=K.?:, B>=.E?, ?KA.=>, >>K.E=, %ulmonary Emphysema+ :.KK, :.A=, :.BE, =.>?, ?.K:, =K.>9, B?.K:, E:>.9=, 9AK.B>, K:E.K=, K>K.E>, ??B.;?, >:=.K:, %ulmonary -ibrosis+ :.BK, :.A=, :.BE, A.>?, ?.K:, =K.9=, ;?.K:, 9EK.>9, 9;K.>:, K:A.9?, BK=.B9, ?BA.;>, >=E.K:, %ulmonary *ypertension+ Gsee *ypertension, %ulmonaryH %ulmonary Inflammation+ Gsee %neumoniaH %ulmonary 0eoplasms+ Gsee Cancer+ 1ungH %ulmonary #arcoidosis+ Gsee #arcoidosis, %ulmonaryH %ulmonary 5hromboembolism+ Gsee %ulmonary EmbolismH %ulmonary Falve 7tresia+ Gsee %ulmonary 7tresiaH %ulmonic %lague+ Gsee %lagueH %ulsatile 5innitus+ Gsee 5innitusH %ulseless <isease+ Gsee 5akayasu 7rteritisH %upil <isorders+ :.:E, :.EA, =.K?, >.;K, E:=.?K, 9BA.::, AE9.:=, B>?.9:, ;?K.>9, >?>.K9, %upil 'eaction 7bsent+ Gsee %!%I1 <I#3'<E'#H %upillary -unctions, 7bnormal+ Gsee %!%I1 <I#3'<E'#H %uppet Children+ Gsee 7ngelman #yndromeH %urpura+ :.=9, :.E9, :.BK, =;.E:, K?.K:, =:;.:E, 9:K.9=, B:B.9:, ?=>.>A, ;EE.K9, %urpura *emorrhagica+ Gsee %urpura, #choenlein-*enochH %urpura, 0onthrombocytopenic+ Gsee %urpura, #choenlein-*enochH %urpura, #choenlein-*enoch+ :.:B, :.K:, :.B:, 9.;?, E=E.K:, 9E9.::, K:E.=:, B>:.:>, ?EE.>E, >K=.:: %urpura, 5hrombocytopenic+ :.:A, :.K:, :.B:, >.:?, ?9.K:, E;9.K:, K:E.K:, B9K.::, ;:K.9=, >?K.>: %urpura, 5hrombopenic+ Gsee %urpura, 5hrombocytopenicH %urpura, 5hrombotic 5hrombocytopenic+ :.:K, :.K:, =.>:, ==E.;?, 9=E.K:, A:K.K:, BKE.K:, ?EB.:?, ;:E.:B, >E9.E: %urpura, 5hrombotic 5hrombopenic+ Gsee %urpura, 5hrombotic 5hrombocytopenicH %ustular %soriasis of %alms and #oles+ Gsee %soriasisH %ustulosis of %alms and #oles+ Gsee %soriasisH %ustulosis %almaris et %lantaris+ Gsee %soriasisH %yelonephritis+ :.:K, :.9K, :.?K, :.>9, K.EK, ?.K:, AAE.K:, ?>9.K:, ;?K.B>, >K=.=?,

%yelonephritis, 7cute 0ecroti$ing+ Gsee %yelonephritisH %yoderma Dangrenosum+ :.:9, :.9E, :.?9, :.>K, =A.::, ?K.9=, =;K.::, 9=:.K:, BEK.9=, >?=.:: %yorrhea 7lveolaris+ Gsee %eriodontal <iseasesH %yothora2+ Gsee Empyema, %leuralH %yre2ia+ Gsee -everH M -ever Gan infectious disease caused by contact with animals with the M M -ever+ :.;:, =.=E, >.;K, K=.?=, ?K.>9, A=E.:E, 9;K.B>, B>:.::, ;=E.>9, >:B.AE, Muadrantanopsia+ Gsee *emianopsiaH Muadriparesis+ Gsee MuadriplegiaH Muadriplegia+ :.=K, :.AB, :.>K, K.;K, BE.K:, =:?.K:, E=?.K:, A>B.K:, ;KK.?E, >=K.9=, Muadriplegic Infantile Cerebral %alsy+ Gsee Cerebral %alsyH Muincke's Edema+ Gsee 7ngioedemaH

parasitic 'ickettsia bacteria and Co2iella burnetii whose symptoms may include headache, fever, chills, and sweats. #ee also 5yphoid fever and 'ickettsiaH - KE9, =9K?, B:?, =E>, B9E, >A9, =:BE, KA>, ?E:, ?EB 'abies GlyssinumH - E:, =E:, KA?, ?>9 'adiation burns - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: 'agweed - A?9 'aynaud's disease - ?E?, E: 'efractory an - A9K 'ela2ation, to produce - B:::, =:, ?.;9 'enal calculii Gsee .idney stonesH 'enal e2cretory insufficiency6 diastalic hypertensive Galso see .idney insufficiencyH - >.E 'eproductive - 99K, K9B, BEE, ?=E 'espiratory syncitial virus - 99B, ?=E, E?; 'etrovirus, variants - EA;>, ABK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, AA;, ;::, =:::: 'hesus gravidatum - 9=E, 9EE, K9B, B;A 'heuma Gwatery discharge from nose or eyesH - >KE, A9B, K>K, ??K 'heumaticus - 999, 9?B, ;E: 'heumatism - =::::, ??B, EBE 'heumatoid arthritis Gsee 7rthritis, rheumatoidH 'hinitis Grunny nose, also see #inusitisH - =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, KEE, =AB 'hinopneumonitis - =;K, 9B?, ;E:, A;? 'hi$opus nigricans - =9E, 9E?, ??K, BK>, BB: 'hodo torula - ;99, K>;, ??; 'hodococcus - =EA, ;9K, A9E, ?BA, 99?, B;E, ?E: 'ickettsia Gbacteria that are transmitted to man by lice, fleas, ticks, and

mites. Can cause typhoid fever and M fever.H - =E>, B9E, >A9, =:BE, KA>, ?E:, ?EB 'ingworm Gsee )icrosporum audouini, )icrosporum canis, 5richophyton, and4or EpidermophytonH 'ocky )ountain spotted fever - 9?K, ;BE, >A9, ?;;, AB;, 9:; 'otifer - AK:: 'ubella Gsee )easles, rubellaH 'ubeola Gsee )easles, rubeolaH ' 'abies+ :.:?, :.=;, =.BK, ?.>9, =:E.K9, =BK.K:, A=K.::, B>9.K:, ;?K.9=, >=K.>9, 'achischisis+ Gsee #pinal <ysraphismH 'achitis+ Gsee 'icketsH 'aillietiniasis+ Gsee Cestode InfectionsH 'amsay *unt 7uricular #yndrome+ Gsee *erpes Coster 3ticusH 'amsay *unt %aralysis #yndrome+ Gsee %arkinsonian <isordersH 'anula+ :.=;, :.KK, =.::, ?.K:, 9:.::, AE.K:, ?E.K:, >K.?K, >:.::, K=>.9A, 'asmussen #yndrome+ Gsee EncephalitisH 'at-/ite -ever+ :.=?, :.KK, :.>K, 9K.=E, ;K.9=, =9?.K:, KBE.K:, B>?.K:, ?EE.K9, >E:.:: 'athke %ouch 5umor+ Gsee CraniopharyngiomaH 'aynaud <isease+ :.:?, :.K:, :.>?, >.::, ==.:>, =9=.K:, E9?.K:, A=K.?:, ?EK.::, ;EK.>K, 'eading <isability, <evelopmental+ Gsee <ysle2iaH 'eading <isorder+ Gsee <ysle2iaH 'eading <isorder, <evelopmental+ Gsee <ysle2iaH 'eaven #yndrome (+ Gsee )etabolic #yndrome (H 'econstructive #urgical %rocedures+ :.:B, :.E9, :.?9, :.;?,=:K.?E, E9?.EK, A9E.K:, KEB.:?, BB>.?=, ;=>.9A 'econstructive #urgical %rocedures, Cosmetic+ Gsee 'econstructive #urgical %roceduresH 'ecruitment, 1oudness+ Gsee *yperacusisH 'ectal Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ 'ectal 0eoplasms, 7nal CancerH 'ectal <iseases+ :.=>, :.KE, :.K?, :.;:, E.EK, =?.K:, 9:.::, K?9.E:, BBK.9=, ;EE.9:, 'ectal %rolapse+ :.=9, :.E9, :.?K, :.;K, K=.9=, 9E?.EK, A>K.::, B;=.K:, ?>=.>K, >K9.::, 'ectal 5umors+ Gsee Cancer+ 'ectal 0eoplasmsH 'ectocolitis+ Gsee %roctocolitisH 'ectocolitis, *emorrhagic+ Gsee %roctocolitisH 'ectocolitis, !lcerative+ Gsee %roctocolitisH 'ectosigmoiditis+ Gsee %roctocolitisH 'efetoff #yndrome+ Gsee 5hyroid *ormone 'esistance #yndromeH 'efle2 #ympathetic <ystrophy+ :.:>, :.KE, :.BK, :.>9, K.?=, ;?.K:, EKK.9=, KEK.E>, B?K.9=, ;?;.K: 'efractive Errors+ :.:9, :.EA, :.?:, =K.;9, E>.?K, =;?.K:, 9AK.>K, K>E.K:, ;E:.==, >E9.K9, 'efsum <isease+ :.:=, :.A=, :.BE, :.>?, ?.K:, E:.::, ;?.K:, 9AE.:B, B9K.9=, ;9A.AK, 'egurgitation, Dastric+ Gsee Dastroesophageal 'eflu2H 'einke's Edema+ Gsee Foice <isordersH 'elapsing -ever+ :.:;, :.K?, :.>:, K.?=, AK.E:, =KE.K>, EBE.K:, B>K.:E, ?=K.?9, ;=>.9A 'emittent -ever+ Gsee )alariaH

'enal 7rtery 3bstruction+ :.:?, :.KK, :.;K, ?.K;, =9E.B:, 9A?.K:, A?E.K:, K>?.K:, ??K.>K, >EK.9=, 'enal 7rtery #tenosis+ Gsee 'enal 7rtery 3bstructionH 'enal Calculi+ Gsee .idney CalculiH 'enal <ialysis+ :.:B, :.K:, :.;?, =E.;K, E?.K:, =A=.K>, 9:=.E9, AK9.:E, ?;9.A:, ;EK.:9 'enal <isease, End-#tage+ Gsee .idney -ailure, Chronic+ GEnd #tage 'enal <iseaseHH 'enal -ailure, 7cute+ Gsee .idney -ailure, 7cuteH 'enal -ailure, Chronic+ Gsee .idney -ailure, Chronic+ GEnd #tage 'enal <iseaseHH 'enal -ailure, End-#tage+ Gsee .idney -ailure, Chronic+ GEnd #tage 'enal <iseaseHH 'enal 3steodystrophy+ :.:A, :.KK, :.?;, :.>?, K.;?, K?.:K, =KE.:9, K>E.K:, B:E.K>, >K9.?E, 'enal 'ickets+ Gsee 'enal 3steodystrophyH 'eptile <iseases+ :.=B, :.K?, :.BK, :.;?, E.K:, =K.?K, E9E.K:, A>E.K:, ;EB.:?, >EK.>K, 'esidual Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ 'esidualH 'esidual 5umor+ Gsee CancerU+ 'esidualH 'espiratory Chain <eficiencies, )itochondrial+ Gsee )itochondrial <iseasesH 'espiratory <istress #yndrome, 0ewborn+ :.:?, :.KK, :.BK, :.;?, ?.K:, =B.:E, AE.:=, =>:.::, B?K.E>, ;EB.>: 'espiratory *ypersensitivity+ :.:B, :.KK, :.?:, >.;?, ?A.K:, =9:.::, EA:.::, A>:.::, B?K.E>, ;?>.K:, 'espiratory #yncytial Firus Infections+ :.:=, :.KK, :.K?, :.;?, ?.K:, K:.=>, =A:.::, 9>:.::, BEA.9?, ;=>.9A, 'espiratory #yndrome, #evere 7cute+ Gsee #evere 7cute 'espiratory #yndromeH 'espiratory 5ract <isease+ :.=:, :.KK, :.?9, :.;?, B?.E:, =?E.;K, E9:.::, K99.E:, B?K.>K, ;?K.E> 'espiratory 5ract Infections+ :.=:, :.KK, :.?9, :.;?, B?.E:, =?E.;K, E9:.::, K99.E:, B?K.>K, ;?K.E> 'esting 5remor+ Gsee 5remorH 'estless 1egs #yndrome+ :.=B, :.K?, ?.?;, E9.>?, =EK.>K, 9E?.K:, AEE.K:, K>:.::, ?=K.?:, ;9B.AE, 'etardation, )ental+ Gsee )ental 'etardationH 'eticulohistiocytoma+ Gsee *istiocytosis, 0on-1angerhans-CellH 'eticulolymphosarcoma+ Gsee 1Y)%*3)7H 'etinal <etachment+ :.:;, :.AB, =.::, ?.K:, E=?.K:, 9E?.K:, AKE.K:, BBK.?K, ?>B.K:, ;9A.EK, 'etinal <iseases+ :.:?, :.K:, =.::, ?.K:, =?.K:, =E?.K:, 99K.E>, KBK.?K, ?EK.>K, >=>.9A, 'etinal %igment Epithelial <etachment+ Gsee 'etinal <etachmentH 'etinal Fein 3cclusion+ :.:?, :.K:, =.::, ?.K:, =?.K:, =E?.K:, 99K.E>, KBK.?K, ?EK.>K, >=>.9A, 'etinitis %igmentosa+ :.:?, :.K:, =.::, ?.K:, =?.K:, =E?.K:, 99K.E>, KEK.=K, ?:K.EE, ;=9.B?, 'etinoblastoma+ :.KK, :.B;, :.;?, ?.K:, =9.B=, A:.::, >:.::, 9?K.>K, K?K.9=, ;E?.::, 'etinopathy of %rematurity+ :.=B, :.K?, :.?;, :.>K, ;.K:, >K.B>, E=?.KE, A>=.::, KEA.9?, ;>E.A= 'etinoschisis+ :.:A, :.=E, :.>K, =9.9>, =9.>9, K:.::, =BK.;:, A>9.E:, ?EE.?:, >:K.9=, 'etinoschisis, <egenerative+ Gsee 'etinoschisisH

'etinoschisis, @uvenile, (-1inked+ Gsee 'etinoschisisH 'etrobulbar 0euritis+ Gsee 3ptic 0euritisH 'etrolental -ibroplasia+ Gsee 'etinopathy of %rematurityH 'etroperitoneal -ibrosis+ :.:?, :.AB, :.BK, ==E.>K, E>K.;?, 9A?.K:, AE?.K:, B>K.E;, ?K:.::, ;?K.>K, 'etropharyngeal 7bscess+ :.=E, :.EK, :.BE, E.K:, 9.::, 9=K.?K, AEK.E;, B>?.K:, ;B>.?=, >EK.E; 'ett #yndrome+ :.=9, :.E9, :.BE, >.>?, =B?.K:, 9EK.K:, AEE.K:, BK:.::, ;?K.>K, >=>.9A, 'eye #yndrome+ :.:A, :.=E, :.>K, =9.:E, =?E.K:, EK>.::, 9BK.:;, K>=.::, ?=:.K:, ;9K.E;, 'habdoid 5umor+ :.:?, :.AB, :.BK, :.>K, K=.EK, =A?.K:, E??.K:, 9>K.?K, B99.>=, ;AK.E;, 'habdomyolysis+ :.:?, :.=;, :.?9, 9A.E=, E:K.B>, 9=?.EK, A=E.K:, B>E.K:, ??B.>K, ;9;.EK, 'habdomyosarcoma+ :.=E, :.E?, >.99, 9A.E=, E:K.B>, 9=?.EK, A=E.K:, B>E.K:, ??B.>K, ;9;.EK, 'heumatic <isease+ :.=9, :.E9, :.BE, :.>K, ?.K:, B;.K:, E9E.K:, KK=.=:, ??>.E9, ;9>.A9, 'heumatic -ever+ :.=9, :.EK, :.BE, :.>K, ?.K:, ?E.K:, E9E.K:, KK=.=:, ??>.E9, ;9>.A9, 'heumatism+ Gsee '*E!)75IC <I#E7#E#H 'heumatism, 7rticular, 7cute+ Gsee 'heumatic -everH 'heumatism, )uscular+ Gsee -ibromyalgiaH 'heumatism, %eri-E2tra-7rticular+ Gsee %olymyalgia 'heumaticaH 'heumatoid 7rthritis+ Gsee 7rthritis, 'heumatoidH 'heumatoid %urpura+ Gsee %urpura, #choenlein-*enochH 'heumatoid #pondylitis+ Gsee #pondylitis, 7nkylosingH 'hinitis+ :.:E, :.KE, :.?K, :.;9, ==E.K:, E=?.K:, 9AK.?K, A>?.K:, ??K.E;, ;EK.::, 'hinoscleroma+ :.:;, :.EA, :.B9, ?.;E, 9E.EK, B?.K:, =KK.E>, 9>=.:E, A=K.?:, ?EB.:? 'ickets+ :.:?, :.AB, =.KB, K.>K, =?.K:, =E?.K:, EK:.::, ABK.?K, B>B.K:, ;=>.9A, 'ickets, 'enal+ Gsee 'enal 3steodystrophyH 'ickettsia Infections+ :.=9, :.=;, :.;9, K.EK, =E?.K:, E=E.K:, 99K.E;, KB:.::, B>K.>K, >>?.K:, 'ift Falley -ever+ :.:A, :.=E, :.>K, =A.:9:, ==;.KE, EK=.E>, 9BK.E;, K>:.::, ?EE.?:, >??.K:, 'ight Fentricular <ysplasia, 7rrhythmogenic+ Gsee 7rrhythmogenic 'ight Fentricular <ysplasiaH 'ight Fentricular *ypertrophy+ Gsee *ypertrophy, 'ight FentricularH 'iley-<ay #yndrome+ Gsee <ysautonomia, -amilialH 'ing Constrictions, Intrauterine+ Gsee 7mniotic /and #yndromeH 'ingworm+ Gsee 5ineaH '07 Firus Infections+ :.:?, :.;;, >.?=, B;.;9, =:E.;K, E:K.E;, 9=E.K:, A>E.K:, B?K.>K, ;E9.9?, 'obinow #yndrome+ :.=9, :.>=, =A.>9, ;?.K:, ==?.B:, 9=K.?K, A9K.E;, K?=.K:, ?>B.K:, ;EK.:: 'ochalimaea Infections+ Gsee /artonella InfectionsH 'ocky )ountain #potted -ever+ :.:?, :.KE, ?.K?, 99.;:, E;E.?K, A:K.?K, KE9.;;, BB?.K:, ;EK.E;, >=K.?: 'od-Cone <ystrophy+ Gsee 'etinitis %igmentosaH 'odent !lcer+ Gsee Carcinoma, /asal CellH 'omano-,ard #yndrome+ Gsee 1ong M5 #yndromeH

'omberg <isease+ Gsee -acial *emiatrophy+ G'omberg <iseaseHH 'osacea+ :.:E, :.KE, :.?9, :.;9, E.K:, E=?.K:, KAK.E;, B>?.K:, ??K.?K, ;?K.E;, 'osai-<orfman <isease+ Gsee *istiocytosis, 0on-1angerhans-CellH 'osenthal #yndrome+ Gsee -actor (I <eficiency+ G'osenthal #yndromeHH 'oseola Infantum+ Gsee E2anthema #ubitum+ G'oseola Infantum, #i2th <iseaseHH 'oss 'iver Firus Infections+ Gsee 7lphavirus InfectionsH 'otary 0ystagmus+ Gsee 0ystagmus, %athologicH 'otor #yndrome+ Gsee *yperbilirubinemia, *ereditaryH 'oussy-1evy #yndrome+ Gsee Charcot-)arie-5ooth <isease+ G*)#0 I, IIHH 'oyer #yndrome+ Gsee %rader-,illi #yndromeH '#* #yndrome+ Gsee #mith-1emli-3pit$ #yndromeH 'ubber 7llergy+ Gsee 1ate2 *ypersensitivityH 'ubella+ :.:?, :.EA, :.B:, ?.EE, =9E.EK, AE?.K:, KKK.>K, B>:.::, ;?K.::, >9B.AE, 'ubeola+ Gsee )easlesH 'ubinstein-5aybi #yndrome 'unt <isease+ Gsee D'7-5 F# *3#5 <I#E7#EH 'ussell #ilver #yndrome+ :.A=, :.?9, ?.;?, E?.K:, EE?.K:, 9B?.K:, KEK.E;, B=K.?:, ?AK.:=, >99,E?

#alivary gland virus Ghuman herpes type K - see CytomegalovirusH #almonella Gcan cause intestinal inflammation and infection, and contribute to flu in childrenH - =KEE, ?=?, >?E, BBA, BA9 #almonella paratyphi / - K>, >E, BA9, ?:?, ?=?, ?=>, ?KE, >?E, ???=, =EAA, B?;?, =BK, ?== #almonella type / - KAB, =B9A #almonella typhi Gcan cause typhoid feverH - AE:, BBA, ;BKB, ??9 #almonella typhimurium Gcan cause food poisoningH - B>9, ?KA, ?BE #anguis menst - K>= #anguinera - B9A #cabies Gsee )ange, follicularH #carlet fever - A9?, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB #chistosoma Gsee %arasites, schistosomaH #chumann resonance Grela2ingH - ?.;9 #chunan /-Cell - 9EE, AEK, KB=, B::, BE:, BE9, ?;:, ?;=, >K:, >KE, =:E9, =KEA, =:>?, ==:: #ciaticor schias - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, =: #clerosis, lateral Gdegeneration of spinal cord resulting in spastic paraplegiaH - EKA #edation and pain relief - 9:A, B::: #edative effect G'eported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, sinusitisH E.K #ei$ure G=H - 9E>, EEB, >K9 #emperillium - ==A: #erum schweinepest - K:9, EAB, B:A, ABK

#e2ual dysfunction Gsee also Circulatory stasis, orchitisH - >.9>, E=E?, E::;, ABK, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, =EA, >K, ?9, ?E, E:, BK:, BEK, B:: #higella Gcan cause acute dysentery and diarrhea as well as infect nerves, brain, and spinal cord chronicallyH - BE=, ?BE, ?B>, ??:, =KK:, ;:E, ;9E #hingles Gsee *erpes $osterH #ilver Ge2pH - =K>:9 #inus /acteria - KA; #inusitis Gsinus and lung infections can be caused by a large number of pathogens including viruses like '#F, adenovirus, parainfluen$a, influen$a 7, influen$a /, rhinovirus, et al.H #inusitis G=H - ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, E:, ?E, =E:, =AB, A::, AA:, ABA, KEA, KA;, BB:, ?=E, ?9E, ;:E, =K::, =KKE, =B::, =;BE for K min #inusitis GEH - =EK, =B:, 9B?, A?E, B::, B=K, BEK, BK:, ;E:, >KE, ==K:, =KE:, =;BK, E:::, A9>E, AA::, AA=E #inusitis G9H - B:, >K, =E;, EEK, A=A, AE?, A9E, AKB, B=:, B=A, B=;, =E9A, EB::, KK::, 9:A #inusitis frontalis - >KE, 9E:, B;E #inusitis ma2illaris - =B:, ?A= #leeping sickness - =E:, E: #lipped discs Gspasms from microbial to2insH - =EK, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, >K, ?E, E: #mallpo2 Galso known as variola, an e2tremely contagious viral disease marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small blistersH - =AE, A?B, K==, ;?B, =BAA, E=9E, EKAA, =KK:, ;:E, KAE, KB>, ;9E, 9EEE #mallpo2 GsecondaryH - 99A, KAE, KB>, ;9E, 9EEE, 9B:, A?=, BA?, K:B, ?==, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: #megma - =K9, =;:, B9; #nee$ing - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, =AB #ore throat Galso see %haryngitis, #trep general, #trep pyogenes, and 7ctinomyces israeliiH - E?E:, EA;>, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, AB.K, ?BB #orghum smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH - E>A #pasms, muscle - B.; #pastic paresis - 9:.;?, A; #pleen GsecondaryH - =::::, E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, ABK, E: #pleen, enlarged - 9K, ?;?, 9=?B #porobolomyces - ?K9, ?:: #porotrichum pruinosum - K;A, K>;, B;?, ?KK, ?=K #tammering - =::::, E:, B:::, ?.;9 #taphylococci infection Gsee also other #taph fre&sH - >B:, ?E?, ?;B, AK9, B?A, KK:, ==:>, AEA, >A9, =:K:, BA9, EB::, ?=B:, B9>, =:;>, ;B>? #taph infection G=H - >A9, ?E?, BA9, E: #taphylococcus general - AK9, KK:, B?A, ?E;, ==:>, ?=B:, B9A, B9>, =:;> #taphylococcus aureus Gcan cause boils, carbuncles, abscesses, tooth infection, heart disease, and infect tumorsH - AEA, ?E?, ?;B, >A9, =:K:, ;B>?, BAA, BA?, ?AK, ?9;, ?AA

#taphylococcus coagulae positive - BA9 #temphylium - AB=, 9A:, ==A #tiff muscles - 9E:, 9E;, 9:A, 9::, EA:, =B:, ??B, ?E;, =;::, =EK, ;:, A:, E:, B::: #tiff muscles GsecondaryH - EK:, =:, K.;, E.K, =.K, =.E, =, :.K, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B #tiff neck - A.>, B, >.=> #tiff shoulder - =::::, ?E?, ?BB, E: #tomach disorders Gsee also E. Coli and %arasites general if no lasting reliefH - E=E?, E::;, ;;:, ?;A, ?E?, B>:, B?B, BBA, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, 9.>, AK:, ;:E, =KKE, ;9E, AEE #tomatitis GInflammation of mucous membranes in the mouth. #ee also Candida, *erpes simple2 I, #tomatitis aphthous, %yorrhea, and DingivitisH ABK, B??, ?:E, ?;?, E9A, E?;, KB;, B?E #tomatitis aphthous Gulcers on mucous membrane of mouth. 7lso called canker soresH - A?;, A;?, A>;, ?;;, >KK, >;E #treptococcus infection, general Gstreptococcus family. 7lso see Deneral antiseptic and other #trep setsH - =EBB, ;;:, ?;?, ?;A, ?E?, ;?K, ;;K, E::: #treptococcus enterococcinum Gcan cause infection in the digestive and urinary tractsH - B;B, A:> #treptococcus haemolytic Gblood infection by strepH - ?E;, ;;:, ?;B, ?=E, =E;, =9A, 99A, AA9, K9K, KAE, B?K, =A=K, =KEE, =>:E, B>=, ?=:, =E:9, 9B;, 9=; #treptococcus mutant strain - ==A, A9?, BEK, ;;9, >>A #treptococcus mutant strain secondary - =:;, A99, A;;, B;?, ;99, ;B;B, ;???, >B?B, BB:, ?9E, ?AK, ?KA, ?BA #treptococcus pepto Gcan infect digestive tractH - E:= #treptococcus pyogenes Gpus-forming infections. Can cause sore throat, skin inflammation GerysipelasH, scarlet fever. #ee also Deneral antisepticH. B=B, ??B, ?9K, ;AK, BB:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E: #treptococcus viridans - AEK, A99, AAK, >9K, =:=:, =:B:, ;A?;, AK?, ABK, ???, ??;, =E=A, =E=B #trep virus - KB9, B==, ?E? #treptococcus pneumoniae Gcan cause pneumonia, empyema, middle ear infections, endocarditis, peritonitis, arthitis, bacteremia, and meningitisH - E9=, E9E, B;9, ;AB, ;;BK #treptococcus pneumoniae, mi2ed flora - =K;, =?A, BAK, ;:= #treptomyces griseus Gsoil bacteria which yields streptomycinH - 999, ;;? #treptothri2 Gincludes 0ocardia and 7ctinomyces israeliH - ?;A, EE;, E9=, E9?, ;;?, E;>:, EEE, EBE, E=KA, ABK, A;;, KB?, ?;;:, =::::, ?;?, ?E?, E: #troke GfollowupH - 9.:, E:9, =;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, =;BK, KEE, AE;, =::::, E:, E?E: #trongyloides Gsee %arasites, strongyloidesH #truma Gfamily of organisms that can infect the thyroid causing goiter. !se kelp internally. !se #truma cystica, nodosa, and parenchyme fre&s.H #truma cystica - K9==, K9=, ?KB, 9B=

#truma nodosa - =:K, =EE, 9E=, K=?, K9E, BK=, ?=A #truma parenchyme - =E=, K?B #tye Gstaph infection of sebaceous gland of eyelash. 7lso use #taphylococci infection setH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, AK9, EB:: #ublu2ation induced disorders - >.B #udor pedis Ge2cessive foot sweatH - =A; #un allergy GE2amine presciption drugs, such as %soralen, for photo-sensiti$ation properties. H - 9, 99: #unstroke - AAA, AA:, =>:, 9:::, >K, KEE, =AB, ;;:, E:, =:::: #urgery pre-op and post-op to prevent and control nosocomial Ghospital-ac&uiredH and idiopathic infection Gsee also Deneral antiseptic, #taph, and #trep setsH - E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AAA, KEE, =AB, AE; #urgery, deto2 of anaesthesia Gsee also 1iver supportH - KEE, =AB #urgical pain, post-op recovery - 9:::, E?E:, >K #welling Gedema. #ee also .idney insufficieny and 1ymph stasis fre&sH KEE, =AB, B.9, =A;, AAA, AA:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, =::::, K:::, 9::: #wimmer's ear Galso see %seudomonas aeruginosa and 3titis e2ternaH - ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA, =?A, A;E, K9== #wollen glands Guse 1ymph and see )umps fre& setsH #yphilis - =??, BK:, BEK, B::, BB:, BK; # #accular 7neurysm+ Gsee Intracranial 7neurysmH #aethre-Chot$en #yndrome+ Gsee 7crocephalosyndactyliaH #aint 7nthonys -ire+ Gsee ErgotismH #alaam #ei$ures+ Gsee #pasms, InfantileH #alivary Dland <iseases+ :.A=, :.?9, :.;?, ?.K:, E9:.::, 9B?.K:, KEK.?K, B=>.9A, ;>B.:=, >;E.AK, #alivary Dland Firus <isease+ Gsee Cytomegalovirus InfectionsH #almonella Infections+ :.=;, :.K?, =.;K, ?.K:, 9:.::, =AE.K:, E?E.K:, A>K.>K, K?K.E;, ?EA.9?, #almonellosis+ Gsee #almonella InfectionsH #alpingitis+ :.=?, :.KK, :.>K, ?K.::, =EK.E;, E9?.K:, 9BE.K:, K>?.K:, ??K.>K, >=K.?:, #amter's #yndrome+ :.=;, :.K?, =.::, K.EK, E?.K:, ?E.K:, =?E.K:, 9>K.?K, K?K.E;, ?B:.::, #andfly -ever+ Gsee %hlebotomus -ever+ G#andfly -ever, %appataci -everHH #andhoff <isease+ :.=?, :.KK, :.>K, K.=K, =9.>;, =9?.K:, 9BE.K:, B>?.K:, ??K.::, >EE.K9, #anfilippo #yndrome+ Gsee )ucopolysaccharidosesH #antavuori-*altia <isease+ Gsee 0euronal Ceroid-1ipofuscinosesH #ao %aulo 5yphus+ Gsee 'ocky )ountain #potted -everH #7%*3 #yndrome+ Gsee 7c&uired *yperostosis #yndrome+ G#7%*3 #yndromeHH #arcoidosis+ :.:?, :.K:, 9?.K:, ?K.KB, 9EK.E?, A?K.E?, KE?.::, BB=.?=, ?AE.::, >;;.>: #arcoidosis, %ulmonary+ :.:;, :.9K, 9?.K:, ==K.?:, 9EE.:B, 9EK.E?, =?K.::, A?K.=>, KE?.::, ;9A.K: #arcoma+ :.:=, :.9?, :.;?, E.EK, E.K:, ?:.::, >K.E?, EB>.?=, =?K.E?, 9K:.::

#arcoma, Cerebellar, Circumscribed 7rachnoidal+ Gsee )edulloblastomaH #arcoma, Epithelioid+ Gsee #arcomaH #arcoma, Ewing's+ :.:9, :.EK, :.?;, :.>9, ?.K:, >K.?K, 9::.::, AKA.9?, B=K.=>, ?;A.;=, #arcoma, Derminoblastic+ Gsee 1Y)%*3)7H #arcoma, 3steogenic+ Gsee 3steosarcomaH #arcoma, #oft 5issue+ Gsee #arcomaH #arcoma, #pindle Cell+ Gsee #arcomaH #7'#+ Gsee #evere 7cute 'espiratory #yndromeH #cabies+ :.EA, :.?:, ?.K:, =:.;>, K.K:, =AE.K:, 9?E.K:, A>:.::, ;EK.E?, >=>.9A #calenus 7nticus #yndrome+ Gsee 5horacic 3utlet #yndromeH #capuloperoneal -orm of #pinal )uscular 7trophy+ Gsee )uscular 7trophy, #pinalH #carlet -ever+ :.==, :.E9, :.;K, K.=K, =K.::, ==K.E?, EA:.::, ABE.K:, ?K:.::, >K?.9:, #chamberg's <isease+ Gsee %igmentation <isordersH #chaumann's <isease+ Gsee #arcoidosisH #cheie #yndrome+ Gsee )ucopolysaccharidosesH #cheuermann <isease+ :.:K, :.AB, :.>:, E.K:, E?.K:, =9E.K:, 9AE.K:, A;K.=>, KK:.::, ;EK.?=, #childer <isease+ Gsee <iffuse Cerebral #clerosis of #childerH #childer-7ddison Comple2+ Gsee 7drenoleukodystrophyH #chistosomiasis+ :.=9, :.E9, :.?9, :.;K, K.EK, =9?.EK, KAK.?K, B;?.K:, ;>K.E?, >?B.E>, #chi$encephaly+ :.=>, :.K:, :.K?, :.>K, KE.9:, ==E.K:, 9AE.K:, KB?.K:, ?>B.K:, ;EK.E?, #chi$oaffective <isorder+ Gsee %sychotic <isordersH #chi$ophrenia+ :.:?, :.K:, :.>?, >.::, =E.;K, =9E.K:, 99?.K:, KEA.9?, ?K;.K?, >KK.?E, #chi$ophrenic <isorders+ Gsee #chi$ophreniaH #chi$ophreniform <isorders+ Gsee %sychotic <isordersH #chmidt's #yndrome+ Gsee %olyendocrinopathies, 7utoimmuneH #chnit$ler #yndrome+ :.=9, :.E9, :.?K, :.;K, K.B>, ==?.EK, 9AK.?K, K;?.K:, B>K.E?, ;?K.>;, #choenlein-*enoch %urpura+ Gsee %urpura, #choenlein-*enochH #chwannoma+ Gsee 0eurilemmoma+ G0eurinomaHH #chwannoma, 7coustic+ Gsee 0euroma, 7cousticH #chwannoma, Festibular+ Gsee 0euroma, 7cousticH #chwannomatosis, %le2iform+ Gsee 0eurilemmoma+ G0eurinomaHH #ciatic 0euralgia+ Gsee #ciaticaH #ciatica+ :.=>, :.K:, :.?:, :.>?, =A.B9, AE.K:, B?.K:, =>B.K:, AKE.>9, ???.K:, #CI<+ Gsee #evere Combined ImmunodeficiencyH #cimitar #yndrome+ :.:;, :.9K, K.=K, KK.?K, ;K.E?, >E.K:, 9KK.?E, A??.K:, KE?.::, BB=.?=, #cleritis+ :.:;, :.9K, K.=>, KK.::, ?E.K:, >E.K:, 9EE.:B, A?K.E?, ;E?.::, >B?.::, #cleroderma, #ystemic+ :.:E, :.9E, :.BE, :.>K, =EA.9?, 9EK.=>, =?K.::, A?>.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, #cleroma, 0asal+ Gsee 'hinoscleromaH #clerosis, <isseminated+ Gsee )ultiple #clerosisH #clerosis, *ereditary #pinal+ Gsee -riedreich 7ta2iaH #clerosis, #ystemic+ Gsee #cleroderma, #ystemicH #coliosis+ :.:K, :.EA, :.B:, K.EK, BE.K:, >:.::, E=>.9A, AEE.K9, KB=.>9, >;?.E9

#cotoma+ :.:?, :.?9, E.K:, K.;=, K:.::, =?K.E?, A9A.EK, KBB.A=, ;A?.>B, >9:.=E #cotoma, 7rcuate+ Gsee #cotomaH #cotoma, /"errum+ Gsee #cotomaH #cotoma, Central+ Gsee #cotomaH #cotoma, Centrocecal+ Gsee #cotomaH #crub 5yphus+ :.:E, :.9E, :.BE, :.>?, =E.B>, ==E.K:, EBK.?K, AEK.?=, ?AK.=>, >9K.?:, #easickness+ Gsee )otion #icknessH #easonal 7ffective <isorder+ :.=9, :.EE, KK.::, ?9.9:, >E.K:, =9E.A=, E99.>=, A?K.E?, KE?.::, BB?.::, #easonal )ood <isorder+ Gsee #easonal 7ffective <isorderH #ebaceous Cyst+ Gsee Epidermal CystH #eborrheic .eratosis+ Gsee .eratosis, #eborrheicH #econd Cranial 0erve <iseases+ Gsee 3%5IC 0E'FE <I#E7#E#H #ee-#aw 0ystagmus+ Gsee 0ystagmus, %athologicH #ei$ure <isorder+ Gsee EpilepsyH #ei$ures+ :.AB, :.>K, B?.K:, =K:.::, E?K.=>, K=>.9A, B;E.AK, ?==.E=, ;K>.;9, >EE.K9 #ei$ures, Convulsive+ Gsee #ei$uresH #ei$ures, -ocal+ Gsee #ei$uresH #ei$ures, Denerali$ed+ Gsee #ei$uresH #ei$ures, )otor+ Gsee #ei$uresH #ei$ures, #ensory+ Gsee #ei$uresH #emilobar *oloprosencephaly+ Gsee *oloprosencephalyH #enile <ementia, 7l$heimer 5ype+ Gsee 7l$heimer <iseaseH #enile 3steoporosis+ Gsee 3steoporosisH #enile %aranoid <ementia+ Gsee <ementiaH #ensory 7gnosia+ Gsee 7gnosiaH #ensory and 7utonomic 0europathies, *ereditary+ Gsee *ereditary #ensory and 7utonomic 0europathiesH #ensory 0europathy, *ereditary+ Gsee *ereditary #ensory and 7utonomic 0europathiesH #epsis+ :.:?, :.EE, 9E.K:, >9.K:, =?K.?K, A?>.>9, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?E=.::, >;B.EE #epsis #yndrome+ Gsee #ystemic Inflammatory 'esponse #yndromeH #eptic #hock+ Gsee #hock, #epticH #epto-3ptic <ysplasia+ :.EE, :.>?, ?.K:, ;K.=>, >B.K:, >K.?K, =?K.::, KEA.9?, BKK.E:, >>K.E:, #erotonin #yndrome+ :.:?, :.?;, =.9:, E=.>:, BK.=>, 9EE.:B, A?>.>9, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?AE.::, #evere 7cute 'espiratory #yndrome+ :.:B, :.KE, =K.=?, AE.K:, =EK.?=, 9?B.E>, K=A.9K, B;E.AK, ?K>.;9, >=;.K:, #evere Combined Immunodeficiency+ :.:?, :.EA, 9K.=>, =K:.::, 9?K.::, A??.K:, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?A>.::, >B>.B? #ever's <isease 4 Calceneal 7pophysitis+ :.:=, :.A=, :.?9, :.>:, BK.=?, E9A.EK, 9::.::, A?>.K:, KE?.::, ;9;.>: #e2ually 5ransmitted <iseases, /acterial+ :.:=, :.A=, =?.K:, BK.=>, EEE.K9, 9=K.K:, A??.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?KE.?:, #e$ary #yndrome+ :.=;, :.9:, E.99, =?.K:, AK.?K, 9?K.=?, A?K.::, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?E9.:=,

#harp #yndrome+ Gsee )i2ed Connective 5issue <iseaseH #heehan #yndrome+ Gsee *ypopituitarismH #hingles+ Gsee *erpes Coster+ G#hinglesHH #hock+ :.=?, :.9E, :.>K, ==K.K:, E=:.K:, A?K.=>, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?AE.::, >;K.B? #hock, 7naphylactic+ Gsee 7naphyla2isH #hock, Endoto2ic+ Gsee #hock, #epticH #hock, *emorrhagic+ :.=?, :.9K, KK.?K, B:.::, ==K.?:, EK:.::, KEA.9?, BKK.E:, ?KA.=>, >=>.9A #hock, #eptic+ :.=;, :.EE, KK.::, BE.K:, =9E.A=, E=:.K:, A?K.=?, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?A>.::, #hock, 5o2ic+ Gsee #hock, #epticH #hort /owel #yndrome+ :.=;, :.9:, AK.?K, ?E.K:, >E.K:, 9?K.=>, A??.K:, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?E?.:K #houlder In"uries+ :.=E, K.K:, 9E.K:, =EK.?=, EE>.9E, A?>.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?;>.::, >=;.E: #houlder-Dirdle 0europathy+ Gsee /rachial %le2us 0euritis+ G%arsonage-5urner #yndromeHH #houlder-*and #yndrome+ Gsee 'efle2 #ympathetic <ystrophy+ G5ype I Comple2 'egional %ain #yndromeHH #hy-<rager #yndrome+ :.:?, ;.::, =9.>;, AE.K:, >?.K:, 9EK.=?, K=K.?:, BK:.::, ?K:.::, >E?.=:, #ialidosis+ Gsee )ucolipidosesH #ialorrhea+ :.EA, :.>:, >.::, =9.KE, ;K.::, >E.K:, EK:.::, 9?B.E>, AEK.?K, ;AK.=: #icca #yndrome+ Gsee #"ogren's #yndromeH #ick /uilding #yndrome+ :.:E, :.??, E.K:, 9.::, >E.K:, 9K?.9:, AEK.=?, K?=.::, ;AK.::, >9?.A=, #ilicosis+ :.:>, :?.EK, AK.?K, ?E.K:, =K:.::, 9EK.=>, A??.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?B=.E:, #immonds <isease+ Gsee *ypopituitarismH #inusitis+ :.==, :.A:, :.;9, K.K:, EK.::, =EK.=?, EEK.?K, A?K.=>, KE?.::, BBE.?=, #itus Inversus+ :.:K, :.=E, :.;?, K.::, E?.K:, BE.K:, =>9.::, 9EE.K9, A?K.=?, KE?.::, #"ogren's #yndrome+ :.=9, :.A:, K?.K:, >E.K:, =?K.=>, A?>.>9, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?AE.::, >;;.>: #kew <eviation+ Gsee 3C!17' )35I1I5Y <I#3'<E'#H #kin and Connective 5issue <iseases+ Gsee specific #kin <iseases 1istH #kin Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ #kin 0eoplasmsH #kin <iseases+ :.=>, :.9?, ?.EK, AK.?K, >B.K:, 9EK.::, K=>.9A, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >EE.K9 #kin <iseases, /acterial+ :.=>, :.9?, ?.EK, AK.?K, >B.K:, 9EK.::, K=>.9A, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >EE.K9 #kin <iseases, -ungal+ Gsee <ermatomycosesH #kin <iseases, Infectious+ :.=>, :.9?, ?.EK, AK.?K, >B.K:, 9EK.::, K=>.9A, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >EE.K9 #kin <iseases, %arasitic+ Gsee VparasitesU and select specific parasite speciesH #kin )ole+ Gsee 0evusH #kin !lcer+ :.:K, :.>K, ?.K:, ;.::, A:.::, K?.K:, =EK.?K, 9EK.=?, KEE.K9, BKK.E: #leep 7pnea, Central+ :.:?, :.9?, =E.?=, A?.K:, >?.K:, EEK.?K, 9??.>=, K=>.9A, B>=.E?, ?K9.:?, #leep <isorders+ :.=9, :.A:, :.BE, AE.K:, K?.K:, >E.K:, =?K.::, A?K.=?, KE?.::, BB?.::,

#leep-<isordered /reathing, Central+ Gsee #leep 7pnea, CentralH #lipped <isk+ Gsee Intervertebral <isk <isplacementH #low Firus <iseases+ :.=>, :.9?, :.?K, AK.=>, BK.::, >B.K:, EEK.?K, K=A.9K, BKE.A9, ?K>.;9, #mallpo2+ :.:;, :.9K, K.K:, 9K.=?, BE.K:, >9.K:, EEK.::, A>B.:=, B;E.AK, ?K9.:? #mell <isorders+ Gsee 3lfaction <isordersH #mith-1emli-3pit$ #yndrome+ :.:;, :.9K, K.K:, 9K.=>, ?E.K:, >9.K:, 9AE.:B, KEA.9?, BKK.E:, ?KA.=> #mith-)agenis #yndrome+ :.>K, E.EK, 9E.K:, B?.K:, >?.K:, 9EE.:B, 9?K.=?, A>?.B=, BK9.B>, ?K:.:: #mooth %ursuit <eficiency+ Gsee 3C!17' )35I1I5Y <I#3'<E'#H #neddon #yndrome+ :.:A, :.9K, :.?:, B:.::, =K:.::, 9EE.K9, A?>.K:, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?A>.::, #neddon-Champion #yndrome+ Gsee #neddon #yndromeH #odoku+ Gsee 'at-/ite -ever+ G*averhill -everHH #omati$ation <isorder+ Gsee #3)753-3') <I#3'<E'#H #omatoform <isorders+ :.:?, :.K?, E9.=:, K:.::, 9?K.=>, A??.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?K9.E9, >;B.EE #omatotropin *ypersecretion #yndrome+ G7cromegalyH+ Gsee 7cromegalyH #ore 5hroat+ Gsee %haryngitisH #pasm+ :.:B, :.9E, :.B:, 9E.K:, B?.K:, >?.K:, 9EK.?K, K=>.9A, B>=.E?, ?KA.=>, #pasmodic 5orticollis+ Gsee 5orticollisH #pasms, Infantile+ .:B, :.9E, :.B:, 9E.K:, B?.K:, >?.K:, 9EK.?K, K=>.9A, B>=.E?, ?KA.=>,, #pasmus 0utans+ Gsee #pasms, InfantileH #pastic <iplegia+ Gsee Cerebral %alsyH #pastic Muadriplegia+ Gsee MuadriplegiaH #pastic #pinal )onoplegia #yndrome+ Gsee /rown-#e&uard #yndromeH #permatic Cord 5orsion+ :.:?, :.AB, :.;9, E.K:, =K:.::, EEK.?K, A?K.=B, BB?.::, ?AE.::, >;K.B? #phaerophorus Infections+ Gsee -usobacterium InfectionsH #phenopalatine 0euralgia+ Gsee -acial 0euralgiaH #pherocytosis, *ereditary+ :.=>, :.9:, :.;?, =9?.>A, 9EE.K9, A??.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?A>.::, >;;.>: #pider Feins+ Gsee 5elangiectasisH #pielmeyer-Fogt <isease+ Gsee 0euronal Ceroid-1ipofuscinosesH #pina /ifida+ Gsee #pinal <ysraphismH #pina /ifida 3cculta+ :.=;, ?.K:, EK.=?, KE.K:, ==E.99, =?K.::, KEA.9?, B;E.AK, ?K9.:?, >E?.=:, #pinal 7d"ustment, Chiropractic+ Gsee )anipulation, ChiropracticH #pinal /ifida, Closed+ Gsee #pina /ifida 3ccultaH #pinal Cord <iseases+ :.=;, :.9E, :.>K, ?.K:, EK.?K, KE.K:, AEK.=B, K?=.::, ;A=.::, >9E.::, #pinal Cord Inflammation+ Gsee )yelitisH #pinal Cord In"uries+ :.=;, :.9E, :.>K, ?.K:, EK.?K, KE.K:, AEK.=B, K?=.::, ;A=.::, >9E.::, #pinal Cord )yelodysplasia+ Gsee 0eural 5ube <efectsH #pinal <iseases+ :.=;, :.9E, :.>K, ?.K:, EK.?K, KE.K:, AEK.=B, K?=.::, ;A=.::, >9E.::,

#pinal <ysraphism+ :.9E, :.;:, ?.K:, EK.=B, KE.K:, EKK.>9, KEE.K9, B>=.E?, ?K9.:?, >=E.99 #pinal )uscular 7trophies of Childhood+ :.=;, :.9E, EK.::, KE.K:, =9A.EK, =?K.?K, AEB.>:, K?=.::, ;A9.::, >9?.A=, #pinal )uscular 7trophy+ Gsee )uscular 7trophy, #pinalH #pinal )uscular 7trophy, Infantile+ Gsee #pinal )uscular 7trophies of ChildhoodH #pinal )uscular 7trophy, @uvenile+ Gsee #pinal )uscular 7trophies of ChildhoodH #pinal 3steophytosis+ :.=:, :.9E, KE.K:, ==E.99, =?K.=?, A?K.::, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?AE.::, >;B.EE #pinal #tenosis+ :.=A, :.9E, :.>?, ?.K:, =EK.?=, =?K.?K, K=E.99, B;E.:E, ?K>.;9, >E?.=:, #pinocerebellar 7ta2ia 5ype 9+ Gsee )achado-@oseph <iseaseH #plenic <iseases+ :.:A, :.9K, ?.EK, E.K:, B:.::, =EK.::, 9::.::, A?K.=?, KE?.::, ?KE.?:, #plenic 'upture+ :.:9, :.K?, K:.::, E:K.;9, 9K;.K?, A?K.=B, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?A>.::, >;K.B? #pondylarthritis 7nkylopoietica+ Gsee #pondylitis, 7nkylosingH #pondylitis, 7nkylosing+ :.=>, :.=;, ;.::, KK.?K, 9EE.:B, A??.K:, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?AE.::, >;;.>: #pondylolisthesis+ :.AB, :.B;, 9E.?=, >B.K:, 9=>.9A, AE;.=?, K=E.99, B;E.AK, ?K9.:?, >EE.K9 #pongiform Encephalopathies, 5ransmissible+ Gsee %rion <iseasesH #pongiform Encephalopathy, #ubacute+ Gsee Creut$feldt-@akob #yndromeH #pongy <isease of ,hite )atter+ Gsee Canavan <iseaseH #prengel's <eformity+ :.=A, :.9:, :.>K,=?;.?E, 9?K.=?, A??.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?B=.;K, >;;.>: #prue, Celiac+ Gsee Celiac <iseaseH ##%E+ Gsee #ubacute #clerosing %anencephalitisH #t. 7nthonys -ire+ Gsee ErgotismH #taphylococcal Infections+ :.:K, :.A=, :.;:, K.EK, ;?.K:, AE.K:, ==E.99, 9?K.=B, ?K9.E9, >;;.>: #targardt <isease+ Gsee )acular <egenerationH #tatus <ysraphicus+ Gsee #pinal <ysraphismH #tatus 1ymphaticus+ Gsee 1Y)%*75IC <I#E7#E#H #tatus )armoratus+ Gsee )3FE)E05 <I#3'<E'#H #tatus )igrainosus+ Gsee )igraine <isordersH #teele-'ichardson-3ls$ewski #yndrome+ Gsee #upranuclear %alsy, %rogressiveH #teely *air #yndrome+ Gsee )enkes .inky *air #yndromeH #tein-1eventhal #yndrome+ Gsee %olycystic 3vary #yndromeH #tenocardia+ Gsee 7ngina %ectorisH #terility+ Gsee InfertilityH #tevens-@ohnson #yndrome+ :.=>, ?.K:, ;.::, KK.?K, EEK.::, A??.K:, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?AE.::, >;K.B? #tickler #yndrome+ :.AB, E.K:, 9:.::, K?.K:, >K.=?, 9EK.?=, KEA.9?, B>=.E?, ?K9.:?, >E?.=:, #tiff-)an #yndrome+ Gsee #tiff-%erson #yndrome+H #tiff-%erson #yndrome+ :.=A, :.>K, K.?K, =E.?=, AK.::, =EK.=?, EK:.::, A?>.>9, ?A>.::, >;B.EE

#till's <isease, @uvenile-3nset+ Gsee 7rthritis, @uvenile 'heumatoidH #tings+ Gsee /ites and #tingsH #tomatitis, 7phthous+ :.:K, :.A=, :.;:, K.=?, AE.K:, ==>.9A, 9K?.9:, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?;>.::, #tomatognathic <iseases+ :.=?, :.9?, :.>:, E.?K, K.=E, KE.K:, >:.::, E9A.EK, ;AE.::, >9?.A=, #torage %ool <eficiency+ Gsee %latelet #torage %ool <eficiencyH #trabismus+ :.=?, :.K?, 9?.K:, ;?.K:, >:.::, AKE.K>, K=>.B;, B;A.;=, ?=E.E9, >>?.;?, #trabismus, Comitant+ Gsee #trabismus+ G#&uintHH #trabismus, Convergent+ Gsee EsotropiaH #trabismus, <ivergent+ Gsee E2otropiaH #trabismus, Internal+ Gsee EsotropiaH #trabismus, 0oncomitant+ Gsee #trabismus+ G#&uintHH #treeter #yndrome+ Gsee 7mniotic /and #yndromeH #treptococcal Infections+ :.=K, :.?:, E.K:, K.EK, A?.K:, ?:.::, E?K.::, AEK.?K, ;AE.::, >9E.::, #treptococcus pneumoniae Infections+ Gsee %neumococcal InfectionsH #tress <isorders, %ost-5raumatic+ :.=A, :.B;, E.K:, B:.::, =EE.K9, 9::.::, A>B.:=, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >=E.99 #triatonigral <egeneration, 7utosomal <ominant+ Gsee )achado-@oseph <iseaseH #tridor+ :.:9, :.AB, :.;9, 9?.K:, BE.K:, =K:.::, EEK.?K, K=>.9A, BKE.A9, >E?.=:, #troke+ :.:>, :.=E, :.BE, =K.=?, >B.K:, EEK.::, AEK.=B, K?=.::, ;A=.::, >9?.A=, #tromal <ystrophies, Corneal+ Gsee Corneal <ystrophies, *ereditaryH #trongyloidiasis+ :.:B, :.EK, :.>K, BK.=?, >E.K:, E=:.K:, KEK.?=, BK:.::, ?K>.;9, >=E.99 #turge-,eber #yndrome+ :.A:, :.>K, ?E.K:, =EA.9?, >?.K:, EB>.?=, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?E>.:B, #tammering+ Gsee #tutteringH #tuttering+ :.:?, :.K9, 9?.K=, ?E.KB, 9=K.E?, A?K.E?, KE?.A:, BBK.?B, ?9E.::, >;;.=: #tye+ Gsee *ordeolumH #ubacute #clerosing %anencephalitis+ :.:K, =.KE, K.B>, KK.=K, 9?K.:9, A?>.>9, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?;>.::, >;?.E9 #ubcortical 7rteriosclerotic Encephalopathy+ Gsee <ementia, FascularH #ubdural *ematoma+ Gsee *ematoma, #ubduralH #ubglottic #tenosis+ Gsee 1aryngostenosisH #ubvalvular #tenosis, Idiopathic *ypertrophic+ Gsee Cardiomyopathy, *ypertrophicH #udek 7trophy+ Gsee 'efle2 #ympathetic <ystrophy+ G5ype I Comple2 'egional %ain #yndromeHH #uffering, %hysical+ Gsee %ainH #upraglottitis+ Gsee EpiglottitisH #upranuclear %alsy, %rogressive+ #uture 5echni&ues+ :.=B, :.9K, E.K:, =K.?K, A?.K:, E?K.::, K=E.99, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >EK.?= #wallowing <isorders+ Gsee <eglutition <isordersH #weat Dland <iseases+ :.=E, :.A:, :.>:, ==>.9A, =?K.=K, A?K.:9, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?K9.E9, >;B.EE #weet #yndrome+ :.:B, ;.::, EK.?K, BK.::, A:.::, >E.K:, EK:.::, K9B.AE, B;E.AK, ?K9.:?, >E?.=:,

#wimmer's Itch+ Gsee <ermatitisH #wine -lu+ :.:E, :.AK, :.BK, E.E=, B.=K, =:.E9, =K.>=, 9:.E;, ??.K:, 9E?.== #ympathetic 0ervous #ystem <iseases+ Gsee 7utonomic 0ervous #ystem <iseasesH #ymptomatic Infantile #pasms+ Gsee #pasms, InfantileH #yncope+ Gsee !nconsciousnessH #yndrome (, 7ngina+ Gsee )icrovascular 7nginaH #yndrome (, Cardiac+ Gsee )icrovascular 7nginaH #ynesthesia+ :.A:, :.>K, ?E.K:, ==E.99, >?.K:, E?K.=K, A??.K:, BB?.::, ?AE.::, >;?.E9 #ynovitis+ :.:K, :.KE, :.BE, =:.;>, 9E.K?, A?>.K:, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?KE.?:, >;K.B? #yphilis+ :.:E, K.EK, EK.=K, =EK.?K, E?K.:9, A??.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?A>.::, >;?.E9 #yphilis, Congenital+ :.:E, :.=;, EK.::, =EK.=K, EB>.?=, A?K.:9, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?B=.;K, >;B.EE #yringomyelia+ :.=E, K.=E, ?.::, 9E.K:, >K.?K, =?K.::, KEE.K9, B;E.:E, ?K>.;9, >::.:: #ystemic Inflammatory 'esponse #yndrome+ :.=9, :.A9, ?.::, =9.>;, =9E.A=, E?K.?K, K=E.99, BK:.::, ?K9.:?, >EB.?:, #ystemic 1upus Erythematosus+ Gsee 1upus Erythematosus, #ystemicH #ystolic Click-)urmur #yndrome+ Gsee )itral Falve %rolapseH

5achycardia Grapid heart beat. -or lab animals only. #ee also *eart tonic, 'ela2ation sets.H - =.E 5aenia Gsee %arasites tapewormH 5aste, none - =::::, E: 5endomyopathy - 9E:, EK:, =B:, ;:, A:, E:, =:, K.;, E.K, =.K, =.E, =, :.K 5etanus Ginfectious disease of the central nervous system caused by clostridium tetaniH - EAA, B::, KKA, =E:, 9KE, ==AE, 9B9, AK;, ABK, BE; 5etanus Gsecondary complicationsH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 5etragenus - 9>9, A99, E?=E 5halamus stimulant - E: 5hermi bacteria - E99, AA= 5hroat JtickleJ, chronic Gsee also #treptococcus setsH - =E:, BBB, B>:, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =KB:, =;A:, =>>;, ?BB, ??B 5hrombophlebitis Ginflammation of vein walls from clotting. !se on lab animals only. #ee also Cirulatory stasisH - =K::, ??B, B;K 5hrombosis, infective I herpes family Gnot to be used with arythmia or in !.#.H - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AAA, =;BK, =A;> 5hrush Guse Candida and see #tomatitis fre&sH - A=A, ABK 5hymus, to stimulate - E: 5inea pedis Gsee 5richophyon mentagrophyteH 5inea cruris Gsee Epidermophyton floccinumH 5inea versicolor Gsee )alasse$ia furfurH 5innitus Gsee also Circulatory stasis, <ental, <ental foci, Deneral antiseptic, and 3titis fre&sH - E:, E?E:, ?E;, ?;A, ;;: 5obacco mosaic - E99, E?A, KA9, ?;E, =:KE

5onsillar nosode - =BKB 5onsillar pfropfe - EAB, =K=, A=A 5onsillitis Ginflammation of tonsilsH - =.E, ?9, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, =AA, AKE, K;E 5ooth e2traction followup fre&uencies Gsee also Deneral antiseptic setH 9:::, E?E:, >K, A?.K, ?.;E 5oothache Gto neglect this can prevent recovery from any illness. #hould also be treated professionally. #ee also <ental, <ental foci, Dingivitis, %yorrhea.H - 9:::, >K, =>:, A?.K, E?E:, EA;>, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BBB, BK:, B::, ABK, BAB, K=?: 5o2ins Gto eliminateH - :.K, KEE, =AB, =KKE, ;:: 5o2oplasmosis Ga serious, infectious disease that can be either ac&uired or present at birth and that is commonly contracted by handling contaminated cat litterH - A9A, ;KE 5rachoma Guse Chlamydia trachomatisH 5rauma - >B, =>E, 9::, ?B:, 9::: 5rench mouth Guse DingivitisH 5reponema pallidum Guse also #yphilisH - BB:, >:E 5richinosis Gthe very serious parasitism resulting from eating pork or bear meatH - =:=, KA=, ;EE, =:KA, =9?E 5richodermia - ?== 5richomonas Ga microorganism causing vaginal irritation with discharge and itchingH - B=:, B>E, >;: 5richophytie general - =9E, ?EK, ;:;, ;=E, EAEE, >A>9 5richophytie nagel - 9;=, K;K, K>9, ;=E 5richophytie nagel secondary - =99, =AE, 9?9, 9?B, 9?;, 9;K, 9;?, AE:, AEK, AE;, K?B, K?;, K;:, K;=, K;9, K;A, K;?, K;;, K>E, K>K, K>?, ?EA, ?EK, ?EB, ?K:, ?>A, ?>?, ;:=, ;:K, ;:;, ;:>, ;=?, ;;B, EAEE, B;;?, ?B;;, ?B>?, ?;;K, K;A, K;?, K>E, ?9E, ?99, ?9;, ?A;, ?BK, ?BB, ??=, ???, ??;, ??>, =EKB 5richophyton mentagrophytes - 9==, A=A 5richophyton rubrum - ?KE, >E9 5richophyton tonsuraus - AKA, ?BK 5rigeminal neuralgia - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ?.K, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?B:, ?E?, BK:, =AB, ?.;E, E?.K, AE; 5rypanosoma gambiense - EKK, 9=B, A:9, ?::, ?EA 5uberculinum - 99E, KEE, BBA, ?9=, ?9?, ?A;, =:;K, =:>>, =?::, ?B= 5uberculosis Galso see 5uberculinumH - E:, ?A:, =;A:, ?E:, =KKE, =B::, E=B, ;:E, ?;A, =K::, ?E?, B>:, BBB 5uberculosis aviare - 9:9, 99E, 9AE, A9;, AA:, K9E, 9==9, BK=K, B>?, B>;, ?E:, ?9=, ?A=, ?A;, ??: 5uberculosis bovine - EE>, KE9, BEK, B9K, ;9;, ;??, 99K9, ?A;, ?K? 5uberculosis klebs' - E=?, EE:, EE=, B;B, ==9E, =BAA, E9=9, BK=B, ?E>, ?A; 5uberculosis rod form - ;:9, =K=9 5uberculosis secondary complications - ??B, E=E?, E::;, ABK 5uberculosis, rod, E. coli, 5/ infections - ?>>, ;:E, ;:A, =KK:, =K=9 5uberculosis, virus - EKBK

5ularemia Ga serious infectious disease also called deerfly fever or rabbit feverH - 9EA, AE?, ;E9 5umor, brain - see Cancer, astrocytoma, glioma, glioblastoma 5urbatri2 - =:A 5yphoid fever Gtyphus infection related symptoms causing high fever, headache, and rash. 7lso use #almonella typhi and 'ickettsia and see M fever.H - 9E:K, ;EA, =KK:, ;:E, B>:, =;::, =;BE, ?=E, ?=A 5 5achyarrhythmia+ Gsee 5achycardiaH 5achycardia+ :.:E, :.KE, =.E:, E.EK, =?.K:, ?E.K:, E=>.9A, B;;.E>, ?=E.::, >>K.9;, 5actile 7gnosia+ Gsee 7gnosiaH 5aenia Infections+ Gsee 5aeniasisH 5aeniasis+ :.=E, :.BK, E.K:, =:.K9, >E.K:, 9KK.?E, A?>.>9, KE?.::, ?B=.;K, >;?.E9 5akatsuki's #yndrome+ Gsee %3E)# #yndromeH 5akayasu 7rteritis+ :.=:, :.9K, KE.K:, ?:.::, >?.K:, EEK.=K, AK:.::, B;>.A=, ?=E.::, >>9.A=, 5alipes Cavus+ Gsee -335 <E-3')I5IE#H 5alipes E&uinovarus+ Gsee ClubfootH 5angier <isease+ :.=A, :.A=, ;.::, =?.K:, ;?.K:, >K.?K, EEK.::, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BBE.?=, 5angier <isease 0europathy+ Gsee 5angier <iseaseH 5apetoretinal <egeneration+ Gsee 'etinitis %igmentosaH 5apeworm Infection+ Gsee Cestode Infections or under V%arasitesWUH 5ardive <yskinesia+ :.:B, ?.::, EE.K:, A?>.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?KE.?:, >;?.E9 5arlov Cysts+ :.:;, :.9E, :.BK, 9?.K:, B?.K:, >B.K:, 9?>.>9, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, 5aste <isorders+ :.=B, K.K:, E:.::, 9?.K:, >B.K:, 9=E.99, A?K.=K, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?;>.::, 5ay-#achs <isease+ :.E:, :.=E, E?.K:, A?.K:, >B.K:, E?K.:9, K9A.EK, B>=.E?, ?K9.:?, >E?.=:, 5ay-#achs <isease, / Fariant+ Gsee 5ay-#achs <iseaseH 5-Cell 1ymphoma, Cutaneous+ Gsee 1ymphoma, 5-cell, CutaneousH 5eeth Drinding <isorder+ Gsee /ru2ismH 5elangiectasia, *ereditary *emorrhagic+ :.=:, :.EE, 9E.K:, KK.?K, =K:.::, =?K.::, A?K.?K, BB?.::, ;;A.99, >;K.B? 5elangiectasis+ :.=B, E.=:, KK.:9, =K:.::, EE>.9E, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?AE.::, >;?.E9 5emporal 7rteritis+ Gsee Diant Cell 7rteritisH 5emporal 'egion 5rauma+ Gsee Craniocerebral 5raumaH 5emporomandibular @oint <isorders+ :.=B, :.9K, A?.K:, EB>.?=, AK9.?E, K=K.=K, B;A.;=, ?E9.::, ;A=.E:, >>?.;?, 5emporomandibular @oint <ysfunction #yndrome+ :.=B, :.KK, :.;K, K.=E, =K.:9, A?.K:, E?K.?K, AK;.K:, ?=E.E9, >>E.::, 5emporomandibular @oint #yndrome+ Gsee 5emporomandibular @oint <ysfunction #yndromeH 5endinitis+ Gsee 5endinopathyH 5endinopathy+ :.9:, =E.?=, K:.::, =K:.::, 9K;.K?, A?>.K:, KE?.::, BBE.?=, ?A>.::, >;B.EE

5endinosis+ Gsee 5endinopathyH 5ennis Elbow+ :.:;, ?.EK, K:.::, BE.K:, >9.K:, 9EE.K9, A?K.:9, KE?.::, BB?.::, >;?.E9 5enosynovitis+ :.==, :.A:, =E.?=, AE.K:, >K.::, E=:.K:, AEK.?K, K?=.::, ;9?.::, >9E.::, 5eratoid 5umor+ Gsee 5eratomaH 5eratoma+ :.=E, :.>:, K.EK, E?.K:, K?.K:, EEE.K9, AEK.==, K?=.::, ;9;.::, >9?.A=, 5eratoma, Cystic+ Gsee 5eratomaH 5eratoma, )ature+ Gsee 5eratomaH 5esticular Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ 5esticular 0eoplasmsH 5esticular <iseases+ :.=E, :.A:, :.>:, K.=E, E:.::, ==>.9A, =?K.::, A?K.?K, KE?.::, >;?.E9 5esticular -emini$ation+ Gsee 7ndrogen-Insensitivity #yndromeH 5esticular 5orsion+ Gsee #permatic Cord 5orsionH 5estis Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ 5esticular 0eoplasmsH 5etanus+ :.:;, :.9E, :.BK, ?.K:, 9?.K:, B?.K:, >B.K:, KE?.::, BB9.?=, >;B.EE 5ethered Cord #yndrome+ Gsee 0eural 5ube <efectsH 5etrahydrobiopterin <eficiency+ :.=E, E.K:, =K.?K, KE.K:, >B.K:, EEK.=B, KEA.9?, BK:.::, ?K9.:?, >E?.=:, 5etraplegia+ Gsee MuadriplegiaH 5halamic <iseases+ :.:E, :.EE, EK.::, KK.?K, =EK.::, EE>.9E, AK:.::, K=K.=B, ?=E.;=, >>9.A=, 5halassemia+ 5hanatophoric <ysplasia+ :.=B, :.9:, :.K?, E:.::, 9?.K:, >K.==, 9=E.99, A?B.K:, KE?.::, ?K9.E9, 5hesaurismosis+ Gsee )E57/31IC <I#E7#E#H 5hiamine 'esponsive )aple #yrup !rine <isease+ Gsee )aple #yrup !rine <iseaseH 5hird-0erve %alsy+ Gsee 3culomotor 0erve <iseasesH 5horacic Cyst+ Gsee )ediastinal CystH 5horacic 3utlet 0erve Compression #yndrome+ Gsee 5horacic 3utlet #yndromeH 5horacic 3utlet #yndrome+ :.:E, :.A:, ?.EK, E:.::, KK.::, >E.K:, EEE.?:, A?K.==, KE?.::, >;?.E9 5horacic #urgical %rocedures+ :.:E, :.A:, ?.EK, E:.::, KK.::, >E.K:, EEE.?:, A?K.==, KE?.::, >;?.E9 5hrombasthenia+ :.=:, :.KE, :.?;, K.EK, EE.K:, A?.K:, =::.::, 9AE.:B, A?K.=B, KE?.::, 5hromboangiitis 3bliterans+ :.=:, :.K;, :.?;, K.EK, E=.;:, A>.K:, =K;.::, 9AE.:B, A?K.=B, K99.::, ?BE.== 5hrombocytopathy+ Gsee /lood %latelet <isordersH 5hrombocytopenia+ :.=9, :.A:, ?.EK, AE.K:, >E.K:, 9EE.K9, A?>.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, >;?.E9 5hromboembolism, %ulmonary+ Gsee %ulmonary EmbolismH 5hrombopenia+ Gsee 5hrombocytopeniaH 5hrombophlebitis+ :.EA, :.?;, =9.>;, >B.K:, 9?K.=B, A?K.==, KE?.::, BB9.?=, ?KE.?:, >;K.B? 5hrombosis+ :.=A, :.A>, :.?9, :.>K, ?.K:, E.K:, E:.::, ==E.99, 9?B.E>, K9A.EK, 5hrombosis, 'etinal Fein+ Gsee 'etinal Fein 3cclusionH 5hrombus+ Gsee 5hrombosisH 5hrush+ Gsee CandidiasisH 5hygeson's #uperficial %unctate .eratitis+ :.=:, :.EE, 9E.K:, KE.K:, =K:.::, =?K.==,

A?>.>9, BB?.::, ?;>.::, >;?.E9 5hymic Cyst+ Gsee )ediastinal CystH 5hymoma+ :.=?, :.KE, AE.K:, ?E.K:, >?.K:, 9?>.>9, K=E.99, B;E.:E, ?K>.;9, >E?.=:, 5hyroid Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ 5hyroid 0eoplasmsH 5hyroid <isease+ :.=A, =9.>9, 9E.K:, >?.K:, =K?.;:, 99E.A=, AEB.>:, K?=.::, ;9B.::, >9E.::, 5hyroid *ormone 'esistance #yndrome 5hyroid 0odule+ :.=A, :.=E, :.BK, E.K:, 9E.K:, >?.K:, EEK.==, AEE.K9, ?:?.EB, >;K.>: 5hyroid #timulating *ormone, Inappropriate #ecretion+ Gsee *yperpituitarismH 5hyroiditis+ :.=A, :.EK, :.B:, E.K:, 9E.K:, ==E.99, 9=>.9A, KEK.?=, ?K9.:?, >::.:: 5hyroiditis, + :.=A, :.EK, :.B:, E.K:, 9E.K:, ==E.99, 9=>.9A, KEK.?=, ?K9.:?, >::.:: 5hyroiditis, 1ymphocytic+ Gsee 5hyroiditis, 7utoimmuneH 5hyroiditis, 1ymphomatous+ Gsee 5hyroiditis, 7utoimmuneH 5hyroiditis, #ubacute+ + :.=A, :.EK, :.B:, E.K:, 9E.K:, ==E.99, 9=>.9A, KEK.?=, ?K9.:?, >::.:: 5ick %aralysis+ :.:;, :.KE, :.B;, :.>?, E.K:, 9EA.9?, KEE.K9, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >EB.?:, 5ick-/orne <iseases+ :.:;, :.KE, :.B;, :.>?, E.K:, 9EA.9?, KEE.K9, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >EB.?:, 5iet$e's #yndrome+ :.:K, :.EA, =K.?K, AK.::, >9.K:, 9?B.E>, K=E.99, B;>.>9, ?K>.;9, >EK.?= 5inea+ :.:K, :.A=, EE.K:, K?.K:, 9EK.=B, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?A>.::, >;B.EE 5inea %edis+ Gsee <ermatomycosesH 5inea !nguium+ Gsee 3nychomycosisH 5inea Fersicolor+ :.:K, :.A=, :.B:, :.;K, 9K:.::, A?>.K:, KE?.::, BB9.?=, ?KE.?:, >;?.E9 5innitus+ :.:?, :.EA, :.K?, ;?.K:, =?K.=B, 9EE.:B, A?B.K:, BB?.::, ?AE.::, >;K.B? 5-1ymphotropic Firus 5ype III Infections, *uman+ Gsee *IF InfectionsH 5)@ <isorders+ Gsee 5E)%3'3)70<I/!17' @3I05 <I#3'<E'#H 5)@ #yndrome+ Gsee 5emporomandibular @oint <ysfunction #yndromeH 5olosa-*unt #yndrome+ Gsee 3phthalmoplegiaH 5ongue, Deographic+ Gsee Dlossitis, /enign )igratoryH 5onsillar Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ 5onsillarH 5onsillitis+ :.EK, :.;?, K.=E, ;K.::, =::.::, 9KK.?E, AEK.=B, K?=.::, ;9?.::, >9?.A=, 5orticollis+ :.=;, :.9:, K.K:, EE.K:, A:.::, >B.K:, 99E.A=, A?K.==, BB?.::, ?KE.?:, 5orulosis+ Gsee CryptococcosisH 5ourette #yndrome+ :.=B, :.E9, =E.;K, KK.?K, =EK.::, E=:.K:, A?>.>9, K>9.E:, ?B=.;K, >;?.E9 5o2ic #hock #yndrome+ Gsee #hock, #epticH 5o2ocariasis+ :.=;, :.EA, =:.K9, E?.K:, 9K.::, K?.K:, >B.K:, 9EK.==, A?K.=B, KE?.::, 5o2oplasma gondii Infection+ Gsee 5o2oplasmosisH 5o2oplasmosis+ :.=?, :.9E, 9E.K:, A?.K:, B:.::, =EK.?=, A?B.K:, KE?.::, ?A>.::, >;?.E9 5racheal Cyst+ Gsee )ediastinal CystH 5racheal #tenosis+ :.:?, :.9?, ;.::, =9.>;, A?.K:, >B.K:, =K:.::, K=>.9A, B;>.>9, >E9.?:, 5racheoesophageal -istula+ :.=9, :.A:, :.?9, K.BE, ?.EK, AE.K:, >:.::, A?>.K:, KE?.::, >;B.EE 5rachoma+ :.=>, :.9?, :.?;, :.>K, E.EK, K.EK, AK.::, BK.?K, ?KE.B9, >EA.9? 5ransient Ischemic 7ttack+ Gsee Ischemic 7ttack, 5ransientH

5ransmissible <ementias+ Gsee %rion <iseasesH 5ransport <isorder, 0eutral 7mino 7cid+ Gsee *artnup <iseaseH 5reacher Collins #yndrome+ Gsee )andibulofacial <ysostosisH 5remor+ :.A:, :.B:, :.;K, K.:>, ?.EK, >E.K:, =?K.::, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BB9.?=, 5rench -oot+ Gsee Immersion -ootH 5richinelliasis+ Gsee 5richinosisH 5richinosis+ :.=:, :.KE, :.;?, E.K:, =9.9>, 9EK.=B, A?K.::, KE?.::, ?K>.::, >;K.B? 5richomonas Infections+ :.=?, :.BE, E.?K, =K.?K, AE.K:, BE.K:, >?.K:, 9K?.9:, ?=E.E9, >>?.;?, 5richophytosis+ Gsee 5ineaH 5richorhinophalangeal #yndrome 5ype II+ Gsee 1anger-Diedion #yndromeH 5richothiodystrophy #yndromes+ :.=A, :.A>, :.?9, :.>K, ?.K:, E.K:, E:.::, =9B.AE, 9?B.E>, AK;.K:, 5richotillomania+ :.EA, :.?K, :.>K, >K.::, 9K;.K?, A?K.=B, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?AE.::, >;?.E9 5ricuspid 7tresia+ :.=?, 9E.K:, KE.K:, ?E.K:, >K.==, =?K.?K, AKK.;E, K=;.>E, B;A.;=, >BE.::, 5ricuspid Falve 7tresia+ Gsee 5ricuspid 7tresiaH 5rigeminal 0euralgia+ :.:E, :.9?, EE.K:, KE.K:, >:.::, E?K.::, E?K.=B, 9=:.EK, AEK.==, ;9;.::, 5rimethylaminuria+ G-ish 3dor #yndrome 6 not on )e#*H 5riosephosphate Isomerase <eficiency+ Gsee 7nemia, *emolytic, Congenital 0onspherocyticH 5riple-#ymptom Comple2+ Gsee /ehcet #yndrome+ G#ilk-'oad <iseaseHH 5rophoblastic Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ 5rophoblastic 0eoplasmsH 5rophoblastic 5umor+ Gsee Cancer+ 5rophoblastic 0eoplasmsH 5rypanosomiasis+ :.:?, :.E9, K.BE, ?.::, 9E.K:, A?.K:, >K.:>, =?K.==, A?K.==, KE?.::, 5rypanosomiasis, 7frican+ :.:?, :.E9, K.BE, ?.::, 9E.K:, A?.K:, >K.:>, =?K.==, A?K.==, KE?.::, 5rypanosomiasis, #outh 7merican+ Gsee Chagas <iseaseH 5sutsugamushi <isease+ Gsee #crub 5yphusH 5uberculosis+ :.:;, :.A:, :.?9, :.>:, K.==, A?.K:, >?.K:, EEE.?:, KE?.::, BB9.?=, 5uberculosis, #pinal+ :.:;, :.A:, :.?9, :.>:, K.==, A?.K:, >?.K:, EEE.?:, KE?.::, BB9.?= 5uberous #clerosis+ :.:;, :.9K, K.K:, 9K.=B, ?E.K:, >9.K:, KEK.?=, BK:.::, ?K>.;9, >EA.9? 5ubular 7ggregate )yopathy+ Gsee )yopathies, #tructural, CongenitalH 5ularemia+ :.:B, :.9E, E.EK, 9E.K:, B?.K:, >?.K:, >B.K:, =K:.::, B;E.:E, ?KE.B9, 5umor Firus Infections+ :.:?, :.9K, EK.A:, K:.::, B:.::, =K:.::, A?K.==, KE?.::, BB?.::, >;?.E9 5umors+ Gsee Cancer+ for e2act identificationH 5urner #yndrome+ :.:?, :.K?, :.?9, E.K:, K:.::, =K:.::, A?K.::, KE?.::, BB9.?=, ??B.K: 5urner #yndrome, )ale+ Gsee 0oonan #yndromeH 5urner-.ieser #yndrome+ Gsee 0ail-%atella #yndromeH 5ympanic )embrane %erforation+ :.:B, :.=;, :.?;, ?.K:, ;.::, KK.?K, >B.K:, BK?.==, ?A>.::, >;?.E9 5ympanic )embrane 'upture+ Gsee 5ympanic )embrane %erforationH 5ype I *ypersensitivity+ Gsee *ypersensitivity, ImmediateH 5ype III *ypersensitivity+ Gsee Immune Comple2 <iseasesH

5yphoid -ever+ :.=9, :.A:, :.;?, A9.E:, >E.K:, 9=:.EK, A?>.K:, KE?.::, ?;>.::, >;K.B? 5yphus+ Gsee 5yphus, Epidemic 1ouse-/orneH 5yphus, 7bdominal+ Gsee 5yphoid -everH 5yphus, Epidemic 1ouse-/orne+ :.9?, :.?K, E9.>:, AK.::, >B.K:, E:E.K>, KEE.K9, BKK.E:, ?K:.::, >E9.?:, 5yphus, #ao %aulo+ Gsee 'ocky )ountain #potted -everH 5yphus, #crub+ Gsee #crub 5yphusH 5yrosine 5ransaminase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee 5yrosinemiasH 5yrosinemias+ :.:K, :.9K, :.B;, E.K:, K.K:, 9K.=B, >9.K:, B;E.AK, ?KE.B9, >=:.EK !lcer, duodenal - B?B, ?E?, ?K:, ;;:, =:::: !lcer, gastric - B?B !lcers, general - B?B, BBA, ;:E, ?;A, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, =;::, =B::, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ?9 !lcer, ventric - =AE, KBB, B?B, E9E, =::: !lcer, ventricular - ?B>, ?B: !rea-plasma - ?KB !remia Galso known as uremic poisoning6 e2cessive amounts of nitrogenous waste products in the blood, as seen in kidney failure. 7lso use .idney and 1ymph stasis fre&s.H - >== !rethritis Galso see Faginosis and use Chlamydia trachomatisH - E?E:, E=?:, E=E?, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, =.E !rticaria Ghives, often due to to2insH - =;::, KEE, =AB, A.>, ?;?, ?E? !terine polyp - B;> ! !<%glucose A-Epimerase <eficiency <isease+ Gsee DalactosemiasH !<%glucose-*e2ose-=-%hosphate !ridylyltransferase <eficiency+ Gsee DalactosemiasH !lcer, 7phthous+ Gsee #tomatitis, 7phthousH !lcer, 'odent+ Gsee Carcinoma, /asal CellH !lnar 0erve Compression #yndromes+ :.:?, :.9E, :.B:, :.;9, E.EK, EEK.::, A?B.K:, KE?.::, ?AE.::, >;?.E9 !mbilical *ernia+ Gsee *ernia, !mbilical+ G3mphaloceleHH !ndulant -ever+ Gsee /rucellosisH !nipolar <epression+ Gsee <epressive <isorderH !pper 7erodigestive 5ract 0eoplasms+ Gsee Cancer+ *ead and 0eck 0eoplasmsH !pper 'espiratory 5ract Infections+ Gsee 'E#%I'753'Y 5'7C5 I0-EC5I30#H !rea Cycle <isorders+ :.:?, :.AB, :.B;, :.>9, K?.K:, >B.K:, K=:.EK, BKK.E:, ?KE.B9, >EB.?:, !rethral #tenosis+ Gsee !rethral #trictureH !rethral #tricture+ :.=A, :.9E, :.>K, K.EK, =E.?=, AK.::, =K:.::, >?.K:, A?K.:>, >;K.B? !rethritis+ :.:?, :.A=, :.?9, EK.::, BK.?K, >:.::, E9B.AE, 9EE.:B, A?>.K:, ?KE.?:, !rinary /ladder <iseases+ :.:=, :.KK, :.?;, :.>?, K.:>, ?.EK, K:.::, >?.K:, EE>.9E, K9E.A= !rinary 'etention+ :.A>, :.?9, :.;:, ?.K:, E.K:, E:.::, K:.::, =EK.?=, 9??.>=, K=>.9A,

!rinary 5ract Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ !rinary 0eoplasmsH !rinary 5ract <iseases+ Gsee !'313DIC <I#E7#E#H !rinary 5ract Infections+ :.A>, :.?9, :.;:, ?.K:, E:.::, K:.::, =EA.9?, 9?B.E>, A>B.:=, B;>.>9 !rination <isorders+ :.=9, :.EA, :.?;, :.>:, =9.9>, 9>.::, >B.K:, EK:.::, A?B.K:, KE?.::, !rogenital+ :.:E, :.AB, :.B;, :.>?, E.K:, E=:.K:, K::.::, BKE.A9, ?K>.;9, >E9.?:, !rogenital #urgical %rocedures+ :.:?, :.KE, :.?;, :.;:, =:.;>, =?.K:, KE.K:, >:.::, EEE.K9, AK9.?E !rologic Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ !rologicH !rologic <iseases+ :.:A, :.KE, :.B;, :.;9, E.K:, E?.K:, 9K.::, B?.K:, >K.?K, 9?K.=B, !rticaria+ :.:?, :.A>, :.B:, :.>9, E.EK, K.;=, =9.>9, >K.:>, 9?K.::, KEK.?=, !rticaria, Diant+ Gsee 7ngioedemaH !sher #yndrome+ :.:=, :.EA, =:.K9, E:.::, =EA.9?, 9AE.:B, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?AE.::, >;?.E9 !terine Cervical <ysplasia+ :.:=, :.A:, :.B;, K.:>, ?.K:, 9K.::, >B.K:, =??.=B, ?K9.E9, >;K.B? !terine Cervical Incompetence+ :.:=, :.A:, :.B;, K.:>, ?.K:, 9?.::, >B.K:, =;:.::, ?>E.::, >;K.B? !terine Inversion+ :.A:, :.B;, :.;9, K.EK, ?.K:, 9K.:>, >B.K:, =?K.::, K=>.9A, B;>.>9, !terine %rolapse+ :.=:, :.AE, :.>9, K.EK, 9K.::, ;9.::, =?;.::, K=>.9A, B;>.>9, >9=.:: !veitis+ :.:?, E.K:, K.K:, EK.=B, AK.::, =EK.:>, EB>.?=, A?>.>9, KE?.::, BB?.::, !veomeningoencephalitic #yndrome+ :.=K, :.>9, K.:>, =?.K:, 9K.?K, ?9.9:, =EK.::, 9?K.:>, ;9:.::, >9E.::, !veomeningoencephalitis+ Gsee !veomeningoencephalitic #yndromeH Faccininum Ga homeopathic nosodeH - A?B Faginosis Gnon-specific infection. 7lso see Dardinerella, Candida, and 5richomonasH - A=A, KAE, BAE, BKE, ;::, ;9E, ;AK, ;BB, >AE, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA Faricella Gsee herpes $osterH Faricoses - =.E, E; Fariola Gsee #mallpo2H Fegetative dystonia Ginvoluntary muscle dysfunctionH - A: Fein thrombosis Gsee 5hrombophlebitisH Ferruca Ga rough-surfaced, supposedly-harmless, virus-caused skin wart. 7lso see ,artH - BAA, ?B?, ?>?, ;??, >K9, =?9, ?;? Fertigo Galso use 3titis and see Deneral antiseptic fre&sH - B:, K.;, A Fision, poor Gsee also CataractsH - 9K:, 9B: Fitamag complete set - =, E, 9, A, K, B, ?, ?.;, >, =:, =9, =B, =>.K, EE.K, EA Fitiligo Gloss of pigmentation in areas of skin. !se with / comple2 with %7/7 internally and %7/7 cream topically. 7lso see E. coli, %arasite Deneral, 1iver support, and -ungus fre&sH - AA:, B::, BK:, E==E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, E: F

Faginal <isease+ :.:?, :.=E, :.;K, K.BE, =K.=B, A:.::, A=>.9A, KB=.>9, BA:.::, >;K.>: Faginal %rolapse+ Gsee !terine %rolapseH Faginitis, )onilial+ Gsee Candidiasis, FulvovaginalH Falvular *eart <iseases+ Gsee *eart Falve <iseasesH Fan /ogaert's 1eukoencephalitis+ Gsee #ubacute #clerosing %anencephalitisH Faricella+ Gsee Chickenpo2H Farices+ Gsee Faricose FeinsH Faricocele+ :.=>, :.K?, K.>=, KE.K:, >K.::, E=:.EK, A::.::, KB;.A9, BAE.>=, >?;.:K Faricose Feins+ :.=;, :.KK, :.;K, =E.;K, =K.::, A?.K:, >?.K:, 9?B.E>, AEK.:>, K?=.::, Fariola+ Gsee #mallpo2H Fariola )inor+ Gsee #mallpo2H Fascular 7ccident, /rain+ Gsee #trokeH Fascular <ementia+ Gsee <ementia, FascularH Fascular <iseases+ :.:K, :.EA, :.B:, BE.K:, >9.K:, EEA.9?, KEE.K9, BK9.B>, ?KE.B9, >E9.?:, Fascular <iseases, Intracranial+ Gsee Cerebrovascular <isordersH Fascular <iseases, %eripheral+ Gsee %eripheral Fascular <iseasesH Fasculitis+ :.:;, :.EE, :.?9, E.K:, K.;=, K:.::, 9=:.EK, K9E.A=, B;>.>9, ?K:.::, Fasculitis, Churg-#trauss+ Gsee Churg-#trauss #yndrome+ G7llergic DranulomatosisHH Fasculitis, *emorrhagic+ Gsee %urpura, #choenlein-*enochH Fasospasm, Intracranial+ :.=>, :.EB, :.K?, ?.K:, =E.B>, 9K.99, 9EE.:B, AEK.?=, KBA.E;, >9:.=E Felocardiofacial #yndrome+ Gsee <iDeorge #yndrome+ G5hymic <ysplasiaHH Fenous Insufficiency+ :.=E, :.BK, =9.>;, ;?.K:, >B.K:, EEE.K9, 9EK.::, A?K.=B, ?A>.::, >;B.EE Fenereal <iseases, /acterial+ Gsee #e2ually 5ransmitted <iseases, /acterialH Fentricular <ysplasia, 'ight, 7rrhythmogenic+ Gsee 7rrhythmogenic 'ight Fentricular <ysplasiaH Fentricular -ibrillation+ :.=A, :.K?, ?.EK, 9E.K:, AE.K:, >:.::, E?K.:>, A=:.EK, BAE.:B, >?;.:K Fentricular *ypertrophy, Gsee *ypertrophyH Ferruca+ Gsee ,artsH Ferruga %eruana+ Gsee /artonella InfectionsH Fertical 0ystagmus+ Gsee 0ystagmus, %athologicH Fertigo+ :.:K, :.A=, ?.;K, E?.::, K?.K:, >?.K:, =?K.::, AEA.9?, KB?.?:, >;K.>: Fertigo, 7ural+ Gsee )eniere <iseaseH Fesication+ Gsee /listerH Fesico-!reteral 'eflu2+ :.=>, :.EB, :.K?, >.::, =?.E:, 9K.?K, =?B.:>, 9KK.:;, BAE.>=, >?;.:K Firal )eningitis+ Gsee )eningitis, FiralH Fision <isorders+ :.=E, :.BK, EK.:K, ;?.K:, =EK.99, EEE.K9, A?>.>9, KE?.::, BB?.::, >;?.E9 Fisual 7gnosia+ Gsee 7gnosiaH Fitamin 7 <eficiency+ :.=A, :.K?, :.>K, E9.K:, EB>.?=, K?.K:, =?K.=B, A9B.AE, BAE.>=, >?;.:K Fitamin / =E <eficiency+ :.:K, :.A=, =.::, AK.::, >?.K:, 9EA.9?, A=:.EK, KBB.A=, ?:>.;9,

>9:.=E Fitamin / <eficiency+ + :.:K, :.A=, =.::, AK.::, >?.K:, 9EA.9?, A=:.EK, KBB.A=, ?:>.;9, >9:.=E Fitamin C <eficiency+ Gsee 7scorbic 7cid <eficiencyH Fitamin < <eficiency+ :.=?, :.EE, :.BE, ==.:>, A:.::, K?.K:, =K:.::, =?K.::, AEB.>:, ;EB.:: Fitamin <eficiency+ Gsee 7vitaminosisH Fitiligo+ :.=K, :.EB, K.EK, ?.::, 9?.K:, B:.::, ==>.9A, E=:.K:, AK;.K:, B;A.;=, FI5'E3!# <I#3'<E'#+ :.=A, :.KE, E.K:, =E.;K, 9K.=B, >?.K:, E::.::, A?B.K:, BBK.9A, >;B.EE Focal Cord %aralysis+ :.:;, :.=E, =K.99, ;K.::, >:.::, 9K?.9:, KE?.::, BK?.==, ;99.E:, >;?.E9 Fogt-.oyanagi-*arada #yndrome+ Gsee !veomeningoencephalitic #yndromeH von *ippel-1indau <isease+ :.:9, :.AB, E.K:, ?.K:, =?.K:, >B.K:, 9KK.:;, K=?.K:, B;?.BE, ?=E.AE, von 'ecklinghausen <isease+ Gsee 0eurofibromatosesH von ,illebrand <isease+ :.:E, :.EK, ?.K:, B?.K:, K:.::, >K.::, E?K.:K, A?K.:>, BB?.::, >;K.B? Fulvar Cancer+ Gsee Cancer+ Fulvar 0eoplasmsH Fulvar <iseases+ :.:9, K.;=, =9.>;, 9K.::, ?E.K:, >?.K:, =9A.EK, EK:.::, A=:.EK, KBA.E; Fulvar 1ichen #clerosus+ :.:9, =E.?=, 9K.99, ?E.K:, >?.K:, =EE.K9, EEE.?:, KB9.=>, BA:.::, >?;.:K ,art, condyloma Gvenereal warts caused by infectious papilloma virusH - ABB, >:? ,arts Ggeneral, also see %appiloma and %arasites roundworms and flukesH E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =K::, >:?, >=K, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BAA, ?B?, >K9, A>K, ABB ,arts Gpappiloma type, branch or stalkH - >:?, ABB ,arts GverrucaH - BAA, ?B?, >K9, ?;? ,arts, plantar - >=K, >=; for =K-9: min ,ellness - B.;, ?.;9 ,erlhof - B>:, AKE ,heat smut - =:=B9, =KB, 9?K ,heat stem rust G=H - BA9 ,hiplash - E:, E?E:, =:::: ,hite /lood Cell stimulation Gsee Immune system stimulationH ,hooping cough Gsee %ertussisH ,olhynia fever Ga 'ickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse. 7lso see 'ickettsiaH - KA? ,ound healing Galso see Deneral antisepticH - E?E:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, EE:, =>:, E:, A: ,

,aardenburg's #yndrome+ :.:A, :.KE, K.:>, 9K.::, =?K.99, A9E.A=, KB=.>9, ?=A.;E, ;E9.::, >;?.E9 ,aldenstrom )acroglobulinemia+ :.:;, E.?K, E:.::, BE.K:, 9EE.:B, A=:.EK, KB?.?:, BAE.>=, ;:K.::, >9:.=E ,allenberg #yndrome+ Gsee 1ateral )edullary #yndrome+ G,allenberg #yndromeHH ,ar 0euroses+ Gsee Combat <isordersH ,arthin's 5umor+ Gsee #alivary Dland <iseasesH ,arts+ :.=B, :.9K, =?.K:, 9?.K:, E=:.K:, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BBK.9A, ?;>.::, >;?.E9 ,eber-Christian <isease+ Gsee %anniculitisH ,erner #yndrome+ :.:E, :.EK, :.>?, >.::, =9.9>, =K.::, B?.K:, KE.K:, >E.E:, KB>.?=, ,ernicke Encephalopathy+ :.E9, :.>K, =E.;K, EK.:K, >?.K:, ==:.EK, EE>.9E, K9B.AE, BK:.::, ?KE.B9, ,est 0ile -ever+ :.:A, :.KE, :.?K, E.K:, K.:?, A?.K:, =?K.=B, KEK.?=, ?K>.;9, >9E.A= ,est #yndrome+ Gsee #pasms, InfantileH Festibular 0euronitis+ :.:9, :.=;, :.BK, :.>9, =:.;>, K.K:, >9.K:, E=:.K:, AEA.9?, >?;.:K ,et 1ung+ Gsee %ulmonary EdemaH ,hiplash In"uries+ :.=E, :.EK, :.?9, K.BE, E.K:, K?.A9 =EK.::, 9?B.E>, A?K.:K, ?E?.::, ,hipple <isease+ :.;?, ?.K:, E.K:, 9E.K:, >?.K:, EK:.::, A?>.K:, KE?.::, ?;>.::, >;?.E9 ,hipple's <isease+ Gsee ,hipple <iseaseH ,hipworm Infections+ :.:9, :.KE, :.K?, :.;:, =:.K9, 9:.::, ?E.K:, EEK.99, AEK.=B, K?=.:: ,hite <ot #yndrome+ :.=E, :.A>, :.B;, E.?K, 9E.K:, ?E.K:, AK.::, >K.::, A>?.B=, >E9.?:, ,hitmore's <isease+ Gsee )elioidosisH ,hooping Cough+ :.=:, :.9K, :.>K, =9.B=, E?.K:, A?.K:, B:.::, ==:.EK, AEK.:K, >9E.::, ,illiam-/euren #yndrome+ Gsee ,illiams #yndromeH ,illiams #yndrome+ :.=A, :.A=, ;.::, 9:.::, K?.K:, =EK.::, 9K?.??, B;>.>9, ?K:.::, >9A.EK ,ilms 5umor+ :.:E, :.A>, :.?;, ?.K:, E.K:, E:.::, BE.K:, 9EE.:B, AEK.?=, KB;.A9, ,ilson <isease+ Gsee *epatolenticular <egenerationH ,olff %eriodic <isease+ Gsee -amilial )editerranean -ever+ GYerevanian <iseaseHH ,olff-%arkinson-,hite #yndrome+ :.:;, :.KK, ?.K:, ;.::, =E.99, >B.K:, =?K.=B, A=:.EK, BAE.>=, >?;.:K ,olf-*irschhorn #yndrome+ :.=B, :.K?, :.?;, =E.99, EE.K:, A:.::, >B.K:, EEA.9?, ;EK.>B, >9:.=E ,olfram #yndrome+ :.E:, :.AB, E.K:, ?.K:, 9?.K:, >B.K:, EEE.?:, KE?.::, ?A>.::, >;K.B? ,olman <isease+ :.=:, ?.K:, ;.::, K.:K, =9.>9, 9K.::, >:.::, 9??.>=, KBA.E;, >;K.>: ,ounds and In"uries+ :.=B, :.EK, :.BE, ?.::, =E.?=, 9K.::, >:.::, A=:.EK, KB:.::, ?=A.;E ,ounds, %enetrating R 0onpenetrating+ :.=B, :.9K, :.;K, K.;=, =?.K:, 9?.K:, EE>.9E, AEK.=B, ;EB.::, >9E.:: ,%, #yndrome+ Gsee ,olff-%arkinson-,hite #yndromeH ,ryneck+ Gsee 5orticollisH ( (anthoma+ Gsee (anthomatosisH (anthoma <isseminatum+ Gsee *istiocytosis, 0on-1angerhans-CellH (anthomatosis+ :.=E, :.E9, :.;?, K.K:, >?.K:, 9?B.E>, A9E.A=, KB9.=>, BAE.:B, >;9.=?

(anthomatosis, -amilial+ Gsee ,olman <iseaseH (anthomatosis, ,olman's+ Gsee ,olman <iseaseH (eroderma+ Gsee IchthyosisH (eroderma %igmentosum+ :.:;, ?.K:, =E.;K, A:.::, BK.=B, >B.K:, =?K.:K, BK9.B>, ?K>.;9, >E9.?:, (erostomia+ :.=E, K.;=, EK.::, ;?.K:, EEK.::, AK;.K:, KEE.9>, B;9.::, ?=E.E9, >>E.::, (-1inked 7drenoleukodystrophy+ Gsee 7drenoleukodystrophyH (-1inked 1ymphoproliferative #yndrome+ Gsee 1Y)%*3%'31I-E'75IFE <I#3'<E'#H (-1inked 'etinoschisis+ Gsee 'etinoschisisH ((Y )ales+ Gsee .linefelter #yndromeH (YY .aryotype+ :.==, E.K:, 9E.K:, =EK.::, E?K.:K, AK=.=?, K=K.=B, B;A.;=, ?=E.;=, >>?.;?,

Yeast, cervical Galso use CandidaH - ?;;, ?:B, ??= Yeast, general Galso see Candida. !se %arasites general, roundworm, and ascaris if no lasting reliefH - ?E, EKA, 9?K, KEE, ;?B, >;?, A=A, AEE, ABK, K;E, ?;?, =:=B, EEEE Yeast Gbaker'sH - ;A9 Yellow fly - >>B Yellow fever Ga severe, viral infection which can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, and entire gastrointestinal tractH - E:, =AE, =?;, E9E, A9E, ?9A, ==;?, ?99, ??>, =:::: Yersenia pestis Gsee /ubonic plagueH Cygomycosis Galso called mucormycosis6 a serious fungal infection usually associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive drugsH >AE, BE9, ?99 Y Yaws+ :.K?, K.::, 9E.K:, K:.::, >:.::, 9=>.9A, KEE.K9, B;>.>9, ?KE.B9, >=:.EK Yellow -ever+ :.:K, ?.K:, =?.K:, A?.K:, >B.K:, A?K.:K, KE?.::, BK?.==, ?K9.E9, >;?.E9 Yersinia Infections+ :.=K, K.K:, =E.;K, 9K.=B, >9.K:, EB>.?=, AEB.>:, K?=.::, ;EE.::,

>9?.A=, Yersinosis+ Gsee Yersinia InfectionsH C Cellweger #yndrome+ :.=B, :.K?, :.?;, :.>9, E.?K, ?.K:, EE.K:, A:.::, =EK.::, EEK.?=, A9A.EK, KBB.A=, ?:>.;9, >;K.>: Cellweger-1ike #yndrome+ Gsee Cellweger #yndromeH Cenker <iverticulum+ :.E9, ?.K:, EE.K:, 9K.:K, >K.::, 9?K.99, AEA.9?, KB9.=>, ?=A.;E, >?;.:K Cenker's <iverticulum+ Gsee Cenker <iverticulumH Collinger-Ellison #yndrome+ :.=:, :.>:, E.K:, E:.::, 9?.K:, >?.K:, 9EK.::, A=>.9A, KB=.>9, ;E9.>B Cona+ Gsee *erpes Coster+ G#hinglesHH Coonoses+ :.=?, :.KE, E.?K, =?.K:, AK.=B, ?E.K:, =EE.K9, =?K.::, A?K.:K, KE?.::, Coster+ Gsee *erpes Coster+ G#hinglesHH Cygomycosis+ :.=A, :.A>, :.?9, :.>K, >?.K:, =?K.99, A?B.K:, KE?.::, BB?.::, ?KE.?:,

http+44altered-states.net4rife4inde2.htm 5he origin of the )3's G)ortal 3scillatory 'ates or J )ortality 3scillator 'atesJ of bacteria and virusesH, originally discovered by 'oyal 'ife during the first half of the twentieth century, has perple2ed many people since that time. ,hile it is generally acknowledged that some type of resonance phenomenon destroyed or debilitated the organisms, it has been difficult at best to pinpoint any association of specific fre&uency with what is physically affecting these life forms during the time of their debilitation or demise. 5'E75)E05 !5I1ICI0D -'EM!E0CIE# ,e have searched the net, and found many lists that many practitioners have put together and others have added through their e2periences

*ow to use the list
<o you want to check to see if others have used or discovered fre&uencies for similar ailments Do *ere click on the link above or Do *ere when you arrive at the web page click onJ EditJ in the top left hand corner of your browser, then click on J-indJ, enter your ailment and hit Jfind ne2t', this will show you a number of fre&uencies, write them down or cut and paste to your note pad, then click on Jfind ne2t' do this until the Jfinished searching the documentJ sign pops up... Do 7head stry it pop in diabetes or sleep, pain or cancer to see a unit that will utili$e these fre&uencies go here 4rife4inde2.htm If you have our 'ife Crane system

!#E 75 Y3!' 3,0 'I#., 03 C17I)# 7'E )7<E -3' E--EC5IFE0E##. 9:A - #edation or pain relief, also nice to use as the last fre&uency of a set of fre&uencies A9E, A;A, B=:, B>:, ?>: and ;BA - 1yme disease - %lease note the use of these fre&uencies has produced what is known as a *er2heimer 'eaction. 7s the spirochetes die, they release a protein to2in that can produce "oint pains, weakness, and general malaise for a few days following e2posure. It has been suggested that one start slow with but a minute of e2posure and then gradually increase the e2posure time. 3ne should not repeat an e2posure until all effects and symptoms of the previous e2posure have cleared. B?B - *eliobacterium %ylori - linked as a causative agent in stomach ulcers. ?E; - 7 type of Cancer cell found in blood of people with )ultiple )yeloma. Causes the cells to disintegrate according to one researcher. ?E;, ;::, ;;: , ??B:, ;:::, ;EK: - -lu virus E:K:, E=;:, EAKE - 0on responsive to Cancer at E=E; or E::;. It has been suggested that these Cancers are formed in response to some different stimulus than commonly occurs. BBA, ?BA - very beneficial for emotional ties to diseases. BBA has apparently caused people to giggle especially in a group e2posure setting. BB:, ?E;, ?;? Epstein /arr virus also has been used for )ononucleosis. =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA 3pens bronchioles makes breathing easier seems to be helpful for asthmatics. 7lso is &uite sedating.?9AA seems to work best of the three. 9K:, 9B: #harpens eyesight =A;>, =K::, =KK:, EA;> *erpes - relieves acute outbreak, but does not remove dormant

form from body. !se of EA;> for about 9: minutes seems to provide long term benefits. A?: - stopped involuntary tremors in left hand of a person with multiple sclerosis. AB9 and ABB stopped involuntary tremors in a person with brain tumors. >=K and >=; plantar wart - use long e2posure time - =K to 9: minutes on each fre&uency. E:K: and EEK: used to correct chronic prostatitis - =: to =K minutes on each fre&uency. !se for a short interval will aggravate prostatitisI 9.B and B.9 *$ have been reported as being able to keep a person from becomming angry ?E, >K, =>:, 9:A - !sed for nausea and abdominal cramping ;BB, A9:, EE=9, BE: Chlamydia infections. B::: - 7 master Central 0ervous #ystem -re&uency. 'elease of emotional problems, blocked sei$ures - but does nothing once sei$ure starts, stopped tremors in hands in person with %arkinson's disease. *epatitis C - used by a <r. in -rance to good effect. E2posures were of only AK seconds on each fre&uency. 1onger e2posures had no effect. ?E;, =BB, EEA, 9=?, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, E=;> )ultiple #clerosis - !se of K::: *$ for 9: minutes every other day, used the above *ep C protocol on alternate days. #o one day K:::, ne2t day *ep C. 3ne should start the K::: at about =: minutes and work up in time slowly watching for deto2 reactions. %soriasis - -rom 0ew Cealand comes this protocol E=;:, E=E;, E::;, =KKE, ;;:, ?;A, BBA, 9:A #ystemic 1upus Erythematosis G#1EH - the above se&uence for psoriasis has been used on one person with a severe active case of #1E with beneficial results. -ruit -lies - E=B?*$ reported by someone in the 0etherlands Chronic -atigue #yndrome - E=E? , ABK, BB:, BBB, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KK:. 7lso used parasite fre&uencies 'ound ,orms - =:A, 99E, AEE, ?E=, >AE, 9E=E, EA:, B;;, E:, =E: -lukes - =A9, E?K, B?B, ?B9, KEA, ;KA, >AK, BK=, A9K, KEA 'elieves the need to worry - very handy at times. - B=9:*$ /asal Cell #kin Carcinoma - E==B, ?B:, EE;: direct e2posure of the lesion to light from the tube helps as does pulsing the audio output. 7bout 9: minutes e2posures at E==B seemed optimal, ?B: and EE;: at K minutes each. 1ists of fre&uencies. 1ast part is =9E col format. !se non-proportional font to display so the columns line up, if desired. 5he first list in this file are fre&uencies from @ames /are. 5hese should be considered the most reliable Gthe non-theoretical ones, anywayH. )y limited use of the Darvey fre&uencies indicate they may be useful, especially since there are specific ones for maladies, which can be used by the common, typical

ones. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 5he following is a listing of these known )3's as compiled by <r. 'obert %. #tafford, ).<. a physician who worked with an original 'ife machine from =>K? to =>B9+ )icroorganism -re&uency in *ert$ ------------- -----------------5etanus =E: 5reponema BB: Donorrhea ?=E #taphlococci ?E; %neumococci ??B #treptothri2 GfungusH ?;A #treptococci ;;: 5yphoid /acteria ?=E 5yphoid Firus =;BE 5uberculosis 'od -orm ;:9 5uberculosis Firus =KKE Gsame as /-ColiH #arcoma Gall formsH E::; Carcinoma Gall formsH E=E; NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN In that vein, here is a list that I've compiled. 5he format is fre&uency, what it supposedly effects, device, source If the 'device' field says 'theory' it means that someone said this might work, but no-one has actually said anywhere that they've used it. If the 'device' field says 'theory4AA:' then I took the fre&uency from *ulda Clark's book J5he Cure -or 7ll <iseasesJ and divided by AA:. --E: tube used <on 5unney E: bacterial infections pad used /are book G?:H E: pineal gland pad used /are book G?:H E: tinnitus pad used /are book G?:H E: worms pad used /are book G?:H BA psoriasis pad used /are book G?:H ?E worms pad used /are book G?:H >B psoriasis pad used /are book G?:H >B trauma pad used /are book G?:H >B worms pad used /are book G?:H =:A psoriasis pad used /are book G?:H ==E psoriasis pad used /are book G?:H =E: tube used <on 5unney =E: fatigue pad used /are book G?:H

=E: tetanus tube theory /are book GB>H =E; worms pad used /are book G?:H =AA headaches pad used /are book G?:H =>E trauma pad used /are book G?:H EA; kidneys pad used /are book G?:H 9:: lumbago pad used /are book G?:H 9:: stiff muscles pad used /are book G?:H 9:: trauma pad used /are book G?:H 9:A blood pressure pad used /are book G?:H 9:A headaches pad used /are book G?:H 9:A sedation and pain relief tube used /are book GB>7H 9E; stiff muscles pad used /are book G?:H A:; prostrate pad used /are book G?:H AE= cancer tube used <on 5unney AE9 cancer tube used <on 5unney AEA fatigue pad used /are book G?:H AEK cancer tube used <on 5unney AE? cancer tube used <on 5unney A9E cancer tube used <on 5unney A9E lyme tube used /are book GB>7H A9A cancer tube used <on 5unney AA: kidneys pad used /are book G?:H AA: motion sickness pad used /are book G?:H AA: pancreas pad used /are book G?:H ABA candida pad used /are book G?:H ABA fatigue pad used /are book G?:H ABA motion sickness pad used /are book G?:H ABA pancreas pad used /are book G?:H ABA thrush pad used /are book G?:H K:: anthra2 tube used /are addendum KE: headaches pad used /are book G?:H B:: motion sickness pad used /are book G?:H B:: pancreas pad used /are book G?:H BEA motion sickness pad used /are book G?:H BEA pancreas pad used /are book G?:H BA; motion sickness pad used /are book G?:H BA; pancreas pad used /are book G?:H BB: treponema tube theory /are book GB>H BBE-BBB herpes simple2 I range theory4AA: Clark book GKBAH BBA bacterial infections pad used /are book G?:H BBA emotional ties to diseases tube used /are book GB>7H BBA fatigue pad used /are book G?:H BBA herpes simple2 I theory4AA: Clark book GKBAH BBA prostrate pad used /are book G?:H BBA stomach pad used /are book G?:H BBA ulcers pad used /are book G?:H

B?B heliobacterium pylori tube used /are book GB>7H ?=E gonorrhea tube theory /are book GB>H ?E; Jconidium headJ cancer cells tube used /are book GB>7H ?E; arthritis pad used /are book G?:H ?E; blood pressure pad used /are book G?:H ?E; cataract pad used /are book G?:H ?E; catarrh pad used /are book G?:H ?E; eye disorders pad used /are book G?:H ?E; gallstones pad used /are book G?:H ?E; lumbago pad used /are book G?:H ?E; pharyngitis pad used /are book G?:H ?E; prostrate pad used /are book G?:H ?E; staphlococci tube theory /are book GB>H ?E; stiff muscles pad used /are book G?:H ?E; stomach pad used /are book G?:H ?E; tinnitus pad used /are book G?:H ?B: trauma pad used /are book G?:H ?BA emotional ties to diseases tube used /are book GB>7H ??B pharyngitis pad used /are book G?:H ??B pneumococci tube theory /are book GB>H ??B ulcers pad used /are book G?:H ?;A arthritis pad used /are book G?:H ?;A cataract pad used /are book G?:H ?;A pharyngitis pad used /are book G?:H ?;A rubella pad used /are book G?:H ?;A rubeola pad used /are book G?:H ?;A stomach pad used /are book G?:H ?;A streptothri2 tube theory /are book GB>H ?;A tinnitus pad used /are book G?:H ?;A ulcers pad used /are book G?:H ?;K herpes simple2 I theory4AA: Clark book GKBAH ?;K-?;B herpes simple2 I range theory4AA: Clark book GKBAH ;:: arthritis pad used /are book G?:H ;:: bacillus coli rod form tube theory /are book GB>H ;:: bacterial infections pad used /are book G?:H ;:: catarrh pad used /are book G?:H ;:: flu virus tube used /are book GB>7H ;:: lumbago pad used /are book G?:H ;:: pharyngitis pad used /are book G?:H ;:: shingles Gherpes $osterH pad used /are book G?:H ;:: ulcers pad used /are book G?:H ;:9 tuberculosis rod form tube theory /are book GB>H ;:A-;EK herpes simple2 II range theory4AA: Clark book GKBAH ;:? herpes simple2 II theory4AA: Clark book GKBAH ;=; herpes simple2 II theory4AA: Clark book GKBAH ;E9-;E> fungus E, range theory4AA: Clark book GK?=H

;E> hiv theory4AA: Clark book GKBAH ;9: hiv theory4AA: Clark book GKBAH ;9E bacterial infections pad used /are book G?:H ;9E ulcers pad used /are book G?:H ;B=-;B; lyme range theory4AA: Clark book GKB9H ;BA lyme theory4AA: Clark book GKB9H ;BA lyme tube used /are book GB>7H ;?9-;;9 candida range theory4AA: Clark book GKB9H ;?? candida theory4AA: Clark book GKB9H ;;: arthritis pad used /are book G?:H ;;: blood pressure pad used /are book G?:H ;;: cataract pad used /are book G?:H ;;: catarrh pad used /are book G?:H ;;: rcinoma Gall formsH tube theory /are book GB>H E=E; prostrate pad used /are book G?:H E=;: cancer not killed by E::;4E=E; tube used /are book GB>7H E=;E cancer not killed by E::;4E=E; tube used /are book GB>7H E?E: prostrate pad used /are book G?:H 9::: gallstones pad used /are book G?:H 9::: trauma pad used /are book G?:H 9=E: blepharisma tube used /are book G?AH AK:: kills rotifer tube used /are book GiH =:::: tube used <on 5unney NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 5able of Electro#pectrum 'ife <evice -re&uency Codes F#. 7ctual -re&uency Gin *CH 3utput. = =: .*$ E =:K: *$ 9 9:A: *$ !sed for pain, along with fre&. code AK. A E?E: *$ K EA;> *$ B E=?: *$ ? E=E? *$ )a"or fre&. for cancer with Ss ;,=A,=?,E:,EE,EA ; E::; *$ X'ife fre&. for #arcomaQ > =;:: *$ =: =B:: *$ )a"or fre&. used for eye disorders. == =KK: *$ =E =K:: *$ =9 =::: *$ =A ;;: *$ !se for #treptococci infecction. =K ;9E *$ =B ;:E *$ =? ?;? *$ =; ??B *$ => ?B: *$ E: ?E? *$ )a"or fre&. used for 1eukemia R #taphlococci.

E= ?:: *$ EE B>: *$ )a"or fre&. used for 1eukemia. E9 B;K *$ )ay be helpful for blood clots. EA BBB *$ )a"or fre&. used for 1eukemia. EK BK: *$ EB BEK *$ E? B:: *$ )a"or fre&. used for 1eprosy. E; ABK *$ )a"or fre&. used for fungal R yeast infection. E> AAA *$ 9: A=: *$ 9= 9;: *$ 9E 99: *$ 99 9E: *$ 9A EA: *$ 9K EA: *$ 9B E9: *$ )a"or fre&. used for stroke along with S ?;. 9? EE: *$ 9; E:: *$ 9> =>: *$ A: =B: *$ !se for very rapid relief from headaches. A= =A; *$ AE =EK *$ A9 ==: *$ AA =:: *$ AK >K *$ )a"or fre& used for pain, along with S9. AB ;: *$ A? ?9 *$ A; ?E *$ A> B: *$ K: A; *$ K= A? *$ KE AK *$ K9 A: *$ KA 9K *$ KK E; *$ KB E? *$ K? EB *$ K; E: *$ #timulation of %ineal gland. K> =; *$ B: =E *$ 5o stimulate mental clarity. B= =: *$ BE >.B *$ -acial toning. B9 >.A *$ )a"or fre&. used for %rostate problems. BA >.9K *$ BK >.E *$ /alancing4correction of kidney meridian. BB >.= *$

B? ;.EK *$ B; ?.; *$ #chumann fre&.-- psychic healing e2perements B> ?.? *$ ?: B.; *$ %ossible use for muscle spasms. ?= B.9 *$ 7nger and irritibility. ?E B.: *$ *ere's a good one--!nwillingness to work. ?9 K.; *$ -ear, absentmindedness, di$$iness. ?A A.> *$ Induce rela2ation, meditation R deeper sleep. ?K 9.> *$ !nsociable behaviour. ?B 9.B *$ 7nger and irritibility. ?? 9.K *$ <epression R 7n2iety. ?; 9.: *$ )a"or fre& used for stroke along with S9B. ?> E.BK *$ ;: E.K *$ !sed for sedative effect. ;= =.K *$ ;E =.E *$ *IF virus--elimination from circulating blood. ;9 =.= *$ ;A =.: *$ ;K :.K *$ 5o2in elimination, with S's ;?,;;,=,=A,=?,E:,K;. ;B =;BK *$ 5yphoid virus ;? KEE *$ ;; =AB *$ ;> B=: *$ >: E::K *$ Xclose to 'ife fre&uency E::; for /Y microbe G#arcomaHQ >= E:EK *$ >E :.B *$ >9 :.?K *$ >A :.A *$ >K 9=.: *$ >B 99.: *$ >? 9?.: *$ >; AE.: *$ >> AA.: *$ =:: A>.: *$ =:= K:: *$ /ubonic %lague. =:E =;K: *$ =:9 AK: *$ =:A AA: *$ =:K AE; *$ =:B BB: *$ 0otes+ =. -re&uency codes =A, =B, =?, E: and E; affect more microbes and conditions than all other fre&uencies combined. E. 5he second most effective group of fre&uencies is6 E>, AE, AK, A;, K; and ;B. 5hese are mainly used for parasites and amoebae. 9. -re&uencies in the range of == to E> produce the most rapid response,

usually within B hours. A. -re&uencies in the range of B: to ;K are those that seem to occur naturally in the brain. It is thought that behaviour can be influenced with harmonics of those same fre&uencies during behaviour of the opposite type. -or e2ample, to reduce4eliminate anger, one would apply a fre&. of B.9 *$ GcodeS ?=H. #ee comments for those ranges. K. 7ny good &uality s&uare-wave generator, such as those recommended for use with the @ames /are 'ife <evice, should be able to output most or all of the 7ctual -re&uencies listed in this document. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN .innaman -re&uency list and possible effects+ -re&uency %ossible Effects from the )anual R other #ources ?E; #tart 5ube, cancer cells in blood A:: #eems 5o <econgest =E: 5etanus, -atigue, ,orms A9E 1yme disease, Cancer ABK Candida, -atigue, %ancreas BB: 5reponema ?=E Donorrhea ?;A #treptothri2 ;:: -lu Firus ;;: 7rthritis, %haryngitis, 1umbago, /lood %ressure >BK Grela2es muscles especially those of the neckH =KKE %ancreas, Eye <isorders, %haryngitis =;BE 5yphoid Firus, #timulates ,hite /lood Cells E::; #arcoma 711 -3')#, #timulates ,hite /lood Cells E=E; Carcinoma 711 -3')#, #timulates ,hite /lood Cells E=;: Cancer, #timulates ,hite /lood Cells K::: Gallergies, short use only, long e2posures destroy red blood cells >>>> Ggeneral vitality and energy H 9:A #edation, %ain, #tiff )uscles, /lood %ressure and %ain 'elief NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Y711 -3113,I0D is an e2tensive list of fre&uencies from many different sources scanned in and provided by 'eid #mith. 5here are a number of scanner errors, typically JlJ when should be an JiJ, as well as the number J:J being scanned as JeJ, JoJ, or JaJ, and many others. 5ry to verify fre&uencies before use due to possible scanning errors. It should be viewed in a fi2ed font for columns to aline. I know nothing about Jmagic windowsJ, color fre&uency therapy, or Jweird effects.J -- turfZ [[[[[[[[[[included file[[[[[[[[[[ In reference to moles changing with use of device I have a pad

type unit which includes a manual with lots of fre&uencies. 5his manual warns+ =;A: R =>=: *C are known to have serious deleterious effects including stimulation of malignant growths. 7lso, it warns about possible detrimental problems with fre& range =::: to E::: *C. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ;:E *$. should not be used if a healthy colon is involved, as it will kill both beneficial and detrimental bacteria. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNN -'3)+ http+44www.cs.unlv.edu4\ftlofaro4strange4alt-sci4fre&uencies.html Interesting, useful and weird fre&uencies K *$+ 7lleged sphincter resonance Gnot goodH ? *$+ )ass aggregate fre&uency Gcan deaggregate matterH, alleged to resonate and rupture organs at e2cessive intensity ?.K *$+ G H Earth magnetic field fre&uency, useful theta GbrainH waves fre&uency ?.;9 *$+ Earth resonance fre&uency =9 *$+ 7lleged sphincter resonance Gnot goodH AB.>; *$ Guse with BE.BA and ?:.A?H !seful for weird effects BE.BA *$ Guse with AB.>; and ?:.A?H !seful for weird effects ?:.A? *$ Guse with AB.>; and BE.BAH !seful for weird effects 9:K *$+ 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease 9=E *$+ 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease 9AK *$+ 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease A9E *$+ 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease BE: *$+ .eely -re&uency Guse with B9: and =E:::H B9: *$+ .eely -re&uency Guse with BE: and =E:::H ;BA *$+ )ain 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease E::: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency E::: *$ Gplus a small amountH+ 7lleged to cure a cancer E:EK *$+ %roton precession4water resonance 9::: *$+ Gappro2imateH )entioned as a 'ife fre&uency K::: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency ?E? *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency ?;? *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency ;:: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency =:::: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency =E::: *$+ .eely -re&uency Guse with BE: and B9:H 9;:::-A:::: *$+ )agic window AE;:: *$+ 7etheric dissociation4water resonance Gwater -[ aetheric forceH =K:-=B: k*$+ )agic window =;: .*$+ -erromagnetism =.=-=.9 )*$+ )agic window

9;; )*$+ 7lleged to cause damage4disruption of humans A;; )*$+ #ame as 9;; )*$, but I think it was a mistake, and 9;; was meant =.:K? D*$+ )agic window E.AK: D*$+ #tandard microwave oven fre&uency, but no resonance #omewhere in the Infrared+ )agic window 5he life energy fre&uency Gin the near ultravioletH+ )agic window NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ------- %'33-E< 70< C3''EC5E< ---------1ater Crane ,ith color and %olarity G%olarity not included since they were all O4- polarityH 5*I# C*7'5 E(%17I0# 5*E 'E#E7'C* 7%%1IC75I30# -3' <I#3'<E'#+ <isorder4#pecial -re&uencies corubining the above therapies. =::4=E:4ABK -3' 7I<# K::4B::4BEK4BB:4B>:4??B =K::4=KK:4=K?:4=B::4=;:: E:::4E::;4E=E?4EA;>4Ca, #a G=H N standardi$ed GEH N not standardi$ed #570<7'<ICE< )3' -'EM!E0CIE# G9H N reported 'E7< *E'5C ------- %7DE = ------7lign4Individual G=H :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk =:k 7cidosis Gsee *yperacidityH >K> colors :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7bcessesG9H ?E? ?;? ;;: 7cne ?E? ?;? ;;: 7ctinormcosisGEH :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 7bdominal %ain >K> colors, etc. ;;: =:k 7cute %ain >K> colors, etc. ;;: :Kk =:k 7denoids >K> colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 7dhesions >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7I<#4OEA;> >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7lcoholism >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7llergies >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7lopecia Ghair lossH >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7menorrhea Gno menstrationH >K> colors ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7nemia >K> colors etc. :Kk 7neurysm >K> colors etc. :E: :Kk 7nthra2GEH ?E? ?;? ;;: 7ntiseptic ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7nus Itch >K> colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7ppendicitis >K> colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: 7ppetite, skinny >K> colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7rteries, hardenin >K> colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7rteriosclerosis >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7rtery #timulator >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;:

7rthritis >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k 7sthma >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7strocytomaG9H E::;4E=E?40egative magnets ?E? ?;? ;;: 7taria of )uscles >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7thlete, -ootG9H ?;? :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk ------- %7DE E ------7ura /uilder >B: Colors etc. :E: :Kk =:k 7utointo$ication >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7ranthae 5hrush >K> colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: /RE Coli,rod,virusG=H ;:9 *ert$ ?E? ?;? ;:: Cancer,carcinomaG=H4E=E? >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: Cancer,leukemia G=H4E=E? >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: Cancer, sarcoma G=H4E33; >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: Cancrum 3risG9H :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk Candida albicans4ABK >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: Carbuncles >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cardiac depressant >B= violet, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k CataractG9H >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Catarah GmucousH inflammationGEH>B= color :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Cerebral %a=sy Color yellow >B= color ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Cerebro-spinal trouble >B= 1emon, Yellow ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Cervical gland trouble >B= %urple etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Cervicitis, womb neck >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Chicken po2 >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Chilblains >B= colors etc. :E: Child disorders >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: CholeraGEH =::4 AK: ?E? ?;? ;;: Chronic tired feeling >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Cleans blood plasma >B= lemon, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cold feet >B=, red scarlet, magenta :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cold hands >B= scarlet magenta, purple :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cold in head,chest,etcG9H1emon,)agenta >B= :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Colic, stomach R colon pain >B= etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Colitis, mucous4colonG9H >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k Con"unctivitis eyelidGEH >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: ConstipationG9H Yellow4E hrs, >B= etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Contractions,arrests,discharges >B= Indigo :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k ---- %7DE A ------Convulsions >B= colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Corns in feet >B= Indigo, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Cory$aGnoseH >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk CostalgiaGrib painH >B= colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Cramps >B=, orange, etc. ?E? ?;? ??: :Kk =:k Cricks in the neck >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cuts >B= O to heal :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk

CystitisGbladderinflamH G9H>B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk <andruff, scales >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk <eafness >B= colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk =:k <iabetes >B= lemon then yellow etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk =:k <iarrhea R <ysentary >B= colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk <igestion >BE O over stomach R colon ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk <iptheriaGEH >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: <istended organs >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k <istended stomach >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk <reams >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k <ropsy >B= colors, etc. ?E? ?;? =:k <rug addiction >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk <ysmenorrhea,painful menstrat'n >BE colors ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: <yspepsiaGindigestionH >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk <ullness >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk <uodenal ulcer >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Earaches >BE colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Ears, balance >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Ears, discharges >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Ears, di$$iness >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Ears, hard to hear >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Ears, ringing >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: ----- %7DE K -----Easily depressed >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Easily fatigued >BE colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Ec$ema, all skin troubles, herpes4O=KK:4OOO ?E? ?;? :Kk Edema lung swelling e2cess fluids >B9 Color ?E? ?;? ;;: Elbow pain >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Enlarged glands >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Enuresis, bed wetting >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Epilepsy ,fits4O=E3 >BE Colors, E:, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Epididymitis+Inflam-!p'r5esticle4O=K:: >BE :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Epstein-/arr4ABK, ?;? *ert$ ?E? ?;? ;;: Eruptions, mouth >BE Colors etc. :Kk Erysipelas4B::,E::: >B9 Colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Esophagus >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: Eustachian tube >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Eye,arteriosclerosis >BE, >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Eye,bifocal >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Eye,blurred >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,cataract >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,crossed >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,degeneration >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,droop of lid >B9 colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,diplopia >BE colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,glaucomaG9H4=B:: >BE colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk

Eye,infected >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,lacrimal >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,near R farsighted >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,nerve pain >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? =:k Eye,strained >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: -acial paralysis >B? colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k ----- %7DE B --------acial cramps Color >B9, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -ainting Color >B9, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk -alling hair Color >B9, etc. :E: ;:: =:k -ascia+-ibrous5issue under skin Color >B9 :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk -ears Color >B9 ?E? ?;? ;;: -emale disorder Color, >B9 etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: -ever, all kinds Color, >B9 etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk -ibromaGEH E::;, E=E;, )agenta ;:: -issures Color >B9 etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -istula ulcer Colors >B9 etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: -lashes, hot Colors >B9 etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -latulence >B9, etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk -luGsee Drippe R Influen$aHColors >B9 etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: -ood poisoning O distilled water ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -oot, blisters Colors >B9 etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -ractures+ /ones >B: color yellow OOO ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -rostbite >B9 colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk -ro$en shoulder colors >B9, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Dall /ladder >B9 colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Dall #tones >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Dangrene >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Das pains in stomach R colonGastritisH>B9 :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Diddiness >B9 colors etc :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk DlandersGEH :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Dlandular fever >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Doiter >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk DonadGse2 gland inflammat'nH >BA colors ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Donorrhea4BB3 >BA colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Dout >BA colors etc. O !% E( :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k ---------- %7DE ? --------Dravel+<eposits in urine #ee >B9 gallstone ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Drippe Gsee -lu R Influen$aH p. >BA Colors ?E? ?;? ;;: Dums, inflammation #ee >BA R colors :E: ;:: ;;: *air+loss of #ee >BA colors etc. ?E? ;:: ;;: =:k *allucinations #ee >BA R colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *angover p. >BA, colors, etc. =:k *ay -ever p.>BA, colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *eadaches p. >BA colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k

*ead in"uries Colors p. >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *ead, pressure in colors p. >BA :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *eart, disordersG9H colors p. >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *eart, fast, %alpitationsG9HColor indigo ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *emorrage p. >BA colors etc. ;:: =:k *emoroidsG9H p.>BA colors etc. ?E? ;:: ;;: *epatitis, liver inflammation colors >BA ?E? ;:: ;;: *ereditary se2 derangement >BK purple :Kk *ernia Colors p. >BA ?E? ?;? :Kk *ernia of disc p. >BA colors etc. ?E? ?;? =:k *erpes, water blistersGEH4=KK: Colors >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: *erpes, Coster GshinglesHE4lKK: Color >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: *iccoughs Color >BA etc. :E: =:k *igh fever,acute pyre2ia Color >BA, >BK :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: *ip pain Color >BA, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *ivesGurticariaH4=;33 Color >BA, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *oarseness Color >BA, etc, ?E? ?;? ;;: *ydrocele+-luid in testicle,etc.Color >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *yperacidity Colors >BA etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *ypertension Colors >BK, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *yperchondrium, upper abdomen Color >BK :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k ------- %7DE ; --------*yperia+low o2ygen,labored breathin p.>BK ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *ysterical symptoms O on spleen :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Ileocolitis, colon inflammation :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Increasing height =:k Impotence Color yellow R see p. >BK =:k Indigestion Color yellow see p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Infantile %aralysis4=K:: Color p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: Infections :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Inflammation, breast ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Influen$aGsee -lu R DrippeH Color p.>BK :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Infection allergies =:k In"uries :Kk Insomnia O on spleen see p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Insufficient lactation #ee >BK :Kk Intelligence, to increase #ee colors p.>BK :E: =:k Intestines, inflammation O distilled p >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: Intestines, spasms Color p.>BK orange ?E? ?;? :Kk Intestines, to release !se O Colors p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Intercostal neuralgia Colors p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Into2ication =:k Irritability Colors p. >BK :Kk Itching of anus, toes, R feet Color blue ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk @aundice Colors >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk @oints, inflamed Colors >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k

.idney Colors p. >BK :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk .nee, painsGsee %ains in .neeHp. ?KA6 ?KB :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k 1ack of conductivity Colors p. >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1assitude, weak, e2hausted Colors p. >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 1a2ative, mild Colors p. >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: ------- %7DE > -----------------1egs ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k 1eprosyGEH4OB:: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1eucocyte builder :E: ?E? :Kk 1eukemia4E=E? ?E? ?;? ;;: 1eukodermia, white skin patches :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 1eukorrhea, white vaginal discharge ?E? ?;? ;;: 1iver enlargement ?E? ?;? ;;: 1ocomotor ata$ia, muscle failure ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1umbago,back pain ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1umbar vertebrae deformed ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1ungs, breathing ?E? ?;? ;;: 1upis vulgaris ??B4=KK: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 1ymph glands #ee Inde2 for Colors ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 1ymphatic depressant C313' FI31E5 ?E? ?;? ;;: )alaria #ee Colors Inde2 p.>BB :E: )easles,small po2,Derman measles,mumps, whooping cough, fever, diptheria, chicken po2 Color ?E? ?;? ;;: )elancholia Color v. >BB :Kk )emory )emory color p. >BB :E: =:k )eniere's, Ears-hard to hear Color >BE :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k )eningitisGEH Color v. >BB :E: :Kk )enses, stoppageGsee a menorreaH Color >K> ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k )ental irritability %ositive on spleen :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k )entally retarded %.>BK Intelligence =:k )igrane Colors p. >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk )ongoloidism Colors etc. p. >BB :E: :Kk )otion sickness colors p. >BB :E: =:k )outh eruptions 1ymph p. >BB glands :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk )ultiple sclerosisGEH colors . >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk ------ %7DE =: -------------)oth patches, urticaria :E: ;:: )ucous ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: )uscles, heart, arm :Kk )uscular <ystrophy :Kk 0ausea ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 0eck :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 0ephritis, kidney inflammation :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k 0erves, inflammation ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 0erve, motor depressant C313' YE113,

0eurasthenia, fatigued ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 0euritis, nerve inflammation ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 0eurosis ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 0euralgia, arms :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 0eutrali$e acids 0icotine poison =:k 0ipples, sore ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 0octurnal emission O on spleen :Kk 0ose, disorders ?E? ?;? ;;: 0umbness, arms, fingers :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 3besity K )in./4A ea. meal 5rampoline =:k 3ccipital 0euralgia ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 3perations, before :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 3ral inflammation ?E? ?;? ;;: 3rchitis, testis inflammation ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 3steoarthritis4=K:: O %317'ICE' E: )in. ?E? ?;? ;;: 3steomyelitis ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 3varies ?E? ?;? ;;: %ain, paralysis, to remove C313' YE113, ?E? ?;? ;;: %ains after operations C313' D'EE0 ?E? ?;? ;;: ------ %7DE == ---------%ains in the kneeGsee .nee %ainsH C313'# :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k %ancreas, disorder ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k %arasites4O =E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: %arathyroid ?E? ?;? ;;: %elvic, disorders4OBB:, =K:: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: %ericarditis, inflamed heart covering ?E? ?;? ;;: %eritonitis ?E? ?;? ;;: %ersist disorders4phagocyte builder4O=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk %haryngitis ?E? ?;? ;;: %lacenta, to e2pel or afterbirth ?E? ?;? ;;: %leurisy G9H :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: %neumoniaG=H ??B :E: ;;: %oison, botulism, ptomaine, drugs %oliomyelitisGEH4=K:: %olyps, growths4E=E; %oor appetite ;:: =:k %oor circulation :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k %rostate ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk %ruritis, anus itching :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k %soriasis, skin trouble :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk %tosis, drooping eyelid ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k %yorrheaG9H ?E? ?;? :Kk 'abies4O =E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 'aynaud's disease :E: ?E? 'heumatism ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k

'heumatoid arthritis ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 'hinitis4O =E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 'ickets Fitamin < and sunlight ;;: 'ing worm4O=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: -------- %7DE =E -----#carlet fever ?E? ?;? ;;: #ciaticia, nerve inflammation4OlE: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #curvy lack of Fitamin C :Kk #emiparalsis Yellow color therapy :E: :Kk #e2ual diseases4OBEK, BB:, =K::, =;K: :E: ?E? ;:: ;;: #e2ual weakness, male R female :E: ?E? ;;: =:k #e2 polarity balance =:k #hingles Gsee *erpes CosterH4=KK: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #hell #hock4O=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #inus disordersG9HO=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #kin hemorrhages ;:: :Kk #kin trouble thrombosisG9H4OlK:: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #leeping sickness4O=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #lipped disc Gsee hernia of discH ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #mallpo2 Gsee )easlesH ?E? ?;? ;;: #mell, morbid, hyperosmia ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k #mell, none, anosmia :E: =:k #nee$ing Gsee convulsionsH ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #olar ple2us :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk #ore throat ?E? ?;? ;;: #pasm, muscle contraction :E: =:k #pleen, enlargement :E: #pongy gums Gsee pyorrheaH ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k #prains, twisted "oint,sprained muscles :E: :Kk #tammering :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #tiff shoulder :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #tiff neck :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #taphyloccus infections = :E: ?E? ;:: #terility Gsee ImpotenceH E::;, E=E? :Kk =:k ------- %7DE =9 -----#tomach cramps :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #tones, gallbladder, kidney ?E? ;:: ;;: =:k #treptococcus infectionsG=H ?E? ?;? ;;: #treptothri2G=H - soil bacteria ?;? #troke :E: ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k #ty Gsee droop of lidH :E: ?E? ;;: :Kk =:k #unstroke :E: =:k #uprarenal stimulant :E: :Kk #urgery ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk #welling, legs, feet :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk #yndrome disorders, many symptoms :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k

#yphills Gsee 5reponemaHG=H4OBEK :E: =:k 5aste, morbid G*yperosmiaH 5abs )alt :E: =:k 5aste, none G7nosmiaH 5abs Fanilla :E: =:k 5etanusG=H B:: ?E? ?;? ;;: 5halamus, sensor relay center :E: :Kk 5hroat inflammation Gsee esophagusH ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 5hrombosis, heart blood clot :E: ;:: :Kk 5hymus gland stimulant :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 5issue nutrition ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 5onsillitis, tonsil inflammation :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 5oothache ?E? ?;? ;:: :Kk 5rachoma, eye inflammation ?E? ?;? ;;: 5rauma, heart in"ury, shock ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k 5rench )outhG9H ?E? ?;? ;;: 5uberculosis rod, virusG=H4 O=K9: :E: ;:: 5hyphoid feverG=H4OB>:, =K?: :E: !lcers, allG9H4O??B ?E? ?;? ;;: !nconsciousness :E: ;:: :Kk --------- %7DE =A -------!rethritis urethra inflamrnation4OBB: ?E? ?;? ;;: !rticaria Gsee hivesH4=;:: ?E? ?;? ;;: ,eak stomach,heartburn ?E?,?;?,;;: :E: :Kk Yellow -ever Kk,;;: :E: :Kk ,arts G9H ?;?,E::;,E=E? ?;? ,orms GparasitesH4O=:: GmainH=E:,E: :E: ;:: :Kk NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ---------- %'33-E< 70< C3''EC5E< -------------)E(IC70 C1I0IC--'EM!E0CIE# -re&uencies GA min. eachH 5otal 5ime Deneral %rogram+ E:, B:, >K, =EK, EEK, AE?, AA:, BB:. 9E min. Cancer+ BB9, ?E?, ??;, ?;?, P;:E,;;:,=:K:, =KK:, E::;,E:K:, E=E?. AA min. Candida 7lbicans+ E:, B:, >K, =EK, EEK, AE?, ?E?. E; min. Cystic -ibrosis+ BB:, ?E?, ??;, ?;?, P;:E,;;:. EA min. Epstein /arr Firus+ AE;, BB:, ?E?,??;, ?;?. E: min. %arasites+ E:, B:, >K, =EK, AA:. E: min. P;:E *$. should not be used if a healthy colon is involved, as it will kill both beneficial and detrimental bacteria. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN /io-Energetic -re&uency Chart G%lease note that although most of the fre&uencies in this list are derived from homeopathic nosodes XvaccinesQ, allergens, sarcodes Xorgan therapy preparationsQ, or cell salts, some are directly from the specified ailment or substance. *owever, this distinction appears inconse&uential since bio-energetic

fre&uencies should be effective in either case.H 7ctinobacillus Ga potentially pathogenic bacteria normally found in mammalsH+ ??9 7ctinomyces israelii Ga bacterium normally found in the bowel and throat that causes deep, pus-filled holes in tissueH+ EEE, EBE, E=KA 7dne2itis Gswelling of the ovaries or -allopian tubesH+ AA:, AA=, KEE, K?E, 99A9, 9;99, K9=E 7denoma, cervical Gepithelial tumor of the cervi2 that can be either benign or malignantH+ A99 7denovirus Ga virus that causes infections in the lungs, stomach, and intestinesH+ 999, KE9, ?;B 7flato2in Ga liver-damaging to2in produced by certain food moldsH+ 9AA, K=:, >A9 7I<#+ .aposi's sarcoma+ EA>, A=; 7lternaria tenuis Ga fungus associated with lung ailmentsH+ ;K9 7moeba Ga single-celled, sometimes-infectious microorganismH+ 9=:, 999, K9E, ?9E, ;E?, =KEE 7moeba hepar abcess Gliver abcess caused by amoebic infectionH+ 9AA 7nthracinum Ghomeopathic anthra2 nosodeH+ B99 7remes tennus+ BB? 7rnica Ga healing herbH+ =:AE 7rsenic alb. Ghomeopathic cell saltH+ KBE 7spergillus flavus Gmold found on corn, peanuts, and grain that produces aflato2inH+ =;E9 7spergillus glaucus Gblue mold occurring in some human infectious processesH+ KEA 7spergillus niger Gcommon mold that may produce severe and persistent infectionH+ 9?A 7spergillus terreus Gmold occasionally associated with infection of the bronchi and lungsH+ ?A9 7sthma+ =E99, =E;9 7strocytoma Gcommon tumor of brain and central nervous systemH+ ;K? /acillus subtilis Ghomeopathic nosode from a bacterium that can cause con"unctivitis+ A9E, ?EE, ;EE, =EAB /acillinum Ghomeopathic nosodeH+ =9E, AE9, A9E, ?;K, ;K9, ;KA, >E=, =:E?, =:AE, =>9E /acterium lactis nosode GhomeopathicH+ K=E, KEB, ?>;, >K=, KA=E /acterium coli Ga type of E. coli normally found in the intestines, water, milk, and soil that is the most fre&uent cause of urinary-tract infections and a common cause of wound

infectionH+ BAE /acterium coli commune GE. coliH combination+ E;E, 999, A=9, >K?, =9E:, =?EE /akers' yeast Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH+ ??K /anti's syndrome G7 serious ailment in which blood vessels between the intestines and the liver become blocked, leading to congestion of the veins, an enlarged spleen, bleeding of the stomach and intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, and blood cell destruction.H+ =??; /arley smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH+ 9?? /ermuda smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH+ >?= /iliary cirrhosis Gan inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructedH+ 9;=, K=A, B??, EE?= /ilirubin Ga bile pigment that may result in "aundice in high concentrationsH+ ?=?, ?EB, ?9=, ;B9 /ladder 5/C+ BAE, ??= /lastocystis hominus+ 9BK, K>K, ;AA, ;A;, =E:=, =EA9 /lue cohosh Ga healing herbH+ 9BA /orreliosis G1yme disease, relapsing fever in humans and animals caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticksH+ EKA, 9AK, KEK, B:K, BAA, B?9, ?>?, ;;A, =AKK /otrytis cinereas Ga homeopathic preparation from a fungal allergenH+ ==9E /otulinum Ga bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food poisoningH+ K=;, K99 /rain tumors+ astrocytoma Gcommon tumor of brain and central nervous systemH+ ;K? gliomas Glargest group of brain cancersH+ KA9, BA= /ranhamella G)ora2ellaH catarrhalis+ E:=9 /ronchiectasis Gchronic dilatation of the bronchiH+ 9AE /ronchopneumonia borinum Ga form of bronchial pneumoniaH+ AKE, =A?A /rucella abortus Gundulent fever or /ang's bacillus, found in cattleH+ =AE9 /rucella melitensis Gform of /rucella found in goats and sheepH+ ?A; Campylobacter Gbacteria causing sudden infectious diarrhea in newbornsH+ ?9E, =B99, =;9A, EEEE Cancer+ adenoma, cervical+ A99 astrocytoma Gcommon tumor of brain and central nervous systemH+ ;K? bronchial+ ABE, ;KE, =K;E colon+ BKB fibrosarcoma Gdevelops rapidly from small bumps on the skinH+

=?AA gliomas Glargest group of brain cancersH+ KA9, BA= *odgkin's disease Ga cancer of the lymphatic system that is both chronic and progressiveH+ KKE, =KEE .aposi's sarcoma+ EA>, A=; leukemia Gstarts with the bone marrow but eventually involves all body organsH+ feline GcatH+ AEA, ;9:, >:=, >=; Jhairy cellJ Gtypified by abnormal blood cells R shortage of othersH+ =EE, BEE, >9E, K=EE Gcould be =KEEH lymphatic+ A?;, ;99 mycloid Gcharacteri$ed by rapid growth of incompletely-formed white blood cellsH+ AEE, ;EE 5-cell+ EEE, EBE, ;EE, 9:AE, 9?9A mycosis fungoides Ga form of skin cancer resembling ec$emaH+ ;KE plasmacytoma Gplasma-cell tumorH+ A?K liver, fermentative+ E=A uterine, fermentative+ =E? Candida Ga genus of yeastlike fungi normal to the human body but capable of harmful overgrowthH+ ;BB tropicalis+ =A:9 Canine parvovirus+ =;K, 9E9, KBE, B=9, BEE, =:::, A:E? mutant strain+ 9E9, K=A type /+ 9E9, K9K, B=9, ?KK Carbo animalis Ghomeopathic remedy from animal-bone charcoalH+ AAA Carcinoma Gany cancerous tumor starting with cells covering body and organ surfaces that then invade both local and distant areasH bronchial+ ABE, ;KE, =K;E colon+ BKB liver, fermentative+ E=A uterine, fermentative+ =E? Carvularia spirafera+ ;?> Cataract brunescent Gbrown opacity in later lifeH+ E:=:, =99K, =;9: complicated Gsecondary type caused by disease, degeneration, or surgeryH+ A>B Causticum Ga homeopathic remedyH+ KA:, =:=9 Celia carroll+ K?B, >?9 Cephaloshorium Gfungi that are the source of some broad-spectrum antibioticsH+ A;=, 9>BB Cerumen Gear wa2H+ 9==, 9E:, ?K:, >;A Cervi2 adenoma Gepithelial tumor of the cervi2H+ A99 Chaetomiumglobosum+ EE=, ;B? Chemicals+ methotre2ate+ K;A

green dye+ KB9, E999 Chicken po2+ ?;?, 99A9 Chlamydia Ga se2ually-transmitted bacterial infectionH+ A9:, BE:, BEA, ;A:, EE=9 Cholera Gan e2tremely contagious and serious bacterial infection of the small intestinesH+ 99:, ;A9, ;AA, =:9K Cholecystitis acute Ge2cruciating gallstone attackH+ A;=, ?A9, ;BK, >E; chronic Glong-term inflammation of the gallbladderH+ A9E Cholesteatoma Gbenign tumor usually found in middle ear R mastoid regionH+ AK9, B=;, ?>9 Cimicifuga Gplant family including black snakeroot and black cohoshH+ K>A Cirrhosis, biliary Gan inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructedH+ 9;=, K=A, B??, EE?= Cladosporium fulvum Ga pathogenic fungusH+ A9; Coelicia+ =KA, K>A, BKB Condylomata Gvenereal warts caused by infectious papilloma virusH+ ABB Corn smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH+ KAB, =BAE Co2sackie virus Gproduces disease resembling non-paralytic polioH+ =9B, =AA, E9E, 9;:, AEE, AEA, A9K, >E=, >E9 type /=+ ;9A type /E+ ?:K, K9A type /A+ AE= type /K+ ABE, =:A9, =:;9 type /B+ ?9B, ;=A C)F Gcytomegalovirus known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type KH+ =EB, K>?, =:AK, E=AK Crinis humansis+ BAB Critter =+ =:99 Critter E+ AE=, =:9K, ==== Crocus sotillus+ ?=: Cryptosporidium Gparasitic proto$oa infre&uently causing diarrhea in humansH+ A;E, K?K, A=EE Cyst, ovarian+>;E Cystic fibrosis G7lso called mucoviscidosis, this is an inherited disorder of the e2ocrine glands that causes them to release very thick mucusH+ KE9 Cystitis, chronic Glong-term inflammation of the urinary bladder and uretersH+ EAB Cystopyelo nephritis Ginflammation from bladder to kidneyH+ =9;K <ematium nigrum Gsoil fungi found in human lesionsH+ EA9 <ental+ B9K, BA:, =:9B, =:A9, =:>A <iphtherinum Ghomeopathic nosode for diphtheriaH+ BEA <istemper+ EAE, EKA, 9=E, AAE, KK=, K?9, BEA, B?=, ?=E, >A:,

=EB>, =>K: <iverticulosis Gcharacteri$ed by tiny hernias of intestinal tissue protruding through the muscular wall of the colonH+ =KA, >9A <roglioma Ga brain tumorH+ ;K9 E. coli GEscherichia coli6 a ma"or cause of infections in wounds and the urinary tractH+ E;E, 999, A=9, >K?, =9E:, =?EE Ear wa2+ 9==, 9E:, ?K:, >;A Echinococcinum Ghomeopathic remedy for tapeworms found in dogs, wolves, cats, R rodents that can infect manH+ =BA, AK9, KAE, BE9 Echo virus Gcauses a type of meningitisH+ BE: Encephalitis Ginflammation of the tissues of the brain and spinal cordH+ ;A= Endometriosis, chronic Ggrowth of uterine tissue outside the uterus that may cause pain, infertility, R abnormal uterine bleedingH+ EAB Entamoeba histolytica Ghighly damaging proto$oa causing dysentary and liver infectionH+ =A;, =BB, 9:; Enterohepatitis Ginflammation of bowel R liverH+ KKE, >9E, >K9 Enterobiasis Gintestinal worms fre&uently found in childrenH+ ??9, ;E?, ;9K, A=KE Enterococcinum Ghomeopathic nosode for #trep-family organisms found in the digestive and urinary tractsH+ B;B Epicoccum+ ?9A Epidermophyton floccinum Ghomeopathic remedy for fungus that attacks skin R nails, includes athlete's footH+ BAA, ?BB Epstein-/arr virus Gthe herpes virus causing mononucleosisH+ =:K, =?E, EK9, BB:, BB9, BB>, ?AA, ;EK, =:9E, =>E: Erysipelas Ga human bacterial infection manifesting in the skin and possibly related to the swine form of the diseaseH+ B=B, ;AK Escherichia coli GE. coli6 a ma"or cause of infections in wounds and the urinary tractH+ E;E, 999, A=9, >K?, =9E:, =?EE -asciola hepatica Gliver fluke of herbivorous animals occasionally found in humansH+ =A9, E?K -ebris wolhynia Ga 'ickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapseH+ KA? -eline GcatH leukemia+ AEA, ;9:, >:=, >=; -ell+ A9K -elis+ A9:, ;9A, EE9E, 9E99 -el tauri Ghomeopathic preparation of o2 bileH+ B?E -ibrosarcoma Gmalignancy containing connective tissue and developing rapidly from small bumps on the skinH+ =?AA -ibroadenoma mamanae Gnon-cancerous, fibrous nodules in the breastsH+ =9;A -ilariose+ Gthread-like worms that invade body tissues and cavitiesH+ ==E, =E:

-ischpyrogen+ ;9E -istula <entalis+ KK:, ?E?, ;AA, ==EE -IF+ EBE, 9E9, 9?E, A:A, KB?, ?=E, ?AE, ?B:, ??9, >=B, ==:9, ==9E, 9?:= -lu '?;+ ;AA '?>+ =E9 ';9+ ?9:, ?9A ';>+ E=B, 9EE '>9+ EKA, KEE, B=K, ;K: triple nosode+ AE=, B9E, =EAE, =AEE, =>EE, 9=EE virus J7J+ 99E virus J7, %ort ChalmersJ+ 99E virus J/J+ K9:, K9E, K9B, K9? virus J/, *ong .ongJ+ KKK virus J/ritishJ+ >9E J#panishJ+ ABE JswineJ+ A=9, A9E, BB9, ;9>, >>K -lukeworm Gparasitic flatworms, including tapeworms, that invade many body areasH+ KEA, ;KA -luor 7lb Ghomeopathic cell saltH+ ==:, AE:, AE9, AEA, K:E, EEEE -ollicular mange Gcontagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair folliclesH+ EK9, B>9 -oot R mouth syndrome Ga mild viral infection found in young childrenH+ E9E, E9?, =E=A, =EA9, =EAA, =E?=, KA== -ungus flora+ B9E -usarium o2ysporum Ga fungus causing inflammation of the cornea of the eyeH+ =:E, ?:K Dallbladder inflammation GchronicH+ A9E Dallstone attack+ A;=, ?A9, ;BK, >E; Danglionitis, acute posterior Gcommonly known as shingles or herpes $osterH+ K?A, =KK? Dardnerella Gbacteria that often infect and inflame the vaginal mucosaH+ 9E:, ?;E Deotrichum candidum Gfungus found in feces and dairy products whose manifestations resemble those of candidaH+ A=E, KA9 Derman measles Grubella or 9-day measlesH+ K=:, K=? Diardia Gan intestinal parasite, also known as lamblia, spread by contaminated food and water and by human-to-human contactH+ 99A Dliocladium Gbrain fungusH+ ;KK Dliomas Glargest group of brain cancersH+ KA9, BA= Drippe Ginfluen$aH+ 9A9, K::, K=E, KA=, ;BE, =:::, ==>E, 9:=E, 9AE9, =:EE9 ';B tri+ K9E

';?+ 99E, >K9 ';;+ E:K: ';>+ 9K9 '>:+ BKB *aemophilia Ghereditary bleeding disorders in which the blood does not readily clotH+ ;AK *aemophilus influen$ae+ KAE type /+ BKE, >AE *air, human+ BAB *and, foot, R mouth syndrome Ga mild viral infection found in young childrenH+ E9E, E9?, =E=A, =EA9, =EAA, =E?=, KA== *eartworm+ KA9, E9EE *elminthosporium Gthe reproductive element of parasitic wormsH+ ?>9, >B> *emobartinella felis+ B:9, >K? *emorrhoid+ AA? *epatitis Ginflammation of the liverH+ EEA, 9=?, =9K= type 7+ 9E=, 9EE: type /+ A99 new numbers+ A??, >EE type C Galso known as Jnon-7, non-/JH+ =BB *erpes simple2 Gprimarily non-genitalH+ 9EE, 9A9, A?B, ;EE, ;A9, =:A9, =B=A, E:BE simple2 II Gprimarily genitalH+ KKB, ;9E simple2 I!.E+ ;:; type E7+ K9E type C+ 9>K, AEA, AB:, K99, KKA, ?:=, ?AK, EAK: type K+ =EB, K>?, =:AK, E=AK $oster GshinglesH+ K?A, =KK? *irudo medicinalis Ga homeopathic remedy prepared from a leech used for therapeutic purposesH+ =E; *IF+ B;9, ?=A, 9KKA *odgkin's disease Ga form of malignancy characteri$ed by enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen, and lymph tissue and often includes weight loss, fever, night sweats, and anemiaH+ KKE, =KEE *ormodendrum Ga genus of fungi that includes human pathogensH+ B>K *ousehold insect mi2+ ?E9 Icterus, haemolytic Ga chronic form of "aundice involving anemiaH+ EA9 Influencinum /erlin 'KK+ A9:, ?E:, ?99 InfluencinumFesic+ E:9, E>E, B=E, >?K InfluencinumFesic 0,+ 9BA, K=>, K>: InfluencinumFesic #,+ A99

Influen$um, /ach poly flu GhomeopathicH+ =EE, 9K:, A;?, B9A, ;E9 Influen$um to2icum GhomeopathicH+ ;KA Influen$a triple nosode+ AE=, B9E, =EAE, =AEE, =>EE, 9=EE virus J7J+ 99E virus J7, %ort ChalmersJ+ 99E virus J/J+ K9:, K9E, K9B, K9? virus J/, *ong .ongJ+ KKK virus J/ritishJ+ >9E J#panishJ+ ABE JswineJ+ A=9, A9E, BB9, ;9>, >>K Intestinal inflammation+ =:K, ?>= @DE+ 9EE, =::: .aposi's sarcoma+ EA>, A=; .idney papilloma Gsmall, supposedly-benign growth on a kidneyH+ ==:, ?B?, >=? .ieferosteitis Ga type of bone inflammation marked by enlargement and painH+ A9E, K=B .lebsiella pneumoniae Gthe bacterium causing acute, bacterial pneumoniaH+ A=E, ?BB 1ac <eflorat+ E9:, 9?= 1amblia Gan intestinal parasite, also known as Diardia, spread by contaminated food and water and by human-to-human contactH+ 99A 1ateral sclerose Gdegeneration of spinal cord leading to spastic paraplegiaH+ EKA 1egionella G homeopathic remedy for 1egionnaires' disease, a gram-negative bacteria associated with condensed or treated water that migrate to lung tissue and stimulate severe respiratory manifestationsH+ ?E9 1eishman <onovan bodies Ga type of pathogenic, human parasite found worldwideH+ KEK 1eptospirosis %. C. Ga disease that is spread to humans through animal urine or things contaminated by it and that can cause meningitis, "aundice, anemia, miscarriage, and deathH+ B=E 1eukoencephalitis Ga serious, progressive brain diseaseH+ 9EA, K?E, >9E, =:9K, =:?>, ====, ==B:, =999, =B9: 1eukemia Gcancer involving the blood-forming tissues in bone marrowH feline GcatH+ AEA, ;9:, >:=, >=; Jhairy cellJ Gcharacteri$ed by abnormal blood cells R shortage of othersH+ =EE, BEE, >9E, K=EE lymphatic+ A?;, ;99 mycloid+ AEE, ;EE 5-cell+ EEE, EBE, ;EE, 9:AE, 9?9A 1eukoencephalitis Ginflammation of brain's white matter, usually

in infants and children, but also found in horses as a result of forage poisoningH+ 9EA, K?E, >9E, =:9K, =:?>, ====, ==B:, =999, =B9: 1eukose Gproliferation of tissues that form white blood cells6 considered to be foundational stage of leukemiaH+ B=E, B99, BK9, 9?EE, A=EEA 1ipoma Gbenign, soft tumor of fatty tissueH+ A? 1isteriose Ga serious disease causing miscarriage, meningitis, and endocarditis in humans6 known as Jcircling disease in ruminants and causes liver necrosis in animals with single stomachsH+ A?=, ??A, E=BE 1iving sinus bacteria+ KA; 1uesinum4#yphilinum Ga homeopathic remedy for syphilisH+ =?? 1upus Glocali$ed degeneration of skin by various diseases6 vulgaris is a common form of this ailment that is actually a rare form of tuberculosis that manifests with disfigurement and destruction of the skin and cartilage of the faceH E:K, EA9, EAA, 9KE, 9;B, B99, >E=, >AE, >>9, =999, =ABA 1yme disease Galso known as borreliosis6 relapsing fever in humans and animals caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticksH+ EKA, 9AK, KEK, B:K, BAA, B?9, ?>?, ;;A, =AKK 1ymphangitis Glymphatic vessel inflammation of humans and horses most commonly caused by strep but also by other bacteria, yeast fungus, and cancerH+ K?A, ==E: 1ymphogranuloma G*odgkin's disease6 a form of malignant lymphomaH+ KKE, =KEE 1yssinum Ga homeopathic nosode for rabiesH+ KA?, ?>9 )alaria Gan infectious disease, originating in tropical areas, that is transmitted by a mos&uito bite and characteri$ed by fever, anemia, and spleen enlargementH+ EEE, KK:, ?=9, >9:, =:9E, =A99 )allei+ =E?9 )amma fibromatosis Gformation of fibroid tumors of the breastsH+ EB? )annan+ >B= )ange, follicular Gcontagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair folliclesH+ EK9, B>9 )arsh elder+ A?A )astitis Gan inflamed breast usually caused by bacterial infectionH+ BKA )astoiditis Ginflammation of the bony structure of the head in the region of the ears below the eyesH+ E;? )easles rubella GDerman or 9-day measlesH+ A9=, K=: rubella vaccine+ AK>

rubeola G>-day measlesH+ 9AE, AB?, KE:, =A;> rubeola vaccine+ >BE )edorrhinum Ghomeopathic nosode for urethral dischargeH+ E9:, AAE, KKA, ;A9, ;KA, =?::, =;;:, EEEE )elanoma metastasis+ >?> )eningococcus virus Ga virus infecting the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cordH+ ?E: )eningioma Ga benign, slow-growing tumor of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cordH+ K9K )eningitis Ginflammation of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cordH+ 9EE, ?99, ;EE, =:AA, =AEE )eningococcinum Ghomeopathic nosode for meningitisH+ =9:, K=?, B?B, B?? )icrosporum audouinii Ga fungus commonly causing ringworm of the scalpH+ AEE, ;9=, =EEE canis Ga fungus causing ringworm in cats, dogs, and childrenH+ =BAA )old+ EEE, EAE, KE9, KBK, K>E, BE9, ?AK, >99, ==9:, ==KK, =999, =;99, AAAE 7RC+ 99=, ?9E, >E9, >;E mi2 7+ K>A mi2 /+ =K;, K=E, BE9, ??A, =:=B, =AB9 mi2 C+ 9>=, =BE? vac II+ =;K, EK? )onilia Gthe former name for CandidaH+ ;BB, ;;B )onotospora languinosa Ghomeopathic remedy for fungal allergenH+ ?;; )orbus %arkinson G%arkinson's disease6 7 slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic disorderH+ ;=9 )organ GbactH+ ??; )ucocutan %erniciosis+ ;99 )ucoviscidosis G7lso called cystic fibrosis, this is an inherited disorder of the e2ocrine glands that causes them to release very thick mucusH+ KE9 )ucor Ga genus of fungiH mucedo Gcauses rot in fruit and baked goods R sometimes found on feet and skinH+ B=E, =::: plumbeus+ 9B= racemosis simus Ggrows on decaying vegetation and bread and causes ear infectionH+ 9=:, A?A )ucormycosis Galso called $ygomycosis6 a serious, fungal infection usually associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive drugsH+ >AE

)umps Gacute viral inflammation of the saliva glandsH+ =KE, =>:, E9K, EAE, K=B, BAE, B?A, >EE, =EA9, =BB:, EB9:, 9=AE )umps vaccine+ E?9, KK=, ?==, ?9:, =A=> )uscular dystrophy Ginherited disorders characteri$ed by weakness and progressive wasting of skeletal muscles despite no concommitant wasting of nerve tissueH+ =K9 )ycloid leukemia Gcharacteri$ed by rapid growth of incompletely-formed white blood cellsH+ AEE, ;EE )ycogone spp Ghomeopathic allergenic preparation based on fungusH+ 9?=, AAB, ==E9 )ycosis fungoides Ga form of skin cancer resembling ec$emaH+ K9E, BBE, B?;, ;KE, =AAA )yocard-0ekrose Ghomeopathic remedy from heart cells that died as a result of inade&uate blood flow to themH+ ?:B, ?;> )yoma Ga benign tumor on the uterusH+ EK9, AE:, AK9, ;9E )yositis Ginvolves progressive muscle weaknessH+ =E:, =EE, =EK, =E>, ==EA, ==B> )ycoplasma pneumonia Ga contagious, bacterial pneumonia of children and young adultsH+ B;; 0agel mykose Ga disaccharide from which glucose can be hydroli$edH+ ABE, BKA trichophytie Gfrom a fungusH+ =99, 9;=, ;=E, EAEE 0asal polyp Gbenign growth inside the nasal passageH+ KAE, =A9B 0asturtium Ga healing herbH+ =A9 0ematodes GroundwormsH+ ??= 0ephritis Gkidney inflammationH+ EBA 0euralgia Ga painful disorder of the nervous systemH+ ;99 0eurospora sitophila Ghomeopathic allergenic preparationH+ ?:K 0igrospora spp Ghomeopathic allergenic preparationH+ 9:E 0ocardia asteroides Gthe microorganism causing 0ocardiosis, an infectious pulmonary disease characteri$ed by abscesses in the lungsH+ E9? 3ligodena+ ;K9 3rnithosis Gor %sittacosis or %arrot -ever6 an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birdsH+ 99=, K;9, =E=? 3steitis Gbone inflammationH+ ??: 3steomyelosclerosis Gmarrow replacement by bone in response to low-grade infectionH+ ?>, 99: 3steosinusitis ma2.+ EA9 3titis )edinum Ga homeopathic remedy for otitis media, middle ear swelling and4or infectionH+ 9=B 3varian cyst+ >;E 3vum+ ?KE 32 bile Gthe homeopathic remedy derived from itH+ B?E %apilloma virus Gcauses benign tumors having a branch or stalkH+

>:? %araceli+ E9E %aradontose+ AEA, =KKE %arkinson's disease Ga slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic disorderH+ ;=9 %arrot -ever Gor 3rnithosis or %sittacosis6 an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birdsH+ 99=, K;9, =E=? %arvovirus, canine+ =;K, 9E9, KBE, B=9, BEE, =:::, A:E? mutant strain+ 9E9, K=A type /+ 9E9, K9K, B=9, ?KK %asteurella combination Ghomeopathic nosode for bacterial diseases spread by animal bitesH+ >=9 %emphigus Grare, autoimmune skin disorders characteri$ed by blisters in the outer layer of skin and mucous membranesH + B>A, ;>9 %enicillium chyrosogenium+ 9AA, ;B;, =:?:, EA== notatum+ 9E=, KKK, BE>, ;EK, >AE rubrum+ 99E, ?BB, =:=K %ennyroyal Gan herbH+ ??E %en&ueculum+ ?AB, ?KK, =9?K, B>BK %epto streptococcus+ E:= %erniosis Ga disorder of the blood vessels caused by prolonged e2posure to cold and characteri$ed by skin lesions on the lower legs, hands, toes, feet, ears and faceH+ E9E, BEE, ;EE, AE== %ertussis Gwhooping coughH+ KEB, ?BK %homa <estructiva GhomeopathicH+ =B9 %lague GYersenia pestis6 spread primarily by ratsH+ 999 %lasmacytoma Ga tumor with plasma cells that occurs in the bone marrow, as in multiple myeloma, or outside of the bone marrow, as in tumors of the inner organs and lining of the nose, mouth, and throatH+ A?K %neumococcus Gthe most common cause of bacterial pneumoniaH+ B;9 mi2ed flora+ =K;, =?A, BAK, ;:= %neumocystis G7 fungally-induced pneumonia usually developing in the immuno-suppressed presence of 7I<#H+ E:A, 9A:, ?AE %neumonia .lebsiella pneumoniae Gthe bacterium causing acute, bacterial pneumoniaH+ A=E, ?BB mycoplasma+ B;; %olio Gor poliomyelitisH+ ?AE, =K::, EB9E %olyp, uterine+ B;> %orphyria Gseveral rare disorders of the nervous system and skinH+ B>; %rostate 7denominum Ghomeopathic remedy for prostate tumorH+ AAE, =;?K

%roto$oa+ A9E, ?K9 %seudomonas Gbacteria often found in wounds, burns, and infections of the urinary tract that are not controlled by antibioticsH+ =?A, A;E, K9== %sittacosis Gor 3rnithosis or %arrot -ever6 an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birdsH+ K;9, =E=? %sorinum Ghomeopathic nosode for psoriasisH+ ?;B %ullularia pullulans Ga homeopathic allergenic remedyH+ =9BA %yelitis4proteus Gbacteria commonly found in hospital-borne conditionsH+ K>A %yocyaneus Ghomeopathic nosode for %seudomonas pyocyaneaH+ A9? %yodermia Gor %yoderma Dangrenosum6 a rare skin disorder of unknown cause. #mall pustules develop into large ulcers at various sites on the body.H+ =E9 %yrogenium Ghomeopathic remedy for pusH GBEH+ AE>, K>A, BEE mayo+ =BEK M -ever Gan infectious disease caused by contact with animals with the parasitic 'ickettsia bacteria, Co2iella burnetii whose symptoms may include headache, fever, chills, and sweatsH+ =9K? 'abies Gor hydrophobiaH+ KA?, ?>9 'eproductive+ BEE 'hesus gravidatum+ B;A 'heuma+ >KE 'heumaticus+ 999, 9?B 'hinopneumonitis+ =;K, 9B?, ;E: 'hi$opus nigricans+ =9E 'hodo 5orula+ ;99 'hodococcus+ =EA, ;9K 'ickettsia Gbacteria that are transmitted to man by lice, fleas, ticks, and mitesH+ =E>, B9E, >A9, =:BE 'ocky )ountain spotted fever+ 9?K, ;BE, >A9 'ound worms+ EA:, BK:, B;; 'ubella GDerman or 9-day measlesH+ A9=, K=: 'ubella vaccine+ AK> 'ubeola G>-day measlesH+ 9AE, AB?, KE:, =A;> 'ubeola vaccine+ >BE #alivary gland virus Ghuman herpes type KH+ =EB, K>?, =:AK, E=AK #almonella+ =KEE type /+ KAB, =B9A paratyphi /+ K>, >E, BA9, ?:?, ?=?, >?E, ???= typhi+ AE: #anguis menst+ K>= #arcoma, .aposi's+ EA>, A=; #chistosoma haematobium+ ;A?, ;B?

mansoni+ 9E> #chuman /-cell+ 9EE, AEK, AE;, KB=, B::, BE:, BE9, ?;:, ?;=, >K:, >KE, =:E9, =KEA #clerosis, lateral Gdegeneration of spinal cord resulting in spastic paraplegiaH+ EKA #emperillium+ ==A: #erum #chweinepest+ K:9 #hingles G*erpes $osterH+ K?A, =KK? #inusitis+ AKB frontalis+ >KE ma2illars+=B: #mallpo2 Gan e2tremely contagious viral disease marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small blistersH+ =AE, A?B, K==, ;?B, =BAA, E=9E, EKAA #megma+ =;: #olitary cyst+ ?K, KA9 #orghum smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH+ E>A #porobolomyces+ ?K9 #porotrichum pruinosum+ ?KK #taphylococcus+ AK9, KK:, ==:> aureus+ AEA, ?E?, ?;B, >A9, =:K: coagulae positive+ BA9 #temphylium+ AB= #treptococcus haemolytic+ =9A, K9K, KAE, =A=K, =KEE, =>:E viridans+ AEK, A99, AAK, =:=:, =:B: virus+ KB9, B==, ?E? #treptomyces griseolus+ ;;? #trongyloides Ggenus of roundwormsH+ 99E, AEE, ?E=, >AE, 9E=E #truma cystica+ K9== nodosa+ =:K, =EE, 9E=, K=?, K9E, BK= parenchyme+ =E= #udor pedis+ =A; #wine flu+ A=9, A9E, BB9, ;9>, >>K #yphilinum41uesinum G a homeopathic remedy for syphilisH+ =?? 5-cell leukemia+ EEE, EBE, ;EE, 9:AE, 9?9A 5aenia+ =;? 5ape worms+ KEE, KBE, ;A9, =EE9, 9:9E, KKEE 5etanus+ 9KE, KKA, ==AE 5etanus anti-to2in+ 9B9, AK; 5etragenus+ 9>9, E?=E 5hermi bacteria+ E99, AA= 5hread worms+ AEE, AE9, ?9E, AA=E 5obacco mosaic Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH+ E99, E?A, KA9, ?;E, =:KE

5onsillar nos+ =BKB pfropfe+ EAB 5onsillitis+ =AA, AKE 5orulopsosis Ga common yeast causing disease for those in weakened condition or with suppressed immune functionH+ 9KA, KEE, ;?E, E=E= 5o2oplasmosis Ga serious, infectious disease that can be either ac&uired or present at birth and that is commonly contracted by handling contaminated cat litterH+ A9A, ;KE 5richinosis Gthe very serious parasitism resulting from eating pork or bear meatH+ =:=, KA=, ;EE, =:KA, =9?E 5richodermia+ ?== 5richomonas Ga microorganism causing vaginal irritation with discharge and itchingH+ B=:, B>E, >;: 5richophytie+ =9E, ;=E, EAEE, >A>9 5richophyton mentagrophytes+ 9== rubrum+ ?KE, >E9 tonsuraus+ ?BK 5rypanosoma gambiense+ EKK, 9=B 5uberculinum+ KEE, =:;K, =:>>, =?:: 5uberculosis aviare+ 9:9, 99E, 9AE, K9E, 9==9 bovine+ KE9, 99K9 .lebs'+ EE=, ==9E, =BAA, E9=9, BK=B 5ularemia Ga serious infectious disease also called deerfly fever or rabbit feverH+ 9EA, AE?, ;E9 5umor, brain+ KA9, BA=, ;K? !lcer, ventric+ E9E, =::: !rea-plasma+ ?KB !remia Galso known as uremic poisoning6 e2cessive amounts of nitrogenous waste products in the blood, as seen in kidneyl failureH+ >== !terine polyp+ B;> Faccininum Ga homeopathic nosodeH+ A?B Faricella Gthe herpes virus that causes chickenpo2 during childhood and shingles Xherpes $osterQ in adulthoodH+ 9AK, BB;, ?=B, ?9; Fariola Galso known as smallpo2, an e2tremely contagious viral disease marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small blistersH+ =AE, A?B, K==, ;?B, =BAA, E=9E, EKAA Fariolinum Ghomeopathic smallpo2 nosodeH+ KAE, KB>, ;9E, 9EEE Ferruca Ga rough-surfaced, supposedly-harmless, virus-caused skin wartH+ BAA, ?B?, >K9 ,erlhof+ B>:

,olhynia fever Ga 'ickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapseH+ KA? Yeast, JultimateJ+ ?E, EKA, AEE, K;E, ?;?, =:=B, ==9A, ==K9, EEEE Yellow fever Ga severe, viral infection causing damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, and entire gastrointestinal tractH+ =AE, =?;, E9E, A9E, ?9A, ==;? Yersenia pestis Galso called %asteurella pestis+ causes plague6 spread primarily by ratsH+ 999 Cygomycosis Galso called mucormycosis6 a serious fungal infection usually associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive drugsH+ >AE NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

)7#5E' '75E #*EE5 E: *E'5C+ 70E!'I#) 70!# I5C* =:. 7'5h'IE#, *ard K. 7'5h'I3#C1E'3#I# K. 7!'7 /'E75*, /ad K. /133< %'E##. 13, /3I1# ?E?,?;?,;K: /!/3)C %1C. K::,K. C*IC.E0 %3( ?E? C*I1/17I0# K. C31< *70<#, -EE5 K. C3'0#, -EE5 =:. C!5# GO to healH K. <E7-0E## ;::,=:. <I%5*E'I7 ?E?,?;?,;;: <'E7)# =:. <'!D 7<<IC5I30 E7'#+ /7170CE, *7'< 53 *E7', 'I0DI0D, <ICCI0E## E%I1E%5IC -I5# E%I<I<Y)I5I# =K:: E!#57C*I70 5!/E ;:: EYE, 7rteriosclerosis =:. EYE, /1!'. FI#i30 K. E1/3, %7I0 K. -711I0D *7I' =:. -EFE', 711 K. -I##!'E# =:. -EIDI<I5Y =:. -7#CI7, -ibrous K. -7I05I0D K. D711 #530E# D711 /17<<E' K. D70D'E0E ?E?,?;?,;;: D7# %7I0# K. D7#5'I\# K. DI<<Y, <ICCY =:. D170<!17' lY' =:. D3I5E' K. D3!5 =:. *E7<7C*E# =:. D!) I0-17)E< ;::,K. *70<#, Cold *E)3''*3I<# ;::,;;: *ICC3!D*# =:. ll711!CI07\30# K. *E7< %'E##!'E K. *Y#5E'IC71 #Y)%. K. *Y%E'7CI<I5Y =:. *Y%3C*30<'I!) =:. *I -F'.4%Y'E(I7 *Y%E'5h0#I30 =:. I0-EC5I30# ;;: I0-1!E0C7 ;;: I05E11IDE0CE =:. .I<0EY =:. 17C. of conductivity =:. 17##I5!<E, weak )717'I7 )E)3'Y =:. )E0571 irritability =:. )ID'iR0E K. )E0I0DI5I# K. )3\30 #IC.0E## =:. )30D313I<I#) K. )35* %75C*E# ;:: 0E%*'I5I#, .I<0EY =:. 0!)/ in arros K. %70, after operations %E1FIC <I#3'<E'# %1E!'I#Y K. %0E!)3)7 K. %33' CI'C!17\30 =:. %#3'I7#I# K. %7I0, .0EE =:. %I0 ,3,# =E:,;:: 'I0D,3') =E:

'7/IE# =E: '*I0I\# =E: -#CI7\C7 =E: #E(!71 <I#E7#E# =E: #I0!# =E: #1EE%. #IC.0E## =E: #.I0 5'3!/1E =K:: #E( ,E7.0E## =:. #%'7I0# K. #\-- #*3!1<E' =:. #E)I-%7'71Y#I# K. #57))E'I0D =:. -#5'3.E =:. #53)7C* C'7)%# =:. #!0#5'3.E, =:. #53)7C* #,E11I0D ;:: #Y%*I1I# BEK,BK: #%1EE0, enlarged #,E11I0D, legs, feet =:. #)E11, noneG7nosmiaH =:. #%7#), muscle =:. #!%'7'E071 stimulant K. #317' %1E(!# K. 530#I11I5I# ;;: 5!/E'C!13#I# ;::,=KK: 5Y%*3I< B>:, =K?: 5*Y)!# stimulant K. 57#5E, noneG7nesmiaH =:. 57#5E, morbid G*yoerosmiaH =:. 5E570!# to A:: 5*717)!# K. 5*'3)/3#I#, heart clot ;::,K. !0C30#CI3!# ,E7. #53)7C* =:. ,*I%17#* =:. ,3')#, %7'7#I5E# =E:,;:: E: to A::+ 5E570!# B: 53 =EK+ ,3,# ni1. E%I1E%#Y E: %I0 ,3')# E: %I0D,3,# E: %E'#I#5E05 <I#3'<E'#, %*7D3CY5E /!I1<E' E: - '7/IE# E: '=tI)\# E: #CI75IC7 E: #E(!71 <i#E7#E# E: -#*E11 #*3C. E: #I0!# E: #1EE%. #IC.0E## E: ,3')#, %7'7#I5E# E:,;:: -5hK]A C70<I<I7#I# GC70<I<7 71/iC70#, C70<I<7 #%3'E#H ------ %7DE = ----NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNN K::+ /!/3)C %17D!E B::+ E'Y#I%E17#, #.IH0 I0-17))75I30 E:::, 1E%'3#Y BEE+ D303''*E7, BB: ]"E^ #Y%*I1I# E:, =E:, BK:, BK> GJB::=: ?::JH BK:+ #Y%*I1I# E:,=E:,BEK,BK> \ #Y%*I1I# E:, =E:, BEK,BK: frsk D303'E*E7, %E1FIC <I#3'<E'# BEE B>:+ 5Y%*3I< FI'!# E:, =K?:, =;BK ?E?+ GP '5o save space, this means to add ?A:, ?;? R ;;: to *\ rates listedH 7C0E P 7.I.<.#. PEA;>,K. 7<E03I<# P 7%%E0<ICI5I# P 7%*5*7E 5*'!#* P 70\#E%5IC P 7#5*)7 P /I5E#, I0#EC5# ;;: /133< <I#E7#E P /3I1# P /'30C*3-%0E15)3)7 ??B,;;: /'30C*I5* ;;: /'ID*5'# <I#E7#E P /!'#I5I# P C7'/!0C1E# PE: C*I1< <I#3'<E'# ;;: CE'FICI5I# PE: C*IC.E0 %3( PE: C3'YC7 , 0ose P CY#5I5I#, /ladder P;:: <I%5*E'I7 PE: <Y#)E03''*E7 P;:: E#3%*7D!# P

<!3<E071 !1CE' l3.,;;: EYE, #5'7I0E< P E<E)7, 1!0D# P %I#5!17, !1CE' P EE)71E <I#3'<E' P D70D'E0E E: D'I%%E, -1! P D307< I0E17). P *E%)ffl# P *37'#E0E## P I0EE#5I0E#, I0-17). P 1E1I.3''*E7 P 03#E <I#3'<E'# ?;? 3F7'IE# ?;? %7I0, %7'71Y#I# P %70C'E7# P %E'I530\# P %*7'YD0Ill# P %E'IC7'<I\# P #3'E 5*'375 P #57%*Y13C3CC!# #!'DE'Y P 530#I11I5I# PE: 5335*E7C*E PE: 5'7C*3)7, EYE P !1CE'#, %E%\C 4 D7#5'IC P??B !'E5*'I5* PBB: )E7#1E#, )!)%#, #C7'1E5 %EFE', #)711%3(P EtI1 ,*33%I0D C3!D*, 1IFE' E017'DE)E05 ?;?,?;A ??] /'30C*3%0E!)30I7, ?E?,;;: I,Ii"]#5'E%535*'I( ?;? mm #5'E%535*'I( ?;A, 70< 711 <I#3'<E'# 1I#5E< !0<E' ?E?, 1IFE' E017'DE)E05 ?E; C31ffi# =:. C31IC C30#5I%7\30 CL5I\# ?E?,;;: <Y#%E%#I7 <Y#)E03''*E7 ?E?,?;?,;;: <I#5E0<E< #53)7C* K. E!#57C*I70 ItIl/E# -1! D!)#, I0-17). E:,K. *E)3''*3I<# E:,;;: I05h'C3#571 0E!'71DI7 =:. I1E3C31I5I# I05E#5I0E# to release 1!%!# F!1D7'I!# lI0EE %7I0# 17(75IFE, )I1< )!C3!#, )!C!# )35* %75C*E# 3'C*I\#, 5h#5h# %I0,3')# E:, =E: #%30<Y1I5I# ;;:, =KB: #)E11, morbid =:. -#%30DY D!)# =:. #.I0, *emorrhages K. 5335*7C*E P?E? ------ %7DE E ----NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNN 5*'3)/3#I# E:,K. - ,3')#, %7'7#I5E# E:,=E: fiM$+ E. C31I, 5!/E'C!13#I# '3< \ 711 <I#3'<E'# 1I#5E< !0<E' ?E?, 70< 5IlE -3113,I0D+ *E)3''*3I<# E:, ;:: I0-EC5I30# E:, ?E;,?;? 530#Y1I5I# ;::, =KB: 530#I1I5I# E: =K5h E%I<I<Y)I5I# E: I05705I1E %7'71Y#Y# 3#5E37'5*'I5I# %E1FIC <I#3'<E'# E:,BB: #.I0 5'3!/1E, 5hrombosis E: %31I3 K., =:. =KK:6 *E'%E# C3#5E' G#hinglesH, *E'%E#, ,ater blisters =KB:+ #%30<Y1I\# ;::, ;;: =K5h 5Y%*3I< E:, B>:, =;BK *IFE# =;BK+ 5Y%*3I< FI'!# E:,B>: E'Y#I%E17#, #kin inflammation B:: C70CE', #7'C3)7 E:>9, G9 )I0.4 EFE'Y 9 <7Y#, 0ED75IFE %317'I5Y 301YH

C70CE', #7'C3)7 E::; G9 )I0.4 EFE'Y 9 <7Y#, 0ED75IFE %317'I5Y 301YH E=E?+ C70CE', C7'CI03)7 GI05E'071 3' E(5E'071H, 1E!.E)I7. EE=? G9 )I0.EFE'Y 9 <7Y#, 0ED75IFE %317'I5Y 301YH E=E;+ %31Y%#, D'3,5*# EE=?+ C70CE', C7'CI03)7 and 1E!.E)I7 E=E? G9 )I0.4 EFE'Y 9 <7Y#, 0ED75IFE %317'I5Y 301YH EEK:+ 530IC -3' 7<'E071# EA;>+ 7.I.<.#., ?E?, ?;?,;;:, K. G71#3 5'Y )E5*3< -3' #Y%*I1I#H #EE %7DE >=E I0 %.'.). EK::+ 530IC -'EM -3' CE11# 3- 1EF<ID I0 C3130 G#EE %.9K>H =K5h 53)C -3' %I0E71, %I5!I57'Y, 5*Y'3I<, %1!# 5*E -3113,I0D+ 7/<3)I071 %7I0 =:. 70E)I7 7'5E'IE#, *ardening 7'5E'I3#C1E'3#I# E: 711E'DIE# /7< /'E75* E: /7< C3)%1E(I30 /E< ,E55I0D /3I1# ?E?,?;?,;;:,E: /'E7#5 5'3!/1E /!/3)C %17D!E E:,K:: /'E75*I0D /!0IC'0 %7I0 E: CE'FIC71 D170< C*I1/17I0# E: C'IC. I0 0EC. C!5#G5o healH E: Cleans blood plasma <I7''0E7 <Y#E057'Y <!110E## ------ %7DE 9 ----NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNN <IDE#5fB0 <istended stornach, ;:: E7'#, hard to hear E: E7'#, ringing E:,=K. to E:. E7'7C*E# E7#I1Y -7\D!E< ECCE)7, 711 #.I0 %'3/1E)#, *E'%E# )3!5* E'!%5I30# EYE, bifocal, blurred, catarract, crossed, near4far sighted, infected, lacrimal, sty =:. E1/3, -7I0 E: -7CI71 %7'71Y#I# =:. -EFE', 711 E: -7#CI7, -I/'3!# E: -7I05I0D E: -'3#5 /l5E D711 /17<<E' E: D7# %7I0# E: D3I5E' E: D'7FE1 I0 !'I0E D!)#, I0-17). E:,;:: *7Y -EFE' *E7'5 <I#3'<E'#+ myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, stenosis, angina pectoris, cardiac hypertrophy, bradycardia, tachycardia. III% %7I0 *711!CI075I30# E: *E7< %'E##!'E E: *Y#5E'IC71 #Y)%. E: *E'0I7 *E'E<I57'Y #E( <E'70DE)E05 I0<IDE#5I30 iQ='17). /'E7#5# I''I57/I1I5Y I0@!'IE# I5C*I0D, 70!# 17a7\30, I0#-EI05. I05E#5I071 #%7#)# @7!0<ICE 1Y)%*75IC depressant 1E!C3CY5h /!I1<E' )!#C1E 'E%7I' )ID'70E E: )E0I0D=5l# E: )!15I%1E #C*1E'3#I# )30D313I<I#) E: )!#C1E#, *E7'5, 7') )!#C!17' <I#5'3%*Y 07!#E7 0E1lIt7#5*E0I7 0EC. 03C5!'071 E)I##I30 0!)/0E##, 7')# E: 0I%%1E#, #3'E 3#5E3)YE!5=# 3CCI%I571 0E!'71DI7 %'3#5'75E D170< %1E!'I#Y E: %0E!)3)7 E: %#3'I7#I# E: 'IC.E5#

#%'7I0#, 5,I#5E< @3I05#, #%'7I0E< )!#C1E# E: #E)I%7'71Y#i# E: #5I)!175E# 3F7'I70 E1I)I075I30 E: #!%'7'E071 stim. E: #C!'FY, 3!5 #.I0, hemorrhages ;:: #317' %1E(!# E: 5I##!E 0!5'I5I30 5-lt')!# #5I)!1705 E: 5*717)!# E: 5*I'3)/3#I#, *E7'5 /133< C135 E:,;:: =:.:::G=:.H+ DE0E'71 3FE'711 #Y#5E) 530IC, %1!# 5*E -3113,I0D 7/<3)I071 %7I0 K. 7C!5E %7I0 71C3*31I#) 713%ECI7, *7I' 13## 7)E03''E7 70!# =5C*I0D E: 7%%E5I5h, #.I00I0E## 7'5h'I\# 7!53I053(I'C75I30 /7C*7C*E /7< 5EE5* E: El1I3!#0E## /E05 /7C. /133< %'E##!'E, *ID* /'!I#E# /30E#, C!5 3' /'3.E0 /!'0# C757'7C5# CE'E/'3#%I071 %'3/. C*'30IC 5I'E< C3!D*I0D, C31<# ?E; C31=5I#, )!C3!# ;:: C30F!1#I30# C'7)%# C3#571DI7, %!/ %7I0 C305'7C5I30, #53%# <I#C*7'DE# C7'<I7C <E%'E##705 <E7-0E## E:,;:: <I7/E5E# <'3%#Y <'E7)# E: <'!D 7<<IC5I30 <!3<E071 !1CE' ?E?,;;: E7'L /7170CE E: E7' <I#C*7'DE# <E%'E##E<, E7#i1Y E017'DE< D170<# E0!'E#=L /E< ,E5 EYE#, colorblind, arteriosclerosis E:, crossed, degeneration, diplopia, near4far sighted infected K., nerve pain, lacrimal K., droop of eye lid K., sty K., ptosis K.. -7CI71 %7'71Y#I# K. -7CI71 C'7)%# -71!0D *7I' E: -17#*E#, *35 -E7'# -335 /1I#5E'# -I##!'E# E: -'IDI<I5Y, -E)71E E: -33< %3I#30I0D -'3CE0 #*3!1<E' DI<<I0E##, <ICCY E: D170<!17' -EFE' E: D3!5 E: *7I' 13## *E7<7C*E# E: *70D3FE' *E7'5 %71%I575I30# *E'0I7 3- <I#C *E7< I0@!'Y, Fitality <own *lCC3!D*# E: *E))3'%*7CE ;:: *Y<'3CE1E -1!I< I0 5E#5IC1E *Y%E'7CI<I5Y E: *Y%3(I7, 13, 3(Y. *Y%3C*30<'I!), !%%E' 7/<3)E0 E: *Y%E'5E0#I30 E: I0C'E7#E *EID*5 I)%35E0CE I0#3)0I7 I05EC3#571 0E!'71DI7 Inteligence increase E: I0@EC5I30, 711E'DIE# I053(IC75I30 @3I05#, I0-17). .I<0EY E: 1!)/7D3, /7C. %7I0 17C. Conductivity E: 1!)/7' Ferterbrae deformed 13C3)353' 757(I7, )!#C1E -7I1!'E ------ %7DE A ----NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNN ---------- %'33-E< 70< C3''EC5E< -------------E7'1Y 'I-E /'7I0 E: to E. EYE# E: E7'# E: to ;;: 03#E E: to ;;:

17'Y0( E: to ;;: 1!0D# > *E7'5 E: to =BE %!1#E-)E0 ?: to ?E %!1#E-,3)E0 ?; to ;E %I0E71 E: #53)7C* E: 7<'E071 G0ear .idneysH =: %70C'E7# =K #%1EE0 G1eft side under armH E: #)711 I05E#5I0E =: to ;;: 17'DE I05E#5I0E =: to ;;: C3130 E: to ;;: 7%%E0<I( =: to ;;: 3F7'IE# = to ;;: 5E#5E# = to ;;: 1Y)%* D170<# =: to ;;: .I<0EY# ; to ;;: 5*Y'3I< E: to =B: 7<E03I< D170<# E: to ;;: %'3#5'75E E: to E. 530#I1# E: to ;;: )!#C1E# E: to EA: ,3')# B: to =EK #5'3.E E: 7%3%1E(Y6 %7'71Y#I# E: C'7)%# EK -EFE'6 #!0#5'3.E E: to ;;: #Y%*I1I#6 D303''*E7 B:: to ?:: /133< G3ver heart areaH E: to E.E. /'7I0 ,7FE# - 71%*7 #575E ; to =9 /'7I0 ,7FE# - /E57 #575E =A to 9: /'7I0 ,7FE# - <E157 #575E .K to 9.K /'7I0 ,7FE# - 5*E57 #575E A to ? #57%*Y13C3CC!# ?EK to ?9: %0E!)30I7 ??: to ?;: #5'E%53-5*'I( G-!0DIH ?;= to ?>: E-C31I6 5!/E'C!13#I# '3< ?>> to ;:A #5'E%53C3CC!# ;?K to ;;K 5!/E'C!13#I# FI'!# =.K. to =.B. 5*Y%*3I< FI'!# =.K. to =.B. #7'3)7 FI'!# E. to E.=. GE::;H C7'CI03)7 FI'!# E=E: to E=9: GE=E?H NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ------- %'33-E< 70< C3''EC5E< ---------035E#+

If you notice that some numbers are a negative that means that you should use a negative offset s&uarewave.. P 5he fre&uencies listed in parenthesis are still being researched. 7cne, %imples ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7c&uired immune deficiency K:::, EA;>, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7bdominal pain =::::, K::: 7denoids ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7drenals Gunder basic researchH GPEA::: H 7lcoholism =:::: 7lopecia, hair loss =:::: 7llergies K::: 7menorrhea, no menstruation =:::: 7nemia K::: 7neurism, large blood vessels E: 7ntiseptic ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7nus, itching =::::, E: 7ppendicitis ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7ppetite Gto increaseH =:::: 7rteries, hardening K:::, E: 7rthritis =:::: 7sthma ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7ta2ia of muscles K::: 7ura builder E: 7utointo2ication =:::: 7I<# GP9A?K, 99?K, 9E?K, 9=?KH /ackache =:::: /acteria GPB>:H /ad breath K:::, E: /ad comple2ion K::: /ad teeth =::::, E: /ed wetting K::: /ent back =:::: /iliousness =:::: /iting insects ;;:, ?E? /ladder ;;:, ;::, ?;?, ?E? /lood diseases ;;:, ?;?, ?E? /lood, plasma cleaner ;:: /lood pressure, high =:::: /lood pressure, low E: /oils ;;:, ?;?, ?E? /oils, open E: /oils, pus K::: /ones, cut4broken =:::: /reast troubles K::: /reast tumor E=E?, E::;

/reathing K::: /ronchitis ;;:, ?E? /ronchopneumonia ;;:, ??B, ?E? /right's disease, nephritis ;;:, ?;?, ?E? /ruises =:::: /urns =:::: /urns Gradium, 2-ray, radioactiveH ;;:, ?;?, ?E? /ursitus ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Cancer carcinoma, int4e2t E=E?, E=E:, ?=9: Cancer leukemia E=E? Cancer sarcoma E::;, E::: Candida albicans ?;?, ABK Carbuncles G#EE /oilsH Cardiac depressant =:::: Cataract, not diabetic =:::: Catarrh GmucousH ?;?, ?E? Catarrh, with inflammation ;;:, E: Cerebral palsy =:::: Cerebro-spinal troubles =:::: Cervical land Glumps on side of neckH K::: Cervicitis, womb ?;?, ?E? Cervicitis, neck inflammation ;;:, E: Chicken po2 ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Chilblains K:::, E: Cold feet4hands K:::, E: Colds, coughing =::::, ?E? Colds, head4chest K:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Colic, stomach and colon pain ;:: Colitis, mucous catarrh of colon =::::, ;:: Con"unctivitis ;;:, ?E? Constipation ;:: Contraction, arrests discharges =:::: Convulsions =:::: Corns, in feet =::::, E: Cory$a, nose disorder ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Costalgia rib pain =:::: Cuts K:::, E: Cystitis bladder inflammation ;;:, ;::, ?;?, ?E? <andruff scales K::: <eafness =::::, K:::, ;::, E: <iabetes =:::: <iarrhea, dysentary K::: <igestion K::: <iphtheria ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: <istended organs =:::: <istended stomach K:::, ;::

<reams =::::, E: <ropsy =:::: <rug addiction E: <ullness, listlessness K::: <ysmenorrhea, Gpainful mensesH ;;:, ;::, ?;?, ?E? <yspepsia, indigestion ;:: Earache K::: Ears, balance =::::, E: Ears, discharges =:::: Ears, di$$iness ;;:, E: Ears, ringing K:::, E: Easily depressed =:::: Easily fatigued K::: Ec$ema, skin trouble Gnot herpesH K::: Edema G1ung swelling, e2cess fluidsH ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Enlarged glands =:::: Epididymitis Ginfammation uppertestesH =K::, E: Erysipelas Gskin inflammationH E:::, B:: Esophagus ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Eustachian tube Gfrom nose to earH ;::, E: Eye arteriosclerosis =::::, E: Eye, bi-focal K:::, E: Eye, blurred K:::, E: Eye, degeneration =:::: Eye, glaucoma =B:: Eye, infected =::::, K::: Eye, lacrimal K::: Eye, near- or farsighted =::::, K::: Eye, nerve pain =:::: Eye, ptosis Gdrooping lidH =::::, K::: Eye, swollen lid ?;? -acial cramps =:::: -acial paralysis =::::, K::: -ainting K:::, E: -alling hair =::::, E: -ascia Gfibrous tissue under the skinH K:::, E: -ears =:::: -emale disorder ;;:, ?;?, ?E? -eaver, all kinds K:::, E: -istula, ulcer ;;:, ?;?, ?E? -lashes, hot =:::: -latulence G#EE DastritisH -lu, Drippe, influen$a ;;:, ;::, ?;?, ?E? -ood poisoning =:::: -oot, blisters =:::: -ractures G#EE /ones, cut4brokenH

-rigidity, female =::::, E: -rost bite K::: -ro$en shoulder =:::: Dall bladder K:::, E: Dall stones E: Dangrene, tissue ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Dastritis, gas pains in stomach K:::, E: Diddiness, di$$iness =::::, E: Dlandular fever, adrenals GPEA:::H, =::::, E: J J , parathyroid =::::, E: J , pineal =::::, E: J , pituitary =::::, E: J , se2 =::::, E: J , thymus =::::, E: J , thyroid GP=B:::H, =::::, E: Doiter GP=B:::H, K:::, E: Donad, se2 gland inflammation ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Donorrhea BB:, B:: Dout =::::, E: Dravel Gdeposits in urine, red or whiteH K::: Dums, inflammation K:::, ;::, E: *air, loss of =:::: *allucinations K:::, E: *angover =:::: *ay fever K::: *eadaches =::::, E: *E7'5 <I#3'<E'# 7ngina pectoris K::: /radycardia K::: Endocarditis K::: *ypertrophy K::: )yocarditis K::: %alpitations K::: %ericarditis K::: #tenosis K::: 5achycardia K::: *emorrhoids ;;:, ;::, E: *emorrhage =::::, ;:: *epatitis, liver inflammation GPE=;>H, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? *ernia K::: *erniated disc =:::: *erpes simple2 I =KK: *erpes simple2 II GP=>::H *erpes $oster GP=>::H, =KK: *iccoughs =::::, E: *ives, uticaria =;::

*oarseness ;;:, ?;?, ?E? *yperacidity =::::, E: *ydrocele =:::: *ypertension =::::, E: *ypochondrium, upper abdomen =::::, E: *ypotension =::::, E: *ypo2ia, low o2ygen =:::: *ysterical symptoms K:::, E: Ileocolitis colon inflammation ;:: Impotence =:::: Indigestion K::: Infantile paralysis =K:: Infections ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: In"ection allergies =:::: In"uries K::: Insomnia =: Insufficient lactation K::: Intercostal neuralgia =::::, ;:: Intestinal spasms K::: Intestines ;:: Intestines, inflammation ;::, ?;?, ?E? Into2ication =:::: Irritability K::: Itching, anus, feet, toes K::: @aundice K::: @oints, inflamed =:::: .idney =::::, ;::, E: 1ack of conductivity =::::, E: 1assitude, weak, e2hausted E: 1a2ative, mild ;:: 1egs, if fever =:::: 1eprosy =::::, B:: 1eucocyte builder K::: 1eukemia G#EE cancerH 1eukorrhea Gwhite Faginal dischargeH ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 1iver, enlargement GP EA;>H, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 1ocomotor Gata2ia, muscle failureH =:::: 1umbago =:::: 1umbar vertebrae deformed =:::: 1ungs, breathing ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 1upus vugaris GP EA;>H, =::::, ;:: 1ymphatic depressant K::: 1ymph gland, Gplugged overloadedH =:::: )alaria, GChicken po2, Derman )easles, )easles, mumps, #carlet fever, #mall po2, ,hooping cough, etc.H E:

)emory =::::, E: )eniere's #yndrome =::::, K:::, ;::, E: )eningitis K:::, E: )ental irritability =::::, E: )etals, Gremoval from cellH GP9::::H )igraine K:::, E: )oth patches =;::, ;::, E: )otion sickness =::::, E: )outh eruptions =:::: )ucous, mucus ;:: )ultiple sclerosis K::: )uscle repair K::: )uscles, hear, arm K::: )uscular dystrophy K::: 0ausea K::: 0euralgia K::: 0eurasthenia, fatigued K::: 0euritis, nerve inflammation =:::: 0eurosis =:::: 0icotine poison =:::: 0ipples, sore K::: 0octurnal emission K::: 0ose disorders ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 0umbness, arms, fingers K:::, E: 3besity =:::: 3bsessive fears =:::: 3ccipital neuralgia K::: 3perations Gafter surgeryH ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: 3rchitis, testes inflammation ;:: 3steoarthritis, "oint trouble =K:: 3steomyelitis K::: 3varies ;;:, ?;?, ?E? %ain, abdominal =::::, K::: %ain, acute =:::: %ain, back =:::: %ain, bunion K:::, E: %ain, elbow K:::, E9: %ain, hip K::: %ain, knee =::::, E: %ain, paralysis ;;:, ?;?, ?E? %ancreas disorders ;;:, ?;?, ?E? %elvic disorders G)ale4-ema=eH =K::, BB:, E: %ericarditis K::: %eritonitis ;;:, ?;?, ?E? %haryngitis ;;:, ?;?, ?E? %iles G#EE *emorrhoidsH

%in worms, any worm or parasites ;::, =E:, E: %leurisy K:::, E: %neumonia K:::, E: %oliomyelitis =K:: %olyps, growths E=E? %oor appetite =:::: %oor circulation =::::, E: %rostate gland K::: %soriasis Gskin trouble, red patchesH K:::, GPEA;>H, E: %tosis Geyelid droopH =::::, K::: %yorrhea, trench mouth E: %arlomspm's disease 9;:::, =B::: 'abies =E:, E: 'aynaud's disease, gangrene ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: 'hinitis =E:, E: 'heumatism =:::: 'heumatoid arthritis =:::: 'ickets K::: 'ing worm =E:, E: #carlet fever E: #ciatica, nerve inflammation =::::, =E:, E: #emi-paralysis K:::, E: #e2ual weakness G)ale4-emaleH =::::, E: #hingles, G#EE *erpes $osterH #inus disorders =E:, E: #kin hemorrhages K:::, ;:: #kin trouble, Gnot psoriasisH =K::, E: #leeping sickness =E:, E: #mell, none GanosmiaH =::::, ;::, E: #olar ple2us pain K:::, E: #ore throat ;;:, ?;?, ?E? #pasms, muscle =::::, E: #pleen enlargement E: #pondylitis =KK:, ;;:, ;:: #pongy gums =::::, ;:: #prains, twisted ligaments K:::, E: #tammering =::::, E: #tiff shoulder =::::, E: #timulate ovarian elimination K:::, E: #taphycoccus infections ?E? #tomach cramps =::::, E: #tones =:::: #troke GCerebral Fasculas 7ccidentH =::::, E: #treptococcus infections ;;: #treptothri2 ?;? #un stroke =::::, E:

#uprarenal stimulant K:::, E: #urgery G#EE operationsH #welling, legs and feet =::::, E: #welling, stomach K:::, ;::, E: #yndrome disorders =::::, E: #yphilis GPBB:H, BEB, E: 5aste, none =::::, E: 5halmus, Gsensory relay centerH K:::, E: 5hrombosis K:::, ;::, E: 5hrush ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 5hymus gland stimulant K:::, E: 5hyroid stimulant GP=B:::H 5issue nutrition K::: 5onsil inflammation G5onsilitisH ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: 5oothache ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 5rachoma, eye inflammation ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 5rauma, heart in"ury, shock =:::: 5uberculosis =KK:, ;::, E: 5umors, any kind E=E? 5yhoid fever =K?:, GP??:H, B>:, E: !lcers+ Gchankeroid, dental, diabetic, duodenal, gastric, gouty, peptic, etc.H ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E? !nconscious E: !rethra inflammation ?;?, ?E?, BB: !rethritis ;;: !rticaria Gsee *ivesH ,eak stomach =::::, E: ,hiplash =::::, E: ,orms parasites ;::, =E:, E: Yellow fever =::::, E: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN turf's -re&uency 1ists *ere're a few fre& sets. #orry they are so long - I take every relevent fre& I can find for the condition and run it, so they are generally applicable to a broad spectrum of potential pathogens. I would like to be able to identify the JbestJ fre&s. 5his may not be possible without correct diagnosis Gculture, e.g.H, so maybe this is the best that can typically be done. 5he head4chest JcoldsJ being treated with below fre&s may very well be caused by bacteria and viral ones will not be cured by these sets. -re&uencies are listed in numerical order. I don't think it matters in what order they are run. I think that if any fre& between ;:: and ;K:G H Gesp ;9EH is used, a tablespoon or more of yogurt or a beneficial bacteria supplement should be used afterward.

I)%3'5705 035E#+ !nless otherwise noted, general antiseptic fre&uencies G?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABAH should be used in addition to sets below and these will typically produce the most effect, such that the long list may not have to be used. <30'5 -3'DE5 5*E)I In many cases, diseases are caused or contributed by lack of nutrients and to2in accumulation. 5hese TmustT be addressed. -or e2ample, it is unlikely that )# can be helped a great deal without ade&uate vitamin E, magnesium, selenium, and other nutrients, and lasting improvement or maintenance will not be achieved without removing mercury or other to2ins. #ee individual regimens in maladies section of homepage for regimens in addition to fre&uencies below. ------------------------------------I0 addition to any fre& set below, use ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA. Infections - Chest, ear, sinus, head colds. 7ll have the potential to be interrelated, so if one set does not work, the fre&s from another set can be used if there is not a profound improvement within EA hours. #inus infection4head cold E:, ?E, =E:, =AB, =B:, =;K, 999, 9B?, AKB, KEE, ;:E, ;E:, >KE, =K::, =KK:, AA::PP, K:::, G?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABAH 'un ?E; and any that can be felt for K minutes, the others for 9. P 'un ?;A, then ?;A to ?;? sweep. If no sweep, use ?;A then ?;B. I use sweep rate of :.EK GAh$H for small diffs like this. PP 5ry scanning up and down by ;'s GI sweep A9;A to AA=B at A*$H. Chest infection4cold E:, =E:, 999, A=E, AKE, ABA, B;9, ?BB, ??B, =A?A, AA::PP, K:::, ?9AA, =::::, G?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABAH 'un ?BB Gand any other that can be feltH for K minutes, the others for 9 minutes. PP 5ry scanning up and down by ;'s GI sweep A9;A to AA=B at A*$H. Ear infection >.=>, E:, =K;, E:=, 9A:, AA:, K9K, KAE, BAK, BKE, B;9, ;:=, ;:9, ;?K, ;;K, =KKE, G?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABAH -ollow with ;?K-;;K sweep. 7gain, if not a definite improvement, try another set. -or e2ample, if an ear infection does not get better in EA hours after using the ear infection fre&s, use the head4sinus ones,

and if no improvement in EA hours after that, use the chest protocol. Chronic Conditions If the condition is chronic or there is no immediate improvement, add mold fre&s+ ;BB, =;E9, KEA, 9?A, ?A9, ?:E, >AE, ;K9. %resently GK4>;H, ;BB is very valuable and should be used with any fre& set above. If these do not help, use the roundworm fre&uencies GE:, =E:, BK:, ;::H - use nonredundant ones if already in set. If no improvement with these, use a more comprehensive parasite set. Deneral virus fre&s GB::, BEK, BK:, BBB, B>:H can also be tried if no relief. 'ecent case of throat and tonsil infection that lasted a month and caused congestion, coughing, low grade fever, and sore throat Gcultured negative to strepH was apparently actinomyces israeli - EEE, EBE, E=KA -----------------------%arasite #ets -ull set contains fre&s for many of the more common pathogenic parasites but there are many that are not listed. #ee the fre&uency lists Gespecially the DarveyH for specific fre&uencies for diagnosed parasites if necessary. 5he short parasite set contains fre&s for the most common parasites and is likely all that is needed by most, but if parasitic illness is certain and there is no deto2 to the short set, try the full one. 7lways use ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA with parasite sets. -ull %arasite #et E:, BA, ?E, >B, =:E, =E:, =E;, AE9, AA:, KEA, KBE, BK:, ?9E, ;::, ;A9, ;KA, =EE9, =;BA, E9EE, 9:9E, AA=E, K:::, KKEE. #hort %arasite #et E:, BA, ?E, >B, =E:, =E;, AA:, KEA, ;::, ;KA, =;BA. 7dditional AAA, =;BK, >K, =EK, B: Individual fre&s 0ematodes ??=, ==E Gtype of roundwormH 'oundworms EA:, BK:, B;; 5hreadworm AEE, AE9, ?9E, AA=E 5apeworm =BA, AK9, KEE, KEA, KAE, BE9, BE9, ;A9, ;KA, =EE9, 9:9E, KKEE 1iver -luke =A9, E?K -ilariose ==E, =E: Gtype of threadwormH -luke KEA, ;KA GgeneralH

Diardia 99A Gnot really a worm, but commonH *eartworm KA9, E9EE %inworm E:, =E: *ere're the Darvey fre&uencies used to treat flukes in cancer treatment Gwhich he says they find in >:L of cancer casesH+ =A9, E?K, B?B, ?B9, KEA, ;KA, >AK, BK=, A9K, =KEAA *$. 7lso, I have seen intestinal flukes e2pelled as a result of the cancer fre&uencies so if no relief, try them, especially E=E; Guse long period, =: minutesH along with E::;, E:K:, E:;A. --------------------------------------------Faginosis Gnon-specific infectionH A=A, KAE, BAE, BKE, ;::, ;9E, ;AK, ;BB, >AE, G?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABAH ---------------------------------------------Cancer I)%3'5705+ 7lso see lists for specific recommendations to use in addition to these based on type. #ee electroherbalism regimen for protocol on using these and on using parasite fre&uency set after initial deto2 from these. E=E;, E::;, E=;A, E:K:, E?E:, B:BA, =E:, ;::, G?E;, ?;A, ;;:H BBB, GABAH, K:::, 9=?B, =::::, 9:A ---------------------------------------------5he following handwritten note was sent to me by a researcher. I don't know who derived the numbers or who originally wrote the note+ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[ E2perimental #tage Important - "ust in, still e2perimental Cancer research KK.KB Gmaybe KK, KB - I could not tellH. >?->; flu season E::;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, 9K, E:, ABK 1ymph support =K.:K O =:.9B Candida G<r's report JIt really toasts candidaJH EKA.E 1iver stores, bile, cholesterol E=.9A 1iver support 99.=9 ,asted from too long on fre&uencies =:.KK -----------------------------------Candida and fungal infections EKA.E, ;BB, =A:9, G?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABAH If no lasting benefit from these, use parasite sets Gesp roundworm fre&sH in addition until cured. )ost effective yeast fre& is ABA Gdon't forget itH.

3ther fre&s to try ?E, AEE, K;E, ?E?, ?;?, ;:E, =:=B, ==9A, ==K9, =KK:, EEEE ------------------------------------)ultiple #clerosis E:, =A9, E?K, A9:, A?:, KEA, BE:, BEA, ;:E, ;A:, ;KA, =KK:, EE=9, K:::, G?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABAH 5hese are chlamydia, fluke, and general )# fre&s. Consider using K::: for long periods Glike K-=: minutes after building upH. -------------------------------------)oles E:, =E:, =??, B::, BEK, BEB, BK:, BK>, BB:, G?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABAH 5hese are general mole plus syphilus fre&uencies. -------------------------------------)30'3E -'3) 5E(7#' %ersonal -re&uency list I'm still trying to get a solid version. 7ll -re&uencies in *ert$+ -------------Coughing KEE KEA KEK =AB =K:: =KK: >.9 >.A >.B ?.B ?.? 9 :.K ?E? ?E; ??B ?;A ?;? X<o these all go together, or is the second line a set for something else Q --------------lu - ??B: ;?:: ;>K: ;>KK ;>B: ;>A: ;>9: ;B>: >BK ;:: ;:E ;:9 ;=? ;?K ;;: ;;K =K:: =KKE =KK: =B:: ABA --------------/ronchitis - :.K KEE K=A K9: KEK =AB A9E AA: AAA ?E: =E9A 9?:E E: =EK ?E >K KEE E: ?.? G?.? &uiets down bronchitis, and feels goodH ---------------E: ?E =E: =EK K::: =:::: >::: B=:: B::: B:: BEK BAA BAK BK: BB: BBB ?=E =KKE =;BE ?:E 9.=>? KEA ;KA XIs this all one set, what is it for Q ---------------<i$$y- BA; BEA B:: A;A ABA AA: E: ==:: AA:: E::: =E9A EB:: ;9E E::: E::; E:=B =A;; E==> E=E: E=E? E=E; E=9K E=9B E=K: E:K: --------------EEK: E=;: E=;E E=;A E=>E =>:: G)ath 9 times E=E? N B9;= )ath 9 times E=E; N B9;AH X,hat is this for Q -------------/ronchitis cough Gprovided by 1inda at /io*armonicsH+

#can ?EK to ?A: and ?E: to 9AK -----------luE ;AA =E9 ?9: ?9A 9EE AE= B9E =EAE =>EE 9=EE 99E K9: K9E K9B KE? KKK >9E ---------'unny 0ose =KK: O ;:E =K:: ;;: ?;? ?E? ABK KEE =AB A9E ----------*ead Cold+ =: min ;;: ?E: =KK: K min ?;? =EK ;:E ?E KEE AA: AK: AK; AAE KEE K=A K9: ,orks in EA *ours PPP use for bronchitis tooIIII ---------#inus <rip =E9A =E: A9E ABK BB: ?=E ?;A ;:: ;;: AA: =KKE =;BE E::; E=E; E:;E =;BK ---------1yme - ;BA B>: B=: BE: B9: A;A A>A K:A ?;K ?>: ?>K >;B ----------ever /lister Gherpes virusH =A;>, =K::, EA;> + =:-=K min each. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN %age 0o. = :B4E?4>9 @une EK, =>>9 'ife -re&uencies from .eely0et //# GE=AH 9EA-9K:=

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#57%*Y13C3CC!# I0-EC5I30 ?E?.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: #53)7C* DE0E'71 E:.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: #5'E%53C3CC!# DE0E'71 ;;:.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: #5'E%53C3CC!# I0-EC5I30# ;?K.:: ;;:.:: ;;K.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: #5'E%535*'I( -!0DI I0-EC5I30 ?E?.:: ?E;.:: ?;A.:: ?;?.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: #5'3.E E:.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: #Y)%53)75IC :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 705*'7( #Y%*I1I# E:.:: =E:.:: BEK.:: BK:.:: BK>.:: ?::.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 5E#5E# =.:: AA:.:: ;;:.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 5E570!# E:.:: A::.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 5*717)!# E:.:: K:::.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 530#I1I5I# E:.:: ;;:.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 530#I1# DE0E'71 E:.:: AA:.:: ;;:.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 5'E75)E05 5335* <EC7Y E:.:: =::::.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 5335*7C*E ?E?.:: ?;?.:: ;;:.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 5'7C*3)7 EYE ?E?.:: ?;?.:: ;;:.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: I0-17))75I30 5!/E'C!13#I# '3< ;:E.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 5!/E'C!13#I# FI'!# ;::.:: =KK:.:: E:.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 5Y%*3I< E:.:: B>:.:: =K?:.:: =;BK.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 5Y%*3I< FI'!# E:.:: B>:.:: =K?:.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 5Y%*!# )!'I!) :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: !1CE' <!3<E071 ?E?.:: ;;:.:: =::::.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: !1CE'# ?E?.:: ??B.:: ?;?.:: ;;:.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: !'E5*'I5I# I0-EC5I30 3- BB:.:: ?E?.:: ?;?.:: ;;:.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: 5*E !'E5*'7 ,*33%I0D C3!D* ?E;.:: ?;?.:: ;;:.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: ,3')# )IC'3#C3%IC B:.:: =EK.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: ,3')# %7'7#I5IC 7bdominal inflammation - 9;:, =.E, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =AB, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AK:, AA:, AE;, BB: 7bdominal pain - =::::, 9, 9:::, >K 7bscesses Galso use #taphylococcus aureus and see 1isterioseH - E?E:, E=?:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =>:, K:: 7bscesses secondary - =KK:, ;:E, ?B:, ABK, AAA, AK:, AE;, BB: 7cidosis Ghyper acidityH - =::::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, E:, =AB

7cne - E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, =KKE, =K::, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, KBA, ??; 7cne secondary - ?B:, ABK, AAA, AK:, AE;, BB: 7cne vulgaris - KBA 7conite Gused to stimulate lymphocyte productionH - 99A?, KB==, E?>= 7ctinobacillus Ga potentially pathogenic bacteria normally found in mammalsH - ??9 , ??B, ??;, ;EE 7ctinomyces israelii Ga bacterium normally found in the bowel and throat that can cause deep, pus-filled holes in tissueH - EEE, EBE, E=KA, ABK, A;;, KB?, ?;;:, =::::, ?;?, ?A?, ?E?, E: 7cupuncture disturbance field Gscar focusH - K.> 7cute pain - 9:::, >K, =::::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB 7denoids - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, AAA, E:, AE;, BB:, E?E:, E=?: 7denoma, cervical Gepithelial tumor of the cervi2 that can be either benign or malignant. 7lso see Cancer.H - A99 7denovirus Ga virus that can cause colds4flu and infections in the lungs, stomach, and intestinesH - 999, KE9, ?;B, ?B;, >K>, >BE 7dhesions - E?E:, E=?:, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?B:, ?E?, =>: 7dnamia, geriatric Gfatigue of ageH - B:, E?.K 7dne2itis Gswelling of the ovaries or -allopian tubesH - AA:, AA=, KEE, K?E, 99A9, 9;99, K9=E 7drenal stimulant - =:, E:, EEK: 7flato2in Ga liver-damaging to2in produced by certain food moldsH - 9AA, K=:, >A9, A?A, A?B, KB; 7frican trypanosomuasis - BKB, >;;, ?;: 7I<# Gnot for use in !.#. see *IFH - EA;>, ABK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KK:, =K::, =.E, 9=:::, 9=?K:, 9A?K: 7I<# secondary - ===9 for =E min, E=E; for =B min, B=E= for E= min, 99 for = min

7I<# G=H - =.AA, =KK:, =K::, EA>, A=;, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, EA;>, 9=::, 9=?K, 9A?K 7I<#, .aposi's sarcoma - EA>, A=; 7lcoholism - =:::: 7llergy - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, 9, 99:, K::: 7lopecia Gloss of hairH - E:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, =AB, ;::, =KKE 71# G7myotropic lateral sclerosis, possibly caused by mycoplasma fermentans. 7lso use )# and see 1yme fre&sH - E>::, ;BA, ?>:, B>:, B=:, A;A, >;B, BAA, EKA 7lternaria tenuis Ga fungus associated with lung ailmentsH - ;K9, 9:A 7l$heimer'sG=H - A9:, BE:, BEA, ;A:, ;BB, K=A;, EE=9, =>=;:.K 7menorrhea Gabsence of menstruationH - =::::, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?B:, ?E?, ABK, E: 7moeba Ga single-celled, sometimes-infectious microorganismH - 9=:, 999, K9E, ?9E, ?B>, ;E?, =KEE 7moeba hepar abcess Gliver abcess caused by amoebic infectionH - 9AA, B:K 7moebic dysentery Gsee Entamoeba histolyicaH 7myotropic lateral sclerosis Gsee 71#H 7nal itching Galso use %arasites enterobiasis and see %arasites general setH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?B:, ?E?, ABK, =EK, =E:, >K, ?E, AAA, =;BK, E:, ??9, ;EB, ;E?, ;9K, A=KE 7naphia2is - =:::: 7neurysm - ;;:, ?;?, ?B:, ?E?, ABK, =EK, >K, ?E, AAA, =;BK, E:, ?E? 7ngina G&uinsy in swatH - ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AE;, BB: 7ngina pectoris - 9, E9:, E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, BB:, ?.;9 7nkylosing spondylitis - 9:::, >K, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, E;, =:, 9K, E;, ?.B>, =.E, ==:, =::, B:, AE;, B;: 7nosmia Gloss of smellH - E:, =:::: 7nthra2 - K::, B99, =9BK, =9?:, ?B;, A=A, >::

7ntiseptic Gsee Deneral antisepticH 7pople2y, stroke paralysis - A:, =;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, =;BK, KEE, AE; 7ppendicitis GIf micro perforation has occurred, infection must be eliminated before drinking any water. Even a few drops of water may be fatalH - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, 9;:, =>:, =:, BK:, AAA, KEE, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, KEE, =AB, AA:, AK: 7ppetite, lack of - ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7renas tennus - BB? 7rnica Ga topical healing herbH - =:AE, =:9E 7rsenic alb. Ghomeopathic cell saltH - KBE 7rteriosclerosis Ghardening of the arteries6 regeneration takes time. 7lso try chlamydia pneumonia and C)F fre&sH - =::::, E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, E: 7rthritis - =E: for E: min, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, =BBA, ;:, B:, A:, 9:, EK, EB, E:, =:, K:::, =::::, ?.B>, 9, =.E, E; for 9 min, =.K for =: min. 7rthritis, arthralgia due to gout - >.9> 7rthritis, arthrosis, and parathyroid disturbances affecting calcium metabolism - >.B 7rthritis, focal origin gastrogenic, tonsiltogenic, and paresis - >.9> 7rthritis, rheumatoid GCause could be bacteria like chlamydia pneumonia, mycoplasma fermentans, or dental bacteria which must be addressed too. 7lso try Deneral antiseptic and %arasites roundworms general if no response.H - EK:, =.E, BK:, BEK, B::, ?;?, ?E?, EBE, ??B 7rthritis, secondary - E?E:, =:::, =K::, ??: 7sian grippe 7 - K=B, BKB, A9A 7spergillus flavus Gmold found on corn, peanuts, and grain that produces aflato2inH =;E9, EA?, =>?E 7spergillus glaucus Gblue mold occurring in some human infectious processesH - KEA, ?K; 7spergillus niger Gcommon mold that may produce severe and persistent infectionH - 9?A, B>?

7spergillus terreus Gmold occasionally associated with infection of the bronchi and lungsH - ?A9, 99> 7sthma Galso see /reathing, deep and 1iver support, and use %arasites roundworms, ascaris, and to2ocara to determine which sets work bestH - E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =K::, =E;9, =E99, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, :.K, KEE, =AB, =EK, >K, ?E, AAA, E: 7sthma G=H - =E;9, =E99, A.? 7sthma GEH - =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AB, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =::::, A?, =E: for K min 7strocytoma Gsee Cancer, astrocytomaH 7ta2ia Gincoordination of muscles. #low results in some casesH - E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E: 7ta2ia, spastic - >.=>, ;.EK, ?.B> 7thlete's foot Galso see Epidermophyton floccinum and 5inea fre&sH - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, BAA, ?BB, ABA, ;:E, =KKE, >>>>, 9=?B, 9:A for K minutes 7tmenic 7ib. - KBE 7ttention <eficit <isorder G%robably important to avoid preservatives, aspartame, dyes, and other potential to2ins. 5ry #higella, Chlamydia pneum., and Deneral antisepticH 7utointo2ication - KEE, =AB, =KK:, =::::, ;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: /abesia - ?B, K?:, =K;9, =K;A, A9E, ?K9, K??B /acillinum Ghomeopathic nosodeH - =9E, AE9, A9E, ?;K, ;K9, ;KA, >E=, =:E?, =:AE, =>9E /acillus Coli 'od -orm - ;:: /acillus Coli Firus - =KKE, E;?E /acillus infections G/. coli, /. coli rodH - ?;?, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, =KKE, ;:: /acillus subtilis Gcan cause con"unctivitisH - A9E, ?EE, ;EE, =EAB /acillus thuriniensis - KE:, EKK=, >:E, =A:K /ackache Gif no relief from these, use kidney stimulation fre&s and drink plenty of waterH - ?B:, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, l::::, A=.E for 9 min, E=E, 9:K for Bmin, 99 for Kmin.

/ackache and spasms G=H - =E:, E=E, EA:, AEA, ABK, KE;, ?B:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KK:, E==E, K., =:. /ackache, chronic lower G=H Guse with back toward tubeH - ?E; for 9: min /ack pain G=H - >.9, >.A, >.B, ?.B, ?.?, 9, :.K, A9E, ABK, ?E?, ?E;, ??B, ?;A, ?;? /acteria 1actis 0osode - K=E, KEB, KA=E /acterial infections Gif bacterial infection is chronic and the type is accurately diagnosed and neither fre&uencies nor antibiotics are effective long term, also use %arasites general and roundworms sets. 7lso see Deneral antiseptic and specific types.H - E:, ABK, ;BB, BBA, B>:, ?E?, ?;?, ;9E, ;::, ;;:, =KK:, ?;A /acterium coli Ga type of E. coli normally found in the intestines, water, milk, and soil that is the most fre&uent cause of urinary-tract infections and a common cause of wound infectionH - BAE, 9K;, K9> /acterium coli commune GE. coliH combination - E;E, 999, A=9, >K?, =9E:, =?EE /acterium lactis nosode - K=E, KEB, ?>;, >K=, KA=E /acteroides fragilis Guse with %arasites ascaris setH - B99 to B9? /ad breath Gsee *alitosisH /aker's Yeast allergy Ghomeopathy preparationH - ??K, ;A9 /anti's syndrome G7ilment in which blood vessels between the intestines and the liver become blocked, leading to congestion of the veins, an enlarged spleen, bleeding of the stomach and intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, and blood cell destruction.H - =??; /arley smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH - 9??, EEA, =AA? /asidiomycetes - ?K= /C D Faccine - E??, ?B;, ;9E, ?EK /ed wetting Genuresis. #ee also %arasite general, pinworm, and ascaris fre&sH - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK /edsores - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E:, =.E, ?9 /ell's %alsy G=H - E.A, 9, 9.>, ?.;9, E:, E?.K?, 99, 9K, A:, A?.K, K?.K, ?E, >:.;;, ==:, =EK, =>A, EEE, 9:A, 9>9.K, ABA, KBK.K, B::, BEK, BK:, ?E?, ??B, ?;?, ;99, ;;:, >9E.K, =EK:

/ermuda smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH - AEE, ?B?, ;A?, >?=, BAA, ?;: /iliary cirrhosis Gan inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructedH - 9;=, K=A, B??, EE?=, =EK:, =?:, ?=K, ??A, ??B /iliary headache - ;.K, 9.K /iliousness - =KK:, ;:E, =::::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK /ilirubin Ga bile pigment that may result in "aundice in high concentrations. #ee also 1iver supportH - ?=?, ?EB, ?9=, ;B9, >9:K, BA>, ?9A /iting of insects - ;;:, ?E? /lack widow - 9?B, ?E; /ladder and prostate complaints - E:K:, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E:, >.9> /ladder 5/C - BAE, ??=, 9B:, ?EB, ?EA /lastocystis hominus - 9BK, K>KP, ;AA, ;A;, =E:=, =EA9, K???, ==AEK, ==;A=, ==>B?, =9=AK, =9AB>P, E=??B /lepharisma - 9=E: /lood diseases - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? /lood pressure, high Gsee *ypertensionH /lood pressure, low Gsee *ypotensionH /lue cohosh Ga healing herbH - 9BA /oils Gsee -urunkulosisH /one disease, periodontal disease Gsee osteoH - A?.K, =;::, =B::, BK:, BEK, B::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, for 9 min, ?E?4?E; for =K min /one regeneration - E?E:, =:::: /one spurs - =.E, EK: /one trauma Gcuts, fracturesH - 9;:, =KK:, ;:E, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E?E: /orrelia4borreliosis Gsee 1yme diseaseH

/otrytis - =KAK /otrytis cinereas - ==9E, E=E /otulinum Ga bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food poisoningH -K=;, K99, B9>, =?E, =9?E, B>=, B;9 /rachial neuralgia - :.K /rain tumor Gsee Cancer, droglioma, astrocytoma, gliomaH /ranhamella G)ora2ellaH catarrhalis - E:=9, K?>, K;=, B;?, ??:, ??E, ??K, ??;, E:=9 /reast, fibroid cysts - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, EB?, =9;A /reathing, deep - =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA /right's syndrome Gsee 0ephritisH /ronchial asthma Gsee 7sthmaH /ronchial pneumonia Gsee %neumonia, bronchialH /ronchiectasis Gchronic dilatation of the bronchiH - 9AE, K=:, ??; /ronchitis - ;;:, ?E?, >.9>, >.9K, =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA, ?A9, E:, ?E, 999, AKE, ABA, B;9 /ronchitis secondary - ??B, ?BB /ronchopneumonia borinum Gsee %neumonia, bronchialH /rown recluse - ?EA /rucella abortus Gundulant fever or /ang's bacillus, found in cattleH - =AE9 /rucella melitensis Gform of /rucella found in goats and sheepH - ?A;, BA9, B>K /ruises - >.=, ==:, =:::: /ubonic plague GFersenia pestis6 spread primarily by ratsH - K::, 999, E=:, E=B /ubonic plague secondary infections - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: /union pain - E: /urns - =>:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E::

/ursitis G)ay be caused by any number of organisms and viruses6 e2periment with arthritis fre&uencies as well.H - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Q /( Firus - E=E;, 9?=9 Caeliacia - B?A Calming - B::: Campylobacter Gbacteria causing sudden infectious diarrhea in newbornsH - ?9E, ?99, =B99, =;9A, EEEE, 999, 9?;, ?:K.;B, E;E9.K Cancer G/7#IC #E5. 7lso see rotation of Deneral sets =, E, and 9 as /asic sets. 7ll others below are secondary but provide useful additional fre&uencies to try depending on type. 7lso add ones determined from E:::-EB::*$ scans. #ee Electroherbalism Cancer 'egimen for more information, or <on 5unney's Intensive Carcinoma 'egimen. 5unney says to use E. coli G=H with intensive carcinoma regimen.H - E=E;, E::;, E=;A, E:;A, E:A;, E?E:, EAKE, B:BA, =E:, KEA, ;KA, ;::, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, BBB, ABA, K:::, 9=?B, =::::, 9:A: Cancer Ge2perimental additional fre&uencies to basic setsH - KK.KB, B.;, AA:, ??;, =:K:, =KK:, E=;:, BB9, 9B?E Cancer cells, conidium head - ?E; Cancer maintenance secondary - =E:, EK:, AE;, ABK, B::, BEB, BK:, BB=, BBA, BB?, B>:, ?E;, ??B, ?;A, ;::, ;:E, ;9E, ;;:, =A;>, =KK:, =B::, =;BK, E:::, E:=E, E=::, E=?:, EA>:, E?9: for = min. Cancer not killed by E::;4E=E; - E=;:, E=;E, E=;A Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal - A?, E=;E, EE=>, ;9E, E:;A, E=E?, E=B:, EAKE, E;?B Cancer, adenoma - A99 Cancer, astrocytoma Gcommon tumor of brain and central nervous systemH -;K?, >.=>, ;.EK, ?.B>, E=?:, KA9, BA=, E=E?, ;;:, B>:, BBB Cancer, bladder secondary Gsee %arasites, schistosomaH Cancer, breast G=H - E=::, E=:A, E==B, E=E:, ;BB, E=E;, B?B, E=KE, =BB, E=;E, ?9E, 9:?E, E=K:, =KK:, E=;>, E==E, 9:?E, E::;, =E: Cancer, breast G=H secondary - AEE, >AE, AA=E, =;BE, ;:;, =KKE, ?E;, E?E:, =E9A, B>:, E=B:, E=9B, A??, E;, 9=?, >B, 9=?B, 9:A:, E=AK, E:A;, =;9:, E==E

Cancer, breast GEH - 9B?E, E::;, E:B9, E=:9, E=E;, E=AB, E=99, E=BE, E=?9, E=;:, E=;>, EE:;, EEB9, EE;>, E999, =;BK, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, A; Cancer, breast G9H - BKB, =E?, =K;E, A?;, >;E, E=9A, E=E:, >:::, >>>>, 9:A Cancer, breast GAH - E=E; for KB mins, 99, ==9= for = min Cancer, /( virus - E=E;, 9?=9, E;?B, ==?;:::: Cancer, /Y virus - E::;, 9KEA Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin - E==B for 9: min, ?B:, EE;: for K min Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial - ABE, ??B, ;KE, =K;E, E=:A, E=AA, E=;A, 9B?E Cancer, carcinoma, colon - BKB Cancer, carcinoma, general - E=E;, =;E: Cancer, carcinoma, laryn2 - 9E?, KEA, ?9=, ==99 Cancer, carcinoma, liver G=H - 9>9, A?>, KE:, ?9A, 9=9: Cancer, carcinoma, liver secondary Gsee *epatitis / and %arasites, fluke, liverH Cancer, carcinoma, liver, fermentative - E=A Cancer, carcinoma, scan - ?E;, B>:, E::;, E=:A, E==E, E=E:, E=E;, E=9B, E=AA, E=KE, E=B:, E=B;, E=?B, E=;A, E=>E, EE::, EE=?, K:::, >>>>, 9:A Cancer, carcinoma, uterine, fermentative - =E? Cancer, cervical secondary Gsee %apilloma virusH Cancer, droglioma Gsee also Cancer, glioma, astrocytomaH - ;K9 Cancer, fibrosarcoma Gmalignancy containing connective tissue and developing rapidly from small bumps on the skinH - =?AA Cancer, fibrous tumor secondary - =9A: Cancer, gastric, adenocarcinoma - B?B Cancer, general, set = - ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA, BBB, E?E:, ;::, =E:, E:;A, E=;A, E:K:, KEA, EA;>, E?E:, ;KA, E::;, E=E;, K:::, =::::, 9=?B, 9:A

Cancer, general, set E - ?E?, ?;B, ;;:, ABK, =KKE, ;:E, =;BE, E=;E, E:, BA, ?E, >B, =EK, BBA, EA;>, E?E:, E:A;, E::;, E=E?, 9=?B, BBK, 9:A:, =::::, 9=?B, 9:A Cancer, general, set 9 - ?E;, >A9, A=A, ;BB, ;;B, ?9E, B?B, B>:, ??B, EA:, BK:, AAE, E=;:, EA;>, =;BK, KE9, =E;, E=E;, E::;, E:A>, E?E:, =::::, 9=?B, 9:A Cancer, glioblastoma - ?E:, E::;, E=E;, E=;:, E=;E, ?E;, ;9E, ;::, BBA, E:, ;KK, KA9, BA=, ;K? Cancer, glioblastoma tremor - AB9, ABB Cancer, gliomas Glargest group of brain cancersH - KA9, BA=, ;K? Cancer, *odgkin's disease Ga form of malignancy characteri$ed by enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen, and lymph tissue and often includes weight loss, fever, night sweats, and anemia. 7lso called lymphogranuloma. 7lso see Chlamydia pneumoniae.H KKE, =KEE Cancer, .aposi's sarcoma - EA>, A=;, BA? Cancer, leukemia - E=E?, E::;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, EE=? Cancer, leukemia Jhairy cellJ Gtypified by abnormal blood cells R shortage of othersH =EE, BEE, >9E, K=EE, A;;, ?;= Cancer, leukemia myeloid Gcharacteri$ed by rapid growth of incompletely-formed white blood cellsH - AEE, ;EE Cancer, leukemia, feline GcatH - AEA, ;9:, >:=, >=; Cancer, leukemia, lymphatic - A?;, ;99 Cancer, leukemia, 5-cell - EEE, EBE, ;EE, 9:AE, 9?9A Cancer, liver Gsee Cancer, carcinoma, liverH Cancer, liver secondary Gsee *epatitis / and %arasites, fluke, liverH Cancer, lung Gsee Cancer, carcinoma, bronchialH Cancer, lymphogranuloma, lymphoma Gsee *odgkin's diseaseH Cancer, lymphogranuloma venereum secondary Gsee Chlamydia trachomatisH Cancer, lymphosarcoma - A;E

Cancer, melanoma G=H - =::, =:::, =::::, BBB, ?E;, =:K:, E:K:, E=E;, E::;, EE=?, B:, ;:, >K, ;;:, AK:, A>K, AK, ABK, ?;?, =EK, E:, =:, ?.K Cancer, melanoma metastasis - >?> Cancer, multiple myeloma secondary Gsee Cancer, .aposi's sarcomaH Cancer, mycosis fungoides Ga form of skin cancer resembling ec$emaH - ;KE Cancer, nasopharyngeal secondary Gsee E/FH Cancer, pain - 9:::, >K, E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB Cancer, plasmacytoma Gplasma-cell tumorH - A?K Cancer, prostate Galso see %rostate adenominum and %rostate hyperplasiaH - E:, B:, ?E, >K, =EK, BBB, ?E?, ?;?, ?>:, ?BB, ;::, >E:, =>>;, =;?K, AAE, E::;, E=E?, E=E;, EE=?, E?E:, E:K:, EEK:, K:::, E=9:, E=E:, B>:, 9:A Cancer, prostate G=H - E=E;, E=EK, E=9=, E=A: for 9 to B min, E=AK, BBB, 9B?E for 9 to A min Cancer, prostate GFega result =H - ;KA, =;A:, E=AK, EE;; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma G=H - E:::, E::K, E::;, E:=B, E:A;, E:;A, E:>9, B:EA, E=::, E=E;, E=E?, E=;A, EE=?, B9;A, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal GFega result =H - EK;B, KA?B, AAAK Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal - E::A, E::;, E:=B, E:9E, E:A:, E:B:, EK;B, B:EA Cancer, sarcoma general - =?KK, E::;, 9KEA Cancer, skin Gsee Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin and specific formsH Cancer, stomach secondary Gsee *eliobacter pyloriH Cancer, tertiary - E:, AE=, >BK, K:, 9;9 Cancrum oris Grapidly growing oral or nasal ulcerH - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;:E, ;;: Candida Galso see %arasite general, roundworm, and ascaris if these don't work long termH - A=A, ABA, ;??, ;BB, ;;B, EKA.E, 9;=, BB=, ?BE, ?AE, ==K=, AK:, >A9, =A:9, EBAA Candida carcinomas - E=B?, E=E;, E=;E, ABK

Candida secondary Galso use other parasite sets Gesp roundworm fre&sH if necessaryH - ?E, AEE, K;E, ?E?, ?;?, ;:E, =:=B, ==9A, ==K9, =KK:, EEEE, A=E, KA9, E=E; Candida tertiary Gsome causal factorsH - ;;:, >K, =EK, E:, B:, EEK, AE?, EA:, BK:, B;;, =KE, AAE, ;=AB, ?K=, ==AB Candida tropicalis - =A:9, B?K, ?:> Canine parvovirus - =;K, =;;, 9E9, AE;, A99, KBE, B=9, BEE, =:::, A:E? Canine parvovirus, mutant strain - 9E9, K=A Canine parvovirus, type / - 9E9, K9K, B=9, ?KK, ?B=, ?BA, ?BB, ?B; Canker sore Gsee #tomatitis aphthousH Carbo animalis Ghomeopathic remedy from animal-bone charcoalH - AAA Carbuncles Gsee #taphylococcus aureusH Cardiacedema - >.=> Carpal tunnel secondary - E::;, BBB Carvularia spiratera - ;?> Cat virus G=H - 9BA, 9?>, BAK, BKA, ?;B, ;A:-;A>, ;K?, >B?, B;?; Cataract Galso use eye formula antio2idant supplement for all macular degenerationH =;9:, ?E;, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =:::: Cataract, brunescent Gbrown opacity in later lifeH - E:=:, =99K, =;9: Cataract, complicated Gsecondary type caused by disease, degeneration, or surgeryH =;9:, A>B, 9EK, ??A Cataract G=H - =;9:, =B::, >>>>, =KKE, E==:, =99K, =BKA, E=;?, E=>K, EE== Catarrh - =KK:, ;:E, ;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, E: Causticum - KA:, =:=9 Cells of 1eudig GcolonH tonic - EK:: Cephaloshorium Gfungi that are the source of some broad-spectrum antibioticsH - A;=, 9>BB, KAA

Cephalothecium - 9?=, K?A, B>99 Cerebral palsy - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, KEE, =AB Cerebrospinal troubles - =:::: Cerumen Gear wa2H - 9==, 9E:, ?K:, >;A, ?E: Cervical polyp - E??, E;;, ;B?, B;?, ?AA Cervicitis, womb neck inflammations - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Cervi2 adenoma Gepithelial tumor of the cervi2H - A99 Chaetomiumglobosum - EE=, ;B?, =:E Chakra base root - E:, pulsed at A*$. Chancre Gsee #yphilisH Chelidonium - =BE Chemical sensitivity Gsee also 1iver supportH - ?E? Chemtrail deto2 - BBA, ?9AA, E;AE, ==A?, B;B.B, B;A.=, ===9, ??>.>, ;E>.9, B?>.E, ;BK, >B>.>, =:B?, ?;9.B, ;::.A, =:AK, =:BE, B?9.>, B>:.? for K min. Chest infection secondary - ?E, 999, AKE, B;9 Chicken po2 Gsee herpes $osterH Chilblains Gsee %erniosisH Chlamydia trachomatis Ga usually se2ually-transmitted bacterial infection causing trachoma, inclusion con"unctivitis, lymphogranuloma venereum, urethritis, and proctitis.H - A9:, BE:, BEA, ;A:, EE=9, ;BB, KKK.?, EEEE.; Chlamydia pneumoniae Ge2pH - 9?B;.A, >AE.=, A?=.:K Chlamydia pneumoniae Ge2pH - 9??9.9, >A9.9, A?=.BB, A?:.>, >A=.;, 9?B?.9 Cholecystitis, acute Ge2cruciating gallstone attackH - A;=, ?A9, ;BK, >E; Cholecystitis, chronic Glong-term inflammation of the gallbladderH - A9E, =KK=, ;:=

Cholera Gan e2tremely contagious and serious bacterial infection of the small intestinesH 99:, ;A9, ;AA, KKB, =:9K, >B;, K>=, B>= Cholera secondary - ;;:, ;:E, AK:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Cholesteatoma Gbenign tumor usually found in middle ear R mastoid regionH - AK9, B=;, ?>9, K:K; Cholesterinum - =9;B, =?9, BE:, B9K, ?;: Chronic fatigue syndrome Guse with Deneral parasite, roundworm, and fluke sets if necessary. 7lso see E/F and -atigue general sets. If no response to these, try Cancer leukemia Jhairy cellJ setH - =::::, BB:, E=E?, ?;?, ABK, AEA, BBA, =E:, ;;:, =KK: Cimicifuga Gplant family including black snakeroot and black cohoshH - 99A, K>A Circulation disturbances - A:, >.9> Circulatory stasis Gstimulates blood circulation. #ee also Circulation disturbancesH - A:, E==E, E=AK, E?E:, EA;> Cirrhosis, biliary Gan inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructedH - 9;=, K=A, B??, EE?= Cirrhosis hepatitis - E>= Cladosporium fulvum Ga pathogenic fungusH - A9;, E99, ??B, K=: Clostridium difficile Gcan cause diarrhea following treatment with antibioticsH - 9;?, B9K, B?9 C)F Gcytomegalovirus known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type KH -=EB, K>?, BE>, B;E, =:AK, E=AK, ;;A;, ;;KB Coelicia - =KA, K>A, BKB, K;B, BB;, ?;?, ?>K;, BBK, B?A Cold in head, chest G)utates constantly6 too many strains to include complete list of fre&uencies. #ee also #trep %neumonia, 7denovirus, 'hinitis, #inusitis, %neumonia, Chest infection, and 'hino pneumonitis sets. !se lots of echinacea at onset to prevent cell damage that prolongs healing, even if correct fre&s are found.H - =::::, ?9AA, 999, AA=E, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?BB, ?E?, AAA, E: Cold and -lu Gfall, >;H - EK:, ABK, ;E=: for Kmin, ;?::, ??B: for =Kmin Cold G=H - KK::, AA::, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ?E:, KKE, AA:, A::, =EK, ?E for K min, ;::, ;;: for =: min

Cold GEH - BKE, ?EK, ?AB, ?K=, ?B;, ===:, 999, BBB, KAE, KEE Cold G9H Gfall, >>H - E:, =E:, =AB, AA:, AAA, ABK, ?E?, ??B, ?;?, ;;:, =K::, =KK:, K:::, =::: for K min. Cold Gand fluH GAH - 9=?B, EA;> for 9 min, ;;:, ;:: for =: min, ?E; for K min. Cold GKH - ??E;, A;;; for =: min, ;E9;, EA=9, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, AA:, ?AB, KB?, ?;;:, ?;? for 9 min, 9::, 9=:, =E9A, >>>> for E:: sec Cold4-lu Gwinter E::=HG=H - >K>, >BE Cold sores Gsee *erpes #imple2 IH Colic - =KK:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E: Colitis Ginflammation of colonH - =::::, =KK:, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, AA: Collectotrichum - =A;E Colon problems, general - E:, AA:, ;;:, =KKE, ;:E, ;9E Comedones GblackheadH - ??; Condylomata Gusually venereal warts, caused by papilloma virus. 3ccur near intersection of mucous membranes and skin. #ee also %apilloma.H - ABB Con"unctivitis Galso use Chlamydia trachomatis and see /acillus subtilisH - A;>, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E:, ;:, A9E, ?EE, ;EE, =EAB, =;9: Constipation Galso see %arasites general and roundworm sets if necessaryH -=KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, AEE, ?E?, E: Contusion GbruiseH - >.=, ==:, E?E: Convoforce - ??A Convulsions G=H - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Convulsions, spasticity - >.=>, ;.EK, ?.B> Coraforce - ??A Corallinus - K99 Corn smut - KAB, =BAE, E;>

Corynebacterium diptheriae Gsee <iptheriaH Costalgia Grib painH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Coughing - KEE, KEA, KEK, =AB, =K::, =KK:, :.K, K=A, K9:, A9E, AA:, AAA, ?E:, =E9A, 9?:E, E:, =EK, ?E, >K, ?.? Co2sackie Gsee also )umpsH - =9B, =AA, E9E, 9;:, AEE, AEA, A9K, >E=, >E9, ?B>, ==;>, K>K, B?B Co2sackie /= - 9K9, 9;A, ;9A, K;?, ?E9 Co2sackie /E - ?:K, K9A, ;B? Co2sackie /9 - A;?, ;B;, BK9, BKA Co2sackie /A - AE=, 9K9, KA:, ;B9E Co2sackie /K - ABE, =:A9, =:;9, KB>, BA?, ?:;, ??A Co2sackie /B - A;;, ?9B, ;=A, 9A9, KK=, BK?, BB;, BB> Cramping and nausea - ?E, >K, =>:, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E?, E:, A.> Cramps - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, EB Cramps, menstrual - EB Crinis humansis - BAB Critter = - =:99 Critter E - AE=, =:9K, ==== Crocus sotillus - ?=: Crohn's disease Galso use colitis, colon, and parasite fre&sH - ?E? Cryptococcus neoformans Gyeast which causes respiratory infection than can turn into meningitis. 7lso known as torulosis.H - 9B?, AE;, AAA, A?B, A?;, KEE, K?>, K>A, ?;K, ?>E, ;?E, E=E=, K;;:, K;;A, K>?, B=9, BEA Cryptosporidium Gparasitic proto$oa sometimes causing diarrhea in humansH -EE:, A;E, K?K, A=EE, B>;, ?==, ;>9, ;>K, =E?B, KB>: Cunninghamella - 9==, 9E9

Curva spic - A9K Cuts - E: Cyclospora - KA9, 9=B, >>E, ?K=, EB;, E=AA Cysts, hydatid Gsee %arasites tapewormH Cyst, ovarian - >;E Cyst, solitary - ?K, ?B, KA9 Cystic fibrosis G7lso called mucoviscidosis, a disorder of the e2ocrine glands that causes them to release very thick mucus. #ee also %arasites general and roundworm fre&sH - KE9, KK?, A?;, ??B, BB:, ?E?, ??;, ?;?, ;:E, ;;: Cystitis, chronic Glong-term inflammation of the urinary bladder and uretersH - EAB, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E: Cystopyelo nephritis Ginflammation from bladder to kidneyH - =9;K Cytomegalovirus GC)F, known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type KH - =EB, K>?, B;E, =:AK, E=AK <eafness Gpartial to completeH - =::::, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E: <eer tick G=H - ?>;>, E;>, ?9?, ?9;, E?=, B?=, ??9 <ematium nigrum Gsoil fungi found in human lesionsH - EA9, ?9; <ental Ggeneral, see also 5oothacheH - ?E;, ?;A, B9K, BA:, =:9B, =:A9, =:>A, B;K, B:, A;, ABK <ental Ginfection, roots and gumsH G=H - >B:, BB:, BBB, B>:, ?E?, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =KB:, =;A:, =>>;, EA;> <ental foci G0eglecting this can prevent recovery from any illness if infection is a problemH - 9:::, >K, =>:, A?.K, E?E:, EA;>, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BBB, BK:, B::, ABK, K=?:, BAB <epression Gdue to drugs or to2insH - =.=, ?9 <epression Gdue to outside circumstancesH - 9K, ?;? <epression, an2iety, trembling, weakness - 9.K, ;::

<eto2 assist - =::::, 9=?B <iabetes G,arning6 can cause large drop in blood sugar levelH - E:, 9K, ABK, B.;, AA:, A;A, BB:, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;:9, ;;:, =;K:, E::;, E=E?, E:::, E::9, E:=9, E:K:, E:;: for 9 min, K::: for =K min. <iabetes secondary - =::::, E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, ABK, E: <iabetes tertiary - =;K:, 9E:::, A:::, K:: <iabetes G=H - AE::, E=E;, =;BK, =;K:, =KK:, ?;?, ABK, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, A;, 9:E <iabetes associated infection G=H - E:E:, ;::, ?E?, =>:, ;:, E: <iabetic loading - 9K, ?:: <iabetic toe ulcer G=H Guse #taph aureus fre&s and see #taph generalH Deneral antiseptic, and Circulation stimulation as neededH - ?;B, =:K:, =.E, K:::, ;9E, E: <iarrhea Gsee also Clostridium difficile, E. coli, and for chronic problems, giardia and I/# fre&s. 7lso see %arasite general set if no relief.H - =KK:, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;B, ?E?, ABK <iphtheria Gbacterial infection causing sore throat, fever, rapid heartbeat, nausea, chills, headache and may progress to damage heart and nerves from bacterial to2ins. 'are in !#.H - =K=, BEA, ??B, 9A:, >EK, A9E, K>:, ?;; <irofilaria immitis Gsee %arasites heartwormH <isc, herniated - ?E?, ?;?, E?E:, =:::: <istemper - EAE, EK9, EKA, EKK, 9=E, AAE, KK=, K?9, BEA, B?=, ?=E, ?B:, >A:, >K:, =EB>, =>K:, ;KB?, BB:, ?B: <istortion Gtwisting of muscles, spineH - >.=, ==: <iverticulosis Gcharacteri$ed by tiny hernias of intestinal tissue protruding through the muscular wall of the colonH - =KA, >9A <i$$iness Gsee FertigoH <07 repair Ge2pH - KE;, ?9=, ?9E <og and cat hostility - 9.B <own's syndrome palliative - E:

<roglioma Gsee Cancer, drogliomaH <rug addiction - E: <uodenal ulcer Gsee !lcer, duodenalH <uodenitis - EE9 <upuytren's contracture GAth and Kth finger curling into hand, unable to straightenH - =.E , EK: <ysentery Gacute diarrhea with blood and mucus. 7lso use Entamoeba histolyica, #almonella, and #higellaH - =KKE, ;:E, ;9E <ysmenorrhea Gpainful menstruationH use with pure water douche - EB, A.>, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK <yspepsia Gindigestion, if chronic or with bloating, also see %arasites generalH - =::::, ;;:, =KK:, ;9E, ;::, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, AAA, E:, =EK, >K, ?E, A.> E. coli GEscherichia coli6 can cause infections in wounds and the urinary tract. If using these leads to cold symptoms, follow with 7denovirus fre&sH - E;E, E;>, ?;A>, 9E?, KA;, 999, A=9, BAE, ?>>, ;:E, ;:A, ;9E, >K?, =9E:, =KK:, =?EE E. coli mutant strain - KKB, >9A, =EAE, =EAA, =?:9, B9E, B9A, ??B E. coli Gstrain 3=K?*?, e2pH - ;AE.> E. coli Gstrain .=E )D=BKK, non-pathogenic, e2pH - >>> E. coli Gstrain 3=K?*?H - ;9;.EK E. coli G=H G#can up and down 9*$ on these for best effectsH - 99E.K, ?>;, =?E>, ?;A? Ear conditions, various Gdischarges, tinnitus, itching, hearing loss. 7lso see 3titis.H - >.=>, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, A=:, =K;, E:=, 9A:, AA:, K9K, KAE, BAK, BKE, B;9 Ear fungus G=H - ;KA Ear wa2 Gsee CerumenH E/F Gsee Epstein-/arr FirusH Echinococcinum Gsee %arasites, tapeworms, echinococcinumH

Echo Firus GEndometriosis 5uberylosa, causes a type of meningitisH - BE:, BEK, ?EE, ?BK, >EE, K=A, ?;;, AB= Ec$ema - >.=>, ?:?, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, =::::, K:::, E?E:, E::;, E=;:, E=E;, BBA, =E:, E: Ec$ema in vascular and lung functional disturbances - >.9> Ec$ema G=H - ??:, >=B, A=K Ec$ema GEH - ?9:.E, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, B>: Edema and swelling - A:, KEE, =AB, B.9, =A;, AAA, AA:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E:, K:::, =:::: Electrolyte levels Gwater, sodium, potassiumH to improve - ;.=, E:, =:::: Elephantiasis Guse with parasite, esp roundworm and nematode fre&sH - BE9, ;EA, ;BK, ?=: Emotional ties to diseases - ?BA, BBA Emphysema Guse with parasite, esp roundworm fre&sH - =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =E:, E:, ;: Encephalitis Ginflammation of the tissues of the brain and spinal cordH - ;A= Endocarditis Gsee 1isterioseH Endometriosis, chronic Ggrowth of uterine tissue outside the uterus that may cause pain, infertility, R abnormal uterine bleeding. !se with general parasite, liver and pancreatic fluke setsH - EAB, ;::, =KK: Endometriosis tuberylosa Gsee Echo virusH Energy and vitality - >>>> Entamoeba histolytica Ghighly damaging proto$oa causing dysentery and liver infectionH =A;, =BB, 9:;, 9>9, B9=, ??; Enterobiasis - Gpinworms - see %arasites, enterobiasisH Enterococcinum Ghomeopathic nosode for #trep-family organisms found in the digestive and urinary tractsH - B;B, A:> Enterohepatitis Ginflammation of bowel R liverH - KKE, >9E, >K9

Enuresis Gbed wetting. !se with parasite setsH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Epicoccum - ?9A, ??; Epicondylitis Gtennis elbowH lateral or vertical - =.E, EK:, ?E;, ?BB, ??B, ;;: Epidermophyton floccinum Gfungus that attacks skin R nails, including some athlete's foot and J"ock itchJ ringworms. 7lso see )icrosporum fre&s and -ungal general if necessary.H - ABK, ?;A, BAA, ?BB, 9AK GEE=:?H Epididymitis Ginflammation of testicle area, ducts. #ee also 3rchitis.H - EEK:, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Epilepsy - =::::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ?::, BK:, B::, E=:, B99, =EK, E: Epstein-/arr virus Gthe herpes virus causing mononucleosisH - =:K, =?E, EK9, E?A, BB:, BB9, BB?, BB>, ?9;, ;EK, ;?B;, =:=9, =>E:, BB=; Epstein-/arr virus secondary Galso try Deneral parasite and roundworm fre&sH - ?AA, ??B, ??;, ABK, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =:9E, =>E: Eriterocoucinum - B;B Erysipelas Gbacterial infection manifesting in skin inflammation caused by strep pyrogenes or other pathogens and possibly related to the swine form of the diseaseH - B=B, ??B, ?9K, ;AK, BB:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E: Erythema nosodum - >.9> Escherichia coli - Gsee E. coliH Esophagus Gconstriction. 7lso see Deneral antiseptic and dental fre&sH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Euglena - A9E, 9E=K, 9EEK, 99EK, BAA; Eustachian tube inflammation - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK Eye disorders Gblurred vision, cataracts, crossed eyes, diplopia, infections, etc.H - =;9:, =B::, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, =KKE, =B:, 9K:, 9B:, E:=:, =99K, A>B, A:: Eye inflammation Galso see Deneral antisepticH - =.E, ;: Eyelid droop Gsee %losisH Eyes GglaucomaH - =B::, =;9:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?

Eyesight Gto sharpenH - 9K:, 9B:, =;9: -acial cramps - =::::, B:::, 9:A, ==9=, 99 -acial paralysis - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? -acial toning - =.E -ainting - E: -ascia Gfibrous tissue under the skin. 7lso see -ibroid fre&sH - E: -atigue, general - AE;, AEA, BBA, BB:, ABA, =EK, =E:, >K, ?E, E:, AAA, =;BK, =::::, K::: -ebris wolhynia Ga 'ickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapseH - KA?, 9KB -el tauri Ghomeopathic preparation of o2 bileH - B?E -eli - A9K -eline GcatH leukemia - EK;, 99E, A=A, AEA, KAA, ;9:, >:=, >=;, >>?, ?A=, ?A9 -eli - A9K, ?AE -elis - A9:, ;9A, EE9E, 9E99 -elon Gpus, infection of finger tipsH - BK?, BK>, ?9;, ?K= -elon II - BB9, BBK, ?E:, ?EE -eloris ,olyhnica - KA? -ever Gvarious causesH - ;;:, ;::, ;9E, AEE, E==E, ?;?, ?E?, E: -ever, sunstroke - E:, AA:, ;;: -ibroadenoma mamanae Gnon-cancerous, fibrous nodules in the breastsH - =9;A -ibroma - E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB, =KK:, ;:E, ABK -ibromyalgia - 9E;, ;;:, ;::, ?E;, K:::, E?E:, E=;:, E=E;, BBA, ABA, 9:A, =E:, E: -ibromyalgia G=H - =E:, =A:, 9:A, ABA, ?E;, ;::, ;;:, EA;>, 9=?B, K:::, B:::, >::: for K min

-ibrosarcoma - =?AA -ibrosis of @ung - E?.K, EE:, A=: -ibropendulum - BB=, ?ABK, E==, E99, ?BB -ischpyrogen - ;9E -issures - ?;?, E:, =:::: -istula <entalis - KK:, ?E?, ;AA, ;?;, ==EE -istula, ulcer Gsee also #taph fre&sH - ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E? -IF - EBE, 9E9, 9?E, A:A, KB?, ?=E, ?AE, ?B:, ??9, >=B, ==:9, ==9E, 9?:= -latulence - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK -lea - E9?A -lu Gsee Influen$aH -lukes Gsee %arasites, flukesH -luor 7lb Ghomeopathic cell saltH - ==:, 9AE, AE:, AE9, B;;, ?K? -ollicular mange Gcontagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair folliclesH -EK9, B>9, ?:=, ??A -olliculitis, hot-tub Gtiny pimplesH - =?A, A;E, K9== -ood poisoning Gsome classes. 7lso use #almonella typhimurium and see Deneral antiseptic, 7bdominal pain, and 7bdominal inflammation.H - =KKE, ;:E, ;9E -oot R mouth syndrome Ga mild viral infection found in young childrenH - E9E, E9?, =E=A, =EA9, =EAA, =E?=, KA== -oot-blisters - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK -ractures - EE:, E9:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? -re&uency fatigue Gtiredness Gthat is not deto2H from using fre&uency generator too longH - =:.KK, ?.;9 -rigidity, female - =::::, E:

-rostbite - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? -ro$en shoulder - =::::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E? -ruitfly - E=B? -ungus E, range - ;E9 to ;E> -ungus flora G=H - 99=, 99B, KKK, K;?, B9E, B;;, ?K?, ;;E, ;;A, ;;? -ungus, general Galso see candida, yeast, and other specific typesH - ?E, EKA, AEE, K;E, ?;?, =:=B, ==9A, ==K9, EEEE, ABK, =KK:, ?;A, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, E: -ungus and mold, general - ?E;, ;;:, ?;A, ABA, ;;B, ;BB, A=A, EKA, 9AA, EA==, 9E=, KKK, >AE, 99?, ?BB, =;E9, KEA, 9?A, ?A9, =9E, ;BB -urunkulosis Gboils on skin. 7lso use #taph aureus fre&sH - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, BB:, E:, ==B, ??: -urunkulosis herpes Galso see *erpes general and -urunkulosisH- E::, =:::, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E? -usarium general- ?B;, BEK, ?AB -usarium o2ysporum Ga fungus causing inflammation of the cornea of the eyeH - =:E, 99E, ?:K, ?>K, ?;: Daetner - K=>, K??, ?B?, B>9 Dall bladder dystonia with osteitis - E.BK, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Dallbladder inflammation Gsee Cholecystitis, chronicH Dallbladder pain - =KK:, ;:: Dallstone attack Gsee Cholecystitis, acuteH Dallstones - E.BK, 9.K, 9:::, =KKE, ;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, B:::, =::::, AAA Dangrene, general Gsee also Clostridium, Circulatory stasis, Infection general, and /acterium coliH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, ?9 Dardinerella Gbacteria that can infect and inflame the vaginal mucosaH -9E:, B>K, ?;E, >>K, 9E>, A;K

Dasoden - ;?; Dastritis and flatus - ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, B?B, AEE, E: Deneral antiseptic - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?B:, ?E?, ABK, AAA, AK:, AE;, BB:, =::::, K::: Deneral balancing - ==9:, ==9=, 99 Deneral malady - A::::, =::::, K::: Deneral prophyla2is - E:, BA, >K, =EK, EEK, AE?, AA:, BBA, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ;:E, ;9E, B;:, ?B:, =KK:, ABA, =::::, B?B, =A;; Deneral demo Ggreatest hitsH - ?E;, =E:, ?;B, =E;, ;;:, AEE, ABA, BAA, B?B, B;;, ?=E, ?9E, ;::, =KK:, =;BE, E==E, E=E;, AA=E, 9:A: Deneral comprehensive, complete /lasterK program - ;:, =E:, A::, K::, B::, BEE, BBB, B>:, ?E?, ?A:, ??B, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =K::, =KK:, =KB:, =K?:, =B::, =;::, =;A:, =>>;, E:::, E::;, E=E;, EA;> Deneral program, E)E) )ain -re&s - ?E:, =KK:, E:, AE:: for K min Deotrichum candidum Gfungus found in feces and dairy products whose manifestations resemble those of candidaH - 9K:, 9KK, 9;A, 9;B, A:9, A:A, A:?, A:>, A=:, A=E, A=K, A=;, KA9, KAA, B;?, >;?, >;;, ?9?, ?:: Derman measles G#ee )easles, rubellaH Diardia Gsee %arasites, giardiaH Dingivitis Ginflammation of gums. #ee also <ental, <ental foci, #tomatitis. 5ake calcium and magnesium internally and brush with myrrh or goldenseal, and CoM=:H - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E;, ?EB, ABK, E:, =KKB, ??B, ABK Dlanders Gsee %seudomonas malleiH Dlandular fever - =::::, E: Dlandular fever, thyroid e2p - =::::, E:, =B::: Dliocladium Gbrain fungusH - ;KK, AB>, B99 Doiter Gsee #trumaH Donads, inflammation of Gsee 3rchitisH

Donorrhea - BB:, B::, ?=E Dout Gsee also .idney fre&sH - >.9>, 9:::, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Dranuloma dent - AA= Dravel in urine - E.BK, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Drave's disease I goiter - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Dreatest *its Gsee Deneral demoH Dreen <ye - KB9, E999 Drippe Gsee Influen$a, grippeH Dum disease Gsee Dingivitis, %yorrheaH *S= - ?EK, EA9E, EA9, B9K9, ?9E, ;AA, BAB *SE - ?EK, =E9:, EAK, 9=A, >BK *S9 - B99, =EE:, BE9:, ;EEK, ===, 9>E, ??B, ;9?, =B?K, EBBA, 9;:B, ?=A *SA - AAA, E9E9 *SK - ;9, E9K, BAK, E9E9, 9A9E, A:>9, KK9E *SB - ?:E, ?A?, EEAK, =;9 *aemophilia tonic Ghereditary bleeding disorders in which the blood does not readily clotH - ??;, ;AK, ?K= *air, human - BAB *alitosis Gbad breath. #ee also %haryngitis, <ental, %arasite general, and Deneral antiseptic setsH - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *allucinations - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *and, foot, R mouth syndrome Ga mild viral infection found in young childrenH - E9E, E9?, =E=A, =EA9, =EAA, =E?=, KA== *angover Gsee also .idney and 1iver support fre&sH - =::::, KEE, =AB *astoiditis - E;?

*ay fever Gonly some typesH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *ead in"ury followup G#eek immediate medical attentionIH - >.B, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, KEE, ?E, K.;, A.> *eadaches - 9:A, =AA, =.E, KE: *eadaches caused by vertebral misalignment G0ot a substitute for ad"ustmentH - >.B, 9::: *eadaches due to parasites Gsee also %arasites, strongyloidesH - =EK, >K, ?9, E:, ?E?, 9::: *eadaches due to to2icity - KEE, =AB, A.>, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *eadaches unknown cause - =:, A, K.;, B.9, ?.;9, 9:::, BK:, BEK, B:: *eadaches urogenitally caused - >.9>, 9::: *ealing and regeneration - E?E:, EBB, A? *eart tonic Glab animals only. #ee also #taph infection, Circulatory stasis, and .idney fre& sets H - ;:, =B:, E:, ?9, 9.>, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, =EK, >K, E:, =.E *eartburn, chronic Gsee #taph and #trep general sets and h. pyloriH - ;9E, E?E:, E=?:, E=E?, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B;K, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E: *eartworm Gsee %arasites, heartwormH *eliobacter pylori GulcerH - B?B, ?:A.>, B>A.? *eliobacter pylori G=H - E=B?, ?E;, ;;:, E>K: *eliobacter pylori Ge2pH - B>A.?, E??;.;, ?:A.>, E;=>.A *elminthosporium Gthe reproductive element of parasitic wormsH - ?>9, >B> *emobartinella felis - B:9, >K? *emophilia - B:9 *emorrage - =KK:, ;:E *emorrhoids - AA?A, B==?, ??A, =KK:, AA?, ;;:, ;:E, ?E? *epatitis 7 - 9E=, 9AB, A=A, AE9, A;?, KK;, K?;, B>9, ?;B, ;?;, 9EE:, ?=? *epatitis / - 99A, A99, ?B?, ;B>, ;?B, A??, K?A, ?KE, ??>

*epatitis C Galso try %arasites, schistosoma mansoni fre&sH - =BB, EEA, 9=?, 9E>, KE;, B99, >E>, >9:, >9=, >9E, >99, =9?=, E=;> *epatitis, general - E;, =KK:, =9K=, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, EEA, 9=?, 9E>, A??, >EE *epatitis, general secondary - E;A, AK;, A??, K9A, ?;;, >EE, >B?:, ?B;, ???, =:A= *ernia - =::::, ?;?, ?E?, E?E:, K::: *erpes, general - =K??, =KK:, =A;>, ABA, =>::, 9:A for 9 min, =A;;P, E>K: for =K min. *erpes general secondary - 9?::: *erpes progenetalis Ggenital - also use *erpes simple2 IIH - =A=, ;?;, ;>;, K9=:, AA:, =?=, BB:, K>:, ==?K *erpes simple2 I Gsecondary. Cold sores - primarily non-genital, first try *erpes,generalH - 9EE, A?B, K;>, BBA, ?;K, ;EE, ;>K, >AA, =:A9, =B=A, E:BE, E>K: *erpes simple2 I Ge2pH - AB?.;, >9K.K, =;?=, 9?AE, ?A;A *erpes simple2 I G=H - 99>, 9A9, A;:, K>=, ??;, ?;E, ;A9, =B=A, BK?, B>>, ?::, ?9A *erpes simple2 I GEH - EA;>, =;::, ABK, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =;K:, AE; *erpes simple2 = G9H - A?:, BA?, BA;, BK:-BK>, ;A?, KBA=, ;BK: *erpes simple2 = GAH - E>K: for E: min *erpes simple2 II - KKB, ;9E *erpes simple2 I!.E - ;:; *erpes type E7 - K9E, ;A; *erpes type E7 secondary - 9B:-9B>, 9?9, KE;, B;K, ;AB, ;;:, ;;;, ;??;, KA:, BBK, ?=B, ?=?, ?=;, ?9=, ?9E, ?99, ??B, =A:E *erpes type K GcytomegalovirusH - E=AKP, =EB, K>?, =:AK *erpes type B Ge2pH - EE;, =;E:, 9BA:, 9BA=, ?E;= *erpes type C - 9>K, AEA, AB:, K99, KKA, ?:=, ?AK, EAK: *erpes $oster Gchicken po2, shinglesH - BBAP, 99A9, >=A, E=?:, =B::, =K::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?

*erpes $oster secondary - =KK:, ;:E, =;::, =;BK, ?E;, E?E:, E=E;, K:::, ABA, ;::, K?A, =KK?, 9:A, E: *iatal hernia Guse staph and strep setsH *iccups - E:, =:::: *ip pain Gsee also 7rthritisH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *irudo medicinalis Ga homeopathic remedy prepared from a leech used for therapeutic purposesH - =E; *istoplasma - AEA, B=B, ?A> *IF Gsee also 7I<#H - B;9, ?=A, 9KKA, ;9:, AK: *ives GurticariaH - =;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, KEE, =AB, A.> *oarseness - ;;:, ?B:, ?E? *odgkin's disease Gsee Cancer, *odgkin's diseaseH *ookworm Gsee %arasites hookwormH *ordeolum Gsee #tyeH *ormodendrum Ga genus of fungi that includes human pathogensH - BB9, B?;, B>K, K9E, BE? *ormonal imbalances - K.K *ot flashes GcomplicationsH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? *ot tub folliculitis Gsee %seudomonas fre&sH *ousehold Insect )i2 - ?E9, =:: *ydrocele Gfluid in testicle, etc.H - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? *yperacidity of stomach - ?.;E, E:, E9: *yperosmia Goveracute smell and tasteH - E:, =::::, KEE, =AB *yperparathyroidism - A.B, >.K, >.B *ypertension - E:, >K, 9EA, KE;, =K, >.=>, ?.;9, B, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, 9:A

*ypertension Grenin-induced, red high, diastolic high pressure. 7lso see .idney fre&sH >.=>, B *ypertension, spastic - >K *yperthyroid - 9, :.K *ypochondrium, upper abdomen - E:, =:::: *ypophyseal GpituitaryH disturbances - A *ypotension Glow blood pressureH - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: *ypothyroid - E, =E, 9K, =B:::, =::::, =B:, ;:, E: *ypo2ia Glow o2ygen, use also Circulatory stasisH - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: Icterus, haemolytic Ga chronic form of "aundice involving anemiaH - EA9, ?B; Ileocolitis, colon inflammation Gsee also %arasite general setH - ;:E, ;9E, AA: Immune system stimulation - ;, =;BE, E::;, E=E;, E=;:, 99A?, KB==, E?>=, 9AA;, E>E>, A3=A, KB==, E;B?, E;KK, A9E Impotence Gmany classes. 7lso use Circulatory stasisH - >.9>, E=E?, E::;, ABK, =::::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, =EK, >K, ?9, ?E, E:, BK:, BEK, B:: Incontinence G=H - EEK:, E:K:, E=E;, B>:, BBB for =: min Indigestion Gsee <yspepsiaH Infantile paralysis GpolioH - =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ??B, =:::: Infections general - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;B, ?E;, ABK, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, A;, E:, 9:A, =.E, KK::, B?B, AEE, ?BB Infections general secondary - K:::, =B::, =K::, ;9E, ??B, ?B:, ?::, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, =;BK, K::, AK:, AA:, AE;, BB:, E==E Infections general tertiary - =;::, E?E:, EA;>, ;9E, 9:A:, E::;, =;K:, B=:, ?9E, ?K=, A:::: Infertility Gsee also ImpotenceH - E=E?, E::;, ABK, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, >.9> Inflammation, general Galso see Infection general setsH - =.K, 9.B

Influencinum /erlin 'KK - A9:, ?E:, ?99, ?;? Influencinum vesica GblistersH general - E:9, E>E, K;;, B=E, >?K, A:?, B;E Influencinum vesic 0, - 99E, 9BA, K=>, K;;, K>:, E9;, E9>, ?=K Influencinum vesic #, - A99, BAK, BK;, ;EA Influen$a Gmutates to new strains constantly but these may be helpful. #ee also Influen$a, Drippe and Influen$a FirusH - ABA, AA:, 9B?E, ??BB, ??B:, ?9AA, =E9A, K:::, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;?K, ;;:, ;;K, ?E;, =KK:, =K::, E::;, E:, 9:A for K min Influen$a Gaches and respiratoryH - AA:, K=E, B;9, ?E;, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;?K, ;;:, ;;K, E:K:, E?E:, K::: for K min, ??B:, ??BB for =: min, 9:A for 9 min Influen$a general G=H Gwinter >;->>H - scan from B>;A to ?:=B by E or A*$. Influen$a GEH Gwinter >>-::H - =::::, ;;:, ?E?, 99:, ?E; Influen$a G9H Gwinter >>-::H - AA:, ABK, B=9, BBB, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, =:::, K:::, =:::: Influen$a with respiratory component G=H Gwinter >>-::H - A?, ==>=, E9>;, EKAA, KB:;, ??B:, ??BB, B?E-B?>, B?B, BA?-BKE, =E=K, ?EA-?9E, ?AB, ?B;, B;? Influen$a =>K? J7J 7sian - ?B;, K?A Influen$a =>?; - ;AA, ;=A, B=: Influen$a =>?> - =E9, K=9, KEE, KBK, ?;;, B:= Influen$a =>;9 - AEA, ?9:, ?9A, AE; Influen$a =>;> - E=B, 9EE, BE?, ?:9, ?A; Influen$a =>>9 - KEE, B=K, ??;, ;K:, >K> Influen$a =>>9 secondary - E:?, EKA, K;:s, ;A;, >A?, ?>B?, ;>=:, ?9>, ?A=, ?B:, ?BK, ??9, >=K Influen$a =>>A - B;>, B>?, B>>, ?>; Influen$a =>>A secondary - 99?, B>:, ;B;, ;B>, ?:E, ?E?, ?E>, ??B, ??> Influen$a =>>? to =>>; - E::;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, 9K, E:, ABK Influen$a 7sian grippe 7 - K=B, BKB, A9A

Influen$a autumn =>>; - EK:, ABK for 9min, ;E=: for Kmin, ;?::, ??B: for=Kmin Influen$a /ach %oly - =EE, 9K:, A;?, K?E, B9A, ?B;, ;E9, =:A9, =E?E, ?BA, ??= Influen$a, grippe general - 9A9, K::, K=E, KA=, ;BE, =:::, ==>E, 9:=E, 9AE9, =:EE9 Influen$a, grippe, vapch - =K9, 9A9 Influen$a, grippe =>;B tri - K9E, K;;, BB:-BB>, >>A, ABE, ?=E Influen$a, grippe =>;? - =A:, 99E, K;=, >K9, A;B;, ?9: Influen$a, grippe =>;; - EB?, K9B, KB;, E:K:, ?KE, ?;= Influen$a, grippe =>;> - 9K9, K9B, ;?A Influen$a, grippe =>>: - KA=, KB:, BKB Influen$a haemophilus - KAE, KKE, ;;K, >K>, ?9A, B99.=, EK9E.A Influen$a haemophilus type / - BKE, >AE, A;9, ?9=, ?AB Influen$a spanish - ABE, ?;? Influen$um to2icum - ;KA Influen$a triple nosode - AE=, B9E, =EAE, =AEE, =>EE, 9=EE Influen$a F grippe - ;B= Influen$a F-E grippe - 9EA, BKE, BK9 Influen$a F-9 grippe - KK:, KK9 Influen$a F-A grippe - E9E, 9KE, EKK; Influen$a F-K grippe - >AK, K=; Influen$a F-?K Fictoria - 9A9, 9=B, =:E: Influen$a F7-E grippe - 99A, A?E, A>B, ;99, ;9B, >EE, ?E; Influen$a F7-E1 grippe - AA? Influen$a virus, general - ?E;, ;::, ;;:, ??B:, ;:::, ;EK:

Influen$a virus =>>= to =>>E - =K9, 9AK, 9;?, ?K;, >;A, >;K Influen$a virus =>>= to =>>E secondary - 99:-99>, 9K:-9K>, KEK, B9E, ?A:, ?B=, ?BE, ??B, ???, ?;: Influen$a virus =>>E to =>>9 - K9K, >AB Influen$a virus =>>E to =>>9 secondary - E?E, K9A, KBB, BB;, B?A, ??B, ?;E, >A?, B9E, BA:, ?=9, ?=K, ?AE, ??9, ??? Influen$a virus =>>9 to =>>A - ?K?, ;;K, ;>K, >B> Influen$a virus =>>9 to =>>A secondary - AA?, AK?, K>?, ?KB, ?BA, ??B, ?>;, ;?;, >B?, >:>:, BB9, ?E:, ?E;, ?E>, ?AK, ?BE, ?BA, ??:, ??9, ??> Influen$a virus J7J - 9EE, 99E, ??B Influen$a virus J7J =>?A - AAE Influen$a virus J7J %ort Chalmers - BEE, ;B9 Influen$a virus J/J - AB;, K9:, K9E, K9B, K9?, KB;, ?EE, ?A:s, ==;B, B?> Influen$a virus J/J *ong .ong - KKK Influen$a virus JswineJ - A=9, A9E, BB9, ;9>, >>K Influen$a virus /ritish - KK;, >9E In"ection, allergic reaction to - =:::: Insomnia Gsee also %arasite general setH - 9.K>, 9, ?.;9, =:, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ;:E, B:::, 9:A Intelligence, clarity of thought - E:, =:::: Intercostal neuralgia Gpain in rib musculatureH - 9:::, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, =EK, E:, =;BK, AAA Interleukin Gused to stimulate lymphocyte productionH - 9AA;, E>E>, A:=A, KB==, E;B?, E;KK, E?>= Intermittent claudication - AK, A; Intestinal problems, colon - =:, AA:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?

Intestinal problems, general Galso try %arasite general setH - ;:E Intestines, inflammation - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:K, ?>= Irritable bowel syndrome Guse with %arasites giardia and %arasites general setH - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;:E, ;9E, ;;:, ABK, AEE, B?BB, =KK: Itching Gpruritis. 5ake hot bath with a cup of apple cider vinegar afterwards. If chronic and no long term relief, use %arasite sets including %arasites general and %arasites blood flukes.H - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, =;BK, 9=?B @ade )achine color decode - /lue BEA, 1t. blue E=KK, Dreen E:KK, 1t. green >B:, Yellow A?:, 3range >E:, 'ed ;=K, #ienna ;K;, )agenta ;::, %urple ?AK, 1avender B??, Indigo BA: @aundice Gsee also 1iver support, gallbladder, 1eptospirosis, and %arasites fluke and general fre&uency setsH - =B::, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ;:E, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =AB, EK:, =EK, >K, ?E, E: @ock itch Gsee Epidermophyton floccinumH @oint inflammation Galso see arthritis setsH - =:::: .aposi's sarcoma - EA>, A=;, BA? .idney insufficiency - >.E, =:, A:, AA:, =B::, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ;:E, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =AB, EK:, =EK, >K, ?E, E: .idney papilloma Gsmall, usually benign growth on a kidneyH - ==:, =A;, EBA, B9A, ?B?, ;A;, >=?, ?B:, ?BE, ==:E .idney stones Guse with vitamin, mineral, and herb supplementationH - AAA, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =::::, B:::, 9:::, 9.K, =KKE .idney tonic, general - AA:, EA;, ;, ;;:, E:, =::::, ;::, K:::, 9::: .ieferosteitis Ga type of bone inflammation marked by enlargement and painH - A9E, K=B, 9;A .lebsiella pneumoniae Gsee %neumoniae klebsiellaH .nee, "oint pain - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E;, E:, ?.B>, 9, =.E, EK:, >.B, >.9> 1ac <eflorat - E9:, 9?=, E9E, E=E= 1amblia Gsee %arasites, DiardiaH

1arge intestine tonic - ;, AA:, ;;: 1aryngeal polyp - ?BK, E:E 1aryn2 - =:, AA:, ABK, AAA, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E;, ?.B>, 9, =.E, EK:, >.B, >.9> 1ateral sclerose Gdegeneration of spinal cord leading to spastic paraplegia. #ee also 71#.H - EKA 1a2ative, mild - ;:E 1egionella G1egionnaires' disease, caused by a gram-negative bacteria associated with condensed or treated water that migrate to lung tissue and stimulate severe respiratory manifestations, fever, headache, abdominal pain, and may affect kidneys and liver.H ?E9, ?EA, ;>?, >?K, ;=E:, ;;KB, B>:, B>9 1eishman <onovan bodies Gsee %arasites, 1eishmaniaH 1eprosy - B:: 1eprosy secondary infection - =B::, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?B:, ?E?, ?::, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, E:, K::, AK:, AA:, AE;, BB: 1eptospirosis Ga spirochete bacterial disease that is spread to humans through animal urine that can cause meningitis, "aundice, anemia, miscarriage, and deathH - B=E, BB9 1eukocytogenesis, stimulates Gsee also Immune system stimulationH - E:, ?E? 1eukoderma, ac&uired Gsee FitiligoH 1eukoencephalitis Ginflammation of brain's white matter, usually in infants and children, but also found in horses as a result of forage poisoningH -9EA, K?E, ??B, >9A, =:?>, ====, =999 1eukoencephalitis secondary - 99;, ?;9, >9E, =:9K, ==B:, =B9:, ?=E, ?=9, ?=K, =EAA 1eukoplakia Gwhite patches on mucous membranes, also see E/F, %apilloma, and Cancer, carcinoma fre&sH - ABK, E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB 1eukose Gproliferation of tissues that form white blood cells6 considered to be foundational stage of leukemia. #ee also %arasite general and %arasite fluke setsH - B=E, B99, BK9, 9?EE, BAA 1ipoma Gbenign, soft tumor of fatty tissue. 7lso use 1iver support.H - A?, B:B, ?:>

1isteriose Ga serious disease causing miscarriage, meningitis, and endocarditis in humans6 known as Jcircling diseaseJ in ruminants and causes liver necrosis in animals with single stomachs. 7lso see #trep general and Deneral infectionH - 9??, A?=, BEB, BE;, B9A, ??A, E=BE, ?;B?, ?=A, ?EA 1iver fluke G#ee parasites, flukesH 1iver necrosis Gsee 1isteriose, 1iver support, %arasites schistosoma mansoniH 1iver stores, bile, cholesterol - E=.9A 1iver support Galso try %arasite general and fluke fre&sH - 99.=9, =KKE, ;:E, ?K= 1iver, enlargement - ?E?, ?;?, ;;: 1ock"aw Gsee 5etanusH 1ocomotor dysfunction incoordination Gslow results. #ee also #chumann responseH =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E: 1ow blood pressure Gsee hypotensionH 1uesinum4#yphilinum Gsee #yphillisH 1umbago - =::::, ;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =EK, >K, ?E, AAA, =;BK, >.=>, ;.EK, ?.B>, 9:: 1ung sinus bacteria - EAA, =ABB, K>?, =9== 1ung abscess Gsee 0ocardia asteroidesH 1upus, general Glocali$ed degeneration of skin by various diseases6 vulgaris is a common form of this ailment that is actually a rare form of tuberculosis that manifests with disfigurement and destruction of the skin and cartilage of the face. 7lso use %arasite fluke sets for any typeH -B99 for K min, E=EK for A min, E::; for ; min, 9B=E for A min, ;:E for ; min, EA;>, ?:E, EA9, 9;B, AAE, >AE for 9 min 1upus general secondary - E:K, EAA, 9KE, B99, ;A?, >E=, >>9, =999, =ABA, ?;BK, ??= 1upus #1E secondary - E=;:, E=E;, E::;, =KKE, ;;:, ?;A, BBA, 9:A, 9;B, B?;, A;= 1u2ation Gdislocation of organs or "ointsH - >.=, ==: 1yme disease Galso known as borreliosis6 relapsing fever in humans and animals caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticks. 7lso use /abesia if necessary.H - A9E, ;::, AE::, 99;, 9AA, 9AK, B:K, B?9, ?K;, ?>?, ;;A, =AKK, B;B9, B;?:, 9A==E GK99H, 9A=?: GK9AH, AB;K=, AB;BB G?9EH

1yme hatchlings4eggs - BA:, ;KKA, E:9, A=E, A=A, K;>, BB?, ;A:, =:::, =:?E, =:;?, ==:K 1yme secondary - EKA, KEK, K>?, BAA, ;;K, B>> 1yme tertiary - 9:B, A9E, A;A, B=:, BEK, B>:, ;BA, E:=B, ?>: 1yme G=H always run BE: after ;BA - ;BA, A>K, A;K to K:K, BE:, B=: to B9:, B>:, ?>:, ?;K to ?>K. 1yme GEH - E:K:, =KE:, B=K for K min, E:=B, BEK for =: min. 1ymph pla&ue - K>B, 9AB 1ymph stasis - 9=?B 1ymph stasis secondary Galso see 1ymphangitisH - B.9, =A;, KEE, =AB, AAA, AA:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =::::, E.K, ABK, =: 1ymph support - =K.:K, =:.9B, 9=?B 1ymphangitis Glymphatic vessel inflammation of humans and horses most commonly caused by strep but also by other bacteria, yeast fungus, and cancerH - K?A, ??;, ==E:, =:?;, 9=?B 1ymphogranuloma Gsee Cancer, *odgkin's diseaseH 1-lysine GstimulatesH - =>K.K, 9>=, ?;E, =KBA.=, 9=E;.E, BEKB.A 1yssinum Gsee 'abiesH )acular degeneration, visual acuity Guse with Cataracts fre&s if necessaryH - =;9:, =;A:=;B: )agnesium - A;: )alabsorption syndrome Guse with %arasites, Deneral setH - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, ;::, =KKE, 9::: )alaria Gan infectious disease, originating in tropical areas, that is transmitted by a mos&uito bite and characteri$ed by fever, anemia, and spleen enlargementH - E:, EEE, KK:, ?=9, >9:, =:9E, =A99, AKK, ?A9 )alaria G=H - E:, KKK )alaria GEH - E:, E;, ?;?, ;;:

)alaria G-alciparumHG=H - =K=;, =9A;, =A?9, =::E, =:=> )alasse$ia furfur Gcauses tinea versicolor. #ee also -ungus generalH - EEE, EEK, A>=, B=B, ?:: )amma fibromatosis Gsee /reast, fibroid cystsH )ange, follicular G#cabies - contagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair folliclesH - >E:, =A9B, E;?=, K?AE, for 9 min, >: to ==:, EK9, B>9 for =: min )annan - >B=, BB= )arsh elder - A?A )astitis Gan inflamed breast usually caused by bacterial infectionH - BKA, B>; )astoiditis Ginflammation of the bony structure of the head in the region of the ears below the eyesH - E;? )easles - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, 9AE, AAE, AA9, AB?, KE:, KE=, KKE, =A;>, ?AK, ?K?, ?B9, ?=E )easles, rubella GDerman or 9 day measlesH - A9=, AK>, K=:, K=?, ?>B, >B?, 9B;, ?9A, ??E )easles, rubella secondary - ?E?, ?;?, ;;: )easles, rubella vaccine - AE>, AK>, ;9E, >EB, K:K )easles, rubeola G> day measlesH - 9AE, AB?, KE:, ?;A, ?;?, >BE, =A;> )easles vaccine - E=A, ?EK, ?A?, ?;9, >BE )edorrhinum Ghomeopathic nosode for urethral discharge. #ee also Faginosis.H - E9:, AAE, KKA, ;A9, ;KA, =?::, =;;:, EEEE, B:E )eniere's disease Gauditory vertigo associated with deafness and tinnitusH -=KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, AE; for 9 min, 99, 9E> for ? min, K::: for =B min, ==9: for = min, ?;E for EB min )eniere's G=H - ;.;, ;.>, >.: )eningcoccus Firus - ?E: )eningioma Ga benign, slow-growing tumor of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cordH - AAB, K9K, K9?

)eningitis Ginflammation of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord. 7lso see #treptococcus pneumoniae, 1isteriose, and 1eptospirosisH -9EE, K=?, ?E:, ?99, ?BA, ;EE, =:AA, =AEE, AE9 )eningitis secondary - =9:, B?B, B??, K:? )eningitis tertiary - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AE;, BB: )enstrual problems Gdouche with plain water firstH - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E: )ental concentration - =::::, ?.;E )ental disorders Ggeneral aid6 especially if to2ins are the causeH - KEE, =AB, =::::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, A.>, AE;, KK:, ;:E )ercury - A?, A;, A>, ?K )ethotre2ate - K;A )icrosporum audouini Ga fungus which commonly causes ringworm of the scalp and other areasH - AEE, ;9=, =EEE, E;K )icrosporum canis Ga fungus causing ringworm in cats, dogs, and childrenH - 9A?, >?:, =BAA, A:E, BK: )igraine Galso use %arasites strongyloides and general setsH - =: )old Gsee also specific typesH - EEE, EAE, KE9, KBK, K>E, BE9, ?AK, >99, ==9:, ==KK, =999, =;99, AAAE )old and fungus, general Gsee also specific typesH - ?E;, ;;:, ?;A, ABA, ;;B, A=A, EKA, 9AA, EA==, 9E=, KKK, >AE, 99?, ?BB, =;E9, KEA, 9?A, ?A9, =9E, ;BB )oles - E:, =E:, =??, B::, BEK, BEB, BK:, BK>, BB:, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA )olesG=H - ?B=.? for =K min, BK:, BEK, B::, ?B.E for =: min )ononucleosis Gsee Epstein-/arr virusH )onotospora languinosa Ghomeopathic remedy for fungal allergenH - ?;; )orbillinum - AB?, KE:, =A;> )orbus %arkinson Gsee %arkinson's diseaseH

)organ GbactH - ??;, ?;A, ?;?, ?;;, >;;, ?EB )otion sickness Galso see nauseaH - =::::, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AA:, BA;, AAA, =;BK, KEE, =AB, =EK, >K, ?E, E: )outh eruptions, herpes sores Gsee *erpes and *erpes #imple2 IH )outh eruptions, white patches Gsee leukoplakiaH )ucocutan perniciosis - ;99, BB?, ?KB )ucor mucedo Gcauses rot in fruit and baked goods R sometimes found on feet and skinH - B=E, =:::, A;;, ?BB, >?;;, ?9K )ucor plumbeus - 9B=, K?;, ?;K, ;?? )ucor racemosis Ggrows on decaying vegetation and bread and can cause ear infectionH 9=:, A?A, ;?K )ucor racemosis secondary - A?9, B;B, ;?=, ;?9, ;?B, ;?;, ;;?, ??B;, ?>?B, ;?;;, ?=9, ?E>, ?9=, ?K=, ?B:, ??;, =E:: )ucormycosis Gsee CygomycosisH )ucous membrane inflammation general - 9;: )ucoviscidosis Gsee Cystic fibrosisH )ultiple sclerosis Gaspertame, mercury, ben$ene, lead, and toluene can cause same symptoms. 7lso see chlamydia pneumonia, blastocystis hominus,%arasites flukes, #higella, 0ocardia, *erpes general, *erpes virus B, and *erpes $osterH - K::: for 9: min on one day, ?E;, =BB, EEA, 9=?, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, E=; for AK sec the ne2t day. 7lternate days. )ultiple sclerosis G=H - EEK9, EAB?, E9K?, E9K;, EAE, 9:K, E:;>, 9:K?, ;=, K., =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E;, B>:, BB:, E: )ultiple sclerosis GEH - 9:A:, K:::, E?E:, =::::, A?:, =E:, EA:, 9::, 9E;, ?E;, ;;: for 9 min, E::K, E::B, E::?, E::;, E::>, E:=:, E:== for = min, E: )ultiple sclerosis tremor or twitch - A?: )ultiple sclerosis secondary - E:, =A9, E?K, A9:, A?:, KEA, BE:, BEA, ;:E, ;A:, ;KA, =KK:, EE=9, K:::, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA )ultiple sclerosis Gsymptom of stiff legsH - 9=K.??

)ultiple sclerosis G=H - E:, ;:.>, =A9, =BB, E=;, EEA, E9K, EA=.B;, EK9, E?K, 9:A.B, 9=?, AE=, A9:, ABA, A?:, KEA, BE:, BEA, BB: O B>: O ?E?4?E;, ?;A, ?;?, ;:E O =KK:, ;A:, ;KA, ;;:, =99=, =;?K, =;;9, E:;;.K>, E=;>, EE=9, EEKE.;, E9K?:.K, EABB.>, E?E:, 9:KB.>, 9?B?, A>>E, GK. for 9: minutesH )ultiple sclerosis GEH - E:, ;:.>, EA=.B;, 9:A.B, BB: O B>: O ?E?4?E;, ?;?, ;;:, E:;;.K>, EEKE.;, E9K?:.K, EABB.>, 9:KB.>, K. )umps Gacute viral inflammation of the saliva glands. #ee also Co2sackieH -=KE, EAE, BAE, B?A, >EE )umps secondary - =>:, E9K, K=B, =EA9, =BB:, EB9:, 9=AE, >BB?, ?E>, ?A=, ?K>, ?B=, ==?: )umps tertiary - =::::, ?E?, E?E:, EA;>, E=E?, E::;, AE;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: )umps vaccine - E?9, KK=, ?==, ?9:, =A=> )uscles, to rela2 - >BK, E:, =E:, EA:, ?B:, B.;, B:::, 9:A )uscle, tonic - E:, =E:, EA:, 9::, 9:A, 9E;, ?E;, ;;:, K:::, =:::: )uscular dystrophy Gdisorder characteri$ed by weakness and progressive wasting of skeletal muscles despite no concommitant wasting of nerve tissue. 7spartame, mercury, ben$ene, lead, and toluene can cause same symptoms. 7lso use %arasites flukes and see %arasites general and )# setsH - =K9, KEE, =AB, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? )uscular pain, in"ury Galso see %ain and Deneral antisepticH - E?E:, B:::, 9E:, EK:, EA:, =B:, =EK, ;:, A:, E:, =:, K.;, E.K, =.K, =.E, =, :.K )ycobacterium tuberculosis Ge2pH - KEK.9, E=:=.= )ycobacterium avium Ge2pH - BAE.E, ?::.>, ?B>.B, ;:9.A, ;=;.K, =::=.E, ;K;.E, ?;B.?, BEK.>, B?A.9, >K9.B, ==;:, ==A;.9, ??9.9, B=K.?, B:;.A, ??:.B, ;>B.>, B>A.=, B;:.;, B9E.E, B=>.?, B;:.A, ;K?.B, ;B:.E, K>:, ;EK.?, ;EA.K -;9: sweep, >9?.A, KE>.9, =:K;.B, E==?.=, B=?.;, =E9K.?, EA?=.9, =:9?.K, E:?K )ycogone spp Ghomeopathic allergenic preparation based on fungusH - 9?=, AAB, ==E9, ?A; )ycogone fungoides - A;;, K9E, BBE, ?BA, ;KE, =AAA )ycogone fungoides secondary - 9E;, 9B?, A>:, A>=, A>K, A>B, BE;, B?;, ?B=, ?BB, ?B;, =:KK, =:?A, >>?>, ?:>, ?=A, ?E>, ?AB, ?K?

)ycoplasma fermentans Ge2p. )ay be a factor in chronic fatigue, al$heimer's, parkinson's, and )#H - E>::, ;BA, ?>:, B>:, B=:, A;A, >;B, BAA, EKA )ycoplasma pneumonia Gsee %neumonia, mycoplasmaH )ycosis fungoides Ga form of skin cancer resembling ec$emaH - K9E, BBE, B?;, ;KE, =AAA )yocarditis narbe - E?>, ?B= )yocarditis necrose Ghomeopathic remedy from heart cells that died as a result of inade&uate blood flow to them. #ee also Circulatory stasisH -?:B, ?;> )yoma Ga benign tumor on the uterusH - EK9, AE:, AK9, ;9E )yositis Ginvolves progressive muscle weaknessH - =E:, =EE, =EK, =E>, ==EA, ==B>, ?BE 0asal infection Gsee #inusitis and 'hinitisH 0asal polyp Gbenign growth inside the nasal passageH - KAE, =A9B 0asturtium Ga healing herbH - =A9 0ausea and cramping Galso see %arasites, enterobiasis, roundworms, and %arasites, generalH - ?E, >K, =>:, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E?, E:, A.> 0ematodes G#ee %arasites, nematodesH 0eoplasms G#ee cancerH 0ephritis Gkidney inflammatory disease. 7lso treat for stones and crystals supplementallyH, or nephrosis Gnon-inflammatory kidney diseaseH - =KK:, E?A, AE9, B9B, B;;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =:, E:, =::::, A:, ?9, ABK, 9::: 0erve disorders - =::::, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AA:, BB: 0ervousness, %ro$ac agitation Gakathsia. #ee also 'ela2ationH - 9, ?.;9 0euralgia Ga painful disorder of the nervous systemH - ;99, 9.>, =:::: 0euralgia, intercostal - ;:E 0euralgia, trigeminal - ;;: 0eurosis - E;

0eurospora sitophila - ?:K, ;?; 0igrospora spp - 9:E, 9K:, ?BA 0ocardia asteroides Gthe microorganism causing 0ocardiosis, an infectious pulmonary disease characteri$ed by abscesses in the lungsH - EE;, E9=, E9?, B>A, ?=>, ?A?, ;;?, E;>: 0ose, infection or congestion Gsee #inusitis and 'hinitisH 0umbness Galso see Circulatory stasisH - =::::, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AA:, BB: 3at smut - ;:B 3ligodena - ;K9 3ospora - >K>>, K9AB 3ral lesions Gchronic cases will always return until metal dental work is replaced with uranium free porcelain. #ee also herpes simple2 I and use #tomatitisH - E?E:, EA;>, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, AAA, KEE, =AB 3rchitis Ginflammation of testes due to 5/, mumps, gonorrhea, cancer, bacteria, etc. #ee also causative condition if knownH - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, > 3rchitis secondary - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: 3rnithosis Gor %sittacosis or %arrot -ever6 an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birdsH - E99, 99=, 99E, K;9, ;K>, =E=? 3steitis Gbone inflammationH - ??: 3steoarthritis Galso see 7rthritisH - =K::, ??: 3steoitis - E.BK 3steomyelitis - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB 3steomyelosclerosis Gmarrow replacement by bone in response to low-grade infectionH ?>, 99: 3steosinusitis ma2. - EA9, 9E? 3stitis - ??:, ?A9, ?9B, ?EA

3titis e2terna Gouter ear infection. 7lso see %seudomonas aeruginosaH -?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =?A, A;E, K9== 3titis medinum Gmiddle ear swelling and4or infection and fever. #ee also strep pneumoniaH - 9=B, ?;A, ?;B, =EK, ;:E, ?E, KEE, AA: for K min, ;;:, ?E:, =KK: for =: min 3tosclerosis - >.=> 3varian cyst - KB?, >;E, ?== 3varian disorders, general - BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, EB, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, E: 3varian elimination, to stimulate - E: 3vum - ?KE 32 bile Gthe homeopathic remedy derived from itH - B?E 3$aena - =;A, EEE, A9> %ain G7lso look under name of condition causing painH - 9:::, >K, BBB, ;: %ain of cancer - 9:::, >K, E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB %ain of infection - 9:::, >K, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, A.> %ain relief - 9:A, B:::, 9:::, BBB, ;: %ain, acute - 9:::, >K, =::::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB %ancreas - AA:, ABA, B::, BEA, BA;, =KKE, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: %ancreatic insufficiency - E:, EK:, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, EB, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, E: %apilloma virus Gcauses warts and benign tumors having a branch or stalk and in some cases white patches GleukoplakiaHH - AK, A;>, ;?AP, >:?P, =B>?: GEBK, KBK?H, BA?9A G=:==, >EK;H, B?EBK G=:K=, >B:>H, ABB, ==:, ?B?, A:A %apilloma kidney Gsmall, usually benign growth on a kidneyH - ==:, =A;, EBA, B9A, ?B?, ;A;, >=?, ?B:, ?BE, ==:E %araceli - E9E %aradontose - AEA, =KKE

%aralysis, nonspastic - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, >.=>, ;.EK %aralysis, spastic - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, ?.B> %aramecium caudatum - AK::, ==K:, EE>; %arasites, ascaris - =KE, AAE, ;=AB, ?K=, ==AB, ?>? %arasites, enterobiasis Gpinworms6 intestinal worms fre&uently found in childrenH - E:, =E:, ??9, ;EB, ;E?, ;9K, A=KE %arasites, filariose Gworms in blood and organs of mammals, larvae passed from biting insectsH - ==E, =E:, 99E, ?K9 %arasites, flukes, blood - ;A?, ;B?, 9E>, A=>, B9K, ?9>=, KK=B, >;;> %arasites, flukes, general - =A9, E?K, A9K, B?B, ?B9, KEA, ;KA, >AK, BK=, BBA, B?BB, A9K, =KEAA %arasites, flukes, general Gshort setH - KEA, ;KA, BK= %arasites, flukes, intestinal Ge2pH - BK=, B?B, ;AA, ;A;, ;KA, E=E;, E:;A, E=K:, B?BB %arasites, flukes, liver - =A9, E?K, B?B, ?B9, E9;, BBA=, BB?E %arasites, flukes, lymph - =::K:, =K? %arasites, flukes, pancreatic Ge2pH - =;K:, E:::, E::9, E::;, E:=9, E:K:, E:;:, BK?; %arasites, flukes, sheep liver - ;EB, ;9:, ;9A %arasites, follicular mange - EK9, B>9 %arasites, general G=H Gcleanup with ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABKH - E:, BA, ?E, >B, ==E, =E:, =EK, =E;, =KE, EA:, 99A, AEE, AAE, KEA, BK=, B;;, ?9E, ?K=, ;::, ;KA, =;BA %arasites, general GEH - =E:, =E;, AEE, BAA4BAE, B?B, B;;4B>:, ?=E, ?E;, ?9E, ;::4;:E, =KK:4=KKE, =;BE4=;BA, E==E, AA=E %arasites general G9H - A?, ?E, ;:, >K, =E:, =EK, AA:, AAA, ABK, BB:, BBK, B>:, ?E?, ?E;, ?A:, ??:, ?;:, ;::, ;;:, =;A:, =;BK, =>>;, 9=?B, =:::: %arasites, general, short set - E:, BA, ?E, >B, ==E, =E:, =KE, BK=, ?9E %arasites, giardia - 99A, A99A, KAE>, ;E>, ;=E, E:=;, A:?

%arasites, heartworms - KA9, E9EE, E::, K9K, =:??, ?>> %arasites, helminthsporium Gworm eggsH - ?>9, >B>, =BA, KEA9 %arasites, hookworm - B.;, AA:, E::;, BA9B, K;B; %arasites, leishmania donovan - KEK, ?;= %arasites, leishmania bra$iliensis - ?;? %arasites, leishmania tropica - ?>= %arasites, pinworm - see %arasites, enterobiasis %arasites, roundworms, general - E:, =:A, =E:, =E;, =KE, EA:, BK:, B;;, 99E, AEE, ==E, ?E=, >AE, 9E=E, ?9E, AA=E, KA9, ??E, ;E?, ;9K, A=KE, K;>?, ?=K> %arasites, roundworms, general Gshort setH - =E;, =KE, EA:, AEE, BK:, B;; %arasites, schistosoma haematobium Gblood flukesH - ;A?, ;B?, B9K %arasites, schistosoma mansoni Gblood fluke which can cause symptoms identical to hepatitis CH - 9E>, >;;> %arasites, strongyloides Gthreadworm, genus of roundwormsH - 99E, AEE, ?E=, ?9E, ?A>, >AE, 9E=E, AA=E %arasites, strongyloides secondary - 9;:, B>;, ?KE, ??B, ?EE, ?9;, ?AB, ===9 %arasites, taenia - see %arasites, tapeworms %arasites, tapeworms Gdo not use for known tapeworms unless familiar with tapeworm protocolH - =BA, =;?P, AK9, KE9, KAE, BE9, ;A9, ;KA, =EE9, ;:9, 9:9E, KKEEP %arasites, tapeworms, echinococcinum Gtapeworms found in dogs, wolves, cats, R rodents that can infect manH - =BA, AK9, KAE, BE9 %arasites, tapeworms secondary - =AE, =;?, BEA, BBE %arasites, threadworms Gsee %arasites, strongyloidesH %arasites, trichinosis - =:=, KA=, ;EE, =:KA, =9?E %arasites, turbatri2 - =:A %aresis - >.A

%aresthesia - K.K %arkinson tremor, temporary relief - B::: for =: min, =9:, =B> %arkinson's disease Ga slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic disorder, also use Chlamydia pneumoniae and see 0ocardia asteroides fre&sH -B>9, ;=9, =.=, K:::, ==9= for 9 min, 99 for 9: min %arrot -ever Gsee 3rnithosisH %arvovirus, canine - B9?, =;K, 9E9, KBE, B=9, BEE, =:::, A:E? %arvovirus, canine mutant strain - 9E9, K=A %arvovirus, canine type / - 9E9, K9K, B=9, ?KK %arvovirus, new strain - EEK?, A;;, A;; %asteurella combination Gbacterial diseases spread by animal bitesH - 9E9, >=9, B>A %elvic inflammatory disease - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, KEE, >K, ?E, AK:, AE; %emniciosis - E9E, BEE, ;EE, AE== %emphigus Grare, autoimmune skin disorders characteri$ed by blisters in the outer layer of skin and mucous membranesH - B>A, ;>9, BBK %enicillium chyrosogenium - =E>, EA>, 9AA, >B? %enicillium chyrosogenium secondary - 9AK, B;;, ;B;, =:?:, EA==, ?E;, ?BA, ?BK %enicillium notatum - 99A, BE> %enicillium notatum secondary - 9E=, KK:, KKK, KKB, KK;, KB:, KBE, KBB, K?E, BAA, ;EK, >EE, >AE, A;?:, ??;:, A=E, ?=K %enicillium rubrum - 99E, AK?, AB:, ABE, ?BB, =:=K, =:=; %ennyroyal Gan herbH - ??E %en&ueculum - ?AB, ?KK, =9?K, B>BK, BEB, >A; %epto streptococcus - E:=, BE>

%ericarditis G035E, Cardiac conditions are inherently unstable. 5herefore,we cannot recommend the use of fre&uencies on humans, even outside !.#. "urisdiction. 5hese fre&uencies are for animal research only.H - E?E:, E=?:, =B::, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, BEK, =EK, >K, ?E, E: %eriodontal disease Gsee also osteo infection fre&sH - A?.K, =;::, =B::, BK:, BEK, B::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E? %eritonitis - ?E?, ?;?, ;;: %erniosis Gchillbains + a disorder of the blood vessels caused by prolonged e2posure to cold and characteri$ed by skin lesions on the lower legs, hands, toes, feet, ears and faceH E:, E9E, BEE, ;EE, AE==, E==E %ertussis Gwhooping coughH - KEB, ?BK, AB, E;A, >=:=, B>?, >:B %ertussis secondary - ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, =E9A, ?9AA %esticide deto2 Gsee also 1iver and .idney support, Circulatory and 1ymph stasis fre&sH ?9, EB, B, = %ha&ocyross, stimulates - E:, =EK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: %haryngitis Ginflammation of pharyn2, can cause chronic sore throat,halitosis, and pharyngeal ulcers. 7lso see #ore throat, *alitosisH - AA:, 9;:, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ??B, ?;A, ;;:, ?E?, E:, KEE, =AB %hlebitis Gvein inflammationH - =K::, ??B %homa <estructiva GhomeopathicH - =B9, ;=K, BE= %ineal gland Gto stimulateH - E: %lague Gsee /ubonic plagueH %lantaris - E::; %lasmacytoma Ga tumor with plasma cells that occurs in the bone marrow, as in multiple myeloma, or outside of the bone marrow, as in tumors of the inner organs and lining of the nose, mouth, and throatH - A?K %leurisy GInflammation of the lung membrane and abdominal liningH - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AAA, =;BK, AK: %losis Geyelid droop. 7lso use %arasite general, ascaris, and roundwormH -=::::

%neumococcus Gsee #treptococcus pneumoniaeH %neumocystis carnii Gfungus which causes pneumonia usually developing in the immune suppressed or in infantsH - E:A, 9A:, ?AE %neumonia Gsee also %neumonia klebsiella, %neumonia mycoplasma, %neumonia bronchial, %neumonocystis carnii, #treptococcus pneumoniaeH - =E9;, =KK:, =;BE, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, E:, AK:, A=E, ?BB, B;;, B;9, >?K, EB;;, BB: %neumonia, bronchial Ginflammation of bronchii and lungsH - KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, AKE, =A?A, K?; %neumoniae klebsiella Gcauses an acute, bacterial pneumoniaH - A=E, ?BB, ??B, A=9, ;A:, ?AB, ?BK, ??>, ?;9, ;=; %neumonia mycoplasma Ga contagious pneumonia of children and young adultsH - B;;, >?K, ???, EB;;, BB:, ?:>.E, E;9;.K %neumonia, walking Gsee %neumonia mycoplasmaH %neumovirus Gcauses bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants, see 'espiratory syncitial virusH %olio Galso known as poliomyelitisH - =9K, E;9, ?AE, ??B, =K::, EB9E, =;K: %olio secondary complications - =KK:, ;:E, AE;, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? %olyarthritis - K=E %olyp, nasal - KAE, =A9B %olyp, uterine - B;> %olyp, general - KEE, =AB, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, E: %orphyria Gseveral rare disorders of the nervous system and skinH - B>;, ?;: %ostsurgery deto2ification of anaesthesia Galso re&uires post-recovery saunas with electrolyte replacementH - KEE, =AB %roctitis Gsee Chlamydia trachomatisH %rostate, enlarged Gsee %rostatitis and other prostate setsH - EEK:, E=E;, E:K:, B>:, BBB.

%rostatitis Gbenign prostate tumor or infectionH - =::, A=:, KEE, =AB, E?E:, E:K:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, ABK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AAA, KEE, >.= %rostatitis G=H - E:K:, EEK: for =K min %rostate adenominum - AAE, B;;, =;?K, ?A;, ?BB %rostate hyperplasia - >E: %rostate problems, general - E=E;, E::;, E?E:, BBA, ?E;, A:;, >.9>, E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB, ABK, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, =EK, >K, ?9, ?E, E:, >, >.=> %roteus - AEA, A9A, ;9A %roto$oa - A9E, ?K9, K??B %ruritis Gsee ItchingH %seudomonas aeruginosa Gbacteria causing blue pus infections found in wounds, burns, and the urinary tract, et alH - =?A, A;E, ?;K, ==9E, K9==, 9>BK, A:K, B99, =>=, =?;, ?9=, BBAB, =?;, ?9>.;, E>K>.A %seudomonas mallei Galso called glanders bacillus. Causes glanders, a blue pus infection of the respiratory system and mouth, and transmitted occasionally to man by e&uine.H B;?, ;K?, ;?K, =E?9, K:=, ?A9, ??A %seudomonas pyocyanea - A9? %sittacosis Gsee 3rnithosisH %soriasis Galso use *ypothyroid set and see Deneral %arasite, ascaris, and other roundworm fre&sH - E=;:, E=E;, E::;, EA;>, =KKE, ;;:, ;::, ?;B, ?E;, BBA, 9:A, >B, ==E, =::, B:, =:A, BA, =KE, E=?:, E?E: %soriasis, ankylosing spondylitis - 9:::, >K, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, E;, =.E, =:, 9K, E;, ?.B>, ==:, =::, B:, AE;, B;: %sorinum - ?;B, ?B? %ullularia pullulans Gallergy remedyH - A9E, ;?9, =9BA, B;A, ?9>, ?K: %yelitis, proteus Gbacteria commonly found in hospital-borne conditionsH - A9A, K>A, ??B %yocyaneus Ghomeopathic nosode for %seudomonas pyocyaneaH - A9?

%yoderma Gor %yoderma Dangrenosum6 a rare skin disorder of unknown cause. #mall pustules develop into large ulcers at various sites on the body. 7lso see %arasites general and Deneral antisepticH - =E9, =9E, >B?, >?A, =KKB, =A;>, BB9 %yorrhea GInfection of periodontium causing inflammation of gums and bone loss. 7lthough pyorrhea may be controlled or eliminated with treatment, infection will always return whenever sub"ect e2periences stress or poor diet, until mercury inlays Gso-called 'silver' fillingsH and nickel alloy G'stainless steel'H dental appliances are replaced with porcelain that does not contain uranium and infected root canals and sockets are treated. #ee also <ental, <ental foci, #tomatitis, Dingivitis, 5oothacheH - E?E:, EA;>, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AAA, KEE, =AB %yrogenium BE Ggeneral homeopathic remedy for pusH - =K=, AE>, K>A, BEE, ;?E, A>?, A>; %yrogenium e2 ovo - E9=, =EAA, =E=:, =E=B %yrogenium fish - E;?, 9:A %yrogenium mayo - B;;, ?K>, =BEK, ?E?, ??: %yrogenium suis - 9A=, 9KB, B?9 M -ever Gan infectious disease caused by contact with animals with the parasitic 'ickettsia bacteria and Co2iella burnetii whose symptoms may include headache, fever, chills, and sweats. #ee also 5yphoid fever and 'ickettsiaH - KE9, =9K?, B:?, =E>, B9E, >A9, =:BE, KA>, ?E:, ?EB 'abies GlyssinumH - E:, =E:, KA?, ?>9 'adiation burns Galso see 'egeneration and *ealingH - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: 'agweed - A?9 'aynaud's disease - ?E?, E: 'efractory an - A9K 'egeneration and healing - A?, E?E: 'ela2ation, to produce - B:::, =:, ?.;9 'enal calculi Gsee .idney stonesH 'enal e2cretory insufficiency6 diastolic hypertensive Galso see .idney insufficiencyH - >.E 'eproductive - 99K, K9B, BEE, ?=E

'espiratory syncitial virus - 99B, ?=E, E?; 'etrovirus, variants - EA;>, ABK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, AA;, ;::, =:::: 'hesus gravidatum - 9=E, 9EE, K9B, B;A 'heuma Gwatery discharge from nose or eyesH - >KE, A9B, K>K, ??K 'heumaticus - 999, 9?B, ;E: 'heumatism - =::::, ??B, EBE 'heumatoid arthritis Gsee 7rthritis, rheumatoidH 'hinitis Grunny nose, also see #inusitisH - =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, KEE, =AB 'hino pneumonitis - =;K, 9B?, ;E:, A;? 'hi$opus nigricans - =9E, 9E?, ??K, BK>, BB: 'hodo torula - ;99, K>;, ??; 'hodococcus - =EA, ;9K, A9E, ?BA, 99?, B;E, ?E: 'ickettsia Gbacteria that are transmitted to man by lice, fleas, ticks, and mites. Can cause typhoid fever and M fever.H - =E>, B9E, >A9, =:BE, KA>, ?E:, ?EB, KE=.E, E:;A.; 'ingworm Gsee )icrosporum audouini, )icrosporum canis, 5richophyton, and4or EpidermophytonH - AEE, AAE, ?9E, K:::, B:, ?B, >E, =E:, =E;, AA:, ;:: for B min 'oaches Gmay target a symbiotH - =:: 'ocky )ountain spotted fever - 9?K, ;BE, >A9, ?;;, AB;, 9:; 'otifer - AK:: 'ubella Gsee )easles, rubellaH 'ubeola Gsee )easles, rubeolaH 'uko tick - BB9A, E;K, 9:; #alivary gland virus Ghuman herpes type K - see CytomegalovirusH #almonella Gcan cause intestinal inflammation and infection, and contribute to flu in childrenH - =KEE, ?=?, >?E, BBA, BA9

#almonella paratyphi / - K>, >E, BA9, ?:?, ?=?, ?=>, ?KE, >?E, ???=, =EAA, B?;?, =BK, ?== #almonella type / - KAB, =B9A #almonella typhi Gcan cause typhoid feverH - AE:, BBA, ;BKB, ??9 #almonella typhimurium Gcan cause food poisoningH - B>9, ?KA, ?BE #anguis menst - K>= #anguinera - B9A #cabies Gsee )ange, follicularH #carlet fever - A9?, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB #chistosoma Gsee %arasites, schistosomaH #chumann resonance Grela2ingH - ?.;9 #chunan /-Cell - 9EE, AEK, KB=, B::, BE:, BE9, ?;:, ?;=, >K:, >KE, =:E9, =KEA, =:>?, ==:: #ciaticor schias - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, =: #clerosis, lateral Gdegeneration of spinal cord resulting in spastic paraplegiaH - EKA #edation and pain relief - 9:A, B::: #edative effect G'eported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, sinusitisH - E.K #ei$ure G=H - 9E>, EEB, >K9 #emperillium - ==A: #erum schweinepest - K:9, EAB, B:A, ABK #e2ual dysfunction, men Gsee also Circulatory stasis, 3rchitisH - >.9>, E=E?, E::;, ABK, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, =EA, >K, ?9, ?E, E:, BK:, BEK, B:: #higella Gcan cause acute dysentery and diarrhea as well as infect nerves, brain, and spinal cord chronicallyH - BE=, ?BE, ?B>, ??:, =KK:, ;:E, ;9E #hingles Gsee *erpes $osterH

#ilver Ge2pH - =K>:9 #inus /acteria - KA; #inusitis Gsinus and lung infections can be caused by a large number of pathogens including viruses like '#F, adenovirus, parainfluen$a, influen$a 7, influen$a /, rhino virus, et al. Common bacteria like strep pneum. are always suspect when condition is chronic. #inusitis frontalis and ma2illaris should be tried first.H #inusitis G=H - ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, E:, ?E, =E:, =AB, A::, AA:, ABA, KEA, KA;, BB:, ?=E, ?9E, ;:E, =K::, =KKE, =B::, =;BE, B;9 for K min #inusitis GEH - =EK, =B:, 9B?, A?E, B::, B=K, BEK, BK:, ;E:, >KE, ==K:, =KE:, =;BK, E:::, A9>E, AA::, AA=E #inusitis G9H - B:, >K, =E;, EEK, A=A, AE?, A9E, AKB, B=:, B=A, B=;, =E9A, EB::, KK::, 9:A #inusitis GAH - =:?, =B:, >KE, >AE, 9E:, ?A=, B;E, =9>K #inusitis frontalis - >KE, 9E:, B;E #inusitis ma2illaris - =B:, ?A= #leeping sickness - =E:, E: #lipped discs Gspasms from microbial to2insH - =EK, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, >K, ?E, E: #mallpo2 Galso known as variola, an e2tremely contagious viral disease marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small blistersH - =AE, A?B, K==, ;?B, =BAA, E=9E, EKAA, =KK:, ;:E, KAE, KB>, ;9E, 9EEE #mallpo2 GsecondaryH - 99A, 9B:, A?=, BA?, K:B, ?==, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: #megma - =K9, =;:, B9; #nee$ing - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, =AB #ore throat Galso see %haryngitis, #trep general, #trep pyrogenes, and 7ctinomyces israeliiH - E?E:, EA;>, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, AB.K, ?BB #orghum smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH - E>A #pasms, muscle - B.; #pastic paresis - 9:.;?, A;

#pleen GsecondaryH - =::::, E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, ABK, E: #pleen, enlarged - 9K, ?;?, 9=?B #porobolomyces - ?K9, ?:: #porotrichum pruinosum - K;A, K>;, B;?, ?KK, ?=K #tammering - =::::, E:, B:::, ?.;9 #taphylococci infection Gsee also other #taph fre&sH - >B:, ?E?P, ?;BP, AK9, B?;, B?A, KK:, ==:>, AEA, >A9, =:K:, BA9, EB::, ?=B:, B9>, =:;>, ;B>? #taph infection G=H - >A9, ?E?, BA9, E: #taphylococcus aureus Gcan cause boils, carbuncles, abscesses, tooth infection, heart disease, and infect tumorsH - ;EA.A, AEA, ?E?, ?;BP, >A9, =:K:, ;B>?, BAA, BA?, ?AK, ?9;, ?AA #taphylococcus general - AK9, KK:, B?A, ?E;P, ?;BP, ==:>, ?=B:, B9A, B9>, =:;> #taphylococcus coagulae positive - BA9 #temphylium - AB=, 9A:, ==A #tiff muscles - 9E:, 9E;, 9:A, 9::, EA:, =B:, ??B, ?E;, =;::, =EK, ;:, A:, E:, B::: #tiff muscles GsecondaryH - EK:, =:, K.;, E.K, =.K, =.E, =, :.K, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B #tiff neck - A.>, B, >.=> #tiff shoulder - =::::, ?E?, ?BB, E: #tomach disorders Gsee also E. Coli and %arasites general if no lasting reliefH - E=E?, E::;, ;;:, ?;A, ?E?, B>:, B?B, BBA, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, 9.>, AK:, ;:E, =KKE, ;9E, AEE #tomatitis GInflammation of mucous membranes in the mouth. #ee also Candida, *erpes simple2 I, #tomatitis aphthous, %yorrhea, and DingivitisH - ABK, B??, ?:E, ?;?, E9A, E?;, KB;, B?E #tomatitis aphthous Gulcers on mucous membrane of mouth. 7lso called canker soresH A?;, A;?, A>;, ?;;, >KK, >;E #tomatitis aphthous G=H - =>:=, =>:E, =>:9, =>:A, =>:K, =>:B, =>:? for K min

#treptococcus infection, general Gstreptococcus family. 7lso see Deneral antiseptic and other #trep setsH - =EBB, ;;:P, ;A;, ?;?, ?;A, ?E?, ;?K, ;;K, E::: #treptococcus enterococcinum Gcan cause infection in the digestive and urinary tractsH B;B, A:> #treptococcus hemolytic Gblood infection by strepH - ?E;, ;;:, ?;B, ?=E, =E;, =9A, 99A, AA9, K9KP, KAE, B?K, =A=K, =KEEP, =>:E, B>=, ?=:, =E:9, 9B;P, 9=;P #treptococcus mutant strain - ==A, A9?, BEK, ;;9, >>A #treptococcus mutant strain secondary - =:;, A99, A;;, B;?, ;99, ;B;B, ;???, >B?B, BB:, ?9E, ?AK, ?KA, ?BA #treptococcus pepto Gcan infect digestive tractH - E:=, BE> #treptococcus pneumoniae Gcan cause pneumonia, empyema, middle ear infections, endocarditis, peritonitis, arthitis, bacteremia, and meningitisH - E9=, E9E, B;9, B;;, ;AB, ;;BK #treptococcus pyrogenes Gpus-forming infections. Can cause sore throat, skin inflammation GerysipelasH, scarlet fever, pharyngitis Gstreptococcal sore throatH, scarlet fever, impetigo, erysipelas, cellulitis, septicemia, to2ic shock syndrome, and acute glomerulonephritis #ee also Deneral antisepticH - BEK.A;, EK:=.>, B=B, ??B, ?9K, ;AK, BB:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E: #treptococcus viridans - AEKP, A99P, AAK, >9K, =:=:, =:B:, ;A?;, AK?, ABK, ???, ??;, =E=A, =E=B #trep virus - KB9, B==, ?E? #treptococcus pneumoniae, mi2ed flora - =K;, =?A, BAK, ;:= #treptomyces griseus Gsoil bacteria which yields streptomycinH - 999, ;;? #treptothri2 Gincludes 0ocardia and 7ctinomyces israeliH - ?;A, EE;, E9=, E9?, ;;?, E;>:, EEE, EBE, E=KA, ABK, A;;, KB?, ?;;:, =::::, ?;?, ?A?, ?E?, E: #troke Gfollow upH - 9, E:9, =;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, =;BK, KEE, AE;, =::::, E:, E?E: #trongyloides Gsee %arasites, strongyloidesH #truma Gfamily of organisms that can infect the thyroid causing goiter. !se kelp internally. !se #truma cystica, nodosa, and parenchyme fre&s.H

#truma cystica - K9==, K9=, ?KB, 9B= #truma nodosa - =:K, =EE, 9E=, K=?, K9E, BK=, ?=A #truma parenchyme - =E=, K?B #tye Gstaph infection of sebaceous gland of eyelash. 7lso use #taphylococci infection setH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, AK9, EB:: #ub lu2ation induced disorders - >.B #udor pedis Ge2cessive foot sweatH - =A; #un allergy GE2amine prescription drugs, such as %soralen, for photo-sensiti$ation properties. H - 9, 99: #unstroke - AAA, AA:, =>:, 9:::, >K, KEE, =AB, ;;:, E:, =:::: #urgery pre-op and post-op to prevent and control nosocomial Ghospital ac&uiredH and idiopathic infection Gsee also Deneral antiseptic, #taph, and #trep setsH - E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AAA, KEE, =AB, AE; #urgery, deto2 of anaesthesia Gsee also 1iver supportH - KEE, =AB #urgical pain, post-op recovery - 9:::, E?E:, >K #welling Gedema. #ee also .idney insufficiency and 1ymph stasis fre&sH -KEE, =AB, B.9, =A;, AAA, AA:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, =::::, K:::, 9::: #wimmer's ear Galso see %seudomonas aeruginosa and 3titis e2ternaH - ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA, =?A, A;E, K9== #wollen glands Guse 1ymph and see )umps fre& setsH #yphilis - =??, BK:, BEK, B::, BB:, BK; 5achycardia Grapid heart beat. -or lab animals only. #ee also *eart tonic, 'ela2ation sets.H - =.E 5aenia Gsee %arasites tapewormH 5aste, none - =::::, E: 5endomyopathy - 9E:, EK:, =B:, ;:, A:, E:, =:, K.;, E.K, =.K, =.E, =, :.K

5etanus Ginfectious disease of the central nervous system caused by clostridium tetaniH EAA, B::, KKA, =E:, 9KE, ==AE, 9B9, AK;, ABK, BE; 5etanus Gsecondary complicationsH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 5etragenus - 9>9, A99, E?=E 5halamus stimulant - E: 5hermi bacteria - E99, AA= 5hroat JtickleJ, chronic Gsee also #treptococcus setsH - =E:, BBB, B>:, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =KB:, =;A:, =>>;, ?BB, ??B 5hrombophlebitis Ginflammation of vein walls from clotting. !se on lab animals only. #ee also Circulatory stasisH - =K::, ??B, B;K 5hrombosis, infective I herpes family Gnot to be used with arrhythmia or in !.#.H - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AAA, =;BK, =A;> 5hrush Guse Candida and see #tomatitis fre&sH - A=A, ABK 5hymus, to stimulate - E: 5inea pedis Gsee 5richophyon mentagrophyteH 5inea cruris Gsee Epidermophyton floccinumH 5inea versicolor Gsee )alasse$ia furfurH 5innitus Gsee also Circulatory stasis, <ental, <ental foci, Deneral antiseptic, and 3titis fre&sH - E:, E?E:, ?E;, ?;A, ;;: 5obacco mosaic - E99, E?A, KA9, ?;E, =:KE 5onsillar nosode - =BKB 5onsillar pfropfe - EAB, =K=, A=A 5onsillitis Ginflammation of tonsilsH - =.E, ?9, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, =AA, AKE, K;E 5ooth e2traction follow up fre&uencies Gsee also Deneral antiseptic setH -9:::, E?E:, >K, A?.K, ?.;E

5oothache Gto neglect this can prevent recovery from any illness. #hould also be treated professionally. #ee also <ental, <ental foci, Dingivitis, %yorrhea.H - 9:::, >K, =>:, A?.K, E?E:, EA;>, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BBB, BK:, B::, ABK, BAB, K=?: 5o2ins Gto eliminateH - :.K, KEE, =AB, =KKE, ;:: 5o2oplasmosis Ga serious, infectious disease that can be either ac&uired or present at birth and that is commonly contracted by handling contaminated cat litterH - A9A, ;KE 5rachoma Guse Chlamydia trachomatisH 5rauma - >B, =>E, 9::, ?B:, 9::: 5rench mouth Guse DingivitisH 5reponema pallidum Guse also #yphilisH - BB:, >:E 5richinosis Gthe very serious parasitism resulting from eating pork or bear meatH - =:=, KA=, ;EE, =:KA, =9?E 5richodermia - ?== 5richomonas Ga microorganism causing vaginal irritation with discharge and itchingH B=:, B>E, >;: 5richophytie general - =9E, ?EK, ;:;, ;=E, EAEE, >A>9 5richophytie nagel - 9;=, K;K, K>9, ;=E 5richophytie nagel secondary - =99, =AE, 9?9, 9?B, 9?;, 9;K, 9;?, AE:, AEK, AE;, K?B, K?;, K;:, K;=, K;9, K;A, K;?, K;;, K>E, K>K, K>?, ?EA, ?EK, ?EB, ?K:, ?>A, ?>?, ;:=, ;:K, ;:;, ;:>, ;=?, ;;B, EAEE, B;;?, ?B;;, ?B>?, ?;;K, K;A, K;?, K>E, ?9E, ?99, ?9;, ?A;, ?BK, ?BB, ??=, ???, ??;, ??>, =EKB 5richophyton mentagrophytes - 9==, A=A 5richophyton rubrum - ?KE, >E9 5richophyton tonsuraus - AKA, ?BK 5rigeminal neuralgia - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ?.K, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?B:, ?E?, BK:, =AB, ?.;E, E?.K, AE; 5rypanosoma gambiense - EKK, 9=B, A:9, ?::, ?EA

5uberculinum - 99E, KEE, BBA, ?9=, ?9?, ?A;, =:;K, =:>>, =?::, ?B= 5uberculosis Galso see 5uberculinumH - E:, ?A:, =;A:, ?E:, =KKEP, =B::, E=B, ;:EP, ?;A, =K::, ?E?, B>:, BBB 5uberculosis aviare - 9:9, 99E, 9AE, A9;, AA:, K9E, 9==9, BK=K, B>?, B>;, ?E:, ?9=, ?A=, ?A;, ??: 5uberculosis bovine - EE>, KE9, BEK, B9K, ;9;, ;??, 99K9, ?A;, ?K? 5uberculosis klebsiella - E=?, EE:, EE=, B;B, ==9E, =BAA, E9=9, BK=B, ?E>, ?A; 5uberculosis rod form - ;:9P, =K=9 5uberculosis secondary complications - ??B, E=E?, E::;, ABK 5uberculosis, rod, E. coli, 5/ infections - ?>>, ;:E, ;:A, =KK:, =K=9 5uberculosis, virus - EKBK, =KKEP 5ularemia Ga serious infectious disease also called deerfly fever or rabbit feverH - 9EA, AE?, ;E9 5umor, brain - see Cancer, astrocytoma, glioma, glioblastoma 5urbatri2 - =:A 5yphoid fever Gtyphus infection related symptoms causing high fever, headache, and rash. 7lso use #almonella typhi and 'ickettsia and see M fever.H - 9E:K, ;EA, =KK:, ;:E, B>:, =;::, =;BE, ?=E, ?=A !lcer, duodenal - B?B, ?E?, ?K:, ;;:, =:::: !lcer, gastric - B?B !lcers, general - B?B, BBA, ;:E, ?;A, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, =;::, =B::, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ?9 !lcer, ventric - =AE, KBB, B?B, E9E, =::: !lcer, ventricular - ?B>, ?B: !rea-plasma - ?KB

!remia Galso known as uremic poisoning6 e2cessive amounts of nitrogenous waste products in the blood, as seen in kidney failure. 7lso use .idney and 1ymph stasis fre&s.H - >== !rethritis Galso see Faginosis and use Chlamydia trachomatisH - E?E:, E=?:, E=E?, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, =.E !rinary 5ract Infections Gsome typesH - E:K:, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E:, >.9> !rticaria Ghives, often due to to2insH - =;::, KEE, =AB, A.>, ?;?, ?E? !terine polyp - B;> Faccinium Ga homeopathic nosodeH - A?B Faginosis Gnon-specific infection. 7lso see Dardinerella, Candida, and 5richomonasH A=A, KAE, BAE, BKE, ;::, ;9E, ;AK, ;BB, >AE, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA Faricella Gsee herpes $osterH Faricoses - =.E, E; Fariola Gsee #mallpo2H Fegetative dystonia Ginvoluntary muscle dysfunctionH - A: Fein thrombosis Gsee 5hrombophlebitisH Ferruca Ga rough-surfaced, supposedly-harmless, virus-caused skin wart. 7lso see ,artH - BAA, ?B?, ?>?, ;??, >K9, =?9, ?;? Fertigo Galso use 3titis and see Deneral antiseptic fre&sH - B:, K.;, A Fision, poor Gsee also CataractsH - 9K:, 9B: Fitamag complete set - =, E, 9, A, K, B, ?, ?.;, >, =:, =9, =B, =>.K, EE.K, EA Fitiligo Gloss of pigmentation in areas of skin. !se with / comple2 with e2tra %7/7 internally and %7/7 cream topically. 7lso see E. coli, %arasite Deneral, 1iver support, and -ungus fre&s if necessaryH - AA:, B::, BK:, E==E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, E: ,art, condyloma Gvenereal warts caused by infectious papilloma virusH - ABB, >:? ,arts Ggeneral, also see %apilloma and %arasites roundworms and flukesH - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =K::, >:?, >=K, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BAA, ?B?, >K9, A>K, ABB

,arts Gpapilloma type, branch or stalkH - >:?, ABB ,arts GverrucaH - BAA, ?B?, >K9, ?;? ,arts, plantar - >=K, >=; for =K-9: min ,ellness - B.;, ?.;9 ,erlhof - B>:, AKE ,heat smut - =:=B9, =KB, 9?K ,heat stem rust G=H - BA9 ,hiplash - E:, E?E:, =:::: ,hite /lood Cell stimulation Gsee Immune system stimulationH ,hooping cough Gsee %ertussisH ,olhynia fever Ga 'ickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse. 7lso see 'ickettsiaH - KA? ,ound healing Galso see Deneral antisepticH - E?E:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, EE:, =>:, E:, A: Yeast, cervical Galso use CandidaH - ?;;, ?:B, ??= Yeast, general Galso see Candida. !se %arasites general, roundworm, and ascaris if no lasting reliefH - ?E, EKA, 9?K, KEE, ;?B, >;?, A=A, AEE, ABK, K;E, ?;?, =:=B, EEEE Yeast Gbaker'sH - ;A9 Yellow fly - >>B Yellow fever Ga severe, viral infection which can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, and entire gastrointestinal tractH - E:, =AE, =?;, E9E, A9E, ?9A, ==;?, ?99, ??>, =:::: Yersenia pestis Gsee /ubonic plagueH Cygomycosis Galso called mucormycosis6 a serious fungal infection usually associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive drugsH - >AE, BE9, ?99 7bdominal %ain K,:::

=:,::: 7cne ?E? ?;? ;;: K,::: 7denoids E: to ;;: ?E? ?;? ;;: 7drenal =: 7I<# ?E? ?;? ;;: E,A;> K,::: 9=,::: 9=,?K: 9A,?K: 7llergy K,::: 7lopecia G*airlossH E: ;:: K,::: =:,::: 7nal Itch E: =:,::: 7nemia K,::: 7neurism E: 7ntispetic ?E? ?;? ;;: 7ppendi2 =: to ;;: =: AA: ;;: 7pople2y %aralysis E: 7rthritis

?E? ?;? ;;: E,?E: =,::: ;;: ;:: ?;A ?E; =:,::: 7sthma ?E? ?;? ;;: 7teriosclerosis K,::: /acillus Coli 'od -orm ;:: /acillus Coli Firus =,KKE /ackache =:,::: /acteria Infections ;9E ;:: ?;A /ad -re&uencies %'3<!CE# 3C30E+ =K.>> *E1%# )71 D'3,5*#+ =,;A: =,>=: /lood - *eart 7rea E: to E.E. /lood %ressure DE0E'71+ E: =,=:: E,E:: *ID*+ =:,::: 13,+ E: ;;: ?E; 9:A

/oils E: ?E? ?;? ;;: K,::: /ones 'EDE0+ E,?E: /'3.E0+ =:,::: /rain E: to E,::: E: =,::: E,::: /rain ,aves-7lpha ; to =9 =9 =K =; /rain ,aves-/eta =A to 9: =A EE 9: /rain ,aves-<elta .K to 9.K =.; 9.K K /rain ,aves-5heta A to ? A K.K ? /ronchiloes GdilatesH =,E9A ?E? ;;: Cancer BB9 ?E? ??; ?;? P;:E ;;: =,:K: =,KK: E,::; E,:K: E,=E?

_ AAmin. Candida 7lbicans E: B: >K =EK EEK AE? ?E? _ E;min. Carcinoma E,=E; FI'!#+ E,=E: to E,=9: GE,=E?H E,=;E E,:K: E,AKE /'E7#5+ E,::; E,=E; DE0E'71+ BBB B>: ?E? E,=E? 1E!.+ E,=E? #7'C3)7+ E,::; FI'71+ E,=E: E,=9: Cataract DE0E'71+ K,::: =:,::: 030-<I7/E5IC+ =:,::: ;;: ?;A ?E; Catarrh G)ucous InflamationH E: ;;: K,::: ;;: ;:: ?E;

=,E9A Cerebal %alsy =:,::: Chicken %o2 E: ?E? ;;: Colic ;:: Colitis ;:: =:,::: Colon GP;:E should not be used if a healthy colon is involved as it will kill both beneficial and detrimental bacteria.H E: to ;;: E: AA: ;;: Con"unctivitis ?E; ;;: Constipation ;:: Cramps EK =:,::: 71%*75'30IC+ EB Cystic -ibrosis BB: ?E? ??; ?;? P;:E ;;: _ EAmin. <andruf K,::: <iabetes =:,::: <iarrhea K,::: <iphtheria E: ?E? ?;? ;;: <ropsy

=:,::: <rug 7ddiction E: <ysentery K,::: Ear E: to ;;: <E7-0E##+ E: ;:: =:,::: DE0E'71+ E: AA: ;;: 'I0DI0D+ E: K,::: 7C*E+ K,::: =:,::: Eyes E: E-Coli ?>> to ;:A Ec$ema K,::: Emotional 'elief BBA ?BA E(%E'I)E0571+ B,::: Epstein /arr Firus BB: ?E? ?;? BB: ?E? ?;? AE; BB: ?E? ??; ?;? _ E: min. Escherichia I05E#5I071+ ;:E -atigue

AEA BBA ABA =E: -ever E: to ;;: DE0E'71+ E: K,::: YE113,+ E: =:,::: #C7'1E5+ ?E; ?;? ;;: -ood %oisoning =:,::: Dallstones E: K,::: 9,::: ;;: ?E; Dangrene 4 /lood %oisoning E: ?E? ?;? ;;: DE0E'71 %'3D'7) E: B: >K =EK EEK AE? AA: BB: _ 9Emins. Derman )easles 4 )easles ?E; ?;? ;;: Dlands 7<E03I<+ E: AA: ;;:

E017'DE<+ =:,::: Doiter E: K,::: Donorrhea ?=E B:: to ?:: BB: Dout E: =:,::: Dums /1EE<I0D+ E: ;;: K,::: *eadaches =: =:,::: KE: 9:A =AA *eart E: to=BE E: ;= =BE K,::: *emorrhoids E: ;:: ;;: *epatitis ?E? ?E; ;;: *ernia K,::: *erpes =,A;> =,K:: =,KK: DE0E'71+ =,KK: FI'71+ =,K:: C3#5E'+ =,KK: *ives

=,;:: Ileocolitis Gcolon inflamationH ;:: Infantile %aralysis =,K:: K,::: =:,::: Infection E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Influen$a 4 Cold ?E; ;:: ;;: E: ?E; ?;? ;;: K,::: -1!+ ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Insect /ites ?E? ;;: Insomnia =:,::: @aundice K,::: @oint Inflamation =:,::: .idneys ; to ;;: DE0E'71+ ; AA: ;;: 35*E'+ E: =:,::: =,;BK =,B:: AA: EA; .nee

;:: 1arge Intestine =: to ;;: =: AA: ;;: 1arny2 E: to ;;: E: AA: ;;: 1eprosy ;:: 1umbago ;;: ;:: ?E; 9:: 1ungs >> 1yme .EY -'EM# =min only PA9E P;BA P*E'(*EI)E' 'E7C5I30# 35*E'#+ B>: B=: A;A ?>: 1ymph =: to ;;: =: AA: ;;: )alaria E: E; ?;? ;;: )enigitis E: K,::: )ononucleosis BB: ?E; ?;? )otion #ickness BA;

BEA B:: ABA AA: )# K,::: )umps ?E; ?;? ;;: )uscles : to EA: E: =E: EA: )uscular <ystrophy K,::: 0ausea K,::: 0eck %ains K,::: 0erves E,?E: 0euralgia =:,::: 0euritis G0erve InflamationH =:,::: 0ose E: to ;;: E: AA: ;;: #I0!#+ E: =E: 3steomyelitis K,::: 3varies = to ;;: ?E? ?;? ;;: DE0E'71+ = AA: ;;: %ancreas =K ?E? ?;?

;;: DE0E'71+ =K %arasites E: B: >K =EK AA: _ E:min. %eritonitis GIntestinal InflamationH ?E? ?;? ;;: %haryngitis ?E? ?;? ;;: =,KKE ;;: ;:: ?;A ??B ?E; %ineal Dland E: E: BBB %nemococi ??B %nuemonia ??: to ?;: E: ??K K,::: DE0E'71+ ??: ?;: %oliomyelitis =,K:: K,::: =:,::: %rostate E: to E. E: =,::: E,::: E,?E: E,=E; E,::; ?E; BBA

A:; %soriasis E: K,::: ==E =:A >B BA %ulse #timulation )71E ?: to=BE -E)71E ?; to ;E )E0+ 9B ?: ?E ,3)E0+ A= ?; ;E 'abies E: =E: 'heumatism =:,::: 'hinitis E: =E: 'ickets K,::: 'ubella 4 'ubeola ?;A #arcoma 7ll -orms E,::; FI'!#+ E. toE.=. FI'71+ E,::: E,=:: #ciatica 0erve E: =E: #curvy K,::: #edation 4 %ain 'elief 9:: 9:A 9=: =,E9A #hingles

=,KK: =,;BA =,;:: =,KKE ;:: #mall Intestine =: to ;;: #mall %o2 ?E; ?;? ;;: #pinal E: K,::: #pleen !nder the left arm E: E: #taphlococci ?E; ?EK to?9: DE0E'71+ ;?K ;;: ;;K I0-EC5I30+ ?E? #tiff )uscles ;;: ?E; 9E; 9:: #tomach E: E: ;;: ?;A ?E; BBA #trepococci ;;: DE0E'71+ ;;: I0-EC5I30#+ ;?K ;;: ;;K #treptococcal #treptococcus ;?K to ;;K #treptothri2 G-ungiH ?;A

?;=to?>: ?E? ?E; ?;A ?;? #troke E: E: #unstroke E: to ;;: E: AA: ;;: #yphilis B:: to ?:: E: =E: BEK BK: BK> ?:: 5estes = to ;;: = AA: ;;: 5etanus =E: E: A:: 5hrush ABA 5hyphoid Firus =.K. to =.B. 5hyroid E: to =B: 5innitus ;;: ?;A ?E; 5onsilitis E: to ;;: E: ;;: DE0E'71+ E: AA: ;;: 5ooth <EC7Y+ E: =:,::: 7C*E+

?E? ?;? ;;: 5rachoma GeyeH ?E? ?;? ;;: 5rauma 9,::: ?B: 9:: =>E >B 5reponema BB: 5uberculosis 'od -orm ;:9 ?>> to ;:A ;:E 5uberculosis Firus =.K. to =.B. 5yphoid Firus =,;BE E: B>: =,K?: =,;BK !lcers ?E? ??B ?;? ;;: ;9E ;:: ?;A ??B BBA !rethritis BB: ?E? ?;? ;;: Fision 9K: 9B: DE0E'71+ E: K,::: =:,:::

#,E11I0D+ ?;? D17!C3)7+ =,B:: 9K: 9B: A:: ?E; ,hooping Cough ?E; ?;? ;;: ,orms B: to=EK %7'7#I5E#+ E: B: ;: =E: =EK AA: 'I0D,3')+ E: ;: =E: )IC'3#C3%IC+ B: =EK )7#5E' 1I#5 5his table is a little rough on layout rather than alter the original copy. Rlt6()%[ )7#5E' '75E #*EE5 D!<E1I0E# 7ll fre&uencies are given in *ert$ at A to K volts #M!7'E ,7FE. Electrodes are to be applied directly onto the skin with a non-menthol shaving cream or electrode gel. <o not use oils or creams as they will insulate the transferance of the energy to the body. In general+ <rink one &uart of polari$ed positive water with "uice of lemon daily. <rink electrolyte solution E: minutes before electromagnetic application. Electrolyte solution is made by adding =4E teaspoon rico polishings, =4E teaspoon granular tedthin, and =4E teaspoon whey I053 =4E glass of polari$ed positive water. You can polari$e the water positive by placing the glass of water on a ceramic magnet GJpolari$erJH with the south side facing up for at least E minutes. <rink =4A teaspoon of 7cidophilus in =4E glass of polari$ed positive water after energy application. C313' %3,E'+ !se K:: to =::: watt pro"ectors for one hour6 mimmum time between energy to be 9 hours. !se =K: watt color flood lamps for = and =4E hours minimum from head to toe. !se A: watt color lamps for E and =4A hours. #ee pages >-E9 to >-9= for details. Eyes+ !se =E watt lamps a6 =E volts. 6Kee+ page B-=? for

application times. 0t\E'IC71 C313' C3<E 7# !#E< I0 '75E C*7'5+ =...'E< E...3'70DE 9...YE113, A...1E)30 K...D'EE0 B...5!'M!3I#E ?.../1!E ;...I0<lC3 >...FI31E5 =:...%!'%1E ==...)7DE057 =E...#C7'1E5 #EE %7CE B=9 53 B=B. 70< %7DE >E> 53 >9? -3' )7#5E' C313' C*7'5# 70< <E57I1E< I0-3')75I30. C3#)IC 30 07FE1+ #EE %7DE A=9.K?9.B:E to B:;. and B=9 I0 %.'.). )7D0E5IC 5*E'7%Y )E5*3<# -3' #EC5I30# =-= 53 ?-=E )7Y /E -3!0< 30 %7DE B:> to fim -!'5*E' I0-3')75I30 7/3!5 )7D0E5IC %317'I5Y )7Y /E -3!0< 30 5*E -3113,I0D %7DE#+ 9KB to 9K?. 9;K to 9;B. 9;> to A=E. K?9 to K?;. and B:E to B:;. 5hese method numbers are placed in brackets, for e2ample, X=:,=A,;Q. %.'.). section and page numbers are mi2ed in with the method numbers, and are given in the order that they should be used. #ection4page numbers appear like this e2ample+ B-9A Gthis would indicate section B, page 9A in the %.'.). -=NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN <I#3'<E' C313';+ 7%%1Y I0 GO4-H %317'ICE', =-= E1iC5'3 )7D0E5IC 3'<E' /Y 0!)/E' to ?-=E )ethod *E'5C -'EM!E0CY 7CI<3#I# 9,A,B O X=:= 7C0E, %I)%1E# 9,A,E,= O X=Q ?E?,?;?,;;: 7.I.<.#. K,== O >>X=:Q ?E?,?;?,;;:,EA;>,K. 7/<3)I071 %7I0 E,9 GE hr. after mealH,=E O 9-=>, 9-=, EX\=l K., =:. =-=;,A-9K 7C!5E %7I0 ;,=E,=: O X?=A-A:, 9-== =:. 7<E03I<# K,? if *35 O X==t-= ?E?,?;?,;;: 7<*E#l30# ;,K - X=K= 2 71C313bIl#) K,9 O X=A==-=: =:. 70E)I7 =, then A6 =E O X=:= K. 713%ECI7, hair loss =:,;,=E O X;= =:. 7)E03'IIE7, no men- 'ration =E,=: O X=:= =:. 70E!'I#), lg. blood vessles ==,=:,;,A O X== E: 70!#, itching ?,K,A,B O XKQ E:, =:. 7%%E0<ICI5I# K,9,A, O X=:= ?E?,?;?,;;: 7'5E'IE#, hardening =:,==,A O X=A= K.,E: 7%%E5I5E, skinniness ==,9,; O =-E= =:. 7%*5*7E 5*'!#* K O =-=9X=AQ ?E?,?;?,;;: 705I#E%5lC B, If fever+ ? X=:= ?E?,?;?,;;: 7'5E'I3#C1E'3#I# =:,==,A O B-=A,X=A= E-=K K.,E: 7'5*'I5I# ?,B,;,> O K-=,EX=?= =:. 7#5*)7 9,K,A,B O E-BX=A= ?E?,?;?,;;: 7!53I053(I-IC75I30 B,A,K O A-E:X=,=AQ =:. 7'5E'Y, stimulator =E O E-=KGE= ( 7!'7 /!I1<E' ==,=:,> O XB= E: 757(I7 3- )!#C1E# =:,A,9,K O K-9 K. 711E'DIE# K,A,B O X=A==-=9,=A K. /7C. 7C*E K,9,E,A,> X=A=K-A =:. /7< /'E75* K O X=A=9-==,=-=; E:, K. /7< C3)%1E(I30 K,==,A,9,E,= O E-=9G=A= K. /7< 5EE5* K,?,A O B-9?G=== E:,= 3. /E< ,E55I0D B O A-9EG=A= K. -ENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN /I1I3!#0E## B,A,? O GBQ9-E:, E-=E, E-K =:. /7C., bent K,9,A O K-K =:. /i5E#, insects K,E,9 O 9-=9X=?Q ?E?,;;: /17<<E' 5'3!/1E# K,B,?,;,> O 9=9G=?Q ( /133< <I#E7#E# K,A,=:,>,B O AA:G=AQ ?E?,?;?,;;: /133< %'E##!'E, *ID* K,>,=:,=E,== - E-=, E-EG=AQ =:. /133< %'E##!'E, 13, 9,A,=E,==,; O E-9G=:Q E: /3i1# A,E,9,bursts-remove core - 9-=9G=AQ ?E?,?;?,;;: K to drain pus, B GE2H seal with ; E: /'E7#5 @E'3!/1E A,=E,K O =-=K, =-=>, A-=; K. /'E7#5 5!)3' A,; on lump - ?-= to ?-=: E::;,E=E; /'30C3-%0E!)30I7 K,E,B - 9-E:, 9-=9 ??B,?E?,;;: /'30C*I5I# =MK,E, 9-=: B-=, EA?,E-=E ?E?,;;: /!/30iC %17D!E ?-B-;-> O G>,=:,=A,=;Q E:,K::,K. /'ID*5'# <isease, 0ephritis =E,K,A,?,B,;,> - =-=G=AQ ?E?,?;?,;;: /'!I#E# >,K,B,; - K-?G=AQ =:. /'E75* #EE J/7<...J /'E75*I0D A O =-=BG=A,=Q K. /!0I30 %7I0 >,?,B,; O A->G=A,>Q E:,K. /30E#, cut or broken 9 %ositive heals in E days Gboth sidesH =:. /!'0# >,?,B,; O G=AQ =:. /!'#l5=# >,?,B,; O K-;G=AQ ?E?,?;?,;;: /!'0#, radium, (-ray, nuke #ame as above6 drink = &t. aloe

vera "c.daily G=A,=;Q C70CE', internal, e2ternal - ?-= to ?-=:X=;,=:Q E=E? C7'CI03)7 A, ; on tumor area. !se neg. pol. on all cancer 9 min4every 9 days C70CE', 1E!.E)I7 same as above - ?-9 E::; C70CE', #C7'C3)7 same as above - ?-E to?-=: E::; D7'/ !0C1E# same as /3I1# C757''* GmucousH Inflam. ?,B,;,> O A-EK,EBG=:Q ?E?,?;?,;;:,E: C*I1< <I#3'<E'# B,K,? O X=:Q ?E?,;;: C757'7C5 K,? Gif not diabetic, use = or EH O G=:QB-=?,=; =:. CE'E/'3-#%I071 %'3/. A,9,E,=: O G=:QKA,9-=K,E:, =:. GR K-=;H CE'FIC71 D170< %'3/. O =->,K>G=:= K. CE'FICi5I# ?,B,;,> O G=:Q ?E?,?;?,;;ME: -9NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN C*IC.E0 %3( ?,K,B.GK all nite for =E nites, O X=:= E:, ?E?,?;?,;;: blue to stop feverH C*I1/170# ?,K,A O 9-=EG=:Q E:,K. C*'30IC 5I'E< -EE1I0D A,9,?,==,; O G=:Q =:. C3!C*I0D, C31<# =E,K,E,A,%ositive water every E hrs. with lemon O =-=?G=:Q =:k, ?E; C31< *70<# =E,==,=: O G=:H E:, K. C31< -EE5 =,=E,== O E:, K.X=:Q C31< I0 *E7<, C*E#5, etc. A,==,B,;,>,? O A-=EX=:Q ?E;, ?;?, ;;:, K. C31I5l#,Catarrh in Colon ?,B,;,> O on colon E =4E l\s A-EK,EBG=:,=AQ ;::, =:k C30@!0C5IFI5=#, eyelid swel ?,B,;,> O B-EA,9BX=:, =AQ ?E;,;;:,?;? C31IC, stomach, colon pain E,?,9,=:,; O 9-=,E ;:: C30#5I%75I30 96 O on colon E hrs, O water 9-E:, =-=;, 9-9, ;::G=:,=AQ every E hrs. C30F!1#I30# ?,B,;,> O 9-A,K =:. C'IC.# I0 5*E 0EC. =E,9,K O =-> K. C'7)%# E O 9-=,=?,=-=E =:. C3#571DI7, rib pain ?,B,;,> O A-9 =:. C3lI0# I0 -EE5 ; O A->G=:,=AQ E:, =:. C3'YC7, 0ose disorder ?,B,;,> O B-9=,9EG=:,;,=AQ ?E?, ?;?, ;;: C!5# GOto healH K,9,; O 9-=9G=:,=AQ E:, K. CE'E/'71 %71#Y ?,B,;,> O A-E =:. CY#5I5I#, /ladder inflam. ?,B,;,>,A O 9->G=:,=AQ ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: C305'7C5I30, stop dischg. ; O X=:,=AQ =:. C7'<I7C <E%'E##705 > O G=:,=A,BQ. =:. C1E70# blood plasma A O G=M=AQ K. <70<'!--, #C71E# A,9,E,= O 9-9,E:X;Q K. <E7-0E## A,9,E,= O B-9,E =:., E:, ;:: <I7/E5E# A,9 O A7G=:,=AI =:. <I7''*E7, <Y#E057'Y 96 -luid diet, Owater every G=:,=A,BQ K. E hrs. ?,; <'3%#Y ?,B,; O G=:,=A,BQ =:. <I%*5*E'I7 ?,B,;,>6 K for =E nites clears up OX=:,=A,=Z ?E?, ?;?,;;:,E: <Y#%E%#I7, iZ'digestionE,9,K,A O 9;G=AQ ;:: -ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN <'E7)# =:,;,B O=-?, A-9= =:., E: <!110E## ?,B,;,> O=-=;X=AQ K. <Y#)E03''*E7, painful ?,B,;,>, O=-=EG=AQ ?E?,?;?,;;:,;:: menstration <'!D 7<<IC5I30 E with water to vomit O ?-==G=AQ E: >,;,=E,B <I#5E0<E< 3'D70# ?,B,;,> O 9->G=AQ =:. <IDE#5I30 A,9,B6 %olari$e O over stomachG=AQ and colon. O =-=; K. <!3<E\71 !1CE' K,9,B,A O 9-=EG=AQ =:., ?E?, ;;: <I#5E0<E< #53)7C* ?,B,;,> O 9-=,=:G=AQ K., ;:: E7'#, /7170CE K,B,?,> O B-EG=AQ =:. E7'#, hard to hear 9,=:,E O B-9,A K., E: E7'#, 'I0DI0D A,9,E,=E O B-;,> K., E: G=K. to E:.H E7'#, <ICCI0E## 9,A,B,> O B-=:G=AQ E:, ;;: E7' 7C*E# ?,B,;,> O B-KG=:,=AQ K. E7' <I#C*7'DE# A,E,K,B O B-K =:. E7#l1Y <E%'E##E< 9,A,=E,== O G=:,=AQ =:. E7#I1Y -75ID!E< E,A,=:,; O G=:,=AQ K. ECCE)7, all skin prob, A,9,E,=,?6/urning+ B,;,> O X=A,=,KQ K. *erpes ? foritching B-A= E017'DE< D170<# ?,B,;,> O EKG=:,=AQ =:. E0!'E#i#, bed wetting ?,A,B,;,> O A-9E =:. E%I1E%#Y, -I5# ;,==,=:,A O A-B E:, =E: E%I<I<Y)I5I#, inflam testicle ?,B,;,> O A-> E:, =K:: E!#57C*I70 5!/E ?,B,;,> O B-9=G=AQ ;:: )3!5* E'!%5I30# A,;,K,B O B-== K. E#3%*7D!# ?,B,;,> O B-=E ?E?, ?;?, ;;: EYE, C313'/1I0< A,9,K,E,? O B-=9 =:. EYE, 7'5E'I3#C1E'3#I# ==,=:,E,?,A,B O B-=AG=AQ EM K. EYE, /I-3C71 ?,K,B,9 O B-

=K,E: E:, K. EYE, /1!''E< ?,A,B,9 O B-=B,E> E:, K. EYE, C757'%R7C5 K,? O B=?,=; K. EYE, C'3##E< K,A,B,9 O B-=>G=AQ K., =:. -KNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN EYE, <EDE0E'75I30 ?,B,;,> O B-E:X=AQ =:. EYE, <I%13%I7 A,E,9,K O B-E=G=AQ =:. EYE,near4far sighted E,=,;,>,? O B-EEG=AQ K., =:. EYE, I0-EC5E< K,?,9,; O B-EA, 9-=9 K., =:. EYE, 17C'I)71 ?,B,;,> O B-EKX=AQ K. EYE, 0E'FE %7I0 ;,>,?,A O B-EBX=AQ =:. EYE, #5'7I0E< ==,=:,? O BE>,E?G=AQ ?E?, ?;?, ;;: EYE, D17!C3)7 A,9,E,=,? O B-E>G=AQ =B:: EYE, #pots before, inflam. ?,B,;,> O 'otate O R - K min. over eyes =;: degrees EYE, #5Y,.or droop of lid, ptosis A,9,E,= OB-9B K., =:. E<E)7, 1ungs, swell, fluids ?,B,;,> O A-KG=AQ ?E?,?;?,;;: E1/3, %7I0 A,E,9,=: O K-=: K., E: E'Y#I%E17#, skin inflam. ?,B,;,> O E-=9G=:,=AQ B::, E::: -7CI71 %7'71Y#I# 9 O A-; K., =:. -7CI71 C'7)%# E,A,9 O A-?X=AQ =:. -711I0D *7I' A,9,E,= Gavoid soap onhairH OG;Q E:, =:. -EFE', 711 .I0<# ?,B,;,> O X=>,=AQ E:,K. -17#*E#, *35 ?,B,;,>. <rink O lemonade4 D' E lirs O =-?,EE =:. -E7'# ==,=:,=E,B O =-EEX=:,=AQ =:. -1! ?,B,;,> O A-=EX=:,=AQ ;:: -335 /1I#5E'# A,B,?,; O X=:,=AQ =:. -I#5!17, !1CE' ?,B,;,> O GO to healH ?E?, ?;?, ;;: -I##!'E# ?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ E:, =:. -175!1E0CE, #EE+ gastritis,distended stomach. !se O water every E l\s. -'IDI<I5Y, female =Eremoves O X=:,=AQ E:, =:. -7#CI7, fibrous tissue under skin ?,B,;,> O X=AQ E:, K. -E)71E <I#3'<E' =,K,>,=E O =E9X=AQ ?E?, ?;?, ;;: -7I05I0D 9,A,>,= O X=:,;Q E:, K. -33< %3I#30I0D <rinkwater, then E to vomit X=A,=:Q =:. -'3#5 /i5E ?,B,;,> O X=:,=A on biteQ K. -'3CE0 #*3!1<E' 9,E,> O K-EBG=:,=AQ =:. D711 #530E# =:,=E,==.GO water :' E hrH O X=,=AQ E: D711 /17<<E' ?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ E:, K. D70D'E0E, tissue death ?,K,A,E,9 G7pply color to both sidesHX=:,=AQ E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: -BNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN D7# %7I0#, stomach, colon ;,A,9,K,,?,B,> O 9-;X=A,BQ E:, K. DI<<I0E##, <ICCY ?,;,B,> O B-=:X=:,=AQ E:, =:. D170<!17' -EFE' ?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ E:, =:. %7%75IlY'3I<+ !se ; to energi$e6 E to depress 5*Y'3I<+ !se E to energi$e6 ; to depress 5*Y)!#+ !se A to energi$e6 =: to depress. 9 to energi$e6 > to depress 7<'E071#+ !se == to energi$e6 K to depress %I5!I57'Y+ !seK to energi$e6 == to depress 0E'FE #5I)!1753'+ !se 9 Gbest motor stimulantH #E( D170<#+ !se A to he) and as a bone builder, plus == %I0E71+ !seK to energi$e6 == to depress D3I5E' E,; O X=:,=AQ E:, K. D315 ?,B,;,> O A->X=:,=AQ E:, =:. D'7FE1, deposits in urine K,=: <rink O dist.water \ E hrs OX=:,=A,KQ K. D303''*E7 K,B,?,A,;,> O X=:,=AQ BB:, BEE D'I%%E, I0-1!E0C7 ?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ ?E?, ?;?, ;;: D307<, gland inflam. ?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ ?E?, ?;?, ;;: D!)#, I0-17). ?,B,;,> !se O on gums O X=:,=AQ E:, ;::, K. *7I', 13## 3- A,9,E,= O X=:,=AQ =:. *7Y -EFE' ?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ K. *E7<7C*E# ;,>,A,=: O X=:,=AQA-EA, I7 E:, =:. *70D3FE' 9,==,A,> =-=:X=:,=AQ =:. *E7'5 %71%I575I30# ; 5o rectuce E7X=:,=AQ E-== =:. *E7'5, -7#5 ;5oreduce O E-==X=:,=AH ( *E7'5 <I#3'<E'#+ )Y3C7'<l5I# == X=Q K. E0<3C7'<I5I# == X=Q K. %E'lC7'<l5I# == X=Q K. #5E03#l# == X=Q K. 70DI07 %EC53'I# == X=Q K. C7'<I7C *Y%E'5'3%*Y == X=Q K. /'7<YC7'<I7 ==,9 X=Q K. 57C*YC7'<I7 ==,K X=Q K. -?NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN *E%7\5I#, liver inflam. ?,B,;,>GO water \9 'vsH O X=,=AQE-K ?E?, ?;?, ;;: *E)3''*3I<# ?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ E:, ;::, ;;: *E'%E# C3#5E', #*I0D1E#

'?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ =KK: *E'%E#, water blisters K,A,9,E,= O X=:,=AQ =KK: *iFE#, !'5IC7%@7 ?,B,;,> O B7:X=:,=AQ =;:: *E'0I7 3- <I#C ?,B,;,> O K-==X=:,=AQ =:. *i% %7I0 ?,B,;,> O K-=EX=:,=AQ K. *E7< I0@!'Y Fita@ity up6 ?,A,9,=E E->,=: =:. Fitality down+ >,;,K,=: E-; =:. *iCC3!D*# E,A,? O =-9G=:,9AQ E:, =:. *711!CI075I30# B,==,?,A O A-=:X=:,=AQ E:, K. *E7<, %'E##!'E I,0 ?,B,>, O A=EX=:,=AQ E:, K. *Y#5E'IC71 #Y)%53)# 9,K,==,=: - A-=AX=:,=AQ E:, K. *E)3''*7DE 9,A,K,; O X=:,=AQ ;::, =:. *E'0I7 9,A,?,K,B O to heal K. *37'#E0E## ?,B,;,> O X=:,=A,=Q ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Dargle with apple cider vinegar diluted = to =: every hour. *Y<'3CE1E, fluid in testicle 9,?,==,> O X=:,=A,=9Q =:. *Y%E'7CI<I5Y A,?,B,> <rink O water GIH E hrs. OX=:,=A,=Q E:, =:. *Y%3(I7, low o2ygen 9,?,A,==,E O X=:,=AQ =:. !se O on heart, - on spleen hourly *Y%3(I7, labored breathing %3#. under right armpit toward body, and 0ED under left armpit toward body for 9: minutes. *Y%3C*30<'I!), uppRr abdomen?,B,;,> O X=:,=A,=Q E:, =:. *E'E<I57'Y #E( derangement =: O X=AQ K. *iD* -EFE', %Y'E(I7 =: O X=AQ E: *Y%E'5E0#i30 7,>,9,=: O X=,=AQ E:, =:. I0C'E7#E *EID*5 K on pitituary O X;Q =:. I0-1!E0C7 ?,B,;,> GO water D E 'vsH O B-9=X=:,=AQ E:, ;::, ;;: I0<IDE#5I30 9 two hrs after meals O 9-E:X=:,=A" K. !se O on stomach R colon areas for =: min. i0-EC5I30# 9 Gavoid meatH, ;,A,?,=:,K,> 9-=9X=:,=AQ E:, ;;:, ?E;, ?;? i0-705I1E %7'71Y#I# 9,A,B,;,=E,K O A-=BX=:,=AQ =K:: E0-17))75I30, /'E7#5 ?,B,;,> O A-=;X=:,=AQ K. -;NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN I)%35E0CE ==,=:,=E,A O =-EX=:,=AQ =:. I0#3)0I7 ?,>,; O A-=> =:. i''I57/I1I5Y ?,=E,;,> O A-E:,E9 K. I05E'C3#571 0E!'71DI7 K,9,A,=: O 9-=A,=KG=AQ ;::, =:. !se O over in"ury to cancel pain I0@!'IE# ?,B,;,> GDive warm foods, O water R drinksH O K.X=:,=AQ I05E11IDE0CE, I0C'E7#E ?,;,==,> O =-EA E:, =:. I05E#5I0E#, I0-17). ?,B,;,> GOwater \ E hrs, l2 with acidophilus =4E teaspoonH O A-EK ?E?,?;?,;;: I5C*I0D of anus, toes, feet ? O A-EKX=:,=AQ K. I1E3C31I\#, colon inflam. ?,B,;,> O =-=;X=:,=AQ ;:: I05E#5I071 #%7#)# E G/reath deeplyH O ==BG=:,=AQ K. I05E#5I0E#, to release >,=,E,9 GO on colon areasH O G=:,=A,BQ ;:: I0@EC5I30, 711E'DiE# K,>,9 O G=:,=A,BQ =:. I053(IC75i30 9,>,?,A O X=MB,=AQ =:. @70!<ICE A,9,E,=,> O A-EKX=AQ K. @3I05#, I0-17). A,?,9,K,?,B,;,> O KEB,E?X=AQ =:. .I<0EY =E,K,>,;,? O X=:,=A= E:, =:., ;:: .0EE, #ee %ains in .nee KE: 1IFE', E017'DE)E05 ?,B,;,> O E-K, 9-=> ?E;, ?;?,;;: !se - on liver6 drink O fluids 1E!.3<E')I7, white skin patches ?,B,;,> O BtA: ( 1!)/7D3, back pain ?,B,;,> O #7, A-E=XKQ =:. 17C. 3- C30<!C5IFI5Y E,9,A,=E O E:, =:. 1!%!# F!1D7%7# K,E,B,A O 9-=9, ;:: 1!)/7' FE'57/'7E, deformed A,?,B,=E O K=KXl:,=AQ =:. 1Y)%*75IC <E%'E##705 > O X=A= K. 1E!C3CY5E /!I1<E' > O G=AQ K. 1!0D#, /'E75*I0D A,K,9 O =-=BX=:,=AQ ?E;, ?;?, ;;: 13C3)353' 757(I7, muscle failure K,9,A,>==,=E O =-=,E =:. 1E%'3#Y A,9,E,=,K O =-=,E B::, =:. 1Y)%* D170<#, plugged, overloaded 9,E,B,K,=E - =-=,EX=AQ =:. 17##I5!<E, ,E7. A,9,E,=,=E O G=:,=AQ E: 1E!.3'%RIE7, white vaginal discharge B,;,>,K,9,? O G=:,=AQ ?E?, ?;?, ;;: ->NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN 1E!.E)I7, #ee Cancer 17(75IFE, )I1< A G#it on O for E hrs.H O X=:,=AQ ;:: 13,E' /3<Y 5E)%E'75!'E =: ( 13,E' /133< %'E##!'E =: O on spleen see blood pressure 1ED# K,=:,==,A,9 GIf fever6 ?,>H O K-=AG=:,=AQ =:.

)717'I7 - =: GO fluids ` E hrs. 7pply energy E2 dailyH E:G=:,=AQ )E7#1E#, 70< 711 C*I1< <I#3'<E'# Gsmallpo2, Derman measles, mumps, whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, chicken po2H+ <'lI0. O E1!I<# ` E *'#. 7cute+ skin eruptions, use B. Communi6able+ use K6 with fever, use ?. K for =E nights- 711 night. )E170C*31I7 96 If fever, use ?6 when normal, use 9 )!#C1E 'E%7I' A G!se O lime or lemon "uice ` E l'rs. K. )E)3'Y =:,?,==,; GseeIntelligenceH O 'A-EEG=:,=AQ E:, =:. )E05711Y 'E57'<E< #EE I05E11IDE0CE O =-EA =:. )E0571 I''I57/I1I5Y ?,=:,==,;,>,B O A-E9G=:,=AQ E:, =:. )ID'70E B,A,9,K,B O A-EAG=A,;Q E:,K. )!)%# #EE )E7#1E# 7/3FE )E0I0DI5I# ?,B,;,> O A-EA, =->G=:,=AQ K. )E0#E# #EE 7)E03''E7, #53%%7DE )!1\%1E #C1E'3#I# ?,B,;,> O A9AG=:,=AQ K. )35I30 #IC.0E## ?,K,>,A,9 O =-;G=:,=AQ E:, =:. )30D313I<I#) ;,>,9,A,K,== O =-EAG=:,=AQ ^ E:,K. )3!5* E'!%5I30# #EE E'!%5I30#, )3!5* )!#C1E#, IlE7'5, 7') =:,=E,==,?,A,K O K-=BG=:,=AQ K. )!#C!17' <I#5'3%*Y 9,A,==,K O B-=?G=:,=AQ K. )!C3!# K,9,A,; O A-EB,KX=:,=AQ ;:: )35* %75C*E#, #ee !rticaria O B-A:G=:,=AQ E:,;:: )E0IE'E'# <I#E7#E #ee Ears, hard to hear B-A 0E%lI'I5I#, .I<0EY in *am. ?,B,;,> G<rink O lemonade ` E hrs.HG=M=AQ ^ E:,=: 07!#E7 E,B,?,A O 9-=BG=:,=AQ K. 0E!'I5I#, nerve inflam. ?,B,;,> O =-E9G=:,= ]=Q =:. 0E!'3#I# 9,=:,;,K O A-E;G=:,=AQ =:. 0E!'71DI7, 7')# E,>,B,K,=E,9 O A-E?G=:,=AQ =:. 03C5!'071 E)I##I30 A,?,B,=: O A-9=G=:,=AQ K. - =: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN 0E'FE#, I0-17). #ee neuritis 0E!'7#5*E0I7, fatigued =,A,==,9,> O A-E9G=:,=AH K. 0E'FE, motor depressant > GO on spleen for E rain.H O 0EC. ;,>,B,A O K-=;X=:,=AQ K. 0!)/0E##, arm, fingers 9,;,B,A O A-99G=:,=AH E:, K. 0IC35I0E %3I#30 9,A,==,=: O X=:,=AH =:. 0I%%1E#, #3'E K,=,9, 9R= O X=:,=AH K. 03#E <I#3'<E'# K,?,B,;,> O B-9=G=:,=AH ?E?,?;?,;;: 0E!5'71ICE 7CI< B,9 G=:,=AH 3/E#I5Y !se strong neg. magnets on each hip. 1ose = Ib. X=:,=AH \ day6 wear all day, every day. GA,9,;,==,=EH 3F7'IE# A,=E,?,B,;,> O B-9:X=:,=AH ?E?,?;?,;;: 3/#E##IFE -E7'# =E,A,;,B,? O =-EEG=:,=AH =:. 3#5E3)YE1I5I# A,K,=E,E,9 O K=>G=:,=AH K. 3'71 I0-17). ?,B,;,> O E-=BG=:,=AH 2 3'C*I5I#, testes inflam. ?,B,;,> O E-=BG=:,=AH ;:: - !se neg. magnet to reduce inflammation. 3#5E37'5*'l5I#, "oint prob. ?,B,;,> O E-=BX=:,=AH =K:: 3CCI%I571 0E!'71DI7 ?,B,;,> O A-9:, K-=;G=:,=AH K. 3%E'75I30# /E-3'E+ polari$e O all instruments and body contacts to remove negative polarity that can destroy. !se K,B as antiseptic. ?E?,?;?,;;:,E: 3'D70 <I#3'<E'# !se neg. on spleen 9 rain. to give o2ygen. %7I0, %7'71Y#I#, to remove 9,K,?,B,;,> O A-9K,9?G=:,=AH ?E?,?;?,;;: %7I0, 53 'E)3FE !se O polarities on both sides of area. %33' 7%%E5I5E ?,B,;,> O E-=EG=:,=AH - =:. %31Y%#, D'3,5*# 9,;,A,>,? O A-9BG=:,=AH E=E; %'3#575E D170< ?,B,;,> O B-99,9AG=AH K. %53#I# #ee <roop of eyelid %7'75*Y'3I< ; to energi$e6 E to depress %70C'E7# <I#3'<E' ?,B,;,> O G=:,=AH ?E?,?;?,;;: %Y3''*E7, trench mouth ?,B,;,>,K O B9KG=:,=AH E: %E1FIC <I#3'<E%7 ?,B,;,>,K,A O B-9>G=:,=AH BB:,E:,=K:: %E'I530I5I# ?,B,;,> O G=:,=AH ?E?,?;?,;;: %*7'Y0DI5I# ?,B,;,> GDargle w4O apple cider vinegar.H O ?E?,?;?,;;:G=:,=AH %I1E# #ee *emorrhoids - == NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN %1E!'I#Y ?,B,;,> O 9-=9X=:,=AQ E:,K. %0E!)30I7 ?,B,;,> O 9=9X=:,=A@ E:,K. %33' CI'C!175I30 ==,K,=E,;,>,A,9,B O X=:,=A= E:,=:. %E'IC7'<I5I#, inflam. heart covering ?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ ?E?,?;?,;;: %'!'I5I#,

70!# #ee anus itching %#3'I7#I# ?,B,;,> O B7:X=:,=AQ E:,K. %7I0# l0 5*E .0EE ?,B,;,> O K-E:X=:,=AQ E:,=:. %31I3)YE1I5I# #ee Infantile %aralysis %3(, C*IC.E0 #ee )easles %3l#30, botulism, ptomaine, drugs G<rink O water, then orange irradiation to cause vomiting. /30E /!I1<E' A GO to heal in E days w4polah$ers.H %17CE057, to e2pel !#E =E %I0 ,3')#, any worms or parasites 9 G7void meat or fishH OX=:,=AQ E:,=E:,;GyH %E'#I#?E05 <I#3'<E'# A G%hagocyte builder+ ;H O X=:,=AQ E:,=E: 'I0D,3') #ee %inworm above O X=,KQ E:,=E: '*E!)75I#) K,?,B,;,> O K.E=,EEX=:,=AQ =:. '*E!)753I< 7'5*'I5I# K,?,B,;,>,9,A O KE9,=,EX=:,=AQ =:. '7/IE# ?,B,;,>, O X=:,=A.=;.E=Q E:,=E: %R7Y07!<'# <I#E7#E #ee Dangrene 'IC.E5# E,B,9,A O K-EAX=:,=AQ K. '*I0I5I# ?,B,;,> O A-EKX=:,=A@ E:,=E: 'E#53'E /133< EM!I1I/'I!) =: #C7'1E5 -EFE' #ee )easles #CI75IC7 0E'FE ?,B,;,> O A79X=:,=AQ E:,=E: #E(!71 <I#E7#E# #ee Donorrhea, #yphilis #*E11 #*3C. A,9,E,=,? O A-9?X=:,=AH E:,=E: #*I0D1E# #ee *erpes Coster #I0!# <I#3'<E'# ?,B,;,> O 9-=9X=:,=AQ E:,=E: #1EE%1E##0E## #ee Insomnia #%30<Y15I5# ?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ ;::,;;:,=KB: #1EE%I0D #IC.0E## A,9,E,=,=E,== O X=:,=AQ E:,=E: #)711%3( #ee )easles #3'E 5*'375 ?,B,;,> O =-BX=:,=A@ ?E?,?;?,;;: - =E NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN #.I0 5'3!/1E 9A,9,E,=,K G<rink O fluids E< 9 hrsH E-=9Xi:,=AQ E:,=K:: #%1EE0 Increase 7ctivity+ > and neg. pol. over spleen <ecrease 7ctivity6 9 and pos. pol. over spleen #E(!71 ,E7.0E## ==,=:,=E O A-AEX=9,=:,=A,;Q E:,= :. #I0!#I5I# #ee 0ose <isorders #1I%%E< <I#C #ee *ernia of disc #%%v7l0#, twisted "oints, sprained muscles ?,B,;,> O K-E?X=:,=AQ E:,K. #5I-- #*3!1<E' 9,B,;,> O KEKX=:,=AQ E:,=:. #5I-- #*3!1<E' /30E ?,B,;,> O K-E>X=:,=AQ E:,= :. #E)I%7'71Y#I# 9,K,?,B O A-9?,9;X=A" E:,K. #57))E'I0D ?,B,K,9 O A-9>X=:,=AQ E:,=:. #5'3.E ?,B,;,>,9 A7:X=:,=A" E:,=:. #.I00I0E## #ee appetite, anero2ia #53)7C* C%P0)%# E,== O 9-=?X=:,=AQ E:,=:. #53)7C* cramps, neuralgia E,==,K,A O 9-=;X=:,=A@ E:,=:. #53)7C*, #,E11I0D ?,B,;,> O 9-=>X=:,=A@ E:,;:: #!0#5'3.E, *35 ?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ E:,=:. #!0#5'3.E, C31< A,9,E,= O X=:,=A E:,=:. #5E'I1I5Y #ee Impotence, #e2ual ,eakness #Y%*I1I# !se K front4back E< E weeks, = br. E< side daily BEK,BK>,E: !se A front4back E< E weeks, = hr. E< side daily 7F3I<+ OA ,asser,nenn test6 .aim test6 0uguchi testI #5Y #ee Eye, #ty, <roop of eyelid #0EECI0D #ee Convulsions #%E')753''*E7 #ee #e2ual weakness #%1EE0 E017'DE)E05 9 and O pol. over spleen. #5I--0E## 3- 0EC. #ee 0eck #530E# ;,A,E,9K,> G<rink O distilled water every E hrsH X=:,=,=A,KQ !se )ethod = if in gallbladder6 )ethod K in .idney #,E11I0D, 1ED#, -EE5 ?,B,;,> G<rink O water E< E hrs. w4lernonadeH G>,=:,=AQ =:.,E: #)E11#, 030E, anosmia A,9,E,= O X=:,=AQ E:,=:. #)E11, morbid, hypernsmia ?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ ;::,=:. #%7#), contraction due to muscle action E O X=:,=AQ E:,=:k #5I)!175E# 3F7'I70 eliminafion =E O X=:,=AQ E:,Kk - =9 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN #!%E7'E071 #5I)!1705 == O X=:,=AQ E:,K. #E<75IFE, induces sleep =: O X=:,=AQ O on sHleen #335*E# #!DDE%RI0D =: O X=:,=AQ O on pain #53%# E(CE## )E0#5'75I30 == O X=:,=AQ O on uterus #C!'FY 3!5 A O G=:,=AQ K. #%30DY D!)# A O X=:,=AQ ;::,=:. #.I0 *E)3'%R=7DE# A O X=:,=AQ ;::,K. #E( %317'I5Y /7170CE ==,=:,=E, O X;= =-E =:. #317' %17(!#, %7i0

9,A,==,=E O X=:,=A,;,?Q E:,K. #5'E%53C3CC!#, I0-C50. ?,B,;,>,K O X>,=:,=AQ ;;: #57%*Y13C3CC!# I0-C50.?,B,;,>,K O X>,=:,=AQ ?E?,?A: #5'E%535*EI(, I0-C50. of actinomyces, streptomyces R nocardia Gsoil bacteria or ray fungusH from cattle and swine, sometimes in man. ?,B,;,>,K O X>,=:,=AQ ?;?,?;A #!'DE'Y ==,=:,K,A,B,>,;GOfluid E< E hrsHX>,=:,=AQ ?E?,?;?,;;: #Y0<'3)E <I#3'<E'#, morbid state of many symptoms ?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ E:,=:. 5hE5*, /7< #ee /ad teeth 5*'375 I0-17). #ee esophagus 530#I11I5I# ?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ B-9;, E:,;;: 5335*7C*E ?,B,;,> O B-9? ?E?,?;?,;;: !#E O pol. on ache to stop pain. 5E750!# O X=:,=AQ K-EB E: to A:: 5!/E'C!13#I# EG<rink O fluids E< E hrsH O X?,=:,=AQ E:,;::,=KK: 5Y%*3I< -EFE' ?,B,;,> G<rink O fluids E< E hrsHX?,=:,=A,E:Q B>:,=K?: 5'7!)7, *E7'5 in"ury, shock ==,=:,?,9,A,K O X?,=:,=AQ E-=A =:. 5I##!E 0!5'I5I30 A O X?,=:,=AQ K. 5*Y)!# D170< #\). 9 O X?,=:,=AQ E:,K. 57#5E,030E,anosmia A,9,E,= O X?,=:,=AQ E:,=:. 57#5E, )3'/I<,llY3E'3#)l7 ?,B,;,> O X?,=L\AQ E:,=:. 5!)3'#, 70Y .l0< #EE C70CE' G'educe out wfneg.pol. R A on body6 ; on tumor locali$ed 5*717)!#, sensor relay ctr. K,==,;,9 O X=:,=A@ E:,K. 5*'3)/3#I#,heart blood clot 9,?,A,B O X=:,=AQ E:,;::.K. - =A NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN 5'7C*3)7, EYE inflam.?,B,;,> O X=:,=AQ ?E?,?;?,;;: !1CE'#, peptic, gastric, duodenal, diabetic, dental, gouty, pneurnococcus, chancbroid, etc. ?,B,;,>,A,K,9,=: O X=;,=:,=AQ9-=E ?E?,?;?,;;:,??B !'5IC7'I7 #ee *ives !'E5*'I5I# ?,B,;,> O X=9@B-9>X=:,=AQ ;;:,BB:,?E?,?;? !0C30#Ci3!# A,9,E,= O XB,;,=:,=AQA.A= E: ,E7. #5M)7C*,heartburn ?,B,;,> O 9-== X=:,=AQ E:,= 3. ,*I%17#* ?,E,=E,A,9 K-9:X=:,=AQ E:,=:. ,3')#, %7'7#IC5# 9 O X=:,=AQ E:,=E:,;:: YE113, -EFE' ?,B,;,> O X>,=:,=AQ E:,=:. -=KNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN)3'E NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN )7#5E' '75E #*EE5 E: *E'5C+ 70E!'I#) 70!# I5C* =:. 7'5h'IE#, *ard K. 7'5h'I3#C1E'3#I# K. 7!'7 /'E75*, /ad K. /133< %'E##. 13, /3I1# ?E?,?;?,;K: /!/3)C %1C. K::,K. C*IC.E0 %3( ?E? C*I1/17I0# K. C31< *70<#, -EE5 K. C3'0#, -EE5 =:. C!5# GO to healH K. <E7-0E## ;::,=:. <I%5*E'I7 ?E?,?;?,;;: <'E7)# =:. <'!D 7<<IC5I30 E7'#+ /7170CE, *7'< 53 *E7', 'I0DI0D, <ICCI0E## E%I1E%5IC -I5# E%I<I<Y)I5I# =K:: E!#57C*I70 5!/E ;:: EYE, 7rteriosclerosis =:. EYE, /1!'. FI#i30 K. E1/3, %7I0 K. -711I0D *7I' =:. -EFE', 711 K. -I##!'E# =:. -EIDI<I5Y =:. -7#CI7, -ibrous K. -7I05I0D K. D711 #530E# D711 /17<<E' K. D70D'E0E ?E?,?;?,;;: D7# %7I0# K. D7#5'I\# K. DI<<Y, <ICCY =:. D170<!17' lY' =:. D3I5E' K. D3!5 =:. *E7<7C*E# =:. D!) I0-17)E< ;::,K. *70<#, Cold *E)3''*3I<# ;::,;;: *ICC3!D*# =:. ll711!CI07\30# K. *E7< %'E##!'E K. *Y#5E'IC71 #Y)%. K. *Y%E'7CI<I5Y =:. *Y%3C*30<'I!) =:. *I -F'.4%Y'E(I7 *Y%E'5h0#I30 =:. I0-EC5I30# ;;: I0-1!E0C7 ;;: I05E11IDE0CE =:. .I<0EY =:. 17C. of conductivity =:. 17##I5!<E, weak )717'I7 )E)3'Y =:. )E0571 irritability =:. )ID'iR0E K. )E0I0DI5I# K. )3\30 #IC.0E## =:. )30D313I<I#) K. )35* %75C*E# ;:: 0E%*'I5I#, .I<0EY =:. 0!)/ in arros K. %70, after operations %E1FIC <I#3'<E'# %1E!'I#Y K. %0E!)3)7

K. %33' CI'C!17\30 =:. %#3'I7#I# K. %7I0, .0EE =:. %I0 ,3,# =E:,;:: 'I0D,3') =E: '7/IE# =E: '*I0I\# =E: -#CI7\C7 =E: #E(!71 <I#E7#E# =E: #I0!# =E: #1EE%. #IC.0E## =E: #.I0 5'3!/1E =K:: #E( ,E7.0E## =:. #%'7I0# K. #\-- #*3!1<E' =:. #E)I-%7'71Y#I# K. #57))E'I0D =:. -#5'3.E =:. #53)7C* C'7)%# =:. #!0#5'3.E, =:. #53)7C* #,E11I0D ;:: #Y%*I1I# BEK,BK: #%1EE0, enlarged #,E11I0D, legs, feet =:. #)E11, noneG7nosmiaH =:. #%7#), muscle =:. #!%'7'E071 stimulant K. #317' %1E(!# K. 530#I11I5I# ;;: 5!/E'C!13#I# ;::,=KK: 5Y%*3I< B>:, =K?: 5*Y)!# stimulant K. 57#5h, noneG7nesmiaH =:. 57#5E, morbid G*yoerosmiaH =:. 5E570!# to A:: 5*717)!# K. 5*'3)/3#I#, heart clot ;::,K. !0C30#CI3!# ,E7. #53)7C* =:. ,*I%17#* =:. ,3')#, %7'7#I5E# =E:,;:: E: to A::+ 5E570@!# B: 53 =EK+ ,3,# ni1. E%I1E%#Y E: %I0 ,3')# E: %I0D,3,# E: %E'#I#5E05 <I#3'<E'#, %*7D3CY5E /!I1<E' E: - '7/IE# E: '=tI)\# E: #CI75IC7 E: #E(!71 <i#E7#E# E: -#*E11 #*3C. E: #I0!# E: #1EE%. #IC.0E## E: ,3,#, %7'7#I5E# E:,;:: -5hK]A C70<I<I7#I# GC70<I<7 71/iC70#, C707<7 #%3'E#H ------ %7DE = ----NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNN K::+ /!/3)C %17D!E B::+ E'Y#I%E17#, #.IH0 I0-17))75I30 E:::, 1E%'3#Y BEE+ D303''*E7, BB: ]"E^ #Y%*I1I# E:, =E:, BK:, BK> GJB::=: ?::JH BK:+ #Y%*I1I# E:,=E:,BEK,BK> \ #Y%*I1I# E:, =E:, BEK,BK: frsk D303'E*E7, %E1FIC <I#3'<E'# BEE B>:+ 5Y%*3I< FI'!# E:, =K?:, =;BK ?E?+ GP '5o save space, this means to add ?A:, ?;? R ;;: to *\ rates listedH 7C0E P 7.I.<.#. PEA;>,K. 7<E03I<# P 7%%E0<ICI\# P 7%*5*7E 5*'!#* P 70\#E%5IC P 7#5*)7 P /I5E#, I0#EC5# ;;: /133< <I#E7#E P /3I1# P /'30C*3-%0E15)3)7 ??B,;;: /'30C*I5* ;;: /'ID*5'# <I#E7#E P /!'#I5I# P C7'/!0C1E# PE: C*I1< <I#3'<E'# ;;: CE'FICI5I# PE: C*IC.E0 %3( PE: C3'YC7 , 0ose P cy#5I5I#, /ladder P;:: <I%5*E'I7 PE: <Y#)E03''*E7 P;:: E#3%*7D!# P <!3<E071 !1CE' l3.,;;: EYE, #5'7I0E< P E<E)7, 1!0D# P %I#5!17, !1CE' P EE)71E <I#3'<E' P D70D'E0E E: D'I%%E, -1! P D307< I0E17). P *E%)ffl# P *37'#E0E## P I0EE#5I0E#, I0-17). P 1E1I.3''*E7 P 03#E <I#3'<E'# ?;? 3F7'IE# ?;? %7I0, %7'71Y#I# P %70C'E7# P %E'I530\# P %*7'YD0Ill# P %E'IC7'<I\# P #3'E 5*'375 P #57%*Y13C3CC!# #!'DE'Y P 530#I11I5I# PE: 5335*E7C*E PE: 5'7C*3)7, EYE P !1CE'#, %E%\C 4 D7#5'IC P??B !'E5*'I5* PBB: )E7#1E#, )!)%#, #C7'1E5 %EFE', #)711%3(P EtI1 ,*33%I0D C3!D*, 1IFE' E017'DE)E05 ?;?,?;A ??] /'30C*3%0E!)30I7, ?E?,;;: I,Ii"]#5'E%535*'I( ?;? mm #5'E%535*'I( ?;A, 70< 711 <I#3'<E'# 1I#5E< !0<E' ?E?, 1IFE' E017'DE)E05 ?E; C31ffi# =:. C31IC C30#5I%7\30 CL5I\# ?E?,;;: <Y#%E%#I7 <Y#)E03''*E7 ?E?,?;?,;;: <I#5E0<E< #53)7C* K. E!#57C*I70 ItIl/E# -1! D!)#, I0-17). E:,K. *E)3''*3I<# E:,;;: I05h'C3#571 0E!'71DI7 =:. I1E3C31I5I# I05E#5I0E# to release 1!%!# F!1D7'I!# lI0EE %7I0# 17(75IFE, )I1< )!C3!#, )!C!# )35* %75C*E# 3'C*I\#, 5h#5h# %I0,3')# E:, =E: #%30<Y1I5I# ;;:, =KB: #)E11, morbid =:. -#%30DY D!)# =:. #.I0, *emorrhages K. 5335*7C*E P?E? ------ %7DE E -----

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNN 5Id'3)/3#I# E:,K. - ,3')#, %7'7#I5E# E:,=E: fiM$+ E. C31I, 5!/E'C!13#I# '3< \ 711 <I#3'<E'# 1I#5E< !0<E' ?E?, 70< 5IlE -3113,I0D+ E7'#, <i$$iness E: D7# %7I0#, #tomach E:, ?;?,K. *E)3''03I<# E:, ;:: I05EC5I30# E:, ?E;,?;? #%30#Y1I5I# ;::, =KB: 530#I1I5I# E: =K5h E%I<I<Y)I5I# E: I05705I1E %7'71Y#Y# 3#5h37'5EI'I5I# %E1FIC <I#3'<E'# E:,BB: #.I0 5'3!/1E, 5hrombosis E: %31I3 K., =:. =KK:6 *E'%E# C3#5E' G#hinglesH, *E'%E#, ,ater blisters =KB:+ #%30<Y1I\# ;::, ;;: =K5h 5Y%*3I< E:, B>:, =;BK mMM1*lFE# =;BK+ 5Y%*3I< FI'!# E:,B>: Citilo+TE'Y#I%E17#, #kin inflammation B:: ,l:1C70CE', #7'C3)7 E:>9, G9 )I0.4 EFE'Y 9 <7Y#, 0ED75IFE %317'I5Y 301YH EItIII1 C70CE', #7'C3)7 E::; G9'. 'tI0.4 EFE'Y 9 <7Y#, 0ED75IFE %317'I5Y 301YH E=E?+ C70CE', C7'CI03)7 GI05E'071 3' E(5E'071H, 1E!.E)I7. EE=? G9 )I0.EFE'Y 9 <7Y#, 0ED75,E %317'I5Y 301YH E=E;+ %31Y%#, D'3,5hI# EE=?+ C70CE', C7'CI03)7 and 1E!.E)I7 E=E? G9 )I0.4 EFE'Y 9 <7Y#, 0ED75IFE %317'I5Y 301YH EEK:+ 53)C -%lM -3' 7<'E071# EA;>+ 7.I.<.#., ?E?, ?;?,;;:, K. G71#3 5'Y )E5*3< -3' #Y%*I1I#H #EE %7DE >=E I0 %.'.). EK::+ 530IC -'EM -3' CE11# 3- 1EF<ID I0 C3130 G#EE %.9K>H iKMM+ 53)C -3' 5*Y)!# =K5h 53)C -3' %I0E71, %I5!I57'Y, 5*Y'3I<, %1!# 5*E -3113,I0D+ 7/<3)I071 %7I0 =:. 70E)I7 7'5E'IE#, *ardening 7'5E'I3#C1E'3#I# E: 711E'DIE# /7< /'E75* E: /7< C3)%1E(I30 /E< ,E55I0D /3I1# ?E?,?;?,;;:,E: /'E7#5 5'3!/1E /!/3)C %17D!E E:,K:: /'E75*I0D /!0IC'0 %7I0 E: CE'FIC71 D170< C*I1/17I0# E: C'IC. I0 0EC. C!5#G5o healH E: Cleans blood plasma <I7''0E7 <Y#E057'Y <!110E## ------ %7DE 9 ----NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNN <IDE#5fB0 <istended stornach, ;:: E7'#, hard to hear E: E7'#, ringing E:,=K. to E:. E7'7C*E# E7#I1Y -7\D!E< ECCE)7, 711 #.I0 %'3/1E)#, *E'%E# )3!5* E'!%5I30# EYE, bifocal, blurred, catarract, crossed, near4far sighted, infected, lacrimal, sty =:. E1/3, -7I0 E: -7CI71 %7'71Y#I# =:. -EFE', 711 E: -7#CI7, -I/'3!# E: -7I05I0D E: -'3#5 /l5E D711 /17<<E' E: D7# %7I0# E: D3I5E' E: D'7FE1 I0 !'I0E D!)#, I0-17). E:,;:: *7Y -EFE' *E7'5 <I#3'<E'#+ myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, stenosis, angina pectoris, cardiac hypertrophy, bradycardia, tachycardia. III% %7I0 *711!CI075I30# E: *E7< %'E##!'E E: *Y#5E'IC71 #Y)%. E: *E'0I7 *E'E<I57'Y #E( <E'70DE)E05 I0<IDE#5I30 iQ='17). /'E7#5# I''I57/I1I5Y I0@!'IE# I5C*I0D, 70!# 17a7\30, I0#-EI05. I05E#5I071 #%7#)# @7!0<ICE 1Y)%*75IC depressant 1E!C3CY5h /!I1<E' )!#C1E 'E%7I' )ID'70E E: )E0I0D=5l# E: )!15I%1E #C*1E'3#I# )30D313I<I#) E: )!#C1E#, *E7'5, 7') )!#C!17' <I#5'3%*Y 07!#E7 0E1lIt7#5*E0I7 0EC. 03C5!'071 E)I##I30 0!)/0E##, 7')# E: 0I%%1E#, #3'E 3#5E3)YE!5=# 3CCI%I571 0E!'71DI7 %'3#5'75E D170< %1E!'I#Y E: %0E!)3)7 E: %#3'I7#I# E: 'IC.E5# #%'7I0#, 5,I#5E< @3I05#, #%'7I0E< )!#C1E# E: #E)I%7'71Y#i# E: #5I)!175E# 3F7'I70 E1I)I075I30 E: #!%'7'E071 stim. E: #C!'FY, 3!5 #.I0, hemorrhages ;:: #317' %1E(!# E: 5I##!E 0!5'I5I30 5-lt')!# #5I)!1705

E: 5*717)!# E: 5*I'3)/3#I#, *E7'5 /133< C135 E:,;:: =:.:::G=:.H+ DE0E'71 3FE'711 #Y#5E) 530IC, %1!# 5*E -3113,I0D 7/<3)I071 %7I0 K. 7C!5E %7I0 71C3*31I#) 713%ECI7, *7I' 13## 7)E03''E7 70!# =5C*I0D E: 7%%E5I5h, #.I00I0E## 7'5h'I\# 7!53I053(I'C75I30 /7C*7C*E /7< 5EE5* E: El1I3!#0E## /E05 /7C. /133< %'E##!'E, *ID* /'!I#E# /30E#, C!5 3' /'3.E0 /!'0# C757'7C5# CE'E/'3#%I071 %'3/. C*'30IC 5I'E< C3!D*I0D, C31<# ?E; C31=5I#, )!C3!# ;:: C30F!1#I30# C'7)%# C3#571DI7, %!/ %7I0 C305'7C5I30, #53%# <I#C*7'DE# C7'<I7C <E%'E##705 <E7-0E## E:,;:: <I7/E5E# <'3%#Y <'E7)# E: <'!D 7<<IC5I30 <!3<E071 !1CE' ?E?,;;: E7'L /7170CE E: E7' <I#C*7'DE# <E%'E##E<, E7#i1Y E017'DE< D170<# E0!'E#=L /E< ,E5 EYE#, colorblind, arteriosclerosis E:, crossed, degeneration, diplopia, near4far sighted infected K., nerve pain, lacrimal K., droop of eye lid K., sty K., ptosis K.. -7CI71 %7'71Y#I# K. -7CI71 C'7)%# -71!0D *7I' E: -17#*E#, *35 -E7'# -335 /1I#5E'# -I##!'E# E: -'IDI<I5Y, -E)71E E: -33< %3I#30I0D -'3CE0 #*3!1<E' DI<<I0E##, <ICCY E: D170<!17' -EFE' E: D3!5 E: *7I' 13## *E7<7C*E# E: *70D3FE' *E7'5 %71%I575I30# *E'0I7 3- <I#C *E7< I0@!'Y, Fitality <own *lCC3!D*# E: *E))3'%*7CE ;:: *Y<'3CE1E -1!I< I0 5E#5IC1E *Y%E'7CI<I5Y E: *Y%3(I7, 13, 3(Y. *Y%3C*30<'I!), !%%E' 7/<3)E0 E: - *Y%E'5E0#I30 E: I0C'E7#E *EID*5 I)%35E0CE I0#3)0I7 I05EC3#571 0E!'71DI7 Inteligence increase E: I0@EC5I30, 711E'DIE# I053(IC75I30 @3I05#, I0-17). .I<0EY E: 1!)/7D3, /7C. %7I0 17C. Conductivity E: 1!)/7' Ferterbrae deformed 13C3)353' 757(I7, )!#C1E -7I1!'E ------ %7DE A ----*S=- ?EK,EA9E,EA9B9K9,?9E,;AA,BAB *SE- ?EK,=E9:,EAK,9=A,>BK *S9- B99,=EE:,BE9:,;EEK,===,9>E, ??B,;9?,=B?K,EBBA,9;:B,?=A *SA- AAA, E9E9 *SK- ;9,E9K,BAK,E9E9,9A9E,A:>9,KK9E *SB- ?:E,?A?,EEAK,=;9 7ctinobacilia ??9 7ctinomyces Israeli EBE,E=KA 7dene2itis KEE,K?E,99A9,9;99,K9=E,AA:,AA= 7denovirus 999,?;B 7flato2in 9AA 7lternaria 5enius ;K9 7moeba *epar 7bscess 9AA 7nthracinun B99 7renas 5ennus BB? 7tmenic 7ib. KBE 7spargillis -lavus =;E9 7spergillis Dlaucus KEA 7spergillis 0iger 9?A

7spergillis 5erreus ?A9 7sthma GAH =E99,=E;9 7stro Cytorma ;K? /C D Faccine A??.? Gpossabally E??H /. #ubtilis A9E,?EE,;EE,=EAB /acillinum =9E,;KA,>E=,=:AE,=>9E /acteria 1actis 0osode K=E,KEB,KA=E /acterum coil commune combo E;E,999,A=9,>K?,=9E:,=?EE /aker's Yeast ??K /anal =??; /arley #mut 9?? /eth #utton's /ar -ungus ;KA /iliary Cirrhosis 9;=,K=A,B??,EE?= /ilirubin ?=?,?EB,?9=,;B9 /ladder 5/C ??= /lastocystis *ominus ;A;,9BK,;AA,K>K /lue Cohash 9BA /orrelia EKA,BAA /otrytis Cinereas ==9E /otulinum K=; /ranhamella Catarhalis E:=9 /ronchiekstasi 9AE /roncho--%neumonla /orinum AKE,=A?A /ruceila 7bort /ang =AE9 /rucella )elitense ?A; Candida 7lbicans A=A Candida 5ropicalis =A:9 Canine %arvo 9E9,KBE,BEE,A:E? )utant Canine %arvo 9E9 Canine %arvo / 9E9,K9K,?KK Carcinoma /ronchial ABE,;KE,=K;E Carcinoma Colon BKB Caccinoma 1iver -erment E=A Carcinoma !ter. -erm =E? Carvularia #piratera ;?> Cataract /runescens =99K Celia Carroll K?B,>?9 Cephalisporiurn A;=,9>BB Cerumen 9E: Cervi2 7denoma A99 Chaetomiumglobosum EE=,;B? Chicken %o2 ?;?,99A9 Chlamydia A9:,BE:,BEA,;A:,EE=9 Cholera ;A9,;AA Cholecystitis A;=,?A9,;BK,>E; Cholesteatom AK9,B=;,?>9

Cimifuga K>A Cladsporium -ulvum A9; Coelicia K>A,BKB Corn #mut KAB Co2sackie =9B,E9E,AEE,AEA,A9K,>E=,>E9 Co2sackie /= ;9A Co2sackie /E ?:K,K9A Co2sackie /A AE= Co2sackie /K ABE,=:A9,=:;9 Co2sackie /B ?9B,;=A C)F E=AK Crinis *unansis BAB Cryptosporidiun A;E,A=EE Cysto %yelo 0ephritis =9;K <an's )old EEE,999,AEl,;EE,=E99,=9K=,=?==,=;9E <ematiun 0igrum EA9 <iptherinun BEA <istemper EAE,EKA,9=E,KK=,K?9,B?=,?=E,=EB> <iverticulosis =KA,>9A <roglioma ;K9 E/F BB:,BB9,BB> Echinoccoccinum AK9,=BA,BE9,KAE Echo Firus GEndometriosis 5uberylosaH BE: Entameba *istolytica =A;,=BB,9:; Enteto *epatitis KKE,>9E,>K9 Enterobias ??9,;E?,;9K Eriterocoucinum B;B Epicoccum ?9A Epidermophyton -locconum BAA,?BB Erysipel ;AK,B=B -asciola *eptica E?K -eli A9K -elis A9:,;9A,EE9E,9E99 -el 5auri B?E -eloris ,olyhnica KA? -ibrosarcoma =?AA -ibroadenona )amanae =9;A -ilariose ==E,=E: -ischpyrogen ;9E -IF EBE,9E9,9?E,KB?,>=B -lu '?;- ;AA G;AA could be ;A>H -lu '?>- =E9 -lu ';9- ?9:, ?9A -lu ';>- 9EE -lu 5riple 0osode AE=,B9E,=EAE,=AEE,=>EE,9=EE -lu Firus J7J 99E

-lu Firus J/J K9:,K9E,K9B,K9? -lu Firus J/J *ong .ong KKK -lu Firus /ritish >9E -lukeworm KEA,;KA -luor 7lb AE:,AE9,AEA,EEEE,K:E -ollicular )ange B>9,EK9 -oot R )outh E9E,E9?,=E=A,=EAA,=E?=,KAll -ungus -lora B9E -usarium 32ysporum =:E Dardinerella ?;E Deotrichum Candid A=E Derman )easles-see 'ubella K=? Dliocladium ;KK Dlioma KA9,BA= Drippe ';?- 99E,>K9 Drippe ';B tri K9E Drippe ';> 9K9 Drippe '>:- BKB Drippe 9A9,K=E,;BE,9:=E,9AE9,=:EE9, G=:EE9 might be =:,EE9H *aemophilie ;AK *aemophilus Inf KAE *aemophilus Inf 5ype / BKE,>AE *arry Cell =EE,BEE,>9E,K=EE *eartworm KA9,E9EE *elminthosporium >B> *emobartinella -elis B:9,>K? *emorrhoid AA? *epatitis EEA,9=? *epatitis 7 9E=,9EE: *epatitis 0ew 0os >EE,A?? *epatitis 0on 7 0on /- =BB *erpes #imple2 9EE,9A9,A?B,;EE,;A9,=:A9,=BlA,E:BE *erpes #imple2 II KKB,;9E *erpes #imple2 I!.E ;:; *erpes Coster =KK?,K?A *irudo )ed. =E; *lF B;9,9KKA,?=A *oromodendrum B>K *ousehold Insect )i2 ?E9 Ikterus *aem EA9 Influe+ /ach %oly =EE,;E9 lnflue 5o2icum ;KA Influencinun /erlin KK--A9:,?E:,?99 influencinum Fesic E:9,E>E,>?K Influencinum Fesic 0, 9BA Intestinal Inflammation =:K,?>=

@im 7dams' -ungus >A9,EBAA .aposis #arcoma A=;,EA> .aty luce -inger ,art A>K .aty luce -oot -ungus B9A .ay *arris KE=,??E,E=9; .idney %apilloma ==:,?B? .lebs %neumoniae ?BB,A=E 1ac <eflorat E9:,9?= 1eaco-Eucephalitis K?E 1egionella ?E9 1eptospirosis %.C. B=E 1euroencephalitis K?E,>9E,==== 1eukose B=E,B99,BK9,9?EE,PA=EEA GA=EEA could be A= and EEA or A=E and EA !0.03,0 1ipona )ultiple bipomas <A,A? G<A could be ;AH 1isteriose A?=,??A,E=BE 1iving #inus /acteria KA; 1uesinum4#yphilnum =?? 1upus EA9,9KE,9;B,>E=,>AE,>>9,=999,=ABA 1yme B:K,B?9,=AKK,?>? 1ymph. 1euk. ;99 1ymphangitis K?A 1ymphatic 1eukemia A?; 1ymphogranuloma =KEE 1yssinum KA?,?>9 )alaria EEE,KK:,?=9,>9:,=:9E,=A99 )allel =E?9 )amma -ibrometosis EB? )annan >B= )ark #eabock KK?,>EE )arsh Elder A?A )astitis BKA *astoiditis E;? )easles AB?,KE:,=A;> )easles Faccine >BE )edorrhinum AAE,;A9,EEEE )elanoma )etastasis >?> )eningcocis Firus ?E: )eningeoma K9K )eningitis 9EE,;EE,=:AA,=AEE )eningococcinum B?B,B??,K=? )icrosporum 7udouini AEE,;9=,=EEE )icrosporum Canis =BAA )old EEE,EAE,KE9,K>E,?AK,>99,==KK,=999,=;99,AAAE )old 7 R C 99=,?9E,>E9,>;E )old )i2 / G%. ,illiamsH =K;,K=E,=AB9,BE9,??A,=:=B,

)old )i2 C =BE? )old Fac II EK? )onilia ;BB )ontospora 1anguinosa ?;; )orbillinum - see )easles )orbus %arkinson ;=9 )organ G/actH ??; )ucor )ucedo B=E )ucor -lumbeus 9B= )ucor 'acemosus A?A )umps EAE,K=B,BAE,>EE,EB9:,9=AE )umps Fac ?==,KK=,=A=> )uscular <ystrophy =K9 )ycloid 1eukemia AEE,;EE )ycogone #pp 9?=,AAB,==E9 )ycosis -ungoides ;KE )yocard-0ekrose ?:B,?;> )yom AK9,;9E )yositis =EE,==EA,==B> )ycoplasma %neumonia B;; 0agel )ykose ABE,BKA 0agel 5richophytie =99,;=E,EAEE 0asal %olyp =A9B 0ematudes ??= 0ephrltis EBA 0euralgie ;99 0eurospora #itophila ?:K 0igrospora #pp 9:E 0ocarcila 7steroldes E9? 3ligodena ;K9 3rnithosis K;9 3stitis ??: 3stitis )edinum 9=B 3varian Cyst >;E 3vum ?KE %aradontose =KKE %emphigus ;>9 %enicillium Chyrosogenium 9AA,EA== %enicillium 0ot 9E=,KKK,>AE %enicillin 'ubrum 99E,?BB %enny 'oyal ??E %en&ueculum ?AB,?KK,B>BK %epto #treptococcus E:= %emniciosls E9E,BEE,;EE,AE== %ertussis KEB,?BK %homa <estructlva =B9

%lasmocytoma A?K %neumococcus )i2ed flora =K;,BAK,;:= %neumococcus B;9 %neumocystis 9A:,?AE %olio ?AE,=K;:,EB9E %orphria B>; %roto$oa A9E,?K9 %seudomonis K9==,A;E %sitticosis =E=? %sorinum ?;B %ullularia %ullulans =9BA %yelitis4%roteus K>A %yocyaneus A9? %yodermia =E9 %yrogenuimGBEH AE> %yrogenuls mayo =BEK M--ieber =9K? 'eproductive BEE 'hesus 3ravldatum B;A 'heuma >KE 'heumaticus 9?B 'hinopneumonltis =;K,9B?,;E: 'hi$opus 0igricans =9E 'ocky -lountain spotted -ever >A9 'hodo 5orula ;99 'hodococcus =EA,;9K 'ickettsia =E>,>A9 'ita 1ivingston B9B,?::,;9E,9?9A 'ocky )ountain #potted -ever >A9 'ound ,orms BK: 'ubella A9= 'ubella Fac AK> #almonella =KEE #almonella / KAB,=B9A #almonella %aratyphi / ?l?,BA9,>?E,?:?,K>,>E,???= #anguis )enst K>= #chistosoma *aematobium ;A? #chistosoma )ansoni 9E> #chunan /-Cell 9EE,AEK,KB=,B::,BE:,BE9,?;:,?;=,>K:,>KE,=:E9,=KEA #erum #chweinepest K:9 #megma =;: #olitary Cyst ?K #orghum #mut E>A #panish -lu ABE #porobolomyces ?K9 #porotrichum %ruinosum ?KK

#taph Coagulae positive BA9 #taph 7ureus ?E?,>A9 #temphylium AB= #trep, *aemolytic K9K,=KEE #trep Firus ?E? #treptomyces Driseolus ;;? #trongoloids 99E,AEE,?E=,>AE,9E=E #truma Cystica K9== #truma 0odosa =EE,9E=,K=?,K9E,BK= #truma %arenchyme =E= #udor %edis =A; #wine -lu A9E,;9> 5-cell 1euk. EEE,EBE,;EE,9:AE,9?9A 5/ 7vaire K9E 5/ /ovine KE9,99K9 5/ .lebs EE=,==9E,=BAA,E9=9,BK=B 5aenia =;? 5ape ,orm KEE,KBE,;A9,=EE9,9:9E,KKEE 5etanus KKA 5etanus 7nti-5o2in 9B9,AK; 5etragenus 9>9, E?=E 5hermi /acteria E99,AA= 5hread ,orm AE9,?9E,AA=E 5obacco )osaic E99,E?A,KA9,?;E,=:KE 5onsillar 0os =BKB 5onsular %fropfe EAB 5onsillitis AKE 5orulopsis KEE,E=E= 5o2oplasmosis A9A,;KE 5richinosis KA=,=9?E 5richodermia ?== 5richomonas B=:,B>E,>;: 5richophytie =9E,;=E,EAEE,>A>9 5richophyton )entagrophytes 9== 5richophyron 'ubrum ?KE,>E9 5richophyton 5ousuraus ?BK 5uberculinurn KEE 5ularamie 9EA,AE?,;E9 J!ltimateJ Yeast ?E,AEE,K;E,?;?,=:=B,EEEE !rea-%lasma ?KB !remie >== !terus %olyp B;> F-9 Drippe KK:,KK9 F-A Drippe E9E,9KE F-K Drippe >AK F-?K Fictoria 9A9

F Drippe ;B= F7-E Drippe ;99 F7 E-1 Drippe AA? Faccinnum A?B Fapch Drippe =K9,9A9 Fariola K==,E=9E,EKAA,;?B Faricillen 9AK,BB;,?=B Fariola A?B,K==,;?B,=BAA,E=9E,EKAA Fariolinun KAE,;9E,9EEE Feticillium 7lbo-7utrim !0.03,0 Yellow -ever A9E,?9A Yersenia 999 Cygomycosis >AE )ethotre2ate K;A Dreen <ye KB9,E999 #Y#5E) -'EM!E0CIE# If you notice that some numbers are a negitive that means that you should use a negitive offset s&uarewave. P 5he fre&uencies listed in parenthesis are still being researched. 7cne, %imples ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7c&uired immune deficiency K:::, EA;>, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7bdominal pain =::::, K::: 7denoids ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7drenals Gunder basic researchH GPEA::: H 7lcoholism =:::: 7lopecia, hair loss =:::: 7llergies K::: 7menorrhea, no menstruation =:::: 7nemia K::: 7neurism, large blood vessels E: 7ntiseptic ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7nus, itching =::::, E: 7ppendicitis ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7ppetite Gto increaseH =:::: 7rteries, hardening K:::, E: 7rthritis =:::: 7sthma ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7ta2ia of muscles K::: 7ura builder E: 7utointo2ication =:::: 7I<# GP9A?K, 99?K, 9E?K, 9=?KH

/ackache =:::: /acteria GPB>:H /ad breath K:::, E: /ad comple2ion K::: /ad teeth =::::, E: /ed wetting K::: /ent back =:::: /iliousness =:::: /iting insects ;;:, ?E? /ladder ;;:, ;::, ?;?, ?E? /lood diseases ;;:, ?;?, ?E? /lood, plasma cleaner ;:: /lood pressure, high =:::: /lood pressure, low E: /oils ;;:, ?;?, ?E? /oils, open E: /oils, pus K::: /ones, cut4broken =:::: /reast troubles K::: /reast tumor E=E?, E::; /reathing K::: /ronchitis ;;:, ?E? /ronchopneumonia ;;:, ??B, ?E? /right's disease, nephritis ;;:, ?;?, ?E? /ruises =:::: /urns =:::: /urns Gradium, 2-ray, radioactiveH ;;:, ?;?, ?E? /ursitus ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Cancer carcinoma, int4e2t E=E?, E=E:, ?=9: Cancer leukemia E=E? Cancer sarcoma E::;, E::: Candida albicans ?;?, ABK Carbuncles G#EE /oilsH Cardiac depressant =:::: Cataract, not diabetic =:::: Catarrh GmucousH ?;?, ?E? Catarrh, with inflammation ;;:, E: Cerebral palsy =:::: Cerebro-spinal troubles =:::: Cervical land Glumps on side of neckH K::: Cervicitis, womb ?;?, ?E? Cervicitis, neck inflammation ;;:, E: Chicken po2 ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Chilblains K:::, E: Cold feet4hands K:::, E: Colds, coughing =::::, ?E?

Colds, head4chest K:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Colic, stomach and colon pain ;:: Colitis, mucous catarrh of colon =::::, ;:: Con"unctivitis ;;:, ?E? Constipation ;:: Contraction, arrests discharges =:::: Convulsions =:::: Corns, in feet =::::, E: Cory$a, nose disorder ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Costalgia rib pain =:::: Cuts K:::, E: Cystitis bladder inflammation ;;:, ;::, ?;?, ?E? <andruff scales K::: <eafness =::::, K:::, ;::, E: <iabetes =:::: <iarrhea, dysentary K::: <igestion K::: <iphtheria ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: <istended organs =:::: <istended stomach K:::, ;:: <reams =::::, E: <ropsy =:::: <rug addiction E: <ullness, listlessness K::: <ysmenorrhea, Gpainful mensesH ;;:, ;::, ?;?, ?E? <yspepsia, indigestion ;:: Earache K::: Ears, balance =::::, E: Ears, discharges =:::: Ears, di$$iness ;;:, E: Ears, ringing K:::, E: Easily depressed =:::: Easily fatigued K::: Ec$ema, skin trouble Gnot herpesH K::: Edema G1ung swelling, e2cess fluidsH ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Enlarged glands =:::: Epididymitis Ginfammation uppertestesH =K::, E: Erysipelas Gskin inflammationH E:::, B:: Esophagus ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Eustachian tube Gfrom nose to earH ;::, E: Eye arteriosclerosis =::::, E: Eye, bi-focal K:::, E: Eye, blurred K:::, E: Eye, degeneration =:::: Eye, glaucoma =B:: Eye, infected =::::, K:::

Eye, lacrimal K::: Eye, near- or farsighted =::::, K::: Eye, nerve pain =:::: Eye, ptosis Gdrooping lidH =::::, K::: Eye, swollen lid ?;? -acial cramps =:::: -acial paralysis =::::, K::: -ainting K:::, E: -alling hair =::::, E: -ascia Gfibrous tissue under the skinH K:::, E: -ears =:::: -emale disorder ;;:, ?;?, ?E? -eaver, all kinds K:::, E: -istula, ulcer ;;:, ?;?, ?E? -lashes, hot =:::: -latulence G#EE DastritisH -lu, Drippe, influen$a ;;:, ;::, ?;?, ?E? -ood poisoning =:::: -oot, blisters =:::: -ractures G#EE /ones, cut4brokenH -rigidity, female =::::, E: -rost bite K::: -ro$en shoulder =:::: Dall bladder K:::, E: Dall stones E: Dangrene, tissue ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Dastritis, gas pains in stomach K:::, E: Diddiness, di$$iness =::::, E: Dlandular fever, adrenals GPEA:::H, =::::, E: J J , parathyroid =::::, E: J , pineal =::::, E: J , pituitary =::::, E: J , se2 =::::, E: J , thymus =::::, E: J , thyroid GP=B:::H, =::::, E: Doiter GP=B:::H, K:::, E: Donad, se2 gland inflammation ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Donorrhea BB:, B:: Dout =::::, E: Dravel Gdeposits in urine, red or whiteH K::: Dums, inflammation K:::, ;::, E: *air, loss of =:::: *allucinations K:::, E: *angover =:::: *ay fever K::: *eadaches =::::, E:

*E7'5 <I#3'<E'# 7ngina pectoris K::: /radycardia K::: Endocarditis K::: *ypertrophy K::: )yocarditis K::: %alpitations K::: %ericarditis K::: #tenosis K::: 5achycardia K::: *emorrhoids ;;:, ;::, E: *emorrhage =::::, ;:: *epatitis, liver inflammation GPE=;>H, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? *ernia K::: *erniated disc =:::: *erpes simple2 I =KK: *erpes simple2 II GP=>::H *erpes $oster GP=>::H, =KK: *iccoughs =::::, E: *ives, uticaria =;:: *oarseness ;;:, ?;?, ?E? *yperacidity =::::, E: *ydrocele =:::: *ypertension =::::, E: *ypochondrium, upper abdomen =::::, E: *ypotension =::::, E: *ypo2ia, low o2ygen =:::: *ysterical symptoms K:::, E: Ileocolitis colon inflammation ;:: Impotence =:::: Indigestion K::: Infantile paralysis =K:: Infections ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: In"ection allergies =:::: In"uries K::: Insomnia =: Insufficient lactation K::: Intercostal neuralgia =::::, ;:: Intestinal spasms K::: Intestines ;:: Intestines, inflammation ;::, ?;?, ?E? Into2ication =:::: Irritability K::: Itching, anus, feet, toes K::: @aundice K::: @oints, inflamed =::::

.idney =::::, ;::, E: 1ack of conductivity =::::, E: 1assitude, weak, e2hausted E: 1a2ative, mild ;:: 1egs, if fever =:::: 1eprosy =::::, B:: 1eucocyte builder K::: 1eukemia G#EE cancerH 1eukorrhea Gwhite Faginal dischargeH ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 1iver, enlargement GP EA;>H, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 1ocomotor Gata2ia, muscle failureH =:::: 1umbago =:::: 1umbar vertebrae deformed =:::: 1ungs, breathing ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 1upus vugaris GP EA;>H, =::::, ;:: 1ymphatic depressant K::: 1ymph gland, Gplugged overloadedH =:::: )alaria, GChicken po2, Derman )easles, )easles, mumps, #carlet fever, #mall po2, ,hooping cough, etc.H E: )emory =::::, E: )eniere's #yndrome =::::, K:::, ;::, E: )eningitis K:::, E: )ental irritability =::::, E: )etals, Gremoval from cellH GP9::::H )igraine K:::, E: )oth patches =;::, ;::, E: )otion sickness =::::, E: )outh eruptions =:::: )ucous, mucus ;:: )ultiple sclerosis K::: )uscle repair K::: )uscles, hear, arm K::: )uscular dystrophy K::: 0ausea K::: 0euralgia K::: 0eurasthenia, fatigued K::: 0euritis, nerve inflammation =:::: 0eurosis =:::: 0icotine poison =:::: 0ipples, sore K::: 0octurnal emission K::: 0ose disorders ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 0umbness, arms, fingers K:::, E: 3besity =:::: 3bsessive fears =::::

3ccipital neuralgia K::: 3perations Gafter surgeryH ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: 3rchitis, testes inflammation ;:: 3steoarthritis, "oint trouble =K:: 3steomyelitis K::: 3varies ;;:, ?;?, ?E? %ain, abdominal =::::, K::: %ain, acute =:::: %ain, back =:::: %ain, bunion K:::, E: %ain, elbow K:::, E9: %ain, hip K::: %ain, knee =::::, E: %ain, paralysis ;;:, ?;?, ?E? %ancreas disorders ;;:, ?;?, ?E? %elvic disorders G)ale4-ema=eH =K::, BB:, E: %ericarditis K::: %eritonitis ;;:, ?;?, ?E? %haryngitis ;;:, ?;?, ?E? %iles G#EE *emorrhoidsH %in worms, any worm or parasites ;::, =E:, E: %leurisy K:::, E: %neumonia K:::, E: %oliomyelitis =K:: %olyps, growths E=E? %oor appetite =:::: %oor circulation =::::, E: %rostate gland K::: %soriasis Gskin trouble, red patchesH K:::, GPEA;>H, E: %tosis Geyelid droopH =::::, K::: %yorrhea, trench mouth E: %arlomspm's disease 9;:::, =B::: 'abies =E:, E: 'aynaud's disease, gangrene ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: 'hinitis =E:, E: 'heumatism =:::: 'heumatoid arthritis =:::: 'ickets K::: 'ing worm =E:, E: #carlet fever E: #ciatica, nerve inflammation =::::, =E:, E: #emi-paralysis K:::, E: #e2ual weakness G)ale4-emaleH =::::, E: #hingles, G#EE *erpes $osterH #inus disorders =E:, E: #kin hemorrhages K:::, ;::

#kin trouble, Gnot psoriasisH =K::, E: #leeping sickness =E:, E: #mell, none GanosmiaH =::::, ;::, E: #olar ple2us pain K:::, E: #ore throat ;;:, ?;?, ?E? #pasms, muscle =::::, E: #pleen enlargement E: #pondylitis =KK:, ;;:, ;:: #pongy gums =::::, ;:: #prains, twisted ligaments K:::, E: #tammering =::::, E: #tiff shoulder =::::, E: #timulate ovarian elimination K:::, E: #taphycoccus infections ?E? #tomach cramps =::::, E: #tones =:::: #troke GCerebral Fasculas 7ccidentH =::::, E: #treptococcus infections ;;: #treptothri2 ?;? #un stroke =::::, E: #uprarenal stimulant K:::, E: #urgery G#EE operationsH #welling, legs and feet =::::, E: #welling, stomach K:::, ;::, E: #yndrome disorders =::::, E: #yphilis GPBB:H, BEB, E: 5aste, none =::::, E: 5halmus, Gsensory relay centerH K:::, E: 5hrombosis K:::, ;::, E: 5hrush ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 5hymus gland stimulant K:::, E: 5hyroid stimulant GP=B:::H 5issue nutrition K::: 5onsil inflammation G5onsilitisH ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: 5oothache ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 5rachoma, eye inflammation ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 5rauma, heart in"ury, shock =:::: 5uberculosis =KK:, ;::, E: 5umors, any kind E=E? 5yhoid fever =K?:, GP??:H, B>:, E: !lcers+ Gchankeroid, dental, diabetic, duodenal, gastric, gouty, peptic, etc.H ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E? !nconscious E: !rethra inflammation ?;?, ?E?, BB: !rethritis ;;: !rticaria Gsee *ivesH

,eak stomach =::::, E: ,hiplash =::::, E: ,orms parasites ;::, =E:, E: Yellow fever =::::, E: !pdated -re&uency 1ist -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5his list is a compendium of fre&uencies that have been reported tby users of a device to have actual physiologic effects. #ome of these are well know fre&uencies, used in a uni&ue se&uence, others are completely new heretofore unknown fre&uencies. 5his list will be updated as results are reported to me, all information should be considered as anecdotal, and not scientifically proven. 5hese fre&uencies should not be considered as anything but e2perimental. !#E 75 Y3!' 3,0 'I#., 03 C17I)# 7'E )7<E -3' E--EC5IFE0E##. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9:A - #edation or pain relief, also nice to use as the last fre&uency of a set of fre&uencies -ibromyalgia and @oint %ains - 5his set has many positive reports of symptomatic relief lasting from several days to almost a week. BK:, BEK, B::, EA:, >K, KEE, E>::, E; . 1yme <isease A9E, A;A, B=:, B>:, ?>:, and ;BA - %lease note the use of these fre&uencies has produced what is known as a *er2heimer 'eaction. 7s the spirochetes die, they release a protein to2in that can produce "oint pains, weakness, and general malaise for a few days following e2posure. It has been suggested that one start slow with but a minute of e2posure and then gradually increase the e2posure time. 3ne should not repeat an e2posure until all effects and symptoms of the previous e2posure have cleared. 1yme <isease - reported E::= - all the above plus - BKE, ==:9, =K::, AE::, AK:, ABK. *elicobacter %ylori - B?B linked as a causative agent in stomach ulcers. ?E; - 7 type of Cancer cell found in blood of people with )ultiple )yeloma. Causes the cells to disintegrate according to one researcher.

-lu Firus ?E;, ;::, ;;: , ??B:, ;:::, ;EK: E:K:, E=;:, EAKE - 0on responsive to Cancer at E=E; or E::;. It has been suggested that these Cancers are formed in response to some different stimulus than commonly occurs. Cataracts - =;9:, =B::, >>>>, =KKE, E==:, =99K, =BKA, E=;?, E=>K, EE== BBA, ?BA - very beneficial for emotional ties to diseases. BBA has apparently caused people to giggle especially in a group e2posure setting. BB:, ?E;, ?;? Epstein /arr virus also has been used for )ononucleosis. =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA 3pens bronchioles makes breathing easier seems to be helpful for asthmatics. 7lso is &uite sedating.?9AA seems to work best of the three. #harpens Eyesight 9K:, 9B: *erpes Coster =A;>, =K::, =KK:, EA;> - relieves acute outbreak, but does not remove dormant form from body. !se of EA;> for about 9: minutes seems to provide long term benefits. )enieres <isease - 'emoved all pain associated with. > *$. *and 5remors A?: - stopped involuntary tremors in left hand of a person with multiple sclerosis. AB9 and ABB stopped involuntary tremors in a person with brain tumors. >=K and >=; plantar wart - use long e2posure time - =K to 9: minutes on each fre&uency. %rostatitis E:K: and EEK: - =: to =K minutes on each fre&uency. !se for a short interval will aggravate prostatitisI

9.B and B.9 *$ have been reported as being able to keep a person from becomming angry 0ausea and abdominal cramps ?E, >K, =>:, 9:A Chlamydia infections ;BB, A9:, EE=9, BE: B::: - 7 master Central 0ervous #ystem -re&uency. 'elease of emotional problems, blocked sei$ures - but does nothing once sei$ure starts, stopped tremors in hands in person with %arkinson's disease. *epatitis C - used by a <r. in -rance to good effect. E2posures were of only AK seconds on each fre&uency. 1onger e2posures had no effect. ?E;, =BB, EEA, 9=?, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, E=;> )ultiple #clerosis - !se of K::: *$ for 9: minutes every other day, used the above *ep C protocol on alternate days. #o one day K:::, ne2t day *ep C. 3ne should start the K::: at about =: minutes and work up in time slowly watching for deto2 reactions. %soriasis - -rom 0ew Cealand comes this protocol E=;:, E=E;, E::;, =KKE, ;;:, ?;A, BBA, 9:A #ystemic 1upus Erythematosis G#1EH - B99, E=EK, E::;, 9B=E, ;:E, EA;>, ?:E -ruit -lies - E=B?*$ reported by someone in the 0etherlands Chronic -atigue #yndrome - E=E? , ABK, BB:, BBB, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KK:. 7lso used parasite fre&uencies 'ound ,orms - =:A, 99E, AEE, ?E=, >AE, 9E=E, EA:, B;;, E:, =E: -lukes - =A9, E?K, B?B, ?B9, KEA, ;KA, >AK, BK=, A9K, KEA Incessant worrying - B=9:*$

Dall /ladder- E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: %leural Efffusion - ?;?, A?A, B=E, 9B= /asal Cell #kin Carcinoma - E==B, ?B:, EE;: direct e2posure of the lesion to light from the tube helps as does pulsing the audio output. 7bout 9: minutes e2posures at E==B seemed optimal, ?B: and EE;: at K minutes each. Chem #pray 'elated Illness - BBA, ?9AA, E;AE, ==A?, B;B.B, B;A.=, ==9, ??>.>, ;E>.9, E?>.E, ;BK, >B>.>, =:B?, ?;9.B, ;::.A, =:AK, =:BE, B?9.>, B>:.? )uscular <ystrophy - E>:: was reported by two people to help stamina and muscular coordination <iabetic -oot Infection - =;BK, ;:E, ?;?, ABK, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, A;, 9:A , scan from E::: to EE::. #aved a persons diabetic toe from amputation. 'heumatoid 7rthritis - =K, 9EA, KE; Cervical Cancer - EE;;, E>AA to E>B; as a scan

and finally, a list of fre&uencies Gthese have been published here before, but here they are again G035E+ these are not from the works of <r. )eg %attersonH+ CYC1E# %E' #EC30< G*E'5CH, and Correspondences to )E0571 #575E#, %*Y#I313DY, C313'#, 035E# R %170E5# 5hese fre&uencies are of all types6 light, sound, electrical, etc. 5he two- or three-character source codes after each fre&uency GIn Capital 1ettersH are defined at the bottom of the page. :.=B - =: 0euralgias75 :.=; - =: )od. therapy75 :.E: - :.EB <ental pain75

:.E: - =: %ost-traumatics75 :.E; - E.=K 7lcohol addiction75 :.E; - =: 7rthritis75 :.9: - :.=K <epression75 :.9: - =: Cervobrachial syndrome75 :.9? - E.=K <rug addiction75 :.A: - =: Confusion75 :.AK - =: )uscle pain75 :.K very rela2ing, against headache )D, for lower back pain7# :.>K - =: ,hiplash75 =-9 <elta+ deep, dreamless sleep, trance state, non-'E) sleep =.: -eeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone6 overall view of inter-relationships6 harmony and balance)D =.AK 5ri-thalamic entrainment format. 7ccording to 'onald de#trulle, creates entrainment between hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal. )ay benefit dysle2ics and people with 7l$heimer's.)%E E.=K - =: 5endovaginatis75 E.K pain relief, rela2ation)D. %roduction of endogenous opiates.EM 9.A #ound sleep 9.K -eeling of unity with everything, accelerated language retentiona6 enhancement of receptivity)D A-B attitude and behavior change)* A-? 5heta+ recall, fantasy, imagery, creativity, planning, dreaming, switching thoughts, Cen meditation, drowsiness. A Enkephalins6 E2trasensory perception)D A.> 5heta brain wave

K.: unusual problem solvinga K.K )oves beyond knowledge to knowing, shows vision of growth needed B.: long term memory stimulation)D ?.: )ental and astral pro"ection, psychic surgery ?.K Inter-awareness of self and purpose, guided meditation, creativity, contact with spirit guides6 entry into meditation)D ?.;9 Earth 'esonance, groundinga, J#chumann 'esonance.J ;-=: learning new information)* ;-=9 7lpha+ rela2ed, tran&uil and non-drowsy, inward awareness, bodymind ;-=A Mi Dong and infratonic Mi Dong machineMD ;.: %ast life regressiona ;.9 %ick up visual images of mental ob"ects >.: 7wareness of causes of body imbalance and means for balancea >.A= %yramid fre&uency GoutsideH >.B )ean dominant fre&uency associated with the earth's magnetic fieldEM =: enhanced release of serotonin and mood elevator, universally beneficial, use to try effects of other mi2es)D. 7cts as an analgesic, safest fre&uency, especially for hangover and "et lag.EM )eg %atterson used for nicotine withdrawal.)/9 =:.E Catecholamines =:.K *ealing of body, mind4body unity, firewalkinga6 potent stabili$er and stimulating for the immunity, valuable in convalescence.)D =:.B 'ela2ed and alert =E.: Centering, doorway to all other fre&uenciesa =9-9: 0ormal wakefulnessa

=A-=B Jassociated with sleep spindles on EED during second stage of sleepJEM =A.: 7wake and alert =K chronic pain)D =B bottom limit of normal hearing)%E =;-EE /eta+ outward awareness, sensory data E: fatigue, energi$e. Causes distress during labor.EM E?.K lowest note an a piano)%E 9: )eg %atterson used for mari"uana.)/9 9: - =>: 1umbago75 9:-K:: *igh /eta+ a few people able to replicate at will 9E <esensiti$er6 enhanced vigour and alertness)D 99 Christ consciousness, hypersensitivity, %yramid fre&uency GinsideH 9K - =K: -ractures75 9K - =>9 7rthralgy75 9K 7wakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras 9; Endorphin release,1 A: dominant when problem solving in fearful situations.EM A:-B: an2iolytic effects and stimulates release of beta-endorphines)D A9 - =>9 Carcinomatosis75 K: dominant fre&uency of polyphasic muscle activity, mains electrical in !...EM K: #lower cerebral rhythms KK 5antra, kundalinia

B: electric power lines B9 7stral pro"ectiona ?:->,::: Foice spectrum)%= ?: )ental and astral pro"ection ?E Emotional spectrum ;: 7wareness and control of right direction. 7ppears to be involved in stimulating K-hydro2ytryptamine production, with =B: *$. Combine with E.K *$.EM ;9 5hird eye opening for some people >: Dood feelings, security, well-being, balancing =:K 3verall view of complete situation =:; 5otal knowing === /eta endorphins)'. cell regeneration =E:-K:: %#I, transmutation, psychokinesis =EK Draham potentiali$er6 #timulation)* =EB.EE #un, 9End octave of Earth year*C =9B.= #un+ light, warmth, "oy, animus'F =A:.EK %luto+ power, crisis R changes =A=.E? )ercury+ intellectuality, mobility =AA.?E )ars+ activity, energy, freedom, humor =A?.;K #aturn+ separation, sorrow, death =B: 7ppears to be involved in stimulating K-hydro2ytryptamine production, with ;: *$.EM =;9.K; @upiter+ growth, success, "ustice, spirituality =>A.?= Earth+ stability, grounding

E:?.9B !ranus+ spontaneity, independence, originality E==.AA 0eptune+ the unconscious, secrets, imagination, spiritual love EE=.E9 Fenus+ beauty, love, se2uality, sensuality, harmony EK: Elevate and revitali$e E?E 99rd octave of Earth year*C 9;A JDurd"ieff vibration associated with root chakra. #i2th harmonic of si2, center of the brainwave spectrum.J'% 9>B D Gmusical noteH%1 A:K Fiolet%1 AE:.;E )oon+ love, sensitivity, creativity, femininity, anima A9; Indigo AA: 7 Gmusical noteH A?9 /lue A>K / Gmusical noteH KE? Dreen KE; C Gmusical noteH K;: Yellow K>A < Gmusical noteH K>? 3range BB: E Gmusical noteH ?:: 'ed ?:A - Gmusical noteH =::: Cerebral neurons A,=;B highest note on a piano)%E

=B,::: - E:,::: !pper range for normal hearing)%E #lower physiological cycles+C7 *eart+ ?B beats4 min 'espiratory+ EE cycles4 min .idneys+ EA hour cycle #tomach+ 9 contractions4 min Intestines+ = contraction4 min )uscles+ proteins broken down R built every =E days 3varies+ E; day menstrual cycle 'ed blood cells+ =E; day life cycle /one calcium+ E:: day replacement #ources+ a )ichael *ercules' 0ustar Cen %layer and /. Diles personal notes 7# 7lpha#tim Gresearch surveyH 75 7uriculotherapy device information from /entek Corp. Earlobe type electrodes are specified for some conditions, 5E0# or ECD type electrodes for others. <evice has two channels, indicated for each ailment. C7 Compleat 7strologer, <erek R @ulia %arker for slower physiological rhythms. EM 3ctaves and windows, E&uino2, 7pril ;; )D )egabrain Dermany )/9 )egabrain 'eport S9, p. => )* )ind E2panding )achines+ Can the D% <o for the /rain ,hat 0autilus <oes for the /ody , by )ichael *utchison, 0ew 7ge @ournal @uly47ug ;?

Draham potentiali$er not in production. )' )egabrain 'eport Fol = SE )%= Chant+ 5he *ealing %ower of Foice and Ear, an interview with 7lfred 5omatis, ).<., by 5im ,ilson, in )usic+ %hysician for 5imes to Come, an anthology by <on Campbell )%E #onic Entrainment, by @onathan #. Doldman, in )usic+ %hysician for 5imes to Come, an anthology by <on Campbell %1 %ower of 1imits Gsee 7ccords chartH for colors and notes. MD China *ealthways Inst. '% 7stral 5ravel with 3rgone Energy )achine, 'ay 7. %roper, -ry's Incredible In&uiry 'F %rimordial 5ones+ )editation on the 7rchetypal Energies of Celestial /odies, @oachim-Ernst /erendt, 'eFision, #ummer =>;? for planets. ,1 ,olfgang 1udwig *C *ans Cuosto, Cosmic 3ctave, 1ife 'hythm )ortal oscillatory fre&uencies of 'ife radio instrument, see #uper #cience. 'adionic fre&uencies chart may be obtained from 1'3'< Industries. Electrical wave forms 3ne of the benefits of working with electrical stimulation is the ability to generate precise and comple2 waveforms. It is likely that specific waveforms have specific functions. /rain stimulation, fre&uencies and waveforms are a vast and promising field of e2perimentation for alchemists. 7bdominal %ain K:::, =:::: 7bdominal Cramps ?E, >K, =>:, 9:A 7cne ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: 7ctinomycosis B?;,::: GKE>?H 7denoids E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: 7drenals =:

7I<# ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, EA;>, K:::, 9=,:::, 9=?K:, 9A?K: 7lcoholism =:::: 7llergies 9, E:, =EK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 7lopecia G*air 1ossH ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 7menorrhea G0o )enstruationH ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: 7nemia K::: 7neurysm E: 7nthra2 ?E?, ?;?, ;;: A::,::: G9=EKH, >::,::: G?:9=H 7n2iety 9:A, B=9: 7pople2y E: 7ppendicitis ?E?, ?;?, ;;: 7ppetite G1owH ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 7rteries *ardening Gsee 7rteriosclerosisH 7rteriosclerosis E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 7rthritis - Deneral ?E?, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =KK:, =KKE, E?E:, AE::, K:::, =::::, 7rthritis, 'heumatoid EK:, EBE, B::, BEK, BK:, ?E?, ??B,, ?;? 7sthma GCorrect %arasympathetic ImbalanceH ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA, K:::, =:::: 7strocytoma ?E?, ?;?, ;;: 7ta2ia of )uscles K:::, 7thletes -oot A::, ?E?, ?;A, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 7ura /uilder E: 7uto-into2ication ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: /acillus Coli ;::, =KKE, B;9,::: G=99AH, ;,K;=,::: GE:>K, A=>:H /ackache ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: /acterial Infections E:, BBA, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;9E, ;;:, =KB: /ad /reath Gsee *alitosisH /ad Comple2ion E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, /ad 5eeth A::, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: /ed ,etting Gsee EnuresisH /ent /ack ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: /iliousness ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =::::

/ladder ,orms K:B /lood G3ver *eart 7reaH E:, ==::, EE:: /oils E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, ;::, K:::, /one 'egeneration E?E: /ones GCut or /rokenH E?E:, =:::: /rain E:, =:::, E::: /rain ,aves G7lpha #tateH ; to =E /rain ,aves G/eta #tateH =E to 9: /rain ,aves G<eltaH A and 1ower /rain ,aves G5heta #tateH A to ; /reast %roblems ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, /reast 5umor Gsee Cancer, /reastH /reathing %roblems ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, /right's <isease ?E?, ?;?, ;;: /ronchial %neumonia ?E?, ??:, ??B, ?;:, ?;?, ;;:, =E9A /ronchial 5ubes, to 3pen =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA /ronchitis ?E?, ;;:, =E9A /ruises =:::: /ubonic %lague E:, K::, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =B:,::: GBEK, =EK:, EK::, K:::H /union %ain E:, K::: /urns ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: /urns 'adium ?E?, ?;?, ;;: /ursitis ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Cancer, 7lternate -re&uencies to 5ry KA9, BA=, ?;A, =KB:, E:K:, E=;:, E=;E, EAKE Cancer, /asal Cell Carcinoma ?B:, E==B, EE;:, E;?B GConsider 9: minutes on E==BH Cancer, /reast E:, ABK, BB:, BBK, B>:, ?E?, ?A:, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =;A:, =>>;, sweep E:::-E9::, E::;, E=E;, E;?B, K:::, =:::: G,ork up to AKO minutes on E=E;. 'educe run times if fluid retention develops. Cancer, Carcinoma E:, =E:, 999, AKE, ABA, BB:, BBB, B>:, B;9, ?E;, ?A:, ?;A, ?;?, ?>A, ;::, ;;:, =KB:, =K??, =;A:, =>>;, sweep E::-E9::, E::;, E:K:, E:;A, E=E;, E=;E, E?E:, E;?B, 9=?B, K:::, B:BA, =::::, 9:A G,ork up to AKO minutes on E=E;. 'educe run times if fluid retention develops.H Cancer, Dlioblastoma ABK, KA9, BA=, ?E?, ?;A, ?;?, ;;:, =KB:, E::;, E=E;, E;?B G%ulse at A *$H Cancer, 1eukemia E=E;, E::;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, K>:, =::::, E::;, B.;, =;K:, AK:, AA:, AE;, =A, =K, E:9:, =K, E:9:, =K, E:9:, ABK Guse *alo2 too.H Cancer, )elanoma - see sarcoma Cancer, %rostate use carcinoma fre&uencies plus E=E;, E=EK, E=9=,

E=A:, E=AK, BBB, 9B?E pulsed at B *$, work up to B minutes each. Cancer, #arcoma E:, ABK, BB:, BBK, B>:, ?E?, ?A:, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, >?>, =;A:, =>>;, E::A, E::;, E:=E, E=E;, 9B?E, K:::, ??B:, =:::: Candida 7lbicans EKA, A=A, AK:, ABK Carbuncles Gsee /oilsH Carcinoma Firus E=E:, E=E;, E=9:, ==,?;:,::: G=A9;, E;?B, K?KEH Cardiac <epressant =:::: Cataract Gsee Eye CataractH ?E?, ?;A, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: Catarrh G)ucousH Inflammation E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KKE =,;::,::: G?:9=H Cerebral %alsy ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: Cerebro-#pinal 5rouble ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: Cervicitis, !terus E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: JChem 5railJ AK9A, ;B?= Chicken po2 E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Cholera ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, ;K=,::: G=BBEH Childhood <isorders ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Chlamydia A9:, BE:, ;BB, EE=9 Chlamydia %neumonia =;;:.=, =;;K.> Chronic 5ired -eeling ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: Chronic -atigue #yndrome =E:, AEA, ABK, BB:, BBK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KK:, E=E; G7lso consider parasites, wormsH Circulation, %oor #weep E:::-EE::, especially E==E, K::: Cold -eet, *ands E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, sweep E:::-EE::, K:::, Cold in *ead or Chest, etc. A::, BB:, ?E?, ??:, ??B, ?;:, ?;?, ;::, ;;: Cold sores - see herpes Coli /acteria ;:E Colic G#tomach R Colon %ainH ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: Colitis G)ucous Catarrh of ColonH ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =:::: Colon E:, AA:, ;;: Con"unctivitis GContagiousH ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =,E:B,::: GA?==H Constipation ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: Contractions, 7rrests, <ischarges =:::: Convulsions ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =::::

Corns on feet E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: Cory$a G0ose <isorderH ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Costalgia G'ib %ainH ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: Coughing Colds =:::: Co2sackie G7lso #ee )umpsH GDeneralH =9B, =AA, E9E, 9;:, AEE, AEA, A9K, K>K, B?B, ?B>, >E=, >E9, ==;> Cramps EB, =:::: Cramps, 7bdominal ?E, >K, =>:, 9:A Cricks in the 0eck ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: Cuts Gto healH E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: Cystitis G/ladder InflammationH ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: <andruff, #cales ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: <eafness E:, ;::, =:::: <epression BBA, ?BA <iabetes E:, A;, ?E, >K, =EK, 9:E, AAA, AK:, ABK, BBB, B>:, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =KK:, =;K:, =;BK, E::;, E=E;, AE::, K:::, =:::: <iarrhea ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: <igestion ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: <iphtheria E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, ;::,::: G9=EKH <istended organs ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: <istended stomach ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, K::: <reams E:, =:::: <uodenal !lcer Gsee !lcer <uodenalH <ysentery Gsee <iarrheaH <ysmenorrhea G%ainful )enstruationH ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: <yspepsia GIndigestionH ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: E-Coli ?>>, ;:E, ;:A Ear <ischarges ABK, ?E?, ?;?, =:::: Earaches ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: Ears, /alance E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: Ears, <i$$iness E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Ears, *ard to *ear E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Ears, 'inging E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: E. Coli ?>>-;:A Ec$ema G#kin 5roubles also see *erpesH ?E?, ?;?, K::: Edema G1ung #welling E2cess -luidsH ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Elbow pain E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: Endometriosis ;::, =KK: G7lso

consider fluke and other parasite fre&uencies.H GCarefulIH Enlarged Dlands ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: Enuresis G/ed ,ettingH ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: Epididymitis GInflammation of 5esticleH E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =K:: Epilepsy G-itsH E:, =E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, Epstein-/arr BB:O?E?O?;? G#ame 5imeH, BB:, BBK, B>:, ?E?, ?;? Erysipelas G#kin InflammationH B::, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, E::: Esophagus ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Eustachian G5ube -rom 0ose to EarH E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: Eye, 7rteriosclerosis E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: Eye, /ifocal E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Eye, /lurred E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =B::, K::: Eye, Cataract G0on-<iabeticH ?E?, ?;A, ?;?, ;;:, =B::, K:::, =:::: Eye, Color /lind =:::: Eye, Con"unctivitis ?E;, ?;?, ;;: Eye, Crossed ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: Eye, <egeneration ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =B::, K:::, =:::: Eye, <iplopia ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: Eye, <roop of 1id ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: Eye, -ar #ighted ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: Eye, Dlaucoma ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =B::, K:::, =:::: Eye, Improve Fision 9K:, 9B:, =B:: Eye, Infected ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =B::, K:::, =:::: Eye, 1acrimal ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: Eye, 0ear R farsighted ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =B::, K:::, =:::: Eye, 0erve pain ?E?, ?;?, K:::, =::::

Eye, #trained ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Eyelid #welling ?;? Eyes E:, ?E?, ;;:, =KKE, =B:: -acial Cramps ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: -acial %aralysis ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: -ainting E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: -alling *air A::, ;::, K:::, =:::: -ascia G-ibrous 5issue !nder #kinH E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: -ears ?E?, ?;?, ;;: -emale <isorder ?E?, ?;?, ;;: -ever Gall .indsH E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: -ibroma ;::, K:::, =:::: -ibromyalgia =E:, =A:, 9:A, ABA, ?E;, ;::, ;;:, EA;>, 9=?B, K:::, B:::, >::: -issures E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: -istula !lcer ?E?, ?;?, ;;: -lashes, *ot Gsee *ot -lashesH -latulence Gsee gastritisH -lu Galso see Drippe, Influen$a, #tomach -luH ?E?, ??:, ??B, ?;:, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, >BK, K9?K, ??B:, ??BB, ;:::, ;=>;-;E=;, ;EK:, ;?:: -lu, 7nother 1ist AA:, K=E, B;9, ?E;, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;?K, ;;:, ;;K, E:K:, E?E:, K:::, ??B:, ??BB, 9:A -lu - #wine -lu A=9, A9E, BB9, ;9>, >>K -ood %oisoning ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, G;E::, ;E:A, ;E:;, ;E=E, ;E=B, ;E=E, ;E:;, ;E:A, ;E:: =-E seconds each and repeat.H, =:::: -oot, /listers ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: -ractures Gsee /onesH -rostbite ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: -ro$en #houlder ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: -ungus 999, AK:, ABK, BBK, B>:, ?E?, ?;A, ;;:, =KK:, =BKA Dall /ladder E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: Dallstones E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, 9::: Dangrene G5issue <eath in )assH E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Das %ains in stomach Gsee gastritisH

Dastritis E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: Derman )easles E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Diardia =>A9 Diddiness E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: Dlanders >;B,::: G??:9H Doiter E:, =:::: DonadG#e2 Dland InflammationH ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Donorrhea B::, BK:, BB:, ?::, ?=E, B::,::: GK;B, ==?EH Dout E:, =:::: Dravel G<eposits in !rine or DallstonesH ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: Drippe Gsee -lu R Influen$aH ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Dums, Inflammation E:, ;::, ;;:, K:::, =:::: *. %ylori G#tomach !lcersH B?B *ay -ever ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: *air 1oss Gsee 7lopeciaH *alitosis E:, K::: *allucinations E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: *angover =:::: *ead In"ury ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: *ead, pressure in E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: *eadaches E:, =AA, =B:, 9:A, KE:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: *eart E:, ;=, =BE *eart, %alpitations, to reduce =:::: *eart, 7ngina %ectoris K::: *eart, /radycardia K::: *eart, Cardiac *ypertrophy K::: *eart, Endocarditis K::: *eart, )yocarditis K::: *eart, %ericarditis K::: *eart, #tenosis K::: *eart, 5achycardia K::: *emorrhage ;::, =:::: *emorrhoids E:, ?E?, ;::, ;;: *epatitis 7 9E=, 9AB, A=A, AE9, A;?, KK;, K?;, B>9, ?=?, ?;B, ;?;, 9EE: *epatitis / 99A, A99, A??, K?A, ?KE, ?B?, ??>, ;B>, ;?B, *epatitis C G7lso run %arasite fre&uenciesH =BB, EEA, 9=?, 9E>,

A??, KE;, B99, >E>->99, =9?=, E=;> *epatitis, Deneral E;, EEA, 9=?, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;:E, ;;:, =9K=, =K:: *ernia ?E?, ?;?, K::: *ernia of <isc K:::, =:::: *erpes, Deneral -re&uencies ABA, =A;; G=K minutesH, =A;>, =K::, =KK:, =K??, =>:: *erpes, Denital =A=, =?=, AA:, K>:, BB:, ;?;, ;>;, ==?K, K9=: *erpes #imple2 I - Cold #ores. Deneral -re&uencies plus+ 9EE, A?B, K;>, BBA, ?;K, ;EE, ;>K, >AA, =:A9, =B=A, E:BE, EA;> G!se EA;> for 9: minutesH, 9?::: GABEKH *erpes Coster GChicken %o2, #hinglesH BBA, ?;?, ;:E, ;;:, >=A, =K::, =B::, E=?:, 99A9 *iccoughs E:, =:::: *igh /lood %ressure E:, 9:A, ?E?, ;;:, =:::: *ip %ain E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: *ives G!rticariaH ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =;::, K::: *oarseness ?E?, ?;?, ;;: *ot -lashes ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: *ydrocele G-luid in 5esticleH ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: *ypertension Gsee *igh /lood %ressureH *ypochondria E:, =:::: *ypotension Gsee 1ow /lood %ressureH *ypo2ia G1ow o2ygenH =:::: *ysterical #ymptoms E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: Ileo-colitis, Colon Inflammation ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: Impotence =:::: Indigestion ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: Infantile %aralysis Gsee %oliomyelitisH Infections E:, KA9, BA=, BBB, ?E?, ?A:, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;9E, ;;:, =KB:, =K?? Inflammation ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =K??, K::: Influen$a ?E?, ??:, ??B, ?;:, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, K9?K, ??B:, ;:::, ;EK: =,B?A,::: GBK9>H In"ection 7llergies =:::: In"uries K:::, =:::: Insomnia ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: Intelligence, to Increase E:, =:::: Intercostal 0euralgia ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =::::

Intestines, Inflammation ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Intestines, #pasms K::: Intestines, to 'elease ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: Into2ication =:::: Irritability K::: Itching of 7nus, 5oes, R -eet ABK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: @aundice ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: @oints GInflamedH ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: .idneys ;, >.E, E:, EA;, AA:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =B::, =;BK, =:::: .nee Gsee %ain in .neesH 1ack of Conductivity E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 1actation K::: 1arge intestine AA:, ;;: 1aryn2 E:, AA:, ;;: 1assitude, ,eak, E2hausted E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: 1a2ative, )ild ;:: 1eprosy B::, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, ?A9,::: G=AK=, K;:KH, =:::: 1eucocyte /uilder K::: 1eukemia Gsee CancerH 1eukorrhea, ,hite Faginal <ischarge ABK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: 1iver Enlargement ?E?, ?;?, ;;: 1ocomotor 7ta2ia, )uscle -ailure ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 1ow /lood %ressure E: 1umbago G/ack %ainH 9::, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 1umbar Fertebrae <eformed ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 1ungs >, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =E9A, K::: 1upus Fulgaris ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: 1upus G#1EH GConsider 1yme <iseaseH 9:A, B99, BBA, ?:E, ?;A, ;:E, ;;:, =KKE, E::;, E=EK, E=E;, E=;:, EA;>, 9B=E, GEspecially B99 and ;:EH 1yme <isease 9=E, 9AK, A9E, A;AK:A, K>E-B9A, B>:, ?;K-?>K, ;::, ;BA, =K>:-=BA: J<oug'sJ program is A9E or ;BA, K>E-B9A G9-A minute sweepH and =K>:-=BA: G9-A minute sweepH. 5he two sweeps are very effective and seem to have less die-off symptoms than A9E. 1yme - 3ther -re&uencies 99;, 9AA, A>K, A;KK:K, K99, K9A, B?9, ?AE, ?K;, ?>?, ;;A, =AKK, AE::, B;B9, B;?: 1ymph Dlands =:, AA:, ;;:

1ymph Dlands G%lugged or 3verloadedH ABA, ?E?, ?;A, ?;?, ;;:, 9=?B, K:::, =::::, 9:A )alaria E:, ?E;, ?;?, ;;: )easles E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: )elancholia K:::, =:::: )emory E:, =:::: )eniere's <isease Gsee Ears, *ard of *earingH )eningitis E:, K::: )enses Gsee 7menorrhea or <ysmenorrheaH )ental Irritability E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: )ental 'etardation =:::: )igraine E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: )ongoloidism E:, K::: )otion #ickness E:, AA:, ABA, B::, BEA, BA;, =:::: )ucous, )ucus ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: )ultiple #clerosis GConsider 1yme <iseaseH E:, =BB, E=;, EEA, 9=?, A?:, ?E?, ?;?, ;:?, ;;:. 7lternate days, K::: GCan slowly work up to B: minutes on K:::.H 7lso do parasite fre&uencies. )umps Gsee Co2sackieH =KE, EAE, BAE, B?A, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, >EE )uscle, *eart K:::, =:::: )uscle 'epair =E:, EA:, K::: )uscle #tiffness 9::, 9E;, ?E?, ;;: )uscular <ystrophy K::: 0ausea ?E, >K, =>:, 9:A, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: 0eck E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: 0ephritis, .idney Inflammation E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =:::: 0erves, Inflammation ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 0ervous #ystem 5onic B::: 0euralgia, 7rms E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 0eurasthenia, -atigue ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 0euritis, 0erve Inflammation ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 0eurosis ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 0icotine %oisoning =:::: 0ipples, #ore ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::

0octurnal Emission K::: 0ose, <isorders E:, AA:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: 0umbness, 7rms, -ingers E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: 3besity =:::: 3bsessive -ears =:::: 3ccipital 0euralgia ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: 3perations, /efore E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: 3rchitis, testes inflamed ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;: 3steoarthritis G"oint 5roubleH ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =K:: 3steomyelitis ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: 3varies E:, AA:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: %ain, %aralysis =K, >A, 9:A, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =K??, 9:::, 9:A: K:::, =:::: %ainful )enses Gsee <ysmenorrheaH %ancreas AA:, ABK, B::, BEA, BA;, ?E;, ?;A, ?;?, ;;:, =KKE, E=E;, K:::, =:::: %arasites, Deneral E:, A?, B:, BA, ?E, >B, ==E, =E:, =EK, =E;, =KE, EA:, 99A, AEE, AAE, ABK, KEA, BAE, BAA, BK=, BB>, BBB, B?B, B;;, B>:, ?=E, ?E;, ?9E, ?A:, ?K=, ??:, ?;:, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;:E, ;KA, ;;: =KK:, =KKE, =;A:, =;BE, =;BA, =>>;, E::;, E==E, E=E;, 9=?B, AA=E, =:::: %arasites, #hort 1ist E:, BA, ?E, >B, ==E, =E:, =EK, =E;, =KE, BK=, ?9E %arathyroid ?E?, ?;?, ;;: %arkinson's B::: %elvic, <isorders G)ale R -emaleH E:, BB:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, BB:, =K:: %ericarditis GInflamed *eart CoveringH ?E?, ?;?, ;;: %eriodontal <isease ABK, ?E?, ?;A, ?;?, ;;:, =KB:, =K?? %eritonitis GInflammation - %eritoneumH ?E?, ?;?, ;;: %haryngitis GInflammation of %haryn2 ?E?, ??B, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =KKE %iles, Gsee *emorrhoidsH %imples Gsee 7cneH %in ,orms Gsee %arasitesH %ineal E: %leurisy E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: %neumonia E:, ?E?, ??:-?;:, ??:, ??B, ?;:, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, K:::, =::::, =,E::,::: G>9?KH %oliomyelitis =K::, K:::, =:::: %olyps, growths E=E;

%remenstrual #yndrome G%)#H =: %rostate Dland >.A, E:, A:A, BBA, ?E?, =:::, E:::, E::;, E=E;, E?E:, K::: %rostatitis, /%* G)ust use =:O min eachH BBB, B>:, >E:, E=E;, E:K:, EEK: %ruritus GItchingH E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: %soriasis, #kin 5rouble, 'ed %atches E:, BA, >B, =:A, ==E, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: %soriasis, 7lternate %rogram 9:A, BBA, ?;A, ;;:, =KKE, E::;, E=E;, E=;: %tosis Gsee Eye, <roop of 1idH %ulse, )en 9B, ?:, ?E %ulse, ,omen A=, ?;, ;E %yorrhea and 5rench )outh E:, ?E?, ?;? 'abies E:, =E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =E: 'heumatism ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: 'heumatoid arthritis ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: 'hinitis E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =E: 'ickets Fitamin < and sunlight ;;:, K::: 'ingworm Gsee %arasites, -ungusH 'ubella ?;A, ?;? 'ubeola ?;A, ?;? #carlet -ever E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: #ciatica, nerve inflammation E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =E: #curvy - 1ack of Fitamin C K::: #edative 9:A #emiparalysis E:, K::: #e2ual <iseases Gsee Donorrhea, #yphilisH #e2ual ,eakness, )ale R -emale E:, ?E?, ;;:, =:::: #hell #hock E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =E: #hingles Gsee *erpes CosterH #inusitis, #inus *eadaches E:, =B:, 9E:, ?A=, >KE, ?E?, ??B, =KK: #kin *emorrhages ;::, K:::, =:::: #kin 5rouble, 5hrombosis E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =K:: #kinniness Gsee 7ppetiteH #leeping #ickness E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =E: #leeplessness Gsee InsomniaH #lipped disc Gsee *erniated <iscH

#mall Intestine =:, AA:, ;;: #mallpo2 E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: #mell, )orbid ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =:::: #mell, 0one, 7nosmia E:, =:::: G0eed $incH #nee$ing Gsee convulsionsH #olar ple2us G7bdominal %ainH E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: #ore throat ?E?, ?;?, ;;: #pasm, Contraction due to )uscle 7ction E:, =:::: #permatorrhea Gsee #e2ual ,eaknessH #pinal )eningitis E:, K:::, >E?,;:: G=;=EH #pleen E: #pondylitis ;::, ;;:, =KB: #pongy gums Gsee pyorrheaH ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =:::: #prains, 5wisted @oint, #prained )uscles E:, K:::, =:::: #tammering E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: #taph infections ?E?, ?EK-?9:, ?;?, ;;:, ;;K, >>;,?A: G?;:9H #terility Gsee ImpotenceH K:::, =:::: #tiff neck Gsee neckH #tiff #houlder E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: #tomach, Cramps E:, BBA, ?E?, ?;A, ?;?, ;;: #tomach -lu G;=>;, ;E:A, ;E:;, ;E=9, ;E=;, ;E=9, ;E:;, ;E:A, ;E:: =-E seconds each and repeat.H #tones, gallbladder, kidney ?E?, ;::, ;;:, =:::: #treptococcus infections ;?K-;;K, ;;:, =,EA=,::: GEAEA, >B>KH #treptothri2 ?9:, ?;=, ?;A, ?;? #troke 9, E:, E9:, K:::, =:::: #ty,Gsee Eye, <roop of 1idH #unstroke Gsee feverH #uprarenal stimulant E:, K::: #urgery ?E?, ?;?, ;;: #welling, 1egs, -eet E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: #yphilis E:, B::, BEK, BK:, ?::, >::,::: G?:9=H #ystemic 1upus Erythematosis - see 1upus 5aste, )orbid E:, =::::

5aste, 0one E:, K:::, =:::: G0eed $incH 5estes AA:, ;;: 5etanus E:, =E:, A::, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, ?::,::: GKAB>H 5halamus, sensor relay center E:, K::: 5hroat inflammation Gsee esophagusH 5hrombosis, /lood Clot E:, ;:: 5hrush ABK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: 5hymus gland stimulant E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: 5innitus E:, ?E?, ?;A, ?;?, ;;: 5onsillitis, tonsil inflammation E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: 5onsils E:, AA:, ;;: 5ooth <ecay E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, =:::: 5oothache ?E?, ?;?, ;:: 5rachoma, Eye Inflammation ?E?, ?;?, ;;: 5rauma, In"ury, #hock >B, =>E, 9::, ?E?, ?B:, ?;?, ;;:, 9., K:::, =:::: 5remors AB9, ABB, A?:, B::: 5reponema BB: 5uberculosis E:, ;::, =KK:, K;9,::: GEE?? or >=:>H 5uberculosis rod E=B, BBB, B>:, ?A:, ?>>, ;:E, ;:9, ;:A, =;A: 5uberculosis virus =K::-=B::, =K::, =KKE, =B:: 5umors Gsee CancerH 5yphoid fever E:, B>:, ?=E, =K::=B::, =K::, =K?:, =B::, =;BE, =;BK, >::,::: G?:9=H, >,B;:,::: G>AK9H !lcers, <uodenal ?E?, ;;:, =:::: !lcers, Dastric B?B !lcers G*. %yloriH B?B !lcers, )ost BBA, ?E?, ??B, ?;?, ;::, ;9E, ;;: !nconsciousness E:, K:::, =:::: !rethritis urethra inflammation BB:, ?;?, ?;?, ;;: !rticaria GhivesH E:, ;::, =;:: ,arts ?;? ,arts, %lantar >=K, >=; G1ong 'unsH ,hiplash E:, =:::: ,hite /lood Cell #timulation =;K:-EA:: ,hooping cough E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: ,orms Galso see parasitesH

,orms, -lukes =A9, E?K, A9K, KEA, BK=, B?B, ?B9, ;KA, >AK ,orms G)icroscopicH B: to =EK ,orms, )isc. E:, ?E, >B, =E; ,orms, 'ound E:, =:A, =E:, EA:, 99E, AEE, B;;, ?E=, >AE, 9E=E ,orry B=9: Yellow -ever E:, =:::: !pdated -re&uency 1ist -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5his list is a compendium of fre&uencies that have been reported tby users of the device to have actual physiologic effects. #ome of these are well know fre&uencies, used in a uni&ue se&uence, others are completely new heretofore unknown fre&uencies. 5his list will be updated as results are reported to me, all information should be considered as anecdotal, and not scientifically proven. 5hese fre&uencies should not be considered as anything but e2perimental. !#E 75 Y3!' 3,0 'I#., 03 C17I)# 7'E )7<E -3' E--EC5IFE0E##. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9:A - #edation or pain relief, also nice to use as the last fre&uency of a set of fre&uencies -ibromyalgia and @oint %ains - 5his set has many positive reports of symptomatic relief lasting from several days to almost a week. BK:, BEK, B::, EA:, >K, KEE, E>::, E; . 1yme <isease A9E, A;A, B=:, B>:, ?>:, and ;BA - %lease note the use of these fre&uencies has produced what is known as a *er2heimer 'eaction. 7s the spirochetes die, they release a protein to2in that can produce "oint pains, weakness, and general malaise for a few days following e2posure. It has been suggested that one start slow with but a minute of e2posure and then gradually increase the e2posure time. 3ne should not repeat an e2posure until all effects and symptoms of the previous e2posure have cleared. 1yme <isease - reported E::= - all the above plus - BKE, ==:9, =K::, AE::, AK:, ABK. *elicobacter %ylori - B?B linked as a causative agent in stomach ulcers.

?E; - 7 type of Cancer cell found in blood of people with )ultiple )yeloma. Causes the cells to disintegrate according to one researcher. -lu Firus ?E;, ;::, ;;: , ??B:, ;:::, ;EK: E:K:, E=;:, EAKE - 0on responsive to Cancer at E=E; or E::;. It has been suggested that these Cancers are formed in response to some different stimulus than commonly occurs. Cataracts - =;9:, =B::, >>>>, =KKE, E==:, =99K, =BKA, E=;?, E=>K, EE== BBA, ?BA - very beneficial for emotional ties to diseases. BBA has apparently caused people to giggle especially in a group e2posure setting. BB:, ?E;, ?;? Epstein /arr virus also has been used for )ononucleosis. =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA 3pens bronchioles makes breathing easier seems to be helpful for asthmatics. 7lso is &uite sedating.?9AA seems to work best of the three. #harpens Eyesight 9K:, 9B: *erpes Coster =A;>, =K::, =KK:, EA;> - relieves acute outbreak, but does not remove dormant form from body. !se of EA;> for about 9: minutes seems to provide long term benefits. )enieres <isease - 'emoved all pain associated with. > *$. *and 5remors A?: - stopped involuntary tremors in left hand of a person with multiple sclerosis. AB9 and ABB stopped involuntary tremors in a person with brain tumors. >=K and >=; plantar wart - use long e2posure time - =K to 9: minutes on each fre&uency.

%rostatitis E:K: and EEK: - =: to =K minutes on each fre&uency. !se for a short interval will aggravate prostatitisI 9.B and B.9 *$ have been reported as being able to keep a person from becomming angry 0ausea and abdominal cramps ?E, >K, =>:, 9:A Chlamydia infections ;BB, A9:, EE=9, BE: B::: - 7 master Central 0ervous #ystem -re&uency. 'elease of emotional problems, blocked sei$ures - but does nothing once sei$ure starts, stopped tremors in hands in person with %arkinson's disease. *epatitis C - used by a <r. in -rance to good effect. E2posures were of only AK seconds on each fre&uency. 1onger e2posures had no effect. ?E;, =BB, EEA, 9=?, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, E=;> )ultiple #clerosis - !se of K::: *$ for 9: minutes every other day, used the above *ep C protocol on alternate days. #o one day K:::, ne2t day *ep C. 3ne should start the K::: at about =: minutes and work up in time slowly watching for deto2 reactions. %soriasis - -rom 0ew Cealand comes this protocol E=;:, E=E;, E::;, =KKE, ;;:, ?;A, BBA, 9:A #ystemic 1upus Erythematosis G#1EH - B99, E=EK, E::;, 9B=E, ;:E, EA;>, ?:E -ruit -lies - E=B?*$ reported by someone in the 0etherlands Chronic -atigue #yndrome - E=E? , ABK, BB:, BBB, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KK:. 7lso used parasite fre&uencies 'ound ,orms - =:A, 99E, AEE, ?E=, >AE, 9E=E, EA:, B;;, E:, =E:

-lukes - =A9, E?K, B?B, ?B9, KEA, ;KA, >AK, BK=, A9K, KEA Incessant worrying - B=9:*$ Dall /ladder- E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K::: %leural Efffusion - ?;?, A?A, B=E, 9B= /asal Cell #kin Carcinoma - E==B, ?B:, EE;: direct e2posure of the lesion to light from the tube helps as does pulsing the audio output. 7bout 9: minutes e2posures at E==B seemed optimal, ?B: and EE;: at K minutes each. Chem #pray 'elated Illness - BBA, ?9AA, E;AE, ==A?, B;B.B, B;A.=, ==9, ??>.>, ;E>.9, E?>.E, ;BK, >B>.>, =:B?, ?;9.B, ;::.A, =:AK, =:BE, B?9.>, B>:.? )uscular <ystrophy - E>:: was reported by two people to help stamina and muscular coordination <iabetic -oot Infection - =;BK, ;:E, ?;?, ABK, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, A;, 9:A , scan from E::: to EE::. #aved a persons diabetic toe from amputation. 'heumatoid 7rthritis - =K, 9EA, KE; Cervical Cancer - EE;;, E>AA to E>B; as a scan C'70E -'EM!E0CIE#

b()%[1ater Crane ,ith color and %olarity G%olarity not included since they were all O4polarityH 5*I# C*7'5 E(%17I0# 5*E 'E#E7'C* 7%%1IC75I30# -3' <I#3'<E'#+ <isorder4#pecial -re&uencies corubining the above therapies. =::4=E:4ABK -3' 7I<# K::4B::4BEK4BB:4B>:4??B =K::4=KK:4=K?&4=B::4=;:: E:::4E::;4E=E?4EA;>4Ca, #a G=H N standardi$ed GEH N not standardi$ed #570<7'<ICE< )3' -'EM!E0CIE# G9H N reported 'E7< *E'5C ------- %7DE = ------- 7lign4Individual G=H :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk =:k 7cidosis Gsee *yperacidityH >K> colors :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7bcessesG9H ?E? ?;? ;;: 7cne ?E? ?;? ;;:

7ctinormcosisGEH :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 7bdominal %ain >K> colors, etc. ;;: =:k 7cute %ain >K> colors, etc. ;;: :Kk =:k 7denoids >K> colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 7dhesions >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7I<#4OEA;> >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7lcoholism >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7llergies >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7lopecia Ghair lossH >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7menorrhea Gno menstrationH >K> colors ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7nemia >K> colors etc. :Kk 7neurysm >K> colors etc. :E: :Kk 7nthra2GEH ?E? ?;? ;;: 7ntiseptic ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7nus Itch >K> colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7ppendicitis >K> colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: 7ppetite, skinny >K> colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7rteries, hardenin >K> colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7rteriosclerosis >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7rtery #timulator >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 7rthritis >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k 7sthma >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7strocytomaG9H E::;4E=E?40egative magnets ?E? ?;? ;;: 7taria of )uscles >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7thlete, -ootG9H ?;? :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk ------- %7DE E ------- 7ura /uilder >B: Colors etc. :E: :Kk =:k 7utointo$ication >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7ranthae 5hrush >K> colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: /RE Coli,rod,virusG=H ;:9 *ert$ ?E? ?;? ;:: /ackache >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k /ad /reath >B: Dreen :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ad Cormple2ion >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ad 5eeth >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ed ,ettin >B: tur&uoise etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /ent /ack >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /iliousness >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /ites GinsectsH >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /lood Cleanser GcancerH4E::;, E=E? ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /lood <iseases >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /lood %ressure *igh >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /lood %ressure 1ow >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: /oils >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ones Gcut or brokenH>B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /reast 5rouble >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /reast 5umor4E::;, E=E? >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /reathing >B: lemon etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /right's #yndromeG0ephritisH>B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ronchitis >B: colors ?E? ;;: /ronco %neumonia >B: colors ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ruises >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k /ubonic%lagueGEH4OK:: >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /union %ain >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /urns >B: O %olari$ers ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k /urns, radium >B: O %olari$ers ?E? ?;? ;;: ----- %7DE 9 ------ /ursitis >B: colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: /utterfly 1upusG9H ??B4=;K: ?E? ?;? ;;: Cancer,carcinomaG=H4E=E? >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: Cancer,leukemia G=H4E=E? >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: Cancer, sarcoma G=H4E33; >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: Cancrum 3risG9H :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk Candida albicans4ABK >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: Carbuncles >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cardiac depressant >B= violet, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k CataractG9H >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Catarah GmucousH inflammationGEH>B= color :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Cerebral %a=sy Color yellow >B= color ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Cerebro-spinal trouble >B= 1emon, Yellow ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Cervical gland trouble >B= %urple etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Cervicitis, womb neck >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Chicken po2 >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Chilblains >B= colors etc. :E: Child disorders >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: CholeraGEH =::4 AK: ?E? ?;? ;;: Chronic tired feeling >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Cleans blood plasma >B= lemon, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cold feet >B=, red scarlet, magenta :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cold hands >B= scarlet magenta, purple :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cold in head,chest,etcG9H1emon,)agenta >B= :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Colic, stomach R colon pain >B= etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Colitis, mucous4colonG9H >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k Con"unctivitis eyelidGEH >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: ConstipationG9H

Yellow4E hrs, >B= etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Contractions,arrests,discharges >B= Indigo :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k ---- %7DE A ------- Convulsions >B= colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Corns in feet >B= Indigo, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Cory$aGnoseH >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk CostalgiaGrib painH >B= colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Cramps >B=, orange, etc. ?E? ?;? ??: :Kk =:k Cricks in the neck >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cuts >B= O to heal :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk CystitisGbladderinflamH G9H>B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk <andruff, scales >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk <eafness >B= colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk =:k <iabetes >B= lemon then yellow etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk =:k <iarrhea R <ysentary >B= colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk <igestion >BE O over stomach R colon ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk <iptheriaGEH >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: <istended organs >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k <istended stomach >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk <reams >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k <ropsy >B= colors, etc. ?E? ?;? =:k <rug addiction >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk <ysmenorrhea,painful menstrat'n >BE colors ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: <yspepsiaGindigestionH >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk <ullness >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk <uodenal ulcer >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Earaches >BE colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Ears, balance >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Ears, discharges >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Ears, di$$iness >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Ears, hard to hear >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Ears, ringing >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: ----- %7DE K ------ Easily depressed >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Easily fatigued >BE colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Ec$ema, all skin troubles, herpes4O=KK:4OOO ?E? ?;? :Kk Edema lung swelling e2cess fluids >B9 Color ?E? ?;? ;;: Elbow pain >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Enlarged glands >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Enuresis, bed wetting >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Epilepsy ,fits4O=E3 >BE Colors, E:, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Epididymitis+Inflam-!p'r5esticle4O=K:: >BE :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Epstein-/arr4ABK, ?;? *ert$ ?E? ?;? ;;: Eruptions, mouth >BE Colors etc. :Kk Erysipelas4B::,E::: >B9 Colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Esophagus >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: Eustachian tube >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Eye,arteriosclerosis >BE, >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Eye,bifocal >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Eye,blurred >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,cataract >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,crossed >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,degeneration >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,droop of lid >B9 colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,diplopia >BE colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,glaucomaG9H4=B:: >BE colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,infected >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,lacrimal >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,near R farsighted >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,nerve pain >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? =:k Eye,strained >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: -acial paralysis >B? colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k ----- %7DE B -------- -acial cramps Color >B9, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -ainting Color >B9, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk -alling hair Color >B9, etc. :E: ;:: =:k -ascia+-ibrous5issue under skin Color >B9 :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk -ears Color >B9 ?E? ?;? ;;: -emale disorder Color, >B9 etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: -ever, all kinds Color, >B9 etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk -ibromaGEH E::;, E=E;, )agenta ;:: -issures Color >B9 etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -istula ulcer Colors >B9 etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: -lashes, hot Colors >B9 etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -latulence >B9, etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk -luGsee Drippe R Influen$aHColors >B9 etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: -ood poisoning O distilled water ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -oot, blisters Colors >B9 etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -ractures+ /ones >B: color yellow OOO ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -rostbite >B9 colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk -ro$en shoulder

colors >B9, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Dall /ladder >B9 colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Dall #tones >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Dangrene >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Das pains in stomach R colonGastritisH>B9 :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Diddiness >B9 colors etc :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk DlandersGEH :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Dlandular fever >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Doiter >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk DonadGse2 gland inflammat'nH >BA colors ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Donorrhea4BB3 >BA colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Dout >BA colors etc. O !% E( :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k ---------- %7DE ? --------Dravel+<eposits in urine #ee >B9 gallstone ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Drippe Gsee -lu R Influen$aH p. >BA Colors ?E? ?;? ;;: Dums, inflammation #ee >BA R colors :E: ;:: ;;: *air+loss of #ee >BA colors etc. ?E? ;:: ;;: =:k *allucinations #ee >BA R colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *angover p. >BA, colors, etc. =:k *ay -ever p.>BA, colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *eadaches p. >BA colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *ead in"uries Colors p. >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *ead, pressure in colors p. >BA :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *eart, disordersG9H colors p. >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *eart, fast, %alpitationsG9HColor indigo ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *emorrage p. >BA colors etc. ;:: =:k *emoroidsG9H p.>BA colors etc. ?E? ;:: ;;: *epatitis, liver inflammation colors >BA ?E? ;:: ;;: *ereditary se2 derangement >BK purple :Kk *ernia Colors p. >BA ?E? ?;? :Kk *ernia of disc p. >BA colors etc. ?E? ?;? =:k *erpes, water blistersGEH4=KK: Colors >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: *erpes, Coster GshinglesHE4lKK: Color >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: *iccoughs Color >BA etc. :E: =:k *igh fever,acute pyre2ia Color >BA, >BK :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: *ip pain Color >BA, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *ivesGurticariaH4=;33 Color >BA, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *oarseness Color >BA, etc, ?E? ?;? ;;: *ydrocele+-luid in testicle,etc.Color >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *yperacidity Colors >BA etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *ypertension Colors >BK, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *yperchondrium, upper abdomen Color >BK :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k ------- %7DE ; --------- *yperia+low o2ygen,labored breathin p.>BK ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *ysterical symptoms O on spleen :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Ileocolitis, colon inflammation :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Increasing height =:k Impotence Color yellow R see p. >BK =:k Indigestion Color yellow see p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Infantile %aralysis4=K:: Color p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: Infections :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Inflammation, breast ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Influen$aGsee -lu R DrippeH Color p.>BK :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Infection allergies =:k In"uries :Kk Insomnia O on spleen see p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Insufficient lactation #ee >BK :Kk Intelligence, to increase #ee colors p.>BK :E: =:k Intestines, inflammation O distilled p >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: Intestines, spasms Color p.>BK orange ?E? ?;? :Kk Intestines, to release !se O Colors p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Intercostal neuralgia Colors p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Into2ication =:k Irritability Colors p. >BK :Kk Itching of anus, toes, R feet Color blue ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk @aundice Colors >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk @oints, inflamed Colors >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k .idney Colors p. >BK :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk .nee, painsGsee %ains in .neeHp. ?KA6 ?KB :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k 1ack of conductivity Colors p. >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1assitude, weak, e2hausted Colors p. >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 1a2ative, mild Colors p. >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: ------- %7DE > ------------------ 1egs ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k 1eprosyGEH4OB:: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1eucocyte builder :E: ?E? :Kk 1eukemia4E=E? ?E? ?;? ;;: 1eukodermia, white skin patches :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 1eukorrhea, white vaginal discharge ?E? ?;? ;;: 1iver enlargement ?E? ?;? ;;: 1ocomotor ata$ia, muscle failure ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1umbago,back pain ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1umbar vertebrae deformed ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1ungs, breathing ?E? ?;? ;;: 1upis vulgaris ??B4=KK: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 1ymph glands #ee Inde2 for Colors ?E? ?;?

;;: :Kk 1ymphatic depressant C313' FI31E5 ?E? ?;? ;;: )alaria #ee Colors Inde2 p.>BB :E: )easles,small po2,Derman measles,mumps, whooping cough, fever, diptheria, chicken po2 Color ?E? ?;? ;;: )elancholia Color v. >BB :Kk )emory )emory color p. >BB :E: =:k )eniere's, Ears-hard to hear Color >BE :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k )eningitisGEH Color v. >BB :E: :Kk )enses, stoppageGsee a menorreaH Color >K> ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k )ental irritability %ositive on spleen :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k )entally retarded %.>BK Intelligence =:k )igrane Colors p. >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk )ongoloidism Colors etc. p. >BB :E: :Kk )otion sickness colors p. >BB :E: =:k )outh eruptions 1ymph p. >BB glands :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk )ultiple sclerosisGEH colors . >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk ------ %7DE =: -------------- )oth patches, urticaria :E: ;:: )ucous ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: )uscles, heart, arm :Kk )uscular <ystrophy :Kk 0ausea ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 0eck :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 0ephritis, kidney inflammation :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k 0erves, inflammation ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 0erve, motor depressant C313' YE113, 0eurasthenia, fatigued ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 0euritis, nerve inflammation ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 0eurosis ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 0euralgia, arms :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 0eutrali$e acids 0icotine poison =:k 0ipples, sore ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 0octurnal emission O on spleen :Kk 0ose, disorders ?E? ?;? ;;: 0umbness, arms, fingers :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 3besity K )in./4A ea. meal 5rampoline =:k 3ccipital 0euralgia ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 3perations, before :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 3ral inflammation ?E? ?;? ;;: 3rchitis, testis inflammation ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 3steoarthritis4=K:: O %317'ICE' E: )in. ?E? ?;? ;;: 3steomyelitis ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 3varies ?E? ?;? ;;: %ain, paralysis, to remove C313' YE113, ?E? ?;? ;;: %ains after operations C313' D'EE0 ?E? ?;? ;;: ------ %7DE == ---------- %ains in the kneeGsee .nee %ainsH C313'# :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k %ancreas, disorder ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k %arasites4O =E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: %arathyroid ?E? ?;? ;;: %elvic, disorders4 OBB:, =K:: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: %ericarditis, inflamed heart covering ?E? ?;? ;;: %eritonitis ?E? ?;? ;;: %ersist disorders4phagocyte builder4O=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk %haryngitis ?E? ?;? ;;: %lacenta, to e2pel or afterbirth ?E? ?;? ;;: %leurisy G9H :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: %neumoniaG=H ??B :E: ;;: %oison, botulism, ptomaine, drugs %oliomyelitisGEH4=K:: %olyps, growths4E=E; %oor appetite ;:: =:k %oor circulation :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k %rostate ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk %ruritis, anus itching :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k %soriasis, skin trouble :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk %tosis, drooping eyelid ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k %yorrheaG9H ?E? ?;? :Kk 'abies4O =E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 'aynaud's disease :E: ?E? 'heumatism ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 'heumatoid arthritis ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 'hinitis4O =E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 'ickets Fitamin < and sunlight ;;: 'ing worm4O=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: -------- %7DE =E ------ #carlet fever ?E? ?;? ;;: #ciaticia, nerve inflammation4OlE: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #curvy lack of Fitamin C :Kk #emiparalsis Yellow color therapy :E: :Kk #e2ual diseases4OBEK, BB:, =K::, =;K: :E: ?E? ;:: ;;: #e2ual weakness, male R female :E: ?E? ;;: =:k #e2 polarity balance =:k #hingles Gsee *erpes CosterH4=KK: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #hell #hock4O=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #inus disordersG9HO=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #kin hemorrhages ;:: :Kk #kin trouble thrombosisG9H4OlK:: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #leeping sickness4O=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #lipped disc Gsee hernia of discH ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #mallpo2 Gsee )easlesH ?E? ?;? ;;: #mell, morbid, hyperosmia ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k #mell, none, anosmia :E: =:k #nee$ing Gsee convulsionsH ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #olar ple2us :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk #ore throat ?E? ?;? ;;: #pasm, muscle contraction :E: =:k #pleen, enlargement :E: #pongy gums Gsee pyorrheaH ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k #prains, twisted "oint,sprained muscles :E: :Kk #tammering :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #tiff shoulder

:E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #tiff neck :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #taphyloccus infections = :E: ?E? ;:: #terility Gsee ImpotenceH E::;, E=E? :Kk =:k ------- %7DE =9 ------ #tomach cramps :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #tones, gallbladder, kidney ?E? ;:: ;;: =:k #treptococcus infectionsG=H ?E? ?;? ;;: #treptothri2G=H - soil bacteria ?;? #troke :E: ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k #ty Gsee droop of lidH :E: ?E? ;;: :Kk =:k #unstroke :E: =:k #uprarenal stimulant :E: :Kk #urgery ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk #welling, legs, feet :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk #yndrome disorders, many symptoms :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #yphills Gsee 5reponemaHG=H4OBEK :E: =:k 5aste, morbid G*yperosmiaH 5abs )alt :E: =:k 5aste, none G7nosmiaH 5abs Fanilla :E: =:k 5etanusG=H B:: ?E? ?;? ;;: 5halamus, sensor relay center :E: :Kk 5hroat inflammation Gsee esophagusH ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 5hrombosis, heart blood clot :E: ;:: :Kk 5hymus gland stimulant :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 5issue nutrition ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 5onsillitis, tonsil inflammation :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 5oothache ?E? ?;? ;:: :Kk 5rachoma, eye inflammation ?E? ?;? ;;: 5rauma, heart in"ury, shock ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k 5rench )outhG9H ?E? ?;? ;;: 5uberculosis rod, virusG=H4 O=K9: :E: ;:: 5hyphoid feverG=H4OB>:, =K?: :E: !lcers, allG9H4O??B ?E? ?;? ;;: !nconsciousness :E: ;:: :Kk --------- %7DE =A -------- !rethritis urethra inflamrnation4OBB: ?E? ?;? ;;: !rticaria Gsee hivesH4=;:: ?E? ?;? ;;: ,eak stomach,heartburn ?E?,?;?,;;: :E: :Kk Yellow -ever Kk,;;: :E: :Kk ,arts G9H ?;?,E::;,E=E? ?;? ,orms GparasitesH4O=:: GmainH=E:,E: :E: ;:: :Kk b4()%[ Interesting, useful and weird fre&uencies -'3)+ http+44www.isur.com4publicTboard4messages49?A;.html ? *$+ )ass aggregate fre&uency Gcan deaggregate matterH, alleged to resonate and rupture organs at e2cessive intensity ?.K *$+ G H Earth magnetic field fre&uency, useful theta GbrainH waves fre&uency ?.;9 *$+ Earth resonance fre&uency =9 *$+ 7lleged sphincter resonance Gnot goodH AB.>; *$ Guse with BE.BA and ?:.A?H !seful for weird effects BE.BA *$ Guse with AB.>; and ?:.A?H !seful for weird effects ?:.A? *$ Guse with AB.>; and BE.BAH !seful for weird effects 9:K *$+ 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease 9=E *$+ 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease 9AK *$+ 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease

A9E *$+ 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease ;BA *$+ )ain 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease E::: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency E::: *$ Gplus a small amountH+ 7lleged to cure a cancer E:EK *$+ %roton precession4water resonance 9::: *$+ Gappro2imateH )entioned as a 'ife fre&uency K::: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency ?E?: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency ?;?: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency ;::: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency =:::: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency 9;:::-A:::: *$+ )agic window AE;:: *$+ 7etheric dissociation4water resonance Gwater -[ aetheric forceH =K:-=B: k*$+ )agic window =;: .*$+ -erromagnetism =.=-=.9 )*$+ )agic window =.:K? D*$+ )agic window E.AK: D*$+ #tandard microwave oven fre&uency, but no resonance #omewhere in the Infrared+ )agic window 5he life energy fre&uency Gin the near ultravioletH+ )agic window )agic ,indows )agic windows are fre&uencies which Gaccording to 5homas E. /eardenH are especially suited for coupling to and bringing energies from other dimensions. 5hese are the fre&uencies+

9;-A: k*$ =K:-=B: k*$ =.=-=.9 )*$ =.:K? D*$ #omewhere in the Infrared 5he life energy fre&uency Gin the near ultravioletH 5hese fre&uencies were found in the JE2calibur /riefingJ, a book on the paranormal and new science, by /earden. 9;-A: k*$ was mentioned in a incident of a strange light being seen, and it appears to be described as a promising fre&uency range. It is also low enough to be easy to e2periment with. =K:-=B: k*$ is also not too high. I also heard that =B:-=;: k*$ is declared an e2perimenters band by the -CC, but I can not substantiate that. If so, =B: k*$ would be a promising fre&uency indeed. =.=-=.9 )*$ is kind of high to easily produce. It also unfortunately is e2tremely regulated by the -CC, so watch your emissionsI ,hy you ask =.=-=.9 )*$ is ==::-=9:: k*$ which is ... ==::-=9:: on your 7) dial. It would be 'E711Y TbadT to those commercial 7) radio. 0ot nice at all. /ad for you, and bad for all those people who want to listen to their favorite radio station in that band. #o don't do itI =.:K? D*$ is the 1amb shift. *as something to do with emission lines shifting. E2tremely high, hard to produce without a magnetron or something similar. %ossibly could cook you. /y the way, microwave ovens run at E.AK D*$, so =.:K? D*$, being almost half that value, may be too close for comfort. #omewhere in the infrared region is a magic window. 5he last one, the Jlife energyJ fre&uency is in the near ultraviolet. 3bviously you can't use purely electronic means to produce it, since it is optical. ,avelength is the unit of choice here, as for the fre&uency, I think it is around =:PP=K *$ G=: %*$, i.e. =: peta*ert$H, i.e. e2tremely fast. 5his was probably the fre&uency used by the 'ussian scientist Flail %. .a$nacheyev in his e2periment. 5he result of the e2periment, the .a$nacheyev effect, is that if a cell culture is killed or in"ured, and the JdeathJ photons from it are sent to another culture, which in the absence of visible light Gwhich would &uench the paranormal effects, see the abovementioned E2calibur /riefingH, suffers the same effects. 5his is called death transmission via the paranormal channel. %erhaps using different filters one could narrow down the wavelength and fre&uency. %ossibly by phase-con"ugating Gtime-reversingH death photons one could achieve cures for disease.

,7'0I0D and <I#C17I)E' @ust because I researched these fre&uencies, do not assume that I advocate treatment using them. 5hey are intended as a guide to further research. %roviding ade&uate nutrition as well as removing and avoiding to2ins can be as important as bioelectronic regimens. #ome fre&uency sets state they are for use on lab animals only. 5his is generally because the fre&uencies may cause unintended side effects. -or e2ample, thrombophlebitis Gvein inflammation caused by a clotH is listed as such since if a clot is dislodged, it can cause stroke, heart attack, or embolism. %eople with certain conditions will e2perience deto2 reactions to some fre&uency sets that can be severe and if not handled properly and fre&uencies limited in duration, life threatening. 7bdominal inflammation - 9;:, =.E, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =AB, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AK:, AA:, AE;, BB: 7bdominal pain - =::::, 9, 9:::, >K 7bscesses Galso use #taphylococcus aureus and see 1isterioseH - E?E:, E=?:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =>:, K:: 7bscesses secondary - =KK:, ;:E, ?B:, ABK, AAA, AK:, AE;, BB: 7cidosis Ghyper acidityH - =::::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, E:, =AB 7cne - E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, =KKE, =K::, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, KBA, ??; 7cne secondary - ?B:, ABK, AAA, AK:, AE;, BB: 7cne vulgaris - KBA 7conite Gused to stimulate lymphocyte productionH - 99A?, KB==, E?>= 7ctinobacillus Ga potentially pathogenic bacteria normally found in mammalsH - ??9 , ??B, ??;, ;EE 7ctinomyces israelii Ga bacterium normally found in the bowel and throat that can cause deep, pus-filled holes in tissueH - EEE, EBE, E=KA, ABK, A;;, KB?, ?;;:, =::::, ?;?, ?A?, ?E?, E: 7cupuncture disturbance field Gscar focusH - K.> 7cute pain - 9:::, >K, =::::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB 7denoids - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, AAA, E:, AE;, BB:, E?E:, E=?: 7denoma, cervical Gepithelial tumor of the cervi2 that can be either benign or malignant. 7lso see Cancer.H - A99 7denovirus Ga virus that can cause colds4flu and infections in the lungs, stomach, and intestinesH - 999, KE9, ?;B, ?B;, >K>, >BE 7dhesions - E?E:, E=?:, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?B:, ?E?, =>: 7dnamia, geriatric Gfatigue of ageH - B:, E?.K 7dne2itis Gswelling of the ovaries or -allopian tubesH - AA:, AA=, KEE, K?E, 99A9, 9;99, K9=E 7drenal stimulant - =:, E:, EEK: 7flato2in Ga liver-damaging to2in produced by certain food moldsH - 9AA, K=:, >A9, A?A, A?B, KB; 7frican trypanosomuasis - BKB, >;;, ?;:

7I<# Gnot for use in !.#. see *IFH - EA;>, ABK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KK:, =K::, =.E, 9=:::, 9=?K:, 9A?K: 7I<# secondary - ===9 for =E min, E=E; for =B min, B=E= for E= min, 99 for = min 7I<# G=H - =.AA, =KK:, =K::, EA>, A=;, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, EA;>, 9=::, 9=?K, 9A?K 7I<#, .aposi's sarcoma - EA>, A=; 7lcoholism - =:::: 7llergy - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, 9, 99:, K::: 7lopecia Gloss of hairH - E:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, =AB, ;::, =KKE 71# G7myotropic lateral sclerosis, possibly caused by mycolplasma fermentans. 7lso use )# and see 1yme fre&sH - E>::, ;BA, ?>:, B>:, B=:, A;A, >;B, BAA, EKA 7lternaria tenuis Ga fungus associated with lung ailmentsH - ;K9, 9:A 7menorrhea Gabsence of menstruationH - =::::, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?B:, ?E?, ABK, E: 7moeba Ga single-celled, sometimes-infectious microorganismH - 9=:, 999, K9E, ?9E, ?B>, ;E?, =KEE 7moeba hepar abcess Gliver abcess caused by amoebic infectionH - 9AA, B:K 7moebic dysentery Gsee Entamoeba histolyicaH 7myotropic lateral sclerosis Gsee 71#H 7nal itching Galso use %arasites enterobiasis and see %arasites general setH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?B:, ?E?, ABK, =EK, =E:, >K, ?E, AAA, =;BK, E:, ??9, ;EB, ;E?, ;9K, A=KE 7naphia2is - =:::: 7neurysm - ;;:, ?;?, ?B:, ?E?, ABK, =EK, >K, ?E, AAA, =;BK, E:, ?E? 7ngina G&uinsy in swatH - ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AE;, BB: 7ngina pectoris - 9, E9:, E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, BB:, ?.;9 7nkylosing spondylitis - 9:::, >K, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, E;, =:, 9K, E;, ?.B>, =.E, ==:, =::, B:, AE;, B;: 7nosmia Gloss of smellH - E:, =:::: 7nthra2 - K::, B99, =9BK, =9?:, ?B;, A=A, >:: 7ntiseptic Gsee Deneral antisepticH 7pople2y, stroke paralysis - A:, =;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, =;BK, KEE, AE; 7ppendicitis GIf micro perforation has occurred, infection must be eliminated before drinking any water. Even a few drops of water may be fatalH - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, 9;:, =>:, =:, BK:, AAA, KEE, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, KEE, =AB, AA:, AK: 7ppetite, lack of - ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 7renas tennus - BB? 7rnica Ga topical healing herbH - =:AE, =:9E 7rsenic alb. Ghomeopathic cell saltH - KBE 7rteriosclerosis Ghardening of the arteries6 regeneration takes time. 7lso try chlamydia pneumonia and C)F fre&sH - =::::, E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, E: 7rthritis - =E: for E: min, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, =BBA, ;:, B:, A:, 9:, EK, EB, E:, =:, K:::, =::::, ?.B>, 9, =.E, E; for 9 min, =.K for =: min. 7rthritis, arthralgia due to gout - >.9> 7rthritis, arthrosis, and parathyroid disturbances affecting calcium metabolism - >.B 7rthritis, focal origin gastrogenic, tonsiltogenic, and paresis - >.9>

7rthritis, rheumatoid GCause could be bacteria like chlamydia pneumonia or dental bacteria which must be addressed too. 7lso try Deneral antiseptic and %arasites roundworms general if no response.H - EK:, =.E, BK:, BEK, B::, ?;?, ?E?, EBE, ??B 7rthritis, secondary - E?E:, =:::, =K::, ??: 7sian grippe 7 - K=B, BKB, A9A 7spergillus flavus Gmold found on corn, peanuts, and grain that produces aflato2inH =;E9, EA?, =>?E 7spergillus glaucus Gblue mold occurring in some human infectious processesH - KEA, ?K; 7spergillus niger Gcommon mold that may produce severe and persistent infectionH - 9?A, B>? 7spergillus terreus Gmold occasionally associated with infection of the bronchi and lungsH - ?A9, 99> 7sthma Galso see /reathing, deep and 1iver support, and use %arasites roundworms, ascaris, and to2ocara to determine which sets work bestH - E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =K::, =E;9, =E99, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, :.K, KEE, =AB, =EK, >K, ?E, AAA, E: 7sthma G=H - =E;9, =E99, A.? 7sthma GEH - =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AB, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =::::, A?, =E: for K min 7strocytoma Gsee Cancer, astrocytomaH 7ta2ia Gincoordination of muscles. #low results in some casesH - E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E: 7ta2ia, spastic - >.=>, ;.EK, ?.B> 7thlete's foot Galso see Epidermophyton floccinum and 5inea fre&sH - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, K:::, BAA, ?BB, ABA, ;:E, =KKE, >>>>, 9=?B, 9:A for K minutes 7tmenic 7ib. - KBE 7ttention <eficit <isorder G%robably important to avoid preservatives, aspartame, dyes, and other potential to2ins. 5ry #higella, Chlamydia pneum., and Deneral antisepticH 7utointo2ication - KEE, =AB, =KK:, =::::, ;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: /abesiosis - ?B, K?:, =K;9, =K;A /acillinum Ghomeopathic nosodeH - =9E, AE9, A9E, ?;K, ;K9, ;KA, >E=, =:E?, =:AE, =>9E /acillus Coli 'od -orm - ;:: /acillus Coli Firus - =KKE, E;?E /acillus infections G/. coli, /. coli rodH - ?;?, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, =KKE, ;:: /acillus subtilis Gcan cause con"unctivitisH - A9E, ?EE, ;EE, =EAB /acillus thuriniensis - KE:, EKK=, >:E, =A:K /ackache Gif no relief from these, use kidney stimulation fre&s and drink plenty of waterH - ?B:, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, l::::, A=.E for 9 min, E=E, 9:K for Bmin, 99 for Kmin. /ackache and spasms G=H - =E:, E=E, EA:, AEA, ABK, KE;, ?B:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =KK:, E==E, K., =:. /ack pain G=H - >.9, >.A, >.B, ?.B, ?.?, 9, :.K, A9E, ABK, ?E?, ?E;, ??B, ?;A, ?;? /acteria 1actis 0osode - K=E, KEB, KA=E /acterial infections Gif bacterial infection is chronic and the type is accurately diagnosed and neither fre&uencies nor antibiotics are effective long term, also use %arasites general and roundworms sets. 7lso see Deneral antiseptic and specific types.H - E:, ABK, ;BB, BBA, B>:, ?E?, ?;?, ;9E, ;::, ;;:, =KK:, ?;A /acterium coli Ga type of E. coli normally found in the intestines, water, milk, and soil

that is the most fre&uent cause of urinary-tract infections and a common cause of wound infectionH - BAE, 9K;, K9> /acterium coli commune GE. coliH combination - E;E, 999, A=9, >K?, =9E:, =?EE /acterium lactis nosode - K=E, KEB, ?>;, >K=, KA=E /acteroides fragilis Guse with %arasites ascaris setH - B99 to B9? /ad breath Gsee *alitosisH /aker's Yeast allergy Ghomeopathy preparationH - ??K, ;A9 /anti's syndrome G7ilment in which blood vessels between the intestines and the liver become blocked, leading to congestion of the veins, an enlarged spleen, bleeding of the stomach and intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, and blood cell destruction.H - =??; /arley smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH - 9??, EEA, =AA? /asidiomycetes - ?K= /C D Faccine - E??, ?B;, ;9E, ?EK /ed wetting Genuresis. #ee also %arasite general, pinworm, and ascaris fre&sH - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK /edsores - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E:, =.E, ?9 /ell's %alsy G=H - E.A, 9, 9.>, ?.;9, E:, E?.K?, 99, 9K, A:, A?.K, K?.K, ?E, >:.;;, ==:, =EK, =>A, EEE, 9:A, 9>9.K, ABA, KBK.K, B::, BEK, BK:, ?E?, ??B, ?;?, ;99, ;;:, >9E.K, =EK: /ermuda smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH - AEE, ?B?, ;A?, >?=, BAA, ?;: /iliary cirrhosis Gan inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructedH - 9;=, K=A, B??, EE?=, =EK:, =?:, ?=K, ??A, ??B /iliary headache - ;.K, 9.K /iliousness - =KK:, ;:E, =::::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK /ilirubin Ga bile pigment that may result in "aundice in high concentrations. #ee also 1iver supportH - ?=?, ?EB, ?9=, ;B9, >9:K, BA>, ?9A /iting of insects - ;;:, ?E? /lack widow - 9?B, ?E; /ladder and prostate complaints - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E:, >.9> /ladder 5/C - BAE, ??=, 9B:, ?EB, ?EA /lastocystis hominus - 9BK, K>KP, ;AA, ;A;, =E:=, =EA9, K???, ==AEK, ==;A=, ==>B?, =9=AK, =9AB>P, E=??B /lepharisma - 9=E: /lood diseases - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? /lood pressure, high Gsee *ypertensionH /lood pressure, low Gsee *ypotensionH /lue cohosh Ga healing herbH - 9BA /oils Gsee -urunkulosisH /one disease, periodontal disease Gsee osteoH - A?.K, =;::, =B::, BK:, BEK, B::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, for 9 min, ?E?4?E; for =K min /one regeneration - E?E:, =:::: /one spurs - =.E, EK: /one trauma Gcuts, fracturesH - 9;:, =KK:, ;:E, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E?E: /orrelia4borreliosis Gsee 1yme diseaseH /otrytis - =KAK /otrytis cinereas - ==9E, E=E /otulinum Ga bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food poisoningH -K=;, K99, B9>,

=?E, =9?E, B>=, B;9 /rachial neuralgia - :.K /rain tumor Gsee Cancer, droglioma, astrocytoma, gliomaH /ranhamella G)ora2ellaH catarrhalis - E:=9, K?>, K;=, B;?, ??:, ??E, ??K, ??;, E:=9 /reast, fibroid cysts - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, EB?, =9;A /reathing, deep - =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA /right's syndrome Gsee 0ephritisH /ronchial asthma Gsee 7sthmaH /ronchial pneumonia Gsee %neumonia, bronchialH /ronchiectasis Gchronic dilatation of the bronchiH - 9AE, K=:, ??; /ronchitis - ;;:, ?E?, >.9>, >.9K, =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA, ?A9, E:, ?E, 999, AKE, ABA, B;9 /ronchitis secondary - ??B, ?BB /ronchopneumonia borinum Gsee %neumonia, bronchialH /rown recluse - ?EA /rucella abortus Gundulant fever or /ang's bacillus, found in cattleH - =AE9 /rucella melitensis Gform of /rucella found in goats and sheepH - ?A;, BA9, B>K /ruises - >.=, ==:, =:::: /ubonic plague GFersenia pestis6 spread primarily by ratsH - K::, 999, E=:, E=B /ubonic plague secondary infections - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: /union pain - E: /urns - =>:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E:: /ursitis G)ay be caused by any number of organisms and viruses6 e2periment with arthritis fre&uencies as well.H - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Q /( Firus - E=E;, 9?=9 Caeliacia - B?A Calming - B::: Campylobacter Gbacteria causing sudden infectious diarrhea in newbornsH - ?9E, ?99, =B99, =;9A, EEEE, 999, 9?; Cancer G/7#IC #E5. 7lso see rotation of Deneral sets =, E, and 9 as /asic sets. 7ll others below are #EC30<7'Y but may provide useful additional fre&uencies depending on type. 7lso add ones determined from scans. #ee Electroherbalism Cancer 'egimen for more information.H - E=E;, E::;, E=;A, E:;A, E:A;, E?E:, EAKE, B:BA, =E:, KEA, ;KA, ;::, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, BBB, ABA, K:::, 9=?B, =::::, 9:A: Cancer Ge2perimental additional fre&uencies to basic setsH - KK.KB, B.;, AA:, ??;, =:K:, =KK:, E=;:, BB9, 9B?E Cancer cells, conidium head - ?E; Cancer maintenance secondary - =E:, EK:, AE;, ABK, B::, BEB, BK:, BB=, BBA, BB?, B>:, ?E;, ??B, ?;A, ;::, ;:E, ;9E, ;;:, =A;>, =KK:, =B::, =;BK, E:::, E:=E, E=::, E=?:, EA>:, E?9: for = min. Cancer not killed by E::;4E=E; - E=;:, E=;E, E=;A Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal - A?, E=;E, EE=>, ;9E, E:;A, E=E?, E=B:, EAKE, E;?B Cancer, adenoma - A99 Cancer, astrocytoma Gcommon tumor of brain and central nervous systemH -;K?, >.=>, ;.EK, ?.B>, E=?:, KA9, BA=, E=E?, ;;:, B>:, BBB Cancer, bladder secondary Gsee %arasites, schistosomaH

Cancer, breast G=H - E=::, E=:A, E==B, E=E:, ;BB, E=E;, B?B, E=KE, =BB, E=;E, ?9E, 9:?E, E=K:, =KK:, E=;>, E==E, 9:?E, E::;, =E: Cancer, breast G=H secondary - AEE, >AE, AA=E, =;BE, ;:;, =KKE, ?E;, E?E:, =E9A, B>:, E=B:, E=9B, A??, E;, 9=?, >B, 9=?B, 9:A:, E=AK, E:A;, =;9:, E==E Cancer, breast GEH - 9B?E, E::;, E:B9, E=:9, E=E;, E=AB, E=99, E=BE, E=?9, E=;:, E=;>, EE:;, EEB9, EE;>, E999, =;BK, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, A; Cancer, breast G9H - BKB, =E?, =K;E, A?;, >;E, E=9A, E=E:, >:::, >>>>, 9:A Cancer, breast GAH - E=E; for KB mins, 99, ==9= for = min Cancer, /( virus - E=E;, 9?=9, E;?B, ==?;:::: Cancer, /Y virus - E::;, 9KEA Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin - E==B for 9: min, ?B:, EE;: for K min Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial - ABE, ??B, ;KE, =K;E, E=:A, E=AA, E=;A, 9B?E Cancer, carcinoma, colon - BKB Cancer, carcinoma, general - E=E;, =;E: Cancer, carcinoma, laryn2 - 9E?, KEA, ?9=, ==99 Cancer, carcinoma, liver G=H - 9>9, A?>, KE:, ?9A, 9=9: Cancer, carcinoma, liver secondary Gsee *epatitis / and %arasites, fluke, liverH Cancer, carcinoma, liver, fermentative - E=A Cancer, carcinoma, scan - ?E;, B>:, E::;, E=:A, E==E, E=E:, E=E;, E=9B, E=AA, E=KE, E=B:, E=B;, E=?B, E=;A, E=>E, EE::, EE=?, K:::, >>>>, 9:A Cancer, carcinoma, uterine, fermentative - =E? Cancer, cervical secondary Gsee %apilloma virusH Cancer, droglioma Gsee also Cancer, glioma, astrocytomaH - ;K9 Cancer, fibrosarcoma Gmalignancy containing connective tissue and developing rapidly from small bumps on the skinH - =?AA Cancer, fibrous tumor secondary - =9A: Cancer, gastric, adenocarcinoma - B?B Cancer, general, set = - ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA, BBB, E?E:, ;::, =E:, E:;A, E=;A, E:K:, KEA, EA;>, E?E:, ;KA, E::;, E=E;, K:::, =::::, 9=?B, 9:A Cancer, general, set E - ?E?, ?;B, ;;:, ABK, =KKE, ;:E, =;BE, E=;E, E:, BA, ?E, >B, =EK, BBA, EA;>, E?E:, E:A;, E::;, E=E?, 9=?B, BBK, 9:A:, =::::, 9=?B, 9:A Cancer, general, set 9 - ?E;, >A9, A=A, ;BB, ;;B, ?9E, B?B, B>:, ??B, EA:, BK:, AAE, E=;:, EA;>, =;BK, KE9, =E;, E=E;, E::;, E:A>, E?E:, =::::, 9=?B, 9:A Cancer, glioblastoma - ?E:, E::;, E=E;, E=;:, E=;E, ?E;, ;9E, ;::, BBA, E:, ;KK, KA9, BA=, ;K? Cancer, glioblastoma tremor - AB9, ABB Cancer, gliomas Glargest group of brain cancersH - KA9, BA=, ;K? Cancer, *odgkin's disease Ga form of malignancy characteri$ed by enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen, and lymph tissue and often includes weight loss, fever, night sweats, and anemia. 7lso called lymphogranuloma. 7lso see Chlamydia pneumoniae.H KKE, =KEE Cancer, .aposi's sarcoma - EA>, A=;, BA? Cancer, leukemia - E=E?, E::;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, EE=? Cancer, leukemia Jhairy cellJ Gtypified by abnormal blood cells R shortage of othersH =EE, BEE, >9E, K=EE, A;;, ?;= Cancer, leukemia myeloid Gcharacteri$ed by rapid growth of incompletely-formed white

blood cellsH - AEE, ;EE Cancer, leukemia, feline GcatH - AEA, ;9:, >:=, >=; Cancer, leukemia, lymphatic - A?;, ;99 Cancer, leukemia, 5-cell - EEE, EBE, ;EE, 9:AE, 9?9A Cancer, liver Gsee Cancer, carcinoma, liverH Cancer, liver secondary Gsee *epatitis / and %arasites, fluke, liverH Cancer, lung Gsee Cancer, carcinoma, bronchialH Cancer, lymphogranuloma, lymphoma Gsee *odgkin's diseaseH Cancer, lymphogranuloma venereum secondary Gsee Chlamydia trachomatisH Cancer, lymphosarcoma - A;E Cancer, melanoma metastasis - >?> Cancer, multiple myeloma secondary Gsee Cancer, .aposi's sarcomaH Cancer, mycosis fungoides Ga form of skin cancer resembling ec$emaH - ;KE Cancer, nasopharyngeal secondary Gsee E/FH Cancer, pain - 9:::, >K, E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB Cancer, plasmacytoma Gplasma-cell tumorH - A?K Cancer, prostate Galso see %rostate adenominum and %rostate hyperplasiaH - E:, B:, ?E, >K, =EK, BBB, ?E?, ?;?, ?>:, ?BB, ;::, >E:, =>>;, =;?K, AAE, E::;, E=E?, E=E;, EE=?, E?E:, E:K:, EEK:, K:::, E=9:, E=E:, B>:, 9:A Cancer, prostate G=H - E=E;, E=EK, E=9=, E=A: for 9 to B min, E=AK, BBB, 9B?E for 9 to A min Cancer, prostate GFega result =H - ;KA, =;A:, E=AK, EE;; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma G=H - E:::, E::K, E::;, E:=B, E:A;, E:;A, E:>9, B:EA, E=::, E=E;, E=E?, E=;A, EE=?, B9;A, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal GFega result =H - EK;B, KA?B, AAAK Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal - E::A, E::;, E:=B, E:9E, E:A:, E:B:, EK;B, B:EA Cancer, sarcoma general - =?KK, E::;, 9KEA Cancer, skin Gsee Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin and specific formsH Cancer, stomach secondary Gsee *eliobacter pyloriH Cancer, tertiary - E:, AE=, >BK, K:, 9;9 Cancrum oris Grapidly growing oral or nasal ulcerH - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;:E, ;;: Candida Guse %arasite general, roundworm, and ascaris if these don't work long termH A=A, ABA, ;??, ;BB, ;;B, EKA.E, 9;=, BB=, ?BE, ?AE, ==K=, AK: Candida carcinomas - E=B?, E=;E, ABK Candida secondary Galso use other parasite sets Gesp roundworm fre&sH if necessaryH - ?E, AEE, K;E, ?E?, ?;?, ;:E, =:=B, ==9A, ==K9, =KK:, EEEE, A=E, KA9 Candida tertiary Gsome causal factorsH - ;;:, >K, =EK, E:, B:, EEK, AE?, EA:, BK:, B;;, =KE, AAE, ;=AB, ?K=, ==AB Candida tropicalis - =A:9, B?K, ?:> Canine parvovirus - =;K, =;;, 9E9, AE;, A99, KBE, B=9, BEE, =:::, A:E? Canine parvovirus, mutant strain - 9E9, K=A Canine parvovirus, type / - 9E9, K9K, B=9, ?KK, ?B=, ?BA, ?BB, ?B; Canker sore Gsee #tomatitis aphthousH Carbo animalis Ghomeopathic remedy from animal-bone charcoalH - AAA Carbuncles Gsee #taphylococcus aureusH

Cardiacedema - >.=> Carpal tunnel secondary - E::;, BBB Carvularia spiratera - ;?> Cat virus G=H - 9BA, 9?>, BAK, BKA, ?;B, ;A:-;A>, ;K?, >B?, B;?; Cataract Galso use eye formula antio2idant supplement for all macular degenerationH =;9:, ?E;, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =:::: Cataract, brunescent Gbrown opacity in later lifeH - E:=:, =99K, =;9: Cataract, complicated Gsecondary type caused by disease, degeneration, or surgeryH =;9:, A>B, 9EK, ??A Cataract G=H - =;9:, =B::, >>>>, =KKE, E==:, =99K, =BKA, E=;?, E=>K, EE== Catarrh - =KK:, ;:E, ;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, E: Causticum - KA:, =:=9 Cells of 1eudig GcolonH tonic - EK:: Cephaloshorium Gfungi that are the source of some broad-spectrum antibioticsH - A;=, 9>BB, KAA Cephalothecium - 9?=, K?A, B>99 Cerebral palsy - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, KEE, =AB Cerebrospinal troubles - =:::: Cerumen Gear wa2H - 9==, 9E:, ?K:, >;A, ?E: Cervical polyp - E??, E;;, ;B?, B;?, ?AA Cervicitis, womb neck inflammations - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Cervi2 adenoma Gepithelial tumor of the cervi2H - A99 Chaetomiumglobosum - EE=, ;B?, =:E Chakra base root - E:, pulsed at A*$. Chancre Gsee #yphilisH Chelidonium - =BE Chemical sensitivity Gsee also 1iver supportH - ?E? Chemtrail deto2 - BBA, ?9AA, E;AE, ==A?, B;B.B, B;A.=, ===9, ??>.>, ;E>.9, B?>.E, ;BK, >B>.>, =:B?, ?;9.B, ;::.A, =:AK, =:BE, B?9.>, B>:.? for K min. Chest infection secondary - ?E, 999, AKE, B;9 Chicken po2 Gsee herpes $osterH Chilblains Gsee %erniosisH Chlamydia trachomatis Ga usually se2ually-transmitted bacterial infection causing trachoma, inclusion con"unctivitis, lymphogranuloma venereum, urethritis, and proctitis.H - A9:, BE:, BEA, ;A:, EE=9, ;BB Chlamydia pneumoniae Ge2pH - A?=.K, >AE.>, =;;K.>, 9??=.?P, ?KA9.A Chlamydia pneumoniae Ge2p, secondaryH - A?:, >A:.=, =;;:.=, 9?B:.9, ?KE:.K Cholecystitis, acute Ge2cruciating gallstone attackH - A;=, ?A9, ;BK, >E; Cholecystitis, chronic Glong-term inflammation of the gallbladderH - A9E, =KK=, ;:= Cholera Gan e2tremely contagious and serious bacterial infection of the small intestinesH 99:, ;A9, ;AA, KKB, =:9K, >B;, K>=, B>= Cholera secondary - ;;:, ;:E, AK:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Cholesteatoma Gbenign tumor usually found in middle ear R mastoid regionH - AK9, B=;, ?>9, K:K; Cholesterinum - =9;B, =?9, BE:, B9K, ?;: Chronic fatigue syndrome Guse with Deneral parasite, roundworm, and fluke sets if

necessary. 7lso see E/F and -atigue general sets. If no response to these, try Cancer leukemia Jhairy cellJ setH - =::::, BB:, E=E?, ?;?, ABK, AEA, BBA, =E:, ;;:, =KK: Cimicifuga Gplant family including black snakeroot and black cohoshH - 99A, K>A Circulation disturbances - A:, >.9> Circulatory stasis Gstimulates blood circulation. #ee also Circulation disturbancesH - A:, E==E, E=AK, E?E:, EA;> Cirrhosis, biliary Gan inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructedH - 9;=, K=A, B??, EE?= Cirrhosis hepatitis - E>= Cladosporium fulvum Ga pathogenic fungusH - A9;, E99, ??B, K=: Clostridium difficile Gcan cause diarrhea following treatment with antibioticsH - 9;?, B9K, B?9 C)F Gcytomegalovirus known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type KH -=EB, K>?, BE>, B;E, =:AK, E=AK, ;;A;, ;;KB Coelicia - =KA, K>A, BKB, K;B, BB;, ?;?, ?>K;, BBK, B?A Cold in head, chest G)utates constantly6 too many strains to include complete list of fre&uencies. #ee also #trep %neumonia, 7denovirus, 'hinitis, #inusitis, %neumonia, Chest infection, and 'hino pneumonitis sets. !se lots of echinacea at onset to prevent cell damage that prolongs healing, even if correct fre&s are found.H - =::::, ?9AA, 999, AA=E, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?BB, ?E?, AAA, E: Cold and -lu Gfall, >;H - EK:, ABK, ;E=: for Kmin, ;?::, ??B: for =Kmin Cold G=H - KK::, AA::, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ?E:, KKE, AA:, A::, =EK, ?E for K min, ;::, ;;: for =: min Cold GEH - BKE, ?EK, ?AB, ?K=, ?B;, ===:, 999, BBB, KAE, KEE Cold G9H Gfall, >>H - E:, =E:, =AB, AA:, AAA, ABK, ?E?, ??B, ?;?, ;;:, =K::, =KK:, K:::, =::: for K min. Cold Gand fluH GAH - 9=?B, EA;> for 9 min, ;;:, ;:: for =: min, ?E; for K min. Cold GKH - ??E;, A;;; for =: min, ;E9;, EA=9, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, AA:, ?AB, KB?, ?;;:, ?;? for 9 min, 9::, 9=:, =E9A, >>>> for E:: sec Cold4-lu Gwinter E::=HG=H - >K>, >BE Cold sores Gsee *erpes #imple2 IH Colic - =KK:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E: Colitis Ginflammation of colonH - =::::, =KK:, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, AA: Collectotrichum - =A;E Colon problems, general - E:, AA:, ;;:, =KKE, ;:E, ;9E Comedones GblackheadH - ??; Condylomata Gusually venereal warts, caused by papilloma virus. 3ccur near intersection of mucous membranes and skin. #ee also %apilloma.H - ABB Con"unctivitis Galso use Chlamydia trachomatis and see /acillus subtilisH - A;>, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E:, ;:, A9E, ?EE, ;EE, =EAB, =;9: Constipation Galso see %arasites general and roundworm sets if necessaryH -=KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, AEE, ?E?, E: Contusion GbruiseH - >.=, ==:, E?E: Convoforce - ??A Convulsions G=H - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Convulsions, spasticity - >.=>, ;.EK, ?.B>

Coraforce - ??A Corallinus - K99 Corn smut - KAB, =BAE, E;> Corynebacterium diptheriae Gsee <iptheriaH Costalgia Grib painH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Coughing - KEE, KEA, KEK, =AB, =K::, =KK:, :.K, K=A, K9:, A9E, AA:, AAA, ?E:, =E9A, 9?:E, E:, =EK, ?E, >K, ?.? Co2sackie Gsee also )umpsH - =9B, =AA, E9E, 9;:, AEE, AEA, A9K, >E=, >E9, ?B>, ==;>, K>K, B?B Co2sackie /= - 9K9, 9;A, ;9A, K;?, ?E9 Co2sackie /E - ?:K, K9A, ;B? Co2sackie /9 - A;?, ;B;, BK9, BKA Co2sackie /A - AE=, 9K9, KA:, ;B9E Co2sackie /K - ABE, =:A9, =:;9, KB>, BA?, ?:;, ??A Co2sackie /B - A;;, ?9B, ;=A, 9A9, KK=, BK?, BB;, BB> Cramping and nausea - ?E, >K, =>:, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E?, E:, A.> Cramps - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, EB Cramps, menstrual - EB Crinis humansis - BAB Critter = - =:99 Critter E - AE=, =:9K, ==== Crocus sotillus - ?=: Crohn's disease Galso use colitis, colon, and parasite fre&sH - ?E? Cryptococcus neoformans Gyeast which causes respiratory infection than can turn into meningitis. 7lso known as torulosis.H - 9B?, AE;, AAA, A?B, A?;, KEE, K?>, K>A, ?;K, ?>E, ;?E, E=E=, K;;:, K;;A, K>?, B=9, BEA Cryptosporidium Gparasitic proto$oa sometimes causing diarrhea in humansH -EE:, A;E, K?K, A=EE, B>;, ?==, ;>9, ;>K, =E?B, KB>: Cunninghamella - 9==, 9E9 Curva spic - A9K Cuts - E: Cyclospora - KA9, 9=B, >>E, ?K=, EB;, E=AA Cysts, hydatid Gsee %arasites tapewormH Cyst, ovarian - >;E Cyst, solitary - ?K, ?B, KA9 Cystic fibrosis G7lso called mucoviscidosis, a disorder of the e2ocrine glands that causes them to release very thick mucus. #ee also %arasites general and roundworm fre&sH - KE9, KK?, A?;, ??B, BB:, ?E?, ??;, ?;?, ;:E, ;;: Cystitis, chronic Glong-term inflammation of the urinary bladder and uretersH - EAB, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E: Cystopyelo nephritis Ginflammation from bladder to kidneyH - =9;K Cytomegalovirus GC)F, known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type KH - =EB, K>?, B;E, =:AK, E=AK <eafness Gpartial to completeH - =::::, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E: <eer tick G=H - ?>;>, E;>, ?9?, ?9;, E?=, B?=, ??9 <ematium nigrum Gsoil fungi found in human lesionsH - EA9, ?9;

<ental - B9K, BA:, =:9B, =:A9, =:>A, B;K, B:, A;, ABK <ental foci G0eglecting this can prevent recovery from 70Y illnessH -9:::, >K, =>:, A?.K, E?E:, EA;>, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BBB, BK:, B::, ABK, K=?:, BAB <epression Gdue to drugs or to2insH - =.=, ?9 <epression Gdue to outside circumstancesH - 9K, ?;? <epression, an2iety, trembling, weakness - 9.K, ;:: <eto2 assist - =::::, 9=?B <iabetes G,arning6 can cause large drop in blood sugar levelH - E:, 9K, ABK, B.;, AA:, A;A, BB:, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;:9, ;;:, =;K:, E::;, E=E?, E:::, E::9, E:=9, E:K:, E:;: for 9 min, K::: for =K min. <iabetes secondary - =::::, E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, ABK, E: <iabetes tertiary - =;K:, 9E:::, A:::, K:: <iabetes G=H - AE::, E=E;, =;BK, =;K:, =KK:, ?;?, ABK, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, A;, 9:E <iabetes associated infection G=H - E:E:, ;::, ?E?, =>:, ;:, E: <iabetic loading - 9K, ?:: <iabetic toe ulcer G=H Guse #taph aureus fre&s and see #taph generalH Deneral antiseptic, and Circulation stimulation as neededH - ?;B, =:K:, =.E, K:::, ;9E, E: <iarrhea Gsee also Clostridium difficile, E. coli, and for chronic problems, giardia and I/# fre&s. 7lso see %arasite general set if no relief.H - =KK:, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;B, ?E?, ABK <iphtheria Gbacterial infection causing sore throat, fever, rapid heartbeat, nausea, chills, headache and may progress to damage heart and nerves from bacterial to2ins. 'are in !#.H - =K=, BEA, ??B, 9A:, >EK, A9E, K>:, ?;; <irofilaria immitis Gsee %arasites heartwormH <isc, herniated - ?E?, ?;?, E?E:, =:::: <istemper - EAE, EK9, EKA, EKK, 9=E, AAE, KK=, K?9, BEA, B?=, ?=E, ?B:, >A:, >K:, =EB>, =>K:, ;KB?, BB:, ?B: <istortion Gtwisting of muscles, spineH - >.=, ==: <iverticulosis Gcharacteri$ed by tiny hernias of intestinal tissue protruding through the muscular wall of the colonH - =KA, >9A <i$$iness Gsee FertigoH <07 repair Ge2pH - KE;, ?9=, ?9E <og and cat hostility - 9.B <own's syndrome palliative - E: <roglioma Gsee Cancer, drogliomaH <rug addiction - E: <uodenal ulcer Gsee !lcer, duodenalH <uodenitis - EE9 <upuytren's contracture GAth and Kth finger curling into hand, unable to straightenH - =.E , EK: <ysentery Gacute diarrhea with blood and mucus. 7lso use Entamoeba histolyica, #almonella, and #higellaH - =KKE, ;:E, ;9E <ysmenorrhea Gpainful menstruationH use with pure water douche - EB, A.>, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK <yspepsia Gindigestion, if chronic or with bloating, also see %arasites generalH - =::::,

;;:, =KK:, ;9E, ;::, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, AAA, E:, =EK, >K, ?E, A.> E. coli GEscherichia coli6 can cause infections in wounds and the urinary tract. If using these leads to cold symptoms, follow with 7denovirus fre&sH - E;E, E;>, ?;A>, 9E?, KA;, 999, A=9, BAE, ?>>, ;:E, ;:A, ;9E, >K?, =9E:, =KK:, =?EE E. coli mutant strain - KKB, >9A, =EAE, =EAA, =?:9, B9E, B9A, ??B Ear conditions, various Gdischarges, tinnitus, itching, hearing loss. 7lso see 3titis.H - >.=>, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, A=:, =K;, E:=, 9A:, AA:, K9K, KAE, BAK, BKE, B;9 Ear fungus G=H - ;KA Ear wa2 - 9==, 9E:, ?K:, >;A E/F Gsee Epstein-/arr FirusH Echinococcinum Gtapeworms found in dogs, wolves, cats, R rodents that can infect manH - =BA, AK9, KAE, BE9 Echo Firus GEndometriosis 5uberylosa, causes a type of meningitisH - BE:, BEK, ?EE, ?BK, >EE, K=A, ?;;, AB= Ec$ema - >.=>, ?:?, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, =::::, K:::, E?E:, E::;, E=;:, E=E;, BBA, =E:, E: Ec$ema in vascular and lung functional disturbances - >.9> Ec$ema G=H - ??:, >=B, A=K Ec$ema GEH - ?9:.E, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, B>: Edema and swelling - A:, KEE, =AB, B.9, =A;, AAA, AA:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E:, K:::, =:::: Electrolyte levels Gwater, sodium, potassiumH to improve - ;.=, E:, =:::: Elephantiasis Guse with parasite, esp roundworm and nematode fre&sH - BE9, ;EA, ;BK, ?=: Emotional ties to diseases - ?BA, BBA Emphysema Guse with parasite, esp roundworm fre&sH - =E9A, 9B?E, ?9AA, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =E:, E:, ;: Encephalitis Ginflammation of the tissues of the brain and spinal cordH - ;A= Endocarditis Gsee 1isterioseH Endometriosis, chronic Ggrowth of uterine tissue outside the uterus that may cause pain, infertility, R abnormal uterine bleeding. !se with general parasite, liver and pancreatic fluke setsH - EAB, ;::, =KK: Endometriosis tuberylosa Gsee Echo virusH Energy and vitality - >>>> Entamoeba histolytica Ghighly damaging proto$oa causing dysentery and liver infectionH =A;, =BB, 9:;, 9>9, B9=, ??; Enterobiasis - Gpinworms - see %arasites, enterobiasisH Enterococcinum Ghomeopathic nosode for #trep-family organisms found in the digestive and urinary tractsH - B;B, A:> Enterohepatitis Ginflammation of bowel R liverH - KKE, >9E, >K9 Enuresis Gbed wetting. !se with parasite setsH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Epicoccum - ?9A, ??; Epicondylitis Gtennis elbowH lateral or vertical - =.E, EK:, ?E;, ?BB, ??B, ;;: Epidermophyton floccinum Gfungus that attacks skin R nails, including some athlete's foot and J"ock itchJ ringworms. 7lso see )icrosporum fre&s and -ungal general if

necessary.H - ABK, ?;A, BAA, ?BB, 9AK GEE=:?H Epididymitis Ginflammation of testicle area, ducts. #ee also 3rchitis.H - EEK:, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Epilepsy - =::::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ?::, BK:, B::, E=:, B99, =EK, E: Epstein-/arr virus Gthe herpes virus causing mononucleosisH - =:K, =?E, EK9, E?A, BB:, BB9, BB?, BB>, ?9;, ;EK, ;?B;, =:=9, =>E:, BB=; Epstein-/arr virus secondary Galso try Deneral parasite and roundworm fre&sH - ?AA, ??B, ??;, ABK, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =:9E, =>E: Eriterocoucinum - B;B Erysipelas Gbacterial infection manifesting in skin inflammation caused by strep pyrogenes or other pathogens and possibly related to the swine form of the diseaseH - B=B, ??B, ?9K, ;AK, BB:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E: Erythema nosodum - >.9> Escherichia coli - Gsee E. coliH Esophagus Gconstriction. 7lso see Deneral antiseptic and dental fre&sH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Euglena - A9E, 9E=K, 9EEK, 99EK, BAA; Eustachian tube inflammation - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK Eye disorders Gblurred vision, cataracts, crossed eyes, diplopia, infections, etc.H - =;9:, =B::, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, =KKE, =B:, 9K:, 9B:, E:=:, =99K, A>B, A:: Eye inflammation Galso see Deneral antisepticH - =.E, ;: Eyelid droop Gsee %losisH Eyes GglaucomaH - =B::, =;9:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Eyesight Gto sharpenH - 9K:, 9B:, =;9: -acial cramps - =::::, B:::, 9:A, ==9=, 99 -acial paralysis - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? -acial toning - =.E -ainting - E: -ascia Gfibrous tissue under the skin. 7lso see -ibroid fre&sH - E: -atigue, general - AE;, AEA, BBA, BB:, ABA, =EK, =E:, >K, ?E, E:, AAA, =;BK, =::::, K::: -ebris wolhynia Ga 'ickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapseH - KA?, 9KB -el tauri Ghomeopathic preparation of o2 bileH - B?E -eli - A9K -eline GcatH leukemia - EK;, 99E, A=A, AEA, KAA, ;9:, >:=, >=;, >>?, ?A=, ?A9 -eli - A9K, ?AE -elis - A9:, ;9A, EE9E, 9E99 -elon Gpus, infection of finger tipsH - BK?, BK>, ?9;, ?K= -elon II - BB9, BBK, ?E:, ?EE -eloris ,olyhnica - KA? -ever Gvarious causesH - ;;:, ;::, ;9E, AEE, E==E, ?;?, ?E?, E: -ever, sunstroke - E:, AA:, ;;: -ibroadenoma mamanae Gnon-cancerous, fibrous nodules in the breastsH - =9;A -ibroma - E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB, =KK:, ;:E, ABK -ibromyalgia - 9E;, ;;:, ;::, ?E;, K:::, E?E:, E=;:, E=E;, BBA, ABA, 9:A, =E:, E: -ibromyalgia G=H - =E:, =A:, 9:A, ABA, ?E;, ;::, ;;:, EA;>, 9=?B, K:::, B:::, >::: for K min

-ibrosarcoma - =?AA -ibrosis of @ung - E?.K, EE:, A=: -ibropendulum - BB=, ?ABK, E==, E99, ?BB -ischpyrogen - ;9E -issures - ?;?, E:, =:::: -istula <entalis - KK:, ?E?, ;AA, ;?;, ==EE -istula, ulcer Gsee also #taph fre&sH - ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E? -IF - EBE, 9E9, 9?E, A:A, KB?, ?=E, ?AE, ?B:, ??9, >=B, ==:9, ==9E, 9?:= -latulence - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK -lea - E9?A -lu Gsee Influen$aH -lukes Gsee %arasites, flukesH -luor 7lb Ghomeopathic cell saltH - ==:, 9AE, AE:, AE9, B;;, ?K? -ollicular mange Gcontagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair folliclesH -EK9, B>9, ?:=, ??A -olliculitis, hot-tub Gtiny pimplesH - =?A, A;E, K9== -ood poisoning Gsome classes. 7lso use #almonella typhimurium and see Deneral antiseptic, 7bdominal pain, and 7bdominal inflammation.H - =KKE, ;:E, ;9E -oot R mouth syndrome Ga mild viral infection found in young childrenH - E9E, E9?, =E=A, =EA9, =EAA, =E?=, KA== -oot-blisters - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK -ractures - EE:, E9:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? -re&uency fatigue Gtiredness Gthat is not deto2H from using fre&uency generator too longH - =:.KK, ?.;9 -rigidity, female - =::::, E: -rostbite - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? -ro$en shoulder - =::::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E? -ruitfly - E=B? -ungus E, range - ;E9 to ;E> -ungus flora G=H - 99=, 99B, KKK, K;?, B9E, B;;, ?K?, ;;E, ;;A, ;;? -ungus, general Galso see candida, yeast, and other specific typesH - ?E, EKA, AEE, K;E, ?;?, =:=B, ==9A, ==K9, EEEE, ABK, =KK:, ?;A, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, E: -ungus and mold, general - ?E;, ;;:, ?;A, ABA, ;;B, ;BB, A=A, EKA, 9AA, EA==, 9E=, KKK, >AE, 99?, ?BB, =;E9, KEA, 9?A, ?A9, =9E, ;BB -urunkulosis Gboils on skin. 7lso use #taph aureus fre&sH - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, BB:, E:, ==B, ??: -urunkulosis herpes Galso see *erpes general and -urunkulosisH- E::, =:::, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E? -usarium general- ?B;, BEK, ?AB -usarium o2ysporum Ga fungus causing inflammation of the cornea of the eyeH - =:E, 99E, ?:K, ?>K, ?;: Daetner - K=>, K??, ?B?, B>9 Dall bladder dystonia with osteitis - E.BK, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Dallbladder inflammation Gsee Cholecystitis, chronicH Dallbladder pain - =KK:, ;:: Dallstone attack Gsee Cholecystitis, acuteH

Dallstones - E.BK, 9.K, 9:::, =KKE, ;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, B:::, =::::, AAA Dangrene, general Gsee also Clostridium, Circulatory stasis, Infection general, and /acterium coliH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, ?9 Dardinerella Gbacteria that can infect and inflame the vaginal mucosaH -9E:, B>K, ?;E, >>K, 9E>, A;K Dasoden - ;?; Dastritis and flatus - ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, B?B, AEE, E: Deneral antiseptic - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?B:, ?E?, ABK, AAA, AK:, AE;, BB:, =::::, K::: Deneral balancing - ==9:, ==9=, 99 Deneral malady - A::::, =::::, K::: Deneral prophyla2is - E:, BA, >K, =EK, EEK, AE?, AA:, BBA, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ;:E, ;9E, B;:, ?B:, =KK:, ABA, =::::, B?B, =A;; Deneral demo Ggreatest hitsH - ?E;, =E:, ?;B, =E;, ;;:, AEE, ABA, BAA, B?B, B;;, ?=E, ?9E, ;::, =KK:, =;BE, E==E, E=E;, AA=E, 9:A: Deneral comprehensive, complete /lasterK program - ;:, =E:, A::, K::, B::, BEE, BBB, B>:, ?E?, ?A:, ??B, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =K::, =KK:, =KB:, =K?:, =B::, =;::, =;A:, =>>;, E:::, E::;, E=E;, EA;> Deneral program, E)E) )ain -re&s - ?E:, =KK:, E:, AE:: for K min Deotrichum candidum Gfungus found in feces and dairy products whose manifestations resemble those of candidaH - 9K:, 9KK, 9;A, 9;B, A:9, A:A, A:?, A:>, A=:, A=E, A=K, A=;, KA9, KAA, B;?, >;?, >;;, ?9?, ?:: Derman measles G#ee )easles, rubellaH Diardia Gsee %arasites, giardiaH Dingivitis Ginflammation of gums. #ee also <ental, <ental foci, #tomatitis. 5ake calcium and magnesium internally and brush with myrrh or goldenseal, and CoM=:H - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E;, ?EB, ABK, E:, =KKB, ??B, ABK Dlanders Gsee %seudomonas malleiH Dlandular fever - =::::, E: Dlandular fever, thyroid e2p - =::::, E:, =B::: Dliocladium Gbrain fungusH - ;KK, AB>, B99 Doiter Gsee #trumaH Donads, inflammation of Gsee 3rchitisH Donorrhea - BB:, B::, ?=E Dout Gsee also .idney fre&sH - >.9>, 9:::, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Dranuloma dent - AA= Dravel in urine - E.BK, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: Drave's disease I goiter - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: Dreatest *its Gsee Deneral demoH Dreen <ye - KB9, E999 Drippe Gsee Influen$a, grippeH Dum disease Gsee Dingivitis, %yorrheaH *S= - ?EK, EA9E, EA9, B9K9, ?9E, ;AA, BAB *SE - ?EK, =E9:, EAK, 9=A, >BK *S9 - B99, =EE:, BE9:, ;EEK, ===, 9>E, ??B, ;9?, =B?K, EBBA, 9;:B, ?=A *SA - AAA, E9E9 *SK - ;9, E9K, BAK, E9E9, 9A9E, A:>9, KK9E

*SB - ?:E, ?A?, EEAK, =;9 *aemophilia tonic Ghereditary bleeding disorders in which the blood does not readily clotH - ??;, ;AK, ?K= *air, human - BAB *alitosis Gbad breath. #ee also %haryngitis, <ental, %arasite general, and Deneral antiseptic setsH - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *allucinations - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *and, foot, R mouth syndrome Ga mild viral infection found in young childrenH - E9E, E9?, =E=A, =EA9, =EAA, =E?=, KA== *angover Gsee also .idney and 1iver support fre&sH - =::::, KEE, =AB *astoiditis - E;? *ay fever Gonly some typesH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *ead in"ury followup G#eek immediate medical attentionIH - >.B, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, KEE, ?E, K.;, A.> *eadaches - 9:A, =AA, =.E, KE: *eadaches caused by vertebral misalignment G0ot a substitute for ad"ustmentH - >.B, 9::: *eadaches due to parasites Gsee also %arasites, strongyloidesH - =EK, >K, ?9, E:, ?E?, 9::: *eadaches due to to2icity - KEE, =AB, A.>, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *eadaches unknown cause - =:, A, K.;, B.9, ?.;9, 9:::, BK:, BEK, B:: *eadaches urogenitally caused - >.9>, 9::: *ealing and regeneration - E?E:, A? *eart tonic Glab animals only. #ee also #taph infection, Circulatory stasis, and .idney fre& sets H - ;:, =B:, E:, ?9, 9.>, 9:::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, =EK, >K, E:, =.E *eartburn, chronic Gsee #taph and #trep general sets and h. pyloriH - ;9E, E?E:, E=?:, E=E?, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B;K, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E: *eartworm Gsee %arasites, heartwormH *eliobacterium pylori GulcerH - B?B *eliobacterium pylori G=H - E=B?, ?E;, ;;:, E>K: *elminthosporium Gthe reproductive element of parasitic wormsH - ?>9, >B> *emobartinella felis - B:9, >K? *emophilia - B:9 *emorrage - =KK:, ;:E *emorrhoids - AA?A, B==?, ??A, =KK:, AA?, ;;:, ;:E, ?E? *epatitis 7 - 9E=, 9AB, A=A, AE9, A;?, KK;, K?;, B>9, ?;B, ;?;, 9EE:, ?=? *epatitis / - 99A, A99, ?B?, ;B>, ;?B, A??, K?A, ?KE, ??> *epatitis C Galso try %arasites, schistosoma mansoni fre&sH - =BB, EEA, 9=?, 9E>, KE;, B99, >E>, >9:, >9=, >9E, >99, =9?=, E=;> *epatitis, general - E;, =KK:, =9K=, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, EEA, 9=?, 9E>, A??, >EE *epatitis, general secondary - E;A, AK;, A??, K9A, ?;;, >EE, >B?:, ?B;, ???, =:A= *ernia - =::::, ?;?, ?E?, E?E:, K::: *erpes, general - =K??, =KK:, =A;>, ABA, =>::, 9:A for 9 min, =A;;P, E>K: for =K min. *erpes general secondary - 9?::: *erpes progenetalis Ggenital - also use *erpes simple2 IIH - =A=, ;?;, ;>;, K9=:, AA:, =?=, BB:, K>:, ==?K

*erpes simple2 I Gsecondary. Cold sores - primarily non-genital, first try *erpes,generalH - 9EE, A?B, K;>, BBA, ?;K, ;EE, ;>K, >AA, =:A9, =B=A, E:BE, E>K: *erpes simple2 I Ge2pH - AB?.;, >9K.K, =;?=, 9?AE, ?A;A *erpes simple2 I G=H - 99>, 9A9, A;:, K>=, ??;, ?;E, ;A9, =B=A, BK?, B>>, ?::, ?9A *erpes simple2 I GEH - EA;>, =;::, ABK, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =;K:, AE; *erpes simple2 = G9H - A?:, BA?, BA;, BK:-BK>, ;A?, KBA=, ;BK: *erpes simple2 = GAH - E>K: for E: min *erpes simple2 II - KKB, ;9E *erpes simple2 I!.E - ;:; *erpes type E7 - K9E, ;A; *erpes type E7 secondary - 9B:-9B>, 9?9, KE;, B;K, ;AB, ;;:, ;;;, ;??;, KA:, BBK, ?=B, ?=?, ?=;, ?9=, ?9E, ?99, ??B, =A:E *erpes type K GcytomegalovirusH - E=AKP, =EB, K>?, =:AK *erpes type B Ge2pH - EE;, =;E:, 9BA:, 9BA=, ?E;= *erpes type C - 9>K, AEA, AB:, K99, KKA, ?:=, ?AK, EAK: *erpes $oster Gchicken po2, shinglesH - BBAP, 99A9, >=A, E=?:, =B::, =K::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;? *erpes $oster secondary - =KK:, ;:E, =;::, =;BK, ?E;, E?E:, E=E;, K:::, ABA, ;::, K?A, =KK?, 9:A, E: *iatal hernia Guse staph and strep setsH *iccups - E:, =:::: *ip pain Gsee also 7rthritisH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: *irudo medicinalis Ga homeopathic remedy prepared from a leech used for therapeutic purposesH - =E; *istoplasma - AEA, B=B, ?A> *IF Gsee also 7I<#H - B;9, ?=A, 9KKA, ;9:, AK: *ives GurticariaH - =;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, KEE, =AB, A.> *oarseness - ;;:, ?B:, ?E? *odgkin's disease Gsee Cancer, *odgkin's diseaseH *ookworm Gsee %arasites hookwormH *ordeolum Gsee #tyeH *ormodendrum Ga genus of fungi that includes human pathogensH - BB9, B?;, B>K, K9E, BE? *ormonal imbalances - K.K *ot flashes GcomplicationsH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? *ot tub folliculitis Gsee %seudomonas fre&sH *ousehold Insect )i2 - ?E9, =:: *ydrocele Gfluid in testicle, etc.H - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? *yperacidity of stomach - ?.;E, E:, E9: *yperosmia Goveracute smell and tasteH - E:, =::::, KEE, =AB *ypertension - E:, >K, 9EA, KE;, =K, >.=>, ?.;9, B, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, 9:A *ypertension Grenin-induced, red high, diastolic high pressure. 7lso see .idney fre&sH >.=>, B *ypertension, spastic - >K *yperthyroid - 9, :.K *ypochondrium, upper abdomen - E:, =::::

*ypophyseal GpituitaryH disturbances - A *ypotension Glow blood pressureH - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: *ypothyroid - =E, 9K, =B:::, =::::, =B:, ;:, E: *ypo2ia Glow o2ygen, use also Circulatory stasisH - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: Icterus, haemolytic Ga chronic form of "aundice involving anemiaH - EA9, ?B; Ileocolitis, colon inflammation Gsee also %arasite general setH - ;:E, ;9E, AA: Immune system stimulation - ;, =;BE, E::;, E=E;, E=;:, 99A?, KB==, E?>=, 9AA;, E>E>, A3=A, KB==, E;B?, E;KK, A9E Impotence Gmany classes. 7lso use Circulatory stasisH - >.9>, E=E?, E::;, ABK, =::::, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, =EK, >K, ?9, ?E, E:, BK:, BEK, B:: Incontinence G=H - EEK:, E:K:, E=E;, B>:, BBB for =: min Indigestion Gsee <yspepsiaH Infantile paralysis GpolioH - =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ??B, =:::: Infections general - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;B, ?E;, ABK, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, A;, E:, 9:A, =.E, KK::, B?B, AEE, ?BB Infections general secondary - K:::, =B::, =K::, ;9E, ??B, ?B:, ?::, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, =;BK, K::, AK:, AA:, AE;, BB:, E==E Infections general tertiary - =;::, E?E:, EA;>, ;9E, 9:A:, E::;, =;K:, B=:, ?9E, ?K=, A:::: Infertility Gsee also ImpotenceH - E=E?, E::;, ABK, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, >.9> Inflammation, general Galso see Infection general setsH - =.K, 9.B Influencinum /erlin 'KK - A9:, ?E:, ?99, ?;? Influencinum vesica GblistersH general - E:9, E>E, K;;, B=E, >?K, A:?, B;E Influencinum vesic 0, - 99E, 9BA, K=>, K;;, K>:, E9;, E9>, ?=K Influencinum vesic #, - A99, BAK, BK;, ;EA Influen$a Gmutates to new strains constantly but these may be helpful. #ee also Influen$a, Drippe and Influen$a FirusH - ABA, AA:, 9B?E, ??BB, ??B:, ?9AA, =E9A, K:::, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;?K, ;;:, ;;K, ?E;, =KK:, =K::, E::;, E:, 9:A for K min Influen$a Gaches and respiratoryH - AA:, K=E, B;9, ?E;, ?;A, ?;?, ;::, ;?K, ;;:, ;;K, E:K:, E?E:, K::: for K min, ??B:, ??BB for =: min, 9:A for 9 min Influen$a general G=H Gwinter >;->>H - scan from B>;A to ?:=B by E or A*$. Influen$a GEH Gwinter >>-::H - =::::, ;;:, ?E?, 99:, ?E; Influen$a G9H Gwinter >>-::H - AA:, ABK, B=9, BBB, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, =:::, K:::, =:::: Influen$a with respiratory component G=H Gwinter >>-::H - A?, ==>=, E9>;, EKAA, KB:;, ??B:, ??BB, B?E-B?>, B?B, BA?-BKE, =E=K, ?EA-?9E, ?AB, ?B;, B;? Influen$a =>K? J7J 7sian - ?B;, K?A Influen$a =>?; - ;AA, ;=A, B=: Influen$a =>?> - =E9, K=9, KEE, KBK, ?;;, B:= Influen$a =>;9 - AEA, ?9:, ?9A, AE; Influen$a =>;> - E=B, 9EE, BE?, ?:9, ?A; Influen$a =>>9 - KEE, B=K, ??;, ;K:, >K> Influen$a =>>9 secondary - E:?, EKA, K;:s, ;A;, >A?, ?>B?, ;>=:, ?9>, ?A=, ?B:, ?BK, ??9, >=K Influen$a =>>A - B;>, B>?, B>>, ?>; Influen$a =>>A secondary - 99?, B>:, ;B;, ;B>, ?:E, ?E?, ?E>, ??B, ??>

Influen$a =>>? to =>>; - E::;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, 9K, E:, ABK Influen$a 7sian grippe 7 - K=B, BKB, A9A Influen$a autumn =>>; - EK:, ABK for 9min, ;E=: for Kmin, ;?::, ??B: for=Kmin Influen$a /ach %oly - =EE, 9K:, A;?, K?E, B9A, ?B;, ;E9, =:A9, =E?E, ?BA, ??= Influen$a, grippe general - 9A9, K::, K=E, KA=, ;BE, =:::, ==>E, 9:=E, 9AE9, =:EE9 Influen$a, grippe, vapch - =K9, 9A9 Influen$a, grippe =>;B tri - K9E, K;;, BB:-BB>, >>A, ABE, ?=E Influen$a, grippe =>;? - =A:, 99E, K;=, >K9, A;B;, ?9: Influen$a, grippe =>;; - EB?, K9B, KB;, E:K:, ?KE, ?;= Influen$a, grippe =>;> - 9K9, K9B, ;?A Influen$a, grippe =>>: - KA=, KB:, BKB Influen$a haemophilus - KAE, KKE, ;;K, >K>, ?9A Influen$a haemophilus type / - BKE, >AE, A;9, ?9=, ?AB Influen$a spanish - ABE, ?;? Influen$um to2icum - ;KA Influen$a triple nosode - AE=, B9E, =EAE, =AEE, =>EE, 9=EE Influen$a F grippe - ;B= Influen$a F-E grippe - 9EA, BKE, BK9 Influen$a F-9 grippe - KK:, KK9 Influen$a F-A grippe - E9E, 9KE, EKK; Influen$a F-K grippe - >AK, K=; Influen$a F-?K Fictoria - 9A9, 9=B, =:E: Influen$a F7-E grippe - 99A, A?E, A>B, ;99, ;9B, >EE, ?E; Influen$a F7-E1 grippe - AA? Influen$a virus, general - ?E;, ;::, ;;:, ??B:, ;:::, ;EK: Influen$a virus =>>= to =>>E - =K9, 9AK, 9;?, ?K;, >;A, >;K Influen$a virus =>>= to =>>E secondary - 99:-99>, 9K:-9K>, KEK, B9E, ?A:, ?B=, ?BE, ??B, ???, ?;: Influen$a virus =>>E to =>>9 - K9K, >AB Influen$a virus =>>E to =>>9 secondary - E?E, K9A, KBB, BB;, B?A, ??B, ?;E, >A?, B9E, BA:, ?=9, ?=K, ?AE, ??9, ??? Influen$a virus =>>9 to =>>A - ?K?, ;;K, ;>K, >B> Influen$a virus =>>9 to =>>A secondary - AA?, AK?, K>?, ?KB, ?BA, ??B, ?>;, ;?;, >B?, >:>:, BB9, ?E:, ?E;, ?E>, ?AK, ?BE, ?BA, ??:, ??9, ??> Influen$a virus J7J - 9EE, 99E, ??B Influen$a virus J7J =>?A - AAE Influen$a virus J7J %ort Chalmers - BEE, ;B9 Influen$a virus J/J - AB;, K9:, K9E, K9B, K9?, KB;, ?EE, ?A:s, ==;B, B?> Influen$a virus J/J *ong .ong - KKK Influen$a virus JswineJ - A=9, A9E, BB9, ;9>, >>K Influen$a virus /ritish - KK;, >9E In"ection, allergic reaction to - =:::: Insomnia Gsee also %arasite general setH - 9.K>, 9, ?.;9, =:, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ;:E, B:::, 9:A Intelligence, clarity of thought - E:, =:::: Intercostal neuralgia Gpain in rib musculatureH - 9:::, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, =EK,

E:, =;BK, AAA Interleukin Gused to stimulate lymphocyte productionH - 9AA;, E>E>, A:=A, KB==, E;B?, E;KK, E?>= Intermittent claudication - AK, A; Intestinal problems, colon - =:, AA:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? Intestinal problems, general Galso try %arasite general setH - ;:E Intestines, inflammation - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:K, ?>= Irritable bowel syndrome Guse with %arasites giardia and %arasites general setH - E:, ?E?, ?;?, ;:E, ;9E, ;;:, ABK, AEE, B?BB, =KK: Itching Gpruritis. 5ake hot bath with a cup of apple cider vinegar afterwards. If chronic and no long term relief, use %arasite sets including %arasites general and %arasites blood flukes.H - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, =;BK, 9=?B @ade )achine color decode - /lue BEA, 1t. blue E=KK, Dreen E:KK, 1t. green >B:, Yellow A?:, 3range >E:, 'ed ;=K, #ienna ;K;, )agenta ;::, %urple ?AK, 1avender B??, Indigo BA: @aundice Gsee also 1iver support, gallbladder, 1eptospirosis, and %arasites fluke and general fre&uency setsH - =B::, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ;:E, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =AB, EK:, =EK, >K, ?E, E: @ock itch Gsee Epidermophyton floccinumH @oint inflammation Galso see arthritis setsH - =:::: .aposi's sarcoma - EA>, A=;, BA? .idney insufficiency - >.E, =:, A:, AA:, =B::, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ;:E, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =AB, EK:, =EK, >K, ?E, E: .idney papilloma Gsmall, usually benign growth on a kidneyH - ==:, =A;, EBA, B9A, ?B?, ;A;, >=?, ?B:, ?BE, ==:E .idney stones Guse with vitamin, mineral, and herb supplementationH - AAA, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =::::, B:::, 9:::, 9.K, =KKE .idney tonic, general - AA:, EA;, ;, ;;:, E:, =::::, ;::, K:::, 9::: .ieferosteitis Ga type of bone inflammation marked by enlargement and painH - A9E, K=B, 9;A .lebsiella pneumoniae Gsee %neumoniae klebsiellaH .nee, "oint pain - =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E;, E:, ?.B>, 9, =.E, EK:, >.B, >.9> 1ac <eflorat - E9:, 9?=, E9E, E=E= 1amblia Gsee %arasites, DiardiaH 1arge intestine tonic - ;, AA:, ;;: 1aryngeal polyp - ?BK, E:E 1aryn2 - =:, AA:, ABK, AAA, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, E;, ?.B>, 9, =.E, EK:, >.B, >.9> 1ateral sclerose Gdegeneration of spinal cord leading to spastic paraplegia. #ee also 71#.H - EKA 1a2ative, mild - ;:E 1egionella G1egionnaires' disease, caused by a gram-negative bacteria associated with condensed or treated water that migrate to lung tissue and stimulate severe respiratory manifestations, fever, headache, abdominal pain, and may affect kidneys and liver.H ?E9, ?EA, ;>?, >?K, ;=E:, ;;KB, B>:, B>9 1eishman <onovan bodies Gsee %arasites, 1eishmaniaH 1eprosy - B::

1eprosy secondary infection - =B::, =KK:, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?B:, ?E?, ?::, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, E:, K::, AK:, AA:, AE;, BB: 1eptospirosis Ga spirochete bacterial disease that is spread to humans through animal urine that can cause meningitis, "aundice, anemia, miscarriage, and deathH - B=E, BB9 1eukocytogenesis, stimulates Gsee also Immune system stimulationH - E:, ?E? 1eukoderma, ac&uired Gsee FitiligoH 1eukoencephalitis Ginflammation of brain's white matter, usually in infants and children, but also found in horses as a result of forage poisoningH -9EA, K?E, ??B, >9A, =:?>, ====, =999 1eukoencephalitis secondary - 99;, ?;9, >9E, =:9K, ==B:, =B9:, ?=E, ?=9, ?=K, =EAA 1eukoplakia Gwhite patches on mucous membranes, also see E/F, %apilloma, and Cancer, carcinoma fre&sH - ABK, E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB 1eukose Gproliferation of tissues that form white blood cells6 considered to be foundational stage of leukemia. #ee also %arasite general and %arasite fluke setsH - B=E, B99, BK9, 9?EE, BAA 1ipoma Gbenign, soft tumor of fatty tissueH - A?, B:B, ?:> 1isteriose Ga serious disease causing miscarriage, meningitis, and endocarditis in humans6 known as Jcircling diseaseJ in ruminants and causes liver necrosis in animals with single stomachs. 7lso see #trep general and Deneral infectionH - 9??, A?=, BEB, BE;, B9A, ??A, E=BE, ?;B?, ?=A, ?EA 1iver fluke G#ee parasites, flukesH 1iver necrosis Gsee 1isteriose, 1iver support, %arasites schistosoma mansoniH 1iver stores, bile, cholesterol - E=.9A 1iver support Galso try %arasite general and fluke fre&sH - 99.=9, =KKE, ;:E 1iver, enlargement - ?E?, ?;?, ;;: 1ock"aw Gsee 5etanusH 1ocomotor dysfunction incoordination Gslow results. #ee also #chumann responseH =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E: 1ow blood pressure Gsee hypotensionH 1uesinum4#yphilinum Gsee #yphillisH 1umbago - =::::, ;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =EK, >K, ?E, AAA, =;BK, >.=>, ;.EK, ?.B>, 9:: 1ung sinus bacteria - EAA, =ABB, K>?, =9== 1ung abscess Gsee 0ocardia asteroidesH 1upus, general Glocali$ed degeneration of skin by various diseases6 vulgaris is a common form of this ailment that is actually a rare form of tuberculosis that manifests with disfigurement and destruction of the skin and cartilage of the face. 7lso use %arasite fluke sets for any typeH -B99 for K min, E=EK for A min, E::; for ; min, 9B=E for A min, ;:E for ; min, EA;>, ?:E, EA9, 9;B, AAE, >AE for 9 min 1upus general secondary - E:K, EAA, 9KE, B99, ;A?, >E=, >>9, =999, =ABA, ?;BK, ??= 1upus #1E secondary - E=;:, E=E;, E::;, =KKE, ;;:, ?;A, BBA, 9:A, 9;B, B?;, A;= 1u2ation Gdislocation of organs or "ointsH - >.=, ==: 1yme disease Galso known as borreliosis6 relapsing fever in humans and animals caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticksH - A9E, ;::, AE::, 99;, 9AA, 9AK, B:K, B?9, ?K;, ?>?, ;;A, =AKK, B;B9, B;?:, K99, K9A, ?9E 1yme hatchlings4eggs - BA:, ;KKA, E:9, A=E, A=A, K;>, BB?, ;A:, =:::, =:?E, =:;?, ==:K 1yme secondary - EKA, KEK, K>?, BAA, ;;K, B>>

1yme tertiary - 9:B, A9E, A;A, B=:, BEK, B>:, ;BA, E:=B, ?>: 1yme G=H always run BE: after ;BA - ;BA, A>K, A;K to K:K, BE:, B=: to B9:, B>:, ?>:, ?;K to ?>K. 1yme GEH - E:K:, =KE:, B=K for K min, E:=B, BEK for =: min. 1ymph pla&ue - K>B, 9AB 1ymph stasis - 9=?B 1ymph stasis secondary Galso see 1ymphangitisH - B.9, =A;, KEE, =AB, AAA, AA:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =::::, E.K, ABK, =: 1ymph support - =K.:K, =:.9B, 9=?B 1ymphangitis Glymphatic vessel inflammation of humans and horses most commonly caused by strep but also by other bacteria, yeast fungus, and cancerH - K?A, ??;, ==E:, =:?;, 9=?B 1ymphogranuloma Gsee Cancer, *odgkin's diseaseH 1-lysine GstimulatesH - =>K.K, 9>=, ?;E, =KBA.=, 9=E;.E, BEKB.A 1yssinum Gsee 'abiesH )acular degeneration Guse CataractsH )agnesium - A;: )alabsorption syndrome Guse with %arasites, Deneral setH - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, ;::, =KKE, 9::: )alaria Gan infectious disease, originating in tropical areas, that is transmitted by a mos&uito bite and characteri$ed by fever, anemia, and spleen enlargementH - E:, EEE, KK:, ?=9, >9:, =:9E, =A99, AKK, ?A9 )alaria G=H - E:, KKK )alaria GEH - E:, E;, ?;?, ;;: )alaria G-alciparumHG=H - =K=;, =9A;, =A?9, =::E, =:=> )alasse$ia furfur Gcauses tinea versicolor. #ee also -ungus generalH - EEE, EEK, A>=, B=B, ?:: )amma fibromatosis Gsee /reast, fibroid cystsH )ange, follicular G#cabies - contagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair folliclesH - >E:, =A9B, E;?=, K?AE, for 9 min, >: to ==:, EK9, B>9 for =: min )annan - >B=, BB= )arsh elder - A?A )astitis Gan inflamed breast usually caused by bacterial infectionH - BKA, B>; )astoiditis Ginflammation of the bony structure of the head in the region of the ears below the eyesH - E;? )easles - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, 9AE, AAE, AA9, AB?, KE:, KE=, KKE, =A;>, ?AK, ?K?, ?B9, ?=E )easles, rubella GDerman or 9 day measlesH - A9=, AK>, K=:, K=?, ?>B, >B?, 9B;, ?9A, ??E )easles, rubella secondary - ?E?, ?;?, ;;: )easles, rubella vaccine - AE>, AK>, ;9E, >EB, K:K )easles, rubeola G> day measlesH - 9AE, AB?, KE:, ?;A, ?;?, >BE, =A;> )easles vaccine - E=A, ?EK, ?A?, ?;9, >BE )edorrhinum Ghomeopathic nosode for urethral discharge. #ee also Faginosis.H - E9:, AAE, KKA, ;A9, ;KA, =?::, =;;:, EEEE, B:E )eniere's disease Gauditory vertigo associated with deafness and tinnitusH -=KK:, ;:E,

;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, AE; for 9 min, 99, 9E> for ? min, K::: for =B min, ==9: for = min, ?;E for EB min )eniere's G=H - ;.;, ;.>, >.: )eningcoccus Firus - ?E: )eningioma Ga benign, slow-growing tumor of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cordH - AAB, K9K, K9? )eningitis Ginflammation of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord. 7lso see #treptococcus pneumoniae, 1isteriose, and 1eptospirosisH -9EE, K=?, ?E:, ?99, ?BA, ;EE, =:AA, =AEE, AE9 )eningitis secondary - =9:, B?B, B??, K:? )eningitis tertiary - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AE;, BB: )enstrual problems Gdouche with plain water firstH - ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E: )ental concentration - =::::, ?.;E )ental disorders Ggeneral aid6 especially if to2ins are the causeH - KEE, =AB, =::::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, A.>, AE;, KK:, ;:E )ercury - A?, A;, A>, ?K )ethotre2ate - K;A )icrosporum audouini Ga fungus which commonly causes ringworm of the scalp and other areasH - AEE, ;9=, =EEE, E;K )icrosporum canis Ga fungus causing ringworm in cats, dogs, and childrenH - 9A?, >?:, =BAA, A:E, BK: )igraine Galso use %arasites strongyloides and general setsH - =: )old Gsee also specific typesH - EEE, EAE, KE9, KBK, K>E, BE9, ?AK, >99, ==9:, ==KK, =999, =;99, AAAE )old and fungus, general Gsee also specific typesH - ?E;, ;;:, ?;A, ABA, ;;B, A=A, EKA, 9AA, EA==, 9E=, KKK, >AE, 99?, ?BB, =;E9, KEA, 9?A, ?A9, =9E, ;BB )oles - E:, =E:, =??, B::, BEK, BEB, BK:, BK>, BB:, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA )olesG=H - ?B=.? for =K min, BK:, BEK, B::, ?B.E for =: min )ononucleosis Gsee Epstein-/arr virusH )onotospora languinosa Ghomeopathic remedy for fungal allergenH - ?;; )orbillinum - AB?, KE:, =A;> )orbus %arkinson Gsee %arkinson's diseaseH )organ GbactH - ??;, ?;A, ?;?, ?;;, >;;, ?EB )otion sickness Galso see nauseaH - =::::, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AA:, BA;, AAA, =;BK, KEE, =AB, =EK, >K, ?E, E: )outh eruptions, herpes sores Gsee *erpes and *erpes #imple2 IH )outh eruptions, white patches Gsee leukoplakiaH )ucocutan perniciosis - ;99, BB?, ?KB )ucor mucedo Gcauses rot in fruit and baked goods R sometimes found on feet and skinH - B=E, =:::, A;;, ?BB, >?;;, ?9K )ucor plumbeus - 9B=, K?;, ?;K, ;?? )ucor racemosis Ggrows on decaying vegetation and bread and can cause ear infectionH 9=:, A?A, ;?K )ucor racemosis secondary - A?9, B;B, ;?=, ;?9, ;?B, ;?;, ;;?, ??B;, ?>?B, ;?;;, ?=9, ?E>, ?9=, ?K=, ?B:, ??;, =E::

)ucormycosis Gsee CygomycosisH )ucous membrane inflammation general - 9;: )ucoviscidosis Gsee Cystic fibrosisH )ultiple sclerosis Gaspertame, mercury, ben$ene, lead, and toluene can cause same symptoms. 7lso see chlamydia pneumonia, blastocystis hominus,%arasites flukes, #higella, 0ocardia, *erpes general, *erpes virus B, and *erpes $osterH - K::: for 9: min on one day, ?E;, =BB, EEA, 9=?, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, E=; for AK sec the ne2t day. 7lternate days. )ultiple sclerosis G=H - EEK9, EAB?, E9K?, E9K;, EAE, 9:K, E:;>, 9:K?, ;=, K., =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E;, B>:, BB:, E: )ultiple sclerosis GEH - 9:A:, K:::, E?E:, =::::, A?:, =E:, EA:, 9::, 9E;, ?E;, ;;: for 9 min, E::K, E::B, E::?, E::;, E::>, E:=:, E:== for = min, E: )ultiple sclerosis tremor or twitch - A?: )ultiple sclerosis secondary - E:, =A9, E?K, A9:, A?:, KEA, BE:, BEA, ;:E, ;A:, ;KA, =KK:, EE=9, K:::, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA )ultiple sclerosis Gsymptom of stiff legsH - 9=K.?? )umps Gacute viral inflammation of the saliva glands. #ee also Co2sackieH -=KE, EAE, BAE, B?A, >EE )umps secondary - =>:, E9K, K=B, =EA9, =BB:, EB9:, 9=AE, >BB?, ?E>, ?A=, ?K>, ?B=, ==?: )umps tertiary - =::::, ?E?, E?E:, EA;>, E=E?, E::;, AE;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: )umps vaccine - E?9, KK=, ?==, ?9:, =A=> )uscles, to rela2 - >BK, E:, =E:, EA:, ?B:, B.;, B:::, 9:A )uscle, tonic - E:, =E:, EA:, 9::, 9:A, 9E;, ?E;, ;;:, K:::, =:::: )uscular dystrophy Gdisorder characteri$ed by weakness and progressive wasting of skeletal muscles despite no concommitant wasting of nerve tissue. 7spartame, mercury, ben$ene, lead, and toluene can cause same symptoms. 7lso use %arasites flukes and see %arasites general and )# setsH - =K9, KEE, =AB, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? )uscular pain, in"ury Galso see %ain and Deneral antisepticH - E?E:, B:::, 9E:, EK:, EA:, =B:, =EK, ;:, A:, E:, =:, K.;, E.K, =.K, =.E, =, :.K )ycobacterium avium Ge2pH - BAE.E, ?::.>, ?B>.B, ;:9.A, ;=;.K, =::=.E, ;K;.E, ?;B.?, BEK.>, B?A.9, >K9.B, ==;:, ==A;.9, ??9.9, B=K.?, B:;.A, ??:.B, ;>B.>, B>A.=, B;:.;, B9E.E, B=>.?, B;:.A, ;K?.B, ;B:.E, K>:, ;EK.?, ;EA.K -;9: sweep, >9?.A, KE>.9, =:K;.B, E==?.=, B=?.;, =E9K.?, EA?=.9, =:9?.K, E:?K )ycogone spp Ghomeopathic allergenic preparation based on fungusH - 9?=, AAB, ==E9, ?A; )ycogone fungoides - A;;, K9E, BBE, ?BA, ;KE, =AAA )ycogone fungoides secondary - 9E;, 9B?, A>:, A>=, A>K, A>B, BE;, B?;, ?B=, ?BB, ?B;, =:KK, =:?A, >>?>, ?:>, ?=A, ?E>, ?AB, ?K? )ycoplasma pneumonia Gsee %neumonia, mycoplasmaH )ycosis fungoides Ga form of skin cancer resembling ec$emaH - K9E, BBE, B?;, ;KE, =AAA )yocarditis narbe - E?>, ?B= )yocarditis necrose Ghomeopathic remedy from heart cells that died as a result of inade&uate blood flow to them. #ee also Circulatory stasisH -?:B, ?;> )yoma Ga benign tumor on the uterusH - EK9, AE:, AK9, ;9E

)yositis Ginvolves progressive muscle weaknessH - =E:, =EE, =EK, =E>, ==EA, ==B>, ?BE 0asal infection Gsee #inusitis and 'hinitisH 0asal polyp Gbenign growth inside the nasal passageH - KAE, =A9B 0asturtium Ga healing herbH - =A9 0ausea and cramping - ?E, >K, =>:, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ?E?, E:, A.> 0ematodes G#ee %arasites, nematodesH 0eoplasms G#ee cancerH 0ephritis Gkidney inflammatory disease. 7lso treat for stones and crystals supplementallyH, or nephrosis Gnon-inflammatory kidney diseaseH - =KK:, E?A, AE9, B9B, B;;, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, =:, E:, =::::, A:, ?9, ABK, 9::: 0erve disorders - =::::, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AA:, BB: 0ervousness, %ro$ac agitation Gakathsia. #ee also 'ela2ationH - 9, ?.;9 0euralgia Ga painful disorder of the nervous systemH - ;99, 9.>, =:::: 0euralgia, intercostal - ;:E 0euralgia, trigeminal - ;;: 0eurosis - E; 0eurospora sitophila - ?:K, ;?; 0igrospora spp - 9:E, 9K:, ?BA 0ocardia asteroides Gthe microorganism causing 0ocardiosis, an infectious pulmonary disease characteri$ed by abscesses in the lungsH - EE;, E9=, E9?, B>A, ?=>, ?A?, ;;?, E;>: 0ose, infection or congestion Gsee #inusitis and 'hinitisH 0umbness Galso see Circulatory stasisH - =::::, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AA:, BB: 3at smut - ;:B 3ligodena - ;K9 3ospora - >K>>, K9AB 3ral lesions Gchronic cases will always return until metal dental work is replaced with uranium free porcelain. #ee also herpes simple2 I and use #tomatitisH - E?E:, EA;>, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, AAA, KEE, =AB 3rchitis Ginflammation of testes due to 5/, mumps, gonorrhea, cancer, bacteria, etc. #ee also causative condition if knownH - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, > 3rchitis secondary - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: 3rnithosis Gor %sittacosis or %arrot -ever6 an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birdsH - E99, 99=, 99E, K;9, ;K>, =E=? 3steitis Gbone inflammationH - ??: 3steoarthritis Galso see 7rthritisH - =K::, ??: 3steoitis - E.BK 3steomyelitis - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB 3steomyelosclerosis Gmarrow replacement by bone in response to low-grade infectionH ?>, 99: 3steosinusitis ma2. - EA9, 9E? 3stitis - ??:, ?A9, ?9B, ?EA

3titis e2terna Gouter ear infection. 7lso see %seudomonas aeruginosaH -?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =?A, A;E, K9== 3titis medinum Gmiddle ear swelling and4or infection and fever. #ee also strep pneumoniaH - 9=B, ?;A, ?;B, =EK, ;:E, ?E, KEE, AA: for K min, ;;:, ?E:, =KK: for =: min 3tosclerosis - >.=> 3varian cyst - KB?, >;E, ?== 3varian disorders, general - BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, EB, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, E: 3varian elimination, to stimulate - E: 3vum - ?KE 32 bile Gthe homeopathic remedy derived from itH - B?E 3$aena - =;A, EEE, A9> %ain G7lso look under name of condition causing painH - 9:::, >K, BBB, ;: %ain of cancer - 9:::, >K, E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB %ain of infection - 9:::, >K, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, A.> %ain relief - 9:A, B:::, 9:::, BBB, ;: %ain, acute - 9:::, >K, =::::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB %ancreas - AA:, ABA, B::, BEA, BA;, =KKE, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: %ancreatic insufficiency - E:, EK:, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, EB, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, E: %apilloma virus Gcauses warts and benign tumors having a branch or stalk and in some cases white patches GleukoplakiaHH - AK, A;>, ;?AP, >:?P, =B>?: GEBK, KBK?H, BA?9A G=:==, >EK;H, B?EBK G=:K=, >B:>H, ABB, ==:, ?B?, A:A %apilloma kidney Gsmall, usually benign growth on a kidneyH - ==:, =A;, EBA, B9A, ?B?, ;A;, >=?, ?B:, ?BE, ==:E %araceli - E9E %aradontose - AEA, =KKE %aralysis, nonspastic - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, >.=>, ;.EK %aralysis, spastic - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, ?.B> %aramecium caudatum - AK::, ==K:, EE>; %arasites, ascaris - =KE, AAE, ;=AB, ?K=, ==AB, ?>? %arasites, enterobiasis Gpinworms6 intestinal worms fre&uently found in childrenH - E:, =E:, ??9, ;EB, ;E?, ;9K, A=KE %arasites, filariose Gworms in blood and organs of mammals, larvae passed from biting insectsH - ==E, =E:, 99E, ?K9 %arasites, flukes, blood - ;A?, ;B?, 9E>, A=>, B9K, ?9>=, KK=B, >;;> %arasites, flukes, general - =A9, E?K, A9K, B?B, ?B9, KEA, ;KA, >AK, BK=, BBA, B?BB, A9K, =KEAA %arasites, flukes, general Gshort setH - KEA, ;KA, BK= %arasites, flukes, intestinal Ge2pH - BK=, B?B, ;AA, ;A;, ;KA, E=E;, E:;A, E=K:, B?BB %arasites, flukes, liver - =A9, E?K, B?B, ?B9, E9;, BBA=, BB?E %arasites, flukes, lymph - =::K:, =K? %arasites, flukes, pancreatic Ge2pH - =;K:, E:::, E::9, E::;, E:=9, E:K:, E:;:, BK?; %arasites, flukes, sheep liver - ;EB, ;9:, ;9A %arasites, follicular mange - EK9, B>9

%arasites, general G=H Gcleanup with ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABKH - E:, BA, ?E, >B, ==E, =E:, =EK, =E;, =KE, EA:, 99A, AEE, AAE, KEA, BK=, B;;, ?9E, ?K=, ;::, ;KA, =;BA %arasites, general GEH - =E:, =E;, AEE, BAA4BAE, B?B, B;;4B>:, ?=E, ?E;, ?9E, ;::4;:E, =KK:4=KKE, =;BE4=;BA, E==E, AA=E %arasites general G9H - A?, ?E, ;:, >K, =E:, =EK, AA:, AAA, ABK, BB:, BBK, B>:, ?E?, ?E;, ?A:, ??:, ?;:, ;::, ;;:, =;A:, =;BK, =>>;, 9=?B, =:::: %arasites, genera l, short set - E:, BA, ?E, >B, ==E, =E:, =KE, BK=, ?9E %arasites, giardia - 99A, A99A, KAE>, ;E>, ;=E, E:=;, A:? %arasites, heartworms - KA9, E9EE, E::, K9K, =:??, ?>> %arasites, helminthsporium Gworm eggsH - ?>9, >B>, =BA, KEA9 %arasites, hookworm - B.;, AA:, E::;, BA9B, K;B; %arasites, leishmania donovan - KEK, ?;= %arasites, leishmania bra$iliensis - ?;? %arasites, leishmania tropica - ?>= %arasites, pinworm - see %arasites, enterobiasis %arasites, roundworms, general - E:, =:A, =E:, =E;, =KE, EA:, BK:, B;;, 99E, AEE, ==E, ?E=, >AE, 9E=E, ?9E, AA=E, KA9, ??E, ;E?, ;9K, A=KE, K;>?, ?=K> %arasites, roundworms, general Gshort setH - =E;, =KE, EA:, AEE, BK:, B;; %arasites, schistosoma haematobium Gblood flukesH - ;A?, ;B?, B9K %arasites, schistosoma mansoni Gblood fluke which can cause symptoms identical to hepatitis CH - 9E>, >;;> %arasites, strongyloides Gthreadworm, genus of roundwormsH - 99E, AEE, ?E=, ?9E, ?A>, >AE, 9E=E, AA=E %arasites, strongyloides secondary - 9;:, B>;, ?KE, ??B, ?EE, ?9;, ?AB, ===9 %arasites, taenia - see %arasites, tapeworms %arasites, tapeworms Gdo not use for known tapeworms unless familiar with tapeworm protocolH - =BA, =;?P, AK9, KE9, KAE, BE9, ;A9, ;KA, =EE9, ;:9, 9:9E, KKEEP %arasites, tapeworms secondary - =AE, =;?, BEA, BBE %arasites, threadworms Gsee %arasites, strongyloidesH %arasites, trichinosis - =:=, KA=, ;EE, =:KA, =9?E %arasites, turbatri2 - =:A %aresis - >.A %aresthesia - K.K %arkinson tremor, temporary relief - B::: for =: min, =9:, =B> %arkinson's disease Ga slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic disorder, also use Chlamydia pneumoniae and see 0ocardia asteroides fre&sH -B>9, ;=9, =.=, K:::, ==9= for 9 min, 99 for 9: min %arrot -ever Gsee 3rnithosisH %arvovirus, canine - B9?, =;K, 9E9, KBE, B=9, BEE, =:::, A:E? %arvovirus, canine mutant strain - 9E9, K=A %arvovirus, canine type / - 9E9, K9K, B=9, ?KK %arvovirus, new strain - EEK?, A;;, A;; %asteurella combination Gbacterial diseases spread by animal bitesH - 9E9, >=9, B>A %elvic inflammatory disease - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?,

??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, KEE, >K, ?E, AK:, AE; %emniciosis - E9E, BEE, ;EE, AE== %emphigus Grare, autoimmune skin disorders characteri$ed by blisters in the outer layer of skin and mucous membranesH - B>A, ;>9, BBK %enicillium chyrosogenium - =E>, EA>, 9AA, >B? %enicillium chyrosogenium secondary - 9AK, B;;, ;B;, =:?:, EA==, ?E;, ?BA, ?BK %enicillium notatum - 99A, BE> %enicillium notatum secondary - 9E=, KK:, KKK, KKB, KK;, KB:, KBE, KBB, K?E, BAA, ;EK, >EE, >AE, A;?:, ??;:, A=E, ?=K %enicillium rubrum - 99E, AK?, AB:, ABE, ?BB, =:=K, =:=; %ennyroyal Gan herbH - ??E %en&ueculum - ?AB, ?KK, =9?K, B>BK, BEB, >A; %epto streptococcus - E:=, BE> %ericarditis G035E, Cardiac conditions are inherently unstable. 5herefore,we cannot recommend the use of fre&uencies on humans, even outside !.#. "urisdiction. 5hese fre&uencies are for animal research only.H - E?E:, E=?:, =B::, ;;:, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, BEK, =EK, >K, ?E, E: %eriodontal disease Gsee also osteo infection fre&sH - A?.K, =;::, =B::, BK:, BEK, B::, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E? %eritonitis - ?E?, ?;?, ;;: %erniosis Gchillbains + a disorder of the blood vessels caused by prolonged e2posure to cold and characteri$ed by skin lesions on the lower legs, hands, toes, feet, ears and faceH E:, E9E, BEE, ;EE, AE==, E==E %ertussis Gwhooping coughH - KEB, ?BK, AB, E;A, >=:=, B>?, >:B %ertussis secondary - ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, =E9A, ?9AA %esticide deto2 Gsee also 1iver and .idney support, Circulatory and 1ymph stasis fre&sH ?9, EB, B, = %ha&ocyross, stimulates - E:, =EK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;: %haryngitis Ginflammation of pharyn2, can cause chronic sore throat,halitosis, and pharyngeal ulcers. 7lso see #ore throat, *alitosisH - AA:, 9;:, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ??B, ?;A, ;;:, ?E?, E:, KEE, =AB %hlebitis Gvein inflammationH - =K::, ??B %homa <estructiva GhomeopathicH - =B9, ;=K, BE= %ineal gland Gto stimulateH - E: %lague Gsee /ubonic plagueH %lantaris - E::; %lasmacytoma Ga tumor with plasma cells that occurs in the bone marrow, as in multiple myeloma, or outside of the bone marrow, as in tumors of the inner organs and lining of the nose, mouth, and throatH - A?K %leurisy GInflammation of the lung membrane and abdominal liningH - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AAA, =;BK, AK: %losis Geyelid droop. 7lso use %arasite general, ascaris, and roundwormH -=:::: %neumococcus Gsee #treptococcus pneumoniaeH %neumocystis carnii Gfungus which causes pneumonia usually developing in the immune suppressed or in infantsH - E:A, 9A:, ?AE %neumonia Gsee also %neumonia klebsiella, %neumonia mycoplasma, %neumonia

bronchial, %neumonocystis carnii, #treptococcus pneumoniaeH - =E9;, =KK:, =;BE, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, E:, AK:, A=E, ?BB, B;;, B;9, >?K, EB;;, BB: %neumonia, bronchial Ginflammation of bronchii and lungsH - KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, AKE, =A?A, K?; %neumoniae klebsiella Gcauses an acute, bacterial pneumoniaH - A=E, ?BB, ??B, A=9, ;A:, ?AB, ?BK, ??>, ?;9, ;=; %neumonia mycoplasma Ga contagious pneumonia of children and young adultsH - B;;, >?K, ???, EB;;, BB: %neumonia, walking Gsee %neumonia mycoplasmaH %neumovirus Gcauses bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants, see 'espiratory syncitial virusH %olio Galso known as poliomyelitisH - =9K, E;9, ?AE, ??B, =K::, EB9E, =;K: %olio secondary complications - =KK:, ;:E, AE;, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E? %olyarthritis - K=E %olyp, nasal - KAE, =A9B %olyp, uterine - B;> %olyp, general - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, E:, KEE, =AB %orphyria Gseveral rare disorders of the nervous system and skinH - B>;, ?;: %ostsurgery deto2ification of anaesthesia Galso re&uires post-recovery saunas with electrolyte replacementH - KEE, =AB %roctitis Gsee Chlamydia trachomatisH %rostate, enlarged Gsee %rostatitis and other prostate setsH - EEK:, E=E;, E:K:, B>:, BBB. %rostatitis Gbenign prostate tumor or infectionH - =::, A=:, KEE, =AB, E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =KK:, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, B>:, BBB, ABK, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AAA, KEE, >.= %rostatitis G=H - E:K:, EEK: for =K min %rostate adenominum - AAE, B;;, =;?K, ?A;, ?BB %rostate hyperplasia - >E: %rostate problems, general - E=E;, E::;, E?E:, BBA, ?E;, A:;, >.9>, E=E?, E::;, ?E?, B>:, BBB, ABK, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, =EK, >K, ?9, ?E, E:, >, >.=> %roteus - AEA, A9A, ;9A %roto$oa - A9E, ?K9, K??B %ruritis Gsee ItchingH %seudomonas aeruginosa Gbacteria causing blue pus infections found in wounds, burns, and the urinary tract, et alH - =?A, A;E, ?;K, ==9E, K9==, 9>BK, A:K, B99, =>=, =?;, ?9=, BBAB, =?; %seudomonas mallei Galso called glanders bacillus. Causes glanders, a blue pus infection of the respiratory system and mouth, and transmitted occasionally to man by e&uine.H B;?, ;K?, ;?K, =E?9, K:=, ?A9, ??A %seudomonas pyocyanea - A9? %sittacosis Gsee 3rnithosisH %soriasis Galso use *ypothyroid set and see Deneral %arasite, ascaris, and other roundworm fre&sH - E=;:, E=E;, E::;, EA;>, =KKE, ;;:, ;::, ?;B, ?E;, BBA, 9:A, >B, ==E, =::, B:, =:A, BA, =KE, E=?:, E?E: %soriasis, ankylosing spondylitis - 9:::, >K, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, E;, =.E, =:, 9K, E;, ?.B>, ==:, =::, B:, AE;, B;:

%sorinum - ?;B, ?B? %ullularia pullulans Gallergy remedyH - A9E, ;?9, =9BA, B;A, ?9>, ?K: %yelitis, proteus Gbacteria commonly found in hospital-borne conditionsH - A9A, K>A, ??B %yocyaneus Ghomeopathic nosode for %seudomonas pyocyaneaH - A9? %yoderma Gor %yoderma Dangrenosum6 a rare skin disorder of unknown cause. #mall pustules develop into large ulcers at various sites on the body. 7lso see %arasites general and Deneral antisepticH - =E9, =9E, >B?, >?A, =KKB, =A;>, BB9 %yorrhea GInfection of periodontium causing inflammation of gums and bone loss. 7lthough pyorrhea may be controlled or eliminated with treatment, infection will always return whenever sub"ect e2periences stress or poor diet, until mercury inlays Gso-called 'silver' fillingsH and nickel alloy G'stainless steel'H dental appliances are replaced with porcelain that does not contain uranium and infected root canals and sockets are treated. #ee also <ental, <ental foci, #tomatitis, Dingivitis, 5oothacheH - E?E:, EA;>, E::;, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AAA, KEE, =AB %yrogenium BE Ggeneral homeopathic remedy for pusH - =K=, AE>, K>A, BEE, ;?E, A>?, A>; %yrogenium e2 ovo - E9=, =EAA, =E=:, =E=B %yrogenium fish - E;?, 9:A %yrogenium mayo - B;;, ?K>, =BEK, ?E?, ??: %yrogenium suis - 9A=, 9KB, B?9 M -ever Gan infectious disease caused by contact with animals with the parasitic 'ickettsia bacteria and Co2iella burnetii whose symptoms may include headache, fever, chills, and sweats. #ee also 5yphoid fever and 'ickettsiaH - KE9, =9K?, B:?, =E>, B9E, >A9, =:BE, KA>, ?E:, ?EB 'abies GlyssinumH - E:, =E:, KA?, ?>9 'adiation burns Galso see 'egeneration and *ealingH - ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, =:::: 'agweed - A?9 'aynaud's disease - ?E?, E: 'efractory an - A9K 'egeneration and healing - A?, E?E: 'ela2ation, to produce - B:::, =:, ?.;9 'enal calculi Gsee .idney stonesH 'enal e2cretory insufficiency6 diastolic hypertensive Galso see .idney insufficiencyH - >.E 'eproductive - 99K, K9B, BEE, ?=E 'espiratory syncitial virus - 99B, ?=E, E?; 'etrovirus, variants - EA;>, ABK, ?E?, ?;?, ;;:, AA;, ;::, =:::: 'hesus gravidatum - 9=E, 9EE, K9B, B;A 'heuma Gwatery discharge from nose or eyesH - >KE, A9B, K>K, ??K 'heumaticus - 999, 9?B, ;E: 'heumatism - =::::, ??B, EBE 'heumatoid arthritis Gsee 7rthritis, rheumatoidH 'hinitis Grunny nose, also see #inusitisH - =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, KEE, =AB 'hino pneumonitis - =;K, 9B?, ;E:, A;? 'hi$opus nigricans - =9E, 9E?, ??K, BK>, BB: 'hodo torula - ;99, K>;, ??; 'hodococcus - =EA, ;9K, A9E, ?BA, 99?, B;E, ?E:

'ickettsia Gbacteria that are transmitted to man by lice, fleas, ticks, and mites. Can cause typhoid fever and M fever.H - =E>, B9E, >A9, =:BE, KA>, ?E:, ?EB 'ingworm Gsee )icrosporum audouini, )icrosporum canis, 5richophyton, and4or EpidermophytonH - AEE, AAE, ?9E, K:::, B:, ?B, >E, =E:, =E;, AA:, ;:: for B min 'oaches Gmay target a symbiotH - =:: 'ocky )ountain spotted fever - 9?K, ;BE, >A9, ?;;, AB;, 9:; 'otifer - AK:: 'ubella Gsee )easles, rubellaH 'ubeola Gsee )easles, rubeolaH 'uko tick - BB9A, E;K, 9:; #alivary gland virus Ghuman herpes type K - see CytomegalovirusH #almonella Gcan cause intestinal inflammation and infection, and contribute to flu in childrenH - =KEE, ?=?, >?E, BBA, BA9 #almonella paratyphi / - K>, >E, BA9, ?:?, ?=?, ?=>, ?KE, >?E, ???=, =EAA, B?;?, =BK, ?== #almonella type / - KAB, =B9A #almonella typhi Gcan cause typhoid feverH - AE:, BBA, ;BKB, ??9 #almonella typhimurium Gcan cause food poisoningH - B>9, ?KA, ?BE #anguis menst - K>= #anguinera - B9A #cabies Gsee )ange, follicularH #carlet fever - A9?, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB #chistosoma Gsee %arasites, schistosomaH #chumann resonance Grela2ingH - ?.;9 #chunan /-Cell - 9EE, AEK, KB=, B::, BE:, BE9, ?;:, ?;=, >K:, >KE, =:E9, =KEA, =:>?, ==:: #ciaticor schias - =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, =: #clerosis, lateral Gdegeneration of spinal cord resulting in spastic paraplegiaH - EKA #edation and pain relief - 9:A, B::: #edative effect G'eported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, sinusitisH -E.K #ei$ure G=H - 9E>, EEB, >K9 #emperillium - ==A: #erum schweinepest - K:9, EAB, B:A, ABK #e2ual dysfunction Gsee also Circulatory stasis, 3rchitisH - >.9>, E=E?, E::;, ABK, ;;:, ;:E, ?;?, ?E?, B>:, BBB, =EA, >K, ?9, ?E, E:, BK:, BEK, B:: #higella Gcan cause acute dysentery and diarrhea as well as infect nerves, brain, and spinal cord chronicallyH - BE=, ?BE, ?B>, ??:, =KK:, ;:E, ;9E #hingles Gsee *erpes $osterH #ilver Ge2pH - =K>:9 #inus /acteria - KA; #inusitis Gsinus and lung infections can be caused by a large number of pathogens including viruses like '#F, adenovirus, parainfluen$a, influen$a 7, influen$a /, rhino virus, et al. Common bacteria like strep pneum. are always suspect when condition is chronic. #inusitis frontalis and ma2illaris should be tried first.H #inusitis G=H - ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, E:, ?E, =E:, =AB, A::, AA:, ABA, KEA, KA;, BB:, ?=E, ?9E, ;:E, =K::, =KKE, =B::, =;BE, B;9 for K min

#inusitis GEH - =EK, =B:, 9B?, A?E, B::, B=K, BEK, BK:, ;E:, >KE, ==K:, =KE:, =;BK, E:::, A9>E, AA::, AA=E #inusitis G9H - B:, >K, =E;, EEK, A=A, AE?, A9E, AKB, B=:, B=A, B=;, =E9A, EB::, KK::, 9:A #inusitis GAH - =:?, =B:, >KE, >AE, 9E:, ?A=, B;E, =9>K #inusitis frontalis - >KE, 9E:, B;E #inusitis ma2illaris - =B:, ?A= #leeping sickness - =E:, E: #lipped discs Gspasms from microbial to2insH - =EK, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, >K, ?E, E: #mallpo2 Galso known as variola, an e2tremely contagious viral disease marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small blistersH - =AE, A?B, K==, ;?B, =BAA, E=9E, EKAA, =KK:, ;:E, KAE, KB>, ;9E, 9EEE #mallpo2 GsecondaryH - 99A, 9B:, A?=, BA?, K:B, ?==, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E: #megma - =K9, =;:, B9; #nee$ing - ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, =AB #ore throat Galso see %haryngitis, #trep general, #trep pyrogenes, and 7ctinomyces israeliiH - E?E:, EA;>, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, AB.K, ?BB #orghum smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH - E>A #pasms, muscle - B.; #pastic paresis - 9:.;?, A; #pleen GsecondaryH - =::::, E?E:, E=?:, =;::, =KK:, ;;:, ;:E, ?E?, ABK, E: #pleen, enlarged - 9K, ?;?, 9=?B #porobolomyces - ?K9, ?:: #porotrichum pruinosum - K;A, K>;, B;?, ?KK, ?=K #tammering - =::::, E:, B:::, ?.;9 #taphylococci infection Gsee also other #taph fre&sH - >B:, ?E?P, ?;BP, AK9, B?;, B?A, KK:, ==:>, AEA, >A9, =:K:, BA9, EB::, ?=B:, B9>, =:;>, ;B>? #taph infection G=H - >A9, ?E?, BA9, E: #taphylococcus aureus Gcan cause boils, carbuncles, abscesses, tooth infection, heart disease, and infect tumorsH - AEA, ?E?, ?;BP, >A9, =:K:, ;B>?, BAA, BA?, ?AK, ?9;, ?AA #taphylococcus general - AK9, KK:, B?A, ?E;P, ?;BP, ==:>, ?=B:, B9A, B9>, =:;> #taphylococcus coagulae positive - BA9 #temphylium - AB=, 9A:, ==A #tiff muscles - 9E:, 9E;, 9:A, 9::, EA:, =B:, ??B, ?E;, =;::, =EK, ;:, A:, E:, B::: #tiff muscles GsecondaryH - EK:, =:, K.;, E.K, =.K, =.E, =, :.K, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ??B #tiff neck - A.>, B, >.=> #tiff shoulder - =::::, ?E?, ?BB, E: #tomach disorders Gsee also E. Coli and %arasites general if no lasting reliefH - E=E?, E::;, ;;:, ?;A, ?E?, B>:, B?B, BBA, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, 9.>, AK:, ;:E, =KKE, ;9E, AEE #tomatitis GInflammation of mucous membranes in the mouth. #ee also Candida, *erpes simple2 I, #tomatitis aphthous, %yorrhea, and DingivitisH - ABK, B??, ?:E, ?;?, E9A, E?;, KB;, B?E #tomatitis aphthous Gulcers on mucous membrane of mouth. 7lso called canker soresH A?;, A;?, A>;, ?;;, >KK, >;E #tomatitis aphthous G=H - =>:=, =>:E, =>:9, =>:A, =>:K, =>:B, =>:? for K min #treptococcus infection, general Gstreptococcus family. 7lso see Deneral antiseptic and other #trep setsH - =EBB, ;;:P, ;A;, ?;?, ?;A, ?E?, ;?K, ;;K, E:::

#treptococcus enterococcinum Gcan cause infection in the digestive and urinary tractsH B;B, A:> #treptococcus hemolytic Gblood infection by strepH - ?E;, ;;:, ?;B, ?=E, =E;, =9A, 99A, AA9, K9KP, KAE, B?K, =A=K, =KEEP, =>:E, B>=, ?=:, =E:9, 9B;P, 9=;P #treptococcus mutant strain - ==A, A9?, BEK, ;;9, >>A #treptococcus mutant strain secondary - =:;, A99, A;;, B;?, ;99, ;B;B, ;???, >B?B, BB:, ?9E, ?AK, ?KA, ?BA #treptococcus pepto Gcan infect digestive tractH - E:=, BE> #treptococcus pneumoniae Gcan cause pneumonia, empyema, middle ear infections, endocarditis, peritonitis, arthitis, bacteremia, and meningitisH - E9=, E9E, B;9, ;AB, ;;BK #treptococcus pyrogenes Gpus-forming infections. Can cause sore throat, skin inflammation GerysipelasH, scarlet fever. #ee also Deneral antisepticH. - B=B, ??B, ?9K, ;AK, BB:, =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, ABK, E: #treptococcus viridans - AEKP, A99P, AAK, >9K, =:=:, =:B:, ;A?;, AK?, ABK, ???, ??;, =E=A, =E=B #trep virus - KB9, B==, ?E? #treptococcus pneumoniae, mi2ed flora - =K;, =?A, BAK, ;:= #treptomyces griseus Gsoil bacteria which yields streptomycinH - 999, ;;? #treptothri2 Gincludes 0ocardia and 7ctinomyces israeliH - ?;A, EE;, E9=, E9?, ;;?, E;>:, EEE, EBE, E=KA, ABK, A;;, KB?, ?;;:, =::::, ?;?, ?A?, ?E?, E: #troke Gfollow upH - 9, E:9, =;::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, =;BK, KEE, AE;, =::::, E:, E?E: #trongyloides Gsee %arasites, strongyloidesH #truma Gfamily of organisms that can infect the thyroid causing goiter. !se kelp internally. !se #truma cystica, nodosa, and parenchyme fre&s.H #truma cystica - K9==, K9=, ?KB, 9B= #truma nodosa - =:K, =EE, 9E=, K=?, K9E, BK=, ?=A #truma parenchyme - =E=, K?B #tye Gstaph infection of sebaceous gland of eyelash. 7lso use #taphylococci infection setH - =::::, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, AK9, EB:: #ub lu2ation induced disorders - >.B #udor pedis Ge2cessive foot sweatH - =A; #un allergy GE2amine prescription drugs, such as %soralen, for photo-sensiti$ation properties. H - 9, 99: #unstroke - AAA, AA:, =>:, 9:::, >K, KEE, =AB, ;;:, E:, =:::: #urgery pre-op and post-op to prevent and control nosocomial Ghospital-ac&uiredH and idiopathic infection Gsee also Deneral antiseptic, #taph, and #trep setsH - E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ABK, AAA, KEE, =AB, AE; #urgery, deto2 of anaesthesia Gsee also 1iver supportH - KEE, =AB #urgical pain, post-op recovery - 9:::, E?E:, >K #welling Gedema. #ee also .idney insufficiency and 1ymph stasis fre&sH -KEE, =AB, B.9, =A;, AAA, AA:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, E:, =::::, K:::, 9::: #wimmer's ear Galso see %seudomonas aeruginosa and 3titis e2ternaH - ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA, =?A, A;E, K9== #wollen glands Guse 1ymph and see )umps fre& setsH #yphilis - =??, BK:, BEK, B::, BB:, BK;

5achycardia Grapid heart beat. -or lab animals only. #ee also *eart tonic, 'ela2ation sets.H - =.E 5aenia Gsee %arasites tapewormH 5aste, none - =::::, E: 5endomyopathy - 9E:, EK:, =B:, ;:, A:, E:, =:, K.;, E.K, =.K, =.E, =, :.K 5etanus Ginfectious disease of the central nervous system caused by clostridium tetaniH EAA, B::, KKA, =E:, 9KE, ==AE, 9B9, AK;, ABK, BE; 5etanus Gsecondary complicationsH - ;;:, ?;?, ?E? 5etragenus - 9>9, A99, E?=E 5halamus stimulant - E: 5hermi bacteria - E99, AA= 5hroat JtickleJ, chronic Gsee also #treptococcus setsH - =E:, BBB, B>:, ?E?, ?;?, ;::, ;;:, =KB:, =;A:, =>>;, ?BB, ??B 5hrombophlebitis Ginflammation of vein walls from clotting. !se on lab animals only. #ee also Circulatory stasisH - =K::, ??B, B;K 5hrombosis, infective I herpes family Gnot to be used with arrhythmia or in !.#.H - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =KK:, ;:E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, =EK, >K, ?E, E:, AAA, =;BK, =A;> 5hrush Guse Candida and see #tomatitis fre&sH - A=A, ABK 5hymus, to stimulate - E: 5inea pedis Gsee 5richophyon mentagrophyteH 5inea cruris Gsee Epidermophyton floccinumH 5inea versicolor Gsee )alasse$ia furfurH 5innitus Gsee also Circulatory stasis, <ental, <ental foci, Deneral antiseptic, and 3titis fre&sH - E:, E?E:, ?E;, ?;A, ;;: 5obacco mosaic - E99, E?A, KA9, ?;E, =:KE 5onsillar nosode - =BKB 5onsillar pfropfe - EAB, =K=, A=A 5onsillitis Ginflammation of tonsilsH - =.E, ?9, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, =AA, AKE, K;E 5ooth e2traction follow up fre&uencies Gsee also Deneral antiseptic setH -9:::, E?E:, >K, A?.K, ?.;E 5oothache Gto neglect this can prevent recovery from any illness. #hould also be treated professionally. #ee also <ental, <ental foci, Dingivitis, %yorrhea.H - 9:::, >K, =>:, A?.K, E?E:, EA;>, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BBB, BK:, B::, ABK, BAB, K=?: 5o2ins Gto eliminateH - :.K, KEE, =AB, =KKE, ;:: 5o2oplasmosis Ga serious, infectious disease that can be either ac&uired or present at birth and that is commonly contracted by handling contaminated cat litterH - A9A, ;KE 5rachoma Guse Chlamydia trachomatisH 5rauma - >B, =>E, 9::, ?B:, 9::: 5rench mouth Guse DingivitisH 5reponema pallidum Guse also #yphilisH - BB:, >:E 5richinosis Gthe very serious parasitism resulting from eating pork or bear meatH - =:=, KA=, ;EE, =:KA, =9?E 5richodermia - ?== 5richomonas Ga microorganism causing vaginal irritation with discharge and itchingH -

B=:, B>E, >;: 5richophytie general - =9E, ?EK, ;:;, ;=E, EAEE, >A>9 5richophytie nagel - 9;=, K;K, K>9, ;=E 5richophytie nagel secondary - =99, =AE, 9?9, 9?B, 9?;, 9;K, 9;?, AE:, AEK, AE;, K?B, K?;, K;:, K;=, K;9, K;A, K;?, K;;, K>E, K>K, K>?, ?EA, ?EK, ?EB, ?K:, ?>A, ?>?, ;:=, ;:K, ;:;, ;:>, ;=?, ;;B, EAEE, B;;?, ?B;;, ?B>?, ?;;K, K;A, K;?, K>E, ?9E, ?99, ?9;, ?A;, ?BK, ?BB, ??=, ???, ??;, ??>, =EKB 5richophyton mentagrophytes - 9==, A=A 5richophyton rubrum - ?KE, >E9 5richophyton tonsuraus - AKA, ?BK 5rigeminal neuralgia - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, ?.K, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?B:, ?E?, BK:, =AB, ?.;E, E?.K, AE; 5rypanosoma gambiense - EKK, 9=B, A:9, ?::, ?EA 5uberculinum - 99E, KEE, BBA, ?9=, ?9?, ?A;, =:;K, =:>>, =?::, ?B= 5uberculosis Galso see 5uberculinumH - E:, ?A:, =;A:, ?E:, =KKEP, =B::, E=B, ;:EP, ?;A, =K::, ?E?, B>:, BBB 5uberculosis aviare - 9:9, 99E, 9AE, A9;, AA:, K9E, 9==9, BK=K, B>?, B>;, ?E:, ?9=, ?A=, ?A;, ??: 5uberculosis bovine - EE>, KE9, BEK, B9K, ;9;, ;??, 99K9, ?A;, ?K? 5uberculosis klebsiella - E=?, EE:, EE=, B;B, ==9E, =BAA, E9=9, BK=B, ?E>, ?A; 5uberculosis rod form - ;:9P, =K=9 5uberculosis secondary complications - ??B, E=E?, E::;, ABK 5uberculosis, rod, E. coli, 5/ infections - ?>>, ;:E, ;:A, =KK:, =K=9 5uberculosis, virus - EKBK, =KKEP 5ularemia Ga serious infectious disease also called deerfly fever or rabbit feverH - 9EA, AE?, ;E9 5umor, brain - see Cancer, astrocytoma, glioma, glioblastoma 5urbatri2 - =:A 5yphoid fever Gtyphus infection related symptoms causing high fever, headache, and rash. 7lso use #almonella typhi and 'ickettsia and see M fever.H - 9E:K, ;EA, =KK:, ;:E, B>:, =;::, =;BE, ?=E, ?=A !lcer, duodenal - B?B, ?E?, ?K:, ;;:, =:::: !lcer, gastric - B?B !lcers, general - B?B, BBA, ;:E, ?;A, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, =;::, =B::, ;;:, ;9E, ;:E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, ?9 !lcer, ventric - =AE, KBB, B?B, E9E, =::: !lcer, ventricular - ?B>, ?B: !rea-plasma - ?KB !remia Galso known as uremic poisoning6 e2cessive amounts of nitrogenous waste products in the blood, as seen in kidney failure. 7lso use .idney and 1ymph stasis fre&s.H - >== !rethritis Galso see Faginosis and use Chlamydia trachomatisH - E?E:, E=?:, E=E?, =;::, =B::, =KK:, ;:E, =K::, ;;:, ;9E, ?;?, ??B, ?E?, BK:, BEK, B::, ABK, AAA, =;BK, =EK, >K, ?E, =.E !rticaria Ghives, often due to to2insH - =;::, KEE, =AB, A.>, ?;?, ?E? !terine polyp - B;>

Faccinium Ga homeopathic nosodeH - A?B Faginosis Gnon-specific infection. 7lso see Dardinerella, Candida, and 5richomonasH A=A, KAE, BAE, BKE, ;::, ;9E, ;AK, ;BB, >AE, ?E;, ?;A, ;;:, ABA Faricella Gsee herpes $osterH Faricoses - =.E, E; Fariola Gsee #mallpo2H Fegetative dystonia Ginvoluntary muscle dysfunctionH - A: Fein thrombosis Gsee 5hrombophlebitisH Ferruca Ga rough-surfaced, supposedly-harmless, virus-caused skin wart. 7lso see ,artH - BAA, ?B?, ?>?, ;??, >K9, =?9, ?;? Fertigo Galso use 3titis and see Deneral antiseptic fre&sH - B:, K.;, A Fision, poor Gsee also CataractsH - 9K:, 9B: Fitamag complete set - =, E, 9, A, K, B, ?, ?.;, >, =:, =9, =B, =>.K, EE.K, EA Fitiligo Gloss of pigmentation in areas of skin. !se with / comple2 with e2tra %7/7 internally and %7/7 cream topically. 7lso see E. coli, %arasite Deneral, 1iver support, and -ungus fre&s if necessaryH - AA:, B::, BK:, E==E, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, AAA, E: ,art, condyloma Gvenereal warts caused by infectious papilloma virusH - ABB, >:? ,arts Ggeneral, also see %apilloma and %arasites roundworms and flukesH - E?E:, EA;>, E=?:, E=E?, E::;, =;::, =B::, =K::, >:?, >=K, ?E?, B>:, BBB, BAA, ?B?, >K9, A>K, ABB ,arts Gpapilloma type, branch or stalkH - >:?, ABB ,arts GverrucaH - BAA, ?B?, >K9, ?;? ,arts, plantar - >=K, >=; for =K-9: min ,ellness - B.;, ?.;9 ,erlhof - B>:, AKE ,heat smut - =:=B9, =KB, 9?K ,heat stem rust G=H - BA9 ,hiplash - E:, E?E:, =:::: ,hite /lood Cell stimulation Gsee Immune system stimulationH ,hooping cough Gsee %ertussisH ,olhynia fever Ga 'ickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse. 7lso see 'ickettsiaH - KA? ,ound healing Galso see Deneral antisepticH - E?E:, ;;:, ?;?, ?E?, EE:, =>:, E:, A: Yeast, cervical Galso use CandidaH - ?;;, ?:B, ??= Yeast, general Galso see Candida. !se %arasites general, roundworm, and ascaris if no lasting reliefH - ?E, EKA, 9?K, KEE, ;?B, >;?, A=A, AEE, ABK, K;E, ?;?, =:=B, EEEE Yeast Gbaker'sH - ;A9 Yellow fly - >>B Yellow fever Ga severe, viral infection which can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, and entire gastrointestinal tractH - E:, =AE, =?;, E9E, A9E, ?9A, ==;?, ?99, ??>, =:::: Yersenia pestis Gsee /ubonic plagueH Cygomycosis Galso called mucormycosis6 a serious fungal infection usually associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive drugsH - >AE, BE9, ?99

0ormali$e 7drenal -unction =99K *$ 0ormali$e %ituitary -unction B9K *$ #timulate Increased *D* %roduction X%ituitaryQ BAK *$ #timulate 0ormal %ineal -unction BBE *$ 0ormali$e Endocrine #ystem -unction K9? *$ #timulate 4 0ormali$e Immune #ystem -unction ;9K *$ #timulate 0ormal Colon -unction B9K *$ #timulate 0ormal 5hyroid -unction ?B9 *$ #timulate 0ormal %ancreas -unction BKA *$ #timulate 0ormal 1iver -unction ?K= *$ #timulate 0ormal .idney -unction BEK *$ #timulate 0ormal *eart -unction B>B *$ 0ormali$e /lood %ressure =K *$ #timulate 0ormal 0ervous #ystem -unction ?BA *$ #timulate 0ormal 1ymph #ystem -unction B?B *$ #timulate Increased 1ymph #ystem Circulation =K *$ #timulate 0ormali$ed /lood Circulation 99? *$ #timulate Increased /lood -low 4 Circulation =? *$ 0ormali$e 'ed /lood Cell %roduction =KEA *$ 0ormali$e ,hite /lood Cell %roduction =A9A *$ #timulate the 'einforcement of <07 Integrity KE; *$ #timulate the 'einforcement of '07 Integrity B9? *$ #timulate Clarity of 5hought 4 )ental -unction 9K *$ #timulate the #tabili$ation 3f Emotional #tates =K *$ #timulate 5he Clearing of Emotional 5rauma 4 Energy /locks =K *$ #timulate 5he /alancing 3f #piritual ,ell-/eing =KBK *$ 'educe Chemical #ensitivity AA: *$ 'educe Electrical #ensitivity BK? *$ #timulate the 0ormali$ation of Calcium )etabolism 9E; *$ #timulate the *ealing 3f 0erves E.: *$ #timulate 5he *ealing 3f /ones ?.: *$ #timulate the *ealing 3f 1igaments >.? *$ #timulate 5he *ealing 3f )uscles =9.K *$ #timulate the healing of Capillaries =K.E *$ 'educe #welling of *erneated <isc EK.A *$6 9EA *$, =K *$ 'educe E2cess -luid 'etention in @oints R 5issues EA.9 *$ %arkinson tremor, temporary relief - B::: for =: min, =9:, =B> %arkinson's disease Ga slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic disorder, also use Chlamydia pneumoniae and see 0ocardia asteroides fre&sH B>9, ;=9, =.=, K:::, ==9= for 9 min, 99 for 9: min #timulate Clarity of 5hought 4 )ental -unction 9K *$ *erpes simple2 I Ge2pH - AB?.;, >9K.K, =;?=, 9?AE, ?A;A )ore here

5hrush Guse Candida and see #tomatitis fre&sH - A=A, ABK %ain G7lso look under name of condition causing painH - 9:::, >K, BBB, ;: -'EM!E0CY C3<E# -3' E(%E'I)E0571 !#E 5he information presented here is strictly intended for educational and4or entertainment purposes only. It is not the purpose of this web site to offer or otherwise supply advice on medical procedures or treatment. 5o got the desired results, it is FI571 53 !#E <'7I07DE and study the preceding directions. 0umbers == to E> produce 5*E )3#5 '7%I< 'E#%30#E C30<I5I30 -------------------------------------- 0!)/E' 7dynamia, geriatric Gfatigue of ageH......................................................A>, KB. 7bdominal inflammation......... 9=, ;E, A, K, B, >, =:, == O =B, =A, =K, =?, =;, E:, E;, E> O ;B, ;;, AE, AK, K;, =:9, =:A, =:K, =:B, =:?, ==E, ==;, ==>. 7bdominal pain............................................................................ ..........=, ?;, 9, AK. 7bscesses................................................................ ..........A, B, =A, =?, E:, 9>, =:=. 7cidosis Gurine too acidH.....................................=, =A, =B, =?, =;, E:, K;, ;;. 7cne................................................................. ...............A, B, >, =:, =E, =A, =?, E:. 7ctinomycosis........................................................ ......................E;, =, =?, E:, K;. 7cupuncture disturbance field Gscar focusH.................................................K>. 7cute %ain .........................................9, AK, =, == O =B, =A, =?, E: O EE O EA. 7denoids.........A, B, == O =B, =A, =?, =;, E:, E>, K;, =:K, =:B, =:?, =:>, ==:, ==E, ==B, ==?. 7dhesions....................................................A, B, ==O=B, =A, =?, =;, =>, E:, 9>. 7drenal stimulant....................................................................... ...........................K;. 7I<# #ee special supplement. -or opportunistic infection, 71,7Y# !#E K 70< E; with any of these other numbers+ 9, AK, A, B, ?, ;, >, =:, ==, =E, =A, =K, =B, =?, =;, =>, E:, E=, EE, E9, EA, EK, EB, E?, E> O ;B, AE, AK, A;, K;, ;?, =:9, =:A, =:K, =:B, =:?, =:>, ==:, ===, ==E, ==A, ==B, ==?, ==;, ==>. 7llergy................................................................. ...................=, =A, =?, E:, ?; and 9E. 7lopecia Gloss of hairH...............................................................=, =A, =?, E:, E;, ;;. 7menorrhea Gabsence of menstruationH......=, A, == O =B, =?, =>, E:, E;, K;. 7nal itchingG%ruritusH.....=, =A, =?, =>, E:, E;, E>, AE, AK, A;, E> O ;B, K;, ==E. 7neurysm...............................=A, =?, =>, E:, E;, AE, AK, A;, E> O ;B, K;, E:. 7ngina pectods Gheart, pain in chest or armH.........................................?; O 9B. #econdary......A, B, >, =:, =E, =A, =K, =?, =;, E:, E;, E> O ;B, AE, AK, A;, K;, =:B. 7ngina G&uinsy--in throatH..................=?, =;, E:, E;, =:K, =:B, =:?, =:>, ==:, ==E, ==?, ==;, ==>. 7nkylosing spondylitis 9, AK, == O =B, =A, =?, =;, E:, EK O EB O E?, KK, ;E, .B=, KA, KK, >9, ;E, A9, AA, A>, =:K, =:B, =:>, ==:, ==E. 7ntiseptic effect....................................................................... == O =B, =A, =?, =>, E:, .E;, E>, =:9, =:K, =:B, =:?, =:;, =:>, ==:, ==E, ==;, ==>, =E9.

7pople2y, #troke paralysis K9, K;, >, =A, =?, E:, EK O EBO E?, AE, AK, A;, K;, ;B, ;?. 7ppendicitis G035E., drinking even a few drops of water before infection is eliminated may be fatal if microperforation has occurredH == O =B, =A, =?, E:, E>, 9=, 9>, B=, EK, E> O ;?, AE, AK, A;, K;, ;;, =:A, =:9, ==?, ==;, ==>. 7ppetite, lack of ..................................E;, E> O ;B, AE, AK, A;, K;, =, =A, =?, E:. 7rteriosclerosis Ghardening of arteries+ regeneration takes timeH ...................................................................=, A, B, >, =:, =E, =A,=?,=;, E:, K;. 7rthritis Gsince many different organisms can cause arthritis, many fre&uencies must be testedH ................=, ==, =A, =B, =?, E:, KK, K;, B>, ?;, ;E. 7rthritis, rheumatoid of the muscles and tendons 9A, ;E, EK O EB O E?, =? E:. 7rthritis, arthrosis, and parathyroid disturbances affecting calcium metabolism ................................................................................ ...BE. 7rthritis, arthralgia due to gout............................................................................ ......B9. 7rthritis+ focal origin--- gastrogenic, tonsillogenic, and paresis..................B9. 7sthma............................. ......................................................A, B, >, =:, =E, =A, =?, E:. 7strocytoma.......................................................... ...........BK, B?, B>, B, ?, =A, EE, EA. 7ta2ia Gincoordination of muscles--slow results in some casesH A, B, >, =:, =E, =A, =?, =;, E:, EK, EB, E?, E> O ;B, AE, AK, A;, K;. #pastic ata2ia.......................................................................... ..........................BK, B?, B>. 7thlete's -oot................................................5ry E; first, then ==, =A, =B, E:, K;. 7utointo2ication...........................................................b /[;K, ;?, ;;, =, =A, =?, E:, K;. /ack pain............................................................................ ..=>, == O =B, =A, =?, E:, =. /ad /reath GhalitosisH........................................................== O =B, =A, =?, E:, K;. /edsores .................................=A, == O =B, =?, E:, E; and K;6 then ;E and A?. /ed ,etting when not due to to2ins+ GEnuresisH......=A, ==O =B, =?, E:, E;. /iliousness.......................................................... .........== O =B, =, =A, =K, =?, E:, E;. /ladder and prostate complaints ....................=A, == O =B, =?, E:, E;, K;, B9. /oils...............................................................=A, == O =B, =?, E:, E;, =:B, =:?, =:>. /one trauma Gcuts, fracturesH........................................9=, == O =B, =, =A, =?, E:. /one 4 periodontal disease Gsee also osteoH.......K=, >, =:, EK O EB O E?, =A, =?, =;, E:. /one protuberance GspursH......................................................................... ;E and 9A. /rachial 0euralgia....................................................................... ................................;K. /reast+ fibrold cysts.............................................=A, == O =B, =?, =;, E:OEEOEA. /right's #yndrome G0ephritisH....................................... ...................=E, =A, =?, E:. /ronchial asthma ........................................;K, ;?, ;;, AE, AK, A;, E> O ;?, K;. /ronchitis............................................................... ...................................=A, E:, B9, BA. /ronchial %neumonia ...........................................................== O =B, =A,=?,=;, E:. /ubonic %lague .................=:=, plus secondary infections+....=A, =?, E:, K;. /urns................................................................ .......................9>, =, =A, =?, E:, E;, 9;. /ursitis Gmay be caused by many viruses6 also e2periment with

arthritis fre&uenciesH.................................................................... .................=A, =?, E:. Cancer+see Carcinoma, 1eukemia, and #arcoma Candida.............................................................. .............................................................E;. Carci noma ..........................................................................?, ;, =A,=?, E:O EAO EE. Cardiac Edema Gcongestive heart failureH.........................................................BK. Cataract ................................................................................ ........................=, =A, =?, E:. Catarrh................................................................................==O=B, =A , =?, E:, E>, K;. Cerebral %alsy........................................................................... ......=A, =?, E:, ;?, ;;. Chicken %o2 GFaricellaH ................................................................................ ..==O=B. and Gsecondary infectionsH >, =:, =E, =A, =?, E:, K;. Cholera.................................................................. ...................=A, =B, =:9, =A, =?, E:. Circulatory stasis.......................................................................... ...............................K9. Circulation disturbances 4 problems............................................................K9, B9. Cold in head, chest Gvirus mutates constantly6 too many strains to include complete list of codesH.......................................=, ==, =A, =B, =?, =;, E:, E>, K;. Colic.................................................................... ...........................==, =K, =B, =?, E:, K;. Colitis Girritation of colonH.....................................................=, ==, =A, =K, =B, =:A. Con"unctivitis G#tyeH...................................................=, ==, =A, =B, =?, E:, K;, AB. Constipation ...................................................................==, =A, =B, =?, =;, E:, K;. Convulsions ...........................................=, =A, =?, GE: most commonly usedH. Contusions.................................................................. .................................BB and A9. Costalgia Grib painH........................................................................... .....=, =A, =?, E:. Cramps............................................................... .................................=, =A, =?, E:, K?. Cystitis Gof urinary bladderH....................................==, =A, =B, =?, E:, E;, K;. <eafness Gpartial to completeH....................................=, ==, =A, =B, =?, E:, K;. <ental foci6.........Gneglecting this can prevent recovery from 70Y illnessH 9, AK, 9>, K=, =:, == O =B, =E, =A, =, K, =?, =;, =>, E:, EA O EK O E?, E;, A, K, >. <epression, an2iety, trembling, weakness ...................................................??. . <epression Gdue to e2ogenous circumstancesH ........................KA and =?. <epression Gdue to drugs or to2insH...................................................;9 and A?. <iabetes+ KA, === and =?, plus secondary.=, A, B, >, ==, =A, =B, E:, E;, K;. <iabetic loading......................................................................... ..................KA and E=. <iarrhea 4<ysentery............................................................==, =A, =B, =?, E:, E;. <iphtheria.................................................................. .......................................=;, =:?. <istortion G5wisting of muscles, spineH...........................................BB and A9. <i$$iness................................................................... ..................................................?9. <upuytren's Contracture+ this is Ath and Kth finger folding into hand6 Gcan't be straightenedH................................................................... .........;E and 9A. <ysmenorrhoea+ -or rapid, lasting relief of painful menstruation+ after a pure water douche, use SK?6 leave running after pain disappears. -or uterine infection+ .............................................?A, ==O =B, =A, =?, E:, E;. <yspepsia GindigestionH............................................................==, =A, =B, =?, E:. Ears--various maladies--discharges, vertigo, ringing, hearing loss, BK, =A, =?, E:, K;. Ec$ema................................................................... .......................BK, ==, =B, =?, E:.

Ec$ema in vascular and lung functional disturbances............................B9. Enuresis GbedwettingH..............................................................=, =A, =?, E:, E;. Edema.....................................;?, ;;, ?= and A=, E>, =:A, =A, =?, E:, E;. Epicondylitis Gpain in elbowH.............................................................;E and 9A. Epididymitis Ginflammation of testicle area4ductsH....=E, =A, =?, E:, K;. Epilepsy...................................................=, =A, =B, =?, E:, E=, EK, E?, AE, K;. Epstein-/arr ..........................................................=:K, =:B, =;, E;, =A, =?, E:. Erysipelas Gskin inflammationH caused by strep pyogenes, etc......=:B, =, =A, =?, E:, E;, K;. Erythema nosodum......................................................................... .....................B9. Esophagus GcongestionH.................................................................... ...=A, =?, E:. Eustachian tube inflammation...............................==, =A,=B, =?, =;, E:, E;. Eye inflammation.................................................................... ..............;E and AB. Eye <isorders Gblurred, cataracts, crossed, diplopia, infected,etc.=:, =, =A, =?, E:, K;. Eyes GDlaucomaH...................................................................... .........=:, =A, =?, E:. -acial paralysis ................................................................................ ....=, =A, =?, E:. -atigue .................................A, >, =:K, =:B, E;, AE, AK, A;, KB, K;, E> O ;B. -ever Gvarious causesH ........................................................................=A,=?,E: ,K;. -ibroma................................................?, ;, E:, EE, EA Gsecondary+ ==, =B, E;H. -ibrosis of lung..........................................................................KB and 9? and 9:. -istula, !lcer........................................................................... ..............=A,=K, =?, E:. -lashes, hot GcomplicationsH............................................................=, =A , =?, E:. -latulence Gintestinal gasH........................................==, =A, =B, =?, =>, E:, E;. -lu Gmutates to new strains which sometimes re&uire fre&uencies not yet determinedH ..............................................................==, =A, =B, =?, E:, K;. -oot ---- blisters...................................................................... . ....=, =A, =?, E:, E;. -ractures................................................................... .......9? and 9B, =, =A, =?, E:. -rostbite................................................................... ..................................=A, =?, E:. -ro$en shoulder........................................................................ =, =A, =B, =?, E:. -ungal infection...............................................................E;, ==, =A, =B, E:, K;. -urunkulosis herpes, skin diseases ..............................9; and =9, ==, =B. secondary ................................................................................ .......=?, E:. Dall bladder dystonia with osteitis............................?>, 9, =A, =?, E:, K;. Dallstones.................................................................. ...........?>, 9, =A, =?, E:, K;. Dangrene.................................................................... ................=A, =?, E:, K;, A?. Das GintestinalH...........................................................==, =A, =B, =?, =>, E:, E; . Dastritis and flatus ................................................................=A, =K, =?, E:, K;. Dout........................................................................ ...............B9, 9, =A, =?, E:, K;. Dravel in urine..................................................................?>, 9= =A, =?, E:, KB. Dums Ginflammation, gingivitis, pyorrhoea...==, =A, =B,=?, E:, E;, K;. *air loss GalopeciaH...........................................................=, =A, =?, E:, E;, ;;. *allucinations.............................................................. .............=, =A, =?, E:, K;. *angover.................................................................... ................................=, ;?, ;;. *ay -ever Gonly on some typesH............................................=A, =?, E:, K;. *eadaches+ FE'Y '7%I< 'E1IE--SA:. Continue even after pain disappears. 3thers

possibly helpful+ B=, ;?K ;;, ?A, 9, =A, =?, E:, K;, B=, ?=, ?9, 9, EK, EB, E?. -or headaches caused by parasites....................A:, AE,AK, A?, K;, E:, 9. Gheadaches which are urogenitally causedH A:, B9, 9. Gcaused by vertebral misalignment-not a substitute for ad"ustmentH..............A:, BE, 9. *ead In"uries Gseek immediate medical attentionH..................A:, BE, 9, =A, =?, E:, ;?, A;, ?9, ?A. . *earing problems...................................................=, == O= B, =A, =?, =>, E:, K;. *eart Glab animals onlyH Gsee %ericarditisH......AB, A:, K;, A?, ?K, =, =A, =?, E:, E;, AE, AK, K;. *eartburn ....=K, A, B, ?, >, =:, == O =B, =E, =A, =?, E:, E9, E;, E> O ;B, AE, AK, A;, K;. *emorrhage Guncontrolled bleedingH..........................................................==, =B. *emorrhoids.............................................................. ..............................==, =A, =B, E:. *epatitis GgenericH..........................................................;E and KK, ==, =A, =B, E:. *ernia................................................................... ...............................................=, =?, E:. *erpes G$osterH....A, B, >, =:, =E, ==, =B, ;B and GsecondaryH =A,=?,E:,K;. *igh blood pressure, hypertension.........................................=, =A, =?, E:, BK. *ip %ain Gas in co2arthritisH.............................................................=A, =? , E:, K;. *ives G!rticariaH ......................................................>, =A, =?, E:, ;?, ;;, ?A. *oarseness.................................................................. .................................=A, =>, E:. *yperacidity of stomach ................................................................................ .....K;. *ydrocele Gfluid in testicle, etcH...........................................................=A, =?, E:. *yperosmia Gtaste--morbidH.............................................................K;, =, ;?, ;;. *yperthyroid............................................................. .................................?; and ;K. *ypoacidity of stomach......................................................................... ..............K;. *ypothyroid G5hyroid deficiencyH....................................................B: and KA. *ypertension............................................................b /[K;, AK, BK, ?E, =, =A, =?, E:. Farieties of hypertension on ne2t page+ Gkidney-induced, red-high, diastolic high pressureH.. ............BK and ?E. *ypertension, spastic......................................................................... ....................AK. Infantile %aralysis....................................................................... .......=E, =A, =?, E:. Infections Gmany classesH ...=:, ==, =E, =A, =K, =B, =?, =;, =>, E:, E=, EE, EA, EK, EB, E?, E;, E>, AE, AK, A;, K;, ;B, =:=, =:9, =:A, =:K, =:B. Inflammation............................................................ .................................................;=. Influen$a Gflu viruses mutate fre&uently6 these codes are only a partial listH .......................==,=B, =E, =A, =?, E:, K;. Insomnia................................................................. ......?B, ?;, ==, =E, =A and =B. Infertility .................?, ;, E;, =A, =B, =?, E: O EE O EA, EK O EB O E?, B9. Impotence Gmany causesH ....B9, ?, ;, E;, =A, =B, =?, E: O EE O EA, AE, AK, A?,A;, K;, EK O EB O E?. Indigestion.........................................=, =A, =?, E:, E;, E>, K;, AE, AK, A;, ?A. Intercostal neuralgia Gpain in rib musculatureH .............................................................9,==, =A, =B, =?,=;, E:, AE, K;, ;B, E>.

Intermittent claudication .....................................................................KE and K:. Itching G%ruritusH .....................=A, =?, E:, E;, E>, AE, AK, A;, K;, E> O ;B. @aundice GliverH..=:, ==, =E, =A, =B, EK, EB, E?, E> O ;B, ;;, 9A, AE, AK, A;, K;. .idney insufficiency Gmany viruses and to2ins may cause thisH B= and K9, =:A, =:, ==, =E, =A, =B, =?, E:, EK, EB, E?, E;, A?, K9, B=, E> O ;B, ;;, 9A, AE, AK, A;, K;. .nee 4 @oint pain.......==, =A, =B, =?, E:, KK, K;, B>, ?;, ;E, 9A, ;E, BE , B9. 1aryn2 .........=:A, E;, E>, ==, =A, =B,=?, E:, KK, B>, ?;, ;E, 9A, ;E, BE , B9. 1eprosy Gmore belowH.......................................................................... .....................E?. for infection of lesions+ =:, ==, =E, =A, =K, =B, =?, =;,=>, E:, E=, EE, EA, EK, EB, E?, E;, E>, K;, =:=, =:9, =:A to =:B. 1eukemia ...........................................................................?, ; , =A, =?, E:, EE, EA. 1eukodermia ....................................................................... ..=A, =?, E:, E>, K;, =:?. 1ocomotor <ysfunction Gslow results if nerve damage e2istsH incoordination....=, =A, =?, =;, E:, EK, EB, E?, E> O ;B, AE, AK, A;, K;. convulsions, spasticity......BK, B?, B>. 1ow /lood %ressure, hypotension ..............................................=A, =?, E:, K;. 1umbago...................................==, =A, =?, E:, AE, AK, A;, E> O ;B, BK, B?, B>. 1ungs...........................==, =B, =A, =?, =;, E:, AE, AK, A;, K;, E> O ;B, =:9, =:?. 1upus Erythematosus................................................................ =A, =?, E:, =;, =:E. 1u2ation Gdislocation of organs or "ointsH........................................BB and A9. 1ymph stasis............................................?= and A=, ;?, ;;, E>, =:A,=A, =?, E:. )ental <isorders G general aid6 to2ins usually the causeH ..............................................................;?, ;; , => AE, AK, A;, K;, ?A, =:K, ==, =B. )enieres <isease............................................== O =B, =A, =?, E:, E;, =:K, =:?, =:>. )eningitis.....== O =B, =A, =K, =?, E:, EK, EB, E?, E;, E> O ;B, AE, AK, A;, K;, =:K, =:B. )enstrual problems+ plain water douche first, then SK? applied. 3thers+......................................................................... ..............=A, =?, E:, E;, K;. )igraine............................................................. ......................................A: and B=. )otion #ickness ............. EK, EB, E?, E;, E> O ;B, ;?, ;;, AE, AK, A;, K;. )outh--eruptions6 white patches --precancerous, leukoplakia ..........E;, ?, ;, E:, EE, EA. herpes sores......................................K, >, E;, ==, =E, =A, =?, E:, =:E, =:K. )ucous membrane inflammation.................................................................... ....9=. )ultiple #clerosis Gmainly for complications.........== O =B, =A, =?, E:, K;. )uscles, to rela2 GmyospasmsH..............................................................=> and ?:. )uscular <ystrophy Gsuggestions only6 no reports for theseH.........;?, ;;, =A, =?, E:. )uscular pain, in"ury Greported as applied for short periods, from 9: seconds to 9 minutes,depending on needH ....................99, 9A, 9K, A:, AE, AB, K9, K;, B=, ?9. ;:, ;=,;E, ;A, ;K. )umps.......................................................=, E :, A, K, ?, ;, =:K, ==:, =A, =?, E:, K;.

0ausea ................................................................................ ........=A, =K, =?, E:, K;, ?A. 0ephritis c nephrosis...............................................=A, =?, E:, B=, K9, A? and E;. 0ervousness, %ro$ac agitation GakathsiaH............................................................?;. 0er ve disorders.........=, A, K, B, >, =:, == O =B, =A, =?,E:, EK, EB, E?, AE, AK, A;, K;, =:A, =:B, =:>. 0euralgia.................................................................. ........................................................?K. 0eurosis......... ................................................................................ ...................................K K. 0ose--infection, congestion.............== O =B, =A, =?, =;, E:, E>, =:A, E;, K;. 0umbness...............=, A, K, B, >, =:, == O =B, =A, =?, E:, EK, EB, E?,=:A, =:B, =:>. 3besity Gonly one report on this fre&uency codeH......................................=, E;. 3ral lesions+ 035E. although these may disappear with treatment, lesions will always return whenever sub"ect e2periences stress or poor diet, until mercury inlays Gso-called 'silver' fillingsH and nickel alloy G'stainless steel'H dental appliances are replaced with %orcelain--Gwithout uraniumH ....................A, K, ;, >, =:, == O =B, =A, =?, =;, =>, E:, E;, E>, ;?, ;;. 3rchitis Ginflammation of testes due to 5/, mumps, gonorrhea, cancer, etc.H A, K, B, ?, ;, >, =:, == O =B, =E, =A, =K, =?, =;, E: O EE O EA, EK, EB, E?, AE, AK, A;, K;, ==:. 3steomyelitis Gbone infectionH == O =B, =E, =A, =K, =?, =;, E: O EE O EA, ?>, A, K, B, ?, ;, >, =:. 3tosclerosis Gtype of deafnessH....................................................................... .....BK. 3varian disorders . ......... EK O EBO E?, E;, E>, K?, A, K, B, ?, ;, >, =:, == O =B, =E, =A, =K, =?> =;, E: O EE O EA, K;. %7I0 Glook under appropriate affliction for moreH....................................9, AK. %ain of infection ..................................9, AK, =A, == O =B, =?, =;, E:, ?A. %ain of cancer ......................................................9, AK, ?, ;, E: O EE O EA. %ancreatic insufficiency................................................................... ...........B= and 9A. secondary+...............EK O EBO E?, E;, E>, K?, A, K, B,?, ;, >, = :, == O =B, =E, =A, =K, =?, =;, E: O EE O EA, K;. %aralysis, spastic Gslow results in some casesH6 .....................=, =A, =?, =;, E:, EK, EB, E?, E> O ;B, AE, AK, A;, K;, B>. %aralysis, nonspastic GlangorousH Gslow results in some casesH6 ............=, =A, =?, =;, E:, EK, EB, E?, E> O ;B, AE, AK, A;, K;, BK, B?. %arasites+ G7utopsies show that parasites are a contributing factor in A: to ?KL of all illness. *owever ordinary diagnostic labs fail to detect their presence, because they still use faecal smears. Even mucosal swabs and !.F. stains can only detect parasites in certain stages of their life cycles.H ................................................................................ ..... AE, AK, A;, K;, E> O ;B. %elvic Inflammatory <isease G%I<H ..... A, K, B, ?, ;, >, =:, == O =B, =?, =;, E:OEEOEA, EK, EB, E?, E;, E> O ;?, AK, A;, =:9, =:K, =:?, ==:, ==;.

%ericarditis6 since cardiac conditions are inherently unstable, we cannot recommend the use of fre&uencies on humans, even outside !.#. @urisdiction. 5hese are for animal research only+ ...... A, B, =:, =A, == O =B, =?, =>, E:, EB, E;, AE , AK, AB, A?, A;, K;, ?K. %haryngitis..................................=:A, 9=,=:, == O =B, =;, =?, =A, E:, K;, ;?, ;;. %leurisy..............................==, =B, =A, =?, =;, E:, AE, AK, A;, K;, E> O ;B, =:9, =:?. %neumonia................................................. ..==, =B, =A, =?, =;, E:, K;, =:9, =:?. %oliomyelitis Gsecondary complicationsH+.........== O =B, =:K, =E, =A, =?, E:. %olyps...A, K, B, ?, ;, >, =:, E: O EE O EA, EK O EB O E?, E;,E>, K;, ;?, ;;. %re-op and post-operation+ prevention and control of nosocomial Ghospital-ac&uiredH and idiopathic infection.....B, >, =:, == O =B, =E, =A, =K, =B, =?, =;, E:, E;, E>, ;?, ;;, =:K, =:?, =:>. %rostatitis, benign prostate tumor .......AA and 9:, ;;, A, K, B, ?, ;, == O =B, =?, =;, E: O EE O EA, E;, AE, AK, A;, K;, E> O ;?. %rostate complaints..B9, ?, ;, E:, EE, EA, E;, =A, =B, =?, E:, AE, AK, A?, A;, K;. %ruritus GitchingH...............................=A, =?, E:, E;, E>, AE, AK, A;, K;, E> O ;B. %rostate tumor GmalignantH.......................................................... ?, ;, E: O EE O EA. %soriasis ---- G'e&uires long-term treatment, since the immune system continues to be programmed to attack the skin long after the offending organism, which has markers similar to skin, has been eliminated. Condition may improve over time with use of parasite fre&uencies and fresh vegetable "uice. Condition will gradually deteriorate with dietary abuse of sugar R starchH. 5he following fre&uencies may be useful+ 3rganisms which may stimulate immune reaction against skin+ . ...................................................== O =B, =E, =A, =?, E:, A9, AA O A>. 7nkylosing spondylitis of psoriasis .................................;E, B=, KA, KK, B>, ;E. %sychosomatic pain6 Gviral, energetic meddian blocks, to2icity, nutritionalH.................................................................... .................................AA and 9E. %yorrhoea G%eriodontal disease+ "awbone infection6 receding gums-.....................................A, K, ;, >, =:, == O =B,=A,=?, =;, E:, E;, E>, ;?, ;;. I)%3'5705 035E -3' 'E#E7'C*E'#+ %yorrhoea may contribute to2ins which bypass the blood-brain barrier Gimpossible according to conventional wisdom, yet clearing pyorrhoea eliminates headaches and bi$arre behaviourH. 7lthough pyorrhoea may be controlled or eliminated with treatment, infection will always return with stress or poor diet, until mercury inlays Gso-called silverJ fillingsH and nickel alloy GJstainless steelJH dental appliances are replaced with %orcelain Gwithout uranium contentH. 5hese to2ic metals weaken the immune system and encourage reinfection. 7lso, for some individuals on a high sugar diet gold and palladium have a to2ic effect on the immune system and heart. 7lumina in ceramic bridges has now been associated with memory lapses and possibly 7l$heimer's <isease. 7 mouthwash of ordinary drugstore variety hydrogen pero2ide G9LH is helpful in controlling infection at the gum line, but will not affect the hidden, deep seated infection below. 'aynaud's <isease Gcold hands R feetH.....................................................E:, K;.

'heumatoid arthritis of the muscles and tendons.........;E and 9A, BE, B9, EB O EB OE?, =, == O =B, =A, =?, E:, KK, K;, B>, ?;, ;E. 'hinitis Gsee ne2t listingH+ 'unny nose............................=, ==O=B, =E, =A, =?, =;, E:, E>, K;, ;?, ;;, E;. #arcoma.................................................................. ................?, ;, =A, =?, E:, EE, EA. #cars................................................................ .........K> O infection fre&s if infected. #carlet -ever........................................................................... ......=A, =?, E:, EE O EA. #ciatica or Ischias G#evere cases re&uire direct application of electrodes over and behind afflicted area and high intensityH....... == O =B, =A, =?, E:, EE, EA, B=. #edative Effect+ reported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, sinusitis Galso reported use on lymph stasis edema, auricular treatmentH.......................................... ;:. #e2ual <ysfunction B9, ?, ;, E;, =A, =B, =?, E: O EE O EA, AE, AK, A?, A;, K;, EK O EB O E?. #hingles G*erpes CosterH.........==, =B, >, ;B. GsecondaryH ......=A, =?, E:, K;. #inusitis................................................................... ...== O =B, =A, =?, E:, AE, A;, ;?. #lipped discs Gincludes spasms from microbial to2insH.......AE, =A, =?, =:>, =?, E:, AK, A;, K;. . #mallpo2................................=EK plus ==, =B, and GsecondaryH =A, =?, E:, K;. #nee$ing................................................................. ............................=A, =?, E:, E;, ;;. #ore 5hroat G%haryngitisH Gconsider also food allergiesH ....................................A, K, >, =:, == O =B, =A, =?, =;, E:, E;, =:?, =E9. #pasms, muscle.......................................................................... ...................................?:. #pastic paresis......................................................................... .......................>K and K:. #pleen, enlarged...KA and =?, plus GsecondaryH ...=, A, B, >, ==, =A, =B, E:, E;, K;. #pondylitis, acute.............................................................;E and B=, or B> and KK. #taphylococci infection....................................................................... ......................E:. #tiff neck............................................................................ ..............................................?A. #pastic stiff neck............................................................................ ................BK and ?E. #tiff muscles in general . 99, 9A, 9K, A:, AE, AB, K9, K;, B=, ?9, ;:, ;=, ;E, ;A, ;K, >, ==O=B, =A, =?, =;, E:. #tomach disorders...? ,;, =A, =?, E:, E: O EE O EA, AE, AK, A;, K;, ?K, =:9, ==;, ==>. #tones.................................................................. ..............................................................?? . #treptococci infection....................................................................... ..........................=A. #treptothri2 infection....................................................................... ...........................=?. #troke Gthese two immediately6 more below laterH.............................?; O 9B. 5he following fre&uencies may affect one of the organisms known to create lesions in the arteries. *owever since cardiovascular conditions involving blood clots are inherently unstable, we cannot recommend the use of fre&uencies on human cardiovascular disease, even outside !.#. @urisdiction. 5hese are for animal research only+ .... A, B, >, =:, =E, =A, =K, =?, =;, E:, EK O EBO E?, AE, AK, A;, K;, E> O ;B, ;?, =:K, =:B, =:?.

#ty..................................................................... ........................................=, =A, =?, E:, K;. #ublu2ation induced disorder........................................................................ .........BE. #un 7llergy6 Gconsider also the side effects of prescription drugs, such as %soralen, which have photo-sensiti$ation properties mimicking sun allergyH. .........?; and 9E. #unstroke..............................................................E >, =:A, 9>, 9, AK, ;?, ;;, =A, K;. #urgery---%revention and control of nosocomial Ghospital-ac&uiredH and idiopathic infection B, >, =:, == O =B, =E, =A, =K, =B, =?, =;, E:, E;, E>, ;?, ;;, =:K, =:?, =:>. surgical pain, post-op recovery....................................................................9, AK. deto2ification of anaesthesia..................................................................... ..;?, ;;. G0ote+ 7naesthesia leaves to2ins in body fat, particularly the brain, which may affect the nervous system for years. ,e have only two fre&uencies for anaesthetics used in surgery6 there are many more than two which are unknown. Elimination of side effects due to to2ic anaesthesia metabolites stored in tissue fat re&uires post-recovery saunas with electrolyte replacementH. #welling GEdemaH ....................................;?, ;;, ?= and A=, E>, =:A, =A, =? E:. #wollen glands ................................................................................ ........=A, =?, E:, K;. #yphilis ................................................................................ ........................EK O EB O E?. 5achycardia Galso arthritis, headache, 5ui-na, facial toningH......................;E. 5eeth GpainH........................9, AK, 9>, K=, =:, == O =B, =E, =A, =, K,=?,=;,=>, E:, EA O EK O E?, E;, A, K, >. 5endomyopathy Gapplied for short periods, from =E seconds to 9 minutes, depending on needH ..................................... 99, 9A, A:, AB, K9, K;, B=, ?9. ;:, ;=,;E, ;A, ;K. 5etanus...............................=EK, E?, Gfor secondary complicationsH =A, =?, E:. 5hrombosis, infective 4 herpes family Gnot to be used with arrhythmia or in !.#.H..................A, K, B, >, == O =B, =A, =?, E:, E>, AE, AK, A;, K;, E> O ;B. 5hrush Gaphtha, sprue, stomatitisH..................................................................... ....E;. 5onsillitis.;E and A?, == O =B, =E, =A, =K, =?, =;,.E:, EK O EB O E?, E;, =:?. 5oothache Gsee 7ppendi2H Gneglecting this can prevent recovery from 70Y illnessH ... 9, AK, 9>, K=, A, K, >, =:, == O =B, =E, =A, =K, =?, =;, E:, EA, EK, E?, E;, =:?. 5ooth e2traction, afterward.................................................................9, AK, K=, B;. 5o2ins Geliminating themH.......................................;K, ;?, ;;, =, =A,=?, E:, K;. 5rauma............................................................... ............9, AK, 9>, =>, =A, =?, E:, E;. 5rench )outh..............=:?6 secondary complications.....=A, =?, =;, E:, E;. 5rigeminal neuralgia6 A, K, B, >, =:, == O =B, =A, =K, =?, =;, =>, E:, EK, ;;, B;, KB, =:K, =:B, =:?, =:>, ==:, ==E, ==B. 5uberculosis........................................................ .............................==O=B, E:OEEOEA. secondary complications6.........................................................=;, ?, ;, E;, =:?. 5yphoid................................................................. ..................==;, ==>, == O =B, EE, >. !lcers................................K, B, ?, >, =:, =A, =K, =B, =?, =;, E:, then ;E and A?.

!rethritis.............A, B, ?, >, =:, == O =B, =E, =A, =K, =?, =;, E:, EK O EB O E?, E;, .E> O ;B, AE, AK, A;, ;E. !rticaria G*ivesH Goften due to to2insH...........................>, ;?, ;;, ?A, =?, E:. Faricoses................................................................ ...........................................;E and KK. Fegetative <ystonia Ginvoluntary muscle dysfunctionH...................... .....K9. Fein thrombosis Gblood clotH........................................................................... .....E9. Fertigo, giddiness of unknown cause...............................................A> and ?9. ,arts............................................................A, K, B, ?, ;, >, =:, =E, E: O EE O EA. ,orms Gsee note under parasitesH.............................AE, AK, A;, K;, E> O ;B. ,ound healing.....=A,=?, E:, 9?, 9>, K;. ,ound healing, <elayed......K9. Yeast infection GCandida albicans, etc.H............................................................E;. Yellow -ever........................................................................... ...................................==A. 53 I0-1!E0CE /E*7FI3!' ,e believe that behaviour can be influenced with harmonics of the same fre&uencies that occur naturally in the brain during behaviour of the opposite type+ 7bsentmindedness and fear.......................................................................?9 . 7nger.................................................................. ..................................................?=. Irritability, whining Galso used for inflammationH......................?B ,?=. !nsociable behaviour, failing asleep late.............................................?K. !nwillingness to work............................................................................ .....?E. )I#CE1170E3!# 0!)/E'# 'e&uiring special training Gacupuncture, anesthesiology, biophysics, etc.H #C*!)700 -'EM!E0CY, used for entraining the brain in psychic healing e2periments, and to scan brain for troubled areas................B;. -or 'E17(75I30, )E<I575I30 70< <EE%E' #1EE%.............?A. 5o stimulate )E0571 C17'I5Y.................................................................B:. - acial toning.......................................................................... ..................................BE. .idney meridian Gbalancing4correctionH......................................................BK.b %[ C313' -'EM!E0CIE# 70< DE)#530E# G0ot direct fundamentals of light or resonant wavelengths6 mechanism of activity is unknown.H Indigo K and EB, ?>, ;:, ;E. /lue G1apis 1a$uliH......................................................................... .....E? and BB. 5ur&uoise G7&uamarineH ..........................................................? and ?:, ;K. Dreen G@adeH.......................................................................... ...................................;. 1emon yellow G%eridotH....................................................................... .............?B. Yellow GCitrineH....................................................................... ..............AE and ??. 3range GCarnelianH..................................................................... ..=A, G#E A=H,?:. 'ed GDarnetH........................................................................ ............................KK, ?=. )agenta G'ose &uart$H..................................................== and =?, K9, KK, ?=. %urple G'hodolite garnetH...................................................................=E and E:. Fiolet G7methystH...................................................................... ..........EA and K?. -'3)+ http+44www.cs.unlv.edu4\ftlofaro4strange4alt-sci4fre&uencies.html 4[ Interesting, useful

and weird fre&uencies K *$+ 7lleged sphincter resonance Gnot goodH ? *$+ )ass aggregate fre&uency Gcan deaggregate matterH, alleged to resonate and rupture organs at e2cessive intensity ?.K *$+ G H Earth magnetic field fre&uency, useful theta GbrainH waves fre&uency ?.;9 *$+ Earth resonance fre&uency =9 *$+ 7lleged sphincter resonance Gnot goodH AB.>; *$ Guse with BE.BA and ?:.A?H !seful for weird effects BE.BA *$ Guse with AB.>; and ?:.A?H !seful for weird effects ?:.A? *$ Guse with AB.>; and BE.BAH !seful for weird effects 9:K *$+ 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease 9=E *$+ 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease 9AK *$+ 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease A9E *$+ 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease BE: *$+ .eely -re&uency Guse with B9: and =E:::H B9: *$+ .eely -re&uency Guse with BE: and =E:::H ;BA *$+ )ain 'ife fre&uency to kill 1yme disease E::: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency E::: *$ Gplus a small amountH+ 7lleged to cure a cancer E:EK *$+ %roton precession4water resonance 9::: *$+ Gappro2imateH )entioned as a 'ife fre&uency K::: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency ?E? *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency ?;? *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency ;:: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency =:::: *$+ Commonly used 'ife fre&uency =E::: *$+ .eely -re&uency Guse with BE: and B9:H 9;:::-A:::: *$+ )agic window AE;:: *$+ 7etheric dissociation4water resonance Gwater -[ aetheric forceH =K:-=B: k*$+ )agic window =;: .*$+ -erromagnetism =.=-=.9 )*$+ )agic window 9;; )*$+ 7lleged to cause damage4disruption of humans A;; )*$+ #ame as 9;; )*$, but I think it was a mistake, and 9;; was meant =.:K? D*$+ )agic window E.AK: D*$+ #tandard microwave oven fre&uency, but no resonance #omewhere in the Infrared+ )agic window 5he life energy fre&uency Gin the near ultravioletH+ )agic window NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ------- %'33-E< 70< C3''EC5E< ---------1ater Crane ,ith color and %olarity G%olarity not included since they were all O4- polarityH 5*I# C*7'5 E(%17I0# 5*E 'E#E7'C* 7%%1IC75I30# -3' <I#3'<E'#+ <isorder4#pecial -re&uencies corubining the above therapies.

=::4=E:4ABK -3' 7I<# K::4B::4BEK4BB:4B>:4??B =K::4=KK:4=K?:4=B::4=;:: E:::4E::;4E=E?4EA;>4Ca, #a G=H N standardi$ed GEH N not standardi$ed #570<7'<ICE< )3' -'EM!E0CIE# G9H N reported 'E7< *E'5C ------- %7DE = ------7lign4Individual G=H :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk =:k 7cidosis Gsee *yperacidityH >K> colors :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7bcessesG9H ?E? ?;? ;;: 7cne ?E? ?;? ;;: 7ctinormcosisGEH :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 7bdominal %ain >K> colors, etc. ;;: =:k 7cute %ain >K> colors, etc. ;;: :Kk =:k 7denoids >K> colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 7dhesions >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7I<#4OEA;> >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7lcoholism >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7llergies >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7lopecia Ghair lossH >K> colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7menorrhea Gno menstrationH >K> colors ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7nemia >K> colors etc. :Kk 7neurysm >K> colors etc. :E: :Kk 7nthra2GEH ?E? ?;? ;;: 7ntiseptic ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7nus Itch >K> colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7ppendicitis >K> colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: 7ppetite, skinny >K> colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7rteries, hardenin >K> colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7rteriosclerosis >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7rtery #timulator >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 7rthritis >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k 7sthma >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 7strocytomaG9H E::;4E=E?40egative magnets ?E? ?;? ;;: 7taria of )uscles >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7thlete, -ootG9H ?;? :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk ------- %7DE E ------7ura /uilder >B: Colors etc. :E: :Kk =:k 7utointo$ication >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 7ranthae 5hrush >K> colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: /RE Coli,rod,virusG=H ;:9 *ert$ ?E? ?;? ;:: /ackache >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k /ad /reath >B: Dreen :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk

/ad Cormple2ion >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ad 5eeth >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ed ,ettin >B: tur&uoise etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /ent /ack >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /iliousness >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /ites GinsectsH >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /lood Cleanser GcancerH4E::;, E=E? ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /lood <iseases >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /lood %ressure *igh >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /lood %ressure 1ow >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: /oils >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ones Gcut or brokenH>B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k /reast 5rouble >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /reast 5umor4E::;, E=E? >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /reathing >B: lemon etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /right's #yndromeG0ephritisH>B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ronchitis >B: colors ?E? ;;: /ronco %neumonia >B: colors ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /ruises >B: colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k /ubonic%lagueGEH4OK:: >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /union %ain >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk /urns >B: O %olari$ers ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k /urns, radium >B: O %olari$ers ?E? ?;? ;;: ----- %7DE 9 -----/ursitis >B: colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: /utterfly 1upusG9H ??B4=;K: ?E? ?;? ;;: Cancer,carcinomaG=H4E=E? >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: Cancer,leukemia G=H4E=E? >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: Cancer, sarcoma G=H4E33; >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: Cancrum 3risG9H :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk Candida albicans4ABK >B: colors etc ?E? ?;? ;;: Carbuncles >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cardiac depressant >B= violet, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k CataractG9H >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Catarah GmucousH inflammationGEH>B= color :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Cerebral %a=sy Color yellow >B= color ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Cerebro-spinal trouble >B= 1emon, Yellow ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Cervical gland trouble >B= %urple etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Cervicitis, womb neck >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Chicken po2 >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Chilblains >B= colors etc. :E: Child disorders >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: CholeraGEH =::4 AK: ?E? ?;? ;;: Chronic tired feeling >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Cleans blood plasma >B= lemon, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cold feet >B=, red scarlet, magenta :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk

Cold hands >B= scarlet magenta, purple :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cold in head,chest,etcG9H1emon,)agenta >B= :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Colic, stomach R colon pain >B= etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Colitis, mucous4colonG9H >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k Con"unctivitis eyelidGEH >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: ConstipationG9H Yellow4E hrs, >B= etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Contractions,arrests,discharges >B= Indigo :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k ---- %7DE A ------Convulsions >B= colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Corns in feet >B= Indigo, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Cory$aGnoseH >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk CostalgiaGrib painH >B= colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Cramps >B=, orange, etc. ?E? ?;? ??: :Kk =:k Cricks in the neck >B= colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Cuts >B= O to heal :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk CystitisGbladderinflamH G9H>B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk <andruff, scales >B= colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk <eafness >B= colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk =:k <iabetes >B= lemon then yellow etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk =:k <iarrhea R <ysentary >B= colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk <igestion >BE O over stomach R colon ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk <iptheriaGEH >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: <istended organs >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k <istended stomach >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk <reams >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k <ropsy >B= colors, etc. ?E? ?;? =:k <rug addiction >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk <ysmenorrhea,painful menstrat'n >BE colors ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: <yspepsiaGindigestionH >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk <ullness >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk <uodenal ulcer >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Earaches >BE colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Ears, balance >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Ears, discharges >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Ears, di$$iness >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Ears, hard to hear >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Ears, ringing >BE colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: ----- %7DE K -----Easily depressed >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Easily fatigued >BE colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Ec$ema, all skin troubles, herpes4O=KK:4OOO ?E? ?;? :Kk Edema lung swelling e2cess fluids >B9 Color ?E? ?;? ;;: Elbow pain >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Enlarged glands >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Enuresis, bed wetting >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Epilepsy ,fits4O=E3 >BE Colors, E:, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;:

Epididymitis+Inflam-!p'r5esticle4O=K:: >BE :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Epstein-/arr4ABK, ?;? *ert$ ?E? ?;? ;;: Eruptions, mouth >BE Colors etc. :Kk Erysipelas4B::,E::: >B9 Colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Esophagus >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: Eustachian tube >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Eye,arteriosclerosis >BE, >B: colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Eye,bifocal >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Eye,blurred >BE colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,cataract >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,crossed >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,degeneration >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,droop of lid >B9 colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,diplopia >BE colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,glaucomaG9H4=B:: >BE colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,infected >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,lacrimal >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Eye,near R farsighted >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k Eye,nerve pain >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? =:k Eye,strained >BE colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: -acial paralysis >B? colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k ----- %7DE B --------acial cramps Color >B9, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -ainting Color >B9, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk -alling hair Color >B9, etc. :E: ;:: =:k -ascia+-ibrous5issue under skin Color >B9 :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk -ears Color >B9 ?E? ?;? ;;: -emale disorder Color, >B9 etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: -ever, all kinds Color, >B9 etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk -ibromaGEH E::;, E=E;, )agenta ;:: -issures Color >B9 etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -istula ulcer Colors >B9 etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: -lashes, hot Colors >B9 etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -latulence >B9, etc. ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: :Kk -luGsee Drippe R Influen$aHColors >B9 etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: -ood poisoning O distilled water ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -oot, blisters Colors >B9 etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -ractures+ /ones >B: color yellow OOO ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k -rostbite >B9 colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk -ro$en shoulder colors >B9, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Dall /ladder >B9 colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Dall #tones >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Dangrene >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Das pains in stomach R colonGastritisH>B9 :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Diddiness >B9 colors etc :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk DlandersGEH :E: ?E? ?;? ;;:

Dlandular fever >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Doiter >B9 colors, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk DonadGse2 gland inflammat'nH >BA colors ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Donorrhea4BB3 >BA colors, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Dout >BA colors etc. O !% E( :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k ---------- %7DE ? --------Dravel+<eposits in urine #ee >B9 gallstone ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Drippe Gsee -lu R Influen$aH p. >BA Colors ?E? ?;? ;;: Dums, inflammation #ee >BA R colors :E: ;:: ;;: *air+loss of #ee >BA colors etc. ?E? ;:: ;;: =:k *allucinations #ee >BA R colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *angover p. >BA, colors, etc. =:k *ay -ever p.>BA, colors etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *eadaches p. >BA colors etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *ead in"uries Colors p. >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *ead, pressure in colors p. >BA :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *eart, disordersG9H colors p. >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *eart, fast, %alpitationsG9HColor indigo ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *emorrage p. >BA colors etc. ;:: =:k *emoroidsG9H p.>BA colors etc. ?E? ;:: ;;: *epatitis, liver inflammation colors >BA ?E? ;:: ;;: *ereditary se2 derangement >BK purple :Kk *ernia Colors p. >BA ?E? ?;? :Kk *ernia of disc p. >BA colors etc. ?E? ?;? =:k *erpes, water blistersGEH4=KK: Colors >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: *erpes, Coster GshinglesHE4lKK: Color >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: *iccoughs Color >BA etc. :E: =:k *igh fever,acute pyre2ia Color >BA, >BK :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: *ip pain Color >BA, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *ivesGurticariaH4=;33 Color >BA, etc. ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk *oarseness Color >BA, etc, ?E? ?;? ;;: *ydrocele+-luid in testicle,etc.Color >BA ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *yperacidity Colors >BA etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *ypertension Colors >BK, etc. :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *yperchondrium, upper abdomen Color >BK :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k ------- %7DE ; --------*yperia+low o2ygen,labored breathin p.>BK ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k *ysterical symptoms O on spleen :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Ileocolitis, colon inflammation :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Increasing height =:k Impotence Color yellow R see p. >BK =:k Indigestion Color yellow see p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk Infantile %aralysis4=K:: Color p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: Infections :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: Inflammation, breast ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk

Influen$aGsee -lu R DrippeH Color p.>BK :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Infection allergies =:k In"uries :Kk Insomnia O on spleen see p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k Insufficient lactation #ee >BK :Kk Intelligence, to increase #ee colors p.>BK :E: =:k Intestines, inflammation O distilled p >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: Intestines, spasms Color p.>BK orange ?E? ?;? :Kk Intestines, to release !se O Colors p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Intercostal neuralgia Colors p. >BK ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: Into2ication =:k Irritability Colors p. >BK :Kk Itching of anus, toes, R feet Color blue ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk @aundice Colors >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk @oints, inflamed Colors >BK ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k .idney Colors p. >BK :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk .nee, painsGsee %ains in .neeHp. ?KA6 ?KB :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k 1ack of conductivity Colors p. >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1assitude, weak, e2hausted Colors p. >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 1a2ative, mild Colors p. >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: ------- %7DE > -----------------1egs ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k 1eprosyGEH4OB:: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1eucocyte builder :E: ?E? :Kk 1eukemia4E=E? ?E? ?;? ;;: 1eukodermia, white skin patches :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 1eukorrhea, white vaginal discharge ?E? ?;? ;;: 1iver enlargement ?E? ?;? ;;: 1ocomotor ata$ia, muscle failure ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1umbago,back pain ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1umbar vertebrae deformed ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 1ungs, breathing ?E? ?;? ;;: 1upis vulgaris ??B4=KK: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 1ymph glands #ee Inde2 for Colors ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 1ymphatic depressant C313' FI31E5 ?E? ?;? ;;: )alaria #ee Colors Inde2 p.>BB :E: )easles,small po2,Derman measles,mumps, whooping cough, fever, diptheria, chicken po2 Color ?E? ?;? ;;: )elancholia Color v. >BB :Kk )emory )emory color p. >BB :E: =:k )eniere's, Ears-hard to hear Color >BE :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k )eningitisGEH Color v. >BB :E: :Kk )enses, stoppageGsee a menorreaH Color >K> ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k )ental irritability %ositive on spleen :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k )entally retarded %.>BK Intelligence =:k

)igrane Colors p. >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk )ongoloidism Colors etc. p. >BB :E: :Kk )otion sickness colors p. >BB :E: =:k )outh eruptions 1ymph p. >BB glands :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk )ultiple sclerosisGEH colors . >BB :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk ------ %7DE =: -------------)oth patches, urticaria :E: ;:: )ucous ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: )uscles, heart, arm :Kk )uscular <ystrophy :Kk 0ausea ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 0eck :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 0ephritis, kidney inflammation :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k 0erves, inflammation ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 0erve, motor depressant C313' YE113, 0eurasthenia, fatigued ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 0euritis, nerve inflammation ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 0eurosis ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 0euralgia, arms :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 0eutrali$e acids 0icotine poison =:k 0ipples, sore ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 0octurnal emission O on spleen :Kk 0ose, disorders ?E? ?;? ;;: 0umbness, arms, fingers :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 3besity K )in./4A ea. meal 5rampoline =:k 3ccipital 0euralgia ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 3perations, before :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 3ral inflammation ?E? ?;? ;;: 3rchitis, testis inflammation ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 3steoarthritis4=K:: O %317'ICE' E: )in. ?E? ?;? ;;: 3steomyelitis ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 3varies ?E? ?;? ;;: %ain, paralysis, to remove C313' YE113, ?E? ?;? ;;: %ains after operations C313' D'EE0 ?E? ?;? ;;: ------ %7DE == ---------%ains in the kneeGsee .nee %ainsH C313'# :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k %ancreas, disorder ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k %arasites4O =E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: %arathyroid ?E? ?;? ;;: %elvic, disorders4OBB:, =K:: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: %ericarditis, inflamed heart covering ?E? ?;? ;;: %eritonitis ?E? ?;? ;;: %ersist disorders4phagocyte builder4O=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk %haryngitis ?E? ?;? ;;: %lacenta, to e2pel or afterbirth ?E? ?;? ;;:

%leurisy G9H :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: %neumoniaG=H ??B :E: ;;: %oison, botulism, ptomaine, drugs %oliomyelitisGEH4=K:: %olyps, growths4E=E; %oor appetite ;:: =:k %oor circulation :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k %rostate ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk %ruritis, anus itching :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k %soriasis, skin trouble :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk %tosis, drooping eyelid ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k %yorrheaG9H ?E? ?;? :Kk 'abies4O =E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 'aynaud's disease :E: ?E? 'heumatism ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 'heumatoid arthritis ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k 'hinitis4O =E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: 'ickets Fitamin < and sunlight ;;: 'ing worm4O=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: -------- %7DE =E -----#carlet fever ?E? ?;? ;;: #ciaticia, nerve inflammation4OlE: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #curvy lack of Fitamin C :Kk #emiparalsis Yellow color therapy :E: :Kk #e2ual diseases4OBEK, BB:, =K::, =;K: :E: ?E? ;:: ;;: #e2ual weakness, male R female :E: ?E? ;;: =:k #e2 polarity balance =:k #hingles Gsee *erpes CosterH4=KK: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #hell #hock4O=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #inus disordersG9HO=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #kin hemorrhages ;:: :Kk #kin trouble thrombosisG9H4OlK:: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #leeping sickness4O=E: :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: #lipped disc Gsee hernia of discH ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #mallpo2 Gsee )easlesH ?E? ?;? ;;: #mell, morbid, hyperosmia ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k #mell, none, anosmia :E: =:k #nee$ing Gsee convulsionsH ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #olar ple2us :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk #ore throat ?E? ?;? ;;: #pasm, muscle contraction :E: =:k #pleen, enlargement :E: #pongy gums Gsee pyorrheaH ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: =:k #prains, twisted "oint,sprained muscles :E: :Kk #tammering :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #tiff shoulder :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k

#tiff neck :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #taphyloccus infections = :E: ?E? ;:: #terility Gsee ImpotenceH E::;, E=E? :Kk =:k ------- %7DE =9 -----#tomach cramps :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #tones, gallbladder, kidney ?E? ;:: ;;: =:k #treptococcus infectionsG=H ?E? ?;? ;;: #treptothri2G=H - soil bacteria ?;? #troke :E: ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k #ty Gsee droop of lidH :E: ?E? ;;: :Kk =:k #unstroke :E: =:k #uprarenal stimulant :E: :Kk #urgery ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk #welling, legs, feet :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk #yndrome disorders, many symptoms :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: =:k #yphills Gsee 5reponemaHG=H4OBEK :E: =:k 5aste, morbid G*yperosmiaH 5abs )alt :E: =:k 5aste, none G7nosmiaH 5abs Fanilla :E: =:k 5etanusG=H B:: ?E? ?;? ;;: 5halamus, sensor relay center :E: :Kk 5hroat inflammation Gsee esophagusH ?E? ?;? ;:: ;;: 5hrombosis, heart blood clot :E: ;:: :Kk 5hymus gland stimulant :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 5issue nutrition ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 5onsillitis, tonsil inflammation :E: ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk 5oothache ?E? ?;? ;:: :Kk 5rachoma, eye inflammation ?E? ?;? ;;: 5rauma, heart in"ury, shock ?E? ?;? ;;: :Kk =:k 5rench )outhG9H ?E? ?;? ;;: 5uberculosis rod, virusG=H4 O=K9: :E: ;:: 5hyphoid feverG=H4OB>:, =K?: :E: !lcers, allG9H4O??B ?E? ?;? ;;: !nconsciousness :E: ;:: :Kk --------- %7DE =A -------!rethritis urethra inflamrnation4OBB: ?E? ?;? ;;: !rticaria Gsee hivesH4=;:: ?E? ?;? ;;: ,eak stomach,heartburn ?E?,?;?,;;: :E: :Kk Yellow -ever Kk,;;: :E: :Kk ,arts G9H ?;?,E::;,E=E? ?;? ,orms GparasitesH4O=:: GmainH=E:,E: :E: ;:: :Kk NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ---------- %'33-E< 70< C3''EC5E< -------------)E(IC70 C1I0IC--'EM!E0CIE# -re&uencies GA min. eachH 5otal 5ime Deneral %rogram+ E:, B:, >K, =EK, EEK, AE?, AA:, BB:. 9E min.

Cancer+ BB9, ?E?, ??;, ?;?, P;:E,;;:,=:K:, =KK:, E::;,E:K:, E=E?. AA min. Candida 7lbicans+ E:, B:, >K, =EK, EEK, AE?, ?E?. E; min. Cystic -ibrosis+ BB:, ?E?, ??;, ?;?, P;:E,;;:. EA min. Epstein /arr Firus+ AE;, BB:, ?E?,??;, ?;?. E: min. %arasites+ E:, B:, >K, =EK, AA:. E: min. P;:E *$. should not be used if a healthy colon is involved, as it will kill both beneficial and detrimental bacteria. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN /io-Energetic -re&uency Chart G%lease note that although most of the fre&uencies in this list are derived from homeopathic nosodes XvaccinesQ, allergens, sarcodes Xorgan therapy preparationsQ, or cell salts, some are directly from the specified ailment or substance. *owever, this distinction appears inconse&uential since bio-energetic fre&uencies should be effective in either case.H 7ctinobacillus Ga potentially pathogenic bacteria normally found in mammalsH+ ??9 7ctinomyces israelii Ga bacterium normally found in the bowel and throat that causes deep, pus-filled holes in tissueH+ EEE, EBE, E=KA 7dne2itis Gswelling of the ovaries or -allopian tubesH+ AA:, AA=, KEE, K?E, 99A9, 9;99, K9=E 7denoma, cervical Gepithelial tumor of the cervi2 that can be either benign or malignantH+ A99 7denovirus Ga virus that causes infections in the lungs, stomach, and intestinesH+ 999, KE9, ?;B 7flato2in Ga liver-damaging to2in produced by certain food moldsH+ 9AA, K=:, >A9 7I<#+ .aposi's sarcoma+ EA>, A=; 7lternaria tenuis Ga fungus associated with lung ailmentsH+ ;K9 7moeba Ga single-celled, sometimes-infectious microorganismH+ 9=:, 999, K9E, ?9E, ;E?, =KEE 7moeba hepar abcess Gliver abcess caused by amoebic infectionH+ 9AA 7nthracinum Ghomeopathic anthra2 nosodeH+ B99 7remes tennus+ BB? 7rnica Ga healing herbH+ =:AE 7rsenic alb. Ghomeopathic cell saltH+ KBE 7spergillus flavus Gmold found on corn, peanuts, and grain that produces aflato2inH+ =;E9 7spergillus glaucus Gblue mold occurring in some human infectious processesH+ KEA

7spergillus niger Gcommon mold that may produce severe and persistent infectionH+ 9?A 7spergillus terreus Gmold occasionally associated with infection of the bronchi and lungsH+ ?A9 7sthma+ =E99, =E;9 7strocytoma Gcommon tumor of brain and central nervous systemH+ ;K? /acillus subtilis Ghomeopathic nosode from a bacterium that can cause con"unctivitis+ A9E, ?EE, ;EE, =EAB /acillinum Ghomeopathic nosodeH+ =9E, AE9, A9E, ?;K, ;K9, ;KA, >E=, =:E?, =:AE, =>9E /acterium lactis nosode GhomeopathicH+ K=E, KEB, ?>;, >K=, KA=E /acterium coli Ga type of E. coli normally found in the intestines, water, milk, and soil that is the most fre&uent cause of urinary-tract infections and a common cause of wound infectionH+ BAE /acterium coli commune GE. coliH combination+ E;E, 999, A=9, >K?, =9E:, =?EE /akers' yeast Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH+ ??K /anti's syndrome G7 serious ailment in which blood vessels between the intestines and the liver become blocked, leading to congestion of the veins, an enlarged spleen, bleeding of the stomach and intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, and blood cell destruction.H+ =??; /arley smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH+ 9?? /ermuda smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH+ >?= /iliary cirrhosis Gan inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructedH+ 9;=, K=A, B??, EE?= /ilirubin Ga bile pigment that may result in "aundice in high concentrationsH+ ?=?, ?EB, ?9=, ;B9 /ladder 5/C+ BAE, ??= /lastocystis hominus+ 9BK, K>K, ;AA, ;A;, =E:=, =EA9 /lue cohosh Ga healing herbH+ 9BA /orreliosis G1yme disease, relapsing fever in humans and animals caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticksH+ EKA, 9AK, KEK, B:K, BAA, B?9, ?>?, ;;A, =AKK /otrytis cinereas Ga homeopathic preparation from a fungal allergenH+ ==9E /otulinum Ga bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food poisoningH+ K=;, K99 /rain tumors+ astrocytoma Gcommon tumor of brain and central nervous systemH+ ;K? gliomas Glargest group of brain cancersH+ KA9, BA= /ranhamella G)ora2ellaH catarrhalis+ E:=9 /ronchiectasis Gchronic dilatation of the bronchiH+ 9AE

/ronchopneumonia borinum Ga form of bronchial pneumoniaH+ AKE, =A?A /rucella abortus Gundulent fever or /ang's bacillus, found in cattleH+ =AE9 /rucella melitensis Gform of /rucella found in goats and sheepH+ ?A; Campylobacter Gbacteria causing sudden infectious diarrhea in newbornsH+ ?9E, =B99, =;9A, EEEE Cancer+ adenoma, cervical+ A99 astrocytoma Gcommon tumor of brain and central nervous systemH+ ;K? bronchial+ ABE, ;KE, =K;E colon+ BKB fibrosarcoma Gdevelops rapidly from small bumps on the skinH+ =?AA gliomas Glargest group of brain cancersH+ KA9, BA= *odgkin's disease Ga cancer of the lymphatic system that is both chronic and progressiveH+ KKE, =KEE .aposi's sarcoma+ EA>, A=; leukemia Gstarts with the bone marrow but eventually involves all body organsH+ feline GcatH+ AEA, ;9:, >:=, >=; J hairy cellJ Gtypified by abnormal blood cells R shortage of othersH+ =EE, BEE, >9E, K=EE Gcould be =KEEH lymphatic+ A?;, ;99 mycloid Gcharacteri$ed by rapid growth of incompletely-formed white blood cellsH+ AEE, ;EE 5-cell+ EEE, EBE, ;EE, 9:AE, 9?9A mycosis fungoides Ga form of skin cancer resembling ec$emaH+ ;KE plasmacytoma Gplasma-cell tumorH+ A?K liver, fermentative+ E=A uterine, fermentative+ =E? Candida Ga genus of yeastlike fungi normal to the human body but capable of harmful overgrowthH+ ;BB tropicalis+ =A:9 Canine parvovirus+ =;K, 9E9, KBE, B=9, BEE, =:::, A:E? mutant strain+ 9E9, K=A type /+ 9E9, K9K, B=9, ?KK Carbo animalis Ghomeopathic remedy from animal-bone charcoalH+ AAA Carcinoma Gany cancerous tumor starting with cells covering body and organ surfaces that then invade both local and distant areasH bronchial+ ABE, ;KE, =K;E colon+ BKB liver, fermentative+ E=A

uterine, fermentative+ =E? Carvularia spirafera+ ;?> Cataract brunescent Gbrown opacity in later lifeH+ E:=:, =99K, =;9: complicated Gsecondary type caused by disease, degeneration, or surgeryH+ A>B Causticum Ga homeopathic remedyH+ KA:, =:=9 Celia carroll+ K?B, >?9 Cephaloshorium Gfungi that are the source of some broad-spectrum antibioticsH+ A;=, 9>BB Cerumen Gear wa2H+ 9==, 9E:, ?K:, >;A Cervi2 adenoma Gepithelial tumor of the cervi2H+ A99 Chaetomiumglobosum+ EE=, ;B? Chemicals+ methotre2ate+ K;A green dye+ KB9, E999 Chicken po2+ ?;?, 99A9 Chlamydia Ga se2ually-transmitted bacterial infectionH+ A9:, BE:, BEA, ;A:, EE=9 Cholera Gan e2tremely contagious and serious bacterial infection of the small intestinesH+ 99:, ;A9, ;AA, =:9K Cholecystitis acute Ge2cruciating gallstone attackH+ A;=, ?A9, ;BK, >E; chronic Glong-term inflammation of the gallbladderH+ A9E Cholesteatoma Gbenign tumor usually found in middle ear R mastoid regionH+ AK9, B=;, ?>9 Cimicifuga Gplant family including black snakeroot and black cohoshH+ K>A Cirrhosis, biliary Gan inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructedH+ 9;=, K=A, B??, EE?= Cladosporium fulvum Ga pathogenic fungusH+ A9; Coelicia+ =KA, K>A, BKB Condylomata Gvenereal warts caused by infectious papilloma virusH+ ABB Corn smut Ghomeopathic preparation for an allergenH+ KAB, =BAE Co2sackie virus Gproduces disease resembling non-paralytic polioH+ =9B, =AA, E9E, 9;:, AEE, AEA, A9K, >E=, >E9 type /=+ ;9A type /E+ ?:K, K9A type /A+ AE= type /K+ ABE, =:A9, =:;9 type /B+ ?9B, ;=A C)F Gcytomegalovirus known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type KH+ =EB, K>?, =:AK, E=AK Crinis humansis+ BAB Critter =+ =:99

Critter E+ AE=, =:9K, ==== Crocus sotillus+ ?=: Cryptosporidium Gparasitic proto$oa infre&uently causing diarrhea in humansH+ A;E, K?K, A=EE Cyst, ovarian+>;E Cystic fibrosis G7lso called mucoviscidosis, this is an inherited disorder of the e2ocrine glands that causes them to release very thick mucusH+ KE9 Cystitis, chronic Glong-term inflammation of the urinary bladder and uretersH+ EAB Cystopyelo nephritis Ginflammation from bladder to kidneyH+ =9;K <ematium nigrum Gsoil fungi found in human lesionsH+ EA9 <ental+ B9K, BA:, =:9B, =:A9, =:>A <iphtherinum Ghomeopathic nosode for diphtheriaH+ BEA <istemper+ EAE, EKA, 9=E, AAE, KK=, K?9, BEA, B?=, ?=E, >A:, =EB>, =>K: <iverticulosis Gcharacteri$ed by tiny hernias of intestinal tissue protruding through the muscular wall of the colonH+ =KA, >9A <roglioma Ga brain tumorH+ ;K9 E. coli GEscherichia coli6 a ma"or cause of infections in wounds and the urinary tractH+ E;E, 999, A=9, >K?, =9E:, =?EE Ear wa2+ 9==, 9E:, ?K:, >;A Echinococcinum Ghomeopathic remedy for tapeworms found in dogs, wolves, cats, R rodents that can infect manH+ =BA, AK9, KAE, BE9 Echo virus Gcauses a type of meningitisH+ BE: Encephalitis Ginflammation of the tissues of the brain and spinal cordH+ ;A= Endometriosis, chronic Ggrowth of uterine tissue outside the uterus that may cause pain, infertility, R abnormal uterine bleedingH+ EAB Entamoeba histolytica Ghighly damaging proto$oa causing dysentary and liver infectionH+ =A;, =BB, 9:; Enterohepatitis Ginflammation of bowel R liverH+ KKE, >9E, >K9 Enterobiasis Gintestinal worms fre&uently found in childrenH+ ??9, ;E?, ;9K, A=KE Enterococcinum Ghomeopathic nosode for #trep-family organisms found in the digestive and urinary tractsH+ B;B Epicoccum+ ?9A Epidermophyton floccinum Ghomeopathic remedy for fungus that attacks skin R nails, includes athlete's footH+ BAA, ?BB Epstein-/arr virus Gthe herpes virus causing mononucleosisH+ =:K, =?E, EK9, BB:, BB9, BB>, ?AA, ;EK, =:9E, =>E: Erysipelas Ga human bacterial infection manifesting in the skin and possibly related to the swine form of the diseaseH+ B=B, ;AK Escherichia coli GE. coli6 a ma"or cause of infections in wounds

and the urinary tractH+ E;E, 999, A=9, >K?, =9E:, =?EE -asciola hepatica Gliver fluke of herbivorous animals occasionally found in humansH+ =A9, E?K -ebris wolhynia Ga 'ickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapseH+ KA? -eline GcatH leukemia+ AEA, ;9:, >:=, >=; -ell+ A9K -elis+ A9:, ;9A, EE9E, 9E99 -el tauri Ghomeopathic preparation of o2 bileH+ B?E -ibrosarcoma Gmalignancy containing connective tissue and developing rapidly from small bumps on the skinH+ =?AA -ibroadenoma mamanae Gnon-cancerous, fibrous nodules in the breastsH+ =9;A -ilariose+ Gthread-like worms that invade body tissues and cavitiesH+ ==E, =E: -ischpyrogen+ ;9E -istula <entalis+ KK:, ?E?, ;AA, ==EE -IF+ EBE, 9E9, 9?E, A:A, KB?, ?=E, ?AE, ?B:, ??9, >=B, ==:9, ==9E, 9?:= -lu '?;+ ;AA '?>+ =E9 ';9+ ?9:, ?9A ';>+ E=B, 9EE '>9+ EKA, KEE, B=K, ;K: triple nosode+ AE=, B9E, =EAE, =AEE, =>EE, 9=EE virus J7J+ 99E virus J7, %ort ChalmersJ+ 99E virus J/J+ K9:, K9E, K9B, K9? virus J/, *ong .ongJ+ KKK virus J/ritishJ+ >9E J #panishJ+ ABE J swineJ+ A=9, A9E, BB9, ;9>, >>K -lukeworm Gparasitic flatworms, including tapeworms, that invade many body areasH+ KEA, ;KA -luor 7lb Ghomeopathic cell saltH+ ==:, AE:, AE9, AEA, K:E, EEEE -ollicular mange Gcontagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair folliclesH+ EK9, B>9 -oot R mouth syndrome Ga mild viral infection found in young childrenH+ E9E, E9?, =E=A, =EA9, =EAA, =E?=, KA== -ungus flora+ B9E -usarium o2ysporum Ga fungus causing inflammation of the cornea of the eyeH+ =:E, ?:K Dallbladder inflammation GchronicH+ A9E Dallstone attack+ A;=, ?A9, ;BK, >E;

Danglionitis, acute posterior Gcommonly known as shingles or herpes $osterH+ K?A, =KK? Dardnerella Gbacteria that often infect and inflame the vaginal mucosaH+ 9E:, ?;E Deotrichum candidum Gfungus found in feces and dairy products whose manifestations resemble those of candidaH+ A=E, KA9 Derman measles Grubella or 9-day measlesH+ K=:, K=? Diardia Gan intestinal parasite, also known as lamblia, spread !sing the fre&uency BB.K in the )anual 'ife function balances the %leomorphic counts dna KE;h$ !"#$%!&ER %ltered "tates does not make any recommendation as to the use or effecti'eness for any purpose of R!FE frequencies. R!FE frequencies generators are solely for use as a "Experimental de'ice". (his statement has not been e'aluated by the Food and rug %dministration. (his product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or pre'ent any disease. !t must be first re)emphasi*ed that R!FE frequencies generators a'ailable from %" are intended for use solely as dietary or nutritional supplements. (he promotion of colloidal sil'er as a treatment for a specific medical condition is not possible because the extensi'e +and astronomically expensi'e, F % appro'al processes for a new drug application ha'e not been completed. (hat being said, there are many references to supplemental doses that ha'e been published. -ne such reference is found in an article entitled, ".sing #olloidal "il'er ) .sage /hilosophies". (his article reiterates0 "!t should be noted that while colloidal sil'er use is quite widespread, there are no standardi*ed formulas due to the fact that no conclusi'e research has been conducted that demonstrates an ideal +or effecti'e, dose for any condition." (his article continues with se'eral possible supplemental usage possibilities. (he first is the "&ineral "upplement !deology". "&any people belie'e that mineral depletion in the world's farming soils has seriously reduced the amount of natural minerals in the a'erage diet necessary to maintain a state of good health. (hose who use colloidal sil'er as a mineral supplement generally take about one tablespoon of colloidal

sil'er daily +about 12 micrograms of sil'er., (aking colloidal sil'er in these small amounts on a daily basis is generally felt to be an illness pre'entati'e with no associated risks." 3ote0 -ne tablespoon equals 42ml, so 12mcg of sil'er intake would result if the solution was at a concentration of 2 ppm. % similar dose would result from the consumption of 456 a tablespoon of a 47 ppm solution. From the prior E/% guidelines we see that a balanced diet would normally yield 87mcg of sil'er, assuming the fresh foods were grown on non)depleted soils. % diet deficient in fresh fruits and 'egetables would theoretically also be deficient in both sil'er and most other trace minerals. (he next dosage ideology discussed in this article is "(herapeutic oses +internal,. &any people use colloidal sil'er on a need only basis. 9enerally, one ounce is a common therapetic dose taken at the onset of symptoms, taken daily until symptoms subside. %nother preferred method is to consume multiple doses spread throughout the day. (hose who practice multiple doses usually take one ounce twice to four times daily, feeling that this produces a sustained and cumulati'e effect throughout the usage period. -nce symptoms subside, users generally stop taking colloidal sil'er." 3ote0 -nce again the reference is to ounces of a 2 ppm solution. -ne ounce +:7ml, at 2 ppm is equal to 456 ounce +42ml, at 47 ppm. !n this example, one ounce at 2 ppm would equal 427mcg of sil'er, and four ounces would equal ;77mcg, or 7.;mg. E'en at the higher dosage, this consumption is still well below the E/% #ritical ose +the maximum daily appro'ed consumption, of 4.78mg per day. "imilar supplement le'els are found in an article "#olloidal "il'er ) (he Redisco'ery of a "uper %ntibiotic<" found at www.all)natural.com5sil'er. "-ne teaspoon of 2 ppm colloidal sil'er equals about 62 micrograms +mcg, of sil'er. 4)= teaspoons per day +62 ) 477mcg, is generally considered to be a 'nutritional amount' and is reported to be safe to use for extended periods of time. %mounts higher than this are generally considered 'therapeutic amounts' and should only be used periodically." "!n cases of illness, natural health practitioners ha'e often recommended taking double or triple the 'nutritional amount' for :7 to =2 days, then dropping down to a smaller maintenance dose. %mounts from 4 ) :6 ounces per day ha'e reportedly been

used in acute conditions." (his article continues with an important warning about the detoxifying effects of consuming a colloidal sil'er supplement0 "!f your body is extremely ill or toxic, do not be in a hurry to clear up e'erything at once. !f pathogens are killed off too quickly, the body's fi'e eliminatory channels +li'er, kidneys, skin, lungs, and bowel, may be temporarily o'erloaded, causing flu)like conditions, headache, extreme fatigue, di**iness, nausea or aching muscles. Ease off on the colloidal sil'er to a smaller amount and increase your distilled water intake. Regular bowel mo'ements are a must in order to relie'e the discomforts of detoxification."
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7ltered #tates products are sold for learning, self-improvement and simple rela2ation. 0o statement contained in this catalogue, and no information provided by any 7ltered #tates employee, should be construed as a claim or representation that these products are intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease or any other medical condition. 5he information contained in this catalogue is deemed to be based on reliable and authoritative report. *owever, certain persons considered e2perts may disagree with one or more of the statements contained here. 7ltered #tates assumes no liability or risk involved in the use of the products described here. ,e make no warranty, e2pressed or implied, other than that the material conforms to applicable standard specifications. 5he publisher does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information or the conse&uences arising from the application, use, or misuse of any of the information contained herein, including any in"ury and4or damage to any person or property as a matter of product liability, negligence, or otherwise. 0o warranty, e2pressed or implied, is made in regard to the contents of this material. 0o claims or endorsements are made for any drugs or compounds currently marketed or in investigative use. 5his material is not intended as a guide to self-medication. 5he reader is advised to discuss the information provided here with a doctor, pharmacist, nurse, or other authori$ed healthcare practitioner and to check product information Gincluding package insertsH regarding dosage, precautions, warnings, interactions, and contraindications before administering any drug, herb,radionics tool,or supplement discussed herein.

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