Taylor Branch and George Crile III, “the Kennedy Vendetta,” Harper’s, August 1975

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THE KENNEDY VENDETTA How the CIA CIA waged waged a silent silent war again against st Cuba Cuba  by Taylor Branch and George Crile

 During the last days of the Eisenhower Administration the the assa assass ssin inat atio ion n of Fidel Fidel Cast Castro ro pres presen ente ted d itse itself lf as an engagi engaging ng possib possibili ility ty to vari various ous people people in Washingt Washington on who had reason reason to mistrus mistrustt a succ success essful ful revolu revolutio tion n so close close to the the coas coastt of Flor Florid ida. a. Some Some of those those peop people le disc discus usse sed d the the  possibility with the CIA, which had arranged sudden change changess of govern governme ment nt in Guatema Guatemala la and Iran, aT(.d aT(.dit has been been said said that that a few few agen agents ts left left for for the the Cari Caribb bbea ean n with with inst instru ruct ctio ions ns to bring bring abou aboutt a coup coup d'etat. d'etat. Litt Little le more more was was hear heard d from from them them unti untill the the deba debacl clee at the Bay of Pigs. Pigs. The invasion invasion,, otherw otherwise ise known known as "the "the glorio glorious us march march on Hava Havana, na,"" had been been sponsore sponsored d by the Kenned Kennedyy AdminAdministrat istration ion,, and the new Pres Preside ident nt appare apparentl ntlyy percei perceived ved the defe efeat as an an affr affron ontt to his his prid pridee. With Within in a matte matterr of  week weekss he comm commit itte ted d the the Unit United ed Stat States es to a secr secret et war  war  agai agains nstt Cuba Cuba that that even eventu tual ally ly requ requir ired ed the the serv servic ices es of  $1 00 millio severa severall thousa thousand nd men and cost cost as much much as' $1 million n a  year. The war ~ontinued for four years. Kennedy entrusted its dire directi ction on to the CIA, CIA, which, which, depend depending ing on the testitestimony mony of the the witn witnes esss tell tellin ing g the the stor story, y, cond conduc ucte ted d an operoperation ation that that could could be descr describe ibed d either either as a largelarge-sca scale le vendetta or a small crusade. crusade. The Agency launched launched a succession succession of comma command ndo o raid raidss on the Cuba Cuban n coas coastt and and enco encour urag aged  ed  a numbe numberr of assas assassi sins ns to make make atte attemp mpts ts on Castro Castro's 's life life..  As late as   1964 the Agency Agency was landin landing g weapon weaponss in Cuba ever everyy week week and and send sendin ing g up to fifty fifty agen agents ts on miss missio ions ns to destro destroyy oil refine refinerie ries, s, railro railroad ad bridge bridges, s, and sugar sugar mills. The secret secret war failed failed in all oj its objectiv objectives. es. Instea Instead d of  overth overthrow rowing ing Castro Castro,, it identi identifie fied d his revol revolutio ution n with with the cause cause of Cuban Cuban nationali nationalism sm and forced forced him into into allian alliance ce with with the the Sovi Soviet et Unio Union. n. The The way way in whic which h the the war war was was conduc conducted ted,, of necessi necessity ty by means means of stealth stealth and crimin criminal al viol violen ence ce,, esta establ blis ishe hed d unfo unfort rtun unat atee prec preced eden ents ts.. Alwa Always ys in the the nam name of a high higher er tru truth (more more ofte often n tha than not not the the defe defens nsee of ."fre ."freee and demo democr crat atic ic soci societ etie ies" s" agai agains nstt an alien alien tyranny tyranny), ), a great great many people people in the Amer America ican n govgovernmen ernmentt were were persuade persuaded d to viola violate te their their own laws, laws, to teU  conv conven enie ient nt lies lies,, and and to admi admire re the the meth method odss of orga organi nize zed  d  crim crime. e. It is impos impossi sibl blee to say say whet whethe herr thes thesee prec preced eden ents ts had had anyt anythi hing ng to do with with the the hist histor oryy of the the subs subseq eque uent  nt  decade decade.. Certai Certainly nly the news news of assass assassina inatio tion n became became comcom-


monpla monplace, ce, as did did the discove discovery ry of official official conspi conspirac racyy and  conc concea ealm lmen ent, t, and and what what bega began n as anoth another er secr secret et war war in Vie Vietna tnam also also came ame to depe depend nd upon upon a hit hit man's an's bod body count. This This article article derive derivess from from the year-l year-long ong invest investiga igatio tions ns of two contribut contributing ing editor editorss to Harp Harper' er's. s. Their Their forthc forthcomoming ing book book,, whic which h will will cont contai ain n the the comp comple lete te resu result lt of thei their  r  inve invest stig igat atio ions ns,, and and whic which h will will be publi publish shed ed by Harp Harper er's 's  Magazine Press, deals with the experience of the men recrui cruite ted d to figh fightt the the secr secret et war war in Cuba. Cuba. Tw Two o of the the prin prin-cipa cipall figu figure ress in the the book book,, Bern Bernar ard d Bark Barker er and and Rolan Rolando do  Martinez, were employed by the CIA in   1961   as agents., When When they they were were arrested arrested at Waterg Watergate ate in  1972,   they still still though thoughtt of themsel themselves ves as servan servants ts of the moral moral law. The following following narrative narrative begins with the embarrassme embarrassment  nt  of the Kenn Kenned edyy Admi Admini nistr strat atio ion n afte afterr the the Bay of Pigs. Pigs. 0

President President Kennedy Kennedy struggled struggled to comprecomprehend how so total total a disaster disaster could have have been produced produced by so many people people who were supposed supposed to kno know w what what they they were were doing, who had wrecke wrecked d gov govern ernmen ments ts other other than than CasCastro's tro's withou withoutt mishap mishap or detec detection tion.. They They had promise promised d him a secret secret succe success ss but delive delivered red a pub public lic fiasco fiasco.. Commun Communist ist rule in Cuba was to have been overthrown and Fidel Castro executed executed by Cuban Cuban citizens, citizens, all without evidence evidence of AmeriAmerican involveme involvement; nt; instea instead, d, Castro Castro was heap heaping ing scorn scorn on the "imp "imper eria ialis listt worm worms" s" he had had defe defeat ated ed.. Not Not only only was was the the invasi invasion on an abjec abjectt milita military ry failur failure, e, but the highest highest offici officials als of the U.S. U.S. gov govern ernmen mentt were were being sub subjec jected ted to worldw worldwide ide ridicu ridicule le for having having tried tried to pass pass it off as as the work of indeinde pendent Cubans. The CIA's elaborate "cover story" had  falle fallen n into into absu absurd rdit ity, y, and and the the Pres Presid iden entt fina finally lly ended ended the the char charad adee by issui issuing ng a stat statem emen entt in whic which h he assu assume med d full full responsibil responsibility ity for the invasion. invasion. With this admission, admission, the Bay of Pigs became became a virtual synonym synonym for internation international al humiliahumiliation, as well as the most egregious display of official American lying yet entered into the public record. In the United States, the sense of crisis was so intense that it let loose the fear of war and rallied public opinion to the President' President'ss support. support. Kennedy Kennedy had enough enough composure composure to take advantage advantage of the general general nervousnes nervousnesss and to seize the the offenoffen-






sive sive by rattl rattlin ing g the the swor sword d of pat patri riot otis ism. m. In his his firs firstt majo major  r  spee speech ch afte afterr the the Bay Bay of Pigs Pigs,, Kenn Kenned edy y defi define ned d the the issu issuee not not as cov cover ertt Amer Americ ican an inte interv rven enti tion on in the affa affair irss of anot anothe her  r  coun countr try y but but as Sov Sovie iett pene penetr trat atio ion n into into the the free free worl world. d. The The Unit United ed Stat States es had had not not stru struck ck agai agains nstt this this fore foreig ign n mena menace ce as forc forcef eful ully ly as it it migh mightt have have with with Amer Americ ican an troo troops ps,, but, but, said  said  Kenn Kenned edy: y: "Let "Let the the reco record rd show show that that our our rest restra rain intt is not not inexhaus exhaustib tible. le."" The inter internat nation ional al princi principle ple of nonint noninterv ervent ention ion wou would not not prev preven entt the the Unite nited d Stat States es from from usin using g milit ilitar ary y forc forcee-al alo one, ne, if neces ecessa sary ry-t -to o safe safegu guar ard d its its fr freedo eedom. m. And  And  "sho "shoul uld d that that time time ever ever come come,, we do do not inte intend nd to be lect lectur ured  ed  on int inter erve vent ntio ion n by those those whos whosee char charac acte terr was was stam stampe ped d for  for  all all time time on the bloo bloody dy stre street etss of Budap Budapes est. t."" The The Pres Presid iden entt call called ed atte attent ntio ion n to a new new and and subt subtle lerr batt battle le of glob global al ideo ideolo lo-giesies-on onee taki taking ng plac placee by subv subveersio rsion n and and mani manipu pula lati tio on rathe atherr than than by open open clas clash of ar arms-a ms-and nd took took up the the ch chalallenge: lenge: "The "The compla complacen cent, t, the self-i self-indu ndulge lgent, nt, the soft soft societ societies ies,, are abou aboutt to be swep sweptt awa away by the the debr debris is of his histtory, ory,"" he warn arned. ed. "We dare are not not fail fail to see see the the insi insidi diou ouss nat nature ure of  this this new new and and deep deeper er stru strugg ggle le.. We dare dare not not fail fail to gras grasp p the the new new conc concep ept, t, the the new new tools, tools, the the new new sens sensee of urge urgenc ncy y we wil willl need need to com comba batt it, it, whet whethe herr in Cuba Cuba or in Sout South h Viet Vietna nam. m."" Pres Presid iden entt Kenn Kenned edy y did did in fact fact impl implem emen entt a new new conc concep eptt of the the Cold Cold War stru strugg ggle le,, but but he did did so in a disi dising ngen enuo uous us way. way. Afte Afterr the the Bay Bay of Pigs Pigs,, he summ summon oned ed fort forth h his his much much-admired charisma to present himself as a man who had  lear learne ned d the the hard ard les lessons sons of histo history ry and who who was was deepl eeply y susp suspic icio ious us of the the CIA. CIA. Word Word seep seeped ed from from the the Whit Whitee Hous Housee into into the the news newspa pape pers rs that that Kenn Kenned edy y had had inhe inheri rite ted d the the CIA' CIA'ss Cuba Cuban n plan plan from from the the Eisen Eisenho howe werr Admi Admini nist stra rati tion on,, that that he neve neverr had had put put his heart eart in it, it, tha that he had had been een press ressu ured  red  into into acti action on by Agen Agency cy offi offici cial alss with with a pers person onal al inte intere rest st in the the sche scheme me who who coer coerce ced d the the young young and and inex inexpe peri rien ence ced d Pres Pres-iden identt befo before re he even even had time time to red redec ecor orat atee the the Oval Oval Offi Office ce.. The The Pres Presid iden entt was was said said to have have grav gravee doub doubts ts abou aboutt adva advanc nc-ing ing the the caus causee of free free,, demo democcrati raticc soci societ etie iess by sec secret ret and  and  devi deviou ouss mean means. s. He was was known known to be be seet seethi hing ng with with ange angerr at his his advi advise serrs and and espec specia iall lly y at the the CIA CIA, whic hich he told told his aid aides he woul would d like like to "spli splin nter ter ... ... into into a tho thousan usand d piec pieces es and and scat scatte terr to the the winds winds." ." He demo demons nstr trat ated ed his his disp disple leas asur uree  by establishing a commission, which included his brother  Robe Robert rt,, to inve invest stig igat atee the the Agen Agency cy's 's perf perfor orma manc nce. e. Not Not long long afte afterw rwar ard, d, CIA CIA Dire Direct ctor or Alle Allen n Dull Dulles es and and Rich Richar ard d Biss Bissel ell, l, arch archit itec ectt of the the plan plan for for the the Bay Bay of Pig Pigs, s, resi resign gned ed.. The The Pres Pres-iden identt was was said said to have have "thr "throt ottl tled ed"" the the CIA. CIA. But But inst instea ead d of "spl "splin inte teri ring ng"" the the Agen Agency cy,, the the Pres Presid iden entt move moved d to con contr trol ol and and stre streng ngth then en it by assi assign gnin ing g Robe Robert rt KenKennedy nedy to super supervi vise se its its clan clande dest stin inee oper operat atio ions ns.. The The Atto Attorn rney ey Gen General eral prote rotect cted ed the the Pres Presid iden ent' t'ss int interes erestt by forci orcin ng the the CIA CIA to adh adhere ere to the the chie chieff poli politi tica call less lesson on of the the Bay of  Pigs Pigs-t -tha hatt clan clande dest stin inee oper operat atio ions ns shou should ld never never expos exposee Amer Amer-ican ican lead leader erss to the the risk risk of spec specta tacu cula larr fail failur ure. e. With Within in this this rest restri rict ctio ion, n, the the Kenn Kenned edys ys plac placed ed more more,, not not less less,, of the the free free worl world' d'ss defe defens nsee in the the hands hands of the the CIA. CIA. Rath Rather er than than shri shrive velling ing up in the the dis disgrac gracee of its its Cuba uban fail failu ure, re, the the cove covert rt action tion side side of the the Agenc Agency y grew grew fast faster er than than it ever ever had had befo before re,, recei eceivi ving ng a new new lea lease on life ife and a new new infu infusi sion on of conconfidence from the White House. And as far as Cuba was conc concer erne ned, d, this this new Amer Americ ican an stan stance ce took took the the form of a vast vast and and unpr unprec eced eden ente ted d secr secret et war agai agains nstt the the Castr Castro o regi regime me,, dedevise vised d and and laun launch ched ed by the the Kenn Kenned edy y Admi Admini nist stra rati tion on thro throug ugh h the the CIA. CIA. 50

  Castro Castro was proposed  and and cons consid ider ered ed by the the Whit Whitee Hous House, e, and and a stagg stagger er-ing ing vari variet ety y of meas measur ures es were were comm commis issi sion oned ed.. They They rang ranged ed from from an offic officia iall econ econom omic ic emba embarg rgo o to cove covert rt comcommand mando o raid raidss and and acts acts of eco econo nomi micc sabo sabota tage ge moun mounte ted d agai agains nstt Cuba Cuban n targ target etss by hund hundre reds ds of age agent ntss thro throug ugho hout ut the the worl world. d. The The over overal alll obje object ctiv ives es of Kenn Kenned edy' y'ss push push agai agains nstt Cuba Cuba were were give given n such such a high high prio priori rity ty that that virt virtua uall lly y all all agenc agencie iess of the the federa federall govern governmen mentt were were enlisted enlisted.. Repres Represent entati atives ves of the State State Depa Depart rtme ment nt,, Trea Treasu sury ry,, FBI, FBI, Comm Commer erce ce,, Immi Immigr grat atio ion, n, CusCustoms toms were were broug brought ht toge togeth ther er in inte interd rdep epar artm tmen enta tall comm commit itte tees es to com comee up wit with h meas measur ures es that that coul could d dama damage ge Cast Castro ro's 's Cuba Cuba.. Ray Ray Clin Cline, e, the the depu deputy ty dire direct ctor or of inte intell llig igen ence ce at the the CIA CIA duri during ng thos thosee year years, s, recal recalle led, d, "Bot "Both h Jack Jack and and Bobb Bobby y were were deep deeply ly asha ashame med d afte afterr the the Bay of Pigs, Pigs, and and they they became became quit quitee obse obsess ssed ed with with the the prob proble lem m of Cub Cuba. a. They They were were a cou coupl plee of  Iris Irishm hmen en who who felt felt they they had had muff muffed ed it, it, and and they they vent vented ed thei their  r  wrat wrath h on Cas Castro tro for for the the next ext two two yea years. rs. And, And, bein being g good  ood  figh fighti ting ng Iris Irishm hmen en,, they they vent vented ed thei theirr wrat wrath h in all all ways ways that that they could." could." Alth Althou ough gh resp respon onsi sibi bili lity ty for the secre ecrett war war res rested ted with ith Pre Preside siden nt Ken Kennedy nedy,, it bo bore the the stamp tamp of his his broth rother er Robobert, ert, who who ente entere red d into into the the Agen Agency cy's 's worl world d with with the the pass passio ion n and and comm commit itme ment nt that that led led Josep Joseph h Kraf Kraftt to desc descri ribe be the the Rob. Rob. ert ert Kenn Kenneedy of the the early arly 1960 19608 8 as a "piano iano-w -wir iree hawk awk." Gen. Gen. Edward Edward Lansda Lansdale, le, * then then the the gover governm nmen ent' t'ss fore foremo most st exex pert on unconventional warfare, served for a time as his liai liaiso son n man man with with the the CIA. CIA. Lansda Lansdale le says says that that both both Keun Keuned edys ys wan wanted ted "to bri bring Cast Castro ro down down ...• ...• I fee feel certa ertaiin that that the they had had that that emo emotion tion in the them unt until they they wer were both both kill killed ed ... .... But But Bobb obby felt felt even even more more str strong ongly abou bout it tha than Jack Jack.. He was was prot protec ecttive ive of his his bro brother ther,, and and he felt felt his bro brother ther had  had   been insulted at the Bay of Pigs. He felt the insult needed  to be redr redres esse sed d rath rather er quic quickl kly. y."" While hile the impe impetu tuss and and the the auth author oriity for for the sec secret ret war  war  came came from from the the White White Hous Housee and and the the Just Justic icee Depa Depart rtme ment nt,, the the dayday-to to-d -day ay cond conduc uctt of the the oper operat atio ions ns was was assi assign gned ed to Theo Theo-dore dore Shac ShackI kIey ey,* ,** * then then one one of the the Agen Agency cy's 's most most prom promis isin ing g youn young g men. men. Shor Shortl tly y afte afterr the the Bay Bay of Pigs Pigs,, the the CIA CIA brou brough ghtt Shac Shackl kley ey from from Berl Berlin in to hea head d a tea team m char charge ged d with with prep prepar arin ing g a "vu "vuln lner erab abil ilit ity y and and feas feasib ibil ilit ity y stud study" y" of the the Castr Castro o regi regime me.. He was just just thir thirty ty-f -fou ourr year yearss old old at the the time time.. Thro Throug ugho hout ut the the rema remain inde derr of 196 1961, 1, while while the the Agency Agency cond conduc ucte ted d hold holdin ing g oper operat atio ions ns agai agains nstt Cuba Cuba and and trie tried d to rebu rebuil il~ ~ its its inte intell llig igen ence ce





• Lansda Lansdale le won won great great fame fame as the leade leaderr of the 'sec 'secret ret,, and succes successsful, ful, U.S. U.S. effort effort to help help put put down down the the Huk Huk rebe rebell llio ion n in the the Phil Philip ip- pines  pines during during the 19508, 19508, and his subseque subsequent nt covert covert work work in Vietnam Vietnam made made him legen legenda dary ry as the mode modell for both The   Ugly   American and  One of Lansda Lansdale' le'ss prote proteges ges in the Phili Philipp ppin ine e The Quiet Quiet Ameri American can.. One campa campaign ign,, Napo Napoleo leon n D. Val Valeri eriano ano,, later later hecam hecame e the first first head head of the guerr guerrill illa a instr instruct uctors ors who who trained trained anti-C anti-Cast astro ro Cuba Cubans ns for the the Bay Bay of  Pigs invasi invasion. on. In Vietnam Vietnam Lansda Lansdale le became became the the inspiration inspiration for a whole whole generatio generation n of counterin counterinsurg surgency ency experts, experts, includin including g Dauiel Dauiel Ellsberg Ellsberg.. •• Today Today Shackl Shackley ey is one of the the most most powerf powerful ul hiera hierarch rchss in the CIA. He first first made made his his mark mark with with the Agenc Agency y in the 1950 19506; 6; iu later later years years he was was the stat statio ion n chie chieff in Laos Laos when when the the CIA CIA was was begi beginn nnin ing g its its secret secret war war there, there, then then the station station chief chief in Saigon Saigon.. Later Later he was propromoted moted to head head the Weste Western rn Hemi Hemisph sphere ere Divis Divisio ion n of Clande Clandesti stine ne SerService vices, s, and from from that that posi positi tion on he had had over overal alll resp respon onsi sibi bili lity ty for for the the Agenc Agency's y's effort effortss to overth overthrow row the the Allen Allende de regim regime e in Chil Chile. e. He was also also respo responsi nsibl ble e for the Miam Miamii statio station n and indire indirectl ctly y respo responsi nsibl ble e for  Rolan Rolando do Marti Martine nez z on June June 17, 17, 1972, 1972, when when the HuntHunt-Li Lidd ddy y team team was was found found in the the Wate Waterga rgate te office officess of of the Demo Democra cratic tic party party.. A longtim longtime e  protege  protege of CIA Director Director William William Colby's Colby's,, Shackle Shackley y is now chief chief of  the Far Easte Eastern rn Divis Division ion of Clan Clandes desti tine ne Servi Services ces..

netw networ ork, k, Shac Shackl kley ey and and his his coll collea eagu gues es shap shaped ed a plan plan to explo exploit it Castro Castro's 's weakn weakness esses. es. And And in Februa February ry of 1962 1962 he left left for Miami Miami to organi organize ze the secret secret war. war.

The secret secret command  command    had existed in Miami since the mid. 1950s 195 0s as a routi routine ne outpos outpostt where where a few aging aging agent agentss intervie interviewed wed travelers travelers returnin returning g from abroad. Scores Scores of  agents agents had descen descended ded on Miami during during the prepara preparati tion on for  the Bay of Pigs invasion, but they left soon after the debacle. With With the beginn beginning ing of the secret secret war, a new stat statio ion n spran sprang g up to serve as the command post for all of the CIA's worldwide anti-Cas anti-Castro tro operatio operations. ns. Shackley' Shackley'ss arrival arrival amounted amounted to a blank check check from from the Kennedy Kennedy White White House House and the already ready large large statio station n quickl quickly y became became the larges largestt CIA stati station on in the world. The station, known by its CIA code name as JM WAVE, * was uniqu uniquee in the Agency's Agency's history. history. "It was a real anomaly," anomaly," said said Ray Cline. Cline. "It "It was run run as if it were were in a foreig foreign n councountry, try, yet yet mo most st of our our agen agents ts were in the the stat statee of Flor Florid ida. a. People People just overlooke overlooked d the fact that it was a domestic domestic operoperation." The station station operated operated with an annual annual budget budget well in excess excess of $50 mill millio ion: n: It fiel fielde ded d a perm perman anen entt staf stafff of more more than than 300 American American employees employees,, mostly mostly case officers, officers, who, in turn, turn,





To the best best of any anyon one' e'ss know knowle ledg dge, e, this this,, like like all all othe otherr CIA CIA aero aero-nyms,, is meaningle nyms meaningless. ss.

employed and controlled a few thousand more Cuban agents. The average JM WAVE case officerwould be responsible for   between four and ten Cuban agents of intermediate stature-known kno wn as "pri "princi ncipal pal agents agents," ," or "PAs"-an "PAs"-and d each each PA wou would  ld   be responsible for between ten and thirty regular agents. In addition addition to the case officer-age officer-agent nt network, network, there were hun. dreds dreds of support support people people and American American military military officers officers un· der contract contract to the Agency. The headquarte headquarters rs for JM WAVE WAVE were were located located at the the former former Navy Navy blimp blimp center center on the sou south th campus campus of the Unive Universi rsity ty of Miami. Miami. The cover cover name name given given to the well-s well-secu ecured red build buildin ings gs was Zenith Zenith Techni Technical cal Enter. Enter.  prises, **   a front front corpor corporati ation, on, or "propr "propriet ietary ary," ," organi organized  zed   by the CIA to conceal its operations. In addition to Zenith, the Agency operated operated another another fifty-fou fifty-fourr dummy corporations corporations -boat -boat sho shops ps,, real-e real-esta state te firms, firms, detect detective ive agenci agencies, es, travel travel compan companies ies,, gun shops-a shops-ass propri proprieta etary ry fronts fronts to give give cover  cover  employmen employmentt for the case officers officers and agents agents outside outside Zenith Zenith headquart headquarters. ers. A former former high officialin the JM WAVE command described the size of the CIA presence in Florida: "We had more than 100 100 vehicles vehicles under under permanent permanent lease lease for  the case officers.Th officers.Thee lower-lev lower-level el types types got Chevies Chevies and  Plymouths, ouths, and the higherhigher-ups ups got Pontia Pontiacs, cs, Ted Shackl Shackley, ey, the statio station n chief, chief, drove drove a Cadill Cadillac. ac. We had our own own god goddam damn n gas station station to supply that that fleet of cars. cars. There was a trementremendouss logist dou logistics ics wareho warehouse use that that includ included ed everyt everythin hing g from from mach machin inee guns guns to cask casket ets. s. We had our our own own medi medica call staf staff, f, our own polygr polygraph aph teams, teams, our own psychol psychologis ogists. ts. •• In later later year yearss news newspa pape perr repo report rtss alle allege ged d that that Zeni Zenith th was was a CIA CIA fron front. t. 1M WAVE WAVE deal dealtt with with the the inco inconv nven enie ienc ncee by chang changin ing g the the name name to Melmar, Melmar,

The main building building 0 1 1M WAVE WAVE headqu headquart arters ers,, on the the South South Campus Campus 0 1   the University University 0 1 Miami. 5 ]


"The "Then n we had had a coup couple le of little little airp airpla lane nes, s, hund hundre reds ds of  sabota sabotage ge cargoes cargoes-to -to contam contamina inate te them, them, things things like like that. that.""  boats, safe houses all over the area and paramilitary bases One of the CIA officia officials ls who helped helped direct direct the worldwid worldwidee throughout throughout the Florida Florida Keys. sabo sabota tage ge effo effort rtss offe offere red d this this desc descri ript ptio ion n of the the Agen Agency cy's 's "There "There were were several several staffs staffs in the station. station. One was suhsisuhsiefforts: dizing dizing just just about about everyt everythin hing g in the exile exile communi community. ty. If an "There "There was a special technic technical al staff in Langley [Virginia] [Virginia] anti anti-C -Cas astr tro o guy guy star starte ted d up a weel weeldy dy pape paper, r, we'd we'd give give him working on these problems. They were economically oriented  some money and help him get the rag on the street. The end  and and they they woul would d come come up with with all all kinds kinds of grand grand plan planss for  for  result result of this was that that you had the whole whole communi community ty monimoni- disrupting disrupting the Cuban Cuban economyeconomy-every everything thing from preven preventing ting tored. tored. We had anothe anotherr staff, staff, a big one, one, that that was debrie debriefin fing g the Cubans from getting credit to figuring out how to disrupt a couple of hundre hundred d Cuban refugees a day. There was a large large suga sugarr sale sales. s. There There was was lots of sugar sugar bein being g sent sent out out from from staff staff of analys analysts, ts, and a technica technicall staff staff to read read mail mail or send  send  Cuba Cuba,, and and we were were putti putting ng a lot of cont contam amin inan ants ts in it. We letters in secret writing to contacts in Cuba, with instructions woul would d even even open open up boxe boxess and and chip chip off off a gear gear lock lock on a for for them them to first first spil spilll lemo lemon n juic juicee on them them or run run a hot hot machine. iron iron over over the letter letter to get the writing writing to come come out." "There "There were were all kinds kinds of sabotage sabotage acts. acts. We would have Just Just as JM WAVE was was the apex apex of a pyrami pyramid d spread spreading ing our people pour pour invisible, invisible, untraceab untraceable le chemicals chemicals into lubriout over South South Florid Florida, a, it was also the center center for the intereati eating ng flui fluids ds.. ..th that at were were being being ship shippe ped d to Cuba Cuba.. It was was all all nation national al coordi coordinat nation ion of the secret secret war. Every major CIA  planned economic retrogression. Those fluids were going to statio station n in the world world had at least least one case case officer officer assi assigne gned d to  be used for diesel engines, and that meant the parts would  Cuba Cuban n oper operat atio ions ns,, repo report rtin ing g dire direct ctly ly or indi indire rect ctly ly to the the wear out faster than they could get replacements. replacements. Before we Miami Miami station station.. In Europe Europe,, for example example,, all Cuban matters matters sabota sabotaged ged a product product like like that we would would go to the manufa manufaccwere were routed routed throug through h a regional regional headqu headquart arters ers in the Frank. Frank. ture turerr and and see see if we cou could ld convi convinc ncee him him to do it; it; if that that furt station, station, which reported reported to JM WAVE. All Latin-Ameri Latin-Ameri-wouldn wouldn't 't work, work, then then we would would just put the scienc science-f e-fict iction ion can statio stations ns had Cuban Cuban specia specialis lists, ts, with standi standing ng orders orders to crap crap in oursel ourselves ves when when the shipme shipment nt was en route. route. implem implement ent a threethree-pro pronge nged d operat operation ional al plan: plan: (l) gather gather all "We were reall really y doing doing almost almost anything anything you couId couId dream dream  possible intelligence on Castro's intentions and capabilities up. One of our more more sophis sophistic ticate ated d operat operation ionss was convinc convinc-in the the coun countr try; y; (2) (2) infl influe uenc ncee the the host host coun countr try y to brea break  k  ing a ball-b ball-bear earing ing manufa manufactu cturer rer in Frankf Frankfurt urt,, German Germany, y, to diploma diplomatic tic and trade trade relati relations ons with with Cuba; Cuba; and (3) stimula stimulate te  produce a shipment of ball hearings off center. Another was anti-Castro anti-Castro propaganda propaganda in the host country. to get get a manu manufa fact ctur urer er to do the the same same with some some balan balance ced  d  JM WAVE wanted wanted to know in advance advance about all traveler travelerss wheel wheel gears gears.. You're You're talkin talking g about about big money money when you ask  in and and out out of Cuba Cuba so that that the the trav travel eler erss coul could d be asked asked for  for  a manufac manufactur turer er to go along with with you on that kind kind of project project information information about Cuba, or so that their conversations conversations could   because he has to reset his whole mold. And he is probably  be bugged if the person were knowledgeable enough. And if, goin going g to worr worry y abou aboutt the the effe effect ct on futu future re busi busine ness. ss. You You say, say, the Toky Tokyo o stat statio ion n repo report rted ed that that a high high offi offici cial al of the might might have to pay him severa severall hundred hundred thousa thousand nd dollar dollarss or  Castro government government was preparing preparing to visit lapan, 1 M  WAVE more. might send a Spanish-speaking case officerto Tokyo to make "I know know Jack Anders Anderson on wrote wrote about us paying paying off a JapaJapaa "recrui "recruitme tment nt pitch" pitch" to the official official-i. -i.e., e., to try to persua persuade, de, nese nese freig freight hter er capt captai ain n to ram ram a ship shiplo load ad of buses buses in the the  bribe, or blackmail the official to defect and provide JM Thames Thames on its way to Cuba. Cuba. Anderson Anderson claims claims it sunk sunk them. them. But But I'm I'm rath rather er skep skepti tica call abou aboutt that that stor storyy-II woul would d have have WAVE with intelligenc intelligence. e. know known n abou aboutt it if it were were true. true. But it is true true that that we wer weree sabota sabotagin ging g the Leland Leland buses buses going going to Cuba from from Englan England, d, and that tha t was pretty pre tty sensiti sen sitive ve busine bus iness." ss." A strategy strategy of sabotage sabotage was based based on the HE STRA STRATE TEGY GY OF THE THE SECR SECRET ET WAR  WAR   was . convic convictio tion n that that the masses masses of the Cuban people people didn't didn't  believe in Castro and would revolt if life became suffic sufficien iently tly sour. sour. As in all previou previouss Cuban Cuban revolut revolution ions, s, the chief tactical tactical aim of the strategy strategy was to promote promote disaffectio disaffection n  by sabotaging the Cuban economy. In the the over overtt aspe aspect ct of the camp campai aign gn,, the the Unite United d Stat States es  placed a total embargo on all trade with Cuba; it then move moved d to pers persua uade de and, and, when when nece necessa ssary ry,, to blac blackj kjac ack k its its alli allies es to join join the the emba embarg rgo. o. For For its its part part,, the the CIA CIA work worked  ed  to hast hasten en the the decl declin inee of the the Cuba Cuban n econ econom omy y by initi initiat atin ing g what what Ray Cline Cline descri described bed as "punit "punitive ive econom economic ic sabotage sabotage operat operation ions." s." Years Years later later the former former CIA deputy deputy direc director tor of  intelligenc intelligencee seemed to have have second second thoughts about those operatio erations: ns: "Looki "Looking ng back back on it, you might think all it accomaccom plished was to make Castro beholden to the U.S.S.R., but the CIA actively actively pursued pursued this this [polic [policy] y] • We were sendin sending g agents to Europe to get in touch with shippers to discourage them them from from goin going g to Cuba, Cuba, and and ther theree were were some acti action onss to



so minor that the case case office officers rs consid considere ered d them them nothin nothing g more more than than harassment harassment.. For example, example, the Agency Agency helped wealthy wealthy Cuban Cuban exiles exiles file suit to seize Cuban Cuban proper property ty in compen compensasation tion for for thei theirr prop proper erty ty in Cuba Cuba that that had had been been conf confis isca cate ted  d   by Castro. As a result, a Cuban airplane landing in Mexico City or Toronto Toronto might might he attache attached d and tied up in legal proproceedin ceedings. gs. Such Such impoun impoundme dments nts rarely rarely worked worked,, hut they they tied  tied  up some Cuban resources. resources. So did the comman commando do raids. raids. In the summer of 1961, 1961, 1M WAVE began running running paramilitar paramilitary y missions missions against targets inside inside Cuba-sm Cuba-small all ones ones at first, first, and then larger larger ones, ones, such such as sugar mills mills and oil refine refinerie ries. s. These These raids raids damage damaged d the Cuba Cuban n econ econom omy y dire direct ctly ly,, and and they they also also forc forced ed Cast Castro ro to divert divert money and manpow manpower er into coastal coastal defens defenses. es. In 1961 1961 he had 200,000 men under under arms, plus a large administrative administrative  bureaucracy and a whole industry at work on civil-defense instal installat lation ions. s. For JM WAVE, WAVE, the comman commando do raids raids requir required  ed  huge huge expend expenditu itures res for boats, boats, weapon weapons, s, secret secret naval naval bases bases



alon along g the the Flor Florid idaa Keys Keys,, logi logist stic icss supp suppor ort, t, trai traini ning ng faci facili liti ties es,, and and sala salari ries es for for the the Cuban Cuban comm comman ando doss and and thei theirr comm comman andders. ers. The The Agen Agency cy had had to main mainta tain in a cland landes esti tin ne nav navy-in y-in whic which h Rola Roland ndo o Mart Martin inez ez was was one one of its its most most effi effici cien entt boat boat capt captai ains ns-a -ass well well as a para parami mili lita tary ry army army.. It was was an enor enorm mous ous tas task for for JM WAVE WAVE to hide hide its its vast ast appa appara ratu tuss for for the the secr secret et war. war. Sinc Sincee most most of its its agen agents ts and  and  asse assets ts were were in Flor Florid ida, a, ther theree was was no Ameri America can n Emba Embass ssy y to  provide the official cover or the diplomatic immunity under  whic which h the the Agenc Agency y norm normal ally ly work works. s. One One prob proble lem m with with runrunning ning a sec secre rett war war out out of a CIA CIA stati station on in an Ameri America can n city city is that that the the very natu nature re of the the work work cons consta tant ntly ly forc forces es viol violat atio ions ns of loca local, l, stat state, e, and and fede federa rall laws laws.. All All the boat boat miss missio ions ns to Cuba Cuba were were tech techni nica call lly y ille illega gall unde underr the the Neut Neutra rali lity ty Act, Act, the the marmaritim itimee laws laws,, and and immi immigr grat atio ion n stat statut utes es,, so the the stati station on had had to work work out out spec specia iall arra arrang ngem emen ents ts with with Cust Custom oms, s, Immi Immigr grat atio ion, n, and the Coast Guard. It was illegal for agents to drive arou around nd with with mach machin inee guns guns and and plas plasti ticc expl explos osiv ives es in their  their  cars cars,, as they they ofte often n did, did, and and the the stat statio ion n had had to est estab abli lish sh Iiai Iiai-son son with with seve sevent ntee een n poli police ce juri jurisd sdic icti tion onss down down the the Flor Florid idaa coas coastt and and into into the the Keys Keys.. The The resu result lt was was that that any any agen agentt who who was was arres arreste ted d for for anyt anythi hing ng from from drun drunke ken n driv drivin ing g to ille illega gall  possession of firearms would be quickly released. It was of. ten ten ille illega gall for for case case offi office cers rs and and agen agents ts to file file corp corpor orat atee papa pers, bank statements, and income-tax returns using cover  name ames and and fals falsee sourc ources es of inco incom me. This his req require uired d the the cocooper operat atio ion n of judg judges es,, the the Just Justic icee Depa Depart rtme ment nt,, the the Inte Intern rnal al Reve Revenu nuee Serv Servic ice, e, and and nume numero rous us loca locall inst instit itut utio ions ns in Flor Florid ida. a. Perh Perhap apss only only in a city city like like Miam Miamii coul could d the the clan clande dest stin inee empi empire re of JM JM WAVE WAVE esca escape pe publ public ic atte attent ntio ion. n. In the earl early y year yearss of the the secr secret et war, war, Miam Miamii alre alread ady y rese resemb mble led d wart wartim imee Casa Casabl blan anca ca.. It swa swarm rmed ed with with spies, spies, coun counte ters rspi pies es,, exil exiled ed diedie-

 Rolando Martinez's

tato tators rs,, Mafi Mafiaa exec execut utiv ives es,, refu refuge gees es,, ente entert rtai aine ners rs,, coun counte tess sses es,, smug smuggl gler ers, s, gamb gamble lers rs,, fort fortun unee-te tell ller ers, s, gun gun runne runners rs,, sold soldie iers rs of fort fortun une, e, fugi fugiti tive ves, s, and and loud loudly ly dresse dressed d tour touris ists ts-m -man any y purpursuin suing g poss possib ibly ly crim crimin inal al ends ends again against st the the gari garish sh back backdr drop op of  Miam Miamii Beac Beach. h. Noth Nothin ing g seem seemed ed to stand stand out out in the the crow crowd, d, and that that help helped ed the the CIA prot protec ectt its its cov cover. er. So did did the the bewild wilder erin ing g vari variet ety y of ant antii-Ca Cast stro ro move moveme ment nts, s, most most of whi which ch had had been een trans ranspl plan ante ted d nort north h to Flo Flori rida da--with with name ames like like Mont Montic icri rist sti, i, the the 4th 4th of Nove Novemb mber er,, Alph Alphaa 66, 66, the Revo Revolu luti tion on-ary ary Stud Studen entt Dire Direct ctor orat ate, e, the the Move Moveme ment nt of Revo Revolu luti tion onar ary y ReRecover overy, y, the the 30th 30th of May May-a -and nd doz dozens ens of sma small gro groups ups that that cons consis iste ted d only only of a lead leader er and and a few arde ardent nt foll follow ower ers. s. But But not not even even in Miam Miamii coul could d JM WAVE WAVE have have surv surviv ived  ed  withou withoutt the full full-sc -scale ale collab collabora oratio tion n of virtua virtually lly every every signifisignificant cant sect sector or of the the cit city' y'ss comm commun unit ityy-wi with th news newspa pape pers rs,, civi civicc orga organi niza zati tion ons, s, and and poli politi tica call lead leader ers. s. In effe effect ct,, they they all all had had to  join the conspiracy. For example, every time an agent went to get get a drive river' r'ss lice licens nsee or a pass passpo port rt,, he woul ould per perjure jure hims himsel elf; f; but but as one forme formerr JM WAVE WAVE offi offici cial al obse observ rved ed:: "We all all were were perj perju uring ring ourse urselv lves es all all the the tim time. All of the the Cuba Cubans ns regu regula larl rly y prov provid ided ed erro errone neou ouss info inform rmat atio ion n to fede federa rall agen agenci cies es at the the CIA's CIA's dire direct ctio ion. n. The The same same was true true when when they they went went to tak take out out ban bank loans oans.. We set set up rela relati tio ons with with the the  banks because we had to give them phony information." The The same same rela relattions ions appli pplied ed to the the new news medi media. a. As the the former agent went on to explain : "We "We didn't have any trou troubl blee with ith the the Miam Miamii pape apers. rs. A paper paper lik like the the   Miami  He ra ld    would would have have one one or two two repo report rter erss with with juri jurisd sdic icti tion on for for Cuba Cuba,, and and we wou would ld give give them them acce access ss to the the stat statio ion. n. So we woul would d feed feed them them info inform rmat atio ion n and and give give them them a care career er out out of han hando dout uts. s. The The guys guys lear learn n not not to hur hurtt you. you. Only Only occa occasi sion on-ally lly do you you give give them them a big big lie lie, and and then hen only nly for for a good  ood 

first CIA "safe house," at   6312   Rivie Riviera ra Drive Drive in Miami. Miami. 53


reas reason on.. The The pape paperr was was alwa always ys will willin ing g to keep keep thin things gs quie quiett for for us. us. "The "The prob proble lems ms keep keepin ing g a cov cover er were were endle endless ss,, but but you you had  had  to do all of this this simp simply ly to clea clearr the the way way for for your your oper operat atio iona nall offi office cers rs to be able able to work work with withou outt inte interr rrup upti tion on." ."

Cuban Cuban recrui recruits ts recr recrui uiti ting ng Cuba Cubans ns to risk risk thei theirr live livess in the the sec secret ret war. war. For For alth althou ough gh the the CIA CIA had rece recent ntly ly sent sent many of the the exile exile commu communi nity ty to deat death h or impr impris ison onm ment ent in the the Bay Bay of Pigs Pigs inv invasio asion n, ther theree were were stil stilll nume numero rous us Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts and and new new volu volunt ntee eers rs who who  believed that Castro could be overthrown only with the assist sistan ance ce of the the Unite United d Stat States es.. Ther Theree were were bank banker ers, s, doct doctor ors, s, and and busi busine ness ssme men n amon among g the the Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts of JM JM WAVE WAVE,, as well well as as labo labore rers rs and and life lifelo long ng revo revolu luti tion onar arie ies, s, and and they they all all welc welcom omed ed anot anothe herr chan chance ce to stri strike ke out out at Cast Castro ro.. Thc Thc Agen Agency cy gave gave them them the the best best train trainin ing g avai availa labl ble, e, tran transp spor orti ting ng them them to its its base basess in Cent Centra rall Amer Americ icaa and and else elsewh wher eree for for lesson lessonss in ex plosives, weapons, survival, ambushes, logistics, and communications. Alth Althou ough gh Rola Roland ndo o Mart Martin inez ez was was in many many ways ways typic typical al of  the the Agency Agency's 's Cuba Cuban n volu volunt ntee eers rs,, he was more more acco accomp mpli lish shed  ed  and exper xperiience enced d than than most most.. When hen he sur surface faced d in 1972 1972 as one one of the the Cuban uban-A -Ame meri rica cans ns cap capture tured d in the the Wa Watterga ergate te  break-in, Martinez was still on the CIA payroll and had 354 miss missio ions ns to Cuba Cuba reco record rded ed in Agenc Agency y file files. s. As a boat boat capcaptain tain in the the clan clande dest stin inee navy navy of JM WAVE WAVE,, he comp comple letted  fift fifty y miss missio ions ns befo before re the the Bay Bay of Pigs Pigs and and woul would d comp comple lete te some some sev seventy enty--five five more more dur during ing the the fir first two two yea years of the the secret secret war. war. The main difference in the paramilitary raids after  the the Bay Bay of Pig Pigs was was that that the the Ame America rican n supe superv rviisors sors ofte often n acco accomp mpan anie ied d thei theirr Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts to Cuba Cuba.. The The men men dres dresse sed  d  in gree green n fati fatigu gues es;; like like thos thosee worn worn by Castr Castro' o'ss mili militi tia, a, and  and  they they carr carrie ied d mach machin inee guns guns with with sile silenc ncer ers, s, reco recoil ille less ss rifl rifles es,, and and C.4, C.4, the the plas plasti ticc expl explos osiv ive. e. Thei Theirr secr secret et base basess rang ranged  ed  from from lavi lavish sh esta estate tess with with indo indoor or swim swimmi ming ng pool poolss and and tenn tennis is cour courts ts in Coral Coral Gabl Gables es to remot remotee comp compou ound ndss in the the Keys Keys.. In his his earl early y miss missio ions ns'' afte afterr the the Bay Bay of Pigs Pigs,, Mart Martin inez ez's 's carg cargo o usua usuall lly y cons consis iste ted d of wea weapo pons ns for for the the unde underg rgro roun und' d'ss cach caches es or agen agents ts to be infil infiltr trat ated ed into into Cuba Cuba;; a modes modestt infi infilt ltra rati tion on coul could d invo involv lvee as many many as sixty sixty CIA CIA agen agents ts.. All All of thes thesee oper operat atio ions ns were were carr carrie ied d out out with with extr extrao aord rdiinary nary atte attent ntio ion n to deta detail il.. Brie Briefi fing ngss cove covere red d ever everyt ythi hing ng from from anal analys yses es of the the late latest st U-2 U-2 phot photog ogra raph phss of the the targe targett area area to weat weathe herr repo report rtss givi giving ng the the exac exactt time time the sun would would rise rise and  set set on the the Cuba Cuban n coas coast. t. All All oper operat atio iona nall plan planss were were mapp mapped  ed  out out to acco accoun untt for for ever every y minu minute te of the the landi landing ngs, s, and and ther theree were were conti conting ngen ency cy plan planss for for poss possib ible le disa disast ster ers. s. If captu capture red, d, Marti artine nezz was ins instruc tructe ted d to say say he was was on a mari marittime ime reresear search ch proj projec ectt and and that that the the info inform rmat atio ion n he was was gath gather erin ing g was was of a pri privi vile lege ged d natu nature re.. Like Like the the othe otherr Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts,, he carr carrie ied d Cuba Cuban n mone money y and and fals falsee pape papers rs.. Some Someti time mess Mart Martin inez ez capt captai aine ned d his his boat boat all all the way from from Flor Florid idaa to Cub Cuba, a, but but usua usuall lly y a larg largee moth mother er ship ship woul would d tow tow him him to with within in fifty ifty miles iles of the the coas coast. t. He wou would then then take take the the comman commando do team team clos closee to the shor shoree in his "int "inter erme medi diar ary" y" craft, and from a' distance of a few few hundred yards the






agen agents ts land landed ed in RB·1 RB·12 2 rubb rubber er life lifebo boat ats, s, whic which h had had spec specia iall elec electr tric ic moto motors rs fitt fitted ed with with sile silenc ncer ers. s. Once Once they they had had land landed ed,, Mart Martin inez ez comm commun unic icat ated ed with with them them with with a high high-p -pow ower ered  ed  walk walkiie-ta e-talk lkie ie.. He carr carrie ied d his his own own reco recoil ille less ss rifl riflee, and and in some some inst instan ance cess he prov provid ided ed fire fire supp suppor ortt for for the the men men when when they they met met resi resist stan ance ce on land land or when when a Cast Castro ro gunb gunboa oatt purpursued sued them them.. More More than than once once,, he was was give given n pers person onal al char charge ge of wea weapo pons ns drop drops, s, in whic which h spec specia iall rifl rifles es with with sile silenc ncer erss and  and  tele telesc scop opic ic sigh sights ts were were left left in desi design gnat ated ed inla inland nd spot spots. s. As alwa always ys,, ther theree were were some specia speciall twis twists ts to CIA CIA secr secrec ecy: y: some some of the the men men bein being g infi infilltrat trated ed into into Cuba Cuba wore wore hoo hoods on the the whol wholee trip trip so that that the the boat boat crew crewss woul would d not not see see thei theirr face faces. s.

more more ambi ambiti tiou ouss in the late late sumsummer mer mont months hs of 1961 1961,, and and in the the foll follow owin ing g year yearss MarMar. tine tinezz fou found nd hims himsel elff wor working king in larg largee-sc scal alee raid raidss aime aimed  d  at blow blowin ing g up oil ref refin iner erie iess and and chem chemic ical al plan plants ts.. Some Someti time mess Mart Martin inez ez woul would d drop drop off off a team team and and come come back back seve severa rall days days late laterr to pi pick the them up; at othe other time timess the the team team woul would d stay stay in Cub Cubaa for for seve severa rall weeks eeks or mon months. ths. The The pic pickups kups--or, or, in Age Agency ncy parla arlan nce, ce, "exfi exfilt ltra rati tion on"" miss missio ions ns-w -weere the the most ost nerv nervee-wr wrac acki king ng assi assign gnme ment nts: s: ther theree was was alwa always ys the the chan chance ce that that the the agent agentss had had been been capt captur ured ed and and forc forced ed to reve reveal al the the time time and and place lace of the their rend rendeezvou zvouss, in whic which h even eventt a trap trap wou would be wait waitin ing g for for the the boat boat crew crew.. The The worst orst mom moments ents came during the long waits for the agents who never   arrived. Aboard ship on their way back to Florida, the comm comman ando doss woul would d clea clean n thei theirr weap weapon onss and and talk talk of the the tartargets gets they they had had hit hit and and the the Cast Castro ro mili militi tiam amen en they they had had kill killed ed.. Ther Theree were were missi mission onss to Cuba Cuba almo almost st ever every y week week,, and and the the Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts had had to trus trustt enti entirrely ely to the the powe powerr and and good  good  inte inten ntion tionss of the the CIA. CIA. They hey didn didn't 't know now the the last last name namess of  thei theirr case case offi officcers; ers; as a rule rule,, they they didn didn't 't even even know now if the the agen agents ts'' firs firstt name namess were were noms noms de guer guerre re.. Ever Everyt ythi hing ng abou aboutt the the Com Company pany was shro shroud uded ed in myst myster ery. y. The The prin princciple iple of  "com "compa part rtme ment ntat atio ion, n,"" or keep keepin ing g info inform rmat atio ion n in stri strict ctly ly limlimited ited compar compartm tmen ents ts,, was was drill drilled ed into into all all emplo employe yees es.. To make make sure sure that that no one talke talked d or list listen ened ed outs outsid idee his his comp compar artm tmen ent, t, the the Agen Agency cy empl employ oyed ed hund hundre reds ds of Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts to watc watch h othe otherr Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts,, and and they they,, in turn, turn, were were chec checke ked, d, as was was ever everyo yone ne else else,, incl includ udin ing g the the Amer Americ ican an case case offi office cers rs,, by peri peri-odic odic polygra polygraph ph tests. tests. All All these these secu securi rity ty prec precau auti tion onss tend tended ed to lea leave ve the the Cuba Cubans ns with with littl ittlee over overaall know knowle ledg dgee of what what the the Comp Compan any y was was doin doing, g, alth althou ough gh ever everyo yone ne knew knew that that the the JM W AVE AVE stat statio ion n some someho how w coul could d viol violat atee the the laws laws of the the land land at will. will. Ther Theree would be times when an agent would get drunk and be thro thrown wn in jai jail. l. Thei Theirr case case offi office cers rs coul could d alwa always ys get get them out out with withou outt any any ques questi tion ons. s. Agen Agents ts coul could d get get divo divorc rces es with withou outt havi having ng to go into into open open court court,, and and they they coul could d carr carrya yall ll kind kindss of guns guns arou aroun nd. Many any time timess the the Coa Coast Gua Guard woul would d stop stop thei theirr boat boatss on the way way to Cuba Cuba,, and and the the capt captai ain n mere merely ly.. had  to say say a code code word word to be be wave waved d on. on. The The extr extral aleg egal al powe powers rs of  the the Compa Company ny adde added d to the the agent agents' s' depe depend nden ence ce on thei theirr case case offi office cers rs,, whic which, h, as Mar Marti tine nezz reca recall lls, s, was was a stron strong g one: one: "Let "Let me tell tell you what what it was was real really ly like like.. Your Your CO was was for  for  you you like like the prie priest st.. You You had had to rely rely on him. him.,, beca becaus usee he was the the one one who who coul could d solv solvee your your prob proble lems ms.. You You lear learne ned d to tell tell him him ever everyt ythi hing ng,, your your comp comple lete te life life.. The import importan antt thin thing g was was that that you you knew knew they they woul would d take take care care of you, you, and you you kne knew they they woul would d take take care care of you yourr fami family ly if you you were were capt captur ured  ed 





or killed killed on a missio mission. n. They They suppor supported ted all the famili families es of  the Brigade members, and they did the same for the families of the men who who were lost lost on our operat operation ions. s. They They are still still supportin supporting g them. "Once "Once a Castro gunboat gunboat came came after my boat on a missio mission n off the the north north coast coast of Cuba, and I radioe radioed d for help. help. Before Before we could could even decode decode the the return return messag messagee from the base, I looked looked up, and there were two two Phantom Phantom jets jets and a Neptun Neptunee flyi flying ng over over us. us. It's It's a trade tradema mark rk of the Amer Americ ican an forc forces es in genera general. l. You have have seen seen how in Vietna Vietnam m if a helico helicopte pterr goes goes down, down, ten other other helico helicopte pters rs will will fly in to get the pilot out. out. That That was the the same spirit spirit that that prevai prevailed led in our operat operation ions. s. I stil stilll beli believ evee toda today y that that the the Comp Compan any y migh mightt be able able to do something something for me about about the Watergate Watergate someday." someday."

The cowboys of  J M   WAVE promin prominent ent in the secret secret war was perhaps best exemplified exemplified by the late William William (Rip (Rip)) Robe Robert rtso son. n. Robe Robert rtso son n repre represe sent nted ed a spec specia iall  breed of CIA operative-men with names like Boy Scout and Rudy Rudy and Mike-wh Mike-who o led the milit military ary side side of the the secret war. They They were not not case officer officers-t s-the he bureau bureaucrat cratss and diplodiplomats mats who compri comprise se the Agency Agency's 's perman permanent ent staff. staff. Instead Instead,, they were independen independentt specialists specialists under renewable renewable contract contract to the CIA, CIA, know known n as "para "parami mili lita tari ries es," ," "PMs "PMs," ," or "cow "cow- NOTHER




 boys." Ray Cline explained their role in the Agency's work: "You need to understand understand the national national consensus consensus of the 19508 and and '60s '60s,, when when we beli believ eved ed the worl world d was was a toug tough h plac placee filled filled with with actual actual threat threatss of subver subversio sion n by other other countr countries ies.. The The Russ Russia ians ns had had cowb cowboy oyss aroun around d ever everyw ywhe here, re, and and that that meant we had to get ourselves a lot of cowboys if we wanted  to play play the the game game.. You'v You'vee got got to have have cowbo cowboys ys-t -the he only only thing thing is you don't let them them make make policy. policy. You keep keep them them in the ranch ranch house house when you don't don't have have a specifi specificc projec projectt for  them." At the time time of his his arri arriva vall in Miami Miami in the the summ summer er of  1961, 1961, Roberts Robertson on alread already y had become become a figure figure of romance. romance. He had had foug fought ht behi behind nd the the line liness in Kore Koreaa for for the the CIA, CIA, and  he had endear endeared ed himsel himselff to the CIA's Cuban agents agents by his  performance at the Bay of Pigs. Despite President Kennedy's orders orders that that no Americans Americans land in the invasion invasion,, Robert Robertson son was the first man ashore ashore on one of the beache beaches. s. Later, when when Castro Castro's 's forces forces started started routin routing g the invaders invaders,, he went went back  back  in volunt voluntari arily ly to rescue rescue surviv survivors ors.. In   Washington, Washington, during during the investig investigati ation on into into the CIA's handling handling of the invasi invasion, on, Roberts Robertson on appear appeared ed as a witnes witnesss and talked talked at length length with with Robert Robert Kenned Kennedy. y. He told told his Cuban comman commandos dos that that Ken. Ken. nedy nedy was all right, right, which which they they took took as a high high compli complimen ment, t, since Robertson Robertson hated all politicians. politicians. Rip Rip Robe Robert rtso son n was was clos closee to fifty fifty by the the time time he start started  ed  runnin running g parami paramilit litary ary operat operation ionss agains againstt Castro Castro.. He was a  big man, about six foot two, with a perpetual slouch and  wrinkled wrinkled clothes. clothes. Everything Everything about him was unconvention unconventional. al.

The   Reefer,   the first first boat boat Marti Martine. ne. captai captained ned after after joining joining the CIA's CIA's secret  secret   OOtl'}'  in  1959.   Later, Later, he supplie supplied d larBer larBer craft craft than than this this 26-foo 26-footer ter..


He wore wore a base baseba ball ll cap cap and and glas glas~ ~ tied tied behi behind nd his his head  head  with with a strin string, g, and and alwa always ys had had a pulp nove novell stuffe stuffed d in his his  back pocket. From the military point of view, nothing looked  righ rightt abou aboutt his his appe appear aran ance ce,, but but to the Cuba Cubans ns he was an idol idol who who repr repres esen ente ted d the the best best part part of the Am Amer eric ican an spir spirit it and the hope of the secret secret war. war. Ramon Ramon Orozco Orozco,, one of his comman commandos dos,, rememb remembers ers what what the parami paramilit litary ary operat operation ionss were like: "After "After the Bay of Pigs Pigs is when the great great heroic heroic deeds deeds of  Rip Rip real really ly began began.. I was was on one of his team teams, s, but he concontrolle trolled d many many teams teams and many many operat operation ions. s. And everyt everythin hing g was was good good throu through gh 1963 1963.. Our team team made made mo more re than than seve seven n  big war missions. Some of them were huge: the attacks on the Texaco Texaco refinery, refinery, the Russian ships in Oriente Oriente Province, Province, a big lumber lumberyar yard, d, the Patrice Patrice Lumumb Lumumbaa sulfur sulfuric ic acid acid plant plant at Sant Santaa Luci Lucia, a, and and the the dies diesel el plant plant at Casi Casild lda. a. But But they they never let us fight as much as we wanted to, and most of the operations operations were infiltratio infiltrations ns and weapons weapons drops. "We "We woul would d go on miss missio ions ns to Cuba Cuba almo almost st ever every y week week.. When When we didn didn't 't go, Rip would would feel sick sick and get very very mad. mad. He was alway alwayss blow blowin ing g off off his stea steam, m, but but then then he woul would  d  call call us his his boys boys,, and and he would would hug hug us and hit hit us in the the stomac stomach. h. He was always always trying trying to crank crank us up for the missions sions.. Once Once he he told told me, 'I'll 'I'll give give you $50 if you you brin bring g me  back an ear.' I brought him two, and he laughed and said, 'You 'You'r 'ree craz crazy, y,'' but but he paid paid me $100, $100, and he took took us to his his house hou se for a turkey turkey dinner dinner.. Rip was a patriot patriot,, an Americ American an  patriot. Really, I think he was a fanatic. He'd fight anything that that came came against against democr democrac acy. y. He fought fought with with the Company Company in Korea, Korea, in Cuba, and then he went went to Vietna Vietnam. m. He never  stop stoppe ped, d, but but he' he' als also o went went to chur church ch and and he prac practi tice ced  d  democracy." At the end of December, 1961, Orozco went on a ten-day operat operation ion with with a sevenseven-man man team. team. The comman commandos dos blew blew up a railroad railroad bridge bridge and watched watched a train train run off the ruptur ruptured  ed  tracks tracks.. Then Then they they burned burned down down a sug sugar ar wareho warehouse use,, and on Christ Christmas mas Day, Day, with with a detach detachmen mentt of militia militia appare apparentl ntly y in  pursuit, they sought to escape in their rubber boat to an inte interm rmed edia iary ry ship ship on whic which h Rip Rip and and Mart Martin inez ez wait waited ed for  for  them. By this time, the American American officerswere officerswere not supposed  supposed  to be going going into Cuban Cuban waters, waters, much much less less to the sho shore, re, and  Rip had had alread already y been been reprim reprimand anded ed for his previo previous us advenadventures. tures. Neverthele Nevertheless, ss, when his commandos commandos missed missed their first rendez rendezvou vous, s, Rip loaded loaded a rubber rubber boat boat with with rocket rocketss and recoilless coilless rifles, rifles, ordered ordered another another commando, commando, Nestor Nestor Izquierdo, Izquierdo, to get in with him, and then motored up and down the coast look lookin ing g for for sign signss of his men. men. He was back back on Mart Martin inez ez's 's ship ship when when Orozc Orozco o calle called d him from from the sho shore re.. "We "We had had a probl problem em with with the the mo moto torr when when we final finally ly got in the boat. boat. I had just sho shott some guy with with an M·3 silence silencer, r, and we had had to get out, so we radioe radioed d Rip with the distress distress signal signal:: 'Pittsb 'Pittsburg urgh, h, Pittsb Pittsburg urgh.' h.' Well, Well, Rip came came right right into into the the bay. bay. When When we saw saw him, him, we said said,, 'Tha 'Thatt is the the old old man man for for you. you.'' We calle called d him the the old old man. man. And And then then he call called  ed  out, out, 'Com 'Comee on, my boys! boys!'' Late Laterr he told told me why why he had to come come in in for for us. us. 'I coul couldn dn't 't lose lose the the craz crazy y guy, guy,'' he said. said. He always called me the crazy guy." Despit Despitee orders orders,, Rip contin continued ued to go on operat operation ionss with with his his comm comman ando dos. s. His His supe superi rior orss beca became me so angr angry y that that they they reso resort rted ed to orde orderi ring ng the the Cuba Cuban n boat boat capt captai ains ns not not to allo allow w him to board board the interme intermedia diary ry ships ships that took took the teams teams to the shore shore.. One of the boat captains captains from from those those days, days, now a 58

Washington Washington lawyer, lawyer, recalled recalled the futility futility of this restraint: restraint: "Rip "Rip was not not sup suppos posed ed to get on the interm intermedi ediary ary hoathoat'not 'not und under er any conditio conditions. ns.'' One time time,, he was on my mother  ship ship,, and and his his boys boys were were abou aboutt to go on an oper operat atio ion. n. Rip Rip said said he felt felt sick sick,, very sick, sick, and and then then he goes goes down down in the the ship ship as if he is going going to lie down. down. The next next minute minute there there is Rip Rip with with his face face all all black black with with char charco coal al,, and and he is wearwearing the the uniform uniform of the the comma commando ndos-t s-the he hat and everyt everythin hing g -and -and he is all all slouc slouche hed d down down in the boat boat in the middle middle of  the men prete pretendi nding ng he is not Rip. Rip. People People knew it was him, him,  but what couId we do? "I love loved d Rip, Rip, but but oh, oh, my God! God! He was was not the the kind kind of  man you you want want as your your enemy. enemy. If the United United States States had had just just 200 200 Rips Rips,, it woul wouldn dn't 't have have any prob proble lems ms in the the worl world. d. He loved loved war, war, but it was very very difficul difficultt for for him to adjust adjust to the kind kind of warfa warfare re we were were makin making. g. He wanted wanted an open open war, war, and we were waging a silent one."

the paramilitaries were were a hard hard grou group p to contro control, l, but but the the prob proble lem m was was  particularly intense during the secret war because they they came came to iden identi tify fy so clos closel ely y with with thei theirr Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts and and with with the the caus causee of wrest wrestin ing g Cuba Cuba from from Cast Castro ro,, whom whom they saw as a simple tool of the Russians. They were creatures tures of the Cold Cold War, respon respondin ding g to the new call call froni the tough young President who was not about to tolerate a Com. muni mu nist st mena menace ce just just nine ninety ty mile miless from from Flor Florid ida. a. It was was a time time of high high wind windss and and stro strong ng feel feelin ings gs in poli politic tics. s. As the case case offi office cerr who who work worked ed with with Robe Robert rtso son n rema remark rked ed:: "It's "It's almost impossible today to put yourself back in those times when when idealis idealism m ran ran so high, high, and and we fel feltt we wer weree on a crucrusade sade agains againstt evil, evil, but that that was what what we felt. felt. "Peopl "Peoplee think think of the CIA's parami paramilita litary ry office officers rs as thugs. But you would be amazed to meet them. In Miami there was every every concei conceivab vable le kind of person person repres represent ented ed in the paramilitary military units. Some had   Ph.D,s, and some had gon gonee to Ivy League League schools. schools. There There were were a few who who had lots of mon money, ey, and of course course there were some advent adventurer urer types. types. All of them were were very very emot emotio iona nall abou aboutt thei theirr work work.. I've I've seen seen lots lots of  them them cry at their failur failures, es, and there were were many failures failures because of the high casualties casualties on these operations." operations." The diffic difficulti ulties es of control control were were so great great that that the Agency Agency ofte often n didn didn't 't know know whic which h miss missio ions ns were were leavin leaving g in whic which h direct direction ions. s. The variou variouss Cuban Cuban mov moveme ements nts often often wanted wanted in. depend dependent ent raids to build build their their statur staturee and reputa reputatio tion n among among the anti-C anti-Cast astro ro Cubans Cubans.. Some Some wanted wanted to impres impresss the ComCom pany with their skills in the hope of obtaining jobs and financia nanciall sup suppor port, t, while while others others went on their their own in order order to escape escape CIA CIA restri restricti ctions ons and contro control. l. JM WAVE WAVE gave gave som somee of these these raids the green light light of encoura encouragem gement ent,, som somee the yell yellow ow light light of toler tolerat atio ion, n, and and othe others rs the the red red light light of dis. appr approv oval al-i -in n whic which h event event the the FBI or Immigr Immigrat atio ion n or the Coast Coast Guard Guard would would be alerte alerted d to enforc enforcee the law. The confused confused maze of anti-C anti-Cast astro ro activi activity ty in South South FlorFlorida during the secret secret war included included everything everything from officially officially orga organi nize zed, d, elab elabor orat atee CIA CIA team teamss to impro impromp mptu tu grou groups ps of  zealous students seeking to make a name for themselves. This vagueness vagueness was well well suited suited to the purposes purposes of JM WAVE. WAVE. To the the exte extent nt that that an atta attack ck on Cuba was was inde indepe pend nden ent, t, it cut cut down on the the station's enormous enormous budget. And the existence existence of  the indepen independen dentt mov moveme ements nts helped helped mask mask the statio station's n's own








acti activi viti ties es:: even even an offi offici cial al CIA CIA comm comman ando do raid raid coul could d be  passed off as the work of uncontrollable Cuban groups. The Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts them themse selv lves es woul would d not not know know the the stat status us of a raid raid carri carried ed out by people people outside outside their compa compartm rtmen ent, t, and  ther theree woul would d be endl endles esss spec specul ulat atio ion n in Miam Miamii abou aboutt how how much support the Company had given a commando raid here or an offshore offshore mortar mortar shelling shelling there. Newspape Newspaperr reportsreports"Alp "Alpha ha 66 Hits Hits Cast Castro ro Suga Sugarr Mill Mill"-s "-set ettl tled ed noth nothin ing, g, of  course, course, for the agents knew they could mean anything. anything. Perh Perhap apss the the mo most st famo famous us of the the quas quasii-in inde depe pend nden entt atattacks tacks took place place on August August 24, 196 1962, 2, when when six young Cu bans piloted a boat to within 200 yards of the shore near  Havana Havana and shelled the Blanquita Blanquita Hotel. Hotel. All six of the commandos mandos had been been traine trained d by the Company Company and worked worked for   both JM WAVE and for the Revolutionary Student Directorate. torate. The boat they used, used, a thirty-one thirty-one-foo -foott Bertram Bertram named  named  the   [uanin,   belonged belonged to the Director Directorate, ate, as did the weapons weapons for the attac attack-a k-a recoi recoille lless ss rifle, rifle, two fifty-ea fifty-ealib liber er machine machine guns, gun s, and a twenty twenty-mi -milli llimet meter er canno cannon, n, all purchase purchased d from from Mafia gun dealers in Miami. The idea for the Blanquita Hotel attack attack origin originate ated d sho shortl rtly y after after one of the command commandos, os, Carlo Carloss ("Bate ("Batea") a") Hernan Hernande dez, z, return returned ed from from an offici official al JM WAV,Emission WAV,Emission to disrupt disrupt that year's Internat International ional Socialist Socialist Youth Youth Conferen Conference ce in Helsinki. Helsinki. When When Batea Batea landed landed at Miami Miami Airpor Airport, t, one of of his friends friends in the Directo Directorat ratee met him with with word word that that an unde underw rwor orld ld cont contac actt was was offe offeri ring ng a twen twenty ty-millimeter millimeter cannon for sale at a bargain bargain price price of $300. $300. Batea  bought the cannon, and planned an attack based on intelligence gence that Czech Czech and and Russian Russian military military advisers, advisers, then coming coming into into Cuba Cuba in large num number bers, s, gather gathered ed for parties parties every every Friday night at the Blanquita. Blanquita. The   [uanin   sailed sailed into into the harbo harborr at Miramar Miramar,, a suburb suburb of Havana Havana,, and got so close close that Batea Batea remember rememberss seeing seeing the lights lights in the ballroom ballroom and the uniforms uniforms of the soldiers soldiers.. His companio companions ns opened opened up with with a five-m five-minu inute te barrag barragee at  point-blank range, inflicting heavy damages on the hotel before fore return returning ing to Miami Miami at reckle reckless ss speed. speed. Castro Castro denoun denounced ced the Blanqui Blanquita ta attac attack k so loudly loudly that it was banner banner news in in the world press. press. The Justice Departme Department nt announce announced d that the perpetrat perpetrators ors of the attack attack had been idenidentifi tified ed,, and and that that furt furthe herr acts acts of that natu nature re woul would d be pros· pros· ecuted ecuted as violatio violations ns of the Neutr Neutrali ality ty Act. Act. JM WAVE WAVE announced nounced nothing. nothing.

met to consid consider er other other acts acts of sabotage sabotage agains againstt Cuban Cuban tartargets. gets. Both of them say they they were were skepti skeptica call of the tactic tacticss at  best. ''The object in Cuba was not to put down an insurgenc gency, y,"" said said Hawk Hawkin ins, s, "but "but to deve develo lop p one.. one.... .. The The work  work  was done done by the Agency Agency.. I remem rememl:ie l:ierr them them blowin blowing g up a refinery refinery and making making efforts efforts to burn up sugar fields-th fields-things ings like like that that-b -but ut none none of them them was very very succes successf sful ul.. I don' don'tt know why they were doing it. What happens in these things is that that the the bure bureau aucr crat atss faIl faIl in love love with with thei theirr oper operat atio ions ns,, and ration rational al though thoughtt just just flies flies out out the window. window."" Gen. Gen. Maxw Maxwel elll Tayl Taylor or,, Pres Presid iden entt Kenn Kenned edy' y'ss chai chairm rman an of the Joint Joint Chiefs Chiefs of Staff, Staff, offer offered ed the staunc staunche hest st defens defensee of the the para parami mili lita tary ry side side of the the secr secret et war. war. "Jus "Justt bear bear in mind," mind," he said said recen recently tly,, "that "that this this was a period period of general general frus frustr trat atio ion n afte afterr the the Bay Bay of Pigs Pigs over over what what to do abou aboutt Castr Castro. o. After After all, all, Castr Castro o was settin setting g up traini training ng facili facilitie tiess and invitin inviting g Latin Latin-Am -Ameri erican can Commu Communis nists ts to come come to Cuba Cuba to learn learn how to spread spread the revolut revolution ion,, and there there were were a hell of a lot lot of those those peop people le.. When When you you have have an unpl unplea easa sant nt neighb neighbor or who is is kickin kicking g you in the shins, shins, you ask yoursel yourself, f, 'Can 'Can't 't I just just reta retali liat atee a bit bit and and remi remind nd him him that that we'r we'ree stil stilll aron aronnd nd?' ?' They They [the [the raid raids] s] were weren' n'tt comp comple lete tely ly rash, rash, how. how. ever. ever. Otherw Otherwise ise we would would hav.e hav.e discou discourag raged ed them. them. But in a strate strategic gic sense sense they they weren't weren't anythi anything ng more more than than just just pinpin pricks." CIA official officialss now now admit admit disarm disarming ingly ly that that the pinpri pinprick ckss were were part part of the general general strate strategy gy of the secret secret war, war, but they they  point out that they were merely following the directives set forth forth by the White White House. House. And insofa insofarr as Cuban Cuban operoperatio ations ns were were conc concer erne ned, d, the the Whit Whitee Hous Housee tend tended ed to mean mean Robert Robert F. Kenned Kennedy. y. Both Both Krulak Krulak and Hawki Hawkins ns saw him him as the moving force force behind the policy, as did Under Under Secreta Secretary ry of State State Georg Georgee Ball. Ball. "Bobb "Bobby y was was always always for that that kind kind of  thin thing, g,"" Ball Ball said said.. "He "He alwa always ys used to go to the the 303 303 Com. Com. mittee mittee;; he was was fascinat fascinated ed by all that covert covert stuff, stuff, counte counterrinsurg insurgen ency cy and and all the garbage garbage that that went went with it."

about about the way way in which which Robert Robert Kenne Kennedy dy pursue pursued d his enemies enemies.. His infecti infectious ous idea ideali lism sm tran transf sfor orme med d the the dry dry worl world d of gove govern rnme ment nt memo memoss into a crus crusad adee agai agains nstt the the devi devil, l, whet whethe herr it were were James James Hoffa, Hoffa, organize organized d crime, crime, Fidel Fidel Castro, Castro, or the Vietnam Vietnam war. Like Nixon, he was ruthless. But, unlike Nixon, he was conv convin ince ced d that that the the worl world d woul would d be on his side side.. The The word  word  most bandied ba ndied about abou t inside insid e the Kenned Ke nnedy y Administra Admin istration tion was The semant semantics ics of assass assassina inatio tion n tough,  while outside everyone everyone spoke of Camelot. Camelot. Kenned Kennedy y and the CIA waged waged a secre secrett war war agains againstt Castr Castro o  partly out of the combatants' vindictiveness and partly out URIN URING G THE THE EARL EARLY Y YEAR YEARS S   of the secret war, the authorcommitme tment nt to the democr democrati aticc crusad crusade. e. "I remem remember  ber  ization ization for the overall overall policies policies and for potentially potentially em- of a commi vividly," said Ray Cline Cline.. "We were were so wrapped  wrapped   barrassing operations emanated from the 303 Com- that period so vividly," up in what wha t the Presiden Presi dent t wante wa nted. d. Bobby Bob by was as emotio emo tional nal mittee mittee (now (now known known as the 40 Committ Committee ee), ), throug through h which which could be [abou [aboutt Cuba] Cuba],, and he alway alwayss talked talked like like he the Preside President nt contro controlle lled d missio missions ns relate related d to nation national al secusecu- as he could was the Preside President, nt, and he really really was in a way. He was alrity rity.. Many Many of the men men who who sat sat on thos thosee comm commit itte tees es now now was ways buggin bugging g the Agency Agency about about the Cubans. Cubans. I don don't 't dou doubt bt ackno acknowle wledge dge that that the comma commando ndo raids raids and sabota sabotage ge oper. oper. ways that talk talk of assassi assassinat nating ing Castro Castro was was part of Bobby' Bobby'ss disdisations ations were were approved approved at the highest highest levels levels of the U.S. U.S. gov gov-- that ernmen ernment, t, but it is hard hard to find find anyone anyone who remember rememberss sup sup-- cussion with some Agency people." There There were were a num number ber of high-le high-level vel discussi discussions ons about about as porting them. Marine Gen. Victor ("Brute") Krulak and  sassinati ating ng Castr Castro, o, even even befor beforee the Cuban Cuban missil missilee crisis crisis,, his assistan assistant, t, Col. Col. Jack Jack L. Hawkins Hawkins,, were were in charge charge of co- sassin mostly tly arising arising out of frustra frustratio tion n with with Castr Castro's o's succes successs as a ordinatin ordinating g the Pentagon's Pentagon's counterin counterinsurg surgency ency forces. forces. Krulak  mos War adversar adversary. y. It was an era when, when, as former former national national sat on the committ committee ee that that author authorize ized d the Cuban Cuban raids, raids, and  Cold War security security adviser adviser McGeorge McGeorge Bundy Bundy recently recently remarked remarked,, "We Hawki Hawkins ns repre represen sented ted him on a lowerlower-lev level el commi committe tteee that that







used used to sit aroun around d the the Whit Whitee Hous Housee all all the the time time thin thinki king ng how how nice nice it woul would d be if such such and and such such a lead leader er did did not not exis exist. t."" Gene Genera rall Lans Lansda dale le says says that that he chai chaire red d one one meeti meeting ng at whic which h an assas assassin sinati ation on propos proposal al was made. made. Richar Richard d Goodwi Goodwin;, n;,who who chai chaire red d a Whi White te Hous Housee task task forc forcee on Cuba Cuba,, said said that that at one one of the the meeti meeting ngss Secr Secret etar ary y of Def Defen ense se Robe Robert rt McNa McNama mara ra adadvocat ocated ed kill illing ing Castr stro. "I was surp surpri rissed and appal ppallled to hear hear McNa McNama mara ra prop propos osee this this," ," said said Good Goodwi win. n. "It "It was was at the the clos closee of a Cuba Cuba task task forc forcee sess sessio ion, n, and and he said said that that Cast Castro ro's 's assa assass ssin inat atio ion n was was the the only only prod produc ucti tive ve way way of deal dealin ing g with with Cuba Cuba." ." Good Goodwi win n beli believ eves es that that Robe Robert rt Kenn Kenned edy y migh mightt have have stim stimul ulat ated ed such such meth method odss only only indir indirec ectl tly, y, perh perhap apss unaw unawar aree of the the knig knight ht's 's comp compul ulsi sion on to fulf fulfil illl the the king king's 's ever every y wish wish:: "To "To the the exte extent nt that that Bobb Bobby y was was invo involv lved ed in anyth anythin ing, g, it woul would  d  have have been been like like Henry Henry II aski asking ng rhet rhetor oric ical ally ly,, 'Who 'Who will will free free me of this this turb turbul uleent prie priesst?' t?' and then then the the zealo ealots ts goin oing out out and and doin doing g it." it."

  receive received d direct direct orders orders from from the the Pres Presid iden entt or Att Attor orne ney y Gene Genera ral, l, they they did  did  rece receiv ivee orde orders rs to elim elimin inat atee Cast Castro ro from from powe powerr in Cuba Cuba.. The secr secret et war war was the the resu esult of tha thatt poli policcy, and  Cast Castro ro's 's assa assass ssin inat atio ion, n, if not not spec specif ifie ied, d, was was a logic logical al obje objecctiv tive of tha thatt war. ar. Acti cting on the the Presi resid dent' ent'ss auth autho orit rity, JM WAVE WAVE trai traine ned d seve severa rall thou thousa sand nd Cuba Cubans ns in guer guerri rill llaa tactactics tics,, arm armed them hem with with weapo eapons ns and and expl explo osive sivess, and sent sent them them down down to the the Cari Caribb bbea ean n with with hope hopess of glo glory ry.. All All of the them m soug sought ht to end end Cast astro's ro's hold old on Cuba Cuba,, and many any of the them made made thei theirr own own atte attemp mpts ts on Cast Castro ro's 's life life,, in the impro impromp mptu tu trad tradit itio ion n of the the attack attack on the the Blan Blanqu quit itaa Hote Hotel. l. By the the end end of  1961 1961,, seve severa rall men men affi affili liat ated ed with with the the CIA CIA had had alre alread ady y been been foil foiled ed in attem attempt ptss to kil killl him, him, amon among g them them Luis Luis Toro Toroel ella la (ex(execut ecuted ed), ), Eloy Eloy Gut Gutie ierr rrez ez Meno Menoyo yo (sti (still ll impr impris ison oned ed), ), Will Willia iam m Morg Morgan an (exe (execu cute ted) d),, and and Anto Antoni nio o Veci Vecian anaa (esc (escap aped ed to the the Unit United ed Stat States es). ). Had Had thes thesee men men succ succee eede ded, d, thei theirr effo effort rtss woul would  d  have have been been tied tied to the the U.S. U.S. only only indir indirec ectl tly, y, if at all. Cert Certai ainnly thei theirr fail failur ures es did did not not caus causee the the emba embarr rras assm smen ents ts of the the Bay of Pigs Pigs,, and even ven a succ uccessf essfu ul ass assassi assin nati ation by any any one of th them would uld have have been een impos mpossi sib ble to tra trace to the the Oval Oval Office Office.. To the CIA' CIA'ss Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts who who foug fought ht in the the secr secret et war  war  the the sear search ch for for proo prooff of offic officia iall lly y sanc sancti tion oned ed plot plotss seem seemss some somewh what at absu absurd rd.. Mart Martin inez ez desc descri ribe bed d it as larg largel ely y a ques ques-tion tion of sem seman anti tics cs:: "The "There re was was an atte attemp mptt by this this coun countr try y to ove overt rthr hrow ow Cast Castro ro,, and and it was was not not to be by elec electi tion ons, s,"" he says. "It was to be by war. The papers now want to say the there were ere plot lots. We Well ll,, 1 can can tel tell you you the there were ere plot lots. I too took a lot lot of we weapo apons to Cub Cuba. Some ome of them them were very ery spec specia iall weap weapon onss for for spec specia iall purp purpos oses es.. They They were were powe powerf rful ul rifl rifles es with with soph sophis isti tica cate ted d scop scopes es-S -Spr prin ingf gfie ield ldss with with bolt bolt acactio tions, ns, rifl riflees only nly used used by sni snipers pers.. They were were not not sent ent to shoo shoott pige pigeon onss or kill kill rabbi rabbits ts.. Ever Everyo yone ne in the underg undergro roun und  d  was was plott plottin ing g to kil killl Cast Castro ro,, and and the the CIA CIA was was helpi helping ng the the ununderg dergro roun und. d. I was was with with the the unde underg rgro roun und, d, as wel welll as wit with h the the CIA, CIA, so YO,u YO,uco coul uld d say say I was involv involved ed in the the plot plots, s, too, too, but but that that is all so obviou obvious. s."" Ray Ray Clin Clinee made made a simi simila larr poin point: t: "I'm "I'm almo almost st posi positi tive ve that that ther theree was was no seri seriou ouss CIA CIA -cont -contro roll lled ed effo effort rt to assa assass ssin inat atee anyb anybod ody, y,"" he sai said, "bu "but I thin think k the inte inten ntio tion of som some infiltration teams was to do it. It was the spirit of lots of  Cuba Cubans ns and and lots lots of the CIA case case offi office cers rs." ."




The secret secret war surfaces surfaces just as the secr secret et war war was was begi beginn nnin ing g  NAUGUST OF 1961, just


to take take shap shape, e, Whit Whitee Hous Housee advi advise serr Rich Richar ard d Good Goodwi win n foun found d hims himsel elff at a part party y in Urug Urugua uay y with with Erne Ernest sto o (Che (Che)) Guev Guevar ara. a. The The chan chance ce enco encoun unte terr led led to a conv conver ersa sati tion on whic which h seem seemed ed to sum up the the cont contra radi dict ctio ions ns inhe inhere rent nt in all all of the the Amer Americ ican an effo effort rtss to overt overthr hrow ow Cast Castro ro.. Guev Guevar araa bega began n by askin asking g Good Goodwi win n to tha thank nk Kenn Kenned edy y for  for  the the Bay Bay of Pigs Pigs inva invasi sion on.. Befo Before re then then,, he said said,, Cast Castro ro had  had  held held a ten tenuo uous us grip grip on the the Cuba Cuban n revo revolu luti tion on,, with with the the econ econ-omy in in chao chaoss and numero numerous us intern internal al factio factions ns plotti plotting ng agains againstt him. him. But But the the inva invasi sion on,, Guev Guevar araa said said jovi jovial ally ly,, had had assu assure red  d  Cast Castro ro's 's hold hold on the the coun countr try. y. It had had made made him him even even more more of a hero hero,, as the man man who had had defe efended nded Cuba uba again gainst st the the grea greate test st powe powerr in the the worl world. d. Good Goodwi win, n, by his own own acco accoun unt, t, ackn acknow owle ledg dged ed the the back backha hand nded ed comp compli lime ment nt and and aske asked d CueCuevara ara to retu returrn the the favo favorr by inv invadin ading g the the U.S. .S. Naval aval Base ase at Guan Guanta tana namo mo,, Cuba Cuba.. This This woul would d give give Kenne Kennedy dy a pret pretex extt for for open openly ly usin using g Amer Americ ica' a'ss over overwh whel elmi ming ng mili milita tary ry forc force, e, rele releas asin ing g him him from from the the cland clandes esti tine ne rest restri rict ctio ions ns of the the secr secret et war. war. Guev Guevar araa smil smiled ed and and said said that that Cast Castro ro woul would d neve neverr be so stupid. stupid.  Neither Castro nor John Kennedy was politically stupid,  but they acted against each other in an atmosphere of mutua tual paran aranoi oiaa and and veng vengea ean nce that that even eventu tuaally lly cam came to the the worl world' d'ss atte attent ntio ion n as the the Cuban Cuban miss missil ilee cris crisis is.. To Fidel Fidel CasCastro, tro, who who was was atte attemp mpti ting ng to beco become me the the firs firstt Cuba Cuban n lead leader  er  in hist histo ory with ith a power ower base ase ind indepen epende dent nt of the the Unite ited  Stat States es,, Kenn Kenned edy y was was a neces necessa sary ry but but dang danger erou ouss enem enemy. y. In a sens sense, e, Cast Castro ro need needed ed both both the the Bay Bay of Pigs Pigs and and the the secr secret et war war to hel help p him him turn turn Cuba Cuba's 's revo revolu luti tion onar ary y trad tradit itio ion n into into a war war of inde indepe pend nden ence ce again gainsst the Unit Uniteed State tatess, and and he made made cons consta tant nt spee speech ches es to his his peopl peoplee abou aboutt the the new new Amer Amer-ican ican threa threat. t. "Imp "Imper eria iali lism sm was was shock shocked ed by the Bay of Pigs Pigs," ," he sai said, "bu "but now now they they are at it agai again. n. Their heir str strateg ategy y in. elud eludes es form formin ing g merc mercen enar ary y grou groups ps,, sabo sabota tage ge grou groups ps,, fift fifth h column columnist ists, s, terror terrorist ists, s, and bands bands of counte counterre rrevol voluti utiona onarie ries." s." Whil Whilee Cast Castro ro foun found d U.S. U.S. hosti hostili lity ty help helpfu full to the the task task of main main-tai tainin ning nati natio onal nal unity nity with ithin Cuba, ba, he was uncer ncerttain ain of  Kenn Kenned edy' y'ss inte intent ntio ions ns,, and and he knew knew that that the the very very surv surviv ival al of his his regi regime me depe depend nded ed upon pon his his holdi oldin ng the the bala balanc ncee betwee tween n usef useful ul litt little le wars wars and and a fatal fatal big big one. one. By the the summe summerr of 1962 1962 the the econ econom omic ic warf warfar aree had had a real real effe effect ct on Cast Castro ro,, more more than than offs offset etti ting ng the the poli politi tica call gain gain he had had achi achieeved ved withi ithin n Cuba Cuba.. The The Cuban uban econ econom omy y was de. teri terior orat atin ing g and and had had beco become me more more depe depend nden entt on 'the 'the Sovie Soviett Unio Union n than than it had had been been on the Unit United ed Stat States es.. In addi additi tion on,, the the peop people le were were afrai afraid d that that the the comm comman ando do raid raidss and and para para-mili milita tary ry miss missio ions ns pref prefig igur ured ed a new invas invasio ion. n. Cast Castro ro had  had  triu triump mphe hed d at the the Bay Bay of Pigs Pigs,, but, but, soon sooner er or late later, r, his his luck  luck  woul would d run run out. out. Cast Castro ro turn turned ed to the the Sovi Soviet et Unio Union n for for mili mili-tary tary prote rotecctio tion as well well as for for econo conomi micc supp suppo ort, rt, and he  began receiving Russian missiles in the summer. For all  practical purposes, it was an act tantamount to invading Guan Guanta tana namo mo,, and and so Cas Castr tro o trie tried d to do it secr secret etly ly.. From From Pres Presid iden entt Kenn Kenned edy' y'ss pers perspe pect ctiv ive, e, the the even events ts of mid mid-1962 1962 were were as alar alarmi ming ng and and fate fatefu full as the they y were were to Castr Castro. o. Sign Signss of the Comm Commun unis istt adva advanc ncee fill filled ed the the news news.. Cast Castro ro loudly loudly proclai proclaimed med his goal goal of spread spreading ing the revol revoluti ution on across across Latin atin Americ ericaa, and at the the sam same time time the the numb umber of new new




refu refuge gees es from from Comm Commun unis istt Cuba Cuba rema remain ined ed cons consta tant nt at abou aboutt 3,00 3,000 0 a wee week. k. Some Some came came on the Pan Am Amer eric ican an flig flight htss from from Hava Havana na,, some some on comm comman ande deer ered ed yach yachts ts,, and and othe others rs on home home-made made life life rafts rafts.. All All of them them brou brough ghtt horr horror or stor storie iess abou aboutt life life under under the the Cuba Cuban n dict dictat ator orsh ship ip and and only only thos thosee pers person onal al  possessions they could carry in a single suitcase. When the refu refuge gees es land landed ed at .Op .Opaa-Lo Lock ckaa Air Air Forc Forcee Base Base,, wher where' e' the the CIA CIA main mainta tain ined ed a mass massiv ivee debr debrie iefi fing ng faci facili lity ty,, at leas leastt one one of the them would bend down and kiss the earth. In the de briefing sessions, many of the refugees told of the growing ing Russi ussian an pre presen sence in Cuba, uba, whic which h was was not diff diffic icul ultt to see. see. By the the fall fall,, ther theree were were 20,0 20,000 00 Russ Russia ian n sold soldie iers rs and  and  team teamss of Russ Russia ian n labo labore rers rs ther there, e, work workin ing g secr secret etly ly to asse assemm ble the nuclear missiles. This word filtered up through the CIA CIA to Pres Presid iden entt Kenn Kenned edy, y, for for whom whom the the Russi Russian an pres presen ence ce carr carrie ied d the the elec electr tric ic poli politi tica call mean meanin ing g of the the Berlin Berlin Wall Wall..

  the the day Kenn ennedy edy was was told told that hat U·2  photographs confirmed the existence of Russian missile siless in Cuba Cuba,, Mart Martin inez ez and and his his boat boat crew crew were were call called  ed  to the their ir base base at Summ Summer er Land Land Key Key and and told told that that they they woul would  d  leav leavee imme immedi diat atel ely y on a miss missio ion. n. For For seve severa rall mont months hs,, they they had had been been prep prepar arin ing g for for one one of the their ir bigg bigges estt oper operat atio ions ns-t -the he dest destru ruct ctio ion n of the the Mata Mataha hamb mbre re copp copper er mine miness in Pin Pinar ar del del Rio Rio Pro Provin vince. ce. The ore fro from the the mines ines,, whic hich acc account ounteed  for for 1 perc percen entt of Cub Cuba' a'ss gros grosss nati nation onal al prod produc uct, t, was was carr carrie ied  d  to the the port port of Sant Santaa Luci Luciaa alon along g a twel twelve ve-k -kil ilom omet eter er elev elevat ated  ed  cabl cablee-ca carr syst system em,, supp suppor orte ted d by giant giant towe towers rs.. CIA CIA plan planne ners rs had had dete determ rmin ined ed that that prod produc ucti tion on coul could d be hal halte ted d for for a full full year year if the the towe towers rs were were knoc knocke ked d out. out. Twic Twicee befo before re,, JM WAVE WAVE had had sent sent team teamss to Cub Cubaa to blow blow up the the mine mines. s. The The firs firstt time time,, in late late 1961 1961,, two two of the the Am Amer er-ican ican para parami mili lita tary ry comm comman ande ders rs had had gone gone along along to dir direc ectt the the oper operat atio ion. n. In prep prepar arat atio ion n for for the the miss missio ion, n, CIA CIA tech techni nici cian anss cons constr truc ucte ted d a fullfull-sc scal alee mode modell of one of the cablecable-ca carr towe towers rs,, and and the the comm comman ando doss prac practi tice ced d thei theirr demo demoli liti tion on tact tactic icss for  for  week weeks. s. Ever Everyt ythi hing ng appe appear ared ed to have have been been take taken n into into acco accoun unt. t. But But halfw halfway ay to Cub Cubaa the the ship ship's 's moto motorr conk conked ed out, out, the the radi radio o liat liatte tery ry went went dead dead,, and and the the team team was was left left floa floati ting ng help helple less ss-ly in the the Cari Caribb bbea ean. n. The missio mission n was typical typical of many many CIA operat operation ions-e s-ever veryythin thing g woul would d be pla plann nned ed down down to the the last last seco second nd,, and and then then some some quir quirk k or acci accide dent nt woul would d thro throw w the the miss missio ion n awry awry.. In the the summe summerr of 196 1962 2 Mart Martin inez ez took took the comma command ndos os back back for  for  a sec second ond try, try, but but the team eam met a patr patro ol of Cast Castro ro milit ilitia ia and and retr retrea eate ted d to the the ship ships. s. As the agent agentss list listen ened ed to the Octob October er 15 brie briefi fing ng,, they they real. real. ized ized that that ther theree was was a speci special al urge urgenc ncy y atta attach ched ed to the the mismission sion.. "You "You do it," it," they they were were told, told, "or "or don' don'tt both bother er to come come  back alive." The next day, Martinez; his boat crew, and the eigh eightt comm comman ando doss left left base base on the the Agen Agency cy's 's 150150-fo foot ot moth moth-er ship ship.. By the the time time they they left left the moth mother er ship ship for for Mart Martin inez ez's 's inte interrmedi mediaary boat boat on the the nig night of Octo Octob ber 18, 18, one one of the the larg larges estt amph amphib ibio ious us inva invasi sion on forc forces es sinc sincee Worl World d War War II was was  beginning to assemhle in Florida and neighboring states. The Army Army's 's 82nd 82nd and and 10ls 10lstt Air Airborn bornee Divis ivisio ions ns were ere orordere dered d read ready y for for imme immedi diat atee depl deploy oyme ment nt,, and and 40,0 40,000 00 Mari Marine ness stoo stood d read ready y as par partt of an amph amphib ibio ious us task task forc forcee in the the CaCaribb ribbea ean, n, with with anot anothe herr 5,00 5,000 0 Mari Marine ness on aler alertt at Cuan Cuanta ta-: -: namo. In all, the Army gathered 100,000 troops in the sout southe hern rn Unit United ed Stat States es..






on the coast coast of Pina Pinar  r  del Rio Provin Province, ce, they they split split up to set the C-4 charge chargess . arou round the cabl able-c e-car tower owerss. Befo Beforre they they cou coulld do so, so, some some of the them m were were seen seen by a Cuban Cuban patr patrol ol,, and and Mart Martin inez ez saw saw milit militia ia sear search ch flar flares es ligh lightt up the night night skie skies. s. He waite waited  d  in his his boat boat near near the the shor shore, e, and and six six of the the comm comman ando doss made made it out out to him him afte fter a brie brieff fire ire fig fight. ht. Marti artine nezz wait waiteed an hour hour for for the the othe otherr two two to retur return, n, and and then then went went out out to sea. sea. He retu return rned ed the the next next nigh night, t, and and agai again n the the nigh nightt afte afterr that that.. On Octob October er 22, 22, Mart Martin inez ez took took the the boat boat in close close to shor shoree at dusk dusk,, with with an infr infrar ared ed ligh lightt serv servin ing g as a beac beacon on for for the the two two lost lost comma command ndos os.. The The boat boat was was with within in shou shouti ting ng rang rangee of the the coast coast when when the the radi radio o oper operat ator or said said that that the the Pres Presid iden entt was was about about to make make an addre address ss to the the natio nation. n. The The men men turn turned  ed  the the radio adio on low, low, expe expecctin ting Kenne enned dy to anno announ unce ce a new cris crisis is in Berl Berlin in or a new new stan stance ce on risi rising ng stee steell pric prices es.. InInstea stead, d, the the subj subjec ectt was was Cuba Cuba,, and and the the Pres Presid iden entt was was sayi saying ng ever everyt ythi hing ng the the Cuba Cubans ns want wanted ed to hear hear abou aboutt the the Russ Russia ians ns and and the the miss missil iles es and and the the need need for for the the Unit United ed Stat States es to act. act. lt was all too too much much for for the the ship ship's 's navi naviga gato tor, r, who who grab grabbe bed  d  the the rad radio and and put put it on full full volu volume me.. "He "He was so happ happy y," Mart Martin inez ez late laterr reca recall lled ed,, "tha "thatt he did didn' n'tt care care if any anyon onee coul could  d  hear ear the the spee peech fro from the the coas coastt. We had had to make make him turn turn it down." down." Back Back at the the base base,, Mart artine inez was was appro pproaached ched by a hig high. rank rankin ing g JM WAVE WAVE offi offici cial al who who said said the the U.S. U.S. was about about to inva invade de Cuba Cuba and and aske asked d Mart Martin inez ez if he woul would d be will willin ing g to  parachute into Pinar del Rio, his old province, in advance of  the the Am Amer eric ican an troo troops ps.. Hund Hundre reds ds of the the CIA's CIA's othe otherr Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts were were orde ordere red d to stan stand d by for land landin ings gs in whic which h they they woul would d mark mark the the beac beache hess and and serv servee as guide guidess for for para paratr troo oop p units.





A secon second d wave wave


and and most most of the the worl world d felt felt reli reliev eved ed to hav havee surv surviv ived ed it, it, the Cuban Cuban agen agents ts were were disapp disappoin ointed ted but not not despair despairing ing.. They They believ believed ed that that Kenn Kenned edy y, havin aving g star tared "ey "eyebal eballl to eye eyebal ball" at Niki Nikita ta Khru Khrush shch chev ev and and won, won, had had acqu acquir ired ed rene renewe wed d conf confid iden ence ce in his his capa capaci city ty to over overth thro row w Cast Castro ro.. They They f~t f~t the the mome moment ntum um swin swing ging ing the their way, ay, and thei heir spir spiriits were were -buo buoyed yed stil stilll high higher er when when they they lear learne ned d that that Kenn Kenned edy y was was pres pressi sing ng his his adadvant vantag agee in the the nego negoti tiat atio ions ns for for the the rele releas asee of the the 1,17 1,179 9 Bay Bay of 'Pig 'Pigss surv surviv ivor orss stil stilll in Cuban Cuban jail jails. s. Cast Castro ro's 's rans ransom om pric pricee was was $53 $53 mill millio ion, n, in drug drugs, s, medi medica call supp suppli lies es,, and and cash cash.. "Bot "Both h of the the Kenne Kennedy dyss felt felt a teal teal sens sensee of obli obliga gati tion on to get thos thosee  people out of jail," said Ray Cline. "They felt guilty and  asha ashame med d in the the face face of the the refug refugee eess stil stilll down down ther therei ein n Dade Dade Coun County ty;; they they coul couldn dn't 't stay stay away away from from them them,, but but they they also also coul couldn dn't 't face face them. them. Both Both of them them,, part partic icul ular arly ly Bobb Bobby, y, spen spentt coun countl tles esss hour hourss gett gettin ing g the the drug drug manu manufa fact ctur urer erss to get get thos thosee guys guys out. out. Ther There' e'ss kind kind of a hist histor oric ical al para parall llel el here here.. They They must must have have felt felt like like the the Plum Plumbe bers rs when when they they foun found d out out the the Cuba Cubans ns were were in jail jail over over Water Waterga gate te.. The The ques questi tion on was was how how to get the them out. ut. Who's ho's goin oing to do it, it, will ill John John Mit Mitchel chelll do it? It was pure bribery, what they did with the drug manu manufa fact ctur urer ers. s. They They rais raised ed almo almost st $60 $60 mill millio ion n from from them them;; and and it was was simpl simply y a matt matter er of twi twist stin ing g arms arms." ." On Dece Decemb mber er 29, 29, 1962 1962,, exac exactl tly y a week week afte afterr the the retu return rn HEN



Presi Preside dent nt

Kenn Kenned edyy

1962. in Miami Miami shak shaking ing hands hands with with form former er Cuba Cuban n inva inva., .,ion ion prison prisoner erss on Dece Decemb mber  er  29, 1962.

of the the sold oldiers iers,, Pres reside ident Kenn ennedy edy and and his his wife ife flew flew to to Miami Miami to wel welco come me them them back back.. Fort Forty y thou thousa sand nd Cuba Cubans ns-i -innclud cludin ing g virt virtua uall lly y all all of JM WAVE WAVE's 's Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts-t -tur urne ned  d  out out for for the the cere ceremo moni nies es in the the Oran Orange ge Bowl Bowl,, and and ther theree was was a wild wild cele celebr brat atio ion n of tear tearss and and shou shouts ts when when the the Pres Presid iden entt insp inspec ecte ted d the the troo troops ps.. The The brig brigad adee memb member erss stoo stood d prou proudl dly y at atten attenti tion on even even thou though gh seve severa rall were were stil stilll on crut crutch ches es.. In a gest esture ure of grat gratit itud ude, e, one one of the the comm comman and ders ers gave gave KenKennedy nedy the the brig brigad ade' e'ss flag flag for for his his safe safeke keep epin ing, g, and and Kenn Kenned edy y unfu unfurl rled ed the the flag flag as he step steppe ped d up to the the micr microp opho hone ne at the the fift fiftyy-ya yard rd line line.. "I want want to expr expres esss my grea greatt appr apprec ecia iati tion on to the the briga brigade de for for maki making ng the the Unit United ed Stat States es the the cust custod odia ian n of  this this flag flag," ," he said, said, in a voic voicee risi rising ng with with obvi obviou ouss emot emotio ion. n. "I can can assu assure re you you that that this this flag flag will will be retur returne ned d to this this bribrigade gade in a free free Hava Havana na." ." Shee Sheerr bedl bedlam am reig reigne ned d for for a few few minut minutes es befo before re Kenn Kenned edy y cou could cont contin inue ue his his spee peech: ch: "You "Yourr cond condu uct and and valo alor are are  proof that although Castro and his fellow dictators may rule nati nation ons, s, they they do not not rule rule peop people le;; that that they they may may impr impris ison on  bodies, but they do not imprison spirits; that they may destro stroy y the the exer exerci cise se of lib liber erty ty,, but but they they cann cannot ot elim elimin inat atee the the dete determ rmin inat atio ion n to be be free. free."" The The Cuba Cubans ns were were overjo overjoye yed. d. The The Pres Presid iden entt of the the Unite United  d  Stat States es had had join joined ed them them not not only only with with his his pres presen ence ce and and his his auth author orit ity y but but also also with with his his feel feelin ings gs.. With Within in two two mont months hs the the seco second nd and and by far far the the most most inte intens nsee phas phasee of the the secre secrett war  war  agai agains nstt Cast Castro ro had had begu begun. n. Inst Instea ead d of call callin ing g prev previo ious us Cuba Cuban n  policies into question, the missile crisis seemed to provide

furt furthe herr just justif ific icat atio ion n for for the the condu conduct ct of the the secr secret et war. war. Hard Hard-ly anyb anybod ody y in Wash Washin ingt gton on allo allowe wed d for for the the poss possib ibil ilit ity y that that the the secr secret et war war may may have have pers persua uade ded d Cast Castro ro to welc welcom omee RusRussian sian nucl nuclea earr weap weapon onss in Cuba Cuba as a mean meanss of guar guaran ante teei eing ng his his own own survi surviva val. l. The The less lesson on draw drawn n was was that that Comm Commun unis istt ininflue fluenc ncee must must be snuf snuffe fed d out out quic quickl klyy-pr pref efer erab ably ly by cove covert rt rnea rneans ns----e -els lsee domi domino noes es fall fall and and new new thre threat atss of nuc nucle lear ar exexchange changess ensue. ensue. Amer Americ ican an poli policy cy in this this era era came came to resem resembl blee a terri terribl blee Rube Rube Gold Goldbe berg rg mach machin inee fash fashio ioni ning ng ever ever more more mena menaci cing ng conf confro ront ntat atio ions ns out out of the the humi humili liat atio ion n of past past defe defeat ats. s. It is impo imposs ssib ible le to kno know w to what what exte extent nt the the secr secret et war, war, with with its its hund hundre reds ds of Ame Ameri rica can n case case 'off 'offic icer erss and and its its thou thousa sand ndss of  Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts,, shap shaped ed succ succee eedi ding ng even events ts.. But But the the men men who who dire direct cted ed the the war war and and the the tact tactic icss they they empl employ oyed ed were were to be seen seen encr encroa oach chin ing g on the the news news of the the next next ten ten year years. s. Ted Ted Shac Shackl kley ey,, the the stat statio ion n chie chieff of JM JM WAVE WAVE,, pack packed ed his his  bags and took his aides with him to orchestrate a new secret war war in Laos Laos and and then then to dir direc ectt the the unde underg rgro roun und d aspe aspect ctss of  the the war in Vie Vietnam tnam.. Rip Rip Rober oberts tson on and and his his fel fellow low para para-mili milita tary ry cowb cowboy oyss also also join joined ed in the the effo effort rt and and help helped ed run run the the Phoe Phoeni nix x prog progra ram. m. And And the the CIA' CIA'ss Cuba Cuban n agen agents ts bega began n the the conf onfusin using g tre trek tha that wou would chan hange them hem from from tru trusted  sted  gove govern rnme ment nt agen agents ts into into comm common on crim crimin inal als. s. Duri During ng the the same same  period the two Kennedys would be assassinated, and Presiden identt Nixo Nixon, n, empl employ oyin ing g both both the the tact tactic icss and and the the vete vetera rans ns of the the secr secret et war, war, woul would d atte attemp mptt a cover covertt atta attack ck agai agains nstt the the American system itself. 0 (For (For further further reflec reflection tions, s, see page page 103.) 103.) 6,

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