The Federal Reserve System

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Article written by Arthur South. That gives a brief yet well written description of the Federal Reserve and how it operates. It was designed to create inflation and not stabilize the economy.



The Federal Reserve System: a brief history for understanding the Evil we face.
by Arthur South on Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 12:58pm For many years Conservatives have been tryin to arouse publi! !on!ern over the Federal "eserve System and the stran lehold its bosses have on our e!onomy# Sittin astride our money system as it does, the Federal "eserve ma$e de!isions %hi!h %ei h heavily on ho% mu!h %e are oin to pay &or bread, mil$, and rent or mort a e, or %hether you're oin to have a (ob# )illions o& students in hi h s!hool and !olle es ta$e !ourses in %hi!h they are tau ht that the !reation o& the Fed represented a *triumph o& demo!ra!y over the po%er o& the reedy private interests#* +n reality, the opposite is true# The Fed be!ame a Tro(an ,orse throu h %hi!h the nation's premier ban$ers sei-ed over our money system# Their &irst ma(or move as !onspirators %as to sponsor !reation o& the in!ome ta., %hi!h %as sold to the nation as a modest *soa$in /the/ri!h* s!heme# +t is not %ithout meanin that the pro ressive in!ome ta. is plan$ 0umber 2 o& the !ommunist mani&esto# +n 1108 a Constitutional Amendment to establish an in!ome ta. %as introdu!ed into the 2#S# Senate by 0elson Aldri!h o& "hode +sland# Aldri!h %as re arded as the *authenti! voi!e, o& J#3# )or an* in the Senate and his dau hter later married the son o& John 4# "o!$e&eller# 5The 6i!e 3resident, 0elson Aldri!h "o!$e&eller, is named &or his maternal rand&ather#78hen the in!ome ta. had been introdu!ed in the Senate in 1819, Senator Aldri!h !orre!tly denoun!ed it as Communisti!# :ut then the )or an/"o!$e&eller +nsiders had !han ed# 8hy did "o!$e&eller and )or an arran e &or their pet Senator to pull the !art in the opposite dire!tion; :e!ause they reali-ed that overnment is the ultimate monopoly and needed the in!ome ta. to &und T,<+" overnment# These insiders easily avoided the !onse=uen!es o& the ta. they %ere pla!in on their !ompetitors by simultaneous !reation o& the ta./&ree &oundation# 8hat the in!ome ta. be!ame, &inally, %as a siphon radually inserted into the po!$etboo$s o& the eneral publi!# +mposed to popular hu--as as a !lass ta., the in!ome ta. %as radually turned into a mass ta. in a (u(itsu turnaround# +n &a!t, the <stablishment !onspirators %ould soon use the in!reasin ly !entrali-ed &ederal overnment to ta. the middle !lass and trans&er their &unds to "o!$e&eller and other 5+nsiders7 interests throu h &orei n aid and a myriad o& other pro rams# 8hile the "o!$e&eller/)or an !li=ue %as %or$in to &asten the pro ressive in!ome ta. on the Ameri!an publi!, it %as %or$in to simultaneously to saddle the Ameri!an e!onomy %ith a !entral ban$ under its o%n !ontrol# The Federal "eserve A!t and the 1>th Amendment 5%hi!h !reated the raduated in!ome ta.7 %ere heads and tails o& the same !oin# First, Con ress !reated a 0ational )onetary Commission to study the situation# 2nder the leadership o& Senator Aldri!h, si.teen Senators and "epresentatives toured <urope &or t%o years to learn all about !entral ban$in # +n 110? )or an pre!ipitated a &inan!ial pani! by spreadin rumors 5ille al no%7 that the @ni!$erbo!$er ban$ and the Trust Company o& Ameri!a %ere

insolvent# +t %as untrue, but made runs on the ban$s a&ter spreadin the &alse rumors to be!ome true# This %as done primarily to *prove* the desperate need &or a !entrali-ed ban$# 8hat the 5insiders7 %anted %as a !entral ban$ o& issue similar to the :an$ o& <n land or the "ei!hsban$ o& Aermany, a &ederally established but privately !ontrolled institution %hose notes 5!urren!y7%ould be le al tender 5money %hi!h the la% re=uires a !reditor to a!!ept7# A&ter returnin to the 2nited States, a se!ret meetin %as held late in 1110 on Je$yll +sland, Aeor ia, %here the members o& the !ommission spent ten days %ith representatives o& the )or an, "o!$e&eller, 6anderbilt, Carne ie, and other bi ban$in interests# Also in attendan!e %as 3aul )# 8arbur , a Aerman &inan!ier %ho had !ome to the 2#S# to (oin the ban$in &irm o& @uhn, Boeb C Company and to promote the plan &or a !entral ban$in system# 8arbur ,and )or an %ere all !onne!ted %ith the "oths!hilds, %ealthy leaders o& <uropean hi h &inan!e and politi!al !onspira!y# +t is more than passin interest that @uhn, Boeb C Company and the )or an and "o!$e&eller people also &inan!ed the :olshevi$ !on=uest o& "ussia# Several o& the parti!ipants later admitted that the Federal "eserve System %as born at that se!ret meetin on Je$yll +sland# The stru!ture %as the !reation o& 8arbur , but Aldri!h's name %as atta!hed to the A!t %hen it %as submitted to the Senate in 1101# :ut the 4emo!rat/!ontrolled Con ress sa% the dan ers and !onsidered Aldri!h a radi!al , so the bill lan uished an died# The )oney Trust temporarily assumed a lo% pro&ile# +n 1112 ele!tions provided the 5+nsiders7 the opportunity to brin the !entral ban$ throu h the ba!$ door# 8hile the "epubli!an 3arty asso!iated %ith the "o!$e&eller/)or an roup, it's nominee 58illiam ,o%ard Ta&t7 %as opposed to the Aldri!h :ill# The 4emo!rats %ere, in eneral, %ary o& the international money an , but their 3residential !andidate %as a lon time admirer o& J#3# )or an# That %as 8oodro% 8ilson, but they $ne% that 8ilson !ould not de&eat Ta&t in the ele!tion, and %ith Ta&t in the 8, and the 4emo!rats in !ontrol o& Con ress there %as no %ay the Aldri!h :ill !ould be passed# The )or an people sponsored Theodore "oosevelt on a Third 3arty ti!$et to dra% votes a%ay &rom Ta&t and put 8ilson in the 8,# The ,ouse o& )or an ban$rolled the :ull )oose 3arty ma$in the %ay &or 8ilson to ain the seat o& po%er# 8ilson, a!!ordin to !yni!s at the time, %as an honest politi!ian: Dn!e bou ht, he stayed bou ht# Althou h the rhetori! o& his !ampai n !onsisted o& diatribes a ainst the "o!$e&eller/)or an 5insiders7, the Aldri!h :ill %as re/pa!$a ed as the Alass :ill and passed in 4e!ember o& 111E# They %ent throu h the motions o& denoun!in %hat in e&&e!t %as their o%n bill under a di&&erent name# The "epubli!ans !ould not have passed su!h a la%, but under pressure brou ht by 8ilson and his alter e o, <d%ard )# ,ouse, 4emo!rats %ent alon %ith an appeal to party loyalty and passed it# 0ot everyone %as &ooled by the mas=uerade# A&ter the vote, Con ressman Charles A Bindber h Sr#, &ather to the &amous aviator, told Con ress: *This a!t establishes the most i anti! trust on earth #### 8hen the 3resident si ns this a!t, the invisible overnment by the )oney Trust

investi ation, %ill be le ali-ed###This Aldri!h :ill in dis uise# ###The ne% la% %ill !reate in&lation %henever the trusts %ant in&lation#* The Federal "eserve !ontrols our money supply and the interest rates, thereby manipulates the entire e!onomy//!reatin in&lation or de&lation, re!ession or boom, and sendin the sto!$ mar$et up or do%n at %him# Con ressman 8ri ht 3atman, %ho %as Chairman o& the ,ouse :an$in Committee &or many years until he %as deposed in 11?5, maintains: *+n the 2nited States today %e have in e&&e!t t%o overnments#######8e have the duly !onstituted Aovernment ### Then %e have an independent, un!ontrolled and un!oordinated overnment in the Federal "eserve System, operatin the money po%ers %hi!h are reserved to the Con ress by the Constitution#* 0either 3residents, Con ressmen, nor Se!retaries o& the Treasury dire!t the Federal "eserve# +n matters o& money, the Federal "eserve dire!ts them# The Federal "eserve board %as desi ned to have po%er over the Treasury 4epartment, it is not at all subservient to the Treasury 4epartment and never %as# The Federal "eserve neither re=uires nor see$s the approval o& any bran!h o& overnment &or its poli!ies# The System itsel& de!ides at %hat ends its poli!ies are aimed and then ta$es %hatever a!tions it seems &it to rea!h those ends# Althou h a !reature o& !on ress, the Fed is , in pra!ti!e, independent o& that body in it's poli!y ma$in # The Fed is a overnment in itsel&, that !ontrols our monetary &unds and ans%ers to no one but itsel&# 8ith this you !an see %e have been sold to the po%er&ul &oundations that !ontrol poli!y &or our "epubli!# Aood or bad# And the Federal "eserve is a dire!t tool o& the 0e% 8orld Drder# S!ary stu&&, but %e !an still &i ht these evil monsters %ho have ta$en our beloved "epubli! and &ashioned it to their desi ns o& %orld domination# 8e need to be a%are o& our enemies, &rom %ithin as %ell as %ithout# Aod :less Ameri!a#

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