Training Program

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CopyrlghL © 2013 Curu Mann, uS. All rlghLs reserved
CLk1IIILD Advanced I|tness 1ra|ner
CLk1IIILD Nutr|t|on Spec|a||st
CLk1IIILD Sports Nutr|t|on|st
CLk1IIILD Strength & Cond|t|on|ng Spec|a||st

D|et Þr|nc|p|es & Gu|de||nes

1. 8urn laL aL an exLremely efflclenL raLe
2. keep meLabollsm aL an opLlmal raLe LhroughouL Lhe dleL
3. ÞromoLe opLlmal 8ecovery
4. MalnLaln Muscle Mass
S. Lmphaslze your ablllLy Lo MalnLaln a Plgh energy level ln Lhe Cym.

Nutr|ent and Macronutr|ent 8a|ance

?ou wlll never reach your goal of becomlng shredded, lf your body does noL recelve a proper balance of
macronuLrlenLs and mlcronuLrlenLs. 1hls musL be dlsLlncLly undersLood, or noLhlng good can come ouL of Lhls
arLlcle! ln oLher words, lf you Lry and force your body lnLo a sLaLe of faL burnlng, by sLarvlng lL of one or more
nuLrlenLs, you wlll hlL a plaLeau ln a head on colllslon LhaL won'L be easy Lo recover from LhaL belng sald, lL ls my
lnLenslon Lo lnclude everyLhlng ln your dleL so as Lo keep your body runnlng aL 100 percenL of lLs capaclLy, and ln
Lurn lL wlll reward you by malnLalnlng a hlgh meLabollc raLe. LeLs analyze Lhese concepLs:


Þrote|ns ]] ?ou wlll geL plenLy of proLeln ln Lhls dleL. Lach meal wlll be chalk full of Lhls vlLal food source. 1oo many
people make Lhe mlsLake of lowerlng Lhelr proLeln. 1hls ls one of Lhe mosL cosLly Lhlngs you can posslbly do!
WlLhouL adequaLe proLeln you wlll lose your muscle aL an exLremely hlgh raLe and saboLage your faL burnlng

Iats ]] 1hose who say all faLs are bad for you are, of course, dangerously lncorrecL. As lL Lurns ouL, p|ant-based
fats are powerfu| cancer f|ghters, lf you wanL Lo prevenL cancer, or you're currenLly baLLllng colon cancer, prosLaLe
cancer or breasL cancer, lL ls essenLlal Lo geL planL-based faLs lnLo your dleL on a dally basls. 1he hea|thy fats
|nc|ude extra-v|rg|n o||ve o||, f|ax seed o||, and fats from p|ant sources such as nuts, seeds, peanut butter and
coconuts. 1hey also lmprove your cardlovascular healLh and flghL welghL galn and obeslLy

Carbs ]] All of your carbohydraLes wlll come from flbrous sources. ?ou wlll noL be allowed any slmple sources
unless you are Laklng ln your posL workouL shake. 1he role Lhey wlll play ls Lo spare proLeln, malnLaln energy levels
ln Lhe gym, and also lnduce Lhe release of lnsulln posL workouL. 8emember, afLer you workouL, your body releases
corLlsol (see Lake your faL burnlng Lo Lhe nexL level) aL an unmaLched raLe! CorLlsol has been proven Lo lower
Lhyrold hormone ouLpuL. 1he lower your ouLpuL ln Lhls area, Lhe slower your meLabollc raLe wlll become.


V|tam|ns & M|nera|s ]] A game LhaL many aLhleLes play wlLh Lhelr dleLs ls Lo regular lnLake Lhelr vlLamlns. ln oLher
words, Lhey Lake Lhem when Lhey feel llke lL, and LhaL ls a rarlLy! ?ou need Lo Lake a mulLlvlLamln and mulLlmlneral
everyday wlLhouL fall.

CopyrlghL © 2013 Curu Mann, uS. All rlghLs reserved

l wlll emphaslze Lhree or four supplemenLs LhaL everyone should Lake durlng Lhls program.

Mu|t|v|tam|ns ]] 1o help supporL your macronuLrlenL requlremenLs, you should sLarL your day wlLh a good naLural
mulLlvlLamlns and mlneral supplemenL. 1hls ls golng Lo supporL your overall healLh and wellness, boosL your
energy levels and help your muscles recover from your workouLs. 1he besL Llme Lo Lake a MulLlvlLamln ls ln Lhe
Whey Þrote|n ]] 1he nexL supplemenL LhaL l hlghly recommend Lo everyone ls a quallLy proLeln supplemenL.
ÞroLeln supplemenLs can make your llfe much easler and make sure you don'L mlss ouL on Lhls essenLlal nuLrlenLs.
ÞroLeln ls everywhere. LveryLhlng you see ln Lhe mlrror ls proLeln-your halr, your skln, your eyes, and your
muscles. ÞroLeln ls responslble for Llssue growLh and repalr
ÞroLeln supplemenLs can be Laken aL any Llme durlng Lhe day when you need a snack or a meal replacemenL. 8uL l
recommend Laklng a proLeln shake dlrecLly afLer your workouL so LhaL you can glve your muscles Lhe nuLrlenLs Lo
klck sLarL recovery and growLh.
8emember Lo follow Lhe servlng slze as lL's recommended for each lndlvldual proLeln supplemenL so LhaL you don'L
overdue Lhe calorles. WaLch 6 Week Shredded vldeo "ÞCS1 WCkCU1" for more lnfo.
8CAA ]] 8ranched Chaln Amlno Acld (8CAA) ls a essenLlal amlno acld whlch your body doesn'L produce by lLself.
1he Lhree 8CAAs are leuclne, lsoleuclne, and vallne. 1hey are crlLlcal for muscle growLh. Whlle whey proLeln ls rlch
ln 8CAAs, Laklng addlLlonal 8CAAs around your workouLs can furLher enhance recovery and provlde a qulck source
of muscular energy. As a resulL, 8CAAs can lmprove your workouLs and boosL performance.
Þre Workout ]] A good pre-workouL supplemenL wlll cover your bases wlLh quallLy branched-chaln amlno aclds,
creaLlne, beLa-alanlne, and beLalne, noL Lo menLlon sLlmulanLs llke caffelne Lo amp up your focus and Lralnlng
lnLenslLy, boosL muscle sLrengLh and endurance, enhance muscle pumps, and promoLe muscle growLh.
lor sLlmulanLs, your besL and safesL beL ls caffelne. lL's one of Lhe mosL sLudled sporLs nuLrlLlon supplemenLs on
Lhe markeL and frequenLly shown Lo lmprove aLhleLlc performance. noL only does cllnlcal research show LhaL
caffelne ls very safe, buL LhaL lL even may enhance overall healLh. lor performance beneflLs, you need a mlnlmum
of 200 mg of caffelne before workouLs Lo be effecLlve. WaLch 6 Week Shredded vldeo "ÞkL WCkCU1" for more

Þutt|ng It A|| 1ogether
lf you Lake each of Lhe mlcro and macronuLrlenLs lnLo conslderaLlon, and glve Lhem Lhelr proper dues, Lhen you
wlll geL Lhe followlng ouL of Lhe dleL:
1. A hlgher meLabollc raLe LhroughouL Lhe dleL
2. A beLLer pump ln Lhe gym
3. ?ou poLenLlally wlll malnLaln all of your muscle mass
4. ?ou wlll recover fasLer
3. ?ou wlll feel more refreshed
6. ?ou wlll noL be as sore
7. 1he llsL can go on and on, buL sufflce lL Lo say LhaL Lhe above concepLs are vlLal Lo your success!

CopyrlghL © 2013 Curu Mann, uS. All rlghLs reserved


lrom Monday Lhrough SaLurday, ?ou have Lo Lake carbs aL breakfasL and dlnner (60mln afLer posL workouL meal),
resL of Lhe meals wlll be no carbs meal. ?our LoLal carb lnLake wlll be around 120g. uurlng low carb dleL our maln
focus ls Lo burn maxlmum faL and depleLe muscle glycogen. As our proLeln lnLake ls more Lhan 1g per pound body
welghL, whlch wlll help Lo grow muscle and provldes you energy.

"#$ %&'() *&+
WALklnC uÞ
30mlns before
1 cup Creen 1ea/8lack Coffee

1 cup Creen 1ea/8lack Coffee

CaL Meal
1 MulLl vlLamln
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
CaL Meal
1 MulLl vlLamln
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
1 Mu|t| V|tam|ns
CpLlon#1 - CpLl-Men
CpLlon#2 - 8evlLal

Ca|or|es = 339
Þ-31, C-31, I-10
ÞroLeln Cup Cake
1 cup Creen 1ea
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
ÞroLeln Cup Cake
1 cup Creen 1ea
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
Ca|or|es = 29S
Þ-34, C-6, I-1S
100g Chlcken 8reasL
1 8owl veggles
xsp ollve oll
12 Almonds
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
130g Þaneer (uncooked)
1 8owl veggles
xsp ollve oll
8 Almonds
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
Ca|or|es = 226
Þ-24, C-10, I-16
8olled Lggs
1 full + 4 egg whlLes
1 cup low faL yogurL
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
1sp Whey ÞroLeln
1 cup low faL yogurL
240ml Cold WaLer

Ca|or|es = 232
Þ-32, C-8, I-8
(30mln b4 Lxer)
1 cup 8lack Coffee
Ck Supp|ement !
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
1 cup 8lack Coffee
Ck Supp|ement !
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
CpLlon#2-Amlno Lnergy

ÞroLeln Shake
1.3sp Whey + 1 Mv
+ 1 8anana
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
ÞroLeln Shake
1.3sp Whey + 1 Mv
+ 1 8anana
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
- Whey ÞroLeln
- 1 MulLl vlLamln
- 8CAA
Ca|or|es = 2S8
Þ-36, C-24, I-3
8oLl 8ole
(8eans & veggles)
1 llsh Cll
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
8oLl 8ole
(8eans & veggles)
1 llaxseed Cll
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
- 1g llsh Cll (nv)
- 1g llaxseed Cll (v)
*nv-non veg, *v-veg
Ca|or|es = 343
Þ-20, C-32, I-1S
!"$'3#$ "$6*
1sp Caseln/whey ÞroLeln
1cup nl yogurL
13 Almonds
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
1sp Caseln/whey ÞroLeln
1cup nl yogurL
13 Almonds
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37

CpLlon#1- Caseln ÞroLeln
CpLlon#2- Whey ÞroLeln
Ca|or|es = 299
Þ-32, C-9, I-1S
%&"#',-) . /000 1'#2-,3 . /045 %&'() . 6/05 7&2 . 8/5






Weekly Macronutrient Intake
CopyrlghL © 2013 Curu Mann, uS. All rlghLs reserved


Cn Sunday, whlch ls your recovery day means non-Lralnlng day, you have Lo Lake carbs ln every meal excepL lasL
meal. A purpose of addlng carbs on Sunday ls Lo reflll your muscle glycogen, whlch you depleLed durlng low carbs
day. LaLlng low carbs dleL for longer perlod of Llme wlll slow down your meLabollsm whlch ls a englne Lo burn
calorles, so lLs lmporLanL Lo eaL carbs afLer every 6
day Lo speed up Lhe meLabollsm.

9,:9 %&'()
WALklnC uÞ
1 cup Creen 1ea/8lack Coffee

1 cup Creen 1ea/8lack Coffee

vegeLable CmeleL
2 Sllce WheaL 8read
1 MulLl vlLamln
1cup lndlan 1ea
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
x cup cereals (gralns)
200ml mllk
1 MulLl vlLamln
1cup lndlan 1ea
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37

- 1 Mu|t| V|tam|ns
Ca|or|es = 392
Þ-36, C-3S, I-12
lresh !ulce
1 cup 8oasLed Channa
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
lresh !ulce
1 cup 8oasLed Channa
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
Ca|or|es = 401
Þ-34, C-46, I-9
8ecovery 8lce
x Cucumber
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
8ecovery 8lce
x Cucumber
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37

Ca|or|es = 268
Þ-20, C-38, I-4
Þaneer Sandwlch
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
Þaneer Sandwlch
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
Ca|or|es = 32S
Þ-30, C-40, I-S
Þaneer 8hur[l wlLh veggles
2 chapaLl (no oll)
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
Þaneer 8hur[l wlLh veggles
2 chapaLl (no oll)
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37

- 1 I|sh]I|axseed C||
Ca|or|es = 404
Þ-30, C-44, I-12
!"$'3#$ "$6*
300ml nl Mllk
13 Almonds
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
300ml nl Mllk
13 Almonds
,-%)./ 01)#2)234 526$37
Ca|or|es = 210
Þ-16, C-18, I-8

%&"#',-) . /000 1'#2-,3 . 6;;5 %&'() . //65 7&2 . <05

nIGn CAk8S


nIGn CAk8S

nIGn CAk8S

nIGn CAk8S

nIGn CAk8S

CopyrlghL © 2013 Curu Mann, uS. All rlghLs reserved

1he Workout Sp||t ]]
?our schedule wlll be welghL Lralnlng on Monday and 1uesday, you wlll perform cardlo and abs on Wednesday,
Lhen you wlll do welghL Lralnlng agaln on 1hursday and lrlday, Lhen agaln cardlo and abs on SaLurday. ?ou'll keep
repeaLlng Lhls paLLern for all 6 weeks. LxcepL Abs, you are Lralnlng every muscle parL once a week. We are Lralnlng
abs 6 Llmes a week, whlch you never Lralned before, one day upper Abs and nexL day Lower Abs. ?ou are glvlng
48hr resL beLween each muscle. lor example: Monday-upper abs, 1uesday-Lower abs, Wednesday-upper
Lhere ls 48hrs resL beLween Monday and Wednesday.
MCnuA? 1uLSuA? WLunLSuA? 1Pu8SuA? l8luA? SA1u8uA? SunuA?

+ 18lCLÞS

8ACk +


LA1, Mlu




;<$#.2($ => 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
u8 Shoulder Þress 13 reps 12 reps 10 reps
8ear uelL Cable lly 13 reps 12 reps 10 reps
;<$#.2($ @> A2%4) 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
u8 Slde 8alse 12 reps 10 reps 10 reps
Cable lronL 8alse 12 reps 10 reps 10 reps
Slngle Pand Cable 8ear lly 12 reps 10 reps 10 reps
;<$#.2($ B> A2%4) 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
u8 lronL 8alse 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps
Cable Slde 8alse 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps
u8 Arm Clrcles 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps
;<$#.2($ C> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
u8 Skull Crusher 12 reps 10 reps 10 reps
1rlceps Þushdown 12 reps 10 reps 10 reps
;<$#.2($ D> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
8ope Cverhead LxL. 12 reps 10 reps 10 reps
u8 klck 8ack 12 reps 10 reps 10 reps

MCNDA¥: Shou|ders & 1r|ceps
CopyrlghL © 2013 Curu Mann, uS. All rlghLs reserved

;<$#.2($ E> A2%4) 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
8ope overhead LxL (on bench) 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Close Pand Þushups 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
8ench ulps 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps

NC1L: 1here |s no rest |n between the exerc|ses. 1ake 90sec rest after the g|ant set and 60sec rest after the super set. Ior more |nfo. watch
"Shou|ders & 1r|ceps" v|deo.
now to carry out workout:
Þerform ClanL seLs and SuperseLs, Lhere wlll be no resL ln beLween Lhe seL, do Lhree back Lo back exerclses ln glanL
seL. When l puL Lhls (13, 12, 10) l mean LhaL ln your flrsL seL you should plck a welghL ln whlch you fall ln Lhe 13 rep
range, your second seL plck a welghL ln whlch you fall ln Lhe 12 rep range and your Lhlrd ln Lhe 10 rep range.

L|ft|ng Speed: LlfL under conLrol, don'L [usL Lhrow around Lhe welghLs. 1ake one second Lo llfL Lhe welghL and one
Lo Lwo seconds Lo lower lL.

kest |n 8etween Sets: 8esL abouL 60sec Lo 90sec beLween each glanL seL and superseL. 8esL 2 Lo 3 mlnuLes
beLween muscle groups.

Notes: noLhlng, and l mean noLhlng wlll ralse your meLabollsm more effecLlvely Lhan Lhe challenglng workouL LhaL
l have lald ouL above! 1hese face-paced workouLs are deflnlLely meanL Lo geL you cuL up and lean!

;<$#.2($ => A2%4) 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
u8 lncllned Þress 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
u8 llaL 8ench Þress 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
u8 uecllne Þress 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
;<$#.2($ @> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
Cable lly 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
uecllne Cable lly 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
;<$#.2($ B> :#3? 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
lncllne Cable lly (on bench) 6,8,10,12 reps 6,8,10,12 reps 6,8,10,12 reps
;<$#.2($ C> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
uecllne Þushups 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
8egular Þushups 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
;<$#.2($ D> F4GH$ :#3? 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
8ope uprlghL 8ow (Angle 1) 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps
8ope uprlghL 8ow (Angle 2) 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps
8ope uprlghL 8ow (Angle 3) 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps

1ULSDA¥: Chest & Upper 8ack
CopyrlghL © 2013 Curu Mann, uS. All rlghLs reserved

;<$#.2($ E> ;<)$46$6 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
u8 Shrugs 13,12,10,8,10,12,13

NC1L: 1here |s no rest |n between the exerc|ses. 1ake 90sec rest after the g|ant set, extended set and 60sec rest after super set and drop set.
Ior more |nfo. watch "Chest]Upper 8ack" v|deo.
now to carry out workout:
Þerform ClanL seLs and SuperseLs, Lhere wlll be no resL ln beLween Lhe seL, do Lhree back Lo back exerclses ln glanL
seL. When l puL Lhls (12, 10, 8) l mean LhaL ln your flrsL seL you should plck a welghL ln whlch you fall ln Lhe 12 rep
range, your second seL plck a welghL ln whlch you fall ln Lhe 10 rep range and your Lhlrd ln Lhe 8 rep range.

L|ft|ng Speed: LlfL under conLrol, don'L [usL Lhrow around Lhe welghLs. 1ake one second Lo llfL Lhe welghL and one
Lo Lwo seconds Lo lower lL.

kest |n 8etween Sets: 8esL abouL 60sec Lo 90sec beLween each glanL seL and superseL. 8esL 2 Lo 3 mlnuLes
beLween muscle groups.

Notes: noLhlng, and l mean noLhlng wlll ralse your meLabollsm more effecLlvely Lhan Lhe challenglng workouL LhaL
l have lald ouL above! 1hese face-paced workouLs are deflnlLely meanL Lo geL you cuL up and lean!

nIIC 1kLADMILL: 20mlns
0:01 - 3:00 2.8 - 3.0 3mln Warm up
3:01 - 3:30 6.0 30sec SprlnL
3:31 - 6:00 --- 30sec 8ecovery (!ump Cff Lhe 1readmlll)
6:01 - 6:30 6.3 30sec SprlnL
6:31 - 7:00 --- 30sec 8ecovery
7:01 - 7:30 7.0 30sec SprlnL
7:31 - 8:00 --- 30sec 8ecovery
8:01 - 8:30 7.3 30sec SprlnL
8:31 - 9:00 --- 30sec 8ecovery
9:01 - 9:30 8.0 30sec SprlnL
9:31 - 10:00 --- 30sec 8ecovery
10:01 - 10:30 8.3 30sec SprlnL
10:31 - 11:00 --- 30sec 8ecovery
11:01 - 11:30 9.0 30sec SprlnL
11:31 - 12:00 --- 30sec 8ecovery
12:01 - 12:30 9.3 30sec SprlnL
12:31 - 13:00 --- 30sec 8ecovery
13:01 - 13:30 10.0 30sec SprlnL
13:31 - 14:00 --- 30sec 8ecovery
14:01 - 14:30 10.0 30sec SprlnL
14:31 - 13:00 ------ 30sec 8ecovery
13:01 - 20:00 3.0 3mlns Cool uown (Slow Walk)
NC1L: Ior more |nfo watch "Card|o" v|deo. A|so Increase the speed and |nc||ne |eve| every week to cha||enge you.
Notes: Cardlo ls a very lmporLanL aspecL of your workouL rouLlne. As lL burns faL aL an exLremely hlgh level, lL ls
vlLal Lo always keep your body on lLs' Loes as lL responds aL a hlgher raLe Lhls way.
WLDNLSDA¥ & SA1UkDA¥: Card|o
CopyrlghL © 2013 Curu Mann, uS. All rlghLs reserved

;<$#.2($ => 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
Close Crlp LaL Þull down 13 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Machlne 8ows 13 reps 10 reps 8 reps
;<$#.2($ @> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
u8 8ows 13 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Slngle Pand Cable LaL Þulldown 13 reps 10 reps 8 reps
;<$#.2($ B> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
SLralghL 8ar Þull down 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
8ope 8ows 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
;<$#.2($ C> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
Machlne Þreacher Curl (Long Pead) 13 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Machlne Þreacher Curl (ShoL Pead) 13 reps 10 reps 8 reps
;<$#.2($ D> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
u8 Pammer Curl 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Cable Cverhead 8lceps Curl 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
;<$#.2($ E> A2%4) 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
Cable Conc. Curl (Mld-Lower Angle) 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Cable Curl 43* 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Laylng 8lceps Curl 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps

NC1L: 1here |s no rest |n between the exerc|ses. 1ake 90sec rest after g|ant set and 60sec rest after the super set.
Ior more |nfo. watch "Lats]M|d 8ack]8|ceps" v|deo.

now to carry out workout:
Þerform ClanL seLs and SuperseLs, Lhere wlll be no resL ln beLween Lhe seL, do Lhree back Lo back exerclses ln glanL
seL. When l puL Lhls (12, 10, 8) l mean LhaL ln your flrsL seL you should plck a welghL ln whlch you fall ln Lhe 12 rep
range, your second seL plck a welghL ln whlch you fall ln Lhe 10 rep range and your Lhlrd ln Lhe 8 rep range.

L|ft|ng Speed: LlfL under conLrol, don'L [usL Lhrow around Lhe welghLs. 1ake one second Lo llfL Lhe welghL and one
Lo Lwo seconds Lo lower lL.

kest |n 8etween Sets: 8esL abouL 60sec Lo 90sec beLween each glanL seL and superseL. 8esL 2 Lo 3 mlnuLes
beLween muscle groups.

Notes: Agaln greaL workouL for condlLlonlng and sLrengLhenlng your back and blceps. Wlll probably burn more
calorles Lhan any workouL you performed all week.

1nkUSDA¥: Lats, M|d-8ack & 8|ceps
CopyrlghL © 2013 Curu Mann, uS. All rlghLs reserved

;<$#.2($ => 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
u8 SquaL 13 reps 10 reps 8 reps
u8 SLep up 13 reps 10 reps 8 reps
;<$#.2($ @> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
u8 Lunges 13 reps 10 reps 8 reps
u8 Sumo SquaL 13 reps 10 reps 8 reps
;<$#.2($ B> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
Leg LxLenslon 13 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Laylng Leg Curl 13 reps 10 reps 8 reps
;<$#.2($ C> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
8ope Slde Lunges 10 reps 10 reps 8 reps
8ope Cross Lunges 10 reps 10 reps 8 reps
;<$#.2($ D> A2%4) 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
Calf 8alse (1oe lnward) 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Calf 8alse (1oe CuLward) 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps
SeaLed Calf 8alse (wlLh u8) 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps

NC1L: 1here |s no rest |n between the exerc|ses. Dur|ng workout take 90sec rest after g|ant set. Ior more |nfo. watch "Çuads]nams]Ca|ves"
now to carry out workout:
Þerform ClanL seLs and SuperseLs, Lhere wlll be no resL ln beLween Lhe seL, do Lhree back Lo back exerclses ln glanL
seL. When l puL Lhls (12, 10, 8) l mean LhaL ln your flrsL seL you should plck a welghL ln whlch you fall ln Lhe 12 rep
range, your second seL plck a welghL ln whlch you fall ln Lhe 10 rep range and your Lhlrd ln Lhe 8 rep range.

L|ft|ng Speed: LlfL under conLrol, don'L [usL Lhrow around Lhe welghLs. 1ake one second Lo llfL Lhe welghL and one
Lo Lwo seconds Lo lower lL.

kest |n 8etween Sets: 8esL abouL 60sec Lo 90sec beLween each glanL seL and superseL. 8esL 2 Lo 3 mlnuLes
beLween muscle groups.

Notes: CreaL workouL, your legs wlll look fanLasLlc for Lhe wlnLerLlme.

;<$#.2($ => 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
lncllne Crunches 20 reps 20 reps 20 reps
lncllne 1wlsL 20 reps 20 reps 20 reps

IkIDA¥: Çuads, namstr|ngs & Ca|ves
CopyrlghL © 2013 Curu Mann, uS. All rlghLs reserved

;<$#.2($ @> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
SLandlng 8ope Crunches 20 reps 20 reps 20 reps
SLandlng 8ope Slde Crunches 13-20 reps 13-20 reps 13-20 reps
;<$#.2($ B> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
8ope Crunches (on knee) 20 reps 20 reps 20 reps
8ope Cbllque Crunches (on knee) 20 each slde 20 each slde 20 each slde
;<$#.2($ C> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
Crunches on LaL Machlne 20 reps 20 reps 20 reps
uumbbell Slde 8end (wlLh roLaLlon) 20 each slde 20 each slde 20 each slde
;<$#.2($ D> I$G1H%# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
SLomach vacuum (Ssec ho|d) 10Llmes 10Llmes 10Llmes

NC1L: 1here |s no rest |n between the exerc|ses. 1ake 30sec rest after the super set. Do 3 sets, for more |nfo watch "Upper Abs" v|deo.
now to carry out workout:
1here wlll be no resL ln beLween Lhe superseL, do upper abs and exLernal obllque's exerclses back Lo back. uo 2o
reps of each exerclse, no maLLer how weak you are, you have Lo hlL 20reps, you can Lake 10sec resL ln beLween buL
u have Lo hlL 20reps. l beL you guys, ln 2
or 3
week your core wlll be sLronger and you wlll be able Lo do 20 reps
ln one seL! 1rusL me, [usL keep Þushlng.

L|ft|ng Speed: Þerform every exerclse slowly and under conLrol, don'L [usL focuslng on counLlng Lhe reps, Lry Lo
make Mlnd & Muscle connecLlon whlch ls lmporLanL Lo grow abs. 1ake one second Lo llfL Lhe welghL and one Lo
Lwo seconds Lo lower lL.

kest |n 8etween Sets: 1here ls no resL ln beLween exerclse. 8esL 30sec afLer every superseL.

Notes: CreaL workouL, your core wlll be sore, you wlll feel LlghL day by day and end of 6 week you wlll look
fanLasLlc lf u dldn'L cheaL on your dleL.

;<$#.2($ => 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
Laylng Leg Þull-ln 20 reps 20 reps 20 reps
MounLaln Cllmber Cross 8ody 20/slde 20/slde 20/slde
;<$#.2($ @> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
Panglng knee 8alse 20 reps 20 reps 20 reps
Slde 8rldges 13-20/slde 13-20/slde 13-20/slde
;<$#.2($ B> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
v - Crunch 20 reps 20 reps 20 reps
Panglng slde 8alse 13-20/slde 13-20/slde 13-20/slde
1ULSDA¥, 1nUkSDA¥ & SA1UkDA¥: Lower Abs
CopyrlghL © 2013 Curu Mann, uS. All rlghLs reserved

;<$#.2($ C> 81?$# 8$)
LxL8ClSLS SL1 1 SL1 2 SL1 3
Þlanks (on Lhe 8ench) 90-120 sec 90-120 sec 90-120 sec
CrlckeL ShorL Crunch 13-20/slde 13-20/slde 13-20/slde

NC1L: 1here |s no rest |n between the exerc|ses. 1ake 30sec rest after the super set. Do 3 sets, for more |nfo watch "Lower Abs" v|deo.

1hls ls noL an easy workouL, buL lL wlll deflnlLely Lransform you physlque lf you sLlck lL wlLh. 1he key ls Lo ask
yourself lf havlng a greaL body ls worLh lL Lo you. ln facL ln my mlnd parL of geLLlng someLhlng knows whaL you wlll
have Lo glve up Lo geL lL. lf you declde Lo follow my program Lhen you feel LhaL showlng off aL Lhe swlmmlng pool ls
far beLLer Lhan mlsslng a workouL. l wlll be here Lo supporL you! lf you have any quesLlons feel free Lo ask.
And Cood Luck.


Guru Mann
Advanced Fitness Trainer, CERTIFIED
Nutrition Specialist, CERTIFIED
Sports Nutritionist, CERTIFIED
Strength & Conditioning Specialist, CERTIFIED
Biomechanics//Kinesiology - Human Kinetic, DEGREE
United States.
CopyrlghL © 2013 Curu Mann, uS. All rlghLs reserved

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