Whistleblower Conundrum Catch 22 Whatcha Gonna Do?

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HUH?Hospitable Ubiquitous Hostility



Whistleblower conundrum Catch 22 whatcha gonna do? HUH Hospitable Ubiquitous Hostility The hunt for HOM Humanity one mother earth in due process down the worn iter to !OM that haunts us "omads? # "o$$ # mads % manifest adulterated demonstrable sap&ience 'od proclaimed (e )ure antithesis (e facto administered do' Whistleblower e*idences e+posing for all to see administration dead to human rights and sure enough whistleblowers rights dead often found dead due to e+pressing them with no help ,,, ,orthright ,orthwith ,orthcoming !est -n .eace Osmosis ,amiliar ,eat !-. O,, depri*ed of a 'od gi*en user friendly brain dead to rights/ but who ya gonna call 'host 0usters? http122www3scribd3com2doc244566278829pirit&-ntent&.recedence&de&:ure&Constitution&or&!omans&45& 'aming&the&9ystem&de&,acto !ule of ;aw http122en3wi<ipedia3org2wi<i2!ule=of=law
The !ule of law in its most basic form is no one is abo*e the law3 .erhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that go*ernmental authority is legitimately e+ercised only in accordance with/ publicly disclosed laws/ adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps that are referred to as due process3 The rule of law is

to dictatorship and to anarchy3 >ccording to modern >nglo&>merican thin<ing/ hallmar<s of adherence to the rule of law commonly include

a clear separation of powers,

legal certainty,
the principle of legitimate e+pectation and equality of all before the law3 The concept is not without contro*ersy/ and it has been said that ?the phrase the rule of law has become

than<s to ideological abuse and general o*er& use?

'O .O
'eneral O*er&use .roclamations Only lusi*ity publicly disclosed laws @23 A4B The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada/ and any law that is inconsistent with the pro*isions of the Constitution is/ to the e+tent of the inconsistency/

of no force or effect.

.erhaps a better chance if could e+plain the :ew

I can’t … it’s all Greek to me … can you? 13
Truths Holistic -nteracti*e !etrospect Transcendental lectromagnetism nsla*ers "emesis

characteriCed by the *iew that a whole system of beliefs must be analyCed rather than simply its indi*idual components ta<ing into account all of somebodyDs physical/ mental/ and social conditions in the treatment of illness

the diffusion of a sol*ent through a semi&permeable membrane from a dilute to a more concentrated solution the gradual/ often unconscious/ absorption of <nowledge or ideas through continual e+posure rather than deliberate learning

E 9he seemed to ha*e pic<ed up a wor<ing <nowledge of 'ree< by osmosis3

to enter something and spread throughout it/ so that e*ery part or aspect of it is affected to pass through the minute openings in a porous substance or membrane/ or ma<e something such as a liquid pass through

a Christian festi*al mar<ing the *isit of the Magi to celebrate :esus ChristDs birth or/ in the astern Orthodo+ Church/ the baptism of :esus Christ3 a sudden intuiti*e leap of understanding/ especially through an ordinary but stri<ing occurrence > -OU >n +ample -nherent Omnipresent Ubiquitous HO. Truth ">F & "e*er >s< F 99 9emi&truths 9emi&.ermeate

The 9chutCstaffel A'erman pronunciation1 GˈʃʊtsˌʃtafHlI A listenB/ translated to .rotection 9quadron or defence corps/ abbre*iated 99Jor with styliCed ?>rmanen? sig runesB was a ma)or paramilitary organiCation under >dolf Hitler and the"aCi .arty A"9(>.B3 -t began at the end of 472K as a small/ permanent guard unit <nown as the ?9aal& 9chutC? AHall&.rotectionBG4I made up of "9(>. *olunteers to pro*ide security for "aCi .arty meetings in Munich3 ;ater/ in 472@/ Heinrich Himmler )oined the unit/ which had by then been reformed and renamed the ?9chutC&9taffel?3 Under HimmlerDs leadership A4727%L@B/ it grew from a small paramilitary formation to one of the largest and most powerful organiCations in the Third !eich3G2I 0uilt upon the "aCi ideology/ the 99 under HimmlerDs command was responsible for many of the crimes against humanity during World War -- A4757%L@B3 The 99/ along with the "aCi .arty/ was declared a criminal organiCation by the -nternational Military Tribunal/ and banned in 'ermany after 47L@3

9ecret 9ociety 99 9ol*ent 9o*ereignty .aramilitary & letters rearranged replacing one MiN with anMenN elusi*e nuances & .arliamentary

http122en3wi<ipedia3org2wi<i2>nen >nen was an >ncient gyptian official during the late ighteenth dynasty of gypt3 He was the son of Fuya and T)uyu and the brother of Oueen Tiye/ the wife of .haraoh >menhotep ---3 Under the rule of his brother&in&law/ >nen became the Chancellor of ;ower gypt/ 9econd .rophet of >mun/ sem&priest of Heliopolis/ and acquired the title (i*ine ,ather3 >nen is depicted in a notable sur*i*ing statue ATurin @L6LB/ now in Turin -taly3 > shabti of his is now in Hague3 -nscriptions on >nenDs own monuments do not mention the fact that he was >menhotep ---Ds brother& in&law3G4I Howe*er/ this relationship is established by a short but clear reference to him in his mother T)uyuDs coffin/ which stated that her son >nen was the second prophet of >mun3G2I -t is li<ely that he died before Fear 5K of >menhotep ---/ since he is not mentioned in te+ts relating to the pharaohDs sed&festi*alG5Iand in the last decade of >menhotepDs reign another man/ 9imut ta<es o*er >nenDs place as 9econd .rophet of >mun3 9imut had been ,ourth .rophet of >mun pre*iously3 >nen was buried in his tomb in the Theban "ecropolis/ on the west ban< of the "ile opposite Thebes3 His son and four daughters are depicted in his tomb/ but their names didnDt sur*i*e3GLI 0ut there is to say it is not clear where (odson 2 Hilton ha*e there informations from3 The last gyptologist A;yla .inch&0roc<B wor<ing in the tomb found no ad*ice for these children3 There is also no mention in the diarys by "orman de 'aris (a*ies3
Old Money Evolves Nefariously OMEN

Monarchy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristocracy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictatorship
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ AMEN Alien Middle East Nibiru Here’s where it gets confusing!!

M> little learning is a dangerous thingP (rin< deep and taste not the .ierian springP There shallow draughts into+icate the brainP >nd drin<ing largely sobers us again3N >le+ander .ope 4Q66 & 48LL
Don’t wanna be dumb so drink deep to the truth that drives you to drink and they charge ya for it!!! Wrong Pope ya see for the Snark was a Boojum

http122en3wi<ipedia3org2wi<i2The=Hunting=of=the=9nar< The poem borrows occasionally from CarrollDs short poem ?:abberwoc<y? in Through the ;oo<ing&'lass Aespecially the poemDs creatures and portmanteau wordsB/ but it is a stand&alone wor</ first published in 468Q by Macmillan3 The illustrations were by Henry Holiday3 -n common with other Carroll wor<s/ the meaning of his poems has been queried and analysed in depth3 One of the most comprehensi*e G5Igatherings of information about the poem and its meaning is The >nnotated 9nar< by Martin 'ardner3 The crew consists of ten members/ whose descriptions all begin with the letter 01 a 0ellman Athe leaderB/ a 0oots/ a 0onnet&ma<er/ a 0arrister/ a 0ro<er/ a 0illiard&mar<er/ a 0an<er/ a 0utcher/ a 0a<er/ and a 0ea*er3 The 0oots is the only character who is not shown in any illustration in the original/ a fact that has led to much speculation Asee belowB3 0ellman 0onnet Ma<er 0arrister 0ro<er 0illiard&Mar<er 0an<er 0utcher 0a<er 0ea*er >fter crossing the sea guided by the 0ellmanDs map of the OceanJa blan< sheet of paperJthe hunting party arri*e in a strange land3 The 0a<er recalls that his uncle once warned him that/ though catching 9nar<s is all well and good/ you must be carefulP for/ if your 9nar< is a 0oo)um/ then you will softly and suddenly *anish away/ and ne*er be met with again3 With this in mind/ they split up to hunt3 >long the way/ the 0utcher and 0ea*er &pre*iously mutually wary for the 0utcherDs specialty in preparing bea*ers& become fast friends/ the 0arrister falls asleep and dreams of a court trial defended by the 9nar</ and the 0an<er loses his sanity after being attac<ed by a frumious 0andersnatch3 >t the end/ the 0a<er calls out that he has found a 9nar<P but when the others arri*e he has mysteriously disappeared/GLI D,or the 9nar< was a 0oo)um/ you seeD3 *en more than in most nonsense poetry/ inadequacy of language/ meaning/ and symbol is a recurring theme in 9nar<3 +amples include the blan< map/ the 0ellmanDs contradictory na*igational orders/ the 0a<erDs name&loss and failure to settle on one replacement&name/ his failing to mention his luggage/ his attempt to communicate in the wrong languages/ the 0an<erDs absurd offer to protect the 0ea*er from being butchered by insuring it against fire and hail/ the 0utcherDs self&nullifying arithmetical manipulations/ the Court officersD unwillingness to fulfil their lawful obligations/ the 0an<erDs ridiculous attempt to bribe a predatory beast with money/ and his subsequent aphasia3G@I -t is disputed whether Carroll had a young audience in mind when he wrote the 9nar<3 The ballad/ li<e almost all of the poems in the >lice boo<s/ has no young protagonists/ is rather dar</ and does not end happily3 -n addition to the disappearance of the 0a<er/ the 0an<erDs loss of sanity is described in detail3 9imilarly/ Henry HolidayDs illustrations for the original edition are caricatures with disproportionate heads and unpleasant features/ *ery different from TennielDs illustrations of >lice3 http122en3wi<ipedia3org2wi<i2:abberwoc<y ?:abberwoc<y? is a nonsense *erse poem written by ;ewis Carroll in his 4682 no*el Through the ;oo<ing& 'lass/ and What >lice ,ound There/ a sequel to >liceDs >d*entures in Wonderland3 The boo< tells of >liceDs ad*entures within the bac<&to&front world of a loo<ing glass3 -n a scene in which she is in con*ersation with the chess pieces White Ring and White Oueen/ >lice finds a boo< written in a seemingly unintelligible language3 !ealising that she is tra*elling through an in*erted world/ she recognises that the *erse on the pages are written in mirror&writing3 9he holds a mirror to one of the poems/ and reads the reflected *erse of ?:abberwoc<y?3 9he finds the nonsense *erse as puCCling as the odd land she has wal<ed into/ later re*ealed as a dreamscape3G4I

?:abberwoc<y? is considered one of the greatest nonsense poems written in nglish3G2IG5I -ts playful/ whimsical language has gi*en us nonsense words and neologisms such as ?galumphing? and ?chortle?3 The concept of nonsense *erse was not new to Carroll who would ha*e <nown of chapboo<s such as The World Turned Upside (own and stories such as ?The 'reat .an)undrum?3 "onsense e+isted in 9ha<espeareDs wor< and was well&<nown in the brothers 'rimmDs fairytales/ some of which are called lying tales or lSgenmarchen3GQI !oger ;ancelyn 'reen suggests that ?:abberwoc<y? is a parody of the old 'erman ballad ?The 9hepherd of the 'iant Mountains? in which a shepherd <ills a griffin that is attac<ing his sheep3G8IG6I G7I The ballad had been translated into nglish in blan< *erse by ;ewis CarrollDs cousin Menella 0ute 9medley in 46LQ/ many years before the appearance of the >lice boo<s3G6IG4KI Historian 9ean 03 .almer suggests that Carroll was inspired by a section from 9ha<espeareDs Hamlet/ citing the lines1 ?The gra*es stood tenantless/ and the sheeted dead2(id squea< and gibber in the !oman streets? from >ct -/ 9cene i3G44IG42I "onsense? # Ma<es no sense # when purported 20 nonsense is true 0eing a conspiracy and higher law theory conspiracy ">TO "ot a Theory Omnipresent

-n your face by the fact itself
http122en3wi<ipedia3org2wi<i2.rima=facie .rima facie A2ˈpraɪmH ˈfeɪʃɨ3iː2/ 2ˈfeɪʃH2/ or 2ˈfeɪʃiː2PG4I from ;atin1 prTmU faciVB is a ;atin e+pression meaning on its first encounter/ first blush/ or at first sight3 The literal translation would be ?at first face? or ?at first appearance?/ from the feminine form of primus A?first?B and facies A?face?B/ both in the ablati*e case3 -t is used in modern legal nglish to signify that on first e+amination/ a matter appears to bee*ident from the facts3 -n common law )urisdictions/ prima facie denotes e*idence that % unless rebutted % would be sufficient to pro*e a particular proposition or fact3 The term is used similarly in academic philosophy3 Most legal proceedings require a prima facie case to e+ist/ following which proceedings may then commence to test it/ and create a ruling3 -pso facto is a ;atin phrase/ directly translated as !"y t#e fact itself,!G4I which means that a certain phenomenon is a direct consequence/ a resultant effect/ of the action in question/ instead of being brought about by a pre*ious action3 -t is a term of art used in philosophy/ law/ and science3 >n e+ample in law is money laundering1 the act is not ipso facto illegal because it is an e+change but is done as a co*er for something else/ so the act puts the actions of an indi*idual in question3 > common nglish idiom with a similar meaning is ?in and of itself?3 >side from its technical uses/ it occurs frequently in literature/ particularly in scholarly addenda1 e3g3/ ?,austus had signed his life away/ and was/ ipso facto/ incapable of repentance? Are1 Christopher Marlowe/ The Tragical History of (r3 ,austusB or ?These pre)udices are rooted in the idea that e*ery tramp ipso facto is a blac<guard? Are1 'eorge Orwell/ (own and Out in .aris and ;ondonB3 -n religion GeditI -pso facto denotes the automatic character of the loss of membership in a religious body by someone guilty of a specified action3G2I Within the !oman Catholic Church/ the phrase latae sententiae is more commonly used than ipso facto with regard to ecclesiastical penalties such as e+communication3 -t indicates that the effect follows e*en if no *erdict Ain ;atin/ sententiaB is pronounced by an ecclesiastical superior or tribunal3

> curia/ plural curiae/ is an assembly/ council/ or court/ in which public/ official/ or religious issues are discussed and decisions made3 -n ancient !ome/ the entire populace was di*ided into thirty curiae/ which met in order to confirm the election of magistrates/ witness the installation of priests/ the ma<ing of wills/ and adoptions3 ;esser curiae e+isted for other purposes3 The word curia also came to be applied to meeting places where *arious assemblies gathered/ especially the meeting house of the senate3 9imilar institutions e+isted in other towns and cities of -taly3 -n medie*al times/ a <ingDs council was frequently referred to as a curia3

Today/ the most famous curia is
the Curia of the !oman Catholic Church which assists the !oman .ontiff in conducting the business of the Church3G4I

http122www3scribd3com2doc24845@5Q8Q29-"&M & 9.


Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler.

On L October 47L5/ Himmler referred e+plicitly to the e+termination of the :ewish people during a secret 99 meeting in the city of .oCnaXA.osenB3 The following is a translation of an e+cerpt from a transcription of an audio recording G88I that e+ists of the speech1 - also want to refer here *ery fran<ly to a *ery difficult matter3 We can now *ery openly tal< about this among oursel*es/ and yet we will ne*er discuss this publicly3 :ust as we did not hesitate on 5K :une 475L/ to perform our duty as ordered and put comrades who had failed up against the wall and e+ecute them/ we also ne*er spo<e about it/ nor will we e*er spea< about it3

$et us t#ank Go%
that we had within us enough self&e*ident fortitude ne*er to discuss it among us/ and we ne*er tal<ed about it3 *ery one of us was horrified/ and yet e*ery one clearly understood that we would do it ne+t time/ when the order is gi*en and when it becomes necessary3 - am now referring to the e*acuation of the :ews/ to the e+termination of the :ewish .eople3 This is something that is easily said1 DThe :ewish .eople will be e+terminatedD/ says e*ery .arty member/ Dthis is *ery ob*ious/ it is in our program J elimination of the :ews/ e+termination/ a small matter3D >nd then they turn up/ the upstanding 6K million 'ermans/ and each one has his decent :ew3 They say the others are all swine/ but this particular one is a splendid :ew3 0ut none has obser*ed it/ endured it3 Most of you here <now what it means when 4KK corpses lie ne+t to each other/ when there are @KK or when there are 4/KKK3 To ha*e endured this and at the same time to ha*e remained a decent person J with e+ceptions due to human wea<nesses J has made us tough/ and is a glorious chapter that has not and will not be spo<en of3 0ecause we <now how difficult it would be for us if we still had :ews as secret saboteurs/ agitators and rabble rousers in e*ery city/ what with the bombings/ with the burden and with the hardships of the war3 -f the :ews were still part of the 'erman nation/ we would most li<ely arri*e now at the state we were at in 474Q and D48 3 3 3 3 JHeinrich Himmler/ L October 47L5

http122www3youtube3com2watch?"!Y4ZfeatureYendscreenZ*Y[@;=+Q!H Ls TC mpire the City \atican/ ;ondon Corp/ Washington/ (C ,alse (emocracy http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y7nq(<CCw[eFZfeature This is how they do it$$$ Constitution Charter

http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y4Rhut6+b[R6ZfeatureYrelated >s -s Words of the 0abble on http122www3scribd3com2doc2@5468K@42To&United&"ations http122www3scribd3com2doc2@876@LK42To&United&"ations&>gain

United "ations >lien Wionist -nsidious .uppets The 9tar of (a*id in the ;eningrad Code+/ 4KK6 C Upon independence in 47L6/ the new :ewish state was formally named Medinat Yisrael/ or the 9tate of -srael/ after other proposed historical and religious names including Eretz Israel A?the ;and of -srael?B/ Wion/ and :udea/ were considered and re)ected3G2@I -n the early wee<s of independence/ the go*ernment chose the term ?-sraeli? to denote a citiCen of -srael/ with the formal announcement made by Minister of ,oreign >ffairs Moshe 9harett3G2QI The name -srael has historically been used/ in common and religious usage/ to refer to the biblical Ringdom of -srael or the entire :ewish nation3G28I >ccording to the Hebrew 0ible the name ?-srael? was gi*en to the patriarch :acob A9tandard Yisraʾel/ IsrāʾīlP 9eptuagint 'ree<1 Ἰ]^_`aIsraēlP

?struggle with 'od?



after #e successfully wrestle% wit# t#e angel of t#e $or%.
:acobDs twel*e sons became the ancestors of the -sraelites/ also <nown as the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel3 :acob and his sons had li*ed in Canaan but were forced by famine to go into gypt for four generations until Moses/ a great&great grandson of :acob/

led the -sraelites bac< into Canaan during the ? +odus?3 The earliest archaeological artifact to mention the word ?-srael? is the Merneptah 9tele of ancient gypt Adated to the late 45th century 0C B3G54I

'#e area is also known as t#e

Holy $an%,
"eing #oly for all ("ra#amic

religions inclu%ing

)u%aism, *#ristianity, Islam
Francis of Assisi Meager Universal Laboring Equals

1181/1182 - 1226
9t3 ,rancis of >ssisi A-talian1 9an ,rancesco dD>ssisi/ baptiCed 'io*anni/ born ,rancesco di .ietro di 0ernardonePG2I 446424462 % October 5/ 422QBG5I was an -talian Catholic friar and preacher3 He founded the menDs ,ranciscan Order/ the womenbs Order of 9t3 Clare/ and the Third Order of 9aint ,rancis for men and women not able to li*e the li*es of itinerant preachers followed by the early members of the Order of ,riars Minor or the monastic li*es of the .oor Clares3GLI Though he was ne*er ordained to the Catholic priesthood/ ,rancis is one of the most *enerated religious figures in history3GLI -n 4247/ he went to gypt in an attempt to con*ert the 9ultan to put an end to the conflict of the Crusades3GQI 0y this point/ the ,ranciscan Order had grown to such an e+tent that

its primiti*e organiCational structure was no longer sufficient3
He returned to -taly to organiCe the Order3

Once his community was authoriCed by the .ope/

he withdrew increasingly from e+ternal affairs3
-n 4225/ ,rancis arranged for the first Christmas manger scene3G@I -n 422L/ he recei*ed the stigmata/G@I ma<ing him the first recorded person to bear the wounds of ChristDs .assion3G8I He died during the e*ening hours of October 5/ 422Q/ while listening to a reading he had requested of .salm 4LK3 -n order to organiCe the Order must ha*e the .opeDs blessing " W9 "e*er nding War 9tory Hellion order continues to this *ery (>F (ar< >byss Fo<e

http122en3wi<ipedia3org2wi<i2.salm=4LK .salm 4LK is the 4LKth .salm from the 0oo< of .salms3 -t describes putting oneDs trust in 'od while threatened with e*il3 (omine/ clama*i3 > prayer against sinful words/ and deceitful flatterers3 > psalm of (a*id3 G4I - ha*e cried to the/ O ;ord/ hear me1 hear<en to my *oice/ when - cry to thee3 G2I ;et my prayer be directed as incense in thy sightP the lifting up of my hands/ as e*ening sacrifice3 G5I 9et a watch/ O ;ord/ before my mouth1 and a door round about my lips3 GLI -ncline not my heart to e*il wordsP to ma<e e+cuses in sins3 With men that wor< iniquity1 and - will not communicate with the choicest of them3 G@I The )ust shall correct me in mercy/ and shall repro*e me1 but let not the oil of the sinner fatten my head3 ,or my prayer also shall still be against the things with which they are well pleased1 G@I ;et not the oil of the sinner1 That is/ the flattery/ or deceitful praise3&& -bid3 G@I ,or my prayer1 9o far from co*eting their praises/ who are ne*er well pleased but with things that are e*ilP - shall continually pray to be preser*ed from such things as they are delighted with3 GQI Their )udges falling upon the roc< ha*e been swallowed up3 They shall hear my words/ for they ha*e pre*ailed1 G8I >s when the thic<ness of the earth is bro<en up upon the ground1 Our bones are scattered by the side of hell3 G6I 0ut o to thee/ O ;ord/ ;ord/ are my eyes1 in thee ha*e - put my trust/ ta<e not away my soul3 G7I Reep me from the snare/ which they ha*e laid for me/ and from the stumbling bloc<s of them that wor< iniquity3 G4KI The wic<ed shall fall in his net1

I am alone until I pass.
GQI Their )udges1 Their rulers/ or chiefs/ quic<ly *anish and perish/ li<e ships dashed against the roc<s/ and swallowed up by the wa*es3 ;et them then hear my words/ for they are powerful and will pre*ailP or/ as it is in the Hebrew/ for they are sweet3 G4KI

I am alone+
9ingularly protected by the >lmighty/ until - pass all their nets and snares3 (ouay&!heims 0ible

,leptocracy/ alternati*ely cleptocracy or kleptarchy, Afrom >ncient 'ree<1 !"#$%& AthiefB and '($)& AruleB/ ?rule by thie*es?B is a form of political and go*ernment corruption where the go*ernment e+ists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the e+pense of the wider population/ often without pretense of honest ser*ice3 This type of go*ernment corruption is often achie*ed by the embeCClement of state funds3 Rleptocracies are generally associated with corrupt forms of authoritarian go*ernments/ particularly dictatorships/ oligarchies/ military )untas/ or some other forms of autocratic and nepotist go*ernment in which no outside o*ersight is possible/ due to the ability of the <leptocratAsB to personally control both the supply of public funds and the means of determining their disbursal3 Rleptocratic rulers typically treat their countryDs treasury as though it were their own personal ban< account/ spending the funds on lu+ury goods as they see fit3 Many <leptocratic rulers also secretly transfer public funds into secret personal numbered ban< accounts in foreign countries in order to pro*ide them with continued lu+ury if2when they are e*entually remo*ed from power and forced to flee the country3 Rleptocracy is most common in third&world countries where the economy Aoften as a legacy of colonialismB is dominated by resource e+traction3 9uch incomes constitute a form of economic rent and are therefore easier to siphon off without causing the income itself to decrease Afor e+ample/ due to capital flight as in*estors pull out to escape the high ta+es le*ied by the <leptocratsB3

.opular so*ereignty or the so*ereignty of the people is

t#e "elief
that the legitimacy of the state is created by the will or consent of its people/ who are the source of all political power3 -t is closely associated to the social contract philosophers/ among whom are Thomas Hobbes/ :ohn ;oc<e and :ean&:acques !ousseau3 .opular so*ereignty e+presses a concept and does not necessarily reflect or describe a political reality3 G4I -t is often

with the concept of parliamentary so*ereignty/ and with indi*idual so*ereignty3

.erhaps a better chance if could e+plain the :ew

I can’t … it’s all Greek to me … can you?
25 9<idoo$$
http122en3wi<ipedia3org2wi<i225=s<idoo=AphraseB 25 s<idoo Asometimes 25 s<iddooB is an >merican slang phrase populariCed during the early 2Kth century/ first attested before World War - and becoming popular during the 472Ks3 -t generally refers to lea*ing quic<ly/ being forced to lea*e quic<ly by someone else/ or ta<ing ad*antage of a propitious opportunity to lea*e/ that is/ ?getting GoutI while the gettingDs good3? The e+act origin of the phrase is uncertain3 25 s<idoo has been described as ?perhaps the first truly national fad e+pression and one of the most popular fad e+pressions to appear in the U39/? to the e+tent that ?.ennants and arm&bands at shore resorts/ par<s/ and county fairs bore either G25I or the word D9<iddooD3?G4I

http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y4, -n&tirU (id :3.3 Morgan / !othschild />nd ,ederal !eser*e 0an<ers 9in< Titanic 9oldiers are pawns of !othschild
http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Ya';FK=UmdTc ; [[T [ & 28Q & TH T-T>"-C ? TH U"TO;( 9TO!F O, -T9 MF9T !-OU9 9-"R-"' ? >ctually Olympic for insurance

http122www3youtube3com2watch?*YCOca=wTW@0O The Titanic Conspiracy % The 'reat (eception :e<yll -sland meeting http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Ylu"g.O&*q0wZfeatureYrelated Hitlers !othchilds http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Ytmg: 6hr;4F !othschild fund both sides 2 World Wars http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y"C;-C28'qWs !othschild ,ederal !eser*e http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y h;2g+)em;g 0an< Cartels ,ederal !eser*e http122www3youtube3com2watch?*YW+K*r!20,p6 Money out of thin air http122www3youtube3com2watch?*YonWb=ripW5c How !othschild controlled the modern world 'oldsmithbs first ban<ers started cheating as in 'utenberg Time to bring Croo<s before a legal court Central 0an<s .lutocracy Money Changers

http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Yro!5s9unqpo Where ha*e the !othschilds gone? !othschild Wionist 99 9ecret 9ociety not about :ewish people http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Yhtqu9M&hFpo Meltdown1 The men who crashed our world 'reenspan ma)or criminal

-#ere’s t#e &oney?

-n the name of 'od of/ for and with the .eople WT,? http122www3youtube3com2watch?*YUb>CC'fQq&c

,,, ,ic<le ,ate ,inger .erhaps a better chance if could e+plain the :ew

I can’t … it’s all Greek to me … can you?
!r"entina#$ #Dirty %ar#& !n' (olivia#$ #Cocaine Coup#: (le$$e' (y )he C*! !n' )he +atican

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a,p-./011po 1ope 2ranci$ 3 Catholic church $can'al: !r"entina#$ $tolen babie$ 'ur http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y&[Wb-;7 9KThe .ope and the Mafia Millions (ocumentary http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y2+=Md966qr6 Hitler and the !oman Catholic Church http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Yt[=5>Ui!y > How Hitler was set up by The 0ritish Crown who were inbreds from 'ermany & >le+ :ones T* !othschild fund both sides http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Ylu"g.O&*q0w Wionist Hitler and his boss !othschild3 !othschild :ewish Wionists made deal with 0ritain agreeing to bring U9 into war for .alestine and -srael http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y>aWlfsqW oM The 0ilderberg 'roup A UB was founded by :esuit :oseph !etinger and 9MOM .rince 0ernard


(a*id -r*ing re1 Hitler Z Churchill part 4 of 4K Wionist ban<s financed Hitler U9 pro*ided arms http122www3youtube3com2watch?*[email protected] HitlerDs 9ecret .lan to Rill .ope .ius [-http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Yg&W:>9=WCRU True story of Che 'ue*ara http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y:'WUOe!bCec -ranian >hmadine)ad 9pea<s the Truth http122www3youtube3com2watch? annotation=idYannotation=L@457@ZfeatureYi*Zsrc=*idYwq2p'd7\iUMZ*Yt!m!(sW: rc 'addafi says :,R asassinated by -srael http122www3youtube3com2watch?*YU00"KOFUW6w -lluminati1 !oyal 0loodline ,amily http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y4-,eo8KcyCF -s the Oueen of ngland gyptian? http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Ysy5QlHbmLr The real 0lac< "obility/ 0lac< 0ritain/ Z Haille 9elassie http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Yl)C)=5riO*L ,orbidden History of the World http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y!Wn6rq7=+(K >sh<enaCi :ews not decendants of the 0iblical -sraelites http122www3youtube3com2watch?*YC'+0of:mw&o !on .aul destroys .ro&War Wionists C"" reporter http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y4.TU+2"gpUg -lluminati and Cionism busted http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y<K(TT5u2:W6 Orthodo+ !abbi re*eals name of MMessiahN :esus http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Yd80FR>T7,+s "ew World Order % (e*il in \atican http122www3youtube3com2watch?*YOH=0s&p"LQs Wionist Conspiracy http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Ylu"g.O&*q0wZfeatureYrelated Middle ast !othschild own 6Kc -srael http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y.rWgu\s ihK -sraelis are not :ews and >merican leaders are not Christian

http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y 25)[,="afL Why .alestanins hate -srael >nnihilation minence -mminent Ob*ious Understanding F http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y95(-r[d559\ideo -srael doesnbt want you to see Mass Media .ropaganda 0rainwashing http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y"UCs)gcdUh How Wionist Control Us http122www3youtube3com2watch?*YHp:5yOL&[po intelligent life before humans http122www3youtube3com2watch?*YLFs,<(Wa=[F !oman mpire rules today % :esuits and 0lac< .ope http122www3youtube3com2watch?*YmT9=a>Co.:M The Truth may scare you 7 -lluminati 0ilderberg own Media http122www3youtube3com2watch?*YugWC!li'L!g > different story of gypt http122www3youtube3com2watch?*YHgsOKr Q c Rennedy/ 0olshe*ism/ Wionism Z :ewish 9ecret 9ociety http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y<\R'!05cygg -sreal <illed Rennedy for trying to stop the -srael ;obby in >merica http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y<\R'!05cygg Why the military <nows -srael (id 7244 http122www3youtube3com2watch?*YaOOqh*plwdF Truth about -sreal Media Wonbt tell you C"" -srael occupied Territory http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Ywq2p'd7\iUM 7244 :ewish +&marine spea<s out on -srael mo*ement http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y8L@>C'tHfQU !othschild !oc<efeller 0ohemian 'ro*e http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y;Wy)y<r;b*U U99 ;iberty -srael attac< co*er&up http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Yf76)+oUUrCg http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Ye"l<H!&>'6c Ric< .alistine reps out of U9 http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y@KCeMhrq9@s (ominant Corporate press put spin on e*erything http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Yw<\i=wKC[rK >rmed forces officers most brainwashed Corporation Mercenaries http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Y"O2L[m.4c@ -n*isible mpire -n*isible Hand http122www3youtube3com2watch?"!Y4Z*YOHLWf9 C:+gZfeatureYf*wp 0lac< .opebs .ower 9tructure http122www3youtube3com2watch?*Yet[>m&OylOO

(n #onest )ew tells t#e 'rut# a"out Israel


Truth has no boundaries reality subtended by the de*ious angles bias bo+ed in 9ubtended to be opposite and delimit the e+tent of an angle or side of a geometric figure to lie underneath something so as to surround or enclose it !eality is the Truth imper*ious to perception yet precisely due to perception Truth that which 'od would obser*e whether or not He e+ists or whether or not one belie*es He e+ists -( >; 9imply !eality 9anely (ealt With United .erception 9anity U.9 Ultimate .otential 9ociety -T -n*incible Triad Humanity A9pirit ,orce ;awB !ule of ;aw

.PI/I'+ strength, courage, character, guts, will, strength of mind, fortitude, 0O/*
HO$I(1. Home&grown Original ;ocal -ndigenous >boriginal "ati*e 9olidarity

HOM !>C Humanity One Mother arth !eality >lmighty Consecrated lement !eality e+ists with or without M Mother arth

Holy ;and Mother arth & M % Middle ast War ;and
" W9 "e*er nding War 9tory

Who would be foolish enough to betray M Mother arth

http122www3scribd3com2doc22KQQ854622 ,,-'F&OU-.&and&9um&Thin&>bout&0urnin C>M !> Coherency > Must galitarian !esponsibly >ccountable
'enocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction/ in whole or in part/ of an ethnic/ racial/ religious/ or national group3G4I While a precise definition *aries among genocide scholars/ a legal definition is found in the 47L6 United "ations Con*ention on the .re*ention and .unishment of the Crime of 'enocide AC..C'B3 >rticle 2 of this con*ention defines genocide as ?any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy/ in whole or in part/ a national/ ethnical/ racial or religious group/ as such1 <illing members of the groupP causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the groupP deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life/ calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in partP imposing measures intended to pre*ent births within the groupP GandI forcibly transferring children of the group to another group3?G2I 0ecause of the influence of :oseph 9talin/

t#is %efinition of genoci%e un%er international law

%oes not inclu%e political groups.G5IGLIG@I
>nother criticism of the C..C' is that when its pro*isions ha*e been in*o<ed by the United "ations 9ecurity Council/ they ha*e only been in*o<ed to punish those who ha*e already committed genocide and

"een foolis# enoug# to lea2e a paper trail.
-t was this criticism that led to the adoption of U" 9ecurity Council !esolution 4Q8L by the United "ations 9ecurity Council on 26 >pril 2KKQ commits the Council to action to protect ci*ilians in armed conflict and to protect populations from genocide/ war crimes/ ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity3 'enocide scholars such as 'regory 9tanton ha*e postulated that conditions and acts that often occur before/ during/ and after genocideJ such as dehumaniCation of *ictim groups/ strong organiCation of genocidal groups/ and denial of genocide by its perpetratorsJ can be identified and

actions taken to stop genoci%es "efore t#ey #appen.
Critics of this approach such as (ir< Moses assert that this is unrealistic and that/ for e+ample/

!3arfur will en% w#en it suits t#e great powers t#at #a2e a stake in t#e region!.

Testament Rleptocracy Oust www3TRO2K4L3com Thy Ringdom Ours When falling to friendly fire chec< to see if user friendly brain is switched to on "ow who ya gonna call if not the friendly spirit http122www3scribd3com2doc22KQ@6KL7Q2"ew&Order&World&Thy&Ringdom&Ours

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