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Q & A with McKenzie Wark
A Hacker Manifesto
A double is haunting the world—the double of
abstraction, the virtual reality of information,
programming or poetry, math or music,
curves or colorings upon which the
fortunes of states and armies, companies
and communities now depend. The bold
aim of this book is to make manifest the
origins, purpose, and interests of the
emerging class responsible for making this
new world—for producing the new
concepts, new perceptions, and new
sensations out of the stuff of raw data.
A Hacker Manifesto deftly defines the
fraught territory between the ever more
strident demands by drug and media
companies for protection of their patents
and copyrights and the pervasive popular
culture of file sharing and pirating. This
vexed ground, the realm of so-called “intellectual property,” gives rise to a whole new kind of class conflict, one
that pits the creators of information—the hacker class of
researchers and authors, artists and biologists, chemists
and musicians, philosophers and programmers—
against a possessing class who would monopolize what
the hacker produces.
“Ours is once again an age of manifestos. Wark’s book challenges the new regime of property relations with all the
epigrammatic vitality, conceptual innovation, and revolutionary enthusiasm of the great manifestos.”
—Michael Hardt, co-author of Empire
“A Hacker Manifesto is a highly original and provocative book.
At a moment in history where we are starved of new political
ideas and directions, the clarity with which Wark identifies a
new political class is persuasive, and his ability to articulate
their interests is remarkable.”
—Marcus Boon, author of The Road of Excess
“McKenzie Wark’s A Hacker Manifesto might also be called,
without too much violence to its argument, The Communist
Manifesto 2.0. In essence, it’s an attempt to update the core
of Marxist theory for that relatively novel set of historical
circumstances known as the information age.”
—Julian Dibbell, author of
Play Money: Diary of a Dubious Proposition
Q: So why hackers?
A: Whenever you try to describe something new you
have to reach into the language and find an old word that
can do a new job. I like “hacker” because it’s a good old
sturdy English word. There’s nothing Latinate about it.
What I want this word to do is to
describe a new kind of class interest.
Hackers are people who create new ideas.
Hackers innovate. But they don’t own the
means of realizing the value of what they
create. So a hacker could be a computer
programmer or a musician or a novelist
or a bio-chemist.
Q: Most people would think of hackers
as kids who break into computers.
A: It used to mean people who create
new computer code, but it is interesting
how it’s a term that’s been trivialized and
demonized. I think that’s always the case
with new kinds of political force. The
word “democrat” used to be an insult.
I want to do the opposite with the term: make it broader
and more inclusive, not something narrow and
marginal. Hackers could be working in any field, not
just computing. Although it seems only appropriate to
name a whole class over one of its leading new forms of
creativity—the programmers.
Q: So what from your own experience led you to this
A: Signing contracts with publishers! I’m not kidding. I
realized, as many people do, that you have very little
control over the terms under which you sell the product
of your own mind. The “intellectual property” laws,
which pretend to protect the interests of the creator,
really protect the interests of the owner. And since most
of us don’t own the means of production, we don’t stay
owners for long.
But I also had a positive experience, on listservers like, where I met a whole community of people
trying to put into practice a new, global gift economy of
knowledge. So that was the practice; A Hacker Manifesto
is the theory. I think a lot of people could recognize
themselves in this book. It tries to map the possibilities
for the free creation of knowledge that we have all experienced, no matter how distorted it gets when it gets
reduced to a commodity.
2004 208 pp. Cloth $21.95 / £14.95 ISBN 0-674-01543-6
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Image, Dream, Meaning
How to imagine the imagination is a topic that draws philosophers the way flowers
draw honeybees. From Plato and Aristotle to Wittgenstein and Sartre, philosophers have talked and written about
this most elusive of topics—that is, until contemporary analytic philosophy of mind developed.
The guiding thread of this book is the distinction Colin McGinn draws between perception and imagination.
Clearly, seeing an object is similar in certain respects to forming a mental image of it, but it is also different. McGinn
shows what the differences are, arguing that imagination is a sui generis mental faculty. He goes on to discuss the
nature of dreaming and madness, contending that these are primarily imaginative phenomena. In the second half
of the book McGinn focuses on what he calls cognitive (as opposed to sensory) imagination, and investigates the
role of imagination in logical reasoning, belief formation, the understanding of negation and possibility, and the
comprehension of meaning. His overall claim is that imagination pervades our mental life, obeys its own distinctive
principles, and merits much more attention.
“This book contains the most innovative and important work that Colin McGinn has done in the course of his distinguished career.
It has the potential to be an extraordinarily influential book, and to create, almost single-handedly, a new area of systematic study
in analytic philosophy of mind: the philosophy of the imagination. Work done in this new area could provide a foundation for work
done in many other areas, including the epistemology of perception, the metaphysics of intentionality, the scientific understanding of dreaming, psychosis, and the creativity of our linguistic abilities.”
—Ram Neta, Professor of Philosophy, University of North Carolina
“McGinn’s book is first rate, manifesting all the qualities of incisive argument, original
thought and clear, direct, lively, pithy writing for which he is celebrated.”
—Malcolm Budd, Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, University College London
2004 224 pp. Cloth $27.95 / £18.95 ISBN 0-674-01560-6
Finding a
Replacement for
the Soul
Mind Time
Mind and Meaning in
Literature and Philosophy
Bourbon asserts that our
complex and variable relation with language defines
a domain of meaning and
being that is misconstrued
and missed in philosophy,
in literary studies, and in our ordinary understanding of
what we are and how things make sense. Accordingly,
his book seeks to demonstrate how the study of literature gives us the means to understand this relationship.
2004 290 pp. Cloth $49.95 / £32.95 ISBN 0-674-01297-6
Our subjective inner life is
what really matters to us as
human beings—and yet we know relatively little about
how it arises. Over a long and distinguished career
Benjamin Libet has conducted experiments that have
helped us see, in clear and concrete ways, how the brain
produces conscious awareness. For the first time, Libet
gives his own account of these experiments and their
importance for our understanding of consciousness.
“What makes Benjamin Libet different from all the others
writing on [consciousness] ... is that he has actually spent
the past 40 years experimenting on the topic. His findings
have played a central role in others’ speculations. Now he
has put his life’s work into a single short book.”
—Steven Rose, New Scientist
“Benjamin Libet’s discoveries are of extraordinary interest. His is almost the only approach yet to yield any credible evidence of how conscious awareness is produced by
the brain. Mind Time endeavors to clarify these startling
observations for the general public, set them in proper
framework of neuroscientific knowledge, and probe their
philosophical meaning. Libet’s work is unique, and speaks
to questions asked by all humankind.”
—Robert W. Doty, Ph.D., Professor of Neurobiology and
Anatomy, University of Rochester
Harvard edition World Perspectives in Cognitive Neuroscience
2004 21 line illus. 272 pp.
Cloth $29.95 / £19.95 ISBN 0-674-01320-4
“This is an adventurous and unusual book. Bourbon moves
back and forth between literary and philosophical contexts
with ease, showing in multifarious ways how the one can,
often in unexpected ways, illuminate the other. Throughout
these wide-ranging explorations Bourbon uncovers a good
deal about both the nature of literary meaning and our distinctive—if tellingly irreducible—relations to literary texts.”
—Garry L. Hagberg, author of Art as Language:
Wittgenstein, Meaning, and Aesthetic Theory
The Temporal Factor in
new in paperback
The Ethics of Memory
A Study in the Theory of Knowledge
2002 ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year
Award Philosophy Category
Los Angeles Times Best Books of 2003—
Avishai Margalit’s work offers a philosophy for our time, when, in the wake of
overwhelming atrocities, memory can
seem more crippling than liberating, a
force more for revenge than for reconciliation. Morally powerful, deeply
learned, and elegantly written, The
Ethics of Memory draws on the resources
of millennia of Western philosophy and religion to
provide us with healing ideas that will engage all of us
who care about the nature of our relations to others.
“[A] thought-provoking book ... For Margalit ... the paradigm is
Jewish memories of the Holocaust, not Muslim memories of
humiliation. Still, his sensitive meditations show how these two
strains of hurt might be overcome. In a marvelous chapter
called ‘Forgiving and Forgetting,’ Margalit asks whether we
have a duty to forgive those who have wronged us. His answer
is elegant ... Margalit is an astonishingly humane thinker. His
philosophy is always tied to making sense of us humans in all
our complexity. And yet he is committed to making sense of us
in ways that will make us better.”
—Jonathan Lear, New York Times Book Review
2002; 2004 240 pp.
Paper $14.95 / £9.95 ISBN 0-674-01378-6
Cloth $24.95 / £16.95 ISBN 0-674-00941-X
“Imagine that you think you see your car in the
lot at Dodger Stadium, but your key won’t work.
You think to yourself, ‘I owe $500 on this car.’
Then you see a stuffed Panda in the backseat
and decide that it’s a different car. When you
thought about ‘this car,’ were you thinking of
the car you couldn’t unlock or the car that you
owned? Camp says neither. You were thinking
about something like both but you did not
succeed in referring to either. Camp ... has not
just produced a brain twister. His problem can
be found in Descartes and Locke, who worried that we seem
not to perceive actual things
but to confront only ideas of
them. If we can’t refer
without unique objects of
reference, our claims to truth
may be in trouble. There are
alternatives to his theory of
reference, but Camp’s book
... will provoke thought.”
—Leslie Armour,
Library Journal
2002; 2004 256 pp.
Paper $18.95 / £12.95
ISBN 0-674-01591-6
Cloth $42.50 / £27.95
ISBN 0-674-00620-8
new in paperback
Descartes’s Concept of Mind
“Descartes’s Concept of Mind is a book of high quality. The main point of the project is to detail
Descartes’s theory of the embodiment of the human mind. This is a neglected side of his
thought, and Alanen treats it in an illuminating way. The exposition is clear and remarkably well
informed. And she persuasively shows that Descartes had a complicated and interesting view
of this matter.”
—John Carriero, UCLA
2003 368 pp. Cloth $65.00 / £41.95 ISBN 0-674-01043-4
new in paperback
Descartes’s Dualism
Marleen Rozemond explicates Descartes’s aim to provide a metaphysics that would
accommodate mechanistic science and supplant scholasticism. Her approach includes
discussion of central differences from and similarities to the scholastics and how these
discriminations affected Descartes’s defense of the incorporeity of the mind and the
mechanistic conception of body.
“[Descartes’s Dualism is] a thorough and careful study of Descartes’s account of the mind/soul.”
—Stephen Gaukroger, Times Literary Supplement
“[Descartes’s Dualism] is a brilliant book. Rozemond provides an excellent articulation of the
dualism of Descartes. Her analytic skills are very high, and her references to the medieval background of Descartes’s theory of knowledge are crisp and secure ... Rozemond’s interest in the
medievals also leads to a most informative, and rare, presentation of the influence of the
doctrine of transubstantiation on discussions of substance and sense qualities. Among the
many books on Descartes, this one ranks with a mere handful in terms of the highest worth.”
—M. A. Bertman, Choice
1998; 2002 304 pp.
Paper $21.50 / £13.95 ISBN 0-674-00968-1 Cloth $55.00/£35.95 ISBN 0-674-19840-9
1-800-405-1619 /
Expression and the Inner
“This book is an important contribution to a group of problems which have a central place in
philosophy of mind. Here I am taking ‘philosophy of mind’ in a broad sense; Finkelstein’s book and
the problems he discusses have implications for philosophy of language, metaphysics, and epistemology. The book is written with intelligence and verve. Very few works in philosophy have
anything describable as ‘narrative tension,’ but Finkelstein’s certainly does. He draws the reader
into the problems he is attempting to solve with the skill of a writer of detective stories; he leads
his readers down paths that appear inviting, only then to demonstrate why the apparent solutions
on offer down those paths won’t do; and his arguments for the solution he himself offers at the
end have the force, and the place in the book, of the denouement of a good thriller.”
—Cora Diamond, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia
2003 194 pp. Cloth $45.00 / £29.95 ISBN 0-674-01156-2
Thinking How to Live
“In this fascinating book, Gibbard applies his development of the tools of traditional AngloAmerican metaethical theory to the questions about that most basic philosophical concern: How
should one live? ... Gibbard’s arguments are clear and illustrated with helpful examples. His final
result is sure to generate disagreement, but theorists in this area must contend with his arguments.”
—J. H. Barker, Choice
“This is a remarkable book. It takes up a central and much-discussed problem—the difference
between normative thought (and discourse) and ‘descriptive’ thought (and discourse). It develops
a compelling response to that problem with ramifications for much else in philosophy. But perhaps
most importantly, it brings new clarity and rigor to the discussion of these tangled issues. It will
take some time to come to terms with the details of Gibbard’s discussion. It is absolutely clear,
however, that the book will reconfigure the debate over objectivity and ‘factuality’ in ethics.”
—Gideon Rosen, Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University
2003 6 tables 320 pp. Cloth $45.00 / £29.95 ISBN 0-674-01167-8
Simple Mindedness
In Defense of Naive Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mind
“Jennifer Hornsby [has written] a series of careful and insightful papers ... over the past twenty
years. In Simple Mindedness, she does us the great service of collecting twelve of these papers
together in a single volume ... Her overall picture of the mind is filled out in a helpful introduction,
and in a series of useful postscripts ... Hornsby disagrees with both Descartes and materialists ...
She denies that people are composed of a material and an immaterial substance ... [but also]
denies that mental properties reduce to physical properties ... Materialists who put in the time and
effort to [weigh Hornsby’s views] will be richly rewarded. There is much an orthodox materialist
can learn from the heretical Hornsby.”
—Michael Smith, Times Literary Supplement
1997; 2001 2 line illus. 288 pp.
Paper $22.50 / £14.95 ISBN 0-674-00563-5
Cloth $42.50 / £27.95 ISBN 0-674-80818-5
Tales of the Mighty Dead
Historical Essays in the Metaphysics of Intentionality
A work in the history of systematic philosophy that is itself animated by a systematic
philosophic aspiration, this book by one of the most prominent American philosophers
working today provides an entirely new way of looking at the development of Western
philosophy from Descartes to the present.
“Just as Kant managed to recast a good bit of the history of philosophy as a struggle between
rationalism and empiricism (thus leading to his synthesis of the two), Brandom has recast a
substantial portion of modern philosophy as a struggle over the consequences of inferentialist
approaches. The way he shows that there is a coherent line to be traced from Leibniz to Spinoza
to Kant to Hegel to Frege to Heidegger to Wittgenstein to Sellars is brilliant; it will quite naturally
also be controversial (in all the best senses). This is one of those books that will force even the
people who disagree most with him to have to take his position all the more seriously. If nothing
else, this shows that the usual ways of drawing the (by now tired) ‘continental/analytic’ distinctions are in serious need of rethinking. Brandom’s is an original voice. Brandom’s work, obviously
analytical in orientation, also claims to take its inspirations from figures normally shunned in
analytic circles. This makes him a key figure in the effort to ‘overcome’ the dichotomy.”
—Terry Pinkard, Northeastern University
2002 448 pp. Cloth $45.00 / £29.95 ISBN 0-674-00903-7
Articulating Reasons
An Introduction to Inferentialism
2001 ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Award—Philosophy Category
“Displaying a sovereign command of the intricate discussion in the analytic philosophy of
language, Brandom manages successfully to carry out a program within the philosophy of
language that has already been sketched by others, without losing sight of the vision inspiring the
enterprise in the important details of his investigation … Using the tools of a complex theory of
language, Brandom succeeds in describing convincingly the practices in which the reason and
autonomy of subjects capable of speech and action are expressed.”
—Jürgen Habermas
2000; 2001 240 pp.
Paper $20.50 / £13.95 ISBN 0-674-00692-5
Cloth $43.00 / £27.95 ISBN 0-674-00158-3
Consciousness in Action
1998 Professional/Scholarly Publishing Annual Award in the Category of Philosophy and Religion
by the Association of American Publishers
“Consciousness in Action contains ten highly original, densely argued, interrelated essays on the
nature and unity of consciousness, the relationships of consciousness to underlying neurophysiological processes and environmental stimuli, and the connections among consciousness, perception and action ... [It] exhibits the astonishing breadth of knowledge, technical virtuosity and subtle
analyses Hurley’s readers have come to expect in her work ... [It] is a significant work not only
because of its depth, originality and impressive detail, but also because its integration of philosophy with neuropsychology and cognitive science provides new avenues of research for philosophers concerned about the nature of the mind, perception, and action ... [H]er book’s impact will
continue to be felt for years to come.”
—Dan Silber, Philosophy in Review
1998; 2002 32 illus., 8 tables 528 pp.
Paper $26.50 / £17.95 ISBN 0-674-00796-4
Cloth $63.00 / £40.95 ISBN 0-674-16420-2
Happiness, Death, and the Remainder of Life
2001 Gradiva Award for the Best Book in Psychoanalysis and Philosophy, Sponsored by the World
Organization and the Public Education Corporation of the National Association for the
Advancement of Psychoanalysis
“An extended meditation on Aristotle’s conception of happiness and Freud’s approach to death,
the book argues that both thinkers fell prey to a similar illusion ... [the thought] that our desires
can ever come to an end ... There is great depth to Happiness, Death, and the Remainder of Life.”
—Andrew Stark, Times Literary Supplement
“Not many people are equally appreciative of Plato and Freud, and fewer still are able to move
back and forth between contemporary discussions among philosophers and the highly technical
literature of psychoanalysis as easily as Lear does ... Daring and provocative.”
—Richard Rorty, New York Times Book Review
The Tanner Lectures on Human Values 2000; 2002 204 pp.
Paper $16.00 / £10.95 ISBN 0-674-00674-7
Cloth $26.00 / £16.95 ISBN 0-674-00329-2
1-800-405-1619 /
Reconstructing Public Reason
A Short History of Distributive Justice
The reluctance to admit controversial beliefs as legitimate grounds for public action threatens to prevent us
from responding effectively to many of the leading
social and political challenges that we face. Eric
MacGilvray argues that we should shift our attention
away from the problem of identifying uncontroversial
public ends in the present and toward the problem of
evaluating potentially controversial public ends through
collective inquiry over time. Rather than ask ourselves
which public ends are justified, we must instead decide
which public ends we should seek to justify.
Reconstructing Public Reason offers a fundamental rethinking of the nature and aims of liberal toleration, and
of the political implications of pragmatic philosophy. It
also provides fresh interpretations of founding pragmatic thinkers such as John Dewey and William
James, and of leading contemporary figures such as
John Rawls and Richard Rorty.
Fleischacker argues that
guaranteeing aid to the
poor is a modern idea,
developed only in the last
two centuries. To attribute a longer pedigree to
distributive justice is to
fail to distinguish between justice and charity.
By examining major writings in ancient, medieval,
and modern political
philosophy, Fleischacker
shows how we arrived at
the contemporary meaning of distributive justice.
“Imaginatively conceived and skillfully executed,
Reconstructing Public Reason will appeal to those anxious
about the declining (or
ascending!) influence of
pragmatism and those
anxious about the practical
significance of theorizing
about political justice generally and political liberalism
specifically. No small accomplishment.”
—Alfonso Damico,
The University of Iowa
“Fleischacker provides a fascinating account of the development of our contemporary notion of distributive justice. This is
an excellent book that fills a real need.”
—Stephen Darwall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and
author of Welfare and Rational Care
“This is a succinct, coherent, and wide-ranging history of
distributive justice that will be a boon for teachers and
students. Written with a light touch, it will provoke discussion
and thought, raising the possibility of seeing things differently.
A fine contribution.”
—Ross Harrison, author of
Hobbes, Locke, and Confusion’s Masterpiece
2004 204 pp. Cloth $39.95 / £25.95 ISBN 0-674-01340-9
“This is an intelligent book
that addresses two important and fashionable themes
in political theory—pragmatism and political liberalism. And it contributes to our understanding of both.”
—Jeffrey Isaac, Indiana University
2004 256 pp. Cloth $45.00 / £29.95 ISBN 0-674-01542-8
The Modern Self in the Labyrinth
Politics and the Entrapment Imagination
“This book identifies the theme of ‘social entrapment’ in three important 20th century social theorists: Weber, Freud, and
Foucault. It ably shows how the theme emerged from the problems of the Enlightenment and attempts by Marx and
Nietzsche to solve them. It also points out some of the dead ends to which it has led its expositors. An impressive combination of research and argument.”
—Bernard Yack, Brandeis University
2004 260 pp. Cloth $49.95 / £32.95 ISBN 0-674-01330-1
“This is an erudite and original study of the great entrapment and proto-entrapment theorists of the 19th and 20th centuries,
namely, Kant, Mary Shelley, Marx, Nietzsche, Weber, Freud, Benjamin, Kafka and Foucault. As Chowers convincingly shows,
these theorists argue that moderns have come to be subject to and subjectified by historical processes that govern their
conduct ... The interpretation of individual authors and the story as a whole are presented with an exemplary depth of scholarship and insight, and the cumulative effect is to throw a critical and foreboding light on the present.”
—James Tully, University of Victoria
Just Work
This elegant essay on the justice of work focuses on the fit between who we are and the
kind of work we do. Russell Muirhead shows how the common hope for work that
fulfills us involves more than personal interest; it also points to larger understandings of
a just society. We are defined in part by the jobs we hold, and Muirhead has something
important to say about the partial satisfactions of the working life, and the increasingly
urgent need to balance the claims of work against those of family and community.
Muirhead weaves his argument out of sociological, economic, and philosophical analysis. He shows, among other things, how modern feminism’s effort to reform domestic
work and extend the promise of careers has contributed to more democratic understandings of what it means to have work that fits. Just Work shows what it would mean
for work to make good on the high promise so often invested in it and suggests what we
both as a society and as individuals might do when it falls short.
“In this original and provocative book, Muirhead argues that justice in work is more than a matter
of fair wages and decent working conditions; it is also a matter of fit—between the work we do
and the persons we are. With a clear and distinctive voice, Muirhead revives work as a subject for
political theory and illuminates the ethics of everyday life.”
—Michael Sandel, author of Democracy’s Discontent: America in Search of a Public Philosophy
2004 224 pp. Cloth $24.95 / £16.95 ISBN 0-674-01558-4
new in paperback
Rationality and Freedom
Rationality and freedom are among the most profound and contentious concepts in
philosophy and the social sciences. In two volumes on rationality, freedom, and justice,
the distinguished economist and philosopher Amartya Sen brings clarity and insight to
these difficult issues. This volume—the first of the two—is principally concerned with
rationality and freedom.
“Amartya Sen occupies a unique position among modern economists. He is an outstanding
economic theorist, a world authority on social choice and welfare economics. He is a leading figure
in development economics, carrying out pathbreaking work on appraising the effectiveness of
investment in poor countries and, more recently, on famine. At the same time, he takes a broad
view of the subject and has done much to widen the perspective of economists.”
—A. B. Atkinson, New York Review of Books
Belknap 2003; 2004 2 line illus. 750 pp. Paper $19.95 / £12.95 OIP ISBN 0-674-01351-4
Why Societies Need Dissent
“Why Societies Need Dissent ... shows that demands for lock-step conformity are wrong and uninformed thinking. Sunstein’s important new study is filled with empirical evidence of the significance
of opposition, found in his compelling explanations of the need for, and benefits of, disagreement.
Sunstein reveals that, in fact, the influence of dissenters is for the better, be it with courts, juries,
corporate boardrooms, churches, sports teams, student organizations or faculties, not to mention
‘the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court ... during times of both war and peace.’”
—John W. Dean, Los Angeles Times Book Review
Oliver Wendell Holmes Lectures 2003 3 line illus., 5 charts 256 pp.
Cloth $22.95 / £14.95 ISBN 0-674-01268-2
Foundations of Hegel’s Social Theory
Actualizing Freedom
Frederick Neuhouser’s task is to understand the conceptions of freedom on which Hegel’s
social theory rests and to show how they ground his arguments in defense of the modern
social world. In doing so, the author focuses on Hegel’s most important and least understood contribution to social philosophy, the idea of “social freedom.”
“Hegel is an obscure and difficult writer, but Neuhouser has an effortless way of making him
—Allen W. Wood, Yale University
“This is a fine book, and it will be a significant contribution both to Hegel scholarship and to
contemporary philosophical discussions of modern ethical life.“
—Robert B. Pippin, University of Chicago
2000; 2003 352 pp.
Paper $29.95 / £19.95 ISBN 0-674-01124-4 Cloth $55.00/£35.95 ISBN 0-674-00152-4
1-800-405-1619 /
Varieties of Religion Today
William James Revisited
“Now at last we have a book about ... William James, and it has been produced by a religiously
obsessed man himself. Charles Taylor has been writing philosophy for many years, and the scope
of his achievement is extraordinary. He has written on ethics, epistemology, language, and politics. He has analyzed Greek, medieval, Renaissance, and modern thought in learned discourses on
the history of ideas. Even more amazing, perhaps, is that a corpus of philosophy so wide should
be so intellectually coherent. All of Taylor’s writings are unified by a goal, a mission, almost a
calling: to understand by philosophical means who we have become and who we ought to strive
to become ... [A] small but very stimulating book.”
—Erin Leib, New Republic
“Old-time religion had a story about these sources of despair, reinforced every Sunday morning,
but James will have none of this—he cannot be so easily consoled. What he needs is a direct
sensation of the presence of God. The trouble is that such experiences are rare, and fragile and
isolating, not to mention questionable (even for a theist like James). Religion, if it is to survive,
must be buttressed by more than fleeting sensation. The acute question raised by Charles Taylor’s
interesting book is whether the modern world has room for anything else.”
—Colin McGinn, Wall Street Journal
Institute for Human Sciences Vienna Lectures Series 2002; 2003 142 pp.
Paper $12.00 / £7.95 ISBN 0-674-01253-4
Cloth $19.95 / £12.95 ISBN 0-674-00760-3
If You’re an Egalitarian, How Come You’re So Rich?
2001 ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Award—Philosophy Category
“This is an unusual book, a remarkably successful blend of autobiography, intellectual history and
moral philosophy that reflects the author’s distinctive outlook and background ... [It] presents, I
believe, the most important contemporary challenge to the egalitarian form of liberalism ... The
questions he asks are the ones we should all be worrying about.”
—Thomas Nagel, Times Literary Supplement
“Cohen is much the funniest living Anglophone political philosopher of any note, as well as
perhaps the cleverest.”
—John Dunn, Times Higher Education Supplement
2000; 2001 3 line illus. 256 pp.
Paper $19.95 / £12.95 ISBN 0-674-00693-3
Cloth $45.00 / £29.95 ISBN 0-674-00218-0
Sovereign Virtue
The Theory and Practice of Equality
“For the last two decades, Ronald Dworkin has been developing answers to...questions [of public
policy] as part of a powerful and surprising response to the larger question of how we should
reconcile liberty with equality. Unlike many partisans of equality, he thinks conservatives are right
to hold individuals largely responsible for their own fates. But unlike many partisans of liberty, he
nevertheless believes in substantial governmental intervention to bring about more equality. And,
unlike both, he argues that, in the deepest sense, equality and liberty are never truly at odds. In
Sovereign Virtue, Dworkin has brought together this surprising theory and some of its applications...If we care about having a rational public discourse about the many contests that seem to
pit liberty against equality, we owe his book a careful reading.”
—K. Anthony Appiah, New York Review of Books
2000; 2002 528 pp.
Paper $20.50 / £13.95 ISBN 0-674-00810-3
Cloth $37.50 / £24.95 ISBN 0-674-00219-9
“Sovereign Virtue ... is ... extraordinarily impressive: supple, suave and enviably deft, like all his
work, and in its cumulative effect quite exceptionally illuminating…[Dworkin] has been in many
ways the most systematic moral, political and legal thinker of the past three decades in the
Anglophone world. He may lack the personal authority or the singularity of mind of John Rawls.
But on this evidence he has a substantially broader range of ambition, a set of forceful moral intuitions, a speed and boldness of intellectual manoeuvre, and a combination of energy and sheer
pertinacity that are all his own.”
—John Dunn, Times Higher Education Supplement
The Law of Peoples
“[These essays are] some of [Rawls’s] strongest published expressions of feeling ... These are the
final products of a remarkably pure and concentrated career ... The writings of John Rawls, whom
it is now safe to describe as the most important political philosopher of the twentieth century ...
owe their influence to the fact that their depth and their insight repay the close attention that their
uncompromising theoretical weight and erudition demand.”
—Thomas Nagel, New Republic
“This is the most engaging and accessible book Rawls has written ... For the most part Rawls
lays out his argument in a straightforward way, and refers extensively to historical and contemporary episodes to illustrate it.”
—David Miller, Times Literary Supplement
1999; 2001 210 pp.
Paper $16.95 / £10.95 ISBN 0-674-00542-2
Cloth $25.00 / £16.95 ISBN 0-674-00079-X
A Theory of Justice
Revised Edition
“Rawls’s Theory of Justice is widely and justly regarded as this century’s most important work
of political philosophy. Originally published in 1971, it quickly became the subject of extensive
commentary and criticism, which led Rawls to revise some of the arguments he had originally
put forward in this work ... This edition will certainly become the definitive one; all scholars will
use it, and it will be an essential text for any academic library. It contains a new preface that
helpfully outlines the major revisions, and a ‘conversion table’ that correlates the pagination of
this edition with the original, which will be useful to students and scholars working with this
edition and the extensive secondary literature on Rawls’s work. Highly recommended.”
—J. D. Moon, Choice
Review of the previous edition:
“John Rawls draws on the most subtle techniques of contemporary analytic philosophy to
provide the social contract tradition with what is, from a philosophical point of view at least, the
most formidable defense it has yet received ... [and] makes available the powerful intellectual
resources and the comprehensive approach that have so far eluded antiutilitarians. He also
makes clear how wrong it was to claim, as so many were claiming only a few years back, that
systematic moral and political philosophy are dead ... Whatever else may be true it is surely true
that we must develop a sterner and more fastidious sense of justice. In making his peerless
contribution to political theory, John Rawls has made a unique contribution to this urgent task.
No higher achievement is open to a scholar.”
—Marshall Cohen, New York Times Book Review
Belknap 1999 12 line illus. 560 pp.
Paper $24.95 ISBN 0-674-00078-1
Cloth $52.00 ISBN 0-674-00077-3
Liberalism with Honor
“This book makes a highly original and richly constructive contribution to contemporary democratic
theory as well as to the interpretation and application of the thought of Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and
the American tradition of political thought and culture, rooted in the Founding Fathers. The argument
of the book establishes, for perhaps the first time in current literature, how capacious and fertile may
be the moral resource for democratic theory that is to be found in a reconsidered and appropriately
re-elaborated concept of honor.”
—Thomas Pangle, author of Justice Among Nations: On the Moral Basis of Power and Peace
2002 288 pp. Cloth $35.00 / £22.95 ISBN 0-674-00756-5
Justice as Fairness
A Restatement
“There have been millions of words written about A Theory of Justice and many articles and
several books by Rawls defending and expanding its doctrines. Justice as Fairness will almost
certainly be the last of these, and it should take its place as the best and most comprehensive
statement of Rawls’s eventual position. It is an exemplary work in every way. Rawls’s own virtues
shine through. He follows the argument where it leads. He listens to his critics and acknowledges
his supporters; he gives way when it is necessary, but remains firm where he can take a stand.
Anybody convinced that political thought is all about disguised power, or rhetoric, or ideology in
the bad sense of the word, should confront this book.”
—Simon Blackburn, Times Literary Supplement
Belknap 2001; 2001 2 line illus. 240 pp.
Paper $19.95 / £12.95 ISBN 0-674-00511-2 Cloth $50.00 / £32.95 ISBN 0-674-00510-4
Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy
“What names would we want to place next to Wittgenstein and Heidegger? No thinker, I believe,
has a greater right to stand alongside them than John Rawls. Rawls’s A Theory of Justice, which
appeared in 1971, changed forever the landscape of moral and political philosophy. Like
Wittgenstein and Heidegger, Rawls has shown a remarkable capacity for self-criticism. Like them,
he has gone on to revise in significant ways the doctrines that first established his fame ... The
publication of the Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy is thus a major event, since here we
find the conception of modern ethics as a whole, the understanding of its characteristic themes
and problems, that has inspired Rawls’s political thought.”
—Charles Larmore, New Republic
2000 4 line illus. 414 pp.
Paper $20.95 / £13.95 ISBN 0-674-00442-6
Cloth $55.00 / £35.95 ISBN 0-674-00296-2
Collected Papers
“What a body of work this is, and what an accomplishment. Collected Papers affords an opportunity to step back and see [Rawls’s] work as a whole, as the elaboration of a single powerful and
abiding idea ... This volume of Collected Papers stands as an inspiration to the next generation of
—Jeremy Waldron, London Review of Books
“The course of Rawls’s career can be followed clearly in the Collected Papers, whose twenty-seven
chapters span forty-eight years ... The writings of John Rawls, whom it is now safe to describe as
the most important political philosopher of the twentieth century ... owe their influence to the fact that
their depth and their insight repay the close attention that their uncompromising theoretical weight
and erudition demand.”
—Thomas Nagel, New Republic
1999; 2001 1 table 672 pp. Paper $27.95 / £18.95 ISBN 0-674-00569-4
Semblances of Sovereignty
The Constitution, the State, and American Citizenship
2002 320 pp. Cloth $48.00 / £30.95 ISBN 0-674-00745-X
“Aleinikoff examines sovereignty, citizenship, and the broader concept of membership (aliens as well
as citizens) in the American nation-state and suggests that American constitutional law needs ‘understandings of sovereignty and membership that are supple and flexible, open to new arrangements’ ...
Sure to generate heated debate over the extent to which the rules governing immigration, Indian tribes,
and American territories should be altered, this book is required reading for constitutional scholars.”
—R. J. Steamer, Choice
Cities of Words
Pedagogical Letters on a
Register of the Moral Life
Since Socrates and his
circle first tried to frame
the Just City in words,
discussion of a perfect
communal life—a life of
justice, reflection, and
mutual respect—has had
to come to terms with the
distance between that idea and reality. Measuring this
distance step by practical step is the philosophical
project that Stanley Cavell has pursued on his
exploratory path. Situated at the intersection of two of
his longstanding interests—Emersonian philosophy and
the Hollywood comedy of remarriage—Cavell’s new
work marks a significant advance in this project. The
book—which presents a course of lectures Cavell
presented several times toward the end of his teaching
career at Harvard—links masterpieces of moral philosophy and classic Hollywood comedies to fashion a new
way of looking at our lives and learning to live with
“What does it mean to live a moral life? In his typically
provocative fashion, Cavell answers this question by juxtaposing various philosophical responses with particular films that
illuminate those responses ... Cavell’s ‘letters’ offer a ready
and heady departure from the usual conversation on moral
life, and his inventive use of film helps bring the philosophers
he discusses to life.”
—Henry I. Carrigan Jr., Library Journal
“In Cities of Words, a knotty and enlightening book, chapters
about philosophers are paired with chapters about films:
Emerson and The Philadelphia Story, Locke and Adam’s Rib,
Nietzsche and Now, Voyager, Aristotle and The Awful Truth ...
Cavell shows that the spirit of moral quest has an unusual
power, even in the restricted world of these films. For all their
artifice, they suggest that characters really can change themselves, that they can form ideals of justice, while keeping in
mind how much failure and imperfection will be met along the
way. That’s not a bad democratic vision, and it remains as
potent now as it was when Katharine Hepburn rediscovered
her love for Cary Grant.”
—Edward Rothstein, New York Times
Belknap 2004 480 pp.
Cloth $29.95 / £19.95 ISBN 0-674-01336-0
Ethics without
In this brief book one of
the most distinguished
living American philosophers takes up the question of whether ethical
judgments can properly
be considered objective—
a question that has vexed
philosophers over the past
century. Reviewing what
he deems the disastrous consequences of ontology’s
influence on analytic philosophy—in particular, the
contortions it imposes upon debates about the objective
of ethical judgments—Hilary Putnam proposes abandoning the very idea of ontology.
“Hilary Putnam is one of the most distinguished living
American philosophers, a philosopher whose writings have
done much to shape the agenda of analytic philosophy over
the last forty years. Much of the interest of this book lies in the
way that it illustrates, with unmistakable clarity, how severe a
critic of mainstream analytic philosophy Putnam has
—Michael Williams, Professor of Philosophy,
Johns Hopkins University
2004 1 table 176 pp.
Cloth $29.95 / £19.95 ISBN 0-674-01310-7
new in paperback
Ethical Formation
Sabina Lovibond invites her
readers to see how the
“practical reason view of
ethics” can survive challenges from within philosophy and from the
antirationalist postmodern
critique of reason. At the
heart of her argument is the
Aristotelian idea of the formation of character through
upbringing; these ancient ideas can be made contemporary if one understands them in a naturalized way.
“This is an intricate and stimulating book ... an argument that
is impressive in its coherence and subtlety, and in the insightful way it engages with issues that are right at the centre of
contemporary philosophical debate.”
—John Cottingham, Times Literary Supplement
2002; 2004 224 pp.
Paper $19.95 / £12.95 ISBN 0-674-01365-4
Cloth $45.00 / £29.95 ISBN 0-674-00650-X
1-800-405-1619 /
new in paperback
The Collapse of the Fact/Value
Dichotomy and Other Essays
Law’s Quandary
This lively book reassesses a century of jurisprudential
thought from a fresh perspective, and points to a malaise
that currently afflicts not only legal theory but law in
general. Steven Smith argues that our legal vocabulary
and methods of reasoning presuppose classical ontological commitments that were explicitly articulated by
thinkers from Aquinas to Coke to Blackstone, and even
by Joseph Story. But these commitments are out of sync
with the world view that prevails today in academic and
professional thinking. So our law-talk thus degenerates
into “just words”—or a kind of nonsense.
“Putnam’s The Collapse of
the Fact/Value Dichotomy is
a tour de force by a great
philosopher. In an era of
pseudo-scientific reductionism in what should be ‘the
human sciences’, Putnam’s
distinction as a philosopher
of science and mathematics
lends weight to his eloquent
demolition of the dichotomy
between judgments of fact
and judgments of value that
plays such a baneful role in
economics, public policy,
and the law, discouraging serious normative inquiry and argument. Anyone tempted by Milton Friedman’s famous claim that
concerning differences of value ‘men can ultimately only fight’
should read this elegant and wonderful book.”
—Martha Nussbaum, The University of Chicago
“Hume’s and much 20th-century moral philosophy contrasted
moral with factual judgments and led people to conclude that
the former, unlike the latter, are subjective in the sense of not
being rationally supportable. Putnam ... believes that the
contrast is ill conceived and that the conclusion is both unwarranted and false. He acknowledges the usefulness of the fact/
value distinction but denies that anything metaphysical
follows from it ... Putnam covers such matters as imperative
logic, economics vis-à-vis ethics, and preference theory and
such thinkers as V. Walsh, L. Robbins, and R. M. Hare. A fine
philosophical workout.”
—Robert Hoffman, Library Journal
“Ordinary people assume that legal terms like freedom of
speech have some real or true meaning. Most important legal
theorists say there is no such thing. It is not unheard of for the
sophisticated classes to reach conclusions at odds with
common sense. But this creates a real problem for the stability of our legal system. Smith explores this quandary in a way
that is wonderfully clear, honest, and funny. This is the best
book I have read in several years.”
—John H. Garvey, author of What Are Freedoms For?
“Smith’s treatment of the issues he addresses is outstanding.
His discussion is consistently probing, thoughtful, and imaginative. Smith’s range of reference is impressively broad—yet
I never had the sense that he was trying to impress. His
clarity—aided by his wonderfully engaging, and occasionally
humorous, conversational style—is exemplary. But the enviable clarity/accessibility of Smith’s writing should not obscure
just how penetrating—I am tempted to say, brilliant—his
commentary is. It may sound faintly ridiculous to say this, but
I thought that this book was a jurisprudential page turner.”
—Michael J. Perry, author of
Under God? Religious Faith and Liberal Democracy
2004 222 pp. Cloth $45.00 / £29.95 ISBN 0-674-01533-9
2002; 2004 208 pp.
Paper $16.95 / £10.95 ISBN 0-674-01380-8
Cloth $37.50 / £24.95 ISBN 0-674-00905-3
Justice, Luck, and Knowledge
The recent past has seen striking advances in our understanding of both moral responsibility and distributive justice. S. L. Hurley’s ambitious work brings these two areas of lively debate into overdue contact with
each other. Key contemporary discussions of distributive justice have formulated egalitarian approaches in
terms of responsibility; in this view, the aim of egalitarianism is to respect differences between positions for
which people are responsible while neutralizing differences that are a matter of luck. But this approach,
Hurley contends, has ignored the way our understanding of responsibility constrains the roles it can actually play within distributive justice. Her book brings the new articulation of responsibility to bear in explaining these constraints.
“Hurley’s arguments are highly original. This is an impressive and insightful book.”
—Peter Vallentyne, Professor of Philosophy, Virginia Commonwealth University
2003 6 line illus. 524 pp.
Cloth $55.00 / £35.95 ISBN 0-674-01029-9
“Luck-neutralization is a central concept in contemporary work on distributive justice, and thus moral responsibility is
also a central concept (insofar as luck is what one is not morally responsible for). It is therefore fruitful and illuminating to apply important insights from responsibility theory to various theories of distributive justice. The book is written in a lively style, Susan Hurley is remarkably
well-versed in the literature on free will and moral responsibility as well as distributive
justice, and the ideas are vibrant and provocative ... [A] path-breaking book.”
—John Martin Fischer, Professor of Philosophy, University of California Riverside
new in paperback
Four Cultures
of the West
The Emergence
of Sexuality
Historical Epistemology
and the Formation of
“In this erudite work of
cultural history, O’Malley
extends ‘an invitation to
consider and notice’ four
distinctive paradigms or
cultures that, taken together,
handsomely help decode
Western intellectual and
cultural history. These four
paradigms are the prophetic, the academic, the humanistic,
and the culture of art and performance ... O’Malley successfully showcases the affinities between historic cultures (e.g.,
the Greco-Roman) and persons (e.g., Aristotle, Aquinas, and
Luther) and cultural realities in our own time (e.g., the contemplative rhetoric of Lincoln at Gettysburg prefiguring the rhetorical contemplation at Ground Zero).”
—Sandra Collins, Library Journal
“O’Malley’s succinct analysis of the Four Cultures of the West
is one of those rare books that uses history to tell us as much
about the intellectual conflicts of the present as it does about
those of the past. I predict his categorical analysis will be
widely cited and widely debated by commentators well
beyond academic specialists.”
—Kenneth Woodward, contributing editor for Newsweek
and author of Making Saints
Belknap 2004 272 pp.
Cloth $24.95 / £16.95 ISBN 0-674-01498-7
“No one of his generation has
better mastered Foucault’s
archeological and genealogical work than Davidson. I do
not mean in saying so that he
is an expert on Foucault
(which he is) but rather that he has learned how best to do his
own work having seen what Foucault could do.”
—Ian Hacking, Common Knowledge
“In presenting his account of historical epistemology (tracing
the ways concepts are modified as conditions of objectivity and
forms of subjectivity change each other), Arnold Davidson takes
as a pivotal task the confrontation of Foucault’s writing (to the
totality of which Davidson is a world-renowned guide) with that
of Freud (on whose Three Essays on Sexuality he has produced
ground-breaking work), along the way showing the pertinence
to his project of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. A
growing body of students and specialists in philosophy, and
cultural studies, and the history of science, in particular of
psychiatry, have been profiting from Arnold Davidson’s clarity
and his stunning erudition for a couple of decades now. This
initial selection of his essays is an excellent introduction to his
singular array of scholarly and critical accomplishments.”
—Stanley Cavell, Professor Emeritus, Harvard University
2002; 2004 17 halftones, 12 line illus. 272 pp.
Paper $19.95 / £12.95 ISBN 0-674-01370-0
Cloth $45.00 / £29.95 ISBN 0-674-00459-0
Lessons of the Masters
“Steiner’s Lessons of the Masters sets forth the disturbing complexity of
the relationship between teacher and pupil, master and disciple ... Some
of the best writing in Steiner’s book is scorching characterisation—of
bad teachers, of the politically correct, and the hypocrites who would
deny the erotic element in the teacher-pupil relationship.”
—Germaine Greer, The Times
“[Steiner] brings his formidable charisma, his unrivalled range of reference
and powers of rhetoric to bear on the peaks (as well as some troughs) of
pedagogy, in history and literature: Socrates and Alcibiades, the parables of
Christ, Faust, Virgil and Dante, Abelard and Eloise ... Like his hero Socrates,
Steiner professes to have few answers, but his questions sweep you along.”
—Robin Blake, Financial Times
“George Steiner’s reflections on the electric relationship between teacher and student takes the reader on
a high-speed rollercoaster ride to visit the greatest figures of Western civilization ... Where there is great
mastery, there is likewise great jealousy, treachery, threat, and fear. Steiner passionately throws out a wide
and undaunted net of inquiry into this perennially prickly and powerful subject.”
—Patty Podhaisky, Bloomsbury Review
The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures 2003 208 pp. Cloth $19.95 / £12.95 ISBN 0-674-01207-0
1-800-405-1619 /
Between Kant and Hegel
Lectures on German Idealism
“These are excellent lectures and make a valuable and exciting book. Henrich certainly gives a
better introduction to the philosophizing that took place between Kant and Hegel than any other
that I know of. He wants to show that the positions of Kant, Fichte, and Hegel each represent an
option that is still open for live philosophical debate. Can there be a single-track systematic
philosophy encompassing nature as well as mind? Dieter Henrich shows how this develops into
a wide-ranging problem, allowing both for criticism of Kant and for constructive moves made after
the criticisms are taken into account. He thus tries to show us argumentative steps by which one
might proceed from a Kantian position to a Fichtean and then on to an Hegelian view. These
lectures were given in 1973. Much has been done in English on Hegel since then, but relatively
little on the ‘between’ period which Dieter Henrich addresses. This is not an ordinary textbook. It’s
very much infused with Dieter Henrich’s own philosophical views. The topics and people Dieter
Henrich discusses he really illuminates, both in terms of the historical context and in terms of the
soundness or lack of it of the philosophy he is discussing. He is himself deeply inside that tradition, yet knows enough about the work of those outside it to make quite comprehensible to the
outsiders what it’s like on the inside.”
—J. B. Schneewind, Professor of Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University
2003 1 chart 384 pp. Cloth $55.00 / £35.95 ISBN 0-674-00773-5
Ugly Feelings
Envy, irritation, paranoia—in contrast to powerful and dynamic negative emotions like
anger, these non-cathartic states of feeling are associated with situations in which action
is blocked or suspended. In her examination of the cultural forms to which these affects
give rise, Sianne Ngai suggests that these minor and more politically ambiguous feelings
become all the more suited for diagnosing the character of late modernity.
Along with her inquiry into the aesthetics of unprestigious negative affects such as irritation, envy, and disgust, Ngai examines a racialized affect called “animatedness,” and a
paradoxical synthesis of shock and boredom called “stuplimity.” She explores the politically equivocal work of these affective concepts in the cultural contexts where they seem
most at stake, from academic feminist debates to the Harlem Renaissance, from latetwentieth-century American poetry to Hollywood film and network television.
Through readings of Herman Melville, Nella Larsen, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Hitchcock,
Gertrude Stein, Ralph Ellison, John Yau, and Bruce Andrews, among others, Ngai shows
how art turns to ugly feelings as a site for interrogating its own suspended agency in the
affirmative culture of a market society, where art is tolerated as essentially unthreatening.
Ngai mobilizes the aesthetics of ugly feelings to investigate not only ideological and
representational dilemmas in literature—with a particular focus on those inflected by
gender and race—but also blind spots in contemporary literary and cultural criticism.
Her work maps a major intersection of literary studies, media and cultural studies, feminist studies, and aesthetic theory.
2005 37 halftones 432 pp. Cloth $29.95 / £19.95 ISBN 0-674-01536-3
The Romantic Imperative
The Concept of Early German Romanticism
The Early Romantics met resistance from artists and academics alike in part because
they defied the conventional wisdom that philosophy and the arts must be kept separate. Indeed, as the literary component of Romanticism has been studied and celebrated in recent years, its philosophical aspect has receded from view. This book, by one
of the most respected scholars of the Romantic era, offers an explanation of
Romanticism that not only restores but also enhances understanding of the movement’s
origins, development, aims, and accomplishments—and of its continuing relevance.
“This is an excellent book. Its ten chapters are much more accessible and often clearer than
the larger classic tomes on the subject. Each takes up a very significant topic and is sure to be
read with profit by a wide range of readers—whether they are new to the field or already quite
familiar with it. The book concerns an era, Early German Romanticism, that is properly becoming a major focus of new research. This volume could become one of the most helpful steps in
making the area part of the canon for Anglophone scholars in all fields today. It is surely one of
the best remedies for correcting out of date images of the work of the German romantics as
regressive, obscurantist, or irrelevant. Early German Romanticism extends and modifies the
project of the Enlightenment. The author shows that it deserves our attention not only because
it is an era represented by some of the most interesting and creative personalities in our cultural
history, but also because its main line of thought is responsible for a way of thinking central to
our own time, namely a naturalism that might be expansive enough to do justice to traditional
interests in the unique value of human freedom.”
—Karl Ameriks, Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame
2004 272 pp. Cloth $45.00 / £29.95 ISBN 0-674-01180-5
new in paperback
Embodiment of a Nation
Human Form in American Places
From Harriet Beecher Stowe’s image of the Mississippi’s “bosom” to Henry David
Thoreau’s Cape Cod as “the bared and bended arm of Massachusetts,” the American
environment has been represented in terms of the human body. Exploring such
instances of embodiment, Cecelia Tichi exposes the historically varied and often
contrary geomorphic expression of a national paradigm.
“In this fascinating analysis of American geographical and topographical imagery, Cecelia Tichi
demonstrates the many ways in which our history, as well as our cultural values, are embedded
in our monuments and historical sites. Using interdisciplinary perspectives from literature, history, and visual and material cultural
studies, Tichi shows us how to read our national mythology in our continually shifting interpretation of our national sites and places.”
—Wendy Martin, author of An American Triptych: Anne Bradstreet, Emily Dickinson, Adrienne Rich
“A brilliant analysis of how the landscape and physical environment of the United States have been transformed physically and
imaginatively by creative, but often destructive, projections of national bodily identities onto the land. Tichi demonstrates how
technologies combine with political motives, social impulses, and historical developments to infuse spaces and places with
national meanings, even bodily geo-identity. This is bold, original research.”
—Emory Elliott, General Editor of Columbia Literary History of the United States
2001; 2004 38 halftones 320 pp.
Paper $19.95 / £12.95 ISBN 0-674-01361-1 Cloth $45.00 / £29.95 ISBN 0-674-00494-9
new in paperback
Friends of Interpretable Objects
“In an exquisitely idiosyncratic book of enormous intellectual ambition crammed into a tiny space ... Tamen wants to redefine
aesthetics ... In his scheme, the interpretable object (which might be what we recognize as an artwork, but does not need to be)
exists by virtue of its ‘friends’—those people who gather round it and, so to speak, talk to it, as we might do with a statue or
painting. How do objects ‘talk back’ from within a museum or a church? Suavely Wittgensteinian and insatiably curious, Tamen’s
arguments are hardly devalued by the lack of any earth-shattering conclusion.”
—Stephen Poole, The Guardian
“Because Tamen is willing to go out on various disciplinary and logical limbs, this is a book like no other. It will appeal to students
of literature and the visual arts, it will be debated by the more humanistic of philosophers, and it will perform noble cross-over
activity between those disciplines and material from theories of law, science, and ecology. The book will work in this admirable
way for those who are open-minded, inquisitive, and seducible by some lovely instances of intellectual wit.”
—Leonard Barkan, Princeton University
2001; 2004 208 pp. Paper $16.95 / £10.95 ISBN 0-674-01368-9 Cloth $29.95 / £19.95 ISBN 0-674-00646-1
1-800-405-1619 /
Art Matters
“Art Matters is against intimidation. De Bolla’s ambition in this book is to show us just how generous art objects are, given a chance; and just how difficult it has become to experience our experience of them in the language available. There are stories to be told about the eloquence of being
mute, and de Bolla has used his own aesthetic experiences to tell them. Art Matters is writing
about art at its most telling. It is a remarkable book.”
—Adam Phillips, Principal Child Psychotherapist,
Wolverton Gardens Child and Family Consultation Centre, London
“Peter de Bolla’s Art Matters is an extraordinary description of and argument for the uniqueness
of the aesthetic experience. Despite the inherent difficulty and complexity of this enterprise (in
which aspects of musical performance, lyric poetry, and contemporary painting are described with
great attentiveness) de Bolla has produced a grippingly refined and persuasive text, utterly free of
sentimentality or cant, true, direct, original.”
—Edward Said
2001; 2003 10 color illus., 1 halftone 190 pp.
Paper $15.95 / £10.95 ISBN 0-674-01110-4
Cloth $36.00 / £23.95 ISBN 0-674-00649-6
Wonder, the Rainbow, and the Aesthetics of Rare Experiences
“A short but ample book, in which Fisher ranges well beyond his home territory of literature into
science, mathematics, philosophy, architecture, mythology, and modern art and where
Shakespeare rubs shoulders with Frank Lloyd Wright, Nabokov with Aristotle, Newton with Cy
Twombly. Fisher takes wonder where he finds it, in the Chicago skyline, Miranda’s exclamations in
The Tempest or Descartes’s explanation of the rainbow. Experiences of wonder may be by definition rare, but for Fisher they are dispersed all over the map of knowledge ... This is a learned, cultivated work.”
—Lorraine Daston, London Review of Books
“Like Kant, Fisher wants to sketch out ‘the lively border’ between aesthetics and intelligibility, and
he is to be applauded for pursuing this border in and of itself, without reducing aesthetic experience to ideology, sociology, or identity politics, as the greater part of university literary criticism has
tended to do over the past decade. Unlike Kant, Fisher employs an eclectic discursive method,
passing with admirable erudition from Descartes’s account of the rainbow to Plato’s geometrical
problem of how to double the area of a square to an analysis of two abstract canvases by Cy
—Adam Bresnick, Times Literary Supplement
1999; 2003 16 color illus., 1 halftone, 16 line illus. 208 pp.
Paper $17.95 / £11.95 ISBN 0-674-95562-5
Cloth $40.00 / £25.95 ISBN 0-674-95561-7
The Secret Life of Puppets
10th Annual Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies Sponsored by the
Modern Language Association of America
“Translating ancient thought systems into contemporary terms, finding equivalents of the old in the
new, Nelson skillfully manages to thrust the sphere of academic research headlong into popular
culture, making this both accessible and erudite ... In a dizzying journey that opens with a
Renaissance grotto and concludes with The Truman Show and virtual reality, we are taken on a
rollercoaster ride through the underside of western mysticism. As Nelson herself warns the reader,
when crawling out from the ‘hole of this book,’ whatever emerges ‘will not be the same as what
went in.’”
—Aura Satz, Financial Times
“This is New Age prophecy at its most verbally sexy and literarily savvy. It is fun, enticing, and
chock full of brilliance.”
—Laura Bass, Washington Times
“A wonderful, unlikely, necessary book which links high and low and pop culture, the sacred and
the profane, into a magnificent webwork of pattern and gnosis—it is erudite, irreverent, and
profound. Just read it.”
—Neil Gaiman, author of American Gods and The Sandman
2002; 2003 15 halftones 368 pp.
Paper $17.95 / £11.95 ISBN 0-674-01244-5
Cloth $29.95 / £19.95 ISBN 0-674-00630-5
“Explores the hauntings, possessions, and other uncanny phenomena proliferating in literature and
entertainment … she argues strongly, in vivid and original readings … for a new approach to the
uses of fantasy and to the relationship between material and immaterial phenomena.”
—Marina Warner, Times Literary Supplement
J. J. Rousseau: An Afterlife of Words
Eli Friedlander reads Rousseau’s autobiography, Reveries of the Solitary Walker, as
philosophy. Reading this work against Descartes’s Meditations, Friedlander shows
how Rousseau’s memorable transformation of experience through writing opens up
the possibility of affirming even the most dejected state of being and allows the emergence of the innocence of nature out of the ruins of all social attachments. In tracing
the re-creation of a human subject in reverie, Friedlander is alive to the very form of
the experience of reading the Reveries by showing the ways this work needs to—and
in effect does—generate a reader, without betraying Rousseau’s utter solitude.
Friedlander’s book provides an afterlife for the Reveries in modern philosophy. It
constitutes an alternative to the analytic tradition’s revival of Rousseau, primarily
through Rawls’s influential vision of the social contract. It also counters the fate of
Rousseau’s writings in the continental tradition, determined by and large by
Derrida’s deconstruction. Friedlander’s reading of the Reveries, a work that has
fascinated generations of readers, is an incomparable introduction to one of the
greatest thinkers in Western culture.
2004 176 pp. Cloth $39.95 / £25.95 ISBN 0-674-01514-2
The World Republic of Letters
The “world of letters” has always seemed a matter more of metaphor than of global reality. In this book, Pascale
Casanova shows us the state of world literature behind the stylistic refinements—
a world of letters relatively independent from economic and political realms, and
in which language systems, aesthetic orders, and genres struggle for dominance.
Rejecting facile talk of globalization, with its suggestion of a happy literary
“melting pot,” Casanova exposes an emerging regime of inequality in the world of
letters, where minor languages and literatures are subject to the invisible but
implacable violence of their dominant counterparts. Inspired by the writings of
Fernand Braudel and Pierre Bourdieu, this ambitious book develops the first
systematic model for understanding the production, circulation, and valuing of
literature worldwide.
“This is a marvelous study of the international networks and ethnic forcefields out of which a
modern world literature has emerged. In drawing a map of the literary globe, Pascale
Casanova shows just how different it is from any political map ever framed. Unlike many previous comparativists, she shows just how many of the texts of literary modernism have been
contributed by peoples without financial or political power. This is a brave, audacious and luminous analysis, and a bracing challenge to those who still believe in the nation as an explanatory category. This book will provoke debate for years to come.”
—Declan Kiberd, author of Inventing Ireland and Irish Classics
“As a researcher, Pascale Casanova specializes in the exception. Along with a literary knowledge that is exceptional in its
breadth and depth, she possesses a theoretical knowledge that is truly vast and wielded with great authority. In pursuing this
immense topic—the universe of relations that constitute the ‘World Republic of Letters’—she has set herself a daunting challenge: that of constructing, and empirically verifying, a theoretical model for the ‘fabric of the universal.’”
—Pierre Bourdieu, author of Distinction and Language and Symbolic Power
Convergences: Inventories of the Present 2005 440 pp.
Cloth $35.00 / £22.95 ISBN 0-674-01345-X
1-800-405-1619 /
Keywords and
Concepts in
Developmental Biology
Doubling the Point
The new field of evolutionary
developmental biology is one of
the most exciting areas of contemporary biology. The fundamental
principle of evolutionary developmental biology (“evo-devo”) is that
evolution acts through inherited
changes in the development of the
organism. “Evo-devo” is not merely a fusion of the fields
of developmental and evolutionary biology, the grafting
of a developmental perspective onto evolutionary
biology, or the incorporation of an evolutionary
perspective into developmental biology. Evo-devo
strives for a unification of genomic, developmental,
organismal, population, and natural selection
approaches to evolutionary change. It draws from development, evolution, paleontology, ecology, and molecular and systematic biology, but has its own set of
questions, approaches, and methods.
Keywords and Concepts in Evolutionary Developmental
Biology is the first comprehensive reference work for this
expanding field. Covering more than fifty central terms
and concepts in entries written by leading experts,
Keywords offers an overview of all that is embraced by
this new subdiscipline of biology, providing the core
insights and ideas that show how embryonic development relates to life-history evolution, adaptation, and
responses to and integration with environmental factors.
“With the recent explosion of interest in evolutionary developmental biology, fueled by advances in molecular analysis, this
work arrives at an extremely important time ... Chapters are
thoughtfully written by an extraordinarily wide range of scientists
from nearly every perspective of evolution and development.”
—K. Crawford, Choice
Harvard University Press Reference Library
2003 25 line illus., 7 tables 496 pages
Cloth $59.95 / £38.95 ISBN 0-674-00904-5
Essays and Interviews
2003 Recipient of the Nobel Prize
These essays and interviews, documenting
Coetzee’s longtime en- gagement with his own
culture, and with modern culture in general,
constitute a literary autobiography of striking
intellectual, moral, and political force.
“The interviews are serious colloquies, and they illuminate the texts they discuss, but above all they give a
strong impression of the author on his own view of
what he is trying to do. One is left with an impression of a
deeply informed mind. Coetzee is a writer of international
stature, far above mere regional interest, and we can hardly
help being interested in his being an Afrikaans-speaking South
African. This is a book of distinction.”
—Frank Kermode
1992 7 line illus. 448 pp.
Paper $21.50 / £13.95 ISBN 0-674-21518-4
In Kafka’s writing, Albert
Camus tells us, we travel
“to the limits of human
thought.” And in this
book, the world’s leading
Kafka authority conducts
us to the deepest reaches
of Kafka’s own troubled
psyche, to reveal the inner
workings of the man who
gave his name to a central
facet of modern experience, the Kafkaesque.
Klaus Wagenbach, who wrote the first major critical biography of Kafka, draws upon a wealth of new and recent
information to produce a concise but finely nuanced
portrait of the author, an ideal introduction to this quintessential figure of modernity.
2003 16 color illus., 31 duotones, 10 line drawings, 1 map
192 pp.
Cloth $21.50 / COBEEI ISBN 0-674-01138-4
A New History of German Literature
“An enticing and authoritative review of German literature from its most splendid high points to a most horrible nadir and its
aftermath. This book well documents how—in a remarkable post-war process of moral regeneration—German literature
struggles to come to terms with what happened.”
—Amos Elon, author of The Pity of It All
“Harvard’s New History of German Literature is an encyclopedic browser of incomparable quality for Germanophiles and
Germanophobes alike. In a series of brief, penetrating essays, it retells thirteen centuries of German history through a broad
spectrum of literature by both obscure and famous authors. For modern readers ready to tackle the riddle of modern Germany
with real hope of solving it, here is the guide.”
—Steven Ozment, author of A Mighty Fortress: A New History of the German People and The Bürgermeister’s Daughter
Belknap / Harvard University Press Reference Library
2005 12 halftones, 4 maps 1032 pp. Cloth $45.00 / £29.95 ISBN 0-674-01503-7
“The essays making up this new history of the literary and philosophical culture of the people
of the German lands (and of Germans abroad) are of an unfailingly high standard. Many are
noteworthy contributions to scholarship and criticism. The ingenious plan of the book permits a
variety of style and approach, while strong editing has resulted in exemplary clarity and pithiness of expression. Well conceived, eclectic, lively, and informative, this New History gives us a
model overview of what German literature and thought looks like from the twenty-first century.”
—J. M. Coetzee, author of Elizabeth Costello and Doubling the Point
new in paperback
Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings, Volume 1, 1913–1926
This first volume shows that even as a young man Benjamin possessed astonishing
intellectual range and depth. His topics here include poetry and fiction, drama,
philosophy, history, religion, love, violence, morality, mythology, painting, and much
more. He is as compelling and insightful when musing on riddles or children’s books
as he is when dealing with weightier issues such as symbolic logic or epistemology.
“To encounter Benjamin’s piece [‘The Life of Students’] is like overhearing the opening notes
of one of the most intellectually compelling friendships of our century. It is greatly to the credit
of Harvard University Press to have made the text finally available to English-speaking readers.
In general, the editors of this volume have made an exemplary choice of what to include, and
when their projected multi-volume selection is complete, it will constitute the most important
compilation of Benjamin’s writings outside the mammoth German Collected Works.”
—Michael André Bernstein, New Republic
“Benjamin has gradually emerged as a major presence in 20th-century letters. This reputation rests on his extraordinary and
highly idiosyncratic gift for original and far-reaching insights. It was his ambition to become Germany’s leading literary critic, a
status that many no doubt would be inclined to award him posthumously ... Benjamin is sometimes misunderstood, since only
certain parts of his overall output have come into view here. The 65 pieces collected in this excellent first volume of the new
Harvard Benjamin should help clarify the larger picture as well as deepen and enliven the discussion.”
—Steve Dowden, Washington Times
Belknap 1996; 2004 7 halftones 520 pp.
Paper $18.95 / £12.95 ISBN 0-674-01355-7 Cloth $47.50 / £30.95 ISBN 0-674-94585-9
The Complete Correspondence,
also available
Volume 2, 1927–1934
Belknap 22 halftones, 3 line illus. 880 pp.
Cloth $46.50 / £30.95 ISBN 0-674-94586-7
The paperback version of Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings,
Volume 2 will be available in Spring 2005; it will be broken into
two parts.
Volume 3, 1935–1938
Belknap 2002 12 halftones 480 pp.
Cloth $39.95 / £25.95 ISBN 0-674-00896-0
Volume 4, 1938–1940
Belknap 2003 4 halftones 512 pp.
Cloth $39.95 / £25.95 ISBN 0-674-01076-0
The Arcades Project
“To reconsider the relationship between Theodor Adorno and
Walter Benjamin is to reflect on one of the most enduring
philosophical friendships of the twentieth century.”
—Richard Wolin, New Republic
“The extensive correspondence between Adorno and
Benjamin—now happily available in English—reveals the
complexities of their tortured philosophical friendship.”
—James Miller, New York Times Book Review
1999; 2001 400 pp.
Paper $19.95 / COBE ISBN 0-674-00689-5
Cloth $47.50 / £30.95 ISBN 0-674-15427-4
“We will be feasting on Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project for
years to come...By any standard, the appearance of this longawaited work is a towering literary event...The Arcades
Project surpasses its legend. It captures the relationship
between a writer and a city in a form as richly developed as
those presented in the great cosmopolitan novels of Proust,
Joyce, Musil and Isherwood.”
—Herbert Muschamp, New York Times
“Quite simply, the Passagen-Werk is one of the twentieth
century’s great efforts at historical comprehension—some
would say the greatest.”
—T. J. Clark
Belknap 2002; 1999 42 halftones 1088 pp.
Paper $23.95 / £15.95 ISBN 0-674-00802-2
Cloth $47.50 / £30.95 ISBN 0-674-04326-X
1-800-405-1619 /
Naturalism in Question
“Naturalism in Question is undertaking an important task—to address the prevalence of scientific
naturalism as the paradigm of serious philosophical work in contemporary Anglo-American philosophy. The fact that such eminent philosophers as Davidson, Cavell, McDowell, Stroud, and Putnam
are brought together around a common issue is itself an attractive feature. It provides a certain
landscape of contemporary American Philosophy that is most important to bring into view. It shows
that despite all their obvious differences, such philosophers can be seen as sharing a similar
concern to revive a form of philosophy that does not model its rigor on problematic pictures of
scientific work.”
—Eli Friedlander, author of Signs of Sense: A Reading of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus
“The book’s concern with how to position philosophy with respect to science and nature is
absolutely central to contemporary philosophical discussion. The contributors are distinguished
and talented philosophers, and their articles in this volume will sustain and reinforce their reputation for philosophical clarity and insight. The more expansive naturalisms they advocate are important, constructive, and often provocative responses to a growing recognition of the inadequacies
of naturalist orthodoxy. The book thereby promises to be at the center of a renewed discussion of
naturalism, which will likely push the entire field in new directions.”
—Joseph Rouse, author of
How Scientific Practices Matter: Reclaiming Philosophical Naturalism
2004 350 pp. Cloth $49.95 / £32.95 ISBN 0-674-01295-X
Politics of Nature
How to Bring the Sciences into Democracy
This book establishes the conceptual context for political ecology—transplanting the
terms of ecology into more fertile philosophical soil than its proponents have thus far
envisioned. Bruno Latour proposes an end to the old dichotomy between nature and
society—and the constitution, in its place, of a community incorporating humans and
nonhumans and building on the experiences of the sciences as they are actually practiced.
“This is much more than a reworking of politics. It is a sketch of a resolution of the perennial questions of what we know and what exists ... Latour ... can be infuriating. But he is never boring.
Politics of Nature must be difficult because it challenges assumptions that are built into our
languages, such as the hallowed distinction between ‘facts’ and ‘values’ ... It is worth reading—
—Mike Holderness, New Scientist
2004 7 line illus. 320 pp.
Paper $24.95 / £16.95 ISBN 0-674-01347-6
Cloth $55.00 / £35.95 ISBN 0-674-01289-5
new in paperback
Historical Ontology
2002; 2004 288 pp.
Paper $17.95 / £11.95 ISBN 0-674-01607-6
Cloth $45.00 / £29.95 ISBN 0-674-00616-X
“[Hacking] focuses on the interactions between what there is (or comes to be) and our concepts
thereof. The kinds of objects he considers, both of which he
regards as historical, are Aristotelian universals and their
instances. He emphasizes that not only do ordinary physical
objects and people and their institutions begin, develop, and end,
but so do concepts, e.g., those language, knowledge, a child,
(psychic) trauma, and scientific reasoning ... Stimulating, incisive,
and clear even in expounding theories of unclear writers.”
—Robert Hoffman, Library Journal
Making Sense of Life
new in paperback
Explaining Biological Development with
Models, Metaphors, and Machines
Darwin and Design
Does Evolution Have a Purpose?
“This has to be the best of Ruse’s many books,
and it is hard to imagine how a better one could
be written on this subject. With an understanding erudition spiced with good-natured wit and
occasional sly ribaldry, Ruse moves easily and
assuredly among biology, philosophy, history,
and theology.”
—Robert T. Pennock, Science
“Michael Ruse’s latest book, Darwin and Design,
is an intellectual history of the design argument and its Darwinian
solution ... His story is a fascinating one, enlivened especially by
his accounts of various imaginative attempts before Darwin to
solve the design problem without recourse to a deity.”
—Daniel W. McShea, American Scientist
2003; 2004 12 halftones, 5 line illus. 384 pp.
Paper $16.95 / £10.95 ISBN 0-674-01631-9
Cloth $29.95 / £19.95 ISBN 0-674-01023-X
Bigger than Chaos
Understanding Complexity through Probability
“This book is a model of clarity, at both the ‘macro’ and the
‘micro’ levels; the expository style is entertaining without
being distracting; the presentation of technical material shows
the deft touch of someone who has mastery of it without the
inclination to overindulge in it.”
—Ned Hall, M.I.T.
“This impressive book tackles an important question: how can
systems of many interacting parts, which thus display lowlevel complexity, give rise to high-level simplicity? Said
another way: how can very complicated and seemingly capricious micro-behavior generate stable, predictable macrobehavior? Complex systems of the sort Strevens deals with
are all around us. Thermodynamics and ecology are just the
beginning. He makes real progress on a genuinely difficult
topic, one that is of central interest to science and to the
philosophy of science. He also has a seemingly effortless
command of his materials and a sure grip on the conceptual
issues. The work is technically sophisticated—he knows his
mathematics, probability theory and physics—and elegantly
written. This is what good philosophy is all about.”
—Alan Hajek, California Institute of Technology
2003 39 line illus. 432 pp.
Cloth $59.95 / £38.95 ISBN 0-674-01042-6
A history of the diverse and changing
nature of biological explanation in a
particularly charged field, Making Sense
of Life draws our attention to the temporal, disciplinary, and cultural components of what biologists mean, and what
they understand, when they propose to
explain life.
“Making Sense of Life is about the importance of recognizing [the] tight connection
between the use of language in the social domain and how it
produces biological ‘understanding’ ... The central arguments
of Making Sense of Life are made with grace and authority.
Those who are unsettled by them, and who wish to take issue
with Keller, could not ask for a more accomplished and
eloquent adversary.”
—Lisa Jardine, New Scientist
2002; 2003 5 halftones,
4 line illus. 400 pp.
Paper $17.95 / £11.95
ISBN 0-674-01250-X
Cloth $29.95 / £19.95
ISBN 0-674-00746-8
Time and Chance
This book is an attempt
to get to the bottom of an
acute and perennial
tension between our best
scientific pictures of the
structure of the world and
our everyday empirical experience of it. The trouble is
about the direction of time. The situation is that it is a
consequence of almost every one of those fundamental
scientific pictures—and that it is at the same time radically at odds with our common sense—that whatever
can happen can just as naturally happen backwards.
“Albert is perfecting a style of foundational analysis that is
uniquely his own ... It has a surgical precision ... and it is ruthless with pretensions. The foundations of thermodynamics is
a topic that has accumulated a good deal of dead wood; this
is a fire that will burn and burn.”
—Simon W. Saunders, Oxford University
2001; 2003 29 line illus. 192 pp.
Paper $18.95 / £12.95 OIP ISBN 0-674-01132-5
Facing Up
The Structure of the Objective World
Science and Its Cultural Adversaries
“Robert Nozick’s intellectual energy is a thing of
wonder. In Invariances he ranges copiously over
relativity theory and quantum theory, cosmology,
modal logic, topology, evolutionary biology,
neuroscience, cognitive psychology, decision
theory, economics, and even Soviet history—not
to mention his strictly philosophical forays into
the nature of truth, objectivity, necessity,
consciousness, and ethics.”
—Colin McGinn, New York Review of Books
Belknap 2001; 2003 432 pp.
Paper $19.95 / £12.95 ISBN 0-674-01245-3
Cloth $35.00 / £22.95 ISBN 0-674-00631-3
“[Facing Up is] lucidly written as ever, with
a gentle humor that does not hide
[Weinberg’s] strong convictions on science,
philosophy and religion. I unreservedly
recommend it, not only to scientists but to
all who share his beliefs in the contribution
that science has made, and will continue to
make, to the way we see ourselves and our
—Brian Pippard, Times Literary
2001; 2003 1 halftone 306 pp.
Paper $16.95 / £10.95 ISBN 0-674-01120-1
Cloth $26.00 / £16.95 ISBN 0-674-00647-X
1-800-405-1619 /
Basic Readings from the Philosophy of W. V. Quine
Quintessence for the first time collects Quine’s classic essays in one volume, offering a much-needed introduction to
his general philosophy. The selections take up analyticity and reductionism; the indeterminacy of translation of
theoretical sentences and the inscrutability of reference; ontology; naturalized epistemology; philosophy of mind;
and extensionalism. Representative of Quine at his best, these readings are fundamental not only to an appreciation
of the philosopher and his work, but also to an understanding of the philosophical tradition that he so materially
“Specialists ... will be grateful for this well-modulated selection of Quine’s most important essays and articles, which reflect his
thinking up to the end of his life.”
—Leon H. Brody, Library Journal
Belknap 2004 448 pp. Cloth $39.95 / £25.95 ISBN 0-674-01048-5
Saving the Differences
Essays on Themes from Truth and Objectivity
Crispin Wright’s Truth and Objectivity brought about a far-reaching reorientation of the metaphysical debates
concerning realism and truth. The essays in this companion volume prefigure, elaborate, or defend the proposals
put forward in that landmark work. The collection includes the Gareth Evans memorial lecture in which the
program of Truth and Objectivity was first announced, as well as all of Wright’s published reactions to the extensive
commentary his study provoked; it presents substantial new developments and applications of the pluralistic
outlook on the realism debates proposed in Truth and Objectivity, and further pursues its distinctive minimalist
conceptions of truth and of truth-aptitude.
“[A] thorough and subtle examination of [the] multiple criteria of realism.”
—Paul Horwich, Times Literary Supplement
“Truth and Objectivity is a strikingly resourceful and serious book, imbued with respect for the difficulty of philosophical problems and a readiness to probe them with all the conceptual instruments of contemporary analytic philosophy.”
—Timothy Williamson, International Journal of Philosophical Studies
“A milestone in the discussion of realism.”
—Jim Edwards, Mind
2003 560 pp. Cloth $55.00 / £35.95 ISBN 0-674-01077-9
Return to Reason
2001; 2003 256 pp.
Paper $16.95 / £10.95 ISBN 0-674-01235-6
Cloth $24.95 / £16.95 ISBN 0-674-00495-7
“There is now a ‘loss of confidence’ ... in our traditional ideas about rationality, according to
Toulmin. Especially among those in the humanities, he argues, the claims of rationality have
been progressively challenged over the last 20 or 30 years, to the point of being sidelined. This
is a common complaint and not exactly news, but Toulmin does not merely bemoan and rant,
as many others have done. He offers a diagnosis and a solution. Rationality has come under
threat, he believes, because of the undue influence of classical mechanics and abstract mathematical methods on our idea of what intelligent problem-solving should be. Deduction in the
style of Euclid’s geometry, mechanically predictable and rigorous law in the style of Galileo and
Newton, indubitable certainty in the style of Descartes’ ‘I think, therefore I am’ all exert a malign
influence, insofar as they overshadow a looser, more pragmatic and less abstract concept of
‘reasonableness.’ What we need is more open-minded, informal reasonableness and less inappropriately mathematical rationality. Only then, Toulmin argues, can the idea of reason regain its rightful good name.”
—Anthony Gottlieb, Los Angeles Times
Feeling in Theory
Emotion after the “Death of the Subject”
This revolutionary work transforms the interdisciplinary debate on emotion by suggesting a positive relation
between the “death of the subject” and the very existence of emotion. Reading the writings of Derrida and
de Man, Rei Terada finds grounds for construing
emotion as nonsubjective.
own, drawn from her analytical reading of post-structuralist
writing and of earlier and present-day philosophies of
emotion. With Feeling in Theory Terada has produced something excellent and major, both a contribution to post-structuralist theory and its interpretation, and a placing of it in a
wider surround.”
—Cynthia Chase, author of Decomposing Figures
2001; 2003 222 pp.
Paper $29.95 / £19.95 ISBN 0-674-01127-9
Cloth $47.00 / £30.95 ISBN 0-674-00493-0
“What starts from a shrewd review of contemporary polemics
goes on to take the shape of a theory of emotion of Terada’s
German Idealism
The Sabbatean Prophets
The story of Shabbatai and his prophets has mainly
been explored by specialists in Jewish mysticism. Matt
Goldish shifts the focus of Sabbatean studies from the
theology of Lurianic Kabbalah to the widespread seventeenth-century belief in latter-day prophecy. By placing
Sabbateanism in a broad cultural context, Goldish integrates this Jewish messianic movement into the early
modern world, making its story accessible to scholars
and students alike.
The Struggle against Subjectivism, 1781–1801
“[A] magnificent ... book ... That Beiser manages to keep the
reader afloat as he steers through such deep and turbulent
waters deserves the highest praise. Expository writing of
unfailing lucidity is supported by reference to an unrivalled
range of sources ... I learned something from this book on
almost every page ... For anyone at all seriously interested in
the topic this is now the place to start.”
—Michael Rosen, Times Literary Supplement
2002 752 pp. Cloth $65.00 / £41.95 ISBN 0-674-00769-7
2004 240 pp. Cloth $39.95 / £25.95 ISBN 0-674-01291-7
Labored in Papyrus Leaves
Perspectives on an Epigram Collection Attributed to
Posidippus (P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309)
This colloquium volume celebrates a new Hellenistic
epigram collection attributed to the third-century B.C.E.
poet Posidippus, one of the most significant
literary finds in recent memory. Included in this collection are an unusual variety of voices and perspectives:
papyrological, art historical, archaeological, historical,
literary, and aesthetic.
Hellenic Studies #2 2004 250 pp.
Paper $25.00 / £16.95 ISBN 0-674-01105-8
1-800-405-1619 /
Inventing Superstition
From the Hippocratics to the Christians
Dale Martin provides the first detailed genealogy of the idea of superstition, its history
over eight centuries, from classical Greece to the Christianized Roman Empire of the
fourth century C.E. With illuminating reference to the writings of philosophers, historians, and medical teachers he demonstrates that the concept of superstition was
invented by Greek intellectuals to condemn popular religious practices and beliefs,
especially the belief that gods or other superhuman beings would harm people or
cause disease. Tracing the social, political, and cultural influences that informed classical thinking about piety and superstition, nature and the divine, Inventing
Superstition exposes the manipulation of the label of superstition in arguments
between Greek and Roman intellectuals on the one hand and Christians on the other, and the purposeful alteration
of the idea by Neoplatonic philosophers and Christian apologists in late antiquity.
“Martin calls upon the teachings of thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, Galen, Hippocrates, Plotinus, and Porphyry as he defines nature
and the divine, monotheism and polytheism, and earlier definitions of superstition. The book’s peak is a wonderful discussion of
Celsus’s attacks on Christianity as impious and Origen’s successful Christian response in Contra Celsum. The perfect mind
opener for readers desiring a better understanding of the religious climate of antiquity.”
—Gary P. Gillum, Library Journal
2004 320 pp. Cloth $29.95 / £19.95 ISBN 0-674-01534-7
Volume XVI. Index
Plutarch’s “Moralia,” Moral Essays reflecting his philosophy about living a good life, is a treasury of information
concerning Greco-Roman society, traditions, ideals, ethics, and religion. But access to the riches of this collection
of over seventy essays has long been hindered by lack of any comprehensive index. This problem has at last been
solved: the Loeb Classical Library’s edition of the Moralia is now brought to completion with an analytical Index
Renowned as a biographer because of his “Parallel Lives,” Plutarch (born about 50 C.E.) was also a teacher of philosophy in Rome, a priest at Delphi, and an engaging essayist with a warm, urbane, and judicious style. Whether advising about marriage and education, discussing prophecy, divine providence, and life after death, setting forth rules
for politicians, or commenting on personal virtues and vices, his Moral Essays reveal not just Plutarch’s thinking
but also the world in which he lived. Edward O’Neil’s thorough index provides an invaluable roadmap for tracking the wealth of information and wisdom to be found in them.
Loeb Classical Library 499 2004 640 pp. Cloth $21.50 / £14.50 ISBN 0-674-99611-9
new in paperback
What Is Ancient Philosophy?
“Pierre Hadot deserves to be better known to English-language readers—and not just because
he was a favorite of Michel Foucault’s and is the man largely responsible for introducing
Wittgenstein to the French. Hadot is a historian of ancient philosophy, a professor emeritus at
the prestigious Collège de France. But it is more accurate to say that he is a philosopher who
makes use of the ancients for his own ideas ... In What is Ancient Philosophy? Hadot brings all
his concerns together in a small volume of extraordinary erudition and surprising ... clarity
of prose ... It is the summa of a distinguished career.”
—Barry Gewen, New York Times Book Review
Belknap 2002; 2004 382 pp.
Paper $15.95 / £10.95 ISBN 0-674-01373-5 Cloth $29.95 / £19.95 ISBN 0-674-00733-6
The Inner Citadel
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
“Plato used to talk of philosopher-kings; Marcus Aurelius was something even better: He was a philosopher-emperor. The
leader of the Roman Empire spent most of his life in troubling times, campaigning against the barbarians, dealing with
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Acosta-Hughes, Labored in Papyrus..., 24
Adorno/Benjamin, Complete..., 20
Alanen, Descartes’s Concept of Mind, 4
Albert, Time and Chance, 22
Aleinikoff, Semblances of Sovereignty, 11
Avery/et al., Early Admissions Game, 26
Beiser, German Idealism, 24
Beiser, Romantic Imperative, 16
Benjamin, Arcades Project, 20
Benjamin, Selected Writings, 20
Bourbon, Finding a Replacement..., 3
Brandom, Articulating Reasons, 6
Brandom, Tales of the Mighty Dead, 5
Camp, Confusion, 4
Casanova, World Republic of Letters, 18
Cavell, Cities of Words, 12
Chait, Questions of Tenure, 26
Chowers, Modern Self in the Labyrinth, 7
Coetzee, Doubling the Point, 19
Cohen, If You’re an Egalitarian..., 9
Davidson, Emergence of Sexuality, 14
de Bolla, Art Matters, 17
De Caro/Macarthur, Naturalism..., 21
Dworkin, Sovereign Virtue, 9
Finkelstein, Expression and the Inner, 5
Fisher, Wonder, the Rainbow..., 17
Fleischacker, A Short History..., 7
Friedlander, J. J. Rousseau..., 18
Gibbard, Thinking How to Live, 5
Goldish, Sabbatean Prophets, 24
Hacking, Historical Ontology, 21
Hadot, Inner Citadel,
Hadot, What Is Ancient Philosophy?, 25
Hall/et al., Keywords and Concepts..., 19
Henrich, Between Kant and Hegel, 15
Hornsby, Simple Mindedness, 5
Hurley, Consciousness in Action, 6
Hurley, Justice, Luck, and Knowledge, 13
Keller, Making Sense of Life, 22
Kirp, Shakespeare, Einstein..., 26
Krause, Liberalism with Honor, 10
Latour, Politics of Nature, 21
Lear, Happiness, Death..., 6
Libet, Mind Time, 3
Light, Making the Most of College, 26
Lovibond, Ethical Formation, 4
MacGilvray, Reconstructing Public Reason, 7
Margalit, Ethics of Memory, 4
Martin, Inventing Superstition, 25
McGinn, Mindsight, 3
McSherry, Who Owns Academic..., 26
Muirhead, Just Work, 8
Nelson, Secret Life of Puppets, 17
Neuhouser, Foundations of Hegel’s..., 8
Ngai, Ugly Feelings, 15
Nozick, Invariances, 22
O’Malley, Four Cultures of the West, 14
Plutarch, Moralia, 25
Putnam, Collapse of the Fact/Value..., 13
Putnam, Ethics without Ontology, 12
Quine, Quintessence, 23
Rawls, Collected Papers, 10
Rawls, Justice as Fairness, 11
Rawls, Law of Peoples, 10
Rawls, Lectures on the History..., 11
Rawls, Theory of Justice, 10
Rozemond, Descartes’s Dualism, 4
Ruse, Darwin and Design, 22
Sen, Rationality and Freedom, 8
Smith, Law’s Quandary, 13
Steiner, Lessons of the Masters, 14
Strevens, Bigger than Chaos, 22
Sunstein, Why Societies Need..., 8
Tamen, Friends of Interpretable..., 16
Taylor, Varieties of Religion Today, 9
Terada, Feeling in Theory, 24
Tichi, Embodiment of a Nation, 16
Toulmin, Return to Reason, 23
Wagenbach, Kafka, 19
Wark, Hacker Manifesto, 2
Weinberg, Facing Up, 22
Wellbery, New History..., 18
Wright, Saving the Differences, 23