The Th e Selective lotation of Xenotime from eavy Minerals
STR CT Fr Froth oth flo flotat tation ion is applie applied d to mi mine nera rall sa sand nd conc concen entr trat ates es in ord order er to pr prod oduc ucee commer com mercial cially ly viable xenotime xenotime concen concentra trates. tes. Exp Exper erim imen ents ts indi indicat catee that a xenotim xenotimee prod product uct contai containin ning g 38 Y203 at 47 reco recove very ry or 34 Y203 at 83 recove recovery ry can be obtained from a 27 Y203 feed. The The pr pro ocess cess invo involv lves es a prim primar ary y stag stagee of reve reverse rse fl flot otat atio ion n at wh whic ich h ox oxid idee and and silic silicat atee gangue is floated, and secondary stag tage of direct flotation at which xenotime is floated. fthe va vario rious us coll collec ecto tors rs sc scre reen ened ed an amphoteric compound was found to b e effective at both stages. This was made poss possib ible le by the the ad addi diti tion on of so sodi dium um si sili lica cate te at the the seco second nd st stag age, e, whic which h ac acte ted d as depr depres essa sant nt for the the re rema main inde derr of the the gang gangue ue.. Simi Simila larr st stud udie iess on a low grad gradee fe feed ed ma mate teri rial al we were re som somewh what at un unsa sati tisf sfaactor tory as the the gr grad adee ac achie hieve ved d fell short short of wha whatt was target targeted. ed.
INTRODUCTION Cabl Cablee Sa Sand ndss Pty Pty Ltd co cond nduc uctts a beac beach h sand sand mining oper operat atio ion n at Amber Am bergat gate, e, Wester Western n Aus Austra tralia lia.. The ore orebody body con consi sists sts of a sea seam m of ess sseentiall ally silica sand containing on average about 20 of valuable valu able heavy min minera erals. ls. na pr proc oces essi sing ng plant plant at Am Ambe berg rgat atee the the or oree pa pass sses es th thro roug ugh h va vari riou ouss st stag ages es of wet wet grav gravit ity y conc concen entr trat atin ing g spirals wh wher eree silica and othe herr gangue minerals are removed resul resulti ting ng in th thee pro produc ductio tion n of a he heav avy y mine minera rall bulk bulk co conc ncen entr trat ate, e, rich rich in ilmen ilmenite ite,, leucox leucoxene ene,, zirc zircon on,, mo monaz nazit itee an and d xen xenot otim ime. e. The he heav avy y mine minera rall conc concen entr trat atee is ro road ad-h -hau aule led d to a mine minera rall sepa separa rati tion on pl plant ant in Bunb Bunbur ury, y, wher wheree it is st sto ored and dried. Th Thee dr drie ied d conc concen entr trat atee is pa passe ssed d ov over er Rea eadi ding ng cr cros ossbe sbelt lt se sepa para rato tors rs where the ilmenite, being relatively strongly magnetic, is recov recover ered ed as stand standar ard d ilme ilmeni nite te pr prod oduc uct. t. The nonm nonmag agne neti tics cs fr from om this sta stage undergo further wet spiral separation to remove resi residu dual al sili silica ca.. The cl clea eane nerr conc concen entr trat atee is then then su subj bjec ecte ted d to an att attrit rition ion scr scrubb ubbing ing pro process cess wit with h high high shear shear mec mechan hanica icall agita agitato tors. rs. Afte Afterr this stag stagee the co conc ncen entr trat atee is dr drai aine ned, d, dr drie ied, d, heat heated ed,, and proc proces esse sed d th thrrough ough hi hig gh tensi sion on,, elec electtrost ostatic, ma magn gneetic and pneumati pneu maticc sep separa arator torss to prod produce uce var various ious grad grades es of ilmenite, leucoxene, zircon, and a rare earth concentrate. Th e latter co cont ntai ains ns mona monazi zite te,, xeno xenoti time me,, the the resi residu dual al ilme ilmeni nite te and and zirc zircon on as well as the gangu anguee minerals; garnet, tourmaline and oth other of
si sili lica cate tes. This s mat mater erial isoduc upg upgra raded ded su onectr th eatplant prod pr oduc uce es. aThi mo mona nazi zite teialpr prod uct, t, usinin g agsubs ravbsec itecti y, tion ele el ctrothe st sta ic antod magnet mag netic ic equip equipme ment nt.. Th This is pro proces cesss also also resu result ltss in a xe xeno noti time me-r -ric ich h materi mat erial al con contai tainin ning g up to 4 Y2 Y203 03.. Th This is mate materi rial al is stockpiled and is batc batched hed thr throug ough h th thee mon monazi azite te circui circuitt with with diff differ erent ent setti settings ngs to pr prod oduc ucee a xeno xenoti time me pr prod oduc uctt with a grad gradee of 30 Y2 Y203 03.. Su Such ch a gr grad adee is com commer mercia cially lly accept acceptabl ablee but Cab Cable le Sand Sandss is int inter erest ested ed in the po poss ssib ibil ilit ity y of pr prod oduc ucin ing g a pr prem emiu ium m grad gradee (35 Y20 203) 3) xeno xenottim imee pr prod oduc uct. t. Cu Curr rren enttly appl pplied sep epar arat atiion tec ech hniq niques ues pr prov oved ed to be in inef effe fect ctiv ivee in atta attain inin ing g su such ch a high high qu qual alit ity y prod produc uct. t. The The po poss ssib ibil ilit ity y th that at fr frot oth h fl flot otat atio ion n ca can n prov provid idee a so solu luti tion on to this pr prob oble lem m was was su subs bseq eque uent ntly ly co conc ncei eive ved d and labora laborator tory y test testwork work was in init itia iate ted d at th thee Bu Bunb nbur ury y pla lant nt.. The The work des esccribed in this
paper whi paper which ch wa wass an exte extensio nsion n of th these ese earli earlier er st studi udies es,, was was carrie carried d ou outt at the Department of Mine Minera rall Te Tech chno nollog ogy, y, Univ Univer ersi sity ty of Otag Otago o in 19 1984 84 in th thee form orm of a fi fina nall ye year ar st stud uden entt proj projec ect. t. De Desp spit itee the li limi mite ted d tim imee avai availa labl blee a large arge nu numb mber er of fl flot otat atiion va vari riab able less and st stag agee comb combin inat atio ions ns were were te test sted ed.. The de deta tail ilss can can be foun found d in the pr pro oject ect repor eportt [1]. A more detailed description of Cable Sands min mining ing and pro process cessing ing oper operati ations ons is also avai availa labl blee in th thee literature [2]
EXPERIMENT L Fl Flot otat atio ion n te test stwo work rk wa wass conduc conducte ted d on both both th thee low an and d hi high gh grad gradee xenotim xeno timee concen concentr trate ates, s, repres represent enting ing,, resp respect ectiv ivel ely, y, th thee headfee headfeed d and the pr pro oduct duct of the xenotime treatment carried out out in the modi modifi fied ed mo mona nazi zite te ci circ rcui uit. t. Work ork on th thee lo low w grad gradee ma mate teri rial al was aim imed ed at obt obtai aini ning ng a prod produc uctt wit ith h a mi mini nim mum of 27.5 Y203, thu huss repl replac acin ing g th thee exis existi ting ng xeno xenoti time me proc proces ess. s. Work ork on th thee hi high gh grad gradee mate materi rial al was ai aime med d at prod produc ucin ing g a prem premiu ium m prod produc uctt with with 35 plus plus Y2 Y203. 03.
Compos Com positi ition on of Sample Sampless Th e chemical and mineralogical composlUons o f the two samples, as supp suppli lied ed by Cabl Cablee Sand Sands, s, are are gi give ven n in Tabl Tablee 1 As is seen both samples contain substantial amounts o f
unwante unwan ted d si sili lica cate tess an and d il ilme meni nite te,, whic which h pe persi rsist st in th thes esee prod produc ucts ts due to th thee si simi mila larr sp spec ecif ific ic grav gravit ity y and/ and/or or over overla lapp ppin ing g ma magn gnet etic ic an and d el elect ectri rica call prop proper erti ties es,, refl reflect ectin ing g th thee li limi mite ted d su succ cces esss ac achi hiev eved ed by phys physical ical method methods. s. T
omposition th the e s mpl mples es use used d
Oxide/Mineral [ ]
Low Low Gra Grade de Sample
High Gra High Grade de Sample 28.9 47.1
Y203 Xenotime Xenoti me (YP04)
3.9 6.4
Ce02 Monazi Mon azite te (CeP04)
5.21 18 1
0.56 1.9
Ti02 Ilmenite (F (FeTi03)
18.0 27.0
7.26 10.9
3.1 4.6
Zr02 Zircon Zircon (ZrSi04 (ZrSi04)) Garnet,, tour Garnet tourmali maline ne and otherr sil othe silicat icates es
1 Lec Lecture turer, r, Dept Dept.. of Mining Eng. Eng.,, Univ Universi ersity ty of Auc Auckla kland, nd, New Zealand. Zealand.
Flotation Flot ation Para Parameter meterss
2 Meta tall llur urgi gist st,, Cabl Cablee Sands ands Pty Pty Ltd, P O Box 133, 133, Bunb unbur ury, y, 6230 6230,, Western Australia. Western
Tests were cond ndu ucted in the model D-12 Denve nver laboratory flotation machine. Th Thee unchanged parameters include pul pulp
AuslM M Ann Annual ual onference The AuslM
Rotorua Roto rua New Zeal Zealand and 99
density ( 10 solids density solids by mas mass), s), agi agitat tator or speed speed (l (llO lOOr Orpm pm), ), aerati aeration on (fully open valve). The parameters examined included cond condit itio ioni ning ng time, ime, pH pH,, ty type pe of col colle lect ctor or and and fl flot otat atio ion n tim ime. e. n additi add ition on eff effect ectss of re recl clean eanin ing, g, at attr trit itio ion n scru scrubb bbin ing, g, and gr grin indi ding ng weree also wer also obs observ erved. ed.
TABLE 2. ss b l nce nce o rbest result resultss from tes tests ts on lo low w gr de s mple mple
Mass Ma ss ( )
Flotation Flot ation Procedure After a num After number ber of prelimi preliminary nary tests it was ob obse serv rved ed that that the most promis pro mising ing proc procedur eduree was was to con conduc ductt init initia iall lly y a rever reverse se fl flot otat atio ion n stage resulting i n a gangue-rich froth product, and a sink concent conc entrat ratee con consis sistin ting g mai mainly nly of xeno xenottime an and d monaz onaziite. The The co conc ncen entr trat atee thu huss achi achiev eved ed woul would d the hen n be subjected to a dire direct ct flotati ation stage aiming at further upgrading the xenotime by floa floati ting ng it aw away ay fr from om th thee rem remain ainder der of the mine minerals rals..
Reverse Reve rse Flotation A large num umbe berr of col collectors, sup upp plied by Hoescht via via Cable 10, San and ds, we were re scre screen ened ed at pH val value uess rangi nging form 3 to with a froth frother er such such as MIR IRC C or pi pine ne oi oill adde added d as req requir uired. ed. Col Collec lector torss of anionic type prod odu uced ced po poor or results. Promising resu esults were ob obse serv rved ed with with am amph phot oter eric ic co coll llec ecto tors rs act acting ing high highly ly se sele lect ctiv ivel ely y towards gamet and ilmenite in acidic conditions. Th e most effe effect ctiv ivee am amph phot oter eric ic coll collec ecto torr ob obse serv rved ed was F742 F74286 86 (no mo more re in info form rmat atio ion n is av avai aila labl blee ab abou outt th this is reage reagent nt at this this st stag age) e).. nacid cond condit itio ions ns,, wh wher eree it shou should ld ha have ve a cati cation onic ic ioni ionici city ty,, thj thjs re reag agen entt showed sho wed litt little le or no tend tendenc ency y to col collec lectt monazi monazite te or xeno xenoti time me,, but the gangue recovery in the float product was also less than satisfactory.
Directt Flotation Direc Flotation was poss possib ible le to sel selec ecttiv ivel ely y flo loat at xen eno otime from as asso soci ciat ateed miner ineral alss usi using F7 F742 428 86 as co colllect lector or an and d sodi odium si sili lica catte as depressant for the remaining silicates and ilmenite. A high quantitity of sod sodiu ium m si sili licat catee e.g. e.g.,, 3 to 7kg 7kg/t /tonn onne, e, was was fo found und to be necessary to cr crea eatte the re requ quir ired ed depr depres essi sion on.. This his resu result lted ed in a pulp pulp pH of about 10, at wh whic ich h th thee co coll llec ecto torr shou should ld sh show ow an anio ioni nicc ac acti tion on.. Desp Despit itee th thee hi high gh quan quanti titi tite tess us used ed so sodi dium um si sili lica cate te prov proved ed to be high highly ly sele select ctiv ivee in its dep depres ressin sing g actio action n on silica silicate tes. s.
Lo Low w Grade Sa Samp mple le The The best best resul esults ts on this sam sampl plee whi which are give given n in Tab able le 1, were achieved achi eved under the follow following ing cond conditi itions: ons:
0.61 6.78 1.05
3.53 86.41 10.06
rade Sample
The test testss on thi hiss samp sample le we were re hi high ghly ly succ succes essf sful ul.. The be bestres stresul ults ts,, whic which h are gi give ven n in Tabl Tablee 3, we were re ac achi hiev eved ed unde underr the fol olllowin owing g conditions: Stage (reverse flotat flotation): ion): Feed:
at attr trit itio ione ned d in HCl, HCl, to top p si size ze 212 212m m as in orig origin inal al F74286, O.4cc for 137g 137g so soli lids ds 3 wit withH2 hH2S04 S04 MIRC 2 drops) 10 min minute utess 2 min minute utess
Collector: pH: Frother: Conditionin Condit ioning g ti time me:: Flotatio Flot ation n ti time me:: Stage (direct flotati flotation) on) Collector:
F74286 (additiona (additionaI2cc) I2cc)
Sodium sili silicate cate:: pH: Conditioni Condi tioning ng ti time me::
Recovery ( Y203)
20.57 45.34 34.09
Stage froth Stage froth Stage sink Feed
Grade Y2 0 3)
5kg/tonne 10.6 minutes
(re-floating of stage froth): No furt further her rea reagen gents ts add added ed Conditioning time: 3.5 minutes
As is seen seen in Tabl Tablee 3, a xeno xenoti time me fin inal al prod produc uctt wi with th a grad gradee of 37.83 Y203 is ach achiev ieved ed at a reco recover very y of 46.8 46.8 Y2 Y203 03.. Al Also so note note that that the feed to stage is a xeno xenottim imee prod produc uctt wi witth a grad gradee of 34.0 4.06 Y2 Y20 03 at 83.9 Y Y2 203 recovery. Hence a recleaning st stag age, e, al alth thou ough gh it im impr prov oves es th thee grad gradee si sign gnif ific ican antl tly, y, is somewhat unattractive unattr active due to a sub substa stanti ntial al dro drop p n recovery.
Stage (reverse flota flotation) tion):: Feed: Collector: pH: Conditioning ti time me:: Stage (direct flotation) flotation) Collector: Sodium Sodi um sil silica icate: te: pH: Conditioning time: time:
attr attrit itio ione ned d in HC HCl, l, top top si size ze 21 212m 2m as in ori origin ginal al F7 F742 4286 86,, 0.2c 0.2ccc for for 125g 125g soli solids ds 4.1 wi with th HCl HCl 5 minut minutes es
Ma s s ( )
Grade ( Y203)
F74286 (additional1.2cc) F74286 5.2kg/tonne 9.8 5 mi minut nutes. es.
Stage froth Stage froth Stage sink. Stage sink
31.85 33. 60 90 32.65
14.43 37.83
16.92 46.80
As is seen in Table 2, the the ma maxi ximu mum mg gra rade de ac achi hiev eved ed on this his samp sample le wa wass 6. 6.78 78 Y203, 203, wh whic ich h is we well ll be belo low w the the des desir ired ed 27 27.5 .5 Y203.
TABLE 3. ss b l nce nce o rbest result resultss r o tests on highgr de s mple mple
Rotorua New Zealand 99
Recovery ( Y20 3)
AuslMM lMM Annu Annual al Confere Conference nce he Aus
seems seems possibl possiblee that froth froth flotat flotatio ion n can pla play y an imp import ortan antt role role in the benefi beneficat cation ion o beac beachs hsan ands ds co cont ntai aini ning ng meta metall ox oxid ides es and rare earth phosp phosphates hates such as monazite and xeno xenotime time p particu articularly larly finall cl clea eani ning ng te tech chni niqu que. e. Ac Acco cord rdin ing g to exper experimenta imentall result resultss as a fina it is po poss ssib ible le to eff effect ective ively ly floa floatt xeno xenoti time me or poss possib ibly ly mona monazit zitee fr from om ox oxide idess an and d silic silicat ates es in the the prese presence nce o sod sodium ium silicate silicate ac actin ting g depr pres essa sant nt.. An am amph phot oter eric ic co comp mpou ound nd wa wass foun found d to be a as a de high ighly sele selecctive tive co coll llec ecto torr for silica icates and iImenite in acidic co cond ndit itio ions ns.. In alka alkali line ne co cond ndit itio ions ns th thee sa same me comp compou ound nd acts in an opposi opp osite te man manner ner so as to col collec lectt ph phosp osphat hates es rat rather her than than the the ox oxid ides es and silicates. silicates. t
AuslMM Ann Annual ual Confere Conference nce
The au auth thor orss wi wish sh to th than ank k th thee Cabl Cablee Sands Pty Lt Ltd d o Australia for for ini initia tiatin ting g th this is projec projectt an and d supply supplying ing th thee sample sampless an and d co colle llect ctor orss used sed. Th Than anks ks are als lso o due due to Assoc Associate iate Prof Professo essorr Buc Bucken kenham ham for perm permiss issio ion n to use faci facili liti ties es at th thee Un Univ iver ersi sity ty o Otago. REFEREN
Brodie H.A. 1984 Upgrading o xe xeno noti time me conc concen entr trat ates es by fl flot otat atio ion. n. Fi Fina nall year year proje project ct repo report rt Depa Depart rtme ment nt o Mineral Technology University o Otago. Newman P.w. P.w. Sca Scanlon nlon T. T.J. J. 1980 1980 D Dry ry miner mineral al sand separa separation tion plant o Cab Cable le Sa Sand ndss Pty Ltd Bunbury Bunbury W. W.A. A. The Aus IMM monograph 10 pp pp.. 763 68.