Earl Pumping Station
We need a work site to connect the local combined sewer overflow (CSO), known as Earl Pumping Station, to the main tunnel of the proposed Thames Tunnel project. We are currently proposing to use the existing Thames Water pumping station and adjacent industrial land for this construction work and to accommodate the permanent structures required to operate the tunnel.
At present, the combined sewer overflows along the River Thames discharge untreated sewage directly into the river. This occurs because London’s mainly Victorian sewerage system, which was designed to transport both wastewater (sewage) and storm water (rainfall), is at or near capacity. Some CSOs discharge untreated sewage into the River Thames on average more than once a week and after only 2mm of rainfall. This situation is likely to become worse in the future, due to population growth and increased urbanisation. The discharge of untreated sewage into the River Thames is harmful to the environment. It reduces river water quality, harms the aquatic life, causes unsightly litter and increases the risks to health for users of the River Thames. Starting in west London and broadly following the path of the River Thames through the centre of the capital, the Thames Tunnel would transfer the flows from the most polluting CSOs to Beckton Sewage Treatment Works in the east of the city. The need for construction sites We need a significant number of sites in order to construct the Thames Tunnel project. Large ‘shaft sites’ are required at certain points along the route to allow the construction of the main tunnel. Smaller ‘CSO sites’ are also required near each of the most polluting CSOs to connect them to the main tunnel. We have carried out a detailed site selection process to identify suitable sites for the construction of the main tunnel and connection of the CSOs. For more information, see our project information paper Construction Sites. This has enabled us to identify our preferred sites along the route required for the construction and operation of the main tunnel and the connection of each of the CSOs.
Earl Pumping Station – showing preferred and shortlisted sites
How we chose the preferred site We shortlisted six possible work sites near where the CSO discharges. We assessed the suitability of each site by taking into account engineering, planning, environment, property and community considerations. From this process, on balance, we identified our preferred location as a combination of the existing Earl Pumping Station and industrial buildings between Yeoman Street and Croft Street (see map above). Shortlisted sites:
Site 1 – Foreshore, adjacent to boat yard and Helsinki Square
Site 2 – Car park, Helsinki Square
The site is currently a parking and seating area, known as St George’s Square, located on the waterfront on the boundary between the London Boroughs of Lewisham and Southwark. This site is close to residential properties and its use as a worksite could impact upon the open space itself. The trees (which are currently screening the boat yard from the nearby residential properties) could also be lost in order to allow for construction work to take place.
Site 3 – Boat yard, Calypso Way
This foreshore site is close to a larger number of residential properties which could be disrupted by construction activities and its use may also disrupt the Thames Path. The permanent structures required to operate the connection to the tunnel are likely to be more visible in this location than on the preferred site. Sites in the foreshore have increased construction costs.
This site has advantages, however, its use would require the relocation of the existing boat yard which is likely to be more difficult to achieve than the relocation of the business users adjacent to Earl Pumping Station. The site is also near residential properties which could be impacted by any construction works.
Preferred site at Earl Pumping Station – showing use during construction
Site 4 – Car park, corner of Grove Street and Plough Way
This site is currently an office car park, known as Marine Wharf, which is accessed from Plough Way. The CSO is located on the other side of Plough Way, so connection in this location would require work sites on both sides of the road. This is likely to be disruptive to traffic in the area and would require construction works to take place close to residential properties, which could cause disturbance to residents. Our preferred site:
Earl Pumping Station and Industrial buildings, located between Yeoman Street and Croft Street
Using the combined site would make it easier to integrate the structures required to operate the CSO connection with the existing buildings at the Pumping Station. Temporary offices and storage tanks may also need to be located nearby to the construction site, in addition to the area shown on the plan above. As is the case with all of the possible work sites identified, there are a number of residential properties close to the boundary of this site. However, on balance, the opportunity to make use of existing Thames Water operational land, and the fact that measures can be taken to reduce the impact of construction activities upon adjoining residents, meant that we considered this site to be the most suitable location for the construction and operation of this CSO connection.
We have identified this combined site as our preferred location because it primarily makes use of a site already owned and operated by Thames Water. The site is made up of the existing Thames Water Earl Pumping Station and the adjacent industrial land to the south. On its own the Earl Pumping Station site is not large enough to contain the proposed works and maintain the existing operations, which is why we would need to acquire the adjacent industrial land. This would require the relocation of some existing businesses.
Earl Pumping Station – illustrative visualisation of completed project
Use of the preferred site during construction We would need to use this location as a construction site for approximately three years. It would then be vacated as much as possible but a smaller area kept secure for subsequent equipment installation. The plan on the previous page shows how we propose to use the site to connect the CSO to the tunnel. It also shows the amount of space we think we would need to carry out the construction works but as the design of the Thames Tunnel develops further this could change. Specific measures may be necessary to reduce the environmental effects of construction and we would welcome your views on the issues we should consider when developing our proposals. We will be presenting our more detailed proposals in our second round of consultation before the submission of planning applications. It is proposed that traffic would enter and leave the site using the existing entrance off Yeoman Street.
Permanent use of the site We are likely to require some above-ground structures on this site after the work is finished. The shaft needs to be finished approximately 3m above ground level and we would need a ventilation column (approximately 10m high and 1m diameter). We also need a rectangular kiosk (approximately 1.5m high, 1m wide and 3.5m long) housing control equipment. These structures could be incorporated into a single building as shown above. We would leave the area around these structures as hard-standing to allow for maintenance vehicles to access this area. Above is an example of how the site could look once construction has been completed. As part of our public consultation we would like to know your views on the look and use of the site.
For further project information see our website: www.thamestunnelconsultation.co.uk or call us on 0845 366 2950