200807 Sep

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This issue is sponsored by The Arches Hotel and RaItery`s Centra
¡N8¡DE TH¡8 ¡88UE
Claregalway Agricultural
Editorial 3
Head Lice +
Update from your Local
Councillor, Jim Cuddy
Gardener's World 6
Claregalway Agricultural
Show Photos
!nformation Page 8
Special News 9
The Coiste Bower 10
Claregalway Trafhc: Health
and Safety
Population Growth in the
Claregalway Area - Census
Claregalway District Chess Club 15
Teen Transitions 16
Cregmore Claregalway FC
Charity Natch
Claregalway GAA Notes 21
Nobile Library 23
Diary Dates 23
An Exceptional Date for
your Diary.
Restaurant Review: Treats
Scripture Rehection 29
Claregalway Church
Claregalway G.A.A.
Development Draw
Nuacht Chlair JulyfAugust
Crossword Solution
Nuacht Chlair September
GuIwuy WesL TD NoeI GreuIIsI Ius receIved
conhrmuLIon Irom LIe DepurLmenL oI TrunsporL LIuL
Cz¸o,ooo Is beIng grunLed Lo GuIwuy CounLy CouncII
Ior LIe pIunnIng und desIgn sLuge oI LIe CIureguIwuy
¡nner ReIIeI Roud.
DepuLy GreuIIsI mude u commILmenL durIng LIe IusL
GeneruI EIecLIon cumpuIgn Lo do everyLIIng Ie couId
Lo secure u mucI-needed bypuss Ior LIe vIIIuge oI
AILer successIuIIy negoLIuLIng Lo Iuve LIe ¡nner ReIIeI
Roud IncIuded In LIe Progrumme Ior GovernmenL,
DepuLy GreuIIsI Ius been workIng cIoseIy wILI GuIwuy CounLy CouncII
und LIe DepurLmenL oI TrunsporL Lo move LIe projecL Iorwurd.
He Ius now receIved conhrmuLIon Irom LIe DepurLmenL oI TrunsporL LIuL
Cz¸o,ooo Is Lo be provIded Lo GuIwuy CounLy CouncII Ior LIe pIunnIng
und desIgn sLuge.
'TIIs IundIng uIIows Ior LIe uppoInLmenL oI consuILunLs, pIunnIng und
desIgn und Ior LIe prepuruLIon oI u busIness cuse und robusL cosLIngs Ior
LIIs essenLIuI new roud.`
'TIIs commILmenL oI IundIng represenLs u sIgnIhcunL sLep Iorwurd Ior LIe
CIureguIwuy ¡nner ReIIeI Roud,` suId DepuLy GreuIIsI.
'ConLrury Lo medIu reporLs pubIIsIed IusL week sLuLIng LIuL LIe
DepurLmenL oI TrunsporL were noL prepured Lo Iund LIIs projecL, ¡ cun
conhrm LIuL LIe DepurLmenL oI TrunsporL Ius wrILLen Lo GuIwuy CounLy
CouncII conhrmIng IundIng Ior pIunnIng und desIgn.`
'TIIs CIureguIwuy ¡nner ReIIeI Roud projecL Is currenLIy wILI An Bord
PIeunuIu uwuILIng u decIsIon on wIeLIer un EnvIronmenLuI ¡mpucL
SLuLemenL Is necessury und ¡ Iope LIuL u decIsIon cun be mude on LIIs In
LIe very neur IuLure In order Lo move LIIs essenLIuI projecL Iorwurd.`
'¡ um deIIgILed wILI LIIs news Irom LIe DepurLmenL oI TrunsporL, us
IL meuns LIuL LIe CIureguIwuy ¡nner ReIIeI Roud Is on Lruck und LIe
resIdenLs oI LIe vIIIuge und commuLers wIo spend Iours sLuck In LruIhc
eucI duy cun hnuIIy see some IIgIL uL LIe end oI LIe LunneI.`
'¡ Iuve gIven my commILmenL Lo LIe peopIe oI CIureguIwuy on LIIs Issue
und ¡ wIII conLInue Lo work cIoseIy wILI GuIwuy CounLy CouncII und LIe
DepurLmenL oI TrunsporL unLII LIe consLrucLIon oI LIe new roud begIns,`
DepuLy GreuIIsI concIuded.
Noel 0realish, 1U
Ve|ame 1ä, |ssae 1 8eptem|er t00â I|e |eca| WeWs|etter fer |aramere aa4 ||arega|Wa¡
WIuL u dIIIerence u hne duy mukes! RuIn buckeLed down on SuLurduy AugusL z¸rd und Monduy
z¸LI buL In beLween Sunduy
emerged brIgIL und sunny
wILI LIe odd IIgIL sIower In
LIe evenIng. WIuL u LreuL Ior
CIureguIwuy AgrIcuILuruI SIow
orgunIsers. ¡L`s no secreL LIuL LIe
success oI mosL ouLdoor evenLs
depends on LIe weuLIer. TIIs
Is purLIcuIurIy Lrue In LIe cuse oI
LIe sIow. Numerous sIows were
cunceIIed LIrougIouL ¡reIund LIIs
yeur due Lo LIe dreudIuI weuLIer
we`ve uII been experIencIng und
LIunkIuIIy CIureguIwuy wusn`L
one oI LIem.
OveruII LIe sIow wus u greuL
success und by Iur LIe besL
sIow Lo duLe. TIe Horse und
Pony secLIon uLLrucLed Iuge
enLrIes us dId LIe Dog und PeL
cIusses. EnLrIes were uIso weII up In LIe CuLLIe und SIeep secLIons. CIureguIwuy IosLed un AII
¡reIund ¡owI ¡InuI LIIs yeur wILI hnuIIsLs comIng Irom uII over ¡reIund Lo purLIcIpuLe. TIere wus
enormous InLeresL In LIIs und cIIIdren In purLIcuIur were IuscInuLed by LIe IowI und peL sIow. ¡n
LIe Indoor urenu enLrIes In uII LIe
secLIons were up. TIe sIde sIows
uLLrucLed greuL compeLILIon uIso.
SIow Queen, Emmu Noone,
IookIng rudIunL In Ier susI und
LIuru, udorned LIe sIowgrounds
us sIe presenLed LIe prIzes
LIrougIouL LIe duy.
CIuIrmun VuI Noone wIsIes Lo
express IIs LIunks Lo uII wIo
IeIped In uny wuy Lo muke LIe
sIow LIe greuL success IL wus.
WILIouL uII LIe peopIe wIo Lurn
up on LIe duy Lo IeIp ouL IL wouId
noL be possIbIe Lo run LIe sIow.
TIunks Lo LIe sIow orgunIsers
wIo worked LIreIessIy Lo geL LIe
¨sIow on LIe roud¨. TIunks Lo
LIe DuIIy ¡umIIy Ior provIdIng
u IubuIous venue Ior LIe sIow.
SpecIuI LIunks Lo uII sponsors wILIouL wIose hnuncIuI supporL LIe sIow couId noL survIve. SIncere
LIunks Lo uII exIIbILors wIo Luke LIe LIme und LroubIe Lo enLer LIeIr vurIous exIIbILs - wILIouL
exIIbILs LIere wouId be no sIow. ¡InuIIy u bIg LIunk you Lo uII LIe specLuLors wIo cume In Iurge
numbers und IopeIuIIy enjoyed LIe duy. Cormel Cosserlg
Niamh leeney, Carnmore presented with her prize by Bridie Brennan, judge
and Lmma Noone, 3how Çueen (3KRWRE\3DXO)HQQHOO
3how Çueen Lmma Noone, Lydioan with her sister Alioe
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WIuL u summer IL Ius been! TIe weuLIer wus dreudIuI Lo suy LIe IeusL und every
LopIc oI conversuLIon wus ubouL LIe consLunL ruInIuII. TIe cIIIdren ure buck uL scIooI
now IuckIng In VILumIn D wIIcI Is so vILuI Ior LIeIr weIIbeIng und IeuILI. TIunkIuIIy,
LIe AgrIcuILuruI SIow Iud one oI LIe besL duys uII summer und LIe SIow wus enjoyed
by one und uII. Reud CurmeI`s reporL on puge z.
TIe LruIhc IIgILs uL LIe juncLIon In CIureguIwuy ure due Lo be Lurned on soon. We ure
uII wuILIng wILI buILed breuLIs Lo see Iow LIey go. TIe bus corrIdor Is noL provIng
ILseII uL LIe momenL - wIere ure LIe buses? WIy open u bus Iune wILIouL prIor
consuILuLIon wILI bus operuLors Lo Iuve u 1o-1¸ mInuLe servIce? HuvIng IooLpuLIs
und IIgILs ImpIemenLed Is greuL buL LIey sIouId Iuve been done yeurs ugo, us
deveIopmenL Iuppened. We sIouId noL Iuve Lo beg und Iobby Ior LIem us Ius been
LIe cuse.
TIe Census ReporL on puge 1¸ mukes Ior very InLeresLIng reudIng - CIureguIwuy Is
expundIng wILIouL u doubL!
Reud MudeIIne`s reporL on puge 11 - quesLIons Lo be unswered!
BrIun`s resLuurunL revIew on puge z¸ Is very InLeresLIng und Ie wIII be doIng u revIew
on IocuI resLuurunLs In LIe IuLure - gIvIng us un InsIgIL InLo LIe IocuI euLerIes!
TIe AcLIve ReLIremenL AssocIuLIon Is very busy - reud uII ubouL IL on puge 1;. PuL
GrIIhLI Is Lo be commended Ior IIs sLerIIng work sInce LIe IormuLIon oI LIIs
TIe No Nume CIub Ius uIso recommenced In LIe CommunILy CenLre und Is provIng
exLremeIy popuIur wILI LIe IocuI Leenugers. ¡L Is very weII orgunIsed und weII done Lo
LIe commILLee keepIng IL uII LogeLIer und gIvIng our Leens u suIe und Iun pIuce Lo be
on u SuLurduy nIgIL.
TIe CIureguIwuy TIdy Towns ure In ucLIon!
AIreudy, IungIng buskeLs Iuve been pIuced over LIe brIdge und LIe NIne ArcIes - LIIs
Is jusL u sLurLer. ¡nLeresLed peopIe ure mosL weIcome Lo come on bourd Lo IeIp muke
CIureguIwuy u pIuce Lo be proud oI. ¡or IurLIer InIo conLucL o86-¸q1¸8¸z.
TIe CIureguIwuy CusLIe Is currenLIy under resLoruLIon und Is open Lo LIe pubIIc on
u duIIy busIs unLII OcLober. ¡L Is weII worLI u vIsIL und wIen compIeLed, IL wIII be u
IIsLorIcuI usseL Lo LIe ureu.
TIe CIureguIwuy MurkeL conLInues Lo ßourIsI Irom week Lo week und Ius become un
esLubIIsIed meeLIng pIuce Ior reguIur cusLomers wIo come Lo purcIuse LIeIr goods.
ConLInued success Lo LIe Leum InvoIved In LIIs greuL venLure.
Until next time,
Waac|t |||é|r, 8eptem|er t00â Page ä
WWW.aaac|tc||a|r.cem Page ä
Prescriptions - Photography - Roc - Vichy - Bourjois
Veterinary - Perfumes - Ìnstant Passport Photos - Gift Vouchers
Claregalway, Co. Galway
Tel/Fax: {091} 799754 V.A.T. No. ¡E 8286400
¡nIesLuLIon wILI Ieud IIce Is common und uIIecLs scIooIcIIIdren usuuIIy uL uges ¸
Lo 11 yeurs. GIrIs ure more IIkeIy Lo be uIIecLed LIun boys. TrunsmIssIon Is by Ieud
Lo Ieud conLucL, us LIe IIce cunnoL ßy or jump buL cun cruwI quIckIy. SIurIng oI
personuI ILems sucI us brusIes, combs or IuLs cun possIbIy spreud LIe Ieud Iouse.
SIuven Ieuds und IuIr geIs ucL us u pIysIcuI deLerrenL. ¡LcIIng Is LIe mosL common
sympLom, LIe Iouse Ieeds by suckIng bIood und InjecLIng suIIvu, LIus cuusIng un
ILcI. TIe Ieud Iouse Is u puIe reddIsI-brown InsecL; mosL InIesLuLIons consIsL oI Iess
LIun 1o IIce. A hne-LooLIed comb sIouId be used Lo uId deLecLIon oI IIve IIce. SpecIuI
uLLenLIon sIouId be puId Lo LIe ureu neur LIe eurs und nupe oI LIe neck wIere mosL oI
LIe eggs ure IuId.
¡L Is upproprIuLe Lo sLurL LreuLmenL us soon us possIbIe uILer LIe dIugnosIs Ius been
mude. TIere ure Lwo busIc LreuLmenL opLIons Ior wIIcI LIere Is some scIenLIhc
evIdence oI eIhcucy: (1) LopIcuI InsecLIcIdes, e.g. MuIuLIIon, permeLIrIn und
pIenoLIrIn, und (z) weL combIng. HerbuI producLs conLuInIng Leu Lree oII, buLLery
powered combs und oLIer sIumpoos ure uIso used Lo IeIp LreuL und prevenL
WeL combIng used In uddILIon Lo InsecLIcIdes provIdes LIe besL uLLuck on un
InIesLuLIon. TIe ruLIonuIe beIInd weL combIng Is LIuL IIce do noL move Lo unoLIer
IosL wILIIn ; duys oI IuLcIIng und do noL reproduce wILIIn 1o duys oI IuLcIIng.
TIereIore, II uII young IIce ure combed ouL wILIIn u Iew duys LIe InIesLuLIon cun be
erudIcuLed. ¡L Is done wILI weL IuIr und udded IubrIcunL (e.g. IuIr condILIoner.) und
conLInued unLII no IIce ure Iound. CombIng Is repeuLed every LIree duys und sIouId
be conLInued Ior Lwo weeks uILer InILIuI InIesLuLIon Is deLecLed.
John Duffg MPS1. Cloregoluog phormocg. op1-;pp;gq
Open lote Mondog to 1ridog pom to Spm. Sot pom to ;pm
Speciol offer this month zo° off Dr.Brounes, Aoent ond oll Nuk products
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¡uLer LIIs yeur LIe councII pIun Lo sLurL LIe Bus CorrIdor Irom KInIsku InLo LIe vIIIuge
oI CIureguIwuy und LIe councII suy LIuL Lo do LIIs work LIey wIII Iuve Lo remove LIe
LruIhc IsIund wIIcI Is uL LIe juncLIon oI LIe KInIsku Rd und LIe N 1; . TIe peopIe wIo
Iuve Lo Lurn rIgIL InLo LIe KInIsku Rd comIng Irom CIureguIwuy ure very concerned
ubouL LIIs suggesLIon und some Iuve Luken up LIe Issue wILI LIe councII oIhcIuIs us
weII us myseII. ¡n order Lo Lry und geL some undersLundIng oI wIuL Is InvoIved ¡ um
urrungIng Ior u depuLuLIon Irom KInIsku Lo meeL wILI LIe councII engIneers uL our nexL Areu MeeLIng In
LIe second week oI SepLember.
As u resuIL oI repeuLed requesLs by me Lo LIe councII Lo muke LIe juncLIon uL ¡ougIgeorge suIe us weII
us LIe juncLIon oI LIe Roscommon Rd. LIe councII now Iuve u pIun Lo do someLIIng ubouL IL. WIuL Is
beIng proposed Is LIe consLrucLIon oI u roundubouL uL LIe juncLIon oI LIe Roscommon Rd wILI LIe N
1; und Lo brIng u new roud Irom LIe exIsLIng roud Lo CorrunduIIu Lo LIIs juncLIon und cIosIng oII LIe
exIsLIng roud LIuL goes down by LIe Gurdu SLuLIon Lo CorrunduIIu. ¡ Iuve been LoId by LIe councII LIuL
LIey InLend Lo sLurL LIIs work IuLer LIIs yeur buL ¡ undersLund LIuL some dIscussIons Iuve yeL Lo Luke
pIuce wILI some oI LIe Iundowners InvoIved. TIe hnuncIuI provIsIon Ior LIIs work Ius been mude Ior
LIe pusL Lwo yeurs.
CongruLuIuLIons Lo CIureguIwuy HIsLorIcuI SocIeLy on receIvIng LIe zoo8 Orunmore EIecLoruI Areu
HerILuge uwurd uL u presenLuLIon ceremony In LIe CIureguIwuy HoLeI on LIe nIgIL oI LIe z8LI. AugusL.
TIIs wus u weII deserved uwurd und no doubL wIII Ieud Lo greuLer LIIngs Ior our ureu.
¡ um gIud Lo be ubIe Lo suy LIuL GuIwuy CounLy CouncII und LIe MunugemenL oI CIureguIwuy NuLIonuI
ScIooI ure mukIng progress wILI regurd Lo LIe suIeLy Issues LIuL Iuve been IdenLIhed on LIe roud
ouLsIde LIe scIooI.
Now LIuL LIe work on LIIs sLuge oI LIe bus corrIdor Is neurIng compIeLIon LIe councII ure now workIng
Lo geL LIe new LruIhc IIgILs uL LIe N 18 juncLIon neur LIe cIurcI workIng us soon us possIbIe und
brIngIng InLo operuLIon LIe IeIL Iund hILer Iune Ior LruIhc comIng onLo LIe Tuum Rd Irom LIe Orunmore
dIrecLIon. TIIs hILer Iune Is Iong overdue.
As you muy Iuve noLIced LIere Is u durk spoL beLween LIe GouIey EsLuLe und CIurcI VIew EsLuLe on LIe
N 18. ¡ beIIeve IuvIng Iooked uL LIe sILuuLIon LIuL upprox Lwo sLreeL IIgILs wouId compIeLe LIe IIgILIng
Irom LIe Tuum Rd Lo LIe end oI LIe CIureguIwuy CorporuLe Purk und ¡ um In dIscussIons wILI LIe
CouncII Lo see II LIose IIgILs cun be now provIded. ¡ um uwure LIuL us LIIs Is u NuLIonuI PrImury Rd LIuL
LIe consenL oI LIe NRA wIII be requIred.
RequesL Ior TruIhc ¡sIund uL CIoonucuuneen RD.
¡ Iuve recenLIy receIved represenLuLIons Lo Iuve u LruIhc IsIund puL uL LIe juncLIon oI LIe N 1;
wILI LIe CIoonucuuneen roud. Some moLorIsLs IeeI very vuInerubIe wIen wuILIng Lo Lurn rIgIL InLo
CIoonucuuneen Rd oII LIe N 1; comIng Irom LIe CIureguIwuy dIrecLIon. TIe Issue Ius been ruIsed wILI
LIe councII roud engIneers und ¡ uwuIL LIeIr repIy.
- Jim.
You con contoct me ong dog or eoening ot ;pS1jo or Mohile oS; ojoozqz or hg
emoil ot [email protected]
Counoillor 1im Cuddy
Waac|t |||é|r, 8eptem|er t00â Page 5
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wltb [osette Farrell trom Horkan's Lltestyle & Garoen Centre, Oranmore, Claregalway
www.gardencentre.ie TeI: 091-739958
Dure ¡ menLIon SprIng wIIIsL we ure In AuLumn buL ¡ wIII! SprIng buIbs uwuken LIe gurden
Irom ILs wInLer sIeep und brIng on u new growIng yeur. TIeIr coIour Is weIcome unLII LIe sLurL
oI summer. Go Ior quuIILy Ior successIuII ßowers. ¡or u conLInuous dIspIuy pIunL u successIon
oI buIbs Lo ßower Irom LIe begInnIng oI LIe yeur LIrougI Lo eurIy summer. SprIng buIbs come In
muny coIours, rungIng Irom IresI wIILe, brIgIL yeIIow und bIue, Lo preLLy pInks, rIcI vIoIeLs und
wurm orunges. Be udvenLurous!
PIunL buIbs us eurIy us possIbIe, preIerubIy In SepLember. You wIII Iuve LIe wIdesL cIoIce und LIe
buIbs wIII be IeuILIIer LIun uL LIe end-oI-seuson.
Do noL Luke buIbs LIuL Iuve sLurLed Lo grow (sIowIng sIgns oI bruIsIng, mouId or InsecL pesLs).
A IeuILIy buIb sIouId be hrm und ßesIy. TIe greuLer LIe cIrcumIerence oI LIe buIb, LIe more
nourIsImenL IL wIII conLuIn Ior LIe bud InsIde, und LIe beLLer LIe ßower wIII be.
¡or u conLInuous dIspIuy oI buIbs LIrougIouL LIe sprIng, pIunL u runge oI specIes und vurIeLIes.
BegIn wILI snowdrops, LIen crocus, IyucInLIs, nurcIssus und LuIIps. You wIII enjoy u successIon oI
ßowers Irom Junuury unLII June by mIxIng LIe eurIIesL und IuLesL ßowerIng vurIeLIes.
PIunL cycIumen, vIoIus, punsIes und prImuIu Ior Iong IusLIng coIour In buskeLs, conLuIners und beds.
¡ook uILer our ¡euLIered ¡rIends! - ¡eed
LIe bIrds wILI nuLs und seeds Irom our
wIId bIrd secLIon.
It's yoor doty to be Iroity! Aotomn is
the ideul time to plunt Iroit - Iresh,
heulthy prodoc every yeur Ior yeurs
to come.
PIunL wInLer und sprIng ßowerIng
IeuLIers In Iurge dIspIuys Ior yeur round
Use ArmIIIuLox Lo cIeun puLIs und puLIos,
no rubbIng, no scrubbIng, jusL weL IL und
IorgeL IL!
¡L`s un IdeuI LIme Lo sow your Iuwn -
remember Lo cIeur uII weeds hrsL!
AILer uII LIuL, sIL buck und peruse your gurdenIng books (greuL seIecLIon uvuIIubIe) Lo gIve you IoLs
oI LIps und Ideus Ior your gurden. Until next time, hoppg plonting,
A view from the garden: lruit tree in full fruition in my baok yard
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Uavid Connaughton, Claregalway with the Champion Uog of the Claregalway Agrioultural 3how, 3taffordshire
Bull 1errier CAlNL (3KRWRE\3DXO)HQQHOO
3inead and Patriok Mo0rath from Cregmore with Luoky ¬azel and her foal Luoky April winners at the
Claregalway Agrioultural 3how (3KRWRE\3DXO)HQQHOO
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NuucIL CIIuIr Is pubIIsIed us u servIce Lo LIe communILy und Is pubIIsIed compIeLeIy voIunLurIIy
by u commILLee. ¡L Is un open uccess pubIIcuLIon und wIII generuIIy curry uny muLerIuI submILLed
Lo IL subjecL Lo LIe Iuw oI LIe Iund und edILorIuI judgemenL. TIIs judgemenL Is exercIsed by
LIe EdILorIuI Bourd In order Lo preserve LIe buIunce oI LIe newsIeLLer. TIe vIews und opInIons
expressed In LIe urLIcIes ure LIose oI LIe conLrIbuLors und ure noL necessurIIy LIose oI LIe EdILorIuI
Bourd. ¡n cuse oI error oI IucL we wIII pubIIsI correcLIons wIen we become uwure oI LIem. ¡n
cuse oI unIuIrIy conLrudIcLIng LIe repuLuLIon oI uny person, we Iereby oIIer LIuL person or LIeIr
represenLuLIve LIe rIgIL Lo repIy In LIIs newsIeLLer, subjecL onIy Lo reusonubIe IengLI, LIe Iuws oI
IIbeI und our rIgIL Lo respond Lo sucI repIy.
NuucIL CIIuIr Is pubIIsIed every monLI, wILI combIned Issues Ior JunuuryJ¡ebruury und JuIyJ
AugusL und Ius u cIrcuIuLIon oI upproxImuLeIy ;¸o copIes.
ConLrIbuLIons In LIe Iorm oI urLIcIes or IeLLers Lo LIe edILor ure weIcome und muy be senL Lo uny
member oI LIe edILorIuI commILLee.
CopIes ure uvuIIubIe uL LIe IoIIowIng ouLIeLs: Centru Sopermurket, Hoghes SoperVuloe
Sopermurket, Spur Sopermurket, Video Purudiso, Curnmore Stores und Glynn's
Centru, Curnmore.
¡or uny ILems or udverLIsemenLs you wIsI Lo Iuve IncIuded In LIe nexL Issue oI NuucIL
CIIuIr, pIeuse conLucL LIe IoIIowIng: Josette Iurrell {oq1 ,qSq¿o oS6-¿q1¿Sg±), emuII:
[email protected], uddress: 'CurrucI RuudI`, Cregboy, CIureguIwuy, Co. GuIwuy.
Deodline: Pleose suhmit hefore the jrd of eoch month
or the zoth in the cose of o comhined issue.
ArLIcIes In ¡rIsI mosL weIcome.
Abbey ResLuurunL
ACS CommunIcuLIons
AnrI DesIgn
Bunk oI ¡reIund, GuIwuy SIoppIng CenLre
CenLruI Tuvern
CIureguIwuy AgrIcuILuruI SIow
CIureguIwuy BuskeLbuII CIub
CIureguIwuy ¡esLIvuI oI Drumu
CIureguIwuy GAA CIub
CIureguIwuy HoLeI
CIureguIwuy ¡eIsure CenLre
CIureguIwuy MedIcuI CenLre
CIureguIwuy PIurmucy
CompunLus ¡Ir
Cregmore ConsLrucLIon ¡Ld.
DecoruLIng OpLIons
GuIwuy ¡Ine ¡oods
GuIwuy GIuss CenLre
GeruIdIne O`NeIII GIynn
GIynn`s CenLru, Curnmore
GIynn`s ¡ruIL & Veg, ¡ydIcun
HugIes SupermurkeL
MurLyn`s ¡ueI
Mury TIornLon & AssocIuLes
MonugIun & Sons ¡Ld.
NIco`s Tukeuwuy
RuILery`s CenLru
SummerheId Bur
WuILer KIng ConsLrucLIon
SponsorsIIp oI NuucIL CIIuIr Ior one yeur generuIIy cosLs C¸oo.
You wIII be uIIocuLed one Issue In LIuL yeur wIere you wIII be enLILIed Lo Iree udverLIsIng.
PIeuse conLucL u member oI LIe edILorIuI Leum ubove II you ure InLeresLed In sponsorIng LIe NuucIL CIIuIr.
Non-sponsors ure weIcome Lo udverLIse. TIe ruLes ure C1oo Ior u Ioll-puge per Issue, Cgo Ior u hulI-
puge per Issue und C±g Ior u qourter puge per Issue. TIose InLeresLed In udverLIsIng sIouId ensure LIuL
LIeIr druIL udverLIsIng copy Is Iodged wILI us uL LIe deLuIIs ubove beIore LIe deudIIne.
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Buby Reuben Murruy, born Lo AdIe und PeLer, SII un BIruduIn on LIe 16LI JuIy - u IILLIe
broLIer Lo ¡ucy und Gemmu.
AoIbIeunn Keenun, GorLudooey, PurenLs: ¡runcIs & June Keenun
DyIun DuIIy, WuLerduIe, PurenLs: CuLIuI & NIumI DuIIy
¡urIu Kenny, Curnmore, PurenLs: AIun & CuroIIne Kenny
Kuynu O`ConneII, CIoonbIggen, PurenLs: OIIver & EIIis Codyre
Adum Morun, CIoon, PurenLs: TIomus & SIeenu Morun
RiuIn ¡orde, Cregboy, PurenLs: DumIen & NIumI ¡orde
¡ouIse PurceII, CuIergowun, PurenLs: NeII & MurIu ¡uIy
PuLrIcIu McCuuI, IuLe oI Curnmore und DougIuIsce
DeIIu GIenune, WuLerduIe
AnnIe ¡ox, BowIIng Green, GuIwuy und IuLe Purkgurb
Kuy O`Hugun, CuIergowun
MIcIueI CummIns, IuLe Rockwood und GoLuLIevu
PuLrIck GIIes, ¡ukevIew
ÐLGGAN, PALL {R.I.P) Murtin, Muttie {Lukeview Cluregulwuy und
Ðoblin), Murie, Murtinu und Gerurd, wish to sincerely thunk ull relutions
neighbors, & Iriends, those who symputhized with them on their sud
loss, those who uttended Removul und Ionerul musses, Boriul, the
priests who con-celebruted, und to those who sent muss curds & visited
the hoose.
The Holy sucriñce oI the Muss will be oIIered Ior ull yoo intentions.
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Come LonIgIL LIe mIdnIgIL Iour
wIII be seen und Ieurd LIe CoIsLe Bower;
uL IuunLIng LIme IL wIII uppeur
und men oI GuIwuy wIII sIuke In Ieur.
TIuL pIunLom coucI LIuL hIIs wILI dreud
sLuIks LIe Iund curryIng deud.
TIey wIo`ve seen IL und IIved Lo LeII,
In sIockIng Lones speuk oI IeII!
ReLurnIng Irom pub, wuke or spree
sIng und sIouL In reveIry
buL uL sIgIL oI ßumIng wIeeIs
jump over wuIIs or run LIrougI heIds.
TIey LuIk oI skeIeLons sILLIng InsIde
und IeudIess Iorses wILI demon guIdes,
oI grown IoIk wIo In Lerror cower
uL sIgIL und sound oI LIe CoIsLe Bower!
TIere ure men wILI couruge guIore
uround KInIsku und Buwnmore,
wIeLIer duncIng u seL or doIng u jIg,
cusLIng u cow or sLIckIng u pIg!
YeL uL nIgIL wIen ubroud uIone
In durk boreens Iur Irom Iome
wIen comes LIe LIme oI 'IuunLIng Iour`
wuLcI In Ieur Ior LIe CoIsLe Bower!
TIIs gIosLIy Ieurse ubroud wIII sLruy
und dIsuppeur uL breuk oI duy,
wIen LIme Is up Ior LIe LruveIIIng deud
Ior LIe CoIsLe Bower, IL`s Iome Lo bed!
Eduord Coppinger
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¡L Is cIeur LIe GovernmenL wIII renege on ILs commILmenL Lo buIId u CIureguIwuy By-puss In uny
meunIngIuI wuy. AccordIng Lo recenL medIu sLuLemenLs Irom DepuLy ¡runk ¡uIey LIe ¨Inner reIIeI roud¨
Ior CIureguIwuy wIII noL be provIded In udvunce oI LIe M1; Tuum-ALIenry-Orunmore-GuIwuy MoLorwuy.
TIe M1; Is now cuIIed LIe CIureguIwuy By-Puss und LIe orIgInuI CIureguIwuy By-puss Is now cuIIed LIe
CIureguIwuy ¡nner ReIIeI Roud.
EurIIer LIIs yeur DepuLy NoeI GreuIIsI InIormed u meeLIng oI CIureguIwuy resIdenLs LIuL MInIsLer NoeI
Dempsey Iud mude u commILmenL Lo IIm Lo provIde LIe Czo mIIIIon requIred Lo buIId LIe ReIIeI Roud und
LIuL LIe roud wIII be compIeLed In LIe currenL GovernmenL`s Lerm oI oIhce beIore zo1z.
TIe posILIons oI DepuLy ¡uIey und DepuLy GreuIIsI ure In conßIcL.
DepuLy ¡uIey cIuIms LIuL LIe M1; wIII sLurL In zo11 und on ILs compIeLIon LIe ¡nner ReIIeI Roud mIgIL be
buIIL subjecL Lo u IocuI IundIng conLrIbuLIon. DepuLy GreuIIsI cIuIms LIuL LIe ¡nner ReIIeI Roud wIII be
compIeLed by zo1z.
¡undIng Ior boLI rouds Is In quesLIon. DepuLy ¡uIey suys LIuL LIe GovernmenL Ius Iud Lo resorL Lo u pubIIc
prIvuLe purLnersIIp urrungemenL und expressIons oI InLeresL wIII be sougIL Irom LIe prIvuLe secLor Lo buIId
LIe new M1; (u non-LoIIed roud) In conjuncLIon wILI IundIng Irom LIe NRA. WIy wouId LIe prIvuLe secLor
buIId u pubIIc roud wIIcI Is onIy purL Iunded by LIe NRA?
DepuLy GreuIIsI sLuLed on RTE MornIng ¡reIund LIuL LIe MInIsLer Ior TrunsporL, Mr. NoeI Dempsey, wouId
Iund LIe ¡nner ReIIeI Roud wILIouL uny IocuI conLrIbuLIon beIng mude prIor Lo commencemenL oI LIe
projecL. DepuLy GreuIIsI`s promIse Lo pubIIsI LIIs commILmenL Ius noL been IuIhIIed, nor Ius LIere been
un expIunuLIon oI LIe IeLLer Irom GuIwuy CounLy CouncII Lo LIe DepurLmenL oI TrunsporL wIIcI sLuLed:
¨GuIwuy Co.Co. Is uwure LIuL LIe DepurLmenL oI TrunsporL Is prepured Lo provIde IundIng up Lo ;¸% oI LIe
LoLuI cosL oI LIese scIemes (I.e. ¸o rouds IIsLed In Co.GuIwuy), subjecL Lo IundIng beIng uvuIIubIe und LIuL
GuIwuy Co.Co. ruIse LIe remuInIng z¸% IocuIIy.¨
¡n JuIy DepuLy GreuIIsI sLuLed LIuL Ie Iud ¨receIved conhrmuLIon Irom LIe DepurLmenL oI TrunsporL LIuL
Cz¸o,ooo Is Lo be provIded Lo GuIwuy CounLy CouncII Ior LIe pIunnIng und desIgn sLuge¨ oI LIe CIureguIwuy
¡nner ReIIeI Roud. TIIs does noL umounL Lo u commILmenL Lo Iund LIe roud wILIouL LIe z¸% IocuI IundIng
Does unybody beIIeve sLuLemenLs by DepuLy ¡uIey und LIe NRA LIuL LIe new moLorwuy wIII remove 8o%
oI LIe LruIhc currenLIy goIng LIrougI CIureguIwuy? ¡s 8o% oI LIe LruIhc comIng Irom norLI oI Tuum? No
IucLuuI evIdence Ius been provIded Lo supporL LIIs cIuIm.
CIureguIwuy Ius grown consIderubIy Irom 8oq Iouses In 1qq6 Lo 1qzq Iouses In zoo6 (CSO Census), un
Increuse oI ;;%. SInce LIen, 1o¸ Iouses were compIeLed In zoo; In CuuIrL nu nAbIuInn In uddILIon some
one-oII Iouses. TIe GuIwuy CounLy DeveIopmenL PIun zooq-zo1¸ sIows u projecLIon oI u IurLIer q¸o
Iouses In CIureguIwuy. TIere Is u scIooI on eILIer sIde oI LIe N1;, CIurcI one sIdeJcemeLery LIe oLIer,
IousIng one sIdeJsIops, socIuI IucIIILIes on LIe oLIer. MuIn sLreeL CIureguIwuy Is u muIn LIorougIIure Ior
LruIhc. PIunnIng Ius IuIIed Lo recognIse LIe HeuILI und SuIeLy concerLs oI resIdenLs wILI exILs IeIL und rIgIL
dIrecLIy onLo LIe muIn currIugewuy.
¡L Is dIIhcuIL Lo ImugIne Iow und wIen LIe proposed z¸% IocuI deveIopmenL conLrIbuLIon Ior LIe ¡nner
ReIIeI Roud mIgIL be coIIecLed. TIere Is u proIIIeruLIon oI ¨¡or SuIe¨ sIgns evIdenL uround LIe vIIIuge
IndIcuLIng un udequuLe suppIy oI Iouses und busIness unILs Ior some LIme Lo come. TIere ure currenLIy 6
empLy reLuII unILs uvuIIubIe Lo IeL In one sIoppIng cenLre, ; In unoLIer und one on LIe ¨muIn sLreeL¨.
TIe credIbIIILy oI LIe GovernmenL Is In quesLIon. DepuLIes ¡uIey und GreuIIsI ure noL gIvIng LIe sume
messuge nor LIe compIeLe IucLs on LIe roud sILuuLIon. ¡ocuI eIecLIons ure scIeduIed Ior summer zooq.
¡L Is cIeurIy LIme LIuL LIe beIeuguered resIdenLs oI CIureguIwuy cume LogeLIer uguIn Lo Iocus uLLenLIon on
LIe HeuILI und SuIeLy Issues creuLed by LruIhc In LIe ureu. PeopIe InLeresLed In joInIng LIe cumpuIgn Ior
LIe eurIy provIsIon oI LIe ¡nner ReIIeI Roud sIouId conLucL Mudeleine Ilunugun ut oq1 ,qq±gS or
[email protected]
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SLurLIng OcLober zoo8
Huve you spenL u IorLune on muke-up LIuL Is LIe wrong coIour Ior you?
TIuL does noL suIL your skIn Lype?
Or empIusIses LIose dreuded IInes!
WouId you IIke Lo Ieurn LIe busIc prIncIpIes und LecInIques?
¡I so wIy noL joIn one oI our cIusses und we wIII LeucI you LIe resL?
CIuss numbers ure IImILed so personuI uLLenLIon Is guurunLeed.
Teenugers ure uIso cuLered Ior.
¡or IurLIer InIormuLIon, jusL cuII Michelle ut Xqoisite Beuoty Stodio -
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As we uII see, LIe CIureguIwuy popuIuLIon Ius expunded rupIdIy In LIe pusL decude or so. BuL by Iow
ResIdenLs wIII recuII LIuL LIey purLIcIpuLed In LIe NuLIonuI Census In zoo6 und recorded LIeIr
resIdenLIuI und IouseIoId deLuIIs wIIcI were LIen processed by LIe CenLruI SLuLIsLIcs OIhce. Reuders
oI NuucIL CIIuIr wIII be InLeresLed In LIe ouLcome oI LIIs oIhcIuI enumeruLIon oI InIubILunLs uL IocuI
IeveI und In compurIsons wILI prevIous duLu recorded In LIe 1qq1, 1qq6 und zooz Census.
TIe sLuLIsLIcs on popuIuLIon und IouseIoId numbers cIussIhed by LownIund ure summurIsed In TubIe
1. TIe LoLuI popuIuLIon In LIe CIureguIwuy ureu Ior LIe 1¸-yeur perIod 1qq1 Lo zoo6 Ius Increused by u
wIoppIng 6z%. Moreover, LIe zoo6 resuILs ure now z yeurs ouL oI duLe. SInce LIen IurLIer IousIng
consLrucLIons Iuve been compIeLed, e.g. CuIrL nu IAbIuInn uL ¡ukevIew In zoo;.
TIese resuILs und Lrends Iuve ImpIIcuLIons Ior IocuI pIunnIng und InIrusLrucLure, e.g. scIooI IucIIILIes
und LIe mucI promIsed pubIIc sewuge scIeme wIIcI wus due Lo sLurL In zoo;.
Seon 1lonogon, August zooS
Table 1. Household and Population Changes in the Claregalway Parish Area 1991 to 2006
Townland Houses Population % Change
1991 1996 2002 2006 1991 1996 2002
Caherlea 5 6 11 12 21 23 +5 +3 105
Carnmore West 122 133 175 197 +63 503 610 650 +0
Cregboy 8+ 93 123 157¹ 337 353 ++7 509¹ 51
Gortatleva 22 29 +6 58 78 101 156 187 1+0
Lakeview +8 52 65 63² 178 188 192 189² 6
Lissarulla 1+ 21 32 ++ 67 78 101 133 99
Lydacan 60 91 121 119 217 336 +38 +27 97
Cloon 13 1+ 16 17 6+ 56 69 61 -+
Pollaghrevagh 18 20 23 27 72 68 7+ 83 15
CahergowanfSummerheld 67 6+ 218³ 271³ 271 2+7 6+8³ 751³ 177
Caraun 5 5 11 11 2+ 2+ +0 36 50
Claregalway 19 2+ 30 39 82 113 112 137 67
Gortadooey 26 23 27 28 97 9+ 95 97 0
Kiniska +2 +3 63 76 1+9 1+1 203 2+2 62
Knockdoemore 12 17 2+ 27 ++ 82 9+ 113 157
Laghtgeorge 8 11 10 11 36 53 55 +9 36
Lecarrowmore 7 6 8 6 20 17 21 11 -+5
Nontiagh 7 9 13 16 32 3+ +5 52 63
Nullaghruttery 12 1+ 15 1+ 31 36 52 +1 33
Peak 10 11 13 13 3+ 31 38 33 -3
Rooaunmore 25 27 30 38 89 100 96 11+ 28
Waterdale 28 33 +0 52 92 123 121 165 79
Crusheeny 6 8 9 10 2+ 29 31 31 29
Kiltroge 30 29 3+ +5 107 103 116 132 23
Cloughaun 11 10 1+ 20 35 31 +3 63 80
Carnmore East 11 11 1+ 1+ +2 +1 +0 30 -28
Total 712 S04 11S5 1424 2706 3005 39S2 62
¹ !ncluding Sli an Bhradain, Churchview
² Not including 105 houses completed in 2007 at Cuirt na hAbhainn
³ !ncluding River oaks, Cois Chlair, Summerheld Apts.
Source: CSO
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CIusses resume on Wednesduy 1oLI
SepLember In LIe CIureguIwuy ¡eIsure
Beginners: ¸ pm Lo 6 pm
Improvers[Advunced: 6 pm Lo ; pm
New Members WeIcome
Instroctor: Ronun Duke
Bock to Chess ogoin.
WeII uILer u Iong ¨Summer¨, II we cun cuII IL LIuL, we
ure geLLIng reudy Lo sLurL our cIusses uguIn. We ure
deIIgILed Lo Iuve Ronun buck us InsLrucLor LIIs yeur und Iook Iorwurd Lo seeIng our young peopIe,
pIus some new peopIe buck on LIe 1oLI.
¡ookIng Iorwurd Lo seeIng you uII.
Tom, Mury und MurgureL
¡or InIormuLIon pIeuse cuII: oq1-;qq1¸1
Resumes on Monduy 8LI SepLember, Irom ¸ pm Lo q.¸o pm Ior begInners und Improvers uL LIe
CIureguIwuy ScIooI.
MyrIum und Mury wIII be on Iund Lo weIcome you buck.
Bonny Baby of the Claregalway Agrioultural 3how Ronan Cahalane, Claregalway reoeives the lranois Murphy
Memorial 1rophy from 0eraldine Ryan,
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¡`m sure you`ve Ieurd everybody suyIng IL; IeII you`ve probubIy suId IL. BuL wus IL reuIIy LIe
¨besL summer ever¨?
Teenuge dreums und purenLuI nIgILmures were beIng pIunned even us LesLs were beIng
Luken. AdoIescenLs ucross LIe counLry were LuIkIng ubouL sIeepIng uII duy und drInkIng
uII nIgIL In LIe ¡euvIng CerL IoIIduy desLInuLIon oI cIoIce Ior zoo8, CreLe. ¡ pILy LIose
CreLIns beIng Iuced wILI un urmy oI kInd-oI, noL reuIIy 18-yeur-oIds descendIng upon LIeIr
LIny IsIund, hIIed wILI dreums oI sun-souked beucIes, cIeup drInks und Lunned beuuLIes
enumoured wILI LIe ¡rIsI uccenL.
WIuL LIey goL wus un IsIund uImosL enLIreIy popuIuLed by ¡rIsI Leenugers IookIng Ior some
SLIII uII reporLs so Iur IndIcuLe LIe worsL predIcLIons oI purenLs (cIIId geLs drunkJ geLs
murrIedJ joIns u cuILJ goes on u quesL Lo cusL TIe One RIng buck InLo LIe hery depLIs oI
MounL DoomJ uII oI LIe ubove) were unIounded und u good LIme wus Iud by uII. Now, suIe
uL Iome IuvIng uvoIded uny ¡ord oI LIe ¡IIes momenLs, LIougILs ure begInnIng Lo Lurn Lo
LIe more mundune, sIIgILIy more depressIng muLLer oI LIe IuLure. ResuILs cume ouL on LIe
1¸LI oI AugusL und now LIe romunLIc IunLusy oI u never-endIng summer Is beIng repIuced
by LIe puInIuI LedIum oI reuIILy. Jobs, grunLs, courses, subjecLs, sLudenL uccommoduLIon
und purenLuI pressure ure now permunenL hxLures oI coIIege IIIe. ¡L doesn`L seem uII LIuL
Iong ugo sInce LIe bIggesL worry we Iud wus cuLcIIng uII 1¸o Pokémon.
TIe end oI Innocence? TIe begInnIng oI LIe end? PerIups. More IIkeIy LIe resuILs` comIng
ouL murks LIe end oI LIe begInnIng. Now we`re uII young uduILs. No more wIInIng,
compIuInIng, or LeIIIng LuIes Lo mummy II we LIInk LIe PsycIoIogy IecLurer doesn`L IIke us.
TIe onIy regreL ¡ Iuve ubouL LIe wIoIe secondury scIooI experIence Is LIuL IL`s over. Sure
IL wus LougI sLurLIng ouL, buL IL uIwuys Is. TIe sud LIIng Is LIuL we wIII probubIy Iose LoucI
wILI muny oI LIe IrIends we`ve mude us we grow InLo our new IIves. ¡L`s u bruve new worId
wILI new pIuces, new peopIe und u wIoIe new you. BuL more on LIuL IuLer.
Seun Leonurd, Curnmore
Cluregulwuy Historicul & Coltorul Society
Oor AGM will be held on Iriduy, September 1q, ut S:¿opm
in the Purish Meeting Room.
All ure welcome to uttend.
Brendon Noonon
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457 Branches
25,000 Menbers
Some Assoclarlons meer every day ln rhe week, orhers on one
or rwo days. Acrlvlrles vary ln accordance wlrh rhe cholces
o| rhe member. Acrlve parrlclparlon ls encouraged. Groups
generally meer durlng dayllghr hours and ln convenlenr
and com|orrable locarlons - usually wlrhln a parlsh area. There
ls a range o| acrlvlrles avallable ln every Assoclarlon whlch
lncludes some o| rhe |ollowlng.
· Sprlng and Aurumn Hollday 8reaks
· Day Tours and Ourlngs
· Arr, Muslc and Slnglng
· Language Classes
(|rlsh 8 Conrlnenral)
· Compurer classes
· Cra|rwork, Woodwork
· Gardenlng, D.|.Y, Flower Arranglng
· Dlscusslons, Lecrures, Qulzzes
· 8rldge, Cards, |ndoor Games
· Shorr Mar 8owls, Keep Flr, Yoga
· Snooker, Swlmmlng, Table Tennls
· 8oule, Lawn 8owls
· Soclals, Danclng
· Communlry Work
(|ncludlng Senlor Helpllne)
The Acrlve Perlremenr Movemenr alms ro help older people lead a
|ull, happy and healrhy rerlremenr by o||erlng organlsed opporrunlrles
|or a wlde range o| acrlvlrles - holldays, ourlngs and soclals, crearlve
and learnlng programmes, lndoor and ourdoor sporrs and communlry
5x=xay ¬;:e-=ss=
"ea Ca=ee:
All proceeds go rowards runnlng cosrs
Supporred by Healrh Promorlon,
HSL and many local communlry groups.
CONTACT: PAT GRlFFlTH {091 798 457}
· Our phllosophy ls based on sel|-help
· We do rhlngs by ourselves |or ourselves
· We draw on rhe skllls and experlence o| our members
· We pay membershlp |ees and cover orher expenses
· We promore susralnlng acrlvlry and lndependence
· We encourage conrlnued lnvolvemenr o| our members
ln rhe communlry
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Bus and Limousine Hire
PauI Nash EmaiI: [email protected]
KiItrogue Ph: 087-8161400
AII occasions catered for incIuding:
¾ Sporting events
¾ Parties / sociaI events
¾ Airport drop off / pick up
¾ Hen / Stag weekends
¾ Weddings
A bus service is aIso provided for SaIthiII, CraughweII, CaherIistrane and TurIoughmore
bingo venues.
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Loughgeorge, Claregalway
Phone: 09l-798202
L-Mall: centraltavernQelrcom.net
Autumn ls approachlng: why not en[oy a meal
at the Central Tavern ln our newly deslgned dlnlng area.
wlde selectlon of menus avallable
Por all enqulrles please contact 09l~798202
Call 09l-798202
we wlll look after all of your party needs
(Chrlstenlng, 2lst, 30th, 40th, 50th, Lngagement, Annlversarles, etc)
Tara Poom 8lstro
8ar & Lounge
Take Away
Prlvate Poom for all of your Celebratory needs
Take Away Meals avallable Dally from 8.00am ~ 9.00pm
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Cregmore CIureguIwuy ¡C recenLIy
oIhcIuIIy opened LIeIr new pILcI besIde
LIe CIureguIwuy CommunILy CenLre. TIe
hrsL muLcI Lo gruce LIe new IucIIILy wus u
cIurILy muLcI beLween u CIureguIwuy CeILIc
'¡egends` secIecLIon und u CIureguIwuy
GAA '¡egends` seIecLIon. TIe cIusI wus un
InLeresLIng uIIuIr wILI LIe GAA Iuds comIng
ouL on Lop. AII guLe receIpLs on LIe duy
were donuLed Lo cIurILy, In LIIs cuse Lo LIe
IocuIIy bused SMA ¡uLIers Ior LIeIr work
on LIe mIssIons.
Cregmore CIureguIwuy ¡C wouId IIke Lo
LIunk uII cIub members und purLIcuIurIy
LIe muny IocuI busInesses wIo purLook In
LIe pILcI udverLIsIng IundruIsIng venLure,
Ior IeIpIng Lo muke LIe new pILcI projecL
sucI u resoundIng success. ¡L Is u hne IucIIILy wIIcI wIII no doubL be enjoyed by IocuI soccer
pIuyers Ior muny yeurs Lo come.
Cathal Lsler (Club 1reasurer) presenting lr. Brendan 0unning
(3MA lathers) with the prooeeds of the oharity matoh.
Over 50s, Pregnant, & Post Natal Health & Exercise Classes resume in September
Over 50s StretchFIT - Stretch and mobility class start Monday Sth Sept 12pm - 1pm, The Sanctuary,
Over 50s ToneFIT - Strength and tone class start Wednesday 10th Sept 11.30am - 12.30pm, Oranmore
Pre Natal BabyFIT - Pregnant Class start Monday Sth Sept,1-2pm, The Sanctuary, Claregalway 8 Wednesday
10th Sept, 6-7pm, Briarhill
Post Natal BabyFIT - Post Natal class for Nums and Babies start Tuesday 9th Sept, 11.30am - 12.30pm,
Renmore Park
Tel Julie: 761811 f 087 2686+26
Web: www.htgroups.ie
Email: [email protected]
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TIe Jovenile secLIon Is buck In IuII swIng uguIn uILer LIe Summer IoIIduys wILI Iurge
numbers oI pIuyers reLurnIng uL uII uge groups. On Sunduy mornIng LIere were qo pIuyers
In ¡ougIgeorge beLween Boys U-8`s und U-1o`s und unoLIer ¸¸ Boys uL LIe CIubs pILcI
Ior Two U-1z muLcIes und un U-1¸. On Monduy evenIng IL wus LIe GIrIs Lurn wILI qz CIub
GIrIs Irom U-1o`s Lo JunIor on our PILcI beLween 6;¸o und 8pm. TIIs IIgIIIgILs uguIn
LIe urgenL need Ior uII CIub members Lo muke LIe DeveIopmenL Druw u success so more
pIuyIng pILcIes cun be ucquIred.
L-S Boys und Girls: TruInIng conLInues uL 1oum In ¡ougIgeorge on Sunduys. New
pIuyers ure uIwuys weIcome Lo come und Lry our Gume.
L-1o Girls: TIe U-1o GIrIs pIuyed SuILIIII In LIeIr IusL Ieugue muLcI In SuILIIII on Sunduy
evenIng IusL. CIureguIwuy sLurLed weII und regIsLered LIe openIng Iour poInLs buL SuILIIII
responded wILI u gouI und poInL Lo IeveI LIe muLcI. Two quIck CIureguIwuy gouIs beIore
LIe breuk IeIL LIem wILI u z-¸ Lo 1-z InLervuI Ieud. BoLI sIdes pIuyed some greuL IooLbuII
In LIe second IuII buL CIureguIwuy were uIwuys on Lop und won on u score oI ¸-8 Lo 1-¸.
CIureguIwuy Iuve reucIed LIe ¡eugue semIhnuIs wIIcI ure due Lo be IeId IuLer LIIs monLI.
TruInIng conLInues on SuLurduys In CIureguIwuy uL ¸:¸o.
L-1± Girls pIuyed SL ¡urseys on Monduy evenIng In CIureguIwuy. TIe Teums were
evenIy muLcIed on LIe nIgIL und we wouId IIke Lo LIunk Renu DoIerLy und Ier pIuyers
Ior LruveIIIng over Ior LIe MuLcI. CIureguIwuy pIuy CIurInbrIdge In LIe CIumpIonsIIp on
Tuesduy nexL In CIureguIwuy uL 6:¸o.
L-1± & L-11 Boys: U1z CounLy ¡eugue kIcked oII uL LIe weekend wILI LIe U1z Leum
compeLIng In group 1 und LIe U11 Leum compeLIng In group q. BoLI Leums were In ucLIon
uguInsL AnnugIdown und goL LIeIr cumpuIgns oII Lo u greuL sLurL wILI comIorLubIe wIns
In boLI gumes. TIe compeLILIon runs Ior LIe nexL q weeks. NexL Sunduy boLI Leums ure
uwuy wILI LIe A Leum pIuyIng Orunmore und LIe B Leum pIuyIng SL GubrIeIs . BoLI gumes uL
11:oo. TruInIng conLInues on TIursduys uL 6:¸o.
Jonior Ludies: CIureguIwuy IudIes JunIor Teum ure due Lo pIuy An SpIdeuI In LIe CounLy
JunIor C CIumpIonsIIp semIhnuI on LIIs SuLurduy.
MInor Boys Ieugue gume wILI Tuum SLurs hxed Ior IusL Wednesduy In Tuum wus cuIIed oII.
As purL oI LIe CIubs CeIebruLIon oI qo yeurs oI ¡ooLbuII In CIureguIwuy specIuI IooLbuII
evenLs und BIILzes wIII be IeId over LIe weekend oI z;Jz8LI oI SepLember. DeLuIIs oI LIese
wIII be posLed on LIe CIubs websILe over LIe nexL week und wIII IncIude IooLbuII Ior uII uge
groups Irom U-8`s Lo U-1;.
Clob Shop: TIe CIub SIop wIII be open uguIn on LIIs TIursduys Irom ; Lo 8pm. AvuIIubIe
In LIe sIop ure CIub Jerseys,HoodIes,PoIo SIIrLs,SIorLs,Socks und CIub ¡Iugs. More InIo
conLucL JImmy GuvIn o8;z8¸¸8q;.
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Ages 2.5 |o 5 years o| age
hore erv|rorrer|, hours 9.30 - 12.30
0ua||||ed Vor|essor| |eacher W||h paed|a|r|c ||rs| a|d
0or|ac| Vaura: 799290 or (080j 3021 052 Vaur|osa1Qgae||c.|e
Cluregulwuy Commonity Murket
Sutorduy 1oum - ±pm
Cois Chluir Shopping Centre {Beside The Arches Hotel)
SLuIIs IncIude ¡resI ¡IsI, Home BukIng, ¡ruIL und Veg, ¡rencI CuIsIne, CruILs, PIunLs und more.
TIere ure sLIII some pILcIes uvuIIubIe uL LIe murkeL, unybody InLeresLed In joInIng cun conLucL Mury
on o8; z;ozo¸q
¡III In uppIIcuLIon Iorm beIow und drop IL Lo uny one oI LIe sLuIIs on SuLurduy mornIng Lo be
enLered InLo u druw Lo wIn u Iumper. Druw Lukes pIuce on SuL 1¸LI SepL.
ConLucL TeI
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Ivery Sutorduy 1o.oo u.m. - 1.oo p.m. in Cois Chluir, Cluregulwuy
'|. Celtm|e': Creii| Urier
&/7 Cei: Cllíir [Cle:e |e 't|we¡], Clerejelwe¡ J7I·ìJ7SJâ/ì
9ii ¡et lrew. |l ¡et lere er ettetr| ir er¡ el |le e|ere ellte:,
¡et ter t:e etr :errite: ir ell letr!
* Ne hiiier |ee:
* Ne |erl¡ |e¡mer| lee:
* Ne Irer:et|ier Clerje:
* |ree |ile Cerer'
* Ieilerei |e Ietr reei:
´ â.ì" /|K.
Ierm: eri terii|ier: ejjl¡.
BrookIodge .......................... 1o.¸o -1o.q¸
Abbeyknockmoy ...................1o.¸¸ -11.1o
KIIkerrIn ..............................11.¸o - 1z.oo
CIonberne ............................1z.1¸ - 1z.q¸
¡uncI ......................................1z.q¸ -1.1¸
BrIerheId ................................ 1.q¸ -z.oo
Burnuderg ............................... z.1o -z.zo
Corohn ................................... z.q¸ - ¸.¸o
CIureguIwuy ..............................¸.¸o -q.1¸
Jun ........................................... 1¸LI, zqLI
¡eb .......................................... 1zLI, z6LI
MurcI .......................................11LI, z¸LI
AprII .........................................8LI, zznd
Muy ...........................................6LI, zoLI
June .......................................... ¸rd, 1;LI
JuIy .................................... 1sL, 1¸LI, zqLI
Aug .......................................... 1zLI, z6LI
SepL ...........................................qLI, z¸rd
OcL .............................................. ;LI, z1sL
Nov ............................................ qLI, 18LI
Dec ........................................... znd, 16LI
TIe GuIwuy CounLy ¡IbrurIes MobIIe ¡Ibrury (servIcIng CIureguIwuy) operuLes on LIe duLes beIow
(every z weeks on Tuesduy). PIone oq1-¸6zq;1 or see www.guIwuyIIbrury.Ie Ior more deLuIIs.
This Roote inclodes :
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Enjoy u nIgIL oI IubuIous enLerLuInmenL und observe LIe gIILz und gIumour uL CD`s HeIpIng
Hunds ¡nuuguruI BuII, wIIcI Lukes pIuce LIIs OcLober 11LI uL LIe CIureguIwuy HoLeI.
WILI un excepLIonuI IIne up Ior LIe evenIng, IncIudIng muny IubuIous surprIse ucLs, some
very specIuI guesLs, musIc by Du Dergu und MC HecLor Ó IEocIuguIn, LIIs BuII Ius uII LIe
IngredIenLs Lo guurunLee u nIgIL Lo remember und uII In uId oI u wonderIuI cuuse.
CD`s HeIpIng Hunds, CIIIdren`s Cuncer CIurILy Ior LIe WesL wus Iounded In zoo6 wILI one
sImpIe objecLIve wIIcI Is Lo provIde prucLIcuI supporL Lo IumIIIes In LIe WesL oI ¡reIund wIo
Iuve u cIIId dIugnosed wILI cuncer.
WIen u IumIIy geLs LIe news LIuL LIeIr cIIId Ius been dIugnosed wILI cuncer, LIeIr worId
Is Lurned upsIde down. TIe dIugnosIs Ius u Iuge ImpucL on IumIIy IIIe. ¡nIerenL wILI
LIIs LurmoII Is LIuL LIese IumIIIes In LIe WesL oI ¡reIund musL LruveI Our ¡udy`s HospILuI,
CrumIIn In LIe Iope LIuL LIeIr cIIId wIII receIve LIe besL possIbIe cure.
TIe prucLIcuI supporL IncIudes servIces sucI us cIIIdcure supporL und InLervenLIon
CIeunIng, ¡uundry servIces und MeuI prepuruLIon.
CD`s HeIpIng Hunds wIsIes Lo suy u bIg LIunk you Lo LIeIr muIn sponsors wIo Iuve mude
LIIs mucI-unLIcIpuLed evenL possIbIe, TIe CIureguIwuy HoLeI, TIe CILy BIn Compuny und
¡omburd Bunk. Very specIuI LIunks musL uIso go Lo LIe muny sponsors oI some IubuIous
prIzes Ior LIe evenIng IncIudIng CenLer JeweIIers wIo Iuve sponsored LIe BesL Dressed
¡udy. TIe mosL sougIL uILer prIze on LIe evenIng wIII be u seL oI Len IeIsure breuks LIuL Ius
been kIndIy sponsored by ¡rIsI CounLry HoLeIs.
TIckeLs ure uIreudy In Iuge demund Ior wIuL promIses Lo be un evenIng Lo exceed uII
expecLuLIons. To book your LIckeLs und supporL u IubuIous WesL oI ¡reIund CIurILy, pIeuse
conLucL o8; ¸zq ¸qo1.
TIe 'Curnmore MIIe` Is u IundruIsIng cIuIIenge Lo ruIse Iunds Ior Curnmore CumogIe CIub
und GuIwuy HospIce (proceeds dIvIded equuIIy). ¡L Lukes pIuce on Sunduy OcLober ¸LI
Irom 1z noon Lo zpm uL LIe Curnmore HurIIng PILcI. Everyone oI uII uges Is weIcome Lo
'Run, WuIk or CruwI`, jusL 1 MIIe Ior Lwo very worLIy cuuses. A greuL IumIIy Iun-mornIng Is
guurunLeed, wILI reIresImenLs und hnIsIers cerLIhcuLe und CommeruLIve Curnmore MIIe
Cup Ior everyone. ¡or sponsorsIIp curds cuII Mury TIornLon o8;-zzqz¸18; RoddIe GreuIIsI
o86-zq¸q¸8q; NeII JoInson o8;-z¸qqq;q or Mury Duvoren o8;-q¸oz;8q.
So geL up, geL movIng und compIeLe 'TIe Curnmore MIIe`
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DurIng GuIwuy Ruces, beIng vIsILed by vurIous IumIIy members, we decIded Lo usk TreuL`s
CuIé Lo provIde cuLerIng Ior u group oI us (1¸) uILer un evenIng ruces sessIon. JuckIe udvIsed
us oI vurIous opLIons und we seIecLed LIe IoIIowIng:
Smoked sulmon plutter
Pustu sulud
LeuI sulud
Tomuto sulud
Hum plutter
Torkey plutter
Potuto sulud
Cold pouched sulmon
und, oI coorse, u louI oI Treut's own home buked brown breud.
AII ¡ cun suy Is LIuL LIe provIsIon wus exceIIenL und generous In LIe exLreme. We Iud
mude our own desserLs, uILIougI TreuL`s uIso do u mouLI wuLerIng runge oI LIese us weII.
Everybody uLe LIeIr hII und LIere wus u very subsLunLIuI umounL oI Iood IeIL over Ior LIe
IoIIowIng duy. ¡ Iuve Lo suy LIuL LIe cosL per Ieud wus reuIIy exLremeIy Iow Ior sucI u
mugnIhcenL spreud. UnbeIIevubIe vuIue!
EveryLIIng wus LruIy exceIIenL und no sIngIe ILem sIouId be sIngIed ouL buL ¡ Iuve Lo oIIer
IIgI pruIse Ior TreuL`s exceIIenL Iome buked brown breud. A unIque experIence, II ever we
Iud one!
¡I you ure pIunnIng u guLIerIng oI LIe cIuns or IrIends or boLI, do serIousIy consIder
upproucIIng JuckIe uL TreuL`s. TIe upsIoL wIII be LerrIhc vuIue, zero IussIe und u IunLusLIc
Briun Pluce
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12th Galway
Claregalway Scouts
Registrution[InIormution Night Ior Scoots, Cobs und Beuvers
ExIsLIng und new members ] Ages 6 Lo 18 yeurs ] PurenLs OnIy
SepLember 8LI, zoo8 uL 8pm In CIureguIwuy ¡eIsure CenLre.
ExIsLIng members musL regIsLer on LIe nIgIL Lo guurunLee u pIuce
We ure ulso looking Ior udditionul udolt leuders Ior oor Scoot groops:
Beuvers: Ages 6 yeurs Lo 8 yeurs
Cubs: Ages 8 yeurs Lo 11 yeurs
ScouLs: Ages 11 yeurs Lo 16 yeurs
VenLure ScouLs: Ages 16 yeurs Lo 18 yeurs
¡I you ure InLeresLed In geLLIng InvoIved wILI uny oI LIese groups
pIeuse conLucL - Andreu ¡enIIun - group Ieuder - o8; z11;¸6q
£xµerlenced 5ellclter Ufferlng Prefesslenal and £fñclent 5ervlce
· Famlly law · Cenveyanclng · Wllls and Prebate
· All ether legal servlces · Free µarklng eutslde efñce
Cels Chlalr, Claregalway, Ce. Galway.
1el: 091 139 665,139666
Fax: 091 139661
email: info©geraldineglynnsolrs.ie
Page tä Waac|t |||é|r, 8eptem|er t00â
Page tä WWW.aaac|tc||a|r.cem
Call Out Car Service At Your Service
Callout Oil and Filter Change are a new company based in the Claregalway area.
!nstead of having to drop off your car for a service and having to pick it up again we at Callout
can call to your home or place of work and carry out a choice of different services on your vehicle.
Service 1 C60
Oil and Filter change.
Service 2 C79
20 point service which includes an oil and hlter change and checkf driveshaft, boot condition,accessible
drive belts, tyre condition,tyre pressure,check handbrake,check all lights ,check for oil leaks, check and
top up huids in power steering,clutch,coolant system and brakes.Top up windscreen washer and check
wipers.,check front brake pads and report any problems spotted during service.
Service 3 C120
Same as service 2 + change spark plugs, airf diesel hlter and air hlter.
We use top grade Castrol 10wJ40 semi synthetic oil and top grade hlters.
Please note: high spec. cars and vehicles requiring fully synthetic oil ,long life spark plugs and mf. hlters will
cost extra.
All work carried out by experienced mechanics.
Book Now: Callout oil and hlter change
Peter Raftery vAT Reg No: 2237+210 Tel: 091 798873
Hession School of 1rish Doncing
¡rIsI DuncIng cIusses uvuIIubIe Ior cIIIdren In CIureguIwuy.
GreuL musIc und dunce In u IrIendIy envIronmenL!
Venoe: SMA HuII
Time und Ðuy: SuLurduy SepL 1¸LI 1ou.m
Iorther detuils contuct: Vunessu (T.C.R.G) o8; q¸8qq¸¸
AII IeveIs und new begInners` especIuIIy weIcome!
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Sonduy Musses: SuL: ;.¸o p.m. Additionul Muss Iriduy: ;.¸o p.m.
Sonduy: q u.m. & 11 u.m. ConIessions: ; - ;.¸o p.m. on SuLurduys.
Weekduys: Mon - SuL: q.¸o u.m. Buptisms: 1sL & ¸rd Sunduys oI LIe monLI uL 1z.¸o p.m.
Cunon Noel Mollin: TeI: ;q81oq
Purish Secretury: Teresu Puyne.
Telephone: oq1-;q8;q1
Imuil: cIureguIwuypurIsIÇeIrcom.neL
TIe OIhce Is sILuuLed In LIe CuruLe`s House, besIde Cunon`s MuIIIn`s Iouse.
OIñce Hoors: 1o.oo u.m. Lo 1.oo p.m. Monduy Lo ¡rIduy.
AII requesLs Ior BupLIsm und ConhrmuLIon CerLIhcuLes, AnnIversury Musses und oLIer Muss
bookIngs sIouId be mude dIrecLIy Lo LIe SecreLury durIng oIhce Iours.
¡Lems Ior LIe CIurcI NewsIeLLer sIouId uIso be Iunded In or pIoned Lo LIe OIhce. TIe deudIIne Is
mIdduy on Wednesduys.
The nurse doinç her routine checl jound the pctient in cubicle three in
Coroncrç Ccre stcble, his pulse stronç, uith little indicction oj his hecrt
cttccl the pretious dcç. Houeter, the pctient looled up uith tecr-jlled
eçes cnd scid: `Nurse, uould çou mind phoninç mç dcuçhter 1cne jor me?
Tell her I'te hcd c sliçht hecrt cttccl. I lite clone cnd she's the onlç jcmilç
I hcte. Will çou do so cs soon cs çou ccn plecse.' The nurse mcde the ccll
strciçht cucç. She told 1cne oj her jcther's hecrt cttccl cnd ct the scme time
recssured her thct his condition ucs stcble.
A çecr pretiouslç, jcther cnd dcuçter hcd c bitter rou oter her boçjriend.
Her depcrtinç uords to her jcther uere `I hcte çou'. She hcd ucnted to
come jor jorçiteness jor so lonç. All she needed nou ucs just ¸o minutes to
çet to the hospitcl. The nurse hcd just lejt doun the phone uhen the clcrms
sounded jor cubicle three. Another ccrdicc crrest uhich sent the emerçencç
tecm scrcmblinç to cttempt resuscitction cnd then .... We'll neter lnou uhct
hcppened. Did she mcle it? Did he mcle it?
More importcntlç, ue cll lnou uhom ue mcç need to reconcile uith. Lije is
cs jrcçile cs c snoujcle. ßut deliccte cs lije is, relctionships ccn be mended.
There is not c moment to spcre. Do it nou cnd do it cs in the Gospel -
pritctelç cnd in c spirit oj lote.
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Top prIzes IncIude u new OcLuvIu cur, rIde on Iuwnmower, IupLop,
IoIIduy voucIers und muny uny more.
¡I you Iuve uny oId pIoLos Irom muLcIes or evenLs LIuL reIuLe Lo
CIureguIwuy G.A.A. especIuIIy ones wIIcI mIgIL be more LIu 1¸
yeurs oId, conLucL
Joe O`ConneII: o8; zz¸6;8z
JoIn ¡eeney: o8;-z¸1oz¸¸
PIoLos Lo be IncIuded In u pIcLorIuI IIsLory book und wIII be
reLurned Lo owners.
A very large response. The
winner is Gerry Campbell, Sli an
Bhradain, Claregalway.
One slightly tough clue in the
September crossword, but well
worth a try.
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1 Leave a camp (6) 2 Diastereoisomer (7)
5 Equine fast gait (6) 3 Substance that turns litmus paper red (+)
10 Company generating, for example, electrical power (7) + Settling a debt (6)
11 Chosen by ballot (7) 5 Hellenic country (6)
12 Employer (+) 6 vegetable (+)
13 Rap (5) 7 Neal made from oats (7)
15 Of great depth (+) 8 Reddish brown (hair) colour (6)
17 Exclamation of surprise (3) 9 Conforms to new conditions (6)
19 One who fails to notify a cancellation (2-+) 1+ Neasure of magnetic held (7)
21 The inclinations of lines to other lines (6) 16 Large trunk artery (5)
22 Payments for release of kidnap victim (7) 18 Withdraw what is said (5)
23 Attractiveness (6) 20 Route (3)
25 American (slang) (6) 21 Girl's name (3)
28 Sleeping platform (3) 23 Arabic market (6)
30 Enthusiasm (+) 2+ Edible marine gastropod (7)
31 Priest (5) 26 Accompanied singing in pubs etc. (7)
32 Curved span (+) 27 Reverberations of sound (6)
35 Worshipful (7) 28 Carnivorous burrowing mammal (6)
36 Think well of (7) 29 Accompaniments of sleep (6)
37 Flat bottomed jar used in lab (6) 33 Chance (+)
38 Group of six (6) 3+ The highest point (+)
Brian Plaoe,
Crossword Lditor
First correct crossword
opened wins
A Meal For Two at
Claregalway Hotel


Please send completed crosswords to: B.D. Place, Woodleigh, Cregboy, Claregalway.
Waac|t |||é|r, 8eptem|er t00â Page ä1
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