2010Mar18 - Howard Griswold Conference Call

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Howard Griswold Conference Call—Thursday, March 18, 2010 Partial Howard Griswold Conference calls: 218-844-3388 pin 966771# (6 mutes & un-mutes), Thursday’s at 8 p.m., Eastern Time. ‘6’ Mutes and un-mutes

Conference Call is simulcast on:
www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net Starting in the first hour at 8 p.m.

Note: there is a hydrate water call Monday’s, same time and number and pin #. Howard’s home number: 302-875-2653 (between 9:30, a.m, and 7:00, p.m.)
Mickey’s debt collection call is 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time, Wednesday night. The number is 712 – 432 – 8773 and the pin number is 947975#.

All correspondence to: Gemini Investment Research Group, POB 398, Delmar, Del. 19940 (do not address mail to ‘Howard Griswold’ since Howard has not taken up residence in that mailbox and since he’s on good terms with his wife he isn’t likely to in the foreseeable future.) "All" Howard's and GEMINI RESEARCH's information through the years, has been gathered, combined and collated into 3 "Home-Study Courses" and "Information packages" listed at www.peoples-rights.com "Mail Order" DONATIONS and/or Toll-Free 1-877-544-4718 (24 Hours F.A.Q. line) Dave DiReamer can be reached at: [email protected] Peoples-rights has a new book available from The Informer: Just Who Really Owns the United States, the International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, World Bank, Your House, Your Car, Everything—the Myth and the Reality. He’ll take $45 for the book to help with ads, but $40 would be ok which includes shipping ($35 barebones minimum) www.peoples-rights.com c/o 1624 Savannah Road, Lewes, Delaware 19958 ******************** Often you can find a transcript or a partial one for the week’s call at the following website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/peoplelookingforthetruth ******************************************************************* When you aren’t talking please mute your phone!!

It would be best if you mute your phone when you first come on, then un-mute it when you want to talk and then re-mute it. You can use the *6 button on your phone or use the phone’s mute button Speaker phones and cell phones are not desirable as they can chop up the call badly occasionally. If you are recording the call and leave the phone unintended, please mute!!!!! Note, on October 30th someone left the phone un-muted and coupled television audio into the phone making the conference call conversations very difficult. When you are not muted be careful of making noise such as breathing hard into the phone’s microphone or rubbing the mouthpiece or not reducing extraneous noise across the room. Cell phones can pick up wind noise when used outside and also if not in a primary reception zone can couple noise into the call. Excessive echoes and noise will terminate the conference call. Cell phones and speaker phones can cause echoes. Keep the call quiet, don’t make Howard climb out of his mailbox and bop you one. ******************************************************************* Note: the telephone lines are usually quite noisy and therefore it would be prudent to slow your speech down otherwise your words and meaning will be lost. Suggestion to everyone (even Howard): Get a phone with a privacy or mute button. This is much more convenient than star-6 and more rapid to use. It can also be used as a cough button since it can be used rapidly. Try it, you’ll like it. ********************************************************************* [Ed] Howard, you had mention something about being moot. There is a term in the Blacks Law Dictionary that said that the…doesn’t have jurisdiction. You don’t have to listen to them—right? [Howard] Well, I don’t know that the term in the dictionary said anything about ‘you don’t have to listen to them’. I seriously doubt that the dictionary would use those words. What the law says is that is the judge is acting without jurisdiction he is personally liable for anything he causes. That’s what the law says. He has to be operating within jurisdiction. But, see, they are within the jurisdiction of government rules and regulations being applied to government resident agents. These scum bags that set all this stuff up they knew what they were doing. They knew how to cheat the people and not be held liable for cheating the people and they did it all with this trickery—words like ‘resident.’ Everybody thinks that means the house where you live. Alright, I liked that discussion (beginning of show on health). I’m sure a lot of people learned something from it. I’m sure a lot of people didn’t want to hear it. Like the doctors, ‘my doctor’s a good doctor.’ There’s no such thing as a good doctor. [caller] I thought I was listening to a medical encyclopedia tonight but I thought of something that maybe your people would like to know. I don’t know how many people have studied Edgar Cayce, the psychic healer but he had a remedy for skin cancer and I

have all his readings. And I played tennis years ago with a beautiful young blond and then I looked across the net at her I thought, ‘oh my God, she has terrible skin cancer and when we sat down for a break I said to her, ‘I think I know something that might help you with your skin because I work with young people and skin problems.’ And she said, ‘no, you can’t, it’s skin cancer and I’ve been to doctor after doctor and it’s worse every time. And I told her, ‘go home and take castor oil. Put it on your dresser and morning and night smooth the castor on your face because that is an Edgar Cayce reading and ten years later one of our Congressmen was dying from a result from all the surgery on his skin cancer on a Friday. And I hadn’t heard from her for ten years. She caught me at noon that day and said, ‘I’m glad I met you ten years ago and I thought I better call and tell you my skin has been perfect ever since. And she did that, she put the castor oil on morning and night and still does and I know that all the publicity about the skin cancer and I don’t know why more people don’t know about it. And, Howard, there’s a lot of conversation about Obama going to visit the gal who had leukemia who was about to lose her house. Remember that last week? [Howard] Yeah, vaguely.

[caller] Well, I was in a nutrition class one day years ago, this was many years ago, and the subject that day was iron and I think it’s still going on because after the class and the lecture on iron prescriptions for leukemia and iron deficiencies I was in a line-up behind two or three young people who were asking Dr. Harris questions about iron and this one young man said to the teacher, ‘you know, my mother had leukemia,’ and three years ago and the doctor gave her an iron prescription and he said she took it every day for two years and three months ago she dropped dead in the kitchen standing beside me and the autopsy doctor said what had happened, her liver had turned to iron. The doctor had given her a prescription that was not usable by the human body and I later found out that black strap molasses takes the place of that particular thing and I had a cleaning girl who had gone to a doctor and been given that prescription about two years ago. I told her to throw it away and I gave her two tablespoons a day of black strap molasses. Three weeks later she went to him for a checkup and I said, ‘don’t tell him that you threw away that prescription —he won’t be happy.’ And she came home and said to me, ‘you know what he said, he took the blood test and then he said to me, ‘I want to tell you you’re the fastest healing patient I’ve ever had.’ So I wondered if a lot of your people might like to know that because if you’re taking an iron prescription it will make you constipated and headachy and sick. I don’t know why the doctors have never picked up on that or why somebody didn’t tell them that it is not good to take it. And I know that my mother used to use Lydia Pinkham for menopause—it was wonderful—years ago. It took care of all the menopause symptoms in older women. But I notice that the menopause, Lydia Pinkham, today—I was looking at it some time ago. Guess what? They have added that inorganic iron that makes you sick. So I thought I’d add that to your medical list today. Howard, I wanted to ask you something about the EPA, do they have a right to red tag our property or is it illegal? Something about the septic system and I’m told if I don’t do what they say they will red tag my property. [Howard] Is the deed to your land registered at the recorder of deeds office?


I think so. I’ll check that.

[Howard] Well, then they got the power to do that. You gave them all the rights in the property when you registered the land deed with the government… [caller] [Howard] [caller] Well, how do I get rid of it? Well, terminate the registration. How do I do that?

[Howard] That’s the first thing we need to do is terminate all these registrations. The second thing we need to do is terminate all these people that cause these problems. [caller] involved. [Howard] [caller] [Howard] [caller] [Howard] physically. [caller] [Howard] I know. They added $1000 to cleaning the septic just because the EPA got Well who involved the EPA? I hope you didn’t call them. Well, the plumber did. Well then, terminate the plumber. Ok, I’ll tell him you said so. Thanks, Howard. Tell him if he doesn’t like it come up here to see me and I’ll terminate him Thanks, Howard. Ok—bye. Bye bye.

[Dave] The young lady that wants to terminate her land deed registration, go to www.people-rights.com and get the information package, the 48-page data package about the security agreement indemnity bond financing statement. Unless you get that document prepared and filed and recorded at the State Secretary of State office you then can get from Howard the Affidavit of Commercial Notice which will terminate the registration of your land. You cannot do it until after you have your recorded security agreement filed with the Secretary of State’s office. [caller] very much. I do think I have filed that with him recently so I’ll do that and thank you

[caller] And then what do we do with the Affidavit of Commercial Notice to get this deed out of the registration with the county?

[Howard] Don’t worry about getting it out. It’s no longer any good to them once you’ve given them notice that the registration of it is terminated. And like I said a few minutes ago, if they rely upon that recording and that instrument and their laws and do anything that harms you, that gives you standing to sue them. I like to set them all up for law suits. [caller] [Howard] Yeah, that’s great. Thank you very much. You’re welcome.

[Kathy] You were saying with the MSO, to get the MSO back, you have to first send them a notice that you want it back so the first one you would just write them and say, ‘I own the car outright and I demand the MSO back.’ Is that all you have to put for the first notice? [Howard] [Kathy] [Howard] Yep. And then after like thirty days send them another one, another notice? Yep.

[Kathy] And say if they don’t answer in thirty days that you will sue them and then, of course, they won’t answer and then you have to have to sue them—right? [Howard] Well, if you follow some of our procedures you can just bill them and then all you do is file a suit to collect the bill. That’s an easier suit then trying to sue them over the subject matter because the subject matter they can do all kinds of arguments about. The bill that they didn’t respond to, they got very little argument about that if they didn’t respond. That makes it an easier law suit. You bill them—they didn’t respond. You sent them notices that they were in default and the bill was still due and owing and they didn’t respond. So you file the law suit. Now, they’re going to respond and say, ‘well, we didn’t know that this was all about,’ or some other stupid answer like that. Well, so what, you got the bills, why didn’t you respond? ‘We didn’t know what it was all about.’ ‘Well, tough, if you didn’t answer you lose.’ Judgment in favor of the plaintiff which is you. [caller] What about a will, Howard, can you do the same thing with a will if you’re an heir and….distributed the money doesn’t give you what you’re supposed to have gotten. [Howard] Actually, yeah, if the will wasn’t followed, yeah, there are all kinds of arguments that can be presented along that line. The will was the last will and intent— that’s what testament means, intent—of the person who passed away. And it is to be followed. It’s their order to do something about the property. If they ordered that I was supposed to get a dollar and you didn’t give me my dollar then you’re suable. It would probably cost me $10,000 to take you to court and sue you but I’ll get my dollar.

[caller] Yeah, they got the lion’s share of it and they weren’t supposed to get the lion’s share of it, it was supposed to have been equal. [Howard] Well, see, that’s a trustee position and they breached the trust. If they were appointed the administrator of the will and they took most of the money they breached the trust position that they were put in by being the administrator so you got a good suit against them for breach of trust. [caller] They were never administrator but before the person passed they did have the power of attorney. The power of attorney ceases at the time of death. [caller] [Howard] [caller] That’s the only authority that the person had was the power of attorney. Well, after death you need a power of appointment. They never had that as far as I know.

[Howard] Well, if they didn’t then they weren’t the administrator and if they weren’t the administrator and they administrated it anyway and didn’t do it according to the will they’re in even bigger trouble. [Ed] [Howard] [caller] You could still sue them—right? Yeah. So, you’d go after them for a breach of fiduciary duty, is that right?

[Howard] Well, a breach of trust is a breach of fiduciary duty because as trustees they have a fiduciary duty to be honest. Every time I say that I laugh because I think about the case in New Jersey that the Jersey Supreme Court said that government officials are always in a trust position and they have a duty to act with the highest level of honesty and integrity and I’ve never seen them do it. [Diane]Howard, it’s Diane in Kentucky. Listening to this talk about probate and fiduciary trust I realize you probably haven’t read through the file I sent you. [Howard] need this. No, I said I’ve been working on this affidavit. There’s too many people that

[Diane]Right. No, I understand and we both agreed I should wait but where is the injury if the individual was still alive? [Howard] Well, I don’t know because I don’t know that the situation might be.

[Diane]Because you’ve been talking about somebody who’s been deceased, so if the individual is still alive where is the breach of fiduciary trust?


Well, execution of the will is done…after they’re deceased.

[Diane]Then how can they bring an action before the death of the individual? [Howard] Well, that depends upon whether or not you’re talking about executing the will or if you’re talking about the care of them. If you’re talking about the care of them and you breach the care of them that you were supposed to do that’s still a breach. That could create a suit for an injury. [Diane]According to the paperwork that I understand nothing has happened to her—it’s my mother—and it’s only the amount of money that was left to her that they’re wanting to pursue. So, nothing happened to her. [Howard] Well, I’ll have to read those papers and see what that’s all about. I really haven’t had time yet. [Diane]Alright. I was just listening in. I thought there might be something pertinent that I could grab onto, but ok. [Howard] If you’re dealing with a lawyer I can tell you that there’s not a lawyer walking the face of this earth that isn’t in breach of his fiduciary duty. They’re all scum bags, liars and cheats. [Diane]Oh, yeah, this guy sole make his living off doing this. [Howard] Yeah, off of sticking it to people.

[Diane]He’s never even met my mother—he admitted that. Anyway, I was just listening to terms tonight and I thought there was something that I could use, but ok, go ahead. [Howard] [Dave] Dave in Delaware, are you on the line? Down state or upstate?

[Howard] The upstate Dave. Check your e-mail. You should have this notice by affidavit of renunciation of resident agency status. I finally got it finished today. This thing has been grueling and I think you’ll see why when you read it. Anyway, it should be on your e-mail. [caller] By the way, the lawyer called me yesterday and he sent me up what the government turned into the courts, I guess, the last day or two and he wants to come down here Monday and get a statement. I don’t know whether I’m going to get a chance to get all this damned thing read or not to see just what’s what on it but I’m going to start reading it as soon as this is over tonight and I’ll let you know what in the hell it is.

[Howard] Keep your pencil in hand and bracket anything that you think is real important. The less I got to read the faster I can get something done with it. You bracket what looks like is wrong so that we can discuss what’s in the brackets and not just read the whole thing—ok? [caller] Yeah, ok. I’ll talk to you about it later.

[Howard] Now, somebody else came on and I was trying to get Dave’s attention so I could let him know that this thing is in his e-mail. Who was it that started to say something? [caller] [Howard] [caller] You mean myself, here, Howard? I had a question. Are you the one who said, ‘Howard,’ and I said, ‘hold on a minute’? Yes, sir.

[Howard] Ok, go ahead, go ahead, I didn’t mean to cut you off. I just wanted to get Dave’s attention to let him know that was in his silly little computer box. [caller] Not a problem. We’re citing a quotation from a case—case law. Do you know who that is or any reference to the case citing. [Howard] [caller] What case are you talking about? The one you just mentioned.

[Howard] The New Jersey Supreme Court saying something about the fiduciary duty —that was Jersey City v. Hague and I forget the cite. It’s in the Atlantic Reporter. 18 New Jersey 584 and it can be found at 115 Atlantic Reporter 2nd, page 8. You’d probably have to go to a library to get that. Things like that are not usually on the internet. We tried to get the original complaint that was filed in this case and they’ve hidden it. They don’t want you to have it. They claim it’s not there and you know they don’t lost things—they hide them but they don’t lose them. They lie to you and tell you it’s been destroyed but it isn’t, it’s put away somewhere. [Ed] Can you file a Freedom of Information Act, Howard, and get it?

[Howard] No. The Freedom of Information Act doesn’t work with the courts because the Freedom of Information Act is to get information that they have on you, not on somebody else’s case. Cases can be found at the law library. [Ed] Howard, that dictionary definition is… It’s void judgments, Howard.

[Jim] Howard, getting back to that collections law suit you were mentioning with Kathy a few minutes ago. Is there a complaint form? Is that in the nature of a complaint, what you file? [Howard] Yes. And most of your court rules books somewhere in the book has a form. …complaint to collect a debt. Look in the local court rules for the procedure for debt collection and just follow the rules. They aren’t real hard. [Jim] Very good—got you. Did you get that transcript I sent around on Ralph Winterowd? He did one last Sunday—it was quite interesting. [Howard] I don’t think it did come through because Donna just downloaded several things and handed them to me and it wasn’t in there but Dave told me about it and…you’d probably send it to me so… [Jim] Yeah, I did.

[Howard] It’s in cyberspace. It’ll be here sometime in the next twenty-seven days because that’s how fast the damned computer is. [Dave] [Howard] ago. You’ll get it twice then because I forwarded it to you in addition. Well, neither one of them are here yet. She just downloaded stuff an hour

[Jim] That was very interesting. He was showing how those agencies have a life of their own. Even FDR was in awe of their power—like what monster did I create type of thing. [Howard] Alright, let’s get into discussing this resident agent status a few minutes here. We’ve talked about it many times. We’ve talked about the law of principal and agent. And from it I have gleaned what I think is the most important approach one would willfully renounce his resident agency status with the government. Now, here’s how it goes: Notice by Affidavit of Renunciation of Resident/Agency Status. I_____________(name here)________, being of sound mind and competent age to make this affidavit with personal knowledge of the facts contained herein in my private capacity state the following: 1. The law discharges the contract or presumption of agency as it does other contracts, real or quasi, on the grounds of public policy or necessity if the law makes the act for which the agency was created an illegal act and is terminated by operation of law. That the law of principal and agent provides for the renunciation by the agent of their agency and it can be terminated at the will of either party.



That it is generally adopted international law in this county that the existence of a state of war between the country of the principal (the United States Incorporated, its state political subdivisions, Incorporated and the political instrumentalities of the state corporations, cities, towns, counties, etc) herein after referred to as governments and that the agents, private Americans, terminates the agency. This is because of the international rule which prohibits all trading or commercial intercourse between the countries at war.

That’s the international law applied for our benefit. Some people don’t like the idea of the international law but it has very good benefits at times when used right. Anyway, paragraph 4: 4. That the governments as described in paragraph 3 have shadowed in a de facto form the de jure states and United States of America governments which guaranteed the life, liberty, and property (pursuit of happiness) of the private American people as well as the guarantee of a republican form of government in the Constitution for the United States of America at Article 4, Section 4. The de facto governments as described in paragraph 3 have created an illegal act by coercing unduly influencing and forcing the private American people to contract by registration of themselves and their fairly and honestly acquired properties with the various departments of the de facto governments. This illegal act of the de facto governments terminates all contractual and presumed agency of the private American people with these de facto governments by operation of law again in accordance with public policy and the doctrine of necessity.

Which was in the first paragraph, so it’s explaining why we’re understanding what the law means in paragraph one. Now, paragraph 5 just discusses what paragraph 2 laid out in the law. 5. That the resident agency status of this affiant is gratuitous and purely voluntary although by mistake due to the coercion, undue influence and threatening force of the de facto governments thus the agent can by law renounce the authority of the principal de facto governments and by the will of the agent. That these de facto governments described in paragraph three have declared the private American people to be the enemy of the governments in the Trading With the Enemies Act of 1917 and its later amendments. That further acts of war have been perpetrated by these de facto governments against this affiant and the rest of the private American people: a) Forcing the registration of our bodies and the rest of our fairly and honestly acquired private property for the commercial use and


benefit to tax and regulate without paying just compensation for the taking. b) Further acts of war was the taking of the wealth of the private American people by removing the coin of the realm which is real value and with no authority to replace said value coin with worthless paper notes and to further declare that said paper notes are to be equal to money. That was indeed a taking of our wealth. c) Further Acts of war was to send gunmen in uniform out on the roadways of America for the government’s purpose of extorting more of the private American people’s wealth under the pretense of taxes, fines, fees, and this is in violation of the real law. Further acts of war was to turn the courts of this country into a collection agency for the enforcement of the taxes, fines and fees that have been imposed upon the private American people and their fairly and honestly acquired private property in direct violation of the real law and the guarantee of a republican form of government.


Further, no all persons by these presents that the above stated facts and in accord with the law of principal and agent this affiant does by his absolute will renounce and thus terminate any contractual or presumed benefit, privilege or opportunity of resident agent status with all the above named de facto governments. Further, I do solemnly swear and attest that the foregoing facts contained herein are true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief under the penalty of perjury in accordance with the laws of the United States. Further, notice to the principal is notice to all agents and notice to the agent is notice to the principal. Further affiant sayeth not. ______________________________________ notary seal next page: Copy sent to (optional) President of the United States at the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20500.

To the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, the US Department of State, 2201 C Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20520. To the Governor, Jack Marcel, the Temall Building, William Penn Street, 2nd Floor, Dover, Delaware 19904. (This was done particularly for Dave being here in Delaware.) To the Secretary of State, Jeffrey W. Bullock, 401 Federal Street, Suite 3, Dover, Delaware 19901. So all principal and agents very clearly stated that the renunciation of agency was not sufficient unless notice was given to the Secretary of the State. So the Secretary of the State of the United States and of the state because we’re relinquishing the agency to both governments is necessary. The governor’s not necessary, the President is not necessary but I still think we ought to do that because I think we ought to rattle their cages and let them know that people are getting tired of your bull crap. We know what you’re doing. Your acts of war are not appreciated. That affidavit has only taken me about a year of research and study to put it together. But that is your Tenth Amendment right as the people to negate any act of the government that is not within their constitutional confines. [caller] tomorrow. As long as that is in the mail before—like for instance, I got to go to court

[Howard] Yeah, get it notarized, go to court, show it to them, tell them they have no authority, you don’t care what they do, you’ll sue them for whatever they do if it causes you an injury of any kind to stand there and tell them, go ahead, I don’t care what you do, you’re going to be liable, I’m going to sue you for everything you do.’ Now, listen to this, this fits what Dave DeReamer’s been talking about. Because you have relinquished the agency they have no personam jurisdiction meaning jurisdiction over the person. Because you have removed yourself from their venue they have no place so they don’t have the person, they don’t have the place. And because all of this talks about your private property and you’re not accepting their benefits, privileges and opportunities of registration any more so your private property, the subject matter, is not within their jurisdiction either. You’ve removed everything by this one document. They have person, no place and no thing jurisdiction over you. [caller] Should I give them a copy of…

[Howard] The Affidavit of Commercial Notice terminating the registration of the deed —yes, you should because somewhere in there that under that part about the war that the law does not allow any commercial intercourse. Well, that’s a commercial intercourse when you’re recording your deed or registering your puppy dog or registering your car or anything else with the government—that is commerce. [caller] to do. But due to their lying lawyers I registered it unbeknownst that it was illegal

[Howard] Well, I read that kind of quick. Go back and read it carefully. It did say in the section where we talked about the registration that we did it as a gratuitous thing—we gave them the property. The law of principal and agent says that if it is a gratuitous agency situation that the agent can relinquish without any liability so I wanted to make sure that we established the fact that it was gratuitous. We did, in fact, register and give them the property but it was because of their coercion, undue influence and force and I read that part of it to you that we did it gratuitously but we did it because of their undue influence and coercion and force. [caller] lawyers. [Howard] [caller] Well, then I don’t have to tell them that they’re a bunch of lying ass Nope. …lying ass lawyer brothers.

[Howard] I think we’ve covered it pretty well. You know what, this is a real smack in the face to these punks. [Ed] Howard, is that complete or do you have to—how do you…

[Howard] Well, it’s complete. I am not going to send it out until I get together enough backup information to prove a bunch of these points that somebody can read that and use it as a points and authority in support and show it to a judge and explain to the judge why. I know what I’m going, judge. I’m revoking the agency relationship and when I do I’m no longer under the authority of your government at all. You have no person jurisdiction, you have no venue jurisdiction over the place and you have no thing jurisdiction over the subject matter because it’s all been removed. As a matter of fact it’s the Trading With the Enemies which we mentioned in there where Congress declared the American people to be the enemy of the United States. They actually made a declaration of war against us by that. And what this is… [caller] judge? Should I get up there and read that right out in the court or just give it to the

[Howard] Well, I’d give it to him and suggest that he read it. If he doesn’t read it then I’d read it to him and I’d say, ‘ok, it’s apparent that your education didn’t do you much good and you can’t read so I’ll read it for you.’ [caller] [Howard] [caller] Howard, I think that Trading With the Enemies was around 1947. Well, that was about the third amendment to it. Ok, then it was Trading With the Enemies Act.

[Howard] Yeah, the Trading With the Enemies Act, the first one, was in 1917. Then I think it was 1923, 1928 and again in 1947 or somewhere in there that they made amendments to it. [caller] [Howard] It had to have been back during the war with England. No, it was during the First World War, 1917, when they set up the first one.

[caller] I read in my family’s history that I had a relative that was locked up for the federal government for trading with the enemy. [Howard] What, did he sell him some nuts and bolts out of the hardware store?

[caller] No, there was apparently an English ship or whatever laying out in the Delaware Bay and some of the—I don’t know just exactly how it came about but they had some business of some kind with that ship. I don’t know just exactly what it was off the top of my head but anyway they got arrested for dealing with the enemy. [Howard] Well, this is a good point that you’re bringing up. You want to tell them that you don’t want to be arrested for dealing with the enemy so you’re not going to deal with the enemy. The enemy is the United States and its political subdivisions like the state governments and their cities, counties, towns and etc, so you’re not going to do business with them. [caller] I’ll only do business with America, not with…

[Howard] With fellow Americans. The problem it’s damned hard to find a fellow American. They don’t exist. They’re all resident agents of the government. [caller] We’ll have to move to the Indian country.

[Howard] This is going to be absolute necessary in the very near future because there is a group of people trying to establish some, what they call de jure grand juries to bring claims against the government for its wrong and grand jury indictments. I don’t know whether this is going to have any meat whatsoever. I’m trying to find out whether it’s going to be any enforcement authority from the military or anything behind it before I do much talking or promoting any idea like this. But the first thing all these people are going to have to do that want to be in the grand jury is to make themselves Americans again and relinquish the agency status that they have with the governments and if they don’t do that they could very well be arrested and charged with all kinds of crimes for going against the government and standing up against it while they’re within the government. So, these people that have this idea, it’s a wonderful idea but they better learn real quick what they’ve got to do to put themselves in a position to be able to do what they want to do. [Ed] Other than that they can be charged with conversion—right, Howard?

[Howard] Well, actually, we could charge every government official including your local town really nice cop who treats people with great respect and is a really nice guy and there a lot of them… [caller] Very few of them around.

[Howard] Well, no, there’s a lot of them around and a lot of them are very decent, but he could be charged with sedition for the things he does because even though he treats people nice he still does what he’s sent out there to do and he steals from you under false pretense that you’re a resident and that your property is recorded and that gives them the authority to regulate the use of the property and if you don’t follow the regulations you can be arrested and charged or fined. So that’s absolutely sedition against the United States. So, the military could charge these people and try them in a military tribunal for sedition. By the way, that has a very strict penalty. I forget what it is, something like ten years in jail and a million dollar fine or something like that—very strict penalty on it for sedition. And all these people are guilty of sedition but they could turn that around and use it against you if you remain a resident agent. Don’t relinquish that agency and then come up with some kind of an indictment for them being seditionists. [caller] Hey, admiral, about the court…private land deed, since that established a constructive trust—right? [Howard] trust. [caller] Every registration of any kind of property always establishes a constructive But that is not ever revealed at the time the recording party…

[Howard] Well, no, it isn’t and the reason it isn’t is because a constructive trust it arises by operation of law, not by an expressed document so it’s not revealed because it’s not written, it’s not expressed. It’s constructive in its nature by operation of law. [caller] And the operation of law means what?

[Howard] It means that the law—the law establishes the fact that when you give another person your property to hold for you that it establishes a trust. That’s what the operation of law is, it establishes a trust by the operation of law because the law says that when you give somebody else your property to hold for you it creates a trust whether you do it in writing or not—you don’t have to. [caller] Ok, so it’s presumed that the recording party is fully informed on that subject matter… [Howard] There is always the presumption that we know what we’re doing.

[caller] Ok. So, the constructive trust contract law is what you’re describing. The operation of law would be constructive trust contract law?

[Howard] [caller] [Howard]

Well, any type of a trust is a contract. Ok. So, contract law then in general? In general.

[caller] Would encompass the operation of law at the time of the recording of the private land deed? [Howard] Right.

[caller] So, if that’s the case, then, aren’t there principal tenets, disclosure in good faith as well as valuable consideration because they’re acquiring in essence secretly… [Howard] They’re acquiring an interest in your property by the recordation. Yeah, they have an absolute duty to tell you what it’s all about but they don’t do it. [caller] And that’s the fiduciary duty and that correlates to the UCC. I don’t know what section it is but, the holder-in-due-course priority interest or holder-in-due-course interest private rights in that private land is now surrendered, forfeited, transferred without informed consent to the corporate government. [Howard] Yes, that’s what this relinquishment of agency is all about. It basically said that. I know I read it too fast. I didn’t want to take the time to tear it apart and talk about each section in it right now so I just read straight through the whole thing but that’s what it said. It said that forcing you to register was actually an act of war by the government against you by the taking of your property for their benefit in commerce. [caller] Ok.

[Dave] And they made a mistake by not giving you the full disclosure and their consideration. So mistake…Uniform Commercial Code, Section 1-103. Mistake is one of those fundamental underlying principles of law which if you don’t raise it they ignore it so until you raise it it’s going to continue to be ignored. So you better damn well raise that there is a mistake in progress. [Howard] In that explanation I did say that it was by mistake due to their coercion, undue influence and forcing us to register the property. They coerce you. If you fall for that it’s all over. They always unduly influence you through the coercion so if you fall for the coercion it’s all over and if you don’t they will force you at gun point to do it. They’ll take you into court and bring charges against you because you didn’t register something, whatever it may be. As little a thing as your puppy dog, they will actually bring charges against you for not registering your dog.

[caller] Howard, let me finish something, what you just mentioned. A couple years ago—this applies to exactly what you said. I had that incident with my dog and I took in that form… [Dave] The offer to let government use your private property on condition that they pay you the annual fee—the licensing offer is that he’s talking about. [caller] I took that in to the county dog pound and these clowns, they mimic the sheriffs. They have uniforms that are the same color and style but they’re not actual sheriff deputies. But that’s one of their intimidation tactics, psyops. I handed that over because they were going to gas my dog that day if I didn’t pay their extortion fee. So, I said, ‘ok, I’ll pay your frickin extortion fee and here I want your commander, as they referred to it, this is the legally binding document that the commander needs to fill out so that I don’t bring charges against him in the future.’ Well, when I came back I was told to come back in an hour then another hour then another hour and the clown never showed up. So, anyhow, they damned well know because I didn’t have any registration of my canine cheetah at that time, never did, never had since so I guess they’re not interested in collecting their extortionary fees anymore from me. [Howard] So, did they give the dog back?

[caller] Yeah, I got him back. I had to pay their extortion fee because he was there for however many days and nights. [caller] What it is, is I was on the Joyce Riley show this morning and what it is, is these people didn’t kidnap my dog, they kidnapped my kids. So what happens is they took four of my kids over someone else’s dog biting one of my kids here in Florida. The case manager lied. She did this to ninety-six families, stealing people’s kids because they get federal grant money. But I don’t want to go into all that. What I’m dealing with, tomorrow morning I got to go in court and what they did, my wife took our baby and she split for three years, came back with our two youngest children and now they put her into a case plan. The case plan is supposed to be ending tomorrow but then tomorrow they’re telling me that they want to give her full custody of our two kids. Now, we’re not divided. We’ve been fighting with the Department of…for the last five years. I have a website called www.rescuemykids.com to show you tons of families—I mean, I just document what’s going on… [Howard] I’m familiar with your website, I’ve looked at it.

[caller] So, what I’m dealing with is tomorrow I have to go to court. They’re going to try to tell me and what happens is jurisdiction, the way I understand it—I’m not going to give up. I mean, if they take my kids and they’re going to be under the consequences of taking my kids, but I’m not going to give my kids up, period. What they’re saying is then they’re going to continue the case plan now for another six months. We went through this hell—we’re supposed to relinquish our two youngest children and now they’re saying, ok, we’ll give your kids to your wife and give her full custody,’ and I said, ‘no, we want joint

custody.’ See, because when she came back they told her she couldn’t come back here to our home where we live. They said you have to get your own place, you got to school and the kids have to go into government daycare. So, we did all that. Tomorrow’s supposed to be the close of this thing. Right now, they’re throwing this thing in trying to tell me that well, we’re going to give your wife full custody.’ [Howard] Are you and your wife actually still together?

[caller] She’s here right now but the thing is, is she’s actually supposed to be living in this like shelter place over here… [Howard] Ok, well, let them give the kids to her full custody. Stay in the shelter for a couple weeks and then move back with you. When she moves back with you it’s all over. [caller] Exactly, now you’re right on. The problem is, is she’s locked into a lease over there for the next year and she’s going to school. [Howard] Locked into the lease gives you a problem. She’ll probably have to stay there for the next year or if she doesn’t stay there she’ll still have to pay at least 80% of the lease. That’s usually the penalty for terminating a lease too early is you pay 80% of it. So you guys would have to determine what you’re going to do about something like that. [Dezert] This is Dezert at Free American Radio. I just want to refer our friend here to Don Lyons. If you go to his ad on Friday night, he’s the foremost expert on CPS issues and so you want to give him a contact to help you on these issues other than Howard and his group here as well. But Don Lyons is the foremost expert. He got his little ones back. He works with other people and these are the best people in America dealing with CPS specifically. Go to the www.therealpublicradio.net and then go to Friday night and go to, I believe, it’s 11 or 11:30 pm, Eastern Time and you’ll see Don Lyons, the Truth About CPS Child Protective Services. He wrote the book, he’s the author of the book called Warning. So go check out Don Lyons at www.therealpublicradio.net and you can e-mail him. You click on his name and you go to his e-mail. If you have any trouble connecting with him call me. My phone number is on the contact page and I will hook you up with him on the real public radio. [caller] You mind giving me your number, right now, or not?

[Dezert] Yeah, I can do that. My cell phone, you can call me during Howard’s program on my cell phone at 304-629-7169. I’m also a victim of this type of kidnapping and also this is the toughest issue in America next to the death penalty. [caller] Thank you.

[Howard] This whole story reminds me of a case that we worked on with somebody down in Puerto Rico. They had taken all of his kids away from him and I forget what he had, only a week or something like that. And they wanted to give them to the wife, same

deal that you’re talking about going on with you. And the wife did finally get them and she had to live in a different place and they finally went back to court and I don’t recall right off hand exactly what we told him to do. Whatever we told him to do they closed the case and let him have the kids and he and his wife went back home together. And I don’t recall what it was that we did. I’d have to go back and look in that case file to find out what it was but whatever it was he called me up thanking me, told me it was great stuff and I said, ‘oh, it’s not great stuff, it’s right out of the law book.’ If you throw the law at their face in most cases the judges will pay attention to it. [caller] I’m just saying tomorrow morning at nine o’clock and to me I just don’t like the idea… See, what they do is they divide and then they conquer. I mean I’ve watched them do this time… I mean, on my website you watch all the people they’ve done this to. They divide people up then they come in and put the pressure on the woman, break her down and then they get the kids and then I’m going to be fighting in some family court. I mean, they’ve already stole everything that I’ve got and everything past five years and these people are criminals. [Howard] Oh, Florida has a Child Protective Services outfit that is absolutely criminal. They’re the worst that I’ve…. As a matter of fact, all the way back in I guess it was around 1970, ’71, somewhere in there, somebody that I knew down there was having this problem. It was a girl that used to work in my striptease bar up in Baltimore and she married this guy and moved down there and then they ran into this problem with them taking her kid. So she called me. I’m the bar owner, not the BAR Association, but she called me anyway. So, I went down there and I looked into her case and I went to the court and I started talking to some of the people at the court and that night the court burned down and all the children got returned. They had a baby stealing ring going through the courts. [caller] Oh, yeah, it’s still going on because of federal grant money.

[Howard] Yeah, well, as I was talking to them at the court and pulling some of their documents out and making them pull some of their documents out to show me things I exposed the fact that it was a baby stealing ring and that’s why they burned the court that night to get rid of all those documents and then they returned all those kids. That didn’t stop them from starting it up again. We had the same incident… [Henry] You did the same thing down in Texas, too, didn’t you?

[Howard] No, it was New Mexico. Yep, the same thing down in New Mexico. I broke up a child baby stealing ring down there and they returned all the kids and believe it or not the very case that we mentioned earlier tonight, the Jersey City v. Hague, that case on breach of fiduciary duty, I just called the lawyer’s father who was also a lawyer that was the guardian ad litem lawyer that was causing all this trouble and manipulating the stealing of the kids. I called his father and told him we were looking for a lawyer that would do a case for us of breach of fiduciary duty against this guy that’s the guardian ad litem in the family court that’s manipulating the children away from the parents and the father said, ‘oh, I’m retiring, I’m not taking any more customers,’ bang, he slammed the phone down.

Three weeks later every child that was involved down there in any of those court actions was returned back to the original right parents. [caller] So you guys are advising me to go ahead and let her have custody? Is that what you’re saying? [Howard] Right now, you got to do something tomorrow morning. We don’t have time to do anything else. I think to prevent any problems from getting any worse and hopefully they’re not going to be able to coerce her into separating from you entirely. Now, you’re right, they do this, they try to put a wall between husband and wife. They try to break them up. They tried to do that to me in Baltimore County—tried to get my wife to agree with them that there was something wrong with me being that I was fighting against the government and disagreeing with the way government did things and my wife said, ‘you don’t seem to understand, my husband is far more intelligent than you are and I’m going to stick to his side.’ And she was smart alecky enough to tell them that he doesn’t have that much intelligence either. That was a hell of an insult to them. I was much more intelligent than they are and she said I didn’t have that much intelligence. They have a very low degree of intelligence she told them. [Dave] Remember that fellow, Andy Brown, the head of the Delaware militia, Howard, up in Smyrna? His wife is the one that told us that she found out the whole point was to separate the family, destroy the family and get the husband and wife separated. [Howard] That’s right, they want to separate the family and all families.

[Neil] Howard, when you suggested that they try to get that gentleman who was trying to get his kids did they try and get him to sign any paperwork, he signs it without prejudice or reserving all his rights so he doesn’t get caught with a catch 22. [Howard] Good thought—yes—good thought. I don’t know whether he’s been on before or knows anything about some of what we taught… [caller] anything. I usually don’t sign anything. If they try to get me to sign, I don’t sign

[Howard] That’s the best thing. Don’t sign… If they force you to sign in order to make this agreement work… [caller] it. No, they didn’t force me. I’d go to jail before I’ll sign anything—they know

[Howard] But remember, the safety of the kids is the most important thing. They need to be with their mother. You don’t want the kids in the damned state institution or something or under…

[caller] Well, they won’t do that. They’ll just prolong the case plan for another six months and keep these people coming to your house every, three times a week… [Howard] If you’ll get in touch with the fellow, Mr. Lyons, that Dezert just told you about he can help you with some of this and through Dezert you can get in touch with me and I can help you with some of it but there’s not much we can do between now and nine o’clock tomorrow. …doing something for somebody that has to be done at nine o’clock tomorrow and I just got it done and e-mailed it off to him tonight and as a matter of fact… [caller] Thank you, gentlemen.

[Howard] …this document of relinquishing the agency would be extremely good to dissolve Child Protective Service’s authority in the near future but I’m not really ready to send it out to everybody and I don’t even know how to get it to you for tomorrow morning’s case and you wouldn’t know what to do with it because you’re not familiar. But if they make you sign anything, if they force you to, and it’s a matter of them taking the kids and putting them in a foster home—that’s the word I was trying to think of, a foster home or a state institution or something. You don’t want to let that happen. But if they try to threaten something like that and you want them to sign the custody over to your wife officially in order to prevent that then you would sign and put the words, ‘without prejudice’ underneath of your signature. That’s all you need, you don’t need any code section, cites or anything like that, just the words, ‘without prejudice’. And the best thing to do, all these documents related to government are always in all capital letter spelling of your name. So they’re really not dealing with you directly. They’re dealing with you as the agent for this capital letter spelled name which is a fiction. So what I’ve taught people to do and this is what I do all the time. For instance, some characters seem to insist on sending mail to Gemini Investments in certified mail and you got to sign for certified mail. Well, I’m not signing but I will let the fiction sign so I just print ‘Howard Griswold’ where it says to sign. And underneath that it says to print so I print ‘Howard Griswold’. They get two printed statements or printed names on the paper. They give me the mail. But I didn’t sign it because I’m not going to represent that fiction. [caller] So in other words, if you print your name instead of signing it that’s your escape clause on that? [Howard] Well, that’s an acceptable signature according to the law. A printed name is an acceptable signature. It’s your signature. That’s the signature of this dummy corporation that government has created for you spelled in all capital letters. Let the dummy corporation be liable for the dummy corporation. But if you sign in script underneath of that capital letter spelling then you’re accepting the position of representing it and whatever liability it assumes you end up with. [caller] Right. Well, that’s good. I’ve never heard that before because I get a lot of certified mail and I don’t sign for it but if I print my name on it they can’t hold me liable— right?

[Howard] [caller]

That’s right because it’s not you. That’s the fiction. …be in all upper case—you say print it in all upper case?

[Howard] Yeah, print it in all capital letters, upper case, yeah. You go look back in the history of the Roman alphabet. The Roman alphabet was all capital letters and it was only used for commercial commerce. It represented commerce which is fictional. The only thing in commerce that’s real is the product that’s being shipped but the piece of paper that describes it is fictional because it’s just a description of the real thing and the description was always written in all capital letters and they still do this in English law today. [caller] Howard, that’s the type of governance that’s been shackling us all of our lives, Roman government, Roman whatever you want to call it—right? Roman commercial government? [Howard] Actually, if you trace all this back it goes back to England. From England it goes back to Rome. From Rome it goes back to Greece. From Greece it goes back to the Egyptian Empire and then it goes to the Persian Empire and beyond the Persian Empire it goes back to the original Babylonian Empire. And if you people believe this education system that tells us that we have more knowledge today than anybody ever had they are full of stuff and you’re just as full of stuff for believing that because back in the Babylonian Empire they had everything that we got today except some of this high tech stuff like automobiles and computers and things like that. But they did all this same stuff in the original Babylonian Empire. They had much of the same business activities. They had sewer pipes and your house had to be connected to the sewer pipes and they drained the sewer pipes into a river like we do here. And there’s very little advancement in society at all over all the centuries that we’ve been here. The only advancement we’ve got is this high tech crap today which is actually destroying our society. [Dezert] Footnote, Howard. This Phoenician Alphabet we have on our driver’s license today, the all-capital letters, I have Photostats of it. Before it was in Rome, it was in Greece like you’d indicated and I’ve got Photostats from it in Greece in 350 BC. 350BC the Phoenician alphabet that we have on our driver’s license was used in Greece and then after they moved to Rome they then gave it that funny little squiggly Greek alphabet to cover their trail but it predates. You look at the walls on the monuments in Greece, they got the Phoenician alphabet that we have on our driver’s license today. [Howard] Yep. I’ve traced a lot of that stuff back. They actually had a different way of scribing the documents than we have today. They used inkberry which is a little bush that grows a little berry on it and it makes a juice and that juice is indelible. If you get it on a piece of paper you can’t get it off. They used the inkberry to write it on paper. The paper was about three times thicker than the paper we have today because they didn’t have the high tech ways of milling it down and squishing it like we do. But they had a way of making paper and they wrote it on paper. It was very thick and it was orangish in color, it wasn’t clear white like we’ve got today. We’ve increased…technology and made them a little bit better looking but they did the same things. They had the same schemes going.

….Babylonian Empire. As a matter of fact, I hate to get into this because this starts getting off into religious opinions that people have and I really could care less about people’s religious opinions. But in the Book of Daniel it talks about this. There’s a story in there about King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about a statue. The statue had a head of gold, a neck of silver and a chest of bronze and on down, down, down with different metals to the feet which were made of iron and clay. {Note, the legs were iron, one leg represented the Eastern Roman Empire and the other the Western Roman Empire and the ten toes represented the ten countries that the Roman Empire would break up into (they would not cling together) because of the feet of iron and clay which would crumble}. King Nebuchadnezzar’s advisors couldn’t explain to him what this dream was all about so they summoned the prophet Daniel and Daniel explained that that was the story of the seven Babylonian Empires. Each of the different metals in the statue represented a different empire. And the last and final empire would be the feet of iron and clay and the clay would support the iron and keep the statue of the Babylonian style empire erect and standing until the clay moved away and stopped supporting then the statue would collapse and Babylon would be destroyed forever, never to rise again. {It would try, refer to Napoleon and Hitler who were aware of the prophesy but invaded Russia anyway and were both defeated by the coldest winter in a century. Note, similarly the EU will go down!} This was a story in the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament. Now, if you go look at the Federalist Papers and Madison’s explanation of the concept of this constitutional government. It is divided into two parts, the private individual in his private capacity and the state in its governmental capacity. And neither one has a right for power to tell either one what to do. They can rule themselves. They each stand alone and each have the power to rule themselves but the private person cannot tell the government what to do. And the government cannot tell the private person what to do. Well, that’s the basic concept of a republican form of government that was established in the Constitution. [caller] ...under freedom of speech you could tell them where to go.

[Howard] Well, you can do that—yeah. But you can’t tell them what to do. You can only tell them where to go and you do that very politely and let them know that it’s a place where the sun don’t shine and that’s not hell. But anyway, the place where the sun don’t shine is the backside of my pants. Anyhow, the concept of the iron and the clay is representative of the concept of a republican form of government. The people in their private capacity have been supporting this government and the government is represented by the iron. And as long as we keep supporting it the whole Babylonian Empire is going to stay together. But there will be a day according to the prediction of Daniel that the people will pull away. The clay will move away from supporting the iron and then the whole Babylonian Empire will collapse. We’re in those days. This is the seventh and final Babylonian Empire called the United States. It will collapse. {The US has gone into socialism just like Argentina did at the turn of the last century. It totally destroyed Argentina and took it from the being second in the world to utter destruction via socialism through the Perons and others. The US is headed down the very same road at breakneck speed and we are headed for the same destruction. The only place socialism was defeated was Chile via Pinochet (at least for a time) and the difference

was dramatic.} There is no saving this thing just like there is no such thing as salvation of your body—it’s physical. Physical things deteriorate, it can’t be saved. [Ed] Can that gentleman appeal that decision tomorrow, is that another angle that he can have on this case…? [Howard] Well, he could, but that’s why I told him to get in touch with us. There might be a number of different things he can do. We got to wait and see exactly how it goes tomorrow. And apparently, he’s been involved in this for quite some time. There’s a lot of things already going on so we need to know a little more about what’s been going on. It might be worth appealing, it might not be worth appealing. I wouldn’t know until I got all the details and then I wouldn’t advise him what to do. I’d just tell him what the law says he can do. I don’t tell anybody what to do. I just tell them where to go. [Ed] [Howard] [Ed] [Howard] advice. [caller] The state of Texas you can free legal advice—right, Howard? The state of Texas did you say? The state of Texas will give you free legal advice if… I think every state in this country has some kind of a setup for free legal From attorneys.

[Howard] Well, certainly they’re attorneys—yeah. But I forget the names but they got names like the ACLU or whatever it is. They give free legal advice to a certain extent. They even actually be free in doing a case for you if you have a case that they’ll accept. But there’s other ones. There’s lawyers legal aid, lawyer’s aid in some states, legal aid in other states, and they’ll give you free advice to some extent and they have these things in every state. They’re not just Texas. But I can see the purpose of it. The purpose of it is to dupe you into their system. As I told Henry one night, Henry’s got a nice lawyer that’s winning a law suit for him and he thinks his lawyer is great. I said, ‘he’s a son-of-a-bitch.’ He’s a thief, he’s no damned good. Well, Henry got all hot, ‘yeah, he’s real good; he wins cases.’ I said, ‘yeah, he might win the case but the son-of-a-bitch put you down as a resident of the state. He listed you on the case as a resident. He put you in their system. He’s no damned good. [Ed] [Howard] He gave them jurisdiction over you—right, Howard? That’s right.

[Ed] It’s kind of like the story that you told before, Howard, it’s like get a lawyer and it’s $2,500 but if you don’t have a lawyer we’ll do it for less—right? But you still get charged even though you’re innocent.

[Howard] Well, the other side of the coin is you can get a lawyer for $500 and he’ll just go into court and stand there and do nothing. You can get a lawyer for $1000 and he’ll go into court and he’ll say a little bit but accomplish nothing. But if you pay him $2,500 he’ll share part of it with the judge and get the case dismissed. A friend of mine that had a bar business up in Baltimore years ago had a big sign hanging on the wall. It said Maryland has the best judges that money can buy. These protests that are going on, today, are growing bigger and bigger and bigger. Anger is exploding among the people but these protests are not new, they’ve been going on for years. That guy all the way back in the sixties and seventies was protesting the way the courts did things. He didn’t like the judges. He didn’t like what was going on. And I’ll tell you what, that little statement that I put in here about one of the acts of war that they did was to turn the courts into a collection agency for the benefit of the government. They’re not going to like that but it smacks them right in the face because it’s true. That’s all the hell these courts are, a collection agency for the government. [Ed] Howard, are you going to try and have that done within a year or—I know you said that you worked on it a long time and it was very well written. How much support documents can we, can the network help you with finding the support documents for that. Actually, Robin, are you still on? [Robin] Yeah, I’m here.

[Howard] Oh, you there. How soon do you think you can get back over to the library and look those things up that I asked you about? [Robin] [Howard] [Robin] [Howard] Tomorrow morning. Oh, that soon? Yeah. You’re a sweetheart.

[Robin] …tonight but I ran out of time, I had to do something for Ralph but I’ll be there tomorrow morning because there’s something I have to look up because I believe a lot of this happened before 1871, right before 1871. They did some things in 1871 that Congress just wouldn’t do to the private individual… [Howard] It started in 1866 within months after they killed Abraham Lincoln is when it started. They had to kill him to get him out of the way. {They had to remove him so that they could start the second phase of the communist revolution known as reconstruction. Also they had to bring in the central bank again.} [Robin] I’m going to have to go back a couple books and find out.

[Howard] You might but like I told you, at the beginning of the every one of the acts it says, ‘this is an act to do a certain thing.’ [Robin] That’s right.

[Howard] Alright, that’s all you have to read because if it does a certain thing like give money to somebody because their husband was a war veteran or something that’s not what we’re looking for. [Robin] Right.

[Howard] If it’s an act to create a law to establish the education system that’s not what we’re looking for. We’re looking for the act to establish a corporation by the name of the United States and another act that says that the corporation, United States, is requiring every state government to be an agency of the United States. That’s where all states rights were lost when they became agents of the United States instead of independent states associated with the United States of America which was the original corporation. And that’s going to be a hard thing to get through to people’s thick heads. Nobody understands that the Constitution was the bylaws for the establishment of a corporation. The first government was a corporation. They’ve created a new corporation to shadow that government around 1871 and that shadow government is the de facto government that I referred to in this thing that I was just reading and that de facto government has no real authority to do anything. It can’t even pass laws related to what the Constitution allows. It has no power and authority—it’s de facto which means that they created it without authority. That’s what de facto means. [Robin] Yeah, I’m anxious to find out, myself.

[Howard] I know it’s in there because years ago sitting up in the University of Maryland law school library I stumbled over some of those things but I did not recognize how important it was at the time so I didn’t make copies of it. [caller] Was the Erie Railroad v. Thomkins decision the decision of a de facto Supreme Court? [Howard] Actually, the entire government has been de facto since about 1871. So anything that has been done by Congress, by the President or by the courts have been without authority—they’re de facto. [caller] Without our informed consent—right?

[Howard] Our informed consent doesn’t matter. They had no authority whatsoever to do anything that they did. Well if you go back to President Andrew Johnson, the President that followed Abraham Lincoln. They submitted a bill from Congress for President Johnson to sign into law called the Civil Rights Act of 1866. If you go read it, it was the premise upon which the 14th Amendment was built. It had a lot of the same wording as the

14th Amendment had. President Johnson vetoed that bill and his statement was that the government does not have the authority under the Constitution to regulate people, to bring people in under the government that are not employees of the government and to regulate their lives and to create schools and to create health care and to give them benefits. There is no constitutional authority to do that so he vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1866. Congress went on to get around the President by getting the states to accept the 14th Amendment which was a re-write of the Civil Rights Act of 1866. After they got the 14th Amendment ratified by a couple of the states—and by the way, I found the history of the state of Maryland—they ratified the 14th Amendment in 1954. The laws regulating amendments required that all of the states ratify it while Congress is still in session at the time that it’s put out for ratification. Well, the 14th Amendment was put out for ratification in 1868 and it wasn’t ratified by the state of Maryland, one of the states, until 1954. So the 14th Amendment was never properly ratified but they’re using it anyway which means all of this is de facto and it’s the 14th Amendment that created this resident status. The first paragraph of the 14th Amendment says, ‘all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside.’ There’s your residence. If you live in the area of the state then you’re considered to be a resident. The 14th Amendment created this problem. And then shortly after they got the 14th Amendment through then they created this new corporation just called the United States instead of the United States of America and then they created a set of books called The Revised Laws of the United States where they took away all the powers and rights of the original government and assumed those powers for themselves. [caller] Where can you get this information?

[Howard] In the United States Statutes at Large. They’re on a library shelf on any reasonably decent law library, The United States Statutes at Large. I think that’s what they’re called—am I right, Robin? My memory’s gotten terrible about things like that. [Robin] Yeah, that’s right, United States Statutes at Large.

[Howard] And interestingly enough, all the way up to book number 17 of those books on the back of the binder there’s a black label with white letters that says, ‘by authority of Congress.’ And from book number 18 all the way to today’s books there is no banner stating that these laws are by the authority of Congress which means that we don’t have a Congress because the Congress was established under the Constitution for the United States of America, the first corporation. This takeover corporation has a board of directors —they still call them Congress. But they’re not the real Congress. They’re just a board of directors of this shadow corporation which is a de facto government. [caller] [Howard] [caller] Johnson vetoed that. Is one of the reasons why they tried to impeach him? That’s why—yep. Ok, I thought so because they tried to get rid of him.

[Howard] Yep, they tried to impeach him. They brought up all kinds of degrading statements about him and tried to tear him down in the eyes of the people. They never did get around to impeaching him but they tried and finally when it came time for the next election it wasn’t worth him running because he’d been degraded so much he knew he wouldn’t get elected. I forget the name of the guy that ran next but he was one of their insiders, President Grant. He was the next one that got into office and he was one of their insider lawyer cartel, drug dealing petro-refinery people. He was one of the corrupt ones and he put all this stuff through and allowed it to be signed into law. [caller] Mr. Griswold, what is the name of that act that you’re looking for, an act to establish a law requiring every state to be an agent of the federal government or something. [Howard] That’s one of them and the other one was an act to establish a new corporation called the United States and it’s somewhere in the United States Statutes at Large between 1868 and 1872. I think it was 1871. [Owen]Howard, I sent you that one a while back ago. I sent you the reference for it, at least. [Howard] page. [Owen]Oh, ok. [Howard] I’m pretty sure it’s in the 1871. I’m pretty sure it’s in the 1871. My memory isn’t real good. It just sort of stuck in my mind that that’s where I had seen it years ago but I didn’t realize when I saw it how important it was. Go ahead. [George] This is George from New Jersey. I was just listening to you talking about the Statutes at Large and I found the complete volume for that on the internet if anybody’s interested. [Howard] [George] [Howard] this up. [Robin] What do you mean the complete volume? You mean the 1871… All of it, every volume that they have. Could you give us the website? Robin, you might get your daughter to look I like the library better. Yeah. In the 1871 Statutes at Large was the reference. It didn’t say what

[Howard] Actually, I do too, because I have checked stuff that came off of the computer with what is in the library and the computer has been changed. They leave the good parts out on purpose.

[George] www.constitution.org/uslawuslaw/sal/sal.htm . I found something else you were talking about tonight about Trading With the Enemy. I guess it’s in book form from Harvard University and it has some case law stuff behind it too so you might be interested in that. [caller] What’s the name of the book?

[George] Trading With the Enemy—you can find that at Google books. Go to Google, type in Google books, go to Google search engines for books, you just type in Trading With the Enemy Act. [Ed] Who’s the author?

[Owen]There’s also one by Eugene Schroeder that’s good under the same title. [George] …in New Jersey. That’s all I see as far as with the author.

[Owen]Howard, I have D.C. Incorporated February 21, 1871 16 Statues at Large on 419 and it also references 443. [Robin] That’s the one I got to get, 16.

[Howard] That’s the one I want you to find. He said it was in 16 Statutes at Large. There were three books, I told you, that covered the 1871. So, part of it was in 16, part of it was in 17 and then the third book doesn’t have a number on it and the third book is that book of The Revised Statutes of the United States. Book 17 is the one that was the last one that was marked ‘by the authority of Congress’ so by the time the year of 1871 ended there was no Congress anymore. We don’t have one. These monkeys down in Washington, D.C. are the board of directors of this new corporation that was formed in 1871 called the United States, the one that shadows the original United States of America. And it was actually a takeover by a foreign sovereign, the bankers. The English bankers and their lawyer cartel took over the government of this country without a war. It was at the end of the Civil War following the end of the Civil War but without a war they actually took over this country. [caller] [Howard] [caller] Without firing a shot. Without firing a shot. Now, I was reading some of the newspaper articles… I thought they shot Lincoln.

[Howard] They shot Lincoln in 1865. All this stuff started with the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and then the 14th Amendment in 1868 and then in 1871 they formed this new corporation. And I was starting to say that I was reading some of the Washington Post news articles from those days that can be found in some libraries and you might be able to find this on Google too. You go look it up. There were dozens and dozens and dozens of newspaper articles about what a fraud was going on in Washington, D.C., that every bit of

legislation was fraudulent that was happening. And the American people read the articles and said, ‘who gives a shit; let them do what they’re going to do.’ And they did it and got away with it. So, again, I tell you that it’s not the fault of the CFR or the Trilateralist Commission or the Club of Rome or any of these other organizations. It is the fault of the people because they let it happen, they accepted it. It is our fault and our father’s and grandfather’s and great grandfather’s fault that should have done something about this and didn’t. [Ed] Howard, can you find unsanitized material in the Lexis Law and the West Law or is that tainted, as well. [Howard] That’s usually pretty accurate if you can get into Lexis or West Law but that’s expensive. Now, the libraries usually have it. They pay that expense at the library and they’ll let you use it and they only ask you to pay copying costs for the copies you make. [Ed] [Howard] Most of your law libraries would have either the Lexis or the West Law… Right.

[Ed] Now, Howard, how does Bouvier’s Law Dictionary compare with Blacks Law Dictionary? [Howard] Well, if you bought a copy of Bouvier’s and then bought a copy of Black’s first through the eighth edition and read each one of them you would see how they have perverted the law over the years by changing the meaning of words. [caller] [Howard] [caller] [Howard] [Ed] Word game. That’s what it is. It’s a word game. One is copyrighted and one is not. Well, who cares? I don’t care if it’s copyrighted. What does copyright mean?

[Howard] Somebody claimed the right to the book and any reprint of the book for a profit is a violation of their copyright. They’re entitled to the profits off of the sale of it. That’s all copyright does is it protects the money that you would make off of the book. [Ed] [Howard] So Bouvier’s is not copyrighted? I don’t know; I don’t care. I wouldn’t reprint it and try to sell it.

[Henry] The only thing with Bouvier, they were the only law dictionary that Congress ever approved. [Howard] Yeah, the Congress has adopted that as their official law dictionary.

[Ed] So then the state’s laws…statutes…Bouvier’s because they’re an agency of the United States? [Howard] Yes, as a matter of fact although the Supreme Court has said that not every law that Congress passes is the law of the land and constitutional and they’re correct. Ninety-nine and nine tenths percent of the laws that Congress passes are, in fact, constitutional. It is the application of these laws by lawyers out here in society that is unconstitutional. There is nothing unconstitutional about the income tax laws—nothing. They are absolutely constitutional. All you have to do is read them. Read Title 26 and you’ll find out that Congress made the income tax laws in accordance with the authority that they were given in the Constitution, the authority to impose taxes on imposts, duties and excises. And Title 26 is all about excises which are privilege taxes. They only apply to privileges that government creates because you requested it. If you didn’t request a privilege and you’re operating in your private capacity as a worker somewhere none of those income tax laws were ever meant to apply to you. It’s the damned lawyers that apply them and misapply them—by the way, I used to date that chick, Miss Apply. [caller] Was the health care all constitutional also?

[Howard] No, the health care has no constitutional authority, that’s what we were just saying. Andrew Johnson vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 simply because Congress did not have the authority to regulate people’s health or their education or their social welfare which is covered today by social security, that’s your social welfare. They did it anyway eventually but Andrew Johnson was smart enough to know that government didn’t have the authority to do this and he vetoed the bill. That’s why they tried to impeach him. [Ed] He was right, wasn’t he, Howard?

[Howard] Yes, he was right. And it’s coming to light today and this is what’s going to lead to the massacre and I don’t care whether you like that idea or not. You don’t have to participate. I don’t want to but there’s going to be a massacre. The Bible even tells you this that the cities will be burned and laid desolate in these last days and I traced the word, city, back all the way into Hebrew to find out what it meant and it means civil governments. It doesn’t mean the town you live in called like where I used to live, Baltimore City. That was a town using that word, city, to describe the town. But the word, city, in Hebrew that was used in the Bible meant civil governments. The civil governments will be burned and laid desolate the Bible tells us. Well, violence is what causes the burning of something like that. There’s going to be bloodshed and lots of it and it’s not avoidable unless we, the people, do something to prevent it from happening by straightening things out then it can be prevented. And the Bible even says that, it says how serious and intense these last days are. It depends upon the people and what they do. If we do nothing it will end up with

severe violence and bloodshed all over the place. As a matter of fact, the Bible says in the cities as they are called today, that the blood will run curb deep. That’s going to take a lot of blood. Curbs are usually about eight inches high. Eight inches of blood all the way across the street running down the streets because of all the dead bodies that are bleeding out there in the streets. That’s going to be a mess. [caller] And, Howard, I suspect that blood will be the BAR Esquire attorneys.

[Howard] It will be stupid people who take the side of the government against the intelligent people who are standing up against the government as well as the attorneys and the government flunkies that work for government. [caller] Now, Howard, in that same time frame, 1865 to 71, 72, was that the titles of nobility prohibition in the 13th Amendment original was deleted? [Howard] Yes.

[caller] It was subsequently discovered in the 1980’s, I believe, by some astute investigators… [Howard] [Henry] [Howard] Actually, there were three 13th Amendments. Didn’t the informer expose that? Some of it—yeah.

[Henry] Yeah, because I know I’ve got stacked away the one big thick bunch of papers that he put together on the 13th Amendment. [Howard] He put some stuff out. We put some stuff out. He showed the one in the middle that was passed. The one in the middle had twenty sections in it. The one that was finally accepted and put into the books has two sections in it. They left out the twenty section one because the twenty section one prevented the need for the 14th Amendment to ever be put into place. [caller] Where do you find this?

[Howard] Well, go to the library and start researching, you’ll find it, it’s there. I don’t know that it’s important. It doesn’t matter. We’re talking about a hundred years of corruption since then—more than a hundred years isn’t it? What is it, 150 or 160 years of corruption? So, who cares? Under the common law if the people accept something for as long as seventy years it becomes the law. So, today, the law is all corruption, we’ve accepted it and it is the law, it’s ruling. [caller] But that consent was based on…

[Howard] It doesn’t matter that they did not give you the information or reveal the details to you. You had a duty to find out the information and the details and if you didn’t and do something about it and you accepted it for seventy years it’s now the law. [caller] So that’s why we all must become enlightened and empowered to act in our own private capacity to correct the record. [Howard] Well, I have said for quite a few years that although there is a group of people with the gumption to take time to study and learn what the law is all about it is not that group of people that is going to make any difference. It is not knowing law and understanding this that is going to make any difference because it’s too few people that are bothering to understand it. What is going to make a difference is the loss of goodies and the good life style that we had in America and the average person’s anger because of the loss of all their goodies and the revolt that will occur because of anger not because of knowledge and understanding of the law. And look at what’s developing. These people in these tea party things, they’re just angry. They have no idea of what they’re talking about. They just…like the health care bill—they’re angry. [caller] Yeah. And, Howard, the tea party people in this area, I quit calling the guy who’s like the coordinator. He’s a restaurant owner. He’s just Joe Six Pack, easy come, easy go. I like my entertainment, I like my friends. I don’t like people with badges and guns so I’m going to do what they tell me to do… [Howard] Until the jerk with a badge and a gun makes him so angry and all the rest of the people around him so angry that they all get together with their guns in hand and decide that they’re going to go burn and attack the government buildings and that’s what the Bible predicts is going to happen. It’s going to be anger over the loss of all the goodies, the interference in our life. It is not going to be because you have knowledge like we learned from all of our efforts. It’s the knowledge, the people that have knowledge—as a matter of fact, we’re talked about again in the Book of Daniel. Many of us, it says, will go in there and argue with them and stand up against them and many will lose and drop by the wayside and not continue the fight and others will not stop, they will fight right up until the end. The end will be when the violence starts. That’s when this law stops. We step aside. You can’t use the courts and use the laws to present to the courts and try to get rulings in the courts that are favorable to us when the violence is burning the court buildings down. [Henry] The more unemployment they get, the more taxation they put on the people the oppression will get to the point, it’s going to be like a boiling pot with the lid on and it’s going to go like inferno, it’s just going to blow out, going to be just like a volcano. [Ed] They’re doing that in Thailand…

[Howard] Yeah. It’s happening. Somebody asked me today, is anything like what we’re doing going on in any other place in the world? I said, ‘yes, every country in the world is using the same basic set of laws. They’re all relying on what we call the negotiable

instrument laws which in this country was codified the Uniform Commercial Code. That is the commercial laws. They’re enforcing them against all the people and creating this oppression in all countries of the world and there are people standing up against it in all countries of the world. We’re not alone in doing this. This will be a worldwide burning of government buildings. When it starts it’s just going to be like dominoes from one nation to the next nation to the next nation. Each one of them is going to fall. [Henry] Well, look at the United States what they’re trying to do to these other countries, trying to force this democratic bull crap on these other countries that don’t want it. [Howard] Yep. And there is people in those countries that are standing up fighting against it saying, ‘no, we don’t want it.’ But there’s other people that think it’s wonderful and you look here in America. Now, they said that 75%, at least, of the American people do not want the health care bill. Well, if 75% don’t want it evidently there’s 25% of the morons out there that think it’s wonderful and they do want it. Now, they’re going to be overpowered by the 75% that don’t want it if it comes to a violent confrontation. And if the police and military step into that violent confrontation they are greatly outnumbered by the massive number of American people and I’m sure if they step in that’s going to anger a whole lot more people and it might be 200 million Americans that are angry with guns and that will wipe out the military and kill every last one of them. It’ll wipe out every cop and kill every last one of them and then they will burn and destroy the government buildings. It’s all written to happen. When I was a kid I wondered why this was in the Bible because I went to Catholic elementary school and the Catholic nuns brought this up and talked about what it said in the Bible about the cities will be burned and laid desolate. And I said, ‘well, why would we do that?’ Well, of course, when I was a kid, sixty years ago, seven years old, eight years old, Baltimore City was a very nice place. You didn’t even lock your doors. You didn’t lock your car and sometimes you left the keys in the car. Nobody bothered anything. Very polite, very decent group of people, hard workers, they didn’t steal anything from one another. The government wasn’t stealing from the people the way it is today. Baltimore City’s not the same at all today. When my wife and I move away from there twenty-five, almost twenty-six years ago and came down here to Delaware my wife’s comment was, ‘if we never went back again it would be too soon—never would be too soon.’ In other words, we don’t want to be there tomorrow but it used to be a nice place and I wondered why in the hell would the people want to burn the city? Why does the Bible say that’s going to happen? And it took all these years of study to finally realize why. All these registration documents that give them the power to control our property and our lives are in those government buildings and the only way to get rid of this is to burn those buildings and get rid of those documents. [caller] Howard, there was a movie that Clint Eastwood was in where they did just that. It was a Western movie and the people, one night, just burned that sucker down, the courthouse building, where all the property records were. [Howard] There have been many books written and movies made by people with knowledge and foresight of how this would work. The problem is that when they make

these movies and write these books they have to do it in a novel form. They can’t come right out and make it an absolute prediction because they’ll be shot down. People will call them nuts so they do it in novel form. Well, in novel form it’s a story around it that leads to it and it happens and things are all over. It took all those years of study for me to figure this out that that’s the reason why they have to be burned. This is got to be done, you can’t stop it. It’s got to result in violence and burning and destruction of the government’s buildings and government people. [Henry] That’s why the government blew up out in Oklahoma. The records out there from Waco and from Ruby Ridge were in the Oklahoma building. All the top officials were not there so they blew it up and then McVeigh was just a scapegoat. [Howard] At that time Congress had ordered all of those documents related to Ruby Ridge and to the Waco incident to be delivered to Congress because they were going to investigate those incidents. So the documents had to be destroyed so that Congress couldn’t see them. So they blew the building up and then they bulldozed it in hours after the explosion. In three days time that whole building was completely bulldozed and hauled away. So, any papers that were left in there were destroyed even if the bombs didn’t destroy it and it was done internally. That was an inside job. That was not done by some nutzo. [Henry] One of my friends, the day after it happened, he and a couple of other guys took a plane and went out there to investigate and they walked around inside and they saw C4 satchels that were still on some of the columns that never exploded. [Howard] The fire department reported that too. And there was something else the fire department reported that didn’t get sent out in the general news and that was that on each landing the mid-landing between the floors of the staircases in the back of the building where the stairs were there was a 55-gallon drum of fulminate of mercury. These drums were full of mercury fulminate. If those bombs in the center of the building would have gone off it would have been enough impact to blow those drums up against the wall and the mercury fulminate would have exploded and the fire department said if that happened it would have taken every building in downtown Oklahoma City right to the ground. …they didn’t go off because the bombs in the middle of the building misfired which shows you how damned incompetent government personnel can be. They did get the bombs on the front wall to go off but the bombs in the middle that were supposed to go off next never went off. [caller] [Howard] of it. [Jim] So that’s why they had to bulldoze it so soon. That’s why they had to bulldoze it so quick to cover all that up and get rid General Partin exposed that whole thing.

[Howard] A number of people have tried to expose it but the news media would not print it and the government would not investigate it. They were looking for somebody private to blame and you take this guy, McVeigh, who really wasn’t private, he was a BATF agent working for the BATF. But they didn’t like him so they decided to pin it on him to get him out of the BATF. [caller] I thought he was a special forces operative.

[Howard] I think he was when he was in the military but when he left the military he went with the BATF. {03:21:59.099} **************** Note: There is a new book of interest by Ellen Brown called Web of Debt. It’s available as hardcopy or as an e-book (e-book is $10). It appears to be an excellent book. Go to www.webofdebt.com .

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