2010Mar25 - Howard Griswold Conference Call

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Howard Griswold Conference Call—Thursday, March 25, 2010 Partial Howard Griswold Conference calls: 218-844-3388 pin 966771# (6 mutes & un-mutes), Thursday’s at 8 p.m., Eastern Time. ‘6’ Mutes and un-mutes

Conference Call is simulcast on:
www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net Starting in the first hour at 8 p.m.

Note: there is a hydrate water call Monday’s, same time and number and pin #. Howard’s home number: 302-875-2653 (between 9:30, a.m, and 7:00, p.m.)
Mickey’s debt collection call is 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time, Wednesday night. The number is 712 – 432 – 8773 and the pin number is 947975#.

All correspondence to: Gemini Investment Research Group, POB 398, Delmar, Del. 19940 (do not address mail to ‘Howard Griswold’ since Howard has not taken up residence in that mailbox and since he’s on good terms with his wife he isn’t likely to in the foreseeable future.) "All" Howard's and GEMINI RESEARCH's information through the years, has been gathered, combined and collated into 3 "Home-Study Courses" and "Information packages" listed at www.peoples-rights.com "Mail Order" DONATIONS and/or Toll-Free 1-877-544-4718 (24 Hours F.A.Q. line) Dave DiReamer can be reached at: [email protected] Peoples-rights has a new book available from The Informer: Just Who Really Owns the United States, the International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, World Bank, Your House, Your Car, Everything—the Myth and the Reality. He’ll take $45 for the book to help with ads, but $40 would be ok which includes shipping ($35 barebones minimum) www.peoples-rights.com c/o 1624 Savannah Road, Lewes, Delaware 19958 ******************** Often you can find a transcript or a partial one for the week’s call at the following website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/peoplelookingforthetruth ******************************************************************* When you aren’t talking please mute your phone!!

It would be best if you mute your phone when you first come on, then un-mute it when you want to talk and then re-mute it. You can use the *6 button on your phone or use the phone’s mute button Speaker phones and cell phones are not desirable as they can chop up the call badly occasionally. If you are recording the call and leave the phone unintended, please mute!!!!! Note, on October 30th someone left the phone un-muted and coupled television audio into the phone making the conference call conversations very difficult. When you are not muted be careful of making noise such as breathing hard into the phone’s microphone or rubbing the mouthpiece or not reducing extraneous noise across the room. Cell phones can pick up wind noise when used outside and also if not in a primary reception zone can couple noise into the call. Excessive echoes and noise will terminate the conference call. Cell phones and speaker phones can cause echoes. Keep the call quiet, don’t make Howard climb out of his mailbox and bop you one. ******************************************************************* Note: the telephone lines are usually quite noisy and therefore it would be prudent to slow your speech down otherwise your words and meaning will be lost. Suggestion to everyone (even Howard): Get a phone with a privacy or mute button. This is much more convenient than star-6 and more rapid to use. It can also be used as a cough button since it can be used rapidly. Try it, you’ll like it. ********************************************************************* {00:21:00.657} [Howard] Well, if you look into the rules of evidence he’s find out that a lawyer can’t speak for you unless you. He can get up in front of the court and put you on the stand and ask you questions so that you can state certain facts that you’re familiar with but he can’t state the facts because anything he says is hearsay—he wasn’t there when it happened. That’s how to shoot a lawyer down, using the rules of evidence. Everything a lawyer says and does is hearsay. He wasn’t there and didn’t experience it. If he doesn’t have first hand knowledge of the actual incident then he can’t speak about it. Lawyers always go into court and speak about it and you can stop every one of them. I don’t anything about lawyers not having any commercial authority. I don’t see why they wouldn’t have any commercial authority. What the hell do you think they’re there for? They’re there to either promote or detain commerce. [caller] allegations? So, Howard, you would tell them to produce evidence to back up their

[Howard] Right. Come up with real evidence like under Rule 901. We’ve talked about this before. Rule 901 of the Rules of Evidence and you can find that in any state’s Rules of Evidence as well as the federal rules requires that it also be authenticated by an affidavit and that affidavit has to also state that under Rule 602 the person did have personal

knowledge. They were there and saw the whole transaction, whatever it may have been. Whether they saw somebody stab somebody or shoot somebody or if they saw a commercial transaction take place they have to have been there and seen it otherwise they can’t testify to it and if it’s on a document that document has to be verified by an affidavit to be true and correct and they don’t ever do this kind of stuff. This is how you can stop them in the courts. I don’t care what kind of a case it is, they can’t come up with these affidavits because they 99 times out of a 100 can’t get the real person who did have the knowledge of something, did actually see it happen. So everything is hearsay that a lawyer puts in the court. [caller] I have a question. If a relative like a brother, like my mom has Alzheimer’s…her sign a will by a notary and she signed it and she doesn’t remember signing it and she has contacted her lawyer. It says we have full guardianship of power of attorney over her but she has no knowledge of signing the notary that he wrote up, by the notary or his associate, isn’t that fraud? [Howard] No. If it was written up at a time when she was still of sound mind and now she doesn’t remember it, that doesn’t matter. [caller] She wasn’t of sound mind.

[Howard] Well, that’s the next thing I was going to tell you, what they call a deathbed will is invalid because usually on the deathbed someone is not of sound mind anymore because they’re weakening so much and actually this Alzheimer’s is a fairly new problem but your brain is dead from the time you really starting developing Alzheimer’s and you’re not competent anymore and anything you do, it’s doesn’t matter, it’s not valid. [caller] That could also be considered…abuse—right, Howard?

[Howard] Well, any attempt to take advantage of the properties or actually the life like cutting off medicine or something like that would definitely fit the category of being old age abuse. [Howard] I kept telling my secretary if she doesn’t stop beating me with that 2 x 6 I’m going to holler about old age abuse but she says it’s the only way she can get me to do any work. [caller] The minute she expires the power of attorney ends—right, Howard?

[Howard] Yes, a power of attorney always expires upon death. Along with a power of attorney there has to be what’s called a power of appointment. The power of appointment appoints someone, maybe even the same person that had power of attorney, to continue on after death to resolve all the issues left behind but it requires a power of appointment that’s recognizable. A power of attorney is not recognizable after death, only while they’re still alive.

[Cathy]Howard, I know somebody who has a problem with a credit card. The credit card this person had, they sent this person a letter and said that they were adding like a new fee of like $80 a year—this was to everybody—I think it’s like Chase. They’re bringing along a new yearly fee and this person wrote back and said they didn’t want it and Chase writes back and says that they didn’t respond within 30 days. But they don’t think that that’s true so even though this person has stopped the credit card they’ve canceled the credit card. Chase still wants them to pay. I think it’s $80 because they said they didn’t tell them within thirty days that they were canceling it. [Howard] That is definitely a fraudulent transaction. This is a computer trick and a lot of people get stuck on this junk that’s on the computer by these kinds of things. If you sign up for this thing and you don’t call us within thirty days and tell us you don’t want it then you’re going to have to pay for it every month. It’ll be an automatic deduction from your credit card. This is one gigantic fraud that is being pulled and a lot of people are dragged into this. [Cathy]It was a yearly fee… [Howard] It’s the same kind of a thing though. I don’t care how they worded it whether they’re offering to give you a bunch of coupons for discounts at drug stores and restaurants and gas stations and you can get all this and sign up for just one dollar and then in small print down below it says every month you’ll be given more coupons and it’ll cost you $14.95 deducted from your credit card. [caller] That’s de facto, isn’t it, Howard? …after the fact.

[Howard] Well, it’s in the contract—you should have read it. But when somebody like Chase comes up with this thing, it’s the same kind of an approach if you don’t tell us you don’t want to pay it within thirty days then we’re going to continue to charge you. And the biggest problem that we have with computers is we have morons that work computers— they don’t know that there’s a delete button. Once it’s put in a computer it can’t be changed and it’ll keep billing you. I won’t deal with that kind of stuff. That’s why I don’t fool with the damned computer—I don’t even want your e-mails. [Henry] Wouldn’t a notice and demand to validate a debt claim—use that on them?

[Howard] You probably could but they wouldn’t answer it. Of course, when they don’t answer it if you end up in court then you have good evidence that they couldn’t produce any evidence to prove that they had a valid claim so it works good for you if you end up in court. 00:29:30.010 [caller] Couldn’t you do that validation thing and if they don’t answer at least twice like in two months then you could take them to court and then sue them that they didn’t answer you and that the judge should put them into default?

[Howard] And you could accuse them of harassment. As a matter of fact, those kinds of things are covered by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act which is in Title 16 of the United States Code and there’s a whole list of things that they’re not allowed to do and if they violate any one of those things—I believe, if you read that law correctly it’s $1000 that they owe you for every violation that they perpetrated. Well, in one case that Mickey worked on and helped somebody put together there were 28 violations so he sued them for $28,000 and he won. [Cathy]How would one person prove that they sent it back within 30 days? I mean, it’s their words against yours. They could mess with the computer and say, well, we got it this date instead of this. [Howard] Oh, they do that too—yeah—don’t open the mail for a month.

[Cathy]How can they prove? [caller] You send a letter certified mail then when they get it they have to sign for it so you have the date that they signed for it on there. [Cathy]Yeah, but they didn’t do that. [Howard] Well, yeah. See, there are times to do something certified mail and times not to use certified mail. When you don’t want to prove you got something you don’t return it certified mail but when you want to prove that you sent something that’s a good time to use certified or at least deliver confirmation or if nothing else spend the fifty-five cents and get a proof of mailing statement from the post office—that’s the cheapest way to do it. But a lot of people don’t do that, they just put it in the mail and that can be tampered with. [caller] How did she cancel it? Did she call them on the phone or did she do it through e-mail, how did she do it? [Cathy]I don’t know. [Howard] Well, the way to prove it would be an affidavit stating the truth that you sent it at a certain time. The mail usually takes an average of three days to get delivered and they had it in plenty of time—the thirty days were not up including the three days that it took for delivery. The thirty days were not up. A simple little affidavit like that, now they have to rebut that affidavit with an affidavit of their own stating… [caller] …what type of affidavit because there are different types, aren’t there?

[Howard] An affidavit is a statement of facts. There are no different types. There is a bunch of baloney spread around this patriot community called an affidavit of truth. Let me tell you something, if you didn’t tell the truth in an affidavit you could go to jail for perjury. So you don’t have to call it an affidavit of anything. It’s just an affidavit. An affidavit is a statement of facts, whatever the facts are and that’s all. You don’t wander off

into who struck John and Jane wasn’t there to watch it or any of the other silliness, just the facts. Remember the television show that was on for years called Dragnet, Sergeant Joe Friday? Every time they interviewed somebody the person would get off in left field and all kinds of explanations and old Joe Friday would say, ‘Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.’ That show was trying to teach us something. Just the facts, stick to the facts, whatever the facts were. I sent the thing on such-and-such a date. It takes three days for normal delivery. They had it on such-and-such a date. The thirty days was up at such-and-such a date. That’s the end of the facts—shut up. Further affiant sayeth not. That’s the end of my statements. It was a statement of facts. That’s all you do—that’s an affidavit. [caller] Also, she sent that thing back over the internet. Off to the side of her e-mail there will be a little tab right there that says, ‘inbox junk mail sent’ and she’ll be able to push on ‘sent’ and see all the e-mails that she’d sent out. And if you call you always have to ask for the person’s name that you’re talking to and the badge number or their ID number for the company. That proves that you did talk with them. [Cathy]Yeah, if it’s only an $80 fee that they want this person to pay maybe like I was thinking, I would look up for them the Fair Debt Collection Act. [Howard] You know what? Nobody’s going to hire a lawyer to go to court to collect an $80 fee so don’t pay it. They’ll go away. They’ll keep sending nasty letters for a little while and eventually they’ll go away. [caller] What was it that she got, was it some scam that she…and said was free and then they started charging her later or something? [Howard] No, she had a credit card and they sent her a letter telling that they’re going to charge like a service fee for carrying the credit card of $80 a year and they sent it to everybody that has a Chase credit card. And the statement said, ‘unless you notify us within thirty days that you don’t want to pay it,’ and apparently, she didn’t notify them within thirty days. [caller] Excuse me I want to ask you a question in reference to this. I was told that —this is hearsay I got from a third party—but his uncle gets any kind of bill and he writes something on it, I think like accepted for value… [Howard] [caller] [Howard] either. [Henry] Oh, boy, that’ll get him in a lot of trouble. I don’t know what that means. You know what? The people that promote that don’t know what it means It means they’re going to jail by using it—another patriot scam.

[Howard] Good possibility. Steer clear of that kind of information. When that first came out I looked in the commercial law books to see if I could find anything to verify that they were on the right track and what it says in the commercial law is no matter how you accept something even with a restricted acceptance which is what accepted for value is supposed to be, a restricted acceptance it still constitutes an acceptance and an assumption of the liability and if the party trying to collect the debt desires to do so they can go immediately to collection and consider your accepted for value statement to be a dishonor of the debt. [caller] That’s called a bad faith…

[Howard] A bad faith attempt to distort the validity of the debt. The debt may not have validity but this is not the way to attack it. [Henry] [Howard] That’s like the old public office money certificates. Yeah.

[Diane]Howard, it’s Dianne in Kentucky. Can you go over accepted for value again? What does it mean, though? What does it apply to? Anything? [Howard] Well, that’s what they’re promoting. Anytime anybody sends you any kind of a debt to pay you’re supposed to write ‘accepted for value’ on it and send it back. I just told you what the law book says about that. Under the commercial law any acceptance at all whether it’s a restricted acceptance or a full acceptance still constitutes an acceptance and establishes the liability on the part of the acceptor. The best thing to do is to send it back to them and say, ‘this is not accepted.’ [Diane]You mean, don’t write ‘accepted for value’, write ‘this is not accepted’. [Howard] Yeah. As a matter of fact, years before these shenanigans came out I was teaching people to just tell them you don’t accept because as Dave has mentioned so many times on these calls that the law of contract requires two things, an offer by one party and an acceptance by the other party. Absent either one of those two things you don’t have a contract. Well, that doesn’t make a contract—don’t accept. [caller] That’s a meeting of the minds—right?

[Howard] Right. An acceptance would be an acceptance would be a meeting of minds enjoining the offer that somebody made. I’ll tell you what. Out in Colorado there’s this thing called the Grand Canyon and it’s a ninety foot drop from the ground level up at the top up to the bottom of the canyon and I will offer you a chance to commit suicide—do you want to accept? [caller] The rarely give you fill disclosure anyway.

[Howard] Well, I just gave you full disclosure, it’s suicide, you’re going to be dead when you hit the bottom at ninety feet down. You want to… Now, I’m giving you full disclosure. That’s a good way to die if you want to. What these people do is they distort the language and make it look like it’s a good thing and you should accept it and there’s no reason for you to accept something that is not beneficial to you. These bills in 99 percent of the time are related to something to do with government. Everything in banking is an agency of government. Everything to do with insurance is an agency of government. Everything to do with this hogwash called medical care is an agency of government. I don’t wish to accept anything to do with government. [caller] So the remuneration’s all one way, Howard.

[Howard] That’s right and what they’re doing is they’re doing those things like automobile registration and land deed registration and property taxes based on your land and income tax based on social security, these were all offers to you to sign up and enjoy the benefits from government. Government will watch out for your property. Government will protect your right to work and all this foolishness. And if you accept all those nice benefits you assume the liability, that’s what…is all about. [Dave] You accepted, now you got a contract.

[Howard] That’s right. It constitutes a contract and contracts cannot just be broken because you don’t want to do it anymore. You have to have a legitimate reason to break a contract. You got to be able to show the lack of disclosure. [caller] Or fraud.

[Howard] Well, the lack of disclosure is indeed fraud. But you got to be able to explain the fraud, not just call it a fraud. [caller] Speaking of fraud and explaining the fraud how is it that—you have a mode of transportation, a vehicle or a bike or whatever and…motorcycle or a house, plane, and that land…you hold the deed to it but you have to pay taxes for it, isn’t that a form of fraud, taking money from people after they pay for the items or the property? [Howard] It sure is. It’s defrauding people of their private property by the registration with government. We’ve talked about this many times. Any registration of any one of your properties if you’re a private person is defrauding you of the interest and rights in that property. [Dave] Without the just compensation.

[Howard] Yeah, and without just compensation. They’re not paying you for the value of the interest but they’re taking the interest that you offer to give them. See, you’re the offeror in those cases. They get you to come in and register this property. Some moron comes around to your house and tells you, you got to have a dog license for that dog. Well,

this thing I got barks but I’m going to tell you it’s not a dog. This little thing I got is more like a people than most people are. It even comes running down the hallway to the back of the house and barks at me to tell me that the phone is ringing up here in the front of the house—very little intelligent little thing, isn’t it? It’s no dog. And I’ll tell you what, it doesn’t have a license and it’s not going to get one and I got a real bad attitude, I don’t like people, especially ignorant people. And some idiot comes around here and tell me I got to have a license for my dog I’ll dig a hole in the back and throw some lime in there, dump a little water in, throw his body in, put the dirt back on top. In about three to five days his whole body will dissipate in that lime. [Dave] My dog does not need a license because my dog does not drive.

[caller] Howard, one time I was listening to the radio and I heard this guy talking about ‘for value’…. I think what he was just saying was that instead of fighting that you don’t owe this you accept it and then discharge it on the public fund or I guess using UCC. [Howard] Yeah, but you know what? They’ve been teaching this for four or five years and quite a few people have already gone to jail for doing this. And apparently the promoters of it haven’t learned yet that they’re leading people into jail terms. [Dave] If you want to do research into this thing go to the Internal Revenue Service website and look up their definition of trade acceptance and then you’ll understand what Internal Revenue Service’s definition of that trade acceptance which they’re calling accepted for value and you’ll find out what the government says it is, not what all these promoters claim. [Howard] This is not a smart thing to get involved in. I’m warning you, stay away from it. Another thing that’s been promoted around this country is writing a bond of some kind. Some of them call it a silver bond, some of them just say it’s a bond and write a bond and give it to them to pay the debt. Well, if those morons had looked in a law dictionary and looked up the definition of the word, bond, it says that a bond is a guarantee to pay. Now, if I don’t feel that I owe the debt why would I write a bond and guarantee to pay? [Dave] [Henry] Just as well send them a bank check and sign it in the first place. Like a promissory note.

[caller] They say to get a closed bank account and then sign it and then ABA number is going to go straight to the Federal Reserve and right into the public fund and pay them? [Howard] I got a better idea. Let’s start promoting something really interesting. Everybody that has a life insurance policy just sign it over to the government to be paid upon your death and all your debts will be paid. What do you think of that idea? [caller] I think that sounds fantastic. Does it have validity to it though?

[Howard] Sure it would but it’s rather stupid of you. Why in the hell would you pay the government’s debts? All they’re doing is passing their debts onto you. That’s what all this medical stuff is. That’s what all this traffic stuff is. That’s what all banking stuff— they’re passing their debts onto you. Why would you pay their debts for them? [caller] The government is really ripping the people off by way of the corporations.

[Howard] And this new health care bill is just a bigger rip off of the people to pay their debts and they created a lot of these debts themselves by creating this phony lending system in their banking, this phony medical system of pedaling drugs and killing you slowly with drugs. They’re deteriorating the American people’s health terribly with drugs making us sicker and in worse condition than we normally would have been in at this age if we’d have stayed away from their damned drugs and then they have to put us in the hospital and repair us a little bit. One of the most interesting things that just fascinates the hell out of me and it just shows the stupidity of doctors and the public, the entire population of the country. Doctors are telling people, ‘don’t use salt—salt’s not good for you, it causes high blood pressure.’ It causes clogs in the arteries. Salt is not good for you. Everything on the market today is low sodium or no sodium. A lot of it has no taste anymore, it’s not even worth buying because it doesn’t have any salt in it. Salt brings the flavor out in things. They’re very bland without it. So, a little salt really just brings the flavor out. It’s not just the taste of the salt but it’s the flavor that comes out whatever it is that you’re eating. Salt is good for you but not table salt. 00:47:46.874 . . . . [caller] Mr. Griswold, can I ask you a couple of questions about two different things here? The Notice of Acceptance and the Oath of Office—on the licensing offer on Part C it says, the name of the creditor offering the license and it gives you a place for you to put your name in there. [Howard] That’s correct. That’s the only place that you put your name and that’s the only thing you fill out. You send the rest of it to them to fill out. [caller] [Howard] [caller] [Howard] [caller] And that goes in all-capitals? No. That goes in small… Right below that it says… You’re breaking up terribly. We’re not getting everything you’re saying. Ok.

[Howard] [caller] [Howard]

Try again. I’m going to call back on a different line. Oh, ok.

[caller] Howard, I was wondering if you had any information on how a person is able to fill out this new census. [Howard] Oh yeah. We’re going to talk about this…tonight—hang on. One of my people that’s normally in touch with me that doesn’t seem to get on the conference calls, he e-mailed me and my wife picked it up—an article about the census. And I got to read this to you. A lawyer down in Texas too them to court for what they’re doing back in 2000. This thing is ten years old. It was at the time of the last census and the court put the brakes on the census department. They cannot ask all these questions. The only thing the Constitution authorizes them to do is get a count of the number of people in order to determine the number of residents…in Congress. [caller] I’ve got the article, right here too. That applies to today too—right?

[Howard] It applies to the census period—any day. I don’t care if it’s the census now or the census—if God leaves us here long enough—fifty years from now. The Constitution authorized them to make a count of the people. And you have to understand the reason for that. The House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. is the people that are supposed to represent us. The Senate represents the government and its interests. The House of Representatives represents the people. They’re supposed to look out for our best interests and go against anything that the Senate wants for the good of government that isn’t reasonably decent for the people. Well, that’s not working. Not when the House went along with something like this health care bill. That’s not working. They’re not looking out for the people and many other things, the income tax laws and the way they’re been perverted and the distorted wording that they use so that you wouldn’t know and understand the real meaning of the income tax laws and all kinds of things that they’re allowing to be done. The House of Representatives is not doing their job to represent the people. So there’s a number of people including Henry. He’s fuss tonight about this and he’ll say, ‘I’m not giving them any information. I’m not even going to tell them how many people live where I live. I’m not a resident of theirs and I don’t want to be a part of them.’ And you know what, I don’t disagree with him. He’s absolutely right. We’re not really a part of this gummy little thing in Washington, D.C. anymore… [Dave] They never send anything to your name. They always send it to the resident. So, by answering it in any way you’re admitting you are one of those all-capital-letter dummies called a resident and they never send it to your state. They always send it to a fiction federal zone, two capital letters or a bunch of numbers so you’re committing mail fraud.

[Howard] The only problem that bothers me with you guys bringing that argument up is you probably won’t win that argument going to court but there is a very simple argument that can be won. The Constitution authorizes them to get a count of the number of people. That’s all it authorizes. It does not authorize them to ask any personal questions like how many cars do you have, how many toilets do you have in your house, do you own the house, all those kinds of personal questions and there’s dozens of them—I don’t remember them all. Now, I haven’t looked at the census in probably thirty years because thirty, forty years ago the first time they sent that to me I did what I’ve been teaching people to do ever since then. You strike a line from the bottom left corner to the upper right corner of all those questions. And out in the column you write, ‘violation of privacy,’ and put a little arrow to that line—it covers all those questions. The only question I’d answer is two. And there’s nothing they can do and that’s what this Texas court case proved. It put the brakes on the Census Bureau and it determined that the only authority that they have is to ask for the count of the number of people that live at this location. [Dave] They can ask but you do not have to answer.

[Howard] You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to but you may end up in court. If you don’t want to go to court answer the God damned thing. [Dave] Send it back, then you avoid court altogether.

[Howard] Answer the God damned thing. Write the number of people down that live there. I keep using the number, two, because my wife and I live here—that’s two of us. I’ll put a 2 in there and I’ll send it back. If they come around here wanting to know any personal information I will call the police and have them arrested. [Frank] Howard, this is Frank here. So, you do have to answer it. If you don’t answer it you can run into problems I take it? [Howard] You can run into problems if you don’t answer it—yes. So, answer it, two people live here, four people live here, six people—however number that’s in your family that’s how many live there. That’s good enough. That’s all they’re entitled to. Answer it. That saves you a lot of problems in the future. If you…the problem, you want to fight with them go ahead and do nothing. They probably will come around and some of these idiots are stupid enough to try to arrest you and that’s what was going on in Texas. They wanted to arrest these five people and these five people took them to court. They hired a lawyer and they paid them. [caller] If I remember correctly on the form what they’re doing is they’re asking for the names of everybody and they’re really not asking for the number, they’re asking for the name of everybody which will show you how many people are there. [Howard] [caller] Well, they’re not entitled to the names. Howard, I have one in front of me.

[Howard] Well, you know what, there are five different forms from what I’ve been hearing. So you have one of the forms in front of you. There are five different forms. One of them is a real long form with all the questions on it. [caller] [Howard] This has five pages. That’s the long form then.

[caller] Wouldn’t it be fraud, Howard, to sign somebody else’s name on that form —that’s not your name? [Howard] That’s right and it was sent to resident at a post office location. All they need to know is the count in the post office locations. Give them the count. If they want the names you give them number one, number two in the name block. And the name is number one and the name is number two and there’s two people here—there’s your count—that’s all you give them. That’s all that’s required by the Constitution for them to be able to do. [Dave] They send it to the resident and since that’s not me I write…

[Howard] I agree, Dave, and if you want to fight them and go to court you go ahead and argue it that way but I’m telling people… [Dave] None such here and I send it back in one of those three-day priority cardboard envelopes and I put a three cent stamp on so that they… [Howard] [Dave] [Howard] [Dave] [Howard] [Dave] Fine…looking for trouble. We’ll see. You’re looking for trouble. We will see. You’ll get it. It’s return to sender, none such here, no residents at this location.

[Howard] The only thing that might avoid the trouble is the fact that they have announced on the news that the census bureau people are out of money. If they haven’t got enough money to continue pursuing this and make anybody do anything so maybe you’ll get away with it—you might be lucky. And the way I see it there won’t be another census because there won’t be a 2020 with the United States alive and well and functioning.

[caller] Howard, the questions on this form are addressed to actually person such as number six, what is person’s…sex. Is person one of Hispanic…or Spanish. What is person one’s race. It’s all addressing to person. [Howard] Now, I disagree with this racial stuff because color of skin has nothing to do with race. Now, I’m sure there’s a lot of people that would argue with me that race is divided by blood types and not color of skin because you’ve been taught it’s divided by color of skin and you probably believe this crap. But if you go back far enough into the ancient writings you will find out that races were divided by blood types and that’s not what they’re asking for today. They’re asking for color of skin so I have determined that the best thing you can do is put in brackets a new category and call it ‘rat’ because we’re all part of the same rat race and send it back to them. I wouldn’t admit that I’m any one of those classifications that they try to make somebody. [caller] So if you fill it out that way and you only put in number one, number two or whatever what are the chances that they’re going to come by and send somebody to fool around and ask questions and all that kind of nonsense? [Dave] How much are they going to pay you for taking up your time. Obama’s giving money away to all these bailouts. My time’s worth $5000 an hour. They want to talk for 15 minutes, where’s you 1000? [Howard] That’s a good approach but the other approach is and I suggested this last week, if you don’t have a copy of the Constitution go to a library and look it up and look until you find the part about the census and make a photocopy of that one page and when they come around and bother you hand them the photocopy of that one page and say, ‘this is the law. This is all you can enforce.’ And all it says is that they have a right through the census to get a count. I’ll give them the count. I’m not going to argue with them. It is not worth my time. This whole health care thing is not worth my time to bother to get involved in it and I’m not going to get involved in it. There are already dozens of court cases being filed and have already been filed in the last two days since this thing was signed into law on Monday. It’s already in the news that there’s—I think they said 15 court cases. That was early this morning. By late this afternoon I don’t have any idea how many were filed. [Dave] Rudy Juliani announced that on a television interview that they…

[Howard] He announced that there was a bunch of them being filed. That’s one. Today was a very strange day. The stock market started out this morning, gold went up six dollars an ounce. Oil went up $1.20 a barrel. Silver was up about 25 cents an ounce. The euro was up about nine cents. [Dave] That does not mean that the price of those commodities went up. It means the value of the Federal Reserve notes went down so there aren’t more of them for the same crummy share of oil there was earlier.

[Howard] Well, that’s partially true but today it didn’t work that way. But what else was up? There was something else that was up. Well, copper was up too. Platinum’s not even on there. [Dave] …less and less so they want more of it—same thing, copper, oil, doesn’t matter, wheat, doesn’t matter. [Howard] Oil was up; gasoline was up; everything was up this morning. …went up 111 points when I turned it off and that was around one o’clock. I went back and checked it for five minutes—turned it back off—it was up 111 points. Tonight, I finally got a few minutes around seven thirty to go check it again. The market closed up five points. Gold was down two dollars. Oil was down forty-nine cents. Everything that was up this morning dropped during the course of the whole day and I would venture a serious bet that what disrupted the markets was all these law suits that are being filed about the health care bill. [caller] They can also color it so they totally control all paper markets. It doesn’t take an unlimited facility to write paper and all the commodities are paper. They can’t deliver the goods. There isn’t enough silver or gold or…but they can always write more paper and depress the price….can even make the news look the way they want to. [Howard] You’re right. I don’t know what’s wrong with your phone but you’re talking in a tunnel or something. [caller] I got you on speaker phone….

[caller] The government created a note and since it is Federal Reserve and they created more paper money and it creates a greater debt. [Howard] Well, you got part of the story but the first part was wrong. The government doesn’t create a note. What the government does is it gathers together all of the registrations of yours and my property that we have made in the recent weeks or months. A new born child with a birth certificate, that gets thrown into the pile. You bought a new car and registered it, that gets thrown in the pile. My neighbor down the street bought new house, that gets thrown into the pile. Somebody registered a puppy dog, that gets thrown into the pile. Somebody went out and bought a gun and registered it, that gets thrown into the pile. And everyone of these things that are in the pile are given some kind of a value, the puppy dog—well, for instance, my little Pomeranian, the average about $600 a piece in value. I never paid that much for one but that’s what they’re on the market for so when it gets registered if I were to do something that stupid they would put a value of $600 on this little Pomeranian puppy dog registration for a license and it would get into the pile. Now, that’s what the government is giving to the banking system as collateral for them to create notes and put them in circulation as money. It’s out property, every bit of our property that we’ve ever registered from our body through the birth certificate, our labor through social security, our puppy dogs, our houses, our automobiles, our ability to move about called a driver’s license. All those things have a value and they write this value down on the document and send a copy of it over to the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve takes

that as collateral to issue notes against. And the notes that are issued are not issued by the government, they’re issued by the Federal Reserve bank. [caller] Which is a private corporation.

[Howard] Well, actually no and yes. The stock is owned privately. Anybody can create a corporation and sell the stock to private owners. Actually, Congress created this corporation. They’re the real owners of the corporation but from behind the scenes and they sold all the stock to private people. Most of the ones that bought the stock were bankers in England and the bankers in England are controlling everything that’s done because the stock holders have complete control over the corporations. [Greg] Howard, this is Greg from Kansas and I’m just starting in the system. Going to have a baby born in a few weeks—don’t have time to do the preparation and ground work I’d like to do. Any suggestions on how to void the birth certificate at the hospital? [Howard] Well, even if you can’t avoid it and sometimes they get really nasty with you if you won’t sign the birth certificate, threaten to lock you up and all kinds of things. We’ve had that happen to some people. My daughter pulled a good trick and this was about 21 years ago when my grand daughter was born. They came right into her room right after the baby was born. She was still groggy from all the drugs and everything they give you when you’re in labor and they said to her, ‘you got to sign this to get a birth certificate,’ and my daughter said to them, ‘I don’t know why I would want to sign that. Can you show me a law that says I have to?’ They went away and never bothered her. We went up and picked her and the baby up three days later. They never bothered her about a birth certificate—interesting way to approach it. I’ve had other people tell me… [caller] Tell him to go down to probate court and…

[Dave] You’re talking about the state-issued birth certificate. What he needs is the hospital birth certificate. [caller] Is there another way to approach that?

[Owen]Don’t give the child a name. [Howard] going to be. [caller] That’s the other way—yeah. Tell them you don’t know what the name’s That’s what I thought about—ok, thank you.

[Howard] A number of times they have been very nasty and threatened to arrest somebody for not giving them a name. If they go that far don’t fight them because we can always terminate the registration. There are ways to do that.

[caller] Well, you can tell them that way but you can also put a countersuit….a law that actually says that you have to have a birth certificate. [caller] Howard, if they get rowdy with you and tell you that they’re going to take you to court couldn’t you say, ‘well, I’m going to counter-sue you and I’m going to sue you for malicious prosecution because there’s no law that states I have to sign this birth certificate or that I have to… [Howard] That’s the point I brought up… I never told my daughter to do that. I didn’t think of that. I just told her, ‘tell them no, you don’t want a birth certificate,’ and she thought of that and she came up with that statement, ‘show me the law that requires me to get a birth certificate for my child,’ and they never came back because there is no law. [caller] …but, I mean, if you went in the Bible and put down the child’s birth and the date and even went in with a notary public to actually sign it that that’s your child, right there, then you…’I’m already making my own certificate, I don’t need yours.’ [Howard] Actually, you are 100% correct. On the passport application it says that you must produce a copy of your birth certificate. Then underneath of that it says if you don’t have a birth certificate an affidavit by someone who knows of your birth will suffice.’ Well, would you rather have a government document that is registered with the government or would you rather have an affidavit from mommy, daddy, grand pop or somebody else that knows of your birth. I would rather have the affidavit. I wish I would have known some of this stuff that I’ve learned in later years when I was a younger kid. [Cathy]You know what else, you can prove birth if you can manage to get the baby out without a birth certificate you can always go back in a few days when the medical charts is in medical records, you can go there and show them your ID and you have to pay like a fee for the printing but you can get the medical record of the mother’s stay and the baby’s stay and that can also serve as proof that you were born, wouldn’t it, Howard? [Howard] Yes.

[Cathy]Another thing, you have to think about, Greg from Kansas, is that what they’re doing now is they’re taking blood samples from babies and they’re sending it into the government and they’re doing this for DNA—that’s what I read. And some states are destroying it after a couple of days and some states are holding onto it indefinitely. Now, they say they have to take a blood sample from the baby for PKU. Most states have a law because PKU if you have this problem with an amino acid and you give the baby normal food the baby will become retarded—it’s a genetic thing so most states have that. But what they would probably do is probably when they’d take a sample for the PKU they would probably send part of it off to the government. [caller] …have the child at home.

[Cathy]Right. Have the child at home—yeah.

[caller] I think they want that blood so that they can run a DNA test against criminals or find out if they have anyone on the data banks they can run that DNA and find a match for criminals. [Howard] That’s exactly what it’s for and I wouldn’t trust that as far as I could I throw it because they could mix the records up. That’s one problem. The other problem, they could mix up the samples and you could be accused of something that you never did. [caller] Like that gentleman said, I’d get a midwife and have my baby at home.

[Howard] Well, watch out for midwives because a lot of them are government flunkies. Just like preachers and churches are government flunkies, they got to have a license to have a church and they’re subservient to the government, so are the midwives. [caller] …applications and finding out…exactly what you want and only you’re going to pay for and that’s it. [Howard] I’ll tell you how I feel about this. We are living in some very, very bad times and things are only going to get worse. I don’t mean to be a crier of disaster or anything like that—I’m just telling the truth. Things are going to get worse. There is no way that this money system can improve and especially with what they’re doing with it— they’re really deteriorating it. For some reason, right now, the American people are still in control that are not spending much and because they’re not spending much they’re actually pushing the value of the dollar up. So, they’re deflating the prices of everything. And it’s only because the America people are unconsciously unaware that what they’re doing by not spending money is causing this deflation. If they don’t know what they’re doing, I guarantee you, but by being so conservative and not spending much money they’re causing this deflation. If we increase commodities a little bit and increase the flow of money a little bit more and open the banks up and start lending again—the banks are not lending much at all. You’re got to have super duper credit and if you want to borrow $100,000 to buy a house you got to prove you got $1,000,000 somewhere in the bank that’ll back it up. That’s not the old way of doing things. That’s the way it’s going today and because the banks are not lending. Of course, businesses are not spending. Businesses are laying off so people are not spending so it’s causing this deflationary period right now. But if they promote things a little bit, this new law that they’re talking about passing will regulate the banks back into the old Glass-Spiegel Act that regulated them quite well and prevented them from investing so much of the money that they had, that’s going to force them back into lending money to make money and when they do that’ll stimulate the economy again a little bit. When people start spending again we’re going to have inflation that’s going to go rampant. If you think that $2.50 a dozen for eggs is a lot of money, if you think $3 a loaf for a decent loaf of bread is a lot of money. You think $3 a gallon for a gallon of gasoline is a lot of money, you want until you see this inflation, $7, 8, 9 for a loaf of bread, $7,8, 9 for a gallon of gasoline and a thirty dollar gallon of whiskey is going to cost you $100 if you like whiskey. You watch and see what happens.

[caller] Howard, do you want to respond maybe to the individual about the birth certificate and blood with the Mendelhouse quote. [Howard] Well, I guess we could get into that but what I was suggest is, ok, you can’t change what’s already happened. You’re having a baby but put the clamps on—don’t have any more. I know you’d like to have more. That’s everybody’s dream is to grow up and have a family and have a couple of kids and buy a nice house. [caller] Couldn’t that guy go down to probate court and claim that trust?

[Howard] I don’t know what good that would do. You might have a point there but I’ve not researched it so I can’t comment on that. And as a matter of fact, what I know about probate court that’s a good place to stay away from. That is one of the most corrupt systems in this whole country is probate. You get involved in probate and let’s say mommy left behind $100,000 worth of value when she passed and it’s to be divided between two kids. Well, the two kids think they’re going to get $50,000 a piece. By the time probate gets done you’re both going to be lucky if you get $10,000. They stole the other $40,000 of your money. They manipulated it in expenses and costs of this, that and the other thing. [Diane]Howard, it’s Diane in Kentucky. I sent you my file on probate court. You know how ridiculous this is, it’s paperwork that’s fifteen years old. [Howard] Yeah, and what they’ve done from the little bit I looked at so far because I told you I’ve been busy on this affidavit. [Diane]They want $435,000 from me. I’m serious. And this attorney has already filed that if I can’t pay him and if the estate can’t pay him the state of Massachusetts is going to pay him. [Howard] Well, you know what, that’s what they have this emergency fund that the state—it’s self-insuring—risk management. [Diane]Right. But I guarantee you that this attorney does nothing else with his living but to take cases like these and get automatically paid by the state of Massachusetts. [Howard] Risk management, the states and cities and counties, all government functions have set this up because they lost their insurance because they were costing the insurance companies way too much money and the insurance companies canceled them. So now they’ve set up this thing called risk management and they’re self insuring and if there’s any kind of a claim against a resident of the state, the state being the principal is responsible for the agent and they have to pay through risk management so these lawyers are going to risk management and getting paid. [Diane]But, Howard, I don’t reside in the state of Massachusetts. [Howard] It doesn’t matter. You did at one time.

[Diane]Thirty-nine years ago. [caller] [Howard] Still on record though. And your mother was still there.

[Diane]She’s still there. She’s ninety-nine. I’d like to see where the injury is. [Howard] There isn’t any.

[Diane]Exactly. [Howard] But under this system today they don’t need an injury. All they need is a dead body to probate the estate. [Diane]She’s not dead. [Howard] I know, you told me that. But, as a matter of fact, yes she is. You told me she has Alzheimer’s. [Diane]Right – yeah. [Howard] And I told you a few minutes ago, at the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s the brain is actually dying—it’s dead. Well, once you’re brain dead that’s all that’s necessary. You still could be walking around but you can’t function properly so you’re brain dead so you’re written off as being dead. Interesting little system, isn’t it? Only lawyers could contrive these kinds of things and… [Diane]That sucks. [Howard] Yes, it does. Then again, so does the whole earth. I think it was Newton who claims that he discovered gravity and the fact is that’s been rebutted many times. There’s no such thing as gravity—the earth sucks. And always remember that as long as the earth is round there can be nothing on the level. [Mia] [Howard] This is Mia in Florida. Go ahead, Mia.

[Mia] I heard you, Howard, two days ago talk about how our money was changing colors and I’ve been noticing that but I didn’t understand what that would mean at the dollar—I think you said 1991 starting changing colors… [Howard] Yeah, as I recall that was about the first year that I saw it happen.

[Mia] I understood the continental money but I didn’t understand what exactly does that mean, now, that the money is changing colors. [Howard] The story, today, is just a repeat of the history of the continental dollar.

[Mia] Yeah, I understand that. I’m just not understanding what that means that the dollar explodes and they make another color. [Howard] [Mia] [Howard] Well, it doesn’t explode, it just fails. It fails but is this failing that they’re not telling us about…? Of course not.

[Mia] Let’s say a pink dollar fails and the yellow dollar is printed so all pink dollars have done something that we’re not being told about? [Howard] Yeah, the account was overdrawn which means that particular dollar failed. It has no value anymore. [Mia] [Howard] So how does that work with our debt then? Believe it or not, that’s not your worry.

[caller] Like the South lost against the North and the Confederate dollar didn’t have any value to it? [Howard] Basically the same thing—yeah. But really, it goes back to the story of the Continental Congress and in order to finance the Revolutionary War the Continental Congress issued a paper dollar that had nothing behind it—no value at all. And that dollar lasted for a number of months and it collapsed because it had no value. It got to a point where it wouldn’t buy anything. I mean eggs might have gone up to $2.50 a dozen back then. [Dave] Remember the movie, Gone With the Wind? When Scarlet O’Hara did not have the money to pay the taxes and the carpetbaggers came around wanting the taxes and there was no money and she begged Rhett Butler for the money to pay the taxes, that’s history—you’re just going to see it repeat itself. [Howard] Yep. Well, getting back to the Continental dollar when it collapsed the Continental Congress printed a new dollar with a different color and circulated it and it stayed in circulation for a couple of months and it too failed and then they printed a new dollar with a different color and it stayed in circulation for a couple of months and then it failed. And it made us through the Revolutionary War somehow, I guess the graces of our Creator. But anyway, eventually, some time in 1778 going into 1779 the Continental dollar collapsed. They printed a new one with a different color and it collapsed the day they

printed it and people threw it in the streets and they burned it and from then on the expression arose, ‘it ain’t worth a Continental’. Now, we’re repeating that history today. The Federal Reserve note has collapsed. In 1979 the Federal Reserve note in the green color that we’ve been accustomed to for years collapsed and the shut the banks down and they left them shut for three and a half years while they accumulated the registration of new properties, enough to support the issuance of more currency. [caller] or whatever. Does that mean that that money can’t be used today, in the green or the pink

[Howard] That’s right. They can’t be used. That’s why when you turn them in to the bank the bank collects them and sends them and sends them back to the government. [caller] So if you have some now you can’t even use them?

[Howard] No, I didn’t say that. The market will take them but as soon as the bank gets a hold of them the bank collects them and sends them back to the Federal Reserve bank and the Federal Reserve bank destroys them because that account is closed. And that’s exactly what happened with the Continental, the account got closed and they opened a new account with a new color printing of the paper dollar, the same thing that’s going on today. It’s a new account every time they put this money out with different colors. Some day, not far in front of us, there’s going to be a new color come out, it’ll probably look like Disney dollars, it’s getting pretty close to that now in the color combinations that they’re printing, and people are going to realize that the money has no value. This new piece of paper has no more value. They’re not going to respect it. It will collapse almost immediately and people will burn it in the streets. They’ll throw it in the streets. They’ll ignore it and the system will fold. [Mia] But when do you think that might be, Howard?

[Howard] When do I think that might be? I think because we have an educated society that it will take at least three more years to penetrate their thick stupid educated heads. But around the year 2012 I think you will see a total demise of this entire money system worldwide, not just here in America, but worldwide. Every economy will collapse totally sometime during the year 2012. That will bring about what we will call the end of the world. The world is the way we live. It has nothing to do with this planet. This planet is not called world, it’s called earth. So earth is not going to end. The Biblical prediction of the end of the world is about the collapse of the money and the collapse of the governments. The governments cannot sustain themselves without a money system of some kind. Some moron has been promoting some concept that the government intends to collapse this money by March 31st. The government will never collapse the money on their own. They need it to keep themselves going. This will not happen. But if people that have no knowledge, no understanding of the facts, hear something like that they’ll fall for it, they’ll believe it and a lot of people probably are believing it. But it’s not going to happen. They’ll be no collapse of the money purposely. It will collapse on its own but as it’s collapsing the government had an intention of changing the entire system over to something different and

they’ve already printed at least six different types of paper money to convert it to and they haven’t released any one of them yet. And probably the reason is that that will be the final release that will end up collapsing immediately and they’re scared of that happening. That’s why they haven’t released it. When things get absolutely bad enough they probably will resort to one of those paper money systems and try to convince you they’ve created a whole new system and they will release it. And that will probably be sometime in 2012 and it will collapse immediately after that. Go on with your question. [caller] I do have one question. ….the signing of a birth certificate. Can they retrieve…birth certificate? [Howard] If you got the wherewithal to go to court and go after them maybe you can but it’s not necessary to retrieve it. The law that they’ve been using since the time of Babylon in commerce has always said that nothing can be done without notice and once notice is given it’s final. All you have to do is give them notice that you terminated the registration and it’s no longer valid for their use. So that’s all you really need to do is give them notice that you’re terminating the registration. But you just can’t do that. they will try to ignore your notice but what we’ve learned after a few years of experience of doing this is that they realize that they realize that they can’t continue to use this and they take it off of the record books eventually even though they’ll write back to you and tell you that they won’t do this unless you get a judge’s order. What they’re trying to do is threaten you to keep you cooperating with them and if you don’t respond then you’re not cooperating in any way. They need you to argue with them. Don’t argue with them, don’t respond, and eventually they take everything off the records because they know they can’t continue to use it, they don’t have your permission anymore once you’ve terminated those registrations. We’ve learned the hard way, I guess you’d say, by time and experience that what we’re doing is effective. But I started to say before you began to ask that question was that you cannot terminate these registrations when you don’t have any interest in the property. You must be able to prove that you have an interest in the property and the only way you can prove that is to have a recorded agreement of some kind between you and the debtor securing your interest in that property. And if it’s recorded and theirs isn’t recorded then you have the priority interest and that’s what this security agreement stuff is all about. You have to create a secured interest in the property. I remember back—I guess it’s getting on, now, to thirty years ago—we decided, my wife and I decided, to take a chance on one piece of property that we owned that we’d already made our money off of that property. We got back everything we invested in buying it. So it wasn’t to us real important what happened to that property so we decided to use it to learn and see what we could do about arguing about property tax. And the most important thing that we discovered in that argument was the government claimed that they had an interest in the property and I said to her, ‘how in the hell do we prove we’ve got an interest in the property,’ and it baffled us. I can prove I have an interest in you, my wife, I hug you and kiss you and that should certainly prove to the world that I have an interest in you but if I hugged and kissed my house they’d put me in a loony bin. How do I prove I have an interest in the house? It took years of research to realize that the only way in law that you can prove an interest in any type of property at all other than a sexual marital interest in one another in a relationship. The only other way to prove an interest in regular property such as your puppy dog or your

car or your house or you labor or your own body is to have a secured interest in it. That’s the only way the law has ever provided for proving that interest. We don’t have an interest in our property. The deed does not give you an interest. The recording of the deed gave the interest that you may have acquired at the time of the sale over to the government. The government now has the interest in your property because they are now the holder-in-duecourse. And according to Section 3-305 of the Uniform Commercial Code which is adopted by all the states and they all got the different numbers for it, but that section number talks about the holder-in-due-course. The holder-in-due-course is the person who is holding the instrument and somebody asked me a few minutes ago about holding a deed to the property. Well, you’re just a holder-in-due-course but you can’t prove you’re a holder-indue-course but you gave a copy to the state and the state now can prove they’re a holder-indue-course because they have the recording instrument that you recorded it with and that gave them all the interest in the property and denied you any rights whatsoever to make a claim against that property. The way that section reads is, ‘the holder to the extent that the holder is a holder-in-due-course takes the instrument free of all claims by all parties. Boy, is that an overwhelming statement. All claims by all parties means you have no right to any kind of a claim and you are one of the parties of all. They are the holder. They’re making the entire claim of interest in the property and you have no right to any kind of a claim against that property until you can prove that you have a superior claim to theirs and the only way to do that is to have a claim that is registered according to the law. The law says it has to be registered with the Secretary of State’s office and/or the County Recorder of Deeds office. If you can put that claim together and register it properly then you got there first and registered it first and then you have priority interest. They never record those claims according to the law because if they did everybody would be able to look it up and know what they were doing so they won’t do anything like that. It would be a blatant admission of the theft that they did of your property—that’s why they won’t register it. So when you register it and do it properly you prove that you got there first, you did it the way the law says to do it and you, now, have the priority interest in the property and any claim of interest that they have fails to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. [caller] Well, speaking of property, my mother and my grandmother….she didn’t write out a will but she designated land that she left to her 10 children but my mom had been paying the taxes on the land for decades and then her sisters got involved and each one of them died—they had offspring though. How would be addressed …resolved… maintain the property within the family? [Howard] Well, strangely enough this problem has arisen in the past. This is not the first time it ever happened in your situation. So the lawyers have manipulated a way of doing something about this. The tax collection people will give a right to the property, to the use of the property, not to the interest in the property but to the use of the property to whatever individual has been paying the taxes. All you have to do is go to them and they will give you what they call a tax deed and it becomes your property. As a matter of fact, there’s people around this country that have figured this out and they pull a horrendous scheme. They’ll go down to the tax authority and they’ll look up on the record and see if you’re late paying your taxes and if you are they will pay the taxes for you then they will send you a bill for the tax money. If you don’t pay them they go in and claim that you’re in

default and that they should get a tax deed and they don’t even have to have a property tax sale on ones like that—they just give a property deed to the person that’s been paying the property tax. This is another form that the government uses to take private property through public use without giving just compensation in return for the property which violates the law but they do it all the time. [caller] Isn’t that illegal?

[Howard] Why certainly it’s illegal but you try to get a lawyer to go in there and argue it…part of the scheme. [caller] Wouldn’t it be a crime; they could get arrested, they should be…

[Howard] Well, who’s going to arrest them, the attorney general? He’s a lawyer. All the scumbag lawyers are in bed together working this scheme against you, the people. If there’s going to be a revolution in this country the first thing you got to do is kill all the military. The second thing you got to do is kill all the cops and get them out of your way so you can go kill all the lawyers and I’ve been warning the military and the police for a couple of years that this is what’s going to happen—don’t be in the way if you want to live. [Dave] And the proof of what Howard’s saying is that law case, Kelo v. City of New London, Connecticut. [Howard] Yeah. Do you have any idea of what a vertical fornication is? Just think about that word and you’ll figure out what it is. That was a vertical fornication purposely perpetrated by the lawyer. He argued in the court, all the way up to the Supreme Court, whether or not the government had the right to do an eminent domain taking of property. There must be 10,000 cases in each of the states and federal cases that prove that the government has the right to do eminent domain to take the property. Why would you argue such a thing? He did not argue that is was a taking of private property without just compensation—he never brought that up—so the case went against the people because what he was arguing was already declared time and time and time again, government does have the right to use eminent domain to take property. But if you read the laws of eminent domain they say that just compensation must be paid in order to take the property under the law of eminent domain. He didn’t argue the just compensation. He was a screw-up. He is a lawyer. I’ve never met a lawyer yet that wasn’t a screw-up of some kind. Now, I grant you sometimes lawyers do win some cases for you and make some money for you but you get screwed because they get the biggest part usually and they also categorize you as one of the people in government in order to keep you in line as one of their residents so they’re not helping you. They are the problem, they’re not part of it, they are the problem. 01:53:32.548 . . . {02:10:18}

[caller] …they addressed the all-capital letter person, wouldn’t that be a strawperson that they convicted of the crime? [Howard] That’s right. And you signed all the papers with your script signature and agreed to represent that fiction and accept the liability for the fiction. So you made the mistake. Now, go look up the law of mistake. There’s a lot to be learned about it. I have a little bit of information and I have never really spent a lot of time on it but the little bit of information that I have shows me that when you declare something to have been a mistake it is completely forgiven. What you want to do is you want to put a request into the court to re-open the case due to new evidence and the new evidence would be affidavits of some kind stating that you made a mistake that you signed accepting the responsibility for the fiction and the fiction should stand, the liability itself, and the fiction is an agency of government because government created it so government has to pay the liability because the principal is always responsible for the acts of the agent. 02:12:26.936 . . 02:36:15.288 [caller] On the assignment of interest, is there any way that we can possible find out if they cash those assignments? If they don’t respond back after we send them, is there any way we can find out? [Howard] This whole system is so secretive they didn’t even want you know about that part of it much less will they ever admit that you are right. I’ll tell you how we found it that it’s been accepted and used. They stop bothering people and they stop rather abruptly. [Henry] Yes, they did.

[Howard] And in some cases—for instance, there’s a story I tell quite frequently about a fellow up in Cleveland, Ohio who had a little $250 traffic ticket. We did an assignment and he sent it into the court. The court sent it back to him. He sent it back to them. This exchange happened about six or seven times back and forth. Then finally the court stopped sending it back to him which means they accepted it. See, if you hold on to something like that then you’re admitting acceptance. They held on to it. They admitted acceptance and they stopped sending it back to him. So months went by and they sent him a letter and said he still owed the traffic fine. So we have some follow-up letters that go behind this assignment that we don’t use until you know you need them. At that point he knew he needed them so I sent him the three letters and I bothered to tell him to read the three letters. If you read them carefully you’ll realize you don’t send them all at once. We’ve had a bunch of stupid people do that, put all three of them into an envelope and send them all at once—that’s not the way it’s done. You have to bother to read them to realize what they say. The first one says, ‘we sent you the assignment and you didn’t credit the account. You have ten days in which to credit the account. The second one says, ‘we warned you. You still haven’t credited the account. You’re now in default because we warned you.’ Your

default has caused me an injury in the amount of three times whatever the original bill was plus punitive damage injury amount of money. You have ten days in which to correct the default. The third letter that we send them is, ‘you didn’t correct the default—here’s your bill for that amount of money.’ Then you send that bill each month for three months. Then you’re ready to go to court and file for a collection of the debt because they didn’t pay it. Well, we didn’t get quite that far with this fellow up in Cleveland. This judge finally sent him a letter that threatened that if he didn’t pay it that the judge was going to issue a warrant for his arrest. So he called me and asked me what to do and I said, ‘go down to the court before we do anything and check the records. Get the court clerk to get the file out on that case and see what it says. Make sure that there’s no interest because this thing is going on now for something like 18 months so there could be interest on the $250 that they want or something. Find out exactly how much money is due according to their records.’ So he went down to the court and he asked the clerk to see the files and the clerk said, ‘what do you want to know?’ He said, ‘I’d like to see the file.’ She said, ‘well, I can’t give you the file, what do you want to know?’ He said, ‘well, I want to know the exact amount of money that’s still due on that traffic case.’ The clerk opened up the file and said, ‘it’s marked paid.’ He never paid, he sent them an assignment. They actually credited the account with the assignment. This damned judge was still trying to steal money out of his pocket even though it was credited by the assignment. So he said to the clerk, ‘would you please inform the judge that the record shows that that’s been paid and tell him to stop harassing me?’ We never heard another word from that judge. [caller] Maybe I should ask them for the note back, see if they’ll send it to me if they’re not going to use it. [Howard] I suggest to people—remember the old expression, ‘don’t kick a sleeping dog, he’s liable to bite you. If things are quiet leave it alone. The only time we continue to do anything is when they continue to do something. If they back off, we back off. 02:50:18.916 [caller] In California they say you cannot have tint on your window and they cite you, they ticket you for that. [Howard] That’s when you sue them for taking private property for public use which is the public government—the government’s getting the benefit out of it—without compensating you. That’s what our offer to government to license them to use our private property is all about. You want me to register my car? Fine—I’ll register it—pay me, pay me the value of the car. My Lincoln town car sold in 1989 brand new for $33,000. You want me to register that car? Pay me the $33,000 because you’re getting the benefit of the car. They won’t pay you. [caller] Getting back to Boyd v. US—right?

[Howard] Yes, it does. It goes right back to the case of Boyd v. United States and the question of private property being respected by government. They don’t respect it. That’s why I tell you that this health care thing is a minor little problem. This is not something we

need to get involved in. There’s bigger fish in the sea to be fried. Let’s fry these bastards for stealing our private property. Let’s continue to go after that. Don’t worry about this health care thing. There’s a lot of cases being brought by people that got money to pay lawyers. Let them worry about it. Let’s stick to our issue. Our issue is private property— they are stealing it. They’re thieves, they’re lawyers, liars, thieves, lawyer—all the same word. [caller] [Howard] That’s in Mathew 23, isn’t it? Yep.

[Dave] That lady needs to get the licensing offer and the notice of acceptance of constitutions and oath of office package that’s offered at www.peoples-rights.com on the mail order page. Get that information package and then you’ll have all of those documents including the offer to license government to use your private property car and your body and your mind and your labor, whatever. [Howard] And the other thing is, that if you’re going to get that document you got to intend to use it and follow it through. If you don’t intend to follow it through don’t even bother to write and ask for it. [caller] [Dave] Howard, she needs to file her UCC first—right? No, not for that.

[Howard] No, not for that. If she wants to terminate the registration of certain properties or if she wants to demand the just compensation be paid by the Treasury Department then she needs the security agreement but no. For demanding that they pay her just compensation for her property she doesn’t need the UCC at that point. Of course, it wouldn’t hurt. Everybody in the country ought to have this—you call it a UCC, I call it a security agreement. Dave has a long-winded explanation for it. It’s a security agreement, that’s all the hell it is. Everybody should have one. They should be claiming their property back. 02:53:43.530

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