2011 Fall Classic Sponsor Packet

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Blind Children's Learning Center, a non-profit agency, was founded in 1962 by six blind adults originally as "Services for the Blind Orange County" to provide support for blind individuals. the founders quickly discovered the key to helping visually impaired children was to start working with them at a very early age. Today the agency's mission is to provide early intervention, eductaion and services for blind, visually impiared or deaf-blind children and their families to empower independence. Blind Children's Learning Center Fall Golf Classic provides an opportunity for companies and individuals to support the Center and to network with a dynamic and diverse group of community/business leaders and school supporters.



Blind Children’s Learning Center Fall Golf Classic & Auction Sponsor Packet

Thursday, October 6, 2011
12pm Shotgun Start

Tijeras Creek Golf Club
29082 Tijeras Creek Rancho Santa Margarita 92688
Blind Children’s Learning Center 714-573-1888 www.blindkids.org

714-573-1888 www.blindkids.org


About Us

Blind Children’s Learning Center, a non-profit agency, was founded in 1962 by six blind adults originally as “Services for the Blind Orange County” to provide support for blind individuals. The founders quickly discovered the key to helping visually impaired children was to start working with them at a very early age. Today our mission is to provide early intervention, education and services for blind, visually impaired or deaf-blind children and their families to empower independence. Through four core programs Infant Family Focus, Early Childhood Center, Outreach and Therapy Services, Blind Children’s Learning Center works to provide blind, visually impaired or deaf-blind children the opportunity to integrate fully into the community.

About the Tournament

The tournament will feature:  18 holes of scramble golf at the beautiful Tijeras Creek Golf Club in Rancho Santa Margarita  Complimentary warm-up on the driving range  Blindfolded Putting Contest  BBQ lunch before the 12:00 PM shotgun start  On-course opportunities: Hole-in-One, Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin  Post-tournament cocktail hour, silent auction, dinner and awards ceremony  Awards for 1st and 2nd place Gross winning teams and 1st and 2nd place Net winning teams

The Value of Your Sponsorship

“Blind and visually impaired children have the same dreams as sighted children. The only difference is they must overcome unique obstacles standing in their way. Your support can change their lives.” -Kim Neuhauser, President/Executive Director

Blind Children’s Learning Center Fall Golf Classic provides an opportunity for companies and individuals to support the Center (which is the only school of its kind in Orange County) and to network with a dynamic and diverse group of community/business leaders and school supporters. Corporate and community support enables Blind Children’s Learning Center to continue to be on the cutting edge by providing programs that help tear down the barriers blind and visually impaired children and their families face. Your sponsorship is important. Proceeds from Blind Children’s Learning Center Fall Golf Classic help provide: -Infant development specialists that help parents bond with their babies with means other than sight. -Orientation and Mobility specialists to instruct students in safe and independent travel skills. -Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Physical Therapists that work in collaboration to enhance a child’s learning opportunities.

714-573-1888 www.blindkids.org


Sponsorship Opportunities
Title Sponsor - $10,000
Children’s Learning Center
          

The Golf Classic is named for your company, i.e. [Your Company Name] Fall Golf Classic to Benefit Blind Prominent recognition on signage at the tournament and on pre– and post-tournament printed materials and advertising 4 Foursomes (16 golfers) and 16 additional tickets to the post-golf cocktail party, auction and awards banquet Your company logo on the tee package giveaway (shirt or windbreaker) Opportunity to address attendees at the tournament and in follow-up thank you mailing to all golfers Opportunity to award championship prizes Company information prominently featured in the tournament program (2 page, full color ad) Recognition on the Blind Children’s Learning Center website and Quarterly Newsletter 4 Child Sponsorships (each includes 2 mulligans, entry into on-course contests, drink tickets) 50 raffle tickets 10 entries in the Golf Ball Drop 2 Hole Sponsorships (tee sign on 2 holes)

St. Andrew’s Sponsorship - $5,000
Your company is listed as a St. Andrew’s Sponsor of the Fall Golf Classic
        

Recognition on signage at the tournament 2 Foursomes (8 golfers) and 8 additional tickets to the post-golf cocktail party, auction and awards banquet Your company logo on the tee package giveaway (shirt or windbreaker) Company information featured in the tournament program (1 page, full color ad) Recognition on the Blind Children’s Learning Center website and Quarterly Newsletter 2 Child Sponsorships (each includes 2 mulligans, entry into on-course contests, drink tickets) 20 raffle tickets 5 entries in the Golf Ball Drop 1 Hole Sponsorship (tee sign on a hole)

Pebble Beach Sponsorship - $2,500
Your company is listed as a Pebble Beach Sponsor of the Fall Golf Classic
       

Recognition on signage at the tournament 1 Foursome (4 golfers) and 4 additional tickets to the post-golf cocktail party, auction and awards banquet Company information featured in the tournament program (1/2 page, full color ad) Recognition on the Blind Children’s Learning Center website and Quarterly Newsletter 1 Child Sponsorship (includes 2 mulligans, entry into on-course contests, drink tickets) 10 raffle tickets 2 entries in the Golf Ball Drop 1 Hole Sponsorship (tee sign on a hole)

714-573-1888 www.blindkids.org


Sponsorship Opportunities (continued)
Tijeras Creek Sponsorship - $1,500
Your company is listed as a Tijeras Creek Sponsor of the Fall Golf Classic
    

Recognition on signage at the tournament 1 Foursome (4 golfers) and 4 additional tickets to the post-golf cocktail party, auction and awards banquet Company information featured in the tournament program (1/4 page, full color ad) Recognition on the Blind Children’s Learning Center website and Quarterly Newsletter 1 Hole Sponsorship (tee sign on a hole)

Exclusive Golf Ball Drop Sponsorship - $3,000
Your company is listed as the exclusive Sponsor of the Golf Ball Drop
   

Recognition on signage at the tournament and at the Golf Ball Drop. 1 Foursome (4 golfers) and 4 additional tickets to the post-golf cocktail party, auction and awards banquet Recognition in the tournament program Recognition on the Blind Children’s Learning Center website and Quarterly Newsletter



Exclusive Awards Sponsorship - $2,000
Your company is listed as the exclusive Awards Sponsor
    

Recognition on signage at the tournament and verbal recognition at the awards banquet 1 Foursome (4 golfers) and 4 additional tickets to the post-golf cocktail party, auction and awards banquet Recognition in the tournament program Recognition on the Blind Children’s Learning Center website and Quarterly Newsletter Your company name on every award (i.e. Award provided by [Your Company Name])

Exclusive Golf Cart Sponsorship - $1,000
Your company is listed as the exclusive Golf Cart Sponsor
  

Your company name on every golf cart used by tournament golfers 2 golfers and 2 additional tickets to the post-golf cocktail party, auction and awards banquet Recognition in the tournament program



Exclusive Beverage Cart Sponsorship - $1,000
Your company is listed as the exclusive Beverage Cart Sponsor
  

Your company name on the beverage carts providing soda, water and beer to every golfer 2 golfers and 2 additional tickets to the post-golf cocktail party, auction and awards banquet Recognition in the tournament program

714-573-1888 www.blindkids.org


Sponsorship Opportunities (continued)
Exclusive Lunch Sponsorship - $1,000
Your company is listed as the exclusive Lunch Sponsor
  

Your company name prominently displayed at the BBQ lunch before tee off. 2 golfers and 2 additional tickets to the post-golf cocktail party, auction and awards banquet Recognition in the tournament program

Course Contest Sponsorship (only 4 available) - $500
Your company is listed as the exclusive sponsor of one of the four on-course contests: Blindfold Putting Contest Sponsor, Hole-in-One Contest Sponsor, Longest Drive Contest Sponsor or Closest to the Pin Contest Sponsor
  

Your company name displayed at the contest hole 1 golfer and 1 additional ticket to the post-golf cocktail party, auction and awards banquet Recognition in the tournament program

Hole Sponsorship - $200
Your company is listed as a Hole Sponsor
  

Recognition on signage at a tee box Opportunity to place a table at the tee box with a rep and/or your company information, giveaways, etc... Recognition in the tournament program

714-573-1888 www.blindkids.org


Sponsorship Registration Form
Blind Children’s Learning Center Thursday, October 6, 2011
12:00 PM Shotgun Start Tijeras Creek Golf Club

Fall Golf Classic

For additional details or information contact Carolyn Baker: 714-573-8888 x2102
Contact Person:_____________________________________________________________________ Company Name:____________________________________________________________ Telephone: (_______)_______________________ Fax (_______)______________________ Address:_______________________________________________ City:_______________________State:__________ Zip:________ E-mail:______________________________ I will commit to the following sponsorship now: ____ Title Sponsor -$10,000 I am interested in more details about the following sponsorship. Please contact me. ____Pebble Beach Sponsor-$2,500 ____ Awards Sponsor-$2,000 ____Lunch Sponsor-$1,000 ____ Opt-out Gift of $__________

____St. Andrew’s Sponsor-$5,000

____Tijeras Creek Sponsor-$1,500 ____Golf Ball Drop!Sponsor-$3,000 LD ____Golf Cart Sponsor-$1,000 LD!


____Beverage Cart Sponsor-$1,000 ____Hole Sponsor-$200


____Contest Sponsor-$500

Enclosed is my sponsorship check. (Payable to Blind Children’s Learning Center) Please charge my credit card. For credit card payments, please fill out box below:
Name on Card:________________________________________ Amount: $_____________________________ Account#:____________________________________________ Exp.Date:______________________________ Signature of Cardholder:________________________________________________________________________

You may either mail or fax your registration to:
Carolyn Baker Blind Children’s Learning Center 18542-B Vanderlip Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92705 Fax Number: 714-573-4944 Attn: Carolyn Baker [email protected]

Blind Children’s Learning Center is a 501( c ) non-profit organization. Tax ID# 95-6097023

Sponsors will receive a donation letter stating tax deductible amount.

714-573-1888 www.blindkids.org


Individual Golfer/Foursome Registration
Blind Children’s Learning Center Thursday, October 6, 2011
12:00 PM Shotgun Start Tijeras Creek Golf Club Get your friends, family, or business associates together for an enjoyable afternoon of golf while supporting Blind Children’s Learning Center’s programs and kids. Or, simply register as an individual and we’ll find you a foursome!
IT’S For the registration fee you’ll receive 18 holes of scramble golf, free practice at the driving FOR range, pre-tee off BBQ lunch, and attendance at the auction and awards banquet. Early Bird TH E E K Registration is $225/golfer if registered by September 9, 2011 and $275/golfer after that. IDS !!! Foursomes registering together are $900 up to the day of the tournament, but we would love to know you’re coming way before then!

Fall Golf Classic

Name:_______________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: (_______)_______________________ Fax (_______)______________________

Address:_______________________________________________ City:__________________________ State:_____________ Zip:_______________ E-mail:_________________________________________ Individual Registration ($225/$275) Foursome Registration ($900) Additional golfers’ names: ________________________________________, _____________________________________ and ___________________________________________________ Enclosed is my check. (Payable to Blind Children’s Learning Center) Please charge my credit card. For credit card payments, please fill out box below:
Name on Card:________________________________________ Amount: $_____________________________ Account#:____________________________________________ Exp.Date:______________________________ Signature of Cardholder:________________________________________________________________________

You may either mail or fax your registration to:
Carolyn Baker Blind Children’s Learning Center 18542-B Vanderlip Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92705 Fax Number: 714-573-4944 Attn: Carolyn Baker [email protected]

Blind Children’s Learning Center is a 501( c ) non-profit organization. Tax ID# 95-6097023

$110 per golfer is not tax deductible. The remainder of each sponsorship is tax deductible.

714-573-1888 www.blindkids.org


In-Kind Gifts & Auction Items
You can help support Blind Children’s Learning Center by contributing gifts and auction items for our tournament participants. We rely upon this type of generous gift to help reduce our out-of-pocket costs and thereby generate more funds to meet the mission of the Blind Children’s Learning Center: to provide early intervention, education and services for blind, visually impaired or deaf-blind children and their families to empower independence. If you would like to make an in-kind contribution please use the form on the next page. For more information contact Carolyn Baker at 714-573-8888 x2102 or [email protected] . High quality auction items needed - Value $200 or more Examples include:  Digital Cameras  Entertainment packages  Trips and travel packages  Golf equipment  Gift Cards or Certificates  Vacations  Electronic devices (iPod, iPad, DVD players, etc.)  Autographed pictures, jerseys, sports memorabilia A variety of other types of prizes/gifts needed:  Bottled water  Canned soda  Canned beer  Wine  Small items for player tee bags (125 items minimum)  Miscellaneous gifts and prizes



FOR E KI D S !!!

714-573-1888 www.blindkids.org


In-Kind Contribution Form
Blind Children’s Learning Center Thursday, October 6, 2011
12:00 PM Shotgun Start Tijeras Creek Golf Club

Fall Golf Classic

For additional details or information contact Carolyn Baker: 714-573-8888 x2102
Contact Person:______________________________________________________________________________ Company Name:____________________________________________________________
IT’ S F OR TH E E K Telephone: (_______)_______________________ Fax (_______)______________________ IDS !!! Address:_______________________________________________ City:__________________________

State:__________ Zip Code:_______________ E-mail: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________ Donor Signature: _________________________________________ ITEM(S) DONATED AND DESCRIPTION: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ESTIMATED VALUE OF GIFT(S) $____________________________________________________ RESTRICTIONS:____________________________________________________________________ EXCHANGE PRIVELEGES:__________________________________________________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: “This item donated by_______________________________________” Who should we contact for delivery?_____________________________________________________

You may either mail or fax your registration to:
Carolyn Baker Blind Children’s Learning Center 18542-B Vanderlip Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92705 Fax Number: 714-573-4944 Attn: Carolyn Baker [email protected]

Blind Children’s Learning Center is a 501( c ) non-profit organization. Tax ID# 95-6097023

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