2012 Comcast Privacy Notice

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@omcast Comcast Customer Privacy Notice for Cable Television High-Speed Internet and Phone Services W hy is Com cast providing providing this noti not i ce to m e?

A s a subscriber ttoo cab le service service or other services provided by C om cast, cast, you are entitled entitled under Section Section 6 31 of the federal federal Cable C om m unicat unica t i ons Policy Poli cy Act of 1984, as am ended, (t ( t he "C able able Act") to to know kn ow the follow following: ing:

• • • • • • •

the lim lim itati itation on s im im posed by the the C able Act upon cable operators in the collection collection an d disclosure of personally persona lly identifiable inform ation identifiable ation about subscribers; subscribers; the nature of personall person allyy identifiabl identifiablee inform ation ation w e collect; collect; the nature of the use of personally iden iden tifiable tifiable in in form ation ation ; under w hat conditions conditions and circum circum stances stances w e m ay disclose discl ose personally personally identifia identifiable ble info inform rm ation ation an d to w hom ; the period period during during w hich hic h w e m aintai ai ntainn personall per sonallyy identifiable identifi able inform ation; ation; the tim tim es and places at w hich you m ay have access to your personally identifia identifiable ble info inform rm ation ation;; and your rights rights un der the C able Act concerning personally personally identifiable identifi able inform ation ation and it itss collection collection an d disclosure. disclosure.

Person ally ally identifiable identifiable inform ation ation is inform ati ation on that identifies identifies a particular particular person; person; it does n ot include ag g regate data that does n ot identify a particular particular person o r persons. Th is notice is also also provided to to you in accordance w it ithh applicable appli cable C alifornia alifornia law , w hich hic h on ly applie appliess to our custom custom ers locat located ed in C ali al i fornia w ho are served by a cable television television corpo ration ration . In addition, addition, S ection ection 70 2 of the federal federal Telecom m unications unications Act of 199 6, as am ended, (the (the "Telecom "Telecom m unications unications Act") provides provides addition additi on al privacy privacy protections protections for certain certain in form ation ation related related to our phon e services: services:

• •

inform ation ation about abo ut the the quan ti tity, ty, technical configuration, type, destinati destination on , locati location on , and am oun t of your use of the the phon e services services;; and inform ation ation contained contained on your telephone telephone bill bill concerning the type type o f pho n e services services and features you receive. receive.


That phone inform i nform at ation, ion, w hen m at atched ched ttoo your nam e, address, address, and telephone telephone n um ber is kn ow n as custom custom er propriet proprietary ary netw ork inform at ation ion or C PN I for shor short. t. This notice, notice, w hich iincludes ncludes our C PN I Polic Pol icy, y, descr de scribe ibess w hat C PN I inform inform ati ati on w e obtai obtain, n, how w e prot protect ect it it,, and how it m ay be used. If you are are a cust custom om er of our phone services services,, you have the right, right, and C om cast has a duty, un der the the Telecom m un icati ication on s Act and app licable licable stat statee law law , to to protect prot ect the the confidenti con fidentiali ality ty of C PN I. W e also honor any an y rest restri ricti ctions ons IN B E L O W applied by state state law , to the extent app licable. licable. W E E X P L A IN UNDER

H o w D O I G IV E O R W IT H H O L D M Y A P P R O V A L F O R C O M C A S T T O U S E

C P N I T O M A R K E T A D D IT IO N A L P R O D U C T S A N D S E R V IC E S T O M E ? H o w Y O U C A N A P P R O V E O U R U S E O F C P N I O R W M ID F IA W Y O U R A P P R O V A L ?

CP NI Poli P olicy cy applie appliess to the voice voice comm unicat unicationsionsSpecial Note O ur CPNI

related services related services provided by the applicabl applicablee C om cast operat operating ing com pan y that deliver deliverss voice services services to our custom custom ers.

In this notice, notice, the t he term ter m s "C om cast," cast," "w e," "us," "us," or "our" refer to the the operating operating com pan y subsidiary subsidiary or subsidiar subsidiarie iess of C om cast C orporation orporation that (i) (i ) ow n s and/or operates the the cable televisi television on system in you r area area pursuant to a cable televi television sion franch ise w ith ith the local fran fran chisi chisinn g authori authority, ty, or (i (ii) i) is operat operating ing in y our area. The term "you" refers ttoo you as a subscriber subscri ber to t o on e or m ore of our cable service an andd other services. I. Collection

What kind of information does this notice apply to?

The C able Act applies to personally iden iden tifiabl tifiablee inform ation ation that you have furn is ished hed to C om cast, cast, or that C om cast has collected collected

usi n g the cable syst usin s ystem em , in in con nection w ith ith the pr provisi ovision on of cable service service or other servi services. ces. The T elecom el ecom m un icati ic ation on s A ct

appli applies es to t o Cers PN I related rel to to our lat ed pho ne C services, certt ai cer ain n order ord s of theated Fe Feder deral al Cregu om mlated unicat unica t i ons om m i ssi ssand i on apply the the C PN I rul rules es ttoo our iinn ter tercon con n ected voi voice ce over Internet protocol prot ocol com m un ica icati tion on s servi services. ces. This notic noticee appli applies es to our cable television television service, our hi higg h- speed In ternet servi service, ce, and our phone ser services vices as pr provided ovided for by applic applicable able law law and except as otherw otherw ise n oted. Speci pecial al Not ote: e: This notice only covers information that is

collectedd by C om cast in con nection collecte necti on w it ithh the provis pr ovision ion of our cable television television service, our hi higg h- speed In ternet servi service, ce, and our phone and com m unications unications services services ttoo you as a subscr subscribe iberr

to one o r m ore of these thes e services. services. It does not cover info info rm ation ation that m ay be co llected llected thr throug oug h an y other products, services, services, or w ebsites ebsi tes,, even if accessed throug t hroug h ou r services ser vices and even if co-bran ded w it ithh them . Y ou should read the the privac privacyy policies policies for these other ot her products, servi services, ces, and w ebsites ebsites to to learn how they handle your personal inform ation. ation.


For what what purposes may may Comcast collect col lect personally identif ident ifiable iable Inform I nform ation ation and CP N I?

Th e C able Act aut authori horizes zes C om cast as a cabl cablee operat operator or ttoo use the cable system system to collect collect personally iden iden tifiabl tifiablee inform ation ation con cerning any subscriber for the the follow follow ing p urposes:

• •

to obtain obtain inform ati ation on necessary to re rend nd er our cable service or other services to to o ur subscribers; and to detect un authorized recepti reception on of cable

communications. The C able Act prohibit prohibitss us from using the cabl cablee system system to collect collect personally identifi identifiable able inf inf orm ation ation con cerning an y subscri subscriber ber

for any purposes other than those listed above without the subscriber's prior w rit ritten ten or electr electron on ic consen t. The Telecom m un ica icati tion on s A ct authori authorizes zes us to use, discl di sclose, ose, or perm it access access to individuall individuallyy identifiable identifiable C PN I in our ou r provision provision of: of :

• •

the telec telecom om m un icati ica tion on s services services from w hich this this inform ati ation on is deri derived; ved; or services necessary to, or used in, the provision provision of these services, in in cluding the publishing publishing of directories. directories.

The Telecom Telec om m unicat unications ions Act prohi prohibit bitss us from usi using ng C PN I for an y purposes other tthan han those list listed ed abov e except as perm it itted ted or required by law law or w it ithh your approval. W hat kind ki nd of personally personally identi i dentifi fiab ab le information and C P N I does C om cast col collec lect? t?

C om cast coll collect ectss iinform nform at ation ion from you at several sever al diffe different rent points w hen you init initia iate te and use our servi services. ces. S om e of thi thiss inform ation ation is per personall sonallyy identifi identifiable able iinform nform ation, ation, but m uch of it is n ot. W e coll collect ect cer certai tainn person all allyy identifiabl identifiablee inform ation ation -that our subscribers subscribers furnish ttoo us in con n ection ection w ith ith the provisi provision on of cab le service or other services. services. In order to provide reliable, high q uali uality ty ser service vice ttoo you , w e k eep regu lar business records con taining taining inform ation ation ab out you that that m ay con stit stitute ute personally personally

identifiable information. These records include some but

typicall typi callyy n ot all all,, of the follow ing inform ati ation: on:

your nam e;

service address; billing bill ing address; e-m ail address address;; tele te lephone phone n um ber ber;; driver' dri ver'ss li license cense n um ber; social securi security ty nu m ber;

bank acc account ount num ber; ber;  

• •

creditt card num ber; and credi other sim sim ilar ilar accou nt information.

W i th respect res pect ttoo ph one services servi ces,, exam ples of CP N I incl incluu de

information typically available available from telephone-related details details on your m onthly bill, bill, such as:

location of service; location technical configurati configura tion on of service; type of servic service; e; q u antity antity of service; service; am ou nt of use of servi se rvice; ce; and calling patterns

C P N I does not i nclud e you r nam e, address, address , and telephone tel ephone nu m b er, b ecau se the Telecomm u nicat nications ions A ct clas classi sifi fies es that

information as su subscriber bscriber list list inform inform ati ation on w hich is not sub ject to the protect protections ions appli applicable cable to CP N I. H ow ever, that iinformation nformation is also su bject to certain certain protections protections as described below u nder To w hom m ay Com cast disclos disclosee personally identi identifiable fiable informa informati tion? on?

W e also als o collect collect and m aintain aintain certain certain other inform inform ation ati on ab ou t you r account F or example, thi thiss iinformation nformation may include:

• • • • • •

billing, payment, and deposit history; history; additional service service iinform nform ation; cu st stom om er corr correspondence espondence and com m u nicati nic ations ons records records;; m aintenance and com com plaint information; records indicating indicating the nu m b er of televis television ion sets, set-t set-top op boxes, modem s, or telephones tel ephones connected connecte d to ou r cab le system syst em ; and additional inform inform ation abou t the service service opti options ons you have


S o m e o f o u r s e r v ic i c e s p e r m i t y o u t o e st s t a b l is is h s e c o n d a r y accou nts, and if you do so w e collec col lectt si s i m ilar il ar inform i nform ation ati on i n o rder to estab est ab li lish sh an d service the t he second ary accou nts.

D u ring the iiniti nitial al provisioning provisioning of ou r services, services, and d u ring any sub se seqq u ent cchanges hanges or u pdate pdatess to our ser servi vices ces,, Com cas castt m ay collect coll ect technic technical al inform ati ation on ab ou t you r televi televisi sions, ons, any set set-top boxes, boxes , com pu te terr hardw are and softw sof tw are, cable mod em s, telephon tel ephon es, and/or other cab le or o ther service service-relate -relatedd devices, and cu stomiza stomizati tion on setti settings ngs and p references. A dditionall dditionally, y, iiff you rent resi dence, w e mprior ay have a record ofrwcable hethe hether r landlor landlord permyour ission issionresidence, w as requ req u ired to to installi inst alling ng ou faciliti facili ties es asd w el elll as your landlord' landlord'ss nam e and address.


W hat kind of information informatio n d o you collect collect if if I u se Interacti Interac tive ve or transactional transacti onal servi services ces or tel televisi evision on view i ng controls?

W hen you u se our iinn ter teracti active ve or other ttransacti ransaction on al servi s ervices ces

such as video on demand for example our systems may

autom aticall aticallyy collect certain certain inform in form ation about your use of these services. servi ces. M ost of thi thiss inform ati ation on is not personally identi identifiabl fiablee inform ati ation on a n d it is sim ply used, for exam ple, to car carry ry out a particul part icular ar request you m ake usi using ng your rem ote control, control, set set-top -top

box, or other ot her equipm ent This m ay include incl ude inform at ation ion requir required ed to chang e your televisi television on chann el, review review li listi sting ng s in an electronic electronic program gu ide, pause or fast forw ard through through certain certain on dem and program s, or iinn vok e a call callii n g feat feature ure for our phon e servi service, ce,

among other things. It may also include other information such as the tim tim e you actual actually ly use our servi services ces an d the use of other ot her feat fe ature uress of our sser ervi vices ces,, and a nd w hi hich ch m enus and m enu screens scr eens are used us ed m ost often oft en an d the ttim im e spent usi using ng the them m. In o rder to car carry ry out a parti particular cular request you m ak e to t o w atch a pay-per-v ie iew w prog ram or purchase a product, service, ser vice, or feature, for exam ple, our syst system em m ay coll collect ect cert certain ain personally identifiable iinn form ati identifiable ation on . This iinn form ati ation on typically typically consist consistss of accoun t and bil billi linn g -rel -relat ated ed inform ation at ion such as the pay-perview program s or other products products,, ser services, vices, or feat features ures ordered so that you m ay be properly properly billed billed for them them . Follow Follow your program g ui uide de com m ands or an y speci special al iinstr nstruct uctii ons on your vide videoo screen scr een w hen y ou m ak e these t hese transact transactii on al requests. request s. Th ese com m and s and i n st struct ructii on s w i l l expl explai ainn your choices choice s so that t hat you can com ple plete te or ccancel ancel your rrequests equests as you w is ish. h. W hat ki kind nd of inf inform orm ati ation on do you collect collect and u se ttoo iim m prove you r cab le se service rvicess and deli deliver ver rele relevan van t adverti advertisi sing? ng?

O ur ca cabl blee sys systt em s m ay col colll ect anon ym ous and/ and/or or aggregat aggregatee information using set-top boxes and other equipment. We use thi t hiss iinform nform at atii on t o deter determ m i ne w hic hichh program s ar aree m ost popular, popula r, how m any people w at atch ch a program to its its conclusi conclusion, on, and w het hether her people are w at atchi ching ng com m erci ercial als, s, for exam ple. A s des descri cribed bed bel below ow under "How does C om cast use pe pers rsonall onallyy identifiabl identi fiablee inform inform ation ation an d C PN I?", w e m ay provide provide subscriber subscriber list listss or cer certai tainn an on ym ous and/or agg regate iinn form ati ation on to third third parties part ies w orking on our behal behalf, f, ssuch uch as audience m easur easurem em ent or m arket rese resear arch ch firm firm s, for exam ple. pl e. These These firm firm s m ay com bine bi ne

this information with other aggregated non-aggrega non-aggregated ted dem og raphi raphicc inform ati ation on (such as census or rec records) ords) ttoo provi provide de us w ith ith audience analysi analysiss data, dat a, tthoug houg h w e w ill ill rrequir equiree them to

rem ove personally identifiabl identifiablee inform ation ation about our subscri subscribers bers from thi thiss dat data. a. W e use thi thiss inform at ation ion to iim m prove our ca cable ble televis tel evision ion service service and other services services and m ak e program m ing an d advertisi adverti sing ng m ore rrelevant elevant ttoo our subscr subscriber ibers. s. W e m ay als alsoo use thiss iinf thi nf orm ati ation on to dist distri ribute bute and deli deliver ver rel relevan evan t prog ram m ing  

an d advertising and advertising to you w ithout ithout discl disclosing osing person personall allyy identifi identifiable able inform ati ation on about you ttoo program m ers or aadvert dvertise isers. rs. IInn addit addition ion to this this privacy pr ivacy n otice, oti ce, w e m ay provide additi addition on al n otices oti ces ttoo you reg arding specific advertising advertising or other initiati initiatives. ves. The se n otices otices w ill ill describe describe the initiati initiatives ves in g reater reater detai detaill and m ay, as appropriate, appropri ate, con tain tain in form ation ation you can use to choose to to participate, partici pate, or n ot participate, participate, in these init in itiat iatives. ives. II. U se

H ow does Com cast cas t u se pers personall onallyy ident identii fiable fi able inf inform orm ati ation on and CPN I? i e

collect maintain and use personally identifiable

fi form ati fiform at i on an d C PN I as perm i tt tted ed by the C able abl e Act and the Telecom m unications unications Act and other appli applicabl cablee llaw aw s. W e use tthis his info rm ati ation on prim ari arily ly ttoo con duct business activi activiti ties es rel related ated to to providing providi ng you w it ithh our cable service service an d other services, ser vices, and ' to to help us detect ttheft heft of servi service. ce. Gen erally erally speakin g , w e use personally personal ly ide identifi ntifiable able iinf nf orm ati ation on in con nection nection w ith: ith: billing billi ng and invoicing; invoicing ; administration; surveys; collecti coll ection on of fees an d charges; marketing; service servi ce delivery and custom ization; ization; m aintenan aint enan ce and a nd operations; operations; technical support; hardw har dw ar aree and soft softw w ar aree upg ra rades; des; and fraud preven ti tion on . M ore specifically, specifically, w wee also use personally iidentifiable dentifiable iinf nform orm ation to:

• • • • •

install, configure, operate, pr install, provide, ovide, support support,, and m aintai aintainn our cable service an d other services; con fir firm m you are receiving receiving the level(s) level(s) of service service requested an d are properly p roperly bil billed; led; identify ide ntify you w hen chan ges are m ade ttoo your acc account ount or services; m ake you aw are of new product produc t s or servi services ces that that m ay be of in teres terestt to you;

un derstand derstand the use use of, and identify identi fy im provem ents to, to, our services;

• • •

detect unauthorized reception reception , use, or abuse of our services; determ ine w hether tthere here are vi violat olations ions of an y applicable applicable policies poli cies and term term s of service; service; m anag e the the netw ork supporting support ing our service services; s;


W hen m ay C om cast dis disclos closee personal Inform Inf orm ati ation on to others i n connection connection w i th ph one service? servi ce? Comcast may disclose to others personally identifiable

inform ation ation in con nection w ith ith features feat ures an d ser services vices such as C aller aller ID , 911 /E91 1, an d direct directory ory ser service vicess as fol follow low s:

W e m ay tra t ransm nsm i t your you r nam e and/or and/ or tel telepho ephone ne n um ber to be displa displayed yed on a C aller aller ID device unless you have elected elect ed to block such inform ation ation . Please note that C aller aller ID blocking m ay not pr prevent event tthe he di displa splayy of your nam e and/ or telephone telephone n um ber w hen yo u dial certain certain business or em er ergen gen cy num ber bers, s, 911, 900 num ber bers, s, oorr ttol oll-fr l-free ee 800, 888 , 877 , 86 , or 855 num ber bers. s. W e m ay pr provide ovide your nam e, addre address, ss, and tel telephone ephone n um ber to publi publicc safety authoriti authorities es an d their vendors for in in clusi clusion on in E 91 1 databases and records, inclusion inclusion in "reverse "reve rse 911 " syst system em s, or ttoo tr trouble oubleshoot shoot 91 1/E 91 1 record errors. W e m ay publis publishh an d dist distri ribute, bute, or cause to to be published published an d distr distributed, ibuted, tel telepho ephonn e directories directories in in prin t, on the Internet, and on disks. Those telephon telephon e dir director ectories ies m ay include subscriber subscriber nam es, addres addresses, ses, and telephon tel ephon e n um bers, w it ithout hout rest restri ricti ction on to thei theirr use. W e m ay al also so m ake subsc subscri riber ber nam es, addr address esses, es, and telephon tel ephon e num bers avai available, lable, or cause such subscriber inform ation ation to be m ade available, available, through through director directoryy assistance operators. W e m ay provi provide de subsc subscri ribers' bers' n am es, addresses, addres ses, and telephon tel ephon e n um bers to un affil affiliat iated ed direct directory ory publishers an d directory assistance assistance p roviders for their use in creating creati ng directories directories and off ering directory directory assistan assistan ce services. O nce our subscribe subscr ibers rs'' nam es, address addr esses, es, and telephone tel ephone n um bers appear in telephone d ir irector ectories ies or direct directory ory assis ass ista tance, nce, they m ay be sorted, sor ted, packag pa ckag ed, repackag repa ckag ed and m ade availa avai labl blee ag ain ain in diffe different rent form form ats ats by an yone.

W e tak tak e reasonab r easonab le precauti precaution on s to to ensure that that n on -pub lished lished

and unlisted numbers are not included in our telephone

directories or directory directory assistance assistance services services but we we ccannot annot g uarantee that errors errors w il illl never occur.

W hen is Com cast req r eq u i red to disclose disclose personally personally identifi identifiable able i nformati nfor mation on and CP N I by law ?

W e m ake every reasonab reasonab l e effort to to protect subscriber subscriber privacy privacy as described described in this notice. N evertheles evertheless, s, w e m ay be requ ired ired by law to di disclose sclose personally iden identi tifiable fiable iinn form ation ation oorr iinn dividually dividually identifiabl identi fiablee C PN I about a subscriber subscr iber.. These disclosures disclosures m ay  

be m ade w i t h or w ithout ithout tthe he subscr subscrii ber' ber'ss consen t , and w it ithh or w it ithout hout notice, notice , in i n co m pliance pliance w ith ith the tterm erm s of vali validd legal process such as a subp s ubp oen a, court order, or search w arrant For subscribers to to ou r cable televisi television on service, the the C able A ct requires requir es C om cast as a cable operat operator or to disclose disclose person all allyy identifiable identifi able in in form ation ation to a third-part third-partyy or govern m en tal en ti tity ty in respon se ttoo a co urt order. If the court order is i s soug ht by a non-governmental non-governmental entity we are required to notify notify the

subscriber of the cou rt order. If tthe he co urt order iiss soug ht by a g overn m en t al enti entity, ty, the C able Act requir requires es tthat hat tthe he cable subscriber subscri ber be afforded the opportunity ttoo appe ar and con tes testt in a cou rt proceeding relevan relevan t ttoo the court or order der any clai claim ms made in support of the court order. At the proceeding the C able Act requires requir es the govern m ental entity entity to t o offer clea clearr and convincing evidence that the subject of the information is reasonably suspected suspected of en g ag ing in crim crim inal act activi ivity ty and that the inform inform at ation ion soug ht w ould be m at ateri erial al evi evidence dence in t he case. ForCsubscribers subscri bers to to ourCom -speed In tern ter n etpersonally and pho n identifiable e services, services, the able Act requires Chigh om cast to to disclose discl ose identifi able inform ation ation an d individually identifiable identifiable C PN I to to a private private third third party in in response to a court order, and w e are required ttoo n oti otify fy

the subscriber subscriber of the co urt or order. der. The C able A ct rrequ equ i res us to disclose disclose person ally ally iden tifiabl tifiablee inform ati ation on an d ind ivi ividually dually identifi identi fiable able C PN I about subscribers subscri bers ttoo h igh-speed Internet and phon e ser servic vices es ttoo a g overnm ent enti entitt y in response to a subpoen a, court order, or se search arch w arrant, arr ant, for exam ple. W e are ar e usually prohibited prohibited from n otifying the subscriber of any an y discl disclosure osure of personally personally identifiabl identifiablee inform ati ation on to a governm ent entit entityy by the term term s of the subpoen a, court order, or search w arrant. How does Comcast protect personally identifiable information?

W e follow follow industry-standard industry-standard practices pract ices to ttak ak e such action action s as are necessary to preven t un authorized access to personally identifiable identifi able in in form ation ation b y a person other than the subscriber subscri ber or us. H ow ever, w e cann ot guarantee that t hat tthese hese practice practicess w ill ill preven t every un authorized attem attem pt to to access, use, or discl disclose ose personallyy identifiabl personall identifiablee inform ation. ation.

H o w l o n g d o e s C o m c a st s t m a in i n ta in i n p e r so n a ll l l y id i d e n tif tif ia ia b l e information? C om cast m aintai ai ntains ns personall pers onallyy identifi identifiabl ablee inform atio at ionn about you in our regular business records recor ds w hil hilee you are a subscriber subscriber t o o ur cable ser service vice or other servi s ervices. ces. W e also m aintai aintainn thi thiss information for a period of time after you are no longer a

subscriber if if the iinn form ation ation is n ecessary for the t he purpo ses for w hich iitt w as collect collected ed or to sati satisfy sfy legal requirem requir em ents. These  

purpo ses ttypically ypically iinn clude bu siness, legal, or ttax ax p urposes. If these purposes no long er apply, apply, w e w il illl destr destroy oy the inf inf orm ation ation accordinn g to our internal polici accordi policies es an d procedures. IV. C u st stom om er A cce ccess ss and a nd C hoice hoi ce

H o w c a n I s e e m y p e r s o n a lly l ly iidd e n t if i f ia i a b le i n f o r m a t io io n o r C P N I and correct it it,, if necessary?

Y ou m ay exam ine and correct correct,, iiff necessar necessary, y, the the pers person on al ally ly identifiabl identi fiablee inform at ation ion regarding you that is colle col lecte ctedd an d. m aintai aintained ned by C om cast in our regular business business records. records. In m ost cases, the the person ally ally iden ti tifiabl fiablee info rm ation ation con tained tained in thesei records con sists sists solely solely of bill billing ing a nd accoun t inform ation ation . W e w ill ill cor correct rect our recor records ds if you m ake a reasonable reas onable show ing that ; any of the personally personally identifiabl identifiablee inform ation ation w e have collected collected aboutt you is inacc abou inaccurate. urate. If you have In t ernet aacces ccess, s, you can view and chang e cert certai ainn inform ati ation on yourself as foll follow ow s:

• • •

For accounts you have establis established hed at the C om cast. cast. corn w ebsi ebsite, te, use tthe he Sign In or M y Accoun t ((or or si sim m ilar) ilar) feature at w w w , c n n i c a s t c o r n ; For hig hig h-speed Inte Internet rnet ac accounts, counts, use tthe he S ign In or M y A ccoun t (or sim il ilar) ar) featur featuree at www.cnpra§tnet; For digit dig ital al voice accoun ts, use the applicable com m unicati unicati ons center or voice voice center center,, using using the Sign In or M y Accoun t (or ssim im il ilar) ar) feat feature ure at www.cnnicastnet/ Oiaitaivnicenenter.

Y ou m ay also al so exam ine the recor records ds containing containing your per personall sonallyy identifi identi fiable able iinfo nfo rm at ation ion at your loca locall C om cast offi office ce upon reasonable prior pri or n oti otice ce to us an d during our regu la larr business hours. If you w ish to to exam ine these records, records, please contact us by m ai aill or ttel elephone ephone at 1-8 00- C O M C AS T, givi giving ng us a re reaso asonable nable period peri od of ti tim m e to locate locate an d, if nnecess ecessary, ary, prepare prepare the inform ati ation on for revi r eview ew , and to arra ar rang ng e an appointm ent. Y ou w i l l onl onlyy be perm it itted ted ttoo exam ine records tthat hat contain person ally ally identifiabl identifiablee inform ation ation abou t your account and no o ther account

If you m ake an affirm affirm ative at ive,, w ritt ritten en request for a copy of your C I, waccount e w il illl discl diaddress sclose ose the the rel evant or inform inform atyion w e have to you atPN your of relevant record, to anation to person authorized authori zed by you, if w e reasonably beli believe eve the rrequest equest is valid. valid. H ow ever,

subscr i bers ttoo our phon e servi subscri services ces should be aw are tthat hat w e gen era erall ly do not provi provide de them w ith ith recor records ds of any inboun d or outbou n d call callss or other rrecords ecords that w e don ' t furnish iinn the ordinn ary course of business (for exam ple, aass part of a b ill) ordi ill) or w hich are avai availabl lablee on ly from our archives, archives, w it ithout hout valid valid legal process such as a court order. order . In add i ti tion on , w e can no t correct cor rect any err errors ors iinn cust custom om er nam es, addr address esses, es, or ttel elephone ephone n um bers  

• •

configu re cab le service service and other service-related service-related devices;; an d devices comply w ith ith law .

T h e T el elecom ecom m u nic nicati ations ons A ct fu f u rther rt her perm i t s C om cas castt to to u se, dis discl close, ose, and perm i t access acc ess ttoo C P N I ob tained tained from ou r cu stom stomers, ers, ei either ther directly or indirectly, to:

• •

initiate, render initiate, render,, b ill, ill, and co collect llect for telecomm u nications services; protect ou r right rightss and property, and protect ou r u sers of these services services and other carriers from frau du lent, abu sive, sive, or unlaw fu l u se of, or su bscripti bscri ption on to, these these services; provide any inbou nd telem telem arketing, arketing, referral, referral, or adm inistrati inistrative ve services to to you for the du ration of the call, if you initiated initiated the call and yo u appro ve of the use of this inform ation ation to provide these services; services; and

to provide call location location informa ti tion on concern ing the u ser of a comm ercial m ob il ilee phone service. service.

W i th respect to phone services servi ces,, unless w e obtain you r approval In accordanc acc ordancee w i th ou r polici policies es descri des cribed bed below u nder H ow do I give gi ve or w i thhol thholdd m y approval for Com cas castt ttoo u se CP N I to m arket additional additional produ cts and services services to me? , Com cast m ay not u se CP N I to m arket pr produ odu ct ctss and servi services ces ttoo you othe otherr than the pho ne services.

C om cast transm transm its, its, and m ay collect collec t and store for a period period of tim ti m e, person iden tifiable and unse on-our person ally iden idenInt tifiable tifiable i nformati nformation on ally abouiden t youtifiable w hen you high-s high-speed peed Internet ernet and p hon e services services to:

• • •

send and an d receive e-m ail, video m ail, and instant m essages; transfer and share sh are files; files; m ake files accessible; accessible;

• • • • • • •

visit w ebsite visit ebsites; s; place or receive calls; leave and receive voice voic e m ail m essages; u se the the applicable comm u nications nications center or voice ccenter; enter; estab est ab li lish sh cu st stom om set setti tings ngs or preferences; comm u nicate nicate w i th us for support; or otherw is isee u se the services services and their feat featuu res.

O u r transmission, ccollec ollecti tion, on, and storage of this information are necessary to ren der the services. In certain situ situ ations, thirdpa rty service pro viders m ay tran sm it, it , collect, collect , and store this inform ation ation on ou r beha lf to provide featu fe atu res of ou r services. services. T hese third third parties are not perm itted itted to u se you r personally personall y identifiable identi fiable information except for the pu p u rpose of providi p roviding ng these features.  

W e m ay al also so com bine per personal sonally ly Ide Identifi ntifiabl ablee inform ation, ation, w hic hichh

w e collect coll ect as descri described bed In thi thiss n otice oti ce as part of our reg ular business records with personally identifiable information obtained from third parties for the purpose of creating an enhanced database or business records. We may use this

database data base and thes thesee business rrecords ecords in in m arketi arketing ng and other acti activiti vities esn relat related ed our r cableh service and other services services. .isfacti Wfaction e also m aintai aintain recor records dstoofou researc research con cerning subscri subscriber ber sat satis on

and viewing habits which are obtained from subscriber

interview intervi ew s and questi question on n air aires. es.

Ill.. D isclosu Ill is closu re Under what circumstances may Comcast disclose person ally iden iden ti tifiable fiable inform ation to others?

C om cast con si siders ders the t he person all al l y identifi identi fiable able in i n form ation at ion contained in our business records to be confidential. The

C able Act authori authorizes zes C om cast as a cable operat operator or ttoo discl disclose ose personallyy identifiabl personall identifiablee inform ation ation con cerning any subscriber subscriber if the disclosure is: n ecessary to to render, or cond uct a lleg eg itim itim ate busin busin ess activity related related to, the cable service or other othe r services provided to the subscriber; requiredd by law or lleg require eg al pr process ocess (des (descri cribed bed below un der "W hen is C om cast required required by law la w t o disclos disc losee personally personally identifi ide ntifiabl ablee inform at ation ion and C PN I by law ?"); or of theornam es purposes and addresses of subscriber subscr ibers s for "m ailing ails ing li list" st" other (su bject to each sub scriber's scriber' right to prohibit prohibit or li lim m it this discl disclosure osure and the C PN I Policyy descr Polic described ibed below under "How do pl place ace m yself yself on C om cast's cast's ''do do n ot call' call' an d `do n ot m ail' ail' li lists?"). sts?").

The C able Act prohibit prohibitss us fr from om discl disclosing osing personally identifi identifiable able inform ation at ion con cerning any subscri subsc riber ber for any purpos purposes es other than those listed listed abo ve w ithout ithout the subscriber' subscriber'ss prior w ritten ritten or electr elec tron on ic con sent.

T o w h o m m a y C o m c a s t d i sscc lloo s e p e r s o n a l llyy iidd e n t iiff iiaa b l e Information? W e m ay discl disclose ose pers personally onally ide identifi ntifiable able iinform nform ation ation as provided provided for in in the C able Act w hen it is is necessary to ren ren der, or con duct a leg itim itim ate busine ss activity acti vity related rel ated to, the t he cab le service servi ce or other servi s ervices ces w e provide to you. T hese k inds of dis discl closures osures typically typical ly involve bill billing ing and an d collect collections, ions, adm inistration, inistration, surveys, m arketing arketing , service ser vice deli delivery very and cust custom om i zat zation, ion, m ai ainn t enan ce and operati operat i ons, and fraud preventi pr evention on , for f or exam ple. pl e. W e m ay also al so collect collect,, use, and d i scl sclose ose inform at ation ion abo ut you in n on  

person ally identifi identifiab ab le or aggregate form ats, su ch as rati ratings ngs su rveys and service u sage and other statisti statistical cal reports, w hich do not personally identify identify you, you r particu particu lar view ing habits, or the natu re of any transaction transaction you h ave m ade over the cable system system . T he freq u ency of an y disclosu discl osu re of personall personallyy identi identifi fiab ab le information varies varies in in accordance w ith ith ou r bu siness si ness needs nee ds and activities. The Cab le Act au thorizes thorizes Com cast as a cable operator to to disclose disclose lim lim it ited ed person ally iden iden tifiable tifiable inform ati ation on to others, su ch as charities, m arketi arke ting ng organ izations, or other bu sinesses, for cable cab le or non-cab le m ailing ailing list list or other pu rposes. F rom ti tim m e to ti tim me w e m ay discl dis close ose your nam e and address ffor or these thes e pu rposes. rpose s. H ow ever, you have the right ri ght to prohib prohi b i t or li l i m i t this t his kind of discl dis closure osure by contacti contac ting ng u s by tel t elephone ephone at 1-800 -CO M CA ST or by sending sendi ng u s a w ritt ri tten en requ est as descri des cribed bed b elow el ow u nder H ow do I contact cont act Com cast? cast? An y m aili ai ling ng list list and relate relatedd

discl dis closu osuosu resres that m ay ber m ake are liand m i t ed b y the le Act to di discl sclosu of wsu s uebscriber bscri nam es lim ad dresses dress es Cab w here the t he disclosu res do no t reveal, directly directly or indirectly, (i) (i) the extent of any view ing or other othe r u se by the su bscri bscriber ber of a cable servic ser vicee or other service provided b y u s; or (ii) (ii) the nature of any transaction m ade by the sub scr scriber iber over ou r cable syst s ystem em . W e m ay som etim etim es disclos disclosee personally identifi identifiab ab le inform inform ation ation abou t you to ou r affi aff i li liate atess or to t o others other s w ho w ork for us. W e m ay also disclos disclosee personally identi identifiable fiable inform inform ation ation ab ou t you to ou tside tside au ditors, professional advisors, service providers and vendors, potential potential b u siness siness m erger, acqu isiti isition, on, or sale partners, and regu lat lators. ors. W e m ake these di discl sclosu osu res as provi provided ded for in the Cab le A ct. T ypically, ypical ly, w e m ake these disclos dis closuu res w hen the disclosu discl osu re is i s necessary to render, or cond u ct a legitim legitim ate

b u siness acti activity vity related to, the cab le service or other services w e provide provide to t o you. W e may b e req re q u ired ired by law or legal legal process process to disclose disclose certain certain personally Identifiable Identifiable inform ati ation on ab ou t you to law yers and parties partie s in i n connection w ith ith liti li tigati gation on and to law enforcem ent personnel. If w e (or ou r parent com com pany) enter into into a merger, acq u isit isition, ion, or sale of all or a portion of ou r assets, assets, su bscrib ers' personally

identifiab identifi ab le inform inform w il ill, l, intransaction. m ost instances, instances, item item s transferred asation par t of the the if this this be notice notione ce wofillthe be changed as a resu lt of a transaction transaction like that that,, you shou ld refer below u nder W ill ill Com cast notify notify m e if it changes this this notice? notice? W e m ay also u se or disclos disclosee personally identif identifiable iable information abou t you w i thout you r cons consent ent ttoo prot protect ect ou r customers, em ployees, or p roperty, in in em ergency situ sit u ations, ati ons, to t o en force ou r rights u nder ou r terms of service and policies, policies, in cou rt or elsew els ew here, and as otherw otherw ise ise permitted permitted by law .  

appearin g in, or om i tt appearin tted ed from , our or our ven dors' dir direct ectory ory li lists sts un til the n ext av available ailable publicati publication on of tho those se directory list lists. s. Further Furt her,, w e m ay have no con tr trol ol over inform at ation ion appearing appearing in the directory lists lists or directory assistance services of directory publishers or directory assistance providers which are not ow ned by us or our subsidi subsidiari aries. es. C om cast rreserves eserves tthe he right to charge you for the cost of retri retrieving eving and photo photocopyi copying ng any docum ents tha thatt you request request..

H ow do I gi give ve or w i thhol thholdd m y approval for Com cas castt to u se C P N I to market additi addit i onal produ cts ct s and services services to to m e?

In addition addit ion t o phon e an d v oice ser services vices,, vari various ous d ir irect ect ani indirect indir ect ssubsi ubsidiar diarie iess of C om cast C orporat orporation ion offer m any othe, com m unicat unications-rel ions-relat ated ed services, services, ssuch uch as H igh-S peed Internet

services. From time to time we may like to use the CPNI

Inform ati ation onunwicat e have on fil fileeted to provide w it ith h inform ation about our com m ications-rela ions-related products productyou s and servi services ces ati oronspeci special al prom oti otions. ons. O ur us usee of C PN I m ay also also enhance our abili ability ty to offer products an d services ttail ailored ored to your specific need s. In addition, addit ion, C om cast also also offers various other services services that t hat are no t re relat lated ed to the servi services ces to w hich you subscri subscribe. be. U nd er the C PN I rul rules, es, som e of those sser ervic vices, es, such as C om cast cabl cablee . tell evis te evision ion servi services, ces, ar aree con sidered sidered ttoo be no n- com m un ic icat ations ions relat rel ated ed products and ser servic vices. es. Therefor Therefore, e, you m ay be asked during a tel telephon ephon e call w ith ith on e of our representat representatives ives for your oral consen t ttoo C om cast' cast' s use of your C PN I for the the purpose oh

provi providi ngications youions w ith itrel h an offer for fo r comanmdunications-r unicat ions-rel ated edprovidel or non -' com mding un icat related ated products servi services. ces. Ifelat you your oral ora l consen t for C om cast to do so, C om cast m ay use your

C PN I on ly for the duration duration of that telephon telephon e call in order to offer . you additi a ddition on al services. services. If you den y or restric restrictt your approval for us to to use your C PN I, you w il illl suffer suffer no effect, effect, now or in in the fut future, ure, on how w e provide provide any services servi ces to w hich you sub subscri scribe. be. An y den ial or restri restricti ction on of yo your ur approval rem ains valid vali d un ti till your servi services ces are discontin disconti n ued o r you affirm ati atively vely revoke or lim lim it ssuch uch approval or den ial. ial.

H ow do I plac placee m yse yself lf on Com cas cast' t'ss do not call cal l and do not m ail lists li sts?? Y ou m ay conta c ontact ct C om cast cast at 1-800 -C O M C AS T to t o ask ask us to to put pu t your nam e on our internal int ernal com pany "do n ot cal c alll " and "do n ot m ai ail" l" lis lists ts ssoo that you do not recei receive ve m arketing arketing or prom otional otional telephon tel ephon e calls calls or post postal al m ail from us or m ade at our request. Y ou also hav e the rig rig ht to t o prohibit or lim lim it disclosure of your personallyy iden ti personall tifiabl fiablee inform ation ation for "m ail ailing ing list list"" or o ther purposes as described described abo ve in this notice by con tacting tacting us at 1 -800-CO -800-CO MC AST.  

C om cast's cast 's u se of you r accoun t inform inform ation ation for marketing and prom otional oti onal activi activiti ties es is also al so su b ject to you r right to lim li m it or restric rest rictt u s from making those offers as described described above in H ow do I give gi ve or w i thhold thhold m y approval for Com cast cas t to t o u se CP N I to m arket add itional itional produ cts and sservices ervices to m e? in this notice.

I f you prefer ttoo contact C om cast i n w ri riti ting ng inst instead ead of b y telephon tel ephon e, you m ay send a w ritten ritten requ est to tthe he address li listed sted below under H ow do I contact cont act Com cast? cas t? . B e sure to i nclude your nam e and addres address, s, your C om cast cas t account ac count nu m ber, and a daytim dayti m e tel t elephone ephone nu m ber w here you can be reached reac hed in i n the event w e have any qu est estii ons abou t your requ est est.. The w ri ritt tten en requ est shou ld be signed si gned b y the person person w ho is identif identifie iedd in our billing bill ing records as the the su b scriber. scriber. If you have a joint accou nt, a

requ est by one party w ill ill apply to the the entire entire account If you have m u ltiple lt iple accou nts, you r notice noti ce m u st separately separatel y identi identify fy each account covered by the req re q u est

W hat ee-m -m ail ai l ccom om m u ni nicat catii ons w i ll C om cas castt ssend end to me and h o w d o I m a n aagg e tthh e m? We ma may y send a w wel elcome come e mail and someti sometim mes ot other her

information to new su bscribers ttoo ou r cable ser service vice and other services servi ces (incl ( incluu ding each new secondary accoun t holder, w here applicable). appli cable). W e m ay also send servi ser vice-r ce-relat elated ed an nou ncements to ou r sub scr scrii b ers from ti tim m e ttoo ttii m e. F or ex exam am ple, w e m ay send se nd you an e-m ail ai l annou ncement abou t a prici pricing ng change, a change in operati operating ng p oli olici cies, es, a servic servicee app oint ointm m ent, or new

features of one or m ore of the cable service or other servi services ces you recei receive ve from u s. You m ay not optopt-ou ou t of tthese hese sservi ervicece-

rel ated com m u nicat related nicatii ons. If you fail fai l to t o check you r pri prim m ary e-m ail address for f or servic ser vice-rel e-related ated annou ncem ents, ents , you m ay m iss iss im im portant iinform nform ati ation on ab ou t ou r servi services, ces, including legal notices, for exam ple. W e res reserve erve tthe he ri right ght ttoo send you prom oti otional onal or com m erci ercial al e-m ai aill as perm i tt tted ed by appli applicable cable llaw aw . You can m anage the prom oti otional onal or comm erc ercial ial e-mails Com cast m ay send to you by follow ing the the instru instru ctions ctions contained in in thee-m alls or by going

to t he W ebingp age locate l ocated d at tthere. w w wW c reiim mmcay a sask ttcc o mfor / n radditi e ffoo r ponal peel andthe follow tthe he direct directions ions here. additional information on this preferences preferences page su ch as you r zip code, for examp le. B y providing this this additi additional onal information to us w e w il illl b e able to better inform inform you of the availab availab ilit ilityy of special offers and p rom oti otions ons in you r area. If you no longer w is ishh to re recei ceive ve these e-mails you m ay opt-ou t of re receivi ceiving ng them by going to the sam e page and chan ging your con tact preferences. preferences .


W hat can I do if I think think m y privacy rights rights have been violate violated? d?

If you believe believe that you have been ag g rieved rieved by an y act of ours in violati viol ation on of the C able Act, w e enco urage you t o con ta tact ct us directl dir ectlyy as descri described bed below below in "H ow do I contact C om cast?" in in order to to resol resolve ve your questi question on or concern. Y ou m ay als alsoo enfo rce the lim lim it itati ation onss im posed on us by the C able Act as appli applicable cable w it ithh respect to to your person all allyy iden identi tifiable fiable iinn form ati ation on through a civil civil law la w sui suitt see seekk i n g dam ag es, at attor tornn eys' fees fees,, and li liti tigg ation at ion co st sts. s. O ther rig rig hts and and rem edies m ay be avai availabl lablee to you under federal or other applicable applicable law law s as w ell. ell. W il illl Co m cast notify notify m e if it it changes this noti notice? ce?

A s required required by the the C able Act, w e w ill ill provide provide you w ith ith a copy of this this custom cust om er privacy privacy n otice otice at the t he tim ti m e w e en t er in i n t o an ag reem ent to provide an y cab l e service servi ce or o t her service servi ce to you, and ann ually ually afterw after w ards ards,, or as otherw otherw i se perm i t t ed by l aw . Y ou can view the m ost curr current ent vers versii on of thi thiss notice noti ce by going to w w w c o m c s t c o m searching for f or "pri "privacy vacy policy," and an d selecting select ing the appropriat appropriatee li linn k .  

W e m ay m odify thi thiss noti notice ce aatt anyti anytim m e. W e w ill ill notify you of aany ny m at ateri erial al chang es thr throug oug h w ri ritt tten, en, elect electronic, ronic, or ot other her m eans

and as otherw other w i se perm per m it itte tedd by law . If you fin fi n d the chan g es to this t his notice unacc eptable, you have the right to cancel you r service. ser vice. If you con t inue to use the servi service ce foll follow ow ing n oti otice ce of t he chan g es, w e w i l l consider consi der that t hat to to be y our acceptan accept an ce of

and con sent to tthe he chan g es iinn the rrevis evised ed privacy no t ice. ice . This includes your consen t for any personall personallyy identifi identifiable able inform inform ati ation on that w e m ay coll collect ect an d use st start arting ing on the effect effective ive dat datee of the revised revi sed n otice, oti ce, as w ell as for an y p ersonall ersonallyy iden tifiabl tifiablee inform ation ation that w e have co ll llected ected pri prior or to tthe he effective date of the revis revised ed nnoti otice. ce. How ever ever,, w e w il illl only con consi sider der your conti continued nued use of the service to be your acceptance of and consent to chang es iinn the rrevis evised ed pri privacy vacy n oti otice ce for chang es m ade aft after er D ecem ec em ber 31 , 2006 .


H o w d o I c o n ta c t C o m c a s t ?

If you have an y questions or sugg estion estion s regarding this this pri privacy vacy no ti tice, ce, or w ish to to con tact us about your personal iinfo nfo rm ation ation , please reach reach us as follow s:

P ho h o n e: e : 1 --88 0000 --C CO M CAST W ebs ebsii t e: w w w . askcom cas castt .c .com om / conta contact ctus. us.asp asp Mail:


om cast cast Cable Cabl e C om m uni unicat catii ons, LIC aw D epartm epartm ent - C ustom ustom er Privacy Privacy Notice Notice O ne C om ca cast st C ent enter er Philadel Phil adelphi phia, a, PA 1 91 03 -28 38

R evised evised and effecti effective: ve: M arch ar ch 1, 20 11

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