Howard Griswold Conference Call—Thursday, June 28, 2012 Partial Howard Griswold Conference calls: conf call (talkshoe) 724-444-7444 95099# 1# (non-talkshoe members must use the 1# after the pin number) Thursday’s at 8 p.m., Eastern Time. Talkshoe mutes the phone lines Note: there is a hydrate water call 8 pm, Eastern Monday’s, 218-844-3388 966771# Howard’s home number: 302-875-2653 (between 9:30, a.m, and 7:00, p.m.) Check out: All correspondence to: Gemini Investment Research Group, POB 398, Delmar, Del. 19940 (do not address mail to ‘Howard Griswold’ since Howard has not taken up residence in that mailbox and since he’s on good terms with his wife he isn’t likely to in the foreseeable future.) Donations are accepted. "All" Howard's and GEMINI RESEARCH's information through the years, has been gathered, combined and collated into 3 "Home-Study Courses" and "Information packages" listed at "Mail Order" DONATIONS and/or Toll-Free 1-877-544-4718 (24 Hours F.A.Q. line) Dave DiReamer can be reached at:
[email protected] Peoples-rights has a new book available from The Informer: Just Who Really Owns the United States, the International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, World Bank, Your House, Your Car, Everything—the Myth and the Reality. He’ll take $45 for the book to help with ads, but $40 would be ok which includes shipping ($35 barebones minimum) c/o 1624 Savannah Road, Lewes, Delaware 19958 ******************** Often you can find a transcript or a partial one for the week’s call at the following website: Howard approves or disapproves all postings to this yahoo group. Send potential posting to Howard.
Note: questions to Howard are now submitted to Howard, preferably typed, to Gemini Research rather than fielded on the call live. It would be desirable to send a couple of bucks for mailing, copying and printing costs. ********************* Extra legal help is available from the firm, Ketchum, Dewey, Cheatham and Howe. ******************************************************************* . For reference: Jersey City v. Hague, 115 Atlantic Reporter 2nd, page 8 (A 2nd ) ********** Project for all: Howard needs information on how to write a complaint for breach of the trust. Hit the libraries! He would appreciate any research help. ***************************************************** Start ***************************************************** {01:53:12.486} [Howard] Dr. Graves’ explanation of the anatomy of a complaint would be extremely important for every one of you to get a hold of for two reasons. One is if you’re going to draft one, for instance, one of breach of fiduciary duty. Although we have the form there are details of how the story is told that are important and how they’re done in the rules of pleading. And if he’s explaining this which I expect he is because he’s a doctor of law. He has a doctorate in the study of law. He’s no dummy. He’s very well versed. So if you’re going to put together a complaint it would behoove you—didn’t you say it was eleven pages, Dave? You should take five days to read those eleven pages—not that it’ll take you five days to read it once. You should read it over and over and over again for five days until you finally get it down pat, what he’s explaining about the requirements in law of how a complaint is put together. Not only for your own benefit of understanding how you would put a complaint together but also in your defense against any government complaint against you because they’re not properly done and when they aren’t they have failed to serve the complaint in proper form along with the summons. And if a complaint does not come with a summons then it fails to be a proper service and that’s usually Rule 2 and sometimes Rule 3 depending upon what state’s rules in civil and in somewhere Rule 5 in criminal rule of how a complaint and summons are to be served at the same time. Many, many times you get a summons: you are demanded to be here. You better be here or an arrest warrant will be issued for you if you don’t show up. Yeah, where the hell is it? The complaint says that you did this. Where the hell is the complaint? It’s not there. It’s briefed perhaps, but it’s not there. It does not follow the rules of how to make a complaint. It’s a bluff to get you to come into the court and admit to something. These people violate their fiduciary duty
and act in so many dishonest ways. It is absolutely impossible for us to list every damned one of them, to make even a prototype of some type which I’ve been asked to do by a lovely little lady who wants to put it together in such a form that she can send it out to a bunch of people. But it isn’t going to work. We cannot make a prototype for a lawsuit because the specific details have to be explained in a certain way and I assure you, I’ve seen some of Dr. Graves’ stuff in Jurisdictionary. This man knows what he’s talking about. He understands the rules, he understands the rules of pleading as well as the rules of court, the rules of procedure and the rules governing the courts and all the other rules governing lawyers. He is very familiar with all this stuff. He knows what he’s talking about. If he’s telling you one little part here and giving you a breakdown of information on how something is done it would be very important—Dave, I’m going to ask you to send that to me because I want to look it over and see what he said because I know that I don’t know enough because finding this in their law books, it’s scattered all over the damned place. There is no really good succinct list anywhere of exactly of how to draft a complaint properly. There’s a lot of pieces but they aren’t put together in one simple little explanation. You have to have gone to law school or become a law professor to have enough background to be able to put something like this together. I’m sure I’m missing some of the pieces. I know darned well I am. I’ve got a lot of them but I know I’m missing some of them. I’m still very reluctant to write a complaint and really think that I have done it 100% correct. Not that I’m reluctant to write a complaint, I’m just reluctant to think that I did it 100% correct. It really does require an in-depth study of a lot of specific parts of the rules to put it all together and if he’s done this and given you at least 90% of what’s required you’ll find out that that when these morons with law degrees write a complaint most of them have not been taught enough to know exactly how to write a complaint and they leave most of the important stuff out. They do not do it properly so the complaint leaves us with out enough knowledge or information to form a responsive answer. That’s when we’re the defendant. It does not meet the requirement of the rule, usually Rule 2 or 3, of the state court rules or the federal rules that the summons and complaint be served together because if the complaint is lacking then they have not served the summons and complaint properly together. Now, they get away with this stuff because the lawyers are stupid and the people are even stupider. I don’t know how that can be possibly be that you can be stupider than stupid but we are somehow. Lawyers aren’t very bright. They’re not very well informed. They’re not very well taught. They are taught to do it in shortcut ways on purpose and the people are not taught any of this. So I guess that’s the only way I could explain that the people are stupider than lawyers and lawyers are pretty stupid to start with. It seems almost impossible but it isn’t due to the lack of proper teaching and training. We do not have the knowledge and information and understanding of how these things are to be done. Here’s your case for breach of fiduciary duty—at least one of them. The lawyer that did this, whatever this complaint may be, the cop that did this, whatever the complaint may be. You got a parking ticket, you got a speeding ticket, you got a radar ticket, whatever. You got a summons from the court stating that you didn’t pay your taxes filled out by a lawyer and summoned to be in court under a complaint that you didn’t pay your taxes. Every one of these people are breaching their fiduciary duty in some way, shape or form. If you understand very clearly how a complaint is required to be drafted and look at what they do, they have not done it correctly. If you go look at the statutes you’ll find out that they misapplied the intent and purpose of the statutes—more dishonesty on their part.
This breach of fiduciary duty concept is simply based on dishonesty Lack of good faith is a form of dishonesty. The other thing that they get into in some of the cases is the loyalty, loyalty to the government that they represent or are party of. If they’re not loyal to the government then they’re in breach of their fiduciary duty. Well, what I just explained to you of not following the rules is a breach of their fiduciary duty because they’re disloyal because they’re being dishonest. See how simple, this whole thing keeps coming back to dishonesty—not doing it the way they’re supposed to do it, not following the law, not applying the law correctly, misapplying the law such as if you’re a taxpayer, Obama crap, healthcare applies to you. The way to avoid Obama care is to only go to a hospital, go into the emergency room, tell them you got a pain in your toe, a headache, or whatever the hell you got, ask him to examine you and hope the hell they make an accurate diagnosis, thank them very much, take their prescription, go home, throw it in the trash and find out what you should do on your own and don’t go back to them. They know little or nothing about the body. You will learn more—as a matter of fact, if you just pay attention to the ailments that do develop in your body you have a better chance of diagnosing what’s wrong than the doctors do. IN most cases you will figure it out better on your own but I still recommend that you talk to a doctor because they have some testing equipment that none of us here in society could afford to have. See what the doctor says then look up what to do about it. Last week and two weeks ago, two different times Dave has read this article about lemons. Don’t throw away and waste the lemon peel. Use the whole lemon. {as long as it’s an organic lemon. You want a lemon with no pesticides. If the lemon fights off funguses etc it imparts the constituents that will fight off disease in you. If it’s sprayed the lemon didn’t have to fight off anything and, of course, you don’t want the poisons from the pesticides either. Note that the salvestrols may be involved here in killing cancer cells. A little biotin will help too as it will maximumize the CYP1B1 enzyme with will metabolize the salvestrols. Check out } This thing works on cancer cells and eats them—the whole lemon, the rind, the pulp and the juice—not just the juice. The juice has some good properties. The pulp has some better properties and apparently from what we’ve been finding out from the studies that were done by the drug laboratories trying to make an artificial lemon flavored something {down with artificial anything} as a product that they could sell with big money they found out that the pulp of the lemon, the rind of the lemon together contain more nutriments than the juice of the lemon by itself. It had more mending capacity for the body—they call it healing capacity because that’s the terms medical morons use. I never used that term. Heeling means to lift up your foot and nail a metal shoe on it. Then you’ve been heeled. I don’t think that’s a good thing to do to the physical body of mankind so I would stay away from healers, if I were you. You might end up with a metal shoe on your foot. But anyway, mending the body is very important. Minerals, particularly minerals mend the body—not drugs. {drugs rob the body of minerals and vitamins} The doctor’s drugs usually have very serious side effects because they are loaded with toxins and contaminants that are not good for the body that cause these side effects. Just plain lemon—freeze it, the article said, if you recall, and then run it across a grater. Grate it into tiny little pieces in its frozen state and put it in your drink, your ice tea, your lemonade. Sprinkle it on some foods that you eat and it adds flavor in small quantity. Don’t put a lot on because a lot might make it to lemony and bitter tasting and you won’t like it. So don’t put so much on. A little bit several times a day lowers high blood pressure. One of the articles Dave read tonight was about these people dieing from blood pressure
medication. It seems that the list of people dieing from those medications is growing rapidly day by day—the medications killing the people. I’ve said for years that I doubt seriously there are very many people in this country that have ever died of cancer. I think most people in this country died from the treatment for cancer long before the cancer would have killed them because the treatment is deadly. {amen} Well, the lemon is 10,000 time according to the drug companies’ investigations—10,000 time stronger than chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. 10,000 times stronger—good heavens—I can’t even multiply that properly—most people can’t—couldn’t even figure it out. Most people’s mathematics is absolutely poor. Mine’s fair and even though it’s fair I still can’t figure out what 10,000 times the capacity of chemotherapy because I don’t know what the capacity of chemotherapy is—that’s why. But anyway, there is knowledge coming out. There are ways to get around things. There are ways to avoid harmful effects of dealing with doctors, of dealing with lawyers. {10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean is a good start. Then you send down the lawyers to cure them.} The lawyers are not allowed to represent private people. They have no business representing private people. They are corporate officers of the government and only have authority to represent other fictional officers of the government. They are pretending that you are a resident agent of the government, a resident agent. This is where people who teach that being a state citizen is good but being a federal citizen isn’t. These people have no idea what the hell they’re talking about. They haven’t studied far enough. Perhaps that was old information that was going around six, seven, eight years ago. Maybe somebody’s just putting it out again but don’t pay attention to that kind of stuff. The fact is that the difference is a private citizen, a private person, a private individual as opposed to a state citizen, a federal citizen, a US citizen, a State of Blank citizen, or a citizen of the county or a citizen of the state or any of those, citizen of the town. Any of those definitions that they use are only relevant, and they are absolutely relevant, to those individuals who are officers and employees of those political jurisdictions but not to the rest of the people who are not actually employees or officers of those political jurisdictions. Do you hear me clearly? This was years of research that finally revealed all this stuff and it’s very hard to give it all to you. But it’s very simple to understand that there’s only a couple of court cases that clarify the whole damned thing. There was no such thing as a 14th Amendment citizen until people signed up and became 14th Amendment citizens. This was a scam {direct from Uncle Scam} created by the legislature by the federal government with benefits to certain people who at that time were the dark-skinned slaves that had been freed from slavery ownership by their land owner, slave owner owners. They didn’t have to sign up but they did because they knew no better and then they duped the rest of society into signing up for the same kind of goodies and benefits. And all we have to do, as Dave has said, that Howard teaches, terminate any of those registrations and benefits and you’re no longer one of the slaves. {no longer a child of the state}. We put ourselves in this position by volunteering to accept their benefits. If you can’t live without their benefits then continue to be a slave and do not get involved in any of this stuff. If you think you need any of their benefits then don’t get involved but if you have the gumption to take care of yourself and ignore them completely, just terminate and really all you need to terminate is to send them a letter saying, ‘I refuse to accept, whatever it is, the registration of this, the registration of that, having any significance toward me.’ Just sending them a letter. The more letters you send them like that the more you’re going to upset this bureaucracy. The harder they’re going to push to
try to push you back into cooperation and the better chance you got of a great breach of fiduciary lawsuit against them at which time I assure you they will run scared. You could actually lead them into exposing, if you want to do it, exposing anything and everything that they’re doing that’s wrong. You could lead them into it just knowing a little bit about the things that we talk about. Prompt them to make some kind of a statement, an action, a written document or something, especially a lawyer. No lawyer is going to let go. They want all the people to be residents which means agents of the state, an agent of the state, an agent of the county, an agent of the city, an agent of the federal government. Somehow or another they want to show that you’re a resident and a citizen, a state citizen or a US citizen. A US citizen means a person in the US government. A state citizen means a person in the state government, a resident means a person in the state government. When you’re not, they have breached their fiduciary duty, acted dishonestly by trying to bring you in under their control and you have a dynamite case when you get into the court. Somebody just sent me some very good information and I don’t know for sure who it came from so I don’t want to take credit for this but a lot of research has been done and quite a few cases have been cited here plus federal law cited. So in a federal case, for sure, there is federal law that says that a judge is disqualified when he gives certain prerogatives to one party or one party’s attorney that he doesn’t give to the other party. Now, that requires understanding the rules but you don’t have to understand too terrible much to realize that when you use Rule 17 of the Rules of Civil Procedure and you ask, where is the real party in interest? The attorney is here. He’s claiming he represents some bank, some credit card company, some government agency, the state, but he hasn’t proven or brought the real party of interest before the court. Where is the state? Where is the bank? Where is anybody except the attorney? Now, if I sue you or you sue me we’d show up. This is what the courts were originally there, supposedly, to do, take care of discrepancies between you and me. The court is not supposed to be there to be executing state claims against people for profit but it is which is a breach of its fiduciary duty. When it shows favoritism of any kind such as what I just explained—there is a whole list of case law but I’m not going to give it all out tonight. Write to Gemini and ask for it or let me find out who has actually put this out and I’ll send you to them to get it. I have never been one who would take somebody else’s fire away from them. If I can find out for sure who put this out I’ll send you to them and you can get their information. But there is case law as well as statutory law—federal. Now, maybe we got to look in the state courts to find out whether the state has the same statutory laws which disqualify a judge whenever he shows favoritism. But if we go back and look at the Donovan brief of several years ago, 2006, floating around this country for all that time. The brief that we brought up, the Chicago Railroad v. The First School District of Yuma County, that was a Colorado Supreme Court case that said that the government has the right to make all laws, rules and regulations regulating itself. So you comprehend the word, itself? If you don’t, then you don’t belong in this kind of an activity—you really don’t. Itself means to regulate the state, the government, the people in the government, not the people that live in the territory surrounding the state. But then again, how many people understand that the state means the government. This is why you don’t want to be a state citizen unless you actually work for the state government or one of its political subdivisions like the county, city, town, or so on and so forth. The word, state, means the state of the forum. The state of the forum is the government and all of its political subdivisions are political governments, political corporate bodies in politics. You have to belong to them to
come under their laws. Now, if you do belong to them because you work for any one of those governments at any type of a position including stupid people that work for the Department of Education and don’t think they work for the government. Man, what a bunch of clowns those people are. I’ve had a bunch of them call me up and said, ‘well, I work for the Department of Education. I don’t work for the state.’ Yes, you do, you moron. The Department of Education is part of the state. Good God, no wonder our children come out of school stupid. Look at the kind of morons we have teaching them. Yes, they do work for the government. Yes, they do come under the government’s rules and regulations because they signed themselves into a job doing that. If they don’t like that position quit. Get the hell out. Go find an honest job somewhere in society where you can produce something instead of being a government drone. You don’t like what I said? I don’t really care if you like it or not. Get out of that job. But I’ll tell you what. If you like being a teacher set up your own little business of home schooling as a tutor. If you’re good at teaching English grammar, good at teaching science, good at teaching mathematics, you’ll find out there’s a lot of people doing home schooling that don’t feel that they’re that good at those things. They’ll pay a tutor to do those certain types of jobs. Go to work in society in private sector and get the hell out of working for government if you think you’re a worthwhile teacher and I’ll bet most of you are. But you’re too stupid to know that when you work for the government school system that you’re working for the government. If you need to do a little bit of learning, a little bit of study, a little bit of exercising the mind in order to really be a teacher. Years ago I made sure that the government would no longer pursue me about sending my child to their government schools by explaining to them that my wife and I were not qualified teachers because the word, qualified, means limited and we were not limited idiots like your qualified teachers are. Well, that stopped them cold. They wouldn’t let me get in the courtroom and explain that. They wouldn’t get anywhere near me after I did that to them. They don’t want people to know that a qualified teacher means a limited person and they are limited. But I’ll tell you what, I think most people are not really limited. They have a mind. They can expand it. They can grow. They don’t have to follow a program. They just do. I don’t know if it’s just go along to get along or if it’s absolute necessity for some of them because they really can’t use their mind any better. It may be a necessity because they can’t use their mind. Well, if they’re that kind of people then they’re not the people I’m talking to that can’t do anything on their own. We don’t have a whole lot of time left to straighten some of these things out. This whole scam worldwide of phony money and phony governments is unfolding very rapidly. There won’t be schools, there won’t be money to run schools. There won’t be governments to control the running of schools. There won’t be money to control fuel. There won’t be fuel provided. There won’t be groceries provided. You people better wake up because that shenanigan by Drake is very unlikely to ever transpire in the way they’re explaining it. I wouldn’t say that the military wouldn’t become involved in something. They’re getting angry too. A lot of people are getting angry. A lot of people are waking up but you have to realize that if you shut down the Federal Reserve Bank there is no money in America of any kind. They can print a new currency but I won’t have any value and it won’t last long and it won’t work. We can create our own currency and that would be a barter exchange, an exchange of whatever I have that I produce for whatever you produce which is nothing but barter. And we could make that work if we have enough sense to do it. I’m not sure that there’s enough sense to do it. I’m really not sure that there’s enough sense. Education has
destroyed the minds of our people so badly that there’s a possibility of carrying on without leadership by government and banks being there and grocery stores being there and gas stations being there and everything being available to us. The possibility of carrying on without all that is slim to none. As a matter of fact, I have considered—I probably never will do this—but I have considered writing a book. The book is going to be how to commit suicide successfully because I think there is going to a definite trimming down of the world’s population. It’s going to be by suicide. Most people will not be able to get by and accept having to do anything that’s hard on their own so most of them will commit suicide. And the book would say, ‘it’s the skinny end of the gun that you put up to your throat, not the fat end. You might blow something down below off that’s important but you can’t kill yourself that way. You have to jump out of the sixth story window, not the basement window. All you will do is scratch yourself and cause a few bruises that need medical treatment. 2nd floor, 3rd floor, still not good enough—you have to jump off of the 6th floor window to be successful in committing suicide. Little quirks like that are so important for somebody that’s going to commit suicide because you have to realize that these people can’t think for themselves. If they could think for themselves they wouldn’t be thinking about committing suicide because everything fell apart around them. They would think, well, good heavens, this is going to be easy. All I have to do is cut firewood, all I have to do is plant some plants and learn how to harvest the things that grow wild. This is not going to be complicated at all if they were able to think. Most people are not able to think and because they aren’t the only thing they will be able to think is, life is not worth living, I might as well kill myself. So, if you’re going to do that, please listen to my guidance. Make sure that you use the skinny part of the gun up against the bottom of your throat, not the fat part. Do it successfully. Get rid of yourself so that we don’t have to put up with you. The rest of us are going to survive and there are many survivors around—I assure you many, many survivors around. But the population will be decreased considerably as this failure of paper money and failure of government and you’re watching it happen in other countries. Not completely not totally wiped out just devastated at the present time and most people that live in those countries are finding ways to get by without what government used to provide. I strongly suspect that there are more competent people in what we refer to as third world countries than there are in the leadership countries like China, Russia, England and the United States. I think that people in those places will commit suicide faster than people in what we consider third world countries like the Middle East and parts of Africa and parts of South America. Those people will just pull things together and make everything work. Here in America, North America, the US, I think most of these people will commit suicide, I really do. That will lessen the population. We won’t have to worry about feeding them and we won’t have to worry about jailing them. A lot of them will be the lawyers and politicians and doctors and bankers, insurance people. Good heavens, if they can’t make a living and the ATM card doesn’t work life won’t be worth living. They know no better. There will be a lot of suicides—doesn’t have to be. At the time that these things happen which is imminent somewhere in the near future it will not matter any longer what the law says. There won’t be any courts functioning. Any attempt to keep the courts functioning will fail quickly because the people will just ignore it. But between now and then it behooves us to understand some of the things that we’ve been learning about separating ourselves from their authority. Where the court, the Supreme Court did anything at all today—what I think they did is they created a political stir and they did it on purpose
because I don’t think the court likes Barack Obama. They agreed with everything he did so that the Republicans and half of the Democrats could muster a big protest against Barack Obama in the elections and get rid of him and get somebody else in. I think that’s why the court did what they did because I think that court knows that the 13, 14 and 15th Amendments were never properly ratified by the state legislators. I hope they know that. Some of us out here in society have done the research quite a few years ago. I have a file drawer full of the research of each of the states’ ratification agreements and none of them meet what the law requires to be done to do a proper ratification. First of all and most important, they have to repeat whatever the amendment said in their ratification and none of them did it. They said some of the words but they didn’t say all the words, what the amendment said which means they did not ratify the amendment. So the 13, 14th and 15th amendments were never ratified. The court is relying on the 14th Amendment citizen status based on an amendment that was never ratified and doesn’t really exist. It has potential for some very valid and decent arguments about some things but it has a greater potential for a wrongdoing of misapplication of who and what it could possible apply to. So, that’s what’s been done, the misapplication and on purpose. And I think the court is trying to expose it by what they’ve done. They’re not going to rule on it because probably the powers-to-be would assassinate those four guys in that court if they really did come right out and tell the whole story and expose the facts and I’m surprised that some of the speakers like myself that are revealing some of these things and putting information out exposing the wrongs of what these people have done in the past haven’t been attacked and assassinated. I think the only reason why we haven’t is because they know we cannot get into the mass media and really put this information out all across the country to everybody. So we’re a tiny little group of people that are talking among ourselves and discussing these things and that doesn’t seem to mean much to them. Well, that tiny little group of people is growing and they don’t seem to realize how much it’s growing. Their time is very short. Whatever’s going on today is not going to be going on in the next couple of years. Now, how soon, exactly when, I’m not going to make any attempt to make a prediction and tell you something’s going to happen particularly on a certain date because the mind of man controls a lot of what happens on whatever date and if the mind of mankind speeds up a little bit and gets a better grasp and comprehension it’ll happen sooner. If the mind of man continues to lag behind and drag as it’s been doing for several centuries then it’ll drag a little bit longer. I don’t know how much, maybe a year or two. But as things are exposed such as this silly foolishness called health care. Like I said, if you want to avoid Obamacare the best thing to do is do not go to doctors, do not go to hospitals but if you have to because you are very sick go, let them do an analysis, try to diagnose what’s wrong, get up and leave because I don’t know if you know this but a hospital cannot make you stay. You can leave at any time. Now, if you’re in very serious shape they do seem to bring you around. There is heart attacks, serious strokes. They are fairly good with their chemicals that they use of bringing you around and stabilizing your vital signs. They do know that much. Once your vital signs are stabilized then they start feeding you full of drugs. That’s where you become seriously in danger once they start the drug treatment. That’s when it is time for you to get out and they cannot keep you. You don’t even have to sign out. You can just walk out. They cannot keep you. They can’t make you stay. So don’t, that’s just running up the insurance costs. Now, if that’s what you like, fine, you live your way. I’m just giving you some sensible approaches to things. This is not even advice. I wouldn’t advise
anybody. You do what you think is the best thing for you. If you want to stay there and let them take care of you and drug you up, that’s your life you’re playing with, not mine. If you have enough sense to get yourself out of there as quickly as possible and come home and start trying to find out on your own what to do. There is tons of information out here including the information that was out tonight that Dave mentioned about Hawthorne Berry extract {it’s in Kardovite} being extremely good for heart problems along with several other things that are out here that the knowledge is here. …for heart problems including the lemon because a lot of heart problems are caused by excessive acid and believe it or not the citric acid in lemons and grapefruit and citric products like that actually neutralize the excessive acids that you consume from eating other fruits, vegetables and meats that are loaded with acid and some of them, sometimes, the wrong kind of acid. So, unfortunately because this is so important that we discuss this, tonight has become a mixture of health and law and I usually try not to do that. But it’s very important that you understand these things. You don’t have to stay in the hospital. You don’t have to stay in a courtroom. You don’t have to have a lawyer. A lawyer cannot represent a private person but you have to let them know that you’re a private person, that you’re not a resident agent of the state, the county, the city or whatever they’re claiming. Whatever they’ve said you got to let them know that that’s not true. Now, then you turn around and you demand that they come up with evidence to prove that you are what they say you are. So that’s when they start going away because they can’t prove any of these things. All they can do is claim it. The only way to prove that you’re a resident or a citizen of the state or of the United States is to prove that you have an application on file with them for a job. If they can’t come up with that then they can’t prove that they come under their laws, rules and regulations. Isn’t this simple? Gee wiligers. It doesn’t take a sixth grade education to comprehend this. As a matter anything above a sixth grade education is probably devastating to the mind which is why you can’t grasp this. Too much education ruint the mind. Ruint it so bad you can’t even spell ruint right. Overcome that—you can—you have the ability. You just have to apply yourself and exercise the brain and study and learn. You can overcome it. It doesn’t matter who taught you, what you were taught, whether your parents taught it to you, religious organizations taught it to you, general education in school taught it, it doesn’t matter, you can overcome it. Apply yourself and you can do it. Common sense and looking at some of the stuff that we refer to. Quite some time ago Dave put out some information that came from, and it’s in the general information package that he sends out to anybody that asks for it, that an attorney’s first responsibility and duty is to the state, second responsibility and duty is to the court, third responsibility and duty is to the BAR Association and fourth responsibility and duty is to his client. I don’t think we, as a client, stand in a very good position if his duties are to three other organization ahead of us. I would say that that’s a conflict of interest, wouldn’t you. I wouldn’t think that having an attorney was a very smart damned thing for you to do. There’s a good way to get rid of one that the court appoints. You can ask the court all you want. Tell the court you fired him and ask the court to relieve him from his duties and they won’t do it but I’ll tell you how to get rid of him and you say, ‘look, you fool, you get up there in front of this court and you say anything representing me and I’m going to sue you for everything you got. You are not representing me, do you understand me? And he will go up in front of the court and say, ‘I withdraw.’ We’ve made it work time and time again. The court won’t make him withdraw. The court won’t give him an order to get out of your case because you fired him. You still
should send him a letter firing him—yes, indeed. If nothing else that puts him in a position of knowing that you don’t appreciate him very much. That’s a position that he should realize that he’s in but until you tell him, ‘don’t get up there in front of this court and say one thing representing me or I’m going to sue you for everything you got.’ Then he’ll go away—very effective. You don’t need a lawyer. You need to study. You need a little bit of common sense. And this one fellow just wrote back to us today and he said, the key thing that he put into his appeal which seems to be stirring the court up is his argument that the lower court breached its fiduciary duty. Thank you for the information you sent us. I like little comment letters like that because it makes me happy that people are actually opening their minds, studying and realizing what the law says. I don’t care whether you thank me or not. I don’t care whether you got it from me or you got it from somebody else. I don’t care whether you think I’m great or you think I’m terrible. I don’t care about any of that kind of stuff. I just care about whether or not you learn something, whether you open your mind and start recognizing some of the truths that we are exposing. That’s all I care about. I don’t care about recognition for me. You don’t have to write back to me and tell me how great I am. I don’t even appreciate those kinds of letters. Write back to me and tell me how great a job you did with what you learned from us—now, that I appreciate. Let me know how good you did, how well you understood it, how well you used it in court, how well you used it in the hospital, wherever you may have a problem. Let us know how well you used it. We appreciate that. Don’t thank us. We don’t need thanks. Our thanks is a realization that you have learned enough to utilize what we put out and taught for you best interest and your good—then we’re very pleased.