Howard Griswold Conference Call—Thursday, September 6, 2012 Partial Howard Griswold Conference calls: conf call (talkshoe) 724-444-7444 95099# 1# (non-talkshoe members must use the 1# after the pin number) Thursday’s at 8 p.m., Eastern Time. Talkshoe mutes the phone lines Conference Call is simulcast on: www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net Starting in the first hour at 8 p.m. Note: there is a hydrate water call 8 pm, Eastern Monday’s, 218-844-3388 966771# Howard’s home number: 302-875-2653 (between 9:30, a.m, and 7:00, p.m.) Check out: All correspondence to: Gemini Investment Research Group, POB 398, Delmar, Del. 19940 (do not address mail to ‘Howard Griswold’ since Howard has not taken up residence in that mailbox and since he’s on good terms with his wife he isn’t likely to in the foreseeable future.) Donations are accepted. "All" Howard's and GEMINI RESEARCH's information through the years, has been gathered, combined and collated into 3 "Home-Study Courses" and "Information packages" listed at "Mail Order" DONATIONS and/or Toll-Free 1-877-544-4718 (24 Hours F.A.Q. line) Dave DiReamer can be reached at:
[email protected] Peoples-rights has a new book available from The Informer: Just Who Really Owns the United States, the International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, World Bank, Your House, Your Car, Everything—the Myth and the Reality. He’ll take $45 for the book to help with ads, but $40 would be ok which includes shipping ($35 barebones minimum) c/o 1624 Savannah Road, Lewes, Delaware 19958 ******************** ‘I am not a public servant {officer or employee} and any claim to the contrary must be proved by payroll records and my alleged public servant {officer} title and sworn under penalty of perjury with full commercial liability for the person who swears to it.’ I’m not an officer or agent or employee of the government. I am not resident within the government and any claim to the contrary must be proved by payroll records.
Prove that I’m being paid by the government to be a government employee. If you can’t then your law doesn’t apply to me. Government has all the right in the world to make laws and rules regulating itself. When they impose any of these rules and regulations beyond government upon any of us {private} they’re breaching their fiduciary duty {as public officers and trustees of government}. Public means government—private means non-government. Your acceptance of anything that government offers you at any level in any way, shape or form is a consent to cooperate with them and to put yourself under their authority and control. *************** It is a dishonest act of enforcing a law upon a private individual that government has no right, no power, no authority whatsoever to enforce upon the private individual. That is breach of their fiduciary duty with no stupid questions asked. When you file a breach of fiduciary duty case you are actually filing in equity. Leave out all statutory references even though that example that we send around came out of Colorado forms and it refers to a Colorado statutory representation that does put it in equity but it isn’t necessary to quote any statutory reference in order to open the court of equity which is the Article 3 courts (unless you’re a teacher or government worker or have contracted with the government with full disclosure, etc whereby you’re not private anymore and you’re resident within the government.) You got to party to government to enjoy government’s benefits, privileges and opportunities. ******************** ‘This defendant states that he is without knowledge sufficient to form a belief as to the correctness of the statement of the claim of the plaintiffs and he neither admits nor denies the allegations concerning the claims of the plaintiffs but demands the plaintiffs strictly prove their claim.’ *************************************** They’ll always say that we need the information from you. The burden of proof is upon the complaining party, not upon the defendant. That, again, is a violation of due process. **************************************** Their own paperwork is your evidence to prove their dishonest act, have a copy of the statute, for instance, that shows what they were supposed to do which they didn’t do or a copy of the rule that shows what they were supposed to do that they didn’t do— not that complicated for any of us to do. ****************************************
Christian Walters (trusts) is on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays at nine o'clock, Eastern Time. The number is 1-712-432-0075 and the pin is 149939# (9 pm EST). Wednesday’s number is 1-724-444-7444 and the pin is 41875# (8 pm, Eastern) or tune in on Wednesday at at masterId=41875&cmd=tc Often you can find a transcript or a partial one for the week’s call at the following website: Howard approves or disapproves all postings to this yahoo group. Send potential posting to Howard. Note: questions to Howard are now submitted to Howard, preferably typed, to Gemini Research rather than fielded on the call live. It would be desirable to send a couple of bucks for mailing, copying and printing costs. ********************* Extra legal help is available from the firm, Ketchum, Dewey, Cheatham and Howe. ******************************************************************* **************************************** A recording of each Howard Griswold Thursday conference call is available from Dezert Owl upon request for any sized donation. Go to the following link: www.TheRealPublicRadio.Net/Archives.html . For donations to desert, send them to Free America Radio Network, 121 Seaparc Circle, Suite B, Kingsland, Georgia 31548. Phone number: 912-882-2142. Cell: 304-629-7169. For reference: Jersey City v. Hague, 115 Atlantic Reporter 2nd, page 8 (A 2nd ) ********** Project for all: Howard needs information on how to write a complaint for breach of the trust. Hit the libraries! He would appreciate any research help. ***************************************************** Start ***************************************************** {01:01:55.378} [Howard] In continuing on with what we’ve been talking about and teaching for years which is not penetrating the thick heads of very many people out there, the idiots that think
Title 42 is going to do them some good. Title 42 was set up for the class of people that were put under Title 42. If you read Title 42 you find out that that did not apply to the American people who lived in this country as free people in the past. It has only been applied to the people because they’ve duped the stupid people into participating in government benefits and now it can apply to whoever accepted government benefits {serf class}. I don’t know how long or for how many people we have been trying to teach people that the only way to be free is to terminate all contractual relations with the government. {see} Very few people are bothering to do it. I’m getting tired of fooling around with this shit and I don’t think I’m going to continue doing it much longer because the people don’t care. And as long as they don’t care then I guess I have no reason to care. I’m getting old, I’m getting tired, this sinus congestion problem is bothering me worse and worse {see The Sinus Cure –} and I don’t need the damned aggravation any more of putting up with stupidity of my own as well as other people’s. My own stupidity’s enough to aggravate me no end and not completely comprehending all this stuff but trying to get what little we’ve learned through to people and make them realize that the only change is either be the Biblical story of burning the damned city government buildings to the ground and getting rid of all this paperwork or us forcing the termination of the registration of all property with the government—one or the other. Well, I think it’s going to come to the burning and violence because I see no alternative. The people are as one of those e-mails said, somebody quoted in history that it’s not the evil ones that are the cause of the destruction of society but it’s the people of society don’t do anything about the evil and participate in it that causes the destruction of society. By God, are they right. Who was that? Patrick Henry I think it was that said that. Amazing the intelligence that people used to have when there was very little education available. It’s amazing the little bit of intelligence that’s left now that we have such a high degree of education available. {today it’s agenda-driven ‘regucation’ and serf training with the absence of education in critical thinking – i.e., training for the technical feudal society (Rottenfeller wins again)} I still think every school in the whole world ought to be burned to the ground and done away with. It’s destroying the mind of man due to the controls of schooling. But anyway, getting back to the essence of what we have to learn to do if anybody’s interested in doing it is to learn more about due process. The case that was cited, the Hauslip {sp?} that Dave mentioned, that’s well worth your while to ask him for that e-mail. If you don’t ask for any of the other ones on tonight’s program that one is critically important. We talked about that and read it fifteen, maybe as much as seventeen or eighteen years ago. I don’t think we understood it that many years ago as well as we do today. It has taken these years of learning—this little thing—that little thing—to be able to comprehend what was meant by what was said in that case about due process. It’s apparent—Dave, do you remember what I found in the Maryland code about an amendment of a judgment which a bunch of morons called void judgments. They’re not void until after you get them voided. So you can’t approach a case and call it a void judgment until you gotten it voided. So we looked it up to see how to do it in the Maryland Code because we had a case but we needed to void the judgment and it was called a petition to amend the judgment. It wasn’t called a void judgment. And in the explanation of it in the Maryland Code it says there are three ways to bring an argument to amend a judgment. Number one is fraud, but fraud being such a normal thing, so rampant will normally be not sufficient to get a judgment amended. Misrepresentation is the second approach but that is similar to fraud because
misrepresentation is nothing more than defrauding somebody by deceit and normally that will not get a judgment amended. The only thing that will get a judgment amended is irregularity. Remember, Dave, it it’s not irregular. Well, most of the crap that they do in this religious organization called the justice system run by a religious organization called the BAR Association has its own little religion and it’s not a righteous religion. There are all kinds of religions around. I don’t know of any of them that are righteous but this one is extremely unrighteous. It’s for me—the hell with you—that’s their attitude. {Curiously, the Chinese regard our Bill of Rights in that light. The Japanese don’t have a word for freedom. Would you want the Chinese to invade??? Reference Douglas Dietrich (originally from Taiwan) for more on this—the oriental mindset—not ours for sure—less fiction there too unlike our Alice-in-Wonderland society.} Not for you over and above my own needs— that’s not their approach. Their approach is to take whatever they can take. As a matter of fact, Dave, what was that word that that lawyer used up in that Massachusetts case that this system is a system based on prescription. Remember that? When you look up prescription, the word, prescription, does not mean what you think it means like a doctor’s prescription for medicine although it might apply to that too because that’s nothing but a taking of your money in return for nothing that’ll do you any good. But the doctrine of prescription according to the law dictionary is the doctrine of taking—of taking what people have for their benefit. Well, that’s not due process. And understanding due process seems to be how you understand irregularity. Irregularity is when they don’t apply due process and they don’t apply the statutory means and intent but twist the law to suit their needs or their wants—then it’s irregular, when they don’t follow the law, when they don’t pay attention to the requirements of the law such as proper service. Proper service is never properly done. Proper service means putting a piece of paper into the hands of the person being served, not leaving it on the fence post—that is not proper service. That’s how it’s done most of the time or it’s left in the mailbox by the mailman telling you to be in court. That is not proper service. That is a lack of due process. [Dave] They have to file all their regulations and when they fail it is irregular. [Howard] That’s correct. Now, we’ve been working on filing appeals for years. Several different people other than myself all across the country have helped others to try to bring cases into the appeals court. We’ve been successful to some extent in a few things but couldn’t really figure out why because the court doesn’t fully explain exactly why they agreed with us. The court never explains why they don’t agree with us. In a lot of cases we haven’t been successful. And finally in reading a couple of more recent cases on due process I finally realized that’s exactly what has to be shown, lack of due process, lack of regularity of showing a lack of attention either by the court or by the prosecutors or by he law enforcement morons to do what the law requires them to do properly in order to bring an action into court. And a whole lot of this stuff was never intended to be brought against the American people in their private capacity {fair game for serfs however}, only those Americans who decided to sign up and join in with the government as employees and officers {the ones that can show a pay stub from the government or licensed by the government.} they were the only ones that the law would apply to. Now, there’s a whole lot of morons out here trying to tell you, and most of them are lawyers, that the law would apply to—‘some people think the law doesn’t apply to them, the law applies to everybody.’
Well, you know what he’s talking about. No, you don’t know what he’s talking about, do you? Wait a minute, that was a mistake to say that. He knows what he’s talking about but you don’t know what he’s talking about. He’s in the government, isn’t he? When he says the law applies to everybody he knows what he’s saying. It applies to everybody like him that’s in the government {a government worker—licensed by the government}. It does not apply to everybody everywhere. It only applies to everybody that’s in the government. Read those cases like Twining v. State. What was the other one? Chicago Railroad Company v. Number One School District of Yuma County, a Colorado Supreme Court case. Twining v. State, I think that one went all the way to the US Supreme Court out of New Jersey, all the way back to Pierce v. New York, back in the early 1800s. In all three of those cases the courts have said that the government of the state has all the right in the world to make all the needful laws, rules and regulations to regulate itself. What I’m having trouble with is understanding why the American people cannot understand the meaning of itself. Itself means the government’s self. The laws, rules and regulations are to regulate the government and it’s internal activities. [Dave] …on the real estate that they control which is the ten-mile square District of Columbia and the State of California Inc., State of Pennsylvania, State of Kentucky and a two-capital letter abbreviation for state fiction zones and five or more numbered fictions zones. Live people are not in fiction zones. Live natural people are on, on top of, they’re above the actual land. They’re not in fictions. Hardest thing in the world to get people to understand the distinction between actual and make believe. [Howard] Well, being that you brought that up that way maybe it’s time that I mentioned this audit of the Federal Reserve. I don’t know what’s in it. I haven’t seen it but the e-mail you were reading said that it was a lot of surprises, amazing discovery of some stuff but every inconsequential, insignificant and totally meaningless. The Federal Reserve Bank doesn’t have any money. The Federal Reserve Bank doesn’t have any credit {they just got you by the short hairs}. The Federal Reserve Bank doesn’t have any debt. It’s all artificial. It’s all pretend. One of it means a thing. {Uh oh, Alice-in-Wonderland’s back again}. Why haven’t we realize that when we see things like the credit card has been discharged by the bank. The bank no longer proceeds to go after people to collect the money because there was no money. There were pieces of paper. There were documents of all kinds. There was a pretend appearance of money but as far as requiring you to give it back—they don’t want to put out the effort. They don’t even need to. They just write it off the books because it wasn’t anything to start with, there isn’t anything now. It’s all zero. Nothing means anything in fiction and it’s all fictional. When they take you into court and try to collect, that’s a third-party debt collector which you ought to get in touch if you have any of these kinds of problems with those websites that Dave’s led you to. They are concentrating on this issue more so than Dave and I are—I mean Dave DeReimer and I are. We’re very generalized. We’re into every aspect of the corruption of law. These people who are specializing in things like that have more specific details to help you with on specific problems but they are on the right track about these third party debt collectors. They are third party. They have nothing to do with the bank and they are creating fraudulent claims in the courts that the bank is moving against you when in fact if you ask the bank for it the bank will give you a piece of paper and sometimes they do it anyway
without being asked that says the bank has been discharged. How silly—how stupid I could be—I saw that and didn’t pay attention to it—didn’t realize what it meant. No wonder the American people don’t. We all have been educated the same way in the same schools. We just went to separate schools together—same education—destruction of the brain—no thinking capacity—follow the program—don’t think for yourself—that’s the whole concept of education. Now, I saw those papers that discharged the debt and didn’t realize what it meant for a long time till finally I started putting all these little pieces that I’ve been learning over the years together and realized that, why certainly they discharged the debt— there was no debt. There couldn’t have been one. They didn’t lend any money. They created money based on the signature of the person who signed the application for the alleged loan. [Dave] Well, they didn’t discharge the debt. They discharged their claim that you owed them a debt. [Howard] Well, they discharged the whole thing. Yeah, if they discharged the claim that you owed a debt then they discharged the debt. It no longer exists. [Dave] Well, it never existed in the first place.
[Howard] Exactly—it didn’t and it couldn’t. There is no debt, no traffic ticket debt, no property tax debt, no income tax debt and absolutely no bank loan debts—none of them— there can’t be any. This is all fictional—it’s pretend—pretend to be money—pretend to be debt. There is no reality to any of this. Now, I haven’t got a whole lot of common sense—I know that but I got a tiny little bit. I got enough common sense to realize that something pretend like this is not going to go on for very long. It’s amazing how long it’s already gone on and they’ve gotten away with it. Since 1933 they created this pretend system and who was it? Peter Alsise {sp?}, professor of law at the Alabama School of Law wrote a book called The Law of Fraudulent Transactions and in his book—now, this book was written back in the 1970, I think, that’s what, forty years roughly after 1933 and his comment was that there has not been a legitimate loan made in this country since 1933. No legitimate loans because they’re not lending anything—they don’t have anything to lend. The Federal Reserve Bank and all the money and all the Federal Reserve Associate banks which are the ones that we deal with out here in society are all pretend money. None of it has anything to do with reality. In 1938 the Erie Railroad decision following the 1933 termination of gold in circulation and most people had no idea and didn’t ever hear about that in 1871 silver was demonetized {Ernest Seyd, British agent, bribed Congress—they came cheap} and it remained in circulation all the way up though the 1960s but it was demonetized by law. It didn’t have any money value. It was made into a commodity. In 1933 gold was made into a commodity and demonetized. Now, gold is a worthless thing for most people to even consider having—there’s very little need for it. You can’t trade the normal things in life at the actual values that they have like about 6-1/2 cents for a gallon of gasoline, the actual value. How in the hell are you doing to pay for gasoline with gold coins? You need silver coins to do that. But being that silver was demonetized and gold was demonetized now all we have is, as the Erie Railroad decision said, we have nothing but negotiable instruments in circulation and as such the law that rules the courts must be in
accordance with the negotiable instrument laws. Well, believe it or not, even in a phony system there is still due process. Under the negotiable instrument laws and the rules of court as somebody said in that one article you were reading a bunch of clowns that probably have no idea what they’re really talking about if they’re leading you toward Title 42 suits but they did comment that there are rules of court that are there to help you and there are. They’re right about that. That is not something to laugh about. If the court doesn’t follow its own rules that’s a lack of due process on the court’s fault. If the prosecuting attorneys of any kind of a case whether it be a civil action hired by somebody to prosecute you to collect money on a civil complaint or a criminal complaint by so-called justice departments, if they don’t use the rules properly and respond properly under the rules to anything that you ask for or you do then they are lacking in due process. Now, not only does this…. [Dave] …., it’s irregular.
[Howard] That’s right. It’s always irregular in the way they do it and this is what leads to the appeal and what’s to expose in the appeal that will probably get you a good result in the appeal. And most times you want to do this to keep them off of your back. But this also is a pile of evidence that they’re giving you for a breach of fiduciary duty law suit against any one of these people, the judges, the attorneys—particularly attorneys. I would leave the judge out as much as possible because it’s going to go in front of a judge. You don’t want to make too many judges too angry by going after them. You need them to rule in your favor against these attorneys. If you bring this properly and show the lack of due process and the breach of their duty to be honest and follow the rules honestly then you probably will be very successful in going after any kind of a government official at any level and any lawyers. As a matter of fact, what I think is you will find out that if the judge knows that you know what you’re doing with a breach of fiduciary duty lawsuit he’s going to be very honest. He’s going to act very nice and he’s going to rule in your favor as long as you’ve got sufficient evidence to prove the claim that you’re making of breach of fiduciary duty because somebody did not do what the law says they’re supposed to do. He’s going to rule in your favor because he’s smart enough to realize—now, he might not be real bright. Most of these people aren’t. Remember, they’re all programmed in education to just follow the functions. They haven’t got enough brains to think for themselves but he might have a little bit left, enough to realize that if you know this much about going after attorney Joe you know enough to come after me so I’m going to be careful what I do. The judge is going to look favorable toward you because he doesn’t want you coming after him. He’ll help you go after Joe, the attorney. I’m sure that if they see that you know what you’re doing, that you understand due process, you understand what the law required them to do—now, this is what Rod Class has been talking about for a couple of years looking up the law, finding out what it says, finding out what the introduction to that section of laws says and how it’s supposed to be applied and whether they applied it properly. Well, I’ve said for years, Rod is on the right track. This is the same thing I’ve been teaching. You’ve got to look up the laws. Very few people ever bother to do this. This is part of what’s aggravating the hell out of me. You people want to grab somebody’s bullshit and run with it. Well, grab their bullshit and run with it and go to jail and I don’t care. I can’t help you beyond that. But do a little studying on your own. You
don’t understand something, call me. I may not understand it either but by golly you’ll prompt me to go do more research and see what I can find to help understand it. I’ll help you to try to find out what it means and how it’s supposed to work but I’ll be damned if I’m going to go along with a lot of this crap that’s out here that people are promoting, especially ones like that couple in their Title 42 suits and I can’t agree with EJ although he sticks with Rod Class and Rod seems to be sticking with him that that’s the best way to do it. No, Title 42s are not the best way to do it. Some one of these days they are going to wake up and realize that it was put there for us within the law to sue them for breach of fiduciary duty because they’re acting dishonestly. That is the quickest easiest way to do it and you don’t have to claim that you’re a Title 42 recipient. [Dave] Well, benefit or privilege recipient.
[Howard] Right. You know what? There have been court cases where an individual with light skin filed a Title 42 suit. It finally got into the appeals court and the appeals court stopped the whole case and said, wait a minute, this does not apply to white people, but didn’t apply to all dark skinned people either. If you go read what it was all about, it only applies to those who had been in slavery. Well, I would strongly suggest that most of them are dead and gone so I doubt that it applies to anybody in law legally anymore. There aren’t anymore slaves. There might be descendants of slaves but they did not inherit the same slave status. [Dave] Well, we’ve been all held in economic slavery {Serfs R’Us.}
[Howard] That’s our own fault. We’re allowing this to continue to go on. Actually, the Biblical prediction that the cities will be burned and laid desolate should have taken place in 1933. That should have been over and done by now. As soon as they did what they did to gold and the people found out about it they should have burned the government’s buildings, put them out of business right then. They didn’t do it and here we are. Anyway, due process is a crucial part of the understanding I’m finally beginning to realize myself as I study more about it. If we don’t understand due process… The more I’m realizing it, the more I’m reading and studying about it, it’s not that complicated. It’s as simple as reading the law and finding out whether or not if they applied it correctly, reading the rules of court and finding out if they applied it correctly. If a judge does not apply the rule when you put the rule into the court for your benefit that, for instance, Rule 17 of the Rules of Civil Procedure require that the party in interest be there. Well, where’s the bank in these collection cases? The bank’s not there. They never show up to testify. The bank discharged the debt. They’re not going to show up. It’s out of their hands. But the rule requires that the real party in interest be there, not some dip attorney. If that’s not followed that’s not due process. You could remind the judge very politely that it’s not due process and that he must enforce the rule otherwise he may be personally liable for breach of his fiduciary duty because he’s not excising the laws with loyalty and honesty to the law itself. I’m sure that kind statement will change his approach. Don’t make it a nasty statement. Just be kind and nice about it. Remind him that he could be liable. The law must be enforced. The laws are there for the protection of everybody, particularly the American people. They’re not being used that way. They’re twisted. They’re bent around. They’re turned
around completely backwards and being used against the American people when, in fact, they don’t apply to them. That’s not due process. Understanding due process then would be the critical thing. Understanding discovery—now, very few people use discovery including lawyers but if lawyers do they have these little pad already typed up discovery programs that they use. Most of the time the questions are stupid. The questions were you to give them the evidence that they need to prosecute you. That’s not the way the law works. The law says that the burden of proof which is evidence is upon the complaining party, not upon the defendant to give the complaining party everything he needs. See, it’s being used backwards. You have to turn those interrogatories in discovery or request for admissions in discovery rules around backwards on them and ask them for the same kind of stuff they’re asking you for and when they don’t answer it, guess what. Under due process the court will refuse to allow them to bring up anything at all that they didn’t give you in discovery. IF they didn’t give you the answers to the questions you asked such as the evidence they were looking for about your credit card accounts, your mortgage account, your driver’s license, whatever it might all be about. If they didn’t give you the answers then they can’t bring any of this stuff up in court. You have to object timely. That’s all part of due process. If you object timely because you asked for this information they didn’t give it to you in discovery —really when they don’t answer your discovery that’s the best thing that could happen because when you get to court they can’t use anything you asked for. They can’t bring it up in the trial. It cuts them off at the ankles. That’s how to win your case either without trial or in the very beginning of trial when it gets started. When they put somebody on the stand, if that somebody is a government official and you had sent an interrogatory asking him if he was a government official and he didn’t answer and he says, ‘yes, I’m a government official with such-and-such an agency.’ ‘I object, judge, I asked him for that information and he didn’t give it to me. He can’t present it at trial. He has to be removed from the stand. He can’t testify.’ Where’s their testimony then? See, there are procedural ways to beat these scum. They’re using their procedure against us and we can learn enough about the procedure to use it against them and put a stop to their foolishness. I don’t know how much time we have left to do this because I’m telling you our Creator’s got to be getting really angry with what’s going on down here and this is liable to be brought to an end before much longer. But as long as it’s still going we still need to learn and try to apply ourselves to do these things in the manner I just talked about, go in there and circumvent their corruption with their own rules to prevent corruption. And go after them. When you catch them in this kind of corruption go after them. Sue—I don’t care if it’s an attorney, a judge, a politician—they’re all attorneys anyway, every damned one of them. Sue them all for breach of their fiduciary duty. Now, I got a couple cases in here recently. Things are starting to pick up. You people have put some cases together and I’m reviewing them right now on breach of fiduciary duty. Finally, we’re getting some results. As long as a few people will do this I’ll stick to it. But if the rest of the people in this country don’t stand up and start doing something then I think the whole thing is going to come apart soon and I’m just going to back off… I had to introduce it and tie it together with the irregularity that we found in the past and show you that this is what the courts will rule on, irregularity, lack of due process, not properly apply and using the law the way it’s intended. They will rule in your favor on that. There’s something in the Motor Vehicle Code in very confusing language that tells you that the Motor Vehicle Code only applies to government. Now, you won’t find it in
those words. It only applies to government. You might have to really study. You might have to read and re-read and re-read until it finally hits you. Ah, this is how they said it. But that’s lack of due process to take you to court on a traffic case when the Code intention was that all these other rules that follow do not apply to anybody except whatever the Code said that it applied to. There’s your lack of due process. There’s your corruption. It can be exposed. And unless you’re 150 years old, a surviving slave, I don’t think the approach would be Title 42, Section 1983 cases. And besides that you don’t sue the government anyway. That’s what Title 42 is about suing the government. You have to sue the individual for his wrong doing. That’s what breach of fiduciary duty is about. It’s an equity action against the person, not against a thing like government. Government is a corporation, that’s a thing. Individual people are individual people and they are the ones who do wrong. The purpose of Title 42 was to go after the government and its agencies. The purpose of breach of fiduciary duty is to go after the individual that’s in government that isn’t doing what he was supposed to do and doing it correctly and staying within the bounds of his authority. So, what do you think is the best approach. Title 42s get thrown out for all kinds of reasons. You can’t sue the state because the state’s not a person. There’s a couple of cases on that so that destroyed Title 42 suits basically. All they have to do is look those cases up and use them and put in a motion to dismiss because you sued the state and the state can’t be sued and, bang, your case is out of court. You wasted your time and effort. I think we’ve found an answer. I think we need to learn how to use this answer and spread it, spread it everywhere. ********************************************************************** Douglas Dietrich on Late Night in the Midlands. [host- Vara] Douglas Dietrich was a DOD, that is Department of Defense research librarian for almost a decade responsible for incinerating highly classified materials on critical historical topics such as Pearl Harbor, Roswell, Viet Nam and the different ethnic holocausts as well as documents exposing the reality behind vampires, zombies, Soviet psychic warfare and other occult phenomena and tonight, well, we’ll see what direction he wants to take us in but, everybody, please welcome back Douglas Dietrich. Douglas, welcome back to Late Night in the Midlands. Got a conference coming up, don’t you? [Douglas] I do. Thank you so much for asking about that and thank you so much for having me in front of your wonderful audience. I’m so glad to be here to be here with them again and really happy that they’re spending their time with us. So, this conference that you mentioned is Bay area UFO Con, 2012. So, with your permission I’ll give them some links that they could look up so they can find out more about it, Mr. Vara. [host] Absolutely. [Douglas] Great. Thank you again. So please, I invite you all to check out and you’ll find out everything you need to know. Also you can go to my website and find out more about it. Just go to and you’ll find the banner and Douglas is spelled with on ‘s’ and Dietrich is spelled like the famous
Marlana and you’ll find the banner. Most of you including Mr. Vara are probably too young to remember her so just put the words, diet and rich together, and Mr. Vara has been kind enough to have me on tonight without a specific topic so I’m happy to kind of go along with whatever you might have been discussing before you were kind enough to bring me on the air. What exactly were you covering that we could kind of segueway gracefully into my normal state of affairs which is, of course, the reality behind revisionist history and current events and also trends forecasting, exactly where this takes us based on the cycles of history. [host] Well, one of the things that I was discussing is the fraud of the two-party system and how the elections really don’t matter. That was one of the things that I was getting into and, of course, talking about the fake wars, the fluoride and just you name it. [Douglas] No, that’s great. Well, definitely when you speak of the two-party system— we’ve addressed this before on Late Night in the Midlands {this program} and I’m happy to review it again. Basically that entire electoral system of the United States became a fraud literally one hundred years after the Republic was established. The Republic or the establishment of the constitutional republic known as the United States {United states of America?} was born of one of the longest declared wars in American history and until the Second World War that was the longest declared war in American history. It was eight years long and it started in 1775 with the shot heard ‘round the world and it took place even before the French Revolution and one of the reasons that you don’t hear about it is because it was a very peculiar revolution. If you go to the former Soviet Union into Russia, certainly in the days of when the Soviet Union was still with us. He went to France which is still in its Fifth Republic, Republic Francois and if you went to China, of course, what’s the one thing that all of these nations have in common along with Viet Nam, Algeria or many others is that they would beat you on the head with their revolutions in their educational system or in their relation of their own history. They’ll talk about Bastille Day in France and they’ll talk about the day that Algeria severed from France and Algeria, etc. You’ll basically have entire nation state concepts based on their revolutions and beyond that they will attempt to export their revolution as a model. When the revolution of the Iotola took place in Iran and they instituted a fundamentalist Mullocracy, a theocracy based on Shia fundamentalism. What’s the first thing that they did? They tried to export it and they’ve been trying to export that revolution as a model ever since. Indeed that’s one of the major problems that led to the Iran-Iraq War, the First Gulf War of 1982 to 98. And you have that with all the other nations. China was exporting Maoist revolution. As a matter of fact, there are still Maoist rebels operating in the Philippines, in Peru through the Shining Path, a Maoist guerrilla faction, in Nepal. Even with the death of collectivization in China the Maoist agenda is being exported almost on its own inertia at this point and Russia, of course, tried to export its revolution, etc. Now, why didn’t America ever do that? The bottom line is that America doesn’t export its revolution as a model to developing nation was because its revolution was extremely specific. It was a conservative revolution. What does the word, conservative mean? Conservative means in its very nature—I’m not trying to create a division because I’m on the side of Mr. Vara in terms of liberal and conservative as they have come to mutate to us today has ceased to have any meaning. They’re not discernibly different in practice when we have their different representative parties in
power. Whether it is Republican or Democrat what you get is a continuity of the fact that you’re being ripped off {amen} and you’re getting nothing in return. But in terms of the original American Revolution what you had were—this is what I mean by using the term, conservative, in its proper context. You had a lot of men with a lot of property and finance and materials to conserve and that would include human chattel slaves. So, may people might take umbrage at the founding fathers being put in this perspective and it’s rather hackneyed, rather clichéd, something that a lot of Communists would bring up back in the sixties and the seventies. Unfortunately the fact remains that no matter what your political stripe, it’s a historical fact. The men who got together and they created the Declaration of Independence, they wrote the American Constitution, these were Caucasian landowning, slave owning, for the most part, almost 100%, the majority of them at least and they were basically people who were tired of paying taxes to the Monarch, the King of England, and wanted to keep it all for themselves. And this was most personified in George Washington because when he finally won that revolution, that conservative revolution in which a lot of the elitists fought to keep their own property without paying taxes to an overseas monarch then what did he do? He had an opportunity to present a speech that would be the equivalent—not that I admire Abraham Lincoln—but Abraham was masterful in delivering speeches and Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address which is a model for speechmaking to this day. And George Washington had an opportunity to deliver his version of a Gettysburg Address at the conclusion of that eight year war, the American Revolution, the War for Independence. And what did he do when he delivered that speech? He basically—he complemented all of his fellow officers, his landowners, and he said nothing about the enlisted men because to him the enlisted men, quite obviously, did not matter. He did not credit them and unlike Abraham Lincoln he was not simply Commander-in-Chief of all of the armed forces. He was an active general in the field so we had an active commissioned general in the field who took not a moment in time to credit his enlisted men. And we always have to remember that as far as I am concerned no officer, no officer, ever earns medals. Only his men earn the medals. He may be masterful at commanding his men but when he commands his men they earn the medals for him. And if he’s an officer of any worth then that is what he would credit duly to the men under his command. That is the price of officership. What is the difference between an officer and an enlisted man? At least in the United States you have the term, commissioned officer, you have the term, noncom, or non-commissioned officers and enlisted men. Let’s analyze that for a second because that is rooted in this conservative revolution. Well, basically, if you’re an enlisted man, anyone from a private all the way up to a master sergeant and a little bit beyond to the warrant officer class you are an enlisted man which means per the Uniform Code of Military Justice and there is other stipulations of our republic that unless you’re getting paid you don’t have to fight and a lot of people don’t understand that that if you’re not getting paid you don’t have to fight. Now, a commissioned officer from the lowliest junior lieutenant all the way up to a five-star general up to the commanding supreme marshal of the armed forces—we don’t use that term, marshal, in the United States or haven’t in a long time but people like a George Catlin Marshal who was commander-inchief of all military forces in the United States during the Second World War came down to the lowliest junior grade go for, second lieutenant. They are commissioned officers. What does that mean? That means that they hold stock in the nation. That means that as long as the Constitutional Republic exists they are obligated to fight. They have to fight because
they hold stock in the nation literally. That is what that term means. That originated from the days of the early republic. So what happened when George Washington got up there and basically dissed all of his enlisted men that he has used to fight off the monarchy and establish a republic in which they no longer had to pay taxes to the Brits overseas. And, by the way, Americans didn’t have to pay taxes, certainly not federal income taxes. And they would not pay federal income taxes until just shortly before entry into the First World War when they were mobilizing to enter the First World War. If you had a grandfather or a great grandfather at this point who was alive and I knew many men because I worked out of Presidio Military Base and what the Presidio Military Base was famous for was its cemetery. This even comes up in the movie, The Presidio, with Mark Harmon and Sean Connery. They bring up the Presidio Military Base. Matter of fact one of my former cowriters, a lady named Ester Fisherman {sp?} she was married to the last man to be buried in the Presidio Military Base. And the whole trip about that is that at the Presidio Military Base we got very acquainted because of the cemetery with all of these dying veterans so I would speak to many, many elderly veterans including veterans of the First World War, including veterans of World War One and people of that age could remember, ‘before World War I we didn’t pay taxes.’ That was what the entire revolution was about. [host] Now people do it and they are led to believe that they had to and now really you can’t stop because if you do they’ll come kick in your door and take everything. [Douglas] That’s right. Before the first world war this was not the case. People paid sin taxes because this was a very Christian nation. So another mistake people have about the founding fathers, I remember at the veteran’s administration in the waiting room waiting for my father to be treated and there was a woman who was sitting next to me who had an open book, The Christian Roots of Our Republic and I was just thinking how incredibly naive she was because the overwhelming majority of the founding fathers were indeed Free Masons, they were Masonic and at that point being a Mason really meant something and it still does but to a very, very pale extent. It’s very much a shadow of the power that they once held. But in those days to be a Free Mason truly meant that you were a power holder, that you were a power broker. It was indeed a fraternity of power brokers and at that period of time the Masons were for the most part theistic. As a matter of fact, they were all theistic, that was part of the requirements for the rites of Masonry, the entering of the Masonic order. So, not to create an anti-Masonic kind of conspiracy backlash which I doubt would happen anyway in this day and age. If you were to find the majority of people who were taking of Masonic lodges today it would be as nonthreatening as Fred Flintstone and his Moose Lodge. I mean, it’s really that absurd at this point in history. I mean, they’re just basically renting out their facilities to make some extra money on the side. It truly is at this point an empty ritual. But at that point in history when George Washington was active with all of his co-conspirators essentially his confederates was the term that was used by the British elite, the monarchy. They were theistic and to be a theist means that you believe in a universe of a god gone away, that there was a divine intelligence that created the universe but it was a clockwork mechanistic universe on the model of Newtonian physics so that a clockwork mechanistic universe was set up by a cosmic watch maker, a cosmic clock maker and at which point he abandoned the universe to its own design. And that’s where men of great knowledge should be allowed to rule
according to the Masonic doctrine and, of course, they imposed themselves as candidates for that rulership. So, they attained that rulership in the United States. So, the constitutional republic of the United States is not a theological or a Christian national foundation. It is a theistic foundation which means that God is no longer with us according to the men who contrived the Constitutional Republic. And why is it so important for Americans to realize this? It’s important for Americans to realize this because there were European Americans hundreds of years in North America before there was a Constitutional Republic known as the United States {of America} just as there was Russians for a thousand years before there was a constitutional entity known as the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was internationally recognized by the rest of the world during the year of my father’s birth, 1919 and my father outlived that constitutional entity. He died in 1991. Now, there were Americans who came here of European descent who landed at Plymouth Rock and various other areas and they were truly Christians. They were fanatical Christians. These were Christians who were so extreme in their beliefs and their ecstatic religious experiences. They were known as the Quakers and the Shakers because they had these…orgasmic gyrations that they would go through in fits of religious ecstasy that made them so eccentric to the Puritan of England that Cromwell when he took over England and instituted a theocracy, a republic under religious law and he went so far as to execute his own monarch, the king. He committed regicide and established a puritanical dictatorship. These people were so extreme that they were exiled to North America. The North American continent would ultimately have a United States Constitutional Republic imposed upon it but it is transitional. So my point is that the original founding European Americans considered themselves to be either royal Americans under crown or they considered themselves to be living under the dictatorship of God. That was a true theocracy. So, at that point that is the Christian foundation for an America that existed for hundreds of years before the Constitutional entity was imposed upon it by a theistic group of incredibly wealthy propertied individuals. As a matter of fact the original Declaration of Independence, the lines that were written were ‘in pursuit, life, liberty and property.’ That was the original line. They said, ‘well we can’t get any of the common folks to fight for us. They concluded quite reasonably that they couldn’t get any of the common men to fight for them if they would include that word, property, because that term would exclude just about ninety-nine percent of the American public at that time. They said, ‘well, if we want them to fight for the one percent that has the slaves and the plantations and the property then we’ll have to say something else.’ So they said, ‘happiness.’ Now, what does that mean? What if your happiness is you’re a pedophile or a child predator? What if your happiness is you’re a serial rapist or a mass murderer? What if your happiness is destroying the lives of others or financially raping them as a bankster or a corporate raider? It’s a meaningless term. I mean you may as well say love. I mean, it’s meaningless in context of a legal document, it is meaningless. You may as well say love or respect or something of that nature. It’s a very, very bizarre term to use. Now, what does it look like to foreign people? Now, I was born in Taiwan, of course. My first language was Putawa {sp?} the national language of Mandarin Chinese. To put this in a perspective for you for other cultures because it is useful. This is another reason why people shouldn’t be so violently aggressively exporting ideologies. The United States exports democracy with the same violent aggression that the Soviet Union exported communism and yet it doesn’t use its revolution as a model. At least the Soviet Union, the various other communist nations
would try to use revolution as a model. It never works. Most communist governments set up the world over were set up through military invasions. Very few people would follow the revolutionary model that was offered by the communist fatherlands of China and the Soviet Union. So they had to resort to armed invasion. Well, it’s the same way with democracy. {note: the founding fathers did not set up a democracy—they knew it was evil. The banksters did, however.} Most cultures view democracy as a totalitarian ideology as alien as communism and as a result the Americans {banksters} have to impose it by armed invasion. It’s armed invaders that imposed democracy in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in so many other areas that we lose count. And what is the reason behind this? Why doesn’t everybody just love democracy? Well, take a look at other cultures. They’re not inherently meant for democracy. It’s an artificial synthetic modern totalitarian ideology. And if you go to China and they literally translate into their languages, the iconographic languages, of China or Japan. To put this in a perspective for you. In Japan there is no character or iconograph in the Japanese language for privacy. There’s no word for privacy in Japan. There’s no term. If people were to look it up there might be a post modern, post ceasefire, post war meaning —post 1952—when the Japanese-American war legally ended. There might be a synthetic iconograph that was ultimately developed but if you looked up the etymology of that character if it does exist it would be something that existed after my mother’s time. It would be something that would indeed be introduced with new generations in Japan that other Japanese never had in their vocabulary. I don’t believe that they have it even to this day. But the reason why is because the Japanese couldn’t afford the concept of privacy. Now, China, there’s no such word for ‘freedom’ or ‘independence’ or ‘liberty’. They would basically all be covered, something similar, a synonym something comparative to it, would be covered by the Chinese iconograph for the character which would be a ‘criminal mindset’. Basically, the closest American interpretation to that Chinese iconograph would be a criminal mentality or mentation process where you basically say, ‘screw everybody, every man for himself.’ So, when the Declaration of Independence is translated into Chinese and the Chinese read the American Declaration of Independence it literally translates as a criminal document. It translates as a document signed by a bunch of criminals who got together and said, ‘we declare that we’re going to screw everybody, every man for himself.’ [host] I’ve been told over and over that we’re supposed to be a constitutional republic, not a democracy. What do you think about that? [Douglas] That’s absolutely the case but the whole point of the Constitutional Republic was that is was based on an electoral process and the Constitutional Republic died in 1876. And what had happened at that time, exactly one hundred years after the establishment of the Constitutional Republic in 1776 was that the Civil War {Lincoln’s War of Aggression, aka. Our socialist revolution. I.e., the American people got railroaded into socialism via the Civil War and the invasion of the Socialists from the 1848 failed socialist revolution in Europe—mainly France and Germany.} had just come to an end and the Civil War was a railroad war. {masterminded by Tom Scott, CEO of the Pennsylvania Railroad who also invented the modern corporation, so carefully avoided by the founding fathers who remembered the King’s corporations and their evilness.} Every major battle was fought within twenty miles of track and the men who profited the most from the Civil
War were the northern union rail barons {especially Tom Scott who bought out the Southern railroads after the war and also Averill Harriman.} and the rail barons basically were going to pay for a government that would continue their expansion because after the American Civil War was over they had to expand track in order to maintain continuity of profits. And what was the most logical direction to expand in? The West. So the frontier army of the United States, 7th Cavalry, etc., they all became loaded with Confederate veterans. And these were people who wound up exporting violently for the Union the interest of the rail barons, robber barons {Rottenfeller etc.} of the rail era by exterminating the Indians and becoming very adept at guerrilla fighting with the Indians and all for the purpose of expanding the rails of the United States corporations. And the way that they had this done—how did we get to that point where we were involved with that horrible war of genocide with the original peoples of North America on the Great Plains was because the rail barons bought themselves the presidency. {It’s been for sale ever since} Then the president is, of course, the commander-in-chief {puppet-in-thief??} of the United States armed forces. So they said, ‘we got to have a president select. We’ve got to have someone who is willing to expand westward and what they did was in November 7th of 1876 they overthrew the legally elected president, Samuel Tilden. And Samuel Tilden was famous as the Ralph Nader of his day. He had been fighting military corruption, especially the Union Generals who had raided the South and they had stolen all kinds of goods from those stately Southern palatial mansions down in the southern states and they were putting them on the black market. So, because he had made a career out of helping to shut these men down the American public responded by electing him president by a quarter of a million votes on November 7th of 1876 and in electoral votes he won 196 to 173 over General Rutherford Hayes, the Republican candidate. Samuel Tilden happened to be a Democrat just like Ralph Nader. And what had happened was the spoils machine went to work basically in Florida. If you can think of the Jeb Bush dominated Florida that had to…a controversy with Al Gore and they wound up using a state judge to basically usher in his brother, George Bush, Jr. This anticipated all of that. In Florida a mass shipment of cash wrapped in threats went to the vote returning boards and the votes of the Democratic precincts were disallowed and the chairman of the board admitted all of this later when a promised appointment didn’t come through. By that time it was way too late. And Florida had four electoral votes and the same combination worked in Louisiana of November 8th of 1876 and Louisiana had 8 electoral votes. So Tilden still had a quarter of a million popular votes more but the switch has made General Hayes president by one vote. So by one single electoral vote 185 to 184 with little…and it brought daylight. The United States military overthrew the Democratic Republic. And at that point that junta served the interest of the rail barons. From that point forward for thirty bloody years following the American Civil War the United States frontier army’s North American Indian Campaign conducted over 1400 battles. That’s one battle/massacre every single week of the year. Think about what I’m saying. And they exterminated the American Indian, {see the mini-series movie ‘Centennial’} placed them into concentration camps in a campaign that lasted until the twentieth century {we are now the next ‘Indians’} literally until about 1904, just before World War I was when Geronimo was one of the last few American Indians to die fighting the Constitutional Republic of the United States. What’s the point of this? Basically what happened was from that point forward every single president in the United States was a president select. {November 2nd therefore is selection day or probably more accurately as
Bet Midler said, ‘erection day’.} One of the first things that General Rutherford B. Hayes had to do because it was so obvious that he had stolen the election was at that point the South threatened to secede again. There was talk of rebellion and, as a matter of fact, the Louisville Courier Journal which was a Republican Dominated newspaper called for a hundred thousand men to defend the capital because people were threatening to march on Washington from the South and from the North this time, both areas. But they were under a great depression and everybody was too busy scrambling for something to eat {the elite banksters must have taken note of this for further reference} and to feed their families with to overthrow the government. And as a matter of fact the Depression was so bad that people were turning themselves into jail every night just to have a place to sleep and a place to eat. I mean, that’s how bad it was. As a matter of fact, when I think about it there were about 80,000 homeless people who came into police stations according to government documents that I worked with at the Presidio Military Base every night and that was in New York City alone. That meant one-tenth of the nation’s greatest city at that time lived in prison. That’s the kind of economy that we were talking about. This is all thanks to your rail barons. See, this is that one-percent as opposed to the 80-percent that they keep taking about. These were the people who have a military whose officers own stock in the nation and so this was the situation at the time. Every president since that point in time has been a president select. The American democratic republic or the Constitutional Republic— meaningless. [Host] [Douglas] [Host] Even Kennedy? Yes. Every president was…. I’ll show you why. So he didn’t sneak in—huh?
[Douglas] No, there no sneak-ins. Kennedy was brought in. They brought in—all of them were selected whoever they thought would serve them. And Kennedy’s big mistake was in turning on them. And so, if they don’t think you’re going to serve them you’re not going to win. But they thought he was going to serve them and he didn’t. Then he was taken out. Now, I mean that makes sense, I would hope. [Host] Oh, it does. It makes absolute sense. I liked Kennedy and I thought he was going against the elite and that’s what got him killed so it makes absolutely perfect sense to me. I mean, they’re not going to let anybody get in that’s going to… That’s why Ron Paul —forget about it. He’ll never get in because they’re not going to allow that. [Douglas] I agree. I think that even if he did get in there’s nothing he could do. The one thing he could do as commander-in-chief of the military forces would be to recall all of the military forces from abroad. He could do that and shortly after he did that he would be taken on a long slow ride through an open limousine in Dallas. [Host] It’s not funny but, yeah, you’re right.
[Douglas] And that’s essentially how that would work. But in terms of what went on with the presidencies afterwards, Kennedy, for instance, when he became president in 1961 one of the first things that the Strategic Air Command did was they approached him and they brought all of these photographs that were taken by space reconnaissance. By the way, in 1961 we had space reconnaissance. We had the reserve astronaut program, project Odyssius which was mostly a military operation and at those heights above the atmosphere was pretty useless for photographing development on the ground in Eurasia, on the Eurasian landmass. So, most of the reconnaissance was done by satellite photography. We actually had photographic satellites that were thrown into the sky at that point. We had U2 over-flights which were even better for reconnaissance photography and the end result was that—and by the way, many scores of pilots died in U2 over-flights. There literally had to be hundreds of pilots that were lost in photographing the landscapes of China and the Soviet Union during that time and place. Well, they knew exactly what they were looking at because they had been conducting strategic bombing forever. They were conducting strategic bombing in Viet Nam. As a matter of fact they were more bombs dropped in the nation of Laos alone than were dropped on Germany and Japan combined throughout the 2nd World War. So, this was a bombing campaign that began mostly around the 1960s or very shortly thereafter. But they were conducting plenty of observation flights from World War 2 all the way up that period in time through the Korean War. There were satellite… interpretation of imagery was a fine science. So, for the most part when they bothered to analyze they could figure out what they were looking at. There was plenty of mistakes. Certain types of Chinese architecture were interpreted as nuclear cyclotrons and these were like buildings that had existed for thousands of years that happened to be circular in shape with great hollow toroidal architectural construction and design and they were around for thousands of years and they were mistaken to be nuclear cyclotrons. So mistakes can be made. But they knew what missiles looked like and so when they approached Kennedy and they put all these photographs in front of him, the Strategic Air Command, and they said, ‘Mr. President, the Soviets have 1500 ICBMs on launch pads ready to launch,’ all of these photographs and they pointed to all of these photographs and they pointed to every war memorial, every church spire, every grain silo and they told him, ‘that was a missile.’ They were lying through their teeth. At that point, it has been proven since that time they knew exactly what the Soviets had. The Soviets had four—count them—four operational ICBMs at that point. And when they basically told him that set of four, they had 1500 he was convinced there was a missile gap and invested heavily into intercontinental ballistic missile research so that the United States could catch up with this incredible Soviet lead that was so misrepresented. Well, this is high treason. This is criminal. Every single commander in the Strategic Air Command at that point in time should have been taken out and shot. [Host] Yes, I agree.
[Douglas] Yeah, there is no other word for that. So, as a result you cannot trust the military industrial complex. What was going on in Eisenhower’s time? In Eisenhower’s time they had the nuclear flight program and the nuclear flight program basically was something that was taking billions of dollars and putting it into this so-called nuclear flight where they were claiming that they could get planes in the air that would never have to
land. And if they got these planes in the air that would never have to land then all they would need to do is have men flying around forever and then they would land. They would basically use some kind of helicopter transport and either have the plane never land and have the crew insert itself through either some kind of slow over-flight to have the plane slow down. This was sheer fantasy. None of this would ever have worked. Or they would have the plane land actually which would be much more likely and then put new crew members in. Well, some of this could never take place because unlike in the water where you have a nuclear submarine or a nuclear aircraft carrier the ocean itself serves as the cooling mechanism. So they’re constantly cycling in water and the aqueous medium provides a cooling mechanism for the nuclear engine…on these aircraft carriers and these nuclear submarines. You don’t have that on land. So if you have a nuclear powered tank you’re irradiating everything around you. If you have a nuclear powered plane you’re irradiating everything around you plus everything that plane flies over so you’re basically irradiating the world. So with the Convair MB36H project known as the Crusader they took an old Convair B 36 bomber that had been destroyed in a tornado and they re-cobbled it into this Frankensteinian monstrosity where they inserted a leaky nuclear reactor and they claimed that was powering the plane. Keep in mind this was propeller drive. Supposed atomic plane that was destroyed in a tornado, reassembled with a nuclear reactor inside of it and they got this airborne and flew it all over the United States. And they would microwave chickens in their coops. And they were spending billions and billions of dollars on this and Eisenhower said no. And they steamrollered him like he wasn’t even there. And they went through this beltway campaign and they made it public. They made it public and they told the American public, ‘we got to have this atomic plane because the Soviets have an atomic plane. And the Soviets, it turned out, had done the exact same thing that the United States had done. All they had done was get a nuclear reactor in the air. The reactor was not powering the plane and all the pilots involved in the Soviet Union died. So with this other American nuclear plane they were spreading so much radiation that they ultimately got a bunch of… They knew it was going to crash eventually so rather than canceling the program they kept it flying and what they did was they put several support planes around it so every time it took off in the air it would have a bunch of support planes around it that could cordon off the area by landing paratroops. So they had an entire marine corps paratroop unit that would follow this plane in its wake and all those men would get irradiated in the wake of this Convair NB36H flying through the air and all of these irradiated young marines ultimately became sterile. The men who were flying the plane, it said that they have to be beyond childbearing age which means they had to be eighty years old. This was all part of it and when Eisenhower threatened to shut it down they ultimately made him look like a fool and a buffoon. The public acted against him and said, ‘keep it flying.’ And so when he left the presidency he said, ‘beware of the military-industrial complex—that was one of the reasons why and that was one of the reasons besides the Truman thing that took place before him of why he of why he was speaking about the military industrial complex because they had pretty much emasculated him and he said that just before he left. He didn’t have the guts to say it while he was in office. His granddaughter, Laura Eisenhower, will be speaking with me at the UFO Con. So the granddaughter of the general of the allied forces, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces Europe, the Commander-in-Chief of the American military forces who knew exactly America’s atomic potentials and what did work and what didn’t work and the man who
was president of the United States, his granddaughter will be there. She will be speaking of carrying on the Eisenhower legacy of speaking against the military-industrial complex and again, you can confirm this by going to And in terms of –after Eisenhower you had Kennedy and Kennedy shut the program down and then he was killed. {host] Ok, Douglas, let’s take a break here and when we come back we’ll pick back up on that. I also want to talk about the economy and foreclosures. Many are saying it’s planned. It looks like it is to me. Somebody in the chat had also asked about vampire so I’d like to ask you about that and wondering if there’s any documents that you might have come across to indicate life on Mars. So there’s a few things I’d like to get into tonight so we will do that and that’s basically it, folks. It’s fear mongering. That’s what they do to get you behind their evil. They put the fear mongering on you. Oh, Iran’s going to nuke everybody so we got to go in there and we got to blow them out. And that’s what they’ve been doing throughout history. They tell you that this one or that one is out to get you—the bogyman’s going to get you and it gets you backing up their baloney basically. We got to put an end to this, folks, we really do. Wow, 80 year old pilots for atomic planes— awesome. 858-683-1309 – press 1 so we know you want to get on. We’ll take calls shortly if you got questions or comments for Douglas or myself. We will take your calls. I’m Michael Vera. This is Late Night in the Midlands and we’ll be back in just a few minutes with my guest, Douglas Dietrich. Douglas, unless you had [something] further you wanted to go with that there’s a few other areas I’d like to get into as well. One is the economy, the foreclosures, many economists say a land grab. [Douglas] Well, I’m not surprised and I think that’s a good way of looking at it. Certainly we have to remember that the Americans are famous for land grabbing as a government and conducting seizures. We might be giving them too much credit for a plan of attack or actually having a plan at all. I really don’t believe that they do. By the way, I very much appreciate what you said about my potential as a history teacher and I certainly really want to emphasize the fact that, yes, our education is very, very lacking. Tomorrow as a matter of fact is international literacy day, believe it or not and one of the things that we need to contend with is the fact that to one extent or another we’re all illiterate because of the public educational system and even those who attend the higher levels of education at Ivy League Universities are not necessarily historically literally because so many of these place even in military universities unfortunately. You have people at Quantico, at Annapolis Universities and various other universities that are teaching nothing but myth and propaganda concerning military history. A good example of this would be the man who later on became the General Petraeus and later on became the US Army general who’s in charge of the Central Intelligence Agency and General Petraeus wrote an incredibly asinine thesis which helped him to gain promotion that the United States had militarily won the Vietnam War essentially without losing a single battle. Now, it’s not that the US military didn’t behave as professionally as it could under incredibly challenging circumstances sourcing just not from the enemy and the theater of war but from the political conditions at home and the constraints put on them as a result of those political conditions at home. But nevertheless that military did indeed lose around 50 military confrontations in Vietnam that could be easily referenced or cited. So for General Petraeus
to say something that is so asinine, so empethetical {sp?} to reality and then get promotions for it shows you the trouble that we’re in. The American elite, these are the men who sent your children to die. These are the men are commanding your children on the field and once they start believing the lie there’s no hope and that’s exactly why the Soviet Union collapsed and that’s exactly why America is collapsing. So I tend to view what’s going on with the homes, the real estate that’s just symptomatic of that domestic collapse. And to give them like the dignity of planning ahead really ignores the fact that these really are at this point in history nothing more than what they call gold-collared criminals. They used to use the term, white collared criminals to differentiate the office criminals from the people who were just sheer bank robbers and thugs and gangsters and rapists. Now, we have the term, gold-collar criminals where these people to prison that are like hotels if they go to prison at all. Prison to them is a stop on the Monopoly board and that in itself says it all. The most popular game in American culture is not capital, it is Monopoly and because of that we have to realize that capitalism itself is a chimerical farce just as communism was. It is something that can never exist, it’s a fantasy unless you’re living in extremely regionalized libertarian, very autonomous series of economies that will develop in North America after the collapse of this republic. You can at that point have a capitalist system very similar to the city states of Florence and Genoa and Venice during the time of Renaissance Italy but until we get to that point we are stuck in a socialistic series of monopolies that have dominated the economy and driven it to the ground and they are run by gold collar criminals who are simply stealing everything that’s not nailed down. So in terms of a land grab and actually giving them that much credit I think it’s simply that they just sold everything that they could on loan to many, many people including illegal immigrants who they knew were entirely unqualified to ever pay for these homes and they never thought of the future and it all crashed and that’s essentially what we’re dealing with. If it were planned as a conspiracy that would imply forethought and with what I’ve seen of all of these individuals including, especially government workers there is no forethought and the criminals who run the economy to the ground basically have even less. As a matter of fact the closest we can get to that would be Allan Greenspan because Allan Greenspan was a true ideologist. Allan Greenspan was an…Ayn Randian and Ayn Rand was someone who was very much a person who emphasized the invisible hand, the laissez faire { a doctrine opposing governmental interference in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary for the maintenance of peace and property rights} economy system and so she was always saying the market would correct itself. Well the market doesn’t correct itself and because the market wouldn’t correct itself Allan Greenspan stood by and allowed the market to simply spiral and dive and now it’s crashed. That’s what we’re contending with is… See, the economics does not affect politics. Politics controls economics and if you’re afflicted by a political ideology that is not viable then your economic system will crash. That’s what happened with communism. That’s what’s happening with capitalism. So that essentially is what’s going on and again in all fairness this is not true capitalism. This is essentially monopolism because as soon as enough men get rich and powerful enough they make sure that they have no competition. But I can speak to because today is also the day that Japanese forces entered rapprochement on this September 7th anniversary with Chinese forces in China. I can speak to more of the international economics. I’m much more familiar with that and I can put the economic situation into that perspective. That would
certainly hopefully make some sense to the listening audience. So with your permission I would like to do that. [host] Yeah, absolutely, then we take a call after that.
[Douglas] I’d be happy to do that. So since today was the anniversary of rapprochement between the forces of the Japanese and the Chinese in Shanghai in 1945 it served as the basis for cooperation between Japan and the Nationalist Republic of China into which I was born which ultimately reestablished itself in exile on the island of Taiwan. Now, this is important to economics because Taiwan is an enormous part of the world economy. Literally if Taiwan were, God forbid, to be wiped off the map and its population of 25 million people the information highway would crash because essentially all computer hardware is manufactured in general in Taiwan. And so the information highway in a very real sense begins in Taiwan. And this economy was far larger than that of mainland China with over a billion people for many, many years, literally decades until quite recently. And at times the Taiwanese economy has been the eighth or ninth largest in the world. And it was one of the Asian economies, the Asian Tigers that never collapsed. It was not a bubble economy because it never took loans from the international monetary fund. It was not privy to the world bank. And the reason why is because it’s not recognized by the United Nations. Now, that’s incredibly important because the United Nations is not allowed to interfere in any way, shape or form with its economy then its economy has thrived and as a result America should seriously consider extricating itself from the United Nations. That’s an example to be held. And the important thing about Taiwan, again, the result of SinoJapanese cooperation is what does that mean in terms of the Japanese economy which basically spawned it because Taiwan was a part of Japan for over half a century—at least 55 years from 1895 up until 1952 when the Japanese-American peace treaty went into effect and between 1948 to 1952 was when the Nationalist Chinese government was reestablishing itself on Taiwan. So my point is in Japan itself its economy is not capitalism, has never been capitalism and this is an interesting way to express it. So, a truly capitalist economy would be some free wheeling economy where money controls everything. And we will consider it on a two-dimensional timeline. It’s basically at, shall we say, the right of the timeline for the sake of convenience. And the closest model in the world to capitalism was the island of Hong Kong known as China as Jung Gong and the Hong Kong economy was such that you could bribe your way out of fire safety rules or regulations. So in Hong Kong every time a fire takes place thousands of people die because nobody builds fire escapes. People build all kinds of dens, they build all kinds of housing with penthouses that have no escape system and the end result is that when fires take place they’re extremely dangerous because everybody just bribes their way out of following building codes. And that’s true capitalism, that’s what capitalism leads to in Hong Kong. But it is, in all fairness, one of the most prosperous city states on earth until its absorption by Communist China which has allowed it to maintain special economic status and ultimately Hong Kong has come to affect China or that China has come to affect Hong Kong. Now, to the left of that spectrum of economics you would have the closest model of true communism, no longer with us, used to be Albania and Albania’s gifts from communism was a totally militarized economy where they have a landscape dotted with thousands and thousands of atomic shelter bunkers. So there is nothing in Afghanistan other than cave
systems full of stored MIG planes and because of the communist system these weren’t the most effectively constructed systems so they’ve got water leakage, the planes have all rusted into uselessness. It’s a true model of economic disaster and today it is a model essentially of anarchy. They’ve retreated into feudalism and that is an important point. Their feudalism, their medieval structure is such that the American consulate is across the street from a gibbet and a gibbet is a medieval torture instrument in which they hang criminals naked in a spiked cage so that the birds can rip their flesh off. That’s what hangs across the street from the American Consulate in the capital of Albania. So that’s what you have at the other end of the spectrum. And this is so important because when I was down in Nicaragua, Managua, the capital thereof during their civil war everybody was worried during the Regan administration about communist insurgency, the Sandinista. They’re going to get into Mexico, it’s going to be insurgency all the way up north into Texas through the Mexican waves of immigration. None of that took place. When I was down there I saw that all of the communists were Catholic, every one was Catholic. Everybody was wearing big tacky wooden crosses so it was meaningless. They don’t have capitalism or communism in so many of these nations like Central America. In particular they have feudalism. {soon to arrive in Amerika} And that is what’s coming up north. That is ultimately what we’re going to be stuck with. This is what the gated communities are all about. In a gated community you have an elite group of people, doctors and lawyers who don’t even use your US Post Office. They use Fedex or UPS, the two monopolies that dominate your communication system when it comes to parcel package deliveries and they have their own doctors, they have their own offices. They have everything within the gated community and when it comes to riots and anarchy outside they’ll simply shut their gates with their private security militia, their paramilitary unit, and try to hold out while they get re-supplied from convoys. This is hacienda living. This is living in the rancho style like you had down in feudal Central America. That’s what’s coming north. {Si} So what is the kind of capitalism? That’s succeeding the world over. Well, in the 1980s when we had a huge Japanese economic wave and you had…and you had…and all these various…styles of management that were being studied in the United States. Everybody was really into what is this Japanese management system? What can we do to emulate this? Well, what this was, was the importation of a foreign ideology of…totalitarian ideology is like communism, like democracy. Well, in terms of this kind of ideology this was known in Japan as bushidoism {a feudal-military Japanese code of behavior valuing honor above life}. Bushidoism was a modernized version of the code of ethos for the Samurai. Samurai simply means those who serve and this Bushidoism was never even acknowledged as the ideology that it was. But America was facing multiple challenges. America’s military confrontation were with the Soviet Union which was a rival totalitarian system in terms of politics. The Americans offered democracy. The Soviets offered Communism. And so the Soviets had this enormous military machine, the largest in the world that the Americans were constantly confronting throughout what the Americans propagandized as the Cold War. But economically their greatest challenge was from across the Pacific and it was in the form of a superior management exportation, centralized capitalist economy, the model for Communist China today and it was called Bushidoism. And that was so incredible in impacting economic systems, so superior that the Americans consistently propagandized against it just as they kept propagandizing that the Soviets were a threat even while the Soviets were in utter collapse. The Soviet Union didn’t have a military industrial complex.
It was a military industrial complex. It ultimately collapsed because no one could bear the burden of supporting that military industrial complex. Pretty much the only people who had jobs in the Soviet Union were either in the military or they were communist bureaucrats. And so the end result was they wound up collapsing and America won in that very real sense that military confrontation. Now, on the economic sense –by the way, because of that military confrontation the Americans kept portraying the Soviets as a threat. I remembered when I tried to get a job at a think tank, Rand, MIT, these various other corporations. I used to dream transferring laterally to a think tank and working with them to propagate future cycles and talk about trends forecasting. And none of them wanted me. They said, ‘Dietrich, what do you have to offer us. Tell us what you analyzed for trends forecasting for the future.’ And I said, ‘well, I can predict the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany.’ I showed them all these statistics. I said, ‘look at the population status. The only Soviet growth in population is in the Moslem Asiatic republics. There was none among the white Slavic population of Belarus, Ukraine and the greater Russia itself.’ I showed them the Soviet Union was going to collapse and they said, ‘we can’t have you working with us because all of our contractors are the US government and they all count on the Soviet threat as the only reason why they get trillions and trillions of dollars to spend. We can’t have you.’ So the end result was they’ve lied completely just as they did to Kennedy about a non-existent Soviet threat. Now, with Japan it’s just the opposite. The Japanese economy was so successful that the Americans have lied repeatedly about its success and claimed it’s in recession. And the reality is they use false accounting, the socalled…method of adjusting for inflation which is an approach that economic experts know artificially boosts a nation’s apparent growth rate. So, because of that America’s growth in recent years has been overstated by as much as two percentage points a year. And because of that if you analyze the real statistics the United States is behind Japan in per capita performance. And so the whole point is that Japan’s growth has continued and it never entered the recession that the American’s claimed and there’s so many things to back up exactly what I’m saying. The most evident… [Host] Yeah, we’re lied to about everything. I mean it’s like with Iran too. I mean, they’re doing the same thing there, telling us that it’s a big threat. And Syria, they want to go in there too. It never ends. [Douglas] Yeah—so the final point just to wrap that up is that from the end of the 1980s, around 1990 until this point the Yen has risen 87% against the US dollar and 94% against the British Pound. And it’s even risen against the Swiss Franc. I could go on and on about the quality of life. It’s visible just when you go there. My whole point is that this is what has led to the American’s propagandizing. You would think that people were literally living on the street if you were listen to American propaganda about the Japanese quality of life. And it’s just the opposite because they don’t want you to know how bad it is here. But my point that I was making because this was a day of Asian rapprochement is that the way that this has happened was that Japan divested in the United States around 1996 and it revested in Communist China and instead of turning out consumer goods, consumer products that people could see like cars, computers, VCRs in the old days, what they started getting into was producer’s goods. And these are products that the consumer doesn’t see. These are material science. These are industrial control systems for mass
manufacturing assembly lines, automated assembly processes that are taking place in China. So everything that says made in China is actually made possible by design systems sourcing from Japan. So Japan is behind the made-in-China boom. This is why China and Japan have broad trade balance as opposed to China and Japan having an enormous trade imbalance with the United States where Japan still owns the vast majority of American Tbills along with China. China owns the most, Japan second most, probably the third most, I would assume, would be Saudi Arabia. But many are owned by Germany as well. So my point is what is this new economic system based on Bushidoism, this alien ideology to Americans coming out of Asia. It’s basically economic fascism. That is the wave of the future globally, state centralized command economies based on ownership of private property but also a socialized network like they had during the time of the Third Reich. During the time of the Third Reich due to economic fascism people, people cannot deny this, there were more vacation camps then there were concentration camps—not to defend the concentrations camps. But I’m pointing out the fact that the fascism was a far more effective economy, so effective that both the capitalists and the communists united against it because they felt it such a threat. Well, the end result was that the fascist economies won and the fascist economies won. You can see the quality of life that Germany and Japan lead. Their quality of life that they’ve gained has been exponentially beyond anything they ever dreamed of gaining militarily and it’s been gained economically. That is the economic wave of the future coming out of Asia, that’s the model of Singapore. That’s the model of South Korea. That’s is the model of Taiwan, of Japan, of China. That is the future in which you have state-sponsored controlled economies as opposed to what happened in the United States where everything crashed and in the end Soviet style the Americans had to bail out these banks, these major corporations and now the corporations are like…, the Soviet state owned corporation that designed much of the Soviet cosmonautical program, the Soviet Soviets and the MIRs, the space stations that were active in space. That, I think, is probably something to emphasize today as we get to the bottom of the hour and I really thank you for your patience with that but it’s so important because Americans are really kept in the dark about that economic situation globally. [host] We’re going to take a call but I just want to say that Japan having so much success even though the elite here in the United States don’t want people to know about it, I guess. There’s a lot of speculation about Fukushima and that being an attack, Japan as well and we can get into that in a minute if you’d like. [Douglas] Yes.
[host] But let’s get Anthony in Wisconsin, he’s been hanging on here for a while. Hey, Anthony, welcome aboard. [Anthony] Hey guys, thank you for having me. I’m listening to all this and I’m like hot, cold and hot, cold and what I want to say is your guest you have on tonight, he’s right on topic. The points are really good. But then you can’t just up and say that we’re this way or that way, there’s no manipulation or anything for one—you can’t manipulate people {since when?} You can’t say—like we learn in history and history does repeat itself, you
just can’t say that about people because things change, people change and you just can’t do it. [Douglas] Well, I really want to thank you for your patience for waiting to this point to come in and show that…. [Anthony] A lot of the things you were say, I’m on base with you, I really am, but then towards the end there was some thing… Everybody’s different. Everybody’s got their own character too…. [Douglas] Yeah, I really appreciate you sticking with us, again. I’m not quite sure exactly what you’re addressing when you’re speaking {neither are we}… [Anthony] Your topics of what you’re saying about people being in a pseudo certain… It sounded like it to me… {It sounds to me that while Anthony was waiting he was hitting the bottle} It sounded like to me you’re were categorizing. That’s what it sounded like to me. [Douglas] Well, let’s put it this way, when you deal with historical cycles and I’m not quite sure whether you’re talking the nuances of history because I don’t feel that you intend to contradict yourself but you said history goes in cycles and then you said but things change and people change… [Anthony] No, no, I did not say. I said…
[Douglas] Well, whatever you said what I will say in response to what you said is that history doesn’t repeat itself. History rhymes as Mark Twain said. [Anthony] It shouldn’t repeat itself.
[Douglas] However is prelude and past has always been prelude and as a result it is only through the past that we have an adequate prediction of the future. This is why my historical analyses have always proven correct because in the case forecasters what they do is they will take the current situation and they will just take it to its logical conclusion into ten, twenty, thirty years down the line what I do is I base what I’m saying on historical cycles as opposed to cycling forward from the current situation which is too close to us from which to provide adequate analysis. So, in other words, we cannot just take what we’re seeing now and cycle forward from that. We have judge everything on the basis of history. {The readers & Anthony might want to read War Cycles, Peace Cycles by Richard Kelley Hoskins} If we deny history we’re denying reality because we’re denying experience… [Anthony] What’s your experience, what’s considered experience?
[Douglas] Well, me personally—I personally served as a Department of Defense research librarian for almost a decade wherein I destroyed thousands of documents that
were distributed to academia, they were never distributed to media so it is an entire which you have not been exposed to. So, aside from that experience I’ve had personal experience serving militarily not only for the United States government but privately overseas and… {Anthony keeps talking over Douglas ceaselessly} and beyond that I served care provision and senior advocacy for my parents for ten years which is where all my money got sunk into which is why I’m left without a dime today so all of the money that I made through private mercenary security enforcement contracts, through my years of work for the government all went into medical expenses for my parents because our medical-industrial is so corrupt. {amen} So I can tell you…range of experience is exactly where I’m coming from… Also I am foreign born so I can give you a detached foreign perspective so that is just some of the basis for everything that I say. So if you’re somehow discombobulated by what I’m saying I can’t help that. That would be my answer, that would be my response. I’m not really getting a coherent kind of question out of… [Anthony] …I was trying to really get at is like your… I’m listening… Man, I love you, I do, I love you, what you’re standing for, what you it’s really good and then at the end is like… I was really trying to understand what you were talking about—kind of baffled me, put it that way, I guess that’s a good for it. You kind of baffled me at the end. I just wanted to know where your foundation is. [Douglas] The foundation is reality. The reality is that we have to learn to survive in a reality that is rapidly changing. Socially what we’re entering in is a new dark age. We are ultimately with reconstruction experience a renaissance and the reality which will come of that renaissance will be far different from the kind of social system that you have today which is a statist Constitutional Republic which is enforcing this totalitarian ideology known as known as democracy {demon-ocracy} around the world. It has resulted in pain and suffering on an unimaginable level for people all over the world in ways that Americans are entirely unaware of. And as a result people have to assess the historical fact in the United States that through the United States government Americans are perceived of as the bad guys and as a result Americans really should rejoice about the coming collapse, the impending collapse, the ongoing collapse of their Constitutional Republic because this will give them a chance to really reconstruct an economy that will libertarian, that will be capitalist in which they can prosper. If you want to see the future of the United States imagine a North America with a thousand Hong Kongs, a thousand Singapores, city states along the deltas of the Mississippi and the Columbia that are forming Hanseatic style trade leagues. Each one of these cities could have an impact on the world around just as Genoa and Venice and Florence did. It will be an incredible period of economic growth just on the currencies exchange alone let alone everything else that will be ongoing. So in terms of what we have today we don’t have any of that and we have a government that has a history of genocide and it was probably most brutally demonstrated in the Philippines where the Americans went and exterminated three million Philippinos and so I bring up these American atrocities a lot, not just because I’m shall we say trying to make Americans feel bad. I’m bringing up the fact that this has led to enormous consequences. My nation in which I was born, Taiwan, was part of Japan at that time and it bordered the Philippines. That meant that we had a maritime boundary that was so close that it was just like America’s physical boundary with Mexico. Now, when the Americans went in there and
exterminated three million Philappinos the Argonaut which was a very well read newspaper in the United States at that time really said, ‘the major problem with the Philappines was it was loaded with Philippinos.’ And it actually said that. They said, ‘unfortunately these Philippine islands, 7, 100 islands, basically they’re rich, they’re full of dense woods, full of valuable hardwood, timber, they contain mines of precious metals, their fertile land produces enormous crops of sugar, rice and tobacco and touched by the wand of American enterprise, fertilized by American capital these islands will become speedily rich but unfortunately they’re infested with Philippinos. There’s millions of them and it’s feared that their extinction will be too slow. And every man who believes in developing the islands must admit that it cannot be done successfully while the Philippinos are there. They’re indolent. They only raise food to live on. They don’t care about money. They occupy land which might be better utilized by Americans and therefore the more of them that are killed the better. That was stated in the Argonaut. And then a report from the US Army near Manila on February 5th of 1899 read, ‘In the path of the Washington regiment at Battery D of the 6th Artillery there were 1008 dead niggers and a great many more wounded. We burned all their houses. We killed all the women and children. We wouldn’t take any prisoners. This was your democracy {evilocracy}. This was the democracy of the dead and this is the democracy that America’s exported all over the world. And so you have to realize that you have to stop thinking of yourself as a US Citizen. Start thinking of yourself as an American and stop thinking about the world and start thinking about what you’re going to do here. And what you’re going to here has to based on the realities of history just like if you were to drive a vehicle or to make a plane you’re going to base it on the reality of physics. This is pseudo-science that said, hey, birds have feathers and since they can fly then anything we covered in feathers ought to be able to fly. If you cover your car in feathers and you drive it off the edge of a cliff, it’s not going to fly but that’s what America’s doing with its economy, with its military operations. It’s basing all of its actions on fantasy. They have this fantasy, atomic bombs won the war with Japan. Well, the war didn’t end with Japan in 1945 and atomic bombs won the F-ing war with Japan. Great, drop one on Afghanistan. We can win the war. It’s fantasy. You live in a fantasy matrix. It’s time to wake up. The rest of the world does not live like this. The rest of the world contends with reality. The Soviets didn’t and the Soviet Union died. The United States Constitutional Republic didn’t and that’s why it’s dying. That’s where I’m coming from—it’s reality. [host] Ok, I was going to Anthony back on for a minute but he has hung up. I don’t know exactly what he was asking. {neither do we} I just didn’t so I don’t know. [Douglas] A lot of people are disturbed by it.
[host] Yes, of course. It would be disturbing to… I know Anthony and I think he’s well awake. I don’t know. Just one of those nights I think something shook him up. Well, it is what it is. Iran and Syria, what do you think’s going to happen there? There’s quite a few who have been asking me in the chat room about that. [Douglas] Well, I predicted a long time ago that nothing would happen with Iran in terms of the United States… That’s been a kind of pabulum that’s been spewed forever
now. At this point in history people tend to forget that the Iranians were a democracy. The theological Shia clerics who rule Iran have been in bed with the Americans for quite some time. Basically, during the days of the Carter administration when George Bush senior wanted his front man, Reagan, to become president they organized the October Surprise. Now, there’s no point in just going over all that atrocity because most people are somewhat aware of it. They can look it up. Basically what had happened was that under the command of President Jimmy Carter Delta Force, a counter-terrorist commando unit was ordered to go in and rescue the American hostages. Now, they were sabotaged and when they went in to rescue the American hostages helicopters crashed into each other, helicopters fell out of the sky. There’s no way that anything like that could happen based on chance—not that many helicopters all at once. And who was in charge of the CIA which could have sabotaged these helicopters—George Bush Senior. And as a result the entire hostage rescue failed. Carter was made to look weak and Reagan was brought in and essentially George Bush senior ruled as president for about three administrations which was one reason why he was able to give up, not that he wanted to, but when he was forced to give up his presidency he gave it up as gracefully as he did. He’d already been in there for almost the same amount of time as President Roosevelt running the country. And then he had a dynasty established through his son. So we have this sick situation of obvious corruption in which there’s infighting and so when he says, I guess that’s one of the things that might have upset Anthony as well was the fact that I’m saying that there’s not necessarily the conspiracy. There’s interdepartmental infighting. There’s corruption that makes these men at the top far more vulnerable than people like to see them because if people really saw them for what they are, vulnerable idiots, morbidly inbred degenerates then they would realize they have no excuse for being raped by these people. I think that really upsets people. They like to think of them as essential. People like to rationalize themselves into impotence. I would be the first to tell you there is no need to pick up a gun and advocate violent revolution. There’s no need to do that. The system is on its way out. It’s collapsing far faster than I would like it to collapse. So it’s something you just have to brace yourself, prepare to survive and ultimately participate in reconstruction. But one of the ways that you can constructively do so is by making yourself aware of the history that led us to this point. If we aren’t aware of the history that led us to this point we’re never going to be able to contend with the future. That’s essentially my response to that with Iran. Basically you’re not going to see anything of any consequence concerning Iran because the Americans, when they conducted the October surprise George Bush Sr. did so with the full cooperation of the Iranian Iotollahs and the Iran under the Iotollahs has since that point in time through the Iran Contra scandal—people can look this up—Iran Contra Scandal exposed the depths of incestuous relationship between the Americans and the Mullahcrats of Iran and they’re birds of a feather. They repress women. They’re bigoted. They’re ignorant. They’re narrow minded. They’re theologically fundamentalist. They really are brothers under the skin. So American has never done anything against Iran. It wouldn’t dare to do anything against Iran. And we’ve got people who for the last ten years have been predicting war against Iran. It’s absurd. It’s ridiculous. It’s not anything to dwell on. Syria would be a problem of destabilization. People might see another Libya there but in terms of how that’s going to affect yourself it’s not an issue—it really isn’t—especially Syria. I mean Syria could collapse into absolute anarchy and how on earth is that going to impact the world economy to the point where it provokes a war? I mean sadly it is not. Libya had much more oil,
much more resources, including water in the desert and that did not provoke a world war. So we’re not going to see that coming out of the Syrian-Iranian situation, not at all. It’s one of those things that you can watch from afar but it’s not going to impact you—I wouldn’t dwell on it. [Host] Well, I hope you’re right, Douglas. Douglas, vampires, somebody had asked in the beginning of the show about that, about the vampires. What records are there actually on vampires? [Douglas] Well, what I dealt with at the Presidio Military base were many documents that were stolen from the Soviet Union through espionage that ultimately wound up under different jurisdictions. And in the case of Zempfier?{sp?} these were a subspecies of humanity that was recognized by the Soviet Union. And it needs to remembered that Soviet science was ideologically motivated and therefore went along an entire train of development just as science did in the Third Reich and as a result or their matrix of reality was far different. As an atheistic materialist culture they still conducted research into electronic voice phenomena, EVP, and phenomena of disembodied intellect meaning what we would term a soul or a spirit and in other words as an atheistic materialist rationalist society they did not accept a divinity, a theistic approach to reality and yet they were acknowledging that the conscientiousness maintains itself after death and they will filter this through an ideological filter that enabled them to rationalize it and feel that when someone died their intellect would continue to linger as a residence by the …. materials that once housed that intellect or near the body. So unlike many Americans who feel that cemeteries would be empty, that spirits would ascend to heaven that spirits would essentially be something that would not be in the cemetery. Many Americans have that opinion. The Soviets were different, they felt that cemeteries were loaded with disembodied intellects. That’s just an example of the different paradigm of reality. Now, they also were the heirs to a 1000 year old culture, the Russo-Slavonic Culture and as a result had a history of them belief in vampires. And combine the two together and you have a scientific analysis of these cultural beliefs and they came to accept that there was a subspecies of humanity that they refer to as vampires that has been amongst humanity for millennia. That were basically an evolutionary adaptation from the days because they were evolutionists. They believed in evolution from the days when we were apes. So basically unlike medieval ancestors of Europe they felt that mankind in the majority had evolved in the African Savannah. They felt that during that period of time there were tree dwellers, there were ground dwellers like….and that throughout the….that basically there were various forest apes that devolved into humanity and that a sub-branch of that began to feed off the humans themselves {Sounds like the banksters are the present-day relations} through the tapping of the veins. And there are all kinds of animal species that do this from the Darwin’s finches there are vampire finches on the Galapagos Islands that Darwin recorded as feeding off the blood of other birds. And so this goes on with many species and they concluded that it happened in humanity as well. So, they began to recruit these individuals that they sought out who they believed to be vampires and began to form military units of these people during the Second World War and from that period of time were working with them. Now, all of the documents about this were basically compiled from medical notes that were taken from Soviet medical universities where they were
studying the sub-species of humanity and they started a colony of these humans or subhumans or …humans or species of humanity known as vampires. Up in the…., the islands north of the Arctic Circle, above the Soviet Union where it’s night for six months out of the year and when they started this colony they forced recruited as they were apt to do being the Soviet Union many medical students to go up there, to study them, to participate in the projects of basically domesticating these species and forcing them to work within the expansion of Communist Ideology through espionage for military means. So you had many students who were dissidents and one of them took all of his medical notes—he gave them to someone in the Czech Republic. At that time it was still Czechoslovakia behind the iron curtain. They wound up giving it to the CIA and the CIA translated it and thought it was all disinformation—they thought it was garbage. And they gave it to NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization military high command and asked them if they wanted anything to do with it and they could analyze it and if they felt it was a military threat they could respond to it. And NATO basically thought it was disinformation. So they sent it to various places in the United States to DOD at this point, the Department of Defense, it wound up at the Presidio Military Base at San Francisco, a set of these records or at least a copy of these records. And they were ordered for destruction because they had been actually declassified slated for destruction, no release to the public or release to media or to academia. And most of the thousands of documents I destroyed, before I destroyed them I took copious notes. And I did so and there’s a basis for a book, The Reality of the Red on Dead—the Untold True Story of the Supernatural Soviet, which I will be releasing. I had to put that on hold because we had to turn attention because of the upcoming UFOCon 2012 where I’ll be speaking to Roswell and the Rising Sun and all the historical facts behind the reality of Roswell. We basically felt I had to concentrate on that, I had to put this on hold, there were other things that were happening such as the Basalt Incident because in that book I’m not only speaking about vampires, I’m also speaking about the Zombie phenomena so as a result the publishers agreed, well, see what happens if anything new comes from the Basalts, we’re going to append that as a preface to the book. So it’ll be after the convention itself that we will be releasing the Reality of the Red on Dead. We’ll probably be taking preorders for that along with my book, Roswell and the Rising Sun, at the convention itself. People should be able to pick up a convention exclusive. They’re kind of like a gallery of photographs or images that I’ve cobbled together for kind of like a precursor to the book and at least it will certainly be there on the table for people to review. But we’ll certainly be taking preorders and, again, that’ll be the fifteenth through the sixteenth, it’s a weekend of this month in September. It’ll begin on Friday night, the Friday the fourteenth. It’ll last through Saturday, the fifteenth and Sunday, the sixteenth. I’ll be speaking on the fifteenth so feel free to buy even just a one-day ticket to you can speak to the Roswell phenomena and you can personally ask me throughout the weekend while I’m circulating about vampires or any other questions that you have concerning this type of subject. But that was basically the source for what I have found out about vampires in general. And if I went in depth into that, that would basically take us another two hour show. We would have to do a two-hour show that was dedicated entirely to that to do it justice and we probably will do that as soon as the book comes out which should be very soon. But to put this in perspective for people it wasn’t only the Soviets that believed in vampires, it was also the Third Reich because all of Europe has a history of the vampire belief system. So what Adolf Hitler had purposed in order to recruit vampires into units in
service of the Reich was about artificially generating a new nation state for them, one in which they would be recognized as a sub-species and provided with human chattel off which to feed. And so the dedicated nation state or the nation state area that was dedicated to this was known as the….and this was about 93 hundred square kilometers of rich agricultural land directly north Belgrade in Serbia. And so at that time it had a population of about 640,000 people and this entire area was to have its capital to be established in the city of…which was intended as the new…for a vampire nation state. People can look this up about that area of northern Serbia and what was once part of Romania and Hungry. And it is in juxtaposition to all of these nations, it borders no less than five European nations depending on the how the borders change according to World War I and World War II, etc. But it has at times bordered Serbia, Croatia, Hungry, Romania and it is basically the center of the Balkans, it is the heart of the Balkans. And the people will find out that that nation was under specific German military administration throughout the war under a very, very mysterious administrative clause that has never been specified in any civilian history books. So whatever I speak of people can do some background research by themselves and they can also inform me of what they find because obviously there’s plenty that has leaked, there’s much that has not. The weakest link in the chain is human data entry and if it’s not entered onto the internet by human beings you’re not going to find it. And that is the whole point that I make about documents destruction. Who organized the internet? DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, originally with DARPA net. And there’s plenty of documents I destroyed that never made it onto DARPA net and there’s mountains and reams of information on DARPA net that never makes it into the civilian internet. So what you’re getting is a shadow of a shadow. The military industrial complex itself is working in the dark and half blind because of all the documents have been destroyed let alone you as a civilian. So I hope that puts it into perspective for people. With that in mind are there any other questions coming out of the audience. Mr. Vara, are you satisfied with how I addressed that. [Host] Oh, yeah, absolutely. One question, have you ever been threatened for the information that you give? Have ever any governments or what have you put their hammer down or tried to put the hammer down on you? [Douglas] Absolutely, and they murdered the last person that I cared about in life which was my mother. She was elderly. She had suffered from a series of brain injuries and I was taking care of her as care provider. What turned out to be the terminal decade for both of my parents, it should not have been. My father died from enormous malpractice, misadministration of prescription drugs and misdiagnoses. My mother was impacted by them to the point where she suffered from a series of catastrophic brain injuries that forced me to become her care provider. I had to employ other people to help in that care provision. When I went down to speak to Roswell and the Rising Sun and I made the DVD that we are selling and that’s something I do need to bring up. Everyone is invited to go to and on there you’ll find the DVD set that we are selling and we’re discontinuing this DVD package as soon as all these currently remaining DVD sets are gone. They never be re-issued again. The DVD of the set, Roswll and the Rising Sun which led directly to my mother’s death is going to analog into printed text format which we’ll be taking preorders on at the UFOCon2012 and people will find out about that. And
I’ll be speaking, delivering a presentation specifically on the contents of that DVD which is why we’re officially discontinuing it very shortly thereafter. And the important point about that is that I’d like people to purchase it and finish off the collection we have of it simply because so that my mother’s death would not have been in vain. But when I made that DVD, I believe it was the last Saturday of the first month of the year, January 2011 and I came home to find my mother dying. And so the end result was I went to deliver that presentation under very strange circumstances. The woman who you see on that DVD, Cynthia Segal. She used to be the host for the UFO connection which was a sacramental television based UFOlogical phenomena oriented named television show. And she was planning to interview me for that and she received so many threats and her show was canceled. And it upset the people who were involved with that program so much that were producing it that they ultimately took that show off the air. And so she figured we still have to deliver this. This is obviously extremely important because I retain fragments and shrapnel from the Roswell incident. And so we delivered in a private venue and the DVD shows that. It’s done so hurriedly we don’t even have a screen up to put the images on. But they’re still quite visible because it was a high definition camera that was used. And the important thing is that when I came home after delivering that very hastily prepared. We didn’t even advertise for it yet we still had the largest audience that Sacramento Mutual UFO Network, Sacramento MUFON, ever had even without advertising. That’s how important the subject was to people. And I came home and my mother was on the floor on top of two shattered portraits. The people who were supposed to be her care providers who were supposed to be tending to her while I was gone had been detained by men in black suits with black sunglasses in black Cadillacs and limos… I certainly reviewed this with them. They’re not at fault. They literally were detained without being arrested and prevented from taking care of my mother. My mother I took her immediately to an emergency room. Her aorta, the main vein leading to her heart had been dissected—that was the term that they used. They’ve never seen anything like it at UCSF. They said, ‘it’s incredible. Your mother’s still alive she should be dead. They told me, ‘she’s going to die, she’s going to die.’ They said, ‘she’s basically the very pressure of the blood pumping through her aorta should split that vein open. It’s a miracle it hasn’t done so yet. They said, ‘we’ve never seen anything like it. It looks like two laser scalpels were used to dissect her aorta. The cuts are so fine that the blood pressure hasn’t shattered the vein open yet. Now, natural aortic rupture which would have just ruptured. It is something that was cut but there was no punctures, there was no bruises, there were no external signs of any injuries on her whatsoever. And the end result was they said, ‘we’ve never seen anything like it.’ And, of course, well, I did what any person would do who has a conscience. I got on air. At that time it was George Noorey on coast-to-coast AM. I asked him to start a group prayer session for it because he does offer that and people did go into action praying for my mother. It must have worked. She lived for another two months without the pressure of blood running through her veins rupturing that aorta. But on the day that the Area 51 book was released by Annie Jacobs, she had been working on that book for five years at least she had been working on that book. And it was about Area 51 and it was very historically cited. The whole book is impeccable in its research credibility and the government approached her at the time that I was releasing the information on Roswell and asked her to stick in seven pages of disinformation about Roswell in which she claimed that Dr. Joseph… of the SS was working with the Soviets on creating deformed children to fly Horton flying wings.
I mean just absurdity. It was all disjointed fragmented contradictory information and she took the money and she destroyed her career. She put that into her book the last minute before publication and it totally destroyed the credibility of the rest of the book. All seven pages are incomprehensible, they’re incoherent. And she rightly has been shunned ever since. But the point is that her book was ready for publication just before I did the presentation on Roswell. As soon as I did that presentation they approached her to add in those seven pages. It was released on the day my mother died which was March 19th of 2011. So when my mother died on March 19th was the day Annie Jacobs’ book came out. She died very mysteriously. I had put her into a rehabilitation facility trying to rehabilitate her even with those dissections in her aorta to the point where she would be strong enough to stand the insertion of a stent so we could get a stent in that aorta to prevent it from rupturing. Well, on the day of the release of Annie Jaobson’s book the rehabilitation facility called me to tell me she was dead. It was the worst storm we had ever had in all our recorded meteorological records in San Francisco. It was thunder, there was lightening, the rain was a very, very hard, very many mile per hour wind. It was the San Francisco equivalent of a gale. There’s no exaggerating it. When I was finally able to get to the rehabilitation facility no one was downstairs to let me in. I went up to her room and her window was wide open. She had died of pneumonia. Somebody had left her window wide open. She was saturated. She was totally soaking wet with rainwater and died of pneumonia. So we brought in the paramedics and all we could do was confirm her death. So, again, she died very mysteriously. That should not have happened. So, yes, I paid the ultimate price for this as far as I’m concerned and in terms of myself what I have is collateral. If you think what I’m telling you is damning and damaging think about what I’m not telling you and it has nothing to do with the private sullied lives of child predators in political power or anything of that nature. They don’t care about that. I mean, who cares if one man’s career gets damage. What I hold is the occult equivalent of the nuclear code. I was liaison for almost a decade to the United States Army’s officially recognized satanic chaplain and he had a lot of do with the ultimate rededication of HAARP to occult purposes—did this through his battering ram, Lieutenant James Shannon who was the founding father of the first earth battalion, a battalion of Satanists and with gays who are in the United States Army. And anyone who doubts the power of Colonel Aquino {sp?} in the US military hierarchy ignores the fact that he was employed to write the chaplain’s handbook. They didn’t approach a rabbi, they didn’t approach a priest, they didn’t approach a deacon, or any other follower of any other religion. They approached a Satanist. He was consulted and contracted in retirement to write the chaplain’s handbook for the United States Army. The officially recognized Satanic chaplain of the US Army was hired to do this. So this is how important his influence was in the US military. It doesn’t matter whether or not you yourself if one is agnostic or materialist or atheist believes in the occult. What matters is that the men in power believe in the occult. Your beliefs don’t matter. Their beliefs matter when it comes to the policies that are instated. And in this case they believe in the occult which is why Aquino was given the recognition and the power that he was and the end result is because they are convinced that I hold the occult equivalent of the nuclear codes because of my liaison work with him for almost a decade. That’s what keeps me alive because I have a post mortem arrangement with Face Book amongst other media where the moment I die Face Book cascades those codes. And if Face Book doesn’t do it there’s other media outlets that I have personally made arrangements with that will. That is
why my manager is known as my executrix. Gloria Fenton is an executrix. An executrix is a female who takes over one’s estate. My estate such as it is, is that. And if they bump her off the same thing will not go into effect but it will if I do. I simply find another executrix. That’s what that’s about. But with that in mind, sir, how much time do we have left before the show comes to a conclusion? Do we still have another half hour or just another five minutes or what is the schedule like for us tonight? [Host] [Douglas] [Host] We still have about another 25 minutes to go. That’s fantastic. I’m really glad to hear that. Yeah, so what about Mars.
[Doublas] Yes, well, we haven’t been to Mars. We’ve been to what is known as Cruithne and I brought this up before amongst other venues but I certainly need to emphasize this. Surrounding Mars is probably a host of natural satellites or some might assume unnatural satellites. Certainly there are unnatural fixtures on one of the Martian moons. I literally forget whether it’s Damos or Phobos. But there is literally a very unnatural, very angular almost cubic looking site on one of those moonlets—that would be the more correct term for them. And these moonlets, Damos and Phobos which orbit Mars are not the only ones. As a result there is at least one more homicidal third moon out there. The last photo taken by the Russian Phobos probe before it lost contact with earth in 1989 showed a telltale streak across the picture and this was not a camera glitch. This was an incoming fast moving tiny object that almost certainly was another satellite on an orbit which had not yet been cataloged. So, if there’s one, there almost certainly are many more. This is why they’re afraid of using conventional technology to send men to Mars. Imagine spending billions of dollars to get a man in space and get him all the way to Mars and have him taken out by a natural satellite, a moonlet, that has not been cataloged and whose course has not yet been charted. But have been to Cruithne and Cruithne is the second moon of earth and basically it is in a very eccentric horseshoe orbit but from Cruithne and that’s how it is pronounced because it’s named after an ancient Celtic tribe which is probably extinct but may have ancestors of that tribal line living in Ulster today. But it was discovered initially by an Irish-American astronaut who landed on it, gave it the name which was very strange for the time because most of our planetoids and heavenly objects are named after traditional Hellenic Greek mythology oriented names and titles. But in this case Cruithne is strategically of utmost importance because when you’re standing on Cruithne without telescopic aid you can see both the earth and the moon as a binary planet system within range of your faceplate. You can see them with the naked eye behind your faceplate without telescopic aid. That means from Cruithne you can assemble, because it’s in a horseshoe orbit, goes way out of earth’s ability to monitor and then comes right back then you can assemble something when it’s out of monitoring range like a rocket system, a missile system. When it gets back into range you can hit either anything on the earth or the moon from Cruithne. So, whoever dominatesss Cruithne dominates an extremely valuable strategic position and that’s one of the reasons why the Americans and the Soviets were fighting each other in space over possession of that object and why you’ve never heard of it. So if you look it up they’ll say, ‘oh, it’s not earth’s second moon, it’s too small.’ This is
ridiculous It’s the same size as, I forget which one, again, Damos or Phobos, literally the exact same diameter, area and size and they dignify those satellites around Mars with the title of moons. So if those are moons from Mars this is a moon for earth. So it is earth’s second moon. That’s the kind of disinformation campaign you’ll get. What about any questions, Mr. Vara. I hope that kind of like puts that in some perspective. [Host] It does and one question that came from the chat and I guess the question was about Face Book and I guess I kind of agree, you can’t count on Face Book for much but you did mention you had other outlets that protected information to launch if something went wrong, something should happen to you. [Douglas] [Host] Right, that’s correct. Yeah, people don’t have much faith in Face Book and I don’t blame them.
[Douglas] I understand and it is really frustrating with Face Book at times and, believe me, I can understand that and most people actually feel that Face Book for all intents and purposes almost a government sponsored site and I could understand why they would think that and for all I know that might very well be the case. But you understand that even if those—keep in mind I know the code they already know. So it’s not like they don’t know these codes. By putting it through that Face Book post mortem arrangement they know I know the codes. I hope that makes sense. [Host] It certainly does.
[Douglas] And if I die unnaturally everyone knows the codes. That’s the threat and it may not release through Face Book but they know now through Face Book since they scour it repeatedly they know that other media outlets will release it that I can trust. [Host] Ok, absolutely. I just want to remind people 858-683-1309. We’ve got a few minutes to go here and we will take calls and we do have a call coming in now, Douglas, that we’ll take. We’ve got Bruce in New York and I’m to—ok, he’s ready. Alright, Bruce in New York, you’re on the air, my friend. [Bruce]Oh, wow. Hello Michael and Mr. Dietrich. [Host] How about that for fast service.
[Bruce]That was super fast. I hadn’t even got the phone down yet. I want to ask Douglas, and thanks for having me on, Mike. But I wanted to ask Mr. Dietrich going back a little bit he had stipulated that he could foresee this nation, the demise of its monetary system and perhaps eventually the breakup of the country. Now, I could… I think you stated that— right? [Douglas] Yes sir.
[Bruce]Yeah. Now, I could foresee where the country would break up into segments like six, seven, eight, perhaps ten different segments. Now, when I think about history—and each of those segments would eventually probably have their own monetary system, probably have their own set of laws and when you think about what happened in the past with city states centuries ago they were always warring with each other. They may have traded with each other but they also fought each other. Now, do you believe that if this happened on the North American continent, if we broke up into all these segments that eventually we would be warring with each other over minor differences. [Douglas] I really appreciate your bringing that up and thank you very much. You’re very astute and I want to commend you on your foresight. You’re not coming at me through a theological filter, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but that can always be fairly simplistic and it can also tend to color a lot of the interpretation that one has. Instead you’ve come at it from a very detached perspective which is absolutely accurate. Your conclusions are quite true and unavoidable—they’re inescapable. I am not fusing— and I hope people will understand that I’m not smacking my lips over a collapse or impending collapse. It is something that is the reality that I’m preparing people to contend with. One of the results of that reality will be economy of scale. That means that mines that were considered entirely tapped out in our day and age will suddenly become viable mines again for regional area in terms of supplying much more local and much more smaller economies. And people will be battling over that. Keep in mind the collapse itself and I’m sure this wouldn’t surprise you. Sadly, tragically, it’s going to kill billions of people. Billions of people are going to die with civilational collapse, the collapse of civilization as we know it. Ironically, places that will come through with the least amount of scars will be places that are already at the bottom, many places in Africa, many places in Asia and Latin America are going to come through this without noticing too much of a glitch. If anything their lives might improve. But in our case, because we are going from what people envision at the top, we actually aren’t. We have millions of people already living in cars. We have semi-nomadic existence of many, many people seeking employment so we’re already sliding and the end result, however, of an actual collapse, the juice turns off, the water turns off. This is why all the talk about rounding you up in camps as American citizens, they could have done it in World War II, they couldn’t do it now because the American public’s not behind it now. The American Republic is also wll armed. There are more guns in the State of Texas alone that there are in the entire United States National Guard. So you got a well armed population. It’s both an advantage and a disadvantage when it comes to the violence that will occur when the water goes off and the electricity goes off in many, many cities. And when billions die and these cities re-establish, the water comes back on, the electricity comes back on when various empty skyscrapers are turned into multi-story hydroponic gardens and you have regional agriculture then you’re going to get a city states’ effect where city states are going to be warring against each other as well as basically forming trade alliances. That’s why during the Italian renaissance period of Machiavelli you had the mercenary armies and the mercenary armies became the standard fixture of Machiavelli’s age in which he wrote The Prince. That was an age of city states that were trading with other nations and this will be an age of city states that are also trading with other nations and at the same time defending themselves. Now, think of these cities as having a fraction of their former population. It will be known essentially in
America almost certainly as Mayoralty. And these mayoralties will basically have a population between about five to thirty percent of their pre-collapse populations. [Bruce]I believe that. The point I was trying to get across, Douglas, was—and I think you’ve already answered it, after survival, after the demise of the Republic and the growth of regional city states or whatever you would want to call them, you do believe that there would be trade alliances and warfare between these regional areas of the United States? [Douglas] Absolutely. And beyond that as you said there will be ethnic enclaving. There will be some regional areas that will be much larger, mostly towards the west. Mostly towards the west you’ll have the establishment, almost certainly in response to this of a Mormon Theocracy. In some areas you will have white area supremacists. Government is many areas near the Idaho region. You will have black nationalist areas in many areas that are east or deep South. And you will have both white confederate and black confederate kind of regions in that area. So you’ll have some nation states that will be ethically enclaved. Others will be much more cosmopolitan. And you will, I can guarantee you this, be a return in some of these city states to chattel slavery. You will see them either using their prison population or prisoners of war captured in city state feudalistic warfare that will be used as slaves in certain city states. In some of these city states it will be theologically justified on the basis of Bible text as interpreted by the Mayor of that particular Mayoralty. Some city states will have theocracies and rule under a Mosaic law. So none of this, I think, would surprise you. And I’m sure of that, what I’m saying if anything will lead to the color texture of post-collapse North America. And you can imagine being a merchant traveling with convoy or caravan from one city state to another and trading in currencies exchange. You could make a fortune but think of the risks. [Bruce]That’s very high risk. [Douglas] But profit is always directly proportional to risk.
[Bruce]I got just one other statement to make and then I’ll get off in case anyone else wants to call in and that is the fact that when you really think about it in this country we talk about the middle class but do you realize that that middle class has only been in effect for a very, very short period of time in this country? Basically, since World War II. Prior to that, it was a statist, it was the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the very, very rich people. And the rest of the people were relatively poor. [Douglas] Absolutely, and you’re absolutely correct in that and it was a very, very different world. Also, during that period of time when you had a great depression you had authors like John Steinbeck who were able to travel from one end of the United States to the other during the era of the dust bowl and the era in which he wrote the Grapes of Wrath. And he started off at one end of the United States with a few pennies in his pocket. He traveled from one end of the United States to the other and he never spent those pennies. Everywhere he went people were able to take him in. People were able to help him out. People were able to give him work in exchange for food in terms of doing something on their homestead. The world today is not like that. You had a very homogenous culture
like that which is why in the event of global collapse Japan, for instance, could pull through much better because they have a homogenous culture just as the Americans had a homogenous culture back in the days of the great depression. [Bruce]We’re rapidly getting away from that homogenous culture. [Douglas] That is correct. Well, it no longer exists. It no longer exists at all. The amount of… And I don’t mean this in an offense sense but I would be an example of that, the largest amount of births, the highest proportion of births in the United States are mixed race births. I am of mixed race heritage. My father was Caucasian but my mother was obviously Asian. So, I am essentially Amerasian. And the Asian immigration wave has just superceded that of the Hispanic immigration wave. So, like I said, there were European Americans here. Certainly my father was of that descent. I would not want to see European Americanism disappear. That’s not going to happen. With this kind of collapse you’re going to see cosmopolitan multi-ethnic city states out of necessity because of the economics. Then you’re going to see other states that are much more exclusive. [Bruce]Ok, Douglas. I think that we concur, agree on most things and I’ll just call it the world according to Bruce and Douglas. [Douglas] [Host] I think that’s great. Alright, Bruce, thank you so much for your call.
[Bruce]Yeah, thank you. [Host] [Douglas] I appreciate it. Thank you.
[Host] Douglas, we’re down at the end here so if there’s anything that you’d like to add or say or put in a plug for before we call it a night by all means the floor is yours. Go right ahead. [Douglas] Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. This wouldn’t be possible without Mr. Vara and Mr. Vara does a tremendous service for the community, not only just in the alternative information media community but for the community in general by what he does. And he’s been doing this for years and don’t forget that as he says he has drives to help him keep this show afloat. Make sure to respond to those drives to help him and keep him on the air in order to have shows like this. Also, believe me when I say this. You could tell by how upset Anthony was and Anthony expressed the fact that he does indeed agree with me on many points. We’re not talking about Bruce who just got off the air but Anthony who was on earlier. He did express the fact that he sympathized with me, related to a lot what I was saying but nevertheless much of what I’m saying obviously disturbed him. And that’s the way it is with many people. That’s the way it should be. The reason that it disturbs so many Americans is because the reality is so much different from what
they have been told. They’ve been fed a systematic chain of lies. And the systematic chain of lies has not served them well. The electorate has been unable to make coherent decisions and that’s the way the elites in power have wanted it. And the best that we can do since we tend to all agree that collapse is impending—it’s very few people who do not see that, certainly nobody who’s listening or assessing alternative information media. So since we do agree on that basis then—and we do want to participate in a reconstruction then the best we can do is inform ourselves about the patterns of history. When I spoke about the Philippines and talked about Japan bordering the Philippines when the Americans invaded think of how the Americans would have felt if the Japanese had invaded Mexico and preceded to slaughter millions of Mexicans. How on earth would the Americans have responded if they had any sense of reality they would have prepared for war? They would have been criminally negligent not to do so. And that is what Japan was confronted with, a genocidal invader to the south of its border. Think about what I’m saying. Those are the realities behind American history. This is why Americans need to contend with the realities of it. Part of the realities of that are exposed in a eight-hour Skype interview that I conducted in German—Deutsch language with…Nexus united Germany and Nexus magazine had been a worldwide leader in alternative information for many, many years and it was in the United States circulating for a short period of time but their alternative health advertisements went against the grain of FDA regulations, Food and Drug Administration regulations, and as a result Nexus magazine at least for the present has not been circulating in the United States. But it’s available in the English language throughout the United Kingdom and throughout Australia and the former Commonwealth of Nations so it is available in the English language. So if you want to access that series of transcribed—we took that interview which was eight hours. We turned it into pages and pages of transcription and then translated it into English so we narrowed it down to cover three issues in three eight-page parts. So since it’s a bi-monthly periodical Nexus Magazine has my interview in there for the next six months or the next half year. So, part one is already circulated. Part two is currently circulating. You can access both of those by going to . You can actually download those specific articles, electronically, for only a dollar and fifty cents. And I don’t make any money off of it. This is strictly getting information out internationally. At this point I am internationally recognized as a military historian, have been for quite some time. Actually, I was recognized in the field externally outside the United States long before I was recognized here. So do assess what the rest of the world knows about me concerning the information I provide about the Thousand Year Reich in exile. That’s what these three articles are about. So, again, that hidden history of World War II etc, Douglas Dietrich speaks to it, . Also, as I said, go to my website, and connect to the DVD package which we’re discontinuing. The second part of that set of DVDs Satan’s Crusaders, I will be speaking too at the super soldier summit number two which will be held in the year 2013, probably around the month of March. And our first super soldier summit number one was so successful that we basically are holding the next super soldier summit just half a year afterwards as opposed to a full year afterwards. It’ll probably be held in Los Vegas, Nevada and I will be speaking and delivering the contents or subjects pertinent to that DVD at that particular super soldier summit and so get the DVD now while you still can. Toward this end we’re offering the two DVDs for the price of one till the depletion of supply and one of them is Satan’s Crusaders, the other one is
Roswell and the Rising Sun. Also, again, check into our upcoming UFO Con 2012. Not only will I be there but other UFO celebrities will be there such as Richard Dolan and, of course, other people that are very—Jordan Maxwell who’s been around forever as a cornerstone of the alternative information community, specializes in research into symbology. General Eisenhower, President Eisenhower, his granddaughter, Laura Eisenhower will be there speaking to her perspectives. And, of course, I will be there and as the flagship speaker I address the most controversial aspects of UFOlogy, basically the old ufology is dying and good riddance to it in many respects because the old ufology is based on people like Stanton Friedman and you take a look at Stanton Friedman, what was he involved with? He was involved with nuclear flight. He cannot hide this. He was involved with nuclear flight and that so-called nuclear flight scam cost the United States taxpayers billions and billions of dollars while irradiating the American landscape and leading to cancer rates that are just unimaginable. Every one of us statistically will know or has known someone, a loved one, or close intimate or a relative or a friend who’s going to die of cancer because of physicists like Stanton Friedman. These American physicists wanted…was, they wanted the kidney shaped swimming pools and they were more than willing to kill millions of Americans. That’s what they’ve done, killed millions of Americans in order to get that lifestyle. And they’ve done this through the radiation experiments. They’ve done this through above ground nuclear testing. In projects Argus they shot three nuclear weapons into the atmosphere, created artificial Van Allan radiation belts that stretched thousands of miles into space and were brought back down into earth by our magnetic field and as a result from 1958 on when Operation Argus took place billions of people were ultimately affected with cancer and killed millions. And until that point in time medically cancer only existed in Caucasian explorers and servicemen and sailors who were exposed too much to the sun and didn’t have the melanin to protect their skins from solar exposure and they developed what was known as squamous cell cancer, dermatological cancer. My father had it. I’ve known men who’ve died from it. But until 1945 those were the only people who truly suffered any form of cancer. It didn’t exist. It wasn’t even medically defined. After 1945 we’ve all got cancer because of men like Stanton Friedman. You’re going to believe what this guy tells you, the guy who was involved with this so-called nuclear flight irradiating the landscape? You know what he did? The US landscape was so irradiated he move to Canada. He applied for Canadian citizenship because he knows America’s not worth living in anymore because it’s been so irradiated by the projects he was involved in. You going to believe what this guy comes back and tells you about Roswell and all the other men involved. That entire old ufology space brothers is dying. And the reality of it that between the 1945 era to ’55, ’55 to ’65, ’65 to ’75, that entire ufological phenomena during that period of time was vastly different from the ufological phenomena that has been parallel through the human experience from the dawn of time. We’ve always seen lights in the sky. But between 1945 to around ’75 we had them falling out of the sky. And we had bodies. Eli Nevada where Ansel Adams set up his photography shop so he could photograph all of these natural wonders of Yosemite and other areas. Eli, Nevada, there was a crash where 16 bodies, some say 17 bodies, were retrieved. You’ve got other crash sites at…to the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover long after Roswell. It was a 1950’s memo. It had nothing to do with Roswell. If people keep using this to justify Roswell aliens how are all these aliens crashing and smashing into each other during
this period of time, are they landing in the Four Corners Region and popping the mushrooms? Are they coming here to play chicken? That’s what Stanton Friedman will tell you who says that these two alien craft crashed into each other. That’s a really bad polity. What makes more sense and I got to ask what makes more sense, what they’re telling you or what I’m telling you in some sourcing from the military documents that I destroyed. These were Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean prisoners of war they were experimenting on. These were war crimes. And that is part of the problem. Everybody is aware that after World War II there were 425,000 German prisoners, there were 53,000 Italian prisoners. They didn’t go home for five to ten years because they used them to pick fruits in the fields before we had Mexican immigrants. And all the agriculturalists kept lobbying the US government, we need these boys to reconstruct the American economy. If you let them go home our farm system’s going to collapse. So they stayed here for ten years conducting slave labor under American auspice. The Japanese, the Taiwanese and the Koreans never went home. All 15,000 of them died here, tortured to death in these various experiments where they’re falling out of the sky. That’s the collateral damage from the 2nd World War. This is the reality you need to contend with. And this is the new reality—this is reality that I’m hoping that people will appreciate in terms of its gravity. The entire world is much different from what you’ve been told. And only thanks to Mr. Vara are we able to get this out. I, myself, address these issues twice a week. I am on Revolution Radio so you’re welcome to check that out through and that’ll be much easier for you to access. That’ll take you to the Revolution Radio Homepage. I’m on Saturdays at 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Pacific time, 10 to midnight, Eastern. And so, I come on before Coast-toCoast AM does and you’re welcome to listen to me. I do two hours of open lines, Saturday night, firing line, all I do is take calls and answer questions that anyone is willing to ask on any subject. And what always fascinates me that all of these historians and professors who take pot shots at me on U-Tube and these academic…and these armchair generals who make these comments that they do, none of them ever confront me on air and ask the questions where they’re given ample opportunity to do so on the weekends, on the Saturday night firing line. No matter how many times we give that phone number out, no matter how many times we give the freedomstream Skype out they don’t confront me because they have nothing to say. They know that what I’m saying is irrefutable and true. And also on Tuesday nights on my critical omissions, this Tuesday night will be September 11th, Memorial Day, I will have Lady…Audrey van…. Who I will be interviewing concerning her analysis. She used to work in an architectural design office of the twin towers collapse. And I will bring up what I know about the Pentagon. That’ll be this September 11th, Memorial Day, Tuesday and we’re still on the 5 p.m., Pacific to 7 p.m. Pacific scheduled for that so that’ll be eight to ten p.m., Eastern time. And within a very short while after the UFOCon 2012 we’ll be moving that show down to the same time as my Saturday show, 10 to Midnight, Eastern. But for now it’ll be 8 to 10, Eastern. Catch me this Tuesday on the Revolution Radio. Other than that I want to certainly thank you all for your infinite patience with myself while Mr. Vara has been kind enough to provide me venue and give me platform. You can tell that I’m a human litmus test. As the human weapon of mass destruction only the men who are dedicated to truth, only the women who are seeking the reality, only the people in alternative information media who really are out there to find out what’s behind the façade ever have me on. All the other people who are painfully aware and do not have me on then you know that something is wrong and it
doesn’t matter if they’ve had me once before. Many people have been threatened afterwards and never had me on again. So, if someone doesn’t have me on again then you know that they may have succumbed. So keep an eye out for who at least regularly every once in a while has on Douglas Dietrich and you can tell who’s the real purveyor of truth out there and Mike Vara certainly stands out outstandingly as one of them. [Host] Well, thank you very much, Douglas. I appreciate those kind words and I want to thank you so much for being a guest here tonight. Thank you and good luck at the conference and we’ll have you back again in the near future, that’s for sure. [Douglas] Thank you, Mr.Vara. It’s always an honor to be here and my best to all your audience—really—thank you, all of you, again. And check me out on Face Book, for the public timeline. Thank you again. You can follow me by going to and just press the big bule facebook button and it’ll take you there. And I’m going to post up, as I always do, columns which are quite long but historically very well documented and referenced that people can look up anything that they want to on these various columns that I write concerning various aspects of history and current events that needs to be addressed and thanks for Mr. Vara and what he does again and for all of you for spending the most valuable asset that you have which is your time with us and Mr. Vara and I strive our best to make it worthwhile. [Host] Well, thank you again, Douglas and till next time I wish you the best and we’ll talk to you again in the very near future. Thank you, Douglas Dietrich again we’ve got him linked up over on Late Night in the so if you missed the website and you want to just click on over there and see what he’s got and you can do that, . Just click tonight’s event. I want to thank each and every one of you wherever it is you might be around the globe, in the chat room or on the phone lines for tuning in tonight. You got Dr. John DiSalvo tomorrow night with Mysterious Realms, ….on Sunday and I will be back with you on Monday. So, with that being said keep your eyes close to the sky, keep your ears close to this broadcast because you never know what you might learn. Good night, everybody.