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FALL 2010

Volume 17, Number 7

Public speaks and police are back in Butler Township by Rut Ruth h Ise Isenbe nberg  rg  An ou outp tpou ouri ring ng of pu publ blic ic s u p p o rt fo r th e B u tl e r Township P o l ic e Depart Dep artmen mentt res result ulted ed in the re-insta re-i nstateme tement nt of thre three e offi offi-c e r s a t th e e n d o f th e October Octo ber 13 Butl Butler er Towns ownship hip Super vi sor s m eet i ng. Because Beca use an ove overflo rflow w crow crowd d was ex expe pecte cted, d, th the e mee meetin ting g was held at the Valley Region Reg ional al bui buildi lding ng on But Butler ler Driv Dr ive e. De Des s pit pite e th the e la larg rge er meet me etin ing g ha hall ll,, so some me pe peop ople le had to stand, and there were we re co comp mpla lain ints ts ab abou outt th the e sound sou nd sys system. tem. T h e d i s c u s s i o n o f th e p oli olic c e d ep ep art artme men n t c ame ame near the end of the meeting. in g. A pa para rade de of sp spea eake kers rs was wa s le led d of offf by Po Poli lice ce Ch Chie ieff Cha Ch arle les s P. Al Altm tmiill lle er, Th The e chie ch ieff sa said id th that at th the e ac acti tion on to la y off th thrre e offi fic ce rs rs fro rom m thedepartm thedepa rtmentleft entleft th the e pe peoople un pro prote tec cte ted d . He als lso o took to ok is issu sue e wi with th a co comm mmen entt in a le lett tter er to th the e St Stan anda dard rd-Butler But ler Town ownshi ship p sup superv erviso isors rs loo look k ove overr land land dev develo elopme pment nt pla plans ns for the Dee Deerr Run tow townho nhouse use sub subdiv divisi ision  on  Spea Sp eake kerr fr from om su supe perv rvis isor or chai ch airm rman an Ra Rans nsom om You oung ng wns hi hip bu ild ildin ing g. In th e p as ast, n ote oted d th tha a t re reg g io io na na liz liza a tio tion n h ad ad thatt ca tha calle lled d hi him m a “lo “lous usy y man manag ager er.” .” about the size of the area the Towns State Sta te Police Pol ice, , who he calle ca lled d “over “ov erwith wi th full fu ll c o v ve e r a g ge e t h e ey y h a d 2 4 been be en addre ad dresse ssed d at the begin be ginnin ning g The Th e p oo oor ma man na ge geme men n t s ta ta rte rted d

when $1 when $100 00,0 ,000 00 wa was s ta take ken n ou outt of thepolice thepoli ce bu budg dget,he et,he sa said,and id,and his input inp ut wasigno wasignored red.. He cla claime imed d the layof lay offs fs wer were e a per person sonal al iss issue, ue, no nott a money issue, and that there was wa s mo mone ney y in th the e to town wnsh ship ip's 's co cofffers that could make up the $44,0 ,00 00 need ed ed to put th the e o ffi ffi-cers back on th the e ro ad ad. Al Altm tmil illler recei re ceived ved a sta stand nding ing ov ovati ation on fro from m the crow crowd. d. Wal alte terr Ja Jame mes s to told ld su sugg gges este ted d rais ra isin ing g ta taxe xes s by a qu quar arte terr of a mi mill ll to cover the cost; he also said depending on State Police for cover co verag age e wasa ba bad d ide idea. a. Mic Micha hael el Cabellll agre Cabe agreed, ed, and cite cited d stat statisti istics cs

wor worked ked and d un unde derma rmann nned ed,” ,” hav have e to cov cover er..an “We “W e vote ted d you in; we can vote you ou t,” t,” said Da Dawn wn Gl Glic ick k. Sh She e al so sugg est ed s uper vi sor s shoul sh ould d don donate ate wha whate tever ver sal salari aries es they the y rec receiv eive e tow toward ard re resto storin ring g the police departme department. nt. Gary Shupp, a White Haven Boroug Bor ough h po polic lice e of offic ficer er an and d pre presisident de nt of th the e lo loca call Fr Frat ater erna nall Or Orde derr of Po Poli lic ce Lodge , s po poke a bo bout a pr obl em n e i g h b o ri n g pol i ce d e p a rt m e n t s a re h a v i n g a s a re su sul t of the c ut utb ac acks . T he he se se munici mun icipal paliti ities es pa pay y par partt of th the e co cost st of a li live ve sc scan an fi fing nger erpr prin intt ma mach chin ine e t h a t i s lo c a t e d in t h e B u t le r

ho hour ur do acce ac cess tod th the e ma mach chin ine. Now No wthey th ey don' n't, t,ssan and it's it 's caus ca usin ing ge.pr prob oblems. Tony Mu ss ssol in ine s ai aid B ut ut le le r Township had the finest little polic po lice e de depar partme tment nt in the wor world ld.. Tar arah ah Too oohi hill ll ag agre reed ed.. “W “We e as a c omm ommu u nit nity y p rid ride e o urs urse e lv lv es es a s bein be ing g so di diff ffer eren ent, t, on one e of th the e la last st smal sm alll co comm mmun unit itie ies. s. Pu Putt th the e po poli li-tics ti cs as asid ide, e, an and d co come me up wi with th th that at money so that we can have a safe, secure community, the plac pl ace e we we'v 've e ha had d fo forr so lo long ng.” .” O th ther res id id en ent s sugg es est ed ed form fo rmin ing g a n eig eigh h bo bo rh rh oo oo d c rim rime e w a t c h , o r lo o k i n g i n t o p o l i c e regionalization. regionali zation. Superviso Supervisorr You Young ng

of the th e ye year ar,, an and d th the e ma majo jori rity ty we were re opposed. Shar Sh aron on Mo Mohr hr re read ad a le lett tter er sh she e had wr writ itte ten n ac cu cusin ing g Young o f e xe xe rc rc is is in in g a v en en de de tta tta a ga ga in in st st Altm Al tmil ille lerr fo forr pe pers rson onal al re reas ason ons, s, and an d req reques uestin ting g tha thatt he res resignas ignas a Butler Township supervis supervisor. or. You oung ng,, who ea earli rlier er in the mee meetting ha had d of offer fered ed his res resign ignati ation on as roadmast road master er,, dism dismisse issed d the cha charge rge of a ve vende ndetta tta.. Aud Au d ito itorr Do Don n ald ald Sc Sca a lis lise e s aid aid that th at th the e to town wnsh ship ip ne need eds s to wo work rk within a budget. “Where is the mone mo ney y co comi ming ng fr from om?” ?” he as aske ked, d, noting that in the early 1980s when wh en th the e co coun untr try y wa was s in an anot othe herr

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recessio reces sion, n, eve every ry tra trade de un union ion too took k a $1/ $1/hou hourr cut cut.. After Aft er eve every ryone one ha had d a cha chanc nce e to sp eak, super vi sor B ri a n Kisen Kis enwet wethe herr sa said id th that at th the e bu budg dget et process was all new to him this year ye ar.. He no note ted d th that at th the e to town wnsh ship ip has ha s a bu budg dget etar ary y re rese serv rve e of ab abou outt $3 80 80, 00 000, desi gn gn ed ed t o cov er er expenses in the new year until taxe ta xes s st star artt co comi ming ng in in.. He ma made de a moti mo tion on to us use e $5 $50, 0,00 000 0 fr from om th that at fund fu nd to re rein inst stat ate e th the e th thre ree e po poli lice ce offi of fice cers rs un unti till th the e en end d of th the e ye year ar.. You oung ng su sugg gges este ted d he ad add d to hi his s moti mo tion on a pr prov ovis isio ion n th that at th the e to town wn-ship sh ip wou would ld tak take e ou outt a ta tax x an antic ticipa ipa-tion ti on lo loan an to ca carr rry y th them em th thro roug ugh h if needed. Township manager Ste St eve Ha Hah h n con fir firme med d tha t th the e mone mo ney y wa was s av avai aila labl ble e in th the e fu fund nd balance. Kisenw Kis enwet ether her did no nott ame amend nd his motion, so neither Young nor s up up erv ervis iso o r Ro Rob b ert ert Sh She e lh lh ame amerr would wou ld sec secon ond d it. S h e l h a m e r n o te d th a t r o a d work wo rker ers s ha have ve al also so be been en la laid id of off, f, and are no w wo worrk in ing only thre ree e days a week. If there's a lot of snow sn ow,, he sa said,the id,the to towns wnshi hip p wou would ld have ha ve to bor borrow row mon money ey to ke keep ep the road ro ads s cl clea ean. n. You oung ng th then en ma made de a motio mot ion n to tra trans nsfer fer the mon money ey fro from m the fun fund d ba balan lance ce,, but if nec neces essar sary y go for a tax anticipation loan. Shelhame Shel hamerr sec seconde onded d this moti motion. on. F i n a l v o t e w a s 2 - 1 , w it h Shel Sh elha hame merr an and d You oung ng in fa favo vorr, and an d Kis Kisenw enwet ether her op oppos posed ed.. Chi Chief ef Altm Al tmil ille lerr wa was s di dire rect cted ed to pu putt th the e poli po lice ce ba back ck on du duty ty th the e fo foll llow owin ing g day, and to give the manager a schedule sche dule when comp complete leted. d. Other Oth er bu busin siness ess was con condu ducte cted d earl ea rlie ierr in th the e me meet etin ing. g. A re requ ques estt w a s s e n t to t h e C o u n t y Commis Com missio sioner ners s to rai raise se the co coununty Ho Hote tell Oc Occu cupa panc ncy y Tax to 2. 2.5% 5%,, with wi th 1%to th the e co coun unty ty an and d 1. 1.5% 5% to

cont co ntin inue ued d on pa page ge 10

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Valley Views

Fall 2010

Bill to Strengthen Prosec ecu ution of  Bob obac ack k cal alls ls Child Sex Off ffe enders Becomes Law passag age e of Castle Le Legi gisl slat atio ion n sp spon onso sore red d by co coun unty ty or st stat ate e liline nes. s. gap ga p an and d br brin ings gs Pe Penn nnsy sylv lvan ania ia S e na t o r L i s a B a k e r w i l l “There was a hole in the in in-l -lin ine e wi with th ot othe herr st stat ates es by gi givvDoc octr trin ine e vi vict ctor ory y fo for r ststrerengngththenen ththee prprososececututioionn of prprococesesss ththatat ma made de it mo more re di diff- ing the attorney general full chil ch ild d se sex x of offe fend nder ers. s. Th The e ne new w f i c ul t t o pr os ec u t e s e x u al p ow e r t o p r o s e c u t e c hi l d w al allo lows ws th the e st stat ate e at atto torn rney ey off offend enders ers who us use e the Int Intern ernet et pornographers.” law-ab law -abid idin ing g ci citi tiz zen ens s lalaw gene ge nera rall to jo join in wi with th co coun unty ty di diss- to prey on children,” Baker The bill was signed by the Rep. Re p. Ka Kare ren n Bo Boba back ck la laud uded ed the re the rece cent nt pa pass ssag age e of Ho Hous use e Bill 40 by th the e Pennsylvania Hous Ho use e of Re Repr pres esen enta tati tive ves. s. The Th e le legi gisl slat atio ion n wo woul uld d el elim imiinate an individual's duty to retreat before using let ha hal f o r c e t o pr ot e c t ho m e an d fami fa mily ly.. Bo Boba bac ck re rele leas ase ed th the e follllow fo owin ing g st stat atem emen entt ab abou outt th the e bill: "The "Th e pas passa sage ge of thi this s leg legisl islaation ti on is a vi vict ctor ory y fo forr la laww-ab abid idin ing g c i t i z e ns w ho w i l l h a v e a defe de fens nse e to ci civi vill re repr pris isal al if th this is billll is en bi enac acte ted. d. Pe Peop ople le sh shou ould ld have ha ve th the e ri righ ghtt to de defe fend nd th them em-selv se lves es an and d th thei eirr fa fami mililies es fr from om indi in divi vidu dual als s wh who o ilille lega galllly y en ente terr thei th eirr ho home me wi with th th the e pr pres esum umed ed inte in tent nt to do bo bodi dily ly ha harm rm or ki kill ll.. A fo forc rced ed en entr try y in into to on one' e's s ho home me can ca n nev never er be tak taken en lig lightl htly y, and the th e pr pres esum umpt ptio ion n th that at a pe perp rpeet r at or i s t her e t o do i nj ur y s e em s o bv i ou s . A p er s o n shou sh ould ld ha have ve th the e ri righ ghtt to st stan and d

theirr gr thei grou ound nd wi with thou outt ha havi ving ng to retr re trea eatt fr from om th thei eirr ow own n ho home me.. "I wa was s pr prou oud d to vo vote te in fa favo vorr of th this is le legi gisl slat atio ion, n, an and d I wa was sa co-s -sp pon ons sor of th the e bil ill. l. I have heard hea rd fro from m man many y con consti stitue tuents nts who sup uppo porrt th this is le legi gisl slat atio ion n and vie iew w ou ourr cur urre ren nt sy sys ste tem m as f av avoring criminals over upst up stan andi ding ng ci citi tize zens ns.. I be beliliev eve e ev er y o ne ha s t h e r i gh t t o def efe end his or her own li life fe,, as well as th the e lives of their children dr en an and d lo love ved d on ones es.. A ma man' n's s home is his castle. The passage sa ge of th this is bi billll se send nds s a st stro rong ng mess me ssag age e th that at Pe Penn nnsy sylv lvan ania ia prot pr otec ects ts la laww-ab abid idin ing g ci citi tize zens ns and, an d, mo more re im impo port rtan antl tly y, al allo lows ws the th em to protect th the emselves when wh en th thre reat aten ened ed in th thei eirr ow own n homes." Hous Ho use e Bi Billll 40 wa was s ap appr prov oved ed by a vote of 159-38 and will now no w ad adva vanc nce e to th the e Se Sena nate te fo forr its cons consider ideration ation..

trictt at tric atto torn rney eys s to in inve vest stig igat ate e sexua se xuall abu abuse se ca cases ses tha thatt cr cross oss

said sa id.. “T “Thi his s me meas asur ure e fi fill lls s th that at

govern gov ernor or las lastt wee week. k.

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Fall 2010

Valley Views

Eckley Village to host lecture on Lenni Lenape T h e L e n n i L e n a p e , th e fi rs t i nhabi t ant s of east er n Penns Pen nsylv ylvan ania, ia, wil willl be the su subje bject ct of an Ec Eckl kley ey Mi Mine ners rsʼʼ Vi Vill llag age e ta talk lk,, Lenn i L i fe w a y s , Sunday, Nov No vemb mbe er 7, at 2 p.m. Th The e talk lk,, by Ca Carl rla a and Al Alla lan n Me ss ssin ing g er er, c o n s u l ta n ts f o r t h e N a t i v e Americ Ame rican an Her Herita itage ge pro progra grams ms fo forr the th e Pe Pen n ns ns ylv ylva a nia nia Hu Huma man n iti itie es Council, will be in the museum audit au ditor oriumand iumand is fre free e an and d op open en to the pub public. lic. At the time of Columbus, as m a n y a s 1 0 m i ll i o n N a t i v e American Amer icans s live lived d in Nort North h Amer America. ica. Many Ma ny th thou ousa sand nds s li live ved d in th the e va vast st home ho mela land nd of th the e Le Lenn nnii Le Lena nape pe,, who wh o we were re th the e fi firs rstt in inha habi bita tant nts s of eastern Pennsylva Pennsylvania. nia. Respected b y W il l ia m P e n n , t h e L e n a p e werre la we latte r forc rce ed fr fro om th the eir vil il-lages by Penn's sons and the infamo inf amous us Wa Walki lking ng Pur Purch chase ase.. The Mess Me ssin inge gers rs wi will ll pr prov ovid ide e an in inte terractiv ac tive e in intro trodu ducti ction on to the Le Lenap nape e and an d co comp mpar are e an and d co cont ntra rast st th thei eirr

and crafts with those of the Eur opean s and c o l o n ia l Americans. In 1979, Carla Messinger, a subs su bsti titu tute te el elem emen enta tary ry an and d sp speecial-ed cial -educat ucation ion inst instruct ructor or,, foun founded ded t h e L e n n i L e n a p e H i s to ri c a l Soc So cie iety ty and Mu Mus se um um o f In Ind dia ian n Cultu Cul ture re in All Allent entown own and bec became ame i t s f i r s t v o lu n t e e r E x e c u t i v e Direc Dir ector tor.. She pre prese sente nted d exh exhibi ibits ts and an d ed educ ucat atio iona nall le lect ctur ures es at th the e mus mu seum and on th the e ro roa ad. Af Aftte r reti re tiri ring ng sh she e be beca came me th the e di dire rect ctor or of Native American Heritage Progra Pro grams ms and con contin tinue ues s to sh share are herr cu he cult ltur ure e th thro roug ugh h ed educ ucat atio iona nall programs prog rams and thro through ugh lect lectures ures for the th e Pe Pen n ns ns ylv ylva a nia nia Hu Huma man n iti itie es Council. A llll an an Me ss ssi ng nger, a vet er er an an teac te ache herr, he help lps s he herr te teac ach h pe peop ople le about the Lenape tribe and its customs cus toms.. The miss mission ion is impo importan rtantt to th them em be beca caus use, e, as th they ey se see e it it,, ther th ere e is li litt ttle le hi hist stor oric ical al ma mate teri rial al about ab out the Le Lenap nape e pe peopl ople. e.

EckleyMine Eck leyMinersʼ rsʼ Vi Villa llage ge is a liv living ing histor hist ory y mu muse seum um fo focu cusi sing ng on th the e dail ily y lif ife e of the anth ra racit ite e coal min mi ne r an d his fa fam mil ily y. Se Sett ttle led d in 1854, the village is one of hundred dr eds s of co comp mpan any y mi mini ning ng to town wns s or “pa “patch tches es”” bui built lt in the an anthr thraci acite te regi re gion on du duri ring ng th the e 19 19th th ce cent ntur ury y. The Th e sit ite e pre res serv rve es a wa way y of li life fe whic wh ich h do domi mina nate ted d th the e an anth thra raci cite te coal region for more than 150 years. Eckl Ec kley ey is lo loca cate ted d on Hi High ghla land nd Road, Roa d, ne near ar Fre Freela eland nd,, thr three ee mil miles es off Route 940, 10 miles east of down do wnto town wn Ha Hazl zlet eton on.. Pl Plea ease se us use e “Eckl “Ec kley ey,, PA” for on onlin line e map mappi ping ng or GPS technolo technologies. gies. For ad addit dition ional al in infor forma matio tion, n, cal calll the th e Vil illa lag g e at 636-2 -20 070 or vis isit it www.eckleyminersvillagemuseum.com um. com.. Eck EckleyMiner leyMinersʼ sʼ Vil Villag lage e is administ admi nistered ered by the Penn Pennsylv sylvania ania H i s to ri c a l an d M useum Comm Co mmis issi sion on wi with th ac acti tive ve su supp ppor ortt from fr om th the e Ec Eckl kley ey Mi Mine ners rsʼʼ Vi Vill llag age e Associates.

social soci al cu cust stom oms, s, re reli ligi gion on,, fa fami mily ly life,, agri life agricult culture, ure, hea healing ling prac practice tices s

Bands and Dancers to battle for honors McCa Mc Cann nn Sc Scho hool ol of Bu Busi sine ness ss & Technology H azl et on a nd Potts Pot tsvil ville le Cam Campus puses es are tea teamin ming g up wi with th T1 T102 02 Ra Radi dio o to ho host st a te teen en event ev ent ca calle lled d A Bat Battle tle for th the e Bat Battle tle on Fr Frid iday ay,, De Dece cemb mber er 3 fr from om 66-1 11 p.m. p. m. at La Lake kesi side de Ba Ball llro room om.. Th The e even ev entt is fo forr hi high gh sc scho hool ol st stud uden ents ts in gr grad ades es 99-12 12.. It wi will ll co cons nsis istt of a Batt Ba ttle le of th the e Ba Ban nd s, s, as we well ll as a

The Th e Da Dan nc e Of Offf is open to in ind div i d u a ls a n d g r o u p s . P r iz e s include incl ude Spa pack packages ages.. Both Bo th ev even ents ts wi will ll ha have ve a ju judg dges es pane pa nell an and d a Tee een n Ch Choi oice ce Aw Awar ard d with wit h bo both th win winner ners s als also o ha havin ving g the oppo op port rtun unit ity y to pe perf rfor orm m at Pe Penn nn's 's Peak Pe ak du duri ring ng th the e li live ve br broa oadc dcas astt of the th e Am Amer eric ican an Ca Canc ncer er So Soci ciet ety' y's s Telet elethon hon April 9-10 9-10..

R a i s e $ 2 5 a n d r e c e iv e f i v e chanc ch ances es.. Rec Receiv eive e 25 cha chanc nces es for every ever y $100 $100.. The sc scho hool ol wit with h the mos mostt rep repreres e n t a t i o n in a t t e n d a n c e w i ll receive $100 to use toward its pro rom m. Al Alll the mo mon ney ra is ise d wi willl benefit ben efit the loca locall Ameri American can Canc Cancer er Society Soci ety unit units s in Carb Carbon-T on-Tamaq amaqua; ua; Hazleton Hazl eton;; and Schu Schuylki ylkill. ll.

Dance Off (think So You Think You Can Dan Dance ce mee meets ts Ame Americ rica's a's Bestt Dan Bes Dance ce Cre Crew). w). The Th e Ba Batt ttle le of th e Ba Ban nd s pri riz ze incl in clud udes es a re reco cord rdin ing g pa pack ckag age. e. Numb Nu mber er of so song ngs s pe perf rfor orme med d wi will ll be de dete term rmin ined ed by th the e am amou ount nt of pre-registered pre-regis tered acts.

R C f ro m T 1 0 2 w i l l D J i n between betwe en set sets. s. Bes Beside ides s ent entert ertai ainnment, men t, ind indivi ividua duall sch schoo ooll clu clubs bs are also als o enc encou ourag raged ed to pa parti rtici cipat pate e by havin ha ving g boo booths ths to se sellll thi thing ngs. s. All att atten ende dees es rec receiv eive e a ch chanc ance e to wi win n an iP iPa ad wit ith h $5 entr try y fe fee e.

Forr mo Fo more re in info form rmat atio ion, n, co cont ntac actt Lori Kan Lori Kane, e, Com Commun munity ity Rel Relat ation ions, s, at 622- 7622 or e m a il lori.k lor i.kan ane@ e@mcc mccan ann.e n.edu du or dow downnl o a d a r e g i s t ra ti o n f o r m a t Facebook.com/HazletonMcCann or Pott Pottsvil svilleMc leMc Cann Cann..

Bloom Hospital welco come mes s new Oncol Onc ology/ ogy/Hema Hematol tology ogy phy physic sician ian Bloo Bl ooms msbu burg rg Ho Hosp spit ital al ha has s we wellcomed come d Vi Vict ctor or Ra Rand ndol olph ph,, MD MD,, to th e O n c o lo g y / H e m a t o lo g y D e p a r tm e n t of Bloomsburg Hos Ho s pit pita a l.l. Wi With th Dr Dr.. Ra Ran n do do lp lp hʼs hʼs help he lp,, Bl Bloo ooms msbu burg rg Ho Hosp spit ital al wi will ll conti co ntinu nue e to fig fight ht the ba battl ttle e ag again ainst st cance ca ncerr. He wil willl be pro provid viding ing ser servvi ces t o m eet t he nee ds of chem ch emot othe hera rapy py,, on onco colo logy gy,, an and d hematology hematolog y patients.

Dr.. Ran Dr Randol dolph ph is a Boa Board rd Certified Certif ied,, Pen Pennsy nsylva lvania nia lic li c en en se se d p hy hy sic sicia ian n c ururrent re ntly ly re resi sidi ding ng at Ca Canc ncer er Care of Central PA. He brin br ings gs a we weal alth th of kn know owlledg e and year s o f este es teem emed ed ex expe peri rien ence ce to Bloo Bl ooms msbu burg rg Ho Hosp spit ital al.. Dr R a n d o lp h h a d e a r n e d numerous awards and h a s h a d s e v e ra l w o r k s a n d c a s e s p u b l is h e d througho thro ughout ut his care career er..



Elec El ecti tion on Da Day y di dinn nner er pl plan anne ned d St. Jo John hn Bos Bosco co an and d Goo Good d She Sheph pherd erd ch churc urche hes s wil willl ho hold ld an Ele Electi ction on Day spa spagh ghett ettii din dinne nerr on Tu Tues esda day y, Nov Novemb ember er 2 in the St. Jo John hn Bos Bosco co parish center center.. Tick Ti cket ets s ar are e $8 fo forr ad adul ults ts an and d $5 fo forr ch chil ildr dren en.. Pr Proc ocee eeds ds wi will ll be bene nefi fitt the you youth th min minist istry ry of bo both th ch churc urches hes.. Forr mo Fo more re in info form rmat atio ion, n, ca call ll th the e pa pari rish sh of offi fice ces s at 78 7888-19 1997 97 or 78 78883141.

Holiday Bazaar at CUMC Conyn yngha gham m United Uni tedzaar Metho Met hodis dist tturd Churc Chu rch, h, Mai Main n er Stree Str t,om Conyn Con yngh gham, am, willCon will hold ho ld a holi ho lida day y ba baza ar on Satu Sa rday ay, , No Nove vemb mber 6eet, from fr 9 a. a.m. m. to 3 p.m. There The re wil willl be a cra craft ft tab table, le, he heirl irloo oom m jew jewelr elry y, at attic tic tre treasu asure res, s, sil silen entt auctio auc tion n and ba bake ke sa sale. le. Also Al so,, th thos ose e at atte tend ndin ing g ca can n en enjo joy y Ja Jacq cque ue's 's sp spec ecia iall lu lunc nch h it item ems. s. Donati Don ation ons s of cra craft ft ite items ms ar are e app apprec reciat iated ed.. Forr mo Fo more re in info form rmat atio ion, n, ca call ll Ma Mary ry Lo Lou u Le Legg gg at 78 7888-13 1390 90 or Ed Edit ith h Rothwell Roth well at 788788-4406 4406..

Craf aft t show to fu fun nd outreach The Th e Ha Hazl zlet eton on He Heal alth th & We Wellllne ness ss Ce Cent nter er wi willll ho host st it its s se seco cond nd annual annu al fa fallll/w /win inte terr cr craf aftt sh show ow on Sa Satu turd rday ay,, No Nove vemb mber er 20 fr from om 9 a. a.m. m. to 3 p. p.m. m. Th The e sh show ow wi will ll fe feat atur ure e ha hand ndma made de cr craf afts ts su such ch as ha hand ndma made de je jewe welr lry y, ph phot otog ogra raph phy y, wo wood odwo work rkin ing, g, pu purs rses es,, hand ha nd pa pain inte ted d gl glas assw swar are, e, ca cand ndle les, s, or orna name ment nts, s, fa fabr bric ic cr craf afts ts,, candy can dy,, and muc much h mor more. e. he end ndo or as fee fe eked is $3do 0 pe per rte1a00-fo foo oky t btr yay 100-fo foo oht s$2 pac pa . Ea Each ch veTndor vend orvis also al so aske d to dona nate tric tr icky tray wort wo rth $20. 0.ceSp Spac aces es are bas based ed on su submi bmiss ssion ion of app applic licati ations ons.. Alll pr Al proc ocee eeds ds wi will ll be bene nefi fitt co comm mmun unit ity y ou outr trea each ch ev even ents ts th that at includ inc lude e fre free e co commu mmunit nity y edu educa catio tion n pro progra grams ms and ac activ tiviti ities es.. For an app applic licati ation, on, cal calll Mel Melani anie e Kal Kalino inows wski, ki, com commun munity ity rel relaations coor coordina dinator tor,, at 501501-4787 4787..

DELLA CROCE DENTAL CARE  JOHN J. DELLA CROCE, D.M.D D.M.D.. Master of the Academy of General Dentistry/Master of theAmerican Endodontic Society MELISSA B.DELLA B.DELL A CROCE,D.M.D.

Comprehensive Family Dentistry including Extractions & Root Canals Same Day Emergency Treatment Available Early Morning and Evening Hours Convenient to White Haven, Butler Valley & Hazleton Delta Dental Participating Dentist Accepting all other insurance including United Concordia 450 WASHINGTON STREET, STREET, FREELAND, PA 18224 • (570) 636-0660 1 Block East of Centre Street, on the Corner of Route 940 and Washington Street.



Valley Views

Fall 2010

Third expan ans sion at Gerrie’ e’s s Fitness Center off ffe ers L. L.O O.F.T. ar are ea

G er r i eʼ s F i t n es s C e n t er always alwa ys lo look oks s to th the e fu futu ture re wi with th a focus on health and wellness ne ss fo forr it its s ev ever er-i -inc ncre reas asin ing g membersh memb ership, ip, whil while e reme remember mber-i ng p as t e v e nt s t h at h av e shaped the GFC of today. Sinc Si nce e 19 1976 76,, Ge Gerr rrie ieʼs ʼs or orig igin inal al miss mi ssio ion n st stat atem emen entt re rema main ins s constant – to provide members be rs wi with th th the e to tool ols s ne nece cess ssar ary y to pr prom omot ote e an en enha hanc nced ed qu qual al-ity of life fe,, and reach th the eir fitnes s go als als th thrro ug ugh re gu gula larr

exercise exerc ise,, nut nutrit rition ional al mo modif difica ica-t i o ns , an d a da pt at i on s f o r managing mana ging dail daily y stre stress. ss. Begu Be gun n in 19 1976 76,, as Ge Gerr rrie ieʼs ʼs A er o b- E x , th e bu s i n es s offe of fere red d a fi fitn tnes ess s cl clas asse ses s on only ly form fo rmat at.. Th The e GF GFC C of to toda day y ha has s un d er go ne t hr ee b ui l d i n g expa pans nsio ions ns,, and prov ovid ide es a wide wi de ar arra ray y of ex exer erci cise se op opti tion ons s for ev every eryone one.. The mos mostt rec recent ent addi ad diti tion on in Ap Apri rill 20 2009 09,, wa was s th the e L.O.F.T .T.—Lad .—Ladies ies Only Fitne Fitness ss Tr ain ainin ing g . Th is is w ome omen n -o -on ly ly

strength stren gth tra traini ining ng roo room m is sep sepaar at e f r om t h e m ai n w e i gh t trai tr aini ning ng ar area ea.. GF GFC C is th the e on only ly local loc al clu club b off offeri ering ng thi this s fea featur ture, e, w h i c h i s i nc l ud ed f r e e o f charge with th the e basic membership bers hip fee. As a bonus to members, stan st anda dard rd fi fitn tnes ess s cl clas asse ses s ar are e now no w in incl clud uded ed in re regu gula larr fe fees es.. Memb Me mber ers s ca can n en enjo joy y th the e fu fun n as well as th the e ad add ded be ben nef efit its s of par arti tic cip ipa ati tion on in th the e gro roup up fi fittness ne ss ex expe peri rien ence ce wi with th no ad addi di-tion ti onal al co cost st.. Tau augh ghtt by ex expe peri ri-ence en ced, d, nati na tion onal ally ly-c -cer erti tifi fied ed inst in stru ruct ctor ors, s, th the e cu curr rren entt cl clas ass s s c he du l e h a s a v ar i et y o f choices—Kickboxing, Spin Sp inn nin ing, g, St Ste ep, Bo Boo ot Cam amp, p, Total Body Conditioning, Seni Se nior or-C -Ciz ize, e, Tai ai-C -Chi hi,, Yog oga a and Pilates, to name a few. Combined with a fullyequ quip ippe ped d car ard dio ro roo om fo forr all members, GFC is known by memb me mber ers s an and d pe peer ers s as on one e of the th e to topp-n not otc ch he heal alth th clu lubs bs in

NEPA SCORE Chap apt ter Formed T h r ee L oc a l SCO RE Chapt er ers Consol id idat e to Crea Cr eate te Re Regi gion onal al Ce Cent nter er fo forr Local Entrep Entrepreneur reneurs s

SCORE “Counselors to Americ Amer icaʼ aʼs s Sm Smal alll Bu Busi sine ness ss”” has con ons sol olid ida ate ted d th thrree of it its s local chapters into a single chapt ch apter er ser servin ving g Nor Northe theas aster tern n Pennsy Pen nsylva lvania nia.. The ma main in loc locaation ti on of th the e ne new w NE NEP PA SC SCOR ORE E c h ap t e r i s i n t he S c r a n t o n Ente En terp rpri rise se Ce Cent nter er,, Su Suit ite e 21 216, 6, 201 Lackawanna Avenue, Scrra nto Sc nton n , w ith ith br an an ch che s in Wilk Wi lkes es-B -Bar arre re,, Str Strou ouds dsbu burg rg,, and a new branch office in Honesdale. SCORE SCO RE co couns unselo elors rs pro provid vide e conf co nfid iden enti tial al me ment ntor orin ing g an and d t r ai n i n g s e r v i c e s f r ee - of char ch arge ge fo forr as aspi piri ring ng en entr trep epre re-neurs neur s and exis existing ting busi business nesses es to gr grow ow an and d su succ ccee eed. d. Wi With th th the e c o ns ol i d at i on o f t h e l o c a l chap ch apte ters rs,, NE NEP PA SC SCOR ORE E wi will ll more efficiently tap into the stren str ength gths s of the geo geogra graphi phical cal-ly-dispe ly-d isperse rsed d coun counselo selors rs in this regi re gion on by po pool olin ing g re reso sour urce ces. s. As a re resu sult lt of th the e un unif ifie ied d ba bank nk of ta tale lent nt an and d ex expe pert rtis ise, e, NE NEP PA SCORE SCO RE wil willl off offer er mor more e div diver erse se

insigh insi ghtt an and d at attr trac actt ne new w vo volu lunnteer mento mentors. rs. Acco Ac cord rdin ing g to NE NEP PA SC SCOR ORE E Chai Ch airr Bi Bill ll Ev Evan ans, s, “I “In n ad addi diti tion on to the ad advan vantag tages es of sc scale ale,, the new chapter will allow us to align ali gn our ac activ tiviti ities es wit with h sev severa erall busi bu sine ness ss or orga gani niza zati tion ons s th that at serve se rve the sam same e sev sevenen-cou county nty regi re gion on th that at th the e sm smal alle lerr, lo loca call c h ap t e r s s er v e d. ” E v an s added, “We believe that the new ne w st stru ruct ctur ure e wi willll en enab able le us to more mo re ef effe fect ctiv ivel ely y pr prom omot ote e ou ourr serv se rvic ices es as a ke key y co comp mpon onen entt of bu bus sin ine ess an and d com ommu mun nit ity y deve de velo lopm pmen entt ac acti tivi viti ties es in th the e Nort No rthe heas aste tern rn Pe Penn nnsy sylv lvan ania ia region.” Nati Na tion onal ally ly,, in 20 2009 09 al alon one, e, SCO SC O RE RE me men nto torr ed ed 1 76 76,8 ,86 60 new asp aspiri iring ng an and d cur curren rentt sma smallll busi bu sine ness ss ow owne ners rs wh who o st star arte ted d a total of 68,452 new businesse nes ses s thr throu ougho ghout ut the ye year ar.. At least 90% of SCOREʼs “In B us i ne s s ” c l i en t s ( t h os e alr lre eady in bu bus sin ine ess in 200 009 9) rema re main ined ed in bu busi sine ness ss in 20 2010 10.. S CO RE c l i e nt s c r ea t e d 30,6 30 ,603 03 jo jobs bs in 20 2009 09.. SC SCOR ORE E and an d it its s vo volu lunt ntee eerr me ment ntor ors s ce celleb ra rate th the e en tr tr ep ep re re ne neu ria riall

spirit spir it th that at dr driv ives es th the e Am Amer eric ican an econ onom omy y an and d of offe ferr a pro rov ven tra tr ack rec eco ord of bot oth h crea eati ting ng and an d sa savi ving ng jo jobs bs by im impr prov ovin ing g smal sm alll bu busi sine ness ss su surv rviv ival al ra rate tes s and an d ac acce cele lera rati ting ng sm smal alll bu busi si-ness form formation ation.. SCOR SC ORE E pro rov vid ides es fr fre ee and confi co nfiden dentia tiall bu busin sines ess s men mentor tor-ing in g and tr trai ain nin ing g — in in-p -per ers son and online — to more than 350, 35 0,00 000 0 en entr trep epre rene neur urs s ea each ch year. There are 27.2 million smal sm alll bu busi sine ness sses es in Am Amer eric ica, a, and an d 62 627, 7,20 200 0 ne new w bu busi sine ness sses es ope pene ned d in 20 2008 08.. Sma mall ll busi si-nesses ness es repr represen esentt 99.7 perc percent ent of U.S. employers, and are resp re spon onsi sibl ble e fo forr ab abou outt 75 pe perrcent of the new jobs created each year. SCORE is a resour res ource ce par partne tnerr wit with h the U.S U.S.. Smal Sm alll Bu Busi sine ness ss Ad Admi mini nist stra ra-tion. Forr mo Fo more re in info form rmat atio ion n ab abou outt sta tarrti ting ng or op ope era rati ting ng a sma mall ll bu s i n e s s i n N or t h ea s t e r n Penn Pe nnsy sylv lvan ania ia,, as we well ll as vo vollunteer unt eer opp oppor ortun tunitie ities, s, ca callll 851 851-1608 160 8 or ema emailil co conta ntact@ ct@NEP NEPA A score sc ore.or .org. g. Vis Visit it NEP NEPA A SCO SCORE RE on the web at www.NEPA score.org.

the surr surround ounding ing regi region. on. In it its s se seve vent nth h ye year ar,, GF GFC C is a l i c e n s ed pr ov i de r o f t h e SilverSne Silve rSneaker akers s Prog Program. ram. This progra pro gram m all allow ows s Med Medica icarere-eli eli-gibl gi ble e se seni nior ors s wi with th ce cert rtai ain n su suppplem pl emen enta tall in insu sura ranc nce, e, fu fullll us use e of th the e fa faci cilility ty,, an and d at atte tend ndan ance ce at Si Silv lver erSn Snea eake kers rs cl clas asse ses s at no co cost. st. As th the e bu busi sine ness ss ha has s gr grow own, n, the th e ded edic ica ati tio on of lo loy yal me memmbers and staff, is acknowl-

edge, as well as local busin es s pa r t ne r s w h o h av e wide wi dene ned d Ge Gerr rrie ieʼs ʼs fit fitne ness ss ho hori ri-zons—M zon s—Mode odern rn The Therap rapeut eutics ics;; Innova Inn ovatio tions ns Ha Hair ir & Na Nailil Sal Salon; on; Amy Ca Cartw rtwrig right, ht, MS RD RD,, LDN LDN;; Anna An naMa Marrie Sc Scho hoo ol of Danc nce e a nd nd in ind d ep ep en en de de nt nt p er erso na nal trai tr aine ners rs,, Ale Alexa xand ndra ra Wal alse serr, Body Bod y Re Resol solve ve,, Inc Inc., ., and Daw Dawn n Strun Str unk, k, Kli Klimax max Fit Fitnes ness, s, Inc Inc.. The Th e fu futu ture re of fi fitn tnes ess s lo look oks s brig br ight ht at GF GFC! C!

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Fall 2010

Valley Views



Bu Butl tler er Tow owns nshi hip p Po Poli lice ce fi file led d charge char ges s ag agai ains nstt a 16 ye year ar-o -old ld York ju juv ven enil ile e as a re resu sullt of an incident at Youth Services Agen Ag ency cy on W. Fo Foot othi hill lls s Dr Driv ive. e. The juv juveni enile le was cou courtrt-ord ordere ered d to att tten end d th the e Yout uth h Se Serv rvic ice es

report repo rted ed th that at so some meon one e et etch ched ed vulgar vul gariti ities es on two veh vehicl icles es tha thatt were we re pa park rked ed at th the e re resi side denc nce. e. The Th e in inci cid den entt wa was s di disc scov ove ere red d 10/3 10 /3.. An Anyo yone ne wi with th in info form rmat atio ion n is as aske ked d to co cont ntac actt po poli lice ce.. Police Pol ice rec receiv eived ed sev severa erall com com--

well as sp well spiike st stri rip ps and ot othe herr equi eq uipm pmen entt us used ed in pr prot otec ecti ting ng the Townsh ownshipʼs ipʼs citiz citizens. ens. K ee eeping the Rubber S id ide Down B utler Township Police r e s p on d e d t o a c r as h t h e even ev enin ing g of 9/ 9/25 25 wh when en a ve vehi hicl cle e driven by a 68 y.o. Drums woma wo man n wa was s tr trav avel elin ing g on S. Ol Old d Turn Tu rnpi pike ke Ro Road ad an and d a ti tire re ca came me offf an of and d st stru ruck ck a pa park rked ed ve vehi hicl cle. e. She was able to bring her car

Ag Agen 10/8 fled ed from theency facy. ci.litOn y a10 nd/8,i,s he befl lie vefr dom to h a ve returned to the Harr Ha rris isbu burg rg ar area ea.. Po Poli lice ce ha have ve charged him with escape, a felo fe lony ny,, an and d he wi will ll be ex extr trad adit it-ed to Luzerne County when apprehended. Afte Af terr th the e in inve vest stig igat atio ion n in into to a tres tr espa pass ssin ing g co comp mpla lain int, t, an 18 y.o .o.. fr from om Ph Phil ilad adel elph phia ia an and d a 16 year ye ar ol old d fr from om Co Coat ates esvi vill lle e we were re charged charg ed with crimi criminal nal tresp trespass. ass. The Th e tw two o we were re fo foun und d dr dres esse sed d in black bla ck clo clothi thing ng and tre trespa spassi ssing ng near ne ar re resi side denc nces es al alon ong g Tyl yler er Driv Dr ive e 10 10/8 /8.. Po Poli lice ce ar are e co cont ntin inuuing the their ir inv invest estiga igatio tion n and loo lookking in g fo forr a th thir ird d su susp spec ectt wh who o wa was s

p Olcationbtser fo 3lloinwciindg enta in1 Bepe.m ch. M t n L ak e s . S e v e r a l d r i v e r s reported being passed at a high hi gh ra rate te of sp spe eed on th the e na narrr o w r o a d w a y s . T he v e h i c l e also al so ne near arly ly st stru ruck ck a pe pede dest stri rian an w h o w a s w a l k i ng a d o g . Follow in ing an investigation char ch arge ges s we were re fi file led d ag agai ains nstt a 21 year ye ar ol old d fr from om Be Bear ar Ru Run n Dr Driv ive, e, who was cit cited ed for rec reckle kless ss dri drivving. A 53 y.o. Drums resident rep re por orte ted d th that at wh whil ile e ba bac cki king ng a trai tr aile lerr in into to hi his s re resi side denc nce e on St St.. J oh n s R o a d o n 1 0 / 12 , a n approa app roachi ching ng mot motori orist st bec became ame extr ex trem emel ely y an angr gry y. Th The e mo moto tori rist st

un unde der ontr od l atft fter the eewh whee cam er ocon ff tro an her ereth w re eel nol injuries. Poli Po lice ce re resp spon onde ded d to a cr cras ash h at Old Turnpike Road and Butler Drive on 9/30 around 6:30 6:3 0 p.m p.m.. A veh vehicl icle e tra travel veling ing on Old Ol d Tu Turn rnpi pike ke Ro Road ad,, dr driv iven en a 20 y.o .o.. We West st Ha Hazl zlet eton on ma man n fa fail iled ed to yield the right of way at a sto top p sig ign n, pu pull lliing out in into to th the e path a vehicle driven by a 45 y.o .o.. Su Suga garl rloa oaff wo woma man. n. No on one e was hur hurt. t. Around 1 a.m. 10/1, police w e r e c a l l e d t o a c r as h o n Sc h wa b e S treet near Cha Ch a rlrl wo wo od od Dr Drii ve ve . A v eh eh ic icl e driven by a 21 y.o. Freeland

is A aske as ked d to. wo cont co ntac act poli po ce. .e vi 48 y.o .o. woma man nt wa was slice the th vicc-

involved. Two 17 year-olds, from Phil Ph ilad adel elph phia ia an and d Wi Wilm lmin ingt gton on,, DE, pulled a false alarm at a dorm do rmit itor ory y at th the e Ke Keys ysto tone ne Jo Job b Corp on 10/14 The juveniles were we re ci cite ted d fo forr di diso sord rder erly ly co connduct and wi willl have 10 days to r e s po n d t o D i s t r i c t J u d g e OʼDonn OʼD onnell ellʼs ʼs of offic fice e in Sug Sugarl arloaf oaf.. An 18 y.o .o.. an and d a 17 y.o .o., ., bo both th from Washington DC, were cited for two counts of disorderly der ly con conduc ductt fol follow lowing ing an inc inciident around 12:15 pm at the Keysto Key stone ne Job Cor Corp p 10/ 10/15. 15. S e v e r a l m a i lb o x e s w e r e smas sm ashe hed d in th the e in th the e Fr Free eedo dom m Road Ro ad an and d Fo Foot othi hill lls s Dr Driv ive e ar area ea a ba base seba ball ll ba batt or si simi mila larr, 9/ 9/23 23 and an d 24 24.. Poli Po lice ce re resp spon onde ded d to a re repo port rt of a suspicious person in the 700 70 0 bl bloc ock k of W. Bu Butl tler er Dr Driv ive e on 9/27 9/ 27 ar arou oun nd 1 p. p.m. m. A re res sid ide ent repo re port rted ed th that at a fa fami mily ly me memb mber er allo al lowe wed d a ma man n int nto o th thei eirr re res sidence after he asked to use the phone. He walked out of t h e r e s i d e n c e a n d h ea d e d t owa owarr d Co Con ny ng ng ha ha m. m. P ol ol ic ic e respond ed ed an d checked the area ar ea,, bu butt wa was s un unab able le to lo loca cate te the subject, leading them to believe a vehicle may have been be en pa park rked ed in th the e ar area ea.. A 50 y.o .o.. Be Beec ech h Mtn tn.. Lak ake es man ma n wa was s ch char arge ged d wi with th ha hara rass ss-men entt aft fter er a do dom mes esttic di dis stu turrbance at a Debbie Dr. home abou ab outt 8 p. p.m. m. 10 10/2 /2.. Police were involved in a m i s s i ng p e r s o n s e a r c h o n 10/3. A S h a w D r iv e r e s i d e n t

began bega n to ha hara rass ss an and d th thre reat aten en t h e v ic t i m , b e f o r e d r i v i n g acro ac ross ss th the e be berm rm an and d sp spee eedi ding ng away. Police have leads on who wh o it wa was s an and d th the e inv nve est stiiga ga-tion tio n is con contin tinuin uing. g. Police r ec eceived a report of c r i m i n al m i s c hi e f t o a l o c a l busi bu sine ness ss th that at oc occu curr rred ed so some me-t i m e F r i d a y e v e n in g . A n unknow unk nown n per person son(s) (s) dam damage aged da decora dec orativ tive e con concre crete te sta statue tue and a wo wood oden en st stai airc rcas ase e at Da Dano noʼs ʼs Pub Pu b 10 10/1 /16. 6. An Anyo yone ne wi with th in info forrm at i o n i s a s k e d t o c o nt a c t police. A 54 y.o .o.. ma man n wa was s a vi vict ctim im of hara ha rass ssme ment nt by co comm mmun unic icaation. tio n. He rec receiv eived ed app approx roxima imatetely eig eight ht thr threat eateni ening ng pho phone ne cal calls ls on 10 10//2. Th Ther ere e is a su susp spe ect in the th e ca case se an and d th the e in inve vest stig igat atio ion n is cont continuin inuing. g. The Th e pa pare rent nts s of a 14 ye year ar-o -old ld Drum Dr ums s gi girl rl re repo port rted ed th that at so some me-one on e cr crea eate ted d a so soci cial al ne netw twor orkking in g pa page ge in th the e vi vict ctim imʼs ʼs na name me.. The f ra rau du dulen t a cc ccount wa was s then used to post harassing messag mes sages es to oth others ers.. Pol Police ice are investigat inves tigating ing 10/16 10/16.. Butl Bu tler er Tow owns nshi hip p Po Poli lice ce pa parrtici ti cipa pate ted d in a de demo mons nstr trat atio ion n s po n s o r e d by B e e c h M t n . Lake La kes sʼ Co Comm mmun unit ity y Wat atc ch on 10/9. C o m m u n it y Watch teamed up with Township Police Pol ice and Vall alley ey Reg Region ional al Fir Fire e and an d EM EMS, S, wh who o di disp spla laye yed d va vari ri-ous equ equipm ipment ent and app appara aratus tus.. Resi Re side dent nts s we were re ab able le to wa watc tch ha Jaws Jaw s of Lif Life e dem demons onstra tratio tion n and t o u r a n a m b u la n c e . P o l ic e d e m o n s t r a t e d t h e i r n e w ly inst in stal alle led d co comp mput uter er sy syst stem em as

man lo man lost st co cont ntro roll in ra rain in an and d fo fog. g. It st stru ruc ck a tr tre ee th that at had fal alle len n into in to th the e ro road adwa way y. No on one e wa was s hurt. Arou Ar ound nd 7 p. p.m. m. on 10 10/1 /1,, th ther ere e was wa s a cr cras ash h at th the e in inte ters rsec ecti tion on of S. Ma Main in Ro Road ad an and d N. Hu Hunt nter er High Hi ghwa way y. A ve vehi hicl cle e dr driv iven en by a 21 y.o. Hazleton man rearende en ded d an anot othe herr ve vehi hicl cle e as bo both th were we re at atte temp mpti ting ng to tu turn rn so sout uth h on Hu Hunt nter er Hi High ghwa way y fr from om a st stop op sign. Arou Ar ound nd no noon on on 10 10/2 /2,, po poli lice ce res re spo pon nde ded d to an ac acci cid den entt on Arro Ar row w Ro Road ad,, nea earr Woo ood dsi side de Driv Dr ive.A e.A ca carr ba back cked ed ou outt of a pr priivate driveway into a Loweʼs delivery deliv ery truck truck.. Poli Po lice ce ar are e in inve vest stig igat atin ing g a hi hitt and run that happened in the p a r k in g lot of E v a n ʼs Road Ro adho hous use. e. A ve vehi hicl cle e ow owne ned d b y a H a z l e t o n w o ma n w a s stru st ruck ck on th the e dr driv iver erʼs ʼs si side de by a skip sk ip ve vehi hicl cle. e. An in inve vest stig igat atio ion n s h ow s t h a t t h e c r a s h h a p pene pe ned d ar arou ound nd 1: 1:4 40 a.m .m.. 10 10/2 /2 and an d wa was s do done ne by a si silv lver er SU SUV V. Police have a suspect in the case ca se,, bu butt an anyo yone ne wi with th in info form rmaation ti on is as aske ked d to ca call ll po poli lice ce.. Stealinʼ Arou Ar ound nd 4: 4:5 50 p. p.m. m. on 9/ 9/25 25,, a Hid Hi d de den F or or es est L an ane , B ee ee ch ch Mtn. Mt n. La Lake kes s ho home meow owne nerr he hear ard d some so meon one e en ente terr th the e ho hous use. e. Sh She e

and ch and chec ecks ks we were re st stol olen en.. Th Ther ere e was another burglary at the Stag St age e Co Coac ach h In Inn n Re Res sta taur ura ant d is isc ov ov er er ed ed 1 0/ 0/ 11 11 . T he he su sspect pe cts s st stol ole e mo mone ney y an and d ch chec ecks ks (ransa (ra nsacki cking ng the bui buildi lding) ng) and a 6 0 - i n ch w i d e s c r ee n TV. Anyone who may have seen anyt an ythi hing ng su susp spic icio ious us th thos ose e tw two o nigh ni ghts ts ar are e as aske ked d to ca call ll Po Poli lice ce at 788 788-32 -3230. 30. On 10 10/9 /9 ar arou ound nd 12 12:3 :30 0 p. p.m. m.,, a 63 y.o. Barnesville man repo re port rted ed th that at wh whil ile e dr driv ivin ing g ou outt of t he p a r k in g lot at Rittenhouse Place, he w as as flag fl agge ged d do down wn by a pe pers rson on wh who o accused him of hit and run. The man told the suspect he

Police Beat 

foopuennd asobm neenthaddoofrorace ce ae seom nd d went we nt to th the e fi firs rstt fl floo oorr, st stea eali ling ng seve se vera rall it item ems s in incl clud udin ing g he herr ca carr key eys s. Th The e th thie ieff th the en we went nt in into to the th e ca carr an and d st stol ole e cre redi ditt ca card rds s a n d f i n a n c i a l do c u m e nt s , before befor e fleei fleeing. ng.

$60 $6 0 in ca cash sh wa was s st stol olen en fr fro om an 82 82-y -yea earr-ol old d re resi side dent ntʼs ʼs S. Old Ol d Tu Turn rnpi pike ke Ro Road ad ho home me,, di disscovered cover ed 9/29. The burgl ar al arm at a Hid Hi d de den F or ore st st La ne ne , B ee ee ch ch Mtn. Mt n. La Lake kes s ac acti tiv vat ated ed ar arou oun nd 6:30 6: 30 p. p.m. m. 9/ 9/29 29.. Th The e ho home meow ownner found that someone had atte at temp mpte ted d to op open en it by fo forc rcin ing g a doo oorr ope pen n and al also so by usi sing ng a lad adde derr to cl clim imb b on onto to a po porc rch h deck de ck.. An Anyo yone ne wi with th in info form rmat atio ion n

was no was nott re resp spon onsi sibl ble. e. Th The e su sussp e c t r e q u e s t ed t h e m a n ʼ s insu in sura ranc nce e in info form rmat atio ion n on se sevverall occ era occasi asions ons.. The man dro drove ve away awa y, the then n cal called led pol police ice.. Poli Po lice ce ar are e in inve vest stig igat atin ing g th the e theft the ft of pre prescr script iption ion med medica icatio tion n f r o m a n E d g er o c k D r i v e , Beec Be ech h Mo Moun unta tain in La Lake kes s ho home me.. The Th e ho home meow owne nerr re repo port rted ed th that at some so meon one e en ente tere red d th the e hou ous se and an d st stol ole e tw two o pr pres escr crip ipti tion on bo botttle tl es of Kl Kla ano nopi pin. n. An Any yon one e wi with th in info form rmat atio ion n is as aske ked d to co cont ntac actt Police. Some So meo one sto tole le tw two o Af Afgh gha an houn ho unds ds fr from om be behi hind nd th the e Ne Nesc sco o Manor Motel 2 and 3 p.m. on 10/1 10 /10. 0. Th The e do dogs gs ar are e bl blon ond, d, an and d have black faces and were wear we arin ing g co coll llar ars. s. An Anyo yone ne wi with th info in form rmat atio ion n is as aske ked d to co cont ntac actt Police. P o l i c e w e r e c a l l ed t o a b ririd ge ge co ns ns tr tr uc uct io io n a re rea on Mill Mi ll Mo Moun unta taiin Ro Roa ad, ne near ar St St.. Johns Road 10/16. Sever al al  juvenil es were observe d a t t e m pt i n g t o b r e a k i n t o a b a c k h o e b e i n g u s e d i n t he brid br idge ge re repa pair ir.. Th The e sa same me gr grou oup p is be beli lie eve ved d to be re res spo pons nsib iblle

tim of fr tim frau aud. d. Sh She e re repo port rted ed mo more re than th an $6 $600 00 be bein ing g ch char arge ged d to he herr ban ba nk acc cco oun untt bet etwe ween en Ju June ne a n d A u g u st 2 0 1 0 - s e ve r a l c h ar g es w e r e m a d e t o h e r accoun acc ount. t. Pol Police ice hav have e sus suspec pects ts in th the e ca case se an and d ar are e co cont ntin inui uing ng the inves investigat tigation. ion. Butl Bu tler er Tow owns nshi hip p Po Poli lice ce ar are e inve in vest stig igat atin ing g a bu burg rgla lary ry at th the e Stagec Sta gecoac oach h Inn ove overni rnight ght 10/ 10/3 3 to 4. The suspect(s) broke in by sm smas ashi hing ng a wi win ndo dow w. On Onc ce i n si d e , t h e su s p e ct s b r o ke t h o u g h l oc k e d d o o r s b y smas sm ashi hing ng th them em.. Th The e bu buil ildi ding ng w a s r an s a c k e d , a nd m on e y

f o r p u s h i n g p l a n k s i n to t h e creek the day before. Police are ar e co cont ntin inui uing ng th thei eirr in inve vest stig igaation ti on in into to th the e in inci cide dent nt an and d th ther ere e are ar e su susp spec ects ts in th the e ca case se.. P ol oli ce ce a re re i nv nve st st ig iga titi ng ng a fraud that happened to a 39year-old victim from D ru rums who wh o ma made de an on on-l -lin ine e pu purc rcha hase se from fr om an in indi divi vidu dual al in Vi Virg rgin inia ia,, who wh o ne nev ver se sent nt th the e it ite ems th that at werr e p ur we ur ch cha se sed . Th e vi ct cti m attemp att empted ted to con contac tactt the sel seller ler,, who promised a refund that was never sent. Police have located the suspect and are cont co ntin inui uing ng th the e in inve vest stig igat atio ion n with wit h Vir Virgin ginia ia aut author horiti ities es 10/ 10/4. 4.

 Anne McLaughlin’s 

Sugarloaf Day Care CHILDREN AGES 6 WEEKS TO SCHOOL AGE • St Stat atee Su Subs bsid idyy Ava vail ilab able le • Bef Befor oree & Af Afte terr Sch Schoo ooll Pro Progr gram amss • Kindergarten Kindergarten Program Program Available Available • Age Appropriate Activities • Certified Teachers • Quality Educational • State Licensed Environment — Openings Available in All Age Groups — 

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Valley Views

Fall 2010

Small Ammo ACROSS



1. Regular or hightest 4. Chicago Bears founder George 9. Fat eschewer of  rhyme 14. Gardner of film 15. Novelist Jong 16. Use a pattern 17. Cop's weapon 19. Put on the radio 20. Down in the dumps 21. Hypnotic state 23. "Bullitt" director  Peter  25. Old Scratch 28. Atlantic City game 30. Coastal region 31. Pince-__ glasses 34. City near Tahoe 36. Eighteen-wheeler  Eighteen-wheeler  37. YOU __ HERE 38. Smokey, when he was rescued 42. Modern-day trial evidence 43. Roll-on name 44. Pro __ (free, in



14 17





24 28










42 45

44 47





54 59













71. "The Inferno"

10. Does some comparison shopping 11. Unique individuals

12. Aviation hero

48. Reduces to

13. of old TV  18. Mack Vichyssoise veggie 22. Tankard filler  24. Belgrade resident 25. __ fide 26. City northeast of  Venice 27. Sired, biblically 29. Formerly named 31. Wealthy one 32. Wipe clean 33. Revered Buddhist 35. Celestial body 39. Baseball's "Georgia Peach" 40. Big-selling card game 41. Throw the __ at (punish severely) 47. Fuel rating

confetti 49. Environmentalist's prefix 50. Blubbered 52. Coarse file 54. Stiller's mate 56. Big Indian 57. Wear down 58. Cabinet department 61. "I do," e.g. 62. Pig-poke connection 64. Diarist Anaïs 65. Comprehend 66. Put to work

Answers on page 15



























7 3




The Wyoming Seminary Players will present the popular musical "Children of Eden" on Friday and Saturday, November 5 and 6 at 8 p.m., and Sunday, November 7 at 2 p.m. in the Buckingham Performing Arts Center, Sprague Avenue, Kingston. Tickets are $4 in advance and $5 at the door. Artist-in-residence John Michael Vaida, violinist, and pianist Timothy Burns will

present a recital of music for piano and violin, featuring works by Schnittke, Debussy, Sekhon and Brahms. The recital will be held on Saturday, November 13 at 8 p.m. in the Great Hall of Wyoming Seminary, 228 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston. The concert is free and open to the public. For more information call 270-2190.

Historical Society to meet The Mountain Top Historical Society will meet on Wednesday, November 3, at 6 p.m. at the Kirby Memorial Library. New members and guests are always welcome.

Sudoku Puzzle #1962-D

3   4


Music & Theater at Wyoming Wyomin g Seminary  in November


 American Profile Hometown Content






CHILI COOK-OFF WINNER: Walter Jones, left, was the win-  ner of the Foster Township Recreation Board chili cook-off  held at St. Michaelʼs Bowling Alley on Saturday, October 9. Heʼs shown with organizers Jerry Brogan and Donald  Karp Ka rpow owic ich. h. Phot Ph oto o by by Ruth Ruth Ise Isenb nber erg  g 















© 200 2009 9 Hometown Content











19 21



9 16






Sudoku Puzzle #1962-M





author  45. legalese) Actor's 72. The Beatles' "And  workpla ce I Love __" 46. Diffuses, as through a DOWN membrane 1. Hayes of old 51. Rude dude  wes ter ns 53. Scavenge, in a 2. Walled city of   wa  w a y Spain 55. Playwright Capek 3. Port-__ cheese 59. Disco light 4. "You there!" 60. __ Lee cakes 5. Rainbow shape 61. Curriculum __ 6. Dogpatch (résumé) diminutive 63. Fine performance 7. Less than right? 67. Upturned, as a 8. Buffalo hockey box team 68. Iroquois 9. Ballad part tribesmen 69. Commotion 70. Merchandise



© 2009 2009 Hometown Content

Conyngham United Methodist Church


411 Main Street, Conyngham









  570-788-3960  570-788-3960


Pastor Lorelei Toombs


8 8


For spiritual enrichment in a friendly atmosphere 


7 3 Difficult

Worship Service — 10:30 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages —9:15 a.m. Prayer Circle — 1st & 3rd Wednesday Holiday Bazaar — November 6, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Crafts, Heirloom Jewelry, Attic Treasures, Silent Auction, Bakesale & Delicious Lunch www.conynghamumc.com

Everyone Welcome 


Fall 2010

Valley Views



CAN DO student committee seeks information on soldiers for care packages Thanks to students serving on the CAN DO Board of Directors, local military personnel stationed abroad can receive a care package this holiday season. CAN DOʼs Student Action

George Gera, MMI Preparatory School; and Stephen Senick, Hazleton Area High School. “We hope to receive many names as well as donations for the care packages. Itʼs

Committee is seeking names of servicemen and women with local ties to send them packages as part of Operation: CAN DO, a collection drive of food, personal care and entertainment items for members of the military. CAN DO has partnered with American Legion Post 473 in Freeland for the past several years to coordinate this successful drive. Those who have a loved one stationed overseas are encouraged to submit his or her name and delivery information so a care package can be sent. Packages will be assembled in early November and shipped in time to arrive for the holidays. Through the generosity of businesses and citizens in the Hazleton area, the Operation: CAN DO care packages are sent to soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines free of charge. Servicemen and servicewomen who received Operation: CAN DO care packages have expressed their gratitude in the past, with some speaking to students who assisted in the collection of items. Names and addresses can

important to on show troops that they are our our minds and this is just one small way we can thank them for their service,” Caccese said. Business or individuals who would like to make monetary donations are asked to make checks payable to “Operation: CAN DO.” Donations may be sent to “Operation: CAN DO,” c/o Nancy Stasko, 1 S. Church St., Suite 200, Hazleton, PA 18201. For a complete list of items appropriate for donation, contact Stasko at 455-1508 or [email protected], or visit www.hazletoncando. com. The list includes canned potato chips; individual packets of crackers, trail mix, etc.; hard candy; coffee bags; creamer packets; sealable freezer bags; soap; baby wipes; lip balm; sun block;

be submitted to Nancy Stasko at nstasko@hazletoncando. com or 455-1508. This yearʼs Operation: CAN DO chairs are Matt Caccese, Weatherly Area High School;

Members of CAN DOʼs Student Action Committee are collecting names and items for care  packages for members of the military serving abroad. Members of the committee include, front row, from left: Matt Caccese, George Gera, Stephen Senick and Nancy Stasko, CAN  DO manager of administration and adviser to the committee. Back row: Charles B urkhardt, Hazleton Area School District teacher and adviser to the committee; Yanira Paulino, Susan  Funk, Katelyn Mantz, Jonathan Hall and Adam Hauze.

personal packs of tissues; foot powder; blister pads; blister

be packaged and shipped to the servicemen and women.

Gera and Nicholas Triano, MMI Preparatory School; and

medication; bug repellent wipes; gloves; magazines; new paperback novels; puzzle books; and disposable cameras. After the items are collected, they will be delivered to the Freeland American Legion to

Members this yearʼs Student ActionofCommittee are Adam Hauze, Jocelyn Hinkle, Katelyn Mantz and Stephen Senick, Hazleton Area High School; Jonathan Hall and Yanira Paulino, Immanuel Christian School; George

Susan and Area Matt Caccese, Funk Weatherly High School. Stasko and Charles Burkhardt, Hazleton Area School District teacher and CAN DO board member, serve as advisers to the committee.

Hazleton Library offers homework help Reading partners and homework help is available for children in kindergarten through eighth grade from 10:30 a.m. to noon on the following Saturdays: November 6, 20 and 27 and December 4 and 18 in the Hazleton Area Public Library's Community Room, Green Street entrance. Walk-ins are welcome. The program is available through a partnership of Concerned Parents of the Hazleton Area, Hazleton Area Public Library, Penn State Hazleton Campus, Migrant Education and DLP. For more information, contact the children's department of the library at 454-2961..

S & T Coombe,Inc. Stove & Fireplace Specialists 

ONE STOP SHOP Coal, Gas, Pel Pellet let & Wood Stoves, Stoves, Outdo Outdoor or Furnaces Over 70 units on display and 10 operating.

Showroom Location: 940 (4/10 mile west ofRoute Route 115)


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FREE REMOVAL of old stove

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Valley Views

Fall 2010

Footprints in the Valley Sky  Section IV, Part IV—No Story Left Untold—The Readers Contribute: Catching the Flying Bug—An Unconventional Pilot! The “flying bug” caught many, one way or another— but, thereʼs one area gentleman who never took a flying lesson, never flew a plane, yet

fly, I never did. I have a lifetime pass with U.S. Air—Iʼve been in aviation for thirty years. Since I got the job at the airline and I could fly all over, it would be worthless if I got myself a

owns many Willis planes… “I knew Reifenberg very well. Every morning weʼd have coffee together. I know Helen very well; sheʼs known me a long time—a beautiful lady, a good lady, a wonderful person—unbelievable! person—un believable! And so was Willis—he was the greatest guy, and a good pilot—he was something else! Every time we go up to Hazleton Airport, we talk about Willis.” “I was Station Manager for Allegheny Commuter at Hazleton. I hired two others that worked under me. We were there ten years, 19681978. We covered everything: wrote tickets, loaded airplanes, unloaded—everything but the flying! At the station, we had to have a weather license. They taught me the weather at Wilkes-Barre—at a station like Hazleton, you need weather taken every hour. Iʼd take the weather, then call it into Wilkes-Barre Flight Service—that was interesting. All three of us got [certification]. All I needed was ʻthe hatʼ [license] and I would have been flying [for Allegheny], too!” “Every morning I used to open up—Willis would come up to give flight instruction— always waited until the weather was good and clear.” Helen also ran the very busy restaurant at Hazleton Airport. Airport. “Willis would come over to the (Allegheny) counter—Iʼd be in the back and heʼd call, ʻCome on Ton, letʼs have a cup of coffee!ʼ Every morning! Every time heʼd come up—he would never miss. We would all chat, you know—talking about different airplanes, lessons he taught, trips he was taking— he did a lot of charter work! It was really very nice conversation—every day was some-

license.” “You mentioned flying at the Reifenberg field with your boys.” “Yes, I have three boys, and we went every night when it was nice in the summer— beautiful up there, it was a beautiful time. Thatʼs when I was younger and we were flying at the St. Johns field. When Willis was living, any time Iʼd come out with my boys to fly, if the grass was too high, heʼd say, ʻWait a minute!ʼ Heʼd go into the hangar, get the grass cutter, and heʼd cut it for me. Then heʼd watch us fly! I fly radio-controlled model airplanes and I build the models! Willis loved the model airplanes! He would just sit there and watch us!” “So you never took any flying lessons!” “Correct! I started building model airplanes when I was 10yrs. old, and Iʼm still building—havenʼt stopped yet—I have sixty airplanes!” Then Allegheny closed their station at Hazleton Airport (1978). Tony wanted to transfer, but there were no area openings. “So I had to go back to White Plains, NY, then all over—Harrisburg, Allentown, going back and forth. Then there was a Wilkes-Barre opening and I transferred.” Successfully staying with Allegheny, Tony reviews some airline history. “There were five mergers—they changed the name to U.S. Air, 1978 or so, figured that would be a better name, as they wanted to go international.” Seeing Tonyʼs meticulous handwork at Helenʼs home, my husband, Bill, an aerospace engineer, told Tony he could seriously, easily have worked building specification models in engineering labs for aerospace companies. “I know! Everybody said that,

thing different!” Itʼs easy to assume Tony Minots, like most area people, took flying instruction with Willis. “No, I didnʼt take lessons—never! sons—nev er! I canʼt fly at all! I never got the opportunity to

even my wife, my friends, everybody—aaah—but I never pushed anything like that. I had a good job with the airlines, I didnʼt want to give it up, would have had to move— I didnʼt want to move!”

by Joliet (Turnbach) Custer

Photo Right—Tony Minots with his hand-built Republic RC-3 Seabee  Photo Center—Helen Reifenberg holds the model at home  Photo Bottom—Photo circa 1947, St. Johns Airport  (1) Left to right: Willis Reifenberg; Dr. Harry Keller; Calvin Pardee III (OWNER). (2) Courtesy Mrs./Ms. Ann Marie Pardee, daughter-in-law/granddaughter, respectively. (3) Reg. No. N6052K research indicates: Manufacture test flight, 12/1946; delivered  1/07/1947 (note snow on ground) from Republic Aviation Corp., Farmingdale, L.I., NY  to Scranton Airways, Clarks Summit, Pa. (4) Reifenberg soldbuilt Seabee aircraft,WWII late 1940s—Four seatfighter. amphibious light aircraft;  same company legendary P47 Thunderbolt (5) Seabee remains popular, visit: www.seabee.info/seabee.htm; Nat.ʼl A&S Museum  plans display at Udvar-Hazy Center, Chantilly, VA: visit: www.nasm.si.edu/research/. (6) Flying shots featured in 1974 James Bond film, Man with the Golden Gun. Finding our common thread of early regional aviation, and preserving related memories  and stories, is honoring to those those who lived it, and a gift to our future generations. No per-  sonʼs story or part is insignificant!—THANK YOU! ... for sharing your memories, photos, and experiences of those times and its people in this article series. Join in the adventure, while encouraging youth and all ages to dare to dream, and pursue those dreams! dreams! Contact  the editor, or the author author toll free: 1-877-388-6452. (Please note that all article content is  used with the express permission of the individual contributors.) 

Tony brought a special model airplane to show Helen. “I built the model Willis was selling at St. Johns airport (1946), the Republic Seabee. It was built on Long Island, NY by Republic. It has wheels for on land, or can be used on water—the fuselage is like a boat (still used in Canada, USA)—I built this myself from plans, from scratch—bought the wood and made it by

hand!” “My first plane ride was in a Luscombe with my friend, Joe Matyas from Hazleton who owned one—he was a United Airlines pilot—that was my first flight! Anytime heʼd see me heʼd say, “Come on! Letʼs go!” Heʼd fly in from Chicago when I worked at Allentown— we were the best of friends. I loved it! I loved flying— heey!—Iʼm not afraid at all!”

“So you never needed to get your license!” “Right! I have so many ʻhoursʼ, I could get it with no problem—yet not fly an airplane! I never flew the real ones, but I do have the small ones!” Next time: Footprints in the  Valley Sky—Section IV, Part V— No Story Left Untold—The  Readers Contribute: A Forced  Winter Landing at 22nd and  Wyoming 


Fall 2010

Valley Views



Out in the OpenPileated Woodpecker  When the woody bangs on a tree it sounds like a carpenter with a hammer. And its loud, boisterous call almost sounds like it is laughing. Some oldtimers will remember the cartoon featuring Woody the Woodpecker and his laughing call. These sharp-billed tree knockers eat tons of carpenter ants, boring beetle larva and fruits and nuts. They dig rectangular holes in the hardest of trees pulling out bugs with its long beak all year long. Once the bugs are cleaned out of the holes other songbirds use the hollowed out impressions for nests and shelter. Pileated woodpeckers donʼt migrate and a pair will stay together all season. They look

Story and photo by Alex Zidock

Pileated Woodpecker – (Pill  – e – ate – ed) the largest woodpecker in North America is about the size of a crow. Itʼs got a wingspan of 26 to 29

inches. You canʼt mistake this bird for any other with its tufted red crest on its head and almost all black body. It does sport some white stripes down its sides and patches of white under its wings.

for the largest trees in the forest to nest in cavities they dig for that purpose and line with wood chips. Both parents incubate the 3-5 eggs for 15 or 16 days until they hatch. The babies are ready to fledge in a month. They have been known to move eggs from one location to another should an egg fall out of the nest. This is unusual behavior for birds.

Cub Scout Pack 63 Holds Raingutter Regatta Cub Scout Pack 63 from Drums/St Johns held a Raingutter Regatta recently at St Johnʼs Lutheran Church. The event was open to all Cub Scouts from Pack 63. Interested scouts were provid-

the pack regardless of their rank. The scouts had to blow the boats down the track without using their hands. It was held in a double elimination format. The top three finishers for the event were Chris

ed with the official BSA Raingutter Regatta kit and were able to alter and design their boat as long as it met certain specifications outlined by Cub Scouts. The scouts raced their boats against others in

Dinenta in 1st place, Peter Walko in 2nd place, and Mathia Saar in 3rd place. For more information about Cub Scout Pack 63, check out www.scoutpack63.net/.



Valley Views

Butler township

continued from front page...

the host community. This measure was introduced by Sugarloaf Township. The Woeffel Reverse Subdivision was approved, as recommended by Planning Commission., as was a minor subdivision for Progress Inc., also recommended by the Planning Commission.

up in order for all three of the entities that make up Valley Regional to be fully consolidated under one roof. The Deer Run Land Development improvement agreement for townhouses was presented. Originally, supervisors had granted permission in 2009 for 49 townhouse units on nine

Speaking on behalf of the project, Mary Ann Gower said they were seeking final land development approval now, even though they were not ready to build, because they wanted to start seeking financing. Final approval was granted for the Minor Subdivision to split the 9-acre parcel into two parcels.

Change orders for the Butler Township Community Center were approved., including replacing unsuitable soils under the building pad and in the parking lot, installing padded flooring and walls, and replacing flooring tile that was buckling. The contractor had suggested just replacing individual tiles that were lifting with a two year warranty; the supervisors decided to request a completely new floor. A $900,000 loan proposal for Valley Regional Fire Company was discussed. The township solicitor met with them to discuss a debt restructuring effort. Shelhamer asked if this action would this clear up all their bills? It

acres in front of Sand Springs. The request now is to subdivide the property into two parcels, and construct it in phases, with 28 units in phase 1 and 21 in phase 2. The Planning Commission reviewed the proposal, and suggested several conditions on land development, including paying a $12,000 recreation fee and a $5,000 stormwater facility fee in advance, and to post a financial guarantee for the project.

The land development agreement was tabled until the fees are paid. Shelhamer read a letter of resignation from Young as roadmaster. Kisenwether made a motion to accept his resignation, but the motion was not seconded. Supervisors thanked the public for attending and speaking up, and invited them to continue to be involved in the upcoming budget sessions. Despite the large number of public comments, the meeting adjourned in under two hours.

would takepayables. care of all the secured debt and Young asked if the township would hold encumberances on their equipment and property, and since Valley Regional is a regional fire department, is Conyngham also going to be a signee? Hahn explained that the township collects a tax of .14705 mills on behalf of fire company. That money would be used to pay back the loan. Debt restructuring would reduce interest. The supervisors decided not to move forward on the plan until they were assured Conyngham would also sign off on the deal, and all bills would be paid under the plan. Kisenwether noted that all the bills and loans had to be cleared

Fall 2010

8th Ann Annual ual

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Door Prize Ticket Sales Will Benefit The American Cancer Society.

Travel & Leisure Expo planned A Travel & Leisure Expo sponsored by Auto-Bus will be held Wednesday, November 3, at the Stage Coach Inn in Drums, featuring national parks, one-day and multi-day tours, cruises, etc. Hours are 6 to 8 p.m., and admission is free. There will be door prizes, refreshments, Grand Canyon and national parks slide show, as well as leisure products, travel and information tables. For more information call 474-6771, extension 4.

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Fall 2010

Valley Views



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Valley Views Lots & Acreage


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UPSTATE SACRIFICE! 7 acres $19,900. Fields, stonewalls, nice views, 1/4 mile to State Land! Twn rd, utils! Call (888) 522-5193 or www.NewYorkLandandlakes.com

Medical & Health TRAMADOL 180 Tablets $114.00 with FREE overnight delivery from U.S. Pharmacy! No hidden fees! C.O.D./ E-check/ Mastercard. 1-866562-8049 www.4Tramadol.com BUY VIAGRA, Cialis, Levitra, Propecia and other medications below wholesale prices. Call: 1-866-5068676. Over 70% savings. www.fastmedonline.com

FOR SALE 5 Cemetery Plots in New Section of Laurel Cemetery Cemetery,, White Haven. 443-8759.

ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. Medical, Business, Paralegal, Accounting, Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial aid if qualified. Call 800-494-3586 www.CenturaOnline.com

Vans 2005 DODGE Caravan SE, cc, tilt, cd, pw, pdl, $6,492. Call 1-888-2901823

Wanted to Buy

Business for sale!! Established 3 years. Will train. Nets 100k Can operate from anywhere. $4400 down. Call Jerry 800-418-8250. DIRECTV FREE Standard Installation! FREE SHOWTIME+STARZ (3 mo)! FREE HD/DVR upgrade! New Customers Only, Qual. Pkgs. From $29.99/mo. DirectStarTV 1-877-7201893

$$OLD GUITARS WANTED$$ Gibson,Fender,Martin,Gretsch. 1920ʼs to 1980ʼs. Top Dollar paid. Toll Free: 1-866-433-8277

AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (866)453-6204 (866)453-6204..

Large Storage Bldg. White Haven

Real Estate

Re a ad der Advisor y

Call 443-9131 xt 300 to place your ad.

Determining the value of services or products is advised by this publication. Some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US



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Miscellaneous For Sale


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Fall 2010



SCHOCH Harley-Davidson/Buell Corner of Rt. 209 & 33 Snydersville, PA

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Musical Instruments

DIVORCE $99.00 Covers Children, Custody, Property & Debts. Uncontested. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Unlimited Customer Support. Call 24/hrs. Free Information! 1-800-2508142.

CLARINET, FLUTE, VIOLIN, Trumpet, Trombone, Amplifier, Fender Guitar $70. ea. Cello, Upright Bass, Saxophone, French Horn, Drums $190. ea. Tuba, Baritone, Others. 1516-377-7907.

ARIZONA BIG BEAUTIFUL LOTS $89/mo, $0-down, $0-interest. Golf Course, Natʼl Parks. 1 hour from Tucson Intʼl Airport. Guaranteed Financing. No CREDIT CHECK (800) 631-8164 Code 4036 www.sunsiteslandrush.com Lake Pennock NY: 6 acres Lakefront $29,900. 7 acres 1000ʼ Waterfront $39,900. 5 acres Lakeside Log Cabin $99,900. Borders 3,000 acre NYS Forest. Owners-Broker 1-888683-2626 DIRECTV SAVE$29/MO FOR 1YR! NO Installation fee! Free DVR/HD Upgrade! Other packages Start $29.99/Mo! Ends 2/9/11. New cust. only, qual. pkgs CALL DirectStarTV 1-800-882-1927

RVs 1995 SAFARI Pathmaker Trek Diesel, $5,000, 69,100 miles, Sleeping capacity: 4, Fuel type: Diesel, Awnings: 2 [email protected]

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Fall 2010


Valley Views   HOMES FOR SALE

House For Sale

Dallas First Floor Condo, completely redecorated and nicely furnished. 2 BR, 1 3/4 BA, Sitting RM, Cedar closet, Loads of storage, patio, tennis, golf, pool. Move right in. Priced for quick sale $115,000.. $115,000

Go to the top call Jane Kopp Real Estate 288-7481

407 Luzer Luzerne ne St., Freel Freeland and List # 07-2311 Well maintained 1/2 double with newer windows. All appliances stay! Included is a 1,000 sq. ft. ranch with 2BR, 1BA, custom kitch. and LR. Ideal for rental or relatives. Lot 14, block 4 off of Juniper St must be included in sale $106,000

Century 21 Select Group Call Brian McCardle at

800.779.2584 (x 23)

938-940 North St, Freeland #07-2330 Country charmer with in town conveniences. Currently used as an adult care facility. Huge income potential. 5 BR, 2 1/2 BA, full basement, master suite, and low taxes. Additional land available. $249,000.

Aim High Realty, Realty, Inc 570-443-7860

3 BR, 2 BA ranch, 2 car garage & basement on 1/2 acre lot Still time to pick your colors

1.81 acres, 4 BR/ 3 full BA, garage, 3,000 sq. ft., two fireplaces, 16x25 master, newly remodeled, extra living area for big family. One year warranty on elec, plumb, heat. $189,000

Call (570) 350-2245

Extra Lot! 

Furnished 4 BR home boasts finished lower level w/ built in bar, woodstove, Vaulted Ceiling Living room has stone fireplace, loft, deck $251,092

$175,000 GENE DURIGAN Real Estate

Call Jim, 570-325-5707

Rhodo Mountain Estates Looking for seclusion? Magnificent country post & beam home, cedar siding & decks, cherry cabine cabinets, ts, stone stone fireplace, & full finished basement. For 24 hour recorded information & address, call 1-800-722-1389 and enter code 2476. Mary Enck Realty, Inc.

Custom built in ’04, bi-level, 3+BR, 1.5 BA, Fam Rm, 1 car garage, energy eff., private gated community w/pool, lake and security. Haz. SD, close to I-80, shopping shopping and Pocono Resorts. Owner relocation. Sacrifice at $149,900. Call Owner (570) 579-6411 or (570) 956-2594

Quiet Neighborhood NEW CONSTRUCTION

White Haven 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Ranch home with large deck. Set on 4 acres. Asking $295,0 5,0.

Call Valerie at (718) 217-8875

By Butler Valley Blders. 3 BR/2 Bath Ranch in Beautiful Breezy Acres Drrums ums Area. ncludes Includes public Sewer on 1 Acre. $329,900 Call LORI COOK at 788-7503 or 788-1999 LEWITH & FREEMAN R.E. Addt’l Lots Avbl. for Custom Homes!

Imagine 1.5 acres in Stroudsburg, tucked away on a hidden driveway and just two blocks from 9th Street and the Mall. The cozy family room has a great wood stove. The garage has an enclosed breezeway to the house–never get wet or cold! Call today 09-2 09-236 361 1 $189 $189,9 ,900 00

CENTURY 21 Select Group 570-643-2100 ask for Betty

Gorgeous & immaculate house for sale, 3 bedroom, 1 1 / 2 bath in private setting in A Pocono Country Place. Asking $150,000

Call 203 262-8419

White Haven

Coolbaugh Township WOW - NOT IN A COMMUNITY

Lake Ariel -

To Be Built Sparrow Lane, Penn Forest Twp.

Hickory Hills White Haven

Alyce Lentz 888-774-8488

ARROWHEAD LAKES Cozy Ranch, close to beach, private pool and clubhouse. 4 BR, sunroom, 2 full BA, large LR with fireplace, dining area. All appliances Private, gated community. community. Price Reduced–Asking $158,500

Call Colleen (570) 239-8862

DRUMS RANCH! MLS NO. 08-1 08-1436 436 Panoramic Setting h Three ree year oldCountry dream rancher with 3-4 BR, 2 1/2 BA. Amenities too numerous to mention. Call Cheryl for detailed information. $298,500!

M.S. ECORA, REALTOR REALTOR 34 E. Broad St. West Hazleton, A 18202 570-455-9463

Arrowhead Lakes 21/ 2

New 3 BR, BA Colo Colonial nial in amenity filled community. community. Eat-in-kitchen w/oak cabinets, ining Dining Room, Living Room, 187 700 sq. ft. ft. N Near ear beach. Seller will assist w/mtge. $219,000 Call aul Weaver (owner)

(570) 269-1773

Towamensing Trails Cozy 3 BR, 2 BA, LR, FP, eat in kitchen w/ breakfast bar. 2 decks. Newer windows, sliding doors and Carpet. Sold fully Furnished. Asking $174,900.

Call 215-997-9249

View pics at www.forsaleby owner.com/201 1887 799

East Stroudsburg MUST SEE! Drums, PA Price - $249,900 2500 Sq. Foot 2 Story - 4 Bdrm/3 Bath Home - Great Area - 100 X 200 Very Nice Yard. Rear Deck / 2 Car Garage Spacious Rms Throughout w/ New Hardwood Floors/Carpet & Tile. Formal Dining Room and Ceramic Tiled Kitchen w/ breakfast area, Family Rm w/ Full Stone FP. Master Bedrm w/ large WIC & 3/4 Private Bath - A Must See! Call 570-236-0145 for more info.

3 BR BR /2 /2 .5 .5 BA BA H ou ou se se o n 1 .0.0 Acres in a private private lake commucommunity. Close to parks, gamelands, white water rafting, ski resorts, and casin no. o. Minutes to Poconos, Hazlleton eton and Wilkes-Barre. nly n O ly $189,000 $189,000.. Gordon & Long Real Estate LLC Cindy King 570.675.4400 Office 570.690.2689 Direct www.cindykingre.com

Mt. ocono Sum Summit mit  ointe Community

185 Birch Knoll Dr., Hazleton List # 08-65

Brick Ranch w/Heated Gar, 3BR, 2BA, LR, R, R D , new Kitchen, Computer Rm, Sun Rm, Lg. Generator, Central AC, Full Basement & Deck. eck. Handicapped access. Minutes to bus, shopping, & casino. $202,000 $202,000.. Call Vincent at 570-839-1393 or 801-2943

Newer pre-manufactured home with many upgrades. Walk-in closets in all BRs, MBR has garden tub. Natural gas heat with custom stone FP. Lg open kitchen. On leased property.$53,900.

Pocono Farms East 3817 Norfolk Rd, Tobyhanna

Gorgeous 2 ecks, Decks, Hot Tub, 1+ Acre lot, Front porch, master suite w/fireplace, living room w/  brick fireplace, crown molding, Eat in kitchen w/ island $249,450

3 BR 1.5 BA 1905 sf well maintained single family home built 2002 approx 0.29ac. Close to I 80, whitewater rafting, casino and ski resort

Liz Robbins 888-774-8488

O  OCONO CONO LAKE 2,40SF Low Taxes Low ues D 5 BR, 2 full BA, Totally Renovated - New roof, windows, siding, doors, hot water heater; kitchen (w/stainless steel appliances); new flooring ; neutral paint; garage w/workshop; circular driveway and roof over deck $149,900.. $149,900 call Michelle 570-972-8226

Only $169,700

Century 21 Select Group Call Brian McCardle at

800.779.2584 (x 23)

Nestled on side street in downtown Mt. Pocono, 2-bedroom with cute little yard. Hardwood floors, very clean. Nice front porch. Ready to move in. $85,000 Keller Williams Real Estate Ask for Dorothy Gross 570-421-2890 or direct 570-620-6549 570-620-6549..

Falls Falls,, A Ranch on on 1+ Acre Lot Lot 2 Car garage, 3 BR 2 full baths. Two Tier DDeck eck SHARP

Ed Beckendorff


Pocono Summit (Emerald Brand new, 4 brs, 2 -1/2 Lakes). baths, garage, new appliances, carpet, fixtures, low dues, lakes, clubhouse, pools etc. Must See, asking $195,000 by owner. 570-355-5366

401 ohopoco Road Albrightsville List #07-10738 MBR suite, 3BR, 2BA, stone FP, big deck, tile foyer, 1.13 acre corner lot. House is eligible for 10% financing through the PHFA/  RURALHousing Programs. Furniture negotiable. $244,900  ocono Resorts Realty Sandra Ortiz (570) 443-9555 x19 (570) 233-7670 www.prr1.com

Call Aggie (609) 213-3332

  E  D   U C   D   R  E Lake Naomi 32 Split Rock Lane  ocono ines 4 BR, 2 BA, Gas and Elec heat Furnished, 2 large decks, close to lake, pool and club. Ex. cond. Inspected. nspected. $239,900 Lake Naomi Real Estate Justin Higgins 570-646-2222 800-537-1479

Beautiful contemporary with 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, formal dining room with see through fireplace into the great room, hardwood floors, backs up to gamelands, close to school. $247,000.. For 24 hour $247,000 recorded information & address, call 1-800-722-1389 and enter code 2776 2776.. Mary Enck Realty, Inc.

Holiday Pocono Well-maintained, 3bdrm. home on quiet, wooded lot in friendly, secure community. Easy walk to pristine lakes for swimming/  boating/fishing. Large screened porch, sunny lawns, pellet stove. REASONABLE OFFERS WILL BE CONSIDERED. MLS #10-5186 Asking $129,000 DIETER METZGER 917-913-7873

Lakefront contemporary, 1 acre wooded lot, large deck overlooks the lake, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, full basement with 1-car garage, front & rear decks. $475,000.. $475,000 For 24 hour recorded information & address, call 1-800-722-1389 and enter code 2416 2416.. Mary Enck Realty, Inc.

3-bedroom, 2 bath ranch home in Pocono Mountain Lake community, Kidder Township. Weatherly Area School District. Near Turnpike & I-80. 2-car garage. $109,900.

Peters Real Estate Route 940, White Haven 570-443-8882

Beautiful expanded Cape Cod features 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, and sit on 33+acres, granite countertops, family room, oversized 2-car garage, pond, water garden & orchard. $598,750.. For 24 hour $598,750 recorded information & address, call 1-800-722-1389 and enter code 2836. Mary Enck Realty, Inc.

380 W. Ridge St., Lansford Immaculate townhome. Nice neighborhood, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Sunroom off large kitchen with fireplace, fened backyard, front porch, big living room, vinyl siding, asphalt roof, basement, all appliances and furniture. $36,000 Call Marie, 570-972-8715

Must see! Lakefront raised chalet with 4 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, family room, laundry, new kitchen & much more! Situated on 1.16 acres with 115 ft lake frontage. $489,000.. For 24 hour recorded $489,000 information & address, call 1-800-722-1389 and enter code 2766.. Mary Enck Realty, Inc. 2766

One acre wooded lot with 1 bedroom cottage,  just off Route Route 115 in Blakeslee. 1 bedroom 1 bath, kitchen/living room. Great investment; possible owner financing. $55,000. Call Gary at 352-229-3111

Pocono Lake, Stoney Hollow Rd. Fully remodeled Dutch Cape w/new roof. 3 bdrm, 1.5 ba w/tiles, laundry room, tiled eat-in kitchen. New well pump. 1.5 acre lot/  1  ⁄  2 wooded. Adjoins state land. No development. 15x20 shed. For sale by owner.

MLS Listing #22463365 Reduced to $165,000 Call owner Bobby


$ 9 9  Special

Skiers—Ski Lift is across the street from this 4 Bdr, 2 Bth home. Fireplace, loft, fully furnished and located on 1 acre. Great first time home buyer or investor home. $89,900. Keller Williams Real Estate Call Dorothy Gross 570-421-2890 Office 570-620-6549 Direct

Advertise your home for sale for $99 uAdnmust t i l include i t saepicture lls! of the house and a price.

One change is fixed free during the first four weeks. Further changes cost $20 each.

Call Seth at  443-9131, ext. 302  for more details 



Valley Views

Fall 2010

BMX track names October Rider of the Month racing in the NJ State Series Championship race in Flemington, NJ next weekend. He started riding a twowheel bicycle at age 3 and has been enjoying

Gavin Huey, age 5 from Drums, has been named Rider of the Month for October at Hazleton City View BMX. Gavin, who is in Kindergarten



RITTENHOUSE REPAIR  on Red Rock Road in Sugarloaf 

788-4641  Authorized to perform  PA State Emission Inspections,  PA Inspections, Front Alignments,  Air-conditioning  Air-condi tioning & More... Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

at Drums Elementary, started competing in BMX events in June. He is currently ranked 2nd in the 5 and under division in NJ State Series and will be



On Johnson Street in Freeland

HOURS 636-1630 Mon. -Fri. 7 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sat.8 a.m. a.m.-- 5 p.m.

Answers  from page 6 

Dependable Service for all of your Plumbing & Heating Needs

459 Sugarloaf Heights Heights Road • Drums, PA PA 18222


501-5745  State Inspections, Car & Light  Truck Repairs, Electrical,  Air-conditioning,  Air-condi tioning, Brakes & Tires.

Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.

on Route 93 in Sybertsville

Complete Automotive  Services 

Owned & Operated by Scott Klesh 

 Authorized To Perform  PA State Emission Testing!! 

East South Street in Freeland


Klesh Plumbing & Heating

Near Bedrock Gardens


HOURS Monday thru Friday  8 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Robert Moulton, 18, recently competed in the Penn State Hazleton  Community 5K (3.2 miles) Race and finished first overall by break-  ing the tape in 15:58. Proceeds benefit the Pediatric Cancer  Research.

 J.R. AU AUTO TO SERVICE  Airport Beltway 


riding bikes in his neighborhood with his best friend Jake ever since. When Gavin is not racing BMX, he enjoys playing baseball, soccer and swimming. He is a fan of Yankees baseball and Duke University. For more information about BMX in Hazleton, contact Track Director, Jack Longo, at 956-3747, email jack.longo@Hotmail. com, visit hazletoncit hazletoncityview. yview. com/ or search for Hazleton BMX on facebook.

788-5491 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.- 7 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. • Specializes in Collision Repair •


State & Emissions Inspection

Complete Auto Repairs  24 Hour AAA Towing  I-80, Exit 256 1130 State Route 93 Drums, PA 18222


List Your Garage Or Service Station Here! Everyone needs a car inspection. Call Martha at 443-9131 to place your ad.

Kindergarten this Fall, is your child ready?

Kindergarten Readiness Program • Do you want to boost your child’s confid con fidenc encee by giv givingthemthe ingthemthe ski skills lls they need taught by a Certified Teacher of the Gifted and Talented and an Occupational Therapist? • 6 week program  July 5-August 13 with Full Day and Half Day pricing • Call for a FREE Private Readiness Evaluation Contact us at 570-436-8748 at 570-436-8748 or  or email: [email protected] www.readinessprogram.com Located next to the Learning Tree at 289 Airport Road, Hazleton

Serving Fine Food  Since 1947 

Highway 309, Drums/Mountaintop, PA 

570-788-5158 Visit our website for complete  menu & catering info. Daily Specials 

Historical Stage Coach Inn Fine Dining  THANKSGIVING TO G O  DINNERS

 Whole Turkey Turkey,, stuff ing, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, green beans & pumpkin pie.

$10 per person (min. 4 people) Order by Nov. 22 Pickup 8 a.m.-Noon on Thanksgiving Day 

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Fall 2010

Valley Views



Seth’s Sightings 

by Seth Isenberg  by

Ruth and I took our leaf viewing to a place further west than we've done in the past. We were looking for leaves, but our main goal was to view the Pennsylvania elk herd, something we've wanted to do

sion, because the stream on which the cabin was located was flowing too strongly for us to ford in the truck. Move in would have to be across a cable bridge, with wood slats and planks to navigate. We'd

splash, and huffing from the happily paddling dog. As for Chad, what he lacked in enthusiasm, he made up in elderly elegance, as he swam strongly across as well. At our first stop, there

reserved seats for an hour later, as both earlier shows were already filled. We used this hour to find a grocery store and get some gas. On our way, we sighted a magnificent bull elk who had planted

desire to see them, it was our time for the movie, so we went in and watched a nifty little film, then afterwards joined the crowd. There were nearly 50 elk near to the viewing area,

for years. A column by Alex Zidock recently highlighted the new Elk Country Visitors' Center, which was not far from a friend's hunting cabin. Our trip took us north through Lock Haven, a pretty little college town, and then north through Renovo. In a couple of places, we needed to get into line behind oil field equipment as it was being shipped along the local roads for Marcellus Shale drilling for natural gas. The ride north paralleled a rail line. We had sighted a train moving along this, and at a point we caught

bounce our way across, put whatever we were carrying on the porch, and then head out for the next load. The bridge was not dog-friendly, and this meant that they had to swim across. The dogs treated this as a great game. Once settled, we explored a little bit around the cabin, then went off in search of elk. Unfortunately, we got lost, and by the time we got back on track, it was dark, and all we were

weren't any elk in the field, but

himself under an apple tree in

including three bull elk. The three were doing some trumpeting at each other. Fall is mating season, so the dominant male was attracting interest from cows in the herd. The two other males also seemed to have possibilities. There was also the possibility of a fight, but all we saw trumpeting and some pacing, part of the dominance ritual. They were incredible. A pair of cows walked within 15 feet of all of us, grazing. In the midst of all of them were

up findingjust ourselves riding to at it, a speed a bit faster than the train. It was a long train of coal cars, all empty, and we could hear them clattering beside us. On one of the cars there was a flat spot on one of the wheels, and so we were able to know it by the metallic clang and clatters, as sometimes we passed it, and sometimes it passed us. We paralleled for about 10 miles. We came into the old railroad town of Renovo, known as the site of railorad shops in its heyday, so as we were in the community we went to look at what buildings remained. Still standing is an old brick industrial building from the late 1800s. The rest of the shops were gone. Sadly, this was also the condition of the town, where a onceproud Main Street had essentially been gutted. Not one block wasn't missing a building, and several blocks were missing several buildings, whose ghostly frames were etched into the sides of the buildings that remained. The only new building was a brand new dollar store. North of Renovo, things got pretty remote. There was not

able the shape to of asee lonewas bull elk, grazing in the dark, at one of the viewing areas. Photo by Seth Isenberg  Back at the cabin, we put some logs on the fire, Ruth were a pair of young males may dinner, and we settled in lying under apple trees in a to relax. nearby yard. They were On Sunday, we began our impressive. At our next stops, day after the fog burned off, we found lots of people, but no with a brisk hike up a logging elk. The views, though, were road, j; and up some more, terrific of the rolling Allegheny where we could admire the Mountains, covered in mainly leaves—there was still nice rust-colored leaves. There color, although the area was were no elk at the Elk Country far past peak. There was also Visitors Center, but we took the chance to see where the the advice of a forester who loggers had done their work told us we should see the so many years ago. Our hike move, $3 each, and we ended where that early crew had left a giant beech tree to thrive, clearing out a virtual field under its tall thick branches. The beech's leaves had fallen, and there was a golden We Hav Have... e... circle carpeting the forest floor, reflecting in the sunlight. The dogs took themselves for a swim as soon as we were back at the cabin. After some lunch, it was time to head back out to look for more elk. Our plan was to be at the viewing centers well before sunset, when the herd comes out of the woods to graze. I was sent across the stream, and then

even a gas stations in the hamlet nearest to the cabin. Because it was an over three-hour trip, I'd decided we'd leave on Saturday, and arrive at the cabin in the daylight. This was a good deci-

Ruth let the dogs go, and they swam across to me, while Ruth walked the bridge. Actually, Ruth let Chess to early, and as I began to approach the opposite shore on the bridge, I heard a

Main Str Main Street eet Doll Do llar ar & MO MORE RE


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the back yard of Benezette home. The rack on this male made it look as though a small tree was growing in the yard. I asked about him after the movie, and was told that he was sort of an established part of town, thought to be 18 years old. By the time we were back at the Visitor's Center for our movie, the elk herd had turned up. They were far outnumbered by people. Despite our

two turkeys, walking through the middle of the herd. They were undisturbed until a young elk took an interest in them. The birds ran away to a safe distance. It was hard to leave. On our return ride, we sighted two more young males near a home with a grape arbor. One of the elk was happily grazing, while the other was reaching over the fence to eat what grapes he could reach. We enjoyed a quiet Sunday evening, and then returned to work with a daylight drive on Monday.

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Valley Views

Drums native Eachus continues to thrive for Colgate football team By Steve Stallone HAMILTON, N.Y. – When Nate Eachus arrived at Colgate University as a freshman football player, he was the hunter, not the hunted. There are those in the Patriot League who wish he would have stayed on defense. Though the Hazleton Area graduate got his first taste of college football as a linebacker back in 2008, his stay on defense was a brief one. Through six games his resume read like this: 10 tackles, one quarterback sack. Then came the injury. Midway through that first season, senior Jordan Scott, an AllAmerican and the Raidersʼ alltime leading rusher, went down with an injury in Week 7 against Cornell. Eachus got the call to join the offensive unit, and Raider faithful soon found out what Hazleton Area fans already knew. In a little more than two quarters of action against Cornell, Eachus rushed for 241 yards – the eighth highest single game

performance in school history – in a 38-22 victory. Heʼs been a focal point of the Raidersʼ offense ever since. "He was always going to be a running back," head coach Dick Biddle said last Saturday, moments after Eachus and the Raiders laid a 34-3 beating on Georgetown. "But because we had Jordan Scott and we knew Nate was a good player, we said we need help on defense. Heʼs a football player. Heʼs like the kid from Stanford (Toby Gerhart). I would play him both ways here but we just canʼt afford to do that." Eachus finished his freshman campaign with 932 yards and 10 touchdowns, earning Patriot League Rookie of the Year honors. He ran for 919 yards and 16 touchdowns in an injury-plagued sophomore season, but still impressed enough to be named first team all-Patriot League for a second straight year. Eachus again proved his value as an offensive player against Georgetown Oct. 2. The junior tailback pounded away at the Hoyasʼ defense 44 times for 214 yards and all four Raider touchdowns, marking the fifth time in his college career he has gone over 200 yards in a game. The effort did not go unnoticed. Two days later Eachus was not only named the Patriot League Offensive Player of the Week, he was selected as the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS, formerly Division I-AA) Offensive Player of the Week. In addition, he was named to the Walter Payton Award Watch List, the FCSʼ top individual honor. This past Saturday, Eachus had 85 yards on 19 carries with

Fall 2010

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For local fans hoping to get a glimpse of the former all-state run-  ning back and Big 33 player, Eachus and the Raiders will be at  Lehigh University in Bethlehem on Oct. 30 and at Bucknell  University in Lewisburg on Nov. 13. For more on the Raiders, visit  gocolgateraiders.com.

two touchdowns in a 44-10 rout of Princeton. For the season, Eachus already has 725 yards on 156 car-

Eachus has rewarded him. Yet Eachus is quick to give credit to the men up front. "I give them (the offensive line)

ries with scores. Hewith is among the nine nation's leaders 145 yards per game, including 147 yards and a score at Division I Syracuse. "I think heʼs a Division I-level running back. Heʼs a horse," Biddle says without hesitation. "I think what he does, what we ask him to do, he does it well and I think we get momentum off that. I think it pushes everybody. Good running backs that are physical, I think they get everybody involved in the game." "Weʼre no secret. All we do is run the ball," Eachus said following the Georgetown game, one in which he had a season-high 44 carries and never seemed to tire. "It didnʼt feel like 44 carries. I could have carried the ball probably 20 more times," he said. "Itʼs  just willing the team to win it, get first downs, and get that extra yard. It was a lot of fun beating on a team like that." "I want to give my best player the ball as many times as we can," Biddle said in the preseason, vowing to give him the football 35-40 times if he remained healthy. The veteran coach has lived up to that promise, and

all the drive credit,"Iʼm he said. "After 70yard always ona the bench slapping their hands, cheering them on, giving them pounds. Theyʼre the workhorse of our team. They carry our offense." With the help of his line, Eachus continues to climb up the Colgate record charts. The Drums native is already 10th in career rushing (2,576 yards) and fourth in rushing touchdowns (35). The Raiders carry a 3-2 record into this week's Patriot League game at Cornell, bouncing back from consecutive losses at Furman and Syracuse with decisive wins over Patriot League foe Georgetown and Ivy League rival Princeton. "I think we learned a lot," Eachus said of the two losses. "Those two teams are tough competition, and it prepared us for the Patriot League. Furman plays in the Southern Conference, and we played Syracuse in the (Carrier) Dome, theyʼre in the Big East. Playing two tough teams gets us ready for the Patriot League. "Now weʼre rolling, and we got our first win. Getting that first one out of the way is the most important one, I think."

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