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Inside Today’s Issue!

100% Area Coverage By U.S. Mail To 8,078 Homes & Businesses

Tues., Dec. 20, 2011 Vol. 54, No. 35
1st Place General Excellence Award 2002 & 2009

Shopping News


PO Box I, 218 N. Main St., Bolivar, NY • 585-928-2470 • Fax 585-928-2191 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: www.moneysaveradvertising.com


Subaru will donate $250 for every new Subaru vehicle sold or leased from November 19, 2011 through January 31, 2012 to one of five participating charities designated by the purchaser, up to $5,000,000 total. Purchasers must take their chairty designations by January 31, 2012. See Subaru.com/share for details. A minimum donation of $250,000 will be made to each participating charity. All charity donations made by Subaru of America, Inc. Subaru, Forester, Outback, Tribeca, Legacy, Impreza, WRX, STI, and SUBARU BOXER are registered trademarks. Forester is voted best Small Utility Vehicle in the recent Motor Trend comparison. Motor Trend. June 2008. **with approved Subaru Motors Finance Tier 1 or 2 credit.


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The merriest of seasons to you and yours
We appreciate your business and look forward to continuing our work with you for many years to come.

CLOSED Saturday, December 24, 2011 Sunday, December 25, 2011 Monday, December 26, 2011 Saturday, December 31, 2011 Sunday, January 1, 2012 Monday, January 2, 2012

Cancer Fund of America and help end childhood cancer. T ax deductible. Next day towing. Receive vacation voucher. 7 days 1800-469-8593. CARS/TRUCKS wanted! Top $$$$$ paid! Running or not, all years, makes, models. Free towing! We’re local! 7 days/week. Call toll free: 1888-416-2330. NEED FAST CASH? Short term loans up to $1500 deposited into your bank account overnight! Call for quick approval. 877-290-0052. LAWSUIT MONEY NOW for injury/ accident cases. Pay us only if you win. Quick approval. No credit check. No monthly payments. Lawyer operated. 1-877-953-8631. www.excellegalfunding.com ****TAKE VIAGRA/CIALIS? Save $500.00! Get 40 100mg/20mg pills, for only $99! Call now, get 4/bonus pills free! Your satisfaction or money refunded! 1-888-796-8870. MYSTERY SHOPPERS needed, earn up to $150 per day, undercover shoppers needed to judge retail & dining establishments, experience not required. Call now, 888-3803513. MEMORY FOAM therapeutic NASA mattresses T-$299 F-$349 Q-$399 K-$499 A djustables - $799. Free delivery, lifetime warranty, 90 night trial. 1-800-ATSLEEP; 1-800-2875337. www.mattressdr.com GET TV & INTERNET for under $50/mo. for 6 mos. Plus get $300 back!-Select plans. Limited time only, call now! 866-944-0906. CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed diabetic test strips- up to $17/box! Most brands. Shipping prepaid. Fast payment. Ask for Emma, 1-888-7767771. www.cash4diabeticsupplies.com DIRECTV $29.99/mo $0 start costs! Free HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz! Free HD/DVR! Free installation! We’re “local” installers! 800355-4203. CASH FOR CARS: A ll cars/trucks wanted. Running or not! Top dollar paid. We come to you! A ny make/


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DECEMBER 20, 2011

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©2011 Ariens Company ® Registered Trademark and TM trademark of Ariens Company. Engine manufacturers are registered trademarks of their respective companies. Sno-Thro unit specifications and features are subject to change without notice.

BUYING JUNK CARS AND SCRAP-Highest prices paid in the area. Pick up or delivered. Walt Miles, 814-642-7358; 814-5981844 (cell). tfcb ——————————————————————————————— BAR AND CHAIN OIL SPECIAL- $33.00 CASE / $8.25 GALLON for low temperature and regular. Canfield’s Outdoor Power Equipment, Inc. 814-697-6233. www.canfieldsoutdoor.com. tfcb ——————————————————————————————— FOR SALE - TRAC-RAC ALUMINUM LADDER RACK, almost new condition, off of Dodge 6’ bed. Call 814-366-0325. tffb COMFORT FOODS MADE FAST AND HEALTHY! By Healthy Exchanges Holiday Rice Pudding You can never get too much of a good thing. Take a taste of this luscious rum raisin rice pudding made with sour cream, and see if you don’t agree. 1 (4-serving) package sugar-free instant vanilla pudding mix 2/3 cup nonfat dry milk powder 1 1/2 cups water 1/3 cup fat-free sour cream 1 teaspoon rum extract 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 3/4 cup raisins 2 cups cold cooked rice 6 tablespoons reduced-calorie whipped topping 1. In large bowl, combine dry pudding mix, dry milk powder and water. Mix well using a wire whisk. Blend in sour cream, rum extract and nutmeg. Add raisins and rice. Mix well to combine. 2. Evenly spoon rice mixture into 6 dessert dishes. Top each with 1 tablespoon whipped topping. Lightly sprinkle additional nutmeg over the top of each, if desired. Refrigerate at least 15 minutes. Makes 6 servings. • Each serving equals: 168 calories, 0g fat, 5g protein, 37g carb., 282mg sodium, 1g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 1/2 Starch, 1 Fruit. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

COUDERSPORT ALLIANCE CHURCH 7 Alliance Avenue Coudersport, Pa., 16915 814-274-8661 (phone) 814-274-8668 (fax) [email protected] Senior Pastor: Rev. Bernie Knefley Sunday School..............8:45am Sunday Worship...............10:00am Sunday Evening Youth Group.....................6:30pm Wednesdays: Children’s Program, Prayer Mtg. & Youth Group.....7:00pm MONEYSAVER SUBSCRIPTIONS Know someone who lives outside our circulation area and would like to receive the Moneysaver? Just send name, address and $25 annual subscription fee to: Moneysaver Advertising, 218 North Main Street, Bolivar, NY 14715. Please specify Moneysaver Shopping Guide or Moneysaver Shopping News. tfb
NATIONAL ADVERTISING NETWORK, INC. (NANI) PREGNANT? Considering adoption? Talk with caring adoption expert. You choose from families nationwide. Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 A bby’s One True Gift Adoptions, 866-413-6296. DONATE A CAR - Help children fighting diabetes. Fast, free towing. Call 7 days/week. Non-runners ok. Tax deductible. Call Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, 1800-578-0408. DONATE YOUR CAR Support our veterans & U.S. troops! #1 military support charity! 100% volunteer, free same day towing. T ax deductible. Call and donate today! 1-800-471-0538. DONATE YOUR CAR to Children’s

2934 ROUTE 16, OLEAN, NY 14760 716-372-4208


Holiday Greetings

istmas Chr
To all our friends and neighbors goes an extra measure of good cheer along with our well wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season. It's always a pleasure to serve you.



Warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

DECEMBER 20, 2011

219 Main St., Port Allegany, Pa.
Dear Santa, I am looking foward to you coming this year. Christmas is my favorite time, and you are my Favorite person, and I Love You. I am also writing to remind you that I have been a very very good boy, even though I know you are watching me all the time. I know you have alot of presents to give out, but I was wondering if I keep being good if you would bring me a couple of presents. I would like a bike, and trucks and whatever you decide I deserve, But most of all I want to be with my family. Merry Christmas to you Love,, Brandon Sherwood, age 4, Roulette, PA Dear Santa My name is Anna Cunningham I’am 4 yrs old. I have been a very good girl this year. I would like a Barbie Doll, a Doll house, a little Bike, a Bike Helmet, some clothes and Candy I will Leave you some cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer Love Anna Cunningham, age 4, Cyclone, PA

May it be yours now and always!

Buchanan Brothers' Pharmacy, Inc.
5 Stores - 5 Convenient Main Street Locations

Coudersport 274-8660

Elkland Smethport Westfield Eldred 258-7332 887-5375 367-2327 225-4723
Dear santa, I have Been very good this year. Thank you For your gifts last Christmas. For Chrismas I would Like A pet snakes pants shirt socks shoes BLanket sheet Grand Prix cars Drum Books cat Dog Devon Lanphere, age 10, Otto-Eldred Elementary School


Sue Nelson
Smethport, PA
Dear Santa, I have been very good. For christmas I would like wwe.2012 and I wot raw vrsis smack down 2011 and I wot a toy. bY Issiah Mathewson, age 9, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, Thank you for the easl last year, and all your wonderful gifts. For christmas I would like: A figet friend, a I pod, A dsi, a puppy, a kitten, a Dairy Queen ice cream maker, easy bake oven, a mini cupcake maker, 6 tickets to Hawaii, and a fuzzy dolphin winter hat. Have a jolly merry christmas. Meghan James, age 10, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Stanta, I have been very good this year. Thank you for your gifts last Christmas. I love Christmas so much that I would like to be your child. I would like to have •nail polis •a ipond •a Ds more mark 7 • Mommy cooking • a wite bord • witebord marks • a best Christmas ever and that what I would like for Christmas Stants. Kaitlin Baught, age 10, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

Merry Christmas!
May your holiday be warm and filled with many happy memories for years to come.


We won’t cut you short...
when it comes to wishing you all the joy of the season and the sweetness that comes with it. We are grateful for your loyal support.

Port Allegany Moose Lodge
Port Allegany, PA

Carlie’s Barber Shop
22 North Ann St., Port Allegany, PA 814-642-2652
HOLIDAY COOKIES: Pecan Cookie Balls These buttery melt-in-your mouth cookies, also known as Mexican Wedding Cakes, make a great holiday gift or cookie exchange addition. 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened 2 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar, divided 2 teaspoons McCormick Pure Vanilla Extract 1/2 teaspoon McCormick Nutmeg, Ground 1/8 teaspoon salt 2 cups flour 2 cups finely chopped pecans 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Beat butter in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until light and fluffy. Add 1/2 cup of the sugar and vanilla, nutmeg and salt; beat until well-blended. Stir in flour and pecans. 2. Shape into 1-inch balls. Place 1 inch apart on ungreased baking sheets. 3. Bake 15 minutes. Remove from baking sheets. Immediately roll hot cookies in remaining 2 cups sugar. Place sugared cookies on wire racks to cool. When cool, roll again in sugar. Makes 4 dozen, or 24 (2 cookie) servings. • Each serving: About 214 calories, 15g fat, 20 g carbohydrate, 22mg cholesterol, 95mg sodium, 1g fiber, 2g protein. For more holiday recipes, visit www.mccormick.com. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Dear Mr and Mrs Claus, Are you haveing fun getting ready for Christmas? What are you doing at the North Pole? How are the elf’s and reindeer doing? Make sure you feed the reindeer. I have been very good this year. Are you going to put your Stockings up? What I would like for Christmas is: A art Set, Just dance III for my WII, UDraw, Nitendo DS lite, fidget friend, password journal and toys for my 3 dogs. I am 7 years old in first grade at Otto-Eldred. Love, Heidi Gordon, age 7, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I will leave muffins for you and your raindeer. I want for Christmas a new train set, a tool box, a gtar, plateo, pop, a tornado lamp, fish lamp, clothes, blankets, fish, a tv, more trains for the train set and more fome Jared Greenman to santa. Jared Greenman, age 7, Rew, PA Dear Santa My name is Grant J. and I am a very handsome 2 yr old. I would love a new tractor. Some new cars and a new pillowpet. My mama could use some new socks too! I will leave your “deers” some pickles and Hawaiin punch. Thank santa. Your friend Grant J. Greenman, age 2, Rew, PA

Celebrate the magnificence of the season. Celebrate the magnificenceof the season. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!

Keppel Stone Works

Dear Santa, your the best santa that gives Joy to Kid this is what I want a remote control hex bug spider That the only thing that I want for christmas. The color could be purple or bule Mike Douglas, age 9, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I have been very good this year and I loved your presents last year. For christmas Ipod, Itunes card, some little barbie dolls, a little weiner dog thats real, a pet turttle, playdo related toys. furys, Sqinkies hair brets, playstaiction 3 games and contrelrs, 3 watches, pegiungloves, a big big big big very very big box to play in, clothes, new snowpants, docter suff, a spy kitt, more bulbs for a christmas tree, thin legged glasses, toy grinch stuffed deanimal and shrek stuffed doll and fionand donkey stuffed doll. Savannah Brewer, age 9, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. For christmas I would like; Nerf Vortex Praxis, NOW AO, Driver San Fransisco, Colts watch, Plants vs Zombies (DS or XBox 360) Under Armor (M) (longsleve), NCAA FootBall 12 (XBOX 360), Nike Golf Shirt (M), Eminem, Strageo, MP3, and phone. Matt Murphy, age 10, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. For christmas I would like a huge stuff Dinosaur set. a new guitar. Harley Morritz, age 9, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
Hope all of your dreams come true! Pediatric Services of America
Port Allegany, PA

May your holiday be trimmed with happiness, health and good fortune.

Smethport Auto Wash
Smethport, Pa. Touchless Automatic Car Wash-Credit Cards Accepted.


DECEMBER 20, 2011

HOPE FULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY RD 2, Box 117 Smethport, PA 16749 Pastor: E.L.Durphy 814-225-4422 Sunday School............10:00am Morning Worship. . . . . . .11:00am Youth Service...............4:00pm Evening Service...........5:00pm Wed. Evening Service. .6:00pm CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner of Routes 59 & 219 Lewis Run, PA Pastor Randall Sherlin Phone: 814-362-9772 Sunday School............10:00am Morning Worship. . . . . . .11:00am Evening Service...........6:30pm Wed. Bible Study.........6:30pm Activities for teens and junior youth. Nursery provided as needed. OVERCOMERS CHURCH OF FAITH Aiken, PA Co-Pastors: Revs. Frank & Daunna Hill • 814-465-7776 Sunday School............10:00am Sunday Morning Worship....................11:00am Sunday Evening Worship.....................6:00pm Wednesday Prayer.......7:00pm Thursday Bible Study.........................6:30pm (Bruce Burdick- Teacher) NOW HERE’S A TIP By JoAnn Derson • The end of the year is a great time to pick up next year’s holiday decorations at a discount. Before you pack away your holiday lights, ornaments, cards, etc., do an inventory and see if you are able to find what you need to complete your look at a slashed price. • Computer grocery lists can make not only shopping easier, but organization as well. Keep a file listing all the items you usually purchase from week to week. You even can create sections based on where certain items are located throughout the store. This will ensure that you don’t miss something, necessitating a return trip to the store. Stay organized to save money.


Owned and operated by Chris Works (#3473) 560 Chestnut Street Extension (off Elm St.), Bradford, Pa. • Mon.-Sat. 9am-7pm; Sun. 11am-4pm • 814-362-6999


• “Keep a small package of antibacterial wipes in your car to clean your hands after pumping gas. Not only is there any potential gas to get off your hands, but those handles don’t get cleaned often, and are very dirty.” -- R.D. in South Carolina • “If you have extra papers that are printed only on one side, save them. You can cut them in quarters and staple several sheets together to make scrap-paper pads to keep near the telephone or on the fridge. They are handy, and you’ll be reusing material, which is good for the environment.” -- U.L. in Missouri • Putting up new calendars? Before you toss your old one, be sure to look through it for important anniversaries, and cut out and save any pictures or art that might be reusable for craft projects.

FOR RENT- 4 or 5 bedroom house. Security and references required. No pets. Accept HUD. 814-642-9483. tfc LOGGING SUPPLIES, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES. Saw chains starting at $13.50 and up, bar tips for Stihl, Husqvarna, Oregon, Windsor. Chain saw files, wedges, service, parts and more! BG’s Engine Clinic, 191 Main Street, Roulette, PA, (814) 544-7558, www.bgsengineclinic.com tfc KING’S CUT ‘N CLIP: Men’s haircuts and styles. 322 Main Street, Smethport. Walk-ins daily. Closed Wednesday and Sunday. tfc
OTTO-ELDRED ELEMENTARY BREAKFAST/LUNCH MENU December 21, 2011 - December 27, 2011 Wed. Breakfast: Cereal, French Toast Sticks, Juice, Milk. Lunch: Hot Dog, Tater Tots, Corn, Fruit, Milk. Thurs. Breakfast: Cook’s Choice, Juice, Milk. Lunch: Pizza, Hot Vegetables, Fruit Cup, Milk. Christmas Vacation Begins 12/23/11. Daily Choice Week of 12/19/11: Breakfast- Pop Tarts, Lunch- Assorted Entrees or Peanut Butter & Jelly. Choice of Milk Daily: Lo-Fat Chocolate40¢; Lo-Fat Strawberry-40¢; Lo-Fat Vanilla-40¢; Lo-Fat White- 30¢. Ice Cream sold on Tues. & Thurs.-50¢. Breakfast: Student-75¢; Faculty- $1.25. Lunch: Student-$1.50; Reduced-40¢; Faculty-$2.75. Menus are subject to change. f

S. W. SMITH LIBRARY & BOOKMOBILE 22 Church Street, Port Allegany, PA Phone: 814-642-9210 Library Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 11-7; Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 9-4. Book drops at Smith’s Ace Hardware, Duke Center Superette, O-E Elementary School. Bookmobile Hours: September 7, 2011-June 1, 2012. Off road Dec. 26-Jan. 3. Wednesdays- Eldred, Todd’s Car Lot 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon; Duke Center, Old School Parking Lot 1:00-5:30 p.m . Thursdays- Otto-Eldred Elementary 11:00a a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; Eldred Todd’s Car Lot 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Fridays- Rixford (by Church) 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Turtlepoint Carlson’s Store 1:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Cancellations: Listen to WHSK 94.9 FM. tf
OTTO-ELDRED HIGH SCHOOL BREAKFAST/LUNCH MENU December 21 - December 27, 2011 Wed. Breakfast: Assorted Breakfast Items. Lunch: Chicken Fajita, Noodles, Corn, Fruit. Salad Bar: Subs. Thurs. Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza. Lunch: Pizza, Assorted Vegetables, Fruit Cups. Salad Bar: Cook’s Choice. Christmas Vacation Begins 12/23/11. Daily Choice: Week of 12/19/11 Chicken, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Pretzel and Cheese, Nachos and Cheese. Note: At Breakfast students are always given the option of Cereal, Pop Tarts, Juice, and Milk along with the special of the day. Breakfast: Student- 75¢. Adult- $1.50. Lunch: $1.60. Reduced: 40¢. Adult $2.75. f

Nothing’s as mean as giving a little child something useful for Christmas. -Kin Hubbard *** The one thing women don’t want to find in their stockings on Christmas morning is their husband. -Joan Rivers

TRIVIA TEST By Fifi Rodriguez 1. Language: From what language are all the modern Romance languages derived? 2. Science: What term describes the lowest point in a satellite orbiting the Earth? 3. History: When did Labor Day become a federal holiday in the United States? 4. Inventions: What was Eli Whitney’s most famous invention?

ANSWERS 1. Latin 2. Perigee 3. 1894 4. Cotton gin (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

There’s nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child. -Erma Bombeck

MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel • On Jan. 3, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower closes the American embassy in Havana and severs diplomatic relations between the United States and Fidel Castro’s government in Cuba. The action signaled that the United States was prepared to take extreme measures to oppose Castro’s regime. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Visit Our Web Site At WWW.MONEYSAVERADVERTISING.COM For Complete Obituaries.
WELLSVILLE, NY - Irvin D. “Cutter” Strawcutter of 4258 Niles Hill Road passed away Monday (Dec. 12, 2011) at Cuba Memorial Hospital, surrounded by family. BELMONT, NY - Patricia Elaine Winterhalter, a former resident of Belmont, of Rochester passed away Wednesday (Dec. 7, 2011) at the University of Rochester Medical Center after a short illness. CUBA, NY - Joanne Sosnowski, of 2951 Wolf Run Road, passed away Monday (Dec. 12, 2011) at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester. OLEAN, NY - Michael A. “Zima” Swinko passed away Friday (Dec. 9, 2011) at home following a lengthy battle with cancer. SMETHPORT, PA - Johanna A. Korb, 67, of Cyclone died Friday (Dec. 9, 2011) in the Sena Kean Manor, Smethport. BOLIVAR, NY - Diane Mountain of 519 S. Main St. passed away Friday (Dec. 9, 2011) at her home following a courageous battle with multiple myeloma. OLEAN, NY - Margaret Ann Fitzpatrick of 1003 Irving St. passed away Thursday (Dec. 8, 2011) at her home. FRIENDSHIP, NY - Bernice Donna Wereley, 67, of 6878 County Road 20 passed away Friday (Dec. 9, 2011) at her home. PORT ALLEGANY, PA - Lena E. “Peachy” Bidwell, 75, of Broad St., passed away Monday (Dec. 12, 2011) in the Charles Cole Mem. Hospital Coudersport. FOR SALE- Black pedestal dining room table, drop leaf, $115. Like new condition, measures 40 inches across when open. 814642-2899; 814-558-3186. fb FOR SALE- Dresser, four drawers, good condition, dark wood tone, not solid wood, $25. 814-642-7108. fb FOR SALE- Kenmore 9 cu. ft. chest freezer, $100 o.b.o. 716-3076732. fb REGISTERED MALE & FEMALE POMERANIAN puppies. Shots, dewormed and Borditella Nasal vaccine. Very small! Eight weeks old. Ready for their new, loving homes. Asking $400 ea. 814-544-9059. pb WOW! LOTS OF COMMUNITY & SPORTS PHOTOS at www.moneysaveradvertising.com 4/6fb
MISCELLANEOUS SECTION DISH NETWORK. Starting at $19.99/month plus 30 premium movie channels. Free for 3 months! Save! Ask about same day installation! Call 1888-823-8160. ANY LAPTOP REPAIRED just $79. Macs, too. Really! Free Fedex shipping! $49 extra for screen or motherboard replacement. Call Authorized Laptop Repair Specialists, 1-877-283-6285. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SECTION CLARINET, VIOLIN, FLUTE, trumpet, amplifier, Fender guitar $75 each. Upright bass, cello, saxophone, French horn, drums $189 each. Others 4sale 1-516-377-7907. REAL ESTATE SECTION DO YOU HAVE vacation property for sale or rent? With promotion to nearly 5 million households and over 12 million potential buyers, a statewide classified ad can’t be beat! Promote your property for just $490 for a 15word ad. Place your ad online at fcpny.com or call 585-928-2470. WANT TO BUY SECTION WANTED Diabetes test strips. Any kind/brand. Unexpired. Up to $22.00. Shipping paid. 1-800-266-0702. www.SellDiabeticstrips.com


FLASHBACK By Mick Harper 1. Which 1960s group released “Pretty Ballerina”? 2. Name the only Top 10 single released by the Mar-Keys. 3. This reggae group released “Fattie Fattie” and “I’ve Got a Feeling”? 4. What Philadelphia soul singer had a No. 1 hit in 1972 with “Me and Mrs. Jones”? 5. Which group had a hit in 1975 with “Don’t Leave Me This Way”? 6. Fact or fiction: When a CD boxed set was released with a bar code as part of the graphics, stores scanned it instead of the real code.

Walk in with valuable... Walk out with CASH!!!

PAYING TOP DOLLAR FOR: Coins, Old Gold, Guns,
Antiques, Wedding Rings, Collectables, Jewelry

When the power goes out or the temperature drops, you need a reliable source of heat. Lopi gas or wood burning fireplace inserts offer the cleanest burning and most efficient heat available - without electricity! Lopi fireplace inserts use both natural convective and radiant heat. Turn your inefficient masonry or zero clearance fireplace into a reliable, clean burning source of heat that you can depend on. We can install your insert in just one day! Heat your home like thousands of Northwest families did during the recent storms with their Lopi fireplace insert. Lopi. America’s Favorite Fire.

TWIN TIER CHRISTIAN RIDERS MEETING Local Chapter of Christian Motorcyclists Association- 2nd Saturday of the month, 9am at Fox’s Pizza, Eldred, Pa. Weather permitting, ride to follow. All visitors welcome! tffb COLLECT SOME BARGAINS- Looking to complete your set of something? Check out our reader ads. Whatever you’re looking for, odds are you can find it in the Moneysaver! men did Gideon defeat the Midianites? 3, 30, 300, 3000 4. What kind of leaves did Adam and Eve attempt to use to cover their nakedness? Sycamore, Fig, Palm, Grape 5. From Exodus 2, whose mother was paid to be his nurse? Joseph, Mark, Timothy, Moses 6. Whom did David’s best friend turn out to be? Brother, Enemy, Brother-in-law, Slave ANSWERS: 1) Neither; 2) Jonah; 3) 300; 4) Fig; 5) Moses; 6) Enemy Wilson Casey’s new book, “Firsts: Origins of Everyday Things That Changed the World,” is available from Alpha/Penguin publishing. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.
NATIONAL ADVERTISING NETWORK, INC. (NANI) WORK ON JET ENGINES – Train for hands on aviation maintenance career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - job placement assistance. Call AIM (866) 854-6156. EARN COLLEGE DEGREE online * Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 800510-0784. www.centuraonline.com REACH OVER 20 MILLION homes nationwide with one easy buy! Only $2,395 per week for a 25 word classified! For more information go to www.naninetwork.com ASK YOURSELF, what is your timeshare worth? We will find a buyer/renter for ca$h, no gimmicks just results! Call 888-879-8612. www.buyatimeshare.com AT&T U-VERSE for just $29.99/mo! Save when you bundle internet+ phone+TV and get up to $300 back! (select plans). Limited time call now! 1-866-944-0906. FAST PAYMENT for sealed, unexpired diabetic test strips-up to $17/box! Most brands. Shipping prepaid. Call today & ask for Emma 1-888-776-7771. www.cash4diabeticsupplies.com

311 West Main St., Smethport, PA Over 6,000 sq. ft. packed full of items....... Come in, browse!


Buying Used Guns & Military Items.
(Please Read Entire Ad) “MOST” advertised prices are specifically vague! NOT in SMETHPORT... WE ARE paying more than any other buyer, depending on qty. and spot price. Please check spot price, for every dollar you have of coins dated 1964 & before, 10 dimes or 4 quarters or 2 half dollars, it does not matter... and... We will sort each and every coin “and” pay top dollar for all key dated coins from the assortment! GOLD & SILVER ARE AT RECORD PRICES!, some buyers pay less, some “SAY” they pay more * * * * CAUTION* * * * PLEASE remember whether you are receiving an offer of $5 for 1 Half Dollar or $25 for 1 Half Dollar, there are many Half Dollars worth $1000 or more, Silver Dollars $26 Min. for junk ones $1000s for Key Dates!! SEPT. 2011 WE PAID $1,000.00 for 2008 AMERICAN SILVER EAGLE. Many coins you may have may have a far greater value than just the silver content. BE CAUTIOUS OF OUT OF AREA BUYERS who rent a local hotel room OR other buildings and set up to buy, “claiming” to pay top dollar. CALL: 814-887-4160
Flash Back Answers 1. The Left Banke, in 1966. The song went to No. 15 on the Billboard chart. 2. “Last Night,” in 1961. 3. The Heptones, both in 1966. Legend says the trio got its name from a bottle of hair tonic. 4. Billy Paul. The song won Paul a Grammy for Best R&B Vocal Performance. 5. Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes. “Don’t Leave Me This Way” rose to No. 3 on the disco list. The next year, Thelma Houston netted a No. 1 hit with the same song. 6. Fact. In 2005, store clerks were actually scanning a large bar code that was part of the cover art of the “Electric 80s” CD set, resulting in a lower price to consumers. The real code was on the back. DOLLARS AND SENSE BY David Uffington Internet Fraud Soars, Are You Prepared? If 2012 has a theme, it might well be the Year of Increased Internet Fraud. The problems don’t occur as much with what we block out with our virus protection as they do with the parts we do let in: email we open and websites we visit. One source pegs the increase in “phishing” (getting your information) at 1,200 percent in just the past six months. It’s only going to get worse. During the recent holidays, right in the middle of online shopping season, customers received fake messages supposedly from a major online store. The email looked genuine: the content looked right, the subject line was one that many people would open -- but the sender’s address was forged, and it asked for personal information. That’s the key right there: When an email or a site wants your data, beware. The collection form might be a duplicate of the info-gathering

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method of the legitimate site and look very authentic. What do they want? They want your personal information any way they can get it. It might be a direct steal when you help by typing in your name and information. It might be that you’re tricked into downloading a keystroke logger program that will capture everything you type in. Here are some initial steps you can take to protect yourself: 1. Err on the side of caution. Be skeptical. Don’t click any links, even out of curiosity. (Even clicking might start a download of spyware.) Don’t provide any personal information that’s asked for. If in doubt, close the email, close your email client completely, delete your browsing history and close all your browser windows. Then navigate to that company’s website in your normal way by typing in the URL. Be sure your browser’s phishing filter is turned on. 2. Better yet, pick up the phone. Call the company and tell them about the email you’ve received. (They’ll want to know.) Ask if the mail was legitimate and if something is wrong with your account. To learn more in general about online fraud, go online to Fraud Watch International [www.fraudwatchinternational.com]. Explore the tabs for Fraud Education and Consumer, but especially the Phishing Alerts. Click one event in the very long list, especially if you recognize the company, and explore how the fraud was accomplished. There are graphics and text to describe each step. David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Write to him in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to [email protected].

1. Is the Book of Nain in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. Whom did God ask, “Shall I not spare Nineveh, that great city”? Jonah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Aaron 3. From Judges 7, with how many

Moneysaver Shopping Guide •14707 Allentown, NY •14708 Alma, NY •14715 Bolivar, NY •14721 Ceres, NY •14770 Portville, NY •14774 Richburg, NY •14754 Little Genesee, NY •14786 W. Clarksville, NY •14739 Friendship, NY (R.D.#1) •16748 Shinglehouse, PA Moneysaver Shopping News •16743 Port Allegany •16749 Smethport •16740 Mt. Jewett •16745 Rixford •16724 Crosby •16733 Hazel Hurst •16729 Duke Center •16731 Eldred •16732 Gifford •16744 Rew •16746 Roulette •16750 Turtlepoint •16730 E. Smethport •16726 Cyclone Published Tuesdays by Moneysaver Advertising P.O. Box I, 218 N. Main St. Bolivar, NY 14715 James Monks, Publisher

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DECEMBER 20, 2011

VIRGIL L. HOWARD FUNERAL HOME “GIFT OF MEMORY” PROGRAM MARKS ELEVENTH YEAR This year marked the eleventh year of the Virgil L. Howard Funeral Home’s Gift of Memory Program, which benefits Potter County’s Christmas House in Coudersport. Through the Virgil L. Howard Funeral Home in Shinglehouse, local residents contributed presents to the organization, which distributes gifts to nearly 1,200 Potter County children and elderly at holiday time. Kevin J. Dusenbury, Sr., owner and Kevin J. Dusenbury, Jr., funeral director have announced the following people made donations of new toys and gifts in memory of loved ones. They said over 150 toys and gifts were received at their funeral home which were presented to the Christmas House in Coudersport for distribution to needy families this Christmas.

ELDRED UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Eldred, PA Pastor: Ronald Emery Sunday School. . .9:30-10:30am Worship Service. . . . . . . . .11:00am Thurs. Adult Choir. . . . . .7:00pm Kids 4 Christ- (4-6 grade) 2nd Sun...................6pm-8pm Youth Group- (7-12 grade) Every Other Sun.....6-8:00pm SMETHPORT CHRISTIAN & MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Pine and E. Water Streets Smethport, Pa., 16749 814-887-5850 Pastor: Jerry Hunter Sunday School..............9:45am Sunday Morning Services....................11:00am Sunday Evening Services.....................6:00pm Thursday Bible Study/Prayer.............6:00pm CHRISTIAN GOSPEL CHURCH Coleville, PA Pastor: Tom Dunkerton 814-887-1983 “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord.:” You are invited to attend any of the following services. Sunday: Family Bible School. .9:45am Morning Worship Service.....................11:00am Evening Service........7:00pm Wednesday: Bible Study and Prayer........................7:00pm Our ministry: Salvation of the sinner, edification of the saint, glorification of our Savior. RIXFORD EVANGELICAL CHURCH Pastor: Norman Cox Church: 814-465-3308 SUNDAY: Sunday School.........10:00am Morning Worship. . . .11:00am Youth Meeting.........10-11am (Grades 7 - 12) “Come and see what God is doing”


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Pictured above from left to right are the Dusenburys and Christmas House Volunteers, Leona Ruter and Jane Metzger. Donations were received from the following: In memory of Herbert, Mary and Bonnie Blanchard from Rodney Blanchard; In memory of Buddy James from Pastor Bob and Conny Hubbard; Anonymous; In memory of Gifford Voorhees and Mark Voorhees from the Jones/Pire Family; In memory of loved ones from Nicole and Kevin Dusenbury Jr.; In memory of Laura Hemphill and Ray and Louise Goodman from Sharon and Bill Hemphill; In memory of Gertrude “Fritz” Traska and Thomas Traska from Tami and Larry Adams; In memory of Aunt Nancy Phillips from Kennedy Hallock; In memory of Julia Fuge from Nancy Voorhees; In memory of Russ Baker from Amy, Tara and Gerard; In memory of Grace and Ruben Plants, Emma and Lloyd Babcock and Virginia and Clarence Babcock from Paul and Eloise Plants; In memory of family and friends from James Beckwith; In memory of loved ones from Mary Bailey and Mike Edwards; In memory of Jean Feely from Jack and Della Ford; Anonymous; In memory of Myra Bledsoe from Harold Bledsoe; In memory of Albert “Abby” Carll from his family; In memory of Ken and Juanita Perry and Myra Bledsoe from Paul and Pat Perry; In memory of family and friends from Ron and Sue Brown; In memory of Debra Sherwood, Pat & Merv Sherwood, Nancy Phillips, Richard Good, and Kenneth Hallock from Dustin, Kristy, Makenzie, and Mason Good and Dick Sherwood; In memory of Wyatt Enty from Julie and Steve Perkins; In memory of Joseph & June Boyd, Dan Boyd, Bob Boyd, and Tom Boyd from Virginia and Charlie Hoock; In memory of deceased members from the Shinglehouse Volunteer Fire Department; In memory of Frank and Elaine Varga from Wayne Varga; In memory of Joe & June Boyd from Brenda Coffey; In memory of Marie Stout from Leo Stout; In memory of Chris and Jeff Shall from Sue Shall; In memory of Bernice and Manford Dusenbury and James and Gloria Taylor from Kathryn Dusenbury; In memory of those we have served from the Virgil L. Howard Funeral Home, Shinglehouse; In memory of Tony & Emma Petrosewitz and Joyce Wichert from Lisa and Kent Wichert; In memory of Dan Galeotti from Doreen Galeotti; In memory of Daniel and Margaret Karr from Steve and Sue Brabham; In memory of George Brabham and Pearl Brabham from John and Amy Turek; In memory of Lloyd West and Burdett West from the office at Gas Field Specialists. fb FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 12 Church St., Port Allegany 814-642-9250 Worship Service..............11am Church School..............9:45am
HAS YOUR BUILDING SHIFTED? Contact Woodford Bros., Inc. for straightening, leveling, foundation, and wood frame repairs at 1-800-OLDBARN/www.woodfordbros.com MDHIC #05-121-861. FREE WEEK OF ADVERTISING... place your ad in over 990,000 households in free community papers in the central counties of Pennsylvania for 5 weeks and get the 6th week free. Visit www.macnetonline.com/MICRONETS for more details or call 585-928-2470 REACH CUSTOMERS in the mid-atlantic states. Place your ad in over 5.2 million households in free community papers for 5 weeks and get the 6th week free. Visit www.macnetonline.com for more details or call 585-9282470. PERSONALIZED HOLIDAY GIFTS for everyone on your list! Save 20 percent off qualifying products from Personal Creations! To redeem this offer, visit www.PersonalCreations.com/Bliss or call 1-888-867-5127. PROFLOWERS- Looking for a holiday gift that will really impress? Special offer 20 percent off qualifying gifts over $29 from ProFlowers! Offer only available at www.proflowers.com/Vase or call 1-888-380-2449. RED ENVELOPE - Give great. Find the perfect holiday gift that tells a story. Shop early and save an additional 20 percent. Visit www.redenvelope.com/ Spirit or call 866-690-0745. SHARI’S BERRIES - Order mouthwatering gifts! 100 percent satisfaction guaranteed. Hand-dipped berries from $19.99 s/h. Save 20 percent on qualifying gifts over $29! Visit www.berries.com/berry or call 1-888-7701867. WRAP UP YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING with 100 percent guaranteed, delivered-to-the-door Omaha Steaks - save 67 percent plus 2 free gifts! 26 gourmet favorites only $49.99. Order today 888-904-8728 or www.OmahaSteaks.com/gift65, use code 45102EMS.

M M A Eldred Township A Hamlin Township Three bedroom N One story home/camp N manufactured home with fireplace in living room. A A with 2 bedrooms, bath and full walk out basement. Also full basement and G $41,900 detached garage. G #7244 $79,500 #7271 E E M M NEW! E E N N T T

Liberty Township 13.38 acres and old house in a secluded area. $35,000 #7272

Eldred Borough
Home is in “Move in condition”. Double corner lot with a detached garage paved driveway.

$74,900 •




HOME DELIVERY. A library service available to anyone who can’t leave home because of illness or injury. Please call the S.W. Smith Memorial Library at 814-642-9210 for more information. At this time, service is limited to Port Allegany Borough and Turtlepoint. tf ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS If you want to drink that’s your business. If you want stop we can help. Call AA answering service in your area 814-885-6302 or 716-372-4800 to talk to someone who cares to find a meeting in your area. to at or tf

Notary Service

Linda R. Wright
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• Temporary Tags • Registrations • Transfers • Titles


DELL LAPTOP COMPUTER, super fast, excellent condition. Internal wireless card, DVD/CD+RW. Premium software bundle. Six month warranty. Original cost: $2175. Must sell: $399. 717-653-6314. EXPERIENCED OTR DRIVERS Van division: Runs 48 states, heavy from WI to Philadelphia/Baltimore/MD area. Flex home time. 99% no-touch. Top pay! Vacation/401K/Vision/Dental/Disability/Health. Require Class A CDL, 2yrs OTR exp. good MVR, references. Call Ruth/Mike TTI, Inc., 1-800-5582664. www.TTItrucking.com BURIED IN CREDIT CARD DEBT? Over $10,000? We can get you out of debt quickly and save you thousands of dollars! Call Credit Card Relief for your free consultation, 1-866-767-5932. ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS with Medicare. Get free CPAP replacement supplies at no cost, plus free home delivery! Best of all, prevent red skin sores and bacterial infection! Call 888-440-8352. LIFE & HEALTH AGENTS to sell comprehensive senior portfolio. Outstanding commission schedule, ongoing lead program. Commission advances. Immediate vesting. Contact [email protected] 717-392-6888. ACR METAL ROOFING - Go green - tax credits agricultural, commercial, residential. Building packages, top quality, low cost, free literature. acrmetal.com 800-325-1247. VIAGRA 100MG AND CIALIS 20MG!! 40 pills 4 free for only $99. #1 male enhancement, discreet shipping. Only $2.70/pill. Buy the blue pill now! 1888-418-6450. ANY LAPTOP REPAIRED just $79. Macs too. Really! Free Fedex shipping! $49 extra for screen or motherboard replacement. Call Authorized Laptop Repair Specialists, 866-752-5908. HEATING BILLS! Save up to 50 percent off your next heating bill. Advanced Portable Infrared iHeater® Heat 1000 sq. ft. for about 5 cents an hour! Free shipping! Call 1-888-435-0688. SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. You win or pay us nothing. Contact Disability Group, Inc. today! BBB accredited. Call for your free book & consultation, 866-983-3264. DISH NETWORK delivers more for less! Packages starting at $24.99/mo., local channels included! Free HD for life! Free Blockbuster® movies for 3 months. 1-888-691-3801. CLARINET, FLUTE, VIOLIN, trumpet, trombone, amplifier, Fender guitar $70. ea. Cello, upright bass, saxophone, French horn, drums $190. ea. Tuba, baritone, others. 1-516-377-7907. HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM HOME. 6 - 8 weeks. A ccredited. Get a diploma. Get a job! Free brochure, 1-800-264-8330. www.diplomafromhome.com WANTED Your diabetes test strips, unexpired, any kind/brand. Up to $22.00 per box. Shipping paid. Hablamos español. 1-800-267-9895 / www.SellDiabeticstrips.com IMMEDIATE OPENINGS. Private security agents needed for escorting clients to special events, providing in-home security services. Specialized training provided. Call now! 1-615-228-1701. www.psubodyguards.com

PORT ALLEGANY HIGH SCHOOL MENU December 21, 2011 - December 27, 2011 Wed. Hot Dog. Thurs. Cook’s Choice. Early Dismissal. Christmas Vacation Begins 12/23/11. Vegetable Choices Week of 12/19/11 M-TH Peas, Beets, Beans. Fruit Choices Week of 12/19/11 M-TH Pears, Peaches, Pineapple Tidbits. 1% White, 1% Chocolate, 1% Strawberry or Skim Milk are available daily. Menu is subject to change. Rotating Breakfast Menu: French Toast Sticks & Sausage, Super Donut, Cereal, Cinnamon Toast, Breakfast Pizza, Pop Tarts, Pancakes, Waffles, Funnel Cakes, Scrambled Eggs. Reg. Lunch$1.50, Reduced Lunch-40¢, Extra Milk-40¢, Regular Breakfast-$1.05, Reduced Breakfast-30¢, Adult Lunch-$2.50. f

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Very nice 2/3/5 bedrooms, many extras. For more information, call 814-558-6112.
PORT ALLEGANY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MENU December 21, 2011 - December 27, 2011 Wed. Hot Dog, Choice of Vegetable, Fruit. Thurs. Cook’s Choice. Early Dismissal. Christmas Vacation Begins 12/23/11. 1% White, 1% Chocolate, 1% Strawberry or Skim Milk are available daily. Menu is subject to change. Rotating Breakfast Menu: French Toast Sticks & Sausage, Super Donut, Cereal, Cinnamon Toast, Breakfast Pizza, Pop Tarts, Pancakes, Waffles, Funnel Cakes, Scrambled Eggs. Reg. Lunch$1.40, Reduced Lunch-40¢, Extra Milk-40¢, Regular Breakfast-95¢, Reduced Breakfast-30¢, Adult Lunch-$2.50. f

MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel On Dec. 31, 1937, Anthony Hopkins is born in Port Talbot, Wales. Hopkins is known for playing one of the greatest villains in movie history, the cannibalistic serial killer Hannibal Lecter in “The Silence of the Lambs” and its two sequels, “Hannibal” and “Red Dragon.” *** On Dec. 29, 1940, London suffers its most devastating air raid when Germans firebomb the city. The next day, a newspaper photo of St. Paul’s Cathedral standing undamaged amid the smoke and flames seemed to symbolize the capital’s unconquerable spirit during the Battle of Britain. *** On Dec. 26, 1966, the first day of the first Kwanzaa is celebrated in Los Angeles. The seven-day holiday is a celebration of AfricanAmerican family, community and cultural values, which include unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, economic cooperation, purpose, creativity and faith. *** (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.


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PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (Never Known To Fail) Oh, Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh show me herein you are my Mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin pray for us to have recourse to thee (3x). Holy Mother I place this cause in your hands (3x). Holy Spirit, You who light all roads so that I can attain my goal. You who gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances in my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank You for all things as you confirm once again that I never want to be separated from You in eternal glory. Thank You for Your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer 3 consecutive days. The prayer must be published after the favor is granted. f ——————————————————————————————— PINK ELEPHANT BAG SALE - TUES., DEC. 20TH Tues. - Fri. 12:00-3:00pm; Sat. 10:00-12:00. 2/20p ——————————————————————————————— SANTA sent a rush delivery of Folkmanis Puppets on the Cross Country Express to the Country Porch Café just in time for Christmas. Remember the elves’ words of wisdom, “Puppets using imagination are rated #1 by children.” The puppets are available now at the Country Porch Café, Main Street, Smethport, Pa. Merry Christmas! c LIGHT UP SMETHPORT Smethport Light Up Night was a delightful evening for the seniors of the Smethport Senior Center as they toured around town in a bus provided by C. L. McKeirnan’s Bus Garage for the annual judging of the many homes decorated for the Christmas season. The Winners are: First Place, the Steven Dunkle home; Second Place, the Daniel Woods home; and Third Place the George Magee home. With prizes donated by the Smethport Area Chamber of Commerce - who thanks all home owners that decorated and made Smethport really light up for this Christmas Seasons. Merry Christmas to everyone from the Smethport Senior Center. f McKEAN COUNTY CARE FOR CHILDREN. Memorials may be purchased at: Todd Motor Sales, Inc., Main St., Eldred, PA. tf

CHARITABLE GIVING GUIDE FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON The holidays ignite the philanthropic spirit in many of us, and even with the uncertain economy, Americans continue to give. In fact, according to Charity Navigator, total giving to charitable organizations was up 3.8 percent from 2009 to 2010. As in previous years, the majority of giving came from individuals - more than $211 billion of the nearly $291 billion in total giving. Americans have raised the bar for charitable giving, recognizing that the need may be greater than ever before. Whether you are donating money, items or time, take these steps to help make sure your contributions have the most benefit for the cause you support - and yourself. Consider your options carefully. Chances are you’ll see more promotion for charities during this season than you have throughout the year, and many may align with your interests and passions. The challenging part is weighing your options and making decisions to find the ones that best match your giving goals. If you are contacted by an unfamiliar charity, get the details about the organization, the nature of its program and its use of funds before you write a check. If you have any doubts, contact the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance or go to www.bbb.org/charity for a BBB Wise Giving ReportTM on the charity. Also make sure that the majority of what you give is actually supporting the programs and services of the organization. Of the 5,500 charities evaluated by Charity Navigator, the vast majority spend at least 75 percent of their budgets on programs and services. Typically ten percent or less goes to fundraising and 15 percent or less is spent on administration. Give beyond your checkbook. If you are passionate about a particular charity, consider giving more than money. Encourage friends, family and coworkers to join you in volunteering for an event to benefit a local charity. Perhaps you can choreograph a volunteer outing in place of a holiday office party, or gather your family for a community service project. It can be a great way to build relationships with those you already know and care about, and will also give you the opportunity to meet new people who share your passions during the holidays. Give a two-for-one. With many people on tight budgets this holiday season, it may be difficult to afford gifts for everyone on your list in addition to a donation. Why not combine the best of both by purchasing certain gift cards that give a percentage to charity? Some allow you to dictate the charity of your choice, while others are redeemable by recipients at the charities of their choice. Online networks like


www.justgive.org allow you to review and choose from a diverse list of local, national and international charities. Make your contribution count. Your donations to charity will not only make you feel good, they may also help when tax season comes around. If you itemize deductions, you may be able to take a federal income tax deduction for a donation to a qualified charity. You can search for the charity at the IRS web site to make sure it meets the requirements for tax deductibility. Keep in mind that there is no limit on charitable contributions for most taxpayers. There are, however, other limitations that come into play if you make significant contributions of property or stock with appreciable capital gains. If you make contributions that fall into these categories, be sure to consult with your tax advisor to see if your deductions will be limited. Finally, don’t forget to keep a paperwork trail of your contributions for tax purposes. Having them on hand will save you a lot of

headache when tax time arrives. Make giving a yeararound priority. While it feels especially good to give during the holidays, it might make sense to build charitable giving into your monthly budget so you do it in a planful way. Talk to your financial advisor about how your giving goals fit into your overall financial plan. f REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH Valley Rd., Smethport, Church: 814-887-5632 Pastor Jack Gregg 814-887-2826 Sunday School (all ages)....................9:30am Sunday Morning Worship...................10:45am Sunday Evening Worship.....................6:00pm Wednesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer........................6:30pm Monday Evening Teen Program............6:30pm FIRST CHURCH OF GOD “Where Salvation Makes You A Member” 140 Main St., Eldred, PA Rev. James Kazimer Sunday School............10:00am Sunday Morning Worship....................11:00am Sunday Evening Worship.....................7:00pm Wednesday Evening Worship.....................7:00pm FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Main & Grace Streets Port Allegany•814-642-2105 Sunday School..............9:45am Sunday Morning Worship...................10:45am Communion Sunday (the 1st Sunday of the month) Fellowship Dinner after the Morning Worship Service (last Sunday of the month) Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer................7:00pm

CORYVILLE CHURCH OF FAITH 1913 Moody Hollow Eldred, PA•814-225-4943 Rev. Kent Hill www.coryvillechurchoffaith.org SUNDAY SERVICES: Sunday School............9:30am Morning Worship. . . . .10:45am Sunday Evening.........6:30pm WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting.........6:30pm LIGHTHOUSE COMMUNITY FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1300 Prentisvale Road Rte. 346, Duke Center, PA Pastor Beth Rosler 814-966-3998 Sunday Morning Worship...................10:00am FAITH CHURCH OF CHARITY (Independent Assembly of God) Grimes District Road Port Allegany, PA Pastor: Rev. June E. Smith Sunday School............10:00am Morning Worship. . . . . . .11:00am Night Service...............4:00pm Wednesday...................4:30pm SEVENTH DAY BAPTIST CHURCH OF HEBRON 5 miles up Whitney Creek off Rte. 44, Crandall Hill Coudersport, PA Rev. Michael L. Burns Sabbath School Saturday....................9:45am Worship Service Saturday..................11:00am Bible Study Wednesday................1:00pm Saturday....................2:00pm Women’s Society 1st Tuesday of each month............7:30pm TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Fulton St., Smethport, Pa. 814-887-2563 Worship Service...........9:00am Church School............10:15am

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FOR SALE- Hemlock and pine lumber, 2 inch and sheeting. Call 814-887-2717 for pricing. 3/13cb ——————————————————————————————— FOR SALE - 2006 YAMAHA RHINO 660 CAMO Side-by-side, many extras, excellent condition, $5,200. 814-9663272. 2/13pb ——————————————————————————————— 2005 TRAILBLAZER EXTENDED LS- 96,000 miles, 4x4, excellent shape, well maintained, 18-21 mpg, flawless drive train. Must see. $9,950. 814-642-2250. 3/13pb WASHER- $175. DRYER- $165. Refrigerator- $175. Range$175. Call 716-676-3965 or 716-373-1553. pb HAVE YOU SEEN THE “PHOTO OF THE WEEK” at www.moneysaveradvertising.com 4/6fb MAKE MONEY! Clean out the attic, the garage, the closet and make money by selling your wares in the Moneysaver! Simply fill out the reader ad form in this issue and mail or bring it in...you’ll make money!

SEVENTH DAY BAPTIST CHURCH Alfred Station, NY “A Baptist Church with a Difference” Pastor: Kenneth Chroniger 607-587-9176 Sabbath (Friday) Season of Prayer. . . . . . .7:00pm Saturday: Chime Choir..............9:00am Fellowship Time........9:30am Sabbath School..........9:45am (Class for all ages) (Helping Hand Bible Study Guide avail.) Sabbath Worship........11:00am (Nursery for Preschool; Learner’s Worship for ages 5-12 available) Sanctuary Choir 2nd Sabbath............12:20pm Dish to Pass Fellowship Meal. . . . . .12:30pm Youth Fellowship 1st & 3rd Saturdays. .7:00pm Junior Youth Fellowship 2nd Saturday.............3:00pm Tuesday Bible Study Fellowship...............10:00am GOOD SHEPHERD (Anglican) 29 South Street, (corner of Stone) Cuba, NY 14727 The Rev. Dr. Kenneth W. Gunn-Walberg Sundays........................3:30pm Evening Prayer and Holy Communion using the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. Followed by coffee hour. For info., call 716-968-2393. Visitors most welcome. ALMA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pastor: Geraldine Rapino Sun. Morn. Worship .........9am


As you know, we run many reader ads for government auctions, job positions, earn money at home, cash loans, credit cards, etc. Most of these ads come through state and national ad networks. Most of them are selling directories or listings of where to APPLY FOR what is advertised. This information may be available at less cost elsewhere. While these ads are screened where possible, we have no way of verifying the authenticity of their claims or the value of their product. The buying decision must be yours. If you have problems with any of these advertisers, please let us know and we will attempt to get you a refund. Most of the companies we have checked will refund their fees to unsatisfied customers. Read the ads carefully. Some charge a fee, as noted in the ad, directly to your phone bill when you call them. Once again, we can’t verify claims for every ad. Please consider their offer and make a voluntary and reasonable buying decision. Moneysaver Advertising
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 19 N. Main St., Portville, NY Rev. Marilyn Hale Sunday School............10:00am Morning Worship........11:00am

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Serving Our Local Communities for Over 28 Years. FOR SALE- 3 door wardrobe cabinet with drawers, 6 ft. x 5 ft. x 2 ft. $50. Call 814-368-7996. fb MINT CONDITION SOLID MAPLE TABLE FOR SALE with two leaves, includes 6 cushioned, comfortable chairs. Must see. $375 o.b.o. Roll-a-way, beautiful oak desk, $375. 814-203-0848. pb FOR SALE- Firewood, $50 face cord. No delivery. Stored inside. Mostly maple, beech. 814-697-7782. 3/20pb NARCONON RECOVERY TIP #50 Do Something You Enjoy (Part 2) Addiction can take over everything in the person’s life; One of these things being the things they enjoy most. For some it could be riding a bike or maybe taking a walk and for others it could be doing some type of art. When someone is an addict these abilities can become hidden and wasted because of drugs. After treatment, when one is recovered it is a good time to start doing these activities again. Expressing yourself through your art can help you in many ways: Relieving stress, letting out anger, and just showing your true emotions. If you or a loved one is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction call us at Narconon Arrowhead at 800-468-6933 or visit our web site at www.stopaddiction.com. fb STRANGE BUT TRUE by Samantha Weaver • Those who study such things say that when a ladybug is frightened, it squirts a foul-smelling goo from its knees.

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Saturday, December 31st
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FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 1108 Rte. 19 South at Yorks Corners Wellsville, NY 14895 Pastor: Vernon Dean 585-268-9826 Church: 585-593-5834 Sunday School............10:00am Classes for all ages Morning Worship........11:00am Nursery Available Sun. Eve. Service. . . . . . . . .6:00pm Wed.: Adult Prayer, Bible Study & Praise.............7:00pm SHINGLEHOUSE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Russell Horning Sunday School..............9:15am Morning Worship........10:30am Wednesday Service: BYF (ages 9-12).......3:30pm Choir Practice..........6:15pm Bible Study & Prayer Meeting.........7:30pm NOTE: Wheelchair, access ramp and nursery provided. HERITAGE AFLAME MINISTRIES 585-928-2648 ext. 2 71 Boss St., Bolivar, NY 14715 Sunday Morning Services 9:30am. .&. .11:00am at The Chapel, 647 S. Union St., Olean, NY Wed. Prayer..................6:00pm at The Chapel. Wed. D2D......................6:30pm at The Ministry Center. RICHBURG FIRST DAY BAPTIST CHURCH 128 Main St., Box 242 Pastor: Larry J. Allen Early Worship...............9:00am Sunday School............10:00am Morning Worship........11:00am Wednesday Prayer Mtg.....7pm Thursday LIFE Adventure Club for boys & girls in 1-6 grades. For more info. and spiritual counsel, phone 585928-2400. CERES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pastor: Rebecca Edwards Worship Service............9:30am Sunday School............11:00am Choir, Wednesday.........6:00pm Youth, Sunday..............6:00pm MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel • On Jan. 6, 1925, in Madison Square Garden, Finnish longdistance runner Paavo Nurmi sets a new indoor world record, running a mile in 4:13.5. In the 5,000-meter race, the “Flying Finn” broke another indoor world record in 14:44.6. Nurmi often ran holding a stopwatch to pace himself, an innovation he developed. • On Jan. 2, 1971, 66 football (soccer) fans are killed in a stampede at a stadium in Glasgow, Scotland, as they attempt to leave a game. The tragedy was caused by the crush of spectators all leaving at the same time on the same stairway.


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HAINES TRUCK CAPS: Fiberglass & aluminum. Tonneau covers & bedliners. Route 417 and 219, Kill Buck, NY, 716-945-5359. Monday-Friday 9-5, Saturday 9-1 or by appointment. tfcb ——————————————————————————————— FRIENDLY CORE CO. Recycling automotive catalytic converters and non-ferrous metals. M-F 8:00-5:00 or by appointment or we’ll pick up your material. We pay cash or check! 814-697-6839. 1/2 mile past Dollar Store, on Rte. 44S, Shinglehouse, Pa. tfcb ——————————————————————————————— FOR SALE- Seasoned firewood. A lso, buying deer hides. 814225-3148. tfcb MILITARY ASSOCIATION CONDUCTING MEMBERSHIP DRIVE The Bucktail Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America is conducting a membership drive. To be eligible to be a member, you must have been a military/civilian officer, past and present, of any branch of service that was honorably discharged or retired. One year free membership, luncheons/meetings are held most months. Be an active part of a special band of brothers with your fellow officers. Be informed on current civilian/military aspects of our country and the world. For more details, or for an application, contact Daniel J. Causer Sr. CWO (USAR) Ret. at 814-225-3681 or e-mail to [email protected] Now more than ever in our republic, we must band together to support our military and the Constitution of the United States of America. NOTE: Eldred, PA is the former home of the ammo plant and nitro plant for the American Army and British Army during WWII and was still active till the middle of 1950. fb STRANGE BUT TRUE by Samantha Weaver • It was American journalist and satirist Ambrose Bierce who made the following sage observation: “There is nothing new under the sun but there are lots of old things we don’t know.” • You might be surprised to learn that approximately 40 percent of the oxygen in the world’s atmosphere is provided by the verdant plant growth of South America’s Amazon River basin. • Mayan artwork dating back as far as 700 A.D. shows people preparing chocolate beverages. Chocolate was so valued by the natives of the Americas, the Maya even used cacao beans as currency.

MONEYSAVER Shopping Guide & Shopping News P.O. Box I Bolivar, NY 14715
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GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ONE Seafood Salad Cucumber Cups Nestle sweet shrimp and crabmeat salad in a refreshing cucumber shell and top with tart, jewel-like pomegranate seeds for an elegant holiday appetizer. 6 sprigs fresh dill 2 lemons 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 1 pinch cayenne (ground red) pepper Salt 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 8 ounces 16- to 20-count shrimp, shelled and deveined 2 large (1 pound each) seedless (English) cucumbers 8 ounces refrigerated lump crabmeat, picked over 2 tablespoons snipped chives 1/4 cup pomegranate seeds 1. Separate dill leaves from stems; reserve separately. From lemons, finely grate 1/2 teaspoon peel and squeeze 1/4 cup juice into large bowl. Reserve rinds. 2. To peel and juice, whisk in mustard, cayenne and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Whisk in oil in slow, steady stream, until blended. Dressing can be refrigerated up to 3 days. 3. In 4-quart saucepan, combine dill stems, lemon rinds and 8 cups water. Heat to boiling. Reduce heat to maintain gentle simmer. Add shrimp; cook 3 minutes or until just opaque, stirring. Drain. Rinse under cold water until cold; drain. Discard dill and lemon. Coarsely chop shrimp. Shrimp can be refrigerated overnight. 4. Trim cucumbers; cut into 1/2inch-thick slices. With melon baller, scoop out centers of slices without cutting through bottoms. 5. Finely chop 1 tablespoon dill leaves. Gently fold into dressing along with shrimp, crabmeat and chives. 6. Fill each cucumber cup with 1 tablespoon salad mixture. Garnish with pomegranate and dill. Makes about 36 pieces; serves 12. • Each serving: About 75 calories, 4g total fat (1g saturated), 42mg cholesterol, 300mg sodium, 3g carbohydrate, 1g dietary fiber, 7g protein.

For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at www.goodhousekeeping.com/ recipefinder/. (c) 2011 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel • On Jan. 4, 1847, Samuel Colt

rescues the future of his faltering gun company by winning a contract to provide the U.S. government with 1,000 of his .44 caliber revolvers. Though never cheap, by the early 1850s, Colt revolvers were inexpensive enough to be a favorite with Americans headed westward during the California Gold Rush.

Letters to Santa Winners!
We are happy to announce and congratulate the following winners of our “Letters to Santa” drawing...

Winner of $50 Gift Certificate to Costa’s ACE Hardware:

Mike Douglas
Duke Center, PA • Age: 9

Winner of Christmas Dog:

Anna Cunningham
Cyclone, PA • Age: 4
Thank you to all the children who sent their “Letters to Santa” to us.
(P.S. They have been forwarded to Santa!) Sponsored by:

Moneysaver Advertising
Publisher of Moneysaver Shopping Guide and Shopping News 218 N. Main St., Bolivar, NY • 585-928-2470 www.moneysaveradvertising.com


DECEMBER 20, 2011

- Having a Holiday Party? - Attending a Party? - Need a Gift Idea?

EVANGELICAL COVENANT CHURCH 67 Church Street, Port Allegany, PA Pastor: J.T. Madison 814-642-2272 Sunday School..............9:45am Worship Service. . . . . . . . .11:00am Call for schedule of small group/Bible study meetings. FAITH CHAPEL Route 346, Prentisvale Rd. 1 mi. west of Eldred Junction Pastors: Robert & Marty Shanner 814-225-4020 Nondenominational Sunday Morning Services....................11:00am

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FREE METHODIST CHURCH Cyclone, PA Tom Vennard, Pastor 814-966-3846 Sunday School............10:00am Morning Worship. . . . . . .11:00am CHESTNUT STREET BAPTIST CHURCH 314 Chestnut Street Port Allegany, PA Phone: 814-642-7381 Sunday School............10:00am Morning Worship. . . . . . .11:00am Sunday Evening...........7:00pm Wednesday Evening. . . .7:00pm COUNTRY CHAPEL BAPTIST CHURCH Indian Creek Rd., Eldred Pastor: Bruce Ireland 814-225-2235 Sun. Morn. Worship...10:30am Evening Worship..........6:00am Wednesday: Bible Study and Prayer...........................7:00pm ST. LUKE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH West Main & Church Street Smethport, PA•814-887-5841 Rev. William S. Crittenden Sun. Morn. Holy Eucharist......................9:30am Thurs. Morn. Healing Service.....10:00am




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MCKEAN COUNTY TEEN SELECTED TO NATIONAL CONFERENCE. Teen leadership is an important part of the 4-H Youth program. Stephen McFall, a McKean County 4-H member, has been selected along with 5 other youth from across the United States to participate on the National 4-H Conference Youth Leadership Team. The team will be responsible for hosting meetings, leading group activities, providing training, along with many other leadership opportunities. The conference will be held in Washington, DC from March 24 - 29, 2012. This is an excellent opportunity for 4-H members to gain leadership skills, knowledge on becoming an advocate in their schools and communities, as well as the chance to interact with their State Senators. Stephen is the son of Larry and Pam McFall of Smethport and a senior at Smethport Area High School. f

CHINESE ENGINE PROBLEMS? Visit the specialists at BG’s Engine Clinic for parts and service on “Honda clone” Chinese engines. Authorized service center for E-Ton ATVs, Baja Motorsports and more! BG’s Engine Clinic, 191 Main Street, Roulette, PA, 814-544-7558, www.bgsengineclinic.com tfc ——————————————————————————————— BLOOMSTER HOLLOW DOGGIE SPA Dog Grooming by Carrie. 669 Bloomster Hollow, Smethport, Pa. 814-887-9351. tfc ——————————————————————————————— CONNER’S RECYCLING Ormsby, PA. Paying cash for all types of scrap metals & junk cars. Call for prices: 814-465-9052. tfc HAMLIN MEMORIAL LIBRARY Monday & Tuesday, noon-5 p.m., 7 p.m.-9 p.m.; Wednesday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Thursday 7 p.m.-9 p.m.; Friday noon - 5 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. tf MT. JEWETT MEMORIAL LIBRARY Monday - Thursday 10 a.m.-noon, 2 p.m.-5 p.m.; 7 p.m.-9 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m.-noon, 2 p.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday 10:00 a.m.2:00 p.m. [email protected] tf

Christmas Decorations

Sundays: Adult Electives..........9:30am Youth & Children Sunday School...........9:30am (age 4 to 6th grade) Worship & Praise Service Contemporary.................11am Children’s Church Nursery provided to age 3 for all services. Tues: Divorce Care.......6:30pm Wednesdays: Student Ministries Junior High 7-8..............7pm Senior High 9-12............7pm FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 498 Seaward Ave. Bradford, PA 16701 Church: 814-368-7622 Sunday School..............9:45am Morning Worship. . . . . . .11:00am Evening Service...........6:00pm Wednesday Prayer Meeting.........7:00pm NEW LIFE FELLOWSHIP WORLD OUTREACH CENTER Cyclone, PA Phone: 814-465-3272 Stanton R. Higley, Pastor Sunday Service...........11:00am Monday.........................7:00pm McCRAE BROOK WESLEYAN CHURCH Phone: 814-225-3753 Pastor Bill Nace Sunday School............10:00am Worship Service. . . . . . . . .11:00am Wednesday: Family Bible Study & Prayer Service..........7:00pm Youth Ministry.............7:00pm GRACE CHAPEL CHURCH 203 Rte. 446, Farmers Valley, Pa. Phone: 814-887-5567 Pastor: Jerry Stauffer Sun. Morning Service 10:30am

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SHINGLEHOUSE CHRISTIAN & MISSIONARY ALLIANCE CHURCH Pastor James Haddon Sunday School..............9:45am Morning Worship........11:00am Tues. Alliance Youth ....7:00pm Wed. Prayer Meeting.. .7:00pm HOUSE OF PRAYER South Bolivar Road Pastor: Roy Elliot Sunday Service.............1:30pm Prayer Meeting Wed.. . . . . . . .7pm Everyone Welcome GRACE BIBLE INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH 392 Coon Crossing Road Shinglehouse•814-697-7257 Pastor: Roger N. Hain Asst. Pastor: Thomas Isaacson Sunday School..............9:30am Classes for all ages. Morning worship........10:45am includes nursery, children’s church and junior church. Evening Service............7:00pm Mon. (Sept.-Apr.)...JAM Clubs, for children in grades 1-6. Wed. (Sept.-Apr.). Grace Teens, for students in grades 7-12. Wed. Prayer Meeting .. 7:15pm Nursery available for Sunday School, Sunday worship services and Wed. MYRTLE GOSPEL TABERNACLE 1127 Route 44 Shinglehouse, PA 814-697-7101 Pastor: Bob Hubbard Sunday School............10:00am Morning Worship........11:00am Sun. Eve. Service. . . . . . . . .6:30pm Wed. Eve. Service.........6:30pm BELL RUN UNION CHURCH 904 Taylor Brook Road Pastor Chad Shaffer Shinglehouse•814-697-6972 Sunday School..............9:30am Morning Worship........10:30am Sun. Eve. Service. . . . . . . . .7:00pm Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer Meeting.........7:00pm FIRST SEVENTH DAY BAPTIST CHURCH OF GENESEE 8265 Main Street Little Genesee 14754 Church: 585-928-1857 Office: 607-587-8436 Pastor: Kevin Palmiter www.sdbchurch.org Sabbath (Saturday) Fellowship.................9:30am Sabbath School..........9:45am Morning Praise & Worship 10:45am Bible Study (Tuesday)....7pm First Sabbath of each month: Fellowship meal after Worship. ***
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VALLEY RECYCLING: BUYING SCRAP copper, brass, aluminum, stainless steel, etc. Top prices! 34 W. Union Street, Allegany, NY. 716-372-9542. tfcb ——————————————————————————————— PETERSON STOVES Are your heating bills too high? Check out our coal, wood, and gas stoves, free standing units, forced air and hot water boilers. Clean burning, automatic feed. Heat the average home all winter for only $1,100. Call 585-933-7277. tfcb ——————————————————————————————— VIEW CURRENT & PREVIOUS ISSUES of the Moneysaver at www.moneysaveradvertising.com 4/6fb KEVIN GUEST HOUSE Located in Buffalo, NY, The Kevin Guest House was established as a memorial to Kevin Garvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Garvey of Sharon, Pa. Kevin lost his battle to cancer at the age of 13. The Kevin Guest House provides a temporary, safe refuge for patients and their families at a nominal fee, and extends its hospitality to families of patients who are receiving treatment at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo General Hospital, and other area hospitals. For over 35 years the Kevin Guest House has been welcoming guests, and provides an atmosphere of caring which helps families focus on their loved ones without the stress of finding temporary, affordable accomodations near local health care facilities and services. Kevin Guest House, 782 Ellicott St., Buffalo, NY 14203. Phone: 716-882-1818; Fax: 716-882-1291 or e-mail General [email protected] tffb THINK MONEY...think Moneysaver reader ads! you’ll save money! Sell you’ll make money! Buy

MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel • On Jan. 5, 1643, in the first record of a legal divorce in the American colonies, Anne Clarke of the Massachusetts Bay Colony is granted a divorce from her absent and adulterous husband, Denis Clarke, by the Quarter Court of Boston. • On Jan. 7, 1785, Frenchman Jean-Pierre Blanchard and American John Jeffries travel from Dover, England, to Calais, France, in a gas balloon, making the first crossing of the English Channel by air. After almost crashing, the two men were forced to throw nearly everything out of the balloon to lighten the ship. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

What do you do when it snows? Have you ever seen a Lab puppy playing in the first snowfall he’s ever seen? It’s absolutely hilarious watching him. He tries to catch the snow as it hits the ground. Then, when he can’t do that, he jumps in the air trying to catch the flakes and when he does catch one, of course, it dissolves in his mouth and he doesn’t understand where it went. And when the ground is covered, he and his Lab brothers and sisters chase each other in it, sliding around, playing in the snow; having the time of their lives. Now contrast the Labs playing in the snow with the people who get grouchy because they can’t get out of their driveway. Or, who whine because their kids are missing another day of school which might cut into their summer vacation. Or, who stand in long grocery store lines and for what - milk and bread? Maybe Labs make a positive life better than we do sometimes, you think? The next time you get interrupted by the weather, just smile, enjoy the interruption, and make a positive life like a Lab! A public service message brought to you by

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DECEMBER 20, 2011

We’re sending you greetings. Hope they brighten your day. Happy Holidays

10 cheers for our customers
Dear Children,
Thank you for all your letters. I read each one as they come in. Some of you have written very personal letters about your parents, families, sickness, and the war. I am sorry that even Santa’s magic cannot always change things, but do not lose heart. Inside each of you is a special magic that is even more powerful than Christmas wishes and that is the power to love. Do your best and remember that Santa’s love is with you.
9 rounds of applause, 8 smiles of gratitude, 7 nods of appreciation... We can’t thank you enough and wish you a wonderful New Year.


Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc.
Shinglehouse, PA Turtlepoint, PA
Dear Santa I wont for christmas is Xbox 360 wit Indein joen games part 1 and Part 2 and resolein games and a new DS and mareo games and sonike games and the new mareo game that is an tv I’am 8 yers old I live at Kobie Slaugenhaupt Port Allegany, PA Love Kobie Slaugenhaupt, Port Allegany, PA P.S Can you say hi to Miss Claus for me + your Raindeer I will live milk + cookies for you. Dear Santa, I want a Happy Napper, Cars 2, a BB Gun, and cowboy stuff. Love, Jethro Smith, age 5, Port Allegany, PA Dear SantaHello. How is Mrs. Claus and the reindeer? Please send some snow to us. I’ve been good this year most of the time. This year I would like an army tank, monster truck, PSP, Charleston Chew, and some gum, an army set, WII games, and a little computer. Thank you, Luke Dunkle, age 6, Port Allegany, PA

Sales & Service
Eldred, Pa. 814-225-2277

CLOSED: Fri. 12/23; Sat. 12/24; Sun. 12/25; Mon.12/26 OPEN: Tues.12/27 - Fri. 12/30. CLOSED: Sat. 12/31 through Mon. 1/2/2012 OPEN: Tues. 1/3/2012.


Santa Claus
Dear Santa, I would like the new Black-Ops game for X-box, new clothes, and something for Daddy and Mommy. I am in wrestling now so I know how to be good. Thank you Santa. Love, Braxton Alexander Caldwell, age 5, Port Allegany, PA Dear Santa, My grandma is writing this for me because Im too small. I am getting to be a big girl now so I need some new clothes and maybe a new Doll Baby. Please Bring my brothers, and sister something special too. Love, Vania Rolfe, age 1, Port Allegany, PA Dear Santa, I hope you had a good year. I will live cookse and milk out for you. I hope you don’t get tired. I was good this year. I would like this year ipod, call DutyMW3, A SteeleRS football. Merry Christmas Shae Southard, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, Have your elvs benn working hard? I have been a relly good girl this year. My name is Allyson Kilgus. I am 9 years old. Also I will not be home for Chrismas so don’t leave my presants at my mom’s house. Leave them at my dad’s house. Can I have a new book The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall. I have benn a good girl. I will leave you 5 suger cookies and Carroits for your rain deer. Sincirly, Ally Allyson Kilgus, age 9, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear, Santa I hope you had a great year. I hope you and Rudolph are ready for a busy night I have been a pretty good. This year I want a drumset, a trip to ohio, some pretty pretty dresses, and some pink hair clips, and a pink clipbard, and I want a pink bike, some pretty pretty tops, and I want every one to have a great year in school, a paint set a some Hanny Montana tops and skrits, and a hard math book. Love, Jaiden Otto-Eldred Elementary School

Wishing you a healthy and prosperous New Year.

Happy Holidays!


814-274-9300 www.charlescolehospital.com
Dear SantaHello, how are you? I’ve been good sometimes - I’ll try to be better. This year I would like The Pacific Mini-series, PS games, and Wii Games, old fashioned truck & police car, TD15c bulldozer, PSP, an electric guitar, a toy backhoe & excavator. Thank you, Jacob Dunkle, age 8, Port Allegany, PA Dear: Santa Clause I have been a good girl this year. I would like baby alive. dinosaurs. barbies. and other fun toys. I will have cookies and milk for you. and carrotts for your reindeer. Love Hannah Albney, age 3, Port Allegany, PA Dear Santa, I have been pretty good this year. I am in Pre-school now so Im learning alot. I would like a Ben-Ten watch, some new clothes, and a remote control Jeep. Also bring My Little sister Vania some new clothes, because she is getting bigger. We will leave Milk + Cookies for you. Love, Your friend, Tein Jacob Caldwell, age 4, Port Allegany, PA

We’re Rolling Out The Red Carpet...
to Wish You Happy Holidays! May your Christmas be bright and your New Year joyous. Thank you for your patronage from all of us at

DONNA'S DAY: CREATIVE FAMILY FUN By Donna Erickson Home-Cleaning Tips for the Holidays "It's dirty work, but someone has to do it!" That has been my catchy refrain the past few months while partnering with Scrubbing Bubbles to reveal its fascinating Dirty Work Index data on women's attitudes and feelings on cleaning their homes. Did you know that 51 percent of women actually avoid going into someone else's bathroom? I also was surprised to learn that three out of four women say that the cleanliness of their homes speaks volumes about them personally, and 83 percent are prompted to clean if they're hosting a party or guests in their home. That can put a lot of pressure on one person, especially this time of year! Now that we're in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, with guests coming and going in our homes, here are some practical and easy cleaning strategies for busy families: 1. Start with the front door. To keep dirt and grime out of the house before it gets tracked in, remind kids to leave their boots, shoes, and wet and muddy winter gear at the entryway. When guests pop by, I like to add a bit of humor and suggest that they do the "Cha, Cha, Cha" on the entry mat when they arrive. After a few steps, wiggles and laughs, their shoes are clean before they step inside. 2. Think of cleaning as exercise. It can be hard to get everything you want done during these busy days, so make cleaning do double duty when you can't squeeze in time at the gym. An active 30 minutes of cleaning can get the blood pumping and heart racing. Add music to the mix, and it will be done before you know it. 3. Get kids to help. You don't have to do all the tasks alone, especially kid-friendly jobs like shaking rugs, taking out the trash and cleaning the bathroom mirrors. 4. Clear the clutter. Just before guests arrive at a dinner party, wash and put away mixing bowls and utensils, and be sure the counters are sparkling clean. A clutter-free kitchen makes you feel organized and relaxed. 5. Save the night with candlelight. Perfection isn't everything. If you throw a last-minute get-together, don't worry about dusting every corner. Simply dim lamps and light candles. There is something about candlelight that makes everything glow. 6. Holiday helpers ring in the new year. When packing holiday decorations in boxes until next year, make it a family affair. Laugh together, tell stories and share cups of cocoa while you get another cleanup job done! *** Donna Erickson's award-winning series "Donna's Day" is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activities, visit www.donnasday.com and link to the NEW Donna's Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is "Donna Erickson's Fabulous Funstuff for Families." (c) 2011 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Synd. *** Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas. - Peg Bracken *** Isn't it funny that at Christmas something in you get so lonely for - I don't know what exactly, but it's something that you don't mond so much not having at other times. - Kate L. Bosher *** It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air. - W.R. Ellis *** Christmas is forever, not just for one day, for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf. The good you do for others is good you do yourself... -Norman Wesley Brooks, "Let Every Day Be Christmas," 1976.

Carpet Express

Olean, NY

Dear Santa, I been good this year I hope you had a great year to hope your rein beer are reay to I want a xbox knet and other xbox 360 game. Jared, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I hope you had a great year. I have been good at school and home. This, year I want a monster high doll. Danivllewolf, down at the dazens. A monster high dS game. The monster high stickers. From, Lylah, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I hope you have a great chrismas. I hope you + Donner are ready for chrismas. I hope i can get a picture of Donner Santa. Have a great rid Donner. The anthor reindeer have a great chrismas up in the South Pole be ready for chrismas. Elvis get ready to put the harnising on the reindeer. Santa will you tell the elvis to have a good chrismas and you too. But i know they will be good for you. I Just want a picture of donner and the reindeer not on the same picture so I can see you and the reindeer are real. But I know you and the reindeer and elvis are real. I Blevil you are real. I want a picture of donner and the other reindeer with. him so the 1st picture just donner and 2st picture all of the reindeer together. from Megann Taggart, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

Wishing You The Very Best!
There’s no time like the present to let you know how much we appreciate your patronage this past year. We hope to see you again in the New Year.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Southern Tier Polaris Arctic Cat/Suzuki
Olean, NY

Taylor & Armstrong Contracting, Inc.
Eldred, PA


Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!
Wishing you a beautiful holiday season and a New Year of peace and happiness.
15 Troutbrook Rd., Roulette, PA 16746
814-544-9910 or 814-642-9263
Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts for christmass last year. For christmass I would want nintendo DSi and a punching bag That is all I want for christmass Raymond Batt, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I’m sorry that my Mom’s cookies were burnt last Christmas. But I will cook them so they don’t get burnt this Christmas. I realy want an old English Bulldog. Just make sure he is in good condition. Then if it’s alot of money don’t get it for me I need a DVD player. A blue football. I want every kid in The world to have a good Christmas. Jadelyn Spinney, age 9, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

We wish you and yours a


and a

DECEMBER 20, 2011

Hagg’s Tax Team
Eldred, PA
Dear Santa I Hope you got Those Elves ready and working. I would like the Lego Fire house. I would also like some Penn State shoes. I hope you have a good trip. I will leave you carrots and cookies. Merry Christmas. Micah, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I hope you are ready for christmas. I will be making you cookies for Christmas day and milk Beware of my dogs Coco, Trixy, and my new dog Mac / he, is a big dog. Here are some thing I want -aptop, a x box and Air Hogs Hyper Active. yar frined, Colt, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, Hello. My name is David Wheaton. I am a fourth grade student at the Otto-Eldred Elementary school. I have been very good this year. I am going to leave you cookies and milk. I want a punching bag and nerf stuff. A kid, David W., Otto-Eldred Elementary School

Anne, Margie, Tristin, Tabitha, Myra & Jessica
St. Marys Office: 814-781-1933 Emporium Office: 814-486-0313

Dear Santa, I hope you had a great year. I hope you + the raindree are reay for a good Christmas. I have been pretty good. This year I want all the loge, 2,000,000,000 nx, and a computer. Love, Gabe, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I hope your elves are still working on the presents. I hope that you had a good time. On Christmas Eve the reindeer should be ready. I was really good. This Christmas I want a telescope. I want a Cars 2 Wii game. A tron legacy Wii game and a new dart gun. For Christmas I am maving to California. From, Rene Beltran-Hernandez, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa I hope you had a great year. I hope you and Rudolph are ready for a busy night. I Want a toy nerf sniper, a big box of star wars Legos, a guitar. Oh, an I hope Vixon is okay. your friend, Dylan A., Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa I hope you had had a good this year I wa’nt a ps3 for chrishmas I Wont Som gams to I Wauld like yu to get sume thing for mY mom dad and brother ever though he wasn’t so good I will leave you cookes + ps I want a pichure of your reindeer with ther names. Jordan Cooper, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. For Christmas I would like toys. Dylan Hamton, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

Have a fuzzy and warm Christmas and a joyful New Year.

Precision Collision and the Barr Family ~~ The Lord blessed our business this year through you, our loyal customers! Thank you for your business but most especially, your friendship! Merry Christmas!

Andy & Judy Barr & family
Smethport, PA

Marti’s ruff-Cut-N-Clip-purr
10 Vine St., Port Allegany, PA
Dear Santa Claus, How’s your christmas and christmas trip christmas is about the joy of giving. Sorry to say but your not the star of christmas Jesus is in 2007 I got a note on a note on my nutcracker that I am right And can you help me get better at dogeball. Okay thanks, I want an amagenext Joker and Joker’s bike and a nerf C5-6 longstrike. My mom already wrote my note, but this one’s the real note. And saint did you watch “santa baby” and “santa baby 2” on hallmark. Santa did you know your reward is cookies and milk. We’ll put gingerbread & egg nog on the table or the island. And you can play with my pennsilvannia 2005 christmas train. How is Mrs. Clause? Hows her cookies, candies, and sweets. Am I on the good list or nauty list? (P.S.) Return note so I can see. Your Greatest friend ever, Josh Schuessler, Rixford, PA, Otto-Eldred Elementary School (P.S.S.) Get ready reindeer

Dear Santa, It is so cool how you stop at all the houses in the world all in one night! I hope you come to my house. I would like a gocart, a fire truck that shuots real water out of the top of the ladder, some licen logs, som real fire men clothes, and other things. Brandon Goodling, age 10, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa Hello My name is McKenzie. I am a fourth grade Student at the otto-Eldred school. I have been very good this year. This is what I want for christmas...Just dance 3, Mario Kart, Cheezit’s my favorite, guess who, New basket ball that’s what I want for Christmas. McKenzie Dombeck, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

Christmas Joy
A hearty greeting to all our friends. It’s a pleasure to wish you the merriest of holidays at this time. We thank you for your patronage. uring the holidays we believe the mower, the merrier. We hope you and your family have enough cheer to last you throughout the coming year.

Just what the doctor ordered...
a healthy, happy holiday season to one and all! Mark A. Shaffer D.C.
Chiropractor Port Allegany, PA

Ed Daugherty Auto Body Repair Shop

Patrick, Sandy & Family

Canfield’s Outdoor Power Equipment, Inc.
Port Allegany, Pa. • 814-642-2862

Ceres, PA


DECEMBER 20, 2011

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WANTED TO BUY: Home with 20 to 100+ acres farm land or wooded in Smethport area. 814-366-0325. tf UPPER APARTMENT OUTSIDE PORT ALLEGANY, PA- Two bedroom, two bath, dishwasher, microwave, carport, electric, water, plowing, mowing. $595. No pets; smoking. Call 814-6422270. tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT- 1 & 2 bedroom, $600. Utilities included. No pets. 814-368-3695. 3/13p CHRISTMAS TREES: Come see our many nice shaped, 6 ft. trees. $3/ft. You cut. 587 Columbia Hill Rd., Smethport, Pa. 814465-9783. 2/13p SOAPS By Dana Block THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL Ridge narrowed the list of suspects to find out who stole the Forrester designs. Stephanie apologized to Beverly for her false accusations and asked her to return to her internship. Rick urged Hope to act on her feelings for Liam or lose him forever. Pam seethed with

(814) 274-3224
Not responsible for typographical errors. This ad ends 12/26/11. *Tax, title, license fees extra.

jealously over Donna and Nick’s blossoming relationship. After Pam opted out of cooking Christmas dinner, the undomesticated Logan sisters were put in charge. Hope and Thomas took in the sights of the seasons together in Los Angeles. Wait to See: Chance brings Liam and Hope together at a resort in Mexico. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Secrets began to unravel in Salem as EJ promised Nicole that there were none between them. Carrie encouraged John to use Alice’s secret IOU against Stefano. Madison kept a cryptic phone call from Brady. Daniel turned to Lexie for support for his health issues. Marlena had a hard time believing that new evidence actually could exonerate John. Brady and Madison grew closer as they opened up about their troubled childhoods. Sami and Rafe prepared for their vow renewal ceremony in the town square just as EJ arrived. Wait to See: John faces a financial crisis. GENERAL HOSPITAL Michael and Sam bonded over their shared traumas. Matt interrupted a potential holiday celebration between Elizabeth and Lucky.

Dante took Lulu to Manhattan to get a glimpse of what it was really like to be married to a cop. Lucky left for Ireland again. Shawn surprised Carly with a fully decorated home. Sam realized that Jason watched Franco’s sinister DVD. Dante and Lulu said “I do” in a surprise wedding. An emotional Robin burst into tears while wrapping gifts. Wait to See: Ethan receives another message from The Woman in White. ONE LIFE TO LIVE Rex stayed behind in Texas after he was bumped from his flight, leaving him face to face with Gigi/Stacy. Meanwhile back in Llanview, Aubrey helped Shane decorate for Christmas as they waited for Rex to return. Viki walked up just in time to see Clint kissing Kim, but didn’t get the full story. Neela and Jack grew closer, making her feel guilty for secretly recording his confession. The professor helped Gigi/Stacy learn what really happened the night Gigi “died.” Irene warned Todd that he would lose everything if the truth came out that he was Victor’s killer. Wait to See: Surprises unfold as the lights go out in Llanview. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc. ***


Merry Christmas
from the staff at

Port Allegany Pharmacy
Julie Petruzzi, Jami Bonawitz, Annette Ford, Abby Galford, Jennifer Moses, Kelly and Scott Newton
Dear Santa, Hi, My Name is Christopher but my family calls me “CJ”. I am 3 yrs old. My mommy is writing this because I am still learning. I have tried to be a good boy but everyday theres more rules. I try to help mommy with baby brother by sharing my toys. Please for Christmas this year could you get me hot wheels, and toy guns, balls I can share with my brother. Oh yes Baby Brother and I could use snow boots. I better go now “Chunk” is waking up. Give my love to Mrs. Claus and your reindeer. Love, CJ Christopher Jon Crandall III, age 3, Smethport, PA P.S. I hope you can find our new house, we had to move. Dear Santa, I really love you very much. And my baby brother loves you too. And I really want a Fushigi and more stuffed animals and Baby All Gone, but not my old Baby All Gone and another Pillow Pet. And can you bring my baby brother some cake, a costume for Halloween, some clothes and more race cars. Caleigh Wolosewicz, age 5, Smethport, PA

Dear Santa, you have a good rest before Christmas. I hope you, Comet, Dancer, Prancer, Dixon, Rudolph, Cupid, Donner, Blitson, and Dasher are ready. Enjoy the cookies and milk. There will be a surprise for you too. I have a question, was I nauty or nice? Have a nice Christmas. Please write back. Remember from my list I want a hampster. From Haedyn Brewer, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I hope you had a great year. I hope you & Rudolph are ready for a busy night. I have benn pretty good. This year I want a paper jam and a remote cantrol Moster truck. Your friend, Ollie Johnson, Otto-Eldred Elementary School


Merry Christmas
We wish you the merriest of Christmases this year!
All Offices Will Be Closed Monday, December 26th.

DECEMBER 20, 2011

Dear Santa, Hi Santa it’s Sebastian Rush. How are you and Mrs. Clause and the Elfs this year? I want you to know that I have tried to be a good boy for mommy & Daddy. I don’t know if you know that I started Kindergarten this year. I get to ride on a big yellow bus with my big brother Zachary. I’m wishing for a CD player and a big Fire Truck. just like my daddy’s. I was woundering if you could also bring a very big Doggy Bone for my doggy Brotus. He’s been a very very good boy too. Please tell the raindeer that I will have carrots on the table for them too. MERRY Christmas Santa Love Sebastian Rush, age 5, Mount Jewett, PA P.S. I am 5 yrs. old.

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Petruzzi Insurance
Olean, NY • Eldred, PA
Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I only want a few things this year so the elves have time to make toys for all the other kids. Could I please have a scope gun, a new game of Chess, a Spongebob movie, and a DS? Please bring my twin sister a Jessie doll, my daddy a pirate game, and my mommy wants Tony Stewart. There will be milk, cookies, and carrots waiting for you on the table. Love, Jacob Knapp, age 7, Smethport, PA Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. Can you please bring me a Jessie doll with a string & a hat, a Barbie doll, a DS, zoo animals, jungle animals, farm animals, a school house with students, some deer, a ring and a new piggy bank? Also, please bring my twin brother a new sword, my daddy a new Western movie, and my mommy all the Harry Potter movies? Don’t forget your treats I will be leaving on the table for you and your reindeer. Love, Hannah Knapp, age 7, Smethport, PA

Dear Santa, I hope you had a great year. I hope you and your reindeer got rested up for flying and delivering presants. I have been pretty good. I want for Christmas a monster-highdoll, the Christmas cd, touch screen apple ipod, new clothes like skinney jeans and any type you want to get me and anything that you look down and see me playing with or hunting with. Brandi, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I hope you have a good christmas with Mrs. Claus and Rudolph what I want for christmas is Stompeez, A to Z Mysteries Books, jem Dolls, Christmas Books, the Grinch stuffed animal, a Doll of you, Mrs. Claus, elv’s, and all the rein deer that come with there names. My brother and I will leave you lots of milk and cookies. I will also leave some schoot work out for you to look at I promise. Your friend, Reagan Marie Austin, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I hope you are all rested up and your elves are busy at work making presents and the reindeer are ready for a good year. I have been nice this year, I want an ipod touch, a pink two wheeled chargable scooter. I am going to leave cookies and milk for you and carrots for the reindeer. Have a good year. From Youre friend, Alexis Rene Nickerson, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

Dear Santa, My name is Jonathon, but my family calls me “chunk”. Im 1 yrs old. and my mommy is writing this for me. I enjoy playing with my big brother CJ. We play ball, I like to snitch his toy cars and daddys phone when I can get away with it. Like all little boys I like toy cars and trucks, toy animals, balls (especially bouncing and light up ones) and stuffdies. I love to spend time with my family and cooking cookies and dinner for my family. Mommy says I have to go now so Santa please visit us. I’ll help leave cookies and milk for you and a snack for your deers. Love, “Chunk” Jonathon Lee Crandall, age 1, Smethport, PA Dear Santa, I hope you and all the reindeer are ready for a busy night. I have been pretty good this year. I would like a crayon maker, a big pack of skinny markers, some new beads, all the monster high dolls, a big pack of crayons, and a lot of colored sculpting clay. P.S. I will leave you milk and cookies and some carrots for the reindeer. Your Friend, Hannah Garthwaite, OttoEldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I hope you have had a good year so far. I hope you and everyone at the North Pole are ready for a long night. I have been good so far. I will leave you cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer. This year I would like an IPad, and globe. I hope you have a great Chirtmas. From: Haley Cousins, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

As the cheer of the holiday season embraces us, we would like to take a moment to count our blessings and thank our loyal customers. May the new year bring you peace and love.

Angels we have heard...

Johnston Tools, Inc., ACE Hardware
Port Allegany, Pa.

“Glory to God in the highest, and peace to His people on earth!” May the angels’ joyous news be echoed in each and every heart at Christmas, and ever after!

Switzer Funeral Home
Port Allegany, PA


DECEMBER 20, 2011

Wishing You A Very Merry Christmas!
We appreciate your business and wish everyone a holiday season stuffed with fun.

Happy Holidays
Warm wishes for a bright and beautiful holiday season.


Thank You for letting us be your hearing aid provider!

The Hearing Aid Shop
Bolivar, NY •877-earlady Dear santa, Hello my name is Caleb Burdick. I am a 4th grad student at the Otto-Eldred Elementryary School. I have been very good This year. I helped put up the tree in my classroom for Christmas. I want a nook, and pock Ract Razor, toy train, and a Fiddler crab. I made milk and cookies for you. Have a nice trip. By. Caleb Burdick, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, Hello my name is Brett Kreamer. I’m a student at the OttoElamentary school. I’ve been 50-50 this year. What I want is a puppy. I will leave you tootsie rolls and eggnog. There are different flavored tootsie rolls. There is vanilla, strawberry, lime, and orange. I might leave you some hot chocolate. Make sure not to eat all of the tootsie rolls. Your Friend, Brett Kreamer, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Port Allegany, PA Coudersport, PA

Merry Christmas!
May your holiday be filled with all of the joy and wonder this season holds.

Dear Santa Clause, My name is Arayah Annabelle Holly everyone calls me buggy. I am 3 years old. My mommy is writing this for me because I can not write yet. I have been a very very good girl this year. I have been good in school, been good to my big brother Korbin sharing toys and playing nice. I help mommy and grandma do the cooking and cleaning. For Christmas this year I would love for you to bring me some babies, Little ponies, cute clothes, hair ties for my beautiful hair, Dora and Tinkerbell stuff and a puppy for my grandma. Love, Arayah Holly, age 3, Eldred, PA PS. Please bring my papa, mommy, grandma Ruby, and big brother Korbin something nice. I will put out cookies and milk for you and carrots for your reindeer. Be safe! Dear Santa, My name is Grace Katheryn and I am 3 yrs old I have tried to be a very good girl this yr. Sometimes my brother “Drant” gets me in trouble though! This yr for Christmas I would like a real horse, some new babies, and a new bean bag chair. If the real horse won’t fit in your bag, I will ask my Papa! He is the best and Loves me much. I will leave you a cup of milk and some cookies. Love your friend Gracie Kat Greenman, age 3, Rew, PA Dear Santa, My name is Emily Miller. I am 7 years old. I have been good all year. Could you please bring me some of my favorite things like a pillowpet, an art-easle, a kit to make little cloths and books a bout horses. a new watch to tell time. Don’t forget a treat for my little dog Bella and an apple for my pony. Thank you. Love, Emily Sue Miller, age 7, Smethport, PA

Dear Santa I would like a new firetruck, toy car and tools and you! I’m trying to de good. Love Dylan Denning, age 3, Smethport, PA Dearsanta, I hope you had a great year! I would like Bey BlaDes and Ds games and scooter. have a safe trip. love Tristen Taylor, age 6, Smethport, PA

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May the warm glow of the holiday season touch your heart and spread to those around you. Wishing you peace, joy, health, prosperity and much success in all you do. Seasons come and go, but we hope to see you again and again. It has been a pleasure serving you.


Dear Santa Hello My name is Mikayla Post I am a forth grade student at The Otto-Eldred EleMtray School. I have been very good This year. I Whant for chismis is a My little pony coloring Book With pretty pictures. and A stuffed Aniumal. and a barbie. I want My own pack of crayola crayons. and I want a toy camera That can take pictures. by Mikayla Post, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, Hi. My name is Emilie Reitler. I am a fourth grade student at Otto-Eldred Elementary School. I have been a very good girl. My I have a Ipod, a fishtank with a fish, puppy, a colored light bulb, last but not least earings. Thank you for reading this I really appreciate that very much. Thank you! Merry Christmas! Love, Emilie Reitler, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, Please bring me Barbie House, la la loopsy Love, Madison Conn, age 5, Smethport, PA

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Dear Santa, Hello, My name is Kylee J.R Brown. I am a forth grade student at the otto-Eldred Elementry school. I have been super mega Awsome this year. SO can I have an Ipad, a Justin Bieber doll, a puppy, a fish, any animal, any thing Justin Bieber please. Markers, crayola crans, and last dut not least $10,000. Merry Christmas Love, Kylee Brown, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, Ive ben good this year. For Christmas I want this stuff, an annoying orange, fizzit friend, moxi horses that really walk, and I hope you have a merry christmas. yours truly Kalee Gross, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

May you and yours be blessed with all the good things in lifegood health, inner peace and love now and throughout the upcoming new year.

Dear santa Hello. My name is Gage Aldrich. I am a fourth grade student at the Otto-Eldred Elemetary School. I have been vere good this year. So I will leave you cookies and can I have a bionical cold raw jaw, a 3ds, a movie called Smurfs. and a whole list of things. Sinserely Gage Aldrich, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, Hello My name is Dallas Gray. I am a fourth grade Student at the OttoEldred Elementary School. I have been very good this year. What I want for Christmas is an IPad. All I have Done this year is play with my friends. I road my bike over the Summer. By Dallas Gray, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I like your gifts you give me. For christmas I would like •monopoly electronic banking •squinkies •headbanz •chapter books •crib life clothes Bailley Taggert, age 9, OttoEldred Elementary School

Holiday Wishes To All!
No Clowning Around!
Patches and all the gang want to extend holiday wishes to everyone this holiday season.

Our prayer
The gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of his love to you and yours this season and always.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life John 3:16 (KJV)

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Dear. Santa, I hope you + Mrs. Claus had good year this year. I hope you and Dixen are ready for Chirstmas Eve. My brother and I want to get some clothes. For me I want I doll house for my dolls and some clothes for my dolls. How is Mrs. Claus? Hope she is okay. I hope your elfs are working on the presents. Your friend, McKenzy Lynn Smith, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I hope your rested up for Chrismas. I hope your. Ready for Christmas. I hope you have toy’s sled’s and snow board’s. I like when I wake up and see your presents and. open all of your presents and use your toys all. It is fun. We will be good good good! Santa is fun and we will leave you cookies and your. reindeer to and give me lots of toy surprise me. from Jacob Rhinehart, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear santa, Thank you for your gifts last christmas. For christmas I would like for my Aunt Lesu and uclgorj ther own u dap the own Dog. I wont a noo haprcag tht is smol. for my cusin crtas an Go pupe I wont a noo plast INDAN Lie Lit Bar. Devon Smith, Otto-Eldred Elementary School


O Holy Night
God bless you and your family this Christmas and throughout the new year. May you be filled with His love and understanding.


Jon & Sue Lindquist
Bolivar, NY

DECEMBER 20, 2011

Dave’s Bargain Outlet
Portville, NY
Dear Santa, My name is Dallas Neely and I’m only 2 weeks old so my mommy is helping me write this letter to you. I don’t need much but I would like some new rattles, and maybe a new toy for my big brother Dawson. I don’t know what it means but he gets told No a lot, but he still deserves something. Love, Dallas John Neely, age 2 wks., Smethport, PA Dear Santa, My Name is Dawson Neely and I’m 2 years old now. I try to be good but its hard when your only little. I like to watch Monster Jam on tv and crashing my monster trucks, so if you could I’d like a grave digger truck. Also I have a New baby brother, all he does is sleep and eat but you can bring him something too. Love, Dawson James Neely, age 2, Smethport, PA Dear Santa I would please like some monster High Dolls and a chiwawa and a kitten but my Dad says no way and maybe some make-up. Could you bring Maggie Maybelle something too. She has been good I will leave you some cookies and milk. Love Brooklynn Burt, age 6, East Smethport, PA Dear. Santa. I Want a Ninjago Skull Track, and a Ninjago Movie, K’Nex Roller Coaster, Ninjago Game, Nerf Dart Tag, I AM T-Pain Mic, Paper jamz Mic and Pro Guitar, Mortal Combat. Game, Madden 12, And For My Sister Bopit and Just Dance 3 for Both of us. Love Ryan Kearns, Smethport, PA

Dear Santa, I know you are very busy getting ready for the holiday, but I wanted to write you. I have been a very good boy this year. I always help my mommy and others. I like helping, and for christmas I would like a big Fire truck. I think they are very cool. Thank you for your time. I will leave some cookies out for you and carrots for the reindeers. Merry Christmas! Love, Clayton Kiser, age 3, Smethport, PA P.S. I helped mommy make the cookies. Travel Safely Santa

Dear SanTa, I Want cars 2, Finn McMissle, a Big MaTer, a real BB Gun, a Ben 10 Toy, my own Decorations, my own small computer, a Happy NaPPer, a Wuggle Pet, and a football. Love, Tucker Smith, age 7, Port Allegany, PA Dear Santa, I want a Redio flyer wagen and a ipod and a lap top a supernearfGun and fast redio cotrale speed boat. and a super Big powerd jeep But remocantrole pleas and a super fast remocantrole car and a wii and play station 3 your freind Gavin Robson, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I have ben good in school this year in stead of last year and I did my homework and cleen my room and all I won’t four christams is a football. Alex Quintero, age 11, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

ate reci app siness We r b u you d look an rd to a forw inuing h nt co ork wit w ny our for ma e. you to com s year

The merriest of seasons to you and yours from all of us at Bisett Building Center
Bradford, PA

DONNA'S DAY: CREATIVE FAMILY FUN By Donna Erickson "Cool" Candles Add Warm Glow Let's make fire with ice! Impossible, you say? Well, it just depends on how you look at it. Follow my easy process for creating these super "cool" candles that add a warm glow to any evening. To make several medium-size candles, you'll need: --1-pound box of paraffin wax (available in the canning section at most markets) --1 saucepan and a tin can, such as a coffee can --Candle coloring (optional) --Ice cubes crushed into medium-size chunks. Your kids may fill a gallon plastic bag about three-quarters full with ice. Secure the top. Let them use a hammer to break the ice into small chunks. --Empty and clean pint- or quart-size cardboard milk cartons with the tops cut off --A white or colored taper candle for each ice candle, 1 inch shorter than the cut carton. Trim the candle from the bottom, if necessary. An adult should fill the bottom of the saucepan with a few inches of water and place the tin can in the center. Put a chunk of paraffin inside the can along with extra candle stubs you might have around the house. Add coloring if you wish. Stir occasionally as the wax melts, keeping a constant eye on it since it is flammable. For a wick, your school-age child can place a taper candle in the middle of a milk carton and pack the ice around it. When the wax is melted, an adult should use a potholder to lift the can out of the saucepan and pour the melted wax directly into the milk carton over the ice and around the taper candle. As the wax melts the ice, you'll hear cracking and popping! Once the wax is hard, drain off the water a time or two. Peel the carton away from the candle and enjoy the surprise of your work of art! The ice will have formed interesting pockets, like a chunk of Swiss cheese. To use, set it on a plate and surround it with marbles. When you light the candle, give your preschooler the job of saying "Ta-da!" as you stand around proudly watching the creation flicker on a winter's night. Note: An adult should always be present when burning candles. (c) 2011 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Synd.

Enjoy a Gluten-Free Holiday Season with Almonds (Family Features) Following a gluten-free diet during the holiday season can be stressful and daunting. Almonds, in their various forms, are the ideal solution to elevate the flavor and texture in gluten-free recipes without sacrificing taste. "Staying gluten-free during the holiday season can be challenging, but with almonds, navigating the dinner table is simple," says John Csukor, chef and CEO of KOR Food Innovation. "Almonds are a safe and delicious choice that enhances any sensory experience without limit." Naturally gluten-free and versatile, almonds offer a wide range of gluten-free solutions that bring a balance of interesting flavors and unique texture to a whole host of recipes without the worry that those with gluten sensitivities face during the holidays. While gluten-free living requires planning and preparation, it also encourages the exciting discovery of new foods and flavors. So rethink some of your favorite recipes - from entrees to desserts - and substitute ingredients with various almond forms to add flavor, crunch and sophistication to dishes. For example, you can inspire guests this holiday season with an Almond Sacher Torte that will tempt them to begin dinner with dessert instead. For more recipes and information, visit www.AlmondBoard.com/ glutenfree. Gluten-Free Almond Sacher Torte Yield: 1 single or split double layer 10-inch frosted cake 6 large eggs, separated 1/2 cup white sugar 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter, sweet unsalted 1 tablespoon almond extract 1 cup confectionary sugar 6 ounces bittersweet chocolate, melted 3 tablespoons cocoa powder 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon xantham gum 1/2 cup potato starch 1/2 cup almond flour /4 teaspoon sea salt 2 cups sliced toasted almonds Ganache Frosting: 1 cup heavy cream 12 ounces 60 percent chocolate 2 tablespoons agave nectar Whip egg whites to soft peaks, add in white sugar and continue to whip into a firm meringue then set aside. Cream butter, almond extract and confectionery sugar until the mixture is light in color and smooth. Add melted chocolate to butter mixture until fully incorporated and then add egg yolks one at a time. Fold butter-chocolate mixture into the meringue. Once mixed, sift together dry ingredients and slowly add to wet ingredients until mixture is completely blended. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes at 350 F in a 10-inch spring form pan that has been lightly coated with butter and dusted with almond flour. Ganache Frosting: Bring heavy cream to a boil on the stove, then pour over the chocolate and agave nectar in a large mixing bowl and mix with a whisk until smooth. Allow ganache to set up overnight before use. When ready, spread ganache over top and then sides of cake in a thick layer. Garnish sides of cake with toasted almonds. Chef Tip: Lightly brush cake with your favorite liquor before icing. This allows the cake to stay moist longer, and adds a little extra flavor. #10937_AR Source: Almond Board of California

All The Best ...To All Our Travelers!
We extend our warm wishes for a joyous and meaningful holiday season. We truly appreciate your loyal relationship.

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DECEMBER 20, 2011

Final Wonderful Wednesday
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SARTWELL CREEK UNION CHURCH Port Allegany RD 2 Port Allegany, PA Rev. LaVerne R. Howard, Pastor Worship Hour.....9:30-10:30am Sunday School. .10:30-11:00am Everyone Welcome GETHSEMANE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 205 Arnold Ave., Port Allegany, Pa. 16743 814-642-9261 Worship Service...........9:00am Sunday School ...........10:15am EAST SMETHPORT UNITED CHRISTIAN CHURCH At Rte. 6 & 46 South Pastor: Rev. Allen Young Associate Pastor: Les Leet 814-887-2255•eschurch.org Sunday: 1st service......8:30am Sunday School..............9:45am 2nd service.................10:45am Staffed Nursery & Jr. Church during 2nd service. SWAT Youth Group Sundays.....................5:00pm Kid’s Club (K-6th) Wednesdays................6-8pm Sunday Eve. Worship. . . . . . .6pm Wed. Prayer/Bible Study. .7pm TURTLEPOINT EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF NORTH AMERICA Annin Creek Rd. Turtlepoint, PA Pastor: Rev. Anthony Edgell Sunday School..............9:45am Morning Worship. . . . . . .11:00am Sunday Eve. Service. . . .6:00pm Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study................6:30pm HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 303 Pine St., Smethport, PA 814-558-6886 Rev. Thomas Beam Sunday Worship...........9:00am hopelutheransmethport.blog spot.com


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SMETHPORT AREA RESIDENTS: Need food? Need clothing? We want to help! Christian Community Services (under Hamlin Bank on Fulton St.). Open Monday through Wednesday 10-11 a.m. No hours Thursday or Friday. tf MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel On Jan 8, 1877, Crazy Horse and his warriors -- outnumbered, low on ammunition and forced to use outdated weapons -- fight their final losing battle against the U.S. Cavalry in Montana. On May 6, Crazy Horse led approximately 1,100 Indians to the Red Cloud reservation near Nebraska’s Fort Robinson and surrendered.

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ADULT DVDs FOR SALE- Bradford, Pa. 4 - 6 hour videos. Excellent quality. Brand new. Sure to please! $15 ea. Call 814362-3932. 4/6p CUSTOM PRINTED TEES- Robbins Reflections “Where no order is too small.” Phone: 814-966-3840. Eldred, Pa. eowc FOR SALE: Good hay, 1st & 2nd cutting. Mulch & straw. Call 814-366-3673, 814-887-2244. 3/13c STRANGE BUT TRUE by Samantha Weaver • For reasons that aren’t quite clear, in 1960 Macy’s department store introduced a vending machine that dispensed men’s underwear. After an initial flurry of shoppers coming to see the new contraption, the machine was doomed to obscurity due to lack of interest. *** • Here’s a question for the ladies: Are you a philematophobe? If you’re a woman who hates to be kissed, you are. *** FREE CHRISTIAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH Pine Street, Smethport, PA Pastor: Bill Simms 814-887-5669 Sun. Morn. Worship........11am Tues. Evening Bible Study...................6:30pm ST. JOSEPH’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Arnold Avenue Port Allegany, PA Pastor Joann Piatko 814-558-5876 Sunday Service............9:00am Sunday School..............9:00am FREE METHODIST CHURCH 53 Church Street Port Allegany, PA Pastor Daniel Fuller 814-642-2658 Morning Worship.......10:45am Evening Worship. . . . . . . . .6:30pm Family Night, Wed.. . . . .6:30pm DUKE CENTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 26 Oil Valley Rd. Duke Center, Pa Rev.: Gary Sheesley Church Phone: 814-966-3922 SUNDAY Sunday School..............8:45am Worship Service..............10am Communion Sunday ................. 1st Sun. of month BIRCH GROVE MENNONITE CHURCH Two Mile Rd., Port Allegany Sunday School............10:00am Sunday Worship Hour........................11:00am Thursday Night Bible Study...............7:00pm VALLEY WORSHIP CENTER Rte. 446 Farmers Valley Smethport•814-887-5065 Rev. David Eastman Sunday School..............9:30am Morning Worship.......10:30am Sunday Evening...........6:00pm Wed. Evening...............6:30pm

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down with them and select a date together for the party, no more than three or four months after the proposal. Traditionally, all guests invited to the engagement party should be invited to the wedding as well. However, if the couple is planning a small affair, you can still have a large engagement party. Just make sure that everyone you invite to the engagement party knows that the wedding is going to be small. That way, if they don’t get invited to the wedding, they won’t be offended. You also need to consider what type of engagement party to throw. You can go formal or informal. Keep the tastes of your future inlaws in mind as you make this decision. If they like casual gatherings, then a cookout at home or a party at a restaurant might be ideal. If they would prefer a more formal gathering, then a sit-down dinner at a fine establishment might be better. While selecting the type of party to have, remember that the big event, the wedding, remains. Don’t upstage it. With a venue in mind, you can work out the rest of the party details, including the food, entertainment and décor.
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By Tresa Erickson When it comes to the wedding cake, couples have many options. Some may skip the cake entirely and go with a dessert bar instead. Some may order one small wedding cake and several sheet cakes to serve to their guests. Some may forgo the main cake and serve smaller cakes in various flavors at the reception tables. Whatever

How Sweet It Is

for the most part are the rich, three-tiered, heavily decorated cakes and in their place is a wide range of cakes customized specifically for the bride and groom. When selecting a wedding cake, couples often look to the location, theme and season of their celebration as a guide. A simple affair on the beach in the middle of summer might not call for the same

We takee th awayies! worr

blessing. You knew this moment was coming; you just didn’t know when. Now that the cat is out of the bag, you may want to start thinking about hosting an engagement party for your daughter and future son-in-law. Traditionally, the bride’s parents host the engagement party to announce the couple’s engagement, celebrate their upcoming union and introduce themselves to the groom’s family. However, if the bride’s parents are unable to host the party, the groom’s family or any relative or close friend of the couple may do so. Of course, you should ask the couple first if they would like an engagement party. Some couples embrace the idea, while others think having an engagement party, along with a bridal shower and wedding, is too much. Don’t be upset if the couple declines your offer. If they are excited by the idea, sit

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with the same or alternating designs. Some couples may request the design of their wedding cake incorporate the traditional flowers, either made of silk or frosting, while others may choose dots or scrollwork. Although once popular, basket weaves and swags appear to be on their way out, as do plastic columns and foil boards. Common cake flavors include carrot, chocolate, lemon, spice and vanilla, with many couples requesting each layer of their cake to be a different flavor. Some couples go an alternative route and choose unusual flavors like espresso, hazelnut and gingerbread. Frosting may be buttercream or fondant, though many couples today seem to favor the former. As for the top of the cake, couples no longer have to stick to the traditional bride-andgroom cake toppers. They can go with flowers, sculptures or monograms. Monogrammed letters in silver or tin make for stylish cake toppers. For those that prefer brideand-groom toppers, they’ll be glad to know that the traditional toppers have made a comeback and can be customized. Many companies now make toppers that match the actual bride and groom in hair color, skin color, age and more.

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your personal preferences, make certain you discuss the matter in great detail with your fiancé, and should you decide to go with a wedding cake, keep the following trends in mind. The wedding cakes of today hardly resemble those of yesterday. Gone type of cake as a formal evening affair in the winter. The actual design of the cake is up for grabs. Some couples may opt for the traditional three layers, while others may go for fewer or additional layers. Tiers can be of the same or different heights

These should match the tone of the party, whether informal or formal. A cookout might not require any special entertainment or décor, whereas a formal sit-down dinner might. While you are planning these details, make sure you set a budget and stick to it. Once you have the details of the party in place, you can start sending out the invitations. You can purchase them or make them yourself. Gifts for the couple are not required. Some guests, however, may inquire about the matter. Attach a note requesting no gifts, if that is what the couple wants, or a list of registries, if they don’t mind receiving gifts. Remind the couple to register for gifts in the lowto-middle price range. An engagement party is not the occasion to ask for large, expensive gifts. Wrap up your party planning by designating some helpers. If you are having the party at your home, make sure you have someone to greet guests at the door. Assign a couple of volunteers to help with the food and another to serve as photographer for the day. If parking is going to be an issue, find a couple of buddies who are willing to be valets.

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PERSONAL CARE ATTENDANTS needed in Roulette area to assist a person with disabilities. Please call Debbie, Voices For Independence 814-406-4747 or e-mail [email protected] 3/20cb ——————————————————————————————— SALE - JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! All our primitive Christmas trees, garland, wreaths and Christmas floral 50% off! All Christmas signs, ornaments, Christmas linen, rugs and Christmas decor 25% off! Extended Holiday Hours for your last minute gift buying: Tues., Dec. 20th - Fri., Dec. 23rd 10 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Open Christmas Eve 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Old Paths Country Store, 109 Indian Cr. Rd., Eldred, Pa. 814-2252255. cb ——————————————————————————————— YOUR MONEYSAVER, YOUR COMMUNITY CONNECTION online! www.moneysaveradvertising.com 4/6fb WANT YOUR PHONE TO RING? Advertise in the Moneysaver Shopping Guide and Shopping News! Tell it alltell it well, through a Moneysaver reader ad. You’ll hear the results immediately.


Financing a complementary maintenance plan with roadside assistance*** .

• “Set up a phone call between kids and grandparents a week or so before visiting. They can talk about what the kids might like to do. It gives the grandparents time to prepare, and it gives kids a chance to build excitement before the trip.” -- G.R. in Ohio • Clean and disinfect a wood

cutting board with salt and lemon juice. Sprinkle the board with a healthy dose of plain salt (kosher or coarse salt works best), and scrub it with a cut half of a lemon. Rinse and clean with soap and water. • Hairspray spritzed on the end of a thread will stiffen it long enough to get it through a needle head. You also can thread your needle in front of a surface that’s an opposing color (e.g., a white piece of paper while threading a needle with black thread).

Reader Advisory: the National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer “employment” but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it’s illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. 800 numbers may or may not reach Canada.

PREGNANT? Considering adoption? You choose from families nationwide. Living expenses paid. Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions, 866-413-6292, 24/7 Void/Illinois. WANTED Japanese motorcycles Kawasaki 1970-1980 Z1-900, KZ900, KZ

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Did you attend a local sporting event and have a picture of a great play? Do you have pictures of a local event, festival or fair that you could share with our readers? Did your organization do something to help the community, like rake leaves for the elderly, clean up the highway, collect food for the local food pantry, etc.? Did you or someone you know receive a special award or recognition? We are looking for photos and human interest stories like these to publish in upcoming issues of the Moneysaver and post on our web site www.moneysaveradvertising.com. If emailing photos, please send in jpeg format. email to: mail or bring in to: [email protected] Moneysaver Advertising 218 N. Main St., PO Box I Bolivar, NY 14715 (articles only) fax: 585-928-2191

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The Moneysaver reserves the right to reject any and all photos or articles. If you have any questions, or need assistance, please call us at 585-928-2470.

Smethport Teen Bags His First Bear
Fourteen-year-old Drew Barr from Smethport, PA is shown here with his first-ever bear. It was 180 lb. and was made possible by the new Pennsylvania extended bear season this year.


Food & Gas
23 S. Main St., Eldred, PA.

Patronize your local restaurants...great food, personalized service and many daily specials.

DECEMBER 20, 2011

New Year's Eve Party
Saturday, December 31 9pm to 1am

OPEN: Mon.-Sat. 6am-10pm; Sun. 7am-9pm.


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ew Under N i p sh Owner Full Menu aily Available D ATM

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Friendly Inn


Sat., Dec. 31st

New Year’s Eve Party
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Reservations appreciated

7.00 Minimum Order
Eldred, Duke Center, Turtlepoint, Rixford

Special Menu • 4pm-9pm

Closed Christmas Day. Merry Christmas!


Large Pizza
Cheese & Pepperoni $ 99 1 Doz. wings........... 14

Large Pizza
Cheese & Pepperoni $ 99 2 Doz. wings.... 19

ABC Restaurant
Rte. 6, Port Allegany, PA

• 814-642-7973

Two Large Pizzas
Cheese & Pepperoni

Fun Come ! $25.00Cost:couple f per us all! or join $15.00 single Port Allegany Moose Family Center #460
35 Pearl St., Port Allegany, Pa. • 814-642-7558



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Friday, December 23, Merry Saturday, Dec. 24, Christmas & Sunday, Dec. 25 from the ABC Family to So that our families can your family! enjoy the holiday! CLOSED Sunday, New Year’s Day, January 1, 2012





Pig Wings & Fries


Fish Sandwich
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Eldred Township Vol. Fire Dept.

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$ $ 84 Windfall Rd.,Eldred, PA $ t Tickeood & $ es f nts. $ Includshme $ refre n a t i o n D o .00 $ $10 $ Sat., Dec. 31st , 2011 $ 7:00 p.m. till ? $ At the Eldred Township Vol. Fire Department $ Windfall Rd.,Eldred, PA $ Payouts: $

Merry Christmas! Closing • Fruit Baskets....... at 3 p.m. • Cookie Trays....... • Christmas Candy Christmas Eve Now Taking Orders for: Closed Pumpkin Rolls, Pies Christmas Day. Christmas Trees Order Now For Christmas!...
Under New Management

Kaytee’s Family Restaurant & Marketplace
Rte. 6, Coudersport, PA • 814-274-8862 Tues.-Sat. 7am-8pm; Sun. 7am-7pm Now Open Thru Winter

Formerly Erway’s Market & Family Restaurant

Senior Dogs Need Extra Attention DEAR PAW'S CORNER: My golden retriever, "Jessie," recently turned 9 years old. He's always been an energetic dog, but he doesn't seems to like walking as far as he used to, and when chasing birds in the park, he only chases them a few feet before trotting back to me. He also has some digestive issues. Is this normal for an older dog, or should I worry that he's got some hidden health issue? -- Sam L., Atlanta DEAR SAM: Nine years is definitely "senior dog" territory, and it is normal even for very energetic dogs to begin to noticeably slow down. Their dietary needs and their digestive system also go through gradual change. If Jessie isn't showing signs of distress or extreme lethargy, he's probably OK. However, as his owner, you know him best, so if his behavior or

digestion concern you, take him to the veterinarian for a checkup. Senior dogs do have unique needs that owners should address. Heidi Ganahl, owner of Camp Bow Wow, recently listed a few considerations senior dog owners should take: --Schedule a veterinary checkup every six months, rather than once a year. A senior pet's health can change rapidly. --Learn the signs of common ailments in senior dogs, like hip and joint problems, diabetes and eye or ear issues. --Feed your senior dog two smaller meals per day, rather than one. This may help with digestive problems. --Consider adding at least two fresh meals to your dog's diet per week. The added nutrition can be a big help. --Replace long runs or walks with shorter jaunts followed by a daily training or toy romp. Send your question or comment to [email protected], or write to Paw's Corner, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. For more pet care-related advice and information, visit www.pawscorner.com. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc. * * *

TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH By Paul G. Donohue, M.D. Taking Care of Frostbite DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Many years ago, when I was still a teen, I went skiing with my older brother. He was a much better skier than I, so we went our separate ways. Later, I saw a group huddling around one skier who looked a lot like my brother. It was my brother. He lost one of his gloves, and he had two frostbitten fingers. His only permanent damage was the loss of a fingertip. Ever since, I have been careful about dressing warm, often with two pair of gloves in cold weather. I don't know what to do about frostbite. Will you run the basics by me? -- S.S. ANSWER: Frostbite happens when the temperature drops to 32 F (0 degrees C) or lower. Actually, the temperature has to be lower than 32, since the minerals in the fluids bathing the tissues lower their freezing point. The places most susceptible are the fingers, hands, toes, feet, nose and ears. The first sign of trouble is pain. Then the skin turns quite pale. After that, numbness sets in. People might think that nothing is wrong at this stage, but numbness is a sign that freezing is

imminent. The skin and involved tissues become hard and firm. Ice crystals form in the spaces between cells. They pull water out of the cells and dehydrate them. The dehydration, decreased blood flow and ice crystals all work together to cause tissue damage. One of the most destructive factors is the lack of oxygen that comes from artery constriction to prevent heat loss from the rest of the body. Fast rewarming is the treatment. It should not begin if you are in a place where there's a chance of refreezing. Refreezing is a more destructive process than leaving things alone until you are in a place where the person can be kept warm. The affected part should be immersed in a bath of hot water whose temperature is around 104 F (40 C). The water has to be kept warm by adding more hot water as the bath begins to cool. At no point should you rub the frozen part. If the affected area cannot be warmed in a water bath, then use hot compresses. Rewarming is painful. Tylenol or a stronger medicine should be given. In 12 to 24 hours, blisters form. Do not break them. At this point, have a doctor examine the patient for definitive care. ***

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: What can I do to improve my chipping, splitting fingernails? I was getting a weekly manicure but stopped due to economic reasons. My nails had grown stronger. Now they've become a disaster again. Please help. I take vitamins and calcium. -- M.H. ANSWER: Aging makes nails brittle, thin and fragile for quite a few people. Dryness fosters brittleness. After every handwashing and before going to bed, coat your nails with a moisturizer. Petroleum jelly (the many Vaseline products) works well. When washing dishes or putting your hands in water, wear waterproof gloves. Don't use nail polish remover often. The B vitamin biotin toughens nails for some. You'll need 2.5 mg daily. Neither calcium nor gelatin strengthens nails. *** Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. (c) 2011 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

The Duke Center Superette
767 Main St., Duke Center, PA

Patronize your local restaurants...great food, personalized service and many daily specials.


"Make Your Christmas Party Reservations Now".


Eldred Borough Fire Dept.
6 Platt Street, Eldred, PA

Tues., Dec. 20th:
5:00pm-7:30pm $1.25 Burger & 1/4 lb. Hot Dog Night

Thurs. Night:
• Wings & • Drink Pizza Night Specials

Fri. Night Dec. 23rd:

Mon. - Sat. 6am to 9pm; Sun. 8am-8pm
We accept most credit cards/debit cards.
Gas Available!

Merry Christmas!
Open 6 p.m. Christmas Day. New Year’s Eve Open Juke Box Snack Food at Midnight

New Year's Eve BINGO
Sat., Dec. 31, 2011
Doors Open at 4:00 p.m. and extras available Bingo Starts at 7:00 p.m. GUARANTEED JACKPOT Under 200 people, $1,000 Payout 200 or more people, $2,000 Payout CASH DOOR PRIZES throughout the night!

Mon. Night:
Bingo Starts 6:30pm Doors Open 4:30pm Bar Closed
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Sat. Night Dec. 24th:

Sun. Night, Dec. 25th:

20 Packet

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Lodge Closed No Euchre

DECEMBER 20, 2011

Bucket of Chicken $ & Sides 10.99 Medium Pizza $5.00 Large Pizza, 2 Doz. Wings, 2 Liter $ Pop 18.99
MONDAY 16” Sub $ 6.99 Spaghetti & Meatball $ 6.99 TUESDAY Large Pizza $ 6.99 Chicken Biscuit $ 6.99 THURSDAY

Port Allegany Moose Lodge
Port Allegany, Pa. • 814-642-7558

Friday Fish Fry!
Battered, Breaded, Baked, Cajun, or Garlic. • Choice of Potato: 12 noon 9 p.m. Baked, Mashed, or Fries. $ 4 • Coleslaw 8. 9 Eat in $ & Roll 8.99 Take-out

FREE Sauerkraut & Pork!
Kitchen will be open.

Non-smoking per PA law.

Free Delivery 7.00 minimum order

Port Allegany, PA

Food Shop

Large Pizza
Cheese & Pepperoni $ 99 1 Doz. wings. . . . 14

We now have an ATM machine

OPEN: Mon.-Sat. 6am-10pm; Cheese & Pepperoni $ 99 Sun. 7am-9pm. 2 Doz. wings.... 19

Large Pizza

Two Large Pizzas
Cheese & Pepperoni

WEDNESDAY Medium Pizza, 1 Topping & 3 Doz. 1 Doz. Wings Wings $ $ 10.99 14.99 Beef Tips Meatloaf Over Noodles $ 5.99 $ 5.99

Rixford Well
Bar & Grill
Monday through Saturday open 10am; Sunday 11am. Rixford, PA

See our daily specials on

Closed Christmas Day. Merry Christmas!


Every Day-Breakfast Sandwiches
Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:

Christmas Eve Closing - 5pm Christmas Day CLOSED.


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Large Banquet Hall for your family get-togethers, birthday parties, etc.

Daily Bread Cafe Christmas Eve: Closing at 6:00 p.m. Closed Christmas Day News Year’s Eve: Open 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Closed New Year’s Day (Jan. 1, 2012)

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THIS IS A HAMMER By Samantha Mazzotta Home Maintenance in the New Year Ready for the new year? Me neither. It’s too soon after what’s been a really long and frenetic holiday season, starting with a preHalloween snowstorm that had me and my neighbors juggling snow shovels and carved pumpkins, and then moving straight into Thanksgiving and Christmas almost too fast to blink. I’m looking forward to catching my breath this week, however, and putting together my home maintenance plans for next year. January will be pretty quiet, except for the monthly furnace filter change and making sure ice dams and snow aren’t building up on the roof and gutters. Melting or removing them quickly will prevent much more expensive repairs. February is more of the same, but I’m also laying out what I’ll be planting in the deck garden this year. If there’s no snow on the ground, I’ll be scattering grass seed over bare or thin patches in the lawn and protecting it from the birds with a light layer of straw. In March I’ll be inspecting the exterior and yard for damage from fallen limbs or wind-blown debris, and if the snow has melted, clearing those debris from the yard.

Garden tools will come down from the highest shelf of the garage, ready to be put to use in a few weeks, but the snow shovel will stay near the side door just in case. April is still iffy for some garden plants, but once there’s no danger of a hard frost, soil can be turned over and, in the meantime, the lawn can be treated and prepared for the growing season. It’s also time to start repairing any exterior damage to the roof, eaves, gutters and downspouts, as well as remove and repair storm windows and put up screens in their place. That’s the first four months of the year: gradually getting busier, hopefully with no major storms or unplanned home repairs like busted furnaces or hot water heaters. May will bring much warmer temperatures and more maintenance work, but that’s a thought for another quiet day. HOME TIP: Keep a home maintenance calendar in your workshop with important projects highlighted so that you can plan for them well in advance. Send your questions or tips to [email protected], or write This Is a Hammer, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.



PHOTO: Michael Cudlitz Q:Now that Eddie Murphy is no longer hosting the Oscars, do you think he’ll host the Golden Globes? -- Peggy G., via e-mail A: That gig has gone to actor/ comedian/writer/producer Ricky Gervais, who’s hosted the previous two Golden Globes ceremonies. Most of you know I wholeheartedly approve of this choice, as do many of the Hollywood royalty that Ricky teases. Liam Neeson has voiced his approval of Ricky, saying: “Hollywood needs a shake-up. He’ll be great.” Robert DeNiro showered Ricky with praise after last year’s controversial telecast, telling Ricky he’d be happy to set anyone straight who was offended. Johnny Depp guest-stars on Ricky’s new TV show, “Life’s Too Short,” poking fun of himself and Ricky in a hilarious sketch (Google it and see for yourself). The

Golden Globes Awards telecast airs live Sunday, Jan. 15, on NBC. *** Q: How is Demi Moore doing? Will she divorce Ashton Kutcher for his alleged infidelity? -- Renee R., Clearwater, Fla. A: Demi recently announced her decision to file for divorce from Ashton, stating: “It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I have decided to end my six-year marriage to Ashton. As a woman, a mother and a wife there are certain values and vows that I hold sacred, and it is in this spirit that I have chosen to move forward with my life.” Write to Cindy at King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475; or e-mail her at [email protected]. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.


o r yt o t h e Gl

DECEMBER 20, 2011


ing! rn K bo Ne w

Season’s Greetings!
In the very best tradition, we’d like to wish our friends, readers, and customers, holidays filled with the warmth, love and laughter of family and friends. We thank you for your loyal patronage and look forward to working with you in the upcoming year!

Moneysaver Advertising
Publisher of Moneysaver Shopping Guide & Shopping News
James Monks, Publisher Melanie Johnston, Bobbie Micros, John Karuch, Anita Brownell, Anna Crowe, Evelyn Erwin, Leslie Beach, James Brownell, Tammi Updyke, Rose Feenaughty, Vicki Simard, Cassandra Collins, Bob Hackett, Brian Parker, Donna Seamon and Morgan Saunders.


Carlson’s Country Store
Turtlepoint, PA • 814-642-2350
Hrs.: Mon.-Fri. 8am-5:30pm; Sat. till 4pm We Now Accept
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Boneless Boneless/Skinless USDA Select


Beef Rump Roast..................lb. $3.78............... Simply Mashed Potatoes...............24 oz. 2/$5.00
John Morrell Polish or

And ATM Cards

Chicken Breasts..........................................lb. $1.99 Black Label Sliced Bacon.......................lb. $3.79

Bone-in Prime Rib Roast........................lb. $6.98 Smoked Sausage..............................12 oz. 2/$3.00 Perry’s Boneless Prime Rib Roast......................lb. $7.98 Bar-S Smoked or Ice Cream...................48 oz. 2/$6.00................. 8-9 lb., avg. Shurfine Whole Polish Sausage Links.......................8 oz. 5/$4.00 Shurfine Ice Cream or Boneless Hams............................................lb. $1.98 Oscar Mayer Fudge Bars..............12 pack 2/$5.00................. Sugardale Whole Sliced Turkey Breast......................10 oz. 2/$3.00 Mrs. Smith’s Pies..27 oz. Buy-1-Get-1 FREE Semi-boneless Hams............lb. $1.78............... Bar-S All Meat Franks........................lb. 5/$5.00


DECEMBER 20, 2011

Shurfine Peas, Green Beans, Spinach, Corn or

Rhodes 36 ct. White or 12 ct. Cinnamon Rolls or 5/1# Loaves Bread......................................... $3.99 Cool Whip............................................8 oz. 2/$3.00 Old Timer’s Horseradish or Horseradish Sauce................................8 oz. $2.19 Friendship Sour Cream....................16 oz. $1.99 Shurfine Cream Cheese.................8 oz. 5/$5.00 Twin Pack It’s Not Butter..............................7.5 oz. tubs $2.99 Old York Sharp Cheddar Cheese Spread. . . . .12 oz. $3.69 Shurfine Butter Quarters......................lb. $2.49

Mixed Vegetables..........................lb., bag 5/$5.00 Country Inn Boneless Hams.................lb. $2.18 Shaved Ham & Turkey...................8 oz. 2/$3.00 Shurfine Cooked Squash.............12 oz. 5/$5.00 Vernon Manor Boneless Hams..........4 lb. $8.49 Hygrade All Meat Franks.................lb. 4/$5.00

Whole or Halves


Shurfine USDA Grade A Frozen Turkeys
Free Can of Cranberry Sauce and 6 oz. box of Shurfine Stuffing with Turkey purchase...........lb. 98¢

Rosina Fully Cooked Country Inn

Italian Style Meatballs..................2 lb., bag $6.98

Boneless Ham Slices...........................12 oz. $3.29 Hillshire Keilbassa..............................13 oz. $3.79 Our Famous Ham Loaf...........................lb. $2.89 Lb., bag 51/60 ct. Fully Cooked Tail On Shrimp......................lb. $6.98............... Ground Chuck............................10 lb., bag $27.50 Lb., bag 31/40 ct. Fully Cooked Ground Round............................10 lb., bag $30.90 Tail On Shrimp......................lb. $7.98............... Fully Cooked 1/2 oz. or 1 oz. Lb., bag 31/40 ct. Shell-on EZ Peel Meatballs.........................................5 lb., bag $15.95 Raw Shrimp.................................................lb. $5.98 15-18 lb., avg. Whole USDA Select Boneless Pork Sirloin Chops.................lb. $2.18 Boneless Rib Eyes........................................lb. $6.48
Our Own Italian Style 5-7 lb., avg. Whole

Fresh Sliced Luncheon Meats
Virginia Style

Mild or Hot Sausage.............lb. $2.59
Our Own Lean

Beef Tenderloins for Filet Mignon............lb. $10.98
12-15 lb. avg. Whole Boneless

Pork Breakfast Sausage. . . . . .lb. $2.29

USDA Select Strip Loins............................lb. $5.28

Baked Ham.......................lb. $3.78................... Oven Roasted Turkey Breast...............lb. $3.98 Regular or Sweet Lebanon Bologna. lb. $4.18 Russer Dutch, Olive or P&P Loaf. . . . .lb. $3.58
Muenster, Hot Pepper or Longhorn Cheese.....................................lb. $3.88 Roast Beef for Weck................................lb. $5.79 1 lb. Makes 6 sandwiches

Place your Holiday Orders now for Old Fashioned Bone-in and Tavern Brand Boneless Hams, Special Cuts of Beef and Pork, Vegetable and Meat Trays, Shrimp and Tidbit/Pepperoni Trays. Gift Certificates Available
Shurfine Salad Dressings....all var.,16 oz. 2/$4.00 Shurfine Peas, Super Sweet or Regular Rothbury Farms Croutons............6 oz. 4/$5.00 Whole Kernel Corn, Cream Corn, Chick Peas, French,
Shurfine Splenda, Natural or Syrup Pack Fruit Cocktail Peaches or Pears..............................15 oz. 5/$5.00 Scottissue........................................4 roll, pack $2.99 Dole Pineapple in Juice........................20 oz. $1.39 Shurfine Small, Medium or Large Pitted Black Olives...........................6 oz. 2/$3.00 Shurfine Stuffed Green Olives....5 1/2 oz.$1.69 Vlasic Sweet Midgets or Sweet Butter Chips........16-24 oz. $2.99 Shurfine Dill Slices.............16 oz. $1.88 Shurfine Halves & Pieces Walnuts................lb., bag $5.99 Shurfine Chili or Seafood Cocktail Sauce......................12 oz $1.79 Dad’s Trail Mix Dog Food.........4 lb., bags $3.99 Better Than Ears Several Varieties Dog Treats............................................7.78 oz. $2.79 Hormel Dried Beef..........................5 oz., jar $3.99 Hidden Valley Party Dip or Ranch Dressing Mix.........................pkts. 2/$3.00 Shurfine Regular and Freezer Zip Glide Bags...Qt. and Gallon , 10-20 ct. 3/$5.00 Shurfine Applesauce.............................................48 oz. $2.29 Shurfine Peanut Butter.....................18 oz. $2.29 Shurfine 2 Ply Paper Towels. . . . .6 roll, pack $4.69 Shurfine Pumpkin...............................29 oz. $1.79
DONATE YOUR CAR to USO and help support A merica’s troops. Tax deductible. Next day towing. Receive vacation voucher. Call 1-888-4448308. DONATE YOUR CAR, truck or boat to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3 day vacation, tax deductible, free towing, all paperwork taken care of. 888-4751825.

Ragu Spaghetti Sauces. . .26 oz., jars $1.99........
Ragu Double Cheddar Or Original or

Alfredo Cheese Sauce........................16 oz. $1.99 Low Sodium V-8 Juice.......................46 oz. $2.79
Planter’s Original or Spicy Swanson’s

Dry Roasted Peanuts....................16 oz., jar $3.49 Beef or Chicken Broth........................14.5 oz. 79¢
Campbell’s Cream of Chicken or Mushroom Soup.................................10 1/2 oz. 79¢ Shurfine Beef, Turkey, Pork or Chicken Gravy............................12 oz, jar 5/$5.00 Shursave Maraschino Cherries. .10 oz. 2/$3.00 Shurfine Brown or Powdered Sugar..............................2 lb., bag $1.99 Pillsbury 5 Varieties Quick Bread Mixes....................14-17 oz. 2/$4.00 Shurfine Chicken, Pork, or Turkey Stuffing Mix.........................................6 oz. 5/$5.00
5 lbs. Exp. 12/24/11

Cut Green or Wax Beans, Beets, Carrots, Potatoes, or Sauerkraut ........................................15 oz. 3/$2.00 Shurfine Cranberry Sauce...................14 oz. 88¢ Stroehmann Split-Top Wheat or Ranch and Square White Bread. . . .20-22 oz. Buy-1-Get-1 FREE Tastycake Christmas Cupcakes and Treats...................................................12 pk. 2/$6.00 Ritz Crackers......................3 var., 15.1 oz. 2/$5.00 Nabisco Snack Crackers.....6 3/4-10 oz. 2/$5.00 Lay’s Potato Chips. 10-10.5 oz. Buy-1-Get-1 FREE

Produce Items
White Potatoes..........5 lb. bag 98¢................... California Iceberg Lettuce.............................98¢

Jumbo Navel Oranges..................8 lb. bag $5.98
Red or

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Shurfine All Purpose Flour

Maxwell House Ground Coffee
Limit 1

Limit 1

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FOR RENT- 3 bedroom trailer. Security and references required. No pets. 814-642-9483. tfc ——————————————————————————————— CUP OF JOE AND A LATTÉ MORE Christmas sale now through Christmas! Depression, hand blown, Fenton glassware, cookie jars. Serving breakfast and soup & sandwich lunch specials. Along with cookies and baked goods. Port Allegany, PA (across from Jubilee). c ——————————————————————————————— SMETHPORT LEASE - REFURBISHED 1 BEDROOM upper apartment includes utilities. References, security. No smoking / pets. 814-887-2378. 4/6p

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Marlin Appleby
Port Allegany, Pa. (814) 642-2231
ATTENTION DIABETICS with Medicare- Join America’s Diabetic Savings Club and receive a free diabetic bracelet. Membership is free. Qualify for meter upgrades, prescription delivery and free giveaways. Call 1-888-4743420. CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! PayMAX pays the max! One call gets you a top dollar offer! Any year/make/model. 1-888-PAYMAX-5 (1-888-729-6295). CASH FOR CARS: Cars/trucks wanted! Running or not! We come to you! Any make/model. Instant offer - call: 1-800-569-0003.

BRADFORD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DECEMBER 2011 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Dec. 23- Preschool Story Hour 10:30am Bradford Area Public Library, W. Washington St., Bradford, Pa. For info., contact Bradford Area Public Library at 814-362-6527. Dec. 23-30- No School - Winter Holiday - Bradford Area School District. Dec. 24 & 31- Bradford Area Public Library Closed for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Dec. 26- Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce Office Closed for the Christmas Holiday. Dec. 28- Alzheimer’s Support Group 10am Bradford Senior Center, 60 Campus Dr., Bradford, Pa. Caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s disease are invited to attend these free informative, supportive meetings. All welcome, no reservation necessary. Hosted by Community Nurses, Inc., for info., call 814-362-8183. Dec. 31- First Night Bradford Various downtown areas, open to the public, Annual alcohol-free event celebrating the arrival of 2012 for people of all ages. For info., contact Ryan Walb at 814-598-0660. f


DECEMBER 20, 2011

With Warm Regards
Nothing warms our hearts more than thoughts of the many good folks we’ve had the privilege to serve this past year. Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas


S.M. Zona Construction Inc.
Eldred, PA
Dear Santa, what I am asking you for Christmas isn’t much at all. All I’m asking for is a crayon maker and a doll house. I’m sure you are wondering if I have been a good girl. just check your nice list. I Should be at the top! Thank you so much Santa! Mykenzie Britton, age 4 P.S. I will leave you some milk and cookies and the reindeer some carrots. Dear Santa, How are you today? Howare your Raindeers today? I was good this year. Can I have spyglasses, spy watch. I would also like games for my DS, Wii, and some boardgames. from Michael DuBeck Jr. ps I will leave cookies + milk. Dear Santa, I tried being good this year, but it has not worked out so well. Hopefully, I still have time to make it on your Good Boys & Girls List. If you happen to stop by my house, I would like some new dinosaurs, Please. And maybe a new Ford Truck for my big brother Dayton. Could you also bring my Cousin, Dawson a new truck and his new baby brother, Dallas, something special. Thanks! Love: Devin Kimball, age 4, Duke Center, PA Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I would like a new Ford Truck, Please. Also, if you could, some new dinosaurs for my little brother Devin, he tries to be good. Could you also bring my Cousins Dawson a new truck and his new baby brother, Dallas, something special. Thanks! I will leave milk and Oreos for you and carrots for your reindeer. Love: Dayton Kimball, age 5, Duke Center, PA Dear Santa My name is Kaylynn Hammaker I am 2 1/2 years old and live in Mt. Jewett, PA. My Aunt “Nut” is writing this for me. I have been a very good girl this year. Thank you for all my presents last year. This year I would like a doll, doll cloths, dollhouse Dora DVD and Olivia DVD, cloths and learning toys. Also anything else you think I might like. Please bring something for Mommy + Daddy too. I will leave cookies + milk for you. And apples + water for the reindeer. Merry Christmas + Happy New Year Santa. Love Kaylynn Hammaker, age 2 1/2, Mt. Jewett, PA Dear Santa Clause, Hi, it’s Zachary Rush from Mount Jewett, PA. I am writing to say MERRY Christmas to you, Ms. Clause and all of the Elf’s. I have been trying to be a good boy this year. I would like if you can bring me a kids Pool Table. I promise to share it with my little brother Sebastian. I was also wishing for a special Christmas wish (prayer) for my very sick, handiecapped cousin. I want to send him kisses & hug’s this Christmas from you Santa. My Christmas Wish is that he does ok through the two surgeries that he’s got to have. I love him very much. If you can do or make miracles at Christmas that’s my Christmas wish. MERRY Christmas Santa Clause. Love, Zachary Rush, age 8, Mt. Jewett, PA P.S. Remember I am 8 yrs. old and live in Mount Jewett, PA

Ho, ho, ho!
Hope your Christmas is doggone great!

May your remembrances be warming and may this holiday season be a special memory in years to come.

Lakeside Tire & Auto
Smethport, PA

H&S Animal Hospital
Smethport, PA L.D. Rumsey D.V.M., Katie Rumsey and Amanda Tanner D.V.M.
Dear Santa, hello my name is Hannah Raineri. I am a fourth grader at the Otto Eldred Elementary school. I have been very good this year. I believe in Santa. I know that he is a magical man. He makes me have joy when I wake up from a sleepless night. I love the joy and happiness that rises through my body when I see the Christmas tree. Its all lit up in greens, blues, yellows, and reds. The presents are so beautifully wrapped. I leave out cookies and milk for santa. He doesn’t always eat them all though! Merry Christmas! From Hannah Raineri, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

Dear santa, Hello. My name is Kayla J. Dubetsky. I am a fourth grade student at the Otto-Eldred Elementary School. I have been good this year. I wonder how many cookies you eat win yoa deliver presents all night? Can I please have a board game. Please. or maybe a touch pad or Ipad. I know I might not get one, but can I have 1 please? Oh and thank you for whatever I get. I bet Hayley, my mom, and Dad will say think you too. I wish to know how many carrots your reindeer eat in 1 year? Love, Kayla J. Dubetsky, Otto-Eldred Elementary School P.S. Thank you for what you are going to get me and my family! Dear Santa, Hello My name is Madison Dalton. I am a fourth grade student at the Otto-Eldred Elementary School. I have be good this year. I have been doing all my homework, nice to my family, and I have been very good about cleaning my room. I would like an I tunes card for my I pod touch, Laptop, melty beads, and things for my room. Sincerely, Madison Dalton, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, Hello My name is Keith App. I am a fourth grade student at the otto-Eldred Elementary School. I have been very good this year. I Want a PS3 for christmas because my PS3 broke this year. by Keith App, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, Hello My name is Bryce Gold. I am a forth grade student. In Otto-Eldred Elamentry school. I have been Excellent lately. For Christmas I would like nothing. I already have everything I need. Please don’t get me anything. Sincerely, Bryce Gold, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

In The Spirit Of The Season Dreams Can Come True!
Hope yours do at this special time of year. Happy Holidays from our family to yours. Thank you for making our first year a success.

Wishing You A Festive Season!
We hope your holiday is bright and beautiful. We really appreciate our visits with you, and to all, we say thank you.

Ginny’s Plant Shed 2
Duke Center, PA
Dear Santa, Hello, My name is Cole Palmer. I am a fourth grade student at the OTTO-Eldred Elementary School. I have been very good this year. For Christmas I want a laptop for this special event day! I want a blue one, too! I can take it to my mom’s and dad’s house. And I also wont a SMHRT board! If you bring me a smart board can you please hook it up for me! Sincerly, Cole Palmer, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

Linda’s Mane Attraction
Smethport, Pa.

Dear Santa, Hello. My name is Jenna Coscia. I am a fourth grade student at the Otto-Eldred Elementary School. I have been very good this year. What I would really for Christmas is a brand new lime green bike : ) I would also like Just Dance 3 : ) Sincerly, Jenna Coscia, Otto-Eldred Elementary School Dear Santa, Hello my name is Joshua Cerklefskie. I am a fourth grade student at the Otto-Eldred Elementary School. I have been very good this year. How are you doing at the North Pole? How are the reindeer? I just moved here this summer. I helped build a pony barn for my miniature horses to live in. I rode a horse and fell off it twice. I did not want to get back on the third time but I did. At least it is over now. Sincerly Joshua Cerklefskie, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

Dear Santa, Hello my name is Lena Wankel. I am a fourth grade student at Otto-Eldred Elementary School. I have been very good this year. This list that I made is just a couple things I want for Christmas: paper jams micorphone pottery table Happy family Photo albums Teaching stuff Some Money Biography books “Dear America” series A helicopter I’ve been very good because I’ve been playing with my brother and sister while Don cooks dinner. Full of love and always helpful, Lena Wankel, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

Spread The Joy
A hug. A smile. A “Have a good day!” A little good cheer goes a long way! Thanks for bringing us so much joy this year. Merry Christmas!

The merriest of seasons to you and yours.
To wish you a holiday filled with the best the season has to offer.

HartleTarbox Funeral Homes, Inc.
Port Allegany, PA • Smethport, PA

Rally around and listen close. Santa is on his way, and we have just one thing to say: May all of your days be merry and bright.


Drabee's MINI MART
9 River St., Roulette, PA

Todd Busses, Inc.
Eldred, PA



Season’s Greetings From All Of Us.

Enjoy E ach Day For The Gift It Is - Now And Throughout The Coming Year!
Thanks to all our loyal friends and neighbors.

Dear Santa, Thankyou for your gifs last Christmas. For Christmas I would like... •an ipod touch •a mini laptop computer •a smartboard •overhead prejector •a teacher reading, math, science, and social studies book. •my own printer •zebra stuff •a guinee pig. From, Mackenzie Wilcox, age 9, OttoEldred Elementary School Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl and thank you for all the toy last year. For Christmas I would like a scooter with chaolk and an American girl doll and a thing for the camper please. Madison Coffman, age 9, OttoEldred Elementary School

Have A Safe & Healthy Holiday Season!
May the warm glow of the holiday season touch your heart and spread to those around you. Wishing you peace, joy, health, prosperity in the New Year.


Federal Credit Union
Port Allegany, PA
Dear Santa For christmas I would like 1 alarm clock 2 BaRBies 3 PUPPy MOVie 4 New PJs OR anything elze you would like to bring Me. Love Kaelyn Bonawitz, age 6, Turtlepoint, PA Dear Santa, Hi! My name is Hannah, and I work in a button factory. Just kidding! That is one of my favorite songs, and it always makes my family smile. I just wanted to make you smile too! This year for Christmas, I would like princesses and xia-xia crabs. The cookies will be waiting. Enjoy your trip! Love Hannah Taylor, age 3, Smethport, PA

Dear Santa I would likefor christmas is 1 a real rabbit 2 measash orbees 3 mikeaPhone that plug onto a speeker 4 CD’s of talor swith 5 Dresses for school 6 Ds games about a baby The rest a supprize. 7 more Polly Pockets 8 weving stuff 9 sowing stuff Say Hi to the randeer and the elfes, Sana Clase from Kira Bonawitz, age 9, Turtlepoint, PA

Joint Environmental Health & Safety Committees

Port Allegany, PA
Christmas Through the Ages • Telesphorus, the second Bishop of Rome, declared in the 2nd century AD that public Church services should be held to celebrate “The Nativity of our Lord and Savior.” • In 320 AD, Pope Julius I and other religious leaders specified Dec. 25 as the official date of the birth of Jesus Christ. • In the 13th century, St. Francis of Assisi introduced Christmas carols to formal church services. • In 1531, in Germany, the first printed reference to Christmas trees appeared. • The Christmas tree was first decorated with lights in the 16th century. It is believed that Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer, was so taken with the Christmas night sky that he added lighted candles to the tree to bring “the lights of the stars” into the home of his family. • A goose was customary Christmas fare until the early 1600s, when King Henry VIII of England took it upon himself to tuck into a turkey. • In 1643, the British Parliament officially abolished the celebration of Christmas. • The first American Christmas carol was written in 1649 by a minister named John de Brebeur. It is called “Jesus Is Born.” • Between 1649 and 1660, Oliver Cromwell banned Christmas carols in England. Cromwell thought Christmas should be a very solemn day, so the only celebration allowed was a sermon and prayer service. • A wreath with holly, red berries and other decorations began from at least the 17th century. Holly, with its sharply pointed leaves, symbolized the thorns in Christ’s crown-of-thorns. Red berries symbolized the drops of Christ’s blood. A wreath at Christmas signified a home that celebrated to birth of Christ. • In 1818, “Silent Night” was written by Austrian priest Joseph Mohr. Legend has it that his church’s organ broke on the day before Christmas. Mohr could not imagine Christmas without music, so he sat down to write a carol that could be sung by a choir to guitar music. Later that night, the people in the little Austrian church sang “Stille Nacht” for the first time. • In 1834, Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, brought the first Christmas tree to Windsor Castle for the Royal family. • In 1836, Alabama became the first state to declare Christmas a legal holiday. • The first commercial Christmas card, produced in 1846, featured a drawing of family members happily toasting each other with glasses of wine -- a shockingly decadent portrait that was immediately condemned by temperance advocates. • In 1856, President Franklin Pierce decorates the first White House Christmas tree. • In 1907, Oklahoma became the last state to declare Christmas a legal holiday. • In 1937, the first postage stamp to commemorate Christmas was issued in Austria. • In 1945, a phonograph album containing Bing Crosby’s signature song, “White Christmas,” is released. The recording would go on to become the best-selling single ever, with sales of more than 50 million copies worldwide. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Merry Christmas
from the staff of

Country Porch Café
Reg. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7am-7pm Sat. 8am-5pm Closing Christmas Eve at 12pm Closed Sun. & Mon., Dec. 25 & 26

May The Season Be Merry And Bright
During this beautiful season we give our sincere thanks to all the families we have been privileged to serve. Happy Holidays. C ONNIE’S Closed Christmas Day R OUTE

423 W. Main St. Smethport, PA
Dear Santa, My name is Korbin Holly. I am 4 years old. I am having my mommy write this for me I am just learning how to write. I have been trying to be a good boy at home and at school. I have been helping my papa with the coal stove, and my grandma and mommy around the house. I have been a good big brother too playing nice and sharing with my little sister Arayah. For Christmas I would like lots of firefighters, Fire trucks, Fire hoses, cop cars, helecopters, guns, spiderman iron man stuff and transformers bumble bee. I will leave cookies. and milk for you and carrots for your reindeer. Be extra careful I Love You. Love, Korbin Holly, age 4, Eldred, PA PS. Please make sure to bring my papa and grandma Mong, Mommy, grandma ruby and Little sister Buggy all something nice too. Thank You Santa

www. country porchcafe .com

John 8:12

Smethport, PA
Dear Santa My mom was in a very bad accadent this September. She is home but has two broken legs. Please make her better. and I would also like a new bike or racetrack with cars. My name is Dallas Thompson I’m 7 years old. Merry Christmas. Dallas Thompson, age 7, Turtlepoint, PA

Dear Santa, I have ben very good this year. I did all my chores. I would like ipod and a new pair of incelated Overalls. Sinsearly Owen Flexman, age 10, OttoEldred Elementary School Dear Santa,................................ I been very Good this year thank you for your gifts last year. I Like to get present’s for christmas. and I would like a.....DS case for my DS., my little pet shop, Ice cream maker, and a Hot dog makr for christmas. Ariel Cunningham, age 9, Otto-Eldred Elementary School

To our valued customers we extend our sincere gratitude and best wishes for a season that's filled with good health, good fortune and good friends. We know we're thankful for the precious gift of your goodwill and friendship.

C.L. McKeirnan, Inc.
School Bus Contractor Smethport, PA

Worth W. Smith Co. Hardware
949 E. Main St., Bradford, PA

DECEMBER 20, 2011


‘09 Buick Lucerne Sdn. CXL FWD
B19603A, 33,854 mi. Retail: $22,326 * Shults Price: $18,500

‘08 Chev. Cobalt Sedan LT FWD
B19959A, 46,354 mi. Retail: $12,100 * Shults Price: $10,200

‘06 Chev. Colorado Truck LT w/2LT 4WD
TP2065, 69,508 mi. Retail: $17,500 ,032* Shults Price: $17

‘03 Ford Ranger Truck Edge 4WD
T4223A, 92,580 mi. Retail: $10,900 * Shults Price: $9,950

‘11 Chev. Impala Sedan LT FWD
BP12230, 28,039 mi. Retail: $19,000 * Shults Price: $14,700

‘11 Chev. HHR SUV LS FWD
BP12228, 28,338 mi. Retail: $15,725 * Shults Price: $13,995


T U R N I N G U P T H E H E A T O N T H E C O M P E T I T O RS ! R
‘11 Chev. Cruze Sedan LT w/2LT FWD
BP12231, 18,090 mi. Retail: $20,950 * Shults Price: $18,995



Huge Savings For December!
To n s O n e -o w O f C le a n ner R e a d y Tr a d e s D e li ve r Fo r y N ow !
s Day 120 Fir st To a y ! P

eb D i s ca t e s & ou As Hig nts $ h A s

10, 000

‘10 Chrys. Sebring Sedan Tour. FWD
BP12225, 34,718 mi. Retail: $16,024 * Shults Price: $11,995

Retail Shults Price 2004 Cadillac DeVille Sedan FWD- 35,020 mi. $14,350 $12,500* 2003 Chev. Corvette Conv. RWD- 22,287 mi. $28,300 $26,500* 2011 Chev. Impala Sedan LT FWD- 22,732 mi. $19,000 $14,700* 2008 Chev. Malibu Sedan LT w/1LT FWD- 3.100 mi. $16,000 $11,470* 2004 Chrys. Sebring Conv. LXi FWD- 58,582 mi. $8,260 $8.090* 2009 Dodge Avenger Sedan SXT FWD- 15,700 mi. $14,950 $12,983* 2006 Ford Five Hundred Sedan SEL AWD- 84,454 mi. $11,625 $11,260* 2009 Pont. G6 Sedan GT w/1SB FWD- 47,791 mi. $13,995 $13,995* 2008 Subaru Impreza Sedan AWD- 29,932 mi. $16,325 $15,900* 2009 Toyota Camry Sedan FWD- 12,012 mi. $17,775 $16,900* 2008 Toyota Camry Sedan LE FWD- 36,042 mi. $18,625 $16,056* 2005 Toyota Camry Sedan LE FWD- 85,000 mi. $13,675 $11,846* 2006 Toyota Camry Solara Conv. SE FWD- 45,081 mi. $16,995 $15,885* 2010 Toyota Corolla Sedan LE FWD- 42,892 mi. $15,300 $12,883* 2010 Toyota Matrix Wagon FWD- 46,345 mi. $15,425 $12,883* 2010 Toyota Venza Wagon AWD- 19,004 mi. $32,555 $27,989* 2007 Chev. Cobalt $ Coupe LS FWD- 53,243 mi. 10,363* 2011 Chev. Cruze $ Sedan LTZ FWD- 9,321 mi. 22,495* 2007 Chev. Impala $ 12,995* Sedan LT FWD- 47,490 mi. 2011 Chev. Malibu $ LS w/1FL FWD- 27,006 mi. 16,496* 2010 Chrys. Sebring $ 14,995* Sedan Tour. FWD- 35,020 mi. 2006 Ford Mustang $ Coupe GT Premium RWD- 30,879 mi. 20,101* 2009 Hyundai Accent $ 11,496* Sedan GLS FWD- 45,424 mi. 2010 Hyundai Sonata $ 15,240* Sedan GLS FWD- 44,814 mi. $ 2010 Kia Forte Sedan EX FWD- 18,663 mi. 15,695* $ 2008 Mercury Milan Sedan FWD- 42,515 mi. 14,496* 2008 Pontiac G6 Sedan $ 1SV Value Leader FWD- 72,567 mi. 11,995* 2009 Subaru Impreza $ Sedan I AWD- 49,141 mi. 16,990* 2008 Subaru Impreza $ 17,268* Sedan I AWD- 19,560 mi. 2009 Toyota Camry $ 15,390* Sedan SE FWD- 35,197 mi. 2009 Toyota Corolla $ 14,990* Sedan XLE FWD- 44,961 mi. 2000 Chev. Cavalier- 100,000 mi., cheapie

‘10 Chev. Traverse SUV LT w/1LT AWD
BP12221, 21,200 mi. Retail: $29,025 * Shults Price: $21,380

‘08 Dodge Ram 1500 Truck SLT 4WD
TP2062, 48,138 mi. Retail: $24,675 * Shults Price: $22,034

‘07 Ford Five Hundred Sedan LTD FWD
T4144A, 34,651 mi. Retail: $15,950 * Shults Price: $13,540

‘10 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited SUV Sport
BP12253, 4WD Retail: $27,100 * Shults Price: $25,760

2011 Chev. Tahoe SUV LT 4WD- 28,000 mi. $41,125 2008 Chev. TrailBlazer SUV LT w/1LT 4WD- 53,648 mi. $15,440 2008 Ford Escape SUV XLT 4WD- 70,115 mi. $19,475 2008 Mazda CX-7 SUV Gr. Tour. AWD- 44,083 mi. $19,975 2010 Buick Enclave CXL AWD- 7,000 mi. 2007 Toyota 4Runner SUV SR5 4WD- 35,308 mi. $22,333 2010 Toyota RAV4 SUV 4WD- 48,676 mi. $21,825 2009 Toyota RAV4 SUV Ltd. 4WD- 51,267 mi. $25,995 2008 Toyota RAV4 SUV Sport 4WD- 21,129 mi. $21,450 2010 Toyota Sienna Van LE FWD- 50,100 mi. $23,000 2007 Toyota Sienna Van XLE FWD- 26,421 mi. $23,900 2008 Buick Enclave SUV CX AWD- 43,318 mi. 2005 Mercury Mariner AWD- leather 2002 Buick Rendezvous- 67k mi. 2006 Chev. HHR- leather roof, remote start, 49k mi. 2007 Jeep Cherokee 4x4 Laredo- 60k mi. 2010 Chrys. Town & Country Van Tour. FWD- 32,592 mi. 2010 Dodge Gr. Caravan SXT FWD- 37,791 mi. 2010 Dodge Gr. Caravan SXT FWD- 37,444 mi. 2010 Dodge Gr. Caravan SXT FWD- 39,213 mi. 2008 Ford Escape SUV XLT 4WD- 39,560 mi. 2010 Hyundai Santa Fe SUV SE FWD- 25,363 mi. 2011 Jeep Compass SUV 4WD- 7,419 mi. 2011 Jeep Liberty SUV 4WD- 18,088 mi.

32,995* 15,440* 19,475*
‘11 Buick Regal Sedan CXL RL4 FWD
BP12188, 15,633 mi. Retail: $27,900 * Shults Price: $22,171




19,383* $ 34,800*

22,200* 21,625* 21,079* 20,583* 22,920* 18,234* 26,995*




‘08 Saturn Vue SUV XE AWD
T3816B, 81,694 mi. Retail: $15,200 * Shults Price: $14,900




‘11 Toyota Camry Sedan LE FWD
TP2081, 45,601 mi. Retail: $17,250 * Shults Price: $13,883

$ $

10,800* 16,700* 20,496* 18,996* 18,995* 18,996* 19,895*




$ $

‘04 Toyota Highlander SUV 4WD

22,995* $ 21,995* $ 20,985*

T4237A, 111,515 mi. Retail: $14,025 * Shults Price: $12,983

Retail Shults Price 2007 Chev. Silverado 1500 Truck LT w/1LT 4WD- 110,290 mi. $18,500 $18,183* 2010 Ford Ranger Truck Sport 4WD- 16,905 $25,750 $18,883* 2010 GMC Sierra 1500 Truck SLE 4WD- 25,854 mi. $29,050 $26,883* 2008 GMC Sierra 3500 Truck DRW SLT 4WD- 53,136 mi. $23,900 $19,500* 2008 Toyota Tacoma Truck 4WD- 59,551 mi. $24,400 $23,443* 2003 Toyota Tundra Truck SR5 4WD- 98,281 mi. $13,750 $10,900* 2011 Chev. Silverado 1500 Truck $ 29,995* LT 4WD- 16,253 mi. 2008 Chev. Silverado 2500 $ HD Work Truck 4WD- 20,758 mi. 22,230* 2008 Dodge Dakota Truck Bighorn/ $ Lonestar 4WD- 47,742 mi. 20,372* $ 2004 Ford F-150 Truck 4WD- 81,609 mi. 13,481* $ 2008 GMC Canyon Truck SLT 4WD- 45,127 mi. 22,995* $ 2011 Ram 1500 Truck SLT 4WD- 12,420 mi. 27,995* 2005 Tacoma Reg. Cab 4x4- Snert! 2008 Chev. Silverado $ Crew 4x4- 5.3, Z71 Off Road, 72k mi. 19,500* 2001 Ford F-250 Ext. Cab- with Western plow, bright red, 32k yes 32k mi. 2008 Tundra Double Cab- 5.7, white bench seat, $ dump insert, Western plow, 15k mi. 27,500*

‘08 Pontiac Torrent SUV GXP FWD
T4131A, 44,859 mi. Retail: $20,755 * Shults Price: $16,020

‘11 Chev. Aveo Sedan LT w/2LT FWD
OP6179, 3,926 mi. Shults Price:


‘08 Subaru Impreza Sedan AWD
TP2066A, 45,820 mi. Retail: $15,125 * Shults Price: $14,900

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Retail Shults Price
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