34206783 Consumer Buying Behaviour MBA

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PREAFACE Today almost all the major co-operation is actively marketing their product beyond their original homeland borders. So, companies must rethink their marketing strategies instead of continuing with their existing strategy. Today company work in a war zone of rapidly changing competitive environment technological advances, changing govt. politics diminishing customer loyalty and so on. ow a day world of stiff competition, the companies with existing marketing strategies need to be changed in a manner so as to cope up with its rapidly changing competitive environment, technical up gradation, varying govt. policies, rules and regulation during customer loyalty etc. in the last few years the information need to conduct a business has grown rapidly. So, in this context, the !aruti Suzuki is also facing a stiff competition in the market from its competitors and for this the company is gearing up themselves to face the competition and conduct a good business taking successful business decision for more accuracy and timeliness. "s the part of the partial fulfillment of the !#" course a project has been incorporated in the curriculum during which a study to be under taken in an organization mainly to take out the newly ac$uired knowledge and skill from an actual work situation and take book and classroom teaching give us through back ground of different functional area devoid of practical experience to how those area to be administered and managed respectively. This report has given up an opportunity to gain an inside into a practical applicability of management concept and theory, learning faster and developed better ability to analysis

problems and in decision that contribute significantly for better use of resource available to the management. &ith this view to understand the concept, ' have undertaken a project study in !aruti Suzuki, which has e$uipped me to prepare a report with a proper solution of the problem face by the organization. This area of work has chosen by me as this had all the ingredient of marketing research and other aspect of marketing as well the report offer a (limpse of various stage at project work in order to serve purpose of the study in systematic manner and hope that the findings and recommendation will go along way in helping in organization.


Table Contents Executive Summary: *i+ 'ntroduction *ii+ "ims - objective *iii+ !ethodology *iv+ "nalysis *v+ 1onclusions *vi+ 3ecommendations Part : I An Overvie o! t"e Com#any *i+ 'ntroduction %% - )0 )2 - ,0 ,2 - .2 .4- /7 *ii+ 5istory of the 6rganisation and products *iii+ Special future *v+ 1ompetitors details Part : II Pro$ect Overvie *i+ 'ntroduction /. - 00 02 - 28 2% - 27 2, - %8. %8/ - %80 %82 %84 - %%8 *ii+ 6bjective *iii+ !ethodology *iv+ "nalysis *v+ 1onclusions *vi+ 9imitations *vii+ 3ecommendations Part : III *i+ #ibliography %%% %%) - %%/ *ii+ :uestionnaire Page No. , . / /-0 0-2 2-4



*i+ Topic


Study on consumer behavior of car with special reference to !aruti Suzuki in Tezpur. 6rganization 'sum !otors ;vt 9td. "uthorized <ealer, !aruti Suzuki. 9ocation 6f Study Tezpur 'nstitutional (uide "njan #aruah =aculty member, Third eye 1ollege. 6rganizational (uide "mitab <ey Sales 6fficer 'sum !otors ;vt 9td. <uration ) !onths


*ii+ Aims an, Ob$ectives

Primary : To make a study on consumer buying behavior of car with special reference to !aruti Suzuki in Tezpur area.

Secon,ary : %. To study their satisfaction level of customers of different cars available in Tezpur. ). To study the importance of various attribute which effect the purchasing decision of customers in regard of cars. 7. To study the awareness level of different cars in Tezpur. ,. To study the importance of dealer and their influence in marketing>sale for cars in Tezpur. .. To study consumers buying behaviours. /. To find out the expectation of the existing possessing and prospective customers of the company. 0. To study the impact of media on the customers. 2. To study the satisfaction level of the customers on overall performance and after sale service of their existing cars. 4. To study different promotional scheme they expect for purchasing a new car.


*iii+ *i+ *ii+ *iii+ *iv+ *v+ *vi+

(et"o,ology ;reliminary study. <ata collection :uestionnaire <esign. Sample size "nalysis Scope and 9imitation.



The project was undertaken to study the consumer buying behavior of motor car with special reference to !aruti Suzuki in Tezpur. !ajor findings are? %. <emographic profile i.e. "ge, 6ccupation and monthly income of the customer. ). 3egarding the awareness of different brands of motor cars all respondents are well aware. 7. "ccording to the most of the respondent the T.@. ads was the best media in building awareness followed by the newspaper, friends, colleague, majoring - family members. ,. 3egarding importance of attribute before purchasing the motor car in over all motor cars most of the customer gave importance on brand image of the company. 'n case of 5yundai motorcars most of the


customer gave importance or fuel efficiency and look on style of the car. .. 3egarding source of finance most of the customers gave important on loan and installment facility. /. !ost of the customer gave most importance on high engine power.



This study was conducted to find out the consumer buying behaviour of motorcars in special reference to the !aruti Suzuki in Tezpur. The findings and analysis revealed many advantages as well as disadvantages for the !aruti 'ndia 9td. Though the !aruti Suzuki is the faster growing company and leading in the market facing a stiff competition from 5yundai and Tata motors in the Tezpur. 't has been observed that !aruti Suzuki adopted many promotional strategies and companyAs marketing channel is also satisfactory. ow a days people are most aware about after sales service. The dealers also expect !aruti motorcars has overcome this problem and facilities should be improved for meeting the after sales service re$uirement effectively. The majority of customers expect loan or installment facilities. The !aruti Suzuki has joined hand with State #ank 6f 'ndia, and many ;rivate #anks to promote this facilities. "s most of the existing and prospective customers adults, !aruti should introduces stylish !otor cars which compete its competitors product. #ut !aruti to meet the expectations of new generation people who are the prospect, or customers has recently introduce 3itz, SB,, "Star hoping to fulfill the demand of the new generation.

"s this study was conducted for educational purpose with the aim to give necessary information to the organization, any mistake by the researchers should be overlooked considering his inexperience in the field of marketing research.



#ased on the findings drawn from the projectAs analysis, certain recommendation need to be made as regards to the future course of action for !aruti Suzuki, which can go a long way in improving the #rand "wareness of the 1ompany in the !otorcars market. The main recommendations are? %. !aruti should continue with its range of innovative products. "t the same time try to add value to its existing products so that it can cater to the present day re$uirements. "s the study reveals that majority of customers are aged )8 C ,8 years the needs and wants should be kept in mind while designing new products. ). There should be proper synchronization between order placed an delivery. The distribution channel should be enhanced and the models should be readily available in the market.

7. "s the buying decision of the buyer has influenced by himself, company should target them through demonstration and advertisement. ,. "s the market for the financial institutions are increasing, the company should target them through demonstration and advertisement.


.. =acilities should be provide to the dealers so that they can extend them to the customers while purchasing this brand. /. 'ncrease in sales promotion budgets to develop a point of purchase display and to participate to a greater extent in Trade shows and similar kind of shows and this will motivate the non-users to try out the products.

0. The company can sponsor local cultural programmes like #ihu festival of "ssam holding #ihu competition at least once in a year and for attracting the youth it may sponsor sports events also. 2. The company can make charitable donation to different organizations. 't can extend their helping hand to the people hotted by natural havoc like flood, draught, earth$uake etc. to win the hearts of the mass people which will build a good image of the 1ompany among them.

4. "s the market for the financial institutions are increasing, the company should come up with various schemes, which will induce them to influence the customer for the product. This includes offering various gifts, packages and financial incentives like higher commission as compared to other four-wheeler companies. %8.'ncentives and financial benefits provided to the dealers should be maximized to maintain their level of satisfaction and motivation.


Part An Overvie o! t"e com#any


INTRO.&CTION About t"e com#any: !aruti Suzuki is one of 'ndiaDs leading automobile manufacturers and the market leader in the car segment, both in terms of volume of vehicles sold and revenue earned. Entil recently, %2.)2F of the company was owned by the 'ndian government, and .,.)F by Suzuki of Gapan. The 'ndian government held an initial public offering of ).F of the company in Gune )887. "s of %8 !ay )880, (ovt. of 'ndia sold its complete share to 'ndian financial institutions. &ith this, (ovt. of 'ndia no longer has stake in !aruti Edyog. !aruti Edyog 9imited *!E9+ was established in =ebruary %42%, though the actual production commenced in %427 with the !aruti 288, based on the Suzuki "lto kei car which at the time was the only modern car available in 'ndia, itsD only competitors- the 5industan "mbassador and ;remier ;admini were both around ). years out of date at that point. Through )88,, !aruti Suzuki has produced over . !illion vehicles. !aruti Suzukis are sold in 'ndia and various several other countries, depending upon export orders. !odels similar to !aruti Suzukis *but not manufactured by !aruti Edyog+ are sold by Suzuki !otor 1orporation and manufactured in ;akistan and other South "sian countries. The company annually exports more than .8,888 cars and has an extremely large domestic market in 'ndia selling over 078,888 cars annually. !aruti 288, till )88,, was the 'ndiaDs largest selling compact car ever since it was launched in %427. !ore than a million units of this car have been sold worldwide so far. 1urrently, !aruti Suzuki "lto tops the sales charts and !aruti Suzuki Swift is the largest selling in ") segment.

<ue to the large number of !aruti 288s sold in the 'ndian market, the term H!arutiH is commonly used to refer to this compact car model. Till recently the term H!arutiH, in popular 'ndian culture, in 'ndia 5induDs lord 5anuman is known as HmarutiH, was associated to the !aruti 288 model. !aruti Suzuki has been the leader of the 'ndian car market for over two decades. 'ts manufacturing facilities are located at two facilities (urgaon and !anesar south of <elhi. !aruti SuzukiAs (urgaon facility has an installed capacity of 7.8,888 units per annum. The !anesar facilities, launched in =ebruary )880 comprise a vehicle assembly plant with a capacity of %88,888 units per year and a <iesel Ingine plant with an annual capacity of %88,888 engines and transmissions. !anesar and (urgaon facilities have a combined capability to produce over 088,888 units annually. !ore than half the cars sold in 'ndia are !aruti Suzuki cars. The company is a subsidiary of Suzuki !otor 1orporation, Gapan, which owns .,.) per cent of !aruti Suzuki. The rest is owned by the public and financial institutions. 't is listed on the #ombay Stock Ixchange and ational Stock Ixchange in 'ndia. <uring )880-82, !aruti Suzuki sold 0/,,2,) cars, of which .7,8), were exported. 'n all, over six million !aruti Suzuki cars are on 'ndian roads since the first car was rolled out on %, <ecember %427. ;ressure started mounting on 'ndira and Sanjay (andhi to share the details of the progress on the !aruti ;roject. Since countryDs resources were made available by mother to her sonDs pet project. " delegation of 'ndian technocrats was assigned to hunt a collaborator for the project. 'nitial rounds of discussion were held with the giants of the automobile industry in Gapan including Toyota, issan and 5onda. Suzuki !otor 1orporation was at that time a small player in

the four wheeler automobile sector and had major share in the two wheeler segment. SuzukiDs bid was considered negligible. 'n the initial rounds of discussion the giants had their bosses present and in the later rounds related to the technical discussions executives of these automobile giants were present. 6samu Suzuki, 1hairman and 1I6 of the company ensured that he was present in all the rounds of discussion. 6samu in an article writes that it subtly massaged their *'ndian delegation+ egos and also convinced them about the sincerity of SuzukiDs bid. 'n the initial days Suzuki took all steps to ensure the government about its sincerity on the project. Suzuki in return received a lot of help from the government in such matters as import clearances for manufacturing e$uipment *against the wishes of the 'ndian machine tool industry then and its own socialistic ideology+, land purchase at government prices for setting up the factory (urgaon and reduced or removal of excise tariffs. This helped Suzuki conscientiously nurse !aruti Suzuki through its infancy to become one of its flagship ventures. !aruti SuzukiDs A-Star vehicle during its unveiling in ;ragati !aidan, <elhi. AStar, SuzukiDs fifth global car model, was designed and is made only in 'ndia. #esides being SuzukiDs largest subsidiary in terms of car sales, !aruti Suzuki is also SuzukiDs leading research and development arm outside Gapan 3elationship between the (overnment of 'ndia, under the Enited =ront *'ndia+ coalition and Suzuki !otor 1orporation over the joint venture was a point of heated debate in the 'ndian media till Suzuki !otor 1orporation gained the controlling stake. This highly profitable joint venture that had a near monopolistic trade in the 'ndian automobile market and the nature of the partnership built up till then was the underlying reason for most issues. The success of the joint venture led Suzuki to increase its e$uity from )/F to ,8F in %420, and further to .8F in %44). 'n %42) both the venture partners had

entered into an agreement to nominate their candidate for the post of !anaging <irector and every !anaging <irector will have a tenure of five years. 'nitially 3.1.#hargava, was the managing director of the company since the inception of the joint venture. Till today he is regarded as instrumental for the success of !aruti Suzuki. Goining in %42) he held several key positions in the company before heading the company as !anaging <irector. 1urrently he is on the #oard of <irectors. "fter completing his five year tenure, !r. #hargava later assumed the office of ;art-Time 1hairman. The (overnment nominated !r. S.S.9. . #haskarudu as the !anaging <irector on )0 "ugust %440. !r. #haskarudu had joined !aruti Suzuki in %427 after spending )% years in the ;ublic sector undertaking #harat 5eavy Ilectricals 9imited as (eneral !anager. 9ater in %420 he was promoted as 1hief (eneral !anager, %422 as <irector, ;roductions and ;rojects, %424 <irector, !aterials and in %447 as Goint !anaging <irector. Suzuki !otor 1orporation didnDt attend the "nnual (eneral !eeting of the #oard with the reason of it being called on a short notice. 9ater Suzuki !otor 1orporation went on record to state that !r. #haskarudu was HincompetentH and wanted someone else. 5owever, the !inistry of 'ndustries, (overnment of 'ndia refuted the charges. !edia stated from the !aruti Suzuki sources that #haskarudu was interested to indigenise most of components for the models including gear boxes especially for !aruti 288. Suzuki also felt that #haskarudu was a proxy for the (overnment and would not let it increase its stake in the venture. 'f !aruti Suzuki would have been able to indigenise gear boxes then !aruti Suzuki would have been able to manufacture all the models without the technical assistance from Suzuki. Till today the issue of localization of gear boxes is highlighted in the press.


The relation strained when Suzuki !otor 1orporation moved to <elhi 5igh 1ourt to bring a stay order against the appointment of !r. #haskarudu. The issue was resolved in an out-of-court settlement and both the parties agreed that 3 S S9 #haskarudu would serve up to 7% <ecember %444, and from % Ganuary )888, Gagdish Jhattar, Ixecutive <irector of !aruti Edyog 9imited would assume charges as the !anaging <irector. !any politicians believed, and had stated in parliament that the Suzuki !otor 1orporation is unwilling to localize manufacturing and reduce imports. This remains true, even today the gear boxes are still imported from Gapan and are assembled at the (urgaon facility. =or most of its history, !aruti Edyog 9imited had relatively few problems with its labour force. 'ts emphasis of a Gapanese work culture and the modern manufacturing process, first instituted in Gapan in the %408s, was accepted by the workforce of the company without any difficulty. #ut with the change in management in %440, when it became predominantly government controlled for a while, and the conflict between the Enited =ront (overnment and Suzuki may have been the cause of unrest among employees. " major row broke out in September )888 when employees of !aruti Edyog 9td *!E9+ went on an indefinite strike, demanding among other things, revision of the incentive scheme offered and implementation of a pension scheme. Imployees struck work for six hours in 6ctober )888, irked over the suspension of nine employees, going on a six-hour tools-down strike at its (urgaon plant, demanding revision of the incentive-linked pay and threatened to fast to death if the suspended employees were not reinstated. "bout this time, the <" government, following a disinvestments policy, proposed to sell part of its stake in !aruti Suzuki in a public offering. The Staff union opposed this sell-off plan on the grounds that the company will lose a major business advantage of being subsidised by the (overnment.

The standoff with the management continued to <ecember with a proposal by the management to end the two-month long agitation rejected with a demand for reinstatement of 4) dismissed workers, with four !E9 employees going on a fast-unto-death. 'n <ecember the companyDs shareholders met in ew <elhi in an "(! that lasted 78 minutes. "t the same time around %.88 plant workers from the !E9Ds (urgaon facility were agitating outside the companyDs corporate office demanding commencement of production linked incentives, a better pension scheme and other benefits. The management has refused to pass on the benefits citing increased competition and lower margins.

!aruti Suzuki offers %. models, !aruti 288, "lto, &agon3, Istilo, "-star, 3itz, Swift, Swift <Kire, SB,, 6mni, Ieco, (ypsy, (rand @itara. Swift, Swift <Kire, "-star and SB, are maufactured in !anesar, (rand @itara is imported from Gapan as a completely built unit *1#E+, remaining all models are manufactured in !aruti SuzukiDs (urgaon ;lant. Suzuki !otor 1orporation, the parent company, is a global leader in mini and compact cars for three decades. SuzukiAs technical superiority lies in its ability to pack power and performance into a compact, lightweight engine that is clean and fuel efficient. early 0.,888 people are employed directly by !aruti Suzuki and its partners.'t has been rated first in customer satisfaction among all car makers in 'ndia from %444 to )884 by G < ;ower "sia ;acific. ;ressure started mounting on 'ndira and Sanjay (andhi to share the details of the progress on the !aruti ;roject. Since countryDs resources were made available by mother to her sonDs pet project. " delegation of 'ndian technocrats was assigned to hunt a collaborator for the project. 'nitial rounds of discussion

were held with the giants of the automobile industry in Gapan including Toyota, issan and 5onda. Suzuki !otor 1orporation was at that time a small player in the four wheeler automobile sector and had major share in the two wheeler segment. SuzukiDs bid was considered negligible. !aruti Suzuki has two state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in 'ndia. L%)M. #oth manufacturing facilities have a combined production capacity of %,888,888 vehicles annually. The (urgaon !anufacturing =acility has three fully integrated manufacturing plants and is spread over 788 acres. "ll three plants have a installed capacity of 7.8,888 vehicles annually but productivity improvements have enabled it to manufacture 088,888 vehicles annually. The (urgaon facilities also manufacture ),8,888 K-Series engines annually. The entire facility is e$uipped with more than %.8 robots, out of which 0% have been developed in-house. The (urgaon =acilities manufactures the 288, "lto, &agon3, Istilo, 6mni , (ypsy, Swift and Ieco. The !anesar !anufacturing ;lant was inaugurated in =ebruary )880 and is spread over /88 acres. 'nitially it had a production capacity of %88,888 vehicles annually but this was increased to 788,888 vehicles annually in 6ctober )882. The !anesar ;lant produces the "-star, Swift, Swift <Kire and SB,. Four Wheeler Industry "pproximately ). of #enzDs vehicles were built before %247, when his first four-wheeler was introduced. They were powered with four-stroke engines of his own design. Imile 3oger of =rance, already producing #enz engines under license, now added the #enz automobile to his line of products. #ecause =rance was more open to the early automobiles, more were built and sold in =rance through 3oger than #enz sold in (ermany. =rom %248 to %24. <aimler and his

assistant, !aybach, either at the <aimler works or in the 5otel 5ermann, where they set up shop after falling out with their backers, built about 78 vehicles. #enz and <aimler seem to have been unaware of each otherDs early work and worked independently. 'n %248, Imile 9evassor and "rmand ;eugeot of =rance began producing vehicles with <aimler engines, and so laid the foundation of the motor industry in =rance. (eorge Selden of 3ochester, ew Nork, who applied for a patent on an automobile in %204, supposedly designed the first "merican car with a gasoline internal combustion engine in %200. 'n #ritain there had been several attempts to build steam cars with varying degrees of success with Thomas 3ickett even attempting a production run in %2/8. Santler from !alvern is recognized by the @eteran 1ar 1lub of (reat #ritain as having made the first petrol-powered car in the country in %24, followed by =rederick &illiam 9anchester in %24. but these were both one-offs.LThe first production vehicles came from the <aimler !otor 1ompany, founded by 5arry G. 9awson in %24/, and making their first cars in %240. 'n %24), 3udolf <iesel got a patent for a H ew 3ational 1ombustion IngineH. 'n %240 he built the first <iesel Ingine. 'n %24., Selden was granted a Enited States patent*E.S. ;atent .,4,%/8 + for a two-stroke automobile engine, which hinderd more than encouraged development of autos in the Enited States. Steam, electric, and gasoline powered autos competed for decades, with gasoline internal combustion engines achieving dominance in the %4%8s. Ivery other day a new model of car is being launched in the country, how many times you must have wished to change that old car of yours and buy a hot set of wheels. 5owever as you come back to earth, bitter reality bites youO realization dawns in that you donDt have such a big amount of money to invest in a new car. <onDt worry as several banks and financial institution have donned the role of

new age Santa 1laus to make sure that your dream comes true. Today car loans are not only available for brand new cars but they are also available for used cars. 'n this section we will try to provide you with an insight into automobile financing so read on. State #ank of 'ndia which is one of the largest nationalized banks in the country offers you the following advantages
• • •

9onger repayment periods up to 0 years 9ow processing o advance I!' along with the down payment effectively increasing the amount of loan 'nterest is calculated on the reducing balance method meaning every time you repay an amount the interest is calculated on the remaining amount and not on the one which is out standing at the beginning of the year.

The company gives a loan which is up to ).. times of oneDs net annual income, with the minimum income cap of the applicant being 0.888 rupees per annum. The company sanctions loans for all new cars and for second hand cars which are not more than . years old. The bank also provides loans to people who donDt have an account with the bank provided they furnish address proof, identity proof and other relevant documents. =or more details click http?>>www.sbi.co.in ET' bank offers loans covering 2.F of the cost of the vehicle plus registration and insurance or )8 times the net monthly salary and you can repay the loan with in a maximum period of . years or /8 monthly e$uated installments. 1ar 'nsurance gives the necessary cover if one meets with some unforeseen incident or an accident. 1ar insurance offers a number of benefits. " no claim bonus is given to the policy holder if no claims are made. 't is transferable as it can be used even if one is changing the auto insurance company.

Esed car owners shouldnDt feel that they are sidelined. Esed car insurances help the second hand car owners greatly. Those who canDt afford the luxury cars and their high prices are opting for used cars. The 'ndian automobile industry is the tenth largest in the world with an annual production of approximately ) million units. 'ndian auto industry, promises to become the major automotive industry in the upcoming years and the industry experts are hopeful that it will touch %8 million units mark. 'ndian automobile industry is involved in design, development, manufacture, marketing, and sale of motor vehicles. There are a number of global automotive giants that are upbeat about the expansion plans and collaboration with domestic companies to produce automobiles in 'ndia. The major car manufacturers in 'ndia are !aruti Edyog, 5yundai !otors 'ndia 9td., (eneral !otors 'ndia ;vt. 9td., 5onda Siel 1ars 'ndia 9td., Toyota Jirloskar !otor 9td., 5industan !otors etc. The two-wheeler manufacturers in 'ndia are 5onda !otorcycle - Scooter 'ndia *;vt.+ 9td., T@S, 5ero 5onda, Namaha, #ajaj, etc. The heavy motors including buses, trucks, auto rickshaws and multi-utility vehicles are manufactured by Tata-Telco, Iicher !otors, #ajaj, !ahindra and !ahindra, etc.

:uick =acts?
• • •

=irst 'ndian to own a car in 'ndia was Gamshedji Tata. =irst woman to drive a car in 'ndia was !rs. Suzanne 3< Tata. The passenger car and motorcycle segment in the 'ndian auto industry is growing by 2-4 percent. 1ommercial vehicle will grow by ..) per cent.

• • • •

The first automobile in 'ndia was rolled in %240 in #ombay. 'ndia is a potential emerging auto market. !otorcycles contribute 28F of the two-wheeler industry. Enlike the ES", the 'ndian passenger vehicle market is dominated by cars *04F+. 'ndia is the largest two-wheeler manufacturer in the world. 'ndiaDs motorcycle segment will grow by 2-4 percent in the coming years. %%. 'ndia is the fifth largest commercial vehicle manufacturer in the world. %). 'ndia has the number one global motorcycle manufacturer. %7. 'n "sia, 'ndia is the fourth largest car market.

• •

The new chapter in the automobile industry is that of used cars. The massive demand of used cars indicates that cars are becoming increasingly popular. Those who canDt afford the luxury cars and their high prices are opting for used cars. 'n todayDs time, customers are conscious and diligently investing on car dealership. 1ar buyers are investing heavily a lot of time for both to sell a car and buy car. ThereDs also a number of car websites that have offering detailed information on new car prices, used cars, car reviews, 1hevrolet cars, jaguar cars and luxury cars. "t present major 'ndian, Iuropean, Jorean, Gapanese automobile companies are holding significant market shares. 'n commercial vehicle, Tata !otors dominates over /8F of the 'ndian commercial vehicle market. Tata !otors is the largest medium and heavy commercial vehicle manufacturer. "mong the two-wheeler segment, including scooters and mopeds- motorcycles have- major share in the market. 5ero 5onda contributes .8F motorcycles to the market in which 5onda holds ,/F share in scooter and T@S makes 2)F of the mopeds in the country. 'n the three wheeler industry in 'ndia, ;iaggio holds


,8F of the market share. #ajaj is the leader by making /2F of the threewheelers. 1ar manufacturers in 'ndia dominate the passenger vehicle market by 04F. !aruti Suzuki is the largest car producer in 'ndia and has .)F share in passenger cars and is a complete monopoly in multi purpose vehicles. 'n utility vehicles !ahindra holds ,)F share. 5yundai and Tata !otors is the second and third car producer in 'ndia.

3ansom I. 6lds. The large-scale, production-line manufacturing of affordable automobiles was debuted by 3ansom 6lds at his 6ldsmobile factory in %48). This assembly line concept was then greatly expanded by 5enry =ord in the %4%8s. <evelopment of automotive technology was rapid, due in part to the hundreds of small manufacturers competing to gain the worldDs attention. Jey developments included electric ignition and the electric self-starter *both by 1harles Jettering, for the 1adillac !otor 1ompany in %4%8-%4%%+, independent suspension, and four-wheel brakes. "lthough various pistonless rotary engine designs have attempted to compete with the conventional piston and crankshaft design, only !azdaDs version of the &ankel engine has had more than very limited success. Since the %4)8s, nearly all cars have been mass-produced to meet market needs, so marketing plans have often heavily influenced automobile design. 't was "lfred ;. Sloan who established the idea of different makes of cars produced by one company, so buyers could Hmove upH as their fortunes improved. The

makes shared parts with one another so larger production volume resulted in lower costs for each price range. =or example, in the %4.8s, 1hevrolet shared hood, doors, roof, and windows with ;ontiacO the 9aSalle of the %478s, sold by 1adillac, used cheaper mechanical parts made by the 6ldsmobile division.


Cars by Price Range &n,er Rs. / 0a1"s
• • • • •

!aruti 288, "lto, 6mni 3eva "mbassador =iat ;alio 5yundai Santro, (etz 1hevrolet 6pel 1orsa !aruti Ken, &agon 3, @ersa, Isteem, (ypsy =ord 'con - =iesta Tata 'ndica, 'ndigo B9, 'ndigo !arina 1hevrolet Swing, 6ptra !agnum, Tavera 5yundai "ccent, Ilantra !ahindra Scorpio !aruti #aleno Toyota 'nnova Tata Safari !itsubishi 9ancer, !itsubishi 1edia 5onda 1ity KB !ahindra #olero 5yundai Sonata Imbera

Rs. /23 0a1"s

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Rs. 32-4 0a1"s

• • • • •

Rs. -42-3 0a1"s

Toyota 1orolla =ord !ondeo - Indeavour 1hevrolet =orester Skoda 6ctavia - 1ombi 5onda 1ivic

• •

Rs. -32/4 0a1"

• • • •

5onda 13-@ !aruti Suzuki (rand @itara Terracan - Tucson !itsubishi ;ajero "udi ", 6pel @ectra

• • • • •

5onda "ccord !ercedes 1 1lass Toyota 1amry "udi "/, "2 - "udi TT #!& B., . Series - 0 Series !ercedes I 1lass, S 1lass, S9J, S9 - 19S-1lass ;orsche #oxster, 1ayenne, 4%% 1arrera - 1ayman S Toyota ;rado #entley "rnage, #entley 1ontinental (T - =lying Spur 3olls 3oyce ;hantom !aybach

Rs. /4254 0a1"s

• • • •

Above Rs. - Crore

• •


T"e !ollo ing lin1s gives t"e com#lete #icture o! In,ian Auto In,ustry:
The first auto vehicle rolled out in 'ndia at the end of %4th century. Today, 'ndia is the the )nd largest tractor and .th largest commercial vehicle manufacturer in the world. 5ero "utomobile 5istory 5onda with %.0! motorcycles a year is now the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world. 6n the cost front, 6I!s eyeing 'ndia in a big way to source products and components at significant discounts to home 'ndustry 'nvestment market. 6n the revenue side, 6I!s are active in the booming passenger car market in 'ndia. The passenger car and motorcycle segment in 'ndian auto market is growing by 2-4 per cent. The two-wheeler segment will clock %%..F rise by )880. 1ommercial vehicle to grow by ..) per cent.

'ndustry (rowth

'ndia is the %%th largest ;assenger 1ars producing countries in the world and ,th largest in 5eavy Trucks. !aruti Edyog 9td. is @ehicle ;roduction the leading ,-wheelers manufacturer. 5ero 5onda is the leading )-wheelers manufacturer. ;assenger vehicle exports have grown over five times and twowheeler exports have reached more than double. Ixports of auto components, whose manufacturing costs are 78-,8 per cent lower than in the &est, have grown at ).F a year between )888 to )88.. 5ero 5onda is the largest manufacturer of motorcycles. 5yundai !otors 'ndia is the second largest player in passenger car market. Tata !otors is the fifth largest medium - heavy commercial vehicle manufacturer in the world. Jnow about the number of vehicles registered as Transport or on-Transport in the 'ndian states and Enion Territories. (et all the contact details of "utomobile "ssociation of Epper 'ndia *""E'+, "utomotive 3esearch "ssociation of 'ndia *"3"'+, "utomobile "ssociation of Southern 'ndia *""S'+,

"uto Ixport

"uto 1ompanies

@ehicle <istribution


"utomotive 1omponent !anufacturers "ssociation of 'ndia *"1!"+ and more

Sales an, Service Net or1 !aruti Suzuki is one of the companies in 'ndia which has unparalleled sales and service network. "s of )884 it currently has /2% dealerships across ,., cities. To ensure the vehicles sold by them are serviced properly, !aruti Suzuki has 004 dealer workshops, %,4,. Maruti Authorized Service Stations and 78 Ixpress Service Stations on 78 ational 5ighways across %,7%, cities in 'ndia. Service is a major revenue generator of the company. !ost of the service stations are managed on franchise basis, where !aruti Suzuki trains the local staff. 6ther automobile companies have not been able to match this benchmark set by !aruti Suzuki. The Ixpress Service stations help many stranded vehicles on the highways by sending across their repair man to the vehicle.


6istorical timeline

%484 C Suzuki 9oom &orks founded in 5amamatsu, Shizuoka ;refecture, by !r. !ichio Suzuki. %4)8 C 3eorganized, incorporated, and capitalized at .88,888 yen as Suzuki 9oom !anufacturing 1o. with !ichio Suzuki as president. %4.) C D;ower =reeD motorized bicycle marketed. %4., C 1ompany name changed to Suzuki !otor 1o.,9td. %4.. C 9ightweight car Suzuki Suzulight *7/8 cc, )-stroke+ front wheel drive, marketed helping to usher in GapanDs light-weight car age. %4/% C Suzuki 9oom !anufacturing 1o. established by separating the loom machine division from the motor works and lightweight truck DSuzulight 1arryD marketed. %4/) C Suzuki won the .8 cc class championship at the 'sle of !an TT %4/7 C E.S. Suzuki !otor 1orp., a direct sales subsidiary, opened in 9os "ngeles. %4/. C D<..D*... hp, )-stroke+ outboard motor marketed and makes early inroads and =ronte 288 marketed. %4/0 C Thai Suzuki !otor 1o., 9td. established as a local assembly plant. %4/2 C 1arry full-cab van marketed. %408 C 9G-Series ,B, marketed. %40% C Ts%2. Induro marketed. %40% C (T0.8 motorcycle marketed. %407 C Suzuki 1anada 9td., opened in 6ntario, 1anada. %40, C ;.T. Suzuki 'ndonesia !anufacturing established in Gakarta, 'ndonesia, entry into medical e$uipment field by marketing the Suzuki !otor 1hair K/88 motorized wheelchair, expansion into the housing field

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initiated with Suzuki 5ome marketing two models of prefab D!ini-5ouseD and three types of storage sheds.

%40. C "ntonio Suzuki 1orp., a joint venture for knockdown production and sales, established in !anila, the ;hilippines. %40/ C (S-Series motorcycles marketed. %400 C 9G28 ,x, vehicle marketed and exports of (S%8885 motorcycle began. %404 C "lto marketed. %404 C S1%88 marketed in the EJ. %428 C Suzuki "ustralia ;ty. 9td. established in Sydney, "ustralia and entry into general purpose engine field by marketing three electric power generator models. %42% C #usiness ties with (eneral !otors *E.S.+ and 'suzu !otors, 9td. *Gapan+ signed. %42) C ,B, production began at ;"J Suzuki !otor 1o., 9td. in Jarachi, ;akistan and won maker championship for 0th consecutive year at the &orld 3oad 3ace (rand ;rix .88. %42) C S1%88 <iscontinued in favour of "lto. %427 C Inters into a partnership with !aruti Edyog 9td. to produce cars in 'ndia. %427 C 1ultus>Swift %.8-liter passenger car marketed and ,B, production started at !aruti Edyog 9td. in ew <elhi, 'ndia. %42, C Suzuki ew Kealand 9td. established in &anganui, ew Kealand and began export of 1hevrolet Sprint to the Enited States. 1ar production technical assistance contract signed with 1hina ational "erotechnology 'mport - Ixport #eijing 1orporation. 6peration of Suzuki !otor (mb5 <eutschland began in 5eppenheim, (ermany. %42. C SEKEJ' of "!I3'1" "ET6!6T'@I 163;. established with the introduction of the Samurai, and the (SB-30.8 motorcycle with an

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oil-cooled engine marketed and scooter production started at "vello S.". of Spain. "greement with Santana !otors to produce Suzuki cars in their 9inares factory in "ndalusia, Spain.

%42/ C "merican Suzuki !otor 1orp. is formed merging E.S. Suzuki !otor 1orp and Suzuki of "merica "utomotive 1orp. %420 C 1ultus>Swift production began in 1olombia and total aggregate car exports reached ) million units. %422 C Iscudo>@itara ,x, marketed and total aggregate car production reached %8 million units.. %424 C 1"!' "utomotive 'nc. established and began operation in 6ntario, 1anada. Swift (T>(9B and Sidekick sales begin in the Enited States. %448 C 1orporate name changed to Suzuki !otor 1orporation. %44% C 1ar production started in Jorea through technical ties with <aewoo Shipbuilding - 5eavy !achinery 9td and 1appuccino )-seater marketed. %447 C ;assenger car production>sales began at Suzuki Igypt S.".I., opening ceremony for new car production plant held at !agyar Suzuki 1orp. in Isztergom, 5ungary and &agon 3 passenger car marketed.

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%44, C !aruti Edyog 9td. of 'ndia total aggregate car production reached % million units. %44. C Total aggregate motorcycle export reached )8 million units %44/ C Start of production in @ietnam *!otorcycles and automobiles+ %440 C "chieved %8 million cumulative automobile sales for overseas market and ,-stroke outboard motors win the 'nnovation "ward at The 'nternational !arine Trade Ixhibit and 1onference *'!TI1+ in 1hicago.

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%442 C Suzuki and (eneral !otors form strategic alliance and 1hong$ing 1hangDan Suzuki "utomobile 1o., 9td. received official approval from the 1hinese government for production of passenger cars. %444 C "ggregate motorcycle production reaches ,8 million units and Giangxi 1hanghe Suzuki "utomobile 1o., 9td. receives official approval from the 1hinese government for production of commercial vehicles. )888 C The company commemorates the 28th anniversary, aggregate car production at Josai ;lant reaches %8 million units and Suzuki production starts at (eneral !otors de "rgentina S.". )88% C "ggregate 9aunch of Suzuki 9iana>"erio. worldwide sales of SGSeries reaches ) million units, production of "lto reaches , million units and Suzuki achieves HKero-9evelH target of landfill waste )88) C "chieved 78 million cumulative automobile sales for worldwide market and "mericaDs P% warranty? %88,888>0-year powertrain limited warranty. )887 C Suzuki is P% in Jei car sales for the 78th consecutive year and Twin, the first hybrid Jei car in Gapan, marketed. )88, C "ggregate domestic automobile sales reach %. million units. )88. C Swift was awarded the )88/ 3G1 1ar of the Near. )88/ C ew B90 is marketed particularly to the orth "merican marketO and (! divested, selling 4).7/ million shares and reducing their stake to 7F. )882 C Suzuki introduces its first production fuel-injected motocross bikeO and (! divested its remaining 7F stake in Suzuki. )884 C Suzuki introduces its first production pickup truck called the I$uator. @olkswagen "( and Suzuki reach a common understanding to establish a close long-term strategic partnership )8%8 C @olkswagen "( completed the purchase of %4.4F of SuzukiDs outstanding shares.

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(aruti Po,ucts
%. 288 *9aunched %42)+ ). 6mni *9aunched %42,+ 7. (ypsy *9aunched %42.+ ,. &agon3 *9aunched )88%+ .. "lto *9aunched )888+ /. Swift *9aunched )88.+ 0. Istilo *9aunched )88/+ 2. SB, *9aunched )880+ 4. Swift <Kire *9aunched )882+ %8. "-star *9aunched )882+ %%. 3itz *9aunched )884+ %). Ieco *9aunched )8%8+

.iscontinue, Car (o,els %888 *%448C%44,+ Ken *%447C)88/+ Isteem *%44,C)882+ #aleno *%444C)880+ @ersa *)88%C)8%8+ (rand @itara B90 *)887C)880+ (ay 0aunc"


!aruti 1ervo -.(aruti 744 :2 't is a city car manufactured by !aruti Suzuki in 'ndia. 't is a rebadged version of an old model of the Suzuki "lto. 6ver ).. million !aruti 288Ds have been sold since its launch in %42,. The same car is sold in ;akistan as the Suzuki !ehran with a much older %428s era Suzuki SS28 carburetor based engine. The 288 has undergone some minor face lifts but overall it still remains the same as it was in %42,. The car has reported slipping sales in recent times, mainly due to the introduction of the "lto at a comparable price. The car produces approximately 70 bhp *)2 k&O 72 ;S+ of power and runs on %) inch wheels. 1urb weight is /.8 kg *%,,77 lb+ and , passengers *including the driver+ fit in. Top speed is in the region of %). km>h *02 mph+ and the car is known to deliver fuel economy better than )8 km>l *,0 mpg+ on clear and plain roads. !aruti Suzuki had earlier launched a version with a , valves per cylinder engine producing ,. bhp *7, k&O ,/ ;S+ coupled with a .-speed manual transmission *currently found in the Suzuki "lto+ but discontinued it after a couple of years. The !aruti 288 is still popularly hailed in 'ndia as Hthe smallest car in productionH due to its relatively tightly spaced interior. 'ts main competitor is the cheaper Tata ano *%)7,888 compared to %2,,/,% 3upees+ which has an 2 percent smaller exterior size and a )7 percent larger interior space. !aruti 288 the first choice for all those who want a Dvalue for money carD that is little on pocket and big in performance. !aruti 288 is safe, economical and easy to drive car*with a small turning radius of ,., m+ in congested road conditions. Since its launch in <ecember %42,, !aruti 288 has gone through various changes in styling, structure and technology. =or years !aruti 288 has remained the right opening car for people who look for low cost of ownership and fuel efficiency. 't is a car perfectly made for the


'ndian roads. 't goes in any location, be it in town, around town, highways, busy streets, narrow lanes anywhere and everywhere. 'n order to make the car more attractive, new engine has been installed in !288. The !288 I ) "1 has been a major success. 'ariants8 Price an, (ileage The car is available in Standard and ">1 versions in metallic and non-metallic colors. 't is available in the price range of around 3s ) lakhs. Engine The engince produces approximately 70 bph *)2 k&+ of power. 't consists of ,gear, ,-stroke, and 288 cc water cooled engine having three two-valvescylinders. The pistol displacement is 04/cc. !aruti288 has a fuel tank of capacity of )2 liters for petrol. Sa!ety Thanks to the presence of specially allocated crumble zone which absorbs the impact of accident, !aruti 288 ensures safe journey. 't is e$uipped with front and rear seat belts to provide more safety.


9.(aruti Omni ?- 't is a microvan manufactured by 'ndian automaker !aruti Suzuki. The first version of !aruti 6mni had 04/ cc engine, same as the !aruti 288 city car. This was the second vehicle to be launched by !aruti, one year after the 288, in %42,. 9ater version of the 6mni includes the?
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6mni *I+, released in %44/, 04/ cc engine, 2 seater capacity vehicle 6mni B9 - %444, same engine, modified with a higher roof. 6mni 1argo 9;( - )88,, created to answer the growing popularity of this car being used as an inter-city cargo vehicle.L%M 6mni 9;( - )887, same 04/ cc engine, added with a factory fitted 9;( Jit, authorised by the 'ndian 3T6s *3egional Transport 6ffices+. This makes it the most economic , wheeler in 'ndia, as far as the driving costs are concerned. 6mni "mbulance - " !odified I version into an ambulance vehicle. This is the most common type of ambulances found in 'ndian cities.


/.:y#sy :2 't is manufactured in 'ndia by !aruti Suzuki. 't was introduced in the 'ndian market in %42. with the 408cc =%8" Suzuki engine and was an instant hit in the civilian market as well as with law enforcement. 't was codenamed !(,%8 that stood for !aruti (ypsy , cylinder %.8 litre engine. 'nitially, it was only available as a soft-topO but a bolt on hardtop was later introduced to the public after the aftermarket hardtops became extremely popular. 't instantly replaced ;remier ;admini as the $uintessential 'ndian rally car due to its performance, reliability, tunability and the go-anywhere capability. The carburetted =%8" engine made ,.bhp and was mated to a , speed gearbox. The ,&< transfer case had ) speeds. 't had a freewheeling mechanism

on the front axles made by "isin to unlock the front axles from

the hub when ,&< is not usedO 't reduced rolling resistance, thereby improving fuel efficiency. 5owever, many owners of the (ypsy who constantly complained about the poor fuel consumption never knew about this novel feature. The two major complaints of the vehicle in the civilian market were poor fuel consumption and poor ride $uality especially in the rear seats. The suspension was indeed harsh with live axles and leaf springs all around. 't features almost no creature comforts, like power-windows and power-assisted steering.


;.<agonR :2 &agon3 The Su=u1i <agon R is a kei car first introduced in Gapan in %447, and is still in production by Suzuki. The 3 stands for recreation. 't is one of the first cars to use the Htall wagonH design in which the car is designed to be unusually tall with a short bonnet and almost vertical hatchback and sides in order to maximise cabin space while staying within the kei car dimension restrictions. The &agon 3 has been the best-selling kei car in Gapan since )887 and in )882, Suzuki expected to produce its three-millionth &agon 3. 't has been a profitable car for Suzuki even in the 'nternational market, mainly since introducing the car in 'ndia. The car comes with a variety of trim levels. These include the 9B *sans power steering+, 9xi *power steering+, @Bi *fully loaded+ and the "B *automatic+. The car is available with a .-speed manual transmission and seats , *including the driver+ comfortably. The &agon 3Ds bread-box shape did not immediately cut ice with the 'ndian consumer and the car saw slow sales initially. 3ecently ew version of &angon3 has been launched with more upgraded features. &earing an innovative and sporty looks !aruti Suzuki &agon 3 is enjoying good market position in small car segment. 'ndiaDs leading auto maker !aruti Edyog 9td *!E9+ has designed &agon 3 with ample and convertible inner space, finely crafted panels and the power of a low friction /, bhp engine. "vailable in three variants *9B, 9Bi, @Bi+ &agon 3 has everything that small car lover looks for. >?lue Eye, ?oy> 2 T"e Ne <agon R !aruti has re-lauched its second best selling model to compete in present competitive car market. The new &agon3 is roomier with larger cabin space, increased leg-room for all passengers and larger boot. 6ther major highlighs

includes fitment of a new 9-shaped front suspension for improved ride comfort, tiltable steering, electrical outside rear view mirror, superior "1 for faster cooling and tubeless tyres. Ixternally, the new &agon 3 flaunts a new grill and bigger and sweeping headlamps with blue tint giving it a refreshing new look. The new J%8# engine marks the technical advancement and ensures a high mileage of %2.4 kmpl. The new cool colors are bound to get you attracted towards this smart boy of maruti. "vailable in three variants viz 9B, 9B' and @B', this re-loaded new &agon 3 can make it to your garage in 3s 7.)2 - ,.%, lakhs. 3. Alto:2 The (aruti Alto is the 'ndian-built Suzuki "lto version, manufactured by !aruti Suzuki in 'ndia. 't was launched in the local 'ndian market on September )0, )888 although the "lto nameplate was very successfully being used to export the !aruti Ken to Iurope from 'ndia since around %44,having captured over ,8F market share in #elgium and 77F in etherlands by %442. 't is the best-selling hatchback in 'ndia. Since )88/, 't is 'ndiaDs largest selling car and crossed the % million production figure in =ebruary )882 becoming the 7rd !aruti model to cross the million mark in 'ndia after !aruti 288 and !aruti 6mni and ,th overall joining 5yundai Santro. #esides being exported to Iurope from %44,-)88,, it has also been exported to several other countries. 'n the small hatchback car segment of 'ndia, !aruti Suzuki "lto gives DmaximumD comfort and safety features with DminimumD price tag. The most economical petrol engine powered with 7)-bit computer technology delivers great output of ,0 bhp. "vailable with number of convenient and security features, !aruti Suzuki "lto has become like a hot cake in its segment.


!aruti Suzuki "lto, is tagged as the #est Selling car of 'ndia from last three years. 6ne of the hottest selling compact cars in the 'ndian market, "lto has an efficient engine system and better mileage. !aruto "lto is targeted at middle class families living in cities because of high fuel economy and affordability. 9east maintenance cost and variety of vibrant colours make it true value for money. The car has high tensile steel side door beams to guard against the front, rear and side collision impact. The looks are tough but accommodating, having more #oot Space than other cars. The "1 of the vehicle is ideal for 'ndiaDs tropical climate

@. S i!t :2 Swift debuted at the ;aris "uto Salon in September )88,. This generation of the Swift marked a significant departure with the previous 1ultusbased models, with Suzuki re-designing the vehicle as less of a Hlow price alternativeH subcompact and more of a HsportyH subcompact.The SwiftDs design and driving characteristics focused on the Iuropean market with its chassis refined through a road-testing program across Iurope. "vailable with %.7 *4) ;S */2 k&O 4% hp++ and %.. *%8) ;S *0. k&O %8% hp++ 9 petrol engines, the new Swift is SuzukiDs new Hglobal carH, produced in 5ungary, 'ndia, Gapan, ;akistan and by 1hangDan in 1hina. !aruti Suzuki Swift is rocking the hatchback car segment of 'ndia and has become the blockbuster model since its launch. Swift is cool, stylish and dressed powerfully. #ig dimensions, great fuel economy, larger fuel tank capacity, Iuropean style looks, eye-catching interiors and above all the support of large !aruti service network, makes Suzuki Swift a thrilling car that has emerged as a tough competition for 5yundai and


!aruti Suzuki Swift, the car of the year, was launched in !ay )88.. 't is a new kind of compact car with a fresh approach to design and development. The Swift is more eye-catching, more spacious, more refined and more userfriendly. 't is a whole lot of enjoyable to drive than anything else in the compact-car category. A.Estilo :2 The =irst (eneration !3 &agon is currently sold in 'ndia as H!aruti Suzuki IstiloH, where it was known until )884 as the H!aruti Ken IstiloH. This transition has brought about a steady decline in sales for this model though the redesign has brought significant improvement in performance and styling over the carDs Gapanese variants. The first generation model went on sale on <ecember ,, )88%, featuring SuzukiDs J/" kei car engine, in either naturally-aspirated *,8 k& > ., hp+ or turbocharged *,, k& > /8 hp+ versions, available with either front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive. 'n all versions, the transmission was a ,-speed transmission with column shift. " hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicle based on the firstgeneration !3 &agon was presented in )88., using technology co-developed with (eneral !otors. !aruti Suzuki Ken Istilo is a flamboyant model launched by 'ndiaDs leading auto company !aruti Edyog 9imited *!E9+ replacing the Ken model. Ken Istilo, with its sporty looks, roomy space, true riding comfort and competitive price tag, would definitely make its style statement in the small car segment in 'ndia posing a tough call for other players like 5yundai and Tata.

Istilo is all set to compete against the 5yundai Santro, Tata 'ndica and possibly can eat into the sales of its own model, the Swift. !aruti Edyog launched the Ken Istilo to cater to a slightly upmarket customers then that of the !aruti 288 had. Istilo is powered by %.% l !;=' engine that delievers a power of /, bhp Q

/)88 rpm. Ken Istilo wears an aerodynamic body in uni$ue bean shape with stunning body line. Gust step inside Ken Istilo which is soft-plush from inside and sleek-dynamic from outside, would shape your world in new dimension of comfort, style and performance. 7.S%;:2 SB, !aruti Suzuki launched SB, sedan with the %./-litre gasoline engine *without @@T+ in )880. 1urrently, the SB, comes e$uipped with the %./-litre gasoline engine *with @@T+. !inor cosmetic differences can be seen between the 'ndian version and others sold elsewhere. =or the )8%8 model year, SB, five-door hatchback is available with a %./-litre <651 @@T petrol engine, ).8-litre <651 engine and ).8 litre <<iS engine *%/ valve, %7. ;S - 7)8 m tor$ue+ on the "&< version. The %./ litre <651 @@T engine revised to the new 16) emission control standards Iuro . regulations. The engine gets also slight performance increase *from %8) to %80 bhp+. *The ES-market ).8 litre engine from %,7 to %.8 bhp+ and lower fuel consumption. The car is offered either a six-speed manual, , speed automatic transmission for %./ litre engine cars, or 1@T automatic transmission with paddle shifters for ).8 litre ', engine cars. The )8%8 model also gets front *ventilated+ and rear *solid+ disc brakes, / airbags *front, side and curtain+, "nti-lock #raking System *"#S+, and Ilectronic Stability ;rogram *IS;+, optional in %./ litre models. The )8%8-model SB, saw changes to the grille, taillights, instrument cluster, climate controls, and door trim, as well as a restructured cargo hold, and allwheel-drive models add new rear skid plates. H!en are backH amongst the cars. !aruti Suzuki SB,-the strong, masculine body outline, generous power of %8) bhp, plush and luxurious interiors with steering mounted controls - are some of the unmatched features in sedan car segment, that the SB, flaunts. <ressed with

contemporary Iuropean design styling and the economical and responsive ! series petrol engine, driving the Sx, is like a dream come true.

'n an attempt to strengthen its position in the of Sedan cars market, !aruti Edyog 9td. has launched its premium model bearing name SB,. "fter !aruti Suzuki Swift, SB, is the second international model being launched in 'ndia. Suzuki SB,, is an "7 segment sedan car, with a perfect combination of style, performance, safety and comfort. There are two versions of Suzuki SB,? @xi and Kxi that gets power from latest and efficient %./-litre !-Series engine delivering impressive %8) #5; of power.

!aruti Suzuki SB, is packed with strong features like independent suspension system, "nti 9ock #raking System *"#S+, matching color bumpers, electrically adjustable outside mirrors, fine $uality fabric seats, power windows, rear seat center armrest and adjustable head rests in the front and rear seats are few to name for a smooth, comfortable and safe ride.

5aving the price tag of between 3s. /-/.. 9acs, !aruti Suzuki SB, will provide tough competition to its rivalry models like =ord =iesta, 5yundai @erna, 5onda 1ity, and 'ndigo B9. " new Sport#ack model offers a lowered sport-tuned suspension, body kit, rear spoiler, and also removes the roof rack found on the normal crossover SB,. The )8%8 Sport#ack also includes many standard features otherwise optional.


5.S i!t .e=ire:2 't is the new entry level sedan from 'ndian automaker !aruti Suzuki. 9aunched on !arch )/ )882, !aruti Swift <Kire is based on the popular Suzuki Swift platform. The Swift <Kire replaces !aruti SuzukiAs popular entry level sedan, !aruti Suzuki Isteem, production of which was discontinued in late )880. !aruti Suzuki has introduced Swift <Kire only in the 'ndian market. Swift <Kire is a result of an indigenous project started in )88. to design a threebox notchback version of the Swift. Some changes have been made to the carAs overall styling to seamlessly integrate the boot. The wheelbase remains the same. The car weighs about 78-7. Jgs more than the Swift hatchback. =ew modifications in the rear suspension have been done to cope with the additional weight of the boot and improve the ride $uality for the rear passengers. "djustments in the rear seat inclination have been made to improve the rear seat comfort and legroom. The car is pitted against the other entry level sedans in the 'ndian market, such as the !ahindra 3enault 9ogan and the Tata 'ndigo.

The Swift <Kire has become infamous for delivery delays as the number of cars being booked is large. The price of the car and the features offered are very attractive compared to the entry-level sedan competition *in 'ndia+, resulting in large number of bookings. The diesel version of the <zire, in particular, had delivery times extending from , to / months -4.A star :2 "-star *9aunched )882+ The 0th (eneration is known in 'ndia as the !aruti Suzuki "-Star, but is also known as the Suzuki 1elerio or issan ;ixo in other places worldwide. 't was launched in <ecember )882 by the 'ndoGapanese auto maker !aruti Suzuki. 't is the next generation Suzuki "lto and is

exported worldwide. 't is available in Iuropean markets as issan ;ixo. The car was rolled out to the 'ndian customers in <ecember )882 and exports began in "pril )884. "-Star means "lto-Star. &ith a totally new body and engine, !aruti hopes to bring freshness to the 'ndian car market, of which it already holds a major share. 'nitial reviews have been positive. 't has a fresh new dashboard, with a uni$ue protruding tachometer besides the usual meter cowl *only in the KBi trim+. 't is the fourth model after Swift, SB, and (rand @itara which has helped !aruti to make stylish cars, something which it was unknown for during older models. Though the drive is comfortable for the front row, rear seating is a little small for taller passengers. The interiors have been reported to be a bit cramped as compared to the 5yundai i%8, its closest competitor. 't has the new J%8# series engine, which Suzuki says is technically highly developed and gives a balance of fuel efficiency and power. The KBi is the fully loaded version with all the expected features like power windows, central lock, "#S, rear wiper, fog lamps, 1< player, airbags etc. 'ndian car market leader !aruti Suzuki has launched "-Star in the hatchback car segment in which the company holds ruling position with ..F market share. !aruti has unveiled " Star as a next generation model of its another model "lto which is already selling greatly in the segment. Scroll down to know more about the sporty and striking features of all new " Star 1ar. 'ndiaDs largest automaker !aruti Suzuki 'ndia 9imited has unveiled its much awaited hatchback car, " Star in the 'ndian auto market. " Star was first showcased in the 'ndian auto expo in ew <elhi, as a concept car and after launch " Star from !aruti would be its fifth car model slated to be exported in the 'nternational market as well. !aruti Suzuki " Star, the all new entrant into the hatchback car segment in 'ndia, promises to become the most fuel-efficient

car in its category with an exceptional mileage of )8 kmpl. The launch of " Star 1ar, which is the eighth consecutive car launch by !aruti, denotes the key positioning of the market leader in the ") car segment with ..F market share. The all new !aruti Suzuki " Star features a sporty-designer looks and e$uipped with state-of-the-art technology that promises to deliver a wonderful driving experience. " Star houses a brand new J# series 442 cc engine under its hood that delivers /0 ;S Q /)88 rpm and an exceptionally good tor$ue of 48 mQ 7.88 rpms. #eing light in weight this engine lowers the vibration or noise and provides more fuel-efficiency in every litre. The " Star has been launched as the next generation model of "lto car car and would be built completely at the companyDs facility at !anesar, 5aryana. --.Rit=:2 3itz *9aunched )884+ The Suzuki Splash is a city car introduced in model year )882 and jointly developed between Suzuki !otor 1orporation and 6pel R which will also market their version as the "gila. 't debuted as a concept car at the )88/ ;aris "uto Show and the production model debuted at the )880 =rankfurt "uto Show. The Splash is slotted below the Swift in the lineup, and uses a shortened wheelbase version of its chassis. The car was launched with two petrol engines, a 7 cylinder %.8 litre and , cylinder %.) litre =amily 8, and a , cylinder version of =iatDs !ultiGet diesel engine. Enlike its predecessor, the &agon 3S, the Splash has five seats as standard.


-9.Ecco:2 Ieco *9aunched )8%8+ &hen it comes to performance, the !aruti Suzuki Ieco is a thrilling surprise. #ecause under its hood, and in your hands lie uni$ue features and unmatched benefits that add up to giving you a delightful driving experience. !aruti Suzuki Ieco is e$uipped with a powerful %)88cc #S '@ compliant engine that delivers 07 bhp Q /888 rpm, with a tor$ue of %8% m Q 7888 rpm. The engine incorporates a range of advanced technologies, and has been tuned for performance at low and mid range speeds with emphasis on fuel efficiency and drivability. The suspension system of the !aruti Suzuki Ieco has been designed and developed for best-in-class driving comfort, with balanced handling for 'ndian roads in both plain and rough terrains. =or the first time, !aruti Suzuki has introduced <iagonal Shift "ssistance *<S"+ for smoother gear shifting.


(ay 0aunc" (aruti Cervo 'ndiaDs largest auto manufacturer, !aruti is planning to launch another small car model !aruti 1ervo in entry level segment in the 'ndian auto market. This car is to balane !arutiDs market share in loe level segment cats which has been effected due to Tata ano. !aruti 1ervo will be priced in the range of 3s %.. to ) lacs with ample features and performance parameters to overtake the companys most popular models !aruti 288 and !aruti "lto along with Tata ano. !aruti Suzuki 1ervo has a sleek and beautiful look in a compact structure. Iasy handling in congested traffic and city roads makes it an easy drive. =eatures like power steering, "1 as standard, body colored bumpers,body colored door handles and outside mirrors make !aruti 1ervo a true value for money. Safety features like "#S and "irbags take 1ervo into the category of competitive hatchbacks like 5yundai i%8, 1hevrolet Spark etc.


S#ecial Features o! (aruti Su=u1i (aruti Insurance 9aunched in )88) !aruti Suzuki provides vehicle insurance to its customers with the help of the ational 'nsurance 1ompany, #ajaj "llianz, ew 'ndia "ssurance and 3oyal Sundaram. The service was set up the company with the inception of two subsidiaries !aruti 'nsurance <istributors Services ;vt. 9td and !aruti 'nsurance #rokers ;vt. 9imited. This service started as a benefit or value addition to customers and was able to ramp up easily. #y <ecember )88. they were able to sell more than two million insurance policies since its inception.

Nou do not have to pay the repair charges to the extent the same is payable by the 'nsurance 1ompany. Gust pay for the compulsory excess and applicable depreciation *both are as per motor tariff+ and walk away with the repaired vehicle - 3est is settled directly between the dealer and the 'nsurance 1ompany.

'ts like H=ree 3oamingH - Nou get !aruti insurance services across 'ndia at all !aruti authorized dealer. These services include buying new policy, effecting renewals, endorsements issuance and claims settlement.

!aruti 'nsurance ensure a hassle-free and fair claim settlement. &hatever is payable by standards is paid by the 'nsurance 1ompany. The customer is not forced to bear the undue differential cost of repair> replacement. "ll transactions are completely transparent. o hassles of personal involvement or follow up with surveyors> insurance co. etc. botheration of depositing the salvage with insurance co.


o compromise on repair-

replacement-parts that need replacement are replaced and not repaired to minimize repair bills.

&ith !aruti 'nsurance you donAt compromise on the $uality of repairs as you are not forced to go to a roadside workshop. The damaged vehicles are repaired at !aruti authorized dealer workshops that are e$uipped with the best facilities and infrastructure. This ensures $uality repairs with !aruti (enuine spare parts and trained technicians.

Towing assistance is provided for getting the vehicle to the dealer workshop, in case the vehicle is immobile after accident. This facility is available free of cost upto 3s %.88>-. This limit can be increased at customer preference by paying extra premium at the time of policy issuance.

'f you are renewing with !aruti 'nsurance for the first time, the entitled no claim bonus* 1#+ is easily transferred to !aruti 'nsurance policy at the time of renewal.

The customer does not have to wait for the policy document, which sometimes takes months to get delivered from the 'nsurance 1ompany. &ith !aruti 'nsurance, the policy is issued instantly through the 'nternet.

(aruti Finance To promote its bottom line growth, !aruti Suzuki launched !aruti =inance in Ganuary )88). ;rior to the start of this service !aruti Suzuki had started two joint ventures 1iticorp !aruti and !aruti 1ountrywide with 1iti (roup and (I 1ountrywide respectively to assist its client in securing loan. !aruti Suzuki tied

up with "#

"mro #ank, 5<=1 #ank, '1'1' 9imited, Jotak !ahindra,

Standard 1hartered #ank, and Sundaram to start this venture including its strategic partners in car finance. "gain the company entered into a strategic partnership with S#' in !arch )887 Since !arch )887, !aruti has sold over %),888 vehicles through S#'-!aruti =inance. S#'-!aruti =inance is currently available in %// cities across 'ndia. !aruti has entered into agreements with several finance institutions to arrange for finance for its customers. Ender the program, lucrative financial deals are offered for the customers. The consortium of companies is comprised of State #ank (roup, 1iticorp !aruti, '1'1' #ank, 5<=1 #ank, Jotak !ahindra, Sundaram =inance, !agma 9easing 9td, 1holamandalam =inance and !ahindra - !ahindra =inance Services. Features The interest rates offered by !aruti =inance are 8.).F to 8..F lower than those available in the market across all credit profiles. !aruti =inance offers value added services like extended warranty for the 7rd and ,th years, which can be bundled along with the !aruti =inance loan. 9oans for insurance and accessories are built into the I!'Ds, keeping the whole deal simple and hassle-free.

The customer get all his car needs C 1ar, =inance, "ccessories, all under the same roof.

Citicor# (aruti Finance The joint venture was set up by !aruti with 1itibank in !ay %442. " wide range of flexible and customised financing options at affordable rates are available to prospective customers for buying a !aruti car. (aruti Countrysi, (I 1apital, 5<=1 and !aruti Edyog 9imited came


together to set up !aruti 1ountryside in %44.. The entity offers innovative finance schemes for the purchase of !aruti cars.

S?I (aruti Car 0oans The countryDs largest bank and the largest car maker have joined hands to make car finance affordable. The group offers low interest rates and there is no processing fee or hidden costs. 9oan is made available on the basis of the carDs on-road price, not ex showroom price. The repayment period is upto seven years. (aruti True'alue !aruti True service offered by !aruti Suzuki to its customers. 't is a market place for used !aruti Suzuki @ehicles. 6ne can buy, sell or exchange used !aruti Suzuki vehicles with the help of this service in 'ndia. "s of )884 there are 7%. !aruti True @alue outlets. !aruti True @alue is 'ndia manufacturer T!aruti Suzuki 'ndia 9tdU. o.% organized pre-owned car brand .True @alue is venture of 'ndiaAs largest automobiles

!aruti True @alue business expands the family of !aruti customers, providing reassurance to existing !aruti customers about resale of their cars and further emphasizes !aruti s 1ommitment towards enhancing customer satisfaction by continuous association during the vehicle ownership life cycle. o one knows your !aruti car better than !aruti - based on this premise, !aruti chanalises its expertise to ensure that transactions in pre owned cars are transparent and fair. Through that, the company endeavors to extend the relationship and emotional connect that it enjoys with the customer.

True @alue has transparent and fair evaluation process, which is currently missing in the largely unorganized market for pre-owned cars. !aruti True

@alue processes and systems ensure that the seller gets the right price and is paid promptly. Ender True @alue, the seller has the option to be paid in cash, or get a True @alue car in exchange or a brand new !aruti Suzuki car in exchange. True @alue category cars bought by !aruti True @alue dealers are taken to state-ofthe-art workshops. True @alue 1ategory cars are refurbished in state of art workshops using !aruti (enuine ;arts and by skilled technicians. These cars are then sold through maruti True @alue outlets.

"s a mark of confidence, and to provide reassurance to customers, every vehicle bought under !aruti True @alue is inspected and certified by !aruti Ingineers and the 1ar carries a one-year warranty and three free services. 1onvenient finance options are also offered to buyers of !aruti True @alue cars.

Accessories !any of the auto component companies other than !aruti Suzuki started to offer components and accessories that were compatible. This caused a serious threat and loss of revenue to !aruti Suzuki. !aruti Suzuki started a new initiative under the brand name (aruti :enuine Accessories to offer accessories like alloy wheels, body cover, carpets, door visors, fog lamps, stereo systems, seat covers and other car care products. These products are sold through dealer outlets and authorized service stations throughout 'ndia. !aruti (enuine "ccessories *!("+ is a new initiative to offer you high $uality accessories at competitive prices. &e follow world 1lass engineering and design processes to develop each and every item of !(". !any of these items


are imported from Suzuki, Gapan. Ivery !(" item has perfect mechanical and electrical compatibility with the vehicle and offers you unmatched performance.

Com#anyBs el!are activities !or t"e em#loyee:  (e,ical !acilities: =or providing domiciliary treatment to the employee and their dependent a dispensary and a full time doctor is the plant.  :rou# Acci,ent insurance sc"eme: Imployee covered under IS' is automatically under the company group accident insurance scheme.  Provision o! loans: 9oan can be obtain by member for purpose such as construction of house, marriage etc.  Service A ar,: 'n appreciation of the long term association the company gives service awards as a mark of honour to the employee.  Training Activities: The company is concerned with personal growth a development of the employee - sponsor for various learning and developmental programme.  Trans#ortation: There have provision for transportation facility for the employee.

TP(: Total productivity maintenance mean to achieve high level of productivity through total participation of all people inside the organization and with them maintain the time service by developing self managing in the people a practice.

Economic ,evelo#ment: The programmed enables people below the poverty line in these adopted villages to earn their livelihood by involving them in activities that generates income. In!rastructure .evelo#ment The 1ompany is actively involve in the community development of the villages by providing infrastructure facilities such as housing, sanitation, road, drainage, shelter, medical center and natural resource management. Net or1 at (aruti !aruti Suzuki 'ndia has one of the largest sales and service network in 'ndia spanning ,., cities and comprising of /2% dealers. !aruti Suzuki is making its domestic sales network stronger day by day to reach out to its growing number of customers in each and every part of the country. !ost of the !aruti dealership all e$uipped with 7S facilities, which means that sales, service and spares facility are offered under one roof. 15I

"', Team !aruti,

comprising companyAs top officials, have a job at hand. To target cities and markets where the company has not got its due share, and strengthen its presence.

To achieve that, the company has been encouraging its existing dealers to open new outlets. "nd it doesnAt seem to be a tough job to accomplish considering that !E9 had rolled out new initiatives like finance, insurance and True@alue *used car business+ through its dealers.

T6ur new initiatives and new businesses have started bearing fruit and it *dealership+ has turned out to be a much bigger business that merely selling cars,U said Gagdish Jhattar, !<, !aruti. Several of the companyAs dealers have invested 3s ,-2 crore on new dealership outlets. "nd in the next three months, the company expects to add at least )8 more outlets this way. The company targeted nine cities, including !umbai and #angalore, to strengthen its presence. T'f they are not prospering from the business, they will not be keen to make such huge additional investments,U !r Jhattar pointed out. T&e are really now focusing on states where we are not getting our due share,U he said. The company particularly targeted nine cities, including !umbai and #angalore, across the country to strengthen its presence.

'n addition, it also resorted to Tprice rationalisationU for its models in places like South 'ndia. =or instance, if the company had brought down the prices of a few of its models last year in south, it has again given a 0F reduction in price over and above the 0F excise duty cut Tto get better volumesU from the South this


The results are already there. &hile the companyAs V#A segment cars R Ken, "lto and &agon 3 grew by 4-%8F in the first %% months of the current fiscal, the growth of these models in the south were much higher at %,F for Ken, 04F for "lto and ..F for &agon 3.

The focus is also spreading the VTrue@alueA used car network across the country. &hile the network will be .8-outlet strong by the end of the month, it will be %88 by the end of this year. TThe objective is to cover more cities through True@alue than the new car outlets of our nearest competitor,U !r Jhattar asserted. Jinji Saito, director *marketing and sales+, !E9 said that there are more buyers *waiting to buy used cars through True@alue+ than sellers. T&e need to enthuse them through exchange or customer loyalty programme and help them to upgrade,U !r Jhattar added.

Four-wheeler dealers more satisfied compared to two-wheeler dealers "ccording to the findings of the )88, <ealer Satisfaction Study released by market information provider - T S, 5onda !otorcycle - Scooters *5!S'+ and 5onda Siel 1ars *5S1'+ rank highest in dealer satisfaction with their principals in the Two and =our-&heeler industry segments, respectively.

The study represents the responses of %)72 dealers *which included 2,/ twowheeler dealers and 74) four wheeler dealers+ on the key areas of product, management relationship, profit - margin, order - delivery, sales - marketing

activities, after-sales - parts support, warranty, sales representatives, after-sales representatives, and training support. <epending on the respondentDs convenience, a combination of face-to-face, telephonic, or self-completion interviews were conducted for this study. 6ver %.8 cities including metros, mini metros, state capitals, and other smaller towns were covered for the study. The study was fielded from 6ctober )88, through <ecember )88,. The )88, <ealer Satisfaction Study is the second in the series by T S specialist division, T S "utomotive. 'n contrast, the four-wheeler manufacturers do a remarkable job in almost doubling their DpartnerD dealers in )88,. 5onda Siel has significantly increased the proportion of H;artnersH from 72F in )88) to 08F this year. "lso of significance is the drop in DuninvolvedD dealers - from 7,F in )88) to ))F this year at the overall level. The challenge for the manufacturers lies in converting the DhostageD dealers into DpartnersD, since, at )2F, they form a very large section of the dissatisfied dealer community. " well developed transport network indicates a well developed economy. =or rapid development a well-developed and well-knit transportation system is essential. "s 'ndiaDs transport network is developing at a fast pace, 'ndian "utomobile 'ndustry is growing too. "lso, the "utomobile industry has strong backward and forward linkages and hence provides employment to a large section of the population. Thus the role of "utomobile 'ndustry cannot be overlooked in 'ndian Iconomy. "ll kinds of vehicles are produced by the "utomobile 'ndustry. The automobile industry in 'ndiaRthe tenth largest in the world with an annual production of approximately ) million unitsRis expected to become one of the major global automotive industries in the coming years. " number of domestic companies produce automobiles in 'ndia and the growing presence of multinational investment, too, has led to an increase in overall growth. =ollowing the economic reforms of %44% the 'ndian automotive

industry has demonstrated sustained growth as a result of increased competitiveness and relaxed restrictions. 'ndia "utomobile 'ndustry includes the manufacture of trucks, buses, passenger cars, defence vehicles, twowheelers, etc. The industry can be broadly divided into the 1ar manufacturing, two-wheeler manufacturing and heavy vehicle manufacturing units. The small car market in 'ndia is increasing by leaps and bounds. The indigenous market for small cars now occupies a substantial share of around 08F of the annual car production in 'ndia of about one million. The main players in the car market like Tata !otors and !aruti Edyog are fiercely competitive and more or less all the automobile companies in 'ndia that have forayed into the production of small cars are trying to out-do each other in terms of design, innovation, pricing, and technology, in order to gain control of the small car market in 'ndia. The biggest players in the 'ndian small car market are engaging in a healthy competition, which has intensified since the 'ndian government decided to boost the small car sector. 'n this regard, a reduction in the excise duties has been thought of. Iven the engine capacities are expected to be raised to %.88cc. The new small cars in 'ndia cars may even be fueled by gasoline and diesel in the future. &ith all these facilities, it has been estimated that the indigenous car market is going to move beyond the 7.. million mark very soon.


Com#etitor .etail So many inferences to be drawn from these stats that if ' put something, someone would howl as to why ' have missed something else. Still, some very $uick observations? %.<istinct slowdown in )880-82 *=N)882+. ). !arutiAs share has remained the most consistent across )887-82? ,/-,0F. 6ver the same period, 5yundai down marginally, and so is Tata. 7. ;t.) needs to be combined with the fact that growth during last . years has been higher in bigger segment *cars and !E@s+. That means Sfor 5onda and ToyotaO and growth limitation on !aruti, 5yundai, and Tata. ,.That still leaves a lot of room for these 7? the 'ndian market will still retain a small car one *with a gradual shift upwards+. The small, compact, and 6mni share of total domestic sales has remained at around /.F for last few years. .. The bigger segment is growing fast but still very low F of total. That should change in the next decade. /. 5yundai has dominated exports. That is a Sfor the country. 6n the other hand, no one has found success in exporting bigger cars. They may export to fellow 9<1s *#angladesh, etc+ but not to competitive markets of ES, Iurope, and Gapan. 1ould that change soonW ot soon, though people are trying. "s of

now, only !-! and Tata have some plans, but those involve a radical $uality improvement, which will not happen tomorrow *liability laws have made them very cautious+. Toyota and 5onda have the products, but then they also have factories worldwide. ;ossibly 'ndia could be used as a regional hub. Suzuki exports small cars, and its big cars do not sell much anywhere. 0. 5igh growth for 6ne month or $uarter or even a year do not make a successful company, as =iat and (! have found it *have data prior to )88) also+. Iven the 7-year growth can be misleading *when read in isolation+. 3efer only Skoda. 't was anyway growing at a good rate but selling around %888 prior to =abia. ow it sells %488-)888. That means a %88F growth. Similarly for 9ogan>!-!O Spark>(!. 2. !ost important for survival *as any business would be aware+ is profits. o profits and selling at a loss soon leads to extinction. The really good profitable years were till =N)880. =rom )887-80, although steel, aluminium, plastics prices all increasedO higher volumes enabled healthy growth in profits and returns. That has changed in )880-82 with higher costs continuing, but volume growth slowing down. =or comparison, ' am posting the operating margin and return on networth for major companies which have publicly available financial results for =N)880 *first figure is margin and second is return+? !aruti? %7..F, )..,FO margins increasing =N)88,-80 Tata? %8..F, 78.4FO stable margins 5!? operating losses from )887-8, onwards 5yundai? 2.7F, )8.,FO declining margins from )88%-8) onwards, though margins have been stable during )88.-80. 5onda? %%.)F, 78.2F, stable margins !-!? 2F, 77.7FO stable margins.


Four C <"eeler  "s in the two-wheeler segment, manufacturer related aspects are critical H!otivatorsH where performance is below average. Segment leader, 5onda Siel has scored above average in D1oncern for dealer profitabilityD. This clearly brings out the importance of these attributes with respect to the overall satisfaction.  The impact of DIffectiveness of brand>product positioningD on commitment is relatively lower among ,-wheeler dealers. ,-wheeler manufacturers are also delivering as per their dealer expectations on this aspect.  D=air settlement of warranty claimsD - D1ommunication to dealer in case of delayD, which were hygiene areas for )-wheeler dealers have moved to the motivator segment for ,-wheeler dealers.  DSales - service training supportD has a greater impact on commitment among ,-wheeler dealers as compared, to )-wheeler dealers. " well developed transport network indicates a well developed economy. =or rapid development a well-developed and well-knit transportation system is essential. "s 'ndiaDs transport network is developing at a fast pace, 'ndian "utomobile 'ndustry is growing too. "lso, the "utomobile industry has strong backward and forward linkages and hence provides employment to a large section of the population. Thus the role of "utomobile 'ndustry cannot be overlooked in 'ndian Iconomy. "ll kinds of vehicles are produced by the "utomobile 'ndustry. The automobile industry in 'ndiaRthe tenth largest in the world with an annual production of approximately ) million unitsRis expected to become one of the major global automotive industries in the coming years. " number of domestic companies produce automobiles in 'ndia and the growing presence of multinational investment, too, has led to an increase in overall

growth. =ollowing the economic reforms of %44% the 'ndian automotive industry has demonstrated sustained growth as a result of increased competitiveness and relaxed restrictions. 'ndia "utomobile 'ndustry includes the manufacture of trucks, buses, passenger cars, defence vehicles, twowheelers, etc. The industry can be broadly divided into the 1ar manufacturing, two-wheeler manufacturing and heavy vehicle manufacturing units. The major 1ar manufacturers are, % ) 7 , . / 0 2 4 %8 %% %) %7 %, The two-wheeler manufacturing is dominated by companies like T@S, 5onda !otorcycle - Scooter 'ndia *;vt.+ 9td., 5ero 5onda, Namaha, #ajaj, etc. The heavy motors like buses, trucks, defense vehicles, auto rickshaws and other multi-utility vehicles are manufactured by Tata-Telco, "shok 9eyland, Iicher !otors, #ajaj, !ahindra and !ahindra,etc. =ollowing 'ndiaVs growing openness, the arrival of new and existing models, easy availability of finance at relatively low rate of interest and price discounts offered by the dealers and manufacturers all have stirred the demand for vehicles and a strong growth of the 'ndian automobile industry.

%. 5industan !otors ). !aruti Edyog, 7. =iat 'ndia ;rivate 9td ,. =ord 'ndia 9td .. (eneral !otors 'ndia ;vt. 9td /. 5onda Siel 1ars 'ndia 9td 0. 5yundai !otors 'ndia 9td 2. Skoda 'ndia ;rivate 9td 4. Toyota Jirloskar !otor 9td

%. Small Car (ar1et in In,ia %/ The small car market in 'ndia is increasing by leaps and bounds. The indigenous market for small cars now occupies a substantial share of around 08F of the annual car production in 'ndia of about one million. The main players in the car market like Tata !otors and !aruti Edyog are fiercely competitive and more or less all the automobile companies in 'ndia that have forayed into the production of small cars are trying to out-do each other in terms of design, innovation, pricing, and technology, in order to gain control of the small car market in 'ndia. The biggest players in the 'ndian small car market are engaging in a healthy competition, which has intensified since the 'ndian government decided to boost the small car sector. 'n this regard, a reduction in the excise duties has been thought of. Iven the engine capacities are expected to be raised to %.88cc. The new small cars in 'ndia cars may even be fueled by gasoline and diesel in the future. &ith all these facilities, it has been estimated that the indigenous car market is going to move beyond the 7.. million mark very soon.


Part : II Pro$ect Overvie


CONS&(ER ?E6A'IO&R 6ur society is a land of diversity. &e see diversity at all level exist among consumers, among nation, culture, food and taste among marketers and even among consumers behavior theoretically perspective. 5owever, despite prevailing diversity in our society. The term consumers behavior refers to the behavior that consumers display in searching for purchasing, using, evaluating a disposing of product and service that they expect will satisfy their needs. To study consumers behavior to spend their available resource to understand and predict behavior in the market place, it also promote understanding of the role that consumption play in the lines of individuals. 1onsumer behaviour study include the study what they buy, why they buy it, when they buy, where they buy it, how often they buy it and how often they use it. 1onsumer research takes place at every phases of the consumption process, before the purchase, during the purchase and after the purchase, consumer behaviour research goes far beyond these facts of consumer behaviour and considered the uses of consumers make of the good they buy and their subse$uent evaluation. 1onsumer behaviour is inter disciplinary, that it is based on concept and theories about people that have been involved by scientist in such diverse disciplines as psychology, sociology, social psychology, cultural anthropology and economics. 1onsumer behaviour has been an integral part of strategic market planning. The belief that ethics and social responsibility should also be 'ntegral component of every marketing decision is a revised market concept. The term consumer is often used to describe two different kinds of consuming entitles the personal consumer and the organizational consumers. The personal consumers buys goods and service for his>her own use for the

organizational encompasses for profit and non profit business, govt. agencies and institution all of which must buy product, e$uipment and service in order to run their organization. Intro,uction to buying motives 1onsumer or buyer is the central figure of all marketing activities. 't is the consumer who determines the growth, prosperity and even existence of a business enterprise. 5ence the marketer should always feel the pulse of customers. 'n order to understand the pulse of the customers, the marketer needs to understand fully the working of buyers mind. 't helps him to plan his production and distribution to suit to the needs and convenience of customersV .'t also helps him to plan suitable marketing strategies. Thus it is very essential for every marketer to know his customers buying motives. #uying motives !otive is a strong feeling, instinct, desire or emotion that makes a person to do something. &hen a motive makes a person to buy a product, then it becomes a buying motive. Thus buying motive means the influence and considerations which makes a customer to buy a particular product. "ccording to <.G.<uncan, Xbuying motives are those influences or considerations which provide the impulse to buy, induce action or determine choice in the purchase of goods and services‖. #uying motives are mainly two types, manifest motives and latent motives. !anifest motives are those motives which are known to the customer and also ready to admit them.


Consumer ?e"aviour: Turning to t"e <eb an, Ne C9C Tools 1onsumers today have a multitude of sources from which to gather information during the vehicle buying process, but the 'nternet tops the list. The web has become a standard resource in the shopping process for eight out of %8 consumers when researching car purchases. 5owever, the way they use it is changing. "s the web matures, vehicle buyers are visiting fewer sites and focussing more on manufacturer and 1)1 websites and less on third-party information sites and independent e-tailer sties. (anu!acturer Sites a Dey In!ormation Source Gust two years ago, information websites were identified as the number one information source by web users responding to the Cars Online survey *tied with family and friends and manufacturer specific dealer+, named by ..F of consumers. This year, they dropped to the number four source, named by ,%F of web users. 'n comparison, manufacturer sites are now the top source for consumers who use the web when researching vehicles, named by 08F of respondents. Two years ago manufacturer sites held the number three position, named by ,7F of web users. The use of dealer websites has remained steady, with about half of web users turning to these sites. Dey Factors in 'e"icle C"oice &hen it comes to making their final decision about which vehicle to buy, consumers focus on factors such as reliability, safety, price and fuel economy. "t the bottom of the list are cash-back incentives, named by fewer than half of consumers. The importance of incentives as a deciding factor has declined for the past several years, indicating that consumers today seem less interested in

gimmicks when it comes to their car purchases. &here consumers are in the buying cycle can make a difference in how they rank the factors that influence their vehicle choice. =or example, additional warranty coverage is important to consumers who are furthest away from the point of purchaseO it was named by /4F of respondents who were %7 to %2 months from purchase. 5owever, the number declines as consumers get closer to actually buying the car? ..F of respondents who were within three months of purchase said extra warranty coverage was important. This reflects the fact that consumers will narrow down the factors that really matter to them as they get closer to the point of purchase. <emographic factors such as age and gender accounted for some variances. =or example, older consumers tend to put more emphasis on reliability and safety than do younger respondents. Those in the .8-plus age group were also more concerned with environmental issues and fuel economy. The youngest respondents were most likely to rate the ability to research information on the 'nternet as an important factor in their vehicle decision. &omen tend to rate most of the factors as more important than do men. The difference was most pronounced for cash-back incentives, low financing, safety, environmental issues, fuel economy and additional warranty coverage.


:oing E:reenB: Fuel E!!iciency Ta1es Centre Stage =uel efficiency and environmental issues have moved to the forefront in consumersA minds and in automotive industry forums thanks to factors including global warming, fluctuating gasoline prices, and proposed legislation to increase fuel efficiency and reduce 16) emissions. This growing interest in so-called green vehicles was evident in this yearAs Cars Online research. !ore than one-$uarter of respondents said they currently own or lease a fuelefficient vehicle while almost half said they are planning to buy or thinking seriously about buying a fuel-efficient vehicle. ot surprisingly, the numbers for alternative-fuel vehicles were lower. Gust )F of respondents currently own an alternative-fuel vehicle and %%F are planning to buy or thinking seriously about buying one. The most common type of alternative-fuel vehicle represented in the survey were gas> electric hybrids, named by about half of current alternative-fuel car owners. #iodiesel vehicles were the second most common, named by %.F. The alternative-fuel market remains in transition and itAs still too early to tell how it will ultimately shake out, although sales are expected to continue to grow. =or example, G.<. ;ower and "ssociates predicts that E.S. sales of hybrid vehicles will increase by 7.F in )880, compared with )88/. 1urrent ownership of fuel-efficient and alternative-fuel vehicles tended to be $uite consistent across gender and age groups, although the oldest consumers were somewhat more likely to be seriously thinking about buying an alternative-fuel car.


CONS&(ER ?&)IN: vs. OR:ANIFATIONA0 ?&)IN: Final *or ultimate+ consumers #urc"ase !or:
• • •

personal, family, or household use

Organi=ational consumers #urc"ase !or:
• • •

further production, usage in operating the organization, and>or resale to other consumers

Consumer ?uying ?e"avior The decision processes and acts of final household consumers associated with evaluating, buying, consuming, and discarding products for personal consumption 1onsider the purchase an automobile. Nou generally will not consider different options until some event triggers a need, such as a problem needing potentially expensive repair. 6nce this need has put you Hon the marketH, you begin to ask your friends for recommendations regarding dealerships and car models. "fter visiting several dealerships, you test drive several models and finally decide on a particular model. "fter picking up your new car, you have doubts on the way home, wondering if you can afford the monthly payments, but then begin to wonder if instead you should have purchased a more expensive but potentially more reliable model. 6ver the next five years, the car has several unexpected breakdowns that lead you to want to purchase a different brand, but you have been very happy with the services of the local dealership and decide to again purchase your next car there.

'n this particular case, the following generic mo,el o! consumer ,ecision ma1ing appears to hold? GGGGGHnee, recognition GGGGGHin!ormation searc" GGGGGHevaluation o! alternatives GGGGGH#urc"ase ,ecision GGGGGH#ost#urc"ase be"avior

ow consider the purchase of a $uart of orange juice. Nou purchase this product when you do your grocery shopping once per week. Nou have a favorite brand of orange juice and usually do your grocery shopping at the same store. &hen you buy orange juice, you always go to the same place in the store to pick it up, and never notice what other brands are on the shelf or what are the prices of other brands. 5ow is it that the generic model above works differently in this second scenarioW &hy does it work differentlyW &hy would we generally need the ministrations of a sales person in the sale of a car, but we generally do not need the help of a salesperson in the purchase of orange juiceW 5ow can the marketer of orange juice get a consumer like you to exert more effort into information search or to consider alternative productsW 5ow is it that the marketer of your brand got you to ignore alternative competing brandsW &hat is the involvement of salespeople in sales promotions that might be associated with products such as orange juiceW 1onsumer behavior researchers are not so interested in studying the validity of the above generic model, but are more interested in various factors that influence how such a model might work.


:RO&P INF0&ENCES ON CONS&(ER ?E6A'IOR Culture the set of basic values, beliefs, norms, and associated behaviors that are learned by a member of society ote that culture is something that is learned and that it has a relatively long lasting effect on the behaviors of an individual. "s an example of cultural influences, consider how the salesperson in an appliance store in the E.S. must react to different couples who are considering the purchase of a refrigerator. 'n some subcultures, the husband will play a dominant role in the purchase decisionO in others, the wife will play a more dominant role. Social Class " group of individuals with similar social rank, based on such factors as occupation, education, and wealth Re!erence :rou#s (roups, often temporary, that affect a personDs values, attitude, or behaviors

I.g., your behaviors around colleagues at work or friends at school are probably different from your behaviors around your parents, no matter your age or stage in the family life cycle. 'f you were a used car salesperson, how might you respond differently to a nineteen year old prospect accompanied by her boyfriend from one accompanied by two girlfriendsW O#inion lea,er " person within a reference group who exerts influence on others because of special skills, knowledge, personality, etc.


Nou might ask the webmaster at work for an opinion about a particular software application. Software manufacturers often give away free beta copies of software to potential opinion leaders with the hope that they will in turn influence many others to purchase the product.

Family " group of people related by blood, marriage, or other socially approved relationship

EN'IRON(ENTA0 I SIT&ATIONA0 INF0&ENCES ON CONS&(ER ?E6A'IOR 1ircumstances, time, location, etc. <o you like grapesW <o you like peasW Nou might like grapes as a snack after lunch, but probably not as a dessert after a fancy meal in a restaurant. Nou might like peas, but probably not as a topping on your pancakes. Iveryday situations cause an interaction between various factors which influence our behaviors. 'f you work for tips *a form of incentive related to commission+ as a waiter or waitress, you must certainly be aware of such interactions which can increase or decrease your sales. 'f you are doing your Saturday grocery shopping and are looking for orange juice, you are probably much more sensitive to price than if you stop at the $uick store late at night, when you are tired and cranky, after a late meeting at the office. " prospect shopping for a new automobile while debating the wisdom of a necessary expensive repair to his car might be more interested in what cars are on the lot than in shopping for the best deal that might involve a special order.


INTERNA0 INF0&ENCES ON CONS&(ER ?E6A'IOR Personality " personDs distinguishing psychological characteristics that lead to relatively consistent and lasting responses to stimuli in the environment &e are each uni$ue as individuals, and we each respond differently as consumers. =or example, some people are HoptimizersH who will keep shopping until they are certain that they have found the best price for a particular item, while other people are HsatisficersH who will stop shopping when they believe that they have found something that is Hgood enough.H 'f you are a salesperson in a retail shoe store, how might you work differently with these two personalitiesW 0i!estyle an, Psyc"ogra#"ics

li!estyle is a pattern of living expressed through a personDs activities, interests, and opinions #syc"ogra#"ics is a techni$ue for measuring personality and lifestyles to developing lifestyle classifications.

(otivation: (ulti#le motives 1onsumers usually have multiple motives for particular behaviors. These can be a combination of?

mani!est known to the person and freely admitted latent unknown to the person or the person is very reluctant to admit

ote? different motives can lead to the same behaviorO observing behavior is not sufficient to determine motives. T)PES OF CONS&(ER PRO?0E(2SO0'IN: PROCESSES Routini=e,
• • •

used when buying fre$uently purchased, low cost items used when little search>decision effort is needed e.g., buying a $uart of orange juice once per week

0imite, Problem Solving
• •

used when products are occasionally purchased used when information is needed about an unfamiliar product in a familiar product category.

Exten,e, #roblem solving
• •

used when product is unfamiliar, expensive, or infre$uently purchased e.g., buying a new car once every five years

Ender what sorts of conditions would the assistance of a salesperson be neededW ot neededW


POST2P&RC6ASE CONS&(ER ?E6A'IOR Satis!action "fter the sale, the buyer will likely feel either satisfied or dissatisfied. 'f the buyer beleives that s>he received more in the exchange than what was paid, s>he might feel satisfied. 'f s>he believes that s>he received less in the exchange than what was paid, then s>he might feel dissatisfied. <issatisfied buyers are not likely to return as customers and are not likely to send friends, relatives, and ac$uaintences. They are also more likely to be unhappy or even abusive when the product re$uires post-sale servicing, as when an automobile needs warranty maintenance. Cognitive ,issonance 't has to do with the doubt that a person has about the wisdom of a recent purchase 't is very common for people to experience some anxiety after the purchase of a product that is very expensive or that will re$uire a long term commitment. Gane and =red, for example, signed a one year lease on an apartment, committing themselves to payments of Y%.88 per month. " week later, they are wondering if they should have instead leased a smaller Y488 apartment in a more rough part of townO they are not sure if they really can afford this much of a monthly obligation. <ick and Sally, on the other hand, ultimately rented the Y488 apartment, and now are wondering if the savings in rent will be offset by noisy and sometimes unsafe conditions in this neighborhood. ;erhaps neither couple would be experiencing this anxiety if their landlords had given them just the smallest of assurances that they had made a good decision. "fter a close on products that are expensive or that re$uire a long term

commitment, the salesperson should provide the prospect with some reasons to be happy with the decision. "llow the car buyer to reinforce her own positive feelings by calling her a week after the purchase to ask how things are going. 1all the new life insurance policy holder after two months to see if there are any $uestionsO a lack of $uestions can only help the buyer to convince himself that he did the right thing. The four-wheeler !arket is even expanding and ever changing showing new trends. "lmost every day, we get to know about the launch of new model by different company Sales. Their market strategy and also their selling policy. #ut as the competitors gets intensified between the domestic and the multinational brands. The company producing better product enjoy the benefit.


Ob$ectives Tezpur is the most developed town in north bank and gateway to "runachal ;radesh and to capture this market and establish themselves as a leader is the prime aim of all the companies so as to have an psychological impact on the people and to have an edge over other four wheeler companies were not doing great business in This region from the very beginning. 't was so because the prices of the product were high and the customer were not fully aware of proper advertisement facility, which is key factor in influencing a consumer. Iarlier !aruti product was almost enjoying the monopoly market but now 5yundai and T"T" entered the market with various promotional schemes and changing the market scenario. owadays with the advent of financial scheme by the commercial #ank and 5ire purchase companies, the four-wheeler company has been given new dimension. #ut with the introduction of new models, the greater market opened up for all the motorcar companies, which ultimately led to a stiff competition between the brands. Today all the companies namely 5yundai, Toyota, 5yundai, T"T", Skoda, 1hevrolet, =ord, !ahindra etc. are trying to grab the market. !aruti is enjoying good reputation in motorcar segment in Tezpur market for its after sales service. "ccording to research, !aruti is the largest car manufacture in 'ndia.


%. To study their satisfaction level of customers of different cars available in Tezpur. ). To study the importance of various attribute which effect the purchasing decision of customers in regard of cars. 7. To study the awareness level of different cars in Tezpur. ,. To study the importance of dealer and their influence in marketing>sale for cars in Tezpur. .. To study consumers buying behaviours. /. To find out the expectation of the existing possessing and prospective customers of the company. 0. To study the impact of media on the customers. 2. To study the satisfaction level of the customers on overall performance and after sale service of their existing cars. 4. To study different promotional scheme they expect for purchasing a new car. 'arious segments o! (aruti are: The entire model is being used in Tezpur, !aruti !otor is trying to reach every nook and corner of the part of the in the market. The four-wheeler companies have divided the market into various segments, which have helped them to meet the demand more easily. Suppose, the customer who demand a uni$ue stylish car, for them !aruti has produced SB,, (rand @itara which is considered as one of the most extraordinary car in the market. orth Iast, it has dealers and sub-dealers in every orth Iastern 'ndia. The service provided by them are $uite

satisfactory to the consumers, which has helped them to achieve good reputation


!aruti Edyog 9imited *!E9+ was established in =ebruary %42%, though the actual production commenced in %427 with the !aruti 288, based on the Suzuki "lto kei car which at the time was the only modern car available in 'ndia, itsD only competitors- the 5industan "mbassador and ;remier ;admini were both around ). years out of date at that point. Through )88,, !aruti Suzuki has produced over . !illion vehicles. !aruti Suzukis are sold in 'ndia and various several other countries, depending upon export orders. !odels similar to !aruti Suzukis *but not manufactured by !aruti Edyog+ are sold by Suzuki !otor 1orporation and manufactured in ;akistan and other South "sian countries. Today !aruti is coming up with various sales promotion works to induce more sales in the city. They also spend a good lot of money in advertisement like T@ advertisements, 5oarding, #anner etc. This help to in increase the sales of the product.


(ET6O.O0O:) *%+ Preliminary Survey: 2 The project study was undertaken general discussion and informal interview with the customer both possessing and prospective. The objective were set mainly to gain an idea about consumers buying behaviors of cars. *)+ .ata Collection: 2 The data were collected from primary sources. The primary data were collected from the customer both possessing and prospective. Surveying method through personal or direct interviews with the help of $uestionnaire-designed specification for the purpose did this. *7+ Juestionnaire .esign:- ;rimary data was collected through well framed $uestionnaire. The $uestionnaire had two parts, one part for possessing customers and other part for prospective customer. :uestion was framed keeping mind. The various information re$uired as per the objectives. Iach $uestion was directed towards getting information regarding !aruti as well as other competitors. The $uestionnaire contained both open ended and close ended $uestion. "lso $uestion with multiple-choice answers, degree of importance scale etc. were included. "ll effort were made to that the $uestionnaire was simple and precise and also ade$uate care was taken about the language, structure and format of $uestionnaires.

*,+ Sam#le Si=e: The sample was selected on the basis of simple random sampling. " total .8 customer surveyed where ,, were processing and / were prospective customers.

The total sample size in segmented under the following zones? Fones: %. 'sum !otors. ). !ain 3oad, Tezpur. 7. !.<.3oad. ,. @arious business establishments in Tezpur. *.+ Analysis: The data collected from the customer were analysed using different standard statistical tools and techni$ues each of the $uestion were analyzed to find out the purchasing behaviour of different cars with reference to !aruti motors. */+ Sco#e: The scope of the project is define by the objective of the study it self. 'f the study was basically for the fulfillment at its objectives. This means that scope of this project study is restricted to consumers buying behaviours of !aruti cars among the other brand in the market. Scope of this project is also restricted to the area of field survey in Tezpur. The study does not include any other area like finance personnel product etc. *0+ 0imitations: &ith many point the study of this project suffered from many limitation also, likewise as the sample is low ' cannot analyze many respondent, as the survey may also suffer from bais results. *2+ Recommen,ation: 3ecommendation were made or the based of finding drawn from the project analysis.


*4+ Conclusion: 1onclusion were made on the finding and analysis of the survey.


ANA0)SIS OF T6E J&ESTIONNAIRE "s the consumers play a key role in the todayAs marketO their preferences, attitude and perceptions are of utmost value to the marketers keeping all the objectives of the study in mind and to give a proper dimension to the study undertaken, a comprehensive consumer survey was undertaken with the aid of a well-framed $uestionnaire. The detail of the findings have been fragmented as? .emogra#"ic #ro!ile segment: The analysis on demographic profile has been done on the basis of "ge group, 6ccupation and !onthly income?


J. No /. Occu#ation Consi,ere, This $uestion was put forwarded to extract a profile factor of the respondent. The prime objective of this $uestion was to know the occupation of the respondent. Though this it can be analysed that which segment of people have like for which brands. This $uestion helped to extract the background of the customers owning and not owning cars.
Table No. 1.1 Occupation Service Business Students Others Percentage 30% 40% 20% 10%

People 15 20 10 5

<iagram %.%

=rom the responses obtained, it was found that the most of the #usinessman seemed to score high followed by service holder in possession of cars.

J. No ;. A:E :RO&P


The age group, which is one of the important roles in the buying behaviour of the customer, was extracted through this $uestion. 't was attempted to cover most of the age groups in various slabs.
Table No. 1.2 Age groups 20-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 !bove 40 "ears Percentage 2% % 24% 40% 26%

<iagram %.)

"ge (roup

The responses revealed that maximum number of car possessed by respondents in the age group of 7/ C ,8. "ge group above ,8 years followed it. The least was found to be in the age group of )8-). years.



Since the income of a respondent is also important in making decision to buy a car, therefore, this $uestion was framed to extract their level of income. The slabs of income considered for the purpose were ranging from 3s.%.,888>*minimum+ and above 3s.,.,888>-.
Table o. %.7
Income slab #s.15$000 % #s.25$000&#s.25$000 % #s.35$000&#s.35$000 % #s.45$000&!bove #s.45$000&Percentage 44% 30% 1 % %

<iagram %.7

Incom e-wisedistributionof respondents
Above Rs.45,000/8% Rs.35,000 – Rs.45,000/18% Rs.15,000 – Rs.25,000/44%

Rs.25,000 – Rs.35,000/30%

6ut of the total respondents, most of them were found to be in the income slab of 3s.%.,888 C 3s.).,888>- followed by respondents in the age group of 3s.).,888 C 3s.7.,888>-.



The respondents in response to this $uestion revealed the awareness about the existing brands of cars in the market. To reveal it, they were given options of various brands that are playing in the market of Tezpur.
Table No. 1.4 Brands '"undai (aruti )hevrolet To"ota S+oda ,ord T!T! (ahindra Percentage 100% 100% *6% 100% *0% 100% 100% 100%

<iagram %.,

B randawarenessof Respondents
120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 100% 100% 76% 100% 70% 100% 100% 100%

g a t n c r e P

B ra nds

't is seemed that almost every brand is well aware by thr respondent. J. No. A. (E.IA OF A<ARENESS "n endeavor was made to know the source of information or the awareness of different brands of existing cars in the market of Tezpur, to the customers. To respond to this $uery, respondents were opted with various sources of media.
Table No. 1.5 Media Ne-s.a.ers Percentage 2%


(a/a0ines T.1. !dvertise2ent Trade ,airs ,riends ,a2il" (e2bers Others

64% 100% 20% 0% 64% 46%

<iagram %..
Awareness Media
120% 100% 0% 60% 40% 20% 0% 20% 2% 64% 100% 0% 64% 46%

g a t n c r e P

6f the different media, T@ "dvertisement ranked top in creating brand awareness among the perceptual mindset of the customers, which in turn effects the buying behaviour of a customer.

J. No. 7. .o )ou O n a Car 6wnership of car was the chief extraction of this $uestion. To this $uestion only 22F of the respondents were found positive whereas the remaining %)F were not in possession of a car of their own.
Table No. 1.6 Media 3es No Percentage % 12%


<iagram %./

Possessionof cars
No 12%

Yes Yes 88%


The $uestion revealed that, of the .8 respondents only ,, of them owns a car whereas rest / do not possess car.

PART A :uestions of ;art " were targeted to those respondents who own a car. These $uestions were put forwarded to know the brand of possessed by them, attributes they look for, payment patterns etc. The deliberation of each $uestions are discussed below separately below?


J No. -. !ost of the brands of cars existing in the market of Tezpur were given to choose from by the respondents. "ccordingly, respondents made their responses favoring mostly for !aruti followed by 5yundai.
Table 2.1 Brands '"undai ,iat (aruti )hevrolet To"ota T!T! (ahindra S+oda ,ord Percentage 2*.2*% 0% 40.40% 4.5% 0% 20.45% 4.5% 0% 2.2*%

<iagram ).%

B randsof carspossessedbythe respondent
45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% 40.90% 27.27% 20.45% 4.50% 4.50%

g a t n c r e P





B ra nds


J.No. 9. This $uestion was attempted to extract the factors, which plays a major role in the buying behaviour of the customers. 't was attempted to cover most of the factors to make this extract more effective and productive.
Table No. 2.2 Sl. No. a6 b6 c6 d6 e6 86 /6 h6 i6 !ttributes 7rice ,inancial assistance & credit 8acilit" ,uel e88icienc" St"le & loo+s )o28ort and convenience 9urabilit" Brand i2a/e !dvertisin/ !8ter sales service 1er" 52.ortant 34 40 44 35 3 3* 20 6 44 52.ortant 5 4 5 6 6 1 14 4 1 6 14 Not so i2.ortant


'n response to this $uestion, as revealed by respondents, the attribute T fuel efficiencyU and Tafter sales serviceU ranked top followed by T financial assistance

J. No. /. " major factor TInfluenceU, which induces a person to buy anything *herein referred to as car+ was revealed by the respondents through their response to this $uestion.
Table No. 2.3 Source of Influence Sel8 ,a2il" ,riends )ollea/ue Others 9on:t o-n a car 9ia/ra2 No. 2.3 Percentage 4 % 2 % 10% 2% 0% 12%


=rom the responses obtained, it is found that self-motivation is the major role in purchasing a car. 6f the .8 considered respondents

J. No. ;

The price factor and payment mode also plays a pivotal role in the

buying behaviour of a customer. 3espondents, being customers to respective companies, also looks for the most convenient mode of payment. Therefore, this $uestion was designed to know their preferred mode of payment. 'n response to this $uery with four different options like *a+ 1ash *b+ #ank finance *c+ ;rivate finance *d+ 6thers, respondents numbering )% opted to go for #ank =inance, for the purpose of low and reducing balancing method of charging interest, whereas %4 respondents opted to go for private finance for their lesser paper work despite interest being flat. 6f the rest % opted for cash and remaining 7 opted for other modes of purchase. Table o.).,
O#tions 4, No o! res#on,ents

1ash #ank finance ;rivate finance 6thers
<iagram ).,

% )% %4 7

Noof respondentspreferringtheir modesof paym ent 1
3 Cash 19


Ban !"nan#e $%"va&e !"nan#e '&he%s

J. No. 3 This $uestion was designed to know the overall performances that were being experienced by the respondents from their cars. "lso, an open-ended part in $uestion was offered to reveal the exact kind of problem that they have experienced from their cars. 28F of respondents were satisfied with the overall performance of the car whereas remaining )8F were partially or were not satisfied with their carAs performance.
Table o. ).. O#tions Nes o Percentage 28F )8F

<iagram o. )..


J. No. @ "nother major factor playing the role in decision making of buying or buying behaviour of respondents was T"fter sales serviceU. So, this $uestion was designed to know the satisfaction level on the after Sales service of respective brands, received by the respondents, which in other words are considered as the customers of respective brands.
Table No. 2.6 Options 3es No 9ia/ra2 No. 2.6 Percentage 100% 0%


J. No. A This $uestion was designed to know the next option, if any respondent is willing to go for a new one. To this $uery, )0.)0F respondents were willing to go for latest model of cars whereas the remaining were happy to be contended with what they have.
Table No. 2.* O.tions 3es No 9ia/ra2 No. 2.* 7ercenta/e 2*.2*% 2.*3%


J. No.7 'n terms of technical feature expectation of the respondents, it was found that all the technical feature are expected by the customers.
Table No. 2. Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Technical features 'i/h en/ine .o-er 'i/h 8uel e88icienc" Bra+es T"res ; <heels 7o-er Steerin/ Sus.ension Yes 100% 45% 100% 0% 4 % 100% No 0% 5% 0% 20% 2% 0%



7o-er -indo9ia/ra2 2.



J.No.5. This $uestion was targeted to extract if they recommend !aruti to others. To this response %8 respondents out %) *possessing !aruti brands of cars+ are recommending whereas remaining ) are not doing so.
Table No. 2.4 O.tions 3es No 9ia/ra2 No. 2.4 No o8 res.ondents 10 2


PART C ? This part was intended for those respondents who were not possession of a four-wheeler car. To this part only / respondents responded. J.No.- The never-ending choosy human beings were asked to extract their preference of brands when they go for their new car. To this $uestion only two respondents preferred to go for 5yundai brand of cars whereas 7 opted for !aruti and remaining % opted for T"T".
Table No. 3.1 Brands No of respondents


'"undai ,iat (aruti )hevrolet To"ota T!T! (ahindra S+oda ,ord 9ia/ra2 3.1

2 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0

J.NO.9 To know the specific model of cars that the respondents would like to go for in near future are presented herein below in tabular form. The responses were obtained in the form of an open-ended response.
Table No. 3.2 Models '"undai:s Santro l (aruti:s <a/on # (aruti:s 00 T!T!:s 5ndica 9ia/ra2 No. 3.2 No of respondents 2 1 2 1


Model preferredbyrespondents
2.5 2 1.5 2 2

t d n p s e r f o N

1 0.5 0



()*n+a",s -an&%o . /a%*&",s 0a1on R

/a%*&",s 800

2A2A,s 3n+"#a


J. No./: This $uestion was attempted to extract the factors, which plays a major role in the buying behaviour of the customers. "ll the factors were found to be important for the respondents. Table o. C 7.7 Sl. o. a+ b+ c+ d+ e+ f+ g+ "ttributes ;rice =inancial assistance > credit facility =uel efficiency Style > looks 1omfort and convenience <urability #rand image

@ery 'mportant ot so 'mportant important / / / / / / /

h+ i+

"dvertising "fter sales service
<iagram 7.7

/ /

J. No. ;: The price factor and payment mode also plays a pivotal role in the buying behaviour of a customer. 3espondents, being customers to respective companies, also looks for the most convenient mode of payment. Therefore, this $uestion was designed to know their preferred mode of payment. 'n response to this $uery with four different options like *a+ 1ash *b+ #ank finance *c+ ;rivate finance *d+ 6thers, 6ut of a total of six respondents, one respondent preferred cash, two respondents preferred #ank finance and three respondents preferred private finance. Table o. 7., 6ptions 1ash #ank finance ;rivate finance 6thers

o of respondents % ) 7 8

Modeof finance
3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 3 2 1 0 Cash Ban !"nan#e $%"va&e !"nan#e '&he%s

9ia/ra2 % 3.4

J. No. C 3 : This $uestion was framed to know about the respondents interest on the various promotional schemes, and was found that out of / respondents %88F were interested for the different promotional schemes which is shown in the following table. Table C 7.. *a+ 6ptions Nes o Table 7.. *b+ Sl. o. % ) 7 Scheme ;rice discount Ixchange offer =ree gift @ery 'mportant / --%8,

o of respondents / 8

'mportant -, 7

ot so important -) 7

, .

'nstallment facility 'nterest free installments

, /

) --


<iagram o. 7.. *b+


Since 'ndian "utomobile market is continuously in the prowl of surging as a major car manufacturer, people are purchasing car as there is increase of income of common people as well as change in tastes and preferences of consumers. 't is important for the car manufacturers and car dealers to be able to understand the different factors affecting the extent in car purchasing behaviour. ;eople are more conscious about the on spot information provided about various cars who serves according to the needs and wants of the customer. The type of technology used and the wider reach of the service stations also affect the most on car purchasing decision. &hile government obligations and various policies like import duties, custom exemptions is seen as second most affecting driver of purchase of cars. =actor 7 includes family needsO brand imageO income levelO special family programs>events like "nniversary, #irthdayO insurance facilityO credit card acceptanceO car accessories affects customers car purchase decision causing a variance of 7.828.This shows that importance of family decisions,

special occasions in family and the various services provided by car dealers. includes installment payment facilityO location of the car dealer shopO looksO availability of service station showing customers accessibility to the service provided. =actor . shows the impact of various promotional activities and extra care taken by car dealers. =actors / shows the impact of suggestion provided by family members and peers as well as price and after sales service provided. includes the infrastructural benefits of the shop and the variety of cars it stores .The last but not the least ones shows the impact of factors of technical specifications of the car and the festive season offersThis study was conducted to find out the consumer buying behaviour of motorcars in special reference to the !aruti brand in Tezpur. The findings and analysis revealed many advantages as well as disadvantages for the !aruti 'ndia ;vt 9td. Though the !aruti is the faster growing company and leading in the market facing a stiff competition from 5yundai and Tata motors in the Tezpur. 't has been observed that !aruti adopted many promotional strategies and companyAs marketing channel is also satisfactory. ow a days people are most aware about after sales service. The dealers also expect !aruti has over come this problem and facilities should be improved for meeting the after sales service re$uirement effectively. The majority of customers expect loan or installment facilities. The !aruti has joined hand with State #ank 6f 'ndia and many private bank to promote this facilities. "s most of the existing and prospective customers adults, !aruti should introduces stylish !otor cars which compete its competitors product.


#ut !aruti to meet the expectations of new generation people who are the prospect, or customers has recently introduce 3itz, SB,, &agon3 hoping to fulfill the demand of the new generation. "s this study was conducted for educational purpose with the aim to give necessary information to the organization, any mistake by the researchers should be overlooked considering his inexperience in the field of marketing research.

0I(ITATION The study suffers from many limitations of this report are enumerated as the following? =irstly, being the whole project dependent on primary data, the study has gained vulnerability. Secondly, the survey was restricted only .8 respondents in whole Tezpur and as such may not be true representative of the entire Tezpur. Thirdly, the major constrain was the time factor, as the study have to be finished within the stipulated time period. =ourthly, lack of interest and unenthusiastic response may have allowed biasness to creep this report.


=inally, lack of conclusions, which have been drawn, are subject to criticism at any stages of its analysis and presentation. This report may not provide the best possible market scenario and the efforts can always be made to have this project report more effective and useful.

RECO((EN.ATIONS #ased on the findings drawn from the projectAs analysis, certain

recommendation need to be made as regards to the future course of action !aruti 'ndia ;vt 9td., which can go a long way in improving the #rand "wareness of the 1ompany in the !otorcars market. The main recommendations are? %. !aruti should continue with its range of innovative products. "t the same time try to add value to its existing products so that it can cater to the present day re$uirements. "s the study reveals that majority of customers are aged )8 C ,8 years the needs and wants should be kept in mind while designing new products. ). There should be proper synchronization between order placed an delivery. The distribution channel should be enhanced and the models should be readily available in the market.


7. "s the buying decision of the buyer has influenced by himself, company should target them through demonstration and advertisement. ,. "s the market for the financial institutions are increasing, the company should target them through demonstration and advertisement.

.. =acilities should be provide to the dealers so that they can extend them to the customers while purchasing this brand. /. 'ncrease in sales promotion budgets to develop a point of purchase display and to participate to a greater extent in Trade shows and similar kind of shows and this will motivate the non-users to try out the products. 0. The company can sponsor local cultural programmes like #ihu festival of "ssam holding #ihu competition at least once in a year and for attracting the youth it may sponsor sports events also. 2. The company can make charitable donation to different organizations. 't can extend their helping hand to the people hotted by natural havoc like flood, draught, earth$uake etc. to win the hearts of the mass people which will build a good image of the 1ompany among them. 4. "s the market for the financial institutions are increasing, the company should come up with various schemes, which will induce them to influence the customer for the product. This includes offering various gifts, packages and financial incentives like higher commission as compared to other fourwheeler companies.


%8. 'ncentives and financial benefits provided to the dealers should be maximized to maintain their level of satisfaction and motivation.


Name o! t"e Aut"orIPublis"er %. Jotler ;hilip ). 3S ;illai #hagavathi )ear o! Publication Iighth Idition *%44,+ Thirteenth Idition*)887+ Second Idition *%448+ Name o! t"e ?oo1s !arketing !anagement !odern !arketing ;rinciple and ;ractices 3esearch !ethodology

7 1.3. Jothari

<ebsites:2 http?>>www.wikipedia.org http?>>www.marutisuzuki.com http?>>www.google.com


3espected sir>madam, ' am !anagement *!#"+ student at Sikkim !anipal Eniversity. ' have been assigned a project in the context of which ' am conducting a study on T1ustomerAs buying #ehaviorU on !aruti 1ar in Tezpur, ' would like to re$uest you kindly to spare a few minutes for answering some $uestions. Nour answers will be kept strictly confidential and will be used for academic purpose only. %. ame of the respondent?ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ). "ddress? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ;hone no? ZZZZZZ 7. 6ccupation? *a+ Service *d+ 6thers ,. "ge group. *a+ )8 to ). years *d+ 7/ to ,8 years .. !onthly income? *a+ 3s. %.,888 to ).,888>*b+ 3s ).,888 to 7.,888>*c+ 3s. 7.,888 to ,.,888>*d+ "bove ,.,888>%%% *b+ )/ to 78 years *e+ above ,8 years. *c+ 7% to 7. years *b+ #usiness *c+ Students

/. &hat are the different brands of cars you are aware ofW *a+ 5yundai *d+ Toyota *g+ T"T" *b+ !aruti *e + Skoda *h+ !ahindra *c+ 1hevrolet *f+ =ord

0. 5ow did you aware of different brands of carsW *a+ ews papers *c+ T.@. add *e+ =riends *b+ !agazines *d+ Trade fairs *f+ =amily members

*g+ others please specifyZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.. 2. <o you own a carW *a+ Nes *b+ o.

'f yes please respond to ;art ". 'f no please respond to ;art #.

PART A *%+ &hich #rand of cars do you posses W *a+ 5undai *d+ 1hevrolet *g+ !ahindra. *b+ =iat *e+ Toyota. *h+ Skoda *c+ !aruti *f+ T"T" *i+ =ord

*)+ 5ow important were the following attributes before you decide to buy the existing carW Sl. "ttributes @ery 'mportant ot so o. a+ b+ c+ d+ e+ 'mportant ;rice =inancial assistance > credit facility =uel efficiency Style > looks 1omfort and convenience %%) important

f+ g+ h+ i+ j+

<urability #rand image "dvertising "fter sales service !illage

*7+ &ho influence your decision in purchasing carsW *a+ Self *c+ =riends *e+ 6thers. *b+ =amily *d+ colleague *f+ <onAt own a car

,+ &hat was your mode of payment while purchasing the car W *a+ 1ash *b+ #ank finance *c+ ;rivate finance *d+ 6thers


.+ "re you satisfied with the overall performance of your existing carW *a+ Nes *b+ o

'f o, Jindly specify the problem ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ /+ "re you satisfied with the after sales service of your car W *a+ Nes *b+ o

'f o, Jindly specify the problem ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 0+ "re you planning to purchase a latest model of car W *a+ Nes *b+ o

'f Nes, Jindly specify the #rand ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 2+ &hich of the following technical features do you accept from your new car that dose not exist in the old carW Sl. o. %. Technical features 5igh engine power %%7 Nes o

). 7. ,. .. /. 0.

5igh fuel efficiency #reaks Tyres - &heels ;ower Steering Suspension ;ower window

4+ =or the possessing customers of 5yundai cars, do you recommend others to purchase 5yundai carsW *a+ Nes *b+ o.

;"3T # %+ &hich brand of cars would you like to purchase in near futureW *a+ 5yundai *d+ 1hevrolet *g+ !ahindra. *b+ =iat *e+ Toyota. *h+ Skoda *c+ !aruti *f+ T"T" *i+ =ord

)+ &hich model of cars would you like to purchase in near future W !odel ame ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

7+ ;lease indicate relative importance of the following factors, which you will consider before purchasing your new carW Sl. o. a+ b+ c+ d+ e+ f+ "ttributes ;rice =inancial assistance > credit facility =uel efficiency Style > looks 1omfort and convenience <urability %%, @ery 'mportant 'mportant ot so important

g+ h+ i+

#rand image "dvertising "fter sales service

,+ &hat mode of finance will you prefer for purchasing a new car W *a+ 1ash *b+ #ank finance *c+ ;rivate finance *d+ 6thers

.+ <o you want avail any promotional scheme while purchasing the new car W *a+ Nes *b+ o

'f yes please indicate the relative importance of the following promotional scheme. *;lease put a tick in each row+ Sl o. a+ b+ c+ d+ e+ Scheme ;rice discount Ixchange offer =ree gift 'nstallment facility 'nterest free installment @ery important 'mportant ot so important

Thanking you,

&hich !odel of 5yundai car do you ownW Santro verna issan i%8 i)8

&hich feature is the best isone in 5yundai carW ;rice style !ileage :uality mileage - :uality

!ileage -style 5owdo you feel when you drive hyundai carW (ood better best poor

"re you satisfied with your vehicle mileage W Nes no

&ill you recommend hyundai product to anyboby Nes o

&hat do you think about hyundaiAs customer serviceW Ixcellent good better poor

5ow do you feel about companyAs response towards customerW Ixcellent good better poor

<id you receive the product on delivery timeW Nes o

"re you satisfied companyAs after sales servicesW Satisfied not satisfied

5ow do you feel the experience at the showroomW Satisfied not satisfied

&ere you offered test drive W =ully Satisfied just satisfied not satisfied

;lease give your comments >suggestions to enable us to improve satisfaction of customer at this 5yundai authorized showroom.


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