4th Aquino Impeachment Complaint - Hidden Pork

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Includes transcripts of lawmakers' meetings with Secretaries Patricia Licuanan and Janette Garin which allegedly reveals lawmakers still have access to realigned pork barrel funds




Congress of the kepub||c of the Þh|||pp|nes
nouse of kepresentat|ves Comp|ex
Const|tut|on n|||s, Çuezon C|ty


AC1 1eachers Þarty-L|st kepresentat|ve AN1CNIC L.
1INIC, Nat|ona| Art|st for L|terature 8ILNVLNIDC
LUM8LkA, C¥N1nIA N. LUM8LkA, A|||ance of
Concerned 1eachers Þh|||pp|nes Cha|rperson (AC1
Þh|||pp|nes) 8LNIAMIN G. VAL8ULNA, Secretary
Genera| IkANCISCA L. CAS1kC, and Deputy
Secretary Genera| VLADIMLk A. ÇUL1UA, Çuezon
C|ty Þub||c Schoo| 1eachers Assoc|at|on (ÇCÞS1A)
Þres|dent Dk. ÞkISCILLA D. AMÞUAN, AC1 Nat|ona|
Cap|ta| keg|on-Un|on Secretary ICSLL¥N I.
MAk1INL2, Man||a Þub||c Schoo| 1eachers
Assoc|at|on (MÞS1A) Þres|dent LCUIL L. 2A8ALA,
AC1 State Un|vers|t|es and Co||eges Spokesperson
Un|vers|t|es and Co||eges kepresentat|ve VLkCNICA
L. GkLGCkIC, A||-UÞ Workers Un|on (AUÞWU)
Iormer Nat|ona| Þres|dent ILLIk ÞAkIṄAS and
Nat|ona| Þres|dent Dk. kAMCN GUILLLkMC,
Congress of 1eachers and Lducators for Nat|ona||sm
and Democracy (CCN1LND-UÞ) Cha|rperson Dk.
GLkAkDC LANU2A, UÞ k||os Na Convenor SAkAn
IANL kA¥MUNDC, and AIM Iacu|ty Assoc|at|on





1he people have rlsen up agalnsL lnsLlLuLlonallzed paLronage and
leglLlmlzed grafL and corrupLlon as embodled by Lhe pork barrel sysLem. 1helr
naLlonwlde rage and acLlvlsm pushed Lhe Supreme CourL (SC) Lo promulgaLe
!"#$%&' )*+ ,&-.'
and declare as unconsLlLuLlonal porLlons of LhaL sysLem, Lhe
Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) or “congressional pork” and two
forms of “presidential pork,” for violating the principles for a democratic and
LransparenL governmenL.

8uled Lhe Plgh CourL, “provisions of pasL and presenL Congresslonal
Pork Barrel Laws…which authorize/d legislators—wheLher lndlvldually or
collecLlvely organlzed lnLo commlLLees—Lo lnLervene, assume or parLlclpaLe ln
any of Lhe varlous posL-enacLmenL sLages of Lhe budgeL execuLlon, such as buL
noL llmlLed Lo Lhe areas of pro[ecL ldenLlflcaLlon, modlflcaLlon and revlslon of
pro[ecL ldenLlflcaLlon, fund release and/or fund reallgnmenL, unrelaLed Lo Lhe
power of congressional oversight…[and] '## %01.23'# 42'&5%&"* .1 *%3%#'2 %34.25
'06 "11"&5+”

1he SC has ruled LhaL Lhe pracLlce of deallng pork Lo lawmakers (1)
vlolaLes consLlLuLlonal prlnclples of separaLlon of powers, Lhe non-delegablllLy
of leglslaLlve power, and Lhe presldenLlal veLo power, (2) lmpalrs publlc
accounLablllLy, and (3) subverLs genulne local auLonomy. ln oLher words,
congresslonal pork, however dealL, desLroys Lhe foundaLlons of democraLlc
and LransparenL governmenL and allows the people’s money to be used for
purposes oLher Lhan Lhelr lnLeresL.

1he ueclslon embodles Lhe leLLer and splrlL of Lhe law, clear and
undenlable Lo everyone—mosL especlally Lhe ÞresldenL, Lhe hlghesL offlclal
duLy-bound Lo lmplemenL all laws. 1hls law, ln Lurn, ensures LhaL Lhe lnLeresLs
of Lhe people are served, Lhrough Lhe proper and LransparenL managemenL
and dlsbursemenL of Lhe funds Lhey have enLrusLed Lo Lhe governmenL.

ln splLe of Lhe ueclslon, and conLrary Lo hls pronouncemenLs Lo Lhe
publlc LhaL “iL ls Llme Lo abollsh ÞuAl,”
ÞresldenL 8enlgno Slmeon Aqulno lll
has reLalned Lhe congresslonal pork barrel—albelL ln ways LhaL are hldden ln
plaln slghL, an open secreL runnlng rampanL ln agencles dlrecLly under hls

8y hls perpeLuaLlon of lnformal pracLlces of deallng pork barrel Lo
members of Congress Lo Lhe deLrlmenL of publlc lnLeresL, ÞresldenL 8enlgno

C.8. no. 208366, 19 november 2013. PerelnafLer, Lhe ueclslon.
1he ueclslon, pages 69-70.
7'-'8'$ 0% 7'0$9#.0$ :;9%0. 9<.# *' '=.#%*8.0 0$ 7>:?@ %<'ABC 0$ :$.*5. BD/C+ Avallable ln
2013/. LasL accessed on 10 AugusL 2014.

Slmeon Aqulno lll broke hls oaLh of offlce and beLrayed Lhe publlc LrusL. 8y hls
blaLanL vlolaLlon of Lhe legal prohlblLlon agalnsL congresslonal pork, he
dellberaLely, gravely, and culpably vlolaLed Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. WlLh Lhese acLs,
he has proven hlmself unflL and undeservlng Lo conLlnue occupylng Lhe seaL
enLrusLed Lo hlm by Lhe llllplno people.


1. 1hls ls an lmpeachmenL complalnL agalnsL ÞresldenL Aqulno for
hls beLrayal of publlc LrusL and culpable vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln relaLlon
Lo hls blaLanL vlolaLlon of Lhe law prohlblLlng congresslonal pork barrel lald
down ln Lhe !"#$%&' )+ ,&-.' rullng.

2. ComplalnanLs accuse 8enlgno Slmeon Aqulno lll, ÞresldenL of Lhe
8epubllc of Lhe Þhlllpplnes, of beLrayal of publlc LrusL and culpable vlolaLlon of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. 1hls ComplalnL wlll deLall how he, as Chlef LxecuLlve, has lald
ln place procedures and pracLlces whlch allow leglslaLors Lo exerclse posL-
enacLmenL dlscreLlon, lnLervenLlon, and parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe use of lump-sum
funds approprlaLed for a number of naLlonal governmenL agencles. ln shorL,
he ls responslble for perpeLuaLlng Lhe prohlblLed Congresslonal Þork 8arrel.


3. 1hls verlfled lmpeachmenL complalnL ls belng flled before Lhe
Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves, for lmmedlaLe referral Lo lLs CommlLLee on !usLlce
pursuanL Lo lLs rules and ArLlcle xl, SecLlon 3 of Lhe 1987 Þhlllpplne


4. ComplalnanLs, all llllplnos and of legal age, are:

a. AC1 1eachers ÞarLy-LlsL 8epresenLaLlve AnLonlo L. 1lnlo, a
member of Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves,

b. 8lenvenldo Lumbera, naLlonal ArLlsL for LlLeraLure,

c. CynLhla n. Lumbera,

SecLlon 2 (a) and (b), 8ule ll of Lhe E9#"* .1 72.&"692" %0 F34"'&-3"05 72.&""6%0$* %0 5-" G.9*" .1
E"42"*"05'5%)"* ln relaLlon Lo SecLlon 42, 8ule x and SecLlon 28 (aa), 8ule lx of Lhe E9#"* .1 5-" G.9*" .1
E"42"*"05'5%)"* and ?2'0&%*&.@ H2+ )*+ G.9*" .1 E"42"*"05'5%)"* (C.8. no. 160261, 10 november 2003), whlch
lmplemenL ArLlcle xl, SecLlon 3 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon on Lhe lnlLlaLlon of lmpeachmenL complalnLs.

d. 8en[amln C. valbuena, Chalrperson of Lhe Alllance of Concerned
1eachers Þhlllpplnes,

e. lranclsca L. CasLro, SecreLary Ceneral of AC1 Þhlllpplnes,

f. vladlmer A. CueLua, uepuLy SecreLary Ceneral of AC1 Þhlllpplnes,

g. ur. Þrlscllla u. Ampuan, ÞresldenL of Cuezon ClLy Þubllc School
1eachers AssoclaLlon (CCÞS1A),

h. !oselyn l. MarLlnez, SecreLary of Lhe AC1 naLlonal CaplLal 8eglon-

l. Loule L. Zabala, ÞresldenL of Lhe Manlla Þubllc School 1eachers
AssoclaLlon (MÞS1A),

[. Cleve kevln 8oberL v. Arguelles, Spokesperson of AC1 SLaLe
unlverslLles and Colleges,

k. veronlca L. Cregorlo, Local unlverslLles and Colleges
8epresenLaLlve of AC1 SuCs,

l. lellx Þarlnas, lormer naLlonal ÞresldenL of All-uÞ Workers unlon

m. ur. 8amon Culllermo, naLlonal ÞresldenL of AuÞWu,

n. ur. Cerardo Lanuza, Chalrperson of Congress of 1eachers and
LducaLors for naLlonallsm and uemocracy (CCn1Lnu-uÞ),

o. Þrof. Sarah !ane 8aymundo, Convenor of uÞ kllos na, and

p. Þrof. Lmmanuel Leyco, ÞresldenL of Lhe AlM laculLy AssoclaLlon.

3. ComplalnanLs may be served wlLh orders and noLlces from Lhls
Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves Lhrough counsel aL Lhe address lndlcaLed below.

6. 8espondenL 8enlgno Slmeon C. Aqulno lll ls Lhe lncumbenL
ÞresldenL of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe Þhlllpplnes. Pe may be served wlLh a copy of
Lhls complalnL and noLlces from Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves aL new
LxecuLlve 8ulldlng, Malacanang Þalace Compound, !.Þ. Laurel SLreeL, San
Mlguel, Manlla.


7. AlLhough dlscreLlonary lump sum funds such as ÞuAl, Malampaya
funds, and the President’s Social Fund have been plaguing the publlc coffers
for decades, mulLlbllllon-peso scams erupLed one afLer anoLher beglnnlng mld-
2013. news and offlclal governmenL reporLs, malnly 8eporL no. 2012-03
released by Lhe Speclal AudlLs Cfflce of Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL
on Lhe
allocaLlon and use of ÞrlorlLy uevelopmenL AsslsLance lund (ÞuAl) and
varlous lnfrasLrucLure lncludlng Local Þro[ecLs (vlLÞ), proved LhaL Lhese
amorphous funds are hlghly vulnerable Lo dlsslpaLlon ln favor of Lhe llkes of
!aneL Llm-napoles, her fake nCCs, and her pollLlclan cohorLs.

8. Aslde from deLalllng how bllllons of publlc funds are losL Lo grafL
and corrupLlon, Lhese accounLs show how dlscreLlonary lump sums are used
for pollLlcal paLronage from Lhe lowesL level of governmenL up Lo Lhe hlghesL.
news lnvesLlgaLlons and analyses deLall how Lhe ÞuAl and lLs earller
lncarnaLlons greased Lhe wheels of Congress
and, ln Lhe process, deprlved Lhe
people of baslc soclal servlces.

9. Wldespread publlc ouLrage agalnsL Lhe pork barrel sysLem fuelled
the August 26 “Million People March” in Luneta, Manila and in several protest
slLes ln and ouL of Lhe counLry. lL also gave rlse Lo varlous anLl-pork alllances
across secLors and classes, all demandlng Lhe abollLlon of all forms of pork, Lhe
prosecuLlon of Lhose accounLable for looLlng Lhe publlc coffers, and Lhe
rechannellng of Lhese funds Lo baslc soclal servlces. Cne such alllance ls Lhe
#AbollshÞork MovemenL, whlch would laLer spearhead the People’s Initiative
AgalnsL Þork (ÞlAÞ) Lo enacL a law abollshlng Lhe pork barrel sysLem.

10. lrom laLe AugusL Lo early SepLember 2013, Lhree peLlLlons were
flled before Lhe SC quesLlonlng Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe ÞuAl. Cn 10
SepLember, Lhe SC lssued a Lemporary resLralnlng order en[olnlng Lhe u8M,
naLlonal 1reasurer, LxecuLlve SecreLary, or any person acLlng under Lhelr
auLhorlLy from releaslng Lhe remalnlng ÞuAl allocaLed Lo Members of
Congress under Lhe Ceneral ApproprlaLlons AcL (CAA) of 2013.

PerelnafLer, Lhe CCA 8eporL.
7.2< %* ' 7.#%5%&'#@ I.5 : >")"#.43"05'#@ J..#+ Þhlllpplne CenLer for lnvesLlgaLlve !ournallsm, Chua, ?vonne 1.
and Cruz, 8ooma hLLp://pcl[.org/sLorles/2004/pork.hLml. LasL accessed on 9 AugusL 2014. ClLed ln !"#$%&'
(page 3).
J-" 4".4#" -')" *4.<"0K L06 %0*5%595%.0'#%M"6 4#906"2 0.NO CenLer for Þeople LmpowermenL ln Covernance
lssue Analysls no. 03, 23 AugusL 2013. ÞosLed ln
hLLp://www.cenpeg.org/lA°202013/Þul/CenÞLC_Analysls_Lnd_Þork_8arrel_Aug_23_2013.pdf. LasL
accessed on 10 AugusL 2014.
8epubllc AcL 10332

11. Cn 19 november 2013, Lhe SC promulgaLed !"#$%&' )+ ,&-.',
whlch deflnes Lhe pork barrel sysLem as “the collective body of rules and
pracLlces LhaL govern Lhe manner by whlch lump-sum, dlscreLlonary funds,
prlmarlly lnLended for local pro[ecLs, are uLlllzed Lhrough Lhe respecLlve
parLlclpaLlons of Lhe LeglslaLlve and LxecuLlve branches of governmenL,
lncludlng lLs members.”

12. 1he ouLlawed ÞuAl or “congressional pork barrel,” on Lhe oLher
hand, ls “a kind of |ump-sum, d|scret|onary fund where|n |eg|s|ators, e|ther
|nd|v|dua||y or co||ect|ve|y organ|zed |nto comm|ttees, are ab|e to effect|ve|y
contro| certain aspects of the fund’s utilization through var|ous post-
enactment measures and]or pract|ces.”

13. Concluded Lhe Plgh CourL:

“The Court renders this Decision to rectify an error which has persisted in the
chronlcles of our hlsLory. ln Lhe flnal analysls, the Court must str|ke down the
Þork 8arre| System as unconst|tut|ona| |n v|ew of the |nherent defects |n the
ru|es w|th|n wh|ch |t operates. 1o recounL, |nsofar as |t has a||owed
|eg|s|ators to w|e|d, |n vary|ng gradat|ons, non-overs|ght, post[-]enactment
author|ty |n v|ta| areas of budget execut|on, the system has v|o|ated the
pr|nc|p|e of separat|on of powers, |nsofar as |t has conferred unto |eg|s|ators
the power of appropr|at|on by g|v|ng them persona|, d|scret|onary funds
from wh|ch they are ab|e to fund spec|f|c pro[ects wh|ch they themse|ves
determ|ne, |t has s|m||ar|y v|o|ated the pr|nc|p|e of non[-]de|egab|||ty of
|eg|s|at|ve power, |nsofar as |t has created a system of budget|ng where|n
|tems are not textua||zed |nto the appropr|at|ons b|||, |t has f|outed the
prescr|bed procedure of presentment and, |n the process, den|ed the
Þres|dent the power to veto |tems, |nsofar as |t has d||uted the effect|veness
of congress|ona| overs|ght by g|v|ng |eg|s|ators a stake |n the affa|rs of
budget execut|on, an aspect of governance wh|ch they may be ca||ed to
mon|tor and scrut|n|ze, the system has equa||y |mpa|red pub||c
accountab|||ty, |nsofar as |t has author|zed |eg|s|ators, who are nat|ona|
off|cers, to |ntervene |n affa|rs of pure|y |oca| nature, desp|te the ex|stence
of capab|e |oca| |nst|tut|ons, |t has ||kew|se subverted genu|ne |oca|
autonomy x x x.

“Ior as |ong as th|s nat|on adheres to the ru|e of |aw, ')- #. */0 $1&*(.'2(#1+
1)3#)+*(*1*(#)'& $0*/#4+ ')4 $03/')(+$+ */0 "#12* /'+ /020() %#()*04 #1*
+/#1&4 )0502 '6'() 70 '4#%*04 () ')- +-+*0$ #. 6#502)')308 7- ')- )'$0 #2
.#2$8 7- ')- +0$7&')30 #2 +($(&'2(*-8 7- ')- ().&10)30 #2 0..03*,
ulsconcerLlng as lL ls Lo Lhlnk LhaL a sysLem so consLlLuLlonally unsound has
monumenLally endured, Lhe CourL urges Lhe people and lLs co-sLewards ln
governmenL Lo look forward wlLh Lhe opLlmlsm of change and Lhe awareness
of Lhe pasL. AL a Llme of greaL clvlc unresL and voclferous publlc debaLe, Lhe

1he ueclslon, page 33.

CourL fervenLly hopes LhaL lLs ueclslon Loday, whlle lL may noL purge all Lhe
wrongs of socleLy nor brlng back whaL has been losL, guldes Lhls naLlon Lo Lhe
paLh forged by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon so LhaL no one may hereLofore deLracL from
its cause nor stray from its course. After all, this is the Court‘s bounden duty
and no oLher’s.

“WHEREFORE, the petitions are PARTLY GRANTED. In view of the
consLlLuLlonal vlolaLlons dlscussed ln Lhls ueclslon, the Court hereby dec|ares
as UNCCNS1I1U1ICNAL: (a) the ent|re 2013 ÞDAI Art|c|e, (b) a|| |ega|
prov|s|ons of past and present Congress|ona| Þork 8arre| Laws, such as the
prev|ous ÞDAI and CDI Art|c|es and the var|ous Congress|ona| Insert|ons,
wh|ch author|ze]d |eg|s|ators—whether |nd|v|dua||y or co||ect|ve|y
organ|zed |nto comm|ttees—to |ntervene, assume or part|c|pate |n any of
the var|ous post-enactment stages of the budget execut|on, such as but not
||m|ted to the areas of pro[ect |dent|f|cat|on, mod|f|cat|on and rev|s|on of
pro[ect |dent|f|cat|on, fund re|ease and]or fund rea||gnment, unre|ated to
the power of congress|ona| overs|ght, (c) a|| |ega| prov|s|ons of past and
present Congress|ona| Þork 8arre| Laws, such as the prev|ous ÞDAI and CDI
Art|c|es and the var|ous Congress|ona| Insert|ons, wh|ch confer]red
persona|, |ump-sum a||ocat|ons to |eg|s|ators from wh|ch they are ab|e to
fund spec|f|c pro[ects wh|ch they themse|ves determ|ne, (d) '&& ().#2$'&
%2'3*(30+ #. +($(&'2 ($%#2* ')4 0..03*8 9/(3/ */0 "#12* +($(&'2&- 400$+ *# 70
'3*+ #. 62'50 '71+0 #. 4(+320*(#) '$#1)*()6 *# &'3: #2 0;30++ #. <12(+4(3*(#) x
x x.”

14. ln sum, the SC out|awed the ÞDAI or “congressional pork barrel”
because |t v|o|ates separat|on of powers, non-de|egab|||ty of |eg|s|at|ve
power, and the President’s power to veto items in an appropriations law;
|mpa|rs pub||c accountab|||ty, and subverts genu|ne |oca| autonomy. 1hese
prlnclples for democraLlc governmenL and LransparenL managemenL of Lhe
people’s money are diluted if not altogether defeated however way pork is
cooked and served to lawmakers, “whether through formal measures written
lnLo Lhe law or lnformal practices institutionalized in government agencies.”

13. 1he ueclslon also recognlzes LhaL congresslonal pork perpeLuaLes
pollLlcal paLronage, clLlng recenL and noL-so-recenL hlsLory—“Cver Lhe
decades, ‘pork’ funds in the Philippines have increased tremendously, owlng ln
no small part to previous Presidents who reportedly used the ‘Pork Barrel’ in
order Lo galn congresslonal supporL.”
Adds !usLlce ArLuro 8rlon on hls
separaLe concurrlng oplnlon:

“A |ump sum appropr|at|on ||ke the ÞDAI cannot and shou|d not pass
Congress un|ess the Lxecut|ve and the Leg|s|at|ve branches co||ude, ln whlch
case, Lhe Lurn of Lhls CourL Lo be an acLlve consLlLuLlonal player ln Lhe budgeL

1he ueclslon. Lmphases supplled.
1he ueclslon, page 43.
1he ueclslon, pages 17-18. ClLaLlons omlLLed and emphases supplled.

process comes lnLo play. 1he ÞDAI, as exp|a|ned |n the Cp|n|ons of Iust|ce[s]
Carp|o and 8ernabe, |s a pr|me examp|e of a |ump sum appropr|at|on that,
over the years, for reasons benef|c|a| to both branches of government, have
successfu||y negot|ated the congress|ona| |eg|s|at|ve process, to the
detr|ment of the genera| pub||c.

x x x

“[C]urrenL pracLlces [prove] LhaL Congress has glven hlm [Lhe ÞresldenL] hls
own pork barrel—generally, lump sum funds LhaL he can uLlllze aL hls
dlscreLlon wlLhouL passlng Lhrough Lhe congresslonal mlll and wlLhouL
meanlngful congresslonal scruLlny. As l have sLaLed, th|s |s a const|tut|ona||y
anoma|ous pract|ce that requ|res Court |ntervent|on as the budgetary
partners w||| a||ow matters to rema|n as they are un|ess externa||y
restra|ned by |ega||y b|nd|ng act|ons.

“Congress, for its part, is given significant authority to decide on the projects
and acLlvlLles LhaL wlll Lake place, and Lo allocaLe funds for Lhese naLlonal
underLaklngs. lL has noL aL all complalned abouL Lhe loss of lLs budgeLlng
prerogaLlves Lo Lhe ÞresldenL, |t appeared to have surrendered these
w|thout res|stance as |t has been g|ven |ts share |n budget |mp|ementat|on
as the current ÞDAI f|nd|ngs show. 1hus, what confronts the Court |s a
situation where two partners happily scratch each other’s back |n the pork
barre| system, a|though the Const|tut|on proh|b|ts, or at the very |east,
||m|ts the pract|ce.”

16. 1wo days afLer Lhe ueclslon was handed down, Lhe Aqulno
admlnlsLraLlon Lhrough ÞresldenLlal CommunlcaLlons CperaLlons Cfflce
SecreLary Permlnlo “Sonny” Coloma Jr. said that the administration “will
comply wlLh Lhe declslon of Lhe Supreme CourL (SC) declarlng Lhe ÞrlorlLy
Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) unconstitutional.”

17. A monLh afLer Lhe declslon was handed down, Lhe Aqulno
admlnlsLraLlon enacLed Lhe P"0"2'# :442.42%'5%.0* :&5 1.2 BD/Q (2014 CAA).

His administration branded it a “pork-less budget,” because the PDAF item was
deleLed. 1he admlnlsLraLlon explalned LhaL sum of Lhe amounLs from Lhe
Þ24.23-billion item were “realigned,” at the lnsLance of leglslaLors, Lo oLher
lLems ln several agencles.

18. Of these “realignments,” a total of P20,761,644,000 are allotted
for new programs of Lhe ueparLmenLs of PealLh (uCP), Labor and LmploymenL
(uCLL), and Soclal Welfare and uevelopmenL (uSWu), and Þubllc Works and

Justice Brion’s separate opinion to the Decision, pages 9 and 11. Lmphases on Lhe orlglnal.
:;9%0. $.)"203"05 5. &.34#8 N%5- 5-" 6"&%*%.0 .1 5-" R942"3" S.925 6"&#'2%0$ 5-" 72%.2%58 >")"#.43"05
:**%*5'0&" ?906 90&.0*5%595%.0'# posLed ln hLLp://www.pcoo.gov.ph/archlves2013/nov21.hLm LasL accessed
on 10 AugusL 2014.
8epubllc AcL 10633

Plghways (uÞWP), Lhe Commlsslon on Plgher LducaLlon (CPLu), and Lhe
1echnlcal LducaLlon and Skllls uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (1LSuA). 1hese
amounts are the “House pork,” to wit:

(|n ‘000
DCn AsslsLance Lo lndlgenL ÞaLlenLs
- “for hospitalization and the grant of assistance to
indigent and poor patients” (Special Provision [SP]


DCLL CovernmenL lnLernshlp Þrogram (ClÞ) and 1ulong
Þanghanapbuhay sa ALlng ulsadvanLaged Workers
“TUPAD” Project
- “for the payment of stipend of beneficiaries
equlvalenL Lo sevenLy flve percenL (73°) of Lhe
existing minimum wage in the area”
- “for the payment of wages of displaced workers
resulLlng from weaLher and regulaLory shocks and
lnLernal confllcL durlng Lhelr shorL-Lerm
employment under the TUPAD Project” (SP 8)


1LSDA Speclal 1ralnlng for LmploymenL Þrogram
- “for the conduct of community-based speclalLy
training for employment” (SP 4)

DSWD Crlsls lnLervenLlon Þrogram
- “to provide financial assistance to individuals and
families in crisis situations” (SP 4)

DÞWn 8eglonal and Local lnfrasLrucLure Þrogram
- “for the construction and rehabilitation of the
followlng local lnfrasLrucLures:
a.) Local 8oads and 8rldges,
b.) Classrooms and Academlc 8ulldlngs,
c.) MulLl-Þurpose 8ulldlngs, and
d.) Levels 2 and 3 Water Supply Systems” (SP 8)


CnLD Scholarshlp Þrogram
- “for the grant of scholarship assistance to
deservlng students” (SP 3)

1C1AL nCUSL ÞCkk 20,761,644

19. 1he SÞs coverlng Lhe programs funded by Pouse pork have Lhe
same provlsos osLenslbly lnLended Lo prevenL a repeaL of Lhe napoles scam,
lncludlng a condlLlon LhaL Lhe beneflclary shall flrsL comply wlLh requlremenLs

2014 CAA, page 407.
F=%6@ page 438.
F=%6@ page 477.
F=%6@ page 333.
F=%6@ page 308.
F=%6@ pages 649-630.

of Lhe agency and Lhe school or hosplLal, an auLhorlLy for Lhe agency Lo use up
Lo 1° of Lhe fund for admlnlsLraLlve cosLs, an auLhorlLy for Lhe agency Lo
engage a Lhlrd parLy agency or organization to monitor the program’s
lmplemenLaLlon, a ban on delegaLlon or Lransfer of funds Lo CSCs, and a
condlLlon that the program’s implementation shall be subject to guidelines to
be lssued by Lhe agency.

20. 1hese programs were noL among Lhose ln Lhe proposed budgeL of
Lhe ÞresldenL for 2014.
nelLher were Lhey dellberaLed upon by Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves as parL of Lhe P"0"2'# :442.42%'5%.0* !%## 1.2 ?%*&'# T"'2
Budget Secretary Florencio Abad, Jr. also admitted that “the funds are
noL part of their regular programs.”
1hese SÞs were added only afLer Lhe
Ceneral ApproprlaLlons 8lll wenL pasL Lhe Lower Pouse and Lhe promulgaLlon
of !"#$%&', when lL became glarlng LhaL reLenLlon of ÞuAl wlll be noL only be
unpopular buL lllegal.

21. SenaLors, for their part, “realigned” their “Senate pork,”
amounLlng Lo a LoLal of Þ1,794,300,000 Lo Lhe followlng Speclal Þurpose lunds
and llne agencles:

(|n m||||on pesos)
A. CayeLano CalamlLy lund 200.00
Þ. CayeLano CalamlLy lund 200.00
SanLlago CalamlLy lund 200.00
L[erclLo CalamlLy lund 200.00
8ecLo CalamlLy lund 200.00
LsLrada Local CovernmenL SupporL lund:
Lla-lo, Cagayan
LCSl: Caloocan
LCSl: Manlla

Lapld uÞWP
8evllla uÞWP
uÞ SysLem
1rlllanes ÞnÞ
Þhlllpplne Army
Þhlllpplne navy

Cr Lhe 2014 I'5%.0'# LU4"06%592" 72.$2'3+
Pouse 8lll 2630.
‘Pork’ still working for lawmakers, Abad: What’s wrong with political patronage? by Salaverrla, Lella 8.,
Þhlllpplne ually lnqulrer, 6 March 2014 (hLLp://newslnfo.lnqulrer.neL/382716/pork-sLlll-worklng-for-
lawmakers. LasL accessed on 10 AugusL 2014.)

uCP 102.43

22. Lxplalnlng Lhe reallgnmenLs, Abad Lold Lhe SenaLe CommlLLee on
llnance LhaL Lhe reallgned funds are for scholarshlps under sLaLe unlverslLles
and Lhe Commlsslon on Plgher LducaLlon (20°), employmenL under uCLL and
TESDA (10%); medical assistance under the DOH (15%); “assistance to persons
in crisis” under the DSWD (20%), and local lnfrasLrucLure pro[ecLs under Lhe
uÞWP (34°). Pe also sLaLed for Lhe record LhaL Þ24.3 mllllon was allocaLed
per congressman per district albeit “for specific projects only.”

23. lL should be noLed LhaL Lhe approprlaLlons for uCP, less Lhe
“realignments” at the instance of the three senators, amount to nearly Þ10.3
mllllon for each of Lhe 289 Members of Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves.

ApproprlaLlons for uCLL and 1LSuA amounL Lo nearly Þ3.3 mllllon for each
Pouse Member, for uSWu, Þ14 mllllon, and CPLu, also Þ14 mllllon.

24. 1he sald amounLs are corroboraLed by a form
clrculaLed among
Pouse Members, afLer approval of Lhe 2014 budgeL.

23. ÞursuanL Lo Lhe sald Speclal Þrovlslons, Lhe uSWu lssued ln
lebruary 2014 Memorandum Clrcular no. 2,
Lhe lmplemenLlng guldellnes for
Lhe Crlsls lnLervenLlon Þrogram.
Wlsely, lL does noL menLlon
“congressman/woman” and “senator,” nor indicate that he or she could have
a say ln plnpolnLlng Lhe beneflclarles of Lhe flnanclal, medlcal LransporLaLlon,
or burlal asslsLance or any of Lhe servlces under Lhe program. unwlsely, Lhe
memo was rouLed Lo Lhe offlces of all congressmen/women by uSWu
employees, who pracLlcally [usL Lendered Lo congresslonal sLaff Lhe memo
conLalned ln an unmarked brown envelope.

26. Cfflclals of Lhe sald agencles, lncludlng Lhelr SecreLarles, also held
several meeLlngs wlLh leglslaLors Lo orlenL Lhe laLLer on how Lo access Lhe
funds ln Lhese programs. Cne such meeLlng was conducLed on 20 May 2014,
aL Lhe Andaya Pall, SouLh Wlng 8ulldlng of Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves, by
ur. !aneLLe Carln, undersecreLary for Lhe Women, Chlldren, and lamlly ClusLer
of Lhe uCP.

:='6K 7>:? 2"'#%$0"6 %0 BD/Q =96$"5@ Corpuz, nlna, A8S-C8n news, 23 CcLober 2013 (hLLp://www.abs-
cbnnews.com/naLlon/10/23/13/abad-pdaf-reallgned-2014-budgeL. LasL accessed on 10 AugusL 2014.)
AL Lhe Llme Lhe 2014 CAA was passed.
Annex A.
Annex 8.
lound ln Lhe 2014 CAA as parL of Lhe addlLlonal Þ4,090,769,000 glven Lo uSWu (amounL represenLs Lhe
dlfference beLween Lhe 2014 CA8 approved by Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves and Lhe 2014 CA8 approved by
Lhe blcameral conference commlLLee).
AffldavlL of Ms. Andrea karla Curay, admlnlsLraLlve sLaff of AC1 1eachers ÞarLy-LlsL 8ep. AnLonlo 1lnlo.
Annex C.

27. undersecreLary Carln conducLed Lhe meeLlng upon a leLLer of
invitation to House Members “to discuss the Medical Assistance Program.”
was aLLended by a number of Pouse Members and congresslonal sLaff.

28. 1he Medlcal AsslsLance Þrogram ls Lhe program deslgned by uCP
Lo lmplemenL Lhe abovemenLloned Speclal Þrovlslon 8 of Lhe uCP budgeL ln
Lhe 2014 CAA, wlLh approprlaLed funds amounLlng Lo over Þ3.1 bllllon.

29. undersecreLary Carln made a presenLaLlon on Lhe guldellnes Lhen
recenLly slgned by SecreLary Lnrlque Cna for Lhe Medlcal AsslsLance
uslng a sllde presenLaLlon,
Lhen enLerLalned quesLlons from Lhe
audlence. An audlo recordlng of Lhe meeLlng and a parLlal LranscrlpL are
aLLached Lo Lhls ComplalnL.

30. 1he followlng are several Lhlngs of noLe ln Lhe brleflng:

a. undersecreLary Carln ls Lhere as represenLaLlve of Lhe uCP. She
also said that “this whole program [MAÞ] was transferred to my office.”

b. 1he uCP drafLed Lhe guldellnes for Lhe MAÞ ln consulLaLlon wlLh
Lhe Pouse Members, amendlng Lhem Lhree Llmes. 1here was a loL of
confuslon among Lhe Members caused by “lapses” on the part of DOH,
because “the guidelines that was g|ven to you was |n contrary to the
|n|t|a| gu|de||nes that I presented to the Speaker and the off|cers of the

c. 1he uCP recognlzes LhaL Lhe funds earmarked for Lhe Medlcal
Assistance Program are not DOH’s funds but the House Members’,

wlLh repeaLed references Lo Lhe asslsLance fund for lndlgenLs belng Lhe
“congressional fund” and “your funds,”
and Lhe guaranLee leLLer as
“Lulong nl Congressman, Lulong po ng oplslna.”

d. 1he uCP acknowledges Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe Pouse Member Lo
ldenLlfy lndlgenL paLlenLs
and Lo deLermlne wheLher persons wlll

LeLLer of lnvlLaLlon from Lhe Cfflce of Lhe undersecreLary Lo 8ep. AnLonlo L. 1lnlo (Annex u).
Annex L, dlsLrlbuLed durlng Lhe brleflng.
Annex l
Annexes C and P, respecLlvely. 1he recordlng ls auLhenLlcaLed by Mr. 8omel Culslnga (Annex l).
uSLC CA8ln: “So, the dec|s|on of the Department |s to do away w|th a|| wa|k-|n pat|ents because |n the
f|rst p|ace |t was made c|ear to us that */0+0 .1)4+ '20 )#* =>? .1)4+ 71* '20 '3*1'&&- .1)4+ #. "#)620++$0)
who are there to assist their constituents.”
On one occasion, Undersecretary Garin said, “For the DOH-reLalned faclllLles, mall naman po Lalaga, lalo na
‘pag sinasabi nila na ‘Uy, sorry po, wala po ditong pondo yung Congressman niyo’. Hindi po talaga dapat
sabihin ‘yun.”
uSLC CA8ln: “If in case nagpadala kayo ng pasyente, pagka-padala niyo ng pasyente, sinabi na ‘Wala po
ditong pondo yung opisina niyo,’ which usually happens. This is something that we admit should not
happen but unfortunately the process of requesting the funds and downloading it takes a lot of time.”

quallfy as such.
undersecreLary Carln menLloned LhaL Lhe uCP ln
cerLaln lnsLances can lssue a guaranLee leLLer (CL) for a person asklng for
medlcal asslsLance wlLh [usL one phone call from Lhe Pouse Member.

She also assured Lhe audlence LhaL Lhelr referred paLlenLs are
guaranLeed of asslsLance—“We wlll noL leL Lhe paLlenL walL. We wlll noL
leL your offlce walL.”—and that the GLs will be “good as cash…<93='$'
4'2'0$ SM gift check.”

e. 1he slgned guldellnes dld away wlLh documenLary requlremenLs
of proving one’s qualification for the assistance.

f. The DOH has assigned “focal persons” to be on call for the
processlng of guaranLee leLLers from Pouse Members, plannlng Lo lnsLall
aL leasL Lhree personnel so LhaL Lhere ls someone Lo asslsL referred
patients “24/7.” A llsL of focal persons per hosplLal was also dlsLrlbuLed
by elecLronlc mall Lhe day afLer Lhe brleflng.
undersecreLary Carln also
sald Lhey have Lralned enough sLaff, and wlll add more ln Lhe fuLure, Lo
accommodaLe Lhe requesLs of all Pouse Members.

g. 1here are Lhree procedures for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe MAÞ.

l. lor uCP-reLalned hosplLals wlLh downloaded funds:

uSLC CA8ln: “Okay, so the qualifications will be a recommendation from the MAP officials, and who are
the MAP officials? Kayo ‘yan, these are the Congressman or your des|gnated personne|.”
uSLC CA8ln: “So, the proposal that we have in this case [when the funds have not yet downloaded to the
House Member’s chosen hospital] kung saka-sakallng pagdaLlng [ng pasyenLe], wala dlyaan, walang pondo
yung offlce or whaLever, we have a d|rectory that w||| be g|ven to you and that w||| be e-ma||ed to a|| your
off|ces. In that d|rectory, there are two persons |n-charge of a|| hosp|ta|s, so mak|k|ta n|nyo dun sa
d|rectory, and|d|to yung mga panga|an ng mga hosp|ta|s and then kung s|no yung contact person na
tatawagan n|nyo. So, for any prob|em, you |mmed|ate|y ca||, text or e-ma|| the persons |n-charge of that
hosp|ta| and automat|ca||y they w||| |ssue a guarantee |etter d|rect to your off|ce and d|rect to the hosp|ta|.”
uSLC CA8ln: “Now, on the implementing mechanism, we also learned that because it was going together
wlLh ÞAu or Lhe Þubllc AsslsLance unlL of Lhe ueparLmenL of PealLh, nagkaroon ng maramlng requlremenLs so
on Lhe provlslon of Medlcal AsslsLance there were requ|rements as to the or|g|na| comp|ete prescr|pt|on for
medicines and medical supplies, the original laboratory request, the original physician’s order request form
and the statement of account, all of Lhls, so for your prevlous guldellnes under Sect|on 4 (8) that who|e
paragraph has been de|eted so we, the new guidelines that you have now, it’s totally deleted.”
Electronic mail from the Public Assistance Unit to the Office of Rep. Tinio with the subject “final directory”
senL on May 21, 2014 (screenshoL, Annex !). 1he e-mall conLalned a copy of Lhe sllde presenLaLlon and Lhe llsL
of focal persons as aLLachmenLs.
8LÞ. S?-ALvA8AuC: “Yun po bang ating available personnel in your office ho can accommodate all
congressmen’s concerns with regards to the sendlng of guaranLee leLLers kasl po kaLulad lamang pos a aklng
dlsLrlLo po ay napakaraml po na nablblgyan namln daLl ng guaranLee leLLer e kung mlnsan po anlmnapu,
mlnsan po lsandaang pasyenLe x x x L kung kamlng lahaL e halos Lhree hundred congressman kaml, can Lhey all
accommodate all of us po for that particular thing?”
uSLC CA8ln: “[W]hen this program came in and initially we thought it will be assigned to my office, we
tra|ned peop|e x x x AcLually nl-reLrleve namln yung lahaL na Lrlnaln, we sLarLed calllng Lhem, we had a
meeLlng lasL week, dlnagdagan ng Lao, so makakayanan po nlla. And ahm, lf Lhere wlll be a boLLleneck aL
some polnL of Llme, nagdadagdag po kam| nang nagdadagdag ng tao. 8ut for now, peop|e who were
facilitating before that’s a total of 6 or 7 peop|e ahm, now they are 14 and 21. So yun po s|tuat|on po. Ior
sure they can accommodate everybody.”

- 1he hosplLals provldes Lhe medlcal asslsLance upon requesL
made dlrecLly by Lhe Pouse Member Lo Lhe hosplLal
ll. lor uCP-reLalned hosplLals wlLhouL downloaded funds:
- 8equesLs are made Lo Lhe MAÞ unlL, whlch lssues a
guaranLee leLLer Lo Lhe paLlenL. 1he CL ls presenLed Lo Lhe
hosplLal cashler, whlch Lhen provldes asslsLance on behalf of Lhe
hosplLal. A blll ls senL Lo Lhe MAÞ unlL for verlflcaLlon and
lll. lor non-uCP governmenL healLh faclllLles:
- Same for uCP-reLalned hosplLals wlLhouL downloaded

h. names of uCP offlclals are deleLed ln Lhe CL ln recognlLlon of Lhe
“political points.”
1he slgnaLory ln Lhe old CL, AsslsLanL SecreLary
!lmmy Laga[ld, was removed so LhaL Lhere wlll be no doubL ln Lhe mlnds
of beneficiaries as to “who facilitated the funds,”
l.e., Lhe Pouse

l. 1he uCP has now banned from recelvlng Lhe asslsLance walk-ln
paLlenLs who go sLralghL Lo hosplLals wlLhouL golng Lo a congressman or
congresswoman’s district office flrsL.

[. 1he undersecreLary also menLloned LhaL any excess from Lhe CLs
can be used for “take-home” medicines.

uSLC CA8ln: “We also undersLand na yung guaranLee leLLer na unang nlrelease, medyo yung formaL, l
mean it’s good, it’s okay. unforLunaLely, the format creates a lot of questions kasi nga parang it’s, it’s an
lndlgency program of Lhe uCP. Nawawa|an ngayon ng, |et`s adm|t |t, the po||t|ca| po|nts |n, |n the case of
the off|ce request|ng |t kas| ang nakap|rma dun |s Asec. Laga[|d and lL was placed Lhere na hlndl pwedeng l-
honor pag SaLurday and Sunday. Andudun din yung nakalagay na it’s charged in the office of the Secretary.
So a|| of these were de|eted. We wlll be glvlng you Lhe new formaL of Lhe guaranLee leLLer.”
uSLC CA8ln: “Tinanggal na rin namin yung pumipirma, si ASec Jimmy Lagaji. ASec Jimmy is, kaya siya
nandlyadlyan before, kasl slya yung head ng ÞAu Cfflce and he ls Lhe PLA of SecreLary Cna. We a|so adm|t na
h|nd| nga maganda t|ngnan na meron |b|b|gay kayo tapos makikita ng pasyente na ‘ASec Lagajid’ kasi
nawawa|an ngayon ng po|nts na totoo naman na kayo ang nag-fac|||tate ng pondo.”
uSLC CA8ln: “Ito palang dalawang forms [from the PAU] because it’s a PAU or a Public Assistance Unit
Cfflce, yung |sang form na p|napada|a sa |nyo parang yung mga wa|k-|n pat|ent na gustong magpatu|ong.
1he ÞAu offlce wrlLes a recommendaLlon and sends lL Lo your offlce. So medyo hlndl maganda kasl parang ang
feellng Luloy ng pasyenLe nagpunLa slya sa uCP, ngayon lLuLulak namln sa office ninyo. ‘Pag hindi agad na-
enLerLaln ng offlce nlnyo, maraml pang sallLa. So the dec|s|on of the department |s to do away w|th a|| wa|k-
|n pat|ents because ln Lhe flrsL place lL was made clear Lo us LhaL Lhese funds are noL uCP funds buL are
acLually funds of Congressmen who are Lhere Lo asslsL Lhelr consLlLuenLs. So Lhe referral leLLer lf ever you
recelve one comlng from uCP, don’t mind that but we already gave instruction. I mean I persona||y gave
|nstruct|ons |ast week to do away w|th a|| of those. kas| h|nd| p|-puwedeng yung mga kapag may |uma|ap|t
dun |re-refer nam|n sa |nyo. ¥ou know best and you know better s|no ang nanganag||angan ng tu|ong sa
d|str|to n|nyo. lsa pa, hlndl rln Lalaga namln alam kung consLlLuenL nlnyo because Lhey can always say they’re
from this district, they’re from this area tapos hindi naman.”
uSLC CA8ln: “Now, meron ding mga tanong yung billing amount daw, hindi nagko-colnclde sa requesLed
amounL sa guaranLee leLLer. We already gave lnsLrucLlons for Lhe hosplLals, kung kunwar| ang p|nab|gay
ninyong tulong is four thousand or let’s say five thousand. Yung billing niya kasi nabawasan pa pala ng
Philhealth or whatever naging let’s say three thousand five hundred na lang para hlndl na Lumagal, pakuha
n|nyo na |ang ng take-home meds n|ya. kasl meron namang mga gamoL dln na lnuuwl sa bahay so pakuha na
lang dun. Idadagdag na lang nila sa bill yun. The hospital wouldn’t mind as long as the amount stipulated in

k. Slnce Lhe 2014 CAA sLaLes LhaL Lhe funds are for medlcal
asslsLance only, medlcal mlsslons are noL allowed. 1he undersecreLary
Lhen suggesLed ways of golng around Lhe prohlblLlon. She also
suggesLed for Congress Lo lnclude medlcal mlsslons ln Lhe enabllng SÞ
for Lhe uCP funds ln Lhe 2013 budgeL.

l. 1haL lssuances and lnsLrucLlons are released Lo offlces and
hosplLals of uCP Lo lmplemenL Lhe MAÞ ln accordance Lo Lhe above.

31. uurlng Lhe open forum, mechanlsms used by Lhe uSWu for lLs
Pouse pork were revealed by a Pouse Member who sald LhaL he “was able to
Lalk Lo SecreLary ulnky [Corazon Sollman].” Accordlng Lo hlm, DSWD’s
asslsLance fund ls ldenLlfled by Lhe local governmenL unlL chosen by Lhe

“@)6 )'%'6:'+1)41') 4##) )'$() regardlng 890$ slLuaLlons llke us 0'
3'#'8. <'3% *' reglonal offlce, 3'#'8. <'3% *' 3$' reglonal hosplLals or
naLlonal agencles " %6'Adownload 4. 0%#'@ $02#) )' %# +(&')6 6()'9')6 MCA
from the Centra| Cff|ce %(%(2$' -1)6 reg|ona| d|rector ng DSWD '* (4'A
down|oad %# -1)6 %#)4#8 let’s say 12 million. B'7( )( Secretary, ‘Cong, :'/(*
:'&'/'*( &')6 $1)' :'+( $'+-'4#)6 $'&':(,’ B# -1)6 :'&'/'*( %# (4'A
down|oad &')6 +' |oca| government )' 61+*# $# )' $'6A||mp|ement )6
%2#62'$' )6 DSWD '* -1)6 %2#5()3('& 6#502)$0)* )' -1)8 |t w||| be s|gned
by the governor and the reg|ona| d|rector of the Department. T90$ 4.06.
0' 890@ '0$ 2"*4.0*%=#" 0' 4. '8 890$ LGU.”

32. Cn 13 lebruary 2014, Lhe Þhlllpplne lnformaLlon Agency (ÞlA)
8eglon xll lssued a press release entitled “DOLE 12, solons partner for
employment, government internship projects.” lL sLaLes LhaL, LogeLher wlLh
Lhe ueparLmenL of Labor and LmploymenL-8eglon xll, Lhe elghL congresslonal
represenLaLlves of 8eglon xlll are “seLLlng up plans for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of
programs and acLlvlLles for funds coursed Lhrough Lhe agency.”

33. uCLL 8eglonal ulrecLor Cfella uomlngo conflrmed Lhe Þ3.3-
mllllon alloLmenL per congresslonal dlsLrlcL for beneflclarles Lo be ldenLlfled by
Lhe congressmen under Lhe 1ulong Þanghanapbuhay sa ALlng ulsadvanLaged
Workers or Lhe 1uÞAu program and Lhe CovernmenL lnLernshlp Þrogram.

Lhe guaranLee leLLer wlll be Lhe amounL wlll be Lhe amounL LhaL Lhe hosplLal wlll honor. lf Lhe blll ls llke flve
Lhousand and Lhe guaranLee leLLer ls four Lhousand flve hundred Lhen Lhey have Lo pay for Lhe 300 kasl medyo
mahlrap sllang l-ano...”
uSLC. CA8ln: “Ay just last…last concern pala. Ang daming tumatawag Lungkol sa procuremenL of
medlclnes. Whlle we would llke Lo supporL LhaL, our dllemma ls LhaL our hands are Lled because ln Lhe funds
LhaL were approved, naka-speclfy kasl slya na hosplLal asslsLance. May we [ust request na kung pu-pwede for
the next year, spec|f|ed dun na puwede yung procurement of med|c|nes for med|ca| m|ss|ons because as of
now, D8M does not a||ow us…So yun naman yung medyo dilemma namin but then |f you have med|ca|
m|ss|ons, these are ||ke out-pat|ent, you can group them together ||ke oh you can have a d|abetes c||n|c or
you can have a hypertens|ve c||n|c and then the |aborator|es and the med|c|nes that they w||| be us|ng can
be charged to the hosp|ta|. So, pu-pwede po ‘yung ganun.”

Domingo also cited that she met with the solons in early January “to inform
Lhe laLLer of Lhe avallablllLy of Lhe sald budgeL and seL Lhe lnlLlal sLeps for Lhe
required work plan.”

34. lL wlll be recalled LhaL 1uÞAu and ClÞ have been provlded wlLh
approprlaLlons amounLlng Lo Þ1.02 bllllon as per Speclal Þrovlslon 8 of Lhe
uCLL budgeL ln Lhe 2014 CAA. 1he abovemenLloned allocaLlon of Þ3.3 mllllon
per congresslonal dlsLrlcL are Lo be funded from Lhls approprlaLlon.

33. A copy of Lhls arLlcle as lL appeared ln Lhe webslLe of Lhe ÞlA
8eglon xll ls aLLached Lo Lhls ComplalnL as Annex k.

36. CLher reporLs from Lhe uCLL 8eglons x
and v
also conflrm Lhe
Þ3.3-mllllon allocaLlon per dlsLrlcL reflecLed ln Lhe form clrculaLed afLer Lhe
approval of Lhe 2014 CAA. 1hese reporLs from offlclal sources lndlcaLe LhaL
Lhe uCLL 8eglonal Cfflces recognlze Lhe enLlLlemenL of dlsLrlcL represenLaLlves
Lo plnpolnL beneflclarles for Lhe ClÞ and 1uÞAu Þrogram. 1he press release
for uCLL x approved for release by 8eglonal ulrecLor ALLy. Alan M. Macaraya
said that “lnLeresLed appllcanLs are advlsed Lo vlslL Lhelr respecLlve
Congressional Districts Offices.”

37. Cn 22 Aprll 2014, llsLs of focal persons for uCP, uCLL, and CPLu
were provlded by Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Speaker Lo Pouse Members.
1he llsLs
conLaln Lhe names and conLacL numbers of (1) asslgned sLaff ln each of Lhe 136
covered hosplLals for Lhe MPCAÞ, (2) focal persons for Lhe ClÞ and 1uÞAu
programs of uCLL, and (3) CPLu reglonal dlrecLors for lLs scholarshlp

38. Cn 4 AugusL 2014, Lhe Pouse CommlLLee on ApproprlaLlons
conducted a hearing on the CHED’s implementation of their scholarship
programs as mandaLed ln Speclal Þrovlslon 3 of Lhe CPLu budgeL ln Lhe 2014
CAA, wlLh approprlaLlons amounLlng Lo Þ4.1 bllllon. Accordlng Lo Chalrperson
lsldro ungab, Lhe hearlng ls “an oversight committee hearing x x x We can acL
as an overslghL body especlally for x x x public funds.”

39. 1he meeLlng was noL announced ln general as ls usually done
followlng Lhe 8ules of Lhe Pouse. nelLher were Lhe regular and ex-offlclo
members of Lhe CommlLLee on ApproprlaLlons glven noLlce LhaL lL wlll be held

1aken from hLLp://r12.pla.gov.ph/lndex.php?arLlcle=1611392260408. LasL accessed on 10 AugusL 2014.
A copy of Lhls arLlcle ls aLLached Lo Lhls complalnL as Annex L. 1aken from
LasL accessed on 10 AugusL 2014.
A copy of Lhls arLlcle ls aLLached Lo Lhls complalnL as Annex M. hLLp://www.blcolmall.com/2012/?p=13798.
LasL accessed on 10 AugusL 2014.
AffldavlL of Ms. Curay, noLe 31.
Annex A of Lhe affldavlL of Ms. Curay.

on LhaL day and lLs agenda. 8ep. 1lnlo was lnformed of Lhe same only by
chance, when he heard a fellow congressman menLlon lL aL a hearlng of
anoLher commlLLee, and was Lhus able Lo aLLend lL.

40. A member of Tinio’s staff also attended the hearing and made an
audlo recordlng of a porLlon of Lhe proceedlngs.

41. ÞresenL durlng Lhe hearlng were Chalrperson ÞaLrlcla Llcuanan
and ulrecLor lsabel lnlayo from Lhe CPLu, ulrecLor CrlsLy Clasara from Lhe
u8M, and SLaLe AudlLor !ulleLa Lscano and ulrecLor Sofla Cemora from Lhe
Commlsslon on AudlL (CCA), as well as sLaff of Lhese deparLmenLs LogeLher
wlLh Pouse Members and Lhelr sLaff.

42. uurlng Lhe hearlng, some dlsgrunLled leglslaLors presenL made
Chalrperson Llcuanan explaln why Lhelr llsLs of recommended scholars were
noL belng funded by CPLu.

43. lrom Lhe answers of Chalrperson Llcuanan, lL was clear LhaL she
knew LhaL due Lo Lhe ueclslon, leglslaLors are now prohlblLed from Laklng parL
ln the implementation of CHED’s scholarship programs, like they did under the
ÞuAl sysLem.
She explalned LhaL Lhe CCA on uecember 2013 lssued Lhe
agency a negaLlve audlL observaLlon.

44. Chalrperson Llcuanan acknowledged sald LhaL due Lo Lhe Supreme
CourL declslon on ÞuAl, some of Lhe 8eglonal ulrecLors LreaLed Lhe Þ14 mllllon
allocaLlon-per dlsLrlcL as addlLlonal scholarshlps LhaL Lhey could award Lo
quallfled appllcanLs from Lhe general publlc. ÞerLalnlng Lo Lhe earmarked
funds from Lhe reallgned ÞuAl, Chalrperson Licuanan said that “We told them
[Lhe 8eglonal ulrecLors] whaL Lhe resLrlcLlons were. 1hat actua||y, th|s |s not
true, you do not have Þ14 m||||on per d|str|ct )' extra. 1h|s w||| rea||y be for
the congressmen.”

43. Chalrperson Llcuanan also explalned LhaL CPLu publlclzed LhaL
Lhere are avallable scholarshlp sloLs, and Lhus opened Lhe Þ4.1 bllllon-worLh of
scholarshlps Lo all appllcanLs—but assured the |eg|s|ators that CnLD wou|d
g|ve pr|or|ty to the ||st of benef|c|ar|es subm|tted by |awmakers:

Audlo recordlng of Lhe hearlng (Annex n), aLLesLed by affldavlL of ALLy. Maneeka AslsLol Sarza, LeglslaLlve
SLaff of 8ep. AnLonlo L. 1lnlo (Annex C), wlLh a LranscrlpL of Lhe recordlng (Annex Þ).
SLC. LlCuAnAn: “I know I don’t have the refinements of whether it’s oversight or whatever but the
fact |s, my understanding is that, well you used the term earlier, ‘illegal post intervention’. So in other
words, you make the law, you don’t implement it.”
SLC. LlCuAnAn: “We have a previous encounter with the Comm|ss|on on Aud|t. 1hey had a very
serlous aud|t observat|on levelled Lo us, reporL Lo us that essent|a||y, the way we were hand||ng some of the
ÞDAI that came to us as we|| as the congress|ona| scho|arsh|ps we g|ve out was d|fferent from our usua|
scho|arsh|ps wh|ch fo||ow the same set of CnLD gu|de||nes.
“That was even before PDAF became an issue. We said, all right, in which case, we will make sure
LhaL Lhe same guldellnes prevall for all Lhe scholarshlps LhaL we handle, lncludlng Lhe congresslonal ones.

“So LhaL was whaL we were dolng. 8uL Lhe sysLem, l guess, Lake Llme. x x x
That’s [the pub||c announcement of ava||ab|e scho|arsh|p s|ots] our duty.
We had a loL of granLs, we have Lo make Lhls publlc. 8ut |n our ad[ustments
a|ready |nterna||y, we sa|d that pr|or|ty wou|d be g|ven to the
recommended—the &(+*'/') of the congressmen.”
x x x
“Finally, I had to say, “Okay, people, this is the way it has to be. I know this
was supposed to be |||ega|. ='%'* 9'&' )'8 but actua||y, $02#) %'.”

46. 1he SecreLary added, “I am also…accept|ng the po||t|ca| rea||ty
that this is PDAF.”

47. lrom Lhese facLs, Aquino’s impeachable offenses of betrayal of
publlc LrusL and culpable vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon are evldenL.


Aqu|no betrayed the pub||c trust by perpetuat|ng congress|ona| pork through
|nforma| pract|ces |n def|ance of the ru||ng of the Supreme Court, to the
detr|ment of pub||c |nterest

Aqu|no a|so betrayed the pub||c trust by break|ng h|s oath that he w|||
fa|thfu||y and consc|ent|ous|y fu|f|| h|s dut|es as Þres|dent and preserve and
defend the Const|tut|on, execute our |aws, and do [ust|ce to every person

“Betrayal of public trust”

48. Cn 30 !une 2010, Aqulno swore Lo all llllplnos Lhus:

“Ako si Benigno Aquino III. Matimtim kong pinanunumpaan na tutuparin ko
0'0$ =9.0$ <'5'4'5'0 '5 *%$'*%$ '0$ '<%0$ 3$' 590$<9#%0 =%#'0$ 7'0$9#. 0$
7%#%4%0'*@ 4'0$'0$'#'$''0 '5 %4'$5'5'0$$.# '0$ <'08'0$ V.0*5%59*8.0@
%4'59594'6 '0$ 3$' ='5'* 0%5.@ 3'$%$%0$ 3'<'5'290$'0 *' ='N'5 5'.@ '5
%5'5'#'$' '0$ '<%0$ *'2%#% *' 4'$#%#%0$<.6 *' !'0*'+ V'*%-'0 0'N' '<. 0$

49. The SC has defined “betrayal of public trust” as “acts which are
[usL shorL of belng crlmlnal buL consLlLuLe gross falLhlessness agalnsL publlc
LrusL, Lyrannlcal abuse of power, lnexcusable negllgence of duLy, favorlLlsm,
and gross exerclse of dlscretionary powers.”
1hey need noL amounL Lo

Seksyon 3, ArLlkulo vll, Sallgang 8aLas ng 8epubllka ng Þlllplnas.
P.0M'#"* )+ ,11%&" .1 5-" 72"*%6"05, C.8. no. 196231, 4 SepLember 2012

crlmlnal offenses, buL Lhelr commlsslon proves LhaL Lhe publlc offlcer ls unable
Lo comply wlLh hls or her oaLh of offlce and refuses Lo serve Lhe people.

30. According to the SC, the ground is “broad enough to cover any
violation of the oath of office,”
unless the same is attended by “human error
and good faith.”

31. 1he framers of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon gave examples of acLs consLlLuLlng
beLrayal of publlc LrusL, namely, beLrayal of publlc lnLeresL, lnexcusable
negllgence of duLy, Lyrannlcal abuse of power, breach of offlclal duLy by
malfeasance or mlsfeasance, cronylsm, and favorlLlsm, among oLhers. 8y Lhe
manner and degree LhaL Lhey are commlLLed, Lhese acLs pre[udlce publlc
lnLeresL and Lend Lo brlng Lhe offlce lnLo dlsrepuLe.

32. 8y perpeLuaLlng congresslonal pork Lhrough lnformal pracLlces ln
deflance of Lhe rullng of Lhe Supreme CourL, Aqulno vlolaLed hls oaLh of offlce
and beLrayed publlc LrusL Lhrough wllful breach of offlclal duLy by malfeasance.

33. 1hls offense Lo Lhe people ls compounded or made graver by hls
acL of decelvlng Lhe publlc, whom he led lnLo bellevlng LhaL he wlll comply wlLh
Lhe law agalnsL congresslonal pork and ellmlnaLe lL once and for all, whlle
secreLly perpeLuaLlng lL Lhrough lnformal arrangemenLs beLween Congress and
Lhe deparLmenLs under hls command.

34. Pe knowlngly, dellberaLely vlolaLes Lhe ueclslon, whlch has Lhe
force and effecL of a law enacLed by Congress, by auLhorlzlng hls CablneL
secreLarles who head Lhe agencles handllng Lhe funds formerly known as ÞuAl
Lo seL up lnformal pracLlces enabllng Pouse Members Lo lnLervene, assume, or
parLlclpaLe ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of cerLaln programs, lncludlng Lhe exerclse
of dlscreLlon ln Lhe use of agency funds, durlng Lhe budgeL execuLlon sLage.

33. Speclflcally, Lhese programs are:

a. AsslsLance Lo lndlgenL ÞaLlenLs of Lhe uCP,

P.0M'#"* clLlng Lhe Þroceedlngs of Lhe 1986 ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslon:
M8. 8LCALAuC: [1]hls ls wlLh respecL Lo SecLlon 2, on Lhe grounds for lmpeachmenL, and l quoLe:
“…culpable violation of the Constitution, treason, bribery, other high crimes, graft and corruption or
betrayal of public trust.”
!usL for Lhe record, whaL would Lhe CommlLLee envlslon as a beLrayal of Lhe publlc LrusL whlch ls noL
oLherwlse covered by Lhe oLher Lerms anLecedenL LhereLo?
M8. 8CMuLC: l Lhlnk, lf l may speak for Lhe CommlLLee and sub[ecL Lo furLher commenLs of
Commlssloner de los 8eyes [Lhe proponenL of Lhe addlLlon of beLrayal of publlc LrusL as a ground], the
concept |s that th|s |s a catch-a|| phrase. kea||y, |t refers to h|s oath of off|ce, |n the end that the |dea of
a pub||c trust |s connected w|th the oath of off|ce of the off|cer, and |f he v|o|ates that oath of off|ce,
then he has betrayed that trust.
Þroceedlngs of Lhe 1986 ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslon. Commlssloner ue los 8eyes

b. CovernmenL lnLernshlp Þrogram (ClÞ) and 1ulong
Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Disadvantaged Workers “TUPAD”
Þro[ecL of Lhe uCLL,
c. Speclal 1ralnlng for LmploymenL Þrogram of 1LSuA,
d. Crlsls lnLervenLlon Þrogram of Lhe uSWu, and
e. Scholarshlp Þrogram of Lhe CPLu.

36. 8ased on lmplemenLlng guldellnes subsequenLly lssued by Lhe
uCP, Lhe AsslsLance Lo lndlgenL ÞaLlenLs ls belng lmplemenLed as Lhe Medlcal
PealLh Care AsslsLance Þrogram
or, as undersecreLary Carln refers Lo lL, Lhe
Medlcal AsslsLance Þrogram.

37. ln Lhe case of CPLu, lLs scholarshlp program ls essenLlally belng
implemented as the “Speclal SLudy CranL Þrogram for Congresslonal

?(440) 3#)620++(#)'& %#2:

38. 1he prohlblLed lnLervenLlon of Pouse Members ln Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhese programs lnclude Lhe posL-enacLmenL ldenLlflcaLlon
of locallLles, hosplLals, and schools ln Lhe case of uCP, CPLu, and 1LSuA funds,
Lhe asslgnmenL of amounLs LhaL wlll be earmarked for and downloaded Lo
each, and Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon of beneflclarles and Lhe amounL of flnanclal
asslsLance Lo be exLended Lo Lhem.

39. 1hls sysLem is no different from the system of “soft projects” and
Lhelr manner of lmplemenLaLlon under Lhe ouLlawed ÞuAl.

60. Powever, Lhe whole sysLem under Lhe old ÞuAl ls ln black and
whlLe—embodled ln Lhe Speclal Þrovlslons for Lhe ÞuAl lLem ln Lhe CAA,
admlnlsLraLlve lssuances from Lhe u8M and Lhe lmplemenLlng agencles, and
memoranda of agreemenL beLween Pouse Members and lmplemenLlng

61. WlLh Lhe !"#$%&' ueclslon, Lhese wrlLLen or formal pracLlces have
now been prohlblLed. 1he ÞuAl lLem and any reference Lo lL are noL found ln
Lhe 2014 CAA, nelLher can Lhey be seen ln Lhe guldellnes lssued by Lhe slx
menLloned agencles Lo lmplemenL Lhelr respecLlve programs.

noLe 34.
uSLC. CA8ln: “So first and foremost in behalf of the Department of Health, allow me to apologize for all
Lhe chaos and confuslons LhaL Lhe Medlcal AsslsLance Þrogram has created.”
As menLloned by 8eglon x. See noLe 63.

62. Powever, Lhe SC foresaw LhaL lL wlll be posslble Lo perpeLuaLe Lhe
ÞuAl Lhrough lnformal pracLlces, and thus likewise prohibited “all informal
pracLlces of slmllar import and effect”—meanlng, even unwrlLLen pracLlces by
whlch lawmakers are allowed Lo parLlclpaLe ln any manner ln Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhese programs. 1hese pracLlces wlll be dlfflculL Lo
documenL as Lhey leave no paper Lrall expllclLly acknowledglng Lhe enLlLlemenL
of leglslaLors Lo Lhese funds and Lhelr role ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe

63. lnformal pracLlces ln Lhe ÞuAl and ÞuAl-llke schemes necessarlly
requlre Lhe cooperaLlon beLween Lhe deparLmenL and Lhe leglslaLor. lL wlll be
necessary, Lhen, Lo esLabllsh Lhe llnkages beLween Lhem and Lhe proLocols
Lhey use ln Lhe course of Lhls unlawful cooperaLlon.

64. Such llnkages and proLocols are sufflclenLly descrlbed ln (1) Lhe
hearing of the House Committee on Appropriations on the CHED’s
lmplemenLaLlon of lLs scholarshlp programs, (2) Lhe brleflng by undersecreLary
Carln wlLh Pouse Members and Lhelr sLaff, boLh conducLed wlLhln Lhe very
grounds of Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves, and (3) Lhe publlc sLaLemenLs of Lhe
8eglonal ulrecLors of uCLL.

@+ admitted and acknowledged by Aquino’s cabinet
+0320*'2(0+ ')4 #*/02 0;031*(50 #..(3('&+8 */0
3#)620++(#)'& %#2: 7'220& 3#)*()10+ *# 0;(+* 40+%(*0 */0
21&()6 '6'()+* (*

63. Aqulno, afLer Lhe ueclslon announced Lo Lhe publlc, Lhrough hls
communlcaLlons secreLary, LhaL hls admlnlsLraLlon “will comply with the
declslon of Lhe Supreme CourL (SC) declarlng Lhe ÞrlorlLy uevelopmenL
Assistance Fund (PDAF) unconstitutional.” lrom Lhe very words of Lhe
announcemenL, plus (1) Lhe facL LhaL hls admlnlsLraLlon dld noL move for Lhe
reconslderaLlon of Lhe rullng and (2) his earlier announcement that “it is time
to abolish the PDAF,” Aqulno had no purpose oLher Lhan Lo mlslead Lhe publlc
lnLo bellevlng LhaL Lhey have seen Lhe lasL of congresslonal pork barrel.

66. Powever, congresslonal pork ls really noL gone buL has merely
gone lnLo hldlng, wlLh Lhe full knowledge and under Lhe lnsLrucLlons of Aqulno.
1hls ls evldenL from Lhe admlsslons of hls cablneL secreLarles and reglonal
dlrecLors of aL leasL Lhree agencles Lo whlch Lhe Pouse pork was reallgned.

67. laced wlLh Lhe negaLlve CCA observaLlon and Lhe !"#$%&'
ueclslon, Chalrperson Llcuanan admlLLed durlng Lhe ApproprlaLlons
CommlLLee hearlng LhaL CPLu had Lo go Lhrough Lhe moLlons of publlcly
announclng Lhe avallablllLy of scholarshlp sloLs and applylng Lhelr general

guldellnes on scholarshlps, buL Lo her, Lhe enLlLlemenL of lawmakers Lo name
Lhe scholars remaln—“But in our adjustments already internally, we said that
pr|or|ty wou|d be g|ven to the recommended—the &(+*'/') of the
congressmen.” MosL Lelllng are her followlng sLaLemenLs:

a. “I know this [giving priority to lawmakers’ lists of referred
scho|ars] was supposed to be |||ega|. ='%'* 9'&' )'8 but actua||y,
$02#) %'.”

b. “I am also accepting the political reality that this is PDAF.”

68. lor her parL, undersecreLary Carln clearly sLaLed LhaL Lhe Þ3.2
bllllon MAÞ funds for medlcal asslsLance are Lhe funds of lawmakers:

“So the decision of the DeparLmenL ls Lo do away wlLh all walk-ln
paLlenLs because |n the f|rst p|ace |t was made c|ear to us that these
funds are not DCn funds but are actua||y funds of Congressmen who
are Lhere to assist their constituents.”

69. “AddlLlonally, she made lL clear LhaL lL ls Lhe lawmakers who wlll
identify the beneficiaries of medical assistance: “Okay, so the qua||f|cat|ons
w||| be a recommendat|on from the MAÞ off|c|a|s, and who are the MAÞ
off|c|a|s? C'-# -'), these are the Congressman or your des|gnated

70. 1he 8eglonal ulrecLor of uCLL-xll, admlLLed ln her press release
LhaL uCLL-xll ls lmplemenLlng Lhe ClÞ and 1uÞAu programs ln close
coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe elghL congresslonal represenLaLlves of her reglon, even
to the point of inviting the latter to prepare their “work plans” which will be
the “basis for the release of funds.” ln Lhe case of

71. Conslderlng Lhe scope and slgnlflcance of Lhe mechanlsms
descrlbed, Lhe admlsslons of Lhese offlclals from Lhree agencles under
Aquino’s waLch beLray Lhe LxecuLlve Branch’s—Aquino’s—deslgn Lo lnsLlLuLe
sysLems LhaL allows Lhe LreaLmenL of funds under lLs managemenL as Lhe
lawmakers’, to be disbursed per these politicians’ discretion and not the

As admitted and acknowledged by Aquino’s cabinet
+0320*'2(0+ ')4 #*/02 0;031*(50 #..(3('&+8 */0 '60)3(0+
/')4&()6 */0 ?#1+0 %#2: +*(&& +0* '+(40 %02+#)'& &1$%
+1$+ .#2 ?#1+0 D0$702+ 9/(3/ */0- 3') *'% ')4
4(+712+0 '33#24()6 *# */0(2 4(+320*(#)


72. Also admlLLed were Lhe speclflc earmarked amounLs whlch were
Lucked lnto the five agencies after the “realignment” of PDAF. lrom Lhe forum
conducted by Undersecretary Garin, the “closed-door” meeting of the
CommlLLee on ApproprlaLlons wlLh SecreLary Llcuanan, and Lhe press
sLaLemenLs lssued by Lhe Lhree uCLL 8eglons, Lhe amounLs of Pouse pork
handled by uCP, CPLu, and uCLL, are proven Lo be Þ3.19 bllllon, Þ4.1 bllllon,
and Þ1.02 bllllon, respecLlvely. Also admlLLed are Lhe allocaLlons of each
Pouse Member: Þ10.3 mllllon, Þ14 mllllon, and Þ3.3 mllllon, respecLlvely.

73. As shown by Lhe meeLlngs and publlc sLaLemenLs, Lhe
lmplemenLlng agencles conslder Lhese per-dlsLrlcL allocaLlons as personal lump
sums of each leglslaLor—a lawmaker recommends or refers beneflclarles Lo
Lhe agencles, and Lhe laLLer ls bound by such recommendaLlon and referral.

74. Chalrperson Llcuanan admlLLed LhaL she lnformed her 8eglonal
ulrecLors of Lhe resLrlcLlons agalnsL leglslaLors namlng Lhe scholars posL-CAA,
“But actually, this is not true, you do not have P14 million per district )'
extra. 1h|s w||| rea||y be for the congressmen.”

73. “We had a lot of grants, we have to make this public. 8ut |n our
ad[ustments a|ready |nterna||y, we sa|d that pr|or|ty wou|d be g|ven to the
recommended—the &(+*'/') of the congressmen.”

76. undersecreLary Carln also proved Lhls enLlLlemenL granLed Lo Lhe

a. “Okay, so the qua||f|cat|ons w||| be a recommendat|on from the
MAÞ off|c|a|s, and who are the MAP officials? Kayo ‘yan, these are the
Congressman or your des|gnated personne|.”

b. “We have a dlrecLory LhaL wlll be glven Lo you and LhaL wlll be e-
malled Lo all your offlces. ln LhaL dlrecLory, Lhere are Lwo persons ln-
charge of all hosplLals, so maklklLa nlnyo dun sa dlrecLory, andldlLo yung
mga pangalan ng mga hosplLals and Lhen kung slno yung conLacL person
na LaLawagan nlnyo. So, for any prob|em, you |mmed|ate|y ca||, text or
e-ma|| the persons |n-charge of that hosp|ta| and automat|ca||y they
w||| |ssue a guarantee |etter d|rect to your off|ce and d|rect to the

c. “We will not let the patient wait. We will not let your office wait.”

77. uCLL-xll 8eglonal ulrecLor uomlngo sLaLed, “The decision as to
how much the |eg|s|ators wou|d a||ocate for emergency funds and the
Government Internsh|p Þrogram (GIÞ) depends on the congress|ona|
representative.” This, after she held “a meeting with the eight legislators in

SCCCkSA8CLn or Lhelr represenLaLlves to |nform the |atter of the ava||ab|||ty
of the sa|d budget.” Þer Lhe approved announcemenL of uCLL-x 8eglonal
ulrecLor ALLy. Alan M. Macaraya, “Interested applicants are advised to visit
their respective Congressional Districts Offices.”

Aquino’s cabinet secretaries and other executive
#..(3('&+ 40$#)+*2'*04 */'* */0- /'50 %1* () %&'30
%2#304120+ ')4 $#7(&(E04 ' +(6)(.(3')* '$#1)* #.
%02+#))0& ')4 20+#1230+ *# 0)'7&0 &'9$':02+ *#
0;023(+0 (&&06'& %#+*A0)'3*$0)* '1*/#2(*- #502 */0
%2#62'$+ .1)404 7- */0 ?#1+0 %#2:

78. 1he meeLlngs wlLh SecreLary Llcuanan
and undersecreLary
deLall Lhe procedures by whlch Lhelr execuLlve agencles allow Lhe
exerclse by leglslaLors of posL-enacLmenL auLhorlLy beyond overslghL. 1hese
procedures are enabled Lhrough Lhe moblllzaLlon of a slgnlflcanL amounL of
personnel and resources. 1he publlc sLaLemenLs of Lhe 8eglonal ulrecLors

LhaL Lhey lnvolved solons ln Lhe formulaLlon of work plans for Lhe ClÞ and
1uÞAu Þrograms and Lhelr advlce Lo appllcanLs Lo vlslL Lhe dlsLrlcL offlces of
Lhese solons are glarlng offlclal admlsslons of Lhls facL.

79. 1he mechanlsms for CPLu essenLlally conslsL of lLs reglonal offlces
osLenslbly followlng Lhe general guldellnes for all scholarshlp programs buL,
following “internal adjustments,” “prlorlLy would be glven Lo Lhe
recommended—Lhe #%*5'-'0 of Lhe congressmen.”

80. lor uCP, Lhe mechanlsms lnvolve Lremendous resources of Lhe
agency, lncludlng personnel ln 136 covered hosplLals who are on call “24/7” to
auLomaLlcally lssue guaranLee leLLers (which are “good as cash”) Lo paLlenLs
referred by lawmakers.

81. lor uCLL, Lhe mechanlsms conslsL of Lhe granLlng of sloLs for
emergency employmenL or governmenL lnLernshlp ln accordance wlLh Lhe
“work plans” set up by the solons.

82. lor uSWu, lL was shown LhaL SecreLary ulnky Sollman herself has
made arrangemenLs wlLh aL leasL one solon Lo allow hlm Lo ldenLlfy Lhe local
governmenLs where Lhe asslsLance funds wlll be dlsLrlbuLed. 1hls also shows
LhaL Lhe ulLC ls also ln on Lhe lnformal schemes allowlng lllegal posL-
enacLmenL lnLervenLlon.

Þaragraphs 44 Lo 46 of Lhls ComplalnL.
Þaragraphs 30 Lo 31 of Lhls ComplalnL.
Þaragraphs 32 Lo 33 of Lhls ComplalnL.

83. 1he lnnocuous ldenLlflcaLlon by leglslaLors of beneflclarles prlor Lo
Lhe enacLmenL of Lhe 2014 CAA, granLlng buL noL concedlng LhaL Lhey lndeed
occurred pre-CAA, lnevlLably exLends Lo Lhe prohlblLed meddllng of lndlvldual
lawmakers lnLo Lhe funcLlons of Lhe lmplemenLlng agency posL-CAA.

84. 1he LoLallLy of Lhese clrcumsLances show a grand deslgn—across
execuLlve agencles, relaLlng Lo bllllons of publlc monles, and lnvolvlng aL leasL
seven top members of Aquino’s cabinet
—whlch cannoL posslbly occur
wlLhouL Lhe knowledge and llcense of Aqulno. 1hls grand deslgn conslsLs of
Lhe LxecuLlve 8ranch bendlng over backwards Lo allow congresslonal pork
barrel Lo llve on Lhrough hldden means—someLhlng already prohlblLed by Lhe
law as pronounced by Lhe Supreme CourL.

The mechanisms admitted by Aquino’s alter egos and
+17#24()'*0+ '20 )030++'2(&- ().#2$'&—*# 3#)30'& .2#$
*/0 %17&(3 */0 %02+(+*0)30 #. 3#)620++(#)'& %#2: 7'220&
')4 */0 .'3* */'* */0 "/(0. F;031*(50 (+ +17502*()6 */0
&'9 ')4 %17&(3 ()+*(*1*(#)+

83. ln Lhe case of CPLu, lL ls Lhe Chalrperson of Lhe agency herself—
Lhe alLer ego of Lhe ÞresldenL—who demonstrated awareness of “the political
reality that this is PDAF,” reLalnlng all Lhe lnflrmlLles of Lhe old, wrlLLen sysLem
where leglslaLors ldenLlfy who should recelve Lhe funds, Lo be handed ouL
accordlng Lo Lhls legislator’s list regardless of the qualifications set by CHED’s

86. Also parL of Lhe prohlblLed lnformal pracLlces ls Lhe unwrlLLen
undersLandlng (LhaL ls, noL ln Lhe 2014 CAA, Lhe guldellnes, or any of Lhe
lssuances of CPLu) LhaL each Pouse Member has speclflc earmarked amounLs
LhaL can be dlsLrlbuLed ln Lhe form of scholarshlps, medlcal or flnanclal
asslsLance, lnLernshlps, and emergency employmenL.

87. These informal practices are evidence of Aquino’s bad faith. Any
governmenLal acL, especlally one lnvolvlng bllllons of publlc funds, should have
a basls and/or proof ln wrlLlng, conslderlng Lhe sLaLe pollcy of Lransparency ln
Lhe managemenL of publlc resources and accounLablllLy of publlc offlcers.
nowhere ln Lhe guldellnes governlng Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe MPCAÞ, for
lnsLance, ls Lhere an lndlcaLlon LhaL an lndlgenL paLlenL ls one who has walked
into a solon’s office first before walking into the hospital, or that medical
asslsLance wlll be surely be lssued upon Lhe recommendaLlon of a leglslaLor.
The guidelines for CHED’s scholarships have even removed any apparenL Lrace
of Lhe old Congresslonal Speclal SLudy CranL Þrogram, and yeL, prlorlLy ls sLlll

1he flve agencles plus u8M and ulLC.

being given to “the #%*5'-'0 of the congressmen,” following CHED’s “internal

88. 1he culLure of recommendaLlon and referral ls sLlll occurrlng
wlLhln execuLlve agencles handllng Pouse pork desplLe Lhe absence of wrlLLen
grounds for lL. lndeed, 5-"2" N%## =" 0. N2%55"0 $2.906* 1.2 %5. 1he LxecuLlve
8ranch ls hldlng Lhe pork from Lhe publlc whom he has mlsled lnLo bellevlng
Aquino when he said “7'0'-.0 0' 4. 94'0$ %A'=.#%*- '0$ ÞuAl.”

89. lnformal pracLlces of deallng wlLh pork do conLlnue Lo exlsL ln
posL-ÞuAl Llmes, llke Lhe lnformal pracLlces relaLlng Lo ÞuAl have perslsLed
and been consLanLly observed LhroughouL Lhe years.

90. As Lhe news reporLs and offlclal governmenL sources above prove,
Lhese concealed pracLlces cannoL help buL surface, Lhe consplracy Lo
perpeLuaLe a noxlous sysLem muLually beneflclal Lo fellow pork-holders and
lnfluence-peddlers cannoL be kepL hldden. Lven hldden under Lhe cloak of
execuLlve secrecy, publlc offlclals such as Members of Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves, sLaLe audlLors, even one of Lhe secreLarles handllng Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of funds whlch Lurn ouL Lo be sLlll pork wlll surely come ouL ln
Lhe open and express Lhelr opposlLlon Lo pork and lLs lnevlLable expendlLure
for pollLlcal paLronage and maLLers oLher Lhan publlc purposes.

G(*/ /(+ %02%0*1'*(#) #. */0+0 ().#2$'& %2'3*(30+8
@H1()# (+ */0 $'+*02$()4 70/()4 /(440) 3#)620++(#)'&
%#2:8 ')4 (+ .#23()6 */0 0)*(20 7120'132'3- #. */0
()5#&504 '60)3(0+ *# ($%&0$0)* (&&06'& '3*+

91. As sLaLed above, Chalrperson Llcuanan ls Lhe alLer ego of Lhe
ÞresldenL for CPLu. Per knowledge of Lhe perslsLence of ÞuAl, alLhough ln
another form, and her agency’s actions in implementing scholarship programs,
are llkewlse Lhe knowledge and acLlons of Aqulno, her prlnclpal. 1he acLlons of
undersecreLary Carln, as Lhey concern affalrs wlLh Lhe Congress and relaLe Lo
bllllons of pesos ln publlc funds and a ma[or program ln whlch grand resources
and personnel of Lhe uCP are moblllzed, are also Lhe acLlons of Aqulno.

92. Aquino’s oLher alLer ego, hls budgeL chlef SecreLary Abad, defends
the “realignments” of legislators and their “duty” to recommend. In addition
Lo Lhe LoLallLy of clrcumsLances already deLalled, Lhls plg-headed defense of
congressional pork shows that Aquino is (1) fully aware that the legislators’
posL-enacLmenL auLhorlLy or Lhelr enLlLlemenL Lo parLlcular earmarked funds
prohlblLed by Lhe ueclslon ls allve and olnklng ln Lhe posL-ÞuAl budgeL and (2)

1he ueclslon@ page 43.

also fully aware of, lf noL endorslng, Lhe ouLlawed lnformal pracLlces golng on
wlLhln hls CablneL. 1hese clrcumsLances are noL colncldenLal buL reflecL a
common, overarchlng pollcy Lo reLaln a sysLem already ouLlawed by Lhe SC.

93. ln Lhe mldsL of all Lhese, Aqulno has never lssued a caLegorlcal
dlrecLlve or mere sLaLemenL conflrmlng Lhe ueclslon as Lo Lhe ouLlawed
parLlclpaLlon of lawmakers ln program or pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon and LhaL he
wlll brook no vlolaLlon of Lhls law under any of Lhe agencles under hls
leadershlp on Lhe naLlonal and local levels.

94. 1he sLaLemenLs and acLs, lncludlng Lhe how-Lo-access meeLlngs,
are ascrlbed Lo Lhe heads of agencles—LhaL ls, members of hls cablneL and hls
alLer egos—Lhelr local alLerns, and leglslaLors who are members of hls Llberal
ÞarLy and lLs coallLlon. Secondly, Lhese are noL lncldenLs lsolaLed ln one
agency or locallLy buL well-reported, even by Aquino’s own PIA, to be occurring
as an open secreL ln all Lhe agencles above and ln Lhe provlnces and reglons.

93. 8elng Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve, no ma[or pollcy ls lmplemenLed ln Lhe
deparLmenLs, bureaus, and offlces he heads—especlally one LhaL ls unlversal
Lo Lhose glven Lhe reallgned funds and lnvolvlng a slgnlflcanL amounL of publlc
funds—wlLhouL hls knowledge and consenL.

96. At the very least, the “take-care clause” makes it Aquino’s duty to
exerclse Lhe greaLesL dlllgence Lo ensure LhaL lnvlLlng and allowlng leglslaLors
Lo refer and recommend pro[ecLs and beneflclarles ln any manner beyond
Lhelr llmlLed role of overslghL do noL occur. Pls denlal, Lherefore, of Lhese
lnformal pracLlces ln Lhe face of lndlspuLable reporLs, granLlng for Lhe sake of
argumenL LhaL he really does noL know whaL ls golng on ln hls agencles, ls an
admlsslon of negllgence ln Lhe performance of hls duLles.

97. While Aquino’s cabinet secretaries are the chief implementors of
hldden congresslonal pork, Lhose ln Lhe enLlre bureaucracy down Lo Lhe
smallesL governmenL employee Lasked Lo secure Lhe secrecy of a purporLed
“closed door meeting” or assigned as a “hospital assigned staff” or focal
person for scholarshlps and lnLernshlp are forced Lo commlL lllegal acLs. 1hese
rank-and-flle offlclals are under orders Lo allow leglslaLors Lo name
beneflclarles of programs, long afLer Lhelr role as leglslaLors ls done. 1hey are
Lurned lnLo lnsLrumenLs wlLh whlch Aqulno can flouL Lhe law.

I- %02%0*1'*()6 3#)620++(#)'& %#2: */2#16/ ().#2$'&
%2'3*(30+8 @H1()# %20<14(30+ */0 %17&(3 ()*020+*

98. 1he SC Lhrough Lhe ueclslon has prohlblLed congresslonal pork
barrel %0 N-'5")"2 0'3" '06 1.23 for belng abhorrenL Lo separaLlon of

powers@ non-delegablllLy of leglslaLlve power, the President’s veto power,
publlc accounLablllLy, and genuine local autonomy. It also echoed the people’s
observation that the President and Congress are “happlly scraLchlng each
other’s back in the pork barrel system,” damaging the public interest in the
process. 1hls damage ls well known Lo Lhe publlc.

99. Well documenLed—and an open secreL—ls the nature of
congress|ona| pork as |argesse d|str|buted by the Þres|dent to |awmakers,
either to secure their cooperation especially for the executive’s pet bills, or
protect h|m or her from |mpeachment. Aquino’s immediate successor, Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo, used pork as well as oLher perks Lo LhwarL flve
lmpeachmenL complalnLs agalnsL her slnce 2003 over sLrong charges of
elecLoral fraud and oLher consLlLuLlonal vlolaLlons, even as she conslsLenLly
denled lL Lo progresslve leglslaLors crlLlcal Lo her, especlally Lhose who
supporLed her lmpeachmenL.

100. As congresslonal pork ls Lhe grease LhaL Lurns Lhe wheels of
Congress ln Lhe dlrecLlon dlcLaLed by Lhe ÞresldenL, so lL ls also Lhe grease LhaL
allows accounLablllLy for lrregularlLles Lo slough off from Lhe execuLlve branch,
especlally lLs chlef. under Lhe pork barrel sysLem, leglslaLors, lndlvldually or
collecLlvely, lnLrude lnLo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of pro[ecLs and programs—whlch
should be Lhe sole provlnce of Lhe execuLlve branch. 1h|s |ntrus|on |n turn
|mpa|rs the ob[ect|v|ty of the |eg|s|ators whose dut|es as members of
congress |nc|ude oversee|ng whether the pro[ects and programs are be|ng
|mp|emented proper|y, or at a||, by the execut|ve branch. 1hls d||ut|on, even
defeat, of the checks and ba|ances system ls well arLlculaLed ln Lhe ueclslon+

101. lrom Lhe meeLlngs wlLh SecreLary Llcuanan and undersecreLary
Carln, Lhe evlls soughL Lo be prevenLed by Lhe prohlblLlon agalnsL ÞuAl are sLlll
present with the perpetuation of Aquino’s PDAF-llke schemes for Lhe hldden
congresslonal pork.

102. 1he protoco|s |n the MAÞ as descr|bed by Gar|n to |eg|s|ators
amp|y demonstrate how the system of checks and ba|ances—a mechan|sm
that g|ves ||fe to the Const|tut|ona| prov|s|on of accountab|||ty of pub||c
off|cers—|s d|sso|ved. I|rst, her audlence and Lhe ones who alded ln Lhe
drafLlng of Lhe MAÞ guldellnes are Lhose who are duLy-bound Lo check her
ueparLmenL ln lLs lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe funds, lnvesLlgaLlng whenever
necessary whether taxpayers’ money are properly and efficiently spent. As
the SC sa|d |n |ts Dec|s|on, Congress cannot be expected to exerc|se |ts
overs|ght funct|on ob[ect|ve|y, or at a||, |f |ts Members were part of the
program to be |nvest|gated.

CenÞLC, noLe 7.
1he ueclslon, pages 31-32.

103. 1he SC added, “[A]||ow|ng |eg|s|ators to |ntervene |n the var|ous
phases of pro[ect |mp|ementat|on—a matter before another off|ce of
government—renders them suscept|b|e to tak|ng undue advantage of the|r
own office.”
lndeed, allowlng leglslaLors Lo approve guldellnes for Lhe
distribution of what the DOLE deems are “not DOH funds but are actually
funds of Congressmen” and giving them power to say who exactly should get
Lhese funds, renders Lhem suscepLlble Lo Laklng advanLage of Lhelr power.

104. 1he second way ln congresslonal pork desLroys Lhe sysLem of
exacLlng Lhe accounLablllLy of publlc offlclals ls seen ln Lhe de|et|on |n the
gu|de||nes of standards that wou|d at |east ensure that pub||c funds are not
g|ven to [ust anybody, espec|a||y those who shou|d not qua||fy for an
ass|stance were |t not for the endorsement of the nouse Member. uCP has
walved several documenLary evldence prevlously requlred under Lhe ÞuAl llke
orlglnal compleLe prescrlpLlons for medlclnes and medlcal supplles, laboraLory
requests, physician’s order request forms, and statements of account, which
would have ensured LhaL Lhe funds wlll go Lo Lhose who really need Lhem, noL
Lo a napoles-Lype lndlvldual or a fake nCC.

103. 1he hearlng wlLh SecreLary Llcuanan shows LhaL CHED’s
gu|de||nes on scho|arsh|ps are be|ng reduced to ||p serv|ce, |f not comp|ete|y
erased, with the priority status accorded to “the &(+*'/') of the
congressmen.” 1hese gu|de||nes, such as Lhose wlLh regard Lo prlorlLy courses
or Lhe requlremenL Lo submlL llsLs of acLual scholars prlor Lo downloadlng of
funds Lo Lhe hlgher educaLlon lnsLlLuLlons, are safeguards that wou|d ensure
that the pub||c funds appropr|ated for scho|arsh|ps w||| |ndeed go to
scho|arsh|ps, and not for other purposes, |nc|ud|ng po||t|ca| accommodat|on
and patronage. As aptly observed by one daily, “In the first place, the primary
reason for Lhe abollLlon of Lhe ÞrlorlLy uevelopmenL AsslsLance lund (ÞuAl)
was Lo safeguard publlc funds by ensurlng LhaL lL ls used enLlrely for Lhe
welfare of the people and not for the benefit of legislators.”

106. 8ut the deeper |n[ury caused by congress|ona| pork, ||ke any
other k|nd of pork, ||es |n the den|a| of equa| access of the peop|e to bas|c
soc|a| serv|ces. 1hls happens ln elLher of Lwo ways.

107. I|rst refers Lo the cu|ture of referra| and recommendat|on
com|ng from po||t|c|ans so |ngra|ned |n our soc|ety through decades of the
pork barre| system. uue Lo Lhls pracLlce, only persons who carry guaranLee
leLLers or referrals can afford a medlcal check-up or procedure, or enrol ln

F=%6@ page 32
CHED’s priority courses for scholarship grantees, CaLanduanes 1rlbune, 3 May 2014.
hLLp://www.caLanduanesLrlbune.com/arLlcle/381Þ. LasL accessed on 10 AugusL 2014.

college, or recelve employmenL asslsLance. 1hose unlucky enough noL Lo have
Lhese golden LlckeLs glven by pollLlclans wlll have Lo forego golng Lo Lhe cllnlc
or a hlgher educaLlon. Instead of en[oy|ng serv|ces wh|ch are supposed to be
the|rs for the tak|ng as a matter of r|ght, the peop|e under pork have to
knock on the doors of po||t|c|ans to seek patronage or |nf|uence before they
cou|d they ava|| of these serv|ces—as matter of pr|v||ege.

108. 1he MAÞ guldellnes have even sLrengLhened Lhls culLure.
Whereas under Lhe ÞuAl, guaranLee leLLers are requlred, a hosp|ta| under the
MAÞ gu|de||nes can even |ssue a guarantee |etter to a person w|th [ust one
ca|| of the nouse Member |n case the funds have not yet been down|oaded
to the h|s or her chosen hosp|ta|. Also under MAÞ, pat|ents referred by
po||t|c|ans are guaranteed of ass|stance—“We will not let the patient wait.
We will not let your office wait,” said Undersecretary Garin on behalf of the

109. Worse, “wa|k-|ns” |n government hosp|ta|s, or those who went
stra|ght to the hosp|ta| w|thout f|rst secur|ng a guarantee |etter, are
d|sa||owed. It |s the po||t|c|an who has the power to determ|ne |f a pat|ent |s
“worthy” of assistance—not the needs of the pat|ent, not the soc|a| workers
and doctors and other med|ca| personne| who have the competence to
determ|ne these needs.

110. Under th|s h|dden, worsened congress|ona| pork, what shou|d be
r|ght of everyone |s now seen as a pr|v||ege. under Lhls sysLem already
banned by Lhe hlghesL courL of Lhe land, people who geL slck should noL call
Lhe docLor—Lhey should call a pollLlclan. 1hose who cannoL fully afford a
college educaLlon, aL Lhelr young age, are LaughL LhaL Lhey need Lo seek
powerful paLrons flrsL before Lhey can conLlnue Lhelr sLudles. 1he same goes
for Lhe unemployed before Lhey can geL ease Lhelr [oblessness and earn
lncome whlle ln beLween [obs.

111. Under th|s h|dden, worsened congress|ona| pork be|ng
perpetuated by Aqu|no, the de||very of bas|c pub||c serv|ces such as
educat|on, hea|th care, soc|a| we|fare, and emp|oyment ass|stance |s
po||t|c|zed. 1he po||t|c|zat|on of serv|ces den|es access to the ma[or|ty of the
I|||p|no peop|e who have ne|ther the means nor the c|out to go to the d|str|ct
off|ces of |eg|s|ators or the nouse of kepresentat|ves |n Çuezon C|ty. 1hls ls
Lhe evll when we course Lhe dellvery of baslc soclal servlces Lo pollLlclans.

112. 1here ls a second manner ln whlch equal access of Lhe people Lo
baslc soclal servlces ls denled. 1he pract|ce of putt|ng g|gant|c |ump sums
(wh|ch the SC sa|d to have fattened through 23 years at |east 12 t|mes

lrom Þ2.3 bllllon ln 1990 Lo Þ24.79 bllllon ln 2013. 1he ueclslon, page 17.

wh|ch are to be d|sbursed per the d|scret|on of a so|e or a few |nd|v|dua|
off|c|a|s have cons|stent|y den|ed the peop|e of genu|ne and |onger-term
|nvestments for serv|ces and |nfrastructure for the|r we|fare. 1he people
under pork have been forced Lo forgo 12,300 classrooms whlch could have
been bullL wlLh Lhe Þ10 bllllon ÞuAl pockeLed by napoles, her pollLlcal
cohorLs, and fake nCCs, and losL Þ74.3 bllllon—Lhe LoLal ÞuAl budgeLed by
Lhe Aqulno admlnlsLraLlon
—LhaL could have more Lhan adequaLely equlpped
and susLalned schools, hosplLals, and oLher publlc lnfrasLrucLure, and spenL for
[ob creaLlon.

113. lL should be noLed LhaL Lhe people—Lhe vlcLlms of pork—demand
for Lhe abollLlon of Lhe pork barrel sysLem because lL deprlves Lhem of baslc
soclal servlces even as lL leaves Lhe governmenL open for Lhose who wlsh Lo
explolL lLs resources for personal use, lncludlng pollLlcal paLronage. Aqu|no
and h|s suba|terns sp|t |n the face of th|s pub||c sent|ment by us|ng the
people as scapegoats in their argument for the “necessity” of the culture of
patronage centra| to pork:

“Interviewed in the House of Representatives, Abad sa|d |t |s st||| the
|eg|s|ators’ duty to attend to their constituents’ needs even if they no longer
have the Þr|or|ty Deve|opment Ass|stance Iund (ÞDAI) to fund |t.

“‘There’s nothing wrong if legislators recommend projects :'+( *2'7'/# )(&'
‘yan’, Abad said. ‘Otherwise, $'6'6'&(* ')6 3#)+*(*10)*+ )(&'.’

x x x

“Abad sa|d |awmakers had to reta|n the pr|v||ege of |obby|ng w|th
government agenc|es because they have const|tuents they need to take care

“‘Instead of completely deleting [the PDAF] in the budget, Congress just
dec|ded to rea||ocate |t because there are scho|ars, peop|e undergo|ng
dialysis who need help. We can’t just suddenly pull the plug on that’, he

“Abad, however, insisted that the practice of recommending projects does
not circumvent the Supreme Court’s rullng on Lhe ÞuAl, whlch bans
lawmakers from lnLervenlng or parLlclpaLlng ln any of Lhe varlous posL-
enactment stages of the budget execution.”

Aqulno more Lhan doubled Lhe congresslonal pork dlspensed annually Lo Lhe men and women of Congress,
from Lhe Þ10,861,211,000 (CAA 2010) under Lhe Arroyo admlnlsLraLlon Lo Þ24,620,000,000 (CAA 2011).
Abad defends lawmakers’ practice of recommending projects to govt agencies, 5 March 2014,
recommendlng-pro[ecLs-Lo-govL-agencles. LasL accessed on 10 AugusL 2014.

114. Aqulno and hls admlnlsLraLlon defended Lhe acL of Lucklng Lhe
dlscreLlonary lump sum fund formerly known as ÞuAl lnLo Lhe budgeLs of Lhe
agencles. Pls budgeL SecreLary llorenclo Abad, exhlblLlng hls re[ecLlon of Lhe
!"#$%&' declslon, was quoLed as saylng LhaL pollLlcal paLronage ls expecLed,
and should even be LoleraLed:

“‘Pork’ still working for lawmakers
“Abad: What’s wrong with political patronage?

“MANILA, Philippines—8udgeL SecreLary llorenclo Abad sees noth|ng wrong
w|th |awmakers ask|ng the execut|ve agenc|es that rece|ved the rea||gned
congress|ona| pork barre| funds to he|p the|r const|tuents seek|ng med|ca|
ass|stance, scho|arsh|ps and the ||ke.

“Abad said lawmakers can refer their constituents to the agencies as th|s was
part of the|r [ob and the|r dut|es as representat|ves of Lhe people.

“As to concerns that this would only perpetuate the evils of pollLlcal
paLronage, Abad sald po||t|ca| patronage w||| cont|nue to ex|st as |ong as
poverty rema|ns and peop|e cont|nue to ask for he|p from the|r

113. “‘1here has a|ways been po||t|ca| patronage. ¥ou know why?
8ecause peop|e w||| a|ways go to the|r representat|ves. When Lhey wake up
in the morning, when they’re in Manila, people line up and ask for help. Can
you eliminate that? That’s something you cannot eliminate. Until we are able
Lo address raLher subsLanLlally Lhe problem of poverLy, people wlll always flnd
a way to go to their mayor, governor, congressman,’ he told reporters at the
House of Representatives.”

I- %02%0*1'*()6 3#)620++(#)'& %#2: */2#16/ ().#2$'&
%2'3*(30+8 @H1()# (+ 3#$$(**()68 '* */0 $';($1$8
$'&.0'+')30 () */0 %02.#2$')30 #. /(+ #..(3('& 41*(0+ #28
'* */0 $()($1$8 )#).0'+')30

116. 1he above dlscusslon shows LhaL aL Lhe maxlmum, Aqulno has
breached of hls oaLh of offlce Lhrough 3'#1"'*'0&" by perpeLuaLlng
congresslonal pork Lhrough lnformal pracLlces, someLhlng whlch ls prohlblLed
by law. 1he |aw says that he shou|d not dea| pork to Members of Congress,
yet he v|o|ates th|s |aw.

117. AL Lhe mlnlmum, Aqulno has breached of hls oaLh of offlce
Lhrough 0.01"'*'0&" by falllng, upon offlclal and unofflclal reporLs LhaL
lnformal pracLlces of accesslng pork sLlll occur, desplLe Lhe ueclslon, ln aL leasL
Lhree of hls agencles. 1he |aw, even the fundamenta| |aw of the |and, says

R942', noLe 23. Lmphases supplled.

that he shou|d do a|| w|th|n h|s power to fa|thfu||y and consc|ent|ous|y
execute the |aws
by |nsta|||ng po||c|es aga|nst referra| and recommendat|on
by |awmakers and stopp|ng the v|o|at|ons a|ready reported, yet he fa||s to do

118. n|s v|o|at|on of h|s sworn dut|es perpetuates po||t|ca| patronage
and works to the detr|ment of pub||c |nterest, depr|v|ng the peop|e of equa|
access to bas|c soc|a| serv|ces.

119. ln sum, Aqulno, by reLalnlng Lhe congresslonal pork barrel
Lhrough lnformal acLs ln vlolaLlon of Lhe SC ueclslon prohlblLlng Lhem, has
beLrayed publlc LrusL, a Lreachery Lo Lhe people compounded by hls false
assurance LhaL hls admlnlsLraLlon wlll comply wlLh Lhe sald ueclslon.

120. lL ls clear, Lhen, from Lhe foregolng LhaL Aqulno ls gullLy of Lhe
lmpeachable offense of beLrayal of publlc LrusL.


Aqu|no know|ng|y, w||fu||y, and |ntent|ona||y v|o|ated Sect|on 17, Art|c|e VII
of the Const|tut|on by perpetuat|ng |nforma| pract|ces of congress|ona| pork
barre| |n def|ance of the c|ear and express proh|b|t|on of the Supreme Court

“Culpable violation of the Constitution”

121. Aquino’s malfeasance and nonfeasance as regards the law on
congresslonal pork barrel dlscussed ln Lhe foregolng paragraphs amounL Lo hls
culpable vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.

122. Accordlng Lo Lhe framers of Lhe Constitution, “culpable violation
of the Constitution” means (1) wilful and (2) intentional breach or violation of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. CommenLarles explaln LhaL Lhls offense covers vlolaLlons
commlLLed lnLenLlonally, volunLarlly, ln bad falLh, and noL due Lo errors of law
or honesL mlsLake of [udgmenL.

123. Slnce Lhe ground ls provlded for by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, a documenL
raLlfled by ordlnary people, Lhe Lerm ls undersLood Lo have lLs ordlnary

SecLlons 3 and 17, ArLlcle vll of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon.
8ernas, clLlng Aruego, 1he lramlng of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of Lhe Þhlllpplnes (1939), and 8eporL of Lhe Speclal
CommlLLee on Lhe lmpeachmenL of ÞresldenL Culrlno (1949).

meanlng. Thus, “culpable violation” can take on the ordinary or layperson’s
Lerm—deserv|ng b|ame, or gu||ty of do|ng someth|ng wrong.

124. “Culpable violation” can also take the meaning of “culpability” ln
crlmlnal law, LhaL ls, |ack of fores|ght or sk||| (cr|m|na| neg||gence), freedom of
act|on, and know|edge or |nte|||gence accompanylng Lhe acL of vlolaLlon.

123. WheLher ln Lhe ordlnary or legal sense, Aqulno commlLLed
culpable vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon by hls malnLenance and defense of Lhe
congresslonal pork barrel Lhrough lnformal pracLlces.

@H1()# (+ 41*-A7#1)4 *# .'(*/.1&&- ')4 3#)+3(0)*(#1+&-
0;031*0 */0 &'9+ -0* /0 5(#&'*0+ */0 &'9 '6'()+*
3#)620++(#)'& %#2: 7'220&

126. SecLlon 17, ArLlcle vll of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon made Lhe falLhful
execuLlon of Lhe laws one of Lhe prlmary duLles of Lhe ÞresldenL:

“1he Þres|dent shall have conLrol of all Lhe execuLlve deparLmenLs, bureaus,
and offlces. Pe sha|| ensure that the |aws be fa|thfu||y executed.”

127. uue Lo ArLlcle 8 of Lhe Clvll Code, Lhls duLy of Lhe ÞresldenL
exLends Lo [urlsprudenLlal pronouncemenLs:

“Iud|c|a| dec|s|ons app|y|ng or |nterpret|ng Lhe laws or the Const|tut|on sha||
form a part of the |ega| system of the Þh|||pp|nes.”

128. ln :2592. 6" S'*52. )+ H96%&%'# '06 !'2 S.90&%#@
Lhe Plgh CourL
explalned ln unequlvocal Lerms Lhe force and effecLlvlLy of [urlsprudence:

“Iud|c|a| dec|s|ons assume the same author|ty as a statute |tse|f and, unLll
auLhorlLaLlvely abandoned, necessar||y become, Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL Lhey are
appllcable, the cr|ter|a that must contro| the actuat|ons, not on|y of those
ca||ed upon to ab|de by them, but a|so of those duty-bound to enforce
obed|ence to them.”

129. 1he SC ln Lhls pronouncemenL perLalns Lo declslons promulgaLed
by all courLs havlng [udlclal power
"*4"&%'##8 %5*"#1@ N-%&- N%"#6* 5-" -%$-"*5
Z96%&%'# '95-.2%58+ lL also perLalns Lo all persons lncludlng publlc offlclals
mandaLed Lo ablde and enforce laws "*4"&%'##8 5-" 72"*%6"05@ N-. %* 5-" &-%"1
.1 '## #'NA"01.2&"3"05 '95-.2%58.

Or the “take care clause.” Emphases supplled. Also, Lhe oaLh of Lhe ÞresldenL ln SecLlon 3, ArLlcle vll.
C.8. no. 191002, 20 Aprll 2010.
SecLlon 1, ArLlcle vlll of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.

130. Desp|te the c|ear and express proh|b|t|on of the SC, Aqu|no
perpetuates |nforma| pract|ces of congress|ona| pork barre|. 1hls acL
amounLs Lo a vlolaLlon of a pronouncemenL of no less Lhan Lhe hlghesL [udlclal
auLhorlLy by no less Lhan Lhe hlghesL law-enforcemenL auLhorlLy, so soon afLer
LhaL declslon ls promulgaLed and ln Lhe amounL of aL leasL Þ23 bllllon.

131. Aquino’s violation is wilful and deliberate as it is being done in
the face of a c|ear and express pronouncement of the SC. lurLhermore,
beyond hls fundamenLal duLy Lo falLhfully execuLe an express prohlblLlon of
Lhe law, Aqu|no, be|ng the Þres|dent of the kepub||c, knows that a|| these
pr|nc|p|es have const|tut|ona| underp|nn|ngs and are the very bases of a
work|ng democrat|c and transparent government.

132. The gravity of Aquino’s sins to the Filipino people is evident in the
clear, mandaLory, and all-encompasslng words of Lhe !"#$%&' decision. “For as
long as this nation adheres to the rule of law,” said the High Court, “any of the
mu|t|far|ous unconst|tut|ona| methods and mechan|sms the Court has here|n
po|nted out shou|d never aga|n be adopted |n any system of governance, by
any name or form, by any semb|ance or s|m||ar|ty, by any |nf|uence or
effect.” Stressing the nature of these violations, the Court added that informal
practices, though unwritten, are likewise “acts of grave abuse of dlscreLlon
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.”

133. lrom Lhe foregolng, Aqulno ls clearly gullLy of Lhe lmpeachable
offense of culpable vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.


134. Complainants’ accusation is simple: 1he Supreme CourL has lald
down Lhe law clearly and expressly prohlblLlng congresslonal pork barrel
lncludlng lnformal pracLlces of deallng lL. ÞresldenL 8enlgno Slmeon Aqulno lll
has no cholce buL Lo lmplemenL Lhls law, yeL he perpeLuaLes congresslonal
pork barrel by lnsLlLuLlng hldden, unwrlLLen means LhaL allow leglslaLors Lo
lnLrude lnLo Lhe areas of budgeL lmplemenLaLlon and Lhemselves declde where
Lhe congresslonal pork should go. 1hls vlolaLlon of Lhe law erodes Lhe sysLem
of checks and balances, perpeLuaLes pollLlcal paLronage, and deprlves Lhe
people of Lhelr rlghLs Lo baslc soclal servlces.

133. We have here someone expecLed by Lhe publlc and Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon Lo Lake Lhe lead ln lmplemenLlng Lhe law, yeL he ls Lhe one who
lnsLrucLs hls alLer egos Lo vlolaLe lL, or aL Lhe very leasL, slLs down and does
noLhlng abouL Lhe wldespread vlolaLlon happenlng rlghL under hls nose.


136. ln flllng Lhls lmpeachmenL complalnL, ComplalnanLs do noL wlsh Lo
deprlve the people lining up outside legislators’ offices in the hopes of securlng
a scholarshlp, or medlcal, flnanclal, or soclal welfare asslsLance of Lhe
economlc amelloraLlon LhaL congresslonal pork surely affords Lhem.
ComplalnanLs are saylng LhaL no I|||p|no shou|d ever have to knock on the
doors of po||t|c|ans before they cou|d ava|| of bas|c soc|a| serv|ces, a|| of
wh|ch shou|d be the|rs by a matter of r|ght.

137. 1h|s |s the purpose of the demand for the abo||t|on not [ust of
ÞDAI but a|so of any scheme ||ke |t—the rechanne||ng of these pub||c funds
to susta|n and promote bas|c soc|a| serv|ces and the comp|ete transparency
and accountab|||ty |n the management of these funds. A|| the government
has to do |s ensure that every peso |s spent to prov|de for the needs of the
peop|e—not for “%#6( points” of any public official, not to line the pockets of
the few, and not for the po||t|ca| |everage of those |n power.

138. Aquino’s poslLlon LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng wrong wlLh Lhe supposed
enLlLlemenL of leglslaLors Lo large chunks of publlc funds, LhaL paLronage wlll
always be Lhere, shows LhaL he does noL heed Lhls demand for Lhe abollLlon of
congresslonal pork along wlLh all forms of pork barrel.

139. 1here ls no doubL, Lherefore, why he has erecLed mechanlsms
across several of hls agencles and moblllzed slgnlflcanL publlc resources Lo
allow the enabling of unconstitutional legislators’ entitlement and their
consequenL lnLervenLlon ln budgeL lmplemenLaLlon.

140. ComplalnanLs have found LhaL Aqulno has Lhrown away Lhelr
falLh. 1hey call on Congress Lo lnsLlLuLe Lhe only proceedlngs allowed by Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon by whlch he can be made Lo explaln hls breach of fealLy Lo publlc
lnLeresL and culpable vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and, evenLually, be removed
from offlce.


Þ8LMlSLS CCnSluL8Lu, ComplalnanLs pray LhaL Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves CommlLLee on !usLlce declare LhaL Lhls lmpeachmenL
complalnL ls SulllClLn1 ln lC8M Anu Su8S1AnCL and LhaL Lhere ls
ACulnC lll.

CLher rellefs [usL and equlLable under Lhe premlses are prayed for.

Cuezon ClLy, 11 AugusL 2014.


8oll no. 37897
l8Þ L8no. 011274/12-17-12
Þ18 no. 7621794/3-17-14/Cuezon ClLy
MCLL Compllance lv-0023102/2-26-14

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So yun po ang nangyayarl and Lhe ellglble paLlenL are all paLlenLs admlLLed or seeklng
consulL ln a governmenL healLh care faclllLy. now on Lhe lmplemenLlng mechanlsm,
we also learned LhaL because lL was golng LogeLher wlLh ÞAu or Lhe Þubllc AsslsLance
unlL of Lhe ueparLmenL of PealLh, nagkaroon ng maramlng requlremenLs so on Lhe
provlslon of Medlcal AsslsLance Lhere were requlremenLs as Lo Lhe orlglnal compleLe
prescrlpLlon for medlclnes and medlcal supplles, Lhe orlglnal laboraLory requesL, Lhe
original physician’s order request form and the statement of account all of this, so for
your prevlous guldellnes under SecLlon 4, 8 LhaL whole paragraph has been deleLed
so we, the new guidelines that you have now, it’s totally deleted kasi andudun nga
yung slnasabl nlnyo na plnapaballk-ballk yung pasyenLe, LoLoo yun kasl hlnahanap
yung mga orlglnal requesL and Lhe paLlenL has Lo look for Lhe docLor Lo slgn lL and
LhaL Lask alone ls very Ledlous kasl yung dokLor mlnsan nag-ra-rounds, mlnsan nasa
ibang… so lahat ng requirements na yun mawawala yun, also the hospitals, we had a
meeLlng wlLh Lhem lasL week and he sald of a slngle conLacL person Lhey are
requlred Lo have aL leasL Lwo conLacL persons ln-charge of Lhls program, Lhe dlrecLory
of whlch we wlll glve Lo you ln awhlle.
Cn Lhe prevlous guldellnes, Lhere were also a, a, a Lable LhaL reflecLed Lhe guldellnes
ln Lerms of uCP-reLalned PosplLal faclllLles and Lhe non-uCP-reLalned hosplLal,
hosplLals and healLh care faclllLles. Ckay, baslcally Lhe problem was Lhls, for Lhe uCP-
retained health facilities, mali naman po talaga, lalo na pag sinasabi nila na “uy, sorry
po wala po ditong pondo yung Congressman ninyo,” hindi po talaga dapat sabihin
yun. Ckay, so we already called Lhe aLLenLlon of all Lhe chlef of hosplLals and ln-facL a
memo has been released Lo Lhem lasL lrlday.
So we wlll have Lhree procedures, unang-una po yung plnapaklusap ng lahaL na
downloadlng ng funds, Lhe flnance deparLmenL, Lhe flnance secLlon of Lhe
ueparLmenL of PealLh has faclllLaLed LhaL, buL we undersLand LhaL, because of
bureaucracy, mlnsan naLaLagalan. So lf your funds are already downloaded ln Lhe
uCP hosplLals. So l repeaL unang-una po downloadlng of funds Lo uCP PosplLals
lncludlng reLalned hosplLals LhaL lncludes Lhe reglonal medlcal cenLers and speclalLy
hosplLals lf your offlce has funds Lhere, you can LransacL dlrecLly wlLh Lhem yung
polnL person nandudun, second, lf ln case nagpadala kayo ng pasyenLe, pagkapadala
nlnyo ng pasyenLe slnabl ay wala po dlLong pondo yung oplslna nlnyo whlch usually
happens, Lhls ls someLhlng LhaL we admlL should noL happen buL unforLunaLely Lhe
process of requesLlng Lhe funds and downloadlng lL Lakes a loL of Llme. So Lhe
proposal LhaL we have ln Lhls case kung saka-sakallng pagdaLlng, wala dlyaan, walang
pondo yung offlce or whaLever, we have a dlrecLory LhaL wlll be glven Lo you and LhaL
wlll be e-malled Lo all your offlces. ln LhaL dlrecLory, Lhere are Lwo persons ln-charge
of all hosplLals, so maklklLa nlnyo dun sa dlrecLory, andldlLo yung mga pangalan ng
mga hosplLals and Lhen kung slno yung conLacL person na LaLawagan nlnyo. So for any
problem, you lmmedlaLely call, LexL or e-mall Lhe persons ln-charge of LhaL hosplLal
and auLomaLlcally Lhey wlll lssue a guaranLee leLLer dlrecL Lo your offlce and dlrecL Lo
Lhe hosplLal.
kung saka-sakallng hlndl pa naLanggap ng hosplLal, dala-dala na ng pasyenLe nlnyo
yan kasl lblblgay ng offlce nlnyo pero kung yung pasyenLe naman nasa hosplLal, dun
din niya kukunin. It’s just like an alternative, kung in case wala pa yung pondo ninyo
dun sa speclflc na hosplLal. ln LhaL way, we wlll noL leL Lhe paLlenL walL, we wlll noL leL
your offlce walL and lf Lhe paLlenL wlll be dlscharged on LhaL day or Lhe day afLer, Lhe
guaranLee leLLer wlll be honoured. We also undersLand na yung guaranLee leLLer na
unang nirelease, medyo yung format, I mean it’s good, it’s okay. Unfortunately the
formaL creaLes a loL of quesLlons kasl nga parang it’s, it’s an indigency program of Lhe
DOH. Nawawalan ngayon ng, let’s admlL lL Lhe pollLlcal polnLs ln, ln Lhe case of Lhe
offlce requesLlng lL kasl ang nakaplrma dun ls Asec. Laga[ld and lL was placed Lhere na
hlndl pwedeng l-honor pag Saturday and Sunday. Andudun din yung nakalagay na it’s
charged ln Lhe offlce of Lhe SecreLary. So all of Lhese were deleLed. We wlll be glvlng
you Lhe new formaL of Lhe guaranLee leLLer. WhaL ls Lhere ls a bar code on Lop
because that is our control, and that’s also given to the hospitals. So nakalagay lang
dun yung pangalan ng pasyenLe, kung saang hosplLal and Lhe amounL LhaL you would
llke us Lo place ln Lhe guaranLee leLLer.
now, Lhe people ln-charge, kaya yan dalawa for Lhe mean Llme, buL ln Lhe nexL Lwo
weeks Lhey wlll be Lhree. Why? 8ecause Lhey wlll be on 24/7 duLy so LhaL you can call
Lhe number LhaL we wlll be glvlng wlll be endorsed approprlaLely because Lhey wlll be
on elghL hours duLy so holldays, weekend, gabl man, madallng-araw man, merong
sumasagoL sa LexL or Lawag nlnyo. We wlll glve Lhe names Lo you and Lhe conLacL
numbers aL Lhe approprlaLe Llme. now, Lhe Lhlrd one ls Lhe Local CovernmenL unlL
hosplLals. We already have lssued a dlrecLlve Lo all our reglonal directors to… to come
up wlLh a MCA that we have drafted it’s… it’s a new memorandum of agreemenL for
Lhem Lo make represenLaLlons for Lhe governor Lo slgn Lo cover all Lhe hosplLals, and
ln Lhe case of LCu PosplLals we undersLand na sa lba walang problema pero yung lba
naman may problema. And on Lhe parL of uCP naman, we are bound by CCA noL Lo
release funds lf we have no obllgaLlon. So Lhelr mechanlsm wlll agaln be llke a
relmbursemenL process where all guaranLee leLLers released by your offlce Lo Lhem
wlll be relmbursed wlLhln 10 worklng days by Lhe deparLmenL. So yan po yung LaLlong
slsLema. !usL Lo make a recap, Lhere wlll be Lhree mechanlsms, Lhe flrsL wlll be your
funds wlll be dlrecLly downloaded Lo Lhe speclalLy hosplLals and all uCP-reLalned
hosplLals and when LhaL happens, you can communlcaLe dlrecLly Lo Lhem, buL [usL ln
case, pag punLa nung pasyenLe nlnyo, pagLawag nlnyo, hlndl kayo agad-agad na-
enLerLaln, we wlll be glvlng you a dlrecLory for Lhe personnel ln-charge 24/7, [usL glve
Lhem Lhe name of Lhe paLlenL, Lhe amounL and Lhen a guaranLee leLLer wlll be
lmmedlaLely forwarded Lo your offlce. 1he hosplLal wlll also be copled and Lhe
personnel ln-charge, Lhe cashler offlce wlll also be LexLed, yung number, Lhe amounL,
and Lhe name of Lhe paLlenL. Þara po agad-agad na ma-enLerLaln. 1haL mechanlsm
also follows for Lhe LCu` PosplLals.
now Lhe oLher requlremenLs, LhaL yung Lable sa prevlous guldellnes nlnyo, LhaL was
acLually page four ln Lhe old requlremenLs. WhaL you have now ls Lhe new one.
Tinanggal na namin lahat yun. We admit it’s also very tedious especially lf Lhe paLlenL
has Lo go Lo Lhe soclal worker and come up wlLh all Lhese documenLary requlremenLs.
now on Lhe deLermlnaLlon of Lhe ellglblllLy of Lhe paLlenL for asslsLance from Lhe
MAÞ, we have also deleLed LhaL because Lhe ellglblllLy of Lhe paLlenL ls acLually your
decision. Then… also to erase all doubts we included it in the guidelines kasi yung
LCu PosplLals are concerned na baka hlndl slla mabayaran or whaLever.
nakalagay na doon LhaL wlLhln 10 worklng days Lhe deparLmenL ls obllged Lo pay
Lhem. That’s why in the letter that we sent out to the governors and the regional
dlrecLors and Lhe chlef of hosplLals, we requesLed for Lhelr correspondlng bank and
bank accounLs para dlrekLa nang bank-Lo-bank na magbabayad lahaL, lahaL-lahaL,
bank-Lo-bank na yung pagbayad ng cenLral offlce sa lahaL ng mga hosplLals. now,
Lhere are also a loL of, Lhe reason why Lhere were a loL of requlremenLs ln Lhe
prevlous guldellnes, was LhaL ln Lhe CAA LhaL was approved, andudun na naka-
sLlpulaLe yung medlclnes glven, laboraLorles done, yung mga lLemlzed llsL. So all of
LhaL wlll now be complled by a speclflc Leam LhaL wlll be handllng. So every paLlenL,
Luloy-Luloy yung pagblgay nlnyo ng asslsLance, buL my offlce, Lhere wlll be flve, or
four or flve personnel whose work wlll be Lo comply wlLh all Lhe requlremenLs under
Lhe CAA. ?ung mga gamoL na blnlblgay. So all of Lhese requlremenLs para hlndl na
yun lLulak sa pasyenLe. kasl kaya rln nagrereklamo yung lbang pasyenLe dahll napl-
plngpong slla. Ang damlng oplslna na plnupunLahan, whlch ls acLually noL good kasl
parang plnapahlrapan pa slla. So LhaL has been deleLed.
And lnsLead lL wlll be a responslblllLy of my offlce Lo comply wlLh all of Lhese
requlremenLs. now on Lhe, on Lhe drafL memorandum of agreemenL wlLh Lhe LCu`s,
whlle lnlLlally we wanLed Lo [usL have lL slgned by Lhe chlef of hosplLal, hlndl nga raw
pl-puwede kasl Lhey are under Lhe dlrecL supervlslon of Lhe local governmenL chlef
execuLlve. So Lhe oLhers have declded noL Lo puL funds ln Lhe LCu` hosplLals buL for
Lhose who will be putting funds, our… our assurance is that, hindi naman siya
magagamlL ng governor kasl flrsL, we are bound by CCA rules noL Lo download kung
wala kamlng payables. So kung may guaranLee leLLer gallng sa lnyo, yan po ang
babayaran ng ueparLmenL of PealLh. now, Lhere were also concerns LhaL were ralsed
Lo us. We reallzed na nagkaroon ng dalawang forms. And yung una kasl, l was
confused when l was recelvlng calls because LhaL Lhe enLlre program was handled by
anoLher offlce.
now l undersLood lLo palang dalawang forms because it’s a ÞAu or a Þubllc AsslsLance
unlL Cfflce, yung lsang form na plnapadala sa lnyo parang yung mga walk-ln paLlenL
na gusLong magpaLulong. 1he ÞAu offlce wrlLes a recommendaLlon and sends lL Lo
your offlce. So medyo hlndl maganda kasl parang ang feellng Luloy ng pasyenLe
nagpunLa slya sa uCP, ngayon lLuLulak namln sa offlce nlnyo. Þag hlndl agad na-
enLerLaln ng offlce nlnyo, maraml pang sallLa. So Lhe declslon of Lhe ueparLmenL ls Lo
do away wlLh all walk-ln paLlenLs because ln Lhe flrsL place lL was made clear Lo us
LhaL Lhese funds are noL uCP funds buL are acLually funds of Congressmen who are
Lhere Lo asslsL Lhelr consLlLuenLs. So Lhe referral leLLer lf ever you recelve one comlng
from uCP, don’t mlnd LhaL buL we already gave lnsLrucLlon. l mean l personally gave
lnsLrucLlons lasL week Lo do away wlLh all of Lhose. kasl hlndl pl-puwedeng yung mgs
kapag may lumalaplL dun lre-refer namln sa lnyo. ?ou know besL and you know beLLer
slno ang nanganagllangan ng Lulong sa dlsLrlLo nlnyo. lsa pa, hlndl rln Lalaga namln
alam kung constituent ninyo because they can always say they’re from this district,
they’re from this area tapos hindi naman. Now there was also the issue of the
compllaLlon or Lhe collaLlon of paLlenLs for Lhe day before referrlng Lo Lhe MAÞ.
Þarang blnubuo muna slla lahaL before lpadala.
Syempre LumaLagal dln Lalaga. kaya everyLlme na pasyenLe (kung) lf Lhey go Lo your
offlce, [usL refer Lhem Lo us lmmedlaLely and wlLhln 30 mlnuLes aL Lhe mosL LhaL wlll
be… yan na yung plnaka, plnakamaLagal. 1he guaranLee leLLer wlll be e-malled dlrecL
Lo your offlce. WheLher lL wlll be your offlce here or your dlsLrlcL offlce, [usL glve us
Lhe e-mall address buL aslde from LhaL and guaranLee leLLer ls also wlLh Lhe
respecLlve hosplLals so yung lssue na klno-collaLe muna lahaL before gawan ng
guaranLee leLLer mawawala na yun kasl meron nang Laong ln-charge for LhaL speclflc
hospital. So if I`m the patient, I’`ll go let’s say to the office of Congresswoman
CaLamco, pagdaLlng ko dun sasabihin ko dun “Cong., nangangailangan ako ng tulong.”
her offlce wlll LexL Lhe person ln-charge Lhen Lhe guaranLee leLLer goes Lo her offlce
you print it and then you can always say “Ito po tulong ni Congressman, tulong po ng
oplslna, dalhln nlnyo lang ito sa opisina, sa hospital, sa cashier office.” that will be
entertained and in the guarantee letter, there’s no mention of any… any person in the
ueparLmenL of PealLh, [usL was a menLlon Lhere of a, of Lhe lndlgency fund as belng
used Lo asslsL Lhem. now meron dlng mga Lanong yung bllllng amounL daw, hlndl
nagko-colnclde sa requesLed amounL sa guaranLee leLLer.
We already gave lnsLrucLlons for Lhe hosplLals, kung kunwarl ang plnablgay nlnyong
tulong is four thousand or let’s say five thousand. Yung billlng nlya kasl nabawasan pa
pala ng Philhealth or whatever naging let’s say three thousand five hundred na lang
para hlndl na Lumagal, pakuha nlnyo na lang ng Lake home meds nlya. kasl meron
namang mga gamoL dln na lnuuwl sa bahay so pakuha na lang dun. ldadagdag na lang
nila sa bill yun. The hospital wouldn’`t mind as long as the amount stipulated in the
guaranLee leLLer wlll be Lhe amounL wlll be Lhe amounL LhaL Lhe hosplLal wlll honor.
lf Lhe blll ls llke flve Lhousand and Lhe guaranLee leLLer ls four Lhousand flve hundred
Lhen Lhey have Lo pay for Lhe 300 kasl medyo mahlrap sllang l-ano... Ckay, Lhe oLher
issue was that yung nagbabago let`’s say meron kayong pondo na ni-requesL and we
fully undersLand na sa daml ng nakakaharap nlnyo syempre mlnsan, mlnsan kasl
napansln namln meron kayong consLlLuenLs nag-aaral sa lbang problnsya o lbang
reglon, naaksldenLe dun nagkasaklL whaLever happens. Wala kayong pondo dun. So
lnsLead of walLlng for Lhe downloaded funds, Lhe personnel ln-charge dun ullL sa
dlrecLory na lblblgay aL l-e-mall namln salnyo wlLhln Lhe day, yun ullL ang LaLawagan.
kasl nakalagay naman doon even yung hosplLal na hlndl sa dlsLrlLo nlnyo. So we wlll
sLlll honor LhaL as long as yung pondo nlnyo may nalwan pa na hlndl slya fully
downloaded dun sa lsang hosplLal. So yun yung pl-puwede but if i`t’s like fully
downloaded aL nauLlllzed na, maklklusap naman kaml na mahlrap on our parL kasl
Lhe funds LhaL are remalnlng are acLually funds for use of Lhe oLher Congressmen.
Yung… on the memorandum of agreemenL LhaL wlll be slgned by Lhe local
governmenL chlef execuLlve, Lhere was also Lhls concern na nl-re-refer pa slla sa
soclal worker. Well, admlLLedly lL really Lakes Llme especlally na yung munlclpal soclal
welfare offlcer lsa lang slya, pag nag-bl-break slya or nag-ll-leave wala na.
Since it’s DOH and the hospital has the capability to determine and in the new… new
guldellnes, Lhe deflnlLlon of lndlgenL paLlenLs and ellglble paLlenLs ls Lhose seeklng
consulL and admlLLed ln Lhe governmenL healLh care faclllLly. 1hen our legal
department also agreed that we don’t need a social worker para hindi na sila
pupunLa aL dl na slla mahlhlrapan. 1he mere facL LhaL Lhey soughL consulL ln a
government health facility, that’s enough. Now what would be the requiremenL for
Lhe guaranLee leLLer Lo be honoured, dl ba meron yung mga daLl orlglnal prescrlpLlon,
original clinical abstract, original medical certificate, social worker’s, mga blah…
blah… blah. Pinatanggal na namin lahat yun. Kasi sad to say, tama din na magallL kayo
because we reallzed LhaL many lf noL all of Lhe hosplLals meron palang correspondlng
charges for Lhls, so hlndl namln alam yun, our apologles for LhaL. Lvery documenL
pala na nl-re-requlre yung cllnlcal absLracL, medlcal cerLlflcaLe. Meron palang bayad.
So yung pasyenLe syempre, mas lalong nagagallL. AL yun pala yung baLLle neL, so lnl-
explain ng hospital na, “hindi, ini-enLerLaln namln yan, kulang lang yung
requirements.” Ngayon nung tinanong namin yung mga pasyente, eh kasi yung
requlremenLs pala, may bayad dln. So ang panglL Llngnan. So all of LhaL requlremenLs
had been deleLed because Lhls ls a requlremenL of Lhe ÞAu offlce. ÞarL kasl yun ng
parang lSC cerLlflcaLlon. So Lhese were all deleLed. 1he only requlremenL LhaL Lhe
guaranLee leLLer wlll be requlrlng ls an aLLach hosplLal bllllng. Ckay, because from LhaL
hosplLal bllllng, magkakaroon na kaml ngayon ng papel na puwede namlng l-Lrace
para dun sa lahat ng mga requirements for COA and GAA purposes so that’s all the…
ay just last… last concern pala.
Ang damlng LumaLawag Lungkol sa procuremenL of medlclnes. Whlle we would llke Lo
supporL LhaL, our dllemma ls LhaL our hands are Lled because ln Lhe funds LhaL were
approved, naka-speclfy kasl slya na hosplLal asslsLance. May we [usL requesL na kung
pu-pwede for Lhe nexL year, speclfled dun na puwede yung procuremenL of
medlclnes for medlcal mlsslons because as of now, u8M does noL allow us. AcLually,
ang Llnlngnan dln namln, hlndl rln kasl solely ma-blame yung u8M kasl ang naglng
problema, parang yung, may mga CCA reporLs noL relaLed Lo ÞuAl buL relaLed Lo
procuremenL of medlclnes, ln some hosplLals and ln some LCu`s. And because of
Lhese, parang naglng damay-damay ang lahaL. So whlle Lhey are dolng Lhlngs Lo
resolve LhaL, hlndl muna ln-allow. So yun naman yung medyo dllemma namln buL
Lhen lf you have medlcal mlsslons Lhese are llke ouL paLlenL, you can group Lhem
LogeLher llke oh you can have a dlabeLes cllnlc or you can have a hyperLenslve cllnlc
and Lhen Lhe laboraLorles and Lhe medlclnes LhaL Lhey wlll be uslng can be charged Lo
Lhe hosplLal. So pu-pwede po yung ganun. ?es, slr.
!"#$%&'( *+', %-# ."/&#(0#1 Cood afLernoon po! Asec!
2$#03 4.+&(1 Pl bosslng!
!"#$%&'( *+', %-# ."/&#(0#1 My question is regarding health facilities that doesn’t
have any medicines or medical supplies considering that I’ve heard in the recent
news that some private… almost all private hospitals in Metro Manila will not honor
cleans compleLlon conslderlng LhaL ÞhllhealLh lLself owes Lhese hosplLals Lhese
prlvaLe hosplLals ls havlng a hard Llme of faclllLaLlng for Lhe papers ln cleanlng Lhe
hosplLal for Lhe ÞhllhealLh beneflL of Lhe paLlenL. kasl po LhaL ls one slde kasl sa amln
sa probinsya, talaga pong minsan ang ospital ang… for example in Biliran there is only
one hosplLal whlch ls Lhe provlnclal hosplLal. 1here ls no prlvaLe hosplLal, Lhere ls no
naLlonal governmenL hosplLal. 1he nearesL naLlonal governmenL hosplLal ls Lwo hours
away. now, mosL of Lhe paLlenLs are really poor. Some of Lhem needs lmmedlaLe
aLLenLlon, lmmediate operation… surgical operation like that and has a lot of
prescrlpLlons needed for Lhe operaLlons Lo be conducLed lmmedlaLely. unforLunaLely,
let’s agree that all… mostly of the government hospitals especially in the rural areas
doesn’t have the medlclnes.
!"#$% '()*+, The medicines… these are for LGU`s Hospitals… not from, hindi yung
uCP hosplLal.
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# (.4*#+$#, Yes… Kasi po ang ginagawa namin dun, during there
was PDAF and I’m a doctor kasi. So ang ginagawa ko mlno-MCA ko sa governmenL
and Lhen we ablde by all of Lhe CCA rules. Ano bang requlremenL ng CCA? uahll pag
plnasok mo sa LCu yan, Lhe LCu musL be responslble for Lhe funds under all CCA
rules so mangyayarl po dyan kallangan ng soclal proflllng. kallangan ko ng medlcal
cerLlflcaLe or hosplLal absLracL. Pahanapan po slla ng, ng reslbo ng mga gamoL kaya
nangyayarl po mas effecLlve nun because nasa LCu ang pondo. nagpa-faclllLaLe ang
dlsLrlcL offlce. kung walang gamoL sa loob ng osplLal sa emergency room, kaml mlsmo
ang bumlblll sa boLlka sa labas, may reslbo, nakapangalan sa pasyenLe para pag nl-
llquldaLe namln sa CCA, mallnls. Walang dahllan na kung saan napunLa yung pondo
pero kung tatanggalin po natin ngayon yung mga requirements na I don’t know if the,
Lhe COA will… acceptable sa kanila na walang mga supporting justifications. Just
hosplLal blll lang kasl alam nlnyo po kung hosplLal blll lang ang sagoL ng uCP pa, eh
Lalagang kawawa ang mahlhlrap dahll ang hosplLal walang gamlL, walang gamoL,
walang anaesLheLlcs, halos wala.
!"#$% '()*+, Okay, for the COA, sa… sa ganitong sistema let’s go back to the ano
please... Ckay for Lhls kasl, for Lhe guaranLee leLLer, lL wlll be accepLable Lo CCA
because the patient’s bill will allow us to look into what we call the WL8 ÞAlS. So
whaL uCP has seLup ls an lnLerneL llnkage among all our hosplLals, LhaL we encode
the patients’ name,we get their records. So ibig sabihin, actually hindi na yun iko-
comply kasl meron na lang kamlng mga Lao na Laga-comply nun. So we Lransfer Lhe
burden of the patients to our staff. Now, yung sa LGU`s we will… we will make
lmmedlaLely presenLaLlons wlLh Lhe u8M kasl yung downloadlng of funds, hlndl
namln alam kung papayagan ln Lhe prevlous meeLlngs kasl, hlndl pl-pwede kung wala
kang bllllng basls.
Now, what we can actually do is that, I don’t know if it will be of much help. What we
can do ls posslbly lnclude lL ln Lhe MCA LhaL Lhe governor who wlll slgn kasl yung
governor naman yung may pondo, Lhe governor who wlll slgn wlll also manlfesL LhaL
while they are signing kasi it’s actually income for them eh kasi kaysa ang nangyayari
ngayon yung pasyenLeng walang pambayad, hlndl mo naman maplllL, wlLh Lhe
Congresslonal fund now, yung pasyenLeng walang pambayad, aslde from ÞhllhealLh
kahlL papaano nadadagdagan ang pondo ninyo. So ang mangyayari dun, it’s also a
welcome income for them. Then maybe in the MOA, we will stipulate that it’s their
mandaLe Lo provlde Lhe baslc meds and Lhe commonly used medlclnes ln Lhelr
hospital. So that’s one that they can do, buL afLer Lhls meeLlng allow me Lo have
some Llme Lo make represenLaLlons wlLh u8M and CCA on, on how we are golng Lo
faclllLaLe Lhe, yeah, pwedeng dun na lang sa flrsL sllde. nexL sllde please. no, no, no,
sllde, prevlous sllde, okay so Lhls ls Lhe new Lerm LhaL wlll be lncluded. ?ung ellglble
beneflclary, so we do away wlLh Lhe soclal worker, wlLh Lhe assessmenL whaLsoever,
Lhey are seeklng consulLaLlon, slnama namln yung rehab per requesL of oLher
congressmen, examlnaLlon or oLher... regardless of room category, okay… kasi meron
namang mga pasyenLe na hlndl raw LlnaLanggap kasl nasa seml-prlvaLe room or
prlvaLe room. unforLunaLely, Lhere are lllnesses LhaL mandaLes (slc) Lhelr lsolaLlon or
mlnsan puno yung hosplLal. Plndl naman nlla kasalanan na sa prlvaLe room slla. So
lsasama na lang slya. lLo lang yung problema namln yung professlonal fees.
Maybe you can help us with, ito talaga it’s, it’s really COA… We, we made several
represenLaLlons, blnaballk naman ng CCA sa amln whlch ls somehow Lrue kasl, as, as
lndlgenL paLlenLs hlndl, lalo na kapag ÞhllhealLh, meron na kaslng professlonal fee.
Supposed Lo be yung docLor hlndl na sumlslngll. kaya slya hlndl nadya-[usLlfy kasl llke
in the case… actually in a meeting with Philhealth, I put forward a proposal sabl ko sa
Philhealth, “baka naman pi-puwede kasi what happens is if I’m the doctor, pasyente
kunwarl pasyenLe sl cong., Cong. Penry Þryde 1eves. May ÞhllhealLh slya or PMC,
whaL ÞhllhealLh and MPC does, ls LhaL Lhey pay Lhe hosplLal for Lhe medlcal bllls, Lhe
PF goes direct to my bank account.” Ganun po yun. So sa government hospitals,
ganun dln. 1he ÞhllhealLh goes dlrecL Lo Lhe bank accounL of Lhe docLor.
So mlnsan, hlndl alam ng pasyenLe na meron na slyang blnayad. So whaL we are
recommendlng ls Lhey glve Lhe money or Lhe Þl dlrecL Lo Lhe paLlenL, Lhe paLlenL
Lhen pays LhaL Lo Lhe docLor. 1hen magLaLawaran na slla para may semblance ng
bayad. We have a pendlng proposal abouL dun sa ÞhllhealLh, and medyo nag-okay
naman slla lnlLlally, kasl ang nangyayarl ngayon, people do noL know na yung dokLor
nababayaran na pala ng ÞhllhealLh. kaya pag sumlslngll slla, akala naman ng pasyenLe
Lalagang walang nalbayad. nagdodoble acLually. kasl llke hlnahanap mo, so phllhealLh
like will pay you eight thousand… so that’s something we would like to solve. Will this
sLlll geL refunds from paymenL? AcLually, yung sa ngayon. Ahh, kasl yung walang
Philhealth. Ngayon pala, yung… just to inform you, there’s a point of care. Okay. What
ls Lhe polnL of care program? 1he polnL of care says. May pasyenLe ka. nasa
governmenL hosplLal. MaklklLa naman ng hosplLal na walang pamabayad yun, walang
ÞhllhealLh. 1he polnL of care allows, acLually lL mandaLes Lhe hosplLal Lo
auLomaLlcally enrol Lhe paLlenL.
nagkaroon lang ng kaunLlng gllLch kasl nung nagbabayad na yung hosplLal sa
ÞhllhealLh na-dlsallow ng CCA. Ckay. ?ung CCA naman nung dlnls-allow nlla, kasl
nasa baLas nga Lalaga na yung lncome ng hosplLal, hlndl puwedeng pambayad ng
ÞhllhealLh premlmum. So for an exempLlon we already had Lhree meeLlngs wlLh
u8M, durlng Lhe laLesL meeLlng we submlLLed a formaL agaln Lo Sec. 8uLch. And Lhen
we are awalLlng, l mean verbally and ln prlnclple secreLary Abad already agreed kasl
sabi ko “Boss ang kailangan lang naman talaga dito papel na pirmado ng u8M
instructing COA that they are now allowing hospitals… they are amending that rule
that hospitals can pay for the premium.” So medyo maso-solve na yun, so kung yung
pasyenLe walang pambayad, pagpasok nlya aL hlndl slya enrolled dun sa maLrlx,
pwede slyang l-enrol ng hosplLal, yes. So yan yung polnL of care. So yung admlsslon
nlya na yan, mababayran na slya ng ÞhllhealLh.
!"#$%&'( *+', %-# ."/&#(0#1 Magandang hapon po. 1anong ko lang u-sec, are all
hosplLals, naLlonwlde ay may polnL of care?
2$#03 45+&(1 Supposedly, all uCP hosplLals, yes. ?ung LCu naman, kapag slnama rln
sila yun lang yung naging ano… yung paymenL ng lncome kasama na rln slla. So lahaL
po yun.
!"#$%&'( *+', %-# ."/&#(0#1 second po ay, yung, kasl, yung hallmbawa po, makaka-
avall na ang mga indigent patients ng point of care, is it available 24/7? Ang… ang
pag-lssue po ng polnL of care para sa mga pasyenLe po?
2$#03 45+&(1 ?es, because Lhe hosplLal enrols Lhem. So Lhe hosplLal geLs Lhelr daLa,
may form na slla. 1apos hlndl nga makakabayad yan… babayaran ng Philhealth.
!"#$%&'( *+', %-# ."/&#(0#1 So lL becomes auLomaLlcally enrolled? Cnce Lhey, Lhey
are conflned. Cnce Lhey are conflned ln Lhe hosplLal. Pow abouL usec, yun pong ano,
yung mga emergency cases po, na, yung, yung kallangan po ng pasyenLeng mahlrap
ng kailangan they have to avail yung private doctors, is the point of care… takes care
(slc) of LhaL? Pallmbawa po naaksldenLe po aL nagkaroon po ng problema sa braln, so
Lhe hosplLal especlally Lhe LCus hosplLals ay wala pong avallable sa kanlla na
neurologlsL, kallangan pong kumuha ng prlvaLe docLor? So how can we address Lhe
problem of Lhe paLlenL?
!"#$% '()*+, Yes, yes, yes… Actually as long as the patient is indigent and even if it is a
pay paLlenL, Lapos walang speclallsL na avallable, ÞhllhealLh covers Lhem as long as
Lhe docLor ls ÞhllhealLh accredlLed.
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# 4.5*#+$#, So Lhey are fully-covered po?
!"#$% '()*+, ?es, yes. kaya lang yung ÞhllhealLh kasl meron sllang llke, for Lhls case,
lLo yung Þl. lor Lhls case, lLo yung Þl. SomeLlmes kasl, Lhe oLher docLors would
charge parang... plus, plus, plus.
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# 4.5*#+$#, ?un nga po eh, kasl hallmbawa manlnlnlngll po ng,
yung neurologlsL, manlnlgll po slya kung mlnsan po ng 120, 000.00. ?an po ang ano.
Syempre hlndl naman po mamlmlll yung pangyayarl, ay hlndl makakapamlll kung slno
yung Lao kung mahlrap ba slya o mayaman, ang masama, ang mahlrap po sa lsang
mahlrap na Lao ay maaksldenLe hlndl lamang po sa, sa moLorslklo, whaLever accldenL
may happen Lo an lndlvldual, ay masasagoL po ba yun? kung mlnsan 120, 000, kung
mlnsan 200, 000. Pallmbawa po kung mlnsan kasl mayroon dln pong lnaaLake nasa
lsang okasyon blglang lnaLake aL dlnala po sa hearL cenLer, or sa lbang speclalLy
hosplLal, masasagoL po ba yun ng polnL of care?
!"#$% '()*+, lor Lhe ÞhllhealLh enrolmenL, yes. And Lhe fee correspondlng Lo LhaL
ÞhllhealLh allows. unforLunaLely and admlLLedly, nakakahlya mang sablhln, meron
Lalagang lbang docLors na Lhey Lake advanLage, so nagcha-charge slla ng malakl. May
Larlpa naman supposedly yun pero yung lba nga hlndl sumusunod. 8ecause, unllke
Lhe lawyers, Lhey have l8Þ. lor Lhe docLors, wala kaslng lnLegraLed ÞMA. lL was
actually the law that I believe congresswoman Binay, myself, and, bothers with… they
are pushlng before kasl Lhere ls no body, dapaL dln kasl, Lama naman na sumlngll kasl
hanapbuhay nlla yun, pero yung Lolerable, ang nangyayarl kasl parang kanya-kanya
na, wala nang slnusunod. 1haL ls why na we have a pendlng proposal wlLh ÞhllhealLh
maybe you can help us wlLh LhaL, na yung paymenL ng professlonal fee na
relmbursemenL goes dlrecL Lo Lhe paLlenL para yung pasyenLe dala-dala na yung pera
lbabayad nlya dun slla magne-negoLlaLe. kasl nangyayarl sa ngayon Lalaga, lL goes
dlrecL Lo Lhe docLor.
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# 4.5*#+$#, Saka po usec, kung hlndl po masasagoL lahaL ng
ÞhllhealLh, LhaL ls why concern po kaml na maunawaan po ng CCA aL ng u8M na sana
po yung amlng ahh, ahh alloLLed funds for Lhe medlcal asslsLance ay mablgyan po ng
pagkakaLaon na makapag-rekomenda po kaml ng professlonal fee dln po pandagdag
dun sa hlndl po ma-accommodaLe ng ÞhllhealLh.
!"#$% '()*+, ?eah, ahm we wlll also walL Lhe presenLaLlons pero slguro sa, lLo kasl
yung ngayon nakasama lLo doon kasl prevlously mayroon yaLang na-dlsallow yung
CCA yun sa, sa PDAF pa before so that’s why pero yung isa naman dun ahm, maybe
we should also lnform Lhe paLlenLs LhaL Lhere ls Lhls law lalo na kung governmenL
hosplLal eh hlndl pwedeng ma-hold yung paLlenL. So kung nabayaran na yan
supposed Lo be yung hosplLal pwede na sllang l-release.
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# 4.5*#+$#, usec. Pallmbawa po ah lsang mahlrap na pasyenLe na
lumaplL sa amln na, na by emergency cases eh nalagay po sa prlvaLe hosplLal how can
we be of help Lo Lhem?
!"#$% '()*+, 1hrough Lhe medlcal asslsLance program LhaL ahm, you, you recommend
as long as Lhey are ln Lhe governmenL faclllLy ahm, ah prlvaLe hosplLal.
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# 4.5*#+$#, Private po… private po nadala po kasi yun po ang
!"#$% '()*+, 1he, Lhe soluLlon Lalaga dun ls you Lransfer.
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# 4.5*#+$#, ln Lhe, ln Lhe real sense po eh, usec. nangyayarl po
kasl yan.
!"#$% '()*+, ?eah, yeah, we undersLand maraml pong nangyayarlng ganyan. Þero
maraml dln pong lmmedlaLely eh nlllllpaL. AcuLally Lhere ls a proposal Lo expand yung
medlcal asslsLance program Lo lnclude Lhe prlvaLe hosplLals. kaya lang yung eLo nga
yung ngayon madallan kasl slya durlng Lhe budgeL hearlng, ALleasL llke ahmn, we now
have 3 seLs for requesL for Lhe nexL budgeL.
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# 4.5*#+$#, ?un po kaslng ah, alam ko yung funds na alloLLed for
every dlsLrlcL ay lL has Lo be ldenLlfled by a, a dlsLrlcL congressman or or parLy-llsL
ahm, ahh.
!"#$% '()*+, AcLually po, noL necessarlly LhaL ls why we wanLed Lo correcL LhaL kasl
maraml na yung nagrereklamo noh, correcL us lf l am wrong, andamlng nagreklamo
na baklL daw plnapa-ldenLlfy ng hosplLal Lapos pag gusLo nang lllpaL, ang hlrap. Ang
LoLoo po, hlndl naman po necessary na mag-ldenLlfy kayo agad, unless you wanL your
money downloaded Lhere lmmedlaLely. Cur lnlLlal recommendaLlon was acLually,
we’ll send the guarantee letters then bayaran agad para walang, walang tagal, walang
maramlng requlremenLs kasl Lhe hosplLal sLrucLure has a loL of requlremenLs for
lndlgency program naLuLunga kasl dlyan slla eh. So Lo solve LhaL, yun yung prlnopose
namin. But then there were others naman we’re very comfortable with outright
downloadlng so sabl namln okay naman yun. lor Lhose na wala kayong downloaded
na pondo, actually it’s easler, beLLer and more flexlble kasl by Lhe Llme na nagpallL ka
ng lslp, kunyare parLy-llsL congressman ka, dlLo ka naglagay ng pondo, Lhen mayroon
dln dun kasamahan nlnyo, kalblgan nlnyo LumaLakbo dln, you wanL Lo concenLraLe on
Lhls area, so very flexlble, all you have Lo do ls look aL our dlrecLory Lell Lhe person ln
charge you wanL a guaranLee leLLer lmmedlaLely Lo Lhls hosplLal, Lhls paLlenL, lpadala
agad. So hlndl na yung na-download na dun, babawlln mo ullL, lre-reallgn mo.
Mas maLagal yun. So for Lhose who were noL able Lo submlL a llsL of breakdown. Wala
pong problema. ?ou [usL call/LexL ALLy. (?) here Moly ls Lhe one headlng Lhe group. So
that’s Moly. Kasama rin dun yung AO ko si Ethel, and then yung si Annalyn. Ito si Moly
he wlll be headlng Lhe staff, ito si Moly pakita mo yung… Si Moly will be the one
supervising the personnel na 24/7 on 8 hours rotation to cater to your calls… So yung
dun sa dlrecLory ullLln ko lang dalawa lang muna yung pangalan dun may dadagdag
na pangaLlo, Lelephone numbers and name of hosplLals. So kung yung pasyeneLe
nandlLo sa hosplLal A, lLo yung pangalan ng pasyenLe PosplLal A, amounL, LexL nlnyo
lang yung lnyong deslgnaLed na offlce or ano padala kaagad namln yung guaranLee
leLLer by e-mall kung walang e-mall we wlll fax lL buL aL Lhe same Llme we glve a copy
to the cashier’s office and the director’s office in the hospital. Para pagkapunta yung
pasyenLe kung yung lumaplL nandldlLo or dlsLrlcL offlce, punLa slla, lblblgay.
!"#$%&'( *+', %-# ."/&#(0#1 lor clarlflcaLlon lang po, sana po eh lend me your ears,
sllence please. Plndl po Layo magkakalnLlndlhan lf everyone, all of us are Lalklng. My
clarlflcaLory quesLlon lamang po ako usec. ?un po bang aLlng avallable personnel ln
your offlce po eh can accommodaLe all congressmen’s ah concerns, regarding, with
regards (slc) Lo Lhe sendlng of a guaranLee leLLers kasl po kaLulad ko lamang po sa
amlng dlsLrlLo po ay napakaraml po na nablblgyan ng, na blnlblgyan namln daLl ng
guaranLee leLLer eh kung mlnsan po anlmnapu kung mlnsan po eh lsang daang
pasyenLe eh kung kaml pong lahaL eh almosL 300 congressmen po kaml can Lhey all
accommodaLe all of us po for LhaL parLlcular day. Þangalawa po. Ay.. yun po munag
2$#03 45+&(1 AcLually yes, ahm pasensya lang po nagkaron po kasl ng konLlng
mlsundersLandlng when Lhls program came ln and lnlLlally we LhoughL lL wlll be
asslgned Lo my offlce, we Lralned people, kaya lang nung nagkaroon ng konLlng,
nagkaroon ng meeLlng sl Sec. and wlLh some leaders of Lhe Pouse, nagkaroon ng
konLlng mlscommunlcaLlon so hlndl po, parang na-cuL, na-cuL because Lhey LhoughL
LhaL, LhaL hlndl na kallangan yung gagawa ng guaranLee leLLer, gagawa ng guldellnes, l
mean gagawa nung yung mga medlclnes glven, laboraLorles requesLed, because lL wlll
be requesLed by Lhe paLlenL sa hosplLal. ?ung lumabas na ngayon na may bayad pala
yung lahaL ng daLa na yun, ahm acLually nl-reLrleve namln yung lahaL na Lrlnaln, we
sLarLed calllng Lhem, we had a meeLlng lasL week, dlnagdagan ng Lao, so
makakayanan po nlla. And ahm, lf Lhere wlll be a baLLle neck aL some polnL of Llme,
nagdadagdag po kaml nang nagdadagdag ng Lao. 8uL for now, people who were
facilitating before that’s a total of 6 or 7 people ahm, now they are 14 and 21. So yun
po slLuaLlon po. lor sure Lhey can accommodaLe everybody.
!"#$%&'( *+', %-# ."/&#(0#1 Secondly po, yung ah paLlenLs po na na-conflne po or
lko-conflne pa lang sa LCus hosplLals ln my provlnce po ay papano po slla mablblgyan
ng gamoL ng hosplLal kung wala pa po kasl sabl po nlnyo yun munang hosplLal blll ang
lblblgay, lsesend po sa lnyo. 1ama po ba ako. ?un lang pong hosplLal blll ang lsesend
po sa lnyo aL kayo po ang magda-download ng pera sa provlnclal governmenL kasl lLo
pong LCus noh ay under po ng provlnclal execuLlves ay papano po LaLanggapln ng
lsang LCu hosplLal kaLulad po ng samln provlnclal hosplLal sasablhln na lang po na.
Þapano po ba ang communlcaLlon namln? Ahm, kaml po ay magblblgay ng
endorsemenL sa dlrecLor ng LCu hosplLal? Cr hallmbawa po provlnclal hosplLals or
dlsLrlcL hosplLals wlLhln my dlsLrlcL magblblgay po ba ako ng endorsemenL sa dlrecLor
para po lahaL ng kanyang kallangang gawlng examlnaLlons, laboraLorles, ulLrasound,
C1 scan, Lhose are faclllLles avallable ln hosplLals Lska po yung medlclnes yun po ba ay
l-endorse ko po sa dlsLrlcL, ay sa dlrecLor ng hosplLals for LhaL maLLer.
2$#03 45+&(1 ?eah, we acLually senL already a memo Lo all reglonal dlrecLors and we
wlll be maklng represenLaLlons lsa-lsa po sa lahaL ng hosplLal na any guranLee leLLer
na dala-dala ng pasyenLe gallng sa oplslna ng congressman, Langgapln nlla because
we wlll also be sendlng a dlrecL slmllar copled slla para aL leasL alam nlla na mayroon.
now yung lpadadala namln sa congresslonal offlce nlnyo na lblblgay nlnyo ngayon sa
pasyenLe na lLo po Lulong nl congressman, ganyan, dadalhln ng pasyenLe yun dl ba,
lblblgay nlya sa hosplLal, pagdala nlya sa hosplLal, lahaL po lyon leL us say aL Lhe end
of Lwo weeks lko-complle ng hosplLal and Lhen Lhey [usL send lL Lo Lhe reglonal offlce.
1he reglonal offlce wlll now valldaLe lL wlLh us and Lhen we say yes, kasl magpapadala
na kaml ng amounL and do LhaL fund Lransfer wlLhln Len worklng days. 1haL ls Lhe
maxlmum, Len worklng days.
!"#$%&'( *+', %-# ."/&#(0#1 Maramlng salamaL po. klarong-klaro na po. Maramlng
salamaL po.
2$#03 45+&(1 So hlndl po LaLagal yung uLang.
!"#$%&'( *+', %-# ."/&#(0#1 Magandang hapon po ullL usec, !aneL. Alam nlnyo po
sa uSWu verslon. ?ung oresenL verslon ngayon, l was able Lo Lalk Lo Lhe SecreLary
ulnky and ah, ganun dln ang asslsLance fund eh kasl from Lhe same fund LhaL whaL
Lhe uCP wlll provlde. Ang napagkasunduan po namln ah regardlng dun sa slLuaLlons
llke us na malayo kaml sa reglonal offlce, malayo po kaml sa mga reglonal hosplLals,
or naLlonal agencles, eh lda-download po nlla, meron na po sllang glnawang MCA
from Lhe cenLral offlce ang plplrma yung reglonal dlrecLor ng uSWu aL ah lda-
download po yung pondo leL us say 12 mllllon. Sabl nl SecreLary Cong, kahlL kalahaLl
lang muna, kasl masyadong malakl ang pondo so yung kalahaLl po l-da-download daw
sa local governmenL na gusLo mo na mag-l-lmplemenL ng programa ng uSWu aL ah,
yung provlnclal governmenL na yun whlch wlll be slgned by Lhe governor and Lhe
reglonal dlrecLor of Lhe deparLmenL yun pong pondo na yun eh responslble na po ang
LCu. So yung LCu slla na ang all Lhe audlLlng pollcles of Lhe governmenL Lhey should
ablde by lL. And afLer ma-consume yung 6 mllllon, responslblllLy ng local governmenL
na l-llquldaLe sa uSWu bago ma-release ang second baLch ng pondo. So mas mas
maglglng effecLlve lLo kaysa yung kada release for example walang lbang dapaL lLong
daanan kundl sa local governmenL ah faclllLy dahll malayo nga yung naLlonal eh kung
dalawa-dalawa llquldaLlon LaLakbo ka pa ng reglon malayo pa maghlhlnLay ka pa ng
Len days, doubL lL lf Lhe naLlonal governmenL can lmmedlaLely faclllLaLe Lhe
assessmenL, Lhe llquldaLlon of all dlsLrlcLs ln Lhe counLry, dahll po lsa lang ang oplslna
nlyan eh.
And aslde sa kanllang normal sLandard operaLlons, lLo pa yung dagdag na Lrabaho
gallng sa mga pondo ng lLo nga former, l doubL lL kung mapapabllls po naLln, we are
Lalklng here of llves of Lhe people, healLh lLo eh. Plndl naman lLo rehablllLaLlon, hlndl
po lLo, lLo po ay lmmedlaLe ang kallangan. 1aLakbo sa emergency room. kallangan
kaagad ng gamoL alam nlnyo po yun, dokLor po Layo. Plndl pl-pwedeng paghlnLayln
ng sampung araw lLo. kung hlndl pupuLok yan. kaya po sa akln po blgyan po naLln ng
leeway naman, lalo na yung mga lugar na kaLulad sa amln na ang layo namln sa
reglonal ah, deparLmenL na kung pwde po meron namang exlsLlng CCA rules.
napakahlgplL ng CCA ngayon alam naLln lahaL. 1alagang napakahlrap ngayon.
kawawa ang mga LCu ngayon, dahll Lalagang sobrang hlgplL ng CCA ngayon Lalagang
pag-llslpan mo, na LaLanungln mo muna slla Lama ba lLong paggasLos ko bago mo
gawln para slguradong safe ka. Sa akln po sana naman sa mga ganlLong slLwasyon
sana magawan naman ng paraan para kaagad na maibigay ang…

!"#$% '()*+, We wlll, we wlll relay and Lhen come, come back Lo you, magpaalam po
kaml on how Lo go abouL lL. lnlLlally kasl nung napag-usapan kasl ang downloadlng Lo
LCus when were aL Lhe u8M offlce, ang nasabl kasl nun ls hlndl kasl dlreLso sa
hosplLals, buL Lhe premlse kasl doon, nagkakaroon ng problema, kaya nga magkalba
yung premlse, now LhaL ls a very valld reason, before kasl yung naglglng problema na
kapag downloaded ang pondo, Lapos kasl nag-away sl Cov aL sl Cong or sl Mayor
glnamlL yung ganun hlndl nan are-reLrleve, LhaL ls Lhe problem LhaL we have now ln
the health facilities enhancement. Kasi…
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# 4.5*#+$#, Samln po for slgurado, excuse me, wala pong
problema sa amln.
!"#$% '()*+, Yeah… yeah
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# 4.5*#+$#, kapaLld ko yung governor.
!"#$% '()*+, We wlll make Lhe necessary represenLaLlons. 8uL for Lhe mean Llme.
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# 4.5*#+$#, 1hank you po.
!"#$% '()*+, nasaan yung powerpolnL? nexL sllde, nexL sllde, ballk, ballk, ballk. Ckay,
l-ano ko lang, l-clarlfy ko lang Cong, l-clarlfy ko lang Cong, lLo ay uCP-reLalned
faclllLles wlLhouL downloaded funds. Plndl lblg sablhln nun kallangan may guaranLee
leLLer Lalaga lahaL. Mlnsan kasl, agad-agad yung nagpupunLa sa lnyong pasyenLe
PearL CenLer pala slya o nag-aaral slya dun sa uÞ vlsayas so nasa WesLern vlsayas
Medlcal CenLer slya. ?ung pag-download Lakes Llme. kasl may mga documenLary, kaya
slna-suggesL namln na kung wala kayong downloaded pondo dun. Mlnsan naman
mayroong a llLLle mlscommunlcaLlon, na nag-requesL na pala kayo ng downloadlng of
funds for LhaL hosplLal kagaya nga namln, we exLend our apologles, lasL week ko lang
nalaman yung case nl Congresswoman Lucy 1orres na nagreklamo ng sl Cong. Lucy,
may represenLaLlve ba sa offlce nl Cong. Lucy dlLo? Þlease exLend our apologles. kasl
nung una, acLually lasL week ko lang nalaman yung ganlLong problema nung nag-l-
ednorse na nga na slnabl nlya sa hosplLal ng pasyenLe na slnablhan, wala po kayong
pondo dlLo. So medyo hlndl nga maganda ang daLlng.
lL should noL have been sald. now kung wala kayong pondo, hlndl pa dumaLlng, yun
pala yung requesL nlla, yung requesL nlya came ln laLe parang nandudun sa second
baLch. ?ung naLanggap ng hosplLal flrsL baLch pa lang. So kung ganung problema, dlLo
kayo para mas mabllls. Pabang hlnlhlnLay naLln yung downloadlng padala na kaagad
kayo ng ano requesL for medlcal asslsLance. Agad-agad lblblgay namln yung guaranLee
leLLer. kasl pag may guaranLee leLLer na dala ang pasyenLe nlnyo, parang ÞCSC yan, dl
ba pag dala nlla wala nang Lanong yung osplLal kasl yung guaranLee leLLer good as
cash yan. kumbaga parang SM glfL cheque. Ckay. 1he guaranLee leLLer we glve lL Lo
your offlce. We send lL Lo your offlce. nexL sllde. nexL sllde. ?ung guaranLee leLLer.
Ckay for Lhose who were asklng Lhls ls Lhe guaranLee leLLer LhaL we wlll make. now
kung kunyare buo pa, we wlll [usL puL lL hosplLal blll. llalagay lang namln yung
breakdown nung kanya kung may breakdwon. kung walang breakdown, we [usL place
Lhe hosplLal blll and Lhe amounL. ?ou see ÞPC 140 yung may number aL may mark.
Ckay LhaL ls Þhlllpplne PearL CenLer may correspondlng number. 1haL ls acLually a
code. 1haL code wlll allow us Lo reLrleve Lhe daLa of Lhe paLlenL. kaya yung mga
nakalagay sa CAA na mga, lLo yung mga requlremenLs, yung CCA, yung medlclnes
glven. 1haL wlll noL be your work. 1haL wlll be our work. 8ecause LhaL conLrol number
will allow us to retrieve all patients’ information from our computer and the
compuLers of Lhe hosplLal. So yun po yung lblg namln sablhln. So dlLo Llnanggal na rln
namln yung pumlplrma na sl Asec. Clbby Lagahld, Asec. Clbby ls kaya nandyadyan
siya before kasi siya yung heading PAO office and he’s the EA of Secretary Ona. We
also admlL na hlndl nga maganda Llngnan na mayroong lblblgay kayo Lapos yung
maklklLa ng pasyenLe na Asec. Lagahld so nawawalan ngayon ng polnLs na LoLoo
naman na kayo ang nag-facilitate ng pondo. So that’s why the new guarantee letter
wlll [usL be llke Lhls. no slgnaLory. no menLlon of Lhe secreLary of Lhe, no menLlon of
any LA or any personallLy, yan lang. L-mall namln, [usL glve lL. WhaL ls lmporLanL ls
you glve Lhe form LhaL we have, because Lhe hosplLals know LhaL when Lhey look aL
Lhe conLrol number, pasok na kaagad yun. 8ecause LhaL number wlll be, wlll
correspondlng Lo Lhe amounL LhaL we placed Lhere. And LhaL number when lL comes
Lo us, compuLe nang compuLe na kaml. AL Lhe end of Lwo weeks alam na namln kung
magkano yung lpapadala sa kanlla Lhrough bank Lo bank. ?es po? Ay slr, sorry slr.
!"#$%&'( *+', %-# ."/&#(0#1 Cood afLernoon usec.
2$#03 4.+&(1 ?eah, good afLernoon slr.
!"#$%&'( *+', %-# ."/&#(0#1 Cood afLernoon dlsLlngulshed colleagues. My name ls
1ed Carcla, l am Lhe Congressman of Lhe 2
dlsLrlcL of 8aLaan, and a former Lhree-
Lerm governor. l have no quesLon buL lL mlghL help ln our dlscusslon lf l explaln how
we were dolng lL ln 8aLaan. ln 8aLaan, l know Lhe hlsLory of devoluLlon because l was
Lhe governor Lhere ln 1992. And when l saw LhaL Lhe (lnaudlble) sabl ko Lhls ls bound
Lo fall because yung kaaklbaL na pondo, wala. And so when l had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
(lnaudlble), sad Lo say akala ko okay na, kulang pa rln. And so whaL we dld ls abouL
Len years ago, we enLered lnLo a MCA wlLh uCP, where lahaL ng MCCL ng uCP wlll
be maLched by Lhe provlnce on a one-Lo-one basls. 8lnlblgyan dln ho namln ng MCCL
paLl ho yung lahaL ng consLrucLlon so l Lhlnk lL ls succeedlng becuase now lL ls
perfecLly funcLlonlng. And Lalagang napakalmporLanLe po ng publlc hosplLal kasl mas
mura sa publlc hosplLal and kagaya ho ngayon because of LhaL MCA, lahaL ho ng
pasyenLe sa 8aLaan Ceneral PosplLal whlch ls a LerLlary hosplLal wlLh a compllmenL of
300 bed eh nakakpagllbre na kaml ng lahaL ng gusLo namlng lllbre.
!"#$% '()*+, AlLhough suggesLlons are noLed slr and ln facL we have heard abouL Lhe
arrangemenL of your hosplLal. unforLunaLely medyo mahlrap slya l-lmplemenL
naLlonwlde nga because of Lhe law of devoluLlon. 8uL ahm, lf Lhere ls a move Lo
renaLlonallze your servlces, we wlll noL have any ob[ecLlons..
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# (.4*#+$#, 8uL as l was saylng, mula nang ma-renaLlonallze ho
akala ko wala nang problema because naLlonal governmenL na ang ln-charge eh
andamlng pera ng naLlonal governmenL, lnsLead of local governmenLs. ?un pala
meron pa rlng problema and LhaL problem as well when we, plnagLulungan po nam ln
ng uCP aLsaka ng provlnce of 8aLaan on a one-Lo-one basls. ?ung lahaL ng MCCL nlla
eh mlnaLch namln ng MCCL on a one-Lo-one basls. LahaL ho ng lnfrasLrucLure ng
consLrucLlon one-Lo-one dln and so we were able Lo consLrucL Lhree new, brand new
buldlng, Lhree, Lhree-sLorey bulldlng connecLed Lo each oLher by a pedesLrlan brldge.
1hen ang hosplLal po namln lSC reglsLered na po. lSC recognlzed.
!"#$% '()*+, We wlll Lake noLe of Lhose reccomendaLlons po.
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# (.4*#+$#, 1hank you very much po.
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# (.4*#+$#, Cood afLernoon, usec, Lo my colleagues and Lo
everyone presenL here.
!"#$% '()*+, Pl Cong.
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# (.4*#+$#, 1hls ls noL a quesLlon. lL ls an appeal because l share
Lhe same senLlmenLs wlLh Congressman Lsplna here, and wlLh Lhe oLher
represenLaLlves. We also have a hosplLal run by LCu. So ahm, hlndl masyadong
kumpleLo ang amlng supplles and medlclnes. 1apos mlnsan ang amlng equlpmenLs
dahll sa daml Lalaga ng pasyenLe. Ang record namln 130 paLlenLs ang nako-conflne.
Wala pa yung ouL paLlenL kasl sa Þasay ClLy, sabl nga nl SecreLary Cna when he vlslLed
our hospital it’s a melting plot. So ah, if I may suggest usec. Sana’y if, ahm, if
pwedeng gawln yung glnagawa yaLa ng uCP, please correL me lf l am wrong,
glnagawa ng uCP sa lnyong mga naLlonal governmenL, naLlonal hosplLals, na ldlna-
download na yung pondo, and Lhen pwde rlng llagay na LrusL fund para hlndl
magamlL kung saang purpose ng local governmenL unlLs aL lLo po ay for
replenlshmenL kasl nga po Lalagang ah, emergency needs ang mga kallangan ng
amlng paLlenLs. So ganun nga ba ang ano, ang glnagawa na ng uCP sa lnyong mga
!"#$% '()*+, AcLually mam, AcLually Cong, for uCP hosplLals, Lhe funds are
downloaded buL Lhey can noL use lL for procuremenL of medlclnes and equlpmenLs. lL
ls downloaded Lhere lL becomes a LrusL fund lalo na sa speclalLy hosplLals because of
Lhelr sLaLus as a CCCC. Andudun yung pera, so every paLlenL na pumupunLa dun for
medlcal asslsLance parang chlna-charge Lapos magll-llquldaLe slla aL Lhe end of Lhe
monLh, na lLo yung na-cosume ng one monLh. 1hey come up wlLh a ulLlllzaLlon reporL
submlLs lL Lo CCA and Lo us and l belleve Congress and SenaLe wlll also be copled dun
sa uLlllzaLlon reporL nakalagay doon, downloaded funds ahm, paLlenLs glven servlces
and Lhen amounL uLlllzed, so ganun dln po. Cur dllemma here kasl, ln Lhe general
approprlaLlons acL, Lhe funds were speclfled, andyadyan po sa budgeL na lnapprove
ng kongreso aL senado LhaL lL ls purely for medlcal asslsLance. lor paLlenLs seeklng
consulL ln a governmenL healLh faclllLy.
?ung procuremenL of equlpmenLs aL procuremenL of medlclnes, hlndl slya nasama
dun. So when we had several dlscusslons wlLh u8M, and we asked Lhose quesLlons,
we were Lold na baka l-conslder. 8uL because Lhere was also Lhe healLh faclllLles
enhancemenL fund LhaL ls belng glven Lo LCus, kasama na dun yung faclllLles anf
lnfra, hlndl na nalsama, glnawa slya na purely for medlcal asslsLance. now ahm, whaL
u8M Lold us kasl lLo na nga Lapos na nadyadyan na yung llbro. WhaL Lhey Lold us ls
that what can be done di ba may pasyente meron naman dun yung binabayad. It’s
lncome LhaL Lhey geL. 1haL lncome. 1hey can now use Lo procure medlclnes or
equlpmenLs whaLever Lhey llke. So yun yung slnablng proposal. now, lf we download
Lhe funds even Lo LCu hosplLals, granLlng LhaL CCA wlll allow us, l am sure lL ls sLlll, lL
wlll sLlll, sLlll lL cannoL be used for procuremenL of equlpmenLs and supplles. Þl-
pwede lang slya na parang ganun dln, everyLlme may paLlenL, bayad, bawas, bawas.
-.#"/*0+ 1)02 /3# (.4*#+$#, Yes Usec, that’s what I meant yun pong ahm pag
anndyan na yung paLlenL we wlll noL buy Lhe equlmenLs, supply, para lang yung
dlrecLor ng hosplLal meron slyang free hand na makagawa ng paraan kung papaano
nlya maa-answer yung needs nung amlng pasyenLe. kasl sa amlng LCu, alLhough may
mga gamoL Lalaga dahll sa daml ng paLlenLs, nauubusan dln agad. So pag CL ang
lblblgay po naLln, hlndl rln pwedeng lblll rlghL away ng medlclnes na kakallanganln ng
pasyenLe yung CL. So baka po plpwedeng mapansln.
!"#$% '()*+, We wlll make Lhe necessary represenLaLlons and ask for Lhe guldellnes
for LCu downloadlng clLlng nga yung sa uSWu. 8uL Lhen allow us Lo relLeraLe na
basLa pag downloaded sa LCu, hlndl na mababawl yun so yung pagda-download
slguradong walang problema. Alam naLln kasl medyo llquld pa ngayon. Mlnsan kapag
ka end of Lhe year, maraml kasl kamlng ano eh.

"""""""""" #$% &' ()*$+,)-.( """"""""""

!"#$%"& "() !#*+%,%*("& $#"(,-#%!$
".)%* #/-*#)%(0 *1 2*.,/ -*33%$$// *( "!!#*!#%"$%*(, 2/"#%(0
8aLasang Þambansa SouLh Wlng Annex 8ulldlng
4 AugusL 2014,

)#4 &%-."("(5 Mr. Chalr, l [usL should respond, aL Lhls polnL, Lo some of Lhe lssues,
because l am equally confused and very frusLraLed, because we really LhoughL we were
Lrylng our besL Lo, Lo do whaL was rlghL. LeL us…leL us look back hlsLorlcally. We had a
sysLem. 1he ÞuAl sysLem was Lhere. … IL harmonlzed wlLh CPLu, we, we, cooperaLed
wlLh Lhe – ls Lhls on? We cooperaLed wlLh Lhe Congressmen who were glven Lhelr ÞuAl
alloLmenL, and we helped Lhem dlsLrlbuLe Lhe… Lhe scholarshlp granLs and, ln a way LhaL
was preLLy much saLlsfacLory. lL may noL have been a perfecL sysLem buL lL was Lhere. lL
was a system we’ve worked with for many years. And then…

-*(0#/,,3"( #.1., #*)#%0./6: May l ob[ecL Lo LhaL because LhaL ls noL Lrue. 1haL
ls noL Lhe slLuaLlon durlng Lhe ÞuAl. 1he ÞuAl dld noL pass Lhe CPLu. 1he ÞuAl wenL
directly to the state universities so you have no, you have no totally… LoLally no
lnLervenLlon. Well ln my case, lL has... l Lhlnk mosL of all or all of us because when we
give our… when we give our menu ... Lo Lhe commlLLee of Ceclle here, lL was very clear,
Lhe SA8C, you cannoL ask the money… we gave it to the state universlLles. 1here was no
problem… even when the CHED, because there was no more ÞuAl Lhen you can go Lo
Lhe CPLu. 8uL l would Lell you. 1haL we submlLLed Lo Lhe Speaker lasL year. So Lhls ls noL
a posL lnLervenLlon. 8efore…before Lhe, Lhe budgeL was approved, we already, Lhe
Speaker already gave you already our allocaLlon. ls Lhls noL correcL? 8ecause we gave
our llsLs, we gave all llsLs last year… on how… on how to allocate the 14 mllllon. ?ou see.
So you know… let me continue LhaL l [usL Lell you Lhere ls mosLly no lnLervenLlon by
CHED… when ÞuAl was allve because our SA8C, Lhe SA8C glven goes dlrecLly Lo Lhe
schools, to the public state universities and colleges, exactly the situation. So now… the
only landmark declaraLlon ls now, and we do noL have Lo quesLlon LhaL preclsely
because Lhere ls no more ÞuAl, lL ls Lo Lhe CPLu. And Lhen we submlLLed allocaLlons so
therefore there is no such thing as post because this is submitted by the Speaker’s office

and Lhe CommlLLee, Lhe ApproprlaLlons, glven Lo you before uecember. And so very
clear na sabl ko LhaL ls why ln Lhe oLher, ln Lhe oLher deparLmenLs, madam chalrperson.
ln Lhe oLher deparLmenLs, na-download na. Ang uSWu na-download na sa reglonal
offlce saka cenLral offlce, ang amlng, ang amlng uCP nasa hosplLal na. nandyan na
lahaL, wala Layong problema dyan. now, baklL sa lnyo hlndl pa na-download dlLo sa
amlng schools… which were submlLLed Lo you by Sherry long Llme ago?
!"#$%&''()# )+,: Mr. Chalrman, Mr. Chalrman. ÞarllamenLary lnqulry, Mr.
Chalrman, parllamenLary lnqulry.
!-).%()# ,#$)+/ ?es, whaL ls Lhe lnqulry all abouL?
!"#$%&''()# )+,: Ano po ba yung mga rullngs naLln pagdaLlng sa ganlLong klase ng
execuLlve sesslon? uahll plnalabas naLln ang medla kanlna dahll execuLlve sesslon lLo.
uahll baka mamaya may makalampas Layo dlLo na sasablhln naLln na hlndl naman kalga-
lgaya sa pandlnlg ng lba naLlng mga kasama, ay ano ba ang aLlng rullng dlLo? 8aka
mamaya paglabas dlyan, mayroong magpa-lnLervlew dlyan, na yun, plnl-pressure na
naman ng mga congressman ang CPLu. Clnlglsa na naman ang CPLu dahll hlndl
masunod slla. l Lhlnk Mr. Chalrman we should clarlfy Lo ask Lhe rullng.
!-).%()# ,#$)+: 1hls ls an overslghL commlLLee hearlng. So, lL ls lnherenL ln Lhe
leglslaLlve powers of Congress LhaL we can acL as an overslghL body especlally for funds
LhaL are also…that are baslcally publlc funds, and agaln l made lL clear early LhaL Lhe
leglslaLlve lnLenL ls very clear…is that scholarships must go on…
!"#$%&''()# )+,: Mr. Chalrman, Mr. Chalrman, Lhe confldenLlallLy of execuLlve
!-).%()# ,#$)+: Well of course, execuLlve sesslon. 1he rule ls confldenLlal Lalaga
pag slnabl naLlng confldenLlal.
!"#$%&''()# )+,: WhaL lf a member, whaL lf a member of Lhe CommlLLee on
ApproprlaLlons or Lhe CverslghL CommlLLee or any of, any of hls sLaff afLer na, afLer ng
hearlng eh lumabas aL magpa-lnLervlew aL dlnl-vulge kung ano ang nangyayarl dlLo,
whaL would be Lhe sancLlons?
!-).%()# ,#$)+: Well, paklusapan na lang naLln, slnce Lhls ls an execuLlve sesslon,
dlLo na lang.

!"#$%&''()# )+,- -$./( '/ $./ 01(/+
!.)/%()# ,#$)+- 2/3&*)445$3 -)6)47 89)$4)+
!"#$%&''()# 0&1&': …When I submitted…actually there’s no problem in ;)&1/3 < $4
/= 3/>+ ?%* ;)&1/3$9 @1*)A(/* '$4 B))3 6)*C A//8)*$(16) …Region 7… so far cooperative
naman. … D$C A/3=%41/3 .$513& ./3(1 B)A$%4)++ /= A/%rse… when we try to limit our EF
51991/37 /%* 4%B51441/34 (/ (') EF 51991/37 G .3/> =/* $ =$A( ('$( /(')* 5)5B)*4 /=
;)&1/3 < A$33/( )6)3 /AA%8C '$9= /= ('$(7 91.) H1I%1J/* =/* )K$589) /* 2/3&*)445$3
2$minero’s district for example… so I … submitted more $30 G 0/ 3/( .3/> >'$( (')
*%9) 4'/%90 B) /3 '/> >) >199 B) %413& /%*7 /%* 5/3)C $4 $ >'/9) 13 (') ;)&1/37 D*+
2'$1*5$3+ L/>)6)*7 1= (') A$4) 4'/%90 B)7 >) >199 B) *)4(*1A()0 (/ (') EF 51991/3 (')3 G
>/%90 *)48)A(=%99C *)I%)4( ('$( /3 /%* 3)K( B%0&)( =/* MNEO7 ('14 4'/%90 B) *)A(1=1)0 4/
('$( G A$3 $AA/55/0$() (') /(')*4+ H)A/309C7 /= (') /90 4A'/9$*4 ('$( >)*) '1( BC (')
P@QR7 13 >'1A' G *)5)5B)* A/**)A(9C 2/3&*)44>/5$3 Q95$*1/ >$4 ($9.13& $B/%( (')
LS@R ('$( >)’99 B) %413& (/ 8$C =/* (') /90 4A'/9$*47 (') 8*)61/%4 4A'/9$*4 >')3 (')
P@QR >$4 3/( C)( 0)A9$*)0 199)&$9… G >/%90 91.) (/ 5$.) 4%*) ('$( 1( ('$( >199 B)
=/99/>)0+ ?(')*>14)7 $&$137 D*+ 2'$1*5$37 G >/%90 *)I%)4( ('$( =/* (') MNEO B%0&)(7 1(
4'/%90 B) *)A(1=1)0T /%* MNEO B%0&)( 4'/%90 5$.) 4%*) ('$( ('14 >/%90 B) A/6)*)0
B)A$%4) G $5 4%*) ('$( 4/5) /= (')5 >199 B) &*$0%$(13& $9*)$0C+ -')C >199 3/( B) $B9) (/
get their diplomas if they’re not gonna get paid, Mr. Chairman. That’s all. Thank you.
!.)/%()# ,#$)+: Yes, we’ll take tha( 13(/ A/3410)*$(1/37 C/%* '/3/*+ H/ $=()*
2/3&*)445$3 -)6)4 14 7 2'$1*5$3 #1A%$3$3+
2%3 4/!,)#)#- U)47 41*+ U)47 G >$47 G >$47 13 (') 51009) /= $ ('/%&'( $30 (')3
2/3&*)445$3 ;%=%4 5$0) $ A/**)A(1/3+ QA(%$99C G $&*)) >1(' C/% =/* (') 5/4( 8$*(7 ('$(
5/4( /= (') P@QR >$4 *)$99C 01*)A(+ V%( >) 010 '$309) 4/5) /= 1(+ H/5)+ V%( >) '$0 $
system also of scholarships in CHED, a number of… different types of scholarships+
?.$C7 4/ >'$( >)*) 4/5) /= '14(/*1A$9 )6)3(4 ('$( (//. 89$A) %3)K8)A()0 BC7 G ('13.7
U/%* L/3/*4 $4 >)99 $4 %4+ W) >)*) ($.)3 I%1() $ B1( BC 4%*8*14)+ -') =1*4( >$4 (') -;?
/3 (') P@QR $30 )44)3(1$99C7 C/% .3/>7 2LS@ 14 (') B$0 &%C ')*)+ V%( C/% '$6) (/ &16)
%4 (') A*)01(+ W')3 ('$( '$88)3)07 >) 155)01$()9C >*/() $99 (') HX24 $30 4$107 89)$4)
($.) 13 (') P@QR 4A'/9$*47 1= (')C >)*) (')*) =*/5 (') =1*4( 4)57 .))8 (')5 /3+ I’ll make
1( &//0 (/ C/%7 it’s my, it will be /3, I’ll find the money, I’ll pay you back. My expectation

was LhaL Lhe Supreme CourL would reconslder for healLh as well as scholarshlps. 8uL we
know LhaL dld noL happen. So, even worse Lhan a 18C, lL was declared lllegal. We
consulLed ?our Ponors because LhaL ls very frlghLenlng. Pere we are, Lhe ÞuAl ls lllegal,
and ln a way you were worklng ouL a sysLem where lL would be reallgned and glven Lo
us. now, whaL are we supposed Lo do? We undersLood lL Lo mean - and l know l don’t
have Lhe reflnemenLs of wheLher lL’s overslghL or whaLever - buL Lhe facL ls my
undersLandlng ls LhaL - you used Lhe Lerm earller. lllegal posL- …lnLervenLlon. So ln oLher
words, you make Lhe law, you don’t implement lL. 1haL was also polnLed ouL, noL ln
Lhose Lerms, buL we had a prevlous encounLer wlLh Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL. 1hey had
a very serlous audlL observaLlon memo Lo us, reporL Lo us, LhaL essenLlally Lhe way we
were handllng some of Lhe ÞuAl LhaL came Lo us as well as Lhe Congresslonal
scholarshlps LhaL we glve ouL was dlfferenL from our usual scholarshlps whlch followed
Lhe same seL of CPLu guldellnes. So LhaL was even before ÞuAl became an lssue. We
sald, alrlghL. ln whlch case, we wlll make sure LhaL Lhe same guldellnes prevall for all Lhe
scholarshlps LhaL we handle, lncludlng Lhe Congresslonal ones. So, havlng already
commlLLed ourselves Lo LhaL, when Lhls happened, when Lhe ÞuAl was lllegal, Lhen you
presenLed, and you reallgned lL Lo varlous agencles. We had Lo do Lhe rlghL Lhlng. We
dld noL wanL Lo do anyLhlng lllegal, we dld noL wanL Lo geL lnLo Lrouble wlLh CCA, we dld
noL wanL Lo go agalnsL very, very voclferous publlc oplnlon agalnsL ÞuAl. So our soluLlon
was aL LhaL Llme, very clear. ln my mlnd l sald, Lhe Congressman wlll nomlnaLe. 1hey can
recommend. Cf course, LhaL ls Lhelr rlghL. 1hey do LhaL all Lhe Llme. 1hese are Lhelr
consLlLuenLs. 1hey know, Lhey know Lhe slLuaLlon on Lhe ground. l already had my scrlpL
for Lhe medla when Lhey say would, “O, may ÞuAl pa rln ano?” And Lhen you are, you
are…whaL ls Lhe Lerm for…you are a collaboraLor, you’re doing the same thing. At any
raLe, l had Lo proLecL Lhe agency, l had Lo proLecL Lhe Aqulno governmenL. l had Lo make
sure we played by Lhe rules. And LhaL was all seLLled. ?ou would recommend. ?ou would
Lell us exacLly who your candldaLes were and we would apply our guldellnes and so CCA
wlll be…wlll have no complalnLs, and nelLher would Congressman 1lnlo or anyone else
who wanLs Lo… Lo squeal on you guys. [LaughLer.]
So LhaL’s what we thought we were dolng. 8uL Lhe sysLem l guess Lakes Llme. LssenLlally
whaL was happenlng l Lhlnk on Lhe ground is not everyone got …. 1he oLher Lhlng LhaL
Congresswoman Almarlo menLloned was LhaL we were adverLlslng and we were
publicizing…whlch ln a sense ls Lrue, ln Lhe sense LhaL that’s our duLy. We have a loL of
granLs, we have Lo make Lhls publlc. 8uL ln our ad[usLmenL already, lnLernally, we sald
prlorlLy would be glven Lo Lhe recommendees, Lhe llsLahan of Lhe congressmen. Lh dl

bahala na yan. Well, ln facL, my lnsLrucLlons Lo Lhe 8eglonal ulrecLors - please forglve
Lhem for whaLever weaknesses Lhey may have buL Lhls was all so sudden and we are a
lean organlzaLlon. We really do noL have Lhe sLaff on Lhe ground Lo handle all of a
sudden Lhls huge new alloLmenL of scholars and a new sysLem pa, plus we have Lo deal
wlLh CCA and Lhe leglLlmacy of no ÞuAl, buL we have Lhls allocaLlon. So even Lhey have
dlfflculLy undersLandlng. llnally, l sald, Ckay people, Lhls ls Lhe way lL [usL has Lo be. ?ou
know, l know lL was supposed Lo be lllegal, dapaL wala na buL acLually meron pa,
because Lhey are also Laken by surprlse. ln facL, nagmakaawa na rln ako. l sald, Lhe
congressmen dld noL expecL Lhls, Lhls ls someLhlng LhaL Lhey had all of Lhls Llme. 1hen all
of a sudden Lhey are Lold lL ls lllegal. WhaL do you expecL Lhem Lo do? So aL any raLe, l
Lrled Lo geL CPLu Lo undersLand and Lhe 8eglonal ulrecLors. Powever, Lhere were some
who already publlclzed na. 1haL ls Lrue. And Lhere are many people ouL Lhere, who
really Lhlnk l now have 4.1 bllllon new scholarshlps. 1hey don’t think it’s ÞuAl, Lhey
don’t think it’s golng Lo you. 1hese are perfecLly lnLelllgenL people, Lhey say ”Wow, l wlll
publlclze ln Sorsogon LhaL, you know, you have all of Lhese exLra scholarshlps. And Lhen
I’m supposed to tell them, no! no! don’t do that, because acLually Lhe congressmen are
all golng Lo geL lL. So, we have Lo go Lhrough Lhls klnd of…semblance. We undersLand
each oLher. l really wanL Lo cooperaLe.
now, wlLh regard Lo your polnLs. Lxcuse me, please. Congressman 8ufus, you have
Lremendously lnnovaLlve programs and l really llke whaL you do. unforLunately they’re a
llLLle exoLlc for our guldellnes, whlch we are bound Lo follow. So how can we do LhaL,
how can we flnd new guldellnes, which would… These are noL new guldellnes. 1hey are
old guldellnes with just a few…in facL a few changes, LhaL came from our lnLeracLlons
wlLh Congress. 1hey were Lhe ones who puL ln some suggesLlons, we wenL Lhrough
some publlc consulLaLlons. 8uL we have Lo have one seL of guldellnes. 1haL ls whaL wlll
proLecL us from belng accused of belng lnLlmldaLed by Lhe Congressmen. See? no!
We’re noL lnLlmldaLed, we’re not whatever. We have guldellnes! And as long as Lhe
guldellnes are followed, you and l and Lhe governmenL ls proLecLed. 1haL’s Lhe reason
why, you have Lo, l beg your lndulgence, you have Lo respecL and… Lhese guldellnes.
now, your programs. 1here musL be a way where we can handle Lhose. 8uL Lo be very
honesL, Congressman 8ufus , you’re a llLLle…you’re an outlier. It’s a little bit difficult Lo
handle that you’re sendlng Lhem Lo uÞ, Lhey are golng Lo medlclne, for some you pay all
Lhe LransporLaLlon, you pay so many Lhlngs. It’s not in our guidelines. It’s very dlfflculL Lo
make LhaL parL of Lhe guldellnes. Culdellnes should flnd Lhe common denomlnaLor.
SomeLhlng LhaL wlll accommodaLe as many as posslble. So yours and a few oLhers - Lhe

"#$%&$'’s, Congressman Rodriguez, uhh, ()*+'$,,-%* .)*/%0$,1 2)3 4%5$ '%64$' $7)689
*$$:,; <4894 <$ ,%8: <$ <800 ,6800 6'= 6) ,)05$1 >36 3*?)'63*%6$0=; )3' +38:$08*$, :) *)6
@)<; 4)< 8, 86A B 9%**)6 C$08$5$111 (4%8' D*+%C; 64%6 <$ %'$ ,) C%:E F4%6 9)-#%'$: 6) –
64$'$ %'$ ?85$ %+$*98$, =)3 :)<*0)%:$: 6)1 G)< 9)30: CHED…that’s why I’m asking our
9)00$%+3$, 4$'$1 G)< 9)30: 86 C$ 64%6 64%6 $5$'=)*$ $0,$ 8, :)8*+ ,) <)*:$'?300= %*:
%99)--):%68*+ %*: $5$'=)*$ 0)5$, 64$-1 H*: 4$'$ (GIJ 8, 64$ )*0= )*$ *% #%0#%&A
Pa’no naman nangyari yun? So that’s… H*: B <800; %*: B :)1 B 4%5$ -$6 )3' K$+8)*%0
J8'$96)',; 4)< -%*= 68-$,; L)M8A N%=C$ ?85$ 68-$,1 O$ 9%00 64$- 4$'$ $5$'= 68-$ "4$''=
6$76s me and says “More problems. You k*)<; 64$,$ %'$ 64$ 9)-#0%8*6,; 64$,$ %'$
coming in.” Summon, summon please. Bring them to Manila. Let’s work this out. And B
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us and we’re trying to be obedient. You can’t follow all the rules pala %6 64$ ,%-$ 68-$1
>$9%3,$ 64$ '30$, 9)*?08961 P&%=1 ") 64%6 -8+46 C$ % ,)0368)*1
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And the other one…problem that you always bring out, Congressman Ungab, %C)36
#'8)'86= 9)3',$,. We’ve tried '$%00= 6) %99)--):%6$ 64%6 <8648* ,)-$ ?0$78C8086=1
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So…so, I just beg the group to try and come up with a practical solution. I tell you. " #$
%$& '()* (% (&&+&,#* -.$/0*1 '*.*2 I am really trying. And I’m a reasonably competent
person. I’m a reasonable manager. 3$4 (1 " 5(+0+%6 '*.*7 8'*% " (1 (09$ #*(0+%6 (%#
(::*-&+%6 &'* -$0+&+:(0 .*(0+&; &'(& &'+9 +9 <=>?@ &'(& 4* (.* A,9& :'(%6+%6 5$. &'+9
transition year. You have all said, “Next year, dederecho na kami. We are going…” Ano
yan, when we are negotiating, they say, “Next year, hindi na sa CHED yan.” Ay salamat,
9(/+ B$2 C(0(1(&2 D(0(6(2 E*:(,9* +& +9 .*(00; 9$ 1,ch. It is a headache. I’d like to find a
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