5 tips to save money FAST! But why do I need to save money to build up my Forex account you ask ? Because a very important factor in becoming a successful Forex trader has a lot to do wit h your ability to withstand potentially large moves against your position and st ill close for profit. With a small account the probability of hitting your stop loss and/or losing a major portion of your account is considerably higher then i f you had a much larger account. Therefore, you need to start saving money now i n preparation for the time when you are ready to start trading fulltime. Remembe r, on average it will take 2 years of steady practice to become profitable. If y ou don t have the wherewithal to commit to that time frame then this profession ma y not be for you. Lets get on with the 5 tips to start saving money today! These are things I ve already done in my own life: 1. Cancel cable TV. It is a waste of your time and life. If you want to tra nsform your lifestyle and not have to work anymore or travel the World in the no t so distant future, then TV is not the answer you re looking for. I cancelled my cable TV and after 2 weeks I didn t miss it. I watch a couple shows I enjoy on Hul u.com and Youtube. Savings $50 month. 2. Cancel your Telephone and buy Magic Jack and/or use Skype to communicate with friends and family. I cancelled my phone service for $40 savings per month . Skype works like a charm! For those of you who have friends and family without a computer, pick up Magic Jack which is basically a phone line for $20 a year t hat you can use anywhere in the World providing you have an internet connection and computer. 3. Sell one of your cars. Many families these days have several vehicles. W e had three cars, now we have two. We sold one of them and collected $4000, and in turn this reduced our total insurance costs and registration fees as well. 4. If you are currently living in a house and have a mortgage, consider ren ting out a room in the house, or as we did completely rent the house out. We re nted our three bedroom house to a family and they pay 95% of our mortgage paymen t. Then we moved into a nice 800 sq ft apartment. This did a couple things for u s; it greatly reduced our expenses by nearly 50% and allowed us to take a break from the mortgage payments while we save money and prepare to embark on a life c hanging lifestyle transformation. Something I will be talking to you more about later. Please consider this option seriously; it has a major impact on finances . If you want to change your lifestyle, you are going to have to make changes an d some sacrifices. Learn to be flexible with your thinking about what is truly p ossible. Don t listen to friends or family about what they think you should do wit h your life or your decisions. If they had all the answers would they be burdene d by all their debt and have to work all the time? Think about it. 5. Stop being lazy! Stop it right now. You know who you are. You doddle alo ng doing the bare minimum at work waiting for the clock to strike five pm. Get s erious. Get your work done faster. Become more efficient and learn to get more d one. Be sure to let your boss know about all the improvements you have made and all the projects your getting done these days. And when you re ready, ask for that raise. Don t wait for the boss to offer you a raise because it won t happen. You ha ve to represent your best interests; don t worry about your employer he is doing j ust fine. If we want things to change for the better in our lives, we need to begin workin g on a plan and start making decisions in order to begin the transformation proc ess. I have already begun this process; join us as we document the transformatio n in our own lives to show you what is truly possible. At the very least it shou ld make for interesting copy! Talk soon, Ken K