720 Degree Performance Appraisal

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I. Contents of getting 720 degree performance appraisal &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 'any employers hate to conduct performance evaluations, and many employees hate to receive them. (hat)s because performance evaluations are often ineffective and pointless, and the employees end up feeling confused, frustrated, and demotivated, says *amuel +. ulbert. (he a#ard"#inning author, #ho is also a professor at -+)s -+)s +nders +nderson on *chool of 'anagement, also advocates doing a#ay #ith performance appraisals altogether. /hether or not you subscribe to ulbert)s radical approach, eperts seem to agree that the  performance evaluation system is definitely in need of a maor overhaul. In their boo%, 'anagement eset, d#ard . a#ler III and hristopher 4. /o /orley rley argue that companies must change the performance management system for it to be an effective and valuable tool. 5or eample, one %ey mista%e that companies ma%e is to grade performance based on such  personality traits as being 6reliable or 6trust#orthy. 6trust#orthy. Instead, they say, employees should be evaluated and re#arded on ho# #ell they do their obs, as #ell as their accomplishments. a#ler and /orley /orley and 8usiness 'anagement 9aily offer the follo#ing tips for improving the  performance evaluation process: 1. 9on)t rely on memory to recall an employee)s performance. performance. -sing some sort of simple log to document ob performance on a regular basis allo#s managers to present a data"driven snapshot during evaluations. 2. 8e methodical and systematic. onsider using the follo#ing frame#or%:


  3. +void +void ma%ing generali;ations. 6ately, your #or% has been sloppy is too vague, #hereas 6<our 6<o ur last three reports contained co ntained an high number of statistical errors is specific. 6<ou)re certainly not an nglish maor focuses on the person vs. his performance, #hereas 6I %no# you)re capable of producing higher"=uality #or% suggests that you have confidence in the employee)s abilities. abilities. 69on)t let it happen again sounds li%e a threat, #hereas 6>o# can #e  produce error"free reports? engages the employee by as%ing for feedbac% on ho# to improve  performance. @. +void +void terminology that could get you into trouble. *tic% to evaluating performance rather than using subective #ords li%e 6attitude or 6demeanor, #hich could be vie#ed as discrimination  based on age, gender, race, or disability. disability. !. 9on)t inflate evaluations. If you consistently rate a mediocre employee as 6competent and then have to fire her for poor performance, your appraisals #on)t support the dismissal. (his could open the door to a legal complaint. A. -se 3A0"degree appraisals for development, but bu t not for re#ards. +lthough it can be helpful to have peers, subordinates, and customers provide input, this information usually doesn)t produce valid data for assessing an employee)s performance. 5or eample, if peers are a#are that their input #ill affect pay increases and promotions, they may be b e subective Boverly positive or negativeC and not obective. 7. *end the performance evaluation in advance. +ccording to a#ler and /orley, /orley, research sho#s that people are nervous and apprehensive before and during performance evaluations, and they often don)t actually hear or accurately process #hat)s being said. >o#ever, if you send the appraisal before you meet #ith the employee, he or she has time to recover from the initial shoc%  of the evaluation, to come up #ith =uestions to as% you, and to correct any mista%es in the appraisal. $. +llo# employees to provide self"assessments. et people have a say in ho# #ell they thin% they)ve performed. (his leads to a more #ell"rounded evaluation and creates a sense of fairness &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

III. Performance appraisal methods

1. Essay Method


In this method the rater #rites do#n the employee description in detail #ithin a number of broad categories li%e, overall impression of performance, promoteability of employee, eisting capabilities and =ualifications of  performing obs, strengths and #ea%nesses and training needs of the employee. +dvantage D It is etremely useful in filing information gaps about the employees that often occur in a better"structured chec%list. 9isadvantages D It its highly dependent upon the #riting s%ills of rater and most of them are not good #riters. (hey may get confused success depends on the memory  po#er of raters.

2. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales statements of effective and ineffective behaviors determine the points. (hey are said to be  behaviorally anchored. (he rater is supposed to say, #hich behavior describes the employee  performance. +dvantages +dvantages D helps overcome rating errors. 9isadvantages D *uffers from distortions inherent in most rating techni=ues.

3. Rating Scale ating scales consists of several numerical scales representing ob related performance criterions such as dependability, initiative, initiative, output, attendance, attendanc e, attitude etc. ach scales ranges from ecellent to poor. (he total numerical scores are computed and final conclusions are derived. +dvantages D +daptability, +daptability, easy to use, lo# cost, every type of ob can be evaluated, large number of employees covered, no formal training re=uired. 9isadvantages D ater)s biases


4. Checklist method

-nder this method, chec%list of statements of traits of employee in the form of <es <es or Eo based =uestions is  prepared. >ere the rater only does the reporting or chec%ing and > department does the actual evaluation. +dvantages D economy, econo my, ease of administration, limited training re=uired, standardi;ation. 9isadvantages D aters  biases, use of improper #eighs by >, does not allo# rater to give relative ratings

5.Ranking Method

(he ran%ing system re=uires the rater to ran% his subordinates on overall performance. (his consists in simply putting a man in a ran% order. -nder this method, the ran%ing of an employee in a #or% group is done against that of another employee. (he relative position of each employee is tested in terms of his h is numerical ran%. It may also be done by ran%ing a person on his ob  performance against another member of the competitive group. Advantages of Ranking Method mployees are ran%ed according to their  performance levels. It is easier to ran% the best and the #orst employee. Limitations of Ranking Method (he 6#hole man is compared #ith another 6#hole man in this method. In practice, it is very difficult

to compare individuals possessing various individual traits.


(his method spea%s only of the position #here an employee stands in his group. It does not test anything about ho# much better or ho# much #orse an employee is #hen compared to another employee. /hen a large number of employees are #or%ing, #o r%ing, ran%ing of individuals become a difficult issue. (here is no systematic procedure for ran%ing individuals in the organi;ation. (he ran%ing system does not eliminate the possibility of snap udgements.

A. Critical Incidents Method (he approach is focused on certain critical behaviors of employee that ma%es all the difference in the  performance. *upervisors as and #hen they occur record such incidents. +dvantages D valuations are based on actual ob behaviors, ratings are supported by by descriptions, feedbac% is easy, reduces recency biases, chances of subordinate improvement are high. 9isadvantages D Eegative incidents can be prioriti;ed, forgetting incidents, overly close supervisionF feedbac% may be too much and may appear to be punishment.

III. Other topics related to 720 degree performance appraisal (pdf, doc le download) • (op 2$ performance appraisal forms •performance appraisal comments • 11 performance appraisal methods • 2! performance appraisal eamples •performance appraisal phrases •performance appraisal process •performance appraisal template •performance appraisal system •performance appraisal ans#ers


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